Dateline: NH W Passage of SB153: A Bittersweet Victory
Dateline: NH W Passage of SB153: A Bittersweet Victory
June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Meet Your Partners pages 3, 9, 11 & 18 (See complete listing on page 24) Inside this Issue AIADA Meeting page 2 From Your NADA Director page 4 Red Flags Enforcement Date Extended to August 1 page 6 Changing of the Guard: New NHADA Chair Jay Alosa receives the gavel from Immediate Past Chair Scott Holloway. NHADA Annual Meeting pages 11-13 Claims, Wellness, Education, Compliance, Benefits corners pages 14, 16, 18, 22, 23 School’s Out for Summer... page 20 Safety/ODB II Statistics page 22 New Title Statistics Report page 24 www.nha Passage of SB153: A Bittersweet Victory Peter J. McNamara, President W hen Senate Bill 153 was signed into law, I thought of the opening lines of Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity...” the final toll of which could exceed twenty. As I realized with delight we would reach the goal of amending the DBR, I also saw that stores would still be shuttered, workers jobless. I won’t go into details of the new DBR as that is covered by our special insert, which contains all of Within the past the changes. Please months we have take a moment to seen the passage of read the President’s SB153, which made Message as I tried great and sweept o a c k n ow l e d g e photo by Michael Rosenblum ing changes to the House Commerce Committee hearing turnout, May 5 – one of the efforts of those many impressive efforts supporting of SB153. Dealer Bill of Rights involved in the (RSA 357-C). Unfortunately, we are also process. However, it was the NHADA seeing Chrysler and General Motors begin grassroots – your voice – that made it the process of purging franchised dealers, Bittersweet - Continued on page 3 Following the Unique Path to the Creation of The New Dealer Bill of Rights Peter J. McNamara, President T he legislative process can be fascinating, tedious, boring, and nightmarish – sometimes all at once. Considering SB153 took a rather unique path to become law, I thought it would be of interest to walk the membership through some of the steps we took. When SB153 was in the Senate, dealers and I met with every Senator to talk about the bill. We also met with many members of the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee after it went to the House. Many of the meetings were 45 minutes to an hour long because of the complexity of both the bill and Unique Path - Continued on page 8 Dateline: NH photo by AIADA a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2008-2009 NHADA OFFICERS Chairman Joseph “Jay” R. Alosa, Jr. Vice Chairman Roger Groux Treasurer Holly Carlson Secretary Donna Gaudet Hosmer President Peter J. McNamara 2008-2009 NHADA DIRECTORS Joseph “Jay” R. Alosa, Jr., Heavy-Duty Trucks Frank Brady Andrew Costello H. Andy Crews Jim Fyles Roger Groux William Gurney, Non-Franchised Mark Hesler, Motorcycles Paul Holloway, Honorary Scott Holloway Jay McFarland Peggy Proko Chris Weiss NHADA members met with members of the federal delegation during the American International Automobile Dealers Association (AIADA) convention in Washington, DC, May 14. (l to r): Donovan and William Fenton of Fenton Family Dealerships; Massachusetts Automobile Dealers Association Chair James Boyle, an NHADA member; NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust Chair Emmet Horgan; U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH); NHADA and AIADA Director Peggy Proko; Jack Donachie of Dover AutoWorld; and NHADA President Peter J. McNamara. Welcome New Members Staples Business Advantage 15 Constitution Drive Bedford, NH 03110 Phone: 800-263-6510 Contacts: Brian Morin and Dan O’Leary Three Amigos Auto Sales d/b/a Supreme Cars and Trucks 548 Route 3A Bow, NH 03304 Phone: 369-4761 Owners: Shawn Feaster, Tim James, Scott Everett NADA DIRECTOR Jack Tulley NHADA Announces Additional Endorsed, Money-Saving Programs This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matters covered. In publishing this newsletter, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Advertisements appearing in Dateline: NH do not indicate a specific endorsement by NHADA of the products or services unless the NHADA endorsement symbol appears with the advertisement. Staples Business Advantage Office Supplies Call or e-mail Brian Morin at 603-223-2091; CES Endorsed by NHADA One-stop energy management service for all your energy needs Call Keith Sampson at 866-408-4591 or view their web site at Published monthly at Bow, New Hampshire, by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association. Mailing address: P. O. Box 2337, Concord, NH 03302-2337, 603-224-2369/800-852-3372. 700Credit STAFF Credit reporting program Call or e-mail Mike Marzano at 866-794-8252, ext. 121; Publisher Joseph “Jay” R. Alosa, Jr. Editorial Director Peter J. McNamara Managing Editor/ Nathaniel Stout Design and Layout Advertising Coordinator Lisa Lavoie Photographers Michael Rosenblum D Full Page: 1/2 Page: 1/3 Page: 1/6 Page: ADVERTISING RATES Color $650 Color $400 Color $325 Color $250 page 2 B&W B&W B&W B&W Tri State Fire Protection Fire alarm systems and extinguishers Call or e-mail Ron Plamondon at 603-293-7531, 603-966-3471 (direct); $525 $325 $250 $200 AmSan Janitorial and cleaning products Call or e-mail Steve Kolesar at 866-412-6726; June, 2009 Dateline: NH Bittersweet - Continued from page 1 possible for the bill to become reality. As I write this column, Chrysler has already given notice to six NHADA members. The General Motors letters just recently arrived. I anticipate that the NHADA franchised rolls could be reduced by a score, which is still better than what we thought just a few weeks ago. On the national level, I flew to Washington, D.C. with several dealers to meet with our congressional delegation as part of the AIADA annual meeting. Peggy Proko, AIADA and NHADA director, Emmett Horgan, WCT chairman, and Bill Fenton and his son Donovan and I all pushed the message that the Treasury Department was reckless in moving this quickly to eliminate dealers. We asked June, 2009 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association our delegation to write the Obama administration on this issue. Much of Dickens’ novel was interwoven with the theme of resurrection. So too with this tale. It is certain that we will have fewer new vehicle members by the end of the year. But it is also certain that we cannot count out any of these dealers. By their very nature, dealers are scrappy entrepreneurs – full of fighting spirit. We also need to recognize that the remaining dealers will be stronger when this recession ends and business begins to grow anew. Meet Your Association Partners Zurich Platinum For more information, please contact Zurich – The Specialists – at 800-633-8842. “Your Insurance Specialist” Doug Coyle, Account Executive; Paul Marino, Regional F&I Manager; Ken Desmarais, Regional Sales Manager; Mark Paulhamus, Account Executive; Jonathan Krecidlo, F&I Executive; Mark Giguere, F&I Executive. page 3 Dateline: NH From Your NADA Director Jack Tulley NADA Pushes on All Fronts to Correct Credit Situation, Stabilize Auto Industry Throughout April, NADA continued to push on numerous fronts to shore up the wholesale and retail auto credit situation and to help stabilize the industry. In mid-April, NADA met with GM’s Fritz Henderson and Mark LaNeve. In late April, association leaders met with President Obama’s autos task force. During that meeting, representatives of the administration said they were considering ways to help dealers access money to buy vehicles for inventory through the Small Business Administration. Dealers told the task force that increasing the business-size standards and shifting to an employee-based size standard would help. Currently, SBA’s loan guaranty program caps eligibility at $29 million in annual gross receipts, an amount that the majority of dealers surpass. A group of 35 U.S. Senators, led by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) also asked the Obama administration to quickly expand dealers’ eligibility for SBA loans as well as to restore liquidity for retail auto and floorplan lending. The letter was initiated by NADA. page 4 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NADA Update Dealers encounter two major stumbling blocks when trying to push policymakers and legislators on liquidity restoration. One is the lack of familiarity with the dealership business model. Most don’t know that dealers, not automakers, pay to keep inventory, hence the great need for floor-planning credit. The other is that securitized floorplan loans don’t tend to experience defaults the way mortgages do. Among other types of collateral, dealers’ personal and business assets back the loans. This is one point Koblenz made to a group of more than 20 capital and asset management firms in New York City this month. Lawmakers Nearing Compromise on “Cash for Clunkers” A potential bright spot on the retail side of the business is the nearing compromise on a “cash for clunkers” bill in Congress as lawmakers try to determine the best approach to such a program. Details such as total budget, program duration, the age of older vehicles, criteria for new vehicles, and specific incentive amounts have yet to be resolved. NADA recognizes the significant economic benefit for dealers and their communities that could result from passage of a “cash for clunkers” program, and NADA lobbyists are meeting with Congressional leaders to ensure that dealers are paid promptly by the federal government and that any incentive program is available for all automobile manufacturers. Once passed by the House, the bill will have to pass the Senate as well before going to President Obama to be signed into law. In other legislative and regulatory news… “Card Check” has stalled in the 111th Congress. The Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 1409 and S. 560) would allow a majority of employees to be represented by a union by signing a card instead of a traditional election, with secret ballot, overseen by the National Labor Relations Board. The legislation has fewer cosponsors this time around, showing weakening support. In late March, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) said he would not support closure of debate on the legislation, which put its fate in jeopardy. Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) made a similar announcement in early April. Even so, dealers should urge members of Congress not to cosponsor the legislation and to oppose a compromise measure. Senators should be urged to vote “no” on any cloture motion on the bill. Be sure to use the new Form I-9. If you’re hiring, you must now use the revised I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form. The new form took effect April 3. The main changes to the form involve documents acceptable for identity and/ or employment authorization. ARRA includes tax incentives for businesses. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 provides a number of tax incentives for businesses, including continuing accelerated depreciation of business assets and extension of small business expensing. For a summary of incentives, go to www. and click on “Tax Provisions – Stimulus Law” in the left-hand column. Honor vouchers from vets. U.S. veterans who lose the use of one or more limbs or become totally blind are eligible for a one-time auto voucher worth $11,000 Director’s Report - continued on page 6 June, 2009 B:8.625” T:8.125” Dateline: NH a publication S:7.125” of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Announcing the 1 # Selling compact & full-size SUV brand in the Northeast* † * Based on R.L. Polk 2008 CY Northeast Region vehicle registrations. † See dealer for a copy of limited warranty and details. No deductible. Non-Transferable. Not available on SRT, diesel and certain fleet models. Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler LLC. Proud Sponsors of the NHADA June, 2009 Ad Number: page 5 JEEP_JBS_B930198 Publication(s): Live Nation Program File Location: Macintosh HD:Users:jrooney:Desktop:JEEP_JBS_B930198.indd This ad prepared by: SGL Communications for BBDO Toronto • 2 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario • phone 416.413.7495 • fax 416.944.7883 JOB SPECIFICS FILE SPECIFICATIONS: PREMEDIA OPERATOR: FONTS & PLACED IMAGES This proof was produced by the following department: PREPRESS SIGNOFFS: B:11.125” S:10” T:10.875” Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Director’s Report - continued from page 4 for the purchase of a new or used vehicle. Veterans may present dealers with Form 21-4502, which includes instructions for both service members and retailers. Dealers fill out the VIN and make/model and the veteran signs and dates it. The voucher amount cannot be shown as a downpayment, but must be presented as a debt that the Department of Veterans Affairs owes. Reimbursements on auto grants take about 10 days to three weeks to process. Dealers may call their regional VA office or 800-827-1000 with questions. In NADA news… NADA 20 Group and NADA Lifeline Dealership Consulting programs are proven to help improve your bottom line. Don’t try to go it alone. Now is the time to give these a try! Call 888-672-5140 or visit for more information. Applications are being accepted for Ford, GM, Chrysler, Mazda, Kia, Nissan, and the All-Makes Truck groups. Virtual and classroom seminars are a cost-effective way to stay current on the most urgent issues facing dealers today. Key offerings for May/June include: “Decreasing Revenues, Rising Costs, and Shrinking Margins,” May 27, 1–3 p.m. ET; “Dealer Survival: Improving Your Cash Flow in Tough Times,” June 18, 1–3 p.m. ET; “Negotiating Techniques for Today’s Consumer,” June 24, 1–3 p.m. ET. These Webinars are offered at $199 per computer connection. For more information, visit or call 800-252-6232, ext. 2. In addition to these, on June 4, 11, and 18, NADA and will offer their Spring 2009 Automotive Internet Marketing Webinar series. Learn more at page 6 T Red Flags Enforcement Date Extended to August 1 he Federal Trade Commission will delay enforcement of the new “Red Flags Rule” until August 1, 2009, to give creditors and financial institutions more time to develop and implement written identity theft prevention programs. For entities that have a low risk of identity theft, such as businesses that know their customers personally, the commission will soon release a template to help them comply with the law. The announcement does not affect other federal agencies’ enforcement of the original November 1, 2008, compliance deadline for institutions subject to their oversight. “Given the ongoing debate about whether Congress wrote this provision too broadly, delaying enforcement of the Red Flags Rule will allow industries and associations to share guidance with their members, provide low-risk entities an opportunity to use the template in developing their programs, and give Congress time to consider the issue further,” FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA) directed financial regulatory agencies, including the FTC, to promulgate rules requiring “creditors” and “financial institutions” with covered accounts to implement programs to identify, detect, and respond to patterns, practices, or specific activities that could indicate identity theft. FACTA’s definition of “creditor” applies to any entity that regularly extends or renews credit – or arranges for others to do so – and includes all entities that regularly permit deferred payments for goods or services. Accepting credit cards as a form of payment does not, by itself, make an entity a creditor. Automobile dealers that provide or arrange financing are among those businesses required to comply. “Financial institutions” include entities that offer accounts that enable consumers to write checks or make payments to third parties through other means, such as other negotiable instruments or telephone transfers. During outreach efforts last year, the FTC staff learned that some industries and entities within the agency’s jurisdiction were uncertain about their coverage under the Red Flags Rule. During this time, FTC staff developed and published materials to help explain what types of entities are covered, and how they might develop their identity theft prevention programs. Among these materials were an alert on the Rule’s requirements, www. alt050.shtm, and a web site with more resources to help covered entities design and implement identity theft prevention programs, The compliance template will be available on this web site. The FTC works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint in English or Spanish, visit the FTC’s online Complaint Assistant or call 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357). The FTC enters complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to more than 1,500 civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. The FTC’s web site provides free information on a variety of consumer topics. June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Dateline Ad:NHADA Back Cover Ad 4/14/09 10:34 AM Page 1 “Creating Liquidity in the Automobile Marketplace” Every Thursday 9:15AM Londonderry, NH • Six Lanes 1,200+ Vehicles • Fleet/Lease 275+ Vehicles • End of Sale Prizes! Auto Auction of New England Conveniently Located at Exit 4, Rt. 93 8 Action Blvd., Londonderry, NH 03053 10 min. south of Manchester, NH Tel: (603) 437-5700 Fax: (603) 437-5800 General Manager Dave Blake Operations Manager Rob Ross Controller Linda Griffin Office Manager Joanne Comeau Safety & Compliance Manager Sal Morando Director Fleet/Lease Bill Hoover Quality Auction Member Dealer Relations Michele Pierog Jim How Katie Karl Pamm Monteiro Dealer Registration Donna Olsen • Transportation • Full Recondition • Service Dept. • Guaranteed Checks and Titles Donate a Car...Change a Life! Donate unwanted vehicles to Good News Garage and help a NH neighbor Good News Garage-LSS, Inc. accepts, refurbishes and awards donated cars, vans and trucks to needy families. All donations qualify for a tax deduction and vehicles awarded to clients qualify for the highest tax deduction allowed! Donate Toll-free: 877-GIVE-AUTO (877-448-3288) Donate On-line: “I can’t express how extremely happy you have made me and my family. We appreciate your kindness. It will get a lot of use and I will take care of it! Thank you so very much!” June, 2009 Good News Garage NH 325 Merrill Street, Manchester, NH Good News Garage is a subsidiary of Lutheran Social Services of New England page 7 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Unique Path – continued from page 1 the dealer-manufacturer relationship. One particular hurdle to overcome was that we even had a franchise law on the books already. The one-on-one personal meetings were crucial because they put a human face and voice to the bill. At each of the hearings, we packed the room with dealers and employees. To channel our grassroots, then-chairman Scott Holloway and I, along with Dan Bennett and David Donohue of Griffin York & Krause presented the bill at five town hall meetings. I deputized each board member as a “precinct captain” who was charged with following up with about 10 other dealers. We also gathered dealership employee names and hometowns to further fortify our grassroots. These came in handy in legislative districts that had little if any dealerships. For example, one district had over 15 employees from just a few dealerships. We Have A Great Auction Every Wednesday Up To 1,200 cars @ 9:00 AM Why Does LYNNWAY AUTO AUCTION Belong On Your Calendar? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We Have A Big Thursday Night Auction @ 7:00 PM We Average 1100+ New Car Trades Weekly We Average 700 Buyers Weekly We Average 75% Sales Ratio We Average 90% Dealer Consigned Cars We Have 6 Lanes of Action We Offer 12+ Floor Planning Companies We Are Open 7 Days & Nights With 24 Hour Security We Service Every Major Market & 6 New England States We Have A Full Reconditioning Department & Competitive Rates We Have a Post Sale Inspection Department We Have Car Carriers To Pick Up Cars Anywhere We Have Only Professional Auctioneers We Have Accommodations For Many Dealers We Have A Great Web Site For Information Jim Lamb George Russo Bob Brest Visit Us On Web @ WWW.LYNNWAYAUTOAUCTION.COM Where You Get Inventory Lists Updated Constantly And The Ability To Buy And Sell From Your Home Or Office 732R Lynnway Lynn, MA 01905 * Phone: 781-596-8500 * 1-888-Lynnway * Fax: 781-581-5033 We Are Only 7 Miles From Logan Airport page 8 Nat Stout, our new communications director, dedicated whole new sections of our web site to cover SB153. Most significantly, he worked up automated e-mails that allowed members to easily and quickly send letters to their elected officials. At the Statehouse, Dan Bennett and I were joined by Jim Demers of the Demers Group and Jim Bouley of Dennehy & Bouley. Together we engaged in various skirmishes with the half-dozen lobbyist from our many opponents. As I write this article, we are still battling the RV manufacturers, who are trying to chisel away at the newly poured foundation of the DBR. Behind the scenes, a negotiating team consisting of various NHADA directors met with the groups opposing the bill and also held several internal discussions, some of them late at night, to discuss strategy. The end result of much back-and-forth resulted in about two dozen changes to the bill. The last two days before the bill became law were the most intense, though the prior five days were equally as busy internally at NHADA. Recognizing that GM and Chrysler were readying to eliminate dealers, we pushed to have the bill passed by Wednesday, May 6. The hearing before the House Commerce Committee was scheduled for May 5. Normally a bill like this would be assigned to a subcommittee, which would then meet for a week or two before making recommendations to the full committee. Due to time constraints, the subcommittee met immediately after the hearing on that Tuesday. Between the hearing and the subcommittee, we reached several compromises with all but one of the opponents of the bill. The subcommittee adopted the June, 2009 Dateline: NH agreed upon changes, after which the full committee unanimously adopted the recommendation of “ought to pass as amended” for SB153. This whole process took about eight hours. The next day, nearly a dozen dealers arrived to hand out flyers and meet with various representatives outside the House chamber. Suddenly, I received an e-mail from NADA that GM was already notifying dealers that they were being terminated. This revelation made it even more pressing to have the bill passed and signed into law quickly. We thought that SB153 would be the first bill to be heard that day but it turned out we were second to last, just before the some other controversial legislation. All the other bills were heard first, one trying to name a certain breed of dog as the state dog. Before the full House, the rules were suspended to allow SB153 to be heard that day. This required a two-thirds vote, requiring a bipartisan vote. The vote was 316-45. Next was the motion of “ought to pass as amended,” which passed 295-66 after some debate. The bill was then brought over to the Senate, which concurred with the House changes on a unanimous voice vote. The bill then proceeded through several enrolling steps before it reached the Governor’s desk. This involved various staff members from the House, Senate, Governor, and Secretary of State offices, who physically shuttled the bill through the process. Finally, the bill reached the Governor’s desk during the early evening at which time, Governor Lynch kindly had a public signing. This entire process took just a few a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Meet Your Association Partners American Fidelity Assurance Company Silver “NHADA partner for voluntary benefits” For more information, please contact Chuck Guerin at 888-373-2636. Chuck Guerin Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur is a CPA firm dedicated to providing accounting and consulting services to the automotive industry Services Provided In addition to traditional audit, review, compilation and tax services, we can help you with: • Operational audits • Employee benefits consulting • Estate and succession planning • Management evaluations • Business valuation • Due diligence purchase systems review • LIFO calculations & compliance • Internal controls review • Budgeting and forecasting • Business consulting Automotive Dealership Group Ernest R. Tyler, CPA Kenneth P. Goodrow, CPA James N. Godfrey, CPA Virginia L. McGrody, CPA 19 Morgan Drive Lebanon, NH 03766 (Phone) 603-653-0044 (Fax) 603-653-0209 Unique Path - Continued on page 10 June, 2009 page 9 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Unique Path – continued from page 9 short hours when normally it could take weeks. Clearly the various leaders of the House and Senate were concerned about the dealer body and their employees. This is not a path I hope to have to travel again. Like all committees, the House Commerce Committee takes pride in deliberating over, and fully understanding, the bills brought before it. Committee members are meticulous and good at what they do. Though many of them recognized that the legislation was needed quickly, the committee members did not like having to work at that speed. Routine Physical Drawing Winners The 2009 first quarter Routine Physical Drawing winners were randomly selected and each received a check from the Insurance Division of NHAD Services, Inc. for $250! The lucky recipients are: Robert Stanley, spouse of Donna Stanley, 1400 Motors of Nashua, Inc., Nashua; Candace Fitzgerald, Concord Lincoln Mercury, Inc., Concord; Lakes Region Community College is seeking two adjunct faculties to teach classes within the Automotive Service Education Program (ASEP). The successful applicant must have ASE certifications in the areas to be taught and at least five years experience as an automotive technician. Previous teaching is experience preferred. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university with major study in a subject area closely related to field of automotive or education. Possession of a bachelor’s degree in Education, shall require an associate’s degree in Automotive and three years of teaching experience in automotive or three years of business or industry experience in automotive, or associate’s degree from a regionally accredited college or technical school with major study in a subject area related to automotive and five years of teaching experience in automotive or five years of business or industry experience in automotive. Special requirement: ASE certification. Deborah Lawn, State Line Truck Service, Inc., Fitzwilliam; and Najat El-Khoury, spouse of Amis ElKhoury, Banks Chevrolet, Concord. All full-time employees (and insured family members) of an NHADA company member insured through NHADA/ Anthem, both at the time of the routine physical, and at the time of the drawing, are eligible to participate. For more information on this program or to acquire registration forms, please contact Wellness Educator Lisa Duclos, at 800-852-3372, ext. 308 or by e-mail at Salary commensurate with experience. Please submit an application, resume, and copies of college transcripts to: Thomas Goulette, Vice President of Academic Affairs Lakes Region Community College 379 Belmont Road Laconia, NH 03246-1364 State applications are available at or our web site at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Application review will begin on July 1, 2009. Equal Opportunity Employer page 10 Save the Dates! (Watch for Additional Information) September 18 NHADA Golf Tournament Lochmere Country Club, Tilton, NH November 17 NHADA Fall Business Meeting & Partner Expo Grappone Conference Center, Concord, NH June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Annual Meeting Brings Members Together During Difficult Times C hrysler and GM closings aside, the NHADA Annual Meeting brought friends and colleagues together to plan and strategize the uncertain future. Over 100 NHADA members and partners joined together at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester during the afternoon of May 13. Joseph “Jay” Alosa, Jr., Freightliner of New Hampshire, was elected Chair of the Board of Directors, succeeding Scott Holloway, Holloway Pontiac Buick GMC Cadillac, who has been reelected to the board for a subsequent five-year term. Roger C. Groux, Honda Barn/Nissan of Stratham, was elected Vice Chair. Reelected to the board for one-year terms were Treasurer Holly Carlson of Carlson’s Motor Sales, and Secretary Donna Gaudet Hosmer, of AutoServ Dealerships. Peter McNamara was reelected as NHADA President. H. Andy Crews of AutoFair Group was elected by the franchised membership to serve a five-year term in earlier voting, along with Scott Holloway. A panel of state regulatory officials advised members at the 2009 Annual Meeting. Of course, there was the time-honored handing out of Workers’ Compensation rebates (see article on page 14). Reelected on May 13 to the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation were: Mark Tulley of Tulley Buick-Pont-GMC-BMW-Mazda-VW, who will serve a three-year term, and one year as president; John Bunce of Keats, Inc. to a three-year term; and new member Dick Horan of Precision Imports, to serve a three-year term. Meet Your Association Partners ADP Dealer Services Bronze “Provides integrated computing solutions” For more information, please contact Maria Trezza at 800-827-8500. Governor John Lynch spoke briefly at the reception of his support for the state’s automotive industry and the communities they support. A panel of state officials spoke on regulatory matters. They pledged their cooperation in helping automotive businesses comply with state requirements. Included were: Director of Motor Vehicles Virginia Beecher; Dept. of Labor Counsel Martin Jenkins, Sr.; Assistant Attorney General Richard W. Head; and Banking Commissioner Peter Hildreth. June, 2009 Endorsed by NHADA page 11 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2009 NHADA photos by Michael Rosenblum and Dan Bennett Above (l to r): New NHADA Board of Directors Chairman Joseph “Jay” R. Alosa, Jr., Freightliner of New Hampshire, Inc.; and outgoing Chairman Scott Holloway, Holloway Pontiac Buick GMC Cadillac. Upper right (l to r): Rick Chergey, Saturn of Nashua; Sean Van Praet and Todd Page, both of Porsche/Audi of Stratham. Immediate right (l to r): NHADA Director Andrew G. Costello, 1400 Motors of Nashua/Infiniti of Nashua; Rep. Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry). Middle (l to r): Newly elected NHADA Vice Chairman Roger Groux, Honda Barn/Nissan of Stratham; Governor John Lynch. Lower Right (l to r): Sam Verge and Vicki Marcinkevich of Team Nissan, Inc.; Amanda Grappone Osmer, Grappone Automotive Group; Frank Leone, also of Team Nissan. Below (l to r): NHADA Director Chris Weiss, Crest Auto World; Joe Walier, Walier Chevrolet; and Jim Knight, Wyman’s Chevrolet-Pontiac. page 12 June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Annual Meeting Above (l to r): Newly Elected NHAEF Director Richard Horan, Precision Imports, Inc.; Phil von Hemert, Environmental Equipment of New England, a Bronze Partner; Charlotte and NHADA Director Bill Gurney, Automotive Repair. Inc. Immediate left (l to r): Peter Herz, Lakes Region Volkswagen Audi; NHAD Services, Inc. Chairman Doug Miles, Seacoast Volkswagen; Ed Reilly, Ed Reilly Subaru. below (l to r): Former Director Paul Gladstone; Wayne MaKechnie, Holloway Pontiac Buick GMC Cadillac; Joe Yergeau, Holloway Automotive Group. June, 2009 page 13 Dateline: NH Claims Corner a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association $2.6 Million Returned to Workers’ Compensation Trust Members Peter Sheffer, WCT Director T he NHADA WCT Board and staff are pleased to return $2.6 million to our members as a rebate this year. The actuarial released money from 2002 through 2007 fund years, with the majority coming from the 2007 fund year. Therefore, members with poor 2007 claims experience will receive reduced rebates compared to rebates returned in 2006 and 2007. Due to high reserves, high claims costs, and the uncertainty of claims development, no money will be returned out of the 2008 fund year. As a result, members who joined in 2008 will receive no 2009 rebate. We are, however, cautiously optimistic that claims staff efforts will positively impact claims development, and we will see some of the reserves on 2008 claims freed up for rebate in 2010. WCT one of the most successful selfinsured groups in the state. From the claims perspective, members should avoid the use of emergency rooms whenever medically appropriate. Hospitals are one of the major workers’ compensation cost drivers. Members should call Nurse Case Manager Marta Robbins immediately after an injury occurs so that she can assist with an appropriate choice of medical provider. This year’s rebates have been negatively impacted by three factors: 1) Heavy snow and ice in 2007 and 2008 resulting in serious injuries and costly claims; 2) Workers’ compensation medical costs continue to outpace medical inflation – they have doubled in the last decade in NH; and 3) Investment income is down. These factors eroded the available money to be returned to members in 2009. Members can influence their claims experience, thereby positively affecting their rebate. Despite the challenging times, members must continue to adhere to the basic principles of claims management and loss prevention that have made the page 14 Annual Ritual: David Allen, NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust board member, hands a rebate check to Dennie Foss of Foss Motors, Inc. at the 2009 Annual Meeting in Manchester May 13. Avoiding lost time claims is the single most effective way to control workers’ compensation costs. The longer an employee is out of work, the less likely that employee will return to work. Remember, medical-only claims are discounted 70 percent when the experience modification factor is calculated. Even one day of disability can impact the experience modification factor. From the loss prevention perspective, members must remember to perform pre-placement drug testing. The Workers’ Compensation Trust Board mandated pre-placement drug testing in 2008 for all WCT members. National studies have found that illegal substance users cost employers time and money in workers’ compensation, health insurance, disability insurance, and lost productivity. Preventing the employment of illegal substance users is the first step in personnel risk management. Members should have safety committees. They heighten safety awareness among staff and have been proven to reduce the frequency of injuries. As mentioned above, slip-and-fall-on-ice claims have been a major cost driver for the past two years. Members should develop and implement a snow and ice, slip-and-fall prevention program, and they must hold staff accountable for its success. If we could eliminate slip-and-fall-on-ice claims, we could return as much as 20 percent more money in rebates. The NHADA WCT continues to be one of the most successful self-insured groups in the state. We have returned over $50 million to members since our inception in 1996. With members’ help providing safe work environments and managing claims, we will continue to be successful into the future. For assistance with our loss prevention programs or pre-placement drug testing, please contact Brian Duplessis at 800-852-3372 or by e-mail bduplessis@ For assistance with claims management issues please contact Pete Sheffer at 800-852-3372 or by e-mail at June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association D20950BG NHADA Endorsed.qxd 2/5/07 11:15 AM Page 1 abcWhat if you knew your insurer was committed to your success? Contact Ken Desmarais 800-633-8842 Regional Sales Manager We help build F&I profits and protect your dealership. Zurich provides the strength, stability and specialization to help cover your dealership risks and build F&I profits. With this powerful combination, let D20950BG Endorsed by NHADA for Property/Casualty Coverage, Vehicle Service Contracts, GAP Insurance us help support the success of your business with insurance solutions that fit your needs. Property & Casualty • GAP • Dealer Risk Management Training • Vehicle Service Contracts • Binding Arbitration Program • Road Hazard Tire & Wheel • Discrimination: Zero Tolerance Training Program Insurance coverages and non-insurance products & services are underwritten and provided by member companies of Zurich in North America, including Universal Underwriters Insurance Company and Universal Underwriters Service Corporation. Certain coverages and products and services are not available in all states. ©2007 Zurich American Insurance Company. June, 2009 page 15 Siz Cir Siz Z= 1.5 2.5 5Z He Su Bo Le Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Focus: Prostate Health Wellness Corner Lisa Duclos, Wellness Educator I f you don’t know what your prostate is or what it does, you are certainly not alone: most men do not know. You really should though! More than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that negatively affect their quality of life. The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland found only in men. It lies in front of the rectum, sits just below the bladder where urine is stored, and surrounds the tube that carries urine from the body (urethra). The gland functions as part of the male reproductive system by making a fluid that becomes part of semen, the white fluid that contains sperm. Testosterone, the male sex hormone, causes the prostate to slowly enlarge with age. The prostate gland grows quite a lot during puberty and then does not change much until about age 40, when it slowly begins growing again and, in many men, does not stop. Half of men are not bothered by their growing prostate. But the others will develop one of three prostate diseases: enlarged prostate, prostatitis, or prostate cancer, or may have more than one. BPH – Enlarged Prostate Prostate gland enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH) rarely causes problems before age 40. More than half of men in their 60s and as many as 90 percent in their 70s and 80s experience symptoms of BPH. At some point, about 30 percent of men with BPH require some kind of treatment for the condition. Just as BPH symptoms vary with the individual, they also differ as the condition progresses. The discomfort and page 16 June 15-21: National Men’s Health Week complications associated with an enlarged prostate are related to a combination of problems that develop over time. In the early phase of prostate enlargement, a man may find it increasingly difficult to urinate because the bladder muscle has to work harder to push urine through the narrower urethra. This extra force may eventually thicken the bladder muscle, making the bladder overly sensitive to the presence of fluid and resulting in an urgent and frequent need to urinate. Over time, the bladder muscle may weaken, so that urine is not completely excreted. Any unusual variation or difficulty in the pattern of urination is a red flag that a prostate problem may exist. Initial treatment for an enlarged prostate may be medications that reduce the size of the prostate gland or improve urine flow by relaxing the tissues in the area of the prostate gland. Various types of surgery can reduce the size of the prostate. Prostatitis Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate that may be caused by an infection. It is the most common prostate problem for men under 50 – so common that about half of adult men will be treated for it in their lifetime. Prostatitis is a clinical term used to describe a wide spectrum of disorders ranging from acute bacterial infection to chronic pain syndromes affecting the prostate. Diagnosis of prostatitis is usually made during a digital rectal exam, where the physician inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate, or by examining fluid from the prostate under a microscope. Some doctors use a symptom index questionnaire developed by the National Institutes of Health. Still, diagnosing prostatitis is not easy, so the most important diagnostic tool your doctor has is you and your detailed descriptions of your symptoms. Prostatitis is not considered a serious disease, and it has not been shown to lead to cancer. But, it is painful, extremely inconvenient, and sometimes difficult to cure. There are a number of treatment options that usually provide relief. These include antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and surgery. According to the National Cancer Institute, prostatitis is not contagious, and the vast majority of cases are not spread through sexual contact. Only a doctor can tell one form of prostatitis from another. Prostate Cancer The third major problem that can occur in the prostate is cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and the second leading killer of men, behind lung cancer. Prostate cancer is generally very slow growing, and most men die with prostate cancer, dying from some other cause, rather than from it. Still, it kills approximately 30,000 men each year. Prostate cancer grows quietly for years, giving most men with the early disease no obvious symptoms, sometimes referred to as a “silent killer.” In its early stages, prostate cancer stays in the prostate and is not life-threatening. But, without treatment, cancer eventually spreads to other parts of the body, often resulting in death. The good news is that, detected early, it can be cured. Prostate - continued on page 18 June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association E Exiting your dealership today is commonplace. Doing it right requires expert guidance. How you exit your dealership today will affect the rest of your life. To avoid costly mistakes and optimize the value of your assets, you need a trustworthy advocate with a record of results and a reputation for excellence. From determining your dealership’s true value to orchestrating the many legal, financial and franchise issues in your best interest, Nancy Phillips Associates is a name you can trust. a Name You CaN TrusT | siNCe 1989 www.auTodealerexiTsTraTegies.Com dealership sales · evaluations · liquidations 603.658.0004 · · June, 2009 page 17 Dateline: NH Prostate – continued from page 16 Doctors have several ways to treat prostate cancer. The choice depends on many factors, such as whether or not the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, the patient’s age and general health, and how the patient feels about the treatment options and their side effects. According to both the National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society, approaches to treatment include: watchful waiting to see whether the cancer is growing slowly and causing symptoms; surgery to remove the entire prostate and surrounding tissues; and internal and external radiation therapy, both of which use high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Hormone therapy and chemotherapy drugs are approved to treat the various advanced stages of cancer. Experts agree that the best protection against prostate problems is to have regular medical checkups that include a prostate exam. The prostate should be checked yearly after age 40. The American Urological Association (AUA) issued new guidelines on prostate cancer screening for men in April 2009, which goes against much of the recent advice of other groups, and recommends that well informed a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association men aged 40 and over who have a life expectancy of at least 10 years should be offered the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test (a blood test) in order to establish References: 306_prostate.html 147753.php a baseline reading and that PSA testing should be individualized rather than a blanket annual test for any man aged 50 and over. There has been a lot of controversy lately about when men should start regular PSA screening, how often, and at what point should a biopsy be indicated. The AUA said that when offered and interpreted appropriately, the PSA test helps doctors diagnose, assess risk, and stage prostate cancer pre-treatment, and then monitor progress afterwards. Men who wish to be screened should be offered a PSA test and a DRE (digital rectal ex- amination). In order to better assess risk, doctors should also take into account their patients’ family histories, overall health, ethnicity, and age, said the AUA’s new guideline. Doctors should also discuss the pros and cons of screening, such as the possibility of over-detection, whereby cancers that do not need attention right now might show up; this can cause patients to worry unnecessarily, for example. Dr Peter Carroll, chair of the AUA p a n e l t h a t d e ve l o p e d t h e s t a t e ment said the most important message of the new guideline is that, “Prostate cancer testing is an individual decision that patients of any age should make in conjunction with their physicians and urologists.” He said there was no single universal standard that you can apply to all men, and nor should there be, given the current tools available. He also said that the panel looked at all the recently reported trials of PSA testing in the US and Europe before issuing the statement. For more information or presentations on other wellness-related topics at your business, contact me at lduclos@nhada. com or 1-800-852-3372, ext. 308. Meet Your Association Partners Hold on to your seats! Accelerate: Rev It Up to the Next Level is coming soon! Watch for more information about this new and updated summer fitness challenge! Or contact Lisa Duclos, Wellness Educator at 800-852-3372, ext. 308 or e-mail: page 18 Lift Works Corp./Sullivan Tire Inc.® Bronze “Automotive service equipment specialists” For more information, please contact Ray Russell at 800-392-6330. June, 2009 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NEVER BACK DOWN FROM A CHALLENGE Proud Sponsors of the NHADA June, 2009 page 19 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association School’s Out for Summer... Mark Broth, Esq., and Margaret O’Brien, Esq. ...well, almost. Given the number of snow days this winter, the school year is extending a little longer than usual. However, as employers are gearing up for the summer hiring season, we thought this would be an opportune time to review the laws governing the employment of individuals under the age of 18. Which laws govern youth employment? The federal law is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Statutes include the New Hampshire Youth Employment Law and the Massachusetts Child Labor Laws. Who is a “youth?” Any individual under the age of 18. When does the law prohibit the employment of a youth? In general, any youth under the age of 14 may not work.* Additionally, most youths may not perform “hazardous” work, such as, but not limited to, commercial driving, excavation, manufacturing explosives, and operating many types of power-driven equipment. In Massachusetts, youths page 20 may not work alone after 8 p.m., and must have either adult supervision or a security service on the premise. Permissible work hours 14- and 15-year-olds: • Youths who are 14 and 15 years of age may work in various non-manufacturing, non-mining, and non-hazardous jobs. • They are permitted to work three hours on a school day and a total of 18 hours during the school week. • On non-school days, they may work eight hours per day. During the summer vacation, they may work six days per week, but not to exceed 40 hours in Massachusetts or 48 hours in New Hampshire. • They may only work between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., except from June 1 through Labor Day, when they are permitted to work until 9 p.m. (For Massachusetts, hours are extended to 9 p.m. from July 1 through Labor Day.) 16- and 17-year-olds: • They are not permitted to work more than six consecutive days during the school calendar week, which is Sunday through Saturday (MA and NH). • They may not work more than 30 hours in New Hampshire or 48 hours per week in Massachusetts during the school calendar week. • They may not work more than nine hours a day in Massachusetts or more than 10 hours a day at manual or mechanical labor in any manufacturing establishment or more than 10-¼ hours a day at manual or mechanical labor in any other employment that is not exempt by NH statute. • From June 1 through Labor Day (“vacation weeks”), these minors may not work more than six consecutive days or 48 hours in any one week in either New Hampshire or Massachusetts. • In New Hampshire, they may not work more than eight hours in 24 hours or more than 48 hours during the week if performing night work. June, 2009 Dateline: NH • In Massachusetts, on nights preceding a regularly scheduled school day, they may not work before 6 a.m. or past 10 p.m., with the exception that if the establishment stops serving clients at 10 p.m., the minor may be employed until 10:15 p.m. On nights not preceding a regularly scheduled school day, they may not work before 6 a.m. or after 11:30 p.m., with the exception that minors working for restaurants or racetracks may work until 12 p.m. • In Massachusetts, the work schedule for minors should be posted, with start times, stop times, and meal breaks shown on the schedule. A list of all minor employees must be maintained in the workplace. 16- and 17-year-olds not enrolled in school (NH): a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Employers are required to keep these respective written documents on file. Massachusetts employers must keep certificates from the school districts for youths ages 16 and 17, and must maintain employment permits for youths ages 14 and 15. State and federal laws can differ, so when consulting with agencies about youth employment laws it is important to inquire on both the state and federal level and to follow the more stringent requirement. As with many other laws, there are many exceptions to the federal and state youth employment law, and you should seek legal advice if you have any questions or concerns about youth employment. * Exceptions are made in extremely limited circumstances, such as news carriers, farm workers, “casual work” (NH only), and in entertainment. (Mark Broth and Margaret O’Brien work with Devine Millimet, a Silver Association Partner. You may call 695-8582 to access Devine Millimet’s free Employment Law Hotline.) Does your current F&I provider offer a full deck of solutions? • They may not work more than 10 hours a day or 48 hours a week at manual or mechanical labor in any manufacturing establishment. • They may not work more than 10-¼ hours a day or 54 hours a week at manual or mechanical labor in any other employment that is not exempt by statute. • They may not work more than eight hours in 24 hours or more than 48 hours during the week if performing night work. Exception: In general, the minimum age requirements do not apply to minors employed by their parent or by a person acting as their guardian. You don’t have to keep the hand you were dealt. You can rely on your Protective representative to be more than a different voice on the phone every month. When we walk through your door, we’ll be holding more than donuts. Because when your profits are on the line, we think a valuable relationship is the best thing you can have. Certificates New Hampshire requires most youths under the age of 16 to acquire a New Hampshire Youth Employment Certificate from the school district within three business days of the first day of employment. For 16- and 17-year-olds, the employer must obtain a signed written document from the youth’s parent or legal guardian permitting the youth’s employment. June, 2009 Vehicle Service Contracts I GAP Coverage I Credit Insurance Dealer Participation Programs I F&I Training I Advanced F&I Technology Stack the deck in your favor! Find out how we can enhance your dealer profits and customer satisfaction. For more information contact Protective’s New Hampshire representative, George Spatt. 866.478.9242 Vehicle Service Contracts (VSCs) and GAP are backed by Lyndon Property Insurance Company in all states except NY. In NY, Old Republic Insurance Company backs VSCs, and GAP is not available there. Credit Insurance is backed by Protective Life Insurance Company in all states except NY, where it is backed by Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company. page 21 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association The Best of the Best Compete Education Corner Jean M. Conlon, NHAEF Programs Administrator On April 30, ten New Hampshire and ten Vermont schools participated in the Ford/ American Automobile Association (AAA) Student Auto Skills competition at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. The winning team from each state advanced to the 2009 national championship in Dearborn, MI, on June 16. High school students first took a comprehensive written exam developed by the AAA and the National Institute for Automotive Excellence. The top ten teams from each state were chosen for the subsequent “hands-on” competition. Competing teams were required to repair identical vehicles, which were deliberately bugged with faulty parts and other mechanical problems. second was the team of John Fichter and Josiah Gould of the Seacoast School of Technology. Placing third went to Paul Wainwright and Brandyn Costa of Salem High School Vocational Center. The remaining New Hampshire students, who all did a great job and received scholarship offers, included: Ben Allen and Austin Richard of Somersworth High School; Kurt Serveiss and Joe Knott of Seacoast School of Technology; Justin Broman and Daniel Steadman of Concord Regional Technology Center; Samuel French and Adam Doyle of Portsmouth High School; Dustin Jones and Steve Clavett of Huot Tech Center; Safety Inspection Results Total * Adam Minihan and Mike Lenox of Mascenic High School won both the written and hands-on competition and will represent New Hampshire. A close Passed Corrected Rejected Untested OBD II Inspection Results United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont page 22 Jan. 8.5% 8.1% 7.9% 8.7% 8.1% 5.7% 11.4% 7.6% Feb. 8.9% 8.3% 7.9% 8.9% 8.3% 6.3% 11.4% 7.8% Mar. 9.0% 8.2% 7.8% 8.9% 8.2% 6.6% 11.1% 7.9% A number of NHADA members participated as judges and officials, assisting the Ford/AAA team in putting together a first-class event. Dr. Ed Taylor of the NH Department of Education and New Hampshire Education Foundation Director worked hard with the Ford/AAA team to make the event a success. Our congratulations to all the students and to their instructors, who gave them the knowledge to truly be the best of the best. Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics The 40 students participating from New Hampshire and Vermont are the best of the best, and they should all be proud of their accomplishments. 2009 Unemployment Rates by Area John Hargis and Jaren Smerdon of Manchester School of Technology; and Jesse Lush and Zack Bilodeau of Region 9 Vocational Technical Center. April 09 125,670 % of Total 100.00% YTD 09 458,326 % of Total 100.00% 94,897 16,803 6,928 7,042 75.50% 13.40% 5.50% 5.60% 344,680 61,102 25,267 27,277 75.20% 13.30% 5.50% 6.00% 106,421 91,041 11,229 4,151 100.00% 85.50% 10.60% 3.90% 397,569 339,502 43,155 14,912 100.00% 85.40% 10.90% 3.80% (1996 and newer) Total Passed Rejected Untested * Total numbers include OBD II Inspections Statistics provided by Gordon-Darby June, 2009 Dateline: NH Claims Corner Brian Duplessis, Loss Prevention Coordinator A lthough the NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust continues to be an overwhelmingly successful insurance vehicle for its members, it has not been totally immune to the effects of the economic downturn that has so adversely impacted the retail automotive industry. Reductions in WCT member payrolls, buyouts of WCT members, and the closing of a number of dealerships have resulted in premium levels decreases. The total premium of the WCT is still very healthy with 355 members. The premium level, however, has dropped from the middle of the decade when the WCT counted over 370 members. The concern is that the trust operates best Benefits Corner Susan Manning, Account Producer D ifficult economic circumstances call for a review of current financial planning strategies. Not many people feel good about their 401(k)s, but financial advisors will most likely suggest continuing to invest in a depressed market. While that’s sound advice, now is also a good time to reevaluate the impact of the market downturn on your long-term financial plan. Many people are not aware that traditional health insurance and Medicare, when you reach age 65, do not pay for long-term care. This is a problem projected to affect more than 60 percent us. Medicaid is a June, 2009 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association The WCT is Looking for a Few Good Members with a wider base of well run businesses. As with a large herd, there is safety in numbers. So, although the membership numbers remain respectable, we must look for opportunity to grow the WCT in a responsible way to preserve the advantages the program provides. We have had good luck in the last several years in bringing in new WCT members from homogenous industries such as farm equipment and powersport dealers. These, along with other large equipment dealers, are certainly important areas of potential growth for the WCT. What we look for in approaching a potential member is quite simple. First and foremost, a successful member is a conscientious owner and manager whose business is operated well, and whose facilities are well maintained. The WCT staff will market the program statewide to potential members. We ask for your help in networking with us to bring in more desirable businesses. If you know of anyone who might be a good fit with the WCT, please let us know and put in a good reference with them for us. If you’re not sure if someone is a member, contact us; we’ll check. Thanks in advance for your help in this important endeavor. We are available to answer any questions. For more information on joining the NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust please contact Brian Duplessis at 800-852-3372 or by e-mail at bduplessis@ Long-Term Care Puts Your Retirement Savings At Risk welfare program that will pay for long-term care services, but only in a nursing home, and only after you have spent your assets down to poverty levels. Federal legislation introduced over the past several years is a signal to plan for your own care. Tightened Medicaid eligibility rules will force all but the truly needy to pay for care themselves. NHADA is introducing a long-term care insurance benefit to help our members learn about this issue now and provide access to coverage with discounts and underwriting concessions. Learning about long-term care when you’re young and healthy, provides an opportunity to avoid a problem facing millions of Americans. EM-Power Services, a firm specializing in long-term care insurance, has been endorsed by the NHADA Services Board to provide this opportunity to our membership. You will soon receive an opportunity to learn more about long-term care insurance in the mail from NHADA. If you have interest in learning more about this new benefit offered through your association, please return the card that will be enclosed and you will be contacted personally. In the meantime, if you would like further information, please call Vicki at EMPower at 800-483-1115, x222. Thank you for considering programs through your association. page 23 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Platinum 2009 Association Partners (as of May 21, 2009) New England Dodge DAA WMUR-TV/ NH Zurich New Hampshire Union Leader Wiggin & Nourie, P.A. Silver Bronze ADP Dealer Services Aftermarket/Royal Administration AHC, Corp. Alan Scalingi (Morgan Stanley) Albin, Randall & Bennett AmSan Amy Martineau (American Hardware Mutual) Auto Auction of New England Auto/Mate® Dealership Systems Bellwether Community Credit Union BG Products/Warehouse Dist. of NE CompPartners (BOAC, MVOH, SOAC, St. Joseph’s B & H) Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson, p.l.l.c. CUDL AutoSMART EM-Power Services, Inc. Environmental Equipment of New England, LLC F & I Resources G&K Services GW Marketing Services GOLD Bronze American Fidelity Assurance Company Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in NH Citizens Bank Devine Millimet Enterprise Rent-A-Car Manheim New England New England Chrysler-Jeep DAA Northeast Delta Dental Southern Auto Auction St. Mary’s Bank Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur, CPAs, P.C. Windward Petroleum/Exxon Mobil Hunter Engineering Co./Lappen’s Auto Supply Jewett Construction Co., Inc. Lift Works Corp. / Sullivan Tire Inc.® Lynnway Auto Auction Macdonald Page & Co LLC Nancy Phillips Associates, Inc. Northeast Auto Auction, Inc. Occupational Wellness O’Connor & Drew, P.C. Protective Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C. Resources Management Group Robbins Auto Parts, Inc. Sanel Auto Parts, Co. Seacoast Media Group TD Banknorth Tire Warehouse Willis of Northern New England, Inc. Information on the 2009 Association Partnership Program is available. To become an Association Partner, please call Jean at 800-852-3372. New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles Title Statistics Report Month Ending: 4/30/09 April ’09 April ’08 ’09 YTD ’08 YTD Titles Issued for New and Demo Vehicles: 7,444 10,401 24,558 33,874 Titles Issued for Used Vehicles: TOTAL TITLES ISSUED: 18,333 25,777 21,982 32,383 67,682 92,240 72,376 106,250 Titles Issued with a Lien: 10,455 13,825 36,828 46,940 Titles Issued with no Lien: 15,322 18,558 55,412 59,310 Salvage Titles Issued: 875 964 4,276 3,668 Salvage Tags Issued: 246 214 762 738 Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks More than 15 Years Old: 44 52 110 134 Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks 15 Years Old or Less: 168 213 489 572 Titles Issued for Trailers: 823 967 2,027 2,326 Titles Issued for Motorcycles: 1,828 2,304 3,649 3,896 Titles Issued for Motor Homes: 53 67 151 186