Courant 9


Courant 9
c o d a r t Courant 9/December 2004
codart Courant
Published by Stichting codart
P.O. Box 76709
nl-1070 ka Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Managing editor: Rachel Esner
Editors: Wietske Donkersloot,
Gary Schwartz
t +31 (0)20 305 4515
f +31 (0)20 305 4500
2 A word from the director
2 Erratum
3 News and notes from around the world
3 Estonia, Tallinn, The Creation of Eve:
notes about a painting and a related
4 Germany, Berlin, Introducing the
Niederländisches Forum
4 Russia, Moscow, Pushkin State Museum
of Fine Arts
5 Sweden, Stockholm, Nationalmuseum
7 usa, Introducing the Association of Art
Museum Curators (aamc)
9 codart activities in 2005
9 codart acht congress: Dutch and
Flemish art in Sweden, Haarlem, 6-8
10 Study trip to Stockholm, Drottningholm, Skokloster, Uppsala, Västerås and
Strängnäs, 21-26 September
17 The codart curator’s bookshelf
30 Appointments
30 codart membership news
31 Membership directory
44 codart dates
44 Preview of upcoming exhibitions and other
events January-June 2005
codart board
Henk van der Walle, chairman
Wim Jacobs, controller of the Instituut
Collectie Nederland, secretarytreasurer
Rudi Ekkart, director of the Rijksbureau
voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie
Jan Houwert, chairman of the Board of
Management of the Koninklijke
Wegener N.V.
Paul Huvenne, director of the Koninklijk
Museum voor Schone Kunsten,
Jeltje van Nieuwenhoven, member of the
Provincial Executive of Zuid-Holland
Photo Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem
codart is an international council for
curators of Dutch and Flemish art. It
supports inter-museum cooperation in
the study and display of art from the
Lowlands through a variety of means,
including congresses, study trips, publications and a website (
The organization was founded and is
aided by the Netherlands Institute for
Cultural Heritage. It enjoys the generous
support of the Netherlands Ministry of
Education, Culture and Science and the
Ministry of Welfare, Health and Culture
of the Flemish Community.
codart Courant appears twice a year.
Contributions are welcome.
codart Courant is designed by
Typography Interiority & Other Serious
Matters, The Hague
Haarlem: location of the codart acht congress, March 2005 (Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Grote Markt with
the St. Bavo church, 1696, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, on long term loan to the Frans Hals Museum,
issn 1388 9559
codart Courant 9/December 2004
A word from the
codart een, codart twee, codart
drie … codart marches on, and so does
time. When the idea was launched in 1997, I
was 57 years old, and lo and behold, in the
twinkling of an eye, next June I’ll turn 65. In
keeping with tradition, the board and I
decided that would be the time for me to step
down as director. We also decided that I would
not leave codart. I will stay on, for two days
a week, in the function that most fits my
capacities and is the easiest to separate from
general operations. That is the website, for
which I will remain webmaster through 2007.
In January 2005, the search for a new director
will be on. Suggestions and self-nominations
are welcome. These should be addressed
directly to the chairman of the board:
Henk van der Walle
Bisschopsstraat 16
7513 ak Enschede.
Photo Thea Vignau-Wilberg
In the next Courant I will be writing my last
Word from the Director, in which I will acquit
myself of the responsibility of looking back
over the past years, a task which I am already
looking forward to with relish.
My successor will not have it easier than I
have the last few years. In Courant 8, published
last June, I reported with satisfaction that the
Arts Council had attached a resoundingly
positive recommendation to codart’s
application for government subsidy for the
years 2005-2008. Unfortunately, the State
Secretary of Culture, Medy van der Laan, while
not contesting the evaluation, nonetheless
decided to limit the term of the subsidy to the
year 2005 only. This was the result of a new
policy regarding the Arts Policy Document
(Cultuurnota) under which codart and
hundreds of other cultural organizations are
subsidized. Van der Laan wishes to redefine the
criteria for participation in the Cultuurnota; she
has proclaimed the year 2005 a transitional
period, during which new conditions will be
established for what she calls ‘supporting
organizations,’ in contrast to ‘producing
organizations.’ On various fronts, we have
objected to the way the rules for subsidy were
changed after applications were submitted
and to the pigeonholing of codart under
‘supporting organizations.’
This development does not necessarily
mean that we will be cut off from Dutch
government support after 31 December 2005.
Frankly, with our track record and all the good
will we have built up in the Ministries of
Education, Culture and Science and of Foreign
Affairs, I cannot imagine that coming to pass.
In the coming months, van der Laan has said,
she will issue new criteria, and we will be
invited to submit a new proposal. If she sticks
by this resolve, we will not have clarity about
our post-2005 position until September of next
year. I am confident that should codart be
removed from the Cultuurnota, new
possibilities for funding our activities will be
made available. We will keep you informed.
In the meanwhile, the board and I have also
agreed to put into effect an old wish of mine,
namely a leave of absence in order to write a
book on Rembrandt for the 400th anniversary
of the master’s birth in 2006. The leave has two
components. From May 2004 on, I have been
given one free day a week for the project. For
the months October, November and
December, I will be off duty altogether,
performing only incidental tasks for
codart. The slack has been picked up by two
temporary members of the codart team,
with whom you might have had contact. Eelke
Boswijk took on the organization of the
codart acht congress and Kate Gatacre is
filling in for editorial and day-to-day tasks at
the office. However, the real reason you have
not noticed until now that I am gone is that
codart is blessed with two dedicated
associates, Wietske Donkersloot and Navany
Almazan, who have kept things running
From behind my Rembrandt workstation,
I wish you a good holiday season and a
fulfilling new year. As for codart in 2005, I
can assure you it will be another banner year,
as you can see on page 8 and further. Also, take
a look at the website and enjoy imagining our
congress in Haarlem in March and the study
trip to Sweden in September. Increase your
enjoyment by signing up for them. You will
be sorry if you don’t.
Gary Schwartz
Due to a series of mishaps in the editing
process, some unfortunate errors were
introduced into the text of Joanna Tomicka,
Dutch and Flemish prints in major Polish
collections, codart Courant 8 (June 2004),
pp. 19-23. A corrected version can be consulted
on our website at:
One section of the text that contained
substantial errors concerning delicate issues
should read as follows:
In Kraków, after the First World War, the print
room of the Polish Academy of Arts and
Sciences was created. In 1935, this institution
acquired the collections of the discontinued
Polish Library in Paris and the collection of the
Moszyński family, which was purchased by
the state. The Polish Library in Paris was
founded in 1838 through the efforts of Polish
émigrés, who intended it to be returned to
Poland when the country was liberated. The
Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków (the
use of the words ‘Polish’ or ‘National’ was
forbidden by the foreign authorities at that
time [1872-1918]) was the leading national
scientific institution protecting culture and
education during the last period of the loss of
At present, the collection of the Academy
comprises over 80,000 prints, making it one of
the largest collections of European graphics in
Poland. In 1953, three groups of works were
united to form the collection of the print room
of the academy in Kraków: that of the
Moszyński family, the Polish Library in Paris,
and subsequent acquisitions, including prints
from German museums, which, as a result of
the war, were located on Polish territory. Prints
by Dutch masters are the most numerous and
occupy a prominent place, constituting nearly
40% of all the holdings. The most valuable
masterpieces are 83 engravings and one
etching by Lucas van Leyden, and over 100
etchings by Rembrandt, although not all of
these impressions are of the best quality. This
collection provides a complete picture of the
development and accomplishments of Dutch
and Flemish graphics, presenting, in addition
codart Courant 9/December 2004
The Creation of Eve: notes about a
painting and a related print
The Kadriorg Palace, a branch of the Art
Museum of Estonia (ame), presently displays
an anonymous Creation of Eve (Genesis 2:21-25),
which originally came from the collection of
the Literary Society of Estonia. The panel
(89.5 x 69.7 cm, inv. nr. ekmm 1333) may
originate from a series depicting the creation
of the world and might perhaps have once
decorated a church (balcony), together with
other biblical scenes. The painting was
restored in 1963 by specialists from Moscow,
and in 1999 by Yelena Kukina (ame). She
removed most of the 18th- and 19th-century
overpaintings, with the exception of those that
had nothing underneath. Juta Keevallik
published the Creation of Eve as the work of an
unknown Netherlandish artist.
The somewhat stiff figures in the painting
appear separated from the landscape by their
sharp outlines. This suggests that an
engraving served as the model for the
composition. Years ago, I found an engraving
by Cornelis Cort (ca. 1533-1578) after Zuccaro’s
Creation of Eve, a possible pendant to a Creation
of Adam (both 1572), reproduced in Armin
Zweite’s book on Maerten de Vos. It was
striking to what degree our painting followed
the model. Cornelis Cort’s print is, of course,
also included in the related volumes of both
the Old and New Hollstein.
Cort, a well-known engraver, worked with
Hieronymus Cock in Antwerp and later with
Titian in Venice and several other artists in
Rome. During his second stay in the Eternal
City (from 1572 until his death in 1578) he
engraved the frescoes by Federigo
(1540/1542–1609) and Taddeo (1529-66) Zuccaro
in the Sala dei Sogni of the Palazzo Farnese in
Caprarola, among others. Zuccaro’s Creation
of Eve was certainly influenced by the same
composition in the Sistine Chapel, while
Michelangelo in his turn was fascinated by
Jacopo della Quercia and other innovative
artists of Quattrocento.
In relation to Jacopo della Quercia’s Sienese
stone relief of the Creation of Eve (1430-35)
Charles Seymour Jr. has written: ‘As Eve is
drawn up to a standing position by the
powerful grasp of the hand of her Creator, she
looks askance at her own hand, by which, as a
human, she must learn to make her way in the
Traditionally in this scene, Eve’s hands are
shown clasped in prayer. (It is well known that
in the late Middle Ages, the Virgin Mary was
often characterized as the New Eve and as the
Church itself, born of the wound in Christ’s
side.) Mannerist artists presaged Baroque, but
also partly looked back to medieval forms and
I now come to my request: It would be
interesting to know how many paintings and
engraved copies after the Zuccaro/Cort
composition are known today. So far, Suzanne
Laemers (rkd, The Hague) has informed us of
two variants: one of the panels was on sale in
Munich in 1965, the other (attributed to
Raphael Coxie) in Antwerp in 1996.
Some of the works of the same subject differ
from the Tallinn painting in that other scenes
from Genesis, such as the Creation of Adam and
Expulsion from the garden, are depicted in the
The painting in the ame is far more
concentrated – no other biblical scenes are
added, and Paradise has been left without any
birds or animals. Their creation and other
related motifs might have been depicted on
separate panels.
The Creation of Eve in the ame can probably
be dated to the end of the 16th or beginning of
the 17th century. Do any of the readers of
codart Courant know the present location
Anonymus, Creation of Eve, ca. 1600, Tallinn, Art Museum
Cornelis Cort after Federigo Zuccaro, Creation of Eve, 1572.
Anonymous, Creation of Eve, n.d., auctioned in Munich in
to well-known works, exceptionally rare
pieces, such as a series of playing cards
attributed to Balthazar van den Bos and a color
print by Johannes Teyler (1648-1709).
Losses of prints caused by the Second World
War were most severe and cannot be fully
estimated, partly because some inventory
books were also destroyed. The post-war
territory of Poland, which was moved from the
east to the west as a result of political decisions,
compensated for the losses of Poland’s eastern
territories to a small extent. As far as Old
Master prints are concerned, as compensation
for irreparable wartime losses, the two
partially surviving collections (Rehdigerana
and Magdaleniana) of the Schlesisches
Museum der Bildenden Künste, Breslau (now
Wrocl-aw) were moved to the National
Museum in Warsaw and the Polish Academy of
Arts and Sciences in Kraków. These include
Dutch prints from the 16th and 17th centuries,
notable for the high frequency of impressions
with broad margins, and for a small but
important set of 15th-century prints.
Photo courtesy of the rkd, The Hague
News and notes from
around the world
of Estonia.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
of works that could be related to our panel?
Helena Risthein
Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn
Exhib. cat. Lääne-Euroopa rahvaste realistlik
kunst, Tallinn 1953, p. 31 (where the panel is
attributed to an anonymous German
Juta Keevallik, xvii sajandi hollandi ja flaami
maal Tallinna Riikliku Kunstimuuseumi kogus,
Tallinn 1970, pp. 54 (ill.), 55.
Manfred Sellink, ‘Cornelis Cort i,’ in: The New
Hollstein: Dutch and Flemish Etchings,
Engravings and Woodcuts 1450-1700,
Rotterdam 2000, pp. xxvi–xxvii.
Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker, Allgemeines
Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike
bis zur Gegenwart, Leipzig 1907-50, vol. 31,
p. 283.
Alfred von Wurzbach, Niederländisches KünstlerLexikon, Vienna & Leipzig 1906, vol. 2
[Leipzig 1910], p. 636.
Armin Zweite, Marten de Vos als Maler: Ein
Beitrag zur Geschichte der Antwerpener Malerei
in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts,
Berlin 1980, fig. 201.
Works mentioned
Jacopo della Quercia’s, Creation of Eve, 1430-35,
stone relief, Siena.
Michelangelo, Creation of Eve, 1509-10, fresco,
Sistine Chapel, Vatican.
Federigo Zuccaro, Creation of Eve, 1566, fresco,
Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola.
Cornelis Cort, Creation of Eve, 1572, engraving
(The Illustrated Bartsch, part 52, nr. 1).
Anonymous (Netherlandish), Creation of Eve,
ca. 1600, oil on panel, Tallinn, Art Museum
of Estonia, inv. nr. ekmm 1333.
Anonymous, Creation of Eve, n.d., oil on panel,
auctioned in Munich in 1965.
Raphael Coxie (attributed to), Creation of Eve,
n.d., oil on panel, auctioned in Antwerp in
Introducing the Niederländisches Forum
The Niederländisches Forum was founded at
the Art History Institute of the Freie
Universität Berlin in May 2004. It is kindly
supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy.
The Niederländisches Forum, with its new
contributions to research, raises the profile of
the art and art history of the Low Countries. In
the first instance, it takes the form of a
permanent lecture series with around four or
five sessions per semester. The subject matter
is wide ranging: Netherlandish, Dutch and
Flemish painting and graphics, sculpture and
arts and crafts, architecture and new media all
feature on the program. The emphasis is on
current reports from the areas of research and
practice. The Niederländisches Forum thus
strengthens the ties between the university
and museums. It brings together teaching
staff, researchers and other interested parties,
thereby improving the networks and exchange
of information between these groups.
Alongside recognized experts from both home
and abroad, young researchers are offered the
opportunity to present their work.
Renaissance and Baroque art was the focus
of the first lecture series, but all periods from
the Middle Ages to the present will be
represented. In the first series, which opened
with a farewell lecture by Jan Kelch, the
departing Director of the Gemäldegalerie
Berlin, the speakers were Reindert Falkenburg
(Leiden), Alexandra N. Bauer (Potsdam) and
Holm Bevers (Berlin). The lecture by James H.
Marrow (Princeton) took place at the Dutch
embassy in Berlin. The building, designed by
the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, is one of
the most spectacular new structures in the
capital, and it provided an excellent backdrop,
bringing our project to the attention of a wide
audience. The events were extremely successful and they also received a good response
outside Berlin.
This winter, the speakers include Volker
Manuth (Nijmegen) and Katja Kleinert
(Berlin). In December, Bernd Lindemann, the
recently appointed director of the Gemäldegalerie Berlin will hold his first public lecture
in his new post at the Niederländisches
Forum. This event will again take place at the
In addition, a multidisciplinary projectbased scheme is planned for 2005 in
collaboration with Jan Konst from the Dutch
Philology Department of the Freie Universität.
To mark the Rembrandt exhibition at the
Gemäldegalerie and the Kupferstichkabinett
Berlin in 2006, the museums will work
together with the Niederländisches Forum to
stage an international symposium in Berlin.
Berlin is a center with a rich tradition of
research into the art history of the Low
Countries. The Berlin museums have a wealth
of outstanding examples of Dutch and
Flemish art. The Gemäldegalerie and the
Kupferstichkabinett, in spite of considerable
wartime losses, still rank as collections of
worldwide importance. The quality and size of
the collections in Berlin permit an immediate,
broad and in-depth study of the art of the Low
Countries. Renowned scholars in this field
have been active in universities and museums
in Berlin. Furthermore, the city offers
particularly good opportunities for research.
The Staatsbibliothek and the Kunstbibliothek,
art-history institutes and their libraries,
equipment and projects, important archives,
and numerous academic institutions and
societies provide ideal conditions for research
and academic exchange. It is clear that Berlin is
unusually well equipped as a site for research
into the art history of the Low Countries.
So, the aim in the near future is for the Art
History Institute of the Freie Universität
Berlin to place an emphasis on the art history
of the Low Countries. The Niederländisches
Forum is an important first step towards this
Christian Tico Seifert
Freie Universität, Berlin
Idea and conception: Christian Tico Seifert
Contact details:
Christian Tico Seifert
Freie Universität Berlin
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Niederländisches Forum
Koserstraße 20
d-14195 Berlin
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Between 1998 and 2002, the Pushkin Museum
of Fine Arts held a number of large exhibitions
of 16th- and 17th-century paintings and
drawings from the Netherlandish, Dutch and
Flemish schools. Even so, the wealth of the
collection is such that more works continue to
be brought out of the reserves. During the first
quarter of 2003, an exhibition of prints by
Lucas van Leyden (curator and author of the
catalogue Natalja Markova) – the first
exhibition of works by this excellent Dutch
codart Courant 9/December 2004
master in the history of the Pushkin Museum
– in essence introduced him to the Moscow
public for the first time.
From September to November 2003 the
whole of the temporary exhibition space was
devoted to an impressive display, The art of
etching: 16th-20th centuries (curator Natalja
Markova). Nearly 400 prints from the
collection illustrated the birth and development of etching in all its different forms,
including reproductive techniques of the 18th
and 19th centuries, with examples by German,
Italian, Dutch, French, Flemish, British, and
Russian masters. The Dutch school, in which
etching might almost be considered the
‘national’ printing technique, occupied a
central place, with some 50 prints by all the
principle 17th-century printmakers, led by
Rembrandt, occupying the full length of one of
the long walls in the main exhibition room.
The weighty catalogue, incorporating a survey
of etching, detailed entries on each exhibit,
and a brief biography of the engravers,
represented the fruits of the labors of a group
of scholars from the printroom. While we
regret that it was only possible to produce this
catalogue in Russian, we can console ourselves
with the fact that it has already become a key
reference work for Russian speakers, who
suffer from a marked lack of publications on
the subject in their native language.
The main event of 2004 was the exhibition
Visual images and hidden meanings: allegories and
symbols in Dutch and Flemish paintings of the xvi
and xvii centuries (February-April, curator and
author of the catalogue Vadim Sadkov). Of the
83 paintings, a few were masterpieces taken
from the permanent display, but the main
body was made up of works from storage,
throwing new light on many different aspects
of the subject, from overt allegory to the
profoundly hidden subtext of Dutch genre
scenes. In order to fill the lacunae in the range
of subjects, four paintings were borrowed
from the museum in the town of Serpukhov,
allowing specialists in Moscow to see
interesting works by Isaack de Jouderville, Jan
Victors and a joint work by Jan Boeckhorst (?)
and Pieter Boel. For the first time, this
exhibition demonstrated to Russian viewers
that paintings by Dutch and Flemish artists of
the Golden Age were not mere snapshots of
everyday life but moralizing, didactic,
religious and philosophical works reflecting
the ideas of their time. Such was the success
enjoyed by the show – confirmed by the
excellent attendance figures – that the
catalogue sold out long before it closed.
Dutch painting and works on paper were
collected in Russia from the time of Peter the
Great. This was demonstrated in our recent
exhibition The Golitsyn Museum on the
Volkhonka, which reconstructed one of the
largest private Russian aristocratic collections
(curator Natalja Tretyakova, catalogue by
leading specialists from the Pushkin Museum
and the Hermitage in St Petersburg, with an
overview and analysis of the collection of
Flemish painting by Natalia Grizay).
Assembled over the course of the 18th century,
in the early 19th century this collection went
on display in the Golitsyn Palace on the
Volkhonka, next door to where the Pushkin
Museum stands today. (Two buildings in the
palace complex were restored several years ago
by the Pushkin Museum and now house
branches of the museum, the archive and the
so-called ‘Museum of Private Collections.’)
Although Dutch and Flemish paintings were
not central to the Golitsyn collection, it did
include some 20 works, among them paintings
by David Teniers ii, Dirk Maes, masters of
cabinet painting such as Joos de Momper, Jan
van Kessel i, and Peeter Neefs i; among the
most celebrated works we should mention
Girl in the window by Gabriel Metsu (Pushkin
Museum of Fine Arts) and two paintings by Jan
van Bloemen from the Hermitage, the only
generally accepted works by this artist in the
Petersburg museum. The last owner of the
collection, Sergey Mikhaylovich Golitsyn, sold
it to the Imperial Hermitage Museum in 1886
and many of its pieces found a home in the
Winter Palace; during the Soviet years some
works were transferred to Moscow and other
towns and cities around the former Soviet
Union, as a result of which tracing the objects
was no simple task, involving intensive
Works by Dutch artists are to be found in
other Moscow museums as well. An
unequalled collection of Dutch 17th-century
silver forms part of the Armory Chamber in
the Kremlin. Based on a full scholarly
catalogue of this collection published
modestly in black and white in 1990, a superbly
illustrated album devoted to the collection has
recently appeared, also available in English
(Galina Markova, Dutch silver in the Armory
Chamber, Moscow 2003).
Natalja Markova
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
(translated by Catherine Philips)
Cover of the exhibition catalogue Visual images and hidden
Cover of the exhibition catalogue Lucas van Leyden:
meanings: allegories and symbols in Dutch and Flemish
engravings in the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,
paintings of the xvi and xvii centuries, written by Vadim
writtenby Natalja Markova, Moscow 2002.
Sadkov, Moscow 2004.
From the very beginning of the 17th century
relations between Sweden and Holland were
close. The literary and scientific dialogue was
as intensive as investments of Dutch capital in
the iron industry. A large number of Swedes
visited the universities of Leiden and
Amsterdam. There were 150 Swedes, mostly
young noblemen, studying in Leiden during
the 1640s. They included heroes of the Thirty
Years’ War such as Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie
codart Courant 9/December 2004
and Karl Gustav Wrangel, leading aristocrats,
statesmen, and patrons of the arts in Sweden in
the second half of the 17th century. The
inventories of de la Gardie’s estate list several
Netherlandish pictures: history paintings,
fruit pieces, still lifes, landscapes, and marine
and genre paintings. Wrangel purchased
Dutch art for his castle at Skokloster. In 1651 he
commissioned a number of works from Dutch
artists through the Swedish resident in The
Hague, Harald Appelbom. These included
a Winter landscape by Jan Steen. Sweden’s first
Rembrandt painting, The apostle Peter, was
brought here by a Dutch inhabitant of
Copenhagen, Carl von Cracow.
The principal authors of Sweden’s growing
prosperity during the next 100 years included
the Dutch industrialists who had already
settled in the country in the early 17th century.
Their motives were both religious and
commercial. They were mainly of members of
the De Geer, De Besche, Grill and Peill families,
all of whom were to play a very important role,
particularly after the end of the war in 1648,
and who would also continue to thrive even
after Sweden’s period as a great power came to
an end with the Battle of Poltava in 1709. Their
most important achievement was the
development of the iron industry in Sweden.
For the whole of the 18th century iron was to
remain the nation’s most important export.
The families not only maintained contacts
with their home country but also brought
with them their culture, their wealth and their
art collections, which today form the cornerstone of the Nationalmuseum’s considerable
collection of Dutch paintings. It was a member
of the Peill family who brought one of
Rembrandt’s greatest masterpieces,The
conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis,
to Sweden.
Louis de Geer, one of the biggest arms
dealers in Europe, had already become a
Swedish subject in 1627. The family tradition
was kept up by his sons, who were iron
manufacturers at Leufsta bruk, Uppland and
elsewhere. Portraits of Louis de Geer the Younger
and his wife Jeanne Parmentier are set into the
walls of the main building at Leufsta. They
were painted by Bartholomeus van der Helst,
probably on the occasion of the couple’s
wedding in Utrecht on 13 September 1654.
The Dutch industrialists also attracted
painters like Allaert van Everdingen, Govert
Camphuysen and Cornelis van der Meulen to
Sweden. Although political links with Holland
declined towards the close of the century, its
cultural influence persisted well into the 18th
century. In about 1700 there were just two truly
Bartolomeus van der Helst, Louis de Geer The Younger,
Bartolomeus van der Helst, Jeanne Parmentier, Leufsta
Leufsta bruk, Sweden.
bruk, Sweden.
eminent art collections in Sweden, one of them
belonging to Johan Gabriel Stenbock and the
other to the painter Martin Meytens the Elder.
Johan Gabriel Stenbock embarked on a
brilliant career at the Swedish court and in the
civil service, becoming a Privy Councilor in
1668, when he was only 28 years old. He
accumulated a considerable fortune, which he
invested with bankers in Holland – Baron
Suasso and Samuel Texeira. His art collection
contained several works by Rembrandt and his
school, including his Kitchen maid, and
portraits of an old man and an old woman.
Carl Gustaf Tessin, the only son of the
palace architect Nicodemus Tessin, was the
most brilliant cultural personality in 18th
century Sweden. His art collection left an
important mark on the Nationalmuseum’s
collection of foreign works. His first purchases
were made in Paris in 1728 and then again
between 1739 and 1742, when he was
ambassador there. He was mainly interested in
French art, but he also had a liking for works
by Dutch masters, such as Portrait of a lady in
profile by Rembrandt and Cornelis Verhout’s
Sleeping student.
Queen Lovisa Ulrika and her consort Adolf
Fredrik engaged Tessin to purchase works of
art for the royal collections. At an auction in
Paris 1748, acting on their behalf, Tessin
acquired ten Dutch works, among them
Cornelis Bega’s The music lesson. He also
acquired paintings from Amsterdam: Isack
Ostade’s Self-portrait, Adriaen van Ostade’s
The dining room at Leufsta bruk, Sweden.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Lawyer sharpening his pen, and other paintings
attributed to Rembrandt.
Lovisa Ulrika’s son Gustav iii purchased
24 paintings from the Sack family at Bergshammar in 1779. That collection included
several important Rembrandts, among them
the aforementioned Kitchen maid, but also
works by other Dutch painters such as
Ferdinand Bol, Gabriel Metsu, Pieter de Hooch,
Salomon de Keyser, Philip Konincks, and Jan
Additions to the collection of Dutch
paintings continued to be made during the
19th century. Acquisitions included, for
example, Judith Leyster’s Boy playing the flute.
In 1881 the Nationalmuseum acquired The
apostle Peter by Rembrandt. In 1949 it received
Rembrandt’s Simeon in the temple as a donation,
and a small self-portrait (now stolen) was
acquired in 1956.
The collection also includes several
important landscapes by Ruisdael, Van de
Cappelle and Van Everdingen. The Dutch
Caravaggisti are also represented, i.e.
Terbruggen and Mattias Stomer, as well as
classicists such as Caesar van Everdingen and
genre painters from Haarlem.
An exhibition project and a catalogue raisonné
In 1967 the Nationalmuseum presented a
larger selection of Dutch Old Masters from
Swedish collections. The aim was to display the
breadth of 17th century Dutch painting, its
many genres and thematic contexts.
Rembrandt was the obvious focus, and the
show included six paintings and 22 drawings
by the master. The 1992 exhibition, Rembrandt
and his time, held to mark the museum’s
bicentenary dealt with Rembrandt and the
reevaluation of his art in the past 20 years, but
it also included a large circle of pupils active in
Rembrandt’s studio and a wider circle of artists
active in the Netherlands in the artist’s day.
In the exhibition The Dutch Golden Age
(September 2005-January 2006) our aim is to
present the most important and influential
masters and art centers of the Golden Age. We
are fortunate to receive important loans of
paintings from the Rijksmuseum and the
Mauritshuis and from the Statens Museum for
Kunst in Copenhagen. A special section of the
exhibition will bring together the Dutch
drawing collections from Stockholm and the
Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. The last part
of the exhibition will deal with the relationship between the Netherlands and Sweden
during the Golden Age. The exhibition will
coincide with the publication of a catalogue
raisonné of the Nationalmuseum’s entire
holdings of Dutch paintings (ca. 500). An
exhibition catalogue will also be published,
with essays by Christopher Brown (Oxford),
Börje Magnusson (Rome), Karin Sidén, Mårten
Snickare and myself (Stockholm).
It is a great pleasure for us that the
codart study trip 2005 will focus on the
exhibition and other collections of Dutch and
Flemish art in and around Stockholm.
Görel Cavalli-Björkman
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Introducing the Association of Art Museum
Curators (aamc)
Established in the spring of 2001, the
Association of Art Museum Curators (aamc) is
a North American professional organization
for art museum curators. Its mission
statement conveys its purpose: ‘Curators have
a primary responsibility for the acquisition,
care, display, and interpretation of works of
art; the Association of Art Museum Curators
(aamc) has been founded to support their role
in shaping the mission of art museums in
North America. The aamc serves as a forum
for the exchange of information and ideas, as
an organization to promote professional
development, and as a voice to museum
directors on matters of mutual concern.’
Membership to the organization is open to any
curator responsible for art, from assistant
curator to chief curator, at any of the 186
museums that form the Association of Art
Museum Directors (aamd), also a North
American organization, and currently stands
at approximately 550. To date three annual
conventions have been held, the most recent
being that convened on 10 May 2004 at The
Asia Society and Museum in New York City
(sessions: ‘The curator and scholarship’ and
‘The curator and the architect’). The aamc has
a board of trustees, is incorporated, has
established a foundation for the purposes of
fund-raising, and has written by-laws.
Committees have been formed in the
following areas: executive and nominating,
finance, membership, museum collections
and exhibitions, professional development
and conference, professional standards, and
prize committees. To date all events have taken
place in New York, but it is the aim of the
organization to hold future gatherings in
other parts of North America. To that end, the
aamc’s first continuing education seminar is
to be held at The Art Institute of Chicago on
Friday, 29 October 2004 (sessions: budgeting
and planning methods for exhibitions, and the
nuts and bolts of provenance research). For
additional informations, please consult the
aamc’s website:
Lawrence W. Nichols
Photo Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Toledo Museum of Art
Allaert van Everdingen, The artillery foundry of Hendrik Trip in Julita bruk, Södermanland, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
codart acht in
Haarlem: Register now!
On the 6, 7 and 8 March 2005, codart will
hold the codart acht congress in Haarlem.
Haarlem is known for its historic town center,
which includes many former almshouses, as
well as two important museums: the Frans
Hals Museum and the Teyler Museum.
The focus of this year’s program is the wealth of Dutch and Flemish
art in Swedish collections. The theme of the workshops will be
permanent collections. Various aspects will be examined: (1)
different ways of presenting these collections, (2) the changing role
of curators, and (3) the question of how to strengthen and expand
permanent collections. Inspired by the Pieter Claesz exhibition, on
view at the Frans Hals Museum during the congress, a workshop
will also be dedicated to monographic exhibitions (4).
Participants can choose to join the excursions in Haarlem, which
will include a viewing of the best prints and drawings in the Teyler
Museum and the Haarlem city archives. An alternative excursion
program offers visits to the collection of the West Fries Museum in
Hoorn and the Stedelijk Museum in Alkmaar. We will also visit the
Grote Sint Laurenskerk, where restoration of the Last Judgment by
Cornelis Cornelisz. Buys I on the vaulted ceilings is now in progress.
See also the preliminary program on p. 9.
A complete and up-to-date program of the congress and more
information about Haarlem, the workshops and the members
meeting can be found at:
Registration and fees
The congress fee is 80 euros. This includes documentation,
excursions, lunches, the congress dinner and various receptions.
For more information about codart acht please visit or contact us at:
c/o Navany Almazan
t +31 20 3054 521
codart Courant 9/December 2004
codart activities
in 2005
codart acht congress: Dutch and Flemish
art in Sweden, Haarlem, 6-8 March
The program is subject to change. If you are
attending the congress, please keep an eye on
the codart website.
Sunday, 6 March
13:30-17:00 Pre-congress walking tour of
Haarlem, in three groups.
[15:00-17:00 Meeting of codart Board and
Program Committee.]
17:00-20:00 Registration and reception at:
Hollandsche Maatschappij der
Spaarne 17
nl-2011 cd Haarlem
t +31 23 532 1773
f +31 23 536 2713
18:00 Greeting by the director of codart,
Gary Schwartz, and the Hollandsche
16:45-18:45 Visit to the town hall of Haarlem,
with an introduction by Pieter Biesboer,
author of a book on the commissioning and
purchase of art by the city for the town hall.
Welcome and reception offered by the
Grote Markt 2
2011 rd Haarlem
t +31 23 511 5115
19:00-23:00 Congress dinner at:
Sociëteit Trou Moet Blijcken
Grote Houtstraat 115
2011 sj Haarlem
t +31 23 531 1474
Tuesday, 8 March
9:00-12:00 Members meeting at the Teyler
Museum. Speakers to be announced on the
10:30-10:50 Coffee.
11:40-12:00 Discussion and closing of the
12:00-13:30 Visit to the Teyler Museum, with
buffet lunch available throughout in the
museum’s Tuinzaal for participants
remaining in Haarlem for the afternoon.
13:00-18:00 Excursion for participants who
have registered for the bus trip to NoordHolland. Departure, with box lunch on bus,
to Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar and Westfries
Museum in Hoorn.
13:30-18:00 For participants remaining in
Haarlem, visits to the print, drawing, map and
book collections of the Teyler Museum, Rijksarchief Noord Holland, Archief Kennemerland
and Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem, and to
Haarlem booksellers and an auction house.
More information can be consulted on the
Photo Teyler Museum, Haarlem
Photo Teyler Museum, Haarlem
Monday, 7 March
8:30-9:00 Registration continues.
9:00-11:30 Opening session Dutch and Flemish
art in Sweden.
Teyler Museum
Spaarne 16
t +31 23 531 9010
f +31 23 534 2004
9:00-9:15 Greeting by Marjan Scharloo, director
of the Teyler Museum, and introduction by
the congress chair, Stephen Hartog.
9:15-9:35 Görel Cavalli-Björkman (Stockholm,
Nationalmuseum) The Low Countries and
Sweden: a history of artistic connections.
9:40-10:00 Karin Sidén (Stockholm, Nationalmuseum) Dutch and Flemish paintings in Swedish
10:05-10:25 Börje Magnusson (Swedish
Academy in Rome) Collections of Dutch and
Flemish drawings in Sweden.
10:25-10:45 Discussion.
10:45-11:00 Walk to:
Frans Hals Museum
Groot Heiligland 62
nl-2011 es Haarlem
t +31 23 511 5775
f +31 23 511 5776
11:00-11:30 Coffee.
11:30-11:35 Greeting by Karel Schampers,
director of the Frans Hals Museum.
11:35-11:45 Introduction to the Pieter Claesz.
exhibition by Pieter Biesboer.
11:45-13:30 Visit to the exhibition and
museum; buffet lunch in the museum
restaurant available throughout.
13:30-13:35 Introduction to workshop sessions
by the congress chair.
13:35-13:55 Anna Somers Cocks (The Art
Newspaper) Making the most of the permanent
14:10-15:25 Workshops in the Frans Hals
Museum. Information on subjects, chairs and
speakers can be consulted on the website.
15:25-15:45 Tea break.
15:45-16:45 Presentation of results of the
workshops and discussion.
Photo Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem
Teyler Museum, Haarlem: the oldest public museum in
the Netherlands, opened in 1784.
The Ovale Zaal of the Teyler Museum, Haarlem.
Courtyard of the Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
When Hans Nieuwdorp held his historic
exhibition of 15th- and 16th-century Antwerp
composite altarpieces (retabels) in Antwerp
Cathedral in 1993, he compiled a checklist of
the examples he had located in the course of
25 years of research on the subject. Perhaps not
so surprisingly, in view of the extent of
iconoclasm in Belgium, the country of origin
of the altarpieces came only third among
countries preserving these astonishing objects.
In first place was Germany, but in second
place, and this is something of a surprise, stood
Sweden, with 26 examples. Before the (early)
adoption of Protestantism, a constant stream
of orders went from churches all over Sweden
to the Antwerp dealers who coordinated the
production of these highly complex creations
of carpenters, sculptors, painters and gilders,
each organized in a different guild. As
purchasers on this scale, Swedish churches can
be said to have been a major partner in the
Antwerp art world in the decades around 1500.
The survival of so many altarpieces in Sweden,
as compared to, for example, the Netherlands,
can be credited to the fact that Lutheranism
became the state religion of Sweden in 1527,
which it remained until the year 2000. Thanks
to the relatively relaxed attitude of the
Lutherans to art in churches, the country was
spared the devastations of iconoclasm.
Magnificent examples in a variety of modes
will be seen on the study trip in the cathedrals
of Strängnäs, Västerås and Uppsala, and in the
Historiska Museet in Stockholm.
As in other areas of Northern Europe, many
of the architects and sculptors – not to
mention engineers and town planners – who
gave form to noble, governmental,
ecclesiastical, educational and (primarily)
military buildings and installations in Sweden
in the early modern period came from the
Netherlands. An entire colony of Dutch
professionals, craftsmen, small businessmen
and shopkeepers was brought to Göteborg,
where they built two successive cities, the first
of which was destroyed by the Danes in 1611.
In the course of the 16th and 17th centuries
colonies of this kind were established in
various Swedish cities. The one in Stockholm
was concentrated in Södermalm, the island
south of Gamla Stan, the old town. Speaking
Dutch and practicing Calvinism, they formed
communities of their own. Some survived well
into the 18th century, interacting on all levels,
including the arts, with local society.
The foremost artist in this wave of
imported Netherlanders was the Flemish
architect and sculptor Willem Boy (ca. 1520-92),
who in 1558 was brought from Mechelen to
Sweden by King Gustav Vasa (King Gustav i,
1496-1560; reigned 1523-60). Works by Boy to be
seen on the trip include the churches of St.
Jacob and St. Klara in Stockholm, the funeral
monument of Gustav Vasa in Uppsala
Cathedral, and the beautiful, moving tomb of
the two-year-old Princess Isabella (1564-66) in
Strängnäs Cathedral.
The royal gardens of Sweden were designed
and maintained in the 16th century by the
Netherlandish garden architect Hans Friese.
Kings Gustav Vasa and his sons Erik xiv (153377; reigned 1560-68) and Johan iii (1537-92;
reigned 1568-92) had him in service for some 40
years, during which he laid out the gardens at
the palaces of Gripsholm, Svartsjö, Linköping,
Uppsala and the Kungsträdgården in
Stockholm. This precedent was picked up in
the following century when Hedvig Eleonora
(1636-1715), the widow of King Karl x Gustav
(1622-60; reigned 1654-60), brought the Dutch
gardener Christiaan Horleman to Sweden.
After his death his function was inherited by
his son Johan and grandson Carl, who, after
Johan was knighted by King Karl xii, changed
the family name to Hårleman. Thanks to the
ties of these men with Dutch colleagues and
plant nurseries, the actual flora used in
Swedish royal gardens overlapped that of the
Netherlands for a century and a half.
In the 17th century the main motor for
Swedish-Netherlandish artistic relations was
provided by the military-industrial complex of
the time, epitomized by the Flemish-Dutch
merchant Louis De Geer (1587-1652). De Geer
was born in the prince-bishopric of Luik
(Liège) into a pious Protestant family that
moved to Dordrecht, perhaps for religious
reasons, in 1596. With his brother-in-law Elias
Trip (1570-1636), he built a financial empire in
the Netherlands and Sweden, based on mining
and weapons manufacture. In exchange for
minerals, mines and valuable contracts and
licenses, the two helped fund the wars of the
Swedish king Gustav ii Adolf (1594-1632;
reigned 1611-32), in the process acquiring
houses and estates in and outside Stockholm.
De Geer became Lord of Österby and Finspång,
mining districts in Uppland, north of the city.
At his houses he installed paintings by Dutch
artists, family portraits and views of his
Swedish holdings. Paintings of Sweden were
hung in his Amsterdam home, the ‘House
with the Heads’ at Keizersgracht 123, and in
that of the sons of Elias Trip, the Trippenhuis
(see codart zes). Artists of the caliber of
Bartholomeus van der Helst and Allaert van
Everdingen were commissioned by the Trips
and De Geers, reinforcing the already strong
ties in painting between the Netherlands and
Sweden. The close resemblance of De Geer’s
house in Södermalm, Stockholm, to the
Mauritshuis in The Hague, although it may
be fortuitous, invites one to speculate on the
parallels between the expansive careers of
Louis De Geer and Johan Maurits van Nassau.
Both were immigrants to the Netherlands
Photo Gary Schwartz
Study trip to Stockholm, Drottningholm,
Skokloster, Uppsala, Västerås and Strängnäs,
21-26 September
The program is subject to change. If you are
attending the congress, please keep an eye on
the codart website.
Bridge to Gamla Stan, the old town of Stockholm.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
who rose to leading positions in their
respective worlds, especially outside the
country and especially in military contexts.
The import of architectural and artistic
talent from the Netherlands became part of
the regular trade activities of the De Geers and
Trips, especially in the following generations.
Conversely, the Swedish government maintained an agent in the Netherlands, Peter
Trotzig, who joined cultural entrepreneurship
to his more commercial duties. Via these
channels, Justus Vingboons (1620/21-98), the
younger brother of the famous Dutch architect Philips Vingboons, seems to have gotten
Swedish commissions in Amsterdam and
Dutch ones in Stockholm. In 1653 Trotzig
brought Justus to Stockholm to complete the
Riddarhuset (House of the Nobility), begun by
Simon de la Vallée. Koen Ottenheym considers
the drawings Justus made for the project to be
derived from Philips’s rejected proposal for the
Amsterdam town hall. Following the completion of his three-year contract in Stockholm,
Justus returned to Amsterdam to build the
Trippenhuis for the sons of Elias Trip, Louys
and Hendrik, who he is likely to have met in
Sweden. The Riddarhuset was the most conspicuous project of its time and it served as a
model for representative Swedish architecture
for a century to come. In other respects as well,
Dutch attainments in the arts, sciences and
education served as a model for Sweden in the
17th century. A prominent manifestation of
this phenomenon was reached under Queen
Christina (1626-89; reigned 1632-54), when the
Dutch scholars Isaac Vossius and Nicolaas
Heinsius served as royal advisors.
A lasting record of the architectural fruits
of this long period of Dutch-Swedish
cooperation is the album Suecia antiqua et
hodierna (‘Sweden then and now’; published in
1715), a proud compilation of 350 engravings of
the main country houses, city palaces and
towns of the kingdom. Not only were many of
the houses in the book built by Netherlandish
architects, the book itself was filled largely by
Dutch draftsmen and engravers. As in the case
of Poland (codart zeven) and Denmark
(undoubtedly a codart theme to be), the
national image of Sweden was given form in
the 17th century both on the ground and in
iconographic representation by craftsmen,
designers and artists from the Netherlands.
That many of the same individuals also
fulfilled similar functions in the Netherlands
itself, in the service of town regents and the
House of Orange, is characteristic for a period
when the nationalities of Europe were still in
statu nascendi.
Swedish military expeditions of the 17th
century, when successful, never failed to come
home without some looted art. Undoubtedly
the highpoint, one of the most successful art
raids in history, was the seizure in 1648 in
Prague of some 600 items collected by Emperor
Rudolf ii. The raid was committed just a day or
two before the signing in Osnabrück of the
peace treaty that would have made the act
illegal. Among the booty were major paintings
by Netherlandish masters such as Jan van
Hemessen, Joachim Beuckelaer and Jan
Massys. Bronze sculptures by Adriaen de Vries
were taken from the gardens of the
Wallenstein Palace and were placed in
Drottningholm at the end of the 17th century,
where they still stand today.
Although Queen Christina was the most
dedicated art collector among the Swedish
monarchs, few of her possessions have
remained in the country, and few of those were
from the Netherlands. Half the collection of
16th-century Netherlandish paintings in the
Nationalmuseum, some 30 paintings, came to
Christina’s collection from Prague as booty.
Included amongst them are all the important
paintings by the aforementioned Beuckelaer,
Hemessen and Jan Massys. Just two or three of
the paintings have an older Swedish provenance, from the collection of Gustav Vasa.
Participants in the codart acht
congress will have an opportunity to admire
a choice of masterpieces from Christina’s
drawing collection in the Teyler Museum.
After her abdication and departure for Rome
the collection was sold in parcels over the
course of the centuries. In the late 18th century
Pieter Teyler was able to buy part of the
collection from the Odescalchi family.
Several late 17th- and 18th-century
monarchs of Sweden collected art for the
nation in a less violent fashion. The
provenance of some of the best Dutch and
Flemish paintings in the Nationalmuseum are
found on the inventories of King Fredrik i
(1676-1751; reigned 1720-51) in 1749, in 1760 of
Queen Lovisa Ulrika (1720-82), in 1771 of her
consort Adolf Fredrik (1710-71; reigned 175171), in 1792 of King Gustav iii (1746-92; reigned
1771-92), and in 1804 and 1816 of the Kungliga
Museum (Royal Museum).
Of even greater importance in the 18th
century than the rulers was the courtier who
advised them in their purchases (or sold to
them) and who built outstanding collections
of his own, Count Carl Gustaf Tessin (16951770). The only son of the palace architect
Nicodemus Tessin the Younger, Carl Gustaf
was the most brilliant Swedish cultural
personality of the 18th century. He began
buying art for the crown in Paris in 1728 and
again in 1739-42, when he was ambassador
there. In 1747 he became prime minister.
‘Ruined, however, by the costs of collecting
and of maintaining the luxurious lifestyle of a
great nobleman, he was forced to sell off much
of his collection and many of his most
important works were ceded to the Swedish
royal family…. After his death [the rest of his
collection] was sold at two auctions…. At the
first auction Gustav iii bought many of the
works and they became public property when
the royal museum was created in 1794. This
became the Nationalmuseum in 1860.’ (The
dictionary of art)
That museum, the country’s main
repository of Dutch and Flemish paintings and
drawings, is the host museum for the codart
acht study trip. The second most important
museum collection in Sweden, Göteborg’s
Konstmuseum, with important paintings by
Rubens, Jordaens, Snyders and Terbrugghen,
among others, cannot be visited on account of
the distance. Among the many other attractive
destinations that we are obliged to omit for the
same reason are the Cathedral of Linköping,
with its world-famous triptych of the
Crucifixion by Maerten van Heemskerck
(a full-size reproduction can be seen in the
Grote Sint Laurenskerk in Alkmaar by
participants in the codart acht congress
excursion to Noord-Holland); and Leufsta
bruk and Finspång, country houses built by
the de Geers in the 17th century as headquarters for their mining and manufacturing
operations south and north of Stockholm.
Photo Hans Hammarskiöld
Detail of façade of the Riddarhuset (House of the
Nobility), Stockholm.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Among the sources for the above is a book
published in 2002 by the Royal Netherlands
Embassy in Stockholm: Badeloch Noldus,
Palats och herrgårdar: Nederländsk arkitektur i
Sverige | Stadspaleizen en buitenplaatsen: Nederlandse bouwkunst in Zweden.
isbn 91-974145-6-5.
Wednesday, 21 September
Flight to Stockholm by own arrangement
(codart will announce possible group travel
arrangements from Amsterdam in due time).
Check in to hotel:
Hotell Riddargatan
Riddargatan 14
se-11435 Stockholm
t +46 8 5557 3000
f +46 8 5557 3011
This pleasant, recently renovated hotel is at the
corner of Nybrogatan, one of the liveliest
streets in the city, lined with chic cafés,
restaurants, boutiques and specialty shops.
Two blocks from the hotel is the world-famous
Östermalms Saluhall, one of the most
picturesque covered markets in Europe. On the
adjoining square, Östermalmstorg, there are
outdoor restaurants and wonderful views of
the surrounding churches and façades.
16:00 (subject to revision) Nationalmuseum
Södra Blasieholmshamnen
Box 16176
se-10324 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 4300
Opening by King Carl xvi Gustaf of the
exhibition The Dutch Golden Age, followed by
a reception and dinner, hosted by Solfrid
Söderlind, director of the Nationalmuseum.
11:00-12:00 Visit to the permanent collection.
The major Flemish paintings from the
permanent collection will be on view in the
Rembrandt gallery during the exhibition;
these include works by Joachim Beuckelaer,
Jan Brueghel, Lucas van Valckenborch, Joos de
Momper, Peter Paul Rubens, Jacob Jordaens,
Anthony van Dyck and Frans Snyders. The
latest acquisition (2003), an Allegory of death and
resurrection attributed to Frans Floris, will
assuredly be among them. To ensure that you
will not miss anything that is of special
interest to you, consult the illustrated
catalogue of European paintings in advance.
Paintings not in the galleries may be seen in
the reserves on Monday morning.
12:00-13:00 Rehn Room, discussion of
exhibition, with curators, moderated by
Gary Schwartz.
Görel Cavalli-Björkman, director of
t +46 8 5195 4300
f +46 8 5196 4456
Karin Sidén, curator of paintings and
t +46 8 5195 4304
f +46 8 5195 4456
Mårten Snickare , curator of prints and
t +46 8 5195 4356
f +46 8 5195 4456
13:00-14:00 Rehn Room, lunch.
14:00-14:30 Rehn Room, introduction to
architectural tour of Stockholm, Mårten
isbn 91-7100-382-7.
Photo Gary Schwartz
Thursday, 22 September
09:00-11:00 Visit to the exhibition, with an
introduction by Görel Cavalli-Björkman,
before the public is admitted to the museum.
The Dutch Golden Age was organized to mark
the publication of Görel Cavalli-Björkman’s
catalogue of the 500-odd Dutch paintings in
the museum. The Stockholm holdings are
augmented by loans from the Statens Museum
in Copenhagen and elsewhere, including the
Rijksmuseum. In preparation for the trip, by
all means consult Nationalmuseum
Stockholm, Illustrerad katalog över äldre
utländskt måleri | Illustrated catalogue - European
paintings, Stockholm 1990.
14:30-15:30 Individual visits to the museum.
15:30-18:00 Architectural tour of Stockholm,
with Mårten Snickare. Sites to be visited
Jacobs Kyrka (Church of St. James)
Jakobs Torg 5
t +46 8 723 3038
The church was built in 1588-1643 to a design
by Willem Boy. The south doorway, the most
exuberant of its time, was sculpted in 1644 by
Henrik Blume, a member of a German family
of sculptors.
Riddarhuset (House of the Nobility)
Riddarhustorget 10
Gamla Stan (Old Town)
e +46 8 723 3990
Considered by many to be the most beautiful
building in Stockholm, and, in any case
certainly the most prestigious building project
of its time. The first plans were drawn up by
the French architect Simon de la Vallée, and
work was begun in the 1640s under the
direction of a German master builder,
Heinrich Wilhelm. After Wilhelm’s death in
1652, the assignment passed to the Dutch
architect Justus Vingboons. Vingboons shaped
the façade, with its colossal Corinthian
pilasters in sandstone against a red brick wall.
The façade’s colossal order and its color scheme
were crucial for the development of
architecture in Sweden during the second half
of the 17th century.
Klara Kyrka (Church of St. Claire)
Klara Östra Kyrkogata
t +46 8 723 3031
Commissioned by Johan iii in 1572 and
designed by Willem Boy.
Van der Nootska palatset
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, seen from the Royal Palace.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Friday, 23 September
08:30 Bus departs from hotel.
09:30 Drottningholms Slott
(Drottningholm Palace)
se-178 02 Drottningholm
t +46 8 402 6280
f +46 8 402 6281
Greeting by Magnus Olausson, director
Royal Castle Collections and National
Portrait Gallery
Box 16176
se-10324 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 4300
f +46 8 5195 4456
and Eva-Lena Karlsson, curator
Drottningholm was purchased by Queen
Hedvig Eleonora in 1661 and was destroyed by
fire the same year. Nicodemus Tessin the Elder
began the reconstruction, which was
completed by Nicodemus Tessin the Younger,
who also designed the French-inspired
Baroque garden, where the sculptures by
Adriaen de Vries, now moved to an indoor
gallery and replaced by copies, were installed.
The architecture has a strong admixture of
Dutch classicism, applied with irresistible
graciousness. In 1744 the palace was given to
Princess Lovisa Ulrika of Prussia by King
Fredrik i upon her marriage to the Swedish
heir apparent Adolf Fredrik. In 1777, having
had the famous Slottsteater built in 1766, she
sold it to the Swedish state. In the 1980s the
palace was converted for use as the permanent
residence of King Carl xvi Gustaf (1946- ), who
has been the reigning monarch since 1973. A
constitutional reform in 1974 drastically
reduced the role of the monarch in Sweden.
09:45-11:00 Visit to the castle, guided by
Mårten Snickare.
11:00-11:30 Coffee in the castle café.
11:30-12:30 Visit to the garden, with copies
after sculptures by Adriaen de Vries, and to the
one-room Adriaen de Vries Museum, with the
originals, guided by Görel Cavalli- Björkman.
13:00-14:30 Lunch at:
Drottningholms Wärdshus
se-178 02 Drottningholm
t +46 8 759 0308
f +46 8 759 0848
w http://www.drottningholms
14:30 Bus departs for Stockholm.
15:00-17:00 Hallwylska Museet
(Hallwyl Museum)
Hamngatan 4
se-11147 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 5599
f +46 8 5195 5585
Visit to collections with
Ingalill Jansson, senior curator
t +46 8 5195 5592
and Heli Haapasalo, curator
t +46 8 5195 5598
The Hallwyl Museum was created between
1883 and 1924 by the Stockholm heiress
Wilhelmina von Hallwyl and her husband
Walther. Built in 1893-98, the building was the
private residence of the von Hallwyls and the
seat of Walther’s business, as well as the home
of Wilhelmina’s ever-growing collection of
decorative and fine arts. In 1920 it was donated
to the Swedish state. The enterprise has been
compared to the contemporaneous city art
palaces of Isabella Stewart Gardner in Boston,
Sir Richard Wallace in London and Édouard
André and Nélie Jacquemart in Paris. Of the
foreign painting collection, the catalogue says,
‘The Dutch and Flemish paintings are the
absolute core of the collection, in terms of
quantity and quality. There are about 160 of
them…,’ including portraits by Paulus
Moreelse and Johannes Verspronck, landscapes
by Pieter Molyn, Jan van Goyen and Aert van
der Neer, history paintings by Bartholomeus
Breenbergh and Salomon Koninck, church
exteriors by Gillis Rombouts and Roelof de
Vries, and an extraordinary genre-portrait by
the immigrant Dutchman Adriaen Bloem, the
only known work of the master, who worked
at the court of Leopold i in Vienna from 1668 to
1694. The catalogues of the collection are
scholarly and beautifully produced and are
available at very reasonable prices. The
catalogue of the 412 paintings, Hallwylska
målerisamlingen | The Hallwyl collection of
Photo Gary Schwartz
(Palace of Thomas van der Noot)
St. Paulsgatan 21
se-11846 Stockholm
t +46 8 644 9960
Van der Noot was a highly placed Dutch officer
in the Swedish service, whose mother and wife
were both Swedish. The façade, from the 1670s,
is still in remarkably original state.
The final stop of the tour will be:
18:00-22:00 Royal Netherlands Embassy
(House of Louis De Geer)
Götgatan 16
P.O. Box 15048
se-10465 Stockholm
t +46 8 5569 3300
f +46 8 5569 3311
Built in 1646-50 for Louis De Geer. The colossal
order of the façade has Dutch forerunners such
as the Mauritshuis, but it is the first of its kind
in Stockholm. The architect was probably the
Swedish master bricklayer and contractor
Jürgen Gesewitz, working from materials
brought back from the Netherlands by the
patron. The visit to the embassy will be
followed by a reception and buffet dinner,
hosted by Ambassador Toine van Dongen.
House of the Dutch business magnate Louis de Geer, now the embassy of the Netherlands in Sweden.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
isbn 91-630-4921-x
Advance purchase directly from the museum
is highly recommended to participants in the
study trip.
17:00 City bus or metro to art collections of
Stockholm University at:
17:15-19:00 Spökslottet
(The Haunted Mansion)
Stockholms Universitet
Drottninggatan 116
se-113 60 Stockholm
t +46 8 164 700
f +46 8 161 959
The distinguished Stockholm University
paintings collection is founded on a gift of 210
paintings donated to the university in 1884 by
the widow of Captain Johan Adolf Berg (182784), a civil engineer and businessman. Berg
built the collection from the 1850s onwards,
with advice in the later years from the leading
experts of the time, in particular Olof
Granberg. Berg’s bequest was part of a
campaign on his part to influence Stockholm
University to take the arts and humanities
more seriously. In 1883 he provided funding
for a chair in art history. The collection is
housed in a sprawling villa across the street
from the main university building. It was
erected in the 1690s for the merchant Hans
Petter Scheffler and has been called the
Haunted Mansion since the early 19th century,
for reasons that we trust do not concern our
In somewhat lesser measure than in the
Hallwyl collection of the following decades,
the largest single foreign school represented in
the Berg collection is the Dutch and Flemish.
The same applies to acquisitions made for the
university collection since the Berg donation.
The most rare and astonishing painting in the
Spökslottet is The attack by Pieter Bruegel the
Elder, whose provenance in itself merits a
book: bought by Rudolf ii probably shortly
after the death of the artist, it was part of the
booty taken by the Swedes from Prague in 1648,
on behalf of Queen Christina. She took the
painting with her when she left Sweden, but
had it sold in Antwerp. In the mid-19th
century it returned to Swedish hands,
becoming successively the property of the
Swedish ambassador in Paris, the artist Johan
Fredrik Höckert and then Captain Berg.
In alphabetical order, other 16th-century
masters represented are Jan de Beer, Joos,
Hendrik and Maerten van Cleve and Gillis van
Coninxloo; history pieces by Denys Calvaert,
Louis de Caullery; landscapes, still life and
genre pieces: Cornelis Pietersz. Bega, Wilhelm
van Bemmel, Nicolaes Berchem and Jan van
der Heyden, Abraham van Beyeren, Andries
and Jan Both, Joos van Craesbeek. See Sten
Karling, The Stockholm University collection of
paintings, Stockholm (University of Stockhom)
isbn 91-22-00250-2
Illustrated are two of the irresistible
conversation pieces that are bound to make the
inspection of the collection with curator Nina
Weibull an incomparable pleasure.
19:00-21:00 (Under consideration) Dinner in
the dining hall of Spökslottet.
Saturday, 24 September
08:30 Bus leaves for Skokloster.
09:30-12:00 Skoklosters slott
(Skokloster Castle)
se-74696 Skokloster
t + 46 18 386 077
f +46 18 386 446
Visit to the castle, with
Carin Bergström, director
t +46 18 340 829
and Bengt Kylsberg, curator
t +46 18 340 826
In 1611, the young Baltic cavalry officer
Herman Wrangel acquired Sko estate as a
reward from King Karl xi for his contribution
as an officer in the Swedish army. Two years
later, he married a woman from an ancient
Swedish noble family, Margareta Grip. Their
first son, Carl Gustaf, was born at Skokloster in
1613. Carl Gustaf registered at the University of
Leiden in 1630, but later pursued a military
career, becoming the most renowned Swedish
officer of the century. He spoke several
languages and had a large number of
informants and advisers in Europe, who also
supplied him with the latest luxury goods.
From 1654 until his death in 1676, Wrangel
worked on the construction and furnishing of
a new powerhouse at Sko, an unusually
grandiose presentation of its owner and his
family. In this it was not unique. What makes
it different is that it has been preserved to this
day. Skokloster and its collections, comprising
about 50,000 objects, are an amazing source of
knowledge of the Sweden and Europe of the
17th century. The above is taken from Bengt
Kylsberg, Skokloster: reflections of a great era,
Skokloster and Stockholm (Byggförlaget) 1997.
isbn 91-7988-137-8
While the collection does not contain any
major individual works of art from the
Netherlands, Wrangel’s ties to the Netherlands led to orders for large numbers of
paintings, adornments, furnishings, books,
globes and maps from the Low Countries. The
mixture of paneling, fireplaces, metalwork,
lamps and mirrors, carpets and wall hangings,
porcelain and glass, arms and armor, as well as
paintings and tapestries from many European
centers is strikingly illustrative of the schoolblind taste of the time. Everything of quality
and flair could find a place in the castle. What
makes Skokloster indispensable for a codart
study trip is that it places not only paintings,
but also decorative arts of all kinds, as well as
Photo Gary Schwartz
paintings, Stockholm (Hallwylska Museet)
1997, fully illustrated almost entirely in color,
is now on sale for a mere 150 Swedish kronor.
Royal Palace, Stockholm, seen from the east.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
weapons and even workman’s tools from the
Netherlands in a new context. The Netherlands was the largest single source of
Skokloster’s varied collections; many if not
most of the items imported from the
Netherlands were made there as well.
Skokloster provides one of the most complete
ensembles of a 17th-century environment in
Europe, and it shows how central the
Netherlands was in the totality of the taste of
the time.
12:30 Boat departs for Uppsala.
S/M Sjösala
Håkan Larsson
Rederi Stenkajen
Brevduvevägen 6
se-756 53 Uppsala
t +46 70 564 6407
f +46 18 320 134
Lunch on board, during a voyage of an hour
and a half said to be exceptionally scenic.
14:30-15:15 Uppsala University Art Collections
in Uppsala Castle, with
Johan Cederlund, curator
Box 256
se-75105 Uppsala
t +46 18 471 1830
f +46 18 109 891
The entire holdings of the Uppsala University
art collection number 4,000 items, of which
about 3,400 are on display in various university
buildings. We will of course visit the main
painting galleries, which are presently housed,
by special arrangement with the city, in
Uppsala Castle. Although the agreement with
the city expires at the end of 2004, the museum
has good hope that a renewal will be possible.
The Old Master paintings in the collection are
hung in two large rooms of the castle, the rest
of which is occupied mainly by the Uppsala
modern art museum. Pieter Aertsen’s Butcher
shop is undoubtedly the most important
painting in the collection. Most of the display
provides a challenge to attributionists.
Illustrated is a portrait of undoubted
authorship, both whose painter, Martin
Mijtens the Elder (The Hague 1648-1736
Stockholm) and sitter, Olof Rudbeck the Elder
(1630-1702; see below), adumbrate important
ties between Sweden and the Netherlands. See
Uppsala University art collections: painting and
sculpture, Uppsala (Uppsala University) 2001.
isbn 91-506-1479-7
15:30-16:15 Visit to the Gustavianum, with
Augsburg Art Cabinet and anatomical theater.
The Gustavianum was built in 1620 by an
architect from the Netherlands, Casper
Panten. The anatomical theater, with its high
dome, was added in 1663 after a design by the
scientist and architect Olof Rudbeck the Elder.
It was inspired by the anatomical theater of
Amsterdam, which Rudbeck saw on a visit to
the Netherlands. It now holds one the most
important curiosities to have survived from
the 17th century: the Augsburg Art Cabinet.
This highly wrought piece of art carpentry,
made in the early 1630s for the collector and
scholar Philip Hainhofer (1578-1647), was
bought from him by the city of Augsburg to
give to King Gustav ii Adolf in the spring of
1632, after the king had admired it for an hour.
In the autumn, following the king’s death, it
was shipped to Sweden; in 1694 Karl xi donated
it to Uppsala University. Containing over 1,000
objects, mainly in miniature, the Art Cabinet
has rightly been called a museum in its own
right. No lover of the past can fail to be deeply
moved by this time capsule, the most complete
object of its kind to have survived to our day.
The dedication of the cabinet to Love itself,
with Venus crowning the structure, adds to
this effect.
16:15-19:00 Walking tour of Uppsala, with
stops at Uppsala Cathedral, across from the
Gustavianum, Linnéträdgården (Linnaeus’
Garden), a reconstruction of the Uppsala
University botanical garden the way it looked
during the time of Carl Linné (1707-78), laid
out by him on the basis of principles derived
from the work of the Dutch scientists and
horticulturalists he had met in Leiden.
There will be pause for refreshment.
19:00 Bus returns to Stockholm.
Evening free.
Sunday, 25 September
The day for medieval and 16th-century
churches and works of art.
08:00 Bus departs for Västerås, accompanied by
Carina Fryklund, research curator of Flemish
and Peter van den Brink, curator
t +31 43 329 0190
f +31 43 329 0199
9:30-11:00 Västerås Cathedral.
t +46 21 814 611
Uppsala University art collections: painting and sculpture, Uppsala (Uppsala University) 2001.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
11:00-12:00 The hour for church services in
both Västerås and Strängnäs will be spent in
the bus between the two cities. The order of the
visits might have to be reversed, depending on
possible baptisms that day. During the
journey, Carina Fryklund and Peter van den
Brink will fill us in on the background of the
two cities and their Netherlandish artworks.
They take up this task in substitution, honor
and commemoration of the beloved colleague
who had originally agreed to accompany us on
this day, Cecilia Engellau-Gullander, who died
unexpectedly in September 2004.
12:00-13:00 Strängnäs Cathedral.
13:00-14:30 Lunch.
14:00-15:30 Bus to Stockholm.
15:30-17:00 Visit to the Historiska Museet
(Historical Museum)
Narvavägen 13-17
t +46 8 5195 5600
17:00-18:00 Kungliga Slottet (Royal Palace)
Gamla Stan
se-11130 Stockholm
t +46 8 402 6130
f +46 8 402 6167
Tour of the palace. On the premises is Gustav
iii’s museum of antiquities, one of the oldest
museums in Europe. It was established in June
1792, in memory of Gustav three months after
his assassination.
18:00 Livrustkammaren (Royal Armory)
Slottsbacken 3
se-11130 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 5544
f +46 8-5195 5511
Visit to this award-winning museum situated
in an atmospheric cellar vault beneath the
Royal Palace. Dinner will be served there.
Monday, 26 September
Morning Nationalmuseum.
Visit to the painting reserves, with Görel
Cavalli-Björkmann and Karin Sidén and visit
to the conservation studio, with
Rickard Becklén, conservator of paintings
t +46 8 5195 4319
Konstakademien (Academy of Art)
Fredsgatan 12
Box 16317
se-10326 Stockholm
t +46 8 232 945
t +46 8 790 5924
Here the group will see a small and relatively
unknown collection of Dutch and Flemish
drawings. An introduction to the academy and
collection will be given by
Eva-Lena Bengtsson, chief curator
t +46 8 232 947
The library is closed on Monday, and we will be
received in the reading room, where the Old
Master drawings can be viewed. The collection
is limited to about 80 sheets by identified
Netherlandish, French, German and Swedish
masters, and about 50 anonymous ones. Some
of the most interesting items were donated to
the Academy by Gustaf Ribbing in 1798. A
further attraction is the monumental painting
by Elias Martin (1739-1818) of the visit of King
Gustav iii to the Academy in 1780. The
painting shows Rembrandt’s Claudius Civilis,
which belongs to the Academy but has been on
loan to the Nationalmuseum since its
founding, as it hung in the 18th century.
Midday Lunch.
Afternoon Transfer to airport.
Afternoon return flight.
N.B. Please note that the art museums we are
going to visit - the Nationalmuseum, the
Hallwyl Museum, the university museums of
Stockholm and Uppsala - have all published
complete catalogues of their painting
collections. Please take advantage of this
unusual opportunity to prepare your visit by
consulting the catalogues and letting the
curators know in advance if there are any
paintings in which you are particularly
With thanks to Louise Hadorph Holmberg of
the Nationalmuseum for her indispensable
Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Illustrerad katalog över äldre
Görel Cavalli-Björkman, Dutch and Flemish paintings i:
Sten Karling, The Stockholm University collection of
utländskt måleri | Illustrated catalogue - European paintings,
c. 1400-c. 1600, Stockholm (Nationalmuseum) 1986.
paintings, Stockholm (University of Stockhom) 1978.
Stockholm 1990.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
The codart curator’s bookshelf
This bibliography of the most essential
reference literature for curators of Dutch and
Flemish art is compiled for codart by the
librarian of the Faculty of Arts Library of
Utrecht University, Roman Koot. It is not
intended as an exhaustive bibliography, but as
a select one, an aid to curators and librarians,
especially at smaller institutions, in acquiring
the books that will be most useful to them. It
was first printed in Courant 6, June 2003. Since
then it has been updated and enlarged, with
sections on glass painting, applied arts,
interior design and furniture, ceramics, glass,
precious metals, and costume. The
bibliography is also maintained on the
codart website, where it will be kept up to
date and where suggestions for additions and
corrections should be sent. In due time, all
titles will be accompanied by commentary.
The large section on the collection catalogues
of public institutions will become part of a
new subdivision of the codart website,
presently under construction: an overview of
the permanent collections of Dutch and
Flemish art in all the museums in our
Becker, Jochen, Boekenwijsheid: inleiding in de
kunsthistorische bibliografie, 2nd, revised and
expanded edition, Leiden 1997. First edition
Bibliography of the Netherlands Institute for Art
History (Rijksbureau voor kunsthistorische
documentatie), The Hague 1943-1985. 17 vols.
Covers publications published from 1943
until 1973.
Comblen-Sonkes, Micheline, Guide
bibliographique de la peinture flamande
du xve siècle, Brussels 1984.
Hall, H. van, Repertorium voor de geschiedenis der
Nederlandsche schilder- en graveerkunst sedert
het begin der 12de eeuw, The Hague 1936-1949.
Vol. [i]. Tot het eind van 1932, 1936.
Vol. ii. 1933-1946, 1949.
Lane, Barbara G., Flemish painting outside Bruges,
1400-1500: an annotated bibliography, Boston
Langmead, Donald, The artists of De Stijl:
a guide to the literature, Westport,
Connecticut [etc.] 2000.
Mund, Hélène and Cyriel Stroo, Early
Netherlandish painting 1400-1500: a
bibliography (1984-1998), Brussels 1998.
Mundy, E. James, Painting in Bruges, 1470-1550:
an annotated bibliography, Boston 1985.
Yearly bibliographies, published by the
Vereniging van Nederlandse
Kapelle, Jeroen (compilation), Chris Stolwijk
(commentary), Selectieve bibliografie
Nederlands onderzoek naar negentiende-eeuwse
kunst en kunstnijverheid 1990-medio 1996,
Utrecht 1996.
Zee, Jelga van der (compilation), Robert W.
Scheller (commentary), Bibliografie van
Nederlands onderzoek naar middeleeuwse
beeldende kunst en kunstnijverheid 1991-1996,
Utrecht 1997.
Bavinck, Anna (compilation), Eric Jan Sluijter
(commentary), Bibliografie van Nederlands
onderzoek naar beeldende kunst en
kunstnijverheid 1550-1750, Utrecht 1998.
Jonkman, Mayken (compilation), Jan de Vries
(commentary), Bibliografie van Nederlands
onderzoek in de periode 1993-1998 naar
beeldende kunst van de twintigste eeuw,
[Utrecht] 1999.
Koot, Roman (compilation), Charles Dumas
and Saskia de Bodt (introduction),
Bibliografie van Nederlands onderzoek naar
beeldende kunst en kunstnijverheid 1700-1900
door Nederlandse en in Nederland werkzame
auteurs, gepubliceerd in de periode 1991 t/m
2000 (18de eeuw) en 1996 t/m 2000 (19de eeuw),
Utrecht 2001.
Ilsink, Matthijs (compilation), Victor M.
Schmidt (introduction), Bibliografie van
Nederlands onderzoek naar middeleeuwse
beeldende kunst en kunstnijverheid van 1997
tot en met 2001, Utrecht 2002.
Priem, Ruud (compilation), Peter Hecht
(introduction), Bibliografie beeldende kunst
uit de periode 1550-1700: publicaties uit 19972002, provisional edition (2004) on the
website of the vnk:
(choose ‘Bibliografie’ in menu).
Encyclopaedias and lexicons
Bernt, Walther, Die niederländischen Maler des
17. Jahrhunderts, 3rd fully revised edition,
Munich 1969. 3 vols. Original edition: 19481962. 4 vols. English translation of the 3rd
edition: The Netherlandish painters of the
17th century, London 1970. 3 vols.
De Maere, Jan and Marie Wabbes, Illustrated
dictionary of 17th-century Flemish painters,
Brussels 1994. 3 vols.
Dechaux, Carine [et al.] (coordination),
Le dictionnaire des peintres Belges du xive siècle
à nos jours, Brussels 1995. 3 vols.
Friedländer, Max Jacob, Die altniederländische
Malerei, Berlin and Leiden 1924-1937.
14 vols. English edition, edited by Henri
Pauwels [et al.]: Early Netherlandish painting,
Leiden and Brussels 1967-1976. 14 vols.
Hall, H. van, Portretten van Nederlandse beeldende
kunstenaars, Amsterdam 1963.
Hofstede de Groot, Cornelis, Beschreibendes und
kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der
hervorrägendsten holländischen Maler des xvii.
Jahrhunderts, Esslingen and Paris 1907-1928.
10 vols. English edition: A catalogue raisonné
of the works of the most eminent Dutch painters
of the seventeenth century, Teaneck, New
Jersey and Cambridge 1976. 3 vols.
Reprinted 1983. This reduced facsimile
reprint reproduces the 8-volume English
translation in 2 volumes and vols. 9 & 10 of
the original German edition in 1 volume.
The English translation was originally
published in 8 volumes by Macmillan,
London 1908-1927.
Jacobs, P.M.J.E., Beeldend Benelux: biografisch
handboek, Tilburg 2000. 6 vols. Expanded
edition of: idem, Beeldend Nederland:
biografisch handboek, Tilburg 1993. 2 vols.
Lewis, Frank, A dictionary of Dutch and Flemish
flower, fruit, and still life painters, 15th to 19th
century, Leigh-on-Sea 1973.
Muller, Sheila D., Dutch art: an encyclopedia,
New York [etc.] 1997.
Nicolson, Benedict, Caravaggism in Europe,
revised edition by Luisa Vertova, Turin
1990. 3 vols. Original edition: The
international Caravaggesque movement: list of
pictures of Caravaggio and his followers
throughout Europe from 1590 to 1650, Oxford
Piron, Paul, De Belgische beeldende kunstenaars uit
de 19de en 20ste eeuw, Brussels 1999. 2 vols.
Scheen, Pieter A., Lexicon Nederlandse beeldende
kunstenaars 1750-1950, The Hague 19691970. 2 vols.
Scheen, Pieter A., Lexicon Nederlandse beeldende
kunstenaars 1750-1880, The Hague 1981.
Swillens, P.T.A., Prisma schilderslexicon,
4th edition, supplemented by Casper de
Jong, Utrecht 1976. 2 vols. Original edition:
Sumowski, Werner, Drawings of the Rembrandt
School, New York 1979-…
10 vols published (2002).
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Sumowski, Werner, Gemälde der RembrandtSchüler, Landau 1983-[1994]. 6 vols.
Turner, Jane (editor), From Rembrandt to
Vermeer: 17th-century Dutch artists, New York
2000 (The Grove dictionary of art).
Waller, F.G., Biographisch woordenboek van Noord
Nederlandsche graveurs, The Hague 1938.
Reprint Amsterdam 1974.
Willigen, Adriaan van der and Fred G. Meijer,
A dictionary of Dutch and Flemish still-life
painters working in oils, 1525-1725, Leiden
Wurzbach, Alfred von, Niederländisches
Künstler-Lexikon, Vienna and Leipzig 19061911. 3 vols.
Historical reference works
Bredius, Abraham, Künstler-Inventare: Urkunden
zur Geschichte der holländischen Kunst des
xviten, xviiten und xviiiten Jahrhunderts,
The Hague 1915-1921. 7 vols.
Descamps, Jean-Baptiste, La vie des peintres
flamands, allemands et hollandais, avec des
portraits gravés en taille-douce, une indication
de leurs principaux ouvrages, et des réflexions sur
leur différentes manières, Paris 1753-1764.
4 vols. Digital facsimile edition (2004)
Eynden, Roeland van and Adriaan van der
Willigen, Geschiedenis der vaderlandsche
schilderkunst, sedert de helft der 18e eeuw,
Amsterdam 1816-1840. 4 vols.
Gool, Johan van, De Nieuwe Schouburg der
Nederlantsche kunstschilders en schilderessen,
The Hague 1750-1751. 2 vols. Reprint Soest
Houbraken, Arnold, De groote schouburgh der
Nederlantsche konstschilders en schilderessen,
Amsterdam 1718-1721. 3 vols.
Immerzeel, Johannes, De levens en werken der
Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders,
beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters van het
begin der vijftiende eeuw tot heden, Amsterdam
1842-1843. 3 vols. Reprint Amsterdam 1974.
Kramm, Christiaan, De levens en werken der
Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders,
beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters van
den vroegsten tot op onzen tijd, Amsterdam
1857-1864. 7 vols.
Lairesse, Gerard de, Groot schilderboek, waar in
de schilderkonst in al haar deelen grondig werd
onderweezen, ook door redeneeringen en printverbeeldingen verklaard: met voorbeelden uyt
de beste konst-stukken der oude en nieuwe puykschilderen, bevestigd: en derzelver wel- en
misstand aangeweezen, Amsterdam 1714.
Reprint of the 2nd ed. (1740): Doornspijk
Mander, Carel van, Het schilder-boeck waer in
voor eerst de leerlustighe iueght den grondt der
edel vry schilderconst in verscheyden deelen wort
voorghedraghen: daer nae in dry deelen t’leven
der vermaerde doorluchtighe schilders des ouden
en de nieuwen tyds: eyntlyck d’uutlegghinghe op
den Metamorphoseon Pub. Ovidii Nasonis: oock
daerbeneffens uutbeeldinghe der figueren: alles
dienstich en nut den schilders, constbeminders en
dichters, oock allen staten van menschen,
Haarlem 1604.
Mander, Carel van, The lives of the illustrious
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by Hessel Miedema, Doornspijk 1994-1999.
6 vols.
Moes, Ernst Wilhelm, Iconographia Batava:
beredeneerde lijst van de geschilderde en
gebeeldhouwde portretten van NoordNederlanders in vorige eeuwen, Amsterdam
1897-1905. 2 vols.
Obreen, F.D.O., Archief voor Nederlandsche
kunstgeschiedenis: verzameling van meerendeels
onuitgegeven berichten en mededeelingen
betreffende Nederlandsche schilders, plaatsnijders, … boekbinders, enz., Rotterdam
1877-1890. 7 vols.
Smith, John, A catalogue raisonné of the works of
the most eminent Dutch, Flemish and French
painters; in which is included a short
biographical notice of the artists, with a copious
description of their principal pictures: a
statement of the prices at which such pictures
have been sold at public sales on the continent
and in England: a reference to the galleries and
private collections, in which a large portion are at
present: and the names of the artists by whom
they have been engraved: to which is added a
brief notice of the scholars and imitators of the
great masters of the above schools, London
1829-1842. 9 vols. Reprint London 1908.
Surveys and studies
Alpers, Svetlana, The art of describing: Dutch art
in the seventeenth century, Chicago 1983.
Bionda, Richard and Carel Blotkamp (editors),
De schilders van Tachtig: Nederlandse schilderkunst 1880-1895, Amsterdam
(Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh) and
Glasgow (The Burrell Collection) 1990-1991,
Zwolle 1991.
Briels, Jan, Vlaamse schilders en de dageraad van
Hollands Gouden Eeuw, 1585-1630, Antwerp
Includes: ‘Biografieën van Vlaamse
schilders in Holland’, pp. 291-411.
Brown, Christopher, Images of a golden past:
Dutch genre painting of the seventeenth century,
New York 1984.
Gruyter, W.Jos. de, De Haagse School,
Rotterdam 1968-1969. 2 vols.
Haak, Bob, The Golden Age: Dutch painters of the
seventeenth Century, New York 1984. Original
edition: Hollandse schilders in de Gouden
Eeuw, Amsterdam 1984.
Havard, Henry, L’art et les artistes hollandais,
Paris 1879-1881. 4 vols.
Hecht, Peter, De Hollandse fijnschilders van
Gerard Dou tot Adriaen van der Werff, Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum)
1989-1990, Maarssen 1989.
Heck, Christian (supervisor), L’art flamand et
hollandais: le siècle des Primitifs, 1380-1520,
Paris 2003.
Hoogewerff, G.J., De Noord-Nederlandsche
schilderkunst, The Hague 1936-1947. 5 vols.
Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta (supervisor), L’art
flamand et hollandais: Belgique et Pays-Bas
1520-1914, Paris 2002.
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The Hague 1986.
Vol. i. Kloek, Wouter T., Willy HalsemaKubes and Reinier Jan Baarsen, Inleiding.
English edition: Art before the Iconoclasm.
Northern Netherlandish art 1525-1580.
Vol. ii. Filedt Kok, Jan Piet, Willy HalsemaKubes and Wouter T. Kloek, Tentoonstellingscatalogus.
Knipping, J.B., Iconography of the Counter
Reformation in the Netherlands: heaven on
earth, Nieuwkoop and Leiden 1974. 2 vols.
Original edition: De iconografie van de
Contra-Reformatie in de Nederlanden,
Hilversum 1939-1940. 2 vols.
Luijten, Ger [et al.] (editors), Dawn of the Golden
Age: Northern Netherlandish art 1580-1620, Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum),
Zwolle 1993.
Montias, John Michael, Artists and artisans in
Delft: a socio-economic study of the seventeenth
century, Princeton, New Jersey 1982.
Müllenmeister, Kurt J., Meer und Land im Licht
des 17. Jahrhunderts, Bremen 1973-1981. 3 vols:
I. Seestücke und Flusslandschaften niederländischer Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts in
privaten Sammlungen. ii. Tierdarstellungen in
Werken niederländischer Künstler, a-m.
iii. Tierdarstellungen in Werken niederländscher Künstler, n-z, und Nachtrag Bd. 2, a-m.
Nieuwdorp, Hans, Antwerpse retabels 15de-16de
eeuw, Antwerp (Onze-LieveVrouwekathedraal), Antwerp 1993. 2 vols.
Panofsky, Erwin, Early Netherlandish painting:
its origin and character, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 1953. 2 vols.
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Rosenberg, Jakob, Seymour Slive and
E.H. ter Kuile, Dutch art and architecture
1600-1800, 3rd edition, Harmondsworth
1977. Original edition: 1966.
Schama, Simon, The embarrassment of riches: an
interpretation of Dutch culture in the Golden
Age, London [etc.] 1987.
Slive, Seymour, Dutch painting 1600-1800,
New Haven [etc.] 1995 (The Pelican history
of art).
Sluijter, Eric Jan, De ‘heydensche fabulen’ in de
schilderkunst van de Gouden Eeuw: schilderijen
met verhalende onderwerpen uit de klassieke
mythologie in de Noordelijke Nederlanden, circa
1590-1670, Leiden 2000. Revised edition of
dissertation 1986.
Van Schoute, Roger and Brigitte de Patoul
(editors), Les primitifs flamands et leur temps,
Brussels 1994. Dutch translation:
De Vlaamse primitieven, Leuven 1994.
Vlieghe, Hans, Flemish art and architecture,
1585-1700, New Haven [etc.] 1998
(The Pelican history of art).
ArtMatters: Netherlands technical studies
in art, Zwolle 2002-…
Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter,
Highland Park 1983-… Online edition since
2002: hna Newsletter ><
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na 1850, The Hague 1984-…
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The Hague 1947-…
Oud-Holland, Amsterdam/The Hague 1883-…
Simiolus, Bussum 1966-…
Prints and drawings
Bernt, Walther, Die niederländischen Zeichner des
17. Jahrhunderts, Munich 1957-1958. 2 vols.
Hollstein, F.W.H., Dutch and Flemish etchings,
engravings and woodcuts, 1450-1700,
Amsterdam [etc.] 1949-2001. 58 vols.
Hollstein, F.W.H., The New Hollstein Dutch and
Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts,
1450-1700, Roosendaal 1993-…
Meder, Joseph, Die Handzeichnung: ihre Technik
und Entwicklung, Vienna 1919.
Orenstein, Nadine M., Hendrick Hondius and the
business of prints in seventeenth-century
Holland, Rotterdam 1996 (Studiesinprints
Sumowski, Werner, Drawings of the Rembrandt
School, New York 1979-…
10 vols. published (2002).
Waller, F.G., Biographisch woordenboek van Noord
Nederlandsche graveurs, The Hague 1938.
Reprint Amsterdam 1974.
Local schools
Mai, Ekkehard and Hans Vlieghe (concept),
Van Bruegel tot Rubens: de Antwerpse
schilderschool 1550-1650, Antwerp
(Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten)
etc. 1992-1993.
Van der Stock, Jan, Antwerpen, verhaal van een
metropool, 16de-17de eeuw, [Gent] 1993.
Liedtke, Walter, with Michiel C. Plomp and
Axel Rüger, Vermeer and the Delft School, New York (Metropolitan
Museum of Art) and London (National
Gallery) 2001.
Marijnissen, Peter, W. de Paus, Peter Schoon
and George J. Schweitzer (editors), De zichtbaere werelt: schilderkunst uit de Gouden Eeuw
in Hollands oudste stad, Dordrecht
(Dordrechts Museum), Zwolle 1992.
Biesboer, Pieter and Martina Sitt (eds.), Satire
en vermaak: schilderkunst in de 17e eeuw: het
genrestuk van Frans Hals en zijn tijdgenoten
1610-1670, Haarlem (Frans
Halsmuseum) and Hamburg (Hamburger
Kunsthalle) 2003-2004.
The Hague
Buijsen, Edwin, Haagse schilders in de Gouden
Eeuw: het Hoogsteder Lexicon van alle schilders
werkzaam in Den Haag 1600-1700, The Hague
and Zwolle 1998. Includes: Löffler, Erik
(compiler), Charles Dumas, Fred F. Meijer
and Carola Vermeeren (editors), ‘Illustrated
index of painters active in The Hague
between 1600-1700’, pp. 279-362.
Sluijter, Eric Jan, Marlies Enklaar en Paul
Nieuwenhuizen, Leidse fijnschilders van
Gerrit Dou tot Frans van Mieris de Jonge,
1630-1760, Leiden (Stedelijk
Museum De Lakenhal) 1988.
Schadee, Nora (editor), Rotterdamse meesters uit
de Gouden Eeuw, Rotterdam
(Historisch Museum Het Schielandhuis)
Blankert, Albert and Leonard J. Slatkes, Nieuw
licht op de Gouden Eeuw: Hendrick ter Brugghen
en tijdgenoten, Utrecht (Centraal
Museum) and Braunschweig (Herzog
Anton Ulrich-Museum) 1986-1987.
Spicer, Joaneath A. and Lynn Federle Orr,
Masters of light: Dutch painters in Utrecht
during the Golden Age, San
Francisco (Fine Arts Museums of San
Francisco), Baltimore (Walters Art Gallery)
and London (The National Gallery) 19971998. Essays by Marten Jan Bok, Jan de Vries,
Wayne Franits, Benjamin Kaplan, Ben Olde
Meierink and Angelique Bakker.
Biographies by Marten Jan Bok.
Architectural painting
Giltaij, Jeroen and Guido Jansen, Perspectiven:
Saenredam en de architectuurschilders van de
17e eeuw, Rotterdam (Museum
Boymans-van Beuningen) 1991.
Liedtke, Walter A., Architectural painting
in Delft, Doornspijk 1982.
Franits, Wayne, Dutch seventeenth-century genre
painting: its thematic and stylistic evolution,
New Haven 2004.
Jongh, Eddy de, Tot lering en vermaak:
betekenissen van Hollandse genrevoorstellingen
uit de zeventiende eeuw,
Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1976.
History painting
Schoon, Peter and Sander Paarlberg (editors),
Griekse goden en helden in de tijd van Rubens
en Rembrandt, Athena (Nationale
Pinakotheek and The Dutch Institute) and
Dordrecht (Dordrechts Museum)
Tümpel, Christian, Het Oude Testament in de
schilderkunst van de Gouden Eeuw,
Amsterdam (Joods Historisch Museum)
1991 etc., Zwolle 1991.
Italianate painters
Blankert, Albert, Nederlandse 17e eeuwse
Italianiserende landschapschilders, revised
edition, Soest 1978. First edition: Utrecht
Devisscher, Hans (editor), Fiamminghi a Roma,
1508-1608: kunstenaars uit de Nederlanden en
het Prinsdom Luik te Rome tijdens de
Renaissance, Brussels (Paleis voor
Schone Kunsten) and Rome (Palazzo delle
Esposizioni) 1995.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Harwood, Laurie B., Inspired by Italy: Dutch
landscape painting 1600-1700,
London (Dulwich Picture Gallery) 2002.
Bol, L.J., Holländische Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts,
nahe den grossen Meistern: Landschaften und
Stilleben, Braunschweig 1969.
Stechow, Wolfgang, Dutch landscape painting
of the seventeenth century, London and New
York 1966.
Sutton, Peter C., Masters of 17th-century Dutch
landscape painting, Amsterdam
(Rijksmuseum), Boston (Museum of Fine
Arts) and Philadelphia (Philadelphia
Museum of Fine Arts) 1987-1988, London
Zwollo, An, Hollandse en Vlaamse veduteschilders
te Rome, 1675-1725, Assen 1973.
Brink, Peter van den and Jos de Meyere
(editors), Het gedroomde land: pastorale
schilderkunst in de Gouden Eeuw,
Utrecht (Centraal Museum), Frankfurt am
Main (Schirn Kunsthalle) and Luxembourg
(Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art)
Kettering, Alison McNeil, The Dutch Arcadia:
pastoral art and its audience in the golden age,
Montclair, New Jersey 1983.
Portraits and group portraits
Carasso-Kok, Marijke and Koos Levy-van Halm
(editors), Schutters in Holland: kracht en
zenuwen van de stad, Haarlem
(Frans Halsmuseum), Zwolle 1988.
Jongh, Eddy de, Portretten van echt en trouw:
huwelijk en gezin in de Nederlandse kunst van de
zeventiende eeuw, Haarlem (Frans
Halsmuseum), Zwolle and Haarlem 1986.
Middelkoop, Norbert (editor), Kopstukken:
Amsterdammers geportretteerd 1600-1800, Amsterdam (Amsterdams
Historisch Museum), Bussum 2002.
Includes: Judith van Gent and Andrea
Müller-Schirmer, ‘Lijst van Amsterdamse
portretschilders 1600-1800’, pp. 284-289.
Bol, L.J., Die holländische Marinemalerei des
17. Jahrhunderts, Braunschweig 1973.
Giltaij, Jeroen and Jan Kelch, Praise of ships and
the sea: the Dutch marine painters of the 17th
century, Rotterdam (Museum
Boijmans Van Beuningen) 1996. Dutch
edition: Lof der zeevaart: de Hollandse
zeeschilders van de 17e eeuw.
Rotterdam and Berlin 1996. German edition
also published.
Still life
Gemar-Koeltzsch, Erika, Holländische
Stillebenmaler im 17. Jahrhundert, Lingen
1995. 3 vols.
Greindl, Edith, Les peintres flamands de nature
morte au xviie siècle, Sterrebeek 1983.
Grimm, Claus, Stilleben: die niederländischen und
deutschen Meister, 3rd edition, Stuttgart and
Zurich 1997. First edition: 1988.
Hairs, Marie-Louise, Les peintres flamands de
fleurs au xviie siècle, Brussels 1985. 2 vols.
Lewis, Frank, A dictionary of Dutch and Flemish
flower, fruit, and still life painters, 15th to 19th
century, Leigh-on-Sea 1973.
Segal, Sam, A prosperous past: the sumptuous still
life in the Netherlands, 1600-1700,
Delft (Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof),
Cambridge, Massachusetts (Fogg Art
Museum) and Fort Worth (Kimbell Art
Museum), The Hague 1988.
Vroom, N.R.A., De schilders van het monochrome
banketje, Amsterdam 1945. Expanded, 2nd
edition: A modest message, as intimated by the
painters of the ‘monochrome banketje’,
Schiedam and Cheb 1980-1999. 3 vols.
Willigen, Adriaan van der and Fred G. Meijer,
A dictionary of Dutch and Flemish still-life
painters working in oils, 1525-1725, Leiden
Manuscript illumination
Byvanck, A.W. and G.J. Hoogewerff, NoordNederlandsche miniaturen in handschriften der
14e, 15e en 16e eeuwen, The Hague 1922-1925.
3 vols.
Delaissé, L.M.J., A century of Dutch manuscript
illumination, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1968.
Dogaer, Georges, Flemish miniature painting in
the 15th and 16th centuries, Amsterdam 1987.
Kren, Thomas and Scot McKendrick,
Illuminating the Renaissance: the triumph of
Flemish manuscript painting in Europe, Los Angeles (J. Paul Getty
Museum) and London (Royal Academy of
Arts) 2003-2004.
Smeyers, Maurits, Flemish miniatures from the
8th to the mid-16th century: the medieval world
on parchment, Turnhout 1999. Dutch
edition: Vlaamse miniaturen van de 8ste tot het
midden van de 16de eeuw: de middeleeuwse
wereld op perkament, Leuven 1998. French
and German editions also published.
Winkler, Friedrich, Die Flämische Buchmalerei
des xv. und xvi. Jahrhunderts: Künstler und
Werke, Leipzig 1925. Reprint, with addenda
by Georges Dogaer, Amsterdam 1978.
Glass painting
Cole, William, A catalogue of Netherlandish and
North European roundels in Britain, Oxford
etc. 1993 (Corpus vitrearum medii aevi;
Great Britain, summary catalogue, 1).
Eck, Xander van, Christiane E. Coebergh-Surie
and Andrea C. Gasten, The stained-glass
windows in the Sint Janskerk at Gouda: the
works of Dirck and Wouter Crabeth,
Amsterdam 2002 (Corpus vitrearum;
Netherlands, 2).
Harten-Boers, Henny van and Zsuzsanna van
Ruyven-Zeman, with the collaboration of
Christiane E. Coebergh-Surie and Herman
Janse, The stained-glass windows in the Sint
Janskerk at Gouda: the glazing of the clerestory
of the choir and of the former monastic church of
the Regulars, Amsterdam 1997 (Corpus
vitrearum; Netherlands, 1).
Helbig, Jean, Les vitraux médiévaux conservés en
Belgique, 1200-1500, Brussels 1961 (Corpus
vitrearum medii aevi; Belgique, 1).
Helbig, Jean, Les vitraux de la première moitié du
xvie siècle conservés en Belgique: province
d’Anvers et Flandres, Brussels 1968 (Corpus
vitrearum medii aevi; Belgique, 2).
Hoogveld, Carine (editor), Glas in lood in
Nederland, 1817-1968, The Hague 1989.
Husband, Timothy B., with an introductory
essay by Ilja M. Veldman and contributions
by Ellen Konowitz and Zsuzsanna van
Ruyven-Zeman, The luminous image: painted
glass roundels in the Lowlands, 1480-1560, New York (Metropolitan
Museum of Art) 1995.
Ruyven-Zeman, Zsuzsanna van, The stainedglass windows in the Sint Janskerk at Gouda:
1556-1604, Amsterdam 2000 (Corpus
vitrearum; Netherlands, 3).
Applied arts
Bergvelt, Ellinoor [et al.], Industrie en vormgeving
in Nederland 1850-1950,
Amsterdam (Stedelijk Museum) 1985-1986.
Eliëns, Titus M., Marjan Groot and Frans
Leidelmeijer (editors), Kunstnijverheid in
Nederland 1880-1940, Bussum 1997.
Gans, Louis, Nieuwe Kunst: de Nederlandse
bijdrage tot de Art Nouveau: dekoratieve kunst,
kunstnijverheid en architektuur omstreeks 1900,
Utrecht 1966. Originally thesis Utrecht
University 1960.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Staal, Gert and Hester Wolters (editors),
Holland in vorm: vormgeving in Nederland
1945-1987, The Hague 1987.
Interior and furniture
Baarsen, Reinier, Rococo in Nederland,
Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 2001-2002,
Zwolle 2001.
Baarsen, Reinier, Jan Daniël van Dam, Ebeltje
Hartkamp-Jonxis, Jan Rudolph de Lorm,
Wouter Ritsema van Eck and Frits Scholten,
‘De lelijke tijd’: pronkstukken van Nederlandse
interieurkunst 1835-1895,
Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1995-1996.
Bergvelt, Ellinoor, Frans van Burkom and
Karin Gaillard (editors), Van Neorenaissance
tot Postmodernisme: honderdvijfentwintig jaar
Nederlandse interieurs, 1870-1995 = From
Neorenaissance to Postmodernism: a hundred
and twenty-five years of Dutch interiors, 18701995, Rotterdam 1996.
Heesters, J.H.P., Vier eeuwen behang: de
geschiedenis van de wandbespanning in
Nederland, Delft 1988.
Jonge, C.H. de, with an introduction by
W. Vogelsang, Holländische Möbel und
Raumkunst von 1650-1780, The Hague 1922.
Koldeweij, E.F., M.J.F. Knuijt and E.G.M.
Adriaansz, Achter het behang: vierhonderd jaar
wanddecoratie in het Nederlandse binnenhuis,
Amsterdam 1991.
Pijzel-Dommisse, Jet, Het Hollandse
pronkpoppenhuis: interieur en huishouden in de
17de en 18de eeuw, Zwolle and Amsterdam
Pluym, Willem van der, Vijf eeuwen binnenhuis
en meubels in Nederland 1450-1950,
Amsterdam 1954.
Singleton, Esther, Dutch and Flemish furniture,
London 1907.
Sluyterman, K., Huisraad en binnenhuis in
Nederland in vroegere eeuwen, 2nd, expanded
edition, The Hague 1925. Reprinted 1947,
1975 and 1979. First edition: The Hague
Voorst tot Voorst, J.M.W. van, Tussen
Biedermeier en Berlage: meubel en interieur in
Nederland 1835-1895, Amsterdam 1992. 2
Westermann, Mariët, with essays by C.
Willemijn Fock, Eric Jan Sluijter and H.
Perry Chapman, Art & Home: Dutch interiors
in the age of Rembrandt, Denver, Newark and
Zwolle 2001.
Aken-Fehmers, Marion S. van, Loet A.
Schledorn, Anne-Geerke Hesselink and
Titus M. Eliëns, Delfts aardewerk: geschiedenis
van een nationaal product, Zwolle and The
Hague 1999-2001. 2 vols.
Eliëns, Titus M., Marjoleine Groen, Sebastiaan
Ostkamp and Loet A. Schledorn, Delfts
aardewerk: geschiedenis van een nationaal
product: volume iii: De Porceleyne Fles, Zwolle
and Delft 2003.
Hudig, Ferrand W., Delfter Fayence: ein
Handbuch für Sammler und Liebhaber, Berlin
Jonge, C.H. de, Oud-Nederlandsche majolica en
Delftsch aardewerk: een ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van omstreeks 1550-1800,
Amsterdam 1947.
Jonge, C.H. de, Nederlandse tegels, Amsterdam
Pluis, Jan, with the assistance of Daniël
Hanekuijk, Piet Bolwerk and Jan van Loo,
De Nederlandse tegel: decors en benamingen =
The Dutch tile: designs and names: 1570-1930,
Leiden 1997.
Singelenberg-van der Meer, Miep, Nederlandse
keramiek- en glasmerken 1880-1940, 6th,
completely revised edition, Lochem 2001.
First edition: 1980.
Spruit-Ledeboer, Mieke, Nederlandse keramiek
1900-1975, Assen and Amsterdam 1977.
Eliëns, Titus M. and Miep Singelenberg-van
der Meer, Lexicon Nederlandse glaskunst van
de twintigste eeuw, revised edition, Lochem
2004. First edition: Lexicon moderne
Nederlandse glaskunst 1900-1992, Lochem
Kley-Blekxtoon, Annette van der, Leerdam glas
1878-1998, Lochem 1999.
Ritsema van Eck, Pieter C. and Henrica M.
Zijlstra-Zweens, Glass in the Rijksmuseum,
volume i, Zwolle 1993 (Catalogues of the
applied arts in the Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam, vol. 2-i). Covering mainly
Venetian and Northern European glass.
Ritsema van Eck, Pieter C., Glass in the
Rijksmuseum, volume ii, Zwolle 1995
(Catalogues of the applied arts in the
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, vol. 2-ii).
Emphasis on Dutch and German glass.
Singelenberg-van der Meer, Miep, Nederlandse
keramiek- en glasmerken 1880-1940, 6th,
completely revised edition, Lochem 2001.
First edition: 1980.
Precious metals
Blaauwen, A.L. den, Nederlands zilver = Dutch
silver: 1580-1830, Amsterdam
(Rijksmuseum), Toledo, Ohio (Toledo
Museum of Art) and Boston (Museum of
Fine Arts) 1979-1980.
Citroen, Karel, Valse zilvermerken in Nederland,
2nd, augmented edition, Lochem and Gand
Citroen, Karel, Dutch goldsmiths’ and silversmiths’ marks and names prior to 1812: a
descriptive and critical repertory, Leiden 1993.
Includes bibliography of published sources
and works of reference by name of town.
Frederiks, J.W., Dutch silver, The Hague 19521961. 4 vols.
Gans, M.H. and Th.M. Duyvené de WitKlinkhamer, Dutch silver, London 1961.
Original Dutch edition: Geschiedenis van
het Nederlandse zilver, Amsterdam 1958.
Koonings, W. (compiler), Meestertekens van
Nederlandse goud- en zilversmeden = Maker’s
marks of Dutch gold- and silversmiths, The
Hague 1980-1994. 2 vols. First edition: 1963.
Voet, Elias, Nederlandse goud en zilvermerken,
10th, corrected edition, edited by P.W. Voet,
Leiden 1990. First edition: Nederlandsche
goud- en zilvermerken, 1445-1935, The Hague
Wttewaall, B.W.G., Nederlands klein zilver en
schepwerk, 1650-1880, revised and expanded
edition, Abcoude 1994. Reprint 2003. First
edition: Nederlands klein zilver, 1650-1880,
Amsterdam 1987.
Campbell, Thomas P., Tapestry in the
Renaissance: art and magnificence,
New York (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Delmarcel, Guy, Flemish tapestry, 1500-1800,
London 1999. Dutch edition: Het Vlaamse
wandtapijt van de 15de tot de 18de eeuw, Tielt
Göbel, Heinrich, Wandteppiche i. Die
Niederlände, Leipzig 1923. 2 vols. Abridged
English edition: Tapestries of the Lowlands,
New York 1924, reprint 1974.
Hulst, Roger A. d’, Vlaamse wandtapijten van de
xivde tot de xviiide eeuw, Brussels 1960.
Boehn, Max von, Die Mode, 3rd revised edition,
edited by Ingrid Loschek, Munich 1986.
2 vols. First edition, in 8 vols.: Munich
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Boucher, François, Histoire du costume en occident
de l’antiquité à nos jours, Paris 1965.
Reprinted, with additions: 1987. English
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costume and personal adornment, New York
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Duverger, Erik, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit
de zeventiende eeuw, Brussels 1984-2002.
12 vols.
Fredericksen, Burton B., Corpus of paintings sold
in the Netherlands during the nineteenth
century, Los Angeles 1998-… Vol 1: 1801-1810,
Fredericksen, Burton B., The Getty provenance
index: cumulative edition on cd-rom, Santa
Monica 1999. 1 cd-rom. See for the more
extensive and continuously updated
internet edition: The provenance index
databases, Los Angeles 2001
Gerson, Horst, Ausbreitung und Nachwirkung der
holländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts,
Haarlem 1942. Reprint, with an
introduction by Bert W. Meijer,
Amsterdam 1983.
Hoet, Gerard, Catalogus of naamlyst van
schilderyen met derzelver pryzen zedert een
langen reeks van jaaren … zoo in Holland als
op andere plaatzen in het openbaar verkogt:
benevens een verzameling van lysten van
verscheyden nog in wezen zynde cabinetten,
The Hague 1752. 2 vols. Reprint Soest 1976.
Lugt, Frits, Les marques de collections de dessins et
d’estampes: marques estampillées et écrites de
collections particulières et publiques: marques
de marchands, de monteurs, et d'imprimeurs:
cachets de vente d’artistes décédés: marques de
graveurs apposées après le tirage des planches:
timbres d'éditions etc.: avec des notices
historiques sur les collectionneurs, les collections,
les ventes, les marchand et séditeurs, etc.,
Amsterdam 1921. Supplement : 1956.
Lugt, F., Répertoire des catalogues de ventes
publiques intéressant l’art ou la curiosité,
The Hague 1938-1987. 4 vols. Online edition
by subscription: <
lugt>. For the complete records of the
auction catalogues, see: Art sales catalogues.
Terwesten, Pieter, Catalogus of naamlyst van
schilderyen met derzelver prysen, zedert den 22.
Augusti 1752, tot den 21. Nov. 1768 verkogt:
vervolg of derde deel op Gerard Hoet: zynde hier
agter gevoegt: catalogus van een gedeelte van
’t kabinet schilderyen van den Heere Prince van
Orange en Nassau, Erfstadhouder, The Hague
1770. Reprint Soest 1976.
National and regional holdings
Bauman, Guy C. and Walter A. Liedtke,
De Vlaamse schilderkunst in Noordamerikaanse
musea, Antwerp 1992.
Broos, Ben, Great Dutch paintings from America, The Hague (Mauritshuis) and
San Francisco (The Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco) 1990-1991, Zwolle 1990.
Dutch edition: Hollandse meesters uit
Bruyn, Jean-Pierre de [et al.], Le siècle de Rubens
dans les collections publiques françaises, Paris (Galeries Nationales du
Grand Palais) 1977-1978.
Bürger, W. (pseudonym for Théophile Étienne
Joseph Thoré), Musées de la Hollande,
Brussels 1858-1860. 2 vols.
Digital facsimile edition (2004)
Carman, Jillian, Seventeenth century Dutch and
Flemish paintings in South Africa: a checklist of
paintings in public collections, Johannesburg
Foucart, Jacques [et al.], Le siècle de Rembrandt:
tableaux hollandais des collections publiques
françaises, Paris (Musée du Petit
Palais) 1970-1971.
Geffroy, Gustave, Les musées d’Europe:
la Hollande: Amsterdam, Alkmaar, Haarlem,
Leyde, La Haye, Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Utrecht,
Paris 1905.
Grössinger, Christa, North-European panel
paintings: a catalogue of Netherlandish and
German paintings before 1600 in English
churches and colleges, London 1992.
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert (consulting
curator), Ann Jensen Adams (catalogue),
Dutch and Flemish paintings from New York
private collections, New York
(National Academy of Design) 1988.
Lloyd Williams, Julia, Dutch art and Scotland:
a reflection of taste, Edinburgh
(National Gallery of Scotland) 1992.
Meijer, Bert W., Fiamminghi e Olandesi: dipinti
dalle collezioni lombarde, Milan 2002.
Meijer, Bert W., Repertory of Dutch and Flemish
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Squellati Brizio, Lombardy, 2001. 2 vols.
Schweers, Hans F., Gemälde in deutschen Museen:
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Werke, 3rd revised and expanded edition,
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Sutton, Peter C., A guide to Dutch art in America,
Grand Rapids and Kampen 1986.
Valdivieso, Enrique, Pintura holandesa del siglo
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Wright, Christopher, Paintings in Dutch
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before 1870, Amsterdam 1980.
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Vries, Sandra de (editor), De zestiende- en
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Amsterdam, Amsterdams Historisch Museum
Schapelhouman, Marijn, Tekeningen van
Noord- en Zuidnederlandse kunstenaars
geboren voor 1600, Amsterdam 1979 (Oude
tekeningen in het bezit van de Gemeentemusea van Amsterdam waaronder de
collectie Fodor, 2).
Broos, Ben, Rembrandt en tekenaars uit zijn
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tekeningen in het bezit van de Gemeentemusea van Amsterdam waaronder de
collectie Fodor, 3).
Broos, Ben and Marijn Schapelhouman,
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Oud, Ingrid and Leonoor van Oosterzee,
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1745, Zwolle and Amsterdam 1999 (Oude
tekeningen in het bezit van het
Amsterdams Historisch Museum,
waaronder de collectie Fodor, 5)
Vreeken, Hubert and Annemarie den Dekker,
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Museum, Amsterdam and Zwolle 2003.
Amsterdam, Instituut Collectie Nederland
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Kuile, Onno ter, Seventeenth-century North
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Arts: catalogue of paintings by artists born
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Hague: old master paintings: an illustrated
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Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
Lunsingh Scheurleer, Th.H., Catalogus van
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Boon, Karel G., Netherlandish drawings of the
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Schapelhouman, Marijn, Nederlandse
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Jong, Marijnke de and Irene de Groot,
Ornamentprenten in het Rijksprentenkabinet i:
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Ritsema van Eck, Pieter C. and Henrica M.
Zijlstra-Zweens, Glass in the Rijksmuseum,
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applied arts in the Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam, vol. 2-i). Covering mainly
Venetian and Northern European glass.
Ritsema van Eck, Pieter C., Glass in the
Rijksmuseum, volume ii, Zwolle 1995
(Catalogues of the applied arts in the
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, vol. 2-ii).
Emphasis on Dutch and German glass.
Schapelhouman, Marijn and Peter Schatborn,
Dutch drawings of the seventeenth century in the
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: artists born between
1580 and 1600, Amsterdam 1998. 2 vols.
Heteren, Marjan van, Guido Jansen and
Ronald de Leeuw, The poetry of reality: Dutch
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Amsterdam 2000.
Os, Henk van [et al.], Nederlandse kunst in het
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Amsterdam 2000.
Pijzel-Dommisse, Jet, Het Hollandse pronkpoppenhuis: interieur en huishouden in de 17de
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Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone
Vandenbroeck, Paul, Catalogus schilderkunst
14e en 15e eeuw, Antwerp 1985.
Vandamme, Erik (editor), Catalogus
schilderkunst oude meesters, Antwerp 1988.
Antwerp, Museum Mayer van den Bergh
Mund, Hélène, Cyriel Stroo and Nicole
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Hans Nieuwdorp, The Mayer van den Bergh
Museum, Antwerp, Brussels 2003 (Corpus of
fifteenth-century painting in the Southern
Netherlands and the Principality of Liège,
Bakewell, Chatsworth House
Jaffé, Michael, The Devonshire collection
of northern European drawings, Turin 2002.
Vol. 1. Van Dyck – Rubens
Vol. 2. Flemish artists
Vol. 3. Dutch artists
Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
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Berlin: Gesamtverzeichnis der Gemälde, Berlin
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
Buck, Stephanie, Die niederländischen
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Turnhout 2001.
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
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Braunschweig, Herzog Anton
Klessmann, Rüdiger, Herzog Anton UlrichMuseum Braunschweig: die holländischen
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Brugge, Stedelijke Musea
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Van de Velde, Carl, Stedelijke Musea Brugge:
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Stroo, Cyriel [et al.], The Flemish Primitives:
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the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium,
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Petrus Christus, Hans Memling and Hugo van
der Goes groups, 1999.
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Coter and Goossen van der Weyden groups, 2001.
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Budapest, Szépmüvészeti Muzeum
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Gerszi, Teréz, Netherlandish drawings in the
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an illustrated catalogue, Amsterdam and
New York 1971. 2 vols.
Ember, Ildikó and Zsuzsa Urbach (editors), Old
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early Netherlandish, Dutch and Flemish
paintings, Budapest 2000.
Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
(National Museum of Fine Arts)
Navarro, Angel M., Flemish and Dutch masters
(from the xvith to the xviiith century) at the
National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires
Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum
Gerson, Horst and J.W. Goodison, Fitzwilliam
Museum Cambridge: catalogue of paintings:
volume 1: Dutch and Flemish, Cambridge
Cape Town, Michaelis Collection
Fransen, Hans, Michaelis Collection, The Old
Town House, Cape Town: catalogue of the
collection of paintings and drawings, Zwolle
Chantilly, Musée Condé
Mandrella, David, Dessins allemands et flamands
du Musée Condé à Chantilly: de Dürer à Rubens,
Paris 1999.
Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst
Koester, Olaf, Flemish paintings 1600-1800,
Copenhagen 2000.
Cracow, Princes Czartoryski Museum
Popielska, Joanna (editor), Treasures of the
Netherlands: drawings and selected prints by
Dutch and Flemish artists of the 16th - 17th
centuries from the collections of the Princes
Czartoryski Museum, Cracow
(Princes Czartoryski Museum) 2004.
Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum
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Zeichnungen 16. Jahrhundert im Hessischen
Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Darmstadt 1979
(Kataloge des Hessischen Landesmuseums
Darmstadt, 10).
Dessau, Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie
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und flämischen Gemälde des 16. bis 18.
Jahrhunderts, Weimar 2001 (Anhaltische
Gemäldegalerie Dessau: kritischer
Bestandskatalog, 2).
Chiarini, Marco, I dipinti olandesi del Seicento e
del Settecento, Rome 1989 (Cataloghi dei
musei e gallerie d’Italia).
Inventory of the collections of the State
museums and galleries in Florence.
Detroit, Detroit Institute of Arts
Logan, Anne-Marie, Dutch and Flemish drawings
and watercolors, New York 1988 (The collections of the Detroit Institute of Arts, 2).
Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi
Langedijk, Karla, Die Selbstbildnisse der
holländischen und flämischen Künstler in de
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Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts
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de Dijon, Brussels 1986 (Les primitifs
flamands 1. Corpus de la peinture des
anciens Pays-Bas Meridionaux au
quinzième siècle, 14). 2 vols.
Frankfurt am Main, Städelsches Kunstinstitut
Sander, Jochen, Niederländische Gemälde im
Städel, 1400-1550, Mainz 1993.
Sander, Jochen and Bodo Brinkmann,
Niederländische Gemälde vor 1800 im Städel,
Frankfurt am Main 1995.
Dordrecht, Dordrechts Museum
Schweitzer, George J., Dordrechts Museum:
catalogus schilderijen ii: 1700-1850,
Dordrecht 1985. All published.
Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble
Destot, Marcel, in cooperation with Jacques
Foucart, Peintures des écoles du Nord: la
collection du musée de Grenoble, Paris 1994.
Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Walther, Angelo (general editor),
Gemäldegalerie Dresden: alte Meister: Katalog
der ausgestellten Werke, Dresden and Leipzig
Editors of the sections on Dutch paintings
and tapestries: Annaliese MayerMeintschel and Angelika Lasius.
Laabs, Annegret, Von der lustvollen Betrachtung
der Bilder: Leidener Feinmaler in der Dresdener
Gemäldegalerie, Leipzig 2000. Expanded
Dutch edition: De Leidse fijnschilders uit
Dresden, Zwolle [etc.] 2001.
Groningen, Groninger Museum
Bolten, Jaap, Dutch drawings from the collection
of Dr. C. Hofstede de Groot, Utrecht 1967.
Bartelink, Nicolette (editor), De Ploeg,
Groningen 1993 (Verzameld in het
Groninger Museum, 1).
Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland
Potterton, Homan, Dutch seventeenth and
eighteenth century paintings in The National
Gallery of Ireland: a complete catalogue,
Dublin 1986.
Vogelaar, Christiaan, Netherlandish fifteenth and
sixteenth century paintings in The National
Gallery of Ireland: a complete catalogue,
Dublin 1987.
Oldfield, David, Later Flemish paintings
in The National Gallery of Ireland: the
seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, Dublin
Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland
Andrews, Keith, Catalogue of Netherlandish
drawings in the National Gallery of Scotland,
Edinburgh 1985. 2 vols.
Haarlem, Teylers Museum
Plomp, Michiel C., The Dutch drawings in the
Teyler Museum ii: artists born between 1575
and 1630, Gent and Doornspijk 1997.
Vol. 1 not yet published.
The Hague, Gemeentemuseum
Sillevis, John, Roland Dorn and Hans Kraan
(editors), De Haagse School: de collectie van het
Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague 1988.
The Hague, Haags Historisch Museum
Dumas, Charles, in cooperation with Jim van
der Meer Mohr, Haagse stadsgezichten 15501800: topografische schilderijen van het Haags
Historisch Museum, Zwolle 1991.
The Hague, Mauritshuis
Duparc, F.J. [et al.], Mauritshuis: Hollandse
schilderkunst: landschappen 17de eeuw,
The Hague 1980.
Hoetink, Hans R. (editor), The Royal picture
gallery Mauritshuis, Amsterdam and
New York 1985.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Broos, Ben, Intimacies and intrigues: history
painting in the Mauritshuis, Gent 1993.
Original Dutch edition: Liefde, list & lijden:
historiestukken in het Mauritshuis, Gent 1993.
Sluijter-Seijffert, Nicolette, with the assistance
of Rieke van Leeuwen, Jim van der Meer
Mohr and Michiel Plomp; appendix by
Marjolein de Boer and Ben Broos,
Mauritshuis: illustrated general catalogue,
Amsterdam and The Hague 1993.
The Hague, Museum Bredius
Blankert, Albert, Museum Bredius: catalogus van
de schilderijen en tekeningen, new, revised and
expanded edition, Zwolle and The Hague
1991. 1st edition: 1978.
The Hague, Museum Mesdag
Leeman, Fred and Hanna Pennock, Museum
Mesdag: catalogue of paintings and drawings,
Amsterdam and Zwolle 1996.
Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle
Ketelsen, Thomas, with the assistance of
Claudia Brink and Gerrit Walczak, Die
niederländischen Gemälde 1500-1800,
Hamburg 2001 (Die Sammlungen der
Hamburger Kunsthalle, 2).
Hannover, Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum
Wegener, Ulrike (ed.), Die holländischen und
flämischen Gemälde des 17. Jahrhunderts:
kritischer Katalog mit Abbildungen aller Werke,
Hannover 2000.
Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert (editor),
Wadsworth Atheneum paintings, catalogue i:
the Netherlands and the German-speaking
countries: fifteenth-nineteenth centuries,
Hartford 1978.
Helsinki, Sinebrychoff Art Museum
Waller, Malgorzata (ed.), Netherlandish painting
of the 17th century, from the collections of the
Sinebrychoff Art Museum in Helsinki, Poznán (Muzeum Narodowe)
Johannesburg, Johannesburg Art Gallery
Carman, Jillian, Dutch painting of the 17th
century: Johannesburg Art Gallery = Nederlandse skilderkuns van die 17de eeu: Johannesburgse Kunsmuseum, Johannesburg 1988.
Kassel, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen
Oehler, Lisa, Niederländische Zeichnungen des
16. - 18. Jahrhunderts: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Kassel, Fridingen 1979.
Schnackenburg, Bernhard, Gemäldegalerie Alte
Meister: Gesamtkatalog, Mainz 1996. 2 vols.
Köln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
Vey, Horst and Annamaria Kesting, Katalog der
Niederländischen Gemälde von 1550 bis 1800 im
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Kölnischen Stadtmuseums, Köln 1967.
Hiller, Irmgard and Horst Vey, prepared by
Tilman Falk, Katalog der Deutschen und
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Ausnahme der Kölner Malerei) im WallrafRichartz-Museum und im Kunstgewerbemuseum der Stadt Köln, Köln 1969.
Robels, Hella, Niederländische Zeichnungen vom
15. bis 19. Jahrhundert im Wallraf-RichartzMuseum Köln, Köln 1983.
Leiden, Prentenkabinet Universiteit Leiden
Bolten, Jaap (editor), Oude tekeningen van het
Prentenkabinet der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden
= Dessins anciens du Cabinet des Dessins et des
Estampes de l’Université de Leyde, The Hague
and Amsterdam 1985.
Leiden, Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal
Wurfbain, Maarten L., J.P. Sizoo and Doris
Wintgens, Catalogus van de schilderijen en
tekeningen: Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal,
Leiden 1983.
Leipzig, Museum der Bildenden Künste
Sander, Dietulf, Museum der Bildenden Künste
Leipzig: Katalog der Gemälde, Leipzig 1995.
Liberec, Oblastní Galerie (Regional Art Gallery)
Seifertová, Hana and Lubomír Slavíçek, Dutch
painting of 16th-18th centuries from the
collection of the Regional Art Gallery in Liberec,
Liberec 1995.
Lille, Musée des Beaux-Arts
Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld and Annie
Scottez-De Wambrechies, Catalogue
sommaire illustré des peintures i: Écoles
étrangères: Pays-Bas du Nord et du Sud,
Allemagne, Angleterre, Espagne, Italie et autres,
Paris 1999.
Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arte Antigua
Lievens-De Waegh, Marie-Léopoldine, Le Musée
National d’Art Ancien et le Musée National des
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(Les Primitifs Flamands i. Corpus de la peinture
des anciens Pays-Bas Méridionaux au quinziëme
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Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool: foreign catalogue:
paintings, drawings, watercolours, tapestry,
sculpture, silver, ceramics, prints, photographs,
Liverpool 1977. 2 vols. Supplement:
Liverpool 1984.
London, British Museum
Hind, Arthur M., Catalogue of drawings by Dutch
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of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum,
London 1915-1932. 5 vols. Vol. 5 Dutch and
Flemish drawings of the xv and xvi centuries,
compiled by A.E. Popham.
London, Dulwich Picture Gallery
Beresford, Richard, Dulwich Picture Gallery:
complete illustrated catalogue, London 1998.
London, Harold Samuel Collection,
Mansion House
Sutton, Peter C., Dutch and Flemish seventeenthcentury paintings: the Harold Samuel
Collection, Cambridge 1992.
London, National Gallery
MacLaren, Neil, The Dutch school, London 1960
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Martin, Gregory, The Flemish school, circa 1600 circa 1900, London 1970 (National Gallery
Brown, Christopher, The Dutch school 16001900, London 1991 (National Gallery
catalogues). 2 vols.
Campbell, Lorne, The fifteenth century
Netherlandish schools, London 1998 (National
Gallery catalogues).
London, Victoria & Albert Museum
Williamson, Paul, Netherlandish sculpture
1450-1550, London 2002.
London, Wallace Collection
Ingamells, John, The Wallace Collection catalogue
of pictures iv: Dutch and Flemish, London
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Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum
Goldner, George R., with the assistance of Lee
Hendrix and Gloria Williams, European
drawings 1: catalogue of the collections, Malibu
Goldner, George R. and Lee Hendrix, with the
assistance of Kelly Pask, European drawings 2:
catalogue of the collections, Malibu 1992.
Turner, Nicholas, Lee Hendrix and Carol
Plazzotta, European drawings 3: catalogue of
the collections, Los Angeles 1997.
Jaffé, David, Summary catalogue of European
paintings in the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los
Angeles 1997.
Turner, Nicholas, European drawings 4: catalogue
of the collections, Los Angeles 2001.
Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts
Buijs, Hans and Mària van Berge-Gerbaud,
Tableaux flamands et hollandais du Musée des
Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Paris and Lyon 1991.
Madrid, Museo del Prado
Padrón, Matías Díaz, Museo del Prado: catálogo
de pinturas I: escuela flamenca siglo xvii
Madrid 1975. 2 vols.
Balis, Arnout, Matías Díaz Padrón, Carl Van de
Velde and Hans Vlieghe (editors), De
Vlaamse schilderkunst in het Prado, Antwerp
1989 (Flandia extra muros). Includes:
‘Selectieve catalogus van de Vlaamse
schilderkunst in het Prado’, pp. 259-315.
Padrón, Matías Díaz, El siglo de Rubens en el
Museo del Prado: catálogo razonado de pintura
flamenca del siglo xvii, Barcelona 1995.
3 vols.
Bettagno, Alessandro, Christopher Brown,
Francisco Calvo Serraller, Francis Haskell,
Alfonso E. Pérez Sánches, Het Prado,
[Antwerpen and Madrid] 1996. Original
edition published in Spanish, 1996.
Chapter on Dutch and Flemish painting
written by Christopher Brown.
Mainz, Landesmuseum
Stukenbrock, Christiane, Niederländische
Gemälde des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Mainz
Milan, Pinacoteca del Castello Sforzesca
Jansen, Guido and Bert W. Meijer, Dipinti
fiamminghi e olandesi del Seicento: la raccolta
del Conte Lodovico Belgiojoso d’Este, Milan
Montpellier, Musée Fabre
Buvelot, Quentin, Michel Hilaire and Olivier
Zeder, Tableaux flamands et hollandais du
Musée Fabre de Montpellier, Paris and
Montpellier 1998.
Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Danilova, Irina Evgen’evna, Gosudarstvennyj
Muzej izobrazitel’nych iskusstv imeni A.C.
Puskina: katalog zivopisi = State Pushkin
Museum of Fine Arts: catalogue of painting,
Moscow 1995.
Egorova, Xenia, Niderlandy xv-xvi veka,
Flandrija xvii-xviii veka, Bel’gija xix-xx
veka: sobranie Ωivopisi = The Netherlands xvxvi centuries, Flanders xvii-xviii centuries,
Belgium xix-xx centuries: collection of
paintings, Moscow 1998.
Munich, Alte Pinakothek
Brochhagen, Ernst and Brigitte Knüttel,
Alte Pinakothek München: Katalog iii:
Holländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts,
Munich 1967.
Renger, Konrad, and Claudia Denk, Flämische
Malerei des Barock in der Alten Pinakothek,
Munich and Cologne 2002.
Munich, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung
Wegner, Wolfgang (editor), Die niederländischen
Handzeichnungen des 15.-18. Jahrhunderts,
Berlin 1973 (Kataloge der Staatlichen
Graphischen Sammlung München, 1).
2 vols.
Thea Vignau-Wilberg, Rembrandt auf Papier:
Werk und Wirkung. Rembrandt and his
followers: drawings from Munich,
Munich (Staatliche Graphische Sammlung
München) and Amsterdam (Museum Het
Rembrandthuis) 2001-2002.
New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert and AnneMarie S. Logan, European drawings and
watercolors in the Yale University Art Gallery
1500-1900, New Haven and London 1970.
2 vols.
New York, The Frick Collection
Biebel, Franklin M. [et al.], The Frick Collection:
an illustrated catalogue: volume i: paintings:
American, British, Dutch, Flemish and German,
New York 1968.
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Baetjer, Katharine, European paintings in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, by artists born in
or before 1865, New York 1980. 3 vols.
Liedtke, Walter A., Flemish paintings in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1984.
2 vols.
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert (coordinator),
The Robert Lehman Collection iv:
illuminations, New York and Princeton 1997.
Includes: Sandra Hindman, ‘Northern
Europe’, pp. 1-119.
Ainsworth, Maryan W. and Keith Christiansen
(editors), From Van Eyck to Bruegel: early
Netherlandish painting in The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York (The
Metropolitan Museum of Art) 1998-1999.
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert (coordinator),
The Robert Lehman Collection ii: fifteenth- to
eighteenth-century European paintings: France,
Central Europe, The Netherlands, Spain, and
Great Britain, New York and Princeton 1998.
Includes: Martha Wolf, ‘The Southern
Netherlands, fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries’, pp. 61-124, and: Egbert
Haverkamp-Begemann, ‘The Netherlands,
seventeenth century’, pp. 125-167.
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert (coordinator),
The Robert Lehman Collection vii: fifteenth- to
eighteenth-century European drawings: Central
Europe, The Netherlands, France, England,
New York and Princeton 1999.
Includes: Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann,
‘The Netherlands, fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries’, pp. 103-145, Egbert HaverkampBegemann, ‘The Southern Netherlands,
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’,
pp. 147-176, and: Egbert HaverkampBegemann, ‘The Northern Netherlands,
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’,
pp. 177-290.
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library
Stampfle, Felice, with the assistance of Ruth
S. Kraemer and Jane Shoaf Turner,
Netherlandish drawings of the fifteenth and
sixteenth centuries and Flemish drawings of
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in
the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
and Princeton 1991.
Orléans, Musée des Beaux-Arts
Moinet, Éric, with the assistance of Mehdi
Korchane, Mémoire du nord: peintures
flamandes et hollandaises des musées d’Orléans,
Orléans 1996.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada
Spicer, Joaneath, with catalogue entries by
Odilia Bonebakker, Joaneath Spicer and
David Franklin, Dutch and Flemish drawings
from the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (National Gallery of
Canada) and other venues 2003-2005.
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
White, Christopher, Dutch, Flemish, and German
paintings before 1900 (excluding the Daisy
Linda Ward Collection), Oxford 1999
(Ashmolean Museum Oxford: catalogue of
the collection of paintings).
Meijer, Fred G., The collection of Dutch and
Flemish still-life paintings bequeathed by Daisy
Linda Ward: catalogue of the collection of
paintings, Zwolle 2003.
Paris, Bibliothèque National
Lugt, Frits, with the assistance of Jean ValleryRadot, Inventaire général des dessins des Écoles
du Nord, Paris 1936.
Hébert, Michèle, Inventaire des gravures des Écoles
du Nord, 1440-1550, Paris 1982-1983. 2 vols.
Paris, Institut Néerlandais/Fondation Custodia
Boon, K.G., The Netherlandish and German
drawings of the xvth and xvith centuries of the
Frits Lugt Collection, Paris 1992. 3 vols.
Paris, Musée du Louvre
Lugt, Frits, École hollandaise, Paris 1929-1933
(Musée du Louvre: inventaire général des
dessins des écoles du Nord). 3 vols.
Lugt, Frits, École flamande, Paris 1949 (Musée du
Louvre: inventaire général des dessins des
écoles du Nord). 2 vols.
Lugt, Frits, École hollandaise, Paris 1950 (Musée
du Louvre: inventaire général des dessins
des écoles du Nord).
Michel, Edouard, Peintures flamandes du xve et
du xvie siècle, Paris 1953 (Catalogue raisonné
des peintures du Moyen-Age, de la
Renaissance et des temps modernes).
Lugt, Frits, Maîtres des anciens Pays-Bas, nés
avant 1550, Paris 1968 (Musée du Louvre:
inventaire général des dessins des écoles du
Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld, Jacques
Foucart and Nicole Reynaud, Écoles
flamande et hollandaise, Paris 1979 (Catalogue
sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée
du Louvre, 1).
Starcky, Emmanuel, Écoles allemande, des anciens
Pays-Bas, flamande, hollandaise et suisse
xve-xviiie siècles : supplement aux inventaires
publiés par Frits Lugt et Louis Demonts, Paris
1988 (Musée du Louvre: inventaire général
des dessins des écoles du Nord).
Comblen-Sonkes, Micheline and Philippe
Lorentz, Musée du Louvre, Paris ii, Brussels
1995 (Corpus de la peinture des anciens
Pays-Bas méridionaux et de la Principauté
de Liège au quinzième siècle, 17).
Lorentz, Philippe and Micheline ComblenSonkes, Musée du Louvre, Paris iii, Brussels
2001 (Corpus de la peinture des anciens
Pays-Bas méridionaux et de la Principauté
de Liège au quinzième siècle, 19).
Paris, Musée du Petit Palais
Lugt, Frits, Les dessins des Écoles du Nord de la
collection Dutuit au Musée des Beaux-Arts de
la ville de Paris (Petit-Palais), Paris 1927
(Inventaire général des dessins dans les
collections publiques de France).
Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art
Sutton, Peter C., Northern European paintings
in the Philadelphia Museum of Art: from the
sixteenth through the nineteenth century,
Philadelphia, Maarssen and The Hague
Scott, Curtis R., Owen Hess Dugan and John
Paschetto (editors), Paintings from Europe and
the Americas in the Philadelphia Museum of Art:
a concise catalogue, Philadelphia 1994.
Rome, Galleria Doria Pamphilj
Boccardo, Piero and Clario Di Fabio (editors),
Dipinti Fiamminghi e Olandesi della Galleria
Doria Pamphilj, Genua (Palazzo
Ducale) 1996.
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Ruempol, A.P.E. and A.G.A. van Dongen,
Pre-industriële gebruiksvoorwerpen 1150-1800 =
Pre-industrial utensils 1150-1800, Amsterdam
Binnebeke, Emile van, Bronssculptuur:
beeldhouwkunst 1500-1800 in de collectie van
het Museum Boymans-van Beuningen = Bronze
sculpture: sculpture from 1500-1800 in the
collection of the Boymans-van Beuningen
Museum, Rotterdam 1994.
Bodt, Saskia de and Manfred Sellink (editors),
Nederlandse tekeningen uit de negentiende eeuw
1: 1800-1850: keuze uit de verzameling van het
prentenkabinet = Nineteenth-century Dutch
drawings 1: 1800-1850: drawings from the
collection of the printroom, Rotterdam 1994.
Dael, Peter van, Emile van Binnebeke [et al.],
Hout- en steensculptuur: beeldhouwkunst 12001800 in de collectie van het Museum Boymansvan Beuningen, Rotterdam 1994.
Lammertse, Friso, Van Eyck to Bruegel, 14001550: Dutch and Flemish painting in the
collection of the Museum Boymans-van
Beuningen, Rotterdam 1994.
Molen, J.R. ter, Zilver: catalogus van de
voorwerpen van edelmetaal in de collectie van het
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Vreeken, H., Kunstnijverheid Middeleeuwen en
Renaissance = Decorative arts Middle Ages and
Renaissance, Amsterdam 1994.
Bodt, Saskia de and Manfred Sellink (editors),
Nederlandse tekeningen uit de negentiende eeuw
2: 1850-1900: keuze uit de verzameling van het
prentenkabinet = Nineteenth-century Dutch
drawings 2: 1850-1900: drawings from the
collection of the printroom, Rotterdam 1995.
Ekkart, Rudi E.O., with contributions by J.J.M.
van Gent, Nederlandse portretten uit de 17e
eeuw: eigen collectie = Dutch portraits from the
seventeenth century: own collection, Rotterdam
Duits, T.G. te, Kunstnijverheid en industriële
vormgeving 1800-heden = Applied arts and
industrial design 1800-the present, Amsterdam
Mees, D.C., Kunstnijverheid en tegels 1600-1800 =
Applied arts and tiles 1600-1800, Amsterdam
Lammertse, Friso, with contributions by
Jeroen Giltaij and Anouk Janssen,
Nederlandse genreschilderijen uit de zeventiende
eeuw: eigen collectie Museum Boijmans Van
Beuningen, Rotterdam 1998.
Giltaij, Jeroen, Honderdvijftig jaar er bij en er af:
de collectie oude schilderkunst van het Museum
Boijmans Van Beuningen Rotterdam, 18491999, Rotterdam and Zutphen 2000.
Langendijk, Eugène; Mienke Simon Thomas
(editor), Nederlandse Art Nouveau en Art Deco
keramiek 1880-1940: collectie Museum
Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam 2001.
Meij, A.W.F.M., with Maartje de Haan, Rubens,
Jordaens, Van Dyck and their circle: Flemish
master drawings from the Museum Boijmans
Van Beuningen, Rotterdam 2001.
Sarasota, The John and Mable Ringling
Museum of Art
Robinson, Franklin W. and William H. Wilson,
with contributions by Larry Silver,
Catalogue of the Flemish and Dutch paintings
1400-1900, Sarasota, Florida 1980.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Schwerin, Staatliches Museum
Berswordt-Wallrabe, Kornelia von, Lisa Jürß
and Kristina Hegner (editors),
Niederländische Stilleben: aus der Sammlung
Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Munich 1998.
Berswordt-Wallrabe, Kornelia von (editor),
Stilleben des Goldenen Zeitalters: die Schweriner
Sammlung, Schwerin 2000.
Seelig, Gero, Jan Brueghels Antwerpen: die
flämischen Gemälde in Schwerin, Schwerin
Springfield, Massachusetts, Museum of Fine Arts
Davies, Alice I., 16th- and 17th-century Dutch and
Flemish paintings in the Springfield Museum of
Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachusetts 1993.
St. Petersburg, The State Hermitage Museum
Nikulin, Nikolai N., Netherlandish painting,
fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Moscow and
Florence 1989 (The Hermitage: catalogue of
western European painting, 5).
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum
Cavalli-Björkman, Görel, Dutch and Flemish
paintings i: c. 1400- c. 1600, Stockholm 1986.
All published.
Cavalli-Björkman, Görel [et al.], Nationalmuseum Stockholm: illustrerad katalog över
äldre utländskt måleri = illustrated catalogue
European paintings, Stockholm 1990.
Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie
Klapproth, Rüdiger (editor), Alte Meister,
Stuttgart 1992.
Entries on Dutch paintings by Rüdiger
Utrecht, Centraal Museum
Adriaans, Hanneke and Saskia Kuus, De
verzamelingen van het Centraal Museum
Utrecht 2: mode en kostuums, Utrecht 1996.
Bergh-Hoogterp, Louise van den and B. Dubbe,
De verzamelingen van het Centraal Museum
Utrecht 4: edele en onedele metalen, Utrecht
Klinckaert, Jan, De verzamelingen van het
Centraal Museum Utrecht 3: beeldhouwkunst
tot 1850, Utrecht 1997.
Helmus, Liesbeth, De verzamelingen van het
Centraal Museum Utrecht 5: schilderkunst tot
1850, Utrecht 1999.
Utrecht, Museum Catharijneconvent
Dijkstra, Jeltje, Paul P.W.M. Dirkse and
Anneloes E.A.M. Smits, De schilderijen van
Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht and
Zwolle 2002.
Vlierden, M. van, with assistance of H.L.M.
Defoer and H.M.E. Höppener-Bouvy,
Hout- en steensculptuur van Museum
Catharijneconvent, ca. 1200-1600, Zwolle
and Utrecht 2004.
Vercelli, Museo Borgogna
Meijer, Bert W. (editor), Museo Borgogna: dipinti
fiamminghi e olandesi, Cologno Milanese
Vienna, Albertina
Benesch, Otto, Die Zeichnungen der
niederländischen Schulen des xv. und xvi.
Jahrhunderts, Vienna 1928 (Beschreibender
Katalog der Handzeichnungen in der
Graphischen Sammlung Albertina, 2).
Vienna, Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der
bildenden Künste
Trnek, Renate, Die holländischen Gemälde des
17. Jahrhunderts in der Gemäldegalerie der
Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien, Vienna
[etc.] 1992.
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
Haja, Martina (editor), Die Gemäldegalerie des
Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien:
Verzeichnis der Gemälde, Vienna 1991.
Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe
(National Museum)
Chudzikowski, Andrzej (editor), Catalogue of
paintings foreign schools, Warsaw 1969-1970.
2 vols.
Bialostocki, Jan and Maria Skubiszewska
(editors), Malarstwo francuskie niderlandzkie
wloskie do 1600, Warsaw 1979.
Washington, National Gallery of Art
Hand, John Oliver and Martha Wolff, Early
Netherlandish painting, Washington and
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1986 (The
collections of the National Gallery of Art:
systematic catalogue).
Wheelock, Arthur K., Dutch paintings of the
seventeenth century, Washington 1995 (The
collections of the National Gallery of Art:
systematic catalogue).
Worcester, Worcester Art Museum
Dresser, Louisa, European paintings in the
collection of the Worcester Art Museum,
Worcester, Massachusetts 1974. 2 vols.
Includes: Seymour Slive, ‘Dutch school’,
pp. 75-152, 551-567, and: Egbert
Haverkamp-Begemann, ‘Flemish school’,
pp. 153-216, 568-576.
Worms, Stiftung Kunsthaus Heylshof
Schenkluhn, Wolfgang (editor), Stiftung
Kunsthaus Heylshof: kritischer Katalog der
Gemäldesammlung, Worms 1992.
Includes: Stefan Achternkamp, Pamela
Scorzin, Hubert Locher, Gabriele
Heidenreich (entries), ‘Flämische Malerei
16. und 17. Jahrhunderts’, pp. 92-131, and:
Anna Gianella, Hubert Locher, Pamela
Scorzin, Sabine Gruber, Gabriele
Heidenreich, Stefan Achternkamp, Judith
Bürgel (entries), ‘Holländische Malerei
17. Jahrhundert’, pp. 132-225.
Collection catalogues private collections
Abrams, Maida and George
Robinson, William W., Bruegel to Rembrandt:
Dutch and Flemish drawings from the Maida
and George Abrams collection, Cambridge
[etc.] 2002.
Binder, Moritz Julius
Becker, Jochen, Die niederländischen Gemälde der
Sammlung Moritz Julius Binder im Museum
Kunst Palast Düsseldorf, Hamburg 2002.
Dedem, Willem Baron van
Sutton, Peter C., Dutch and Flemish paintings: the
collection of Willem Baron van Dedem, London
Escher, W.C.
Ekkart, Rudi, Hidden: Dutch and Flemish
paintings of the 16th and 17th centuries from the
collection W.C. Escher = Verborgen: Nederlandse
en Vlaamse schilderijen uit de 16de en 17de eeuw
uit de collectie W.C. Escher, Utrecht
(Centraal Museum) 2002.
Her Majesty the Queen of England
White, Christopher, The Dutch pictures in the
collection of Her Majesty The Queen,
Cambridge [etc.] 1982.
Campbell, Lorne, The early Flemish pictures in
the collection of Her Majesty The Queen,
Cambridge [etc.] 1985.
White, Christopher and Charlotte Crawley,
The Dutch and Flemish drawings of the fifteenth
to the early nineteenth centuries in the collection
of Her Majesty The Queen at Windsor Castle,
Cambridge [etc.] 1994.
Johnson, John G. (Philadelphia Museum of Art)
[Sweeney, Barbara (editor)], John G. Johnson
Collection: catalogue of Flemish and Dutch
paintings, Philadelphia 1972.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Kress, Samuel H.
Eisler, Colin, Paintings from the Samuel H. Kress
Collection: European schools excluding Italian,
Oxford 1977.
Lugt, Frits (Institut Néerlandais/ Fondation
Custodia, Paris)
Hasselt, Carlos van (foreword), Rembrandt et
ses contemporains: dessins hollandais du dixseptième siècle: Collection Frits Lugt, Institut
Néerlandais Paris, New York
(The Pierpont Morgan Library) and Paris
(Institut Néerlandais) 1977-1978.
Boon, Karel G., The Netherlandish and German
drawings of the xvth and xvith centuries of the
Frits Lugt Collection, Paris 1992. 3 vols.
Buvelot, Quentin and Hans Buijs, with an
introductory essay by Ella Reitsma,
A choice collection: seventeenth-century Dutch
paintings from the Frits Lugt collection,
The Hague and Zwolle 2002.
Drossaers, S.W.A. and T.H. Lunsingh
Scheurleer, Inventarissen van de inboedels in de
verblijven van de Oranjes en daarmede gelijk te
stellen stukken, 1567-1795, The Hague 19741976. 3 vols.
Seilern, Antoine
S[eilern], A[ntoine], Flemish paintings and
drawings at 56 Princess Gate London sw7,
London 1955. 2 vols. In 1969 a volume
Addenda was published.
Speck von Sternburg, Maximilian
Guratzsch, Herwig (editor), Maximilian Speck
von Sternburg: ein Europäer der Goethezeit als
Kunstsammler, Leipzig (Museum
der bildenden Künste) and Munich (Haus
der Kunst) 1998-2000.
Speelman, Edward and Sally
Wheelock, Arthur K., with an introduction by
Christopher Brown, The Golden Age of Dutch
and Flemish painting: the Edward and Sally
Speelman Collection, Houston and The
Hague 2000.
Swiss and Liechtenstein private collections
Doesschate-Chu, Petra ten, Im Lichte Hollands:
holländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts aus
den Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein
und aus Schweizer Besitz, Basel
(Kunstmuseum Basel) 1987.
Eisler, Colin Tobias, Early Netherlandish
painting, London 1989.
Gaskell, Ivan, Seventeenth-century Dutch and
Flemish painting, London 1989.
Van Herck, Alfons (Stedelijk Prentenkabinet,
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten,
Baudouin, Frans [et al.] (editors), Tekeningen uit
de 17de en 18de eeuw: de verzameling Van Herck,
[Antwerpen] 2000.
Museology and conservation
Asperen de Boer, J.R.J. van, Jeltje Dijkstra and
Roger Van Schoute, Underdrawing in
paintings of the Rogier van der Weyden and
Master of Flémalle groups, Zwolle 1992
(Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 41
Dorge, Valerie and Sharon L. Jones
(compilation), Building an emergency plan:
a guide for museums and other cultural
institutions, Los Angeles 1999.
Faries, Molly and Ron Spronk (editors), Recent
developments in the technical examination of
early Netherlandish painting: methodology,
limitations and perspectives, Cambridge, ma
and Turnhout 2003. Contains glossary and
extensive bibliography.
James, Carlo [et al.], Old master prints and
drawings: a guide to preservation and
conservation, edited by Marjorie B. Cohn,
Amsterdam 1997.
Kirsh, Andrea and Rustin S. Levinson, Seeing
through paintings: physical examination in art
historical studies, New Haven and London
Kühn, Hermann, Erhaltung und Pflege von
Kunstwerken: Material und Technik,
Konservierung und Restaurierung: Band 1, 3rd,
revised and updated edition, Munich 2001.
Volumes 2 and 3 to be published. First
edition: 1974-1981.
Nicolaus, Knut, DuMont’s Handbuch der
Gemäldekunde: Material, Technik, Pflege,
Cologne 1979. Several revised editions.
Dutch edition: Het schilderij: materiaal,
techniek, behoud, de Bilt 1980, 2nd edition
Price, Nicholas Stanley, Mansfield Kirby Talley
and Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro (editors),
Historical and philosophical issues in the
conservation of cultural heritage, Los Angeles
1996 (Readings in conservation).
Richard, Mervin, Marion F. Mecklenburg and
Ross M. Merrill (editors), Art in transit:
handbook for packing and transporting
paintings, 2nd edition, Washington 1997.
1st edition: 1991.
Thiel, Pieter J.J. van and C. J. de Bruyn Kops,
Framing in the golden age: picture and frame in
17th-century Holland, Zwolle and
Amsterdam 1995. Original edition: Prijst de
lijst: de Hollandse schilderlijst in de zeventiende
eeuw, Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum)
Verougstraete-Marcq, Hélène and Roger Van
Schoute, Cadres et supports dans la peinture
flamande aux 15e et 16e siècles, Heure-leRomain 1989.
Wehlte, Kurt, The materials and techniques of
painting, New York [1975]. Reprint [ca. 2001].
Original edition: Werkstoffe und Techniken
der Malerei, Ravensburg 1967. Several
revised editions.
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Please keep codart posted on appointments
in your museum. E-mail us at
Antwerp Véronique van de Kerckhof, former
assistant curator of the Rubenshuis, has been
appointed curator of the collection of ancient
prints and drawings in the Prentenkabinet at
the Museum Plantin-Moretus as of October
Brussels Helena Bussers retired as head of
department of Old Masters at the Koninklijke
Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België as of
September 2004.
membership news
As of November 2004, codart has 352
members and 46 associate members from 246
institutions in 36 countries. All contact
information is available on the codart
website and is kept up to date there.
New codart members since June 2003
(as of November):
Lynne Ambrosini, chief curator, Taft Museum of Art,
Bettina Baumgärtel, head of the department of painting,
Stiftung museum kunst palast, Düsseldorf
Véronique Bücken, curator, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone
Paris Carel van Tuyll van Serooskerken, chief
curator at the Teyler Museum has been
appointed conservateur en chef of the Cabinet
des Dessins of the Louvre as of January 2005. He
is the first non-French head of a department of
the museum.
Kunsten van België, Brussel
Johan Cederlund, curator, Uppsala University Art
Collections (Gustavianum), Uppsala
Laura Coyle, curator of European art, Corcoran Gallery of
Art, Washington
Marjoleine Groen, project associate Delftware and
curator of applied arts, Gemeente Musea Delft, Delft
Heli Haapasalo, curator, Hallwyl Museum (Hallwylska
Gotha Katharina Bechler, former curator at the
Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz, has been
appointed director of the Stiftung Schloss
Friedenstein Gotha.
Museet), Stockholm
Nico van den Hout, curator, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone
Kunsten, Antwerpen
Wim Hüsken, curator, Stedelijke Musea Mechelen,
Ingalill Jansson, head curator, Hallwyl Museum
Richmond Mitchell Merling, former curator at
the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art,
Sarasota, has been appointed Paul Mellon
curator and head of the department of
European art of the Virginia Museum of Fine
Wellesley Elizabeth Wyckoff, former curator of
prints and drawings at the New York Public
Library, has been appointed associate curator
of prints and drawings at the Davis Museum
and Cultural Center at Wellesley College,
Wellesley, Massachusetts.
(Hallwylska Museet), Stockholm
Bengt Kylsberg, curator, Skokloster Slott (Skokloster Castle),
Loet Schledorn, curator, Gemeente Musea Delft (Stedelijk
Museum Het Prinsenhof), Delft
William Schupbach, curator, Iconographic collections,
Wellcome Library, London
Sabine van Sprang, curator, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone
Kunsten van België, Brussel
Bart Stroobants, curator, Stedelijke Musea Mechelen,
Carol Togneri, senior curator, Norton Simon Museum,
Adriaan E. Waiboer, curator of Northern European Art,
The National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin
Gregor J.M. Weber, chief curator, Staatliche Museen Kassel
(Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister), Kassel
Anne Woollett, assistant curator of paintings, The J. Paul
Getty Museum, Los Angeles
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Membership directory
Ms. Hela Baudis
Head of the printroom
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
d-19055 Schwerin
t +49 385 595 8170
f +49 385 563 090
Dr. Kristin Belkin
Historians of Netherlandish
23 South Adelaide Avenue
Highland Park nj 08904
t +1 732 937 8394
f +1 732 937 8394
Dr. Holm Bevers
Matthäikirchplatz 4
d-10785 Berlin
t +49 30 266 2025
f +49 30 266 2959
Mr. George S. Abrams
Winer and Abrams
counsellors at law
60 State Street. Suite 2329
Boston ma 02109
t +1 617 526 6539
f +1 617 526 5000
Ms. Lynne Ambrosini
Chief curator
Taft Museum of Art
316 Pike Street
Cincinnati oh 45202
t +1 513 684 4513
f +1 513 241 2266
Dr. Reinier Baarsen
Head of department of
sculpture and decorative
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7000
f +31 20 674 7001
Mr. David Acton
Curator of prints, drawings
and photography
Worcester Art Museum
55 Salisbury Street
Worcester ma 0169-3123
t +1 508 799 4406
f +1 508 7985646
Prof. Dr. Gert Ammann
Director and chief curator
Tiroler Landesmuseum
Museumstrasse 15
a-6020 Innsbruck
t +43 512 59489-72
f +43 512 59489-88
Dr. Natalia Babina
Curator of Flemish
painting of the 17th
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191186 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9667
f +7 812 312 1994
Dr. Maryan W. Ainsworth
Curator of early
Netherlandish art
The Metropolitan Museum
of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York ny 10028-0198
t +1 212 396 5172
f +1 212 396 5052
Ms. Rocio Arnaez
Museo Nacional del Prado
Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23
e-28014 Madrid
t +34 91 420 2836
f +34 91 420 0794
Dott. Givigliamo Alloisi
Galleria Corsini
Via della Lungara 10
t +39 06 6880 2323
f +39 06 6813 3192
Mr. Stijn Alsteens
Assistant curator
Fondation Custodia
121 rue de Lille
f-75007 Paris
t +33 1 4705 7519
f +33 1 4555 6535
Mr. Marvin Altner
Assistant curator
Hamburger Kunsthalle
d-20095 Hamburg
t +49 40 4285 45765
Dr. Boris Asvariszh
Curator of 19th-century
Northern school paintings
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9682
f +7 812 312 1994
Dr. Joost Vander Auwera
Koninklijke Musea voor
Schone Kunsten van België
Museumstraat 9
b-1000 Brussel
t +32 2 508 3227
f +32 2 508 3232
Dr. Ronni Baer
Curator of European
Museum of Fine Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston ma 02115
t +1 404 257 3336
f +1 404 303 0599
Mr. Diederik Bakhuÿs
Head of the department
of drawings
Musée des Beaux-Arts
1 Place Restout
f-76000 Rouen
t +33 2 3571 2840
f +33 2 3515 4323
Dr. Arnout Balis
Centrum voor de Vlaamse
Kunst van de 16de en de 17de
Kolveniersstraat 20
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1577
f +32 3 231 9387
Dr. Gerd Bartoschek
Stiftung Preussische Schlösser
und Gärten BerlinBrandenburg
Allee nach Sanssouci 5
d-14471 Potsdam
t +49 331 9694 145
f +49 331 9694 104
Dr. Frans Baudouin
Centrum voor de Vlaamse
Kunst van de 16de en de 17de
Kolveniersstraat 20
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1577
f +32 3 231 9387
Dr. Bettina Baumgärtel
Head of the department
of painting
Museum kunst palast
Ehrenhof 5
d-40479 Düsseldorf
t +49 211 899 2472
f +49 211 892 9173
Dr. Katharina Bechler
Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein
Schloss Friendenstein
d-99867 Gotha
t +49 3621 82340
f +49 3621 823 461
Ms. Liesbeth De Belie
Attaché of department of
Old Masters
Koninklijke Musea voor
Schone Kunsten van België
Museumstraat 9
b-1000 Brussel
t +32 3 508 3223
f +32 2 508 3232
Ms. Hanna Benesz
Keeper of early
Netherlandish paintings
Muzeum Narodowe w
Warszawie (National Museum
in Warsaw)
Aleje Jerozolimskie 3
pl-00-495 Warsaw
t +48 22 621 1031
f +48 22 622 8559
Ms. Dana Bercea
Curator of prints and
National Museum of Art
of Romania
Calea Victoriei 49-53
ro-70101 Bucharest
t +40 21 315 5193
f +40 21 312 4327
Drs. Mària van BergeGerbaud
Fondation Custodia
121 rue de Lille
f-75007 Paris
t +33 1 4705 7519
f +33 1 4555 6535
Dr. Kornelia von
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
d-19055 Schwerin
t +49 385 595 8170
f +49 385 563 090
Dr. Gottfried Biedermann
Director of the Alte Galerie
Landesmuseum Joanneum
Raubergasse 10
a-8010 Graz
t +43 316 8017 9771
f +43 316 8017 9847
Drs. Dirk Jan Biemond
Curator of gold and silver
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 6747 747
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. Pieter Biesboer
Frans Halsmuseum
Postbus 3365
nl-2001 dj Haarlem
The Netherlands
t +31 23 511 5785
f +31 23 511 5776
Dr. Marian Bisanz-Prakken
Augustinerstrasse 1
a-1010 Wien
t +43 1 53483/0
f +43 1 533 7697
Mr. Peter Black
Curator of Dutch and
Flemish paintings and
Hunterian Museum and Art
Gallery, University of Glasgow
82 Hillhead Street
Glasgow g12 8qq
t +44 141 330 5430
f +44 141 330 3618
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Dr. Albert Blankert
Independent curator
Koningsplein 25
nl-2518 je The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 346 0824
f +31 70 346 4766
Mr. Till-Holger Borchert
Chief curator of
Groeningemuseum and
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 448 721
f +32 50 448 778
Mr. Julius Bryant
Director of museums and
English Heritage
23 Savile Row
London w1s 2et
t +44 20 7973 3535
f +44 20 7973 3209
Dr. Quentin Buvelot
Postbus 536
nl-2501 cm The Hague
t +31 70 302 3467
f +31 70 365 3819
Dr. Görel Cavalli-Björkman
Chief curator and director
of research
Box 161 76
se-103 24 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 4301
f +46 8 5195 4456
Ms. Ruth Cloudman
Chief curator and Mary and
Barry Bingham senior
curator of European and
American art
Speed Art Museum
2035 South Third Street
Louisville ky-40208
t +1 502 634 2717
f +1 502 634 2978
Dr. Marten Jan Bok
Member of Program
Historians of Netherlandish
Mauritsstraat 17 (h)
nl-3583 hg Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 251 2157
f +31 30 254 2754
Ms. Jetteke Bolten-Rempt
Stedelijk Museum
De Lakenhal
Postbus 2044
nl-2301 ca Leiden
The Netherlands
t +31 71 516 5360
f +31 71 513 4489
Dr. Bob van den Boogert
Museum Het Rembrandthuis
Postbus 16944
nl-1001 rk Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 5200 400
f +31 20 5200 401
Drs. Janrense Boonstra
Bijbels Museum
Postbus 3606
nl-1001 ak Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 535 6221
f +31 20 624 8355
Ms. Larisa Bordovskaya
Chief curator
The State Museum Tsarskoje
7 Sadovaja St.
Tsarskoje Selo
t +7 812 465 2017
f +7 812 465 2196
Dr. Stephen D. Borys
Curator of Western art
Allen Memorial Art Museum
Oberlin College
87 North Main Street
Oberlin oh 44074
t +1 440 775 6145
f +1 440 775 6841
Ms. Tatjana Bosnjak
National Museum
Trg Republike 1a
11000 Belgrade
t +381 63 86 84 622
Drs. Peter van den Brink
Chief curator
Postbus 1735
nl-6201 bs Maastricht
The Netherlands
t +31 43 329 0190
f +31 43 329 0199
Dr. Christopher Brown
Ashmolean Museum
Beaumont Street
Oxford ox1 2pyh
t +44 1865 278 000
f +44 1865 278 018
Ms. Véronique Bücken
Koninklijke Musea voor
Schone Kunsten van België
Museumstraat 9
b-1000 Brussels
t +32 2 5083 211
f +32 2 5083 232
Drs. Hans Buijs
Fondation Custodia
121 rue de Lille
f-75007 Paris
t +33 1 4705 7519
f +33 1 4555 6535
Ms. Alisa Bunbury
Curator of prints and
National Gallery of Victoria
P.O. Box 7259
Melbourne 8004
t +61 3 9208 0232
f +61 3 9208 0460
Mr. Willy Van den Bussche
Chief curator
pmmk - Museum voor
Moderne Kunst
Romestraat 11
b-8400 Oostende
t +32 59 508 118
f +32 59 805625
Ms. Sophie Renouard de
Chief curator
Musée du Petit Palais
1 Avenue Dutuit
f-75008 Paris
t +33 1 4265 1273
f +33 1 4265 2460
Ms. Teresa Calero
Museo Franz Mayer
Av. Hidalgo 45 Plaza de
la Santa Veracruz
mx-06300 Mexico D.F.
t +52 55 1822 66 al 71
f +52 53 212 888
Ms. Véronique van Caloen
Kasteel van Loppem
Square Larousse 29
b-1190 Brussels
t +32 2 345 2138
f +32 2 345 2138
Dr. Lorne Campbell
Research curator
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London wc2n 5dn
t +44 20 7839 3321
f +44 20 7753 8179
Mr. Thomas P. Campbell
Curator of European
sculpture and decorative
The Metropolitan Museum
of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York ny 10028-0198
t +1 212 879 5500
Mr. Lothar Casteleyn
Adjunct curator of
Gruuthuse Museum
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8709
f +32 50 44 8737
Mr. Johan Cederlund
Uppsala University Art
Collections (Gustavianum)
Akademigatan 3
se-75310 Uppsala
t +46 8 1871 1830
f +46 8 1810 9891
Ms. Blandine Chavanne
Musée des Beaux-Arts de
3 place Stanislas
f-54000 Nancy
t +33 3 8385 3072
f +33 3 8385 3076
Dr. Alan Chong
Isabella Stewart Gardner
2 Palace Road
Boston ma 02115
t +1 617 278 5113
f +1 617 278 5177
Dr. Ingrid Ciulisová
Slovak Academy of Sciences:
Institute of Art History
Dubravska cesta 9
sk-81364 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
t +421 7 5477 3428
f +421 7 5477 3428
Dr. Peter van der Coelen
Curator of prints and
Museum Boijmans Van
Postbus 2277
nl-3000 cg Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 10 4419 505
f +31 10 4360 500
Dott.ssa Raffaella Colace
Art historian
Via Donatello 3
i-20131 Milano
t +39 02 294 04 761
f +39 02 294 12 037
Ms. Laura Coyle
Curator of European art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
500 17th Street nw
Washington dc 20006
t +1 202 639 1712
f +1 202 639 1778
Ms. Ewa Czepielowa
Head of the printroom
Muzeum Czartoryskich
ul. Sw. Jana 19
pl-31017 Kraków
t +48 12 422 5566
f +48 12 422 6464
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Mr. Remmelt Daalder
Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum
Kattenburgerplein 1
nl-1018 kk Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 523 2228
f +31 20 523 2213
Mr. Ian Dejardin
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Gallery Road, Dulwich
London se21 7ad
t +44 20 8693 5254
f +44 20 8299 8700
Mr. Alexis Donetzkoff
Palais des Beaux-Arts
18 bis rue de Valmy
f-59000 Lille
t +33 3 2006 7800
f +33 3 2006 7815
Ms. Linda Eischen
Research curator
Villa Vauban – Musée d’Art de
la Ville de Luxembourg
18, av. Emile Reuter
l-2090 Luxembourg
t +352 4796 4561
f +352 471 707
Dr. Ildikó Ember
Head of department of
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum
(Museum of Fine Arts)
Dózsa György út 41
h-1146 Budapest xiv
t +36 1 363 2675
f +36 1 343 8298
Dr. Jan Piet Filedt Kok
Head of department of
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7205
f +31 20 674 7001
Drs. Jan Daan van Dam
Curator of applied arts
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7223
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. Marcus Dekiert
Curator of Dutch painting
and German Baroque
Alte Pinakothek
Barer Strasse 29
d-80799 München
t +49 89 23805 110
f +49 89 23805 221
Prof. Dr. Rudi Ekkart
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 333 9777
f +31 70 333 9789
Mr. Scott Erbes
Curator of decorative arts
Speed Art Museum
2035 South Third Street
Louisville ky-40208
t +1 502 634 2740
f +1 502 634 2978
Ms. Birgitta Flensburg
Göteborgs Konstmuseum
(Göteborg Museum of Art)
se 41256 Göteborg
t +46 31 612 970
f +46 31 184 119
Mr. Osvaldas Daugelis
Mikalojus Konstantinas
Ciurlionis National Art
Vlado Putvinskio 55
lt-44 248 Kaunas
t +370 37 22 94 00
f +370 37 222 606
Ms. Dorota Dec
Curator of foreign painting
Muzeum Czartoryskich and
National Museum in Kraków
ul. Sw. Jana 19
pl-31-017 Kraków
t +48 12 422 5566
f +48 12 422 6137
Drs. Henri Defoer
Director emeritus of
Museum Catharijneconvent
Rumkelaan 90
nl-3571 xz Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 271 4542
Mr. Carl Depauw
Wapper 9-11
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1555
f +32 3 227 3692
Mr. Taco Dibbits
Curator of Dutch 17thcentury paintings
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7282
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. Eric Domela
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Postbus 1098
nl-2280 cb Rijswijk
The Netherlands
t +31 70 307 3839
f +31 70 319 2398
Dr. Thomas Döring
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Museumstrasse 1
d-38100 Braunschweig
t +49 531 1225 2409
f +49 531 1225 2408
Ms. Mariana Dragu
Curator of foreign
National Museum of Art of
Calea Victoriei 49-53
ro-70101 Bucharest
t +40 21 313 3030
f +40 21 312 4327
Drs. Charles Dumas
Chief curator
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 333 9705
f +31 70 333 9789
Drs. F.J. Duparc
Postbus 536
nl-2501 cm The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 302 3420
f +31 70 365 3819
Dr. Albert J. Elen
Senior curator of prints and
Museum Boijmans Van
Postbus 2277
nl-3000 cg Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 10 4419 505
f +31 10 4360 500
Dr. Titus M. Eliëns
Chief curator of applied arts
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Postbus 72
nl-2501 cb The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 338 1286
f +31 70 338 1112
Drs. Elco Elzenga
Adjunct director and chief
Paleis Het Loo Nationaal
Koninklijk Park 1
nl-7315 ja Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
t +31 55 577 2400
f +31 55 521 9983
Dr. Mark Evans
Curator of paintings
Victoria and Albert Museum
Cromwell Road. South
London sw7 2rl
t +31 20 7942 2553
f +31 20 7942 2561
Mr. Clario Di Fabio
Galeria di Palazzo Bianco
Via Garibaldi 11
i-16124 Genova
t +39 10 557 2013
f +39 10 247 5357
Drs. Emmy Ferbeek
Chief curator
Gemeentearchief Amsterdam
Postbus 51140
nl-1007 ec Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 5720 243
f +31 20 6750 596
Ms. Maria Rosa Figueiredo
Chief curator
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian
Av. de Berna 45-a
pt-1067-001 Lisboa Codex
t +351 21 7935 131
f +351 21 7955 249
Ms. Susan Foister
Head of curatorial
department and curator of
early Netherlandish,
German and British
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London wc2n 5dn
t +44 20 7747 2885
f +44 20 7747 2423
Ms. Thera Folmer-von
Private collection
Spiegelenburghlaan 17
nl-2111 bk Aerdenhout
The Netherlands
t +31 35 621 9449
Dr. Carina Fryklund
Box 161 76
se-103 24 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 4300
f +46 8 5195 4456
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Dr. Eli s̆ka Fuc̆iková
National Heritage
Office of the President
cz-11908 Prague 1-Hrad
Czech Republic
t +420 2 2437 2166
f +420 2 2437 2018
Dr. Jeroen Giltay
Chief curator of Old Master
Museum Boijmans Van
Postbus 2277
nl-3000 cg Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 10 441 9400
f +31 10 436 0500
Ms. Emilie Gordenker
Senior curator Dutch and
Flemish art
National Gallery of Scotland
The Mound
Edinburgh eh2 2el
t +44 131 624 6200
f +44 131 623 7126
Ms. Ruth Grim
Bass Museum of Art
2121 Park Avenue
Miami Beach fl-33139
t +1 305 673 7530 1006
f +1 305 673 7062
Ms. Heli Haapasalo
Hallwylska Museet (Hallwyl
Hamngatan 4
s-11147 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 5594
f +46 8 5195 5585
Mr. Drs. Stephen Hartog
Senior curator
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Postbus 1098
nl-2280 cb Rijswijk
The Netherlands
t +31 70 307 3841
f +31 70 319 2398
Dr. Jan Garff
Assistant keeper of prints
and drawings
Statens Museum for Kunst
Sølvgade 48-50
dk-1307 Copenhagen
t +45 33 748 512
f +45 33 748 404
Ms. Nicole Garnier
Chief curator
Musée Condé
Château de Chantilly
f-60631 Chantilly
t +33 3 4462 6264
f +33 3 4462 6261
Dr. Ivan Gaskell
Fogg Art Museum
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge ma 02138
t +1 617 496 4252
f +1 617 496 2359
Dr. Terèz Gerszi
Chief advisor
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum
(Museum of Fine Arts)
Dózsa György út 41
h-1146 Budapest xiv
t +36 1 469 7175
f +36 1 4697 171
Mr. Stephen Goddard
Curator of prints and
Spencer Museum of Art
The University of Kansas
1301 Mississippi
St. Lawrence ks 66045-7500
t +1 785 864 0128
f +1 785 864 3112
Ms. Sybilla Goegebuer
Assistant curator
Stedelijk Museum voor
Rolweg 40
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8764
f +32 50 33 5489
Dr. Hilliard T. Goldfarb
Associate chief curator
The Montreal Museum of
Fine Arts
P.O. Box 3000 h
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3G 2T9
t +1 514 285 1600 117
f +1 514 285 1980
Drs. Eymert-Jan Goossens
Koninklijk Paleis
Postbus 3708
nl-1001 am Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 624 8698
f +31 20 623 3819
Ms. Lia Gorter
Foundation for Cultural
Sarphatistraat 84hs
nl-1018 gs Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 624 4710
f +31 20 624 4710
Ms. Annamáriá Gosztola
Curator of Flemish
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum
(Museum of Fine Arts)
Dózsa György út 41
h-1146 Budapest xiv
t +36 1 343 9759
f +36 1 343 8298
Dr. Gerhard Graulich
Chief curator of painting
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
d-19055 Schwerin
t +49 385 59 580
f +49 385 56 3090
Dr. Roman Grigoryev
Head of department of
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9782
f +7 812 275 5139
Dr. Natalia Grizay
Head of department of Old
Master paintings and
curator of Flemish
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9682
f +7 812 312 1994
Drs. Saskia van Haaren
Chief curator
Museum Catharijneconvent
Postbus 8518
nl-3503 rm Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 231 3835
f +31 30 231 7896
Drs. Marjoleine Groen
Curator of applied arts
Gemeente Musea Delft
St. Agathaplein 1
nl-2611 hr Delft
The Netherlands
t +31 15 219 7189
f +31 15 213 8744
Mr. John Oliver Hand
National Gallery of Art
2000B South Club Drive
Landover md 20785
t +1 202 842 6145
f +1 202 842 6387
Drs. Jup de Groot
Former director of
Dordrechts Museum
Postbus 1170
nl-3300 bd Dordrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 78 648 2148
f +31 78 614 1766
Ms. Sophie Harent
Assistant curator
Musée des Beaux-Arts de
3 place Stanislas
f-54000 Nancy
t +33 3 8385 3072
f +33 3 8385 3076
Dr. Rainald Grosshans
Stauffenbergstrasse 40
d-10785 Berlin
t +49 30 266 2598
f +49 30 266 2103
Dr. Jaap Harskamp
British Library
96 Easton Road
London nw1 2db
t +44 207 412 7000
f +44 207 413 7578
Ms. Krystyna GutowskaDudek
Curator of painting
Wilanow Palace Museum
ul. Stanislawa Kostki
Potockiego 10/16
pl-02-958 Warsaw
t +48 22 8422 407
f +48 22 8423 116
Dr. Ursula Härting
Exhibition curator
(vereidigte Sachverständige
für Niederländische
Markgrafenufer 3a
d-59071 Hamm
t +49 2381 175 701
f +49 2381 172 989
Prof. Egbert HaverkampBegemann
Institute of Fine Arts
1 East 78th Street
New York ny 10021-01778
t +1 212 772 5800
f +1 212 772 5807
Ms. Karen Hearn
Curator of 16th- and
17th-century arts
Tate Britain
London sw1p 4rg
t +44 20 7887 8038
f +44 20 7887 8047
Ms. Jo Hedley
Curator of pictures pre1800
The Wallace Collection
Hertford House
Manchester Square
London w1m 3bn
t +44 20 7563 9547
f +44 20 7224 2155
Drs. Ed de Heer
Museum Het Rembrandthuis
Jodenbreestraat 4-6
nl-1011 nk Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 520 0400
f +31 20 520 0401
Dr. Jan Jaap Heij
Drents Museum
Postbus 134
nl-9400 ac Assen
The Netherlands
t +31 592 312 741
f +31 592 317 119
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Drs. Freek Heijbroek
Rijksmuseum printroom
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7000
f +31 20 674 7001
Drs. Anita Hopmans
Chief curator of modern art
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 333 9741
f +31 70 333 9789
Mr. Wouter Hugenholtz
Executive director
Netherlands Institute for
Advanced Study
Meijboomlaan 1
nl-2242 pr Wassenaar
The Netherlands
t +31 70 512 2700
f +31 70 511 7162
Dr. Paul Huys Janssen
Noordbrabants Museum
Postbus 1004
nl-5200 ba Den Bosch
The Netherlands
t +31 73 687 7811
f +31 73 687 7899
Ms. Sandra Janssens
Research curator
Koninklijk Museum voor
Schone Kunsten
Plaatsnijdersstraat 2
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 242 0414
f +32 3 248 0810
Dr. Chiyo Ishikawa
Chief curator of collections
and curator of European
painting and collections
Seattle Art Museum
P.O. Box 22000
Seattle wa 98122-9700
t +1 206 654 3179
f +1 206 654 3135
Ms. Ingalill Jansson
Head curator
Hallwylska Museet (Hallwyl
Hamngatan 4
S-11147 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 5592
f +46 8 5195 5585
Prof. Thomas DaCosta
Department of Art and
Archaeology Princeton
McCormick Hall
Princeton nj 08544-1018
t +1 609 258 3781
f +1 609 258 0103
Drs. Liesbeth Helmus
Curator of Old Master
paintings and drawings
Centraal Museum
Postbus 2106
nl-3500 gc Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 236 2362
f +31 30 233 2006
Dr. Lee Hendrix
Curator of drawings
The J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Suite 1000
Los Angeles ca 90049-1687
t +1 310 440 7062
f +1 310 440 7744
Dr. Concha Herrero
Curator of tapestries
Patrimonio Nacional
Bailen s/n
e-28071 Madrid
t +34 91 547 5350
Mr. Daniel Hess
Curator of paintings and
glass before 1800
Postfach 11 95 80
d-90105 Nürnberg
t +49 911 1331 0
f +49 911 1331 200
Ms. Emerentia van Heuven
Paleis Het Loo
Nationaal Museum
Koninklijk Park 1
nl-7315 ja Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
t +31 55 577 2462
f +31 55 521 9983
Drs. Koert van der Horst
Curator of manuscripts
Postbus 16007
nl-3500 da Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 253 6521
f +31 30 253 9292
Drs. Guus van den Hout
Museum Catharijneconvent
Postbus 8518
nl-3503 rm Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 231 3835
f +31 30 231 7896
Nico van Hout
Koninklijk Museum voor
Schone Kunsten
Plaatsnijdersstraat 2
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 238 7809
f +32 3 248 0810
Mr. J.C. Houwert
Member of the board of
Kemperbergerweg 15
nl-6816 rm Arnhem
The Netherlands
t +31 55 538 8888
f +31 26 446 1136
Ms. Roselyne Huret
Musée Carnavalet, musée
de l’histoire de Paris
29 rue de Sévigné
f-75003 Paris
t +33 1 4272 2113
f +33 1 4027 8559
Dr. Timothy Husband
Curator of The Cloisters
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fort Tryon Park
New York ny 10040
t +1 212 650 2284
f +1 212 795 3640
Dr. Wim Hüsken
Stedelijke Musea Mechelen
Minderbroedersgang 5
b-2800 Mechelen
t +32 15 294 035
f +32 15 294 031
Dr. Paul Huvenne
Koninklijk Museum voor
Schone Kunsten
Plaatsnijdersstraat 2
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 242 0421
f +32 3 248 0810
Mr. Wim Jacobs
Secretary-treasurer of the
board of codart
Postbus 76709
nl-1070 ka Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 305 4506
f +31 20 3054 500
Mr. David Jaffe
Curator of Flemish
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London wc2n 5dn
t +44 20 7747 2885
f +44 20 7747 2423
Drs. Guido Jansen
Head of collections
Museum Boijmans Van
Postbus 2277
nl-3000 cg Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 10 441 9601
f +31 10 436 0500
Dr. Catherine Johnston
Curator of European art
National Gallery of Canada
P.O. Box 427 Station a
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada k1n9n4
t +1 613 990 0599
f +1 613 990 8689
Ms. Dorota Juszczak
Zamek Królewski w Warszawie
(Royal Castle in Warsaw)
ul. Pl. Zamkowy 4
pl-00277 Warsaw
t +48 22 657 2363
f +48 22 657 2309
Ms. Ronda Kasl
Associate curator of
painting and sculpture
before 1800
Indianapolis Museum of Art
1200 West 38th Street
Indianapolis in 46208-4196
t +1 317 923 1331
f +1 317 926 8931
PD. Dr. Hans-Martin
Curator of German and
Netherlandish prints and
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Postfach 10 43 42
d-70038 Stuttgart
t +49 711 4704 0301
f +49 711 4704 0333
Dr. Jan Kelch
Stauffenbergstrasse 40
d-10785 Berlin
t +49 30 266 2598
f +49 30 266 2103
Ms. Minerva Keltanen
Chief curator
Sinebrychoff Art Museum
Bulevardi 40
fin-00120 Helsinki
t +358 9 173 361
f +358 9 1733 6463
Ms. Véronique Van de
Curator of the collection of
ancient prints and
drawings in the Antwerp
Museum Plantin-Moretus /
Vrijdagmarkt 22
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 221 1459
f +32 3 213 0560
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Ms. Laurence van
Curator of Groeningemuseum and Arentshuis
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8711
f +32 50 44 8778
Ms. Maris Klaas
Art Museum of Estonia
Weitzenbergi 22
Ee-0001 Tallinn
t +37 22 601 3183
Ms. Yoriko Kobayashi-Sato
Mejiro University
1-1, f312 Ogura
Saiwai, Kawasaki,
Japan 212-0054
t +81 44 544 1915
f +81 44 544 1925
Dr. Fritz Koreny
Senior researcher
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
der Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2 Hof 9
a-1090 Vienna
t +43 1 4277 414 44
f +43 1 4277 9414
Ms. Dragana Kovac̆ić
Senior curator
National Museum
Trg Republike 1a
11000 Belgrade
t +381 11 330 6067
Ms. Suzanne Laemers
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 333 9777
f +31 70 333 9789
Drs. Michiel Kersten
Head of collection
management and
Frans Hals Museum
Postbus 3365
The Netherlands
nl-2001 dj Haarlem
t +31 23 511 5790
f +31 23 511 5776
Dr. Thomas Ketelsen
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen
Taschenberg 2
d-01067 Dresden
t +49 351 491 4212
f +49 351 491 4222
Dr. George S. Keyes
Elizabeth & Allan Shelden
curator of European
The Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit mi 48202
t +1 313 833 1736
f +1 313 833 7881
Drs. Renée Kistemaker
Amsterdams Historisch
Postbus 3302
nl-1001 ac Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 523 1822
f +31 20 620 7789
Dr. Christian Klemm
Deputy director and
Kunsthaus Zürich
ch-8024 Zürich
t +41 44 253 8484
f +41 44 253 8433
Dr. Rüdiger Klessmann
Director emeritus of
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Völkstrasse 25
d-86150 Augsburg
t +49 821 158 966
Drs. Wouter Kloek
Curator of special projects
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7000
f +31 20 674 7001
Drs. Maria Kluk
Curator of Dutch paintings
Muzeum Narodowe w
Warszawie (National Museum
in Warsaw)
Aleje Jerozolimskie 3
pl-00-495 Warsaw
t +48 22 621 1031 (x 312)
f +48 22 622 8559
Drs. Paul Knolle
Curator of Old Master
Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129-131
nl-7514 bp Enschede
The Netherlands
t +31 53 435 8675
f +31 53 435 9002
Dr. Olaf Koester
Senior curator emeritus of
Statens Museum for Kunst
Mosebakken 3
dk-2830 Virum
Mr. Akira Kofuku
Chief curator
The National Museum of
Western Art
7-7 Ueno-koen
Taito-ku Tokyo
Japan 110-0007
t +81 3 3828 5185
f +81 3 3828 5797
Dr. Ype Koopmans
Museum voor Moderne Kunst
Postbus 60189
nl-6800 jp Arnhem
The Netherlands
t +31 26 3512 431
f +31 26 4435 148
Mr. Adam Koperkiewicz
Gdańsk Historical Museum
ul. Dluga 47
pl-80-831 Gdańsk
t +48 58 767 9128
f +48 58 767 9102
Ms. Greta Koppel
Niguliste Museum of the Art
Museum of Estonia
Niguliste 3
ee-10146 Tallinn
t +372 6 449 903
f +372 6 314 327
Dr. Anne S. Korteweg
Keeper of manuscripts
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Postbus 90407
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 314 0357
f +31 70 314 0655
Ms. Marianne KoskimiesEnvall
Pohjanmaan Museo
(Ostrobothnian Museum)
P.O.Box 3
65101 Vaasa
t +358 6 325 3780
f +358 6 325 3784
Drs. J. Kosten
Curator of Dutch and
Flemish historical
paintings and Flemish
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 333 9777
f +31 70 333 9789
Dr. Olga Kotková
Národní Galerie v Praze
(National Gallery in Prague)
P.O. Box 4
cz-110 15 Prague
Czech Republic
t +420 2 2051 5457
f +420 2 2051 3180
Dr. Zoltán Kovács
Deputy head of department
for registration
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum
(Museum of Fine Arts)
Dózsa György út 41
h-1146 Budapest xiv
t +36 1 302 1785
f +36 1 302 1785
Ms. Rebeca Kraselsky
Curator of paintings
Museo Franz Mayer
Av. Hidalgo 45. Plaza de la
Santa Veracruz
mx 06050 Mexico D.F.
t +52 5518 2265 x255
Mr. Krzystof Kruz.el
Curator of the print
Library of the Polish Academy
of Arts and Sciences
ul. Slawkowska 17
pl-31016 Kraków
t +48 12 422 2915
Ms. Tatyana Kuyukina
Tver Art Museum
3 Sovetskaya Street
170640 Tver
t +7 08222 32561
f +7 08222 64884
Mr. Bengt Kylsberg
Skokloster Slott
(Skokloster Castle)
se-74696 Skokloster
t +46 18 340 826
f +46 18 386 446
Mr. Alastair Laing
Adviser on pictures and
The National Trust
36 Queen Anne’s Gate
London sw1h 9as
t +44 20 7222 9251
f +44 20 7447 6540 (home)
Dr. Friso Lammertse
Museum Boijmans Van
Postbus 2277
nl-3000 cg Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 10 441 9400
f +31 10 436 0500
Dr. Alexei Larionov
Curator of Dutch and
Flemish drawings
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9682
f +7 812 312 1994
Ms. Cathy Leahy
Senior curator of prints and
National Gallery of Victoria
P.O. Box 7259
Melbourne 8004
t +61 3 9208 0230
f +61 3 9208 0460
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Mr. Huigen Leeflang
Curator of prints
Rijksmuseum printroom
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7261
f +31 20 674 7001
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wolfgang
Stauffenbergstraße 40
d-10785 Berlin - Tiergarten
t +49 30 266 2101
f +49 30 266 2103
Drs. Daniëlle H.A.C. Lokin
Director and chairman
Stedelijk Museum
Het Prinsenhof
St. Agathaplein 1
nl-2611 hr Delft
The Netherlands
t +31 15 260 2864
f +31 15 213 8744
Dr. Jochen Luckhardt
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Museumstrasse 1
d-38100 Braunschweig
t +49 531 1225-0
f +49 531 1225-2408
Drs. Michel P. van
Drents Museum
Postbus 134
nl-9400 ac Assen
The Netherlands
t +31 592 312 741
f +31 592 317 119
Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Mai
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum Fondation Corboud
Martinstrasse 39
d-50667 Köln
t +49 221 2212 3633
f +49 221 2212 2629
Dr. Dietmar Lüdke
Staatliche Kunsthalle
Postfach 11 12 53
d-76042 Karlsruhe
t +49 721 926 3355
f +49 721 926 6788
Ms. Catharine MacLeod
Curator of 16th- and
17th-century portraits
National Portrait Gallery
St. Martin’s Place
London wc2h 0he
t +44 20 7312 2415
f +44 20 7306 0056
Mr. Jean-Patrice Marandel
Chief curator
Los Angeles County
Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles ca 90036
t +1 323 857 6000
f +1 323 857 6216
Drs. Ger Luijten
Head of department of
prints and drawings
Rijksmuseum printroom
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7000
f +31 20 674 7001
Ms. Catalina Macovei
Head of department of
prints and drawings
Library of the Romanian
Calea Victoriei 125
ro-71 102 Bucharest
t +40 1 650 3043
f +40 1 212 5856
Dr. Natalja Markova
Head of department of
prints and drawings
Pushkin State Museum of
Fine Arts
12 Volkhonka Street
119019 Moscow
t +7 095 203 3007
f +7 095 203 4674
Prof. Ronald de Leeuw
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7047
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. Simon H. Levie
Director emeritus of the
Minervalaan 70/ii
nl-1077 pg Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 671 8895
f +31 20 673 8088
Dr. Mary L. Levkoff
Curator of European
painting and sculpture
Los Angeles County Museum
of Art
5905 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles ca 90036
t +1 323 857 6003
f +1 323 857 6216
Dr. Walter A. Liedtke
Curator of European
The Metropolitan Museum
of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York ny 10028
t +1 212 570 3762
f +1 212 396 5052
Ms. Henriëtte van der
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Postbus 76709
nl-1070 ka Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 3054 518
f +31 20 3054 505
Dr. Irina Linnik
Curator of Dutch paintings
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 323 0835
f +7 812 312 1994
Mr. Christopher Lloyd
Surveyor of the Queen’s
Royal Collection
Stable Yard House, St.
James’s Palace
London sw1a 1jr
t +44 20 7930 4832
f +44 20 7839 8165
Ms. Julia Lloyd Williams
Former curator of the
National Gallery of Scotland
Flat 1, 9 Lindfield Gardens
London nw3 6px
Dr. Anne-Marie Logan
Research curator
The Metropolitan Museum
of Art
25 Reilly Road
Easton ct 06612
t +1 203 261 0354
f +1 203 261 7246
Dr. Angelika Lorenz
Attaché for 16th- and
17th-century art
Westfälisches Landesmuseum
für Kunst und
Domplatz 10
d-48143 Münster
t +49 251 5907 240
f +49 251 5907 210
Drs. Jan Rudolph de Lorm
Head of exhibitions
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7160
f +31 20 674 7001
Mr. Willy Le Loup
Curator of Groeningemuseum and Arentshuis
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8704
f +32 50 44 8778
Ms. Katherine Crawford
Assistant curator of the
Johnson Collection
Philadelphia Museum of Art
P.O. Box 7646
Philadelphia pa 19101-7646
t +1 215 684 7616
f +1 215 763 8955
Dr. Christiane Lukatis
Staatliche Museen Kassel Graphische Sammlung
Postfach 410420
d-34066 Kassel
t +49 561 316 800
f +49 561 3168 0111
Dr. Alexander C. Lungu
Muzeul National Brukenthal
(The Brukenthal Museum)
Piat,a Mare nr. 3-5
ro-2400 Sibiu
t +40 269 211 699
f +40 269 211 545
Dr. Doron Lurie
Curator of 16th- to 19thcentury art
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
P.O. Box 33288
61332 Tel Aviv
t +972 3 695 7361
f +972 3 695 8099
Dr. Michael Maek-Gérard
Curator of Baroque
Städelsches Kunstinstitut and
Städtische Galerie
Dürerstrasse 2
d-60596 Frankfurt am Main
t +49 69 6050 98103
f +49 69 610 163
Mr. Jan De Maere
Documentatiecentrum voor
het Vlaamse
9 rue des Minimes
b-1000 Brussels
t +32 2 502 2400
f +32 2 502 0750
Ms. Sanda Marta
Muzeul National Brukenthal
(The Brukenthal Museum)
Piat,a Mare nr. 3-5
ro-2400 Sibiu
t +40 269 217 691
f +40 269 211 545
Dr. Michael Matile
Graphische Sammlung der
eth Zürich
Raemistrasse 101
ch-8092 Zürich
t +41 1 632 7875
f +41 1 632 1168
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Dr. Annaliese MayerMeintschel
Director emeritus of the
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Robert-Diez-Strasse 7
d-01326 DresdenOberloschwitz
t +49 351 264 0544
f +49 351 264 1199
Drs. Ewoud M. Mijnlieff
Curator Museum het
Catherina Gasthuis en
Museum De Mondriaan
Stedelijke Musea Gouda
Achter de kerk 14
nl-2801 jx Gouda
The Netherlands
t +31 182 588 793
f +31 182 588 671
Drs. Bianca du Mortier
Curator of costumes
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7226
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. Lawrence W. Nichols
Curator of European
paintings and sculpture
before 1900
The Toledo Museum of Art
P.O. Box 1013
Toledo oh 43697
t +1 419 254 5087
f +1 419 244 2217
Mr. John Nolan
Bob Jones University
Museum & Gallery
1700 Wade Hampton
Greenville sc 29614
t +1 864 242 5100 x1050
f +1 864 770 1306
Dr. Lynn Federle Orr
California Palace of the Legion
of Honor
100 34th Street Lincoln Park
San Francisco ca 94121
t +1 415 750 3618
f +1 415 750 3656
Prof. Dr. Bert W. Meijer
Istituto Universitario
Olandese di Storia dell’Arte
(Dutch University Institute for
Art History)
Viale Torricelli 5
i-50125 Firenze
t +39 055 221612
f +39 055 221106
Mr. Fred G. Meijer
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 333 9724
f +31 70 333 9789
Dr. Mitchell Merling
Paul Mellon curator and
head of the department of
European art
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
200 N. Boulevard
Richmond va 23220-4007
t +1 804 340 1602
f +1 804 340 1548
Drs. Norbert E. Middelkoop
Curator of paintings, prints
and drawings
Amsterdams Historisch
Postbus 3302
nl-1001 ac Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 523 1822
f +31 20 620 7789
Sir Oliver Millar
Surveyor emeritus of the
queen’s pictures
The Cottage Rays Lane
Penn Buckinghamshire
hp10 8lh
t +44 494 812 124
f +44 207 839 8168
Dr. Angel M. Navarro
Professor of art history
University of Buenos Aires
Avenida Quintana 16-6to.
1014 Buenos Aires
t +54 11 4812 6836
f +54 11 4814 5033
(c/o Ms. Casal)
Mr. Eric Moinet
Chief curator and museum
Direction régionale des affaires
culturelles Rhône-Alpes
6, quai Saint Vincent
f-69283 Lyon Cedex 01
t +33 4 7200 44 27
f +33 4 7200 43 30
Ms. Francine de Nave
Museum Plantin Moretus
Vrijdagmarkt 22
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 221 1450
f +32 3 221 1471
Mr. Maciej Monkiewicz
Muzeum Narodowe w
Warszawie (National Museum
in Warsaw)
Aleje Jerozolimskie 3
pl-00-495 Warsaw
t +48 22 621 1031 278
f +48 22 622 8559
Mr. Andrew Moore
Norwich Castle Museum &
Art Gallery
Norfolk nr1 3ju
t +44 1603 223 624 |
493 633 (x)
f +44 1603 765 651 |
493 661 (x)
Dr. Uta Neidhardt
Curator of Dutch and
Flemish paintings
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen
Dresden - Gemäldegalerie Alte
Zwinger Theaterplatz 1
d-01067 Dresden
t +49 351 491 4658
f +49 351 491 4694
Mr. István Németh
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum
(Museum of Fine Arts)
Dózsa György út 41
h-1146 Budapest xiv
t +36 1 343 9759
f +36 1 363 6398
Dr. Jan Nicolaisen
Museum der bildenden Künste
Grimmaische Strasse 1-7
d-04109 Leipzig
t +49 341 216 9942
f +49 341 960 9925
Ms. Tatyana Petrovna
Head of department of
Western European painting
Irkutsk Art Museum
Ul. Lenina 5
664000 Irkutsk
t +7 395 234 4231
f +7 395 234 1272
Mr. Hans Nieuwdorp
Chief curator
Museum Mayer van den Bergh
& Museum Smidt van Gelder
Lange Gasthuisstraat 19
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 232 4237
f +32 3 231 7335
Dr. Nils Ohrt
Nivagaards Malerisamling
Gl. Strandvej 2
dk-2990 Nivå
t +45 49 14 10 17
f +45 49 14 10 57
Ms. Jeltje van
Member of the board of
Postbus 90602
nl-2509 lp The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 441 7086
Dr. Maria Ordeanu
Curator of prints and
Muzeul National Brukenthal
(The Brukenthal Museum)
Piata Mare 4-5
ro-2400 Sibiu
t +40 269 217 691
f +40 269 211 545
Drs. Carl Nix
Atlas Van Stolk
Korte Hoogstraat 31
nl-3011 gk Rotterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 10 217 6724
f +31 10 433 4499
Dr. Nadine Orenstein
Associate curator of
drawings and prints
The Metropolitan Museum
of Art
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York ny 10028-0198
t +1 212 879 3502
f +1 212 570 3921
Prof. Dr. Henk W. van Os
Director emeritus of the
Koninginneweg 37
nl-1075 lg Amsterdam
Prof. Dr. Jan Ostrowski
Zamek Królewski na Wawelu
(Royal Castle on Wawel Hill)
Wawel 5
pl-31-001 Kraków
t +48 12 422 1950
f +48 12 422 1950
Mr. Piotr Oszczanowski
Instytut Historii Sztuki
Uniwersytet Wroclaw
(Institute for Art History of
Szewska 49
pl-50-139 Wroclaw
t +48 871 3752 525
f +48 871 3752 510
Drs. Sander Paarlberg
Curator of Old Master
Dordrechts Museum
Postbus 1170
nl-3300 bd Dordrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 78 648 2148
f +31 78 614 1766
Ms. Mieke Parez
Curator of
Memlingmuseum SintJanshospitaal and Museum
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Potterie
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 448 772
f +32 50 448 778
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Mr. Peter Parshall
Curator and head of
department of Old Master
National Gallery of Art
2000B South Club Drive
Landover md 20785
t +1 202 842 6384
f +1 202 842 6387
Ms. Maritta Pitkänen
The Gösta Serlachius Museum
of Fine Arts
Joenniemi Manor
fin-35800 Mänttä
t +358 3 488 6801
f +358 3 474 8260
Ms. Kadi Polli
Director and curator of
Kadriorg Palace - The
Kadriorg Art Museum
37 Weizenbergi Street
ee-10127 Tallinn
t +372 6066 400
f +372 6066 401
Mr. Roger Quarm
Curator of pictures
National Maritime Museum
Park Row
London se10 9nf
t +44 181 312 6717
f +44 181 312 6632
Dr. Konrad Renger
Chief curator
Alte Pinakothek
Barer Strasse 29
d-80799 München
t +49 89 238 050112
f +49 89 23805 221
Dr. Franklin W. Robinson
The Richard J. Schwartz
Herbert F. Johnson Museum
of Art
Cornell University
Ithaca ny 14853-4001
t +1 607 255 6464
f +1 607 255 9940
Dr. Zuzana Paternostro
Curator of foreign
Museu Nacional de Belas Artes
Av. Rio Branco 199
Rio de Janeiro 20040 008
t +55 21 2240 0068
f +55 21 2262 6067
Drs. Peter van der Ploeg
Postbus 536
nl-2501 cm The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 302 3420
f +31 70 365 3819
Ms. Eva de la Fuente
Senior research curator
Statens Museum for Kunst
Sølvgade 48-50
dk-1307 Copenhagen
t +45 33 748 532
f +45 33 748 505
Drs. Michiel Plomp
Associate curator of
drawings and prints
The Metropolitan Museum of
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York ny 10028-0198
t +1 212 879 5500
f +1 212 570 3921
Ms. Magali Philippe
Musée de Brou
63 boulevard de Brou
f-01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
t +33 4 7422 8383
f +33 4 7424 7670
Dr. Jet Pijzel-Dommisse
Curator of decorative arts
Gemeentemuseum The Hague
Postbus 72
nl-2501 cb The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 338 1111
f +31 70 355 7360
Dr. Mikhail Piotrovsky
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 311 9245
f +7 812 311 9009
Dr. Katarzyna Plonka-Balus
Curator of illuminated
Muzeum Czartoryskich
ul. Sw. Jana 19
pl-31017 Kraków
t +48 12 422 5566
f +48 12 422 6464
Drs. Peter te Poel
Postbus 1735
nl-6201 bs Maastricht
The Netherlands
t +31 43 329 0190
f +31 43 329 0199
Ms. Nora De Poorter
Rubenianum en Centrum voor
de Vlaamse Kunst van de 16de
en de 17de Eeuw
Kolveniersstraat 20
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1577
f +32 3 231 9387
Ms. Teresa Posada Kubissa
Curator Flemish painting
and Northern schools
(to 1700)
Museo Nacional del Prado
Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23
e-28014 Madrid
t +34 91 330 2829
f +31 91 330 2851
Mr. Hayden Russell Proud
Iziko Museums of Cape Town Michaelis Collection
P.O. Box 61
Cape Town 8000
South Africa
t +27 21 4651 628
f +27 21 4610 045
Dr. Beata Purc-Stêpniak
Curator of European
Muzeum Narodowe w
Gdańsku (National Museum
in Gdańsk)
ul. Torúnska 1
pl-80-822 Gdańsk
t +48 58 301 70 61
f +48 58 301 11 25
Drs. Emke RaassenKruimel
Chief curator
Singer Museum
Postbus 497
nl-1250 al Laren
The Netherlands
t +31 35 539 3937
f +31 35 531 7751
Ms. Anna Radziun
Curator of Ruysch
Museum of Anthropology and
Ethnography of the Russian
Academy of Sciences Kunstkamera
Universitetskaya Nab. 3
199034 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 328 0712
f +7 812 328 0811
Mr. Rodolphe Rapetti
Conservateur en chef du
Direction des musées de France
6, rue des Pyramides
f-75001 Paris
t +33 1 4020 5661
Mr. Tom Rassieur
Assistant curator of prints
and drawings
Museum of Fine Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston ma 02115-5523
t +1 617 369 3432
f +1 617 536 4102
Drs. Robert-Jan te Rijdt
Curator of drawings
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7266
f +31 20 674 7001
Ms. Maria del Carmen
Rippe Moro
Museo Nacional
Trocadero e/Sulueta y
Habana Vieja
t +53 7 613 858
f +53 7 629 626
Ms. Helena Risthein
Research curator
Art Museum of Estonia
Kiriku plats 1
ee-10130 Tallinn
t +372 644 9513
f +372 644 2094
Ms. Lene Bøgh Rønberg
Research curator
Statens Museum for Kunst
Sølvgade 48-50
dk-1307 Copenhagen
t +45 33 748 539
f +45 33 748 505
Dr. William W. Robinson
Maida and George Abrams
curator of drawings
Fogg Art Museum
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge ma 02138
t +1 617 495 2382
f +1 617 496 3800
Drs. Evert Rodrigo
Head of department of
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Postbus 1098
nl-2280 cb Rijswijk
The Netherlands
t +31 70 307 3800
f +31 70 319 2398
Drs. Pieter Roelofs
Museum Het Valkhof
Postbus 1474
nl-6501 bl Nijmegen
The Netherlands
t +31 24 360 8805
f +31 24 360 8656
Dr. Anna Rollová
Director of collection of
prints and drawings
Národní Galerie v Praze
(National Gallery in Prague)
Starometské nám. 12
cz-110 15 Prague 1
Czech Republic
t +420 2 2231 5030
f +420 2 2231 0433
Dott.ssa Francesca Rossi
Museo di Castelvecchio
Corso Castelvecchio 2
i-37121 Verona
t +39 045 592 985
f +39 045 801 0729
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Mr. Martin Royalton-Kisch
Assistant keeper
British Museum - Department
of prints and drawings
Great Russell Street
London wc1b 3dg
t +44 20 7636 1555
f +44 20 7323 8999
Prof. Dr. Vadim A. Sadkov
Head of department of
European and American art
Pushkin State Museum of Fine
12 Volkhonka Street
119019 Moscow
t +7 095 203 9587
f +7 095 203 4674
Dr. Wolfgang Savelsberg
Head of museums and
Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz
Schloss Grosskühnau
d-06846 Dessau
t +49 340 646 1535
f +49 340 646 1510
Drs. Marijn
Curator of drawings
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7000
f +31 20 674 7001
Drs. Peter Schoon
Dordrechts Museum
Postbus 1170
nl-3300 bd Dordrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 78 648 2148
f +31 78 614 1766
Prof. Gianni Carlo Sciolla
Professor of art history
Università degli Studi di
Via Tenivelli 11
i-10144 Torino
t +39 011 437 1766
f +39 011 670 3513
Ms. Cécile Scailliérez
Musée du Louvre
Porte des Lions
f-75058 Paris Cedex 01
t +33 1 4020 5084
f +33 1 4020 5347
Ms. Tamara Schestakowa
Tambov Fine Arts Museum
97 Sovetskaya Street
392000 Tambov
t +7 0752 724627
Dr. Louisa Wood Ruby
The Frick Collection
1 East 70th Street
New York ny 10021
t +1 212 547 0652
f +1 212 547 0680
Ms. Wanda M. Rudzińska
Senior curator and head of
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w
Warszawie (Warsaw
University Library)
ul. Dobra 56/66
pl-00-312 Warsaw
t +48 22 552 5834
f +48 22 552 5659
Mr. Axel C. Rüger
Curator of Dutch and
Flemish paintings
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London wc2n 5dn
t +44 20 7747 2893
f +44 20 7753 8179
Dr. Ivan Rusina
Slovenská národná galéria
(Slovak National Gallery)
Riec̆na 1
sk-81513 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
t +421 2 5443 7062
f +421 2 5443 3971
Ms. Maria Saffiotti Dale
Curator of paintings,
sculpture and decorative
Elvehjem Museum of Art,
University of WisconsinMadison
800 University Avenue
Madison wi 53706-1479
t +1 608 263 4368
f +1 608 263 8188
Ms. Béatrice Salmon
Former director of
Musée des Beaux-Arts
3 place Stanislas
f-54000 Nancy
t +33 38 385 3072
f +33 38 385 3076
Dr. Jochen Sander
Head of department of
Städelsches Kunstinstitut und
Städtische Galerie
Dürerstrasse 2
d-60596 Frankfurt am Main
t +49 69 605 098 102
f +49 69 610 163
Ms. Ana García Sanz
Curator of the Descalzas
Patrimonio Nacional
Palacio Real - Bailén s/n
e-28071 Madrid
t +34 91 454 7513
f +34 91 454 8721
Mr. Scott Schaefer
Head of department of
The J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Suite 300
Los Angeles ca 90049-1687
t +1 310 440 7168
f +1 310 440 7717
Drs. Jef Schaeps
Prentenkabinet Universiteit
Postbus 9501
nl-2300 ra Leiden
The Netherlands
t +31 71 527 2788
Drs. Karen SchaffersBodenhausen
Chief curator
Rijksbureau voor
Postbus 90418
nl-2509 lk The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 383 6908
f +31 70 333 9789
Drs. Robert Schillemans
Museum Amstelkring Ons’
Lieve Heer op Solder
Oude Zijds Voorburgwal 40
nl-1012 ge Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 624 6604
f +31 20 638 1822
Mr. Loet Schledorn
Gemeente Musea Delft Stedelijk Museum Het
Sint Agathaplein 1
nl-2611 hr Delft
The Netherlands
t +31 15 219 7925
f +31 15 213 8744
Dr. Bernhard
Director emeritus of the
Staatliche Museen Kassel
(Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister)
Havelweg 10
d-34131 Kassel
Drs. Frits Scholten
Curator of sculpture
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7000
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. William Schupbach
Curator, Iconographic
Wellcome Library
210 Euston Road
London nw1 2be
t +44 20 7611 8489
f +44 20 7611 8703
Dr. Karl Schütz
Director of department of
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Burgring 5
a-1010 Wien
t +43 1 5252 4305
f +43 1 5252 4309
Ms. Loekie Schwartz
Postbus 162
nl-3600 ad Maarssen
The Netherlands
t +31 346 562 778
f +31 346 570574
Mr. Gary Schwartz
Postbus 162
nl-3600 ad Maarssen
The Netherlands
t +31 346 580 553
f +31 346 580 554
Dr. Dieter Schwarz
Kunstmuseum Winterthur
Postfach 378
ch-8402 Winterthur
t +41 52 267 5162
f +41 52 267 5317
Mr. David Scrase
Keeper and assistant
director (collections)
Fitzwilliam Museum
Trumpington Street
Cambridge cb2 1rb
t +44 1223 332 900
f +44 1223 332 923
Dr. Gero Seelig
Curator of Netherlandish
Staatliches Museum Schwerin
Alter Garten 3
d-19055 Schwerin
t +49 385 5958 145
f +49 385 5918 464
Dr. Hana Seifertová
Národní Galerie v Praze
(National Gallery in Prague)
V Luhu 616
cz-25230 Revnice
Czech Republic
t +420 2 2051 5457
f +420 2 2051 3180
Dr. Manfred Sellink
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8711
f +32 50 44 8778
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Dr. Marina Senenko
Curator of European and
American art
Pushkin State Museum of Fine
12 Volkhonka Street
119019 Moscow
t +7 095 203 5809
f +7 095 203 4674
Dr. Pilar Silva
Head of department of
medieval and earlyRenaissance Spanish and
Flemish paintings
Museo Nacional del Prado
Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23
e-28014 Madrid
t +34 91 330 2809
f +34 91 330 2856
Mr. Mårten Snickare
Curator of 17th-century
master drawings and
architectural drawings
Box 161 76
se-103 24 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 4356
f +46 8 5195 4401
Mr. Ron Spronk
Associate curator for
research at Straus Center
for Conservation and
Technical Studies
Harvard University Art
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge ma 02138
t +1 617 495 0987
f +1 617 495 0322
Mr. Bart Stroobants
Stedelijke Musea Mechelen
Minderbroedersgang 5
b-2800 Mechelen
t +32 15 294 035
f +32 15 294 031
Ms. Joanna A. Tomicka
Curator of European prints
Muzeum Narodowe w
Warszawie (National Museum
in Warsaw)
Aleje Jerozolimskie 3
pl-00-495 Warsaw
t +48 22 621 1031
f +48 22 622 8559
Dr. Anja K. S̆evcík
Curator Old Masters
Národní Galerie v Praze
(National Gallery in Prague)
Charlese de Gaulla 3
cz-160 00 Prague vi
Czech Republic
t +420 2 2051 5457
f +420 2 2051 3180
Dr. Desmond Shawe-Taylor
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Gallery Road, Dulwich
London se21 7ad
t +44 20 8299 8701
f +44 20 8299 8700
Dr. Karin Sidén
Senior curator of paintings
and sculpture / Old Masters
Box 16176
se-103 24 Stockholm
t +46 8 5195 4304
f +46 8 5195 4456
Drs. John Sillevis
Chief curator
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Postbus 72
nl-2501 cb The Hague
t +31 70 338 1215
f +31 70 338 1112
Dr. Martina Sitt
Head of department of
Hamburger Kunsthalle
d-20095 Hamburg
t +49 40 4285 42603
f +49 40 4285 42482
Prof. Seymour Slive
Professor emeritus of
Harvard University
32 Quincy Street
Cambridge ma 02138
t +1 617 495 2382
f +1 617 496 3800
Dr. Nicolette SluijterSeijffert
Former director of the
Museum Het Catharina
De Ryterstraat 60
nl-2518 at The Hague
The Netherlands
Drs. Marie Christine van
der Sman
Postbus 2975
nl-1000 cz Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 551 2900
f +31 20 551 2901
Dr. Irina Sokolova
Head of department of
Dutch paintings
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9794 / 110 9615
f +7 812 311 9009 / 312 2262
Prof. Ojars Sparitis
Latvian Academy of Arts
Kalpaka Boulevard 13
lv-1867 Riga
t +371 733 2202
f +371 722 8963
Dr. Joaneath Spicer
The James A. Murnaghan
curator of Renaissance and
Baroque art
Walters Art Museum
600 N. Charles Street
Baltimore md 21201
t +1 410 547 9258
f +1 410 752 4797
Drs. Marieke Spliethoff
Curator of paintings
Paleis Het Loo Nationaal
Koninklijk Park 1
nl-7315 ja Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
t +31 55 577 2470
f +31 55 521 9983
Ms. Sabine van Sprang
Koninklijke Musea voor
Schone Kunsten van België
Museumstraat 9
b-1000 Brussels
T 32 2 5083 211
F 32 2 5083 232
Ms. Nina Stadnitchuk
Curator of paintings
Museum Pavlovsk
Ulitsa Revolutsi 20
189623 Pavlovsk
t +7 812 460 6325
f +7 812 470 2155
Mr. Emmanuel Starcky
Deputy director
Direction des Musées de France
6 rue des Pyramides
f-75041 Paris Cedex 01
t +33 1 4015 3401
f +33 1 4015 3410
Dr. Annemarie Stefes
Project researcher
Hamburger Kunsthalle
Luitpoldstrasse 42
d-10781 Berlin
t +49 40 2854 2616
f +49 40 2854 2482
Ms. Shlomit Steinberg
Hans Dichand curator of
European art
Israel Museum
pob 71117
Jerusalem 91710
t +972 2 670 8989
f +972 2 670 8094
Mr. Sergei Stroganov
Curator of Dutch paintings
(Rembrandt excluded)
The State Hermitage Museum
Dvortsovaja nab. 34
191065 St. Petersburg
t +7 812 110 9682
f +7 812 110 9682
Drs. Ariane van Suchtelen
Curator of exhibitions
Postbus 536
nl-2501 cm The Hague
The Netherlands
t +31 70 302 3420
f +31 70 365 3819
Ms. Eva Tahon
Chief curator of
Memlingmuseum SintJanshospitaal and Museum
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8703
f +32 50 44 8778
Ms. Júlia Tátrai
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum
(Museum of Fine Arts)
Dózsa György út 41
h-1146 Budapest xiv
t +36 1 343 9759
f +36 1 469 7171
Dr. Herfried Thaler
Nordico - Museum der Stadt
Dametzstrasse 23
a-4020 Linz
t +43 732 7070 1903
f +43 732 793 518
Mr. Todor Todorov
Princeton University
Department of Art and
Princeton nj 08544
t +1 609 258 5678
f +1 609 258 0103
Ms. Carol Togneri
Senior curator
Norton Simon Museum
411 West Colorado
Pasadena ca 91105-1825
t +1 626 449 6840
f +1 626 796 4978
Dr. Renate Trnek
Gemäldegalerie der Akademie
der bildenden Künste
1 Schillerplatz 3
a-1010 Wien
t +43 1 5881 6229
f +43 1 586 3346
Dr. Meinolf Trudzinski
Senior curator
Landesmuseum Hannover
Willy-Brandt-Allee 5
d-30169 Hannover
t +49 511 9807 624
f +49 511 9807 628
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Drs. Carel van Tuyll van
Chief curator
Teylers Museum
Spaarne 16
nl-2011 ch Haarlem
The Netherlands
t +31 23 531 9010
f +31 23 534 2004
As of January 2005
appointed chief curator of
prints and drawings of the
Musée du Louvre
Mr. Stéphane
Curator of
Groeningemuseum and
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8706
Dr. Carl Van de Velde
Centrum voor de Vlaamse
Kunst van de 16de en de 17de
Kolveniersstraat 20
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1577
f +32 3 231 9387
Dr. Hans Vlieghe
Centrum voor de Vlaamse
Kunst van de 16de en de 17de
Kolveniersstraat 20
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1577
f +32 3 231 9387
Mr. Henk van der Walle
Chairman of the board of
Bisschopsstraat 16
nl-7513 ak Enschede
The Netherlands
t +31 53 431 6744
f +31 53 432 9401
Ms. Nina Weibull
Stockholm University
Universitetsv 10 d, Frescati
s-106 91 Stockholm
t +46 8 162 000
f +46 8 161 407
Dr. Paul Vandenbroeck
Research curator
Koninklijk Museum voor
Schone Kunsten
Plaatsnijdersstraat 2
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 242 7809
f +32 3 248 0810
Dr. Alexander Vergara
Senior curator of Flemish
and Northern European
Museo Nacional del Prado
Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23
e-28014 Madrid
t +34 91 330 2824
f +34 91 330 2852
Dr. Jacek Tylicki
Assistant professor of
Uniwersytet Mikolaya
Kopernika (Nicolaus
Copernicus University)
Sienkiecza 30/32
pl-87 100 Torún
t +48 56 651 1632
f +48 56 651 1632
Dr. Daiga Upeniece
Ārzemju Mākslas Muzejs
(The Museum of Foreign Art)
Pils Laukums 3
Riga lv-1050
t +371 7 228 776
f +371 7 228 776
Dr. Susan Urbach
Head of department of art
Péter Pázmány Catholic
University Faculty of
Törökvész út 128
h-1025 Budapest ii
t +36 1 394 5129
f +36 1 1697 118
Ms. Veronique
Stedelijk Museum Vander
Savoyestraat 6
b-3000 Leuven
t +32 16 226 906
f +32 16 238 930
Mr. Marc Vandenven
Rubenianum en Centrum voor
de Vlaamse Kunst van de 16de
en de 17de Eeuw
Kolveniersstraat 20
b-2000 Antwerp
t +32 3 201 1577
f +32 3 231 9387
Drs. Bernard Vermet
Foundation for Cultural
Sarphatistraat 84hs
nl-1018 gs Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 624 4710
f +31 20 624 4710
Mr. Ernst W. Veen
National Foundation
De Nieuwe Kerk
Postbus 3438
nl-1001 ae Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 626 8168
f +31 20 622 6649
Dr. Thea Vignau-Wilberg
Staatliche Graphische
Sammlung München
Meiserstrasse 10
d-80333 München
t +49 89 2892 7656
f +49 89 2892 7653
Dr. Ernst Vegelin van
Senior curator
Courtauld Institute of Art
Somerset House
London wc2r0rn
t +44 20 7848 2538
f +44 20 7848 2589
Ms. Mercedes Royo
Villanova Payá
Trustee and research
Museo Lázaro Galdiano
c/ Serrano 122
es-28006 Madrid
t +34 91 759 2130
f +34 91 435 4049
Drs. Christiaan Vogelaar
Stedelijk Museum
De Lakenhal
Postbus 2044
nl-2301 ca Leiden
The Netherlands
t +31 71 516 5360
f +31 71 513 4489
Drs. Edward van Voolen
Chief curator
Joods Historisch Museum
Postbus 16737
nl-1001 re Amsterdam
t +31 20 626 9945
f +31 20 624 1721
Ms. Sandra de Vries
Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar
Canadaplein 1
nl-1811 ke Alkmaar
The Netherlands
t +31 72 511 0737
f +31 72 515 1476
Ms. Danièle Wagener
Villa Vauban – Musée d’Art de
la Ville de Luxembourg
18, av. Emile Reuter
L-2090 Luxembourg
t +352 4796 4561
f +352 471 707
Mr. Adriaan E. Waiboer
Curator of Northern
European art
The National Gallery of
Merrion Square West
Dublin 2
t +353 1 632 5599
f +353 1 662 6941
Dr. Arie Wallert
Curator of technical
painting research
Postbus 74888
nl-1070 dn Amsterdam
The Netherlands
t +31 20 674 7283
f +31 20 674 7001
Dr. John J. Walsh
Director emeritus
The J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Suite 300
Los Angeles ca 90049-1680
t +1 310 440 7114
f +1 310 440 7717
Dr. Gregor J.M. Weber
Chief curator
Staatliche Museen Kassel
(Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister)
Postfach 410 420
d-34066 Kassel
t +49 561 3168 0112
f +49 561 3168 0111
Dr. Peter Wegmann
Museum Oskar Reinhart
am Stadtgarten
Stadthausstrasse 6
ch-8400 Winterthur
t +41 52 267 5172
f +41 52 267 6228
Dr. Dennis Weller
Curator of Northern
European art
North Carolina Museum of Art
4630 Mail Service Center
Raleigh nc 27699-4630
t +1 919 839 6262 X2128
f +1 919 733 8034
Dr. James A. Welu
Worcester Art Museum
55 Salisbury Street
Worcester ma 01609-3123
t +1 508 799 4406 x3023
f +1 508 798 5646
Dr. Matthias Weniger
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
Prinzregentenstrasse 3
d-80538 München
t +49 892 112 4246
f +49 892 112 4366
Mr. Robert M.G. Wenley
Curator of European art,
Glasgow Museums –
The Burell Collection
2060 Pollokshaws Road
Glasgow g43 1at
t +44 141 287 2563
f +44 141 287 2597
codart Courant 9/December 2004
Drs. Guido de Werd
Director of Museum
Kurhaus Kleve and
Städtisches Museum Haus
Museum Kurhaus Kleve
Tiergartenstrasse 41
d-47533 Kleve
t +49 2821 750 112
f +49 2821 750 111
Prof. Christopher White
Director emeritus of the
Ashmolean Museum
34 Kelly Street
London nw1 8ph
t +44 20 7485 9148
f +44 20 7428 9786
Ms. Gloria Williams
Norton Simon Museum
411 West Colorado
Pasadena ca 91105-1825
t +1 626 449 216
f +1 626 796 4978
Ms. Elisabeth Wyckoff
Associate curator of prints
and drawings
Davis Museum and
Cultural Center
Wellesley college, 106
Central Street
Wellesley ma 02181-8257
t +1 781 283 2175
f +1 781 283 2064
Dr. Christiane Wiebel
Curator of the printroom
Kunstsammlungen der
Veste Coburg
Veste Coburg
d-96450 Coburg
t +49 9561 87917
f +49 9561 87966
Dr. Paul Williamson fsa
Keeper of sculpture,
metalwork, ceramics and
The Victoria and Albert
Cromwell Road
London sw7 2rl
t +44 20 7942 2611
f +44 20 7942 2616
Ms. Barbara Wlodarska
Head of silver and metal
Muzeum Narodowe w
Gdańsku (National Museum
in Gdańsk)
ul. Torúnska 1
pl-80 822 Gdańsk
t +48 58 301 70 61 5
f +48 58 301 11 25
Ms. Grazyna Zinówko
Curator of Old Master
Muzeum Narodowe w
Gdańsku (National Museum
in Gdańsk)
ul. Torúnska 1
pl-80-822 Gdańsk
t +48 58 301 70 61 5
f +48 58 301 11 25
Dr. Hiltrud WestermannAngerhausen
Museum Schnütgen
Cäcilienstrasse 29
d-50667 Köln
t +49 221 2212 2310
f +49 221 2212 8489
Dr. Kurt Wettengl
Chief curator of paintings,
prints and drawings and
deputy director
Historisches Museum
Staalgasse 19
d-60311 Frankfurt am Main
t +49 69 2123 3814
f +49 69 2123 0702
Dr. Arthur K. Wheelock Jr
Curator of Northern
Baroque painting
National Gallery of Art
Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington dc 20565
t +1 202 842 6147
f +1 202 842 6933
Ms. Lucy Whitaker
Assistant to the surveyor of
the Queen’s pictures
Royal Collection
Stable Yard House, St.
James’s Palace
London sw1a 1jr
t +44 20 7930 4832 x4699
f +44 20 7839 8168
Dr. Alexander Wied
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Burgring 5a
a-1010 Wien
t +43 1 5253 4305
f +43 1 5252 4309
Dr. Elsbeth Wiemann
Curator for early German
and Netherlandish
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Postfach 104342
d-70038 Stuttgart
t +49 711 4704 0260
f +49 711 236 9983
Ms. Marjorie E. Wieseman
Curator of European
painting and sculpture
Cincinnati Art Museum
953 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati oh 45202
t +1 513 639 2915
f +1 513 639 2996
Ms. Joanna Winiewicz
Curator of paintings
Zamek Królewski na Wawelu
(Royal Castle on Wawel Hill)
Wawel 5
pl-31-001 Kraków
t +48 12 422 1950
f +48 12 422 1950
Dr. David de Witt
Bader curator of European
Agnes Etherington Art Centre
University Avenue at
Bader Lane
Queen’s University,
Ontario, Canada k7l 3n6
t +1 613 533 6000 x75100
f +1 613 533 6765
Mr. Hubert De Witte
Curator of Groep
Historische Musea
Stedelijke Musea Brugge
Dijver 12
b-8000 Bruges
t +32 50 44 8705
f +32 50 44 8737
Ms. Martha A. Wolff
Curator of European
painting before 1750
Art Institute of Chicago
111 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago il 60603-6110
t +1 312 443 3636
f +1 312 443 0753
Ms. Zora Wörgötter
Curator of Baroque art
Moravská Galerie (Moravian
Husova 18
cz-662 26 Brno
Czech Republic
t +420 542 321 100
f +420 532 196 181
Ms. Anne Woollett
Assistant curator of the
department of paintings
The J. Paul Getty Museum
1200 Getty Center Drive
Suite 1000
Los Angeles ca 90049
t +1 310 440 7172
f +1 310 440 7752
Ms. Helen Wüstefeld
Museum Catharijneconvent
Postbus 8518
nl-3503 rm Utrecht
The Netherlands
t +31 30 231 3835
f +31 30 231 7896
Ms. Maria Zagala
Assistant curator of prints
and drawings
National Gallery of Victoria
P.O. Box 7259
Melbourne 8004
t +61 3 9208 0289
f +61 3 9208 0460
Mr. Olivier Zeder
Musée Fabre de Montpellier
39 boulevard Bonne
f-34200 Montpellier
t +33 4 6714 8301
f +33 4 6766 0920
Mrs. Olena Victorivna
Head of department of
European art
Bogdan and Varvara
Khanenko Museum of Art
Tereshchenkivska St. 15-17
1004 Kiev
t +38 044 234 5334
f +38 044 235 0206
Dr. Antoni Ziemba
Chief curator of the foreign
painting gallery
Muzeum Narodowe w
Warszawie (National Museum
in Warsaw)
Aleje Jerozolimskie 3
pl-00-495 Warsaw
t +48 22 621 1031 ext. 278
f +48 22 622 8559
codart Courant 9/December 2004
codart dates
[3 March Opening tefaf, Maastricht].
6-8 March codart acht congress, Dutch and
Flemish art in Sweden.
21-26 September codart acht study trip to
Stockholm, Drottningholm, Skokloster, Uppsala,
Västerås and Strängnäs.
[9 March Opening tefaf, Maastricht].
12-14 March codart negen congress, Collections
in the Netherlands.
[8 March Opening tefaf, Maastricht].
11-13 March codart tien congress, Dutch and
Flemish art in France.
Preview of upcoming exhibitions and other
events January-June 2005
The calendar of exhibitions and other major
museum events on the codart website
contains dossiers on all past, current and
upcoming exhibitions, congresses and
symposia concerning Dutch and Flemish art
all over the world, extending as far into the
future as we have information. As you can see
in the list here below, 17 exhibitions on Dutch
and Flemish art at 16 different venues have
been announced by museums to open between
now and the beginning of June 2005 – the
planned date of publication of the next
codart Courant. More information on these
exhibitions is available on the codart
website, where you can also sign up for the free
notification service announcing opening and
closing dates of exhibitions ten days in
Please keep codart posted on upcoming
exhibitions and other events in your museum.
e-mail us at:
15 January-3 April Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640):
the drawings, Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York.
28 January-16 May Carel Fabritius (1622-1654):
das Werk, Staatliches Museum Schwerin,
30 January-1 May Rembrandt’s late religious
portraits, National Gallery of Art, Washington
4 February-14 May Cornelius Gysbrechts: a royal
painter of illusions, Mauritshuis, The Hague.
5 February-8 May Master of the Embroidered
Foliage, Minneapolis Institute of Arts,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
19 February-29 May Vincent van Gogh in Den
Haag (Vincent van Gogh in The Hague),
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague.
28 February-22 May Gerard ter Borch, Detroit
Institute of Art, Detroit, Michigan.
1 March-1 May Rubens, Jordaens en Van Dyck:
Flemish masterpieces, Arentshuis, Bruges.
11 March-19 June Piet Mondriaan, Albertina,
12 March-19 June Het Interbellum in de beeldende
kunst, vormgeving en mode (Art,design and
fashion in the inter-war years), Gemeentemuseum, The Hague.
13 March-3 May Rubens i Rembrandt, ich
poprzednicy i nastepcy: rysunki flamandzkie i
holenderskie xvi-xviii w. ze zbiorów polskich
(Rembrandt and Rubens, their predecessors and
successors: Dutch and Flemish drawings of the 15th18th centuries from Polish collections), Muzeum
Narodowe w Warszawie (National Museum in
Warsaw), Warsaw.
15 March-15 May Drawn by the brush: oil sketches
by Peter Paul Rubens, Berkeley Art Museum,
Berkeley, California.
18 March-31 July Romantiek in België (Romantic
art in Belgium), Koninklijke Musea voor Schone
Kunsten van België, Brussels.
25 March-26 March Conference Going Dutch:
Holland in America, 1609–2009, University of
Denver, Department of History, Denver,
18 April-19 June Time and transformation in
17th-century Dutch art, Frances Lehman Loeb
Art Center (Vassar College), Poughkeepsie,
New York.
21 April-18 August Pieter Claesz: Still lifes,
Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich.
30 April-10 July alc.ixh.xan: das Geheimnis
des Jan van Eyck: die Niederländische Kunst des 15.
Jahrhunderts in Dresden (alc.ixh.xan: the secret
of Jan van Eyck: Dutch 15th-century art in Dresden),
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden.