- Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Transcription - Archdiocese of Philadelphia
222 North Seventeenth Street ● Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-1299
Telephone (215) 587-4507 ● Fax (215) 587-4545
a.) Office of the Archbishop
Letter from Archbishop Chaput re: the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Letter from Archbishop Chaput re: the Peter’s Pence Collection
Fortnight for Freedom – Parish Plan
The Year of Faith and the Holy Eucharist – Corpus Christi – June 2, 2013
Letter from Archbishop Chaput re: 2013 Catholic Women’s Conference and 2014 Man Up Philly
Men’s Spirituality Conference
pg. 2
pg. 3
pg. 4-5
pg. 6
pg. 7
b.) Office of Auxiliary Bishop McIntyre
Letter from Bishop McIntyre re: Year of Faith Walking Pilgrimage
pg. 8
c.) Office of the Moderator of the Curia
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Expanding Camilla Hall by Gratitude & Grace
pg. 10
d.) Office for Clergy
Priest Notes – May 2013
pg. 11-16
e.) Secretariat for Catholic Education
Office for Catechetical Formation
Memo re: Catechesis & Catechetical Formation
Flyer re: Orientation Days for “New” Directors/Coordinators/Administrators of Parish
Religious Education Sponsored by the Office for Catechetical Formation
pg. 17-18
pg. 19
f.) Office for Financial Services
Memo to Pastors re: Collection Dates for 2014
pg. 20-21
g.) Office for General Services and Office for Closures
Letter re: Ecclesiastical Exchange Program at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
pg. 22
h.) Secretariat for Evangelization
Office for Black Catholics
Flyer re: “Need 2 Grow” Gospel Revival
pg. 23
Office for Life, Family and Laity
Information Packet [English and Spanish] re: Word of Life May 2013
Information Packet [English and Spanish] re: Word of Life June 2013
pg. 24-29
pg. 30-35
Department for Pastoral Care for Persons with Disabilities and the Deaf Apostolate
Event Flyer re: Be Not Afraid Peer Ministry Training
pg. 36-37
Pontifical Mission Societies
May 2013 Update from the Pontifical Mission Societies
pg. 38
Office for Divine Worship
Update from the Office for Divine Worship May 2013
Liturgy Primer 2013 for Priests, Deacons, Liturgical Ministers, etc.
Flyer re: Vision of Initiation Ministry for Priests, Deacons and Directors of Religious Education
pg. 39-43
pg. 44
pg. 45
May 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In one of his first public statements, our Holy Father Pope Francis addressed fraternal delegates of various
Christian Churches and Ecclesial Communities as well as representatives of a number of non-Christian
religions who had attended his inauguration mass. He told them that their presence was a tangible sign of
cooperation for the common good of humanity, and reminded them of the mutual “responsibility that we
all bear to this our world, to all of creation, which we should love and protect. And we can do much for
the good of the poorest, of the weak and suffering, to promote justice and reconciliation, to build peace.”
(VIS, March 20, 2013).
Pope Francis has repeatedly expressed his deep concern for the poor in these early days of his pontificate,
and is clearly committed to inspiring us all as Catholics to do whatever we can to assist all people to
experience living conditions worthy of the dignity of the human person. For over 40 years, the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development has demonstrated the Church’s solidarity with the poor in our
country, funding thousands of local community organizations that work to alleviate poverty and promote
integral human development. These groups, composed primarily of low-income people, actively engage
the poor and disadvantaged to participate in organized efforts that address the root causes of poverty.
Funded projects are often creative collaborations of individuals of all faiths which represent that “tangible
sign of cooperation for the common good of humanity” that our Holy Father so urgently exhorts us to be
engaged in.
Each year the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sponsors a nationwide collection in support of the
Catholic Church’s longstanding efforts to reduce poverty by addressing its root causes. In the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the annual collection will take place on the weekend of July 6 and 7, 2013.
Funds collected support anti-poverty projects across the country and in the communities and
neighborhoods of our own region that enable our less fortunate brothers and sisters to become agents of
their own progress and human development. (For more information on the good work that CCHD funds, visit
the USCCB-sponsored website at:
Over 40 million Americans live in poverty today, and in challenging economic times such as these, the
adverse impact on the poor is even more dramatic. Through your contribution to the Catholic Campaign
for Human Development, you assist your neighbors near and far in breaking the cycle of poverty and
achieving the dignity of self-reliance in their pursuit of a better future for themselves, their families, and
their communities. On their behalf, I express my appreciation and ask God’s blessing upon you for your
generous response to this appeal.
Sincerely in Christ,
+Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Please share this letter with your parishioners on the weekend of June 29th and 30th. The CCHD collection is to be taken up the
following weekend of July 6th and 7th and collection remittal should be made payable to ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA
and sent to: Office of Accounting Services, 222 N. 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
June 23, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
There are many places around the globe where the Church struggles to be a visible sign of
charity, but thankfully, the Holy Father is the pilgrim of charity for Catholics everywhere. In
poor dioceses where many are dependent on the Church for social and pastoral support; in
regions where Catholics are persecuted for their faith; and in nations overloaded with refugees
and victims of war and natural disasters, the works done by the Holy Father help the Church
extend charity to those most in need.
This special appeal gives us the opportunity to be pilgrims of charity around the world. Our gifts
to this annual Collection help the Holy Father strengthen dioceses, religious orders, and
struggling communities of faith when they need it most. This year the Peter’s Pence Collection
will be taken at all Masses on the weekend of June 29 and June 30, 2013.
Many who struggle to survive rely on pilgrims of charity to assist them through their difficulties.
Please give generously to the Collection and know that in doing so, you become a pilgrim of
charity around the globe.
Gratefully and with best wishes in Jesus Christ,
+Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
(Please communicate the contents of this letter to your parishioners in the most appropriate manner on the weekend
of June 22 and June 23, 2013; the collection is taken up the following weekend of June 29 and June 30, 2013. For
additional information and/or promotional materials regarding this collection, please visit the USCCB Website at Collection remittals should be made
payable to the ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA and sent to the Office for Financial Services, 222 North 17th
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)
June 21 to July 4, 2013
Last year, in the statement, Our First, Most Cherished Liberty (April 2012), the USCCB’s Ad Hoc
Committee for Religious Liberty announced the first Fortnight for Freedom – a call to fourteen days
of prayer, action, and study for religious freedom in the United States and abroad.
Recognizing that we still face many challenges to religious liberty, in December 2012, the U.S.
Bishops announced that they would be promoting another Fortnight for Freedom in 2013. This
year, the Fortnight for Freedom has great importance due to the following:
o First, the Supreme Court’s rulings on same‐sex “marriage,” which could have grave
implications for religious freedom, will almost certainly issue right around the Fortnight.
o Second, by the time of the Fortnight, the effective date of the HHS mandate—August 1,
2013—will be scarcely a month away, and the Administration’s decision on the shape of a
final rule will likely be imminent. And unfortunately, as we now know after extensive study
and analysis of the latest proposal, we are still far from receiving the relief we need through
the regulatory process.
o Third, the success of a second Fortnight is essential to perpetuating a new movement for
religious freedom, highlighting the full range of ongoing religious freedom issues, here and
abroad, and in so many other areas of law, such as immigration, adoption, and disaster
The Second Fortnight for Freedom begins the day before the Memorial of Saint John Fisher and
Saint Thomas More, June 21, 2013, and concludes on Independence Day, July 4, 2013.
Once again, the observance of The Second Fortnight for Freedom, June 21 through to July 4, 2013,
will be parish-based in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. All pastors, parish priests and deacons,
along with those associated with them in the preparation of the Sacred Liturgy during these fourteen
days, are encouraged to make use of the following ways to observe The Second Fortnight for
Use a petition in the Prayer of the Faithful each day at Mass, such as:
For the protection of conscience rights and religious liberty, that all people of good will may work together
against the increasing threats to these fundamental rights.
Encourage the daily praying of the Rosary after Mass, as part of parish meetings, and in
homes for the protection of Religious Freedom.
Encourage adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament for the protection of Religious
Encourage the inclusion of this prayer for religious liberty in all meetings and assemblies in
Prayer for Religious Liberty
Almighty God, Father of all nations,
for freedom you have set us free in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1).
We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty,
the foundation of human rights, justice and the common good.
Grant to our leaders the wisdom
to protect and promote our liberties.
By your grace may we have the courage to defend them,
for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land.
We ask this
through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our patroness,
and in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom you live and reign,
one God, for ever and ever.
An additional prayer and related resources for The Second Fortnight for Freedom can be found at:
The following website provides reflection materials in English and Spanish for The Second
The Year of Faith and the Holy Eucharist
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Unites with Pope Francis
And Catholics all throughout the World
In Eucharistic Adoration
On the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)
On June 2, 2013
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI declared that the Year of Faith “will also be a good opportunity to
intensify the celebration of the faith in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist, which is ‘the
summit towards which the activity of the Church is directed; ... and also the source from which
all its power flows’” (Porta fidei, n. 9). All throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Corpus
Christi 2013, the clergy and faithful are invited to give unique witness to our belief in the
Eucharist with participation in Eucharistic Adoration. Pope Francis will propose at a future
date particular prayer intentions for this worldwide Eucharistic Adoration.
Opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on
Corpus Christi 2013:
Archbishop Chaput will conduct a Holy Hour in the Cathedral Basilica
beginning at 5:30 PM and concluding immediately before the 6:30 PM Sunday
Pastors are invited to arrange for Holy Hours in their parishes, perhaps before
the Anticipated Mass or before or after a Sunday Mass or Sunday Evening.
Shrines, Monasteries and Houses of Formation are also invited to provide for
Holy Hours as part of this universal observance.
A schedule of Corpus Christi Processions within the Archdiocese, Bulletin Announcements,
Website Materials on Eucharistic Adoration and Homily Suggestions will be available on the
website of the Office for Divine Worship by May 5, 2013.
March 18, 2013
Dear Father,
I write to call your attention to two major Archdiocesan events that are of the utmost importance
to the spiritual formation and life of our people, the 2013 Catholic Women’s Conference that will
be held on Saturday December 7 and the Man up Philly Men’s Spirituality Conference that will
be held on Saturday March 8, 2014.
There is nothing we need more today than for Catholic women and men to openly and
authentically live their faith and to be witnesses to the truth of the Gospel. Women and men
have unique and complementary gifts they give to each other and to their families. These
conferences are essential to the cultivation and flourishing of these gifts.
I ask that you keep these important dates in mind when you schedule your parish events. Please
do not schedule any parish event on these days and do all that you can to encourage your
parishioners to attend these most significant conferences.
May the Lord give you peace.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
May 1, 2013
Dear brother Priest,
I am writing to you about an initiative for the Year of Faith.
On Sunday, October 13, 2013, the faithful of the Archdiocese are invited to participate in a Walking
Pilgrimage of Faith in order to give public witness to their Faith in Christ and their participation in the life of the
Church. While all the faithful are invited to participate, the involvement of youth, young adults and families is
especially important. The pilgrimage will end at the Cathedral with time for prayer from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. and
Mass celebrated by Archbishop Chaput at 6:30 p.m.
The pilgrimages can take place in a variety of ways that best suit the local community. Each group of
pilgrims is asked to begin the pilgrimage with a brief Liturgy of the Word. The format for the Liturgy will be
provided by the Office for Divine Worship. The different ways to make the pilgrimage to the Cathedral can be
found on the attached sheet.
Six parish churches which are relatively close to the Cathedral have been established as landing sites from
which to begin the Walking Pilgrimage. Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary has also been established as a site. The
seminarians will participate in the Walking Pilgrimage. You may wish to go to one of these sites for the Liturgy
of the Word and then walk to the Cathedral from the site for prayer and Mass. A list of the sites along with the
times of the Liturgy of the Word at each site and the distance and estimated walking time to the Cathedral is
attached. Please note that arrangements would have to be made by the group or parish regarding transportation.
Parking is available on the lot of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center on a first come first serve basis. Buses picking
up groups will be able to park on the streets surrounding the Cathedral.
Each group is asked to register on-line. This will assist those making preparations at the Cathedral and each
of the sites nearby. Registrations can be made via the Year of Faith website, Information
regarding the coordination of transportation to and from the Cathedral is also part of the attached materials.
Thank you in advance for participating in this Year of Faith event.
Fraternally yours,
Most Reverend John J. McIntyre
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia
Pilgrimage of Faith
to the
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter & Paul
Sunday, October 13, 2013
How to get there:
Choose your own route! Be creative! There are many ways to pilgrimage to the Cathedral Basilica, such as:
• Gather at your parish and make your way to a Landing Site. From there, walk in pilgrimage to the Cathedral.
• Walk from your parish to a local train station and take the train to Suburban Station. Walk 4 blocks to the
• Anyone unable to walk is welcome to drive to the Cathedral and park in the Cathedral parking lot.
• Plan to arrive at the Cathedral before 5:00pm. Refreshments will be available for purchase on site after
4:00pm. Eucharistic Adoration with praise & worship music and Confessions are available at 5:00pm followed
by Mass at 6:30pm with Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Landing Sites
• The following seven locations are within walking distance to the Cathedral. Consider commuting to one of these
locations and walking from there with other groups to the Cathedral. When you RSVP online (,
please specify which Landing Site your group has chosen. Please arrive to your Landing Site at the time indicated for the
Liturgy of the Word. Groups will depart immediately after the Liturgy of the Word for the Cathedral. Mileage reflects
distance from Landing Site to the Cathedral.
◘ St. Charles Borromeo Seminary (6.3 mi)
◘ St. Agatha-St. James Church (2.1 mi)
100 E. Wynnewood Rd. • Wynnewood
38th & Chestnut St. • Philadelphia
6.3mi, 2hr 30min walking
2.1mi, 1hr 15min walking
Liturgy of the Word: 2:00pm, Depart: 2:30pm
Liturgy of the Word: 3:15pm, Depart: 3:45pm
◘ Shrine of St. John Neumann (2.3 mi)
◘ Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia (2.1 mi)
1019 N. 5th St. • Philadelphia
1166 S. Broad St. • Philadelphia
2.3mi, 1hr 15min walking
2.1mi, 1hr 15min walking
Liturgy of the Word: 3:15pm, Depart: 3:45pm
Liturgy of the Word: 3:15pm, Depart: 3:45pm
◘ St. Bridget Church (5.3 mi)
◘ St. Francis Xavier Church (1.4 mi)
3673 Midvale Ave. • Philadelphia
2319 Green St. • Philadelphia
5.3mi, 2hrs walking
1.4mi, 45min walking
Liturgy of the Word: 2:30pm, Depart: 3:00pm
Liturgy of the Word: 3:45pm, Depart 4:15pm
◘ Visitation BVM Parish (4.1 mi)
Lehigh Ave & B Street • Philadelphia
4.1mi, 1hr 30min walking
Liturgy of the Word : 3:00pm, Depart: 3:30pm
(Spanish in Upper Church /Vietnamese in Lower Church)
Let your faith shine!
• As you walk, pray aloud, sing songs of faith and have fun! Give witness to the joy of believing in Jesus Christ &
His Church!
• Wear a Year of Faith T-shirt. Ordering information can be found on the Pilgrimage of Faith website (below).
• Carry something that displays your love for your faith: Processional Cross, banners, signs, etc.
Keep in mind:
• Bus transportation must be arranged by you. The Archdiocese will not be providing buses.
• Bus/car drop off and pick up locations will be available after Mass. Mass will finish at about 8:00pm.
• Before Mass, ushers will direct you on where to store banners, signs and other processional items.
RSVP today!
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Office of Mission Advancement
1140 King Road + Immaculata, Pennsylvania 19345-0200
. . . our mission: to evangelize, to catechize, and to teach
IHM Mission Statement
Dear Monsignor/Father,
The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are having a concert on October 13, 2013 to raise
money for our Capital Campaign to expand and renovate our nursing home, Camilla Hall. We have
entitled our Campaign, Expanding Camilla Hall by Gratitude and Grace. Please help us to support this
endeavor by publishing the Information listed below in your parish bulletin in the coming months. Mailin Flyers for Poster Boards will be provided with your permission upon request.
Thank you for your willingness to share this information with your parishioners.
S. Joan Rychalsky, IHM
S. Carolyn M. Dimick, IHM
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Campaign for Camilla Hall
Join us for a spectacular afternoon concert and reception following
with the world-renowned
La Diva Tenors (Three Tenors and a Diva)
Sunday, October 13, 2013
2:00 – 4:00 PM
Alumnae Hall at Immaculata University
1145 W. King Road
Immaculata, PA 19345-0700
Soundtrack available at
Limited seating. Tickets: $75.00 each --- or Sponsor an IHM Sister for $75.00
I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation in memory of /
in honor of Sister _________________. Make checks payable to Sisters of IHM.
Send payment to: Mission Advancement 1140 King Road + Immaculata, PA 19345-0200.
To pay by credit card:
Phone: 610-647-2160
S. Joan Rychalsky, S. Carolyn M. Dimick
Co-directors, IHM Mission Advancement
Ph: 610.647.2160 Ext. 1926, 1923
Fax: 610.889.0509
PHONE: 215 587-4532 FAX: 215 587-3807
MAY 2013
ALUMNI-JUBILARIAN MASS - Thursday, May 2, 2013, 4:00 p.m. at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary.
AD MULTOS ANNOS! A joyous, grateful, and prayerful welcome is extended to the men to be ordained to
the priesthood on Saturday, May 18, 2013, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul:
All priests are invited to concelebrate the Ordination Ceremony. The procession will begin promptly at 9:40
a.m. Please note that Cathedral parking is reserved for ticket holders only.
CLERICAL ASSIGNMENTS – Please pray for all
those priests who will be receiving new assignments
and our newly ordained brothers, who will be
receiving their first priestly assignment. For your
information the following is the
notification/publication schedule for the 2013 priest
personnel changes:
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Archbishop Chaput will meet with newlyordained priests immediately following the
Ordination Mass in the Cathedral rectory, and
will give them their letters of appointment,
with effective date of new assignments,
Monday, June 17, 2013.
May 2
Alumni Jubilarian Mass
Saint Charles Seminary
May 16
Day of Recollection for New Pastors
Saint Helena, Blue Bell
May 18
Priesthood Ordination
Cathedral Basilica SS. Peter and Paul
May 20
Priests’ Golf Tournament
Westover Golf Club
May 23-24
Class of 2012 Overnight Retreat
Saint Joseph-in-the-Hills, Malvern
June 3-7
Annual Priest Retreat
Saint Charles Seminary
Friday, May 31, 2013
Archbishop Chaput will meet with newly appointed pastors; A FAX/email listing new pastor
appointments will be sent to all parishes and priests
Letters of appointment will be mailed to all priests involved with the transfers
Saturday, June 1, 2013
A FAX/email listing all priest personnel changes will be sent to all parishes and priests
Monday, July 1, 2013
Priests report to new assignments
COURAGE APOSTOLATE - For your information, Reverend Philip G. Bochanski, C.O., has been appointed
to the position of Chaplain to the Courage Apostolate.
Priest Notes
May 2013
ANNUAL PRIESTS' GOLF TOURNAMENT - Westover Golf Club, Monday, May 20, 2013. If you did not receive
the mailing and want to play, please call Father Bob Vogan at 610-497-3340 before May 15th.
THE UPPER ROOM CRISIS HOTLINE- is a pastoral service available to priests, deacons, and men religious. The
program reaches out to those living alone or in small groups and may be especially appealing to those who have retired
from active ministry, who are isolated from their peers, or who are dealing with health issues. The program is staffed by
trained volunteers and operates in a strictly confidential fashion. For additional information, you may visit their website
at or contact the Office for Clergy at 215-587-4532.
Corporation of the Diocese of Camden would like to make retired and priests preparing for retirement in the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia aware of their senior housing property, ‘Victorian Towers’, located at 608 Washington Street, Cape May, NJ
08204. Victorian Towers is blocks from the beach, walking distance to shopping and across the street from Our Lady Star of
the Sea Church. Rents range from $609-$838 depending on income, deductions, allowances and subsidy source. If you would
like more information, please contact the Clergy Office.
Reverend Lawrence J. McNeil, will be the retreat director. For more information please call Father Joseph Gleason at 610-6673394.
SUMMER ASSISTANCE - If any priest can assist in a parish this summer, please contact the Office for Clergy at 215-5874532 to advise of dates you would be available. Pastors who anticipate difficultly in arranging coverage are also invited to
contact the Office for Clergy.
<<<The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has been advised by the Diocese of Stockton of its concerns regarding
Father Jose Luis Zavala of the Diocese of Tijuana, Mexico. The Diocese of Stockton requests that if Father Zavala seeks
any position in ministry in any diocese in the United States, that the Diocese of Stockton be contacted for background
<<<The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has been advised by the Diocese of Albany of its concerns regarding
Liam Casey, formerly a priest of that Diocese who was removed permanently from priestly ministry in 2005. The Diocese
relates that Casey may not present himself publicly as a priest or engage in priestly ministry in any form, but that it has learned
that he recently held himself out as a priest in good standing in connection with a lecture he intended to present in a nearby
state. The Diocese has also been informed that Casey may have held himself out as a priest in connection with a marriage in
Ireland, though the details are not clear.
For more information, please contact the Office for Clergy at 215-587-4532.
VISITING PRIESTS - Priests are reminded that arrangements for extern priests requesting hospitality or pastoral assignments
in the Archdiocese should be initiated in the Office for Clergy, which carries responsibility for confirming the extern’s status,
standing in the priesthood, permission of the extern’s legitimate superior for service/residence in the Archdiocese, criminal
background checks and child abuse record checks, etc. If you receive any inquiries of this nature, please contact the Office
for Clergy. A celebret or a letter of proof of good standing/faculties in his own (Arch)Diocese/Institute of Consecrated
Life/Society of Apostolic Life is necessary for any priest to minister in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, including a visiting
priest who assists in any way in a liturgical celebration.
Priest Notes
May 2013
INFORMATION ON PRIEST COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS_______________________________________
The SALARY SCALE for active and retired diocesan priests will remain the same for fiscal year 2013-2014; that is:
Ordination through 10 years ordained
over 10 years through 20 years ordained
over 20 years through 30 years ordained
over 30 years through 40 years ordained
over 40 years ordained
Retired Priests
However, it was recommended and approved that the BUSINESS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT be increased from
$4,200 to $4,500 annually, and the MONTHLY HOUSING SUPPLEMENT for retired priests be increased from $450
to $500 a month.
Effective July 1, 2013, BILLING RATES charged to a priest's parish, office or assignment for benefits have been established
as follows:
Priests Health Fund:
Priests Auto Fund:
Priests Pension Fund:
$13,780 (no change)
$ 2,500 (no change)
$ 9,301 (an increase of $2,555)
These new billing rates and the updated Compensation and Benefits Package and Business Expense Reimbursement Plan are
available on the Priest PORTAL.
During the month of May, priests will be asked to confirm their choice of health plan. Independence Blue Cross will continue
to offer the Personal Choice Plus Plan for those who wish to pay the difference over the cost of the Keystone Health Plan
East HMO, which provides comprehensive medical coverage, with no monthly contribution by our priests. Changes to your
current health plan can be made during this open enrollment period.
Please remember in your prayers the relatives of our brother priests
who have died recently:
VIVIAN A. BROCKSON, mother of Reverend Scott D. Brockson
REVEREND MONSIGNOR THOMAS BIRCH, brother of Reverend Donald G. Birch and
brother-in-law of Reverend Michael J. Lonergan
JUNE YEAKEL, mother of Reverend James R. Yeakel, O.S.F.S.
JANE OLSON, mother of Reverend James P. Olson
MARY S. DORLEY, sister of Reverend Edmond J. Speitel
Priest Notes
May 2013
HEALTH AND WELLNESS_________________________________________________________________________
Open Enrollment
For many years, the priests were provided with one premium health plan which provided for their health care
needs. However, as of last year, priests now have the option to select which of the Independence Blue Cross
(IBC) plans best suit their personal health needs. Now that you have the option of choice, it is time to
familiarize yourself with the Open Enrollment process.
Open Enrollment is a period defined by your insurance carrier as the time when you are able to renew your
current health plan or to switch to a different health plan offered by your employer. It is the one time each
year when you are able to make a switch in your health plan coverage. This customarily occurs during the
month of May.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is pleased to inform you that the current health plan options will continue
to be available for your selection for the upcoming plan year which begins on July 1st. The Keystone HMO,
the Personal Choice Base Plan, and the Personal Choice Plus Plan will again be offered.
Shortly, you will receive in the mail a packet of information about the various health plans available, along
with an enrollment form and a contribution sheet showing the rates for the different plans. The enrollment
form must be completed only if you are making changes to your existing coverage. If you do not
request a change during the Open Enrollment period, you will have to maintain your current health plan
until the beginning of the next plan year in July 2014. If you want to make a change, it is important
to complete the enrollment form and submit it to Josie Kane in Human Resources at the Archdiocesan
Pastoral Center by Friday, June 7, 2013. The plan changes will become effective July 1, 2013.
ONGOING FORMATION__________________________________________________________________________
• • Day of Recollection for Recently Appointed Pastors/Parochial Administrators with a focus on Personal and Spiritual
Issues is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2013, at Saint Helena Parish, Blue Bell.
• • Class of 2012 - The final program will be an overnight retreat to be held at Saint Joseph-in-the Hills, Malvern, May 23-24,
2013. It is greatly appreciated by the Vicar for Clergy that all pastors and priests associated with our newly ordained brothers
accommodate their schedules to permit them to continue their education and formation.
• • Preached Retreat for Priests, Malvern Retreat House, directed by Reverend Eammon Mulcahy, CSSP, June 17-21, 2013.
Cost, $340 which includes all meals and a private room with bath. To register call 610-644-0400.
Priest Notes
May 2013
• • The Word Proclaimed Institute is pleased to announce its 2nd Annual Conference, “Preaching the Mystery: Homiletics
in the Year of Faith,” for Priests, Deacons, and Seminarians, to be held at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, August 5-8, 2013.
For more information, please visit:
• • The Thomistic Institute is offering their Annual Conference for Diocesan Priests entitled The Priests as Teacher of the
Faith, to be held at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville, Tennessee, July 16-18, 2013. Cost $175 (regular), $150 (early
registration, before April 26). To register or for more information, visit or call 202-4951170.
OFFICE FOR PERMANENT DEACONS______________________________________________________________
Did you know....... During the celebration of the Eucharistic liturgy, the deacon participates in specific penitential rites as
designated in the Roman Missal. He properly proclaims the Gospel. He may preach the homily in accord with the provisions
of Canon Law. He voices the needs of the people in the General Intercessions, needs with which he should have a particular
and personal familiarity from the circumstances of his ministry of charity. The deacon assists the presider and other ministers
in accepting the offerings of the people—symbolic of his traditional role in receiving and distributing the resources of the
community among those in need—and he helps to prepare the gifts for sacrifice. During the celebration he helps the faithful
participate more fully, consciously, and actively in the Eucharistic sacrifice, may extend the invitation of peace, and serves as
an ordinary minister of Communion. Deacons have a special responsibility for the distribution of the cup. Finally, he dismisses
the community at the end of the Eucharistic liturgy. Other liturgical roles for which the deacon is authorized include those of
solemnly baptizing, witnessing marriages, bringing viaticum to the dying, and presiding over funerals and burials. The deacon
can preside at the liturgies of the word and communion services in the absence of a priest. He may officiate at celebrations of
the Liturgy of the Hours and at exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. He can conduct public rites of blessing,
offer prayer services for the sick and dying, and administer the Church’s sacramentals, as designated in the Book of
Blessings…The National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States (No. 35).
Footnotes omitted.
PERMANENT DEACON ASSISTANCE - The Office for Permanent Deacons now maintains a list of deacons who have
received permission from their pastors and may be available to serve on an as needed basis for assistance with baptisms, wake
services, grave sides, Sunday or weekday preaching and/or adult faith formation classes. This service would not involve a
formal assignment but may meet a temporary need you have either in an emergency situation or just to give you a brief respite.
If you have such a need, please call the Office for Permanent Deacons, 610-664-2213 and we will try to arrange help for you.
Future Events:
* Mini-mester:
Homiletics---Rev. James P. Olson
May 2, 2013
* August 10, 2013
Deacon Assembly, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
*** Ongoing formation is an important part of the life of a deacon. In addition to an annual retreat, each deacon is required
to take part in three workshops each year. Since attendance at Workshops, Days of Recollection, and Deacon Assembly is not
optional, please do not schedule permanent deacons in ways that will conflict with attendance at these events. ***
Priest Notes
May 2013
VOCATION OFFICE EVENTS/PROGRAMS ______________________________________________________________
Please advertise in your parish bulletin the following programs sponsored by the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood.
Saint Charles Overnight for young men (ages 16-40) the opportunity to join the seminarians of Saint Charles when they are
having one of their periodic Evenings of Recollection. This overnight begins with registration at 4:30 PM on Friday, May
10 and concludes at Noon on Saturday, May 11, 2013. The participants will attend liturgical and communal prayer with the
priests and seminarians of Saint Charles Seminary. This overnight will include the Ordination to the Diaconate on Saturday.
Contact Father Kevin J. Gallagher at the Vocation Office (either by phone 610-667-5778 or for
details and to register.
Saint Charles Overnight for young men (ages 16-40) the opportunity to join the seminarians of Saint Charles when they are
having one of their periodic Evenings of Recollection. This overnight begins with registration at 4:30 PM on Friday, May
17 and concludes at Noon on Saturday, May 18, 2013. The participants will attend liturgical and communal prayer with the
priests and seminarians of Saint Charles Seminary. This overnight will include the Ordination to the Priesthood at the
Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter & Paul on Saturday. Contact Father Kevin J. Gallagher at the Vocation Office (either by phone
610-667-5778 or ) for details and to register.
(GGVC) a one day program for 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at Saint Charles
QUO VADIS DAYS will be held Thursday, June 27 to Sunday, June 30, 2013, for high school age boys. For more
information and registration visit our website: www.Heed
ASSOCIATION OF PRIESTS’ PARENTS will have their Annual Day of Recollection on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at
Saint Charles Seminary. Priests of the Archdiocese are welcome to con-celebrate Mass and to attend the luncheon. Cost for
lunch is $30. Please call the Vocation Office for more information.
For more information and registration visit our website::
222 North Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1299
Telephone: 215-587-4544•Fax:215-965-1749• Email:
All Priests
Reverend John J. Ames, STD
Deputy Secretary
March 8, 2013
Catechesis & Catechetical Formation
The Pope who was posthumously awarded the United States Presidential Medal of
Freedom in 1963 was
A) Benedict XV
B) Pius XII
The second Pope, who reigned from 67 A.D. to 76 A.D. was
A) Ignatius
(See Answers below)
B) Linus
C) Clement
Born Count Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci, the Pope who lived to be the
oldest Pope at 93 years of age was
A) Leo
B) Pius I
C) Sylvester I
Enclosed with this mailing is the schedule for the Orientation Days for New Directors
Coordinators and Administrators of Religious Education. If you have recently hired
someone for such a position, please convey this information to them.
The pastor and parochial vicar are the chief catechists in every parish. Such a position
entails the responsibility of supervising all Catholic education that occurs within the parish.
At this time in the academic year, it is appropriate to meet with Administrators and Faculty
of Elementary Schools and Parish Religious Education Programs to review certification
standards. Make sure that all catechists and teachers are in conformity with the
Archdiocesan Certification Policy.
As you know, all teachers are required to comply with the Archdiocesan Certification Policy.
The policy makes provision for achieving certification as well as maintaining certification
through ongoing faith formation. Such standards promote quality Catholic education for a
younger generation. Please consult the standards that were previously mailed. If you need
additional copies, please contact the Office for Catechetical Formation.
The recognition of youth, young adults and adult leaders is an important celebration for the
Archdiocese. This year, we are offering parishes the opportunity to present national and
archdiocesan awards as part of parish Mass celebrations. We request that these award
presentations be made the weekend of May 4-5, 2013, or the nearest weekend.
Our hope is that the parish celebration of these awards will foster the growth of your youth
and young adult ministry programs. By witnessing the recognition ceremony, others may
experience the call to become involved in youth and young adult ministry.
Materials were previously sent to Pastors, Directors of Religious Education and Youth
Ministers. Please contact our office with any questions.
Pope Leo XIII
Sponsored by the Office For Catechetical Formation
Monday, August 19, 2013 (Part I)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 (Part II)
Morning refreshments and lunch are provided.
Archdiocesan Pastoral Center
222 N. 17th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Catechetical Leadership
Preparation for the Sacraments/RCIA
Legal Matters and Archdiocesan Guidelines for PREP
Safe Environment Lessons and Clearances
PDCARE Association
Religious Education and Children with Disabilities
Parking is available at the Gateway Parking Facility at 15th
and Vine Streets. Meter Parking is not advised.
$25 per person
Contact Allison Hendrickson or
Parish will be billed.
Register by August 4, 2013.
Please bring:
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults &
aCatechist Orientation Binder.
The Catechist Orientation Binder can be purchased from
OCF for $20.
222 North Seventeenth Street
Telephone: 215-587-3996
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-1299
Fax: 215-587-2481
April 18, 2013
Dear Bishop / Monsignor / Father,
The continuing mission of the Ecclesiastical Exchange Program is to ensure the
liturgical items and furnishings that are no longer utilized by parishes and institutions of the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia are appropriately placed within other Catholic entities. First priority
is given to parishes or institutions of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Funds which are generated
are returned to the parish or institutions.
The Ecclesiastical Exchange Program warehouse, located at Saint Charles Seminary,
College Division, Faculty Wing Basement, will be open to make items available to Catholic
Clergy and Institutions on Wednesday, May 1st and Wednesday, June 5th, from 10:00 AM to
12:00 Noon. It will also be open to receive items for placement on Wednesday, May 15th and
Wednesday, June 19th, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
For more information or to schedule your visit, please contact me in the office at
215-587-3996 or via email at
Thank you.
Ed Rafferty
(Mr.) Ed Rafferty
Ecclesiastical Exchange Program
“Come and Get Your Praise On”
June 10 , June 11 , and June 12 th
Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
5200 North Broad Street
“Duncannon and Broad Streets”
Philadelphia, PA 19141
Word of Life
May 2013
Intercessions for Life
May 5th
May 2013
For couples who are facing an unexpected pregnancy:
that their hearts will know the peace of Christ
as they prepare to welcome their child;
We pray to the Lord:
May 12th
For all mothers:
that God will bless them with grateful and affectionate children,
for the countless daily sacrifices they make for their families;
We pray to the Lord:
May 19th
For all who work to advance respect for human life:
that, attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit,
they will always bear witness to the Lord’s love and mercy;
We pray to the Lord:
May 26th
For all Catholics:
that during this Year of Faith,
we would be open to the love of God
and be given the courage to share his love with others;
We pray to the Lord:
Word of Life
Bulletin Briefs
May 2013
Jesus didn’t come to bring death, but rather, the death of hatred, the death of fighting, the death of
calumny, that is, killing with the tongue. Jesus did not come to bring death, the death that He
suffered for defending life. Jesus came to bring life and to bring abundant life, and he sends us out,
carrying that life, but he tells us: “Care for it!” Because there are people who … aren’t involved in
the Gospel: [who are part of] the culture of death. … life interests them insofar as it is useful,
insofar as it has some kind of utility and if not, it doesn’t interest them. And throughout the world,
this weed has been planted, of the culture of death.
~ Most Rev. Jorge Bergoglio, former Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, now Pope Francis, homily at Mass on
August 31, 2005
Made in the image of the Triune God, the human person is, by nature, a social being, made for
loving relationship in a communion of persons. Tragically, we live in a society where some seek to
condition people–girls and women especially–to denigrate motherhood and [the] spousal
relationship, going so far as to insist with the HHS mandate that that which is unique to woman–the
ability to conceive and bear a child–should be viewed as something like an unwelcome
disease which needs to be suppressed. Far from being an advancement in freedom for women, such
attitudes diminish women and detract from their fundamental, inherent dignity.
~ Most Rev. Donald Wuerl, Cardinal Archbishop of Washington-DC, “The Unique Genius of Woman in the Church
and Society,” Seek First the Kingdom: A Blog by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, March 4, 2013
Blessed John Paul II in his encyclical letter “The Gospel of Life” reminds us that ‘when the sense of
God is lost, there is also a tendency to lose the sense of man, of his dignity and his life” (no.21). If
we wish to change the “culture of death” in our society we must restore God to the center of our
lives. The power of the Gospel is to transform humanity from within and to make it new. Like the
yeast which leavens the bread, the Gospel is meant to permeate all cultures and give them life from
within so that they may express the full truth about the human person and about human life.
~ Most Rev. Kevin Farrell, Bishop of Dallas, homily at the Closing Mass for the 2013 National Prayer Vigil for Life,
January 25, 2013
Each of us is a “creature,” whose origin is the loving gaze of God, who looks upon us “within His
very self” and draws us forth from this Love. This is the love that is the very being of God; the love
of the Father for the Son, the love of the Son for the Father, the Holy Spirit that is love. This is what
being created in the image and likeness of God means: to be drawn forth from love; created for
love. Thus, every human life conceived in the womb is conceived with a spark of divinity! No
wonder we cherish all life as sacred and worthy of the dignity of the children of God. No wonder
we believe that all life conceived in the womb is worth all our effort to protect so that the child may
come forth from the Light of God into the light of the world.
~ Most Rev. Paul D. Etienne, Bishop of Cheyenne, “Life: Origins in the Trinity,” Truth in Love: Reflecting the Good
News of Christ, January 19, 2013
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, 2013
Palabra de Vida
Mayo de 2013
Intercesiones por la Vida
5 de mayo
Por las parejas que enfrentan un embarazo inesperado:
para que su corazón conozca la paz de Cristo
mientras se preparan para acoger a su hijo;
Roguemos al Señor:
12 de mayo
Por todas las madres:
para que Dios les dé la bendición de tener hijos agradecidos y afectuosos,
por los incontables sacrificios que día a día hacen por sus familias;
Roguemos al Señor:
19 de mayo
Por todos los que trabajan para promover el respeto por la vida humana:
para que, atentos a la voz del Espíritu Santo,
siempre den testimonio del amor y misericordia del Señor;
Roguemos al Señor:
26 de mayo
Por todos los católicos:
para que durante este Año de la Fe,
estemos abiertos al amor de Dios
y recibamos el valor de compartir su amor con los demás;
Roguemos al Señor:
Mayo de 2013
Palabra de Vida
Citas para el boletín
Mayo de 2013
Jesús no vino a traer muerte, más aún, la muerte del odio, la muerte de las peleas, la muerte de la
calumnia, ese matar con la lengua. Jesús no vino a traer muerte, la muerte la sufrió Él por defender
la vida, Jesús vino a traer vida y esa vida abundante, y nos envía llevando esa vida pero nos dice:
“¡Cuidado!”, que hay gente que […] no está en el Evangelio, [son parte de] la cultura de la muerte.
[…] la vida le interesa tanto cuanto sirva, tanto cuanto le puede dar una utilidad y si no, no interesa.
Y en todo el mundo, prendido está este yuyo de la cultura de la muerte.
~ Reverendísimo Jorge Bergoglio, excardenal arzobispo de Buenos Aires, ahora Papa Francisco, homilía en la misa del
31 de agosto de 2005
Creada a imagen del Dios Trino, la persona, por naturaleza, es un ser social creado para entablar
una relación amorosa en una comunión de personas. Trágicamente, vivimos en una sociedad en la
que algunos buscan condicionar a las personas, especialmente a las niñas y mujeres, para denigrar la
maternidad y [la] relación conyugal, yendo tan lejos hasta insistir en que el mandato del HHS de
que lo que es único de la mujer, es decir la capacidad de concebir y dar a luz a un hijo, debería
considerarse como una molesta enfermedad que tiene que suprimirse. Lejos de ser un avance para la
libertad de la mujer, tales actitudes disminuyen a la mujer y le quitan su dignidad fundamental e
~ Reverendísimo Donald Wuerl, cardenal arzobispo de Washington-DC, “La genialidad única de la mujer en la Iglesia
y la sociedad”, Busquen primero el Reino: Bitácora del Cardinal Donald Wuerl, 4 de marzo de 2013
El Beato Juan Pablo II en su encíclica Evangelium Vitae nos recuerda que “perdiendo el sentido de
Dios, se tiende a perder también el sentido del hombre, de su dignidad y de su vida’ (21). [...] si se
desea cambiar la “cultura de la muerte” en nuestra sociedad, debemos restaurar a Dios en el centro
de nuestras vidas. La fuerza del Evangelio es transformar la humanidad desde dentro y hacerla
nueva. Al igual que la levadura que hace fermentar el pan, el Evangelio está destinado a impregnar
todas las culturas y a animarlas desde dentro, para que expresen la verdad plena sobre el hombre y
sobre la vida humana.
~ Reverendísimo Kevin Farrell, obispo de Dallas, homilía de la Misa de clausura de la Vigilia Nacional de Oración por
la Vida de 2013, 25 de enero de 2013
Cada uno de nosotros es una “creatura”, cuyo origen se encuentra en la mirada amorosa de Dios,
que nos mira “dentro de Sí mismo” y nos da vida desde su Amor. Este es el amor que es el mismo
ser de Dios; el amor del Padre por el Hijo, el amor del Hijo por el Padre, el Espíritu Santo que es
amor. Esto es lo que significa ser creados a imagen y semejanza de Dios: nacimos del amor,
creados para amar. ¡Por consiguiente, cada vida humana concebida en el seno se concibe con una
chispa de divinidad! Con razón valoramos toda vida como sagrada y merecedora de la dignidad de
los hijos de Dios. Con razón creemos que toda vida concebida en el seno merece todos nuestros
esfuerzos de protección para que el niño pueda brotar de la Luz de Dios a la luz del mundo.
~ Reverendísimo. Paul D. Etienne, obispo de Cheyenne, “La vida: Orígenes en la Trinidad”, La verdad en el amor:
Reflejar la Buena nueva de Cristo, 19 de enero de 2013
Copyright © 2013, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Se reservan todos los derechos.
Word of Life
June 2013
Intercessions for Life
June 2nd
June 2013
That strengthened and nourished by the Eucharist,
all Catholics will pray and work to defend life;
Let us pray:
June 9th
For those who are ill and for their caregivers:
may they draw strength from the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
who is always with us in our suffering;
Let us pray:
June 16th
For fathers, especially those facing parenthood unexpectedly:
that they, like Saint Joseph,
will embrace the great privilege that God has entrusted to them;
Let us pray:
June 23th
For children with disabilities:
that their spirit to overcome any challenge
will be nurtured by family, teachers and peers;
Let us pray:
June 30th
For all legislators:
that they uphold and enact laws protecting the sanctity of all human life,
traditional marriage and religious liberty;
Let us pray:
Word of Life
Bulletin Briefs
June 2013
The right to life is the first among human rights. To abort a child is to kill someone who cannot
defend himself.
~ Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, former Archbishop of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis), Sobre el cielo y la tierra (On
heaven and earth), 2011
We must never tire of clarifying misunderstanding and shedding light where there is myth and
confusion, demonstrating empathy and compassion and a deeper vision. … Our task is to present
the truth with civility, empathy and clarity. Being champions of the Gospel of Life is about building
a civilization of love.
~ Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston, homily at the Opening Mass for the 2013
National Prayer Vigil for Life, January 24, 2013
As for those who work in the medical profession, they ought to neglect no means of making all their
skill available to the sick and dying; but they should also remember how much more necessary it is
to provide them with the comfort of boundless kindness and heartfelt charity. Such service to people
is also service to Christ the Lord, who said: “As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren,
you did it to me” (Mt. 25:40).
~ The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Declaration on Euthanasia,” May 5, 1980
All men, by their inherent paternal nature, are called to be fathers in a certain sense, if not in the
flesh, then in the spirit by a pure and fruitful love that helps in the formation and growth of others as
children of God. As with women, men find their dignity not in occupational pursuits, much less in
the acquisition and exercise of power, but by virtue of loving relationship with others.
~ Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, “Saint Joseph and the Vocation of the Pope and All Men to
Fatherhood,” Seek First the Kingdom: A Blog by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, March 19th, 2013
The most fundamental human freedom is that of practicing one’s faith openly, which for human
beings is their reason for living.
~ Blessed Pope John Paul II, “Address to Diplomatic Corps,” January 13, 1996
It is imperative that the entire Catholic community in the United States come to realize the grave
threats to the Church’s public moral witness. … The seriousness of these threats needs to be clearly
appreciated at every level of ecclesial life. Of particular concern are certain attempts being made to
limit that most cherished of American freedoms, the freedom of religion.
~ Pope Benedict XVI, “Address to the Bishops of United States of America on their Ad Limina Visit,” January 19,
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, 2013
Palabra de Vida
Junio de 2013
Intercesiones por la Vida
2 de junio
Junio de 2013
Para que fortalecidos y alimentados por la Eucaristía,
todos los católicos recemos y trabajemos para defender la vida;
Roguemos al Señor:
9 de junio
Por los enfermos y por quienes los cuidan:
para que obtengan fortaleza del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús;
que siempre está con nosotros en nuestro sufrimiento;
Roguemos al Señor:
16 de junio
Por los padres, especialmente por aquellos que se enfrentan a una paternidad inesperada:
para que, al igual que San José,
abracen el gran privilegio que Dios les ha encomendado;
Roguemos al Señor:
23 de junio
Por los niños con discapacidades:
para que su espíritu de superar todos los desafíos
se vea alimentado por su familia, sus maestros y compañeros;
Roguemos al Señor:
30 de junio
Por todos los legisladores:
para que defiendan y promulguen leyes que protejan la santidad de toda vida humana,
del matrimonio tradicional y la libertad religiosa;
Roguemos al Señor:
Palabra de Vida
Citas para el boletín
Junio de 2013
El derecho a la vida es el primero de los derechos humanos. Abortar es matar a quien no puede
~ Cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, ex Arzobispo de Buenos Aires (ahora Papa Francisco), Sobre el cielo y la tierra, 2011
Nunca podemos cansarnos de aclarar los malentendidos e iluminar los mitos y las confusiones,
mostrando empatía y compasión y una visión más profunda. […] Nuestra tarea es presentar la
verdad con amabilidad, empatía y claridad. Ser campeones del Evangelio de la Vida significa
construir la civilización del amor.
~ Cardenal Seán Patrick O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Arzobispo de Boston, homilía en la Misa de apertura de la Vigilia
Nacional de Oración por la Vida de 2013, 24 de enero de 2013
Los que se dedican al cuidado de la salud pública no omitan nada, a fin de poner al servicio de los
enfermos y moribundos toda su competencia; y acuérdense también de prestarles el consuelo
todavía más necesario de una inmensa bondad y de una caridad ardiente. Tal servicio prestado a los
hombres es también un servicio prestado al mismo Señor, que ha dicho: “...Cuantas veces hicisteis
eso a uno de estos mis hermanos menores, a mí me lo hicisteis” (Mt 25, 40).
~ Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, “Declaración sobre la eutanasia”, 5 de mayo de 1980
Todos los hombres, por su naturaleza paternal inherente, están llamados a ser padres en cierto
sentido, si no en la carne, en el espíritu por el amor puro y fructífero que ayude en la formación y
crecimiento de las personas como hijos de Dios. Al igual que las mujeres, los hombres encuentran
su dignidad no en la actividad laboral, mucho menos en la adquisición y el ejercicio del poder, sino
en virtud de relaciones amorosas con los demás.
~ Cardenal Donald Wuerl, Arzobispo de Washington, “San José y la vocación del Papa y todos los hombres a la
paternidad”, Seek First the Kingdom: Blog del Cardenal Donald Wuerl, 19 de marzo de 2013
La libertad humana más fundamental es la de manifestar la propia fe, que es para el ser humano su
razón de vida.
~ Beato Juan Pablo II, “Discurso al cuerpo diplomático”, 13 de enero de 1996
Es fundamental que toda la comunidad católica de Estados Unidos llegue a comprender las graves
amenazas que plantea al testimonio moral público de la Iglesia. […] Es preciso que en todos los
niveles de la vida eclesial se comprenda la gravedad de tales amenazas. Son especialmente
preocupantes ciertos intentos de limitar la libertad más apreciada en Estados Unidos: la libertad de
~ Papa Benedicto XVI, “Discurso a los obispos de Estados Unidos de América en visita Ad Limina”, 19 de enero de
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, 2013
Ux aÉà TyÜt|w
Peer Ministry Training
Sandy comes to us from Charlotte, NC where she is Program
Director for Be Not Afraid, Inc. (BNA)TM and Ministry Coordinator
for the organizations peer ministry in Charlotte. Sandy, who
worked as a CPA before she began her family, has worked in
bereavement ministry for ten years.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is hosting a Be Not Afraid Peer
Ministry Training. The purpose of this training is to prepare peer
ministers to offer comprehensive local support to parents
carrying to term following a poor prenatal diagnosis. Those who
have experienced a prenatal diagnosis and carried to term or
those who have experienced a perinatal loss (miscarriage,
stillbirth or newborn death) can be peer ministers. Others
interested in volunteering with this developing service are
welcomed as well.
The topics covered will include how to provide perinatal hospice
support using a peer ministry/pastoral care model, the response
parents have to such support, perinatal bereavement, spiritual
support for parents carrying to term, important aspects of
parent care including common experiences encountered by
parents, prenatal support, birth plans, postpartum support and
interpersonal communication skills. Participants will receive the Be
Not Afraid Pastoral Care Manual.
To register for this Peer Training workshop, please contact:
Sr. Kathleen Schipani, IHM , , (215) 587-3530
Kathleen Bevenour , kbevenour@CHS-ADPHILA.ORG, (215) 624-5920
Complete the registration form or email the information to the coordinators.
Peer Ministry Training June 29, 2013 Registration Last Name: __________________________ First Name: ____________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone:____________________________ Email: ______________________________ Parish:________________________________ Those who have experienced a prenatal diagnosis and carried to term or those who have experienced a perinatal loss
(miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death) can be peer ministers. Others interested in volunteering with this developing
service are welcomed as well.
Please indicate the reason for your interest in this ministry:
_____________________________________________________________________________ Thank you. An email confirmation will be sent to participants of the June 29th training. Please send or email registration form to: Sr. Kathleen Schipani Archdiocese of Philadelphia – PCPD 222 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215‐587‐3913 Video Phone: 267‐507‐1215 Fax: 215‐587‐3561 %&'$"! !"#$%&'&()*&++&#$,#(&!%&!+
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MAY 2013
Contact information for the Office for Divine Worship
Reverend Gerald Dennis Gill, Director
Contact information for the Office for Liturgical Music
Dr. John A. Romeri, Director of Liturgical Music
Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson, Program Coordinator and Secretary
Check the website of the Office for Divine Worship
for a complete listing of workshops and programs for 2012-2013
A petition for the Prayer of the Faithful for each Sunday of the Year of Faith can be found
on the website for the Office for Divine Worship.
Also, see the archdiocesan website for the Year of Faith for easily down-loaded copies of the
Archdiocesan Prayer for the Year of Faith and the Litany for the Year of Faith.
See the archdiocesan website for more information on the Year of Faith:
Also, check the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for additional
information on the Year of Faith:
Thursday, 9 May 2013
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Sunday, 12 May 2013
The American observance of Mother’s Day should in no way detract from this Sunday’s
celebration of Easter. A petition in the Prayer of the Faithful and the possible use of the
Prayer over the People found in the Book of Blessings, nos. 1724-1728, provides for a suitable
liturgical inclusion of Mother’s Day.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
In some circumstances consideration might be given to the Roman Missal provision for a
prolonged celebration of Mass in the form of a Vigil on Saturday evening to pray urgently
for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Looking ahead…
Saturday, 2 November 2013
The Rite of Marriage during Mass cannot be celebrated on All Souls Day. However, it is
possible to celebrate the Rite of Marriage outside Mass on All Souls Day.
The Office for Divine Worship now has the responsibility for direction, guidance and
support of pastors and those who collaborate with them in the formation of adults for
Christian Initiation. Additional information on Christian Initiation for adults can be found
on the website for the Office for Divine Worship, under the heading Christian Initiation.
Recommended Parish Resource from Ave Maria Press
This parish favorite from Robert Hamma is the perfect
tool for parent formation and for preparing the
baptismal liturgy. New downloadable tools help parish
leaders train parents to connect the sacrament with
everyday life and better understand their role as their
child's first catechists.
Downloadable tools include a simple program guide for
leaders, tips for godparents, and a guide for talking with
older siblings about baptism.
Revised to follow the Rite of Baptism for Children.
Contains a selection sheet for recording reading choices
ISBN: 978-1-59471-297-5, 128 pages, $3.95
The ordinary minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation for baptized Roman Catholics is
the Bishop. Typically, this occurs during the pastoral visit of the Bishop to the parish. Every
effort should be made to prepare Catholic Adults for Confirmation to participate in the parish celebration
with the Bishop.
Additionally, Archbishop Chaput will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on
Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013 during the 6:30 PM Mass at the Cathedral Basilica
of Saints Peter and Paul. The candidates for this sacramental celebration are
baptized Roman Catholics who have been properly catechized for Confirmation (and
if needed, for the reception of First Communion). Information about this
celebration for pastors and those who assist with the formation and reception of the
Sacraments of Initiation can be found on the website for the Office for Divine
If for some serious reason, a school age baptized Roman Catholic is unable to be confirmed
by the Bishop during his pastoral visit to the parish, then this candidate, with the
permission of the pastor, may be presented for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost
Sunday. The pastor’s permission is to be included with the registration forms to be sent to
the Office for Divine Worship.
A pastor who foresees the genuine pastoral need to confirm an adult baptized
Roman Catholic can do so only with the specific delegation of the Bishop (see
Canon 882 and National Statutes for the Catechumenate, nos. 28-29). Archbishop Chaput
gives this faculty to all priests of the Archdiocese to confirm Roman Catholic Adults
on any occasion from Palm Sunday through Pentecost Sunday. This delegation is
required for the validity of the Sacrament in the case of a Roman Catholic candidate.
During the Easter Season
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults provides helpful guidance for the pastoral care of the
newly baptized adults at Easter:
# 247
Since the distinctive spirit and power of the period of postbaptismal
catechesis or mystagogy derive from the new, personal experience of the
sacraments and of the community its main setting is the so-called Masses for
neophytes, that is, the Sunday Masses of the Easter season. Besides being occasions
for the newly baptized to gather with the community and share in the
mysteries, these celebrations include particularly suitable readings from the
Lectionary, especially the readings for Year A. Even when Christian
initiation has been celebrated outside the usual times, the texts for these
Sunday Masses of the Easter season may be used.
# 248
All the neophytes and their godparents should make an effort to take
part in the Masses for the neophytes and the entire local community should
be invited to participate with them. Special places in the congregation are to be
reserved for the neophytes and their godparents. The homily and, as circumstances suggest,
the general intercessions should take into account the presence and needs of the neophytes.
# 249
To close the period of postbaptismal catechesis, some sort of celebration
should be held at the end of the Easter season near Pentecost Sunday; festivities in
keeping with local custom may accompany the occasion.
All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are to have an appointment letter
from the Archbishop.
Pastors and chaplains are encouraged to send new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion to the archdiocesan formation sessions. Current Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion are also welcome to these sessions.
Pastors and chaplains are reminded to inform the Office for Divine Worship if they
conduct their own formation and to send to this office their request for new
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Request forms can be found on the Office for Divine Worship website. Letters of
Appointment from the Archbishop will then follow.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed for a three-year term
and for the place where they are commissioned. Terms may be renewed if agreeable
to both the pastor/chaplain and the minister.
Pastors are reminded to conduct the commissioning of new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion according to the rite found in the Book of Blessings, Chapter 63.
The Fall 2013 schedule of Archdiocesan Formation Sessions
for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
can be found on the website of the Office for Divine Worship.
Register for these workshops directly online at the Office for Divine Worship website or call the Office for
Divine Worship. Important information for the pastor/chaplain can be found online on the registration
Pastors are encouraged to publish aids for the Sunday and Weekday readings for Mass on
the parish website and/or in the parish bulletin to foster a reading of the Word of God
outside of Mass and also as a preparation for Mass. The United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops provides the following website which could be published:
Please contact:
National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD)
415 Michigan Avenue, NE, Suite 95
Washington, DC 20017-4501
202-529-2933; 202-529-2934 (tty)
Xavier Society for the Blind
Obtaining Low-Gluten Hosts and Mustum
In the dioceses of the United States, there are three approved distributors of low-gluten hosts and
two of mustum known to the Secretariat of Divine Worship.
Low-Gluten Hosts
Benedictine sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Altar Breads Department
31970 State Highway P
Clyde, MO 64432-8100
Phone: (800) 223-2772
Mont La Salle Altar Wines
605 Trancas Street, Suite D
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (800) 447-8466
Parish Crossroads
P. O. Box 84
Zionsville, IN 46077-0084
Phone: (800) 510-8842
Monks Wine & Candles
P. O. Box 681248
Schaumburg, IL 60168
Phone: (800) 540-MONK (6665)
Gluten Content: 0.01%
Gluten Content: 0.016% Inc.
100 Buckley Road
Liverpool, NY 13088
Phone: (800) 668-7324 ext. 1
Gluten Content: 0.002%
If during the year, additional Holy Oils are needed for sacramental use, please contact the
Rector at the Cathedral, 215-561-1313.
This Liturgy Primer offers four comprehensive lectures on liturgical topics to enrich proper
understanding, inform authentic celebration and guide pastoral practice. You can come to
one or all of the lectures.
May 7, 2013 .
The Psalms as Christian Prayers
May 14, 2013
The Psalms as the Liturgy’s Hymnal
May 21, 2013
The Liturgy of the Hours: Its Form
May 28, 2013
The Liturgy of the Hours: Its Celebration
Time and Place
Lecture Fee
7:00—8:30 PM, Auditorium
Archdiocesan Pastoral Center
222 North Seventeenth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Parking available
$10.00 for a lecture, $25.00 for all four lectures
Contact the Office for Divine Worship
by email, or phone, 215-587-3537
In partnership with
Vision of Initiation Ministry
for Priests, Deacons, and
Directors of Religious Education
21--22, 2013
October 21
Empress Conference Room
Saint Helena Parish | 1489 DeKalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422
What does this Conference hope to achieve?
► name and clarify key principles of the rite: conversion, initiation, community and
how to adapt these principles to experience with children in the Catechumenate
► introduce a method of critical thinking about the periods based on the rituals
► invite reflection on pastoral care dimension of the various ministers involved in the
initiation ministry of the ordained & its link to liturgical presiding and preaching
► lead participants to discover how they can implement/strengthen a team approach
► surface principles of good liturgical celebration & identify resources for preaching
► lead the participants to reflect on their own faith journey and continuing conversion
Make checks payable to: Office for Divine Worship | Attn: Mary Ann Johnson | 222 North
Seventeenth Street, 8th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19103
Registration Fee: $175 per person
Enclosed: $_______________
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Parish:___________________________ Parish City:_________________________
Phone: __________________________
Email: _____________________________
For additional information about the Vision of Initiation Ministry Conference, contact
Mary Ann Johnson
Office for Divine Worship
215-587-3537 |