SAVE the DATE His Holiness, Aram 1, Catholicos of the Great


SAVE the DATE His Holiness, Aram 1, Catholicos of the Great
Etching by Vartkes Kaprielian
Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian, Pastor
Vol. L
F ax:401.351.4418
No. 5
Publication of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
402 Broadway, Providence, Rhode Island 02909
Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, Assistant Pastor
May 2015
His Holiness, Aram 1,
of the Great House of Cilicia
May 30, 2015
Sts. Vartanantz Church
Hrashapar Service at 4 pm
His Holiness, Aram I, Catholicos
of the Great House of Cilicia
Details of Vehapar's visit
will be forthcoming in a
Special Issue of the Gantegh
Palm Sunday
Der Gomidas giving his “Karoz”
Engustian, the Godfather of the
Opening of the Curtain
by the
Godfather of the Curtain
Vartges Engustian
Holy Thursday --- Washing of the Feet
Betrayal of Jesus --- Khavaroom
Good Friday --- Commemoration of Christ’s Burial
Easter Sunday
Homenetmen Easter Dinner
The Annual Tri-Church Dinner and Fellowship was held on March 26th in our Fermanian
Fellowship Hall. Our Clergy – Der Gomidas, Der Shnork, Der Kapriel and Badveli Dr.Ara
along with members of the respective Board of Trustees / Parish Council, our NRA
Delegates, and their spouses enjoyed a delicious Lenten meal prepared by Seta
Tarbinian, Marlen Vichabian, and Berjouhie Hovagimian, and their helpers - Anahid
Khatchadourian, Margaret Stepanian and Shoghig Tavitian. It was a wonderful evening
of fellowship.
Mr. Hagop Khatchadourian, Chairman –
Board of Trustees of Sts. Vartanantz Church
Mrs. Gail Bilizerian, Chairwoman - Board of
Trustees of Armenian Evangelical Church
Mr. John Kazarian, Chairman – Parish
Council of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church
Thursday, May 7, 2015—Ecumenical Service, 7 pm
Friday, May 8, 2015—Concert of Armenian Music at 8 pm
Saturday, May 9, 2015—Divine Liturgy at 10 am
Saturday, May 9, 2015—Reception and Banquet, 6 pm
Those planning to attend the WASHINGTON EVENTS should make their hotel reservations and
ticket purchases immediately; also, each person is to notify the Church Office of their
planned attendance.
Learn more at:
Please Join Us for Adult Bible Study
on Monday Evenings at 7 pm
Sts. Vartanantz Church Outreach Fund
Please consider making a donation to the Sts.
Vartanantz Church Outreach Fund. This program’s
purpose is to provide financial help for those
parishioners who have fallen on hard times. All
donations should be designated for the “Outreach
Fund”. Also, please note if you would like your
donation to remain anonymous.
The Palms for Palm Sunday
were donated by the Mantaian Family
in Loving Memory of Peter Mantaian
and 1st Lt. Charles Yaghoobian
Easter Altar Candles
Peter and Charlene Bannon
Recently Received Donations
Everett Marabian and Family
in Loving Memory of Rose Marabian
$ 500
$ 100
Mrs. Ann Tikoian
in Honor of Lucy Kanarian's 90th Birthday
$ 50
in Loving Memory of Anna and John Basmajian
Altar and Easter Flowers
Ms. Margaret Stepanian
in Loving Memory of Harry and Baidzar Stepanian,
and Humar Markarian
If you and your family would like to host
Mr. Vartges Engustian
$ 500
in appreciation for being the Godfather of the Opening
of the Curtain
Emdjian Family
$ 300
in loving memory of Ani Emdjian
Mr. Richard Magarian
$ 200
The Ararat Association
$ 100
in the spirit of Easter
Mr. Garo Emdjian
$ 100
Stephen and Aedan Markarian
$ 20
in loving memory of Ani Elora Emdjian
in appreciation for Holy Thursday/Washing of Feet
Following Donations were designated
for the Gantegh
Mrs. Lucy Almasian
$ 30
If you would like to receive your issue of the
Gantegh electronically, please forward your email
address to the Church Website:
This would help to defray our costs greatly.
We appreciate your consideration.
Our Sincere Gratitude
to Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian and
Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian for their
participation in our beloved Ani's special
funeral service and also for their kind
support to our family, especially to Ani's
broken hearted Dad, Osheen.
Also, many thanks to all for their sympathy
cards, flowers and kind and comforting
words during this very difficult time.
The Emdjian Family
the Sunday Fellowship following Church
Services, please call the Church Office at
401-831-6399 to reserve a specific Sunday
in memory of a loved one, or in celebration
of a special occasion.
Spiritual Bouquet Cards
are available for
Prayers for Healing or
These cards are to be sent by you to the family
indicating your intentions. They may be obtained at
the Pangal or from the Church Office. Donation for the
cards is $10 each. Please complete the appropriate
form with the requested information so that Der Hayr
may offer Silent Prayers for the individual(s) at the
appropriate time during the Divine Liturgy.
Requiem Services
May 3
Isabel Ashukian; Marion Bramley; Helen Chakoian;
Zaroohi Cheteyan; Marie Diarbian; Khatchadour
Donoyan; Milton Gelenian; Mary, Paul and Zartig
Goshgarian and Hripseme and Melkon Boranian; Manouel
Kazanjian; Yeghsig and Harry Mahdesian; Claire Manasian;
Mesrob Mesrobian; Violet Samuelian; Martin Sherestanian;
Garabed, Tarviz, Michael Manoog, Anna and Beatrice
Topalian; Rose Toumasian and Peter Marsoubian; Ramella,
Sarkis,Varad, Louise, Nora,
Khatchig and Yegsig
Varadian; Levon Vartan
May 10
George David Adoian and Adoian and Sarkisian Families;
Araxi, Jack, Minas Sirpouie, Hroutoon, Sirapie and
Stephan Atamian; Ardashes Atamian; Haig and Mariam
Barmazian; Sarkis Jean Chamalian; Deceased Members of
the Ladies' Guild; Paul Dolbashian; Nishan Elmasian;
Florence and Harry Garabedian; Arch Deacon Arshavir
Harmaian; Siroon and Hagop Harootunian; Anahid and
Haroutune Hindoyan, and Yervant and Nora Ishkanian;
Mary Markarian; Michael Markarian, Sr.; Mariam and
Stepan Mesrobian and Mary McGowan; Dickran and
Yeghsa Nahabedian; Harry and Rena Tavanian; Ronald
Tomasian; Richard "Dick" Zorabedian
May 17
Charles A. Adoian; Mariam, Varteres and Yeghsa, John
and Sarah, Edward and Rose, Henry and Celia, and Harry
and Irene Aharonian; Harry Bagdasarian; Zakar, Mushek
Zartar and Charles Bogoian; Raffi Derderian;
Diarian, Diramayr Asnik Donikian and Altheah
Kouyoumjian; Levon and Christine Der Sahagian; Nevart,
Hovannes and Arshalouys Donabedian; Rev. Yeghishe and
Yeretzgin Negtar Gasparian; Khachkatoon and Markar
Khimatian and Khimatian and Mooradian Families;
Krikor, Azadoohie, Peter Jr. and Peter Koshmatian Sr.;
George, Bedros and Mairiam Navoian, Mel and Elizabeth
Sarkisian, and George, Manoog and Hegna Marashian;
Vernas Simonian
May 24
Harry Garabedian; Krikor and Baizar Garabedian; Esgouhi
Hajian; Charles "Chuckie", Goldie and Paul Haroian, Sr.;
Aram Joharjian, and Aharonian, Aronian, Kelengian, and
Tarbinian Families; Peter, Gertrude and Audrey
Kaloustian; Stepan, Hripsime, Vasken, Mary, Aghavni and
Paul Kanarian; Albert Meldonian; Varteni Peligian; Emma
Petrosova; Sarkis "Garo" Tarbinian; Charles Garabed,
Bayzar and Nazelie Varadian; Nelly Ayvasian Yervant
May 31
No Church Services --- Pontifical Divine Liturgy for all
New England Churches at St. Stephen's Church in
June 7
Arpine Aznavorian; Alice Bagian; Setrag and Okia
Balemian; Charles Bargamian; Aram Peter, Hunazant,
Armenag and Peter K. Bedigian; Michael Der Manouelian;
Maragaret Bedrosian Diggle; Harold Goodwin; Hamayag
Kahrimanian; Ohannes, Hermena, Peter and Albert
Malkasian; Sarkis Movsesian;
Melkon, Miriam and
Santoogt Rafaelian; Hovanes, Siroon, Arthur, Margaret,
June and Gabriel Surabian, and Antranig, Varant and
Lalezar "Lolly" Surabian Varjabedian; Manuel Tavitian and
Dionysia (Soula) Tavitian
June 14
Rosalie Ahilijanian; Kazar Aramian; Dr. Edward A.
Dayian; Arshag, Tarviz,Richard and Geraldine Gudoian;
Sarah Kachadourian; Armenouhi Kanarian; Hagop, Anna,
and Mary Kasparian, Lucy Nezemian and Harry
Kachougian; Ousanna Kazandjian; Verkin and Agop
Kessimian; Antranik Khatchadourian; Rahel Kodos;
Kachadour Melikian and M. Allen Shartzer; Mesia and
Hyganoush Michaelian; Mardiros Serabian; Stepan
Stepanian; Genieve Takian
June 21
Azniv Killerjian Aposhian; Adrina Baligian; Parazem
Dagermandjian; Khatchik Emdjian; Tamar and Manoog
Engustian; Giragos Manoog Giragosian and John
Ornazian; Katherine Manoogian; Donig, Varvar and Mary
Markarian, and Thomas Sr.,Thomas Jr. and Margaret
DePalma; Sarkis and Pereza, Peter and Barbara, Sarkis and
Ruth, and Sarkis Matoian; Haig Varadian
June 28
Anna Kashmanian; Serob Tahmassian; Lucia Tamamian;
Ohannes and Elizabeth Tavanian; Peter B. Tikoian
Eternal Rest
Ann Hatzpanian
Entered into Eternal Rest on March 22, 2015
Sophie Nalbandian Downs
Entered into Eternal Rest on April 1, 2015
Fortieth Day Remembrance
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Ann Hatzpanian
will be said on May 3, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Sophie Nalbandian Downs
will be said on May 10, 2015
Please Note
There will be no Church Services
on May 31st as we will be
attending the Pontifical Badarak
at St. Stephen's Church
Deadline for the submission of articles, pictures
etc. to the Gantegh for publication is the 15th of
the month prior to the issue. Please adhere to the
facilitates the editing process. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees
Please visit our website at
for information regarding our Sunday and
Armenian Schools, Church organizations,
upcoming events as well as general
information regarding your Church
Calendar of Events
Sts. Vartanantz Church
ARS "Arax" Mother's Day Dinner --Aramian Auditorium 1 pm
May 7-9 National Armenian Genocide Centennial
Commemoration in Washington D.C.
May 14
ARS "Arax" Hampartzoom Celebration
Dinner in Fermanian Fellowship Hall
May 16
Mourad Armenian School Graduation
Aramian Auditorium
May 17
Sunday School Graduation following the
Divine Liturgy
ARF "Khanasor" Picnic in the Church
Parking Lot 1 pm
May 21
AYF Jrs Talent Show and Spaghetti
Dinner Fundraiser in Aramian Auditorium
May 29
Aram Vehapar's Pontifical Banquet --Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA
May 30
Youth Seminar with Aram Vehapar --Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA
Aram Vehapar's Pontifical Visit to
Providence; "Hrashapar" service,
Reception, Q & A
May 31
Pontifical Divine Liturgy @ St. Stephen's
Church, Watertown, MA ---- No Church
Services @ Sts. Vartanantz Church
Providence "Varantian" Chapter of the AYF this
September 3-7, 2015
We are kindly asking all community members to
volunteer your time and talents to make this
weekend a great success!
In addition to attending the Athletic, Social and
Commemorative Events of the weekend, we need
your assistance also.
An email will be sent to you in early May, and we
ask that you reply with your pertinent information.
Or please complete one of our Volunteer
information forms available at Church.
We look forward to a wonderful Labor Day
Weekend as we reflect the spirit and commitment
of those before us during this most important year !
Providence "Varantian" 2015 AYF-YOARF Olympics
Steering Committee
Reserve the Dates:
July 20 – 24
Time: 9 am – 3 pm each day
For Children Ages 4 - 11
Join us as we explore
God’s Awesome Creation!
A week full of fun, learning and
making great friends
Exploring the Bible through:
Arts & Crafts
Field Trips
Daily Prayer
And so much more!
Registration Packets
coming soon!
Pontifical Banquet
Friday, May 29, 2015
The Westin Hotel Waltham
In Honor of His Holiness Aram I visit to Greater Boston, a community-wide dinner
banquet will be held in his honor on Friday, May 29 at the Westin Waltham Hotel.
The evening will begin at 6:30 pm and will include a cocktail reception, dinner and
program, and His Holiness Aram I Pontifical remarks. Reservations are required at
a donation of $150 per person.
For reservations, or inquiries, please email with the
following information:
Number of reservations ($150 per reservation)
Name of all guests
Mailing address
Payment can be made payable and sent to:
St. Stephen's Armenian Apostolic Church
38 Elton Avenue
Watertown, MA 02452
Locally, please contact Garo Tashian [401-450-7103] if you have any questions or
are interested.
Important Dates to Remember
ARS "Arax" Mother's Day Dinner
May 7-9
National Armenian Centennial Commemoration
May 14
ARS "Arax" Hampartzoom Celebration Dinner
May 16
Mourad Armenian School Graduation
May 17
Sunday School Graduation
ARF Khansor Picnic
May 21
AYF Jrs Talent Show/Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
May 29
Pontifical Banquet in Waltham, MA
May 30
Pontifical Visit to Providence
May 31
Pontifical Badarak at St. Stephen's Church, Watertown