Dateline: NH
Dateline: NH
Driving New Hampshire Forward December 2014 Volume 37, Issue #11 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Andy Crews Nominated for TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year, p. 3 Workers’ Compensation Rates Hold Steady, p. 4 Election Cycles and Recycles, p. 5 NHADA Business Expo & Partner Expo, p. 14-15 Photo by Pete McNamara Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2014-2015 NHADA OFFICERS Chairman Chris Weiss 1st Vice Chair Bill Gurney Treasurer Ken Plante Secretary Michael Kopp President Peter J. McNamara 2014-2015 NHADA DIRECTORS Andy Crews, Immediate Past Chairman Marc Bourgeois, Franchised/Independent, At-Large Miles Cook, Franchised, At-Large Michael Cooney, Independent Used Car Larry Foss, Franchised, At-Large Chelsey Gaudet, NextGen Don Goulet, Independent/Repair/Service, At-Large Roger Groux, Franchised, At-Large David Hammer, Franchised, At-Large Paul Holloway, Honorary Jim Lagana, Heavy Duty Trucks Doug Miles, Franchised, At-Large George Mullin, Motorcycles NADA DIRECTOR Dennis Gaudet *** This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matters covered. In publishing this newsletter, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Advertisements appearing in Dateline: NH do not indicate a specific endorsement by NHADA of the products or services unless the NHADA endorsement symbol appears with the advertisement. NHADA ENDORSED Published monthly except in July in Bow, New Hampshire, by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association. Mailing address: P. O. Box 2337, Concord, NH 03302-2337, 603-224-2369/ 800-852-3372. STAFF Publisher Chris Weiss Editorial Director Peter J. McNamara Managing Editor Nathaniel Stout Design and Layout Advertising Coordinator Lisa Lavoie Photographer Michael Rosenblum ADVERTISING RATES Back Page: Full Page: 1/2 Page: 1/3 Page: 1/6 Page: Color $1,000 Color $700 Color $450 Color $375 Color $300 page 2 B&W $575 B&W $375 B&W $300 B&W $250 New Members Line-X of Merrimack Valley 1125 Route 3A Bow, NH 03304 224-7792 Owner: Steven Owen Key Collision of Rochester 10 Farmington Road Rochester, NH 03867 436-5010 Owner: Anthony DiLorenzo Millennium Motor Cars, Inc. 88 Morningside Drive Laconia, NH 03246 494-8044 Owner: Brendan M. Florio NHADA Gives Back For the month of October, NHADA staff collected new and used coats to donate to the less fortunate. Staff partnered with Apparel Impact; a local company whose focus and mission include textile recycling and community support. (Check out Apparel Impact at ) Joe Whitten, vice president of business development at Apparel Impact, visited NHADA and spoke with our staff about the company and its mission during our “Focus Friday” on October 31. Fifty seven coats were collected from NHADA staff, and Joe spent time explaining where and how the coats would be distributed. – Marta Silakka, Nurse Case Manager Inside this Issue Compliance Reduce Common Title Errors and Stay Out of Hot Water..............................11 Departments 2014 Unemployment Rates by Area...............................................................18 Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics...............................................................18 Title Statistics.................................................................................................18 Election Cycles and Recycles..........................................................................................5 Environment Hazardous Waste Generators..........................................................................13 Features Andy Crews Honored as TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year............................3 Member Milestones........................................................................................12 NHADA Business Solutions & Partner Expo Pictures.............................. 14-15 NADA New Study Refutes CFPB Position on Auto Lending......................................17 Workers’ Compensation Workers’ Compensation Rates Remain Level....................................................4 December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Andy Crews Honored as TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year TIME Magazine announced on October 23 the nomination of Andy Crews, president and CEO of AutoFair Automotive Group and immediate past chairman of the NHADA Board of Directors, for the 2015 TIME Dealer of the Year. Andy is one of a select group of dealer nominees from across the country who will be honored at the 98 th Annual National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Convention and Exposition in San Francisco on January 23, 2015. “The dealers nominated for this award are dedicated business owners, auto lovers and, most importantly, champions for their local communities, with a willingness to give back on a grand scale,” said Tim Russi, president of Auto Finance for Ally Financial, co-sponsors of the award. Andy, 44, was chosen to represent the NHADA in the national competition; he is one of only 55 auto dealers from 17,000 nationwide nominated for the 46th annual award. “It is both humbling and rewarding to know that for every single AutoFair employee, there are probably two or three other people in that employee’s family that we now help to support,” Andy said. A Georgia native, Andy graduated from Tucker High School in Tucker, GA, in 1988, and had his first contact with the auto industry while working at a service station at age 16. After high school, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, specializing as a mechanic. He then entered the General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program and became a certified technician, earning an apprenticeship and then a full-time job. Andy would serve his country again when he was called as a Marine reservist during Operation Desert Storm, returning to the December 2014 automotive business after his tour of duty. His career advanced and took him to different cities throughout the country as he learned the automotive retail business and rose through the ranks before he was Andy Crews, 2015 TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year. named president and CEO of AutoFair in Manchester. A partner in the company, Andy leads a dealer group with seven stores and a team of nearly 600 employees. “We are planning to grow our group even more in the near future, and I really look forward to continuing to ensure we have a company where those who put their faith in us can be rewarded with good careers and opportunities,” he said. Andy is also proud of his employees’ commitment to their communities. A few years ago, his team began donating proceeds of auto sales to help feed needy families at Thanksgiving. “Over the years, we have raised tens of thousands of dollars and fed many people who would not have had a holiday meal.” Education is also at the forefront of his charitable initiatives. He worked with the mayor of Manchester to create the Make the Grade program, which helps motivate high school seniors to get better grades for a chance to win a car. And he has worked closely with New Hampshire’s community technical colleges to ensure the students are receiving the most advanced education to become trained auto technicians. Andy received an honorary degree from Manchester Community College for his good works. “Receiving the honorary degree was rewarding because it allowed me to speak directly to so many students about my automotive career and about TIME - continued on page 4 PLATINUM ASSOCIATION PARTNER WMUR-TV/ New Hampshire WMUR-TV/WMUR.COM Feel free to contact Dave at; 641-9094 or Mike at; 641-9096. Dave Parker Mike Taffaro page 3 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Workers’ Compensation Rates Remain Level Pete Sheffer, Workers’ Compensation Trust Director T he NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust Board of Trustees (WCT) and staff are very pleased to announce that there will be no change in any of the Workers’ Compensation rates again this year; making 2015 the fifth year in a row that the trustees have voted to keep rates level. The 2015 rates are, on average, 15.9 percent less than the 1992 rates. The WCT strives to keep rates as low as possible while ensuring that premium is more than sufficient to cover claims and administrative costs. The WCT has been successful in achieving this goal over the years and has returned over $7.9 million dollars in rebates to trust members. Individual members may see increases or decreases in their premium depending on their claims experience. Those members with poor claims experience will see an increase in their experience modification factor, which drives increases in premium. Members who have experience modification factors less than 1.10, who are experience-rated receive an 18.4 percent discount. In these challenging economic times, the WCT works to keep workers’ compensation costs down. Nonetheless, members must be diligent in their efforts to reduce injuries by working closely with the WCT Loss Prevention Department, and when injuries do occur, members must work closely with the WCT claims department to keep claims costs down. TIME – continued from page 3 how my hard work to learn all aspects of the business helped lead me to the position I now hold,” he said. “But it was my work as a mechanic and technician that really got me on my way to a good career.” Andy’s experience in the military has inspired him to take part in Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). “I am immensely proud that the company I helped grow and operate has hired so many men and women who have served our state and country,” he said. “Their military experience makes them excellent team members, employees and AutoFair leaders.” Andy lends his expertise on the boards of numerous organizations, including the American Cancer Society’s CEO’s Against Cancer, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Live Free or Die Alliance, as well as regularly supporting a host of charities, from New Hampshire Food Bank to Boys and Girls Club to the Manchester Animal Shelter to the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth. He concluded, “It is hard to know the full extent of our giving as a company, but I know from experience that by helping those in need, supporting our Veterans and even leading the way with our greenenergy programs, we have improved the civic life in our great state.” SILVER ASSOCIATION PARTNER St. Mary’s Bank CREDIT UNION For more information, please contact Matt Haydon, Indirect Lending Manager at 629-1323. page 4 Andy and wife, Melissa, have two children. He was nominated for the TIME Dealer of the Year award by Pete McNamara, NHADA president. The TIME Dealer of the Year award is one of the automobile industry’s most prestigious and highly coveted honors. Recipients are among the nation’s most successful auto dealers who also demonstrate a long-standing commitment to community service. The award is sponsored by TIME in association with Ally Financial, and in cooperation with the NADA. In its fourth year as exclusive sponsor, Ally will recognize dealer nominees and their community efforts by contributing $1,000 to each nominee’s 501(c)3 charity of choice. Nominees will also be recognized on, which highlights the philanthropic contributions and achievements of TIME Dealer of the Year nominees. A panel of faculty members from the Tauber Institute for Global Operations at the University of Michigan will select one finalist from each of the four NADA regions and one national Dealer of the Year. December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Election Cycles and Recycles Peter McNamara, NHADA President E very two years the NH House, Senate, Governor, Executive Council and the two congressional seats are up for an election. This year one of the six-year US Senate seats was also up for election. This is a recap of NH’s 2014 election cycle; it includes some recycled races and faces. State Election Recap For the third time in three election cycles, the control of the NH House has swung from one party to the other. When the legislative session opens on January 7, 2015, the Republicans will control around 240 seats to the Democrats 160. This represents a net gain of around 70 seats for the GOP. The spoils of the GOP win include the power of electing a speaker, naming all the committee chairmen and December 2014 the other leadership positions join ranks with Democrats to and the ever critical assignment pick another person as Speaker... of Representative Hall seating not unheard of in NH, but and parking spots. The Speaker unlikely. Rep. O’Brien served also controls the flow of debate as speaker after the GOP last and to which committees bills took over the House in 2010. are sent. Unlike many other The House Democrats will states though, all bills in NH Peter McNamara be led by Rep. Steve Shurtleff get a committee vote and a floor (D-Penacook). vote. In some states, a Speaker can kill a T h e Se n a t e r e m a i n s i n G O P bill on their own initiative through certain hands since they retained all 13 GOP parliamentary moves. seats and picked up one more with By a four-vote margin, the GOP the defeat of Senator Peggy Gilmour caucus chose Rep. Bill O’Brien (R-Mont (D-Hollis) in District 12 by Kevin Avard Vernon) as their likely speaker over Rep. (R-Hillsborough). Senator Andrew Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett). I say likely Hosmer (D-Laconia) who is with because the official vote won’t occur until AutoServ Dealerships, narrowly won his December 3. Theoretically, though un- seat in District 7 by a 150-vote margin. Election Cycles – continued on page 6 likely, some disaffected Republicans could page 5 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Election Cycles – continued from page 5 Chuck Morse (R-Salem) will lead the Senate again as president. Jeff Woodburn (D-Dalton) will lead the Democrats as the minority leader. Rep. Shurtleff and Sen. Woodburn are both new to their leadership posts with the retirement of Rep. Terie Norelli (D-Portsmouth) and Sen. Sylvia Larsen (D-Concord) who led the House and Senate Democrats (respectively) for many years. Similarly, Morse will pick the leaders of the committees and the other leadership posts. The Senate has five new faces with the election of Jerry Little in Senate District 8 (R-Weare), replacing retiring Bob Odell (R-Lempster); Dan Feltes in Senate District 15 (D-Concord), replacing the retiring Sen. Larsen; Regina Birdsell (R-Hampstead) in District 19, replacing the retiring Sen. Jim Rausch; and Gary Daniels (R-Milford) in District 11, replacing the retiring Sen. Peter Bragdon, former Senate president; and Kevin Avard, mentioned previously. Senator-elect Daniels served for nine terms in the House, chaired the labor committee, and is an insurance agent. Senator-elect Little served as the head of the NH Bankers Association for many years. Senator-elect Feltes was an attorney for NH Legal Assistance for eight years. Senator-elect Birdsell served two terms in the House and is a recruiter for the high tech industry. Senator-elect Avard, served in the House in 2010-2012 and founded the Center Autex Mazda celebrated their 25th Anniversary with a vintage car show. The event raised $350 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and collected food the Keene Community Kitchen. This is the second year Autex held this car show where an unprecedented amount of vintage cars participated. Pictured is Tim Machunsky, GM, Tom Bogar, dealer/principal (holding a resolution from Senator Molly Kelly) and Hunter Bogar. BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER FairPoint Communications PROVIDES COST EFFECTIVE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR INTERNET, PHONE, AND TV For more information, please visit page 6 for Redress of Grievances in 2012. All are familiar with the operations under the dome. The House has approximately 60 new faces, though not all are freshman as some served previously. Gov. Maggie Hassan will return in her second term as Governor after defeating first-time candidate Walt Havenstein. The Executive Council is controlled by Republicans: four incumbents return (Joe Kenney (R), Colin Van Ostern (D), Chris Sununu (R), and Chris Pappas (D). Dave Wheeler (R) returns to the Council after a two-year break. He replaces the retiring Deb Pignatelli (D-Nashua) who defeated Wheeler in 2012. NHADA will continue as it always has — representing the interests of its members, educating your elected officials and keeping a watchful eye on the dome in Concord. Federal Election Recap: U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (District 1) faced off once again with Frank Guinta. This was their third round, and Guinta gets bragging rights by winning the rubber match. In 2010, Guinta defeated the then two-term Shea-Porter; in 2012, Shea-Porter paid back the favor. Then in 2014, Guinta again won the race. If they keep this up, I think they need to create some sort of trophy to take home like the Little Brown Jug (Minnesota v. Michigan) or the Golden Egg (Ole Miss v. Mississippi). Suggestions are welcome. U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen won her second term as Senator with the defeat of Scott Brown, former US Senator from Massachusetts. Anne McLane Kuster also won her second term with the defeat of Marilinda Garcia, a state Rep. from Rockingham. I expect that we will be seeing Garcia’s name in the future. December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association The 2015 NH Legislative Session Is On Its way Daniel Bennett, Vice President of Government Affairs S ince the November election touch on many social policy there has been a lot of progissues. nostication both here at NHADA As of the writing, 176 bills and statewide about what type of have been filed, but the fillegislation we will see from the new ing period will likely remain legislature. open until January, so much What will the budget look like? more legislation on myriad Will gambling be attempted yet Dan Bennett issues may still to arise. again? In a typical legislative sesWill the university system receive ad- sion around 1,000 bills are filed. NHADA equate funding? closely watches between 100-150 of What will be done to address the energy them, while keeping our ear out for other crisis in NH? statewide issues of impact. Will the gas tax increase be repealed Elected officials have been talking despite such low gas prices? about making changes to lower businesses What, if anything, will be done to allevi- expenses due to high workers’ compensaate business taxes in the state? tion costs. Of course, the NHADA will And none of these questions even be heavily engaged with those discussions. BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Automotive Garage Tools (AGT) AUTOMOTVE EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS, SERVICE AND SALES A great deal of attention is already being give to the budget process with the goal of ensuring state agencies have responsible and appropriate resources. We will follow that process closely with a keen eye toward seeing that our partners, the Department of Safety and Division of Motor Vehicles, are adequately funded. Two bills are already filed pertaining to motor vehicle safety inspections and repealing last year’s distracted driving law. NHADA will be all over these two legislative initiatives, like playing defense on the grid iron. Safe roads and a safe motoring public in NH are a main priority for us. As always, true to our mission, NHADA will work to protect and Legislation – continued on page 8 TAKE MOTORCYCLES IN TRADE Bank your bikes with us! Instant quotes while your customer is in the showroom. We’re check writers for all powersports vehicles. No need to deliver; we’ll pick it up. All makes, models, years, and conditions considered. For a quote, please call Nate at (603) 491-1939 or email For more information, please contactBrian Richards at 207-892-5700 or 319 Commerce Way Pembroke, NH 03275 December 2014 page 7 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Members Can Help Reduce Workers’ Compensation Medical Costs Pete Sheffer, NHADA Workers’ Compensation Director, and Marta Silakka, RN, BSN, WCT Nurse Case Manager W orkers’ Compensation (WC) medical costs in New Hampshire continue to climb at a greater rate than inflation, driving the overall costs of WC coverage. Indeed, since 1998, costs for claims have increased 138 percent in NH even while the frequency of injuries has decreased by 41 percent. Employers in NH and across the country have increased their attention to safety measures resulting in the decreased numbers of reported injuries. Yet employers, self-insured groups and WC carriers still have little control over the escalating costs of WC medical care. What control we do have we must Peter Sheffer Marta Silakka leverage to the best possible result. Currently there is no fee schedule in NH to help control WC medical costs. Yet, 43 other states have such a mechanism. The Governor’s Commission to Recommend Reforms to Reduce Workers’ Compensation Medical Costs, on which NHADA congratulates Bob Mariano of Bob Mariano’s Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM as they celebrated their 25th anniversary on May 18. Pictured here with Bob is Senator Sylvia Larsen as she presents a Senator Resolution to him. page 8 NHADA President Pete McNamara serves, now is charged with writing a report that was due by December 1 recommending solutions to the problem. This is a great first step in recognizing and addressing the problems of WC medical costs. Here at the NHADA, the Workers’ Compensation Trust (WCT) Claims Department works to control the medical costs associated with WC claims through our managed care network and careful review of billing. WCT members have helped control costs by ensuring that their employees receive prompt and appropriate medical Legislation – continued from page 7 advance the motor vehicle industry as an integral part of NH’s economy. Once again we will need your help during this session. Remember, our voice in Concord is only as loud as yours back home. And you can bet you will be hearing from us, and likely very soon. If you have any questions on the upcoming legislative session reach me at or reach me by phone at 800‑852‑3372. December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Workers’ Compensation – continued from previous page treatment, which is key to successful work-related injury outcomes. WCT members participate in a formal, managed care program through comp mc. As part of this program, when members and their injured employees call Nurse Case Manager Marta Silakka, they are assisted in choosing the best medical provider based on the injury. We have found that appropriate treatment for the vast majority of injuries comes from occupational medicine specialists. In NH, there are several occupational medicine facilities conveniently located across the state. These facilities will see patients immediately following an injury without the long wait generally associated with emergency room visits. They provide excellent care at a fraction of the cost of an emergency room visit. The following is a cost comparison for the initial injury treatment by both types of providers as obtained through 2014 claims processed in our office: • Minor back injury: Emergency Room............... $2,400 Occupational Health............. $316 • Minor knee injury: Emergency Room............... $1,120 Occupational Health............. $380 • Minor eye injury: Emergency Room.................. $500 Eye Doctor/Occupational Health................................... $245 • Minor finger injury: Emergency Room............... $1,980 Occupational Health............. $468 • Minor laceration/hand or fingers: Emergency Room............... $1,600 Occupational Health............. $370 In previous Dateline: NH articles, we have written about when ER treatment is appropriate and when it is not. Yet injured workers continue to use the ER when their injuries are better treated elsewhere. A common myth exists that going to the ER means “fast” treatment. Most ER visits for minor injuries tie up an injured worker for hours. If a coworker drives them, double the time lost. In many instances, the treatment of even minor work-related injuries will result in the injured employee being taken out of work pending follow-up with either an occupational health specialist or another specialty provider. The high cost of ER treatment involves more than just the cost of the care. It results in lost time from work and, in some cases, it is just a stepping stone to a BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Auto/Mate LEADING DEALERSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE For more information, please call them at 877-805-9446 or email them at Troy Potter December 2014 more appropriate provider that could have been used from the beginning. We have found that injured employees typically use the ER for the following reasons: • The injured worker is unaware of the mandatory managed care program; • The injured worker doesn’t check in with anyone in management prior to leaving for treatment; • The supervisor with whom the injured worker checks in hasn’t been educated regarding the managed care program by upper management; or • No call is made to the WCT when the injury occurs and prior to the injured worker leaving for treatment. Communication can fix these problems. Employees need to know what to do and to whom to report to when they are injured at work. Supervisors require the same level of training that management and human resources professionals receive on the process to follow after an injury occurs in the workplace. The easiest, best way to proceed following a workplace injury is to contact Nurse Case Manager Marta Silakka prior to the injured employee seeking medical attention. She can help the injured employee find the most appropriate medical treatment based on the injury sustained. The WCT Claims Department is happy to provide training to your management and supervisory team. Contact Rehabilitation Specialist Bernie Hecht, to schedule training at 800‑852‑3372 or at You can contact us at the same phone number if you have questions or concerns or email us at or at respectively. page 9 page 10 December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Reduce Common Title Errors and Stay Out of Hot Water Daniel Bennett, Vice President for Government Relations H ere is a friendly reminder from our good friends and partners at the NH Division of Motor Vehicles’ Title Bureau: “reducing common title paperwork errors can make life a lot easier!” This goes for your dealership, the town clerk or registration agent, and the title bureau. Below is a list of the common mistakes or missing information that the DMV encounters. For a smooth title processing system, ensure that all of your staff handling title paperwork look out for accuracy on these items: gross vehicle weight, prior title numbers and state, model name of vehicle, number of axles, number of cylinders and driver’s license number. Remember: owners need the original registration to transfer plates. Give the customer the original town With Protective Asset Protection, you protect your best asset – your reputation. clerk’s copy and owner’s copy of the title application. DMV also encourages you to ask about the laser TDMV23B title applications — they print on a laser printer and are not intended for impact printers. If you need a sample, they will send you a supply. By paying attention to these critical issues, we can work with all of our partners in the titling and registration process to make things speedy and uninterrupted. We all want quick turnaround time for title work. Ensuring that information is accurate is key in that process. For questions do not hesitate to contact me at or 800‑852‑3372 or the DMV Title Bureau dealer help line at 603‑227‑4160. BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Santander Bank A BANK FOR YOUR IDEAS In today’s transparent world, consumers are only a few clicks away from uncovering the good, the bad and the ugly about any company. With Protective Asset Protection, you and your customers can rest assured that the products we offer are administered and backed by us, which means reliable service that protects your reputation. What’s more, our company believes in doing the right thing by you and by your customer. We are in business to serve people, build trust, and simplify everything. So when your customers choose our products, they are protecting their own assets – as well as yours. Learn more at For more information, please contact Manny Silva at 617-378-5941 or at Protect Tomorrow. Embrace Today.™ Vehicle Protection Plans I GAP Coverage I Credit Insurance I Limited Warranty Products Dealer Participation Programs I F&I Training I Advanced F&I Technology Contact Protective’s New Hampshire representative, George Spatt at 866 478 9242 Limited Warranty Products, Vehicle Protection Plans (VPPs) and GAP are backed by Lyndon Property Insurance Company in all states except NY. In NY, VPPs are backed by Old Republic Insurance Company, Limited Warranty Products are backed by Western General Insurance Company and GAP is not available. Credit Insurance is backed by Protective Life Insurance Company in all states except NY, where it is backed by Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company. December 2014 page 11 Compiled and designed by Lisa Lavoie 75 Years: 1939– gas 10 cents a gallon, average price of a new car $750, Franklin D. Roosevelt was President, the first air-conditioned automobile is demonstrated in Chicage, the World’s Fair opens in New York, regular television broadcasts begin in the US, The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind are released. Weston Auto Body - Wolfeboro 50 Years: 1964– gas 30 cents a gallon, average price of a new car $3,500, Lyndon B. Johnson was President, the first Ford Mustang is produced, President Johnson declares War on Poverty campaign, Buffalo wings debut at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, NY. Bob & Sons Automotive, Inc. - Manchester E W Sleeper Co., Inc. - Concord 25 Years: 1989– gas 97 cents a gallon, average price of a new car $15,300, George Bush was President, Yugo declares bankruptcy in the middle of the NADA Convention, Microsoft Office is released, Nintendo begins selling the Game Boy. Autex Mazda- Keene (see page 6) Bob Mariano Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge, Inc. - Concord (see page 8) Cupples Car Company - Belmont Henry’s Collision Center - Manchester Port City Nissan - Portsmouth Seacoast Harley-Davidson, Inc. - North Hampton 10 Years: 2004– gas was $2 a gallon, average price of a new car $27,958, George W. Bush was relected President, The Red Sox wins the World Series and the Patriots win the Superbowl, Facebook is launched, the Statue of Liberty is reopened to the public. Crosstown Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Littleton Derry Cycle, LLC - Derry Dover Motor Mart - F.M., Inc. - Dover Meineke Car Care - Dover Motorsports 101 Inc. - Epping Singer Subaru, LLC - Plaistow page 12 December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Belknap, Carroll, Coos, Grafton, Merrimack, & Sullivan County Hazardous Waste Generators: SQG Self-Certification Due This Year If your facility is located in Belknap, Carroll, Coos, Grafton, Merrimack, or Sullivan County, and you are registered as a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) of hazardous waste with the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), your facilities self-certification form is due to the NHDES by January 1, 2015. You may remember this program from three years ago, though the forms and information to be filled out may have changed since the last time you were required to submit them. The SQG self-certification program requires a facility that generates small quantities (under 220 pounds a month) of hazardous waste to complete a set of required forms once every three years. The forms require a fee of $90-per-year for a total submittal of $270, and each facility must verify and attest to compliance with all of the applicable environmental rules and regulations that affect each facility. If you are a registered generator of hazardous waste with an December 2014 active EPA ID number, you should have received your forms in the mail. The NHDES mailed copies of the form to each facility on or around October 1. If you are not in receipt of your facility’s copies or do not receive them, you are required to notify the NHDES; they will get them to you. NHADA can assist you with the completion of the required self-certification and notification forms. The SQG self-certification process presents opportunities and options for a facility to review and reduce the hazardous waste generated at each facility. An advantage of this self-audit for certain facilities is the potential of discovering that you no longer need to comply with the rule, and ultimately reducing your environmental regulatory burden, costs, and liability. If you have any questions regarding your facility’s generator status, this rule and its requirements or any other environmentally related issues, do not hesitate to contact me at 224-2369 or by email at page 13 NHADA Business Solutions Con Wednesday, November 19, Radisson Hotel Manchester BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER Upper Left (l to r): Mark Maguire and Mark Powers of Automotive Garage Tools (AGT): Mike Kopp of North Country Ford and NHADA Board of Directors Secretary. Automotive Equipment Technical Institute (AETI) Upper Right (l to r): NHADA President Pete McNamara presents the day’s top prize, an iPad Mini to raffle winner Walter Ferrara of Ron Currier’s Hilltop Chevrolet. EQUIPMENT SAFETY COMPLIANCE PROGRAM SPECIALISTS Left (l to r): Scott Ives of Belknap Subaru and NHAD Services, Inc. Board of Directors Chairman and David Quinn of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). Scott had just pledged to support ESGR. For more information, please contact Mark Powers at 877-599-5438 or at NHADA ENDORSED page 14 December 2014 nference and Partner Exposition Photos by Nat Stout and Michael Rosenblum BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER KeyBank HELPING AUTO DEALERS SUCCEED FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS. Upper Right (l to r): Jeff Burditt and Jake Crossett of Quirk Volkswagen, Buick, Chevrolet NH, GMC; Ken Miller and Brian Berard of JPMorgan Chase Dealer Commercial Services. Upper Left: Ken Zwigart of American Financial & Automotive Services, presenting. To learn more, contact Richard DeFreitas at 857-205-2780. KeyBank is Member FDIC. Middle Left (l to r): Chris Moran and Tom Phoenix of Clean Harbors Environmental Services; Mark Thibeault and Bill Gurney of Gurney’s Automotive Repair, Bill is 1st Vice Chairman of the NHADA Board of Directors; and Dan Bennett, NHADA vice president of Government Relations. Lower (l to r): Dave McGreevy of Comcast Spotlight and Jeff Platek of Betley Chevrolet who also serves on the Board of Directors of NHAD Services, Inc. December 2014 page 15 page 16 December 2014 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association New Study Refutes CFPB Position on Auto Lending Dennis Gaudet, NADA Director A new, comprehensive study of more than 8.2 million loan records by Charles River Associates concludes that the method used by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to measure for discrimination in an auto lender’s portfolio is “conceptually flawed in its application and subject to significant bias and estimation error.” The peer-review study calls into question the reliability of a testing methodology that the CFPB has used to level allegations of unintended discrimination against — and extract settlements from — auto lenders and to pressure auto lenders to change the way they compensate dealers for originating finance contracts. The study, released in mid-November, reviewed more than 8.2 million new- and used-vehicle finance contracts issued during 2012 and 2013, and measured differences in dealer reserve paid by minorities and non-minorities using the CFPB methodology. Dealer reserve represents the compensation that dealers receive from lenders for their role in the auto-financing process. The study concluded that the CFPB’s methodology frequently misidentifies the background of consumers and dramatically overestimates differences in dealer reserve paid by different groups of consumers. The methodology also December 2014 fails to account for numerous factors unrelated to the consumer’s background that affect the amount consumers paid for dealer reserve. The study further explains that the CFPB’s examination of differences in dealer reserve at the portfolio level is meaningless because it completely fails to account for legitimate reasons for pricing differences at the retail level. These collective flaws result in a testing methodology that is inherently unreliable. “This study shows that the CFPB’s attempt to upend the auto lending process is insufficiently informed and the victim of flawed assumptions and inadequate peer review,” said Peter Welch, president of the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). “Allegations of potential discrimination are explosive and certainly should not be made without a reliable foundation in data.” Currently, 136 members of Congress from both parties — 86 Republicans and 50 Democrats — have cosponsored legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to rescind the CFPB’s 2013 guidance that serves as the centerpiece of the bureau’s attempt to change the highly efficient and pro-competitive dealer-assisted financing model. The bill, H.R. 5403, co-sponsored by Reps. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) and Ed Perlmutter (D-CO), would also require transparency and public input prior to the issuance of future CFPB guidance in auto lending. Both NH’s congresswomen, Ann McLane Kuster and Carol Shea Porter, have signed on as cosponsors. The legislation came after dozens of letters — from Congressional Democrats and Republicans to the CFPB — urged the disclosure of the CFPB’s testing methodology, which is lacking in the bureau’s guidance. The CFPB repeatedly failed to fully respond to the questions it was asked, leading to the Stutzman-Perlmutter legislation. Dealers have also offered up an optional program that addresses fair credit risks. Based on a fair credit risk mitigation model developed by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2007 to resolve fair credit investigations of two dealers, NADA in January 2014 released its comprehensive Fair Credit Compliance Policy & Program. When implemented, the NADA program documents those instances when dealers discount interest rates and ensures the discounts are for legitimate business reasons, like meeting a competitive finance offer. BRONZE ASSOCIATION PARTNER NBT Bank INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY BANK Interested dealers, please contact Tammy Mantie at 203-6022 or email her at Tammy Mantie page 17 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics 2014 Unemployment Rates by Area Jul Aug Sep United States 6.5% 6.3% 5.7% New England 6.0% 6.0% 5.8% Connecticut 6.8% 6.9% 5.9% Maine 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% Massachusetts 6.1% 6.0% 6.2% New Hampshire 4.4% 4.3% Rhode Island 8.0% Vermont 4.0% Safety Inspection Results Oct ’14 Percent of Total YTD ’14 Percent of Total Total * 130,531 100.00% 1,320,014 100.00% Passed 103,363 79.20% 1,046,355 79.30% Corrected 15,048 11.50% 148,715 11.30% 4.0% Rejected 7,610 5.80% 76,882 5.80% 7.8% 7.3% Untested 4,510 3.50% 48,062 3.60% 4.0% 4.2% Total 115,787 100.00% 1,163,272 100.00% Passed 100,263 86.60% 1,004,755 86.40% Rejected 10,223 8.80% 106,603 9.20% Untested 5,301 4.60% 51,914 4.50% OBD II Inspection Results (1996 and newer) * Total numbers include OBD II Inspections Statistics provided by Gordon-Darby NHADA Mission Statement: Since 1921, fostering a spirit of cooperation by promoting standards through education and advocacy, providing valuable services, and protecting and advancing the motor vehicle industry as an integral part of New Hampshire’s economy. Title Statistics Report Ending October 2014 New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles Oct ’14 Oct ’13 ’14 YTD ’13 YTD Titles Issued for New and Demo Vehicles: 11,798 10,381 104,857 95,865 Titles Issued for Used Vehicles: 22,356 19,943 199,613 185,440 TOTAL TITLES ISSUED: 34,154 30,324 304,470 281,305 Titles Issued with a Lien: 16,838 14,267 145,406 131,346 Titles Issued with no Lien: 17,316 16,057 159,064 149,959 Salvage Titles Issued: 1,054 683 10,002 9,051 Salvage Tags Issued: 154 173 1,665 1,753 Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks More than 15 Years Old: Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks 15 Years Old or Less: 33 31 366 322 123 121 1,352 1,249 Titles Issued for Trailers: 1,032 855 9,262 8,337 Titles Issued for Motorcycles: 1,104 949 13,694 13,297 89 86 742 656 Titles Issued for Motor Homes: page 18 October 2014 Thank You 2014 NHADA Partners! These partners have answered the call and supported NHADA programs and events. Please consider your partners first when you need professional services for your business. DIAMOND Binnie Media – 106.3 Frank FM/105.5 JYY/93.3 The Wolf WBIN-TV F&I Resources Allstate Dealer Services PLATINUM NHAD Services, Inc. - Insurance Division NHAD Services, Inc. - Products Division NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust American Financial & Automotive Services, Inc. Comcast Spotlight Empire Dealer Services Gordon-Darby NHOST Services, Inc. WMUR-TV/ New Hampshire GOLD Bank of America Merrill Lynch New Hampshire Union Leader American Fidelity Assurance Company Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire Northeast Delta Dental Albin, Randall & Bennett O’Connor & Drew, P.C. Service Credit Union TRUECar SILVER Bond Auto Parts Inc. Devine Millimet Enterprise Rent-A-Car Southern Auto Auction St. Mary’s Bank Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur, CPAs, P.C. BRONZE Cross Insurance STAPLES® Advantage Tri State Fire Protection LLC Amy Martineau – Commercial Insurance Specialists Auto Auction of New England AutoUse Auto/Mate Automotive Equipment Technical Institute Automotive Garage Tools Bedford Occupational Acute Care/Apple Therapy Bellwether Community Credit Union Bernstein Shur Clean Harbors Environmental Services Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson, p.l.l.c. CUDL Dealertrack Technologies EasyCare New England FairPoint Communications G W Marketing Services G&K Services G H Berlin/Windward Holmes Law Offices PLLC Huntington Auto Finance iHeartMEDIA from Clear Channel Jewett Automotive Design & Construction JM&A Group JPMorgan Chase Bank KeyBank Lift Works Corp. / Sullivan Tire Inc.® Lynnway Auto Auction Macpage LLC Manheim New England Members First Credit Union MiCorp Dealer Services Mike’s Equipment Repair Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Nancy Phillips NBT Bank Protective Asset Protection Resources Management Group Sanel Auto Parts Co. Santander Bank Seacoast Media Group TD Bank / TD Auto Finance Tire Warehouse/Monro Muffler Brake TR2 Corp/LSI Industries Warehouse Distributors of New England/BG Products Wells Fargo Dealer Services To become a 2014 NHADA Partner, please call Jean Conlon at 800-852-3372. Compiled October 30, 2014. Companies endorsed by the NHADA are listed first within each association partner level. Those partners that also are endorsed by the NHADA will be listed first in their partner level. Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association America’s Largest Independent Auction • 20 Lanes • 4,000 Vehicles Dennis Finkel Sales Manager 860-250-3805 161 South Main Street page 20 • Every Wednesday Tim MacIntyre Dealership Representative 860-422-3620 • East Windsor, CT 06088 • December 2014
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