December 6, 2015 - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
December 6, 2015 - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL 310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno December 6, 2015 Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Fr Paul Fazio, O F M C o n v Parochial Vicar Fr Tom Hamilton, O F M C o n v Franciscan community Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:30-4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs: 8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 8:30-Noon S Rocío Grady Parish Secretary Deacon Richard Ramm Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Mary Ann-108 Bookkeeping P O E: G S H Tuesday-Friday: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-100PM & 4:30-7:00PM 775/329-2571 Web: 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics. Budget News st nd Date 1 Collec on 2 Collec on 2nd Collec on To Benefit November 29 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 27 $6,649 $ $ $ $ $2,403 $ $ - Christmas Flowers Long Term Repairs No 2nd Collec on Re rement for Religious No 2nd Collec on ANNUAL DIOCESAN CONFERENCE REDEEMING MERCY Take this opportunity to meet fellow Catholics, to learn & to be renewed in spirit. Come support one another in our faith J 8—9 N C S . Pick up your registra on pamphlet located at the back area of the cathedral. FRIENDS FOR LIFE DINNER AT THE RENO DOWNTOWN BALLROOM Friday, February 19, 2016 at 5:30 PM. Keynote speaker: Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Founda on. Honoree: Assemblyman Ira Hansen. Tickets $75/person or $600/table of 8. Purchase a table by January 1st & pay only $500. For info/donate to the silent auc on please call Kathleen at 815-2099, or Chris ne Routhier at 843-1435. CATHEDRAL’S CHILDREN CHOIR Christmas Eve 5:00 PM Cathedral Children's Choir will begin weekly rehearsals star ng on Sunday, December 6th at 3:00 PM. All students 5th-12th grade are welcome! No experience necessary. It will be a fun & beau ful experience. For sign ups or more info please call Charles-846-9275. HOME BLESSINGS WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE BLESSED? Contact Mary Ann in the Parish Office-329-2571 x108 to schedule an appointment. 2 Samuel 7:29—And now, may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may con nue forever before you. For you have spoken, and when you grant a blessing to your servant, O Sovereign LORD, it is an eternal blessing. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Married Couples: Do you miss the glow you had when you were first married? Do you wish you could reignite the fire in your rela onship? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you me together to rekindle the romance you experienced at the beginning of your marriage & to deepen your communica on with each other. 2016 Dates: February 12-14 & November 4-6 in Sacramento; April 15-17 & October 7-9 in Reno. CALL NOW! For more details visit our website at: contact Terry & Janet at applica or 916-489-3464. TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS AT ST THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH AT 5:30 PM Please join us for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Concep on of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a Sung High Mass in the Extraordinary Form. Saturday, January 23rd. Peacefully challenge the belief that abor on is a good choice for women. Walk to proclaim that Life is the best choice for women! We begin with a short series of speeches centering around the theme of abor on’s damage to women, children —unborn and born – and families. Speeches begin at 12:30 PM at Civic Center Plaza followed by the walk on Market Street at 1:30 PM. SENIOR MINISTRY NEWS… Our annual Christmas Wish Tree campaign is under way and Your support is needed. This program focuses on those who are 60+, alone, home/facility bound, have a need or a special wish, etc. Please keep in mind that the Holidays can be doubly difficult for those with health issues, a recent loss, financial circumstances, etc. A list of parishioners/individuals of whom we are aware of that fit the criteria has been assembled. Their first name, age, code number & gi request are labeled on a silver snowflake. These ornaments are on the Senior Ministry’s annual “Christmas Wish Tree” now set up in the main lobby of the Cathedral. If you are able to help one of these less fortunate individuals please take a snowflake, purchase a gi and return both to the Parish Office or Bookstore before December 21st. Also, should you know of anyone who might fit the criteria please contact Stephanie at 775-338-5557 or ED 775-240-0328 as soon as possible and we will be sure to include their name on an ornament. Thank you and may God bless you! BEEF RAFFLE WINNERS Thank you to all who supported the KoC Nevada Council 978 Annual Beef Raffle The winners are: 1st Holy Family Enterprise 2nd Ma hew Louie 3rd Regina Hearrell 4th Bruce Schmauch 5th Pat Sa ler APPRECIATION OF ROSES Our deep apprecia on to all who provided dona ons for the roses for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Ayala Silva Family, Baldemar & Maria Barajas, Bernal Family, Carlos Morales & Family, Cruz Murillo & Family, Dalmacio Colasita, Eladia Vides, Gonzalo & Gloria Castellanos, Guillen Velazquez & Family, Gwen Linde, James Thomas, Libroria & Paine Families, Licurgo Juillerat, Mariem Tibaduiza-Hanley, Ramos Barajas Family, Rangel Avila Family, Robyn Fores, Dearly Barba, †Clare Munns. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, December 5 7:30 5:00 Sunday, December 6 † Dionisio Santos In Thanksgiving from Israel Tellez & Fam Sunday, December 6—II Sunday of Advent 7:30 9:30 11:30A 5:00 7:00 End of Abor on †† Francisco & Victoria Aledo Parishioners, especially Rafael Tellez & Fam † John Diamond † Maria Concepcion Mendoza Cruz Monday, December 7—Saint Ambrose 7:00 12:10 6:30 † Jack Crawford Rocio Grady †† Jose & Maria Mendoza Tuesday, December 8—Feast of the Immaculate Concep on of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00 12:10 5:30 Michsyl Montalvo Rita & Donald Babione Inten o Dan s Wednesday, December 9—Advent Weekday 7:00 12:10 † Patricia Hudson † David Robb Fr. Tom Czeck—Birthday † Ronald Arsenault Friday, Decmber 11—Advent Weekday 7:00 12:10 PM † Chris na Shippman Allen J. Mok Saturday, December 12-Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast 5:30 7:30 5:00 7:00 Misael Garcia-Birthday & †Flavio Barajas Special Inten on † John Bacon Roman Mendoza & †Vicenta Ramirez A C Coffee & Donuts & Blood Pressure Check a er all morning Masses Monday, December 7 6:30 PM Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass-Spanish Tuesday, December 8 6:00 AM Men of Saint Joseph 5:15 PM Confirma on Classes 5:30 PM TLM 6:30 PM RCIA School Building 2nd Floor 7:00 PM Protec ng God’s Children Seminar-RH December 9, 10, 11 6:30 PM Rosario Guadalupano Thursday, December 10 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 5:00 PM Benedic on NO Vespers NO Confessions Saturday, December 12 Thursday, December 10—Advent Weekday 7:00 12:10 PM DECEMBER S Monday, December-21-11AM-Noon. Tuesday, December 22-11AM-Noon & 6-7 PM. Wednesday, December-23: 11AM-Noon. 12:00-5:00 AM Mañanitas Guadalupanas/ Music in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:30 AM Misa/Mass in Spanish Desayuno después de la Misa en Righini Hall/ Community Breakfast a er Mass in RH 7:00 PM Misa con el Señor Obispo/ Mass in Spanish with Bishop Calvo Cena después de la Misa en Righini Hall/ Dinner a er Mass in RH READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tue: Gn3:9-20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph1:3-12; Lk1:26-38 Wed: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thu: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Fri: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sat: Zec 2:14-17; Rv 11:19; 12:1-10; Jdt 13:18, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 Sun: Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-36;Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 ENTRADA Preparemos los caminos, despertemos llega el Señor; allanemos los senderos ya se acerca la liberación. Los profetas anunciaron la llegada del Señor, por las calles, por las plazas la esperanza floreció. Viene el Mesías, viene el Señor. Levantemos entre todos, la justicia, la libertad; Enlacemos nuestras manos, ya se acerca la liberación. El bautista en el desierto nos levanta con su voz; entre preparemos la justicia, el amor. Viene el Mesías, libertador Hosanna al rey del cielo, hosanna al reino de Dios; hosanna al mensajero, hosanna al Hijo de Dios. Una virgen nazarena aguardaba al redentor, confiando en las promesas fue la aurora del amor. Viene el Mesías, es mi Señor. SALMO El Señor ha estado grande con nosotros, y estamos alegres OFERTORIO Amanecerá el Señor, sobre ti Jerusalén. Amanecerá el Señor, amanecerá sobre ti Jerusalén. (2). Sobre ti Jerusalén, amanecerá el Señor, amanecerá. Levanta tu mirada, contempla tu grandeza, tu salvador, tu salvador te viene a liberar. Sobre ti Jerusalén, una estrella brillará, amanecerá. La luz de la mañana, la aurora reluciente, tu salvador, tu salvador te viene a liberar. En Belén nos va a nacer la esperanza de Israel, amanecerá. Dará la vista al ciego, salud a los enfermos; tu salvador, tu salvador te viene a liberar. COMUNIÓN Ven a nuestro mundo, que tu amor nos salve, ven a redimirnos, ven Señor no tardes. Que larga es la noche, como el centinela que aguarda la aurora los hombres te esperan; con la virgen madre te espera la iglesia. Que bella es la noche cuajada de estrellas, si voy de tu mano las veo más cerca; ya pronto se cumplen Señor tus promesas. Levanta los ojos, del sueño despierta que baja el Mesías del cielo a la tierra; prepara el camino al rey que se acerca. La noche ha pasado, el día se acerca; el Dios con nosotros ya está en nuestra tienda; el hijo del padre es hombre de veras SALIDA La virgen sueña caminos, está a la espera; la virgen sabe que el niño está muy cerca. De Nazaret a Belén hay una senda; por ella van los que creen en las promesas. Los que soñáis y esperáis la buena nueva, abrid las puertas al niño que está muy cerca. El Señor cerca está; El viene con la paz (2); El trae la verdad. En estos días del año el pueblo espera que venga pronto el Mesías a nuestra tierra. En la ciudad de belén llama a las puertas, pregunta en las posadas y no hay respuesta. La tarde ya lo sospecha: está alerta. El sol le dice a la luna que no se duerma. A la ciudad de Belén vendrá una estrella, vendrá con todo el que quiera cruzar fronteras. S W C M B A D B L M Vigil-Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM, & 7:00PM (Misa en español) 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) Saturday 3:00PM & Thursday 5:45PM Contact Parish Office Contact Parish Office Contact Parish Office Thursday 3:00PM Thursday 6:30PM Located at 94 E Glendale in Sparks, next to Juicy’s at S McCarran Blvd, Sparks 775-420-7067 Open: Wednesday—Saturday from 10:00AM—4:00PM M M T S 2ND SUNDAY IN ADVENT—READINGS IN THE VACTICAN II HYMNAL, PAGES 382-3 All hymns are in the Saint Michael Hymnal SATURDAY 5:00PM Procession: On Jordan’s Banks, p. 699 Offertory: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People, p. 492 Agnus Dei: Heritage Mass, p. 198 Recessional: Hark, a Herald Voice is Calling, p. 556 Lord have mercy: Heritage Mass, p. 191 Sanctus: Heritage Mass, p. 193 Communion: Creator of the Stars of Night, p. 497 SUNDAY 7:30 AND 9:30 AM Procession: On Jordan’s Banks, p. 699 Offertory: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People, p. 492 Agnus Dei: Missa de Angelis, p. 108 Recessional: Hark, a Herald Voice is Calling, p. 556 Kyrie: Missa de Angelis, p. 105 Sanctus: Missa de Angelis, p. 107 Communion: Creator of the Stars of Night, p. 497 SUNDAY 11:30 AM Introit Proper: Populus Sion… Kyrie: Mass XVII, p. 121 Offertory Proper: Deus tu convertens… Sanctus: Mass XVII, p. 122 Communion Proper: Jerusalem surge… Marian antiphon: Alma Redemtoris Mater, p. 428 Procession: Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus, p. 489 Credo III, p. 213 Offertory: Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending, p. 617 Agnus Dei: Mass XVII, p. 123 Communion: Father, We Thank Thee, p. 521 Recessional: On Jordan’s Bank, p. 699 SUNDAY 5:00 PM, REGINA PACIS CANTORUM Introit Proper: Populus Sion… Credo III, p. 213 Offertory – Lo How a Rose E’r Blooming, p. 618 Agnus Dei: Mass XVII, p. 123 Post-Communion (choir): Conditor Alme Siderum Kyrie: Mass XVII, p. 121 Offertory Proper - Deus tu convertens… Sanctus: Mass XVII, p. 122 Communion Proper with psalm verses - Jerusalem surge Recessional: Savior of the Nations Come, p. 741 Let us pray for…/Oremos por… US Servicemen & women, Blanca Aguilar Pichardo, Evelyn Dixon, Lena Green, Aaron Spangenthal, Fallon Lacio & Children, Kori Victorine, Bonnie Dusek, Gini Buschine, Edward Lantis, Mike Pascual, Patrick Coyne, Monet Rodriguez, Maria Gutierrez, Eloy López, Ramona Zúñiga, Liliana Ramírez, Billie Batek, Alberto Ruiz, Diane Lacebal, Lucille Fondy, Betty Parodi, Eileen Straub, Gina Jones, Teresa Hurtado, Chuck & Mary Olds, Maria Archibald, Tom Dolan, Jim Sullivan, Charlie & Linda Gill, John Vicars, Janice Berg, Victoria Costello, Dennis Schuster, Carmen Rodriguez, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Bill Thompson, Nikos Theologitis, Beverly Gibson, Bob Chavez, Shannan Fraser, Anthony Hansen, Rick Slaughter, Cindy Volk, Cassidy Robbins, Maureen Flynn, Margie Herndon, Kathryn Gasper, Mary Beaubriand, Tovi Hilbish, Ann Dvorak, Debbie Griffith, Jovita Mendoza, Chris Janoski, Vangie Elordieta, Heidi Gibson, Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, James Czeck, Mike Edmond, Dennis Gribbin, Sayra Gutierrez, Margaret Marshall, Angel Castillo, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Ryan McGrail,Barbara Crose, Steve Tucker, Martin Brandtner, Lawrence Reeder, Glen, Sarah, & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv. † Clare Munns † Carl Came
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