Pentecost Sunday - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
Pentecost Sunday - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL 310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday Come Holy Spirit Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Fr Paul Fazio, O F M C o n v Parochial Vicar Fr Tom Hamilton, O F M C o n v Franciscan community Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:30-4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs: 8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 9:00AM-Noon S Rocío Grady Parish Secretary Deacon Richard Ramm Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Mary Ann-108 Bookkeeping P O E: G S H Tues-Friday: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-1:00PM & 4:30-7:00PM 775/329-2571 Web: Welcome Visitors & Friends To Our Eucharistic Celebration 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics. Budget News Date 1st Collec on 2nd Collec on 2nd Collec on To Benefit May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 $7,691 $7,228 $ $ $ $2,731 $3,843 $ - Payment to Loan Vietnam Mission Church in La n America No 2nd Collec on No 2nd Collec on POST CONFIRMATION RETREAT FOR TEENS JUNE 13-15 There are s ll some spots available if you are interested in a ending. To RSVP or for more informa on please call Ms. Tammie at 775-544-3737. ANNUAL NATIONAL MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS CENACLE SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL — TUESDAY, MAY 17 @11:30 AM Join us as we pray the rosary with Mass to follow. There are cenacles across the United States during the month of May as we join the Blessed Mother to "Spread these cenacles everywhere, like rays of light which come down to lighten up the earth in these days of great darkness." C , .B . JUBILEE MASS—Sunday, June 26th—2:00PM Bishop Randolph R. Calvo will once again celebrate the Annual Jubilee Mass at Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral. This Mass celebrates the Sacrament of Marriage and couples will renew their vows. All couples celebra ng wedding anniversaries are invited to a end. Please contact your Parish Office, and submit your names, phone number & number of years married so you can be recognized at the Mass. Cathedral’s Parish Office # 329-2571 Ext. 100. T ,J 16 . SENIOR MINISTRY NEWS We’re par cipa ng in the Washoe County Stuff-a-Bus Campaign. This campaign collects items for seniors in need. All items collected will be distributed by the Washoe County Senior Services. We are seeking items that an older person might use. ie. slippers, blankets, adult diapers, personal hygiene products, bus passes, circula on fans, etc. Collec on barrels are located in the west lobby of the Cathedral & The Li le Thri Shop. Campaign will con nue through the month of May. We have recently been blessed with some beau ful dona ons of furniture, china, art work, garden supplies, etc. Something for everyone’s budget! You‘ll find us just a few shops to the west of Saint Vincent’s Thri Store on Glendale at McCarran in Sparks. We are seeking volunteers to help at the thri shop. We operate with 3- hour shi s Wednesday through Saturday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you enjoy mee ng people & want to give something back take this opportunity. For more informa on or to sign up, please call Stephanie at 338-5557 or ED at 240-0328. A P S 2:00 PM . D S C R ,M M S - .M 15 S R L WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Have you ever wanted to take a fresh look at your Marriage? Please consider making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and you will find ways to enrich your marriage. It is a unique approach aimed at revitalizing your Sacrament of Matrimony. UPCOMING dates: August 26-28 in Sacramento; October 7-9 in Reno; & Nov 4-6 in Sacramento. For more informa on visit: or contact Terry & Janet at 916-489-3464 or applica CATHOLIC FUNERAL RITES & CEMETERY SERVICES The Community Outreach Staff from Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery, a Ministry of the Diocese of Reno, will hold a presenta on and Q & A session here at the Cathedral in Righini Hall on Thursday, May 26th at 6:00PM to discuss spiritual and prac cal reasons for learning about Catholic Funeral Rites and Cemetery Services. By taking advantage of this opportunity, to understand the importance of a Catholic funeral and burial, you will walk away with a be er understanding of the importance and ease of planning ahead to ensure peace of mind for you and your family. JOB OPPORTUNITIES Please submit an applica on to Our Lady of the Snows School. Applica on available on the Diocesan website or at Our Lady of the Snows School Office. Ques ons? Contact Amy Brazil at 1. School Secretary for the 2016-17 school year. 2. Elementary Teachers for the 2016-17 school year. We’re considering star ng a Gi ed & Talented Program at the Junior High level. This would be a half- me posi on in that program. If interested in teaching in this program please submit a resume along with your applica on. Bishop Manogue Catholic High School is currently recrui ng for teachers. 1. A SPANISH teacher for the 2016-17 school year. 2. A RELIGION teacher for the 2016-17 school year. For details regarding how to apply, please visit: h p:// employment-opportuni es/ or call Marion Hammond in HR, at 775-366-6011. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI FOOD PANTRY TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL PARK. R A S R C -S , A 21 1:05PM Tickets: $27 each. Includes: Le Field Reserved Ticket, Free Aces Hat, Food Voucher good for Hot Dog or BBQ Pork Sandwich, Chips, & Regular size soda. A por on of the proceeds will benefit Saint Francis of Assisi Food Pantry. Please contact Cindy Becher at 775-322-5853 or MAY 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, May 14 7:30 5:00 Mother’s Day Novena Nancy Engen-Wedin †All Souls in Purgatory Sunday, May 15—Pentecost 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 The Souls of the Idiart Family Mother’s Day Novena Allegra Erin Magee Parishioners, especially Dominique Cabangon-Tongol-Bday 7:00 † Antonio Torres & † Mariano Rodriquez Monday, May 16—Weekday 7:00 12:10 Mother’s Day Novena Olga & Bob Harcharick Tuesday, May 17—Weekday 7:00 12:10 † Angel Li † Bernard Jones Wednesday, May 18—Saint John I 7:00 12:10 † Dora Li † Lorraine Smith Thurs, May 19—Weekday 7:00 12:10 † Elizabeth Salas Gerard & Patricia Glenn Friday, May 20—Saint Bernardine of Siena 7:00 12:10 † Antonia Moreira Ester Dezolen Saturday, May 21 7:30 5:00 † Holly Pearlman Linda Knapp—Birthday Saturday, May 14, 21, 28 8:30 AM First Holy Communion Classes Sunday, May 15 Russian Pastries & Piroshkies in Righini Hall A er all morning Masses Tuesday, May 17,& 24 1:00-11:00 PM Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 AM Men of Saint Joseph 5:15 PM Confirma on Classes 6:30 PM RCIA School Building 2nd Floor Wednesday, May 18 & 25 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismá co Thursday, May 19 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 5:30 PM Vespers / Confessions 6:30 PM Benedic on Thursday, May 26 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy NO Adora on NO Confessions Monday, May 30 P O C READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-15; Mk 9:14-29 Tue: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-23; Mk 9:30-37 Wed: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thu: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Fri: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-12; Mk 10:1-12 Sat: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-8; Mk 10:13-16 Sun: Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Seminarians Chris Kanowitz & Joe Walsh will be ordained into the Transi onal Diaconate on Friday, May 20, 6:30PM at Li le Flower Church. All are welcome a end. SCHEDULE CHANGES May 24—27 On these 4 days, there will only be one Mass celebrated at 12:10PM. On Thursday, May 26th, NO Adoration No Confessions. FROM THE DESK OF DEACON RICHARD THE SECOND STREET DEVELOPMENT A lady went to a psychiatrist complaining of a terrible phobia. “Every time I lay down on my bed I get this terrible fear that there is something underneath. “Wow” responded the psychiatrist “I’ve never heard of such a phobia, but like all phobias it can be treated, but it will likely take around 20 sessions.” “OK” responded the lady “how much is each session?” “Oh it’s just $80 a session, but trust me it’s well worth it.” When the lady didn’t come back to the psychiatrist he gave the lady a call. “How come I didn’t hear from you? He asked.” “Well” responded the lady “when I came home and told my husband about the cost he thought he would save some money, he just cut the legs off the bed!” SPRING SALE In an effort to raise funds the parish will be holding a Spring Sale on June 24 & 25. Items such as stereo speakers, amps, garden tools, and other miscellaneous equipment will be available. A peek preview will be available on Sunday, June 5 after all the masses. A fair price has been established for these items. You’ll be able to bid a higher price until 4:00 PM on Sat., June 24. We have been informed that a huge development is planned for the downtown area of Reno; from Arlington to Ralston Street, and from the trench to First Street. The Bishop and I have met with the developer. We were given a complete overview of the project and the me line for comple on of the stages of the project. I will keep the parish apprised of the progress and any affects it may have on the Cathedral parish. The developer stated several mes that the Cathedral is an extremely important part of this area, and to the Reno Community in general. He has agreed to keep us informed of anything that affects the immediate area of the Cathedral. Construc on south of Second St. will not be for three years. Please address any ques ons about the development to me. I will inves gate and share the answers with all. ENTRADA Espíritu Espíritu Santo ven, ven. (3) En el nombre de Jesús. Acompáñame, condúceme, toma mi vida; santifícame, transfórmame, Espíritu Santo ven. Resucítame, conviérteme, todos los días; glorifícame, renuévame, Espíritu Santo ven. Fortaléceme, consuélame en mis pesares; resplandéceme, libérame, Espíritu Santo ven. SALMO Envía tu Espíritu, Señor, y renueva la faz de la tierra. OFERTORIO Ven, Espíritu de amor, ven, confirma nuestra fe. Danos fuerza para andar, que sin ti nada podemos. Ven, Señor, ven a nosotros, llénanos de tu calor. Ven, Señor, nada podemos sin tu espíritu de amor. Ven, oh Dios de fortaleza, que tu luz todo lo aclara. Ven, Señor de los humildes, que sin ti nada podemos. (al estribillo) Ven, impulsa nuestra vida, da alegría a nuestras almas. Ven, renueva nuestra iglesia, que sin ti nada podemos. (al estribillo) Ven, aviva nuestra mente, danos tu sabiduría. Ven, confunde a los soberbios, que sin ti nada podemos. (al estribillo) Ven, Señor, danos la paz, haznos vivir tu palabra. Haznos fieles para siempre, que sin ti nada podemos. (al estribillo) COMUNIÓN Envía Señor tu Espíritu, que renueve nuestros corazones. Envíanos Señor tu luz y tu calor, que alumbre nuestros pasos, que encienda nuestro amor. Envíanos tu Espíritu y un rayo de tu luz, encienda nuestras vidas en llamas de virtud. Envíanos Señor tu fuerza y tu valor, que libre nuestros miedos, que anime nuestro ardor. Envíanos tu Espíritu, impulso creador, que infunda en nuestras vidas, la fuerza de tu amor. Envíanos Señor la luz de tu verdad, que alumbre tantas sombras de nuestro caminar. Envíanos tu Espíritu, su don renovador, engendre nuevos hombres en nuestro corazón. SALIDA Eres fuerza para el pobre y calor para el sencillo, eres luz para los ciegos, eres vida, eres cariño. Eres paz para las guerras y esperanza de oprimidos, para el conflicto eres calma y perdón para enemigos. Ven Espíritu Santo, amor del padre y del hijo, ven consuelo de todos y muéstranos el camino. (2) Eres soplo, eres viento, eres fuego y desafío; para el fiel eres memoria, palabra de un buen amigo. Eres fuente de justicia, piedad y sabiduría; discernimiento y prudencia, temor, respeto y alegría. RETIRO ANUAL DE EVANGELIZACION CARISMATICO VEN Y DEJATE ENVOLVER POR LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS 21 Y 22 DE MAYO EN EL HOTEL CASINO NUGGET CONFERENCISTAS: PADRE CLAUDIO GUERRERO Y HERMANOS SALVADOR HERNANDEZ & NICOLAS DELGADILLO. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN COMMUNIQUESE AL 775.412.1841. ANNUAL CARISMATIC RETREAT OF EVANGELIZATION IN SPANISH COME AND LET YOURSELF BE SHIELDED BY GOD’S MERCY 21 & 22 MAY AT THE NUGGET HOTEL CASINO. ALL ARE WELCOME! S M W C M D B L M /B M T S Vigil-Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM, & 7:00PM (Misa en español) 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) Saturday 3:00PM & Thursday 5:45PM /A P Contact Parish Office Thursday 3:00PM Thursday 6:30PM Located at 94 E. Glendale in Sparks, next to Juicy’s at S McCarran Blvd. 775-240-0328. Open: Wednesday—Saturday from 10AM—4PM PENTECOST SUNDAY READINGS & ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE LATIN PROPERS: VATICAN II HYMNAL PAGES 510-512 HYMNS ARE IN THE ST MICHAEL HYMNAL Saturday, May 14th, 5:00 PM Processional: Come Holy Ghost, #483 Kyrie: Heritage Mass, #191 Gloria: Heritage Mass, #192 Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus, #810 Offertory: Breathe on Me, Breath of God, #460 Sanctus: Heritage Mass, #193 Agnus Dei: Heritage Mass, #198 Communion: Panis Angelicus, #709 Recessional: Come Down, O Love Divine, #482 Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus, #810 Credo III, #213 Offertory proper: Confírma hoc Deus, quod operates es in nobis Offertory: Come Holy Ghost, #483 Sanctus: Missa de Angelis, #107 Agnus Dei: Missa de Angelis, #108 Communion proper: Factus est repénte de caelo sonus adveniéntis Communion: Breathe on Me, Breath of God, #460 Marian antiphon: Regina Caeli, #729 Recessional: Come Down, O Love Divine, #482 Sunday, May 15th, 7:30 and 9:30 AM Processional: Come Holy Ghost, #483 Kyrie: Missa Simplex, #133 Gloria: Missa Simplex, #134 Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus, #810 Offertory: Breathe on Me, Breath of God, #460 Sanctus: Missa Simplex, #135 Agnus Dei: Missa Simplex, #140 Communion: Panis Angelicus, #709 Recessional: Come Down, O Love Divine, #482 Sunday 5:00 PM, Regina Pacis Cantorum Introit: Spíritus Dómini replévit orbem terrárum Kyrie: Missa Prima Gloria: Missa Prima Psalm: "Lord Send out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth." Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus, #810 Credo III, #213 Offertory proper: Confírma hoc Deus, quod operates es in nobis Offertory: Come Down O Love Divine, #482 Sanctus: Missa de Angelis, #107 Agnus Dei: Missa Prima Communion proper: Factus est repénte de caelo sonus adveniéntis Post Communion Motet: Factus Est Repente de Coelo SonusMarian Antiphon: Regina Coeli, #729 Recessional: Come Holy Ghost, #483 Sunday 11:30 AM Introit: Spíritus Dómini replévit orbem terrárum Processional: Praise We The Lord This Day, #723 Kyrie: Missa de Angelis, #105 Gloria: Missa de Angelis, #106 Let us pray for…/Oremos por… US Servicemen & women, Nancy Engen-Wedin, Mitchell Heinzeroth, Rosa Maria Santos, Maria Ramirez,Sayra Gutierrez, Bryant Dolbow, Jenny Blount, Tina Fitzpatrick, Evelyn Dixon, Tovi Hilbish, Ryan McGrail, Marilyn Engen, Bonnie Dusek, Paty Tellez, Aaron Spangenthal, Ann Dvorak, Patrick Coyne, Eloy López, Monet Rodriguez, Cindy Volk, Maria Gutierrez, Ramona Zúñiga, Liliana Ramírez, Alberto Ruiz, Heidi Gibson, John Vicars, Lucille Fondy, Tom Dolan, Billie Batek, Betty Parodi, Teresa Hurtado, Maria Archibald, Blanca Aguilar-Pichardo, Dennis Schuster, Vangie Elordieta, Chuck & Mary Olds, Charlie & Linda Gill, Janice Berg, Victoria Costello, Carmen Rodriguez, Lawrence Reeder, Dennis Gribbin, Janet Fleming, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Bill Thompson, Beverly Gibson, Anthony Hansen, Rick Slaughter, Cassidy Robbins, Maureen Flynn, Margie Herndon, Kathryn Gasper, Mary Beaubriand, Debbie Griffith, Chris Janoski, Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, James Czeck, Mike Edmond, Steve Tucker, Margaret Marshall, Angel Castillo, Anna Buchanan, Barbara Crose, Martin Brandtner, Glen, Sarah & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv.
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