Untitled - University Of Chester
Untitled - University Of Chester
University of Chester The Corporate Communications Department welcomes enquiries from the media, seeking opinion, analysis and information from University of Chester staff. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise on a wide range of topics, from the mainstream and high profile to the obscure and highly specialised, the University’s academics and researchers can provide a valuable and reliable resource for informed comment. This Directory, while not exhaustive, is intended as a reference point, indicating some key individuals who may be experienced in liaising with the media, in addition to being ideally qualified to talk authoritatively about their particular field. How to contact the experts To arrange an interview or request further information, please contact the Corporate Communications Department: By phone: 01244 511450; 01244 511706; 01244 513335 By fax: 01244 511302 By email: j.dodgson@chester.ac.uk alex.williams@chester.ac.uk g.sproston@chester.ac.uk EXPERTS – BY DEPARTMENT OR FACULTY Art and Design Miss Maxine Bristow Textile practice; textile materials and processes in contemporary visual culture. Mr Steve Carrick Scripting interactive multimedia artworks; digital 3D modelling and animation. Mr Tim Daly Photography: materials and processes; digital printing. Dr Christopher Hart Advertising - brands, retailing, history; identity; Englishness; self and symbolism; historic vehicles. Ms Maggie Jackson Visual imagery in Dante’s Divine Comedy from the fourteenth century to the present; nineteenth-century Scandinavian painting and imagery of light; interdisciplinary images of the Lincolnshire landscape. Dr Cian Quayle Fine art practice and theory (especially contemporary photographic practice and Kurt Schwitter’s exile in England during the 1940s). Mr John Renshaw Pedagogy and practice in fine art, especially drawing; art education; interdisciplinary/ cross-curricular education in the arts; creativity. 1 Mr David Rutherford Advertising; visual communication; photography; mass media; visual presentation to convey information in advertising, corporate communications and news. Dr Jeremy Turner Sculpture as historical, technological and cultural interface; interdisciplinary images of the Lincolnshire landscape. Biological Sciences Professor Sarah Andrew Antibodies; immunology; molecular immunology; diet and cancer. Professor Graham Bonwick Toxicology; pesticides; food contaminants; food analysis; environmental contaminants; environmental analysis; stress biomarkers. Professor Cynthia Burek Conservation of the environment; sustainable development; geology; geodiversity; local geodiversity; Action Plans; Regionally Important geodiversity sites; women in the history of geology. Mr John Cartwright Human evolution; history of science; science and literature. Dr Alison Fletcher Primate behaviour and development; handedness in chimpanzees. Dr Lottie Hosie Amphibian behaviour; conservation. Dr Stephen Fôn Hughes Biomarkers and clinical outcome measures; leukocyte biology. Ms Juliet Leadbeater Bats and conservation. Dr Stephen Lewis Philosophy of medicine; evolutionary (Darwinian) medicine. Dr Ian McDowall Species differentiation using DNA; DNA fingerprinting. Dr Jon Power Bone biology, specifically osteoporotic bone loss using histological techniques; parasitology, especially nematode infections. Dr Tessa Smith Biochemical markers of animal behaviour; behaviour of captive animals; hormones. Professor John Williams Stress protein biology; bone pathology. Dr Philip Wood Food microbiology. Careers and Employability Mr Paul Gaunt Careers and employability; graduate employment. 2 Clinical Sciences and Nutrition Professor Lynne Kennedy Diet, nutrition and health; nutrition inequalities and food poverty; novel approaches to promoting nutrition and health; participatory action research methodology; qualitative inquiry; evaluation of interventions (behaviour change, health promotion approaches); evaluation of complex interventions; salutogenic/health assets approaches; obesity; food policy. Dr Sohail Mushtaq Nutritional biochemistry; micronutrient metabolism (vitamin D, iron, riboflavin); lipid metabolism; fatty acids. Ms Clare Wright Assessment and treatment of protein energy malnutrition in the clinical setting; weight control as a means of reducing breast cancer risk; nutritional management of cancer cachexia. Computer Science and Information Systems Mr Andy Davies Web technologies and front-end website development; interface design and humancomputer interaction; web-based video production and motion graphics; digital audio production; enhancing employability skills in higher education. Mr Adam Hughes Web technologies; social media; project management and student employment. Dr John Kerins Teaching of computing and information science; applied artificial intelligence; semantic modelling; information and knowledge management. Education and Children’s Services Professor Jeff Adams Creativity and democracy in education; contemporary arts in education; international perspectives on creativity; creativity in professional practices; professional development of teachers through the arts; using theory in educational research; documentary graphic novels and comics. Ms Frances Atherton Early years education. Professor David Cracknell/David Cumberland Academies programme. Mr John Duffty ICT in primary education; creativity in primary education. Dr James Holt Religious education in schools; religion in fantasy literature especially JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis; the role of faith in the public sphere. Professor Rob Hulme Education policy; inter-agency working (education, social work, health, police); teachers’ professional identities and cultures; international movement of ideas and practices/policy transfer in education and social policy. 3 Dr Jane McKay Education theory and education policy in relation to inclusive education; special educational needs and disability, children’s rights and participation in decisionmaking, vulnerable groups, such as children in care, young people who are excluded from education and young offenders; research methods. Professor Allan Owens International work; Drama in education and other professions, including health, business and justice; inter-cultural applications of drama; the use of drama across subjects and disciplines in higher education; teacher training. Mr Tony Pickford Primary education: geography; history; ICT. Ms Tricia Sterling Initial teacher training. English Dr Derek Alsop Rochester; Sterne; Handel; eighteenth-century music and literature; Beckett; Absurdism; twentieth-century music and literature; reader theory. Dr Graham Atkin Spenser; Shakespeare; philosophy, literature and friendship; emblems in literature. Dr Peter Blair South African literature. Dr Ashley Chantler Twentieth-century and contemporary literature; creative writing; modern textual editing; the films of Clint Eastwood. Dr Matt Davies Language and power; the stigmatisation of social groups in the news (e.g. migrants, trade unions); the power of opposites; historical roots and development of English; attitudes to English; corpus linguistics. Dr Melissa Fegan Irish literature (nineteenth and twentieth centuries); literary representations of the Great Famine; Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights. Dr Francesca Haig Contemporary historical fiction; Holocaust literature; confessional poetry; postapocalyptic fiction. Dr Sarah Heaton American literature and culture; nineteenth-century English literature and culture; clothes, fashion and fabric in literature. Dr Emma Rees Cultural representations of the female body (women) in literature, film and art (such as The Vagina Monologues); representations of Vietnam in film; representations of mental illness (‘madness’) in film. Dr Will Stephenson John Fowles; contemporary fiction; utopian/dystopian fiction; literature and addiction. Professor Chris Walsh Victorian and twentieth-century fiction and poetry; Robert Browning; Dickens; Tolkien. Professor Deborah Wynne English literature and culture (nineteenth century); Victorian popular culture; women’s writing. 4 Exercise and Nutrition Science Dr John Buckley Physical activity; exercise for health and rehabilitation. Dr Stephen Fallows Food and nutrition policy; nutritional awareness and behaviour. Professor Kevin Sykes Occupational health and fitness; community health; obesity; cardiac rehabilitation; international development. Geography and Development Studies Professor Roy Alexander Community carbon reduction; carbon footprinting; geo-ecology; vegetation analysis; GIS (geographic information systems); Spain Dr Rebecca Collins Sustainable consumption and production; cultural production of waste; youth cultures; material culture of the home and family Dr Martin Degg Natural hazard assessment and mitigation; natural disasters: earthquakes; volcanoes; geo-education and community outreach; Middle East; Latin America Dr Martin Evans Political events (particularly civil unrest or conflict) and economic issues in subSaharan Africa, particularly West Africa Professor Derek France Climate change; Fieldwork; Pedagogy; Mobile Technologies, Smart Devices; Digital Literacy Ms Gill Miller International development; development education; fair trade; world food issues; Millennium Development Goals Dr Graham Wilson Sea-level change, palaeoclimatology, long-term environmental change, limnology Health and Social Care Ms Ann Bryan Community and child health; “Every Child Matters” programmes; public health. Professor Helen Cooper Diabetes; patient education; interprofessional healthcare education; complexity science. Dr Jan Gidman Practice-based learning in nurse education. Dr June Keeling Violence against women. Professor Andy Lovell Self-injury and learning disability; learning disability and the criminal justice system. Professor Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead Social exclusion; stigma; vulnerable groups; teenage pregnancy; teenage parenthood; nurse recruitment; community nursing; stroke; violence experienced by health care workers; writing for nurses; gender and women’s issues. Dr Annette McIntosh-Scott Health and social care education. 5 Ms Andrea McLaughlin Midwifery education. Professor Mary Steen Midwifery; maternity care. Professor Michael Thomas Eating disorders; anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa; morbid obesity; mental health; health education policy. Ms Maureen Wilkins Post registration development in nursing. Mrs Louise Shorney Post qualifying health care education; postgraduate medical education; long term conditions; health care policy. History and Archaeology Dr Hannah Ewence Modern British-Jewish history; British immigration history and race relations; the modern history of the East End; the development of the British suburbs. Professor Peter Gaunt English Civil War; Oliver Cromwell; castles (eleventh to fifteenth centuries); Chester (history); Cheshire (history). Dr Donna Jackson Modern American history; American foreign policy; history of the Cold War era; American politics, Beatles heritage. Dr Keith McLay British and European warfare, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; contemporary British defence policy and strategic issues. Mr James Pardoe Heritage (historical aspects); country houses and literary tourism (with particular reference to Byron, Keats, Shelley, Scott and Wordsworth). Professor Graeme White English history from the Norman Conquest to Magna Carta; the medieval English landscape (especially field systems, settlements, castles, monasteries); the earldom of Chester, 1071-1232; history of the University of Chester. Professor Howard Williams Archaeology of death, burial and commemoration (mortuary archaeology); early Middle Ages, including the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Dr Katherine Wilson The late Medieval Burgundian Netherlands; Burgundian tapestries; luxury textiles of the later Middle Ages; the material culture of Burgundian Netherlands. Human Resource Management Services Miss Julie Mulliner Leadership; employee engagement. International Development Professor Kevin Sykes International development. 6 Modern Languages Dr James Clifford Kent Film studies; photography, documentary & Fine Art Photography; visual culture studies relating to contemporary Spain and Latin America; contemporary Cuban literature, Cuba, Havana, place and pace; spatialisation and psychogeography. Professor Claire Griffiths France in Africa; French-speaking African countries (especially Senegal and Gabon); development issues in French-speaking Africa; visual arts in francophone Africa; France and the Slave Trade; gender and development; interpreting and translation studies. Dr Mark Gant Nineteenth century Spanish politics; religion and fiction, particularly the works of Carlos Frontaura; protestant churches in Spain; contemporary Spanish culture and society. Ms Brenda Garvey Contemporary French and francophone; West African written and oral literatures. Ms Heidi Spring-Jones European studies; European cinema; German film. Law Ms Chantal Davies Discrimination; human rights; employment law; equal opportunities. Mr Phil Hunter Employment law, company law, Civil Justice System and law teaching. Mrs Wendy Steel EU law, IP & Company law; law and film. Learning and Information Services Mr Brian Fitzpatrick Library services; learning and information services; media services; e-books; student learning spaces. Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Ms Lynette Bailey University sector application trends (regional and national); demand for higher education; applicant demographics and attitudes; pre-HE/HE curriculum interface. Mr Ric Bengree University sector application trends (regional and national); demand for higher education; applicant demographics and attitudes. Ms Vicki Riley Progression routes (pre-HE education to university; workplace to university); pre-HE curriculum. Mr Sean Williamson Progression routes (pre-HE education to university; workplace to university); pre-HE curriculum. Mr Shai Vure Social media; digital marketing; new technology. 7 Mathematics Professor Christopher Baker Analysis and numerical analysis of functional differential equations; evolutionary problems with after-effect (including integro-differential equations and deterministic and stochastic delay-differential equations); applications and parameter estimation in models (eg cell proliferation); inverse problems; integral equations; numerical simulation in biomathematics; scientific computation and codes. Professor Neville Ford Numerical solution of functional differential equations (Volterra integral and integrodifferential equations, delay differential and integral equations, fractional differential equations); stability theory; qualitative behaviour of solutions; mathematical models in the biosciences. Dr Jason Roberts Numerical solution of functional differential equations (Volterra integral and integrodifferential equations, stochastic Volterra equations); stability theory; qualitative behaviour of solutions; computational mathematics. Dr Yubin Yan Numerical methods for nonlinear partial differential equations (deterministic and stochastic); numerical methods for Volterra integral and integro-differential equations; the finite element method; stability analysis and controllability for convection diffusion system; the Navier-Stokes equation. Media Dr Alec Charles New media; social media; media politics; reality television; journalism; science fiction film and television; horror cinema; Alfred Hitchcock; television; cinema; literature; cultural studies. Simon Gwyn Roberts News media and identity; the communication of place; Welsh news media. Ms Kate Sillitoe Visual communication; digital media; digital marketing; social media; mobile advertising; viral marketing. Performing Arts Mr David Bebbington Music; music theory; performance; voice and piano. Mr Ben Broughton Performance and new media technology; popular music; live performance; arts management. Ms Amanda Clarkson Arts education; dance pedagogy; community dance practice. Professor Peter Harrop Anthropological approaches to performance. Mrs Kaya Herstad Carney Popular music; songwriting; performance; "Vocology in Practise" (VIP) singing technique; singing for health benefits; performance anxiety; festival organisation and management. 8 Ms Evelyn Jamieson Dance performance; contemporary dance; choreographic processes; applied and community dance practice; dance and music devising; collaborative practice; movement for actors. Dr Dunja Njaradi Performance studies; anthropology of theatre and dance; contemporary dance. Professor Allan Owens Drama in education and other professions, including health, business and justice; inter-cultural applications of drama; the use of drama across subjects and disciplines in higher education; teacher training. Professor David Pattie Contemporary theatre; popular music; Samuel Beckett. Mrs Shelley Piasecka Drama pedagogy; theatre directing; contemporary performance practice. Miss Karen Quigley Theatre and performance studies; performance philosophy; theatre histories. Professor Darren Sproston Composition; contemporary music; Roberto Gerhard; minimalism (in music); musical analysis. Psychology Professor Mike Boulton Social relationships; psychosocial adjustment; aggression and bullying in children. Professor Ros Bramwell Reproductive health psychology; women’s experience of the menstrual cycle; giving birth in neonatal intensive care; breastfeeding; women’s views on their genital appearance and why they have surgery to change it; gender disappointment. Dr Janine Carroll Health psychology; coping with chronic pain; dementia. Dr Claudine Clucas The importance of respect in doctor-patient relations, including the consequences of such experiences for patient outcomes; psychosocial aspects of HIV/AIDS. Dr Margaret Cousins Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia. Dr Libby Damjanovic Face and voice recognition; emotion detection; cognitive processing in bilinguals. Dr Sean Dunkin The role of cognitive and social psychological factors on the development of Western thought and philosophy; internet psychology; animal behaviour. Ms Liane Hayes Cognitive and clinical psychological aspects of women’s reproductive health. Dr Peter Hayes Physiological responses to autobiographical memory recall; flashbulb memory; the development of learning materials. Mr Nick Hool Practice issues in cognitive and behavioural psychotherapies. 9 Dr Nick Hulbert-Williams Health psychology; stress and coping; cancer; cancer survivorship; psychosocial oncology; family caregiving; impact of illness on family/children; psychological interventions; psychological flexibility; cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT); mindfulness; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); Chair of the British Psychosocial Oncology Society (BPOS) and on a number of Department of Health and National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) committees and steering groups. Dr Moira Lafferty Applied sport psychology, elite junior and senior athletes, parents, coaches, psychological support. Dr Lindsay Murray Animal behaviour, especially primatology; personality psychology; self-awareness and Mirror Self-Recognition (MSR). Dr Jeremy Phillips The psychology of work and working; social psychology, particularly the psychology of attraction and love; forensic psychology, crime and criminal profiling. Dr Sam Roberts Effect of communication technology (eg mobile phones, Facebook) on social relationships; process of social relationship formation, maintenance and decay; evolutionary psychology. Dr Paul Rodway Hemispheric differences in emotional processing; laterality. Dr Astrid Schepman Psychology of language, particularly prosody and intonation. Dr David Scott Psychology of parenting; adult attachment; post-partum depression. Dr Michelle Tytherleigh Psychological wellbeing; occupational stress and work wellness; positive psychology, including happiness; emotional intelligence; and the effects of stress on the immune system (psychoneuroendocrinology). Dr Heather Wilkinson Long-term forgetting in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy; memory; cognition and emotion; mental health. Dr Liz Whelen Illness beliefs; quality of life in cardiac patients; pain research; psychological influences on food choice. Dr Mandy Yilmaz Parent-infant interactions and communication; early years development; crosscultural developmental psychology. Research and Knowledge Transfer Professor Neville Ford European Research Funding, how to apply and the selection process. 10 Social Studies and Counselling Dr Mark Bendall British and American politics, contemporary and twentieth century; ethical media (corporate social responsibility); corporations and crime; recorded crime; violent crime; gender discrimination; sexuality discrimination; celebrity; popular culture. Dr Peter Cox Cycling and society; sustainable transport; sustainable communities. Ms Meriel D’Artrey Political theory; political communication and marketing; political skills; political policy. Dr Jonathan Louth International relations; security (especially non-traditional security); political economy; Southeast Asia (especially Cambodia and Indonesia), ASEAN; complexity theory; resilience; Australian history and politics; compulsory voting; party politics. Dr Stuart McNab Counselling; counselling training; personal development groups. Dr Rita Mintz Counselling; counselling training; professional and ethical issues. Dr Cassandra A Ogden Sociology of health and illness and the body; chronic illness; disability welfare; disability and mobility; disability representation; body image; feminisms; methodology. Dr Alessandro Pratesi Sociology of emotions; families, relationships and intimacies; social care; ethics of care; telecare/assistive technologies; gender; identity; qualitative methods. Mr Joseph Rigby Social theory and philosophy, post-structuralism, political thought inspired by a reassessment of Marxism, post-Cartesian theories of political subjectivity, globalisation, politics of immigration. Professor Gordon Turnbull Psychological trauma. Dr Jo Turner History of crime and punishment from 19th Century onwards; convict transportation; penal servitude; female offending; petty offending and punishment. Sport and Community Engagement Ms Wendy Owen Women’s football. Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Daniel Bloyce Sport policy, London 2012 legacy policy, active travel, money in the lives of professional sports people. Professor Ken Green Physical education; young people, sport and leisure. Dr Kevin Lamb Exercise physiology; perceived exertion; assessment of physical activity; movement analysis. 11 Dr Nicola McWhannell Physical activity, bone health and body composition (pediatric and adult); physical activity, health and fitness interventions, school based interventions. Dr Carmel Triggs Applied sports psychology. Dr Craig Twist Exercise physiology; rugby league football (sports science aspects). Dr Paul Worsfold Sports biomechanics; sports engineering, equipment testing and development; performance analysis, GPS analysis. Student Support and Guidance The Rev Dr Lesley Cooke Student well-being; psychological health; student welfare; student funding; induction of new students; citizenship. Mr Mel Williams Student behaviour; student safety; liaison with the local community; professional suitability procedures. Theology and Religious Studies Dr Hannah Bacon Feminist theology and its engagement with Christian doctrine and orthodoxy; feminist theological approaches to secular dieting and weight-loss; Christian theology. Dr Chris Baker Public theology, urban theology, religion and public policy, religion and civil society, the postsecular city. Professor David Clough Christian ethics, especially as they concern war and peace; environmental ethics and animals. Dr Matthew A Collins The Dead Sea Scrolls; Old Testament/Hebrew Bible; Second Temple Judaism; ancient Near Eastern mythology; New Testament contexts; Bible and popular culture. Dr Wendy Dossett Japanese Buddhism; religious education; spirituality and addiction/alcoholism. Professor Fabrizio M Ferrari Hinduism; Indology; Tantra; myth; ritual; religious folklore; ritual healing. Dr Ben Fulford Christian doctrine; historical theology; systematic theology; the doctrine of the Trinity; the theology of Scripture. Professor Elaine Graham Urban theology; religion and public policy; religion, culture and gender. Dr James Holt Mormon beliefs, practice and theology. Professor William Kay Pentecostalism; twentieth-century church history; Christianity in the UK, religious education; modern church history; church schools; psychology of religious development; personality; empirical theology; sociology of religion. 12 Dr Steve Knowles Christian theology; religion and popular culture; spirituality and popular music; philosophy of religion. Dr Dawn Llewellyn Women in contemporary Christianity and post-Christianity; feminist theology and literature; motherhood and Christianity; third wave feminism (and its relationship to religion); feminist generations; spiritual reading practices. Dr Paul Middleton Martyrdom; Religion and Violence; New Testament and early Christianity; Jesus; Book of Revelation; Bible and sexuality. Dr Wayne Morris Christian theology; religion and popular culture; spirituality and popular music; philosophy of religion. Professor John Stoner Environment and human health. Dr Alana M Vincent Religion in public life, particularly issues of minority integration; modern Judaism; religion and visual art; religion and fantasy literature (particularly J R R Tolkien, C S Lewis, Lev Grossman, Michael Chabon). Professor Robert Warner Secularisation; the decline of religion in the West; the rise of fundamentalisms; the futures of Christianity; the rise of new spiritualities; women and religion; students and religion. University of Chester Business School Professor Phil Harris Political marketing; public affairs; China Business and Society, business markets; corporate reputation; regional economy and regeneration; international business and branding. Ms Helen Hayes Economic situation; finance; accountancy. Mr Andy Lilley Work based learning. Ms Dilys Leonard Business and life coaching. Dr Andy Lyon Tourism management. Mr Paul McKie Lateral thinking and problem solving; strategic analysis and planning; market research; diversification; entrepreneurialism. Mr Steve Page Cultural impact of ICT on the workforce; strategic management and exploitation of information and knowledge; e-commerce; creative thinking for managers. Dr David Perrin Higher education accreditation; accreditation of prior learning. Mr Colin Potts Tourism; destination development and management (former Head of Tourism in Chester and former President of the Tourism Management Institute). Dr Malcolm Rhodes Leadership; management. 13 Professor Caroline Rowland Performance management; organisational culture; strategy. Dr Simon M Smith International business; human resource management; organisational analysis; organisational behaviour; leadership and management; quality management; marketing; studies in higher education. Professor Peter Stokes Leadership and management development; business and marketing development; strategic innovation and creativity for business; business development in France. Dr Russell Warhurst Rail passenger transport; air transport (passenger and freight); cycle commuting; and transport and the environment. Dr Tony Wall Practical leadership; coaching; learning performance; high performance learning at work; mindfulness; neuro-linguistic programming (NLP); applied psychologies. Mr Paul Webb Marketing; organisational learning; international business; and e-learning and facilitating. Dr Jon Talbot Doctoral study for practitioners in work; town planning and urban regeneration; professional lifelong learning; and higher education policy and practice. 14 Directory of Experts 2010 A source of comment and information for journalists 1 University of Chester The Corporate Communications Department welcomes enquiries from the media, seeking opinion, analysis and information from University of Chester staff. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise on a wide range of topics, from the mainstream and high profile to the obscure and highly specialised, the University’s academics and researchers can provide a valuable and reliable resource for informed comment. This Directory, while not exhaustive, is intended as a reference point, indicating some key individuals who may be experienced in liaising with the media, in addition to being ideally qualified to talk authoritatively about their particular field. How to contact the experts To arrange an interview or request further information, please contact the Corporate Communications Department: By phone: 01244 511450; 01244 511706; 01244 513335 By fax: 01244 511302 By email: j.dodgson@chester.ac.uk alex.williams@chester.ac.uk g.sproston@chester.ac.uk EXPERTS – BY DEPARTMENT OR FACULTY Art and Design Ms Maxine Bristow Textile practice; textile materials and processes in contemporary visual culture Mr Steve Carrick Scripting interactive multimedia artworks; digital 3D modelling and animation Mr Tim Daly Photography: materials and processes; digital printing Dr Christopher Hart Advertising - brands, retailing, history; identity; Englishness; self and symbolism; historic vehicles Ms Maggie Jackson Visual imagery in Dante’s Divine Comedy from the 14th century to the present; 19th-century Scandinavian painting and imagery of light; interdisciplinary images of the Lincolnshire landscape Dr Cian Quayle Fine art practice and theory (especially contemporary photographic practice and Kurt Schwitter’s exile in England during the 1940s) Mr John Renshaw Pedagogy and practice in fine art, especially drawing; art education; interdisciplinary/crosscurricular education in the arts; creativity 1 Mr David Rutherford Advertising; visual communication; photography; mass media; visual presentation to convey information in advertising, corporate communications and news Dr Jeremy Turner Sculpture as historical, technological and cultural interface; interdisciplinary images of the Lincolnshire landscape Biological Sciences Professor Sarah Andrew Antibodies; immunology; molecular immunology; diet and cancer Professor Graham Bonwick Toxicology; pesticides; food contaminants; food analysis; environmental contaminants; environmental analysis; stress biomarkers Professor Cynthia Burek Conservation of the environment; sustainable development; geology; geodiversity; Local Geodiversity; Action Plans; Regionally Important Geological Sites; women in the history of geology Mr John Cartwright Human evolution; history of science; science and literature Dr Alison Fletcher Primate behaviour and development; handedness in chimpanzees Dr Lottie Hosie Amphibian behaviour; conservation Ms Juliet Leadbeater Bats and conservation Dr Stephen Lewis Philosophy of medicine; evolutionary (Darwinian) medicine Dr Ian McDowall Species differentiation using DNA; DNA fingerprinting Dr Sohail Mushtaq Nutritional biochemistry; lipid metabolism; micronutrients; fatty acids Dr Tessa Smith Biochemical markers of animal behaviour; behaviour of captive animals; hormones Dr Lynne Sneddon Animal welfare and behaviour; fish welfare; fish biology and behaviour Professor John Williams Stress protein biology; bone pathology Dr Philip Wood Food microbiology Business, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Professor Phil Harris Political marketing; public affairs; business markets; corporate reputation; regeneration; international business; business branding Ms Helen Hayes Economic situation; finance; accountancy Mr Andy Lyon Tourism management 2 Professor David Major Work related learning Mr Steve Page Cultural impact of ICT on the workforce; strategic management and exploitation of information & knowledge; e-commerce; creative thinking for managers Professor Tony Proctor Computer modelling and simulation of business processes; marketing decision support mechanisms; creative problem solving Dr Malcolm Rhodes Leadership; management Professor Caroline Rowland Performance management; organisational culture; strategy Mr Anthony Sturgess Operations management; management development Dr Russell Warhurst Rail passenger transport; air transport (passenger and freight); cycle commuting; transport and the environment Dr Paul Webb Marketing; organisational learning; international business; e-learning and facilitating Careers and Employability Mr Paul Gaunt Careers and employability; graduate employment Chaplaincy Revd Ian Arch Spiritual life of students; University’s engagement with faith groups and religion Computer Science and Information Systems Dr John Kerins Teaching of computing and information science; applied artificial intelligence; semantic modelling; information and knowledge management Mr Tony Scott Project management Clinical Sciences Dr Basma Ellahi Public health nutrition; ethnic diets; nutrition training Ms Christine Wolfendale Nutrition in cardiovascular and critical care Ms Claire Wright Nutritional support in cancer and the severely ill patient 3 Education and Children’s Services Ms Jaki Brien Teaching of reading, writing, speaking and listening; children’s literature; assessment in primary schools Professor David Cracknell Children’s services; “Every Child Matters” programmes; multi-professional working Mr John Duffty ICT in primary education; creativity in primary education Professor Rob Hulme Education policy; inter-agency working (education, social work, health, police); teachers’ professional identities and cultures; international movement of ideas and practices/policy transfer in education and social policy Professor Allan Owens Drama in education and other professions, including health, business and justice; intercultural applications of drama; the use of drama across subjects and disciplines in higher education; teacher training Mr Tony Pickford Primary education: geography; history; ICT Ms Anna Sutton Initial teacher training Dr Anne-Marie Wright Special educational needs; inclusion; teaching and learning English Dr Derek Alsop Rochester; Sterne; Handel; 18th-century music and literature; 20th-century music and literature Dr Graham Atkin Spenser; Shakespeare; philosophy, literature and friendship; emblems in literature Dr Peter Blair South African literature Dr Ashley Chantler 20th-century and contemporary literature; creative writing; modern textual editing; the films of Clint Eastwood Dr Melissa Fegan Irish literature (19th and 20th-centuries); literary representations of the Great Famine; Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights Dr Emma Rees Cultural representations of the female body (women) in literature, film and art (such as The Vagina Monologues); representations of Vietnam in film; representations of mental illness (“madness”) in film Dr Will Stephenson John Fowles; contemporary fiction; utopian/dystopian fiction; literature and addiction Professor Chris Walsh Victorian and 20th-century fiction and poetry; Robert Browning; Dickens; Tolkien 4 Dr Deborah Wynne English literature and culture (19th-century); Victorian popular culture; women’s writing Exercise and Nutrition Science Dr John Buckley Physical activity; exercise for health and rehabilitation Professor David Cotterrell Heart; cardiovascular system; exercise physiology Dr Stephen Fallows Food and nutrition policy; nutritional awareness and behaviour Professor Kevin Sykes Occupational health and fitness; community health; obesity; cardiac rehabilitation Geography and Development Studies Professor Roy Alexander Community carbon reduction; carbon footprinting; geo-ecology; vegetation analysis; GIS [geographic information systems]; Spain Dr Martin Degg Natural hazard assessment and mitigation; natural disasters: earthquakes; volcanoes; geoeducation and community outreach; Middle East; Latin America Professor Derek France Climate change; environmental change; pedagogy; fieldwork; Canada; Norway Ms Gill Miller International development; development education; fair trade; world food issues; Millennium Development Goals Health and Social Care Ms Ann Bryan Community and child health; “Every Child Matters” programmes; public health Ms Jan Gidman Practice-based learning in nurse education Dr Andy Lovell Self-injury and learning disability; learning disability and the criminal justice system Professor Tom Mason Nurse education (mental health aspects); forensic psychiatric issues relating to the management of violence and aggression; mentally disordered offenders; learning disabled offenders and secure service provision Professor Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead Social exclusion; stigma; vulnerable groups; teenage pregnancy; teenage parenthood; nurse recruitment; community nursing; stroke; violence experienced by health care workers; writing for nurses; gender and women’s issues Ms Jill McCarthy E-learning; nurse education; ethical issues in health care Dr Annette McIntosh Health and social care education Ms Andrea McLaughlin Midwifery education 5 Mrs Linda Meredith Nurse education (managing change) Dr Mary Steen Midwifery; maternity care Professor Michael Thomas Eating disorders; anorexia nervosa; bulimia nervosa; morbid obesity; mental health; health education policy Ms Maureen Wilkins Post Registration development in nursing History and Archaeology Professor Peter Gaunt English Civil War; Oliver Cromwell; castles (11th-15thcenturies); Chester (history); Cheshire (history) Dr Donna Jackson Modern American history; American politics Dr Keith McLay British and European warfare, 17th and 18th-centuries; contemporary British defence policy and strategic issues Mr James Pardoe Heritage (historical aspects) Professor Graeme White English history, Norman Conquest to Magna Carta; landscape history of Britain (especially field systems, settlements, castles, monasteries, roads); history of the University of Chester; history of Chester City Football Club; quality assurance in higher education Dr Howard Williams Archaeology of death, burial and commemoration (mortuary archaeology); early Middle Ages, including the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Languages Professor Claire Griffiths Contemporary France as a world power; Francophone Africa; African gender and development Ms Heidi Spring-Jones European studies; European cinema; German film Dr Debbie Wagener German reunification; East German women’s experience after reunification; computerassisted language learning and online communication Law Ms Chantal Davies Discrimination; human rights; employment law; equal opportunities Professor Roger Kay Family law; adult relationships 6 Learning and Information Services Mr Brian Fitzpatrick Library services; learning and information services; media services; e-books; student learning spaces Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Ms Lynette Bailey University sector application trends (regional and national); demand for higher education; applicant demographics and attitudes; pre-HE/HE curriculum interface Mr Ric Bengree University sector application trends (regional and national); demand for higher education; applicant demographics and attitudes Ms Vicki Riley Progression routes (pre-HE education to university; workplace to university); pre-HE curriculum Mr Sean Williamson Progression routes (pre-HE education to university; workplace to university); pre-HE curriculum Mathematics Professor Christopher Baker Analysis and numerical analysis of functional differential equations; evolutionary problems with after-effect (including integro-differential equations and deterministic and stochastic delay-differential equations); applications and parameter estimation in models (e.g. cell proliferation); inverse problems; integral equations; numerical simulation in biomathematics; scientific computation and codes Professor Neville Ford Numerical solution of functional differential equations (Volterra integral and integrodifferential equations, delay differential and integral equations, fractional differential equations); stability theory; qualitative behaviour of solutions; mathematical models in the biosciences Dr Pat Lumb Detection of small solutions to delay differential equations; parameter estimation in mathematical immunology; numerical approaches to forward-backward equations; modelling and computation of plant species interactions Dr Jason Roberts Numerical solution of functional differential equations (Volterra integral and integrodifferential equations, stochastic Volterra equations); stability theory; qualitative behaviour of solutions; computational mathematics Dr Yubin Yan Numerical methods for nonlinear partial differential equations (deterministic and stochastic); numerical methods for Volterra integral and integro-differential equations; the finite element method; stability analysis and controllability for convection diffusion system; the Navier-Stokes equation 7 Media Kate Sillitoe Visual communication; digital media; digital marketing; social media; mobile advertising; viral marketing Performing Arts Mr David Bebbington Music; performance; voice and piano Mr Ben Broughton Performance and new media technology; popular music; live performance; arts management Ms Amanda Clarkson Arts education; dance pedagogy; community dance practice Ms Mariella Greil Dance; collaborative intermedia performance; tableaux mouvantes; installations; sonic art Dr Peter Harrop Anthropological approaches to performance Professor Allan Owens Drama in education and other professions, including health, business and justice; intercultural applications of drama; the use of drama across subjects and disciplines in higher education; teacher training Professor Darren Sproston Composition; contemporary music; Roberto Gerhard; minimalism (in music); musical analysis Psychology Dr Mike Boulton Social relationships; psychosocial adjustment; aggression and bullying in children Professor Ros Bramwell Reproductive health psychology; women’s experience of the menstrual cycle; giving birth in neonatal intensive care; breastfeeding; women’s views on their genital appearance and why they have surgery to change it Dr Sean Dunkin The role of cognitive and social psychological factors on the development of Western thought and philosophy; internet psychology; animal behaviour Ms Liane Hayes Cognitive and clinical psychological aspects of women’s reproductive health Dr Peter Hayes Physiological responses to autobiographical memory recall; flashbulb memory; the development of learning materials Mr Nick Hool Practice issues in cognitive and behavioural psychotherapies Dr Nick Hulbert-Williams Health psychology; cancer; chronic illness; stress and coping; caregiving demands; psychological interventions for illness; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Dr Lindsay Murray Primatology (in particular personality, social behaviour; and self-recognition in chimpanzees and gorillas) 8 Dr Jeremy Phillips The psychology of work and working; social psychology, particularly the psychology of attraction and love; forensic psychology, crime and criminal profiling Professor Colleen Schaffner Conflict management, aggression and social relationships in wild and captive primates Dr Astrid Schepman Psychology of language, particularly prosody and intonation Dr David Scott Psychology of parenting; adult attachment; post-partum depression Dr Heather Taylor Neuropsychology of long-term memory processes, in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, amnesia and PTSD; post-traumatic stress disorder; trauma memory; abnormal psychology Ms Liz Whelen Illness beliefs; quality of life in cardiac patients; pain research; psychological influences on food choice Public Health Research Ms Catherine Perry Health research; social research; evaluation; obesity; “Sure Start” Children’s Centre programmes; organisation and delivery of primary care; nursing roles; sexual health Professor Miranda Thurston Research ethics; evaluating public health interventions; domestic abuse; physical activity and exercise; research methodology; children and young people’s health and well-being; healthy schools; obesity Social Studies and Counselling Dr Mark Bendall Ethical media (corporate social responsibility); corporations and crime; recorded crime; violent crime; gender discrimination; sexuality discrimination; celebrity; popular culture Dr Peter Cox Cycling and society; sustainable transport; sustainable communities Ms Meriel D’Artrey Corporate communications; reputation management; public relations and marketing communications Dr Stuart McNab Counselling; counselling training; personal development groups Dr Rita Mintz Counselling; counselling training; professional and ethical issues Dr Cassandra Ogden Sociology of health and illness; disability; inflammatory bowel disease; children coping with chronic illness Professor Gordon Turnbull Psychological trauma Sport and Exercise Sciences Professor Ken Green Physical education; young people, sport and leisure 9 Dr Kevin Lamb Exercise physiology; perceived exertion; assessment of physical activity; movement analysis Ms Wendy Owen Women’s football Dr Andy Smith Young people, sport and leisure; youth lifestyles; physical education; sport policy; disability sport Dr Carmel Triggs Applied sports psychology Dr Craig Twist Exercise physiology; Rugby League football (sports science aspects) Student Support and Guidance Mr Steve Clapham Student behaviour; student safety; liaison with the local community; professional suitability procedures Dr Lesley Cooke Student well-being; psychological health; student welfare; student funding; induction of new students; citizenship Ms Paula Harrison Student welfare; mental health; disability Theology and Religious Studies Dr Hannah Bacon Feminist theology and its engagement with Christian doctrine and orthodoxy; feminist theological approaches to secular dieting and weight-loss; Christian theology Dr Chris Baker Public theology, urban theology, religion and public policy, religion and civil society, the postsecular city Professor David Clough Christian ethics, especially as they concern war and peace, environmental ethics and animals Professor Celia Deane-Drummond Science and theology; ecotheology; bioethics; environmental ethics; animal theology and ethics Dr Wendy Dossett Japanese Buddhism; religious education Dr Fabrizio M Ferrari Hinduism; Tantra and Shaktism; mysticism; ritual theory; religious folklore and subaltern studies; critical theory Professor Elaine Graham Urban theology; religion and public policy; religion, culture and gender Professor Tom Greggs Inter-faith work between Muslims, Jews and Christians; religion and politics; Christian theology Dr Steve Knowles Christian theology; religion and popular culture; spirituality and popular music; philosophy of religion 10 Dr Paul Middleton Martyrdom; Religion and Violence; New Testament and Early Christianity; Jesus; Book of Revelation Dr Wayne Morris Christian theology; religion and popular culture; spirituality and popular music; philosophy of religion Professor Robert Warner Secularization; the decline of religion in the West; the rise of fundamentalisms; the futures of Christianity; the rise of new spiritualities; women and religion; students and religion 11 Contact Information: Department of Corporate Communications Tel: 01244 511450 Fax: 01244 511302 University of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester, CH1 4BJ Tel: 01244 511000 Fax: 01244 511300 www.chester.ac.uk 85