Maidan, Christians and the Ukraine


Maidan, Christians and the Ukraine
Saint Thomas
March 2, 2014
3 1 0 Wes t 2 n d St
R e n o NV 8 9 5 0 3
7 7 5/3 2 9 - 2 5 7 1
Maidan, Christians and the Ukraine
Last week, Pope Francis called for
an end to violence in the Ukraine.
Speaking at his general audience
on February 19, the Holy Father
urged “all parties to cease all
violence and to seek harmony and
peace in the country’’ though iust
the day before, twenty five people
had been killed in battles between
police and protestors in Kiev. The
Pontiff spoke of his closeness with
the people of Ukraine and said
that he prayed for the victims of
the violence. Patriarch Sviatoslav
Shevchuk (pictured above) of the
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church,
echoed that call from Pope Francis
for peace: “I call all the children
of the Church to fasting, prayer
and solidarity with victims. Let all
bells in the churches ring.”
Protests against the Ukrainian
government began in November
after President Yanukovych, at the
instigation of Vladimir Putin of
Russia, backed out of an European
Union trade pact. There are four
Apostolic denominations of
Christians in the Ukraine who
allobserve theSlavonic Byzantine
rite. There are Ukrainian Orthodox
Christians attached to the Moscow
Pa t r i a rch a t e a n d u n d e r t h e
authority of Patriarch Kirill of
Moscow. They're stronger in
eastern Ukraine nearer to Russia.
Th e r e a r e a l s o U k r a i n i a n
Orthodox Christians of the Kiev
Patriarchate. They belong to the
Orthodox union, but are
emphatically not governed by the
Moscow Patriarchate. They have
their own Patriarch, Filaret. The
Ukrainian Autocephalous
Orthodox Church is independent
of both Patriarchates. They have
their own leadership. Ukrainian
Catholics are in union with Rome.
Their Patriarch is Sviatoslav
Shevchuk, who was elevated to
the Catholic See of Kiev in 2011
by Pope Benedict XVI. Shevchuk
had previously been a Ukrainian
Rite Catholic bishop in Argentina,
where he was closely associated
with Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio,
now Pope Francis. About 5 million
of the Ukraine's 45 million are
Byzantine Rite Catholics and
maybe a half million or more are
Latin Rite Catholics. Our
Franciscan confrère, Fr Mateusz
Stachowski OFMConv, tells me
that, in Poland, young Catholics
are notable for their support of the
freedom protestors in the Maidan
and one can find frequent, and
poignant, video postings all over
YouTube offering support for the
Ukrainians. Many Poles see their
own recent history being reflected
in the Ukraine’s struggle to pull
free of modern Russia’s neoStalinist domination.
Friar Francisco Nahoe OFMConv
Budget News
Thank you for your support to help us meet our Monthly commitments & Religious Programs
1st Collection
2nd Collection
2nd Collection To Benefit
No 2nd collection
Feb 23
Payment to Loan
March 2
March 5
Ash Wednesday
No 2nd collection
March 9
Church in Central & Eastern Europe
March 16
March 23
No 2nd collection
No 2nd collection
March 30
All Men are invited to join us here at Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
March 22 from 11:00AM-5:00PM
This afternoon of reflection consist in a three-part meditation on the our Lord’s injunction to worship God in
Spirit and Truth:
1. The episode in the Gospel of John in which Jesus first speaks of worship in Spirit and Truth
2. A reflection on traditions of Catholic Spirituality
3. The sacred and certain doctrine of the Church as an infallible guide to authentic worship.
To sign up, please call Ron Lunt at 771-3797 or Sean Burke at 848-3948.
Baby supplies drive. Please bring clothing and supplies to the Parish Office before Monday, March 3rd.
Casa de Vida greatest needs: formula, bigger children’s clothes, diapers (especially size 3). Next priority:
everything else. Thank you for helping women in crisis pregnancy choose life.
April 11-13-Sacramento. For more information visit or contact John & Angelica
Angarita at or 866-825-2046.
Calling all Pro-Life High School Students who want to help bring down the walls of the culture of death!
Camp Joshua focuses on forming teens in their pro-life convictions and trains them to be the pro-life leaders
of tomorrow. It will be an overnight, adult chaperoned weekend at the 4-H Camp in South Lake Tahoe.
Camp Joshua-a pro-life camp designed to train high school students to be pro-life leaders.
When: May 2 - 4
Where: Nevada 4-H Camp, So Lake Tahoe Cost: $75 (scholarships available)
For more information call 775-410-3479, or email
Thursday, March 13, at 7 am at the Silver Legacy
Join us to welcome Thomas Brejcha, President of the Thomas More Society. He will share details of his legal battles
for the protection of life and religious liberties. For additional information/reservations visit
Casa de Vida, a home for pregnant young women is seeking a housemother. This is an entry-level sleep-over
position. Duties include cooking, cleaning, shopping, answering phones, assisting clients & supervising teens
in a structured home environment. A valid driver’s license & own vehicle is required. If interested, please
call Paula at 329-1070. Resumes can be sent to
St Thomas Aquinas Cathedral’s
St. Patrick Dinner
March 15th - 6:00 PM
Live Celtic Music, Corn Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Drinks & Dessert
Suggested Donation: $5 adults, $3 under 12
Saturday, March 1
7:30 AM Elvera Holtz
5:00 PM End to abortion
Sunday, March 2—VIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
† LaRee Caramella
† Lawrence Gonzales
† John Arnold Mirczak
† † Guillermo Ibarra & Rosario Becerra
Monday, March 3—Saint Katharine Drexel
7:00 AM † LaRee Caramella
12:10 PM Famiglia DeNigris
Tuesday,—March 4—Saint Casimir
7:00 AM † Bill McKnight
12:10 PM † LaRee Caramella
Ash Wednesday, March 5
7:00 AM † Diana Aldecoa Crisp
12:10 PM Tim, Cristina & Baby Organte
Thursday, March 6
7:00 AM Vicki Montague—Birthday
12:10 PM Health of Claire Scribner
Friday, March 7—Saints Perpetua & Felicity
7:00 AM Maggie Finley—Birthday
12:10 PM Jonathan Lemus—Birthday
Saturday, March 8
7:30 AM † Ernest David Vargas
5:00 PM † Laura Carignani
Sunday, March 2
Coffee & Donuts & Blood Pressure check
after all morning Masses in Righini Hall
Saturday, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
8:45 PM First Holy Communion Classes
Tuesday, March 4, 11, 18, 25
5:15 PM Confirmation Classes
6:30 PM RCIA
Ash Wednesday, March 5
7:00 AM Ash Wednesday Mass
12:10 PM Ash Wednesday Mass
5:00 PM Traditional Latin Mass
7:00 PM Misa del Miércoles de Ceniza
Friday, March 7
7:00 AM Ash Lenten First Friday
12:10 PM Lenten First Friday
6:00 PM Station of the Cross
6:30 PM Traditional Latin Mass
After TLM Lenten Soup gathering in Righini Hall
The Friar’s Pantry is in need of
non-perishable food such as:
Spam, corned beef, tuna fish, chili, ravioli, SpaghettiO’s, Sloppy Joe Mix, Beans-n-Franks, Hamburger or
Tuna Helpers, jelly/jam, dry milk & cans of fruit. Please
bring in your non-perishable donations to the Sacristy or
Bookstore. Thank you for your continuous generosity.
Fr Tom Czeck will be leading a pilgrimage to Lourdes &
Fatima. Fr Tom and the pilgrims will be having daily
Mass; if you would like for him to take a prayer intention
to the shrines of Lourdes & Fatima, please be sure to
Mon: 1Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c; Mk 10:17-27
get them to Rocío in the Parish Office no later than
Tues: 1Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31
Wed: Jl2:12-18; Ps51:3-17; 2Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Wednesday, March 5 .
Thurs: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-6; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Sun: Gn2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps51:3-17; Rom5:12-19 [12, 17-19];
Mt 4:1-11
I would like to share this article and thank all of the volunteers
andparishioners who continually support the Friars’ Food Pantry.
The Friar's Pantry, operated by Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, one of the Food Bank
of Northern Nevada's 130 partner agencies, about 80 of which are food pantries. Recently a
member of our Agency Relations team and I paid a visit to the pantry to check out the amazing
work they are doing for members of our community. It was 10:00 AM when we arrived, an hour
before opening, but already the line wrapped around the side of the building. Don Williams, the
volunteer responsible for much of the day-to-day operations of the pantry, showed me around a
bit, and then took me outside to introduce me to the clients who had already begun to line up,
waiting for the doors to open.
A woman standing in line raised her hand and called me over to her as soon as I finished
introducing myself. She wasn't comfortable with giving me her name and quickly said no when I
asked about taking a photo. Still, though, she wanted to make sure that her voice was heard in
the story of the work this pantry is doing. Others standing in line, nearby nodded in agreement.
She told me that she really loves this pantry because she's allowed to make her own selections
for the items that she will take home. Her favorite thing, though, she says is how the volunteers
treat her. "Like they really, actually care”.
A few minutes later, the volunteers were ready, and the line started moving slowly into the
pantry. The small space was quickly filled with smiles and laughter as people visited with one
another while waiting their turn. As I stood back and watched Don and the other volunteers
warmly greeting clients as they made their way through the shopping area, I could easily see
what she meant. Over the next couple hours, 103 people came through the doors of The Friars’
Pantry. Some of them had been there before, while others were coming for the first time. The
newcomers were walked through the process. All of them were treated like old friends by the
seven volunteers who staffed the pantry that day. Many of them made the point to come talk to
me, wanting to have their chance to express their gratitude for the help that they were receiving
through The Friars’ Pantry.
Aramelle Wheeler
Joke of the Week
A man wakes up in a hospital bed after a terrible accident and shouts: - “DOC,
DOC… I can’t feel my legs, I can’t feel my legs!
“Well of course you can’t silly!” replies the Doc, “I’ve cut off both of your arms.”
Concierto-Oración: “Dios Camina con Nosotros”
Sábado 8 de marzo de 1:00–4:00 PM—Entrada $10/persona
Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción, Sparks
Por primera vez en Reno a la Hermana Glenda en Concierto-Oración. Para disfrutar de
esta hermosa tarde de música y adoración, son invitados a participar jóvenes de 13
años en adelante y personas adultas de todas las edades.
Más Informes al 775-326-9423 o 775-326-9415.
El Señor es mi fuerza, mi roca y salvación. (2)
Tú me guías por sendas de justicia, me enseñas la verdad; tú me das el valor para la lucha, sin miedo avanzaré.
Iluminas las sombras de mi vida, al mundo das la luz; aunque pase por valles de tiniebla yo nunca temeré.
Yo confío el destino de mi vida al Dios de mi salud; a los pobres enseñas el camino, su escudo eres tú.
El Señor es la fuerza de su pueblo, su gran libertador; tú le haces vivir el confianza, seguro en tu poder.
Descansa solo en Dios, Alma mía.
Laudato sii, oh mi Signore. (4)
Y por todas tus creaturas, por el sol y por la luna, Por el viento y las estrellas, por el agua y por el fuego.
Por la Hermana madre tierra, que alimenta y que sostiene, Por la hierba, flor y frutos, por los montes y los mares.
Que el sentido de la vida, sea cantarte y alabarte, Y porque esta nuestra vida, sea siempre una canción.
Dijeron que tu solo eras una quimera que se acabó, Dijeron que allá en Galilea se murió la idea que sembró tu voz.
Los hombres siguen con sus guerras y ya no hacen caso a la ley del amor.
La paz que tu trajiste al mundo el hombre despreció por eso no es feliz.
Y ni en el fondo del mar, ni en el espacio estelar, ninguno logra matar el hambre de ser feliz.
Doctrinas pueden llegar, costumbres pueden surgir, mas todos han de aceptar, tus normas de bien vivir
Dijeron que una nueva era sin más quimeras llegaba hoy, Dijeron que una nueva aurora empezaba ahora y que tu voz murió.
Y en prueba de estas libertades reina la mentira y matan la verdad.
Se gasta tanto en tonterías y se muere de hambre media humanidad.
Nos convidas Señor a tu mesa, y eres nuestro manjar; bajo el signo del pan y del vino, hoy tu cuerpo y tu sangre nos das.
Qué alegría hospedarse en nuestra tienda, recibirte en abrazo y comunión
y dejar que tu fuego nos encienda, en hoguera de amor el corazón.
Comulgar es amar a los hermanos, compartir entre todos nuestro pan;
comulgar es vivir el evangelio y por Cristo dejarse transformar.
Como siervos sedientos, a la fuente agua viva venimos a beber del costado de Cristo,
manan ríos de agua y sangre que sacian nuestra sed.
Con el vino y el pan de Eucaristía, nos preparas Señor un gran festín,
el banquete de pascua es profecía del banquete que nunca tendrá fin.
El Coro Santo Tomás se encarga de la Música el día de hoy
310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 –
Most Rev Randolph R Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno
Parish Office Business Hours
Monday: 1:30—4:00 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday:
8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM
Friday: 8:30-Noon
OFFICE 775/329- 2571
Friar Francisco Nahoe OFM Conv, Rector
Friar Joseph Kim OFM Conv, Parochial Vicar
Friar John Heinz OFM Conv, Franciscan community
Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons
FAX 775/329- 2824
BOOKSTORE 775/329- 3011
Rocío Grady-Parish Secretary 100;
Deacon Richard Ramm-Administrator for Temporalities 127.
Jack-Bookstore Mgr 112; Colleen 107; Mary Ann 108; Bookkeepers;
WEB; E-MAIL for homilies, Bible study & catechetics.
Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM &
7:00PM (Misa en español)
7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday)
Saturday 3:00PM; & Thursday 5:45PM
Contact Parish Office.
Contact Parish Office. Parents must be active, registered
parishioners for at least six months prior to setting date.
Contact Parish Office
Thursday 3:00PM
Thursday 6:30PM
Located at 434 Washington Street, Suite D, Reno. 329-2571 Ext. 111.
Distribution on: 3rd Friday & 3rd & 4th Saturday of the month from 11AM-1PM.
Donations may be delivered to the Gift Shop, Sacristy or Parish Office.
Let us pray for…/Oremos por…
US servicemen & women, & Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, Blanca Gonzalez,
Ben Koepsell, Jorge Campos, Michelle Thompson, Dora Steiner, Gloria Dondero, Ana Maria Chaidez, Josh
Floyd, Linda Gill, Jesus Alvarez-Rodriguez, Jesus Bautista, Vinny Cecere, James Czeck, Ann Dvorak, Mike
Edmond, Christian Lizaola, Maria Slaughter, Jack Murphy, Patch Wolfe, Dawn Harris, Lori Smith, Gustavo
Fonseca, Shari Ann Burton, Antonia Ibarra, Anthony Williams & Family, Jose Almaguer, Sandra Sandoval,
Dennis Gribbin, Michael Miles, Sayra Gutierrez, Guadalupe Cabrales, Paloma Meza, Eloy Lopez, Louie &
Vangie Elordieta, Nikos Theologitis, Margaret Marshall, Terri Alff, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Monet
Rodriguez, Abigail Ledezma, Carlos Munguia, Carlos Valdez, Elvia Mendez, Steven Vogel, Shari Ann
Burton, Martin Brandtner, Stacy Terry, Aaron Spangenthal, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Rick Slaughter,
Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv, Nancy & Carl Came, Ryan McGrail, Barbara Crose, Kenneth Dean, Heidi
Gibson, Harlyne & Bob Caruso, Steve Tucker, Tim Bauer, Jack Crawford, Linda Kelly, Lawrence Reeder,
Sarah & Clare & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Maureen Flynn.