December 2006 Dateline: NH
December 2006 Dateline: NH
December, 2006 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Meet Your Partners Many, Many Different Faces (See pages 4, 6, 11, 14, 17, and 20) Daniel B. McLeod Inside this Issue OBD II Goes Live! page 2 Retail Seller’s License Renewals page 3 Important Information Regarding Dealer Databases page 4 How to Reduce Expenses page 6 “Alphabet Soup” Health Plans page 8 2007 Fuel Economy Guides page 11 From the NHAEF pages 12-13 Environmental Corner page 13 T he next time someone asks me, “How’s it going,” my reply will be, “Same day, many, many different faces!” The Democrat landslide on November 7 gave Democrats historic political victories in New Hampshire and nationally. Political unknown Carol Shea-Porter came from behind and defeated two-term incumbent Jeb Bradley. Paul Hodes overcame a 20-point loss in 2004 to a 7-point victory over veteran Charlie Bass. The national elections vaulted the Democrats to a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and a 1-vote majority, 51-49, in the U.S. Senate. Governor John Lynch was reelected to a second term with an astonishing 74 percent majority. The Executive Council now has a 3-2 Democrat majority, which certainly implies Governor Lynch will be able to select his own candidates for his many Executive Department appointments. The State Senate now has a clear 14-10 Democrat majority. The biggest surprise was the complete annihilation of the Republicans in the New Hampshire House. Get this – there are a total of 23 new Republicans that were elected; but the Democrats, due to a lot of hard work early, elected 114 new Democrats! In effect, the numbers in the House flip-flopped on November 7 to a 236-164 Democrat majority. Elections - Continued on page 3 Compliance Corner page 17 From Your NADA Director page 18 Claims Corner page 20 “Negative Equity” page 22 Happy Holidays from the NHADA staff Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2006-2007 NHADA OFFICERS Chairwoman Susan McFarland Moynahan Vice Chairman Robert Grappone Second Vice Chairman Scott Holloway Treasurer Holly Carlson Secretary Donna Hosmer President Daniel B. McLeod OBD II Goes Live! A If the vehicle does pass safety inspection but fails the OBD II test, the customer has a 60-day repair period from the date of the inspection. Only the “number” portion of the sticker is applied to the windshield. Gordon-Darby will not charge for a retest. 2006-2007 NHADA DIRECTORS Jay Alosa, Heavy-Duty Trucks Frank Brady Andy Costello Kevin Donovan Paul Gladstone Robert Grappone Mark Hesler, Motorcycles Paul Holloway, Honorary Scott Holloway Kevin Kopp Rich Lovering, Immediate Past Chairman Susan McFarland Moynahan Larry Phillips, Non-Franchised Peggy Proko NADA DIRECTOR Jack Tulley Also, make certain all Vehicle Inspection Reports (VIR) are signed by the technician and given to the customer. The “advisory” period will continue for 1996-2001 motor vehicles. NHADA will keep you informed. New Members Sabet Family Inc. dba Wally’s Auto World All America Dealer Development, LLC dba All America Auto Sales 134 Plaistow Road Plaistow, NH 03865 Owner: Wally Sabet 195 Central Street Hudson, NH 03051 Owner: Robert Fredette C & C Cars This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matters covered. In publishing this newsletter, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Advertisements appearing in Dateline: NH do not indicate a specific endorsement by NHADA of the products or services unless the NHADA endorsement symbol appears with the advertisement. 427 North Main Street Franklin, NH 03235 Owner: John D. Perry NHAEF Center for Automotive Education and Training Endorsed by NHADA Published monthly at Bow, New Hampshire, by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association. Mailing address: P. O. Box 2337, Concord, NH 03302-2337, 603-224-2369/ 800-852-3372. Publisher Editorial Director Managing Editor/ Design and Layout Typographers s of December 1, all 2002 and newer motor vehicles that fail the OBD II test must be corrected in order for the vehicles to be inspected. STAFF Susan McFarland Moynahan Daniel B. McLeod Louanne Theriault Louanne Theriault, Donna Sopper, Lisa Lavoie Advertising Coordinator Lisa Lavoie Photographer Michael Rosenblum ADVERTISING RATES - Effective 1/1/07 Full Page: Color $650 B&W $525 1/2 Page: Color $400 B&W $325 1/3 Page: Color $325 B&W $250 1/6 Page: Color $250 B&W $200 Upcoming Seminars – REGISTER ON-LINE ( December 6 December 13 December 13 December 14 January 9 January 24 February 14 March 21 April 18 May 16 Small Quantity Generator (SQG) of Hazardous Waste Certification Training (Rockingham and Strafford Counties) Insights Into Wage and Hour Issues (HR Seminar Series) – a.m. Strategic Hiring Guidelines – free seminar in afternoon for those wishing to learn more about the Hiring Guidelines program. Lunch will be served between seminars. Federal Regulatory Compliance – Paul Metry, NADA Internet Marketing & Purchasing Performance Evaluations (HR Seminar Series) Disciplining and Terminating Employees (HR Seminar Series) Workplace Harassment (HR Seminar Series) Company Policies and Employee Handbooks (HR Seminar Series) HR Leadership and Series Wrap-up (HR Seminar Series) Please contact Brendan Perry or Jean Conlon at 800-852-3372 if you have questions. page 2 December, 2006 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Elections - Continued from page 1 If the Democrats had not organized in the spring and worked to find Democrat candidates in each city and town in New Hampshire, they would not have had Democrats on the November ballot when the “perfect storm” hit the Republicans. How will the new Democrat majority in Concord impact members of NHADA? From what I am hearing, the Democrats will not attempt to bring about monumental change. The ball is now in their court, and they will have to deal with education funding and create a balanced State operating budget. They will move forward with moderate political gains in an attempt to demonstrate to the citizens of New Hampshire that they know how to govern … and get reelected! I do not presume to know the Democrat agenda; but, just in case there is a legislative threat, such as a revision/increase in business taxes (no elected official has vowed to vote against a new or increased business tax), all members of NHADA must pay close attention to the information that we will provide throughout the Session. My job representing the interests of NHADA members has not changed. The only difference is that there are many new faces that will translate into new Chairs of Committees and a new leadership in both Houses. I must again work hard and gain the confidence and trust of the new majority. On the positive side, we have never been an organization that supports one party or another. Your in-state PAC, ADPAC, contributed more than one-third of donations this election cycle to Democrats. We are “political party blind.” We have made a Retail Seller’s License Renewal Due by December 31 The deadline for NHADA members to submit their Retail Seller’s License applications, along with the renewal fee of $50, is December 31. Any person renewing after January 1 will be required to complete a new 23-page application. The renewal application will ask a series of yes and no questions in order to confirm whether any changes have occurred during the last 12 months. Don’t delay – renew today! habit out of supporting the elected officials that support us. It is that simple, and we will continue this simple philosophy. -ORE"UYERSs-ORE3ELLERS %XPANDED3ERVICES %VERY7EDNESDAY #ONTACT4OM-UNSONAT %AST7INDSOR#4sWWWSAACOMs%STABLISHED December, 2006 page 3 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Editor’s Note: The following is important information I just received via e-mail from NADA regarding “Access to Dealers’ Computer Data – Customer Service Records.” TO: ATAEs FROM: Jim Moors and Bill Price DATE: November 10, 2006 RE: Access to Dealers’ Computer Data – Customer Service Records It has come to NADA’s attention that Carfax is soliciting dealers or perhaps their service managers to obtain authorization to participate in a program that would authorize the company to access a dealer’s customer service records. The authorization would permit Carfax to access a dealer’s Dealer Management System (DMS) and extract service repair Meet information. Apparently, Carfax intends to use this information in its vehicle history reports. In exchange for providing this information, dealers would receive advertising and other benefits from Carfax. In an earlier memo from Ted Smith, you received additional information about the Carfax program as it was presented to a dealer in Florida. I’m not sure if this program is being marketed nationwide. NADA recommends that you alert dealers to this program. It is important that dealers review it carefully. Access to dealer data and its use by third parties have been issues ~ Bronze ~ Your Partners Erin Kroll page 4 is New Hampshire’s real source for local, qualified candidates. A significant percentage of job seekers visiting their site are passive job seekers. These are quality employees who are currently working but keeping an eye on the market for more challenging career opportunities. Ambitious and proactive; they are candidates that helps their customers reach. Special discounts are available for NHADA members. For more information, please contact Erin Kroll at 877-374-1088, ext. 2006, or by e-mail at of concern. If customer information is involved, federal and state privacy laws must be complied with. In its materials, Carfax suggests that its program complies with applicable federal and state laws. With respect to the data it is seeking here, Carfax states that no “personal information is used.” Nevertheless, dealers should note that they are also being asked to agree to waive and release any claims against Carfax relating to the use of the inventory and service records or the Service Link program. Obviously, each dealer needs to make an independent decision about whether or not to participate in this program. Information about a vehicle’s history is important to dealers and consumers. However, dealers need to be vigilant in reviewing agreements that provide third parties access to information in their DMS. Therefore, if dealers have any questions about this program, they should contact their professional advisors. Dealers should also make sure that they have a policy in place that makes clear which officers or employees at the dealership have the authority to enter into agreements that allow access to dealership information. Substance abusers are 33 percent less productive and cost their employers an average of $7,000 annually (SBA) December, 2006 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Call today. 1-800-236-4147 We offer specialized products and services for independent auto dealers. With more than 50 years of specialized experience, Zurich can provide you with the tailored policies and programs to help meet the needs of your dealership. We offer knowledgeable sales professionals to provide personal attention and dedicated underwriters and claims specialists to service your account. Because of our experience, our customers can feel protected. What if your insurance company understood your dealership as well as you do? SM ® December, 2006 page 5 Dateline: NH “How to Reduce Expenses – Real Money” Daniel B. McLeod T here are times when I am amazed that some dealers close their eyes and let dollars blow out the window – hard-earned dollars that are used to purchase business forms and specialty items from companies at a greater cost to the dealer in which there is no return for the dealer. As a matter of fact, in a recent discussion I had with a group of dealers, a dealer was surprised to learn that one of their employees personally benefited from purchasing arrangements that actually cost the dealer! Times are tough, and dealers must be looking to reduce expenses. NHAD Services – Products Division can help. I strongly suggest that if you are not purchasing business forms and specialty items from NHAD Services, you may very well be letting your page 6 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Meet Your Partners New England Dodge Dealers Advertising Association ~ Platinum~ The New England Dodge Dealers Advertising Association thanks the New Hampshire Dodge dealers for their support and is proud to be a sponsor of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association and the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation. hard-earned dollars fly out the window. Simply allow us to give you a quote. Give Ron McDaniel or Brian Duplessis a call at 800-852-3372, and I am sure we can be of assistance … I guarantee it! December, 2006 Dateline: NH December, 2006 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association page 7 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Spelling Out “Alphabet Soup” Health Plans Laurie Churchill, NHADA Account Manager Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield A s NHADA members, you are in an industry that is cyclical in nature. I know you are concerned about health-care costs that continue to rise and possibly having to cut more and more benefits out of employees’ health insurance benefits programs in order to be able to offer affordable health-plan options to your employees. It may seem like there is nothing you, as an employer, can do to break the cycle. Sometimes, short-term fixes often cost more in the long run. Instead, we need to focus our energy on long-term solutions with programs that should support and protect longterm investment in your employees. The impact of employee health is farreaching and includes total benefit costs, productivity, employee morale, as well as corporate results. More and more employers are embracing consumer-driven health care. Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) manage costs by giving consumers more control over their health-care dollars. These types of plans are designed to empower your employees to be more informed about their health and their health-care options. CDHPs can help employees save money for future health expenses as well as give your employees incentives and the support they need to make healthy lifestyle changes. Health-care consumers today are passive and can be insulated from the real costs of health care. They generally don’t question recommendations made by their page 8 doctors regarding things like the costs between generic and brand prescriptions or alternative procedures. An engaged consumer will understand his or her health status and may demonstrate better health behaviors, such as knowing recommended preventive exams and knowing his or her “numbers,” such as lipids, blood pressure, and Body Mass Index (BMI). They will complete an annual health assessment and tend to eat a healthier diet and exercise. They will understand drug interactions, shop for providers based on quality and cost data, and become a smart health-care buyer. All of this is good for your employees, but it will be good for you, too. If you improve the health of your employees, you can improve the financial health of your organization – now and over the long term. NHADA is offering consumer-driven health plans through your partnership with Anthem. Anthem’s Lumenos plans offer more of what makes consumer-driven health work. Plan features include 100 percent coverage for preventive care, a health account to help pay for medical expenses, incentives for doing things to improve health, traditional Preferred Blue (PPO) health coverage, and an opportunity for tax savings. Whether you are ready for a full consumer-driven health plan like a Health Savings Account (HSA) or wish to offer your employees a plan that introduces consumerism, NHADA offers these options within our menu of benefit plans. • The Lumenos Health Incentive Account (HIA) Plus Plan gives your employees an account, called a Health Incentive Account, in which Anthem allocates funds for them to use for their medical care, including prescriptions. It also includes a traditional health coverage (PPO) component, which helps protect your employees against large health expenses. • The Lumenos Health Savings Account (HSA) offers maximum cost effectiveness. It gives your employees an account, called a Health Savings Account, which they can use to pay for their medical care and prescriptions. The HSA is funded by employees’ pre-tax contributions, and you can also choose to make employer contributions. It also includes a traditional health coverage (PPO) component to help protect your employees against large health expenses. Both plans offer integrated financial incentives to encourage positive Plans - Continued on page 10 December, 2006 Dateline: NH December, 2006 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association page 9 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Plans - Continued from page 8 health behaviors for things like completing an on-line health assessment, enrolling in a personal health coach program, completing a smoking cessation program, or completing a weight management program. We know you are concerned about costs, and rightfully so. Over the long term, the best way to get control of costs is to get more from each health-care dollar, and that is what these new plans are designed to do – by educating, empowering, and motivating health-care consumers to take better care of their health. Whether you are interested in maintaining your current type of health-care coverage or you are ready to engage in consumer-driven health care, NHADA’s medical plan offerings will fit your needs for 2007. Please contact Susan Manning for more details at 800-852-3372 or at 2006 Unemployment Rates by Area Jul Aug Sep United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont 5.0% 4.6% 4.6% 4.4% 4.8% 3.4% 5.7% 3.2% 4.6% 4.4% 4.4% 3.9% 4.7% 3.4% 5.5% 3.1% 4.4% 4.5% 4.5% 4.1% 5.0% 3.0% 4.5% 3.3% *** SAVE THE DATES *** 2007 NHADA “Family” Convention Submit Your Census Now! NHADA’s 2007 group benefit rates will be available soon. Be among the first to obtain rates for your business and compare them to your current benefit package! • Several HMOs, PPOs, and New England plans available through Anthem. A Health Savings Account (HSA) and a Health Incentive Account (HIA) have been added to this year’s package (see related article beginning on page 8). • Four Dental plans through Northeast Delta Dental. • Term life insurance and short-term disability options through Anthem Life. • Vision coverage through Vision Service Plan. For details and census requirements, contact Susan Manning at or at 800-852-3372. page 10 June 24-26 Newport Marriott Newport, Rhode Island 2007 NHADA Fall Business Meeting & Partner Expo November 14 Grappone Conference Center Concord, New Hampshire 2008 NHADA Summer Symposium June 29-30 Wentworth by the Sea New Castle, New Hampshire December, 2006 Dateline: NH 2007 Fuel Economy Guides Available F ederal regulations require dealers to display an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Department of Energy (DOE) Fuel Economy Guide that corresponds with each new-vehicle model year available for sale at your dealership. (If you have 2006 and 2007 models in your new-car inventory, you must have the 2006 and 2007 Guides available.) Because dealers must make copies of the Guide available, free of charge, to customers who request copies, please instruct your sales staff to download copies from feg/feg2007.pdf as needed. Dealers for whom the agencies have an e-mail address on file will receive an electronic version of the 2007 Guide automatically. Dealers can send their e-mail address to to get an updated electronic copy of the Guide each year. December, 2006 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association @utoRevenue Meet ~ Bronze ~ Your Partners @utoRevenue is the proven industry leader in permission-based e-mail marketing for automotive dealers. They help dealers reduce their costs of advertising, follow-up, and direct mail; get better control of CSI with Instant Feedback surveys; and measurably increase customer retention and revenue with their unique, targeted Enow! E-mail marketing campaigns for all departments in your dealership. David Miller For more information, feel free to contact David Miller at or at 508-259-3400. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact NHADA’s Environmental Specialist Dan Bennett at or at 800-852-3372; or you may e-mail or call 703-821-7040. page 11 Dateline: NH From the NHAEF a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Automotive Technology Education and Career Expo O n October 25, the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation teamed with the New Hampshire Community Technical Colleges to sponsor an interactive Automotive Technology Education and Career Expo at the Manchester Armory for high school students interested in pursuing careers in the automotive industry. More than 800 students from 23 secondary schools attended the Expo, which included college booths, the latest car models, sports cars, race cars, tool companies, scholarship opportunities, contests, and interactive games and activities. Salem High School Automotive Technology instructor Barry Rogers discussed the Honda PACT program with NHCTCNashua instructor Dan Jones. The students loved checking out the vehicles loaned by NHADA members, the Sports Car Club of America, the Premier Car Club, and Greg Biffle! Hopefully, many of these students will “take the ride of their lives” and pursue careers in the automotive industry. The “NASCAR-style” tire-changing contest, sponsored by Tire Warehouse, was popular with participants and onlookers. Automotive Technology Scholarships Click on “Scholarship Opportunities” For additional information, contact Brendan Perry or Jean Conlon at 800-852-3372 or at or page 12 December, 2006 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Appreciating High School Auto Instructors E ach year, the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation (NHAEF) sponsors training for New Hampshire’s high school Automotive Technology instructors. This year, a record 24 teachers took advantage of the two-day training at NHCTC-Nashua’s Honda PACT program. The NHAEF Board of Directors voted to give jackets at an Appreciation Dinner to the instructors in the ten New Hampshire schools that have achieved NATEF certification in appreciation of their efforts. The four schools that also received AYES certification received the extra logo on their jackets in honor of that achievement. At the Appreciation Dinner honoring the Automotive Technology instructors, Nashua dealers Peggy Proko (L) and Mark Tulley (R) thanked Pat Tully and Bob Babikian, instructors at Nashua High School North, the latest New Hampshire school to receive NATEF certification. Environmental Corner Environmental Compliance: Are You In It? Dan Bennett, NHADA Environmental Specialist T he regulatory burden required to run a motor vehicle facility these days has become almost unmanageable. When one considers the various regulatory agencies (such as the Department of Environmental Services, the Department of Labor, the Federal Trade Commission, the Insurance Department, the Banking Department, the Department of Safety, and the Division of Motor Vehicles) governing our operations and the multitudes of varying rules and regulations that go along with these agencies, it seems at times impossible to just conduct business as usual. Dealing with compliance issues becomes an overwhelmingly full-time position and responsibility. As a result, dealers, managers, and owners have become responsible for being an expert in all the above arenas as well. They wind up wearing “Many Hats.” NHADA and its Board of Directors feel that compliance assistance is both necessary and a tremendous value to membership in our Association. NHAEF Executive Director Brendan Perry (L) and AYES Affiliate George Dykstra (R) present jackets showcasing the NHADA, AYES, and NATEF logos to Barry Rogers and Steve Ring of Salem High School as a token of appreciation. December, 2006 It is with that in mind that NHADA offers to all Association members assistance with environmental compliance through our facility audit process. The inspection process is both free and confidential. It is designed to assist you in achieving compliance Compliance - Continued on page 14 page 13 Dateline: NH Meet a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association G W Marketing Services ~ Bronze ~ Your Partners Gordon Wisbach Gordon Wisbach is well known to New Hampshire dealers as New England’s premier automotive dealership broker! G W Marketing Services is at your service 24/7/365 to broker dealership businesses, perform business valuations, offer franchise consultancy, mediate partnership or family business disputes, perform “expert witness” services, and more. Gordon asks that you call him at 781-899-8509, cell # 508-395-2500, or e-mail him at “to see why we’re the best and how we may be of service to YOU!” Compliance - Continued from page 13 with all state and federal environmental regulations in as easy, effective, and cost efficient a manner as possible. To date, a number of facilities have undergone and actively participate in the environmental compliance audit program. To go along with those who have, there are an equal, if not greater, number of folks who have not. The program takes all the compliance guessing and work out of your hands and allows NHADA’s Environmental Specialist to serve as the expert auditing your facility. It makes your job and legal requirement of achieving environmental compliance a real “no-brainer.” Signing up or requesting an environmental audit is an easy process. It can be done through the “Request a Visit” link under the “Environmental” tab at or by e-mailing me at or by calling NHADA at 800-852-3372. If you have any questions regarding the inspection process, any environmental-related matter, or a compliance issue at your facility, please feel free to contact me using the information provided above. I look forward to working with you and the employees at your facility in making a more environmentally compliant, beneficial, and safer workplace. Strategic Hiring Guidelines Program Available NHADA now has a comprehensive written hiring program available to members which includes: hiring guidelines, sample interview questions, job applications, FAQs, and a comprehensive list of participating occupational health centers for pre-placement physicals and drug screenings. In addition, a member of the NHADA staff will provide valuable assistance to any NHADA member interested in implementing this program. For more information, please call Brian Duplessis or Ryan Hale at 800-852-3372 or contact them by e-mail at or, respectively. page 14 Substance abusers are 60 percent more likely to file a Workers’ Compensation Claim (NCCI) December, 2006 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association “Creating Liquidity in the Automobile Marketplace” December, 2006 Every Thursday 9:30AM Londonderry, NH • Six Lanes 1,200+ Vehicles • Fleet/Lease 275+ Vehicles • End of Sale Prizes! Auto Auction of New England Conveniently Located at Exit 4, Rt. 93 8 Action Blvd., Londonderry, NH 03053 10 min. south of Manchester, NH Tel: (603) 437-5700 Fax: (603) 437-5800 Quality Auction Member General Manager Dave Blake Operations Manager Rob Ross Controller Linda Griffin Office Manager Joanne Comeau Safety & Compliance Manager Sal Morando Transportation Manager Barry Kelley Director Fleet/Lease Bill Hoover Director Dealer Relations Jim How Dealer Relations Katie Karl Michele Pierog Donna Olsen Dealer Registration Kristin Blanchette • Transportation • Full Recondition • Service Dept. • Guaranteed Checks and Titles page 15 Dateline: NH page 16 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association December, 2006 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association “Shivery Is Not Dead” Compliance Corner – Farmers’ Almanac – Pat Austin, NHADA WCT Loss Prevention Consultant N ew England is in store for unseasonably cold conditions, along with snow and lots of it, according to the Farmers’ Almanac 2007. No matter how far on or off any predictions are for this winter, one thing is for sure – weather-related slips/falls incidents often produce serious injuries that are both painful to employees and expensive to employers. Two years ago, slips/falls accounted for over 250,000 occupational injuries nationally. Slips/falls account for nearly 15 percent of all Workers’ Compensation costs. • Owners, managers, and supervisors must make a commitment to prevent accidental slips, trips, and falls. • Contact a professional snowremoval service well in advance of inclement weather. • Your snow-removal plan must account for all areas of the property (parking lots, walkways, and seldomused emergency exits. • A person or persons should be responsible for arriving first thing in the morning to inspect and treat any problem travel areas; i.e., employee, service, customer parking, entrances, etc. • Have the necessary equipment and supplies ready for use (shovels, snow rakes, buckets of sand/salt for each entrance, etc.) • Remind employees in advance to dress appropriately by wearing nonslip footwear. • Insist that employees immediately report any lingering slippery areas. • Regular inspections of working and walking areas should be conducted to identify areas which could cause slips/falls. Special attention should be given to the working and walking surfaces, housekeeping, lighting, vision, and stairways. Immediate corrective action should be taken. • Lastly, if you know that you have any substantial problem areas, such Meet Your Partners as roof drainage areas, look for longterm solutions to rectify the problem. If you have a location that requires constant attention, eventually, someone is going to “drop the ball,” and something bad will happen. Remember, being prepared in advance will save you and your employees a lot of headaches when inclement weather does strike. Feel free to contact me at 800-852-3372 or by e-mail at for further information or assistance in inclement-weather planning. New England Chrysler-Jeep Dealers Advertising Association ~ Silver ~ The New England Chrysler-Jeep Dealers Advertising Association thanks the New Hampshire Chrysler and Jeep dealers for their support and is proud to be a sponsor of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association and the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation. • Organize an inclement weather team (usually, the Sales Department). December, 2006 page 17 Dateline: NH From Your NADA Director Jack Tulley T he NADA Board of Directors has elected a new Chairman and Vice Chairwoman in preparation for the coming year. Dale Willey of Dale Willey Automotive, Lawrence, Kansas, was elected 2007 Chairman. “I look forward to working with dealers across the country to build on NADA’s strong record of achievement this year and to address the considerable challenges facing the industry in the year ahead,” said Willey. A dealer since 1970, Willey is currently NADA’s Vice Chairman. He has been on the Board of Directors since 1998 and has chaired a number of Committees, including Dealership Operations, Public Affairs, Regulatory Affairs, and Automotive Trade Association Executives/NADA. Annette Sykora of Smith Ford/ Mercury in Slaton, Texas, and Smith South Plains Ford/Lincoln Mercury/ Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep, Levelland, Texas, was elected 2007 Vice Chairwoman. A dealer since 1989 and NADA Board member since 1999, Sykora has chaired the Public Affairs and Convention Committees and co-chaired the Automotive Trade Association Executives/NADA Committee. In other NADA news ... • Did you host an Automotive Career Month event in October? Be sure your page 18 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Looking Toward 2007 dealership gets credit for your efforts – let NADA know about it. Also, send us your best event photos or video footage; they may be posted to the NADA Web site or used in NADA’s AutoExec magazine or in next year’s event-planning kit. E-mail photos to or call 800-248-6232, ext. 7147, for more information. • Thousands of dealers across the country participated in Child Passenger Safety Month in September by holding child safety-seat inspections. NADA would like to hear about your seat check. E-mail a description and photos of your event, along with suggestions for next year’s Child Passenger Safety Month. • 2007 NADA Convention speakers have been announced. American Honda Executive Vice President Richard E. Colliver will speak at the NADA Convention and Exhibition in Las Vegas on Saturday, February 3. Also speaking at the opening session is former professional boxing champion Sugar Ray Leonard, who is currently the host of the reality TV show, “The Contender,” and is a popular speaker. Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric Co., will address the Convention on Monday, February 5. New York City Fire Department Chief Richard Picciotto, the last fireman to escape the World Trade Center’s North Tower on September 11, 2001, will lead the inspirational session on Sunday, February 4. • Advance registration for the Convention continues through December 22, 2006. To register on-line or download a registration form, visit or call the Convention Department at 703-821-7188. • Don’t forget the NHADA Dessert Reception, which will be held on Saturday, February 3 (see below). • Preview the 2007 Exposition show floor on-line at convention. Search for a specific exhibiting company by keyword, product category, or country; or view the entire list of exhibitors. Also available: searchable lists of franchise meetings, workshops, and other Convention activities. In legislative news ... The House Total-Loss Disclosure bill may move in the lame-duck session of Congress, so a major push is on to secure co-sponsors for the legislation, known as the Damaged Vehicle Information Act (H.R. 6093). To support that effort, NADA has set up a Web page about the bill to provide background information and action items for dealers. The information NADA - Continued on page 21 NHADA Dessert Reception Saturday, February 3 Caesar’s Palace Claudius I Room 9:30-11:30 p.m. We hope to see you there! December, 2006 Dateline: NH December, 2006 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association page 19 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NHADA Members Can Help Contain Workers’ Compensation Medical Costs Claims Corner Pete Sheffer, NHADA WCT Claims Manager J. Marta Robbins, RN, BSN, WCT Nurse Case Manager T he cost of medical treatment for Workers’ Compensation claims has increased annually 9.5 percent on the national level since 1997. In New Hampshire, medical costs are increasing at a slower rate of approximately 5 percent a year since 1992; but there was a huge jump from 2003 to 2004 in the amount of 17.6 percent, according to the National Council for Compensation Insurance. The NHADA WCT controls the medical costs associated with Workers’ Compensation claims, but we can do better with the help of our members. Meet Your Partners Ken McKenna page 20 Prompt and appropriate medical treatment is the key to successful work-related injury outcomes. NHADA WCT members are in a formal managed care program through comp mc. When members and their injured employees call the Nurse Case Manager, Marta Robbins, they will be assisted in choosing the best medical provider based on the injury. We have found that the most appropriate treatment for the vast majority of injuries is an Occupational Medicine Specialist. In New Hampshire, there are several Occupational Medicine facilities conveniently located across the state. These facilities will see patients Hunter Engineering Co./ Lappens Auto Supply ~ Bronze ~ Hunter Engineering Company is a world leader in wheel alignment equipment, wheel balancers, tire changers, brake lathes, inspection laws, and heavy-duty products. Hunter has factory-trained technical and training representatives for all products. For more information, please contact Ken McKenna at 603-860-0107; visit their Web site at immediately following an injury without the long wait generally associated with Emergency Room visits. They provide excellent care at a fraction of the cost of an Emergency Room visit. The following is a cost comparison for injury treatment by both types of providers that was obtained through recent claims processed in our office. • Minor back injury: Emergency Room–$900 Occupational Health–$125 • Minor knee injury: Emergency Room–$1,100 Occupational Health–$125 • Minor eye injury: Emergency Room–$200 Eye Doctor/Occupational Health–$70 • Minor finger injury: Emergency Room–$1,500 Occupational Health–$72 • Minor laceration/hand or fingers: Emergency Room–$1,000 Occupational Health–$250 In previous Dateline articles, we have written about when Emergency Room treatment is appropriate and when it is not. Injured workers continue to utilize the Emergency Room when their injuries are better treated elsewhere. There is common myth that going to the Emergency Room means “fast” treatment. Most visits to the Emergency Room for minor injuries tie injured workers up from work for hours; and if a co-worker drove them, then double the time lost. In many instances, the treatment of even minor work-related injuries will result in the injured employee December, 2006 Dateline: NH being taken out of work pending follow-up with either an Occupational Health Specialist or other specialty provider. The high costs of Emergency Room treatment involve more than just the cost of the care. Lost time from work results; and, in some cases, this is just a stepping stone to a more appropriate provider that could have been utilized from the beginning. We found that injured employees utilize the Emergency Room for the following reasons: a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NADA - Continued from page 18 can be found on the left-hand side of the NADA home page,, under the heading Total-Loss Disclosure. It includes talking points on H.R. 6093 and the Senate bill S. 3707, the Passenger Vehicle Loss Disclosure Act. The sponsor of H.R. 6093, Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), has indicated that the bill could move to the Floor if it gains enough support from co-sponsors. The site includes sample letters for dealers and local and state association leaders to send to their legislators, urging them to co-sponsor H.R. 6093 and S. 3707. Dealers are encouraged to visit the site to familiarize themselves with the bills and to download the sample letters to send to their Representatives and Senators. As usual, please feel free to contact me with your questions or concerns at 888-0550 or at • The injured worker is not aware of the mandatory managed care program. • The injured worker doesn’t check in with anyone in management prior to leaving for treatment. • The supervisor that the injured worker checks in with hasn’t been educated regarding the managed care program by management. • No call is made to the NHADA WCT when the injury occurs and prior to the injured worker leaving for treatment. All of these areas of concern can be fixed with education. Employees need to know what to do and who to report to when they are injured at work. Supervisors need the same training that management and human resources receive regarding the process of what to do when an employee is injured. The WCT Claims Department is happy to provide training to your management and supervisory team. Please contact Bernie Hecht to schedule training at 800-852-3372 or at Please contact the claims team at 800-852-3372 if you have any questions or concerns. December, 2006 page 21 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association “Negative Equity” Financing Under Scrutiny Scott W. Ellison, Esquire E arlier this year, the New Hampshire Supreme Court issued a ruling addressing a dispute that arose out of a trade practice which some auto dealers use in situations involving trade-in vehicles that have “negative equity.” This article will review this ruling and address this particular practice for how negative trade-in equity is handled. By way of background, a trade-in vehicle is said to have “negative equity” if at the time the vehicle is traded in, the customer owes an outstanding balance on the vehicle’s loan which is more than the value of the trade-in vehicle. There are several practices dealers use to address this scenario; the practice under scrutiny in the recent Supreme Court case involves the auto dealer artificially increasing the value of the trade-in vehicle by the amount of the negative equity and then inflating the purchase price of the new vehicle by the same amount. The effect is that the customer essentially refinances the amount left on the trade-in vehicle loan, but the fact that the negative equity is being financed in addition to the purchase price of the new car is masked. Looking at the particular facts of this case, a customer bought a car in a sale in which the purchase price first had been stated in the original cash page 22 amount in a vehicle cash purchase agreement but was then inflated by the amount of the negative equity when the retail installment contract was signed. Subsequently, the customer sought a refund of the purchase price under New Hampshire’s so-called “lemon law,” RSA 357-D. RSA 357-D states that if a dealer is unable to repair a problem covered by a new vehicle’s warranty in three tries or if the vehicle is out of service for 30 days, then at the customer’s option the customer is entitled to a refund of the car’s “full purchase price” as stated in the “purchase contract” or to a comparable replacement vehicle. The customer in this case wanted a refund, and at issue was whether the amount to be refunded was the original sales price of the vehicle set forth in the purchase agreement or the amount set forth in the retail installment contract after it was grossed-up by the amount of the negative equity. The New Hampshire New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board, which administers RSA 357-D, ruled that the price listed in the retail installment contract (which included the negative equity gross-up) was the amount that was ordered to be refunded to the consumer by the manufacturer. A trial court sided with the Board’s interpretation. In its ruling, the Supreme Court overturned the New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board and the trial court and ruled that the Board exceeded its authority by adopting the inflated vehicle price from the retail installment contract and instead should have used the non-inflated purchase price from the vehicle cash purchase agreement. What is interesting is the discussion of this grossing-up practice during the case. In arguing that the grossed-up value from the retail installment contract is the correct amount to refund, the Office of the New Hampshire Attorney General argued that the practice of increasing sales prices by negative equity constitutes an “unlawful and unfair trade practice” in that it improperly documents the negative equity and represents a false cost of the new car. Notably, the New Hampshire Supreme Court does not disagree with this argument, but rather states twice that the propriety of this practice was not an issue that the Court was asked to address in this particular litigation. That statement should be sufficient to make any dealer who uses this practice pause to consider its implications and whether it is likely that such issue will be presented to the Court next time under a different statute. Sometimes a subtle hint is the only warning you get. A review of this case, with consideration of the arguments made by the Attorney General’s Office and the subtle response of the Supreme Court, then raises the question of how to best address situations involving negative equity of trade-in vehicles. Across the country, several courts that have examined this practice have come to differing conclusions as to how it must be addressed and whether the practice is permissible. None of the courts have jurisdiction over New Hampshire, however. There is some guidance from a federal agency that is illuminating. Regulation Z is the federal regulation issued by the Board of Governors of December, 2006 Dateline: NH the Federal Reserve System to implement the Federal Truth in Lending Act. The Official Staff Commentary to Regulation Z, setting forth the position of the Federal Reserve Staff, states in one example that in their opinion the amount of negative equity should be disclosed “as an additional amount financed,” separate and distinct from the “principal loan amount or the cash price.” The regulations are clear that the “cash price” is the amount at which the dealer offers to sell the motor vehicle for cash; when reflected in the required “amount financed” disclosures, the “cash price” figure should not be inflated by negative equity. Thus, in conclusion, the advisability of grossing-up a purchase price by negative equity is debatable. Adopting a practice of disclosing the negative equity pay-out as a separate detailed amount in the itemization of the amount financed is consistent with the opinion of the federal agency overseeing Regulation Z. With the caveat that the practice advocated by this article is not necessarily the only legally permissible practice and, to be very clear, noting that no New Hampshire court has found grossingup by negative equity to be illegal, a more prudent practice would be to list the amount of the negative equity as a separate line item which is included in the amount financed, separate and apart from the price of the new vehicle, much the same way that additional amounts due for warranties and service contracts are added as separate line items. Scott W. Ellison, Esquire is a partner in the Business Law Practice Group of the Manchester, New Hampshire, office of Devine, Millimet & Branch, PA, a Silver Association Partner. December, 2006 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Statistics provided by Gordon-Darby Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics Safety Inspection Results Total * Passed Corrected Rejected Untested Oct 06 % of Total YTD 06 % of Total 100,270 80,322 15,985 3,959 4 100.00% 80.10% 15.90% 3.90% 0.00% 1,066,378 854,100 171,027 41,198 53 100.00% 80.10% 16.00% 3.90% 0.00% 81,009 67,475 11,581 1,953 100.00% 83.30% 14.30% 2.40% 847,589 708,770 119,533 19,286 100.00% 83.60% 14.10% 2.30% OBD II Inspection Results (1996 and newer) Total Passed Rejected Untested * Total numbers include OBD II Inspections P 603-742-4878 ~ C 603-438-4878 ~ 7 Lakeview Drive, Dover NH 03820 page 23 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2006 ASSOCIA TION PAR TNERS SSOCIATION ARTNERS SIL VER (CONT.) SILVER Thank you (as of 11-17-06) BR ONZE (CONT.) BRONZE F&I RESOURCES G W MARKETING SERVICES GLOBAL PAYMENTS GM AND GMAC HRH NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND HUNTER ENG. CO./LAPPENS AUTO SUPPLY JEWETT CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. JM&A GROUP JOBSINNH.COM MORGAN STANLEY (ALAN SCALINGI) BRONZE NANCY PHILLIPS ASSOCIATES, INC. ADP - DEALER SERVICES NEW ENGLAND INVESTMENT & RETIREMENT GROUP AFTERMARKET SPECIALISTS/ROYAL ADMIN. NORTHEAST AUTO AUCTION, INC. AHC, CORP. PROTECTIVE ALBIN, RANDALL & BENNETT RATH, YOUNG AND PIGNATELLI, P.A. ALLTEX UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INSURANCE AGENCY ANTHEM SPECIALTY ROBBINS AUTO PARTS, INC. ARMORED TIRE USA SANEL AUTO PARTS CO. AUTO AUCTION OF NEW ENGLAND SEACOAST MEDIA GROUP @UTOREVENUE SOVEREIGN BANK AUTOTRADER.COM TD BANKNORTH, N.A. BELLWETHER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION TIRE WAREHOUSE BG PRODUCTS/WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS OF N.E. TYLER, SIMMS & ST. SAUVEUR, CPAS, P.C. CREDIT UNION DIRECT LENDING To become a Partner in 2007, call Louanne – 800-852-3372. DOWNEY & COMPANY, LLP, CPAS LACONIA SAVINGS BANK MANHEIM’S AMERICAN AUTO AUCTION NEW ENGLAND CHRYSLER-JEEP DAA NORTHEAST DELTA DENTAL O’CONNOR & DREW, P.C. & OCD CONSULTING, LLC SOUTHERN AUTO AUCTION ST. MARY’S BANK WINDWARD PETROLEUM/EXXON MOBIL PL ATINUM PLA N.E. DODGE DAA UNIVERSAL UNDERWRITERS GROUP WMUR-TV/NEW HAMPSHIRE GOLD CITIZENS BANK UNION LEADER CORPORATION WIGGIN & NOURIE, P.A. SIL VER SILVER ADESA BOSTON AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD DEVINE MILLIMET ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles Title Statistics Report Month Ending: 10/31/06 *Increased numbers due to backlog catch-up October 06 YTD 05 YTD Titles Issued for New and Demo Vehicles: Titles Issued for Used Vehicles: TOTAL TITLES ISSUED: 9,526 22,428 31,954 118,591 * 250,472 369,063 95,793 185,113 280,906 Titles Issued with a Lien: Titles Issued with no Lien: 13,077 18,877 152,983 216,080 118,772 162,134 Salvage Titles Issued: Salvage Tags Issued: 742 302 9,030 2,948 7,369 2,708 Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks More than 15 Years Old: Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks 15 Years Old or Less: Titles Issued for Trailers: Titles Issued for Motorcycles: Titles Issued for Motor Homes: 50 217 958 862 116 548 2,208 12,095 17,006 1,140 438 1,659 9,044 12,964 959 page 24 December, 2006
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