28" LIL' STINKER COPYRIGHT 1998 PATTERN NUMBER DA 1403 BODY PATTERN DA 1358 (Fits Terrible Two Breastplate, Arms, and Sitting Legs) FABRICS & NOTIONS JUMPER % yd. Dark Blue Denim, 45" Width - bib front & back 1/3 yd. Denim Print, 45" Width - pocket & jumper skirt top ruffle 1/3 yd. Denim Print, 45" Width - jumper skirt middle ruffle A~TVVO~KS 3/8 yd. Denim Print, 45" Width - jumper skirt bottom ruffle RT. 9 BOX 1/9 6" x 6" Piece Dark Blue Broadcloth - pocket lining HWY274 Dull Orange Thread - top stitch bib front & back SEVEN POINTS, TX 75143 4 No Sew Dungaree Buttons TEL. 903-432-9426 4 Large Snaps FAX. 903-432-9502 T-SHIRT ORDERS ONLY % yd. Red Cotton Knit, 60" Width 800-886-3655 3 Small Snaps BIKE SHORTS 3/8 yd. Navy Blue Cotton Knit, 60" Width 1 yd. Elastic, %" Width READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE CUTTING FABRIC NOTES: 1. Everyone stuffs dolls differently. Please try costumes on dolls during construction to insure proper fit. 2. All pieces are sewn with right sides together unless otherwise indicated. 3. All seams are %" unless otherwise indicated. 4. For professional results, clip seams at curves and corners and press frequently during construction. 5. To finish edges, zigzag or serge. If serging before garment construction, DO NOT CUT OFF ANY OF THE SEAM ... OVERCAST ONLY. 6. When sewing on knits, use a slight zigzag stitch and stretch fabric a little as seams are sewn. 7. When gathering mid to heavy weight fabrics or long pieces of fabric, it is advisable to use heavy thread on the bobbin and loosen top tension on sewing machine. THE DDL~c T-SHIRT CONSTRUCTION 1. Fold placket on fold line, WRONG SIDES TOGETHER and press. 2. Cut center back slash, as indicated on pattern. Spread slash and pin to unfolded edges of placket. Stitch with garment side up. Turn placket. Press right side of placket to extend toward the left side of the shirt. Fold left side of placket toward wrong side of shirt and press. Stitch placket together at fold, as indicated in diagram. l-~~ 3. 4. Sew shirt front to shirt back at shoulder seams. Finish edges of neckband, as indicated on pattern. Turn neckband right sides out and press lightly on fold line. Fold neckband in half lengthwise to determine center front. Pin center front of neckband to center front of shirt. Pin at back edges. Sew, stretching collar as you go to distribute shirt fabric evenly along collar seam. 5. Run a single gathering stitch along the top of the sleeve, as indicated on pattern. Pin to armhole. Sew, stretching shirt as necessary to fit sleeve. 6. Sew front and back together at underarm seams . 7. Sew sleeveband ends together. Fold, WRONG SIDES TOGETHER, along fold line and press. 8. Divide sleeveband into fourths, placing pins to mark divisions. 9. Divide sleeve into fourths at cuff edge, placing pins to mark divisions. 10. Match seam of sleeveband to underarm seam of sleeve. Match other fourth divisions and pin. Sew seam, stretching sleeveband as necessary to fit sleeve. You may need to gather sleeve slightly in order to fit all sleeve fabric to the sleeveband, depending on the amount of stretch in the knit. 11. Serge or zigzag bottom edge of shirt. Fold up %" and press. Sew hem with machine stitch, stretching slightly as you sew. 12. Place snaps on neckband and down placket at back of shirt. JUMPER CONSTRUCTION 13. Sew pocket and pocket lining together leaving an opening on the bottom edge to turn the pocket right side out. 14. Turn pocket and slipstitch opening closed. Press 15. Edge stitch top edge of pocket. Topstitch a scant %" from edge. 16. Position pocket on front bib, as indicated on pattern , and edge stitch in place. Top stitch a scant %" from edge. Press. _--'-_"· 0 o . : ................. ii ~:". .: " . ............. ........... ..... --. . .-. .. I' ~ ~~ 17. Turn up bottom edge of jumper bib front lining %" and press. 18. Sew jumper bib front to jumper bib front lining. Clip curves and corners, turn and press. Set aside. 22. Turn entire back over and repeat instruction # 21 on the other back piece. 23. Zigzag or serge the bottom edge to finish , as indicated on pattern. 24. Top ruffle will be handled as two separate pieces at this time. 25. Turn side edges of top ruffle pieces under W' and press. Turn under V4" again, press and baste in place. 26. Run two rows of gathering stitches across top edge of one of the top ruffles. 27. Position on bib front ... KEEP BIB LINING OUT OF THE WAY... pin in place. Pull up gathering threads, evenly distributing gathers along bib front. Sew in place. Press seam toward bib. 28. Pull bib lining down over raw edges and baste in place with large basting stitches. 29. Edge stitch starting on ruffle side and going all the way around the bib and over the other ruffle side. 30. Top stitch a scant %" from edge. 31. Edge stitch on bib 1/16" from seam line. Top stitch a scant %" from seam line. SEE DIAGRAM BELOW. ,------- - -- - I I j' " ," \ \ \. "..: ...·~ T I I I I ;- I 19. Sew jumper bib back to jumper bib back lining from dot to dot. Turn and press. Repeat for other side of back. 20. Position on top of each other, matching center back lines, as indicated on pattern. Pin in place. 21. Edge stitch dot to dot. Top stitch a scant V4" from edge. 32. Run two rows of gathering stitches across top edge of the other top ruffle. 33. Position on back bib piece and pin in place. Pull up gathering threads, evenly distributing gathers along the back bib. Sew in place. 34. Serge or zigzag seam to finish. 35. Try bib front and bib back on doll, over the T-shirt, and pin in place. Approximate overlap is shown on the bib back pattern. Some of the ruffles will also overlap ... approximate overlap 1 %"to 2". Pin ruffles together, on both sides of doll, where they overlap. Stitch together on lower edge of ruffle. Ruffle will now be treated as one piece. @ ::I, --I- PAGE 1 OF 7 i PiTTERN NUMBER DA 1403 COPYRIGHT 1998 36. Sew side seams of middle ruffle pieces together. 37. Run two rows of gathering stitches along top edge of middle ruffle. Pin to bottom edge of top ruffle. Pull up gathering threads, evenly distributing gathers along the top ruffle. Sew in place. 38. Sew side edges of bottom ruffle together. Turn bottom edge of ruffle up Y4" and press. Turn raw edge under another Y4" and stitch in place with matching thread, creating hem of jumper. Press. 39. Run two rows of gathering stitches along top edge of bottom ruffle. Pin to bottom edge of middle ruffle, pulling up gathering threads to evenly distribute gathers along seam line. Sew in place. 40. All 'ruffle to ruffle' seams can be zigzagged or serged to finish the raw edges. 41. Position buttons and snaps and secure in place. BIKE SHORT CONSTRUCTION 42. Sew center front seam. 43. Sew center back seam. 44. Sew side seams. 45. Serge or zigzag waistline edge. 46. Turn under waistline edge, as indicated on pattern, to form casing and press. Sew in place, leaving an opening to insert elastic. 47. Cut a piece of %" elastic 17" long. Try on your doll to be sure this measurement is correct for you. Insert elastic. Overlap edges %" to 1" and sew to secure. Slip back into casing and finish machine stitching casing in place. 48. Sew inseam. 49. Serge or zigzag leg openings to finish edges. 50. Turn edges under, as indicated on pattern, to form casing and press. Sew in place, leaving an opening to insert elastic. 51. Cut two pieces of elastic 9" long. Again, try on your doll to be sure this is correct measurement for you. Insert elastic. Overlap edges %" and sew to secure. Slip elastic back into casing and finish machine stitching casing in place. This pattern contains 11 pieces. They are as follows: A - Jumper Bib Front B - Jumper Bib Back C - Pocket D - T-Shirt Front E - T-Shirt Back F - T-Shirt Sleeve G - T-Shirt Placket H - T-Shirt Neckband I - T-Shirt Sleeveband J - Bike Short Front K - Bike Short Back PAGE 2, OF 7 " NO PATTERN PIECES ARE GIVEN FOR THE JUMPER SKIRT RUFFLES. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUTTING JUMPER SKIRT RUFFLES ARE AS FOLLOWS: JUMPER SKIRT TOP RUFFLE CUT2 2 %" X 24" JUMPER SKIRT MIDDLE RUFFLE CUT2 3" X45" JUMPER SKIRT BOTTOM RUFFLE CUT3 3%" X45" i,if-- __ _ I / ".... / r---_ /7 / o. 1/ ~ _. d".vs J~ / . I r- / / '..... / I "', ,, ,, / • " ' ..... '"" , \ \ \ \ I :. :-;! \J~L--------------T~~I I "" \ o"tI 1 ~:1 ~ 0 "tICc @O~OOr:~ ..a. c: -t c: 0 en ..a. -..a. ~ -t r- ..a.m-o -t " -t .,. co Z -tZe.> ,' , Z J 0 • ," 'I, '., I ','II ~ I :, G');;o, :, I I I • ~, "\ \ , -- -- _\ I :, , :, 8 I • :, I \ I ,r ,, \ :1 I J I ~ \ , IJ I -- --__ _ . , .':, / 1 ---_~ _~ ~. !til i8 '" ''-..... ..... _--- ...... \ ......"' ...... 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I I I I I I I , I I I , I I I , I I I CA > CA :r a :r m ;;u m ,j I I I l l \ I \ E DA 1403 28" Lll' STINKER T-SHIRT BACK CUT 1 ON FOLD ©1998 \ 866~@ C ..J a10::l NO Z In:> oU. 3A331S UUHS-l ~3)1N11S ,111 ,,8Z o tOt~ z va :I , ...... ""'- ---1\ , \ l I l I I I t I 1 \ , \ oZ I 1 I 'TI orC l I ,, 1 , el 1 en , t--------- FOLD HERE FOR HEM \ -0 » m o'"11 ..... "'tJ ~ orri 0::0 "'tJZ -<Z 2!!c G>S: J:m -1m ...;a,,::O CDC \ ~» \ ...;a" \ ~ o ColI) \ \ \ I I \ I I \ I I I I I I I I /- I // I I I / / , / I I I I I I , I J I I , I 1 I I , r r I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I 866!.@ Z .lno .lNOH:I .lHOHS 3>118 H3>1NI.lS .111 .. 8Z tOt!. I I , va I r I I I l , 1 , I I I I ~N'SVO I 1 "'tJ » G> m 0) o." ..... 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