Family Convention photos, p. 12 Chris Weiss Profiled in
Family Convention photos, p. 12 Chris Weiss Profiled in
Driving New Hampshire Forward Summer 2014 Volume 37, Issue #7 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Family Convention photos, p. 12 Chris Weiss Profiled in “40 Under 40”, p. 3 2014 Legislative Session Wrap Up, p. 7 Automotive Lift Safety, p. 8 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association August Online Store Special 2014-2015 NHADA OFFICERS Chairman Chris Weiss 1st Vice Chair Bill Gurney Treasurer Ken Plante Secretary Michael Kopp President Peter J. McNamara 15% Off All Month Floor mats, steering wheel covers, parts bags, and seat covers or call 800-852-3372 2014-2015 NHADA DIRECTORS Andy Crews, Immediate Past Chairman Marc Bourgeois, Franchised/Independent, At-Large Miles Cook, Franchised, At-Large Michael Cooney, Independent Used Car Larry Foss, Franchised, At-Large Don Goulet, Independent/Repair/Service, At-Large Roger Groux, Franchised, At-Large David Hammer, Franchised, At-Large Paul Holloway, Honorary Jim Lagana, Heavy Duty Trucks Doug Miles, Franchised, At-Large George Mullin, Motorcycles NADA DIRECTOR Dennis Gaudet *** This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matters covered. In publishing this newsletter, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Advertisements appearing in Dateline: NH do not indicate a specific endorsement by NHADA of the products or services unless the NHADA endorsement symbol appears with the advertisement. NHADA ENDORSED Published monthly except in July in Bow, New Hampshire, by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association. Mailing address: P. O. Box 2337, Concord, NH 03302-2337, 603-224-2369/ 800-852-3372. STAFF Publisher Chris Weiss Editorial Director Peter J. McNamara Managing Editor Nathaniel Stout Design and Layout Advertising Coordinator Lisa Lavoie Photographer Michael Rosenblum ADVERTISING RATES Back Page: Full Page: 1/2 Page: 1/3 Page: 1/6 Page: Color $1,000 Color $700 Color $450 Color $375 Color $300 page 2 B&W B&W B&W B&W $575 $375 $300 $250 Inside this Issue Compliance Inspection Station License Renewal ...............................................................17 Departments 2014 Unemployment Rates by Area ..............................................................22 Title Statistics Report Ending March 2014 ...................................................22 Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics .............................................................22 Education GM Donates Silverado to LRCC ..................................................................19 “Rockin’” Foss Motors Supports Graduation Activities ..................................20 Environment NHADA Has Two Newly Endorsed Services to Help You .............................17 Events 2014 Family Convention Photos ...................................................................12 It’s a Birdie! It’s a Plane! It’s the NHADA Golf Tournament! .........................18 Annual Car Show Benefits Make A Wish New Hampshire ............................19 Save the Date — 2014 NH Auto Show Charity Night Preview .....................19 Government IRS Issues Guidance on Tax Treatment of Manufacturer Imaging Payments................................................................10 Legislation NHADA 2014 Election Candidate Questionnaire and Legislative Scorecard are Live on ................................................6 2014 Legislative Session Wrap Up ...................................................................7 Safety Automotive Lift Buyers Beware, All Lifts Are Not Built Equally .....................8 Workers’ Compensation Are Employees Injured in Motor Vehicle Accidents Covered by Auto or Workers’ Compensation? ..............................................4 Use of Aircraft for Business .............................................................................9 COVER — This issue celebrates the outstanding NHADA Family Convention held June 22-24 at the Mountain Club on Loon Mountain in Lincoln. The weather couldn’t have been better. Among the many activities available was the gondola ride, at the end of which was this spectacular view including the mountainside lake known as a favorite Loon habitat. Photo by Nat Stout Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Automotive News’ “40 Under 40” Goes to Press; 1+$'$&KDLUPDQ&KULV:HLVV$PRQJ7KRVH3URÀOHG A u t o m o t i v e Ne w s h a s issued its Class of 2013 “40 Under 40” automotive professionals; our own NHADA Chairman Chris Weiss is among the elite named. The story begins with mention that he is chairman of the 93-year-old NHADA, “which has a feisty, activist Chris Weiss reputation.” Read Chris’ story at The main story is available at Automotive News said in part: “At his family’s store, Crest Auto World, which sells Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram, Weiss has overhauled the dealership’s largely overlooked digital Summer 2014 strategy. Since taking over as dealer principal from his father, Bill, in December 2012, he has broadened the use of third-party selling sites and is managing them more proactively.” We’d tell you more, but of course, we can’t give away the rest of the story. The National Automobile Dealers Association has reported on the article as well: Seventeen out of 40 retail automotive leaders recognized this week as rising stars in Automotive News’ special 40 Under 40 list are NADA Academy graduates and/or current NADA 20 Group members. The list includes the next generation of leaders in the auto-retailing industry. It lists, among 17 people named nationwide, Christopher Weiss, Crest Auto World, North Conway, NH, an NADA Academy graduate. “The recognition by Automotive News is a tribute to all these high achievers. We’re especially proud of the 17 rising stars who have advanced their dealership careers after enrolling in the NADA Academy and/or becoming NADA 20 Group members,” said John Lyboldt, NADA vice president of dealership operations. “We expect to see many more future dealers and managers become industry leaders after participating in NADA’s programs.” page 3 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Are Employees Injured in Motor Vehicle Accidents Covered by Auto or Workers’ Compensation? Peter Sheffer, Workers’ Compensation Trust W hen an employee is injured in a motor vehicle accident while working, confusion often results whether or not a workers’ compensation claim should be filed. Some employers believe the accident should be handled through auto insurance. However, the employee’s injuries must be handled like any other employee injury in the workplace. An Employers’ First Report of Injury must be promptly filed with NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust (WCT), and the injured employee must seek treatment within the comp mc managed care network. As in any workplace injury, a call to the WCT Nurse Case Manager Marta Silakka immediately after the injury occurs will ensure the injured employee receives the most appropriate medical attention possible. Workers’ compensation provides prompt payment of medical bills and disability benefits for employees who are injured in the workplace — that’s its purpose. If an employee is involved in a motor vehicle accident in the course of their employment and sustains injuries, both a workers’ compensation claim and an auto insurance claim should be filed. If the police determine that the other driver is at fault, the WCT member should put the responsible insurance carrier on notice of the damage to their vehicle and put the auto carrier on notice that their employee was injured and has sought medical attention. The auto carrier will then open a property damage claim to pay for the members’ damaged vehicle and a bodily injury claim to pay for the injured employee’s injuries and pain and suffering. Frequently there are different adjusters assigned to each claim. Auto liability cases can create long, drawn-out claims. The auto carrier generally will make no payment on a claim until medical treatment has concluded and the injured party has attained maximum medical improvement. At that point, they will negotiate a settlement with the injured employee or their attorney. When the injured employee settles their claim with the auto insurance company for the responsible driver, they will be compensated for their medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and possibly GOLD ASSOCIATION PARTNER Bank of America Merrill Lynch PROVIDES BANKING AND FINANCING TO DEALERS For more information, please contact Dan Duda at 603-706-2149 or Dave Ingraham at 603-717-1070. Dan Duda Dave Ingraham their spouse’s loss of consortium (the inability of one’s spouse to have normal marital relations). Workers’ compensation would have already paid the medical bills and 60 percent of the lost wages relating to the auto accident and, therefore, would have a lien against the auto settlement. The injured employee is required to pay back workers’ compensation for the payments that were made on their behalf. The NH Workers’ Compensation Statute, RSA 281-A: 13 provides the workers’ compensation carrier or self-insured with this lien. If the injured employee does not pursue a claim against the responsible driver, then RSA 281-A:13 has a provision that allows the workers’ compensation carrier or self-insured to take over the claim to seek reimbursement directly from the auto carrier for payments they made on behalf of the injured employee. The workers’ compensation carrier can pursue the claim directly if the injured employee does not pursue a claim within nine months of the date of the accident. If the injured employee retains an attorney, then RSA 281-A: 13 requires that the workers’ compensation carrier waive at least one-third of their lien and their equal share of the attorney’s expenses as compensation to the attorney for resolving the case. In the event that the responsible party is uninsured, then workers’ compensation would seek reimbursement directly from them. If the responsible party is unwilling to make payment, the workers’ compensation carrier or self-insured has the right to request suspension of the license and registration from the Employees Injured – continued on page 5 page 4 Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Post Auto Accident Employee Responsibilities Be Prepared: ensure the registration and car insurance paperwork is on-hand and accessible. Tend to the injured by summoning rescue personnel (EMS, Fire Dept, etc.) if necessary Move to safety. If the accident is straightforward, move the vehicles out of the way of traffic. If injuries are involved or any other questions regarding the accident leave the vehicles blocking traffic. Notify the police. Take photos of the scene (use your cell phone camera if another camera is not available): • the scene, • the vehicle damage to all involved vehicles, and • all occupants of involved vehicles. Contact your employer (who should immediately report the claim to the insurance company and, when injuries are involved, workers’ compensation). Exchange information: • full name and contact Employees Injured – continued from page 4 Director of Motor Vehicles, pursuant to Chapter 264 Accidents and Financial Responsibility, Motor Vehicles. Not all auto accidents that occur when the employee is driving are covered by workers’ compensation. In order for an injury to be covered by workers’ compensation, it must arise out of, and in the course of the employment. The incident must occur within the time and space of the employment, and it must arise out of a risk or hazard created by the employment. Commuting to and from work, whether in a company car or not is generally not considered to be within the course of employment. However, when the employee arrives at the designated parking area at work she/he has moved into the course of their employment even before they technically punch in. If the employee deviates from the normal delivery route for a personal errand, and/ or was under the influence of drugs or Summer 2014 information, insurance company, license plate number, type, color and model of vehicle, location of accident, and full names and phone numbers of any eye witnesses. Do not discuss the accident with anyone at the scene, avoid conflict and save your side of the story for the police, your employer and your insurance company. Never drive your vehicle away from the scene if it is unsafe. • • • • • GOLD ASSOCIATION PARTNER alcohol, and was involved in a motor vehicle accident, injuries sustained may not be covered by workers’ compensation. Overall, the process works, although it may sound prolonged, cumbersome or confusing. The injured employee gets the medical attention they need, and it is paid promptly by workers’ compensation. They are promptly paid for their time out of work if the physician feels it is necessary, and generally, they recover and return to their normal lives. The responsible motorist, through their auto insurance, ultimately pays for the injured employee’s pain and suffering, and reimburses workers’ compensation for the payments of medical and disability benefits. If you have any questions regarding motor vehicle accidents or any other workers’ compensation issue, please call me at 800-852-3372, or email me at Service Credit Union NH FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Service Credit Union is a IXOOVHUYLFH¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXtion serving anyone who lives or works in NH (excluding Coos County) with 24 branch locations in the state. For more information, please contact David Weed at 603-422-8438, or email him at page 5 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NHADA 2014 Election Candidate Questionnaire and Legislative Scorecard are Live on Learn more and support those who support you! Dan Bennett, Vice President of Government Relations T he NHADA is pleased to announce, once again, that our very popular election data providing members with election and legislative information is now live at In time for the September primary election on September 9 and for use during the November 4 general election, this valuable service aims to inform NHADA members about candidates for elected offices. Our election section on the website provides answers to our candidate questionnaire on issues specific to the With Protective Asset Protection, you protect your best asset – your reputation. In today’s transparent world, consumers are only a few clicks away from uncovering the good, the bad and the ugly about any company. With Protective Asset Protection, you and your customers can rest assured that the products we offer are administered and backed by us, which means reliable service that protects your reputation. What’s more, our company believes in doing the right thing by you and by your customer. We are in business to serve people, build trust, and simplify everything. So when your customers choose our products, they are protecting their own assets – as well as yours. Learn more at Protect Tomorrow. Embrace Today.™ Vehicle Protection Plans I GAP Coverage I Credit Insurance I Limited Warranty Products Dealer Participation Programs I F&I Training I Advanced F&I Technology Contact Protective’s New Hampshire representative, George Spatt at 866 478 9242 Limited Warranty Products, Vehicle Protection Plans (VPPs) and GAP are backed by Lyndon Property Insurance Company in all states except NY. In NY, VPPs are backed by Old Republic Insurance Company, Limited Warranty Products are backed by Western General Insurance Company and GAP is not available. Credit Insurance is backed by Protective Life Insurance Company in all states except NY, where it is backed by Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company. page 6 motor vehicle industry developed with member input. It was sent to each of the candidates for the offices of Governor, Executive Council, and state Senate. We are expecting positive responses to the survey and a high return rate from candidates. Those who choose not to participate are indicated as such. The website will enable you to see candidates’ actual questionnaires with detailed responses. Another important item in the election section is our Legislative Scorecard. The scorecard looks at the past two legislative sessions and identifies priority bills that NHADA supported or opposed. It identifies how your Senator and Representatives voted on issues of importance and major impact to NHADA member businesses. Representatives and Senators in the legislative scorecard are listed alphabetically. As well we will provide a “Who’s My Legislator” link to help you determine your representative if you are unsure who that may be. NHADA urges you to be as informed as possible for the upcoming elections; these candidates have a direct impact on your business and our industry here in NH. These two election services from NHADA will help to educate you as you head into the polls and choose whom to support. We believe that your local representatives should do exactly that; represent your local issues and businesses. NHADA has long believed we support those who support us. Election Questionnaire– continued on page 7 Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2014 Legislative Session Wrap Up Dan Bennett, Vice President of Government Relations T he 2014 legislative session wrapped up in early June with few fireworks, thankfully. The session started with over 700 bills filed. Ultimately around 240 passed, many of which are awaiting Governor Maggie Hassan’s signature. The session was very successful for the NHADA, with a lot of hours spent providing information, testimony, and lobbying legislators. Although we had no legislative battles as large as in the past, such as the dealer bill of rights (2013 and 2009) or the vehicle inspection program repeal (2010 and 2011), we had many important, smaller issues to contend with. Many of the issues we worked on successfully concluded and were a direct result of your input as members, proving yet again that your input and feedback at town meetings, seminars, boards and committees year-round is critical. A variety of bills impacted the Department of Safety (DOS) and Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which we supported. The legislation may seem minor; these bills will nonetheless benefit your businesses. Senate Bill 305: One the most important bills, sponsored by Senator Andrew Hosmer Election Questionnaire – continued from page 6 These election and legislative services are of great importance and value to all of us, and we urge you to take advantage of them. If you have questions on the candidate questionnaire and legislative scorecard projects, please contact Dan Bennett, vice president for government relations, by email at or call Dan at 800-852-3372. Summer 2014 (D-Laconia), resulted from hard work and discussions between NHADA staff and members, the DOS and the DMV. The bill: • Allows existing franchised dealers who purchase another, existing franchised dealership to operate while waiting for DMV license approval, provided all regulatory requirements are met. • Allows an existing dealer in good standing, who purchases another dealership, to forego the normally required attendance at DMV dealer school. • Allows truck dealers to demo an overweight, certified truck on a dealer plate. • Allows used cars to be delivered if the vehicle has a valid inspection sticker issued by the dealer. The customer shall return within 20 days from the delivery for a permanent sticker. This tricky issue directly resulted from the feedback at our 2014 town meetings around the state. Dealer and Inspection License Renewals: This bill will shift dealer and inspection license renewals to an every-other-year interval on an alternating basis. It will make operations more efficient for you and the DMV. Likewise, we supported legislation strengthening the title fraud law and the prevention of illegal vehicle exports. As an association, NHADA places the highest priority on safe roads as evidenced through our support of annual vehicle safety inspections, motorcycle rider training and awareness programs, and the Driving Towards Zero partnership, to name a few initiatives. Distracted Driving: We were very active and supportive of a bill battling the deadly distracted-driving epidemic. House Bill 1360 evolved from three House bills merged into one. An intense effort for its passage was mounted not only by the NHADA, but also the DOS and DMV, among others. The final product, awaits the Governor’s signature. It prohibits hand-held cell phone use while driving while simultaneously allowing “handsfree, one-touch” wireless technology for calls. Hands-free technology such as bluetooth earpiece or speakerphone, can be purchased and currently is available in many vehicles. The bill prohibits all cell phone usage while driving for drivers under 18. It applies also to municipal Legislative – continued on page 10 SILVER ASSOCIATION PARTNER THE ULTIMATE AUTOMOTIVE MARKETPLACE is the largest automotive marketplace and states, “What we do works!” For more information, please contact Chris Benvie at 508-942-1895 or Chris Benvie page 7 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Automotive Lift Buyers Beware, All Lifts Are Not Built Equally John Gilday, Bronze-Level Partner LiftWorks Determining Factors in Purchasing a Lift Most consumers plan to purchase a lift that will last ten to 20 years. Before a lift is purchased, these basic questions listed below should be considered They may save you from buying a lift twice. • Is the lift manufacturer a member of the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI)? • Does the lift you are considering carry the gold ALI/ETL certification label? • What vehicles do you plan to lift (more cars than trucks — asymmetrical or symmetrical lift)? • What capacity weight are the vehicles you plan to lift (unloaded and loaded SILVER ASSOCIATION PARTNER American Fidelity Assurance Co. NHADA PARTNER FOR VOLUNTARY BENEFITS with weight)? • What is the wheel base (length of the vehicles that you will be working on)? • Where is the lift being installed (ceiling height, length and width of the bay)? • What are the concrete requirements? Is air needed? What are the electrical requirements? • Who installs the lift (subcontractors or actual employees)? • Who services and inspects the lift? Are parts readily available after the sale? • Is the lift company an ALI member? Are the techs ALI lift inspector certified? Are they factory trained? • Who else will use the lift(s) (references)? Safety Requirements For Operation, Inspection and Maintenance of Lifts There has been a lot of recent discussion about the ALI lift-certified inspector program and lift inspections. OSHA’s lift inspections started in Hawaii. Inspectors have started visiting dealerships in Oklahoma and Wisconsin. An OSHA press release said, “OSHA compliance officers will begin conducting random inspections to identify and evaluate hazards of lifts used in the automotive industry, including at automobile dealerships.”A memo from the Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Association to its members said, “OSHA will be paying you a visit…. OSHA typically systematically sweeps the entire dealer body throughout the state.” We would assume this is just the beginning of a nationwide lift-inspection march. OSHA has no regulations that speak directly to the subject of automotive lifts. However, the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act, signed into law March 7, 1996 allows for government organizations including OSHA to apply nationally recognized standards to satisfy its safety mission by suggesting the use of such requirements to abate infractions cited under the existing OSHA regulations. ANSI/ALI ALOIM (Standard for Automotive Lifts Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance, current edition — is one such standard. ALI has developed a lift inspector certification program to differentiate Lifts – continued on page 9 For more than 50 years, American Fidelity has provided expense management services, administrative support VHUYLFHVDQGHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WVWRWKH worksite community. For more information, contact Chuck Guerin at 603-918-0266, or email him at NHADA Chuck Guerin page 8 ENDORSED Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Lifts – continued from page 8 shops looking for qualified automotive lift inspectors. WCT Members Without a national certification Autolift Safety program in place, vehicle lift To Do’s inspection companies haven’t +DYHDOOOLIWVLQVSHFWHGE\DTXDOLÀHGOLIWLQVSHFWLRQ been able to offer independent company annually. validation that their inspectors are qualified. Establish a binder with all auto lift inspection “The certification program reports and records of repairs for each auto lift. will provide third-party Add additional lift service records to binder as assurance that a certified lift repairs are made. inspector has been tested and proven competent to Train all service techs on auto lift safety. thoroughly inspect an installed Maintain training records in binder as well. vehicle lift and report on its suitability for continued Develop a planned maintenance procedure use and/or the need for according to lift manufacturer’s instructions. maintenance or repair. Contact NHADA Loss Prevention for “We encourage all vehicle Assistance and Training lift inspectors to demonstrate their professionalism and differentiate themselves from themselves from non-certified inspectors. their competitors by getting “Proper vehicle lift certification, certified,” O’Gorman said. installation, and inspection have come Owners responsibly (administration under increased scrutiny in recent years by r e v i e w c h e c k l i s t ) A N S I / A L I OSHA and other local, state, provincial and ALOIM:2008 key points federal health and safety officers,” explains Bottom line: You want the safest work R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman, ALI president. environment for your employees. Refer “This has resulted in an increase in to ANSI/ALI ALOIM:2008 for guidance. BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Amy Martineau, Commercial Insurance Specialists COMMERCIAL INSURANCE SPECIALIST Commercial Insurance Specialists has been around for many years, specializing in commercial insurance. Please contact Amy Martineau for more information at 603-566-9519;, or visit their website at Summer 2014 The training logs and procedures listed below need to be continually updated and reviewed. • Appendix A: operator training log for each operator, signatures and no blank spaces), manufacturer instructions, lifting-it-right, safety tips, warning labels and lifting point guide; • Appendix G: planned maintenance log; • Appendix H: repair maintenance log; • ANSI Z44.1 lift lock-out, tag-out procedure; • Clean and safe work area checklist; and • Use of certified accessories. Research information referenced from WardsAuto, ALI’s website and Rotary Lift’s website. Use of Aircraft for Business Do you own, lease or charter a private aircraft for business activities? If yes, you must report it to the NHADA – WCT immediately. Once reported, we will send you an aircraft supplemental form to be completed and returned to us. This form must be completed annually. If you fail to report an aircraft and a claim arises from use of the nondisclosed aircraft, the member shall be required to reimburse the WCT for the total dollar amount expended on the claim. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marianne Gourgiotis at 800-852-3372 or by email at Amy Martineau page 9 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Legislative – continued from page 7 employees, police, and fire personnel. An important component allows usage in the case of emergencies. Assuming the Governor’s signature, the bill becomes effective July 1, 2015. A Senate caveat gives all citizens the chance to upgrade their phone or obtain a hands-free device. OHRVs: NHADA worked on many OffHighway Recreational Vehicle (OHRV) bills. We supported a bill allowing the Fish and Game Executive Director to pursue discussions of snowmobile trail reciprocity with Maine and Vermont if they express interest. We worked with many interested parties to help define Utility Terrain Vehicles (UTVs) in the Fish & Games trail laws. A great deal of confusion has arisen from the question of when a UTV can receive a plate and legally be used on the road. NHADA worked on a bill allowing agricultural and light industrial utility plates that will clear up confusion at the point of sale, at registration, and for law enforcement for on-road UTV usage. Energy: Working with the NH Retail Association, we helped ensure the continued viability of a valuable energy efficiency program, of which we and many NHADA members have taken advantage. Workers’ Compensation: Many bills filed would have affected workers’ compensation, and, of course, NHADA carefully monitored these, supporting some, opposing others. While successful on many accounts, one bill forming a committee to study workers’ compensation medical fee schedules and opioid abuse failed to pass. It would have created a study commission on which the NHADA was to be represented. At the end of the day, the House and Senate failed to agree. The good news is that shortly thereafter Governor Hassan created an independent workers’ compensation study commission and named NHADA as a board participant. Expanded Gambling: Although favored by the Senate and Governor Hassan, legalized, expanded gambling once again failed in the House. The bill was voted on at least three times and lost by just one vote in one instance. Medicaid Expansion: An expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed that will impact 50,000 low-income NH citizens. It has a threeyear sunset provision. Medicaid Enhancement Tax: The very contentious Medicaid enhancement tax, of which NH hospitals take advantage, appeared to be at risk, but a compromise solution was reached, and all of NH’s hospitals with one exception agreed to forego a court challenge. IRS Issues Guidance on Tax Treatment of Manufacturer Imaging Payments The Internal Revenue Service has released guidance addressing the tax treatment of payments that dealerships receive from manufacturers pursuant to facility image programs with three different sets of features. In the guidance, the IRS Office of Chief Counsel concludes that the manufacturer payments under each of the three programs must be included in the dealership’s gross income. Dealers who receive manufacturer facility image program payments should consult with their tax advisor concerning this guidance. – Charlie Gilchrist, NADA Chairman, Regulatory Affairs Committee page 10 Death Penalty and Raising the Minimum Wage: Another attempt was made to repeal the death penalty; it failed as did an effort to raise the NH minimum wage. Paycheck Equity: “Equal pay for equal work,” as it was dubbed and a bill strongly supported by Governor Hassan, will provide what is now known as paycheck equity; employers are no longer allowed to ban employees from discussing pay. Gasoline Tax: Effective July 1, 2014 the NH gasoline tax, a.k.a. the road toll, was raised for the first time since 1991. Going up by 4.2 cents-per-gallon, it is still one of New England’s lowest. The increase will bring in an estimated $32 million annually. It is dedicated to both the widening of Interstate 93 and to improvements to NH road and bridge infrastructure. NHADA eagerly awaits Governor Hassan’s signature on many of these bills. We will release more specifics on the application of the new laws and effective dates as they evolve. Questions: Please contact me at or 800-852-3372. NHADA Loss Prevention Department Mission Statement T h e N H A DA L o s s P reve n t i o n Depar tment strives to provide Workers’ Compensation Trust (WCT) members with top quality comprehensive environmental, health and safety (EH&S) consultation ser vices. The department’s goal is to meet all the EH&S needs of the membership so as to assist in the prevention of injury, regulatory compliance, enhanced business culture, DQGLQFUHDVHGSURÀWDELOLW\ Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Lift Works is a Division of Sullivan Tire Inc. This gives us the unique opportunity to JDLQÀUVWKDQGNQRZOHGJHRIWKHHTXLSPHQWZHVHOOLQVWDOODQGVHUYLFH,ILWGRHVQ·W meet our expectations, it probably won’t meet yours. 1-800-392-6330 WORKS CORP. Automotive Service Equipment, Sales, Service & Installation. Specializing in Lifts, Lubrication, Compressed Air and Exhaust Extraction systems. Whether you need one lift serviced or an entire shop installed, Lift Works is your best choice! Summer 2014 page 11 2014 Family Convention Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association at the Mountain Club on Loon Photos by Michael Rosenblum, Robert Letourneau and Nat Stout L to R: (top) John Sullivan of Comcast Spotlight and Chairman Chris Weiss of Crest Auto World; (middle) Kathy Michalski and Gordon Wisbach of G W Marketing Services with Paul Gladstone of Gladstone Auto Sales; (bottom) Kathleen and Bill Deluca of Auto Use with Donna Hosmer of AutoServ Dealerships page 12 L to R: (top row) Nora and Doug Miles of Seacoast Volkswagen; Clay Viarengo and Jeff Corriveau of Enterprise with Jeff Platek of Betley Chevrolet; (middle row) Dennis Gaudet of AutoServ Dealerships with Mary Reo-Neill and Mike Taffaro of WMUR-TV; Ken and Elaine Plante of Tri-City Dealerships; (bottom) Dick and Karen Horan of Precision Imports and Bill and Charlotte Gurney of Gurney’s Automotive Repair enjoy the views from the top of Loon. Summer 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Kids of all ages had a great time! Kids’ Club activities included a visit to the top of Loon Mountain, a trip to the maze, fun in the bounce house and a magic show by Andrew Pinard. Above: (left) Michael Kopp of North Country Ford and his family stole the show at the dance party; (top right) the Lip Sync Competition winners put on an awesome show with a teen beach party medley; (bottom right) Emily Gaudet of AutoServ Dealerships and Chris Weiss of Crest Auto World (left) Keynote speaker Howard Brodsky, CEO and Chairman of CCA Global Partners, discussed providing excellence and the unexpected to customers; (right) The annual meeting updated members on the status of the association and key issues that affect members. Summer 2014 page 13 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association The hula hoop contest was a big attraction - and lots of fun! The Franconia Notch bicycle tour (which was mostly downhill) offered beautiful scenic views and photo ops. Ron Currier and Nancy Noris of Ron Currier’s Hilltop Chevrolet Whale’s Tale Waterpark was enjoyed by everyone. Riding down the slides and enjoying music by the LandSharks were among the highlights. The Kids’ Club takes a break on their Loon Mountain adventure. A hot tub at Whale’s Tale was enjoyed by NHADA board member Marc Bourgeois of MB Tractor & Equipment (center with son), along with family and friends. page 14 Summer 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Jaws! The mechanical shark was a huge hit! (above) Gerry McGavick of WBIN-TV; (left) Paul Gaudet of AutoServ Dealerships; (above right) Past Chairman Andy Crews of AutoFair Dealerships; (right) Chelsea Gaudet, AutoServ Dealerships NHADA Annual Meeting Miles Cook of Rochester Motorspots recieves the award for Best Freestyle Shark Rider; Sam Verge of Team Nissan recieves a Sharkie Award for Best Freestyle Dancer Immediate Past-Chair Andy Crews is presented a painting by Chairman Chris Weiss Summer 2014 Paul Gladstone recieved the John T. Grappone Spirit of Excellence Award and was joined by his wife Pattie, daughter Amber and grandkids Cole and Reegan. 2014 Golf Tournament winners: Jeff Platek of Betley Chevrolet, Mike Taffaro of WMUR-TV, Rich DeFreitas of KeyBank, and Chris Platek page 15 Dateline: NH page 16 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NHADA Has Two Newly Endorsed Services to Help You Recycle Your E-Waste Safely, Securely and Legally Daniel Bennett, Vice President of Government Relations M etal Wave and Save Energy Systems can help you and your business recycle electronics and control your energy usage. Metal Wave Inc. is a veteran-owned, small business, specializing in IT and consumer electronics reclamation and recycling, with a 25,000-square-foot facility in Amesbury, MA. The company is R2-, e-Steward-, ISO 14001:2004-, and OSHA 18001-certified and is a member of the Coalition for American Electronics Recyclers. With over 25 years of reclamation experience, Metal Wave Inc. offers the broadest spectrum of in-house asset recovery and recycling options for customers. Their staff’s vast product knowledge and processing experience allows us to offer a one-stop electronics recycling and asset recovery solution. Metal Wave will conduct routine, statewide pickups of retired electronics at your facility. To learn more about this endorsement and partnership, download this document or call Mark Babcock at 603-686-4421 or email him. Stop Treating Your Utility Bills as Fixed Costs Save Energy Systems’ patented, easy-touse technology can reduce overall energy costs 10-25 percent by continuously monitoring and dynamically adjusting the operation of your HVAC system, making your building temperatures more consistent, managing energy use and reducing demand charges, all of which are major components of your electricity bill. The company’s customers take control of their HVAC systems and save thousands yearly on their utility bills while still maintaining comfort, all with an ROI of less than two years. The professionals at Save Energy Systems are so confident they can help you reduce your energy Inspection Station License Renewal costs, they stand It’s that time of year again! behind their product Are you a licensed inspection station? with a money-back guarantee. NHADA would like to once again remind all NHADA Have rising members that your inspection license renewal is due to energy costs at your the DMV Registration bureau by September 30, 2014. facility become so It is helpful to you and the DMV to get it done and painful that you’ve sent in early, so don’t wait. A link to the application be stopped paying found here: attention to them? Are constant Summer 2014 changes to thermostat settings driving your employees (and you) crazy? At an average-sized dealer, heating and air conditioning costs account for about half of your total energy usage. And frequent changes to HVAC system settings usually create an even more uncomfortable working environment that can be costly when space heaters and fans become your employees go-to solutions. To learn more about what they can do for your facility and read what some of our customers are saying, go to saveenergysystems. com or please contact Rick Chergey at 617-564-4800 x203; email: rchergey@ BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER JM&A Group FINANCE AND INSURANCE, INSURANCE CONTRACTS For more information, please contact Jim Beauregard, Regional Manaager, at 508-561-2951; james.beauregard@; Terry Moore, Distric Manager, at 774-232-4953, terry.; or Brian Hill, Sr. District Manager, at 954-8717058, Jim Beauregard Terry Moore Brian Hill page 17 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association It’s a Birdie! It’s a Plane! It’s the NHADA Golf Tournament! Jean Conlon, NHAEF Programs Administrator W e are excited to announce that the 2014 NHADA Golf Tournament is being held at Pease Golf Course in Portsmouth on Monday, September 15. This beautiful course has 27 holes of leafy woodlands, streams, and manicured greens that are visually stimulating, uniquely enjoyable, and suit all skill levels. Pease Golf Course is a public course, built in 1901 on the grounds of Lafayette Road (Langdon Farm) in Portsmouth. From its early proponents to those that tee off on the greens today, all have helped to shape and constantly improve the course over time. Most recently, in 2000, a third nine-hole course was added to the original course. Pease is a unique course for so many reasons. It’s the only course in the area that offers 27 different holes, and has the distinction of being the only course where planes land right before your eyes. Some might think this would be distracting, but it’s really quite incredible to be on the course and watch the Thunderbirds practice, or watch a huge C-130 Hercules or an A-10 Thunderbolt descend from the air onto the nearby runway. The NHADA Golf Tournament will continue to include its signature special features, including an on-course barbecue and beer tent, on-course chair massages, numerous contests, and great gifts. Registration forms have been sent for this member-only event. Go to the NHADA website to download a registration form. If you have any questions, contact either Jean Conlon or Brian Duplessis at 800-852-3372 or at their respective emails, jconlon@nhada. com or We hope to see you on the links! BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Auto Auction of New England LICENSED DEALER WHOLESALE AUTOMOTIVE AUCTION For more information, please contact Michele Pierog at 603-437-5700, or email her at L to R: Steven DeLuca, Bill Hoover, Anna Fontaine, Michele Pierog, Jim How, Ted Finn page 18 Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association GM Donates Silverado to LRCC G e n e r a l Mo t o r s , t h ro u g h Po r t s m o u t h C h e v r o l e t , Inc., the dealership handling the processing, recently donated a Chevy Silverado to Lakes Region Community College. Devin Karkos, third-generation owner of Bob’s Gulf, an AC Delco Professional Service Center, generously provided the transportation of the vehicle to LRCC. “LRCC personnel appreciate the overwhelming support of businesses like Bob’s Gulf-Dover and Portsmouth Chevrolet,” said Lakes Region Community College (LRCC) General Motors Automotive Service Education Program (GM- ASEP) Professor Dave Perkins of Center Harbor (center), receives the keys to the 2014 Chevy Silverado delivered by Bob’s Gulf-Dover ACDelco Professional Service Center. Providing the keys to the new truck is GM-ASEP student, Zachary Emerson of Sanbornville (left). The gift was sponsored by Portsmouth Chevrolet, Inc. Also pictured is GM-ASEP student Devin Karkos of Rochester. Professor David Perkins, long-time automotive industry professional. “ Wi t h o u t q u e s t i o n , t r a i n e d professionals are the outcome of LRCC’s GM-ASEP program. “LRCC’s GM-ASEP program plays an important role in helping the auto industry fill a critical need: developing and retaining skilled automotive technicians,” Perkins said. “The new Chevy Silverado is a generous donation from GM and enables LRCC GM-ASEP faculty to deliver the highest quality education to students.” $QQXDO&DU6KRZ%HQHÀWV0DNH$:LVK1HZ+DPSVKLUH Porsche Stratham Supports Community Partner Porsche Stratham, an International C a r s L t d . ( I C L ) c o m p a n y, h a s announced their sponsorship of MakeA-Wish New Hampshire’s Annual Car show. The event occurred July 20 and showcased exotic and antique cars. It included highlights such as a catered lunch, several raffles and music. “ICL is pleased to host this event while sponsoring Make-A-Wish New Hampshire,” said Rui Moreira, general manager of Porsche Stratham. “It continues to be our honor to support an organization that works tirelessly to make a difference.” Ever y four days Make-A-Wish Ne w H a m p s h i r e g r a n t s a c h i l d diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition a wish within their community. With the support of the Stratham community, surrounding areas and partners like the Porsche BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER SAVE THE DATE Bernstein Shur FULL-SERVICE BUSINESS LAW FIRM Bob Macdonald Summer 2014 /DZ¿UP%HUQVWHLQ6KXU&RPPHUFLDOWUDQVDFWLRQVPHUJers/acquisitions, buy-sell agreements, succession planning, and labor and employment law. For more information contact attorneys Bob Macdonald at 207-774-1200;, or Roy Tisley at 603623-8700; Club of America, ICL’s goal is to raise enough money to continue granting the wishes of local children. ICL’s community involvement is an ongoing commitment. Recent contributions include a $10,000 donation to the American Red Cross and February’s Food for Friends drive for local food pantries. For more information on ICL and its dealerships, please visit 2014 NH Auto Show Charity Night Preview October 23, 2014, 6-9 p.m. NH Sportsplex, Bedford, NH Watch for ticket and Roy Tilsley sponsorship information page 19 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association “Rockin’ ” Foss Motors Supports Graduation Activities (L to R) Larry Foss, Foss Motors Inc.; C. J. Lalime EHS, class of 2014 president; Kaila Gutierrez, EHS class of 2014 senator. L ate this spring, Exeter High School class of 2014 President C. J. Lalime lauded Foss Motors saying “the last few weeks of high school are exciting and stressful, and to have support from people like Larry Foss and Foss Motors has lessened the challenge and made it more memorable for all of us. These guys rock.” The donation, totaling $4,560, was used to support class of 2014 activities including Project Post Prom and graduation events. “Each year it takes a special group of supporters to help the Senior class to complete their school year,” said class Senator Kaila Gutierrez. “Each spring, Larry Foss and Foss Motors has stepped up and been that rock of strength that we can rely on to help us through graduation.” The funds were earned as part of the Dodge Booster Club fundraising page 20 program, which partners local Dodge Dealers with their hometown high school booster clubs and rewards the sponsoring organization $20 for each test drive of a new Dodge vehicle they can arrange. “We are committed to giving back to our community and have been since 1961” said Larry Foss, the dealerships’ second-generation owner. “My father, Laurence, taught me to take care of our hometown people like they are family, and that is what we have done and will continue to do,” he said. Foss Jeep Dodge Chrysler Ram was a recent winner of the Exeter Chamber Business of the Year. BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Lynnway Auto Auction AUTO AUCTION Lynnway Auto Auction runs 2000+ new dealer fresh trade luxury, foreign and domestic cars and trucks in every price range on :HGQHVGD\VDWDP(67)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW 0LNH$XGHW1+6DOHV5HSDWRI¿FHFHOO 603-848-4458, or visit their website at Summer 2014 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Motor Vehicle Political Action Committee (MVPAC) Contributors MVPAC, your state political action committee, is an essential part of NHADA’s legislative program. To participate in this year’s fund drive, visit and click the “Donate to MVPAC” button. Thank You! Andy Crews Donna Hosmer Marshall Jespersen Larry Foss Roger Groux Marc Bourgeois Peggy Proko Rick Fecteau Mount Washington: $2,000 - $5,0000 (maximum allowed by law) John Sawyer Portsmouth Ford Lincoln/Portsmouth Kia AutoFair Automotive Group Matt McGovern Prime Subaru AutoServ Dealerships Dan Quirk Quirk Auto Dealers International Cars Limited James Powers Sunnyside Acura Foss Motors Victoria Marcinkevich Team Nissan, Team Nissan North, Honda Barn Team Kia MB Tractor and Equipment Peters of Nashua Port City Nissan Lake Winnipesaukee: $1,200 – $1,999 Ken Plante Ronney Lyster Joel Ginsburg Chris Weiss 'DYLG*DOH Bill Fenton Kurt Gerrish Paul Holloway Scott Holloway Mighty Merrimack: $1,000 - $1,199 David Cushman AutoSaver Group Roy A. Hurlbert BMW of Stratham Sue Moynahan Crest Auto World Doug Miles )DLUÀHOGV&DGLOODF%XLFN*0&)DLUÀHOG.LD Matt Marrazzo Fenton Family Dealerships Rick Labrie Gerrish Honda Jack Tulley Holloway Automotive Group Dwight Wissler Holloway Buick GMC Cadillac Alissa Bournival Bournival Inc. Tri-City Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Subaru Holloway Motor Cars Hurlbert Toyota Scion McFarland Ford Sales, Inc. Seacoast Volkswagen Townline Equipment Sales Toyota of Nashua Tulley Buick-GMC-BMW-Mazda Volkswagen of Rochester Great Bay: $750 – $999 Tom Cantin Cantin Chevrolet Star Island: $500 – $749 Shawn Hanlon & Donald Noyes Jeff Platek Scott Bond John Berry David Hammer Bill Gurney Jim Whalley Richard Nault AutoNorth Pre-Owned Superstore Betley Chevrolet Bond Auto Parts Bonneville & Son, Inc. Contemporary Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Gurney’s Automotive Repair HK Powersports Michael Kopp Miles Cook Ron Currier Al Contois Tim Ackerman George Mullin Mike Wentworth Nault’s Powersports/Nault’s Windham Honda Kawasaki North Country Ford Rochester Motorsports Ron Currier’s Hilltop Chevrolet Seacoast Harley-Davidson, Inc. Seacoast Mazda Souhegan Valley Motorsports Wentworth Motor Company Scott Ives Corey Benson Bob Mariano Marc Bigney Paul Prunier Brian Orlando Mark Piekarski Gary Blake Nor’easter: $300 – $499 Kevin Donovan Belknap Subaru Harry H. King III Benson Auto Frank Goodwin Bob Mariano Chrysler Jeep Dodge Mike Snide Brooks Chevrolet, Inc. Dick Poulin Chuck’s Auto Repair LLC Scott Reed Diesel World Truck Sales Peter Mans Gate City Collision Center Gary Blake Motorcars Granite Ford, LLC Kar Kraft of Gilford Land Rover Bedford Pinnacleview Equipment Inc. Poulin Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Reed Truck Services Subaru of Claremont Ernie Delle Donne James Tees Patrick Kane Tom Hemenway Ray Aremburg Ron Poirier Holly Carlson Tom Clark Ron Poulin Lisa Nast Dave Dupont Don Goulet Also Supporting MVPAC: up to $299 Paul Gladstone 108 Seacoast Power Equipment Richard Wheeler Absolute PowerSports NH John Lambert Auto Advisors, Inc. Harold Maloney Autosounds of NH Bill Taranovich Blackmount Equipment, Inc. Linda Grant Bob & Sons Automotive Inc. Dick Horan Carlson’s Motor Sales Darrell Faulkenberry Clark’s Car Care Joe Walier Country Tire & Service Center Dan Weed Dalton Mountain Motor Sports Bob Werner Dupont’s Service Center Dyna Tune, Inc. Gladstone Auto Sales Hudson Cycle Center Lambert Auto Sales M & M Ford, Inc. North Country Tractor Northwood Garage Precision Imports, Inc. Second Wind BMW Triumph Walier Chevrolet Weed Family Automotive Werner Mazda Summer 2014 4 page pa ge 21 21 Dateline: NH Dateli a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics Safety Inspection Results June ’14 Percent of Total YTD ’14 Percent of Total Total * 141,051 100.00% 799,703 100.00% Passed 112,619 79.80% 634,190 79.30% Corrected 15,600 11.10% 89,329 11.20% Rejected 7,959 5.60% 46,028 5.80% Untested 4,873 3.50% 30,156 3.80% OBD II Inspection Results (1996 and newer) 2014 Unemployment Rates by Area March Apr. May Total 119,020 100.00% 702,941 100.00% United States 6.8% 5.9% 6.1% Passed 103,190 86.70% 605,324 86.10% New England 6.7% 5.8% 5.7% Rejected 10,374 8.70% 66,970 9.50% Connecticut 7.4% 6.6% 6.9% Maine 6.6% 5.9% 5.9% Untested 5,456 4.60% 30,647 4.40% Massachusetts 6.6% 5.6% 5.2% New Hampshire 4.9% 4.3% 4.4% Rhode Island 9.1% 7.8% 8.2% Vermont 4.1% 3.7% 3.2% * Total numbers include OBD II Inspections Statistics provided by Gordon-Darby NHADA Mission Statement: Since 1921, fostering a spirit of cooperation by promoting standards through education and advocacy, providing valuable services, and protecting and advancing the motor vehicle industry as an integral part of New Hampshire’s economy. Title Statistics Report Ending March 2014 New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles June ’14 June ‘13 ’14 YTD ’13 YTD Titles Issued for New and Demo Vehicles: 9,652 9,102 55,099 52,941 Titles Issued for Used Vehicles: 18,050 17,498 109,723 103,643 TOTAL TITLES ISSUED: 27,702 26,600 164,822 156,584 Titles Issued with a Lien: 12,818 11,979 78,360 72,731 Titles Issued with no Lien: 14,884 14,621 86,462 83,853 Salvage Titles Issued: 746 603 6,095 5,782 Salvage Tags Issued: 220 211 993 1,067 Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks More than 15 Years Old: Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks 15 Years Old or Less: 39 51 228 181 133 124 835 777 Titles Issued for Trailers: 1,193 1,085 4,409 4,142 Titles Issued for Motorcycles: 1,880 1,951 6,714 7,100 89 67 351 305 Titles Issued for Motor Homes: page 22 Summer 2014 Thank You 2014 NHADA Partners! These partners have answered the call and supported NHADA programs and events. - Å To become a 2014 NHADA Partner, please call Jean Conlon at 800-852-3372. Compiled July 22, 2014. +%!Å 1 +%!Å Thank You to our 2014 Family Convention Sponsors NHADA thanks our association partners and convention sponsors for their support. Complete listing of partners are listed on page 23. Sponsors: MAJOR MONDAY BREAKFAST GOLF TOURNAMENT PRIME F&I Resources / Allstate WHALE’S TALE DINNER Northeast Delta Dental Binnie Media & WBIN-TV G W Marketing Services MAJOR GOLF CART TUESDAY BREAKFAST Enterprise Rent-A-Car F&I Resources / Allstate PHOTO BOOTH Zurich American Insurance Company BEVERAGE CART MECHANICAL SHARK F&I Resources / Allstate Zurich American Insurance Company Zurich American Insurance Company
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