Messenger 6-09web:6-09 - St Andrew`s Episcopal Church


Messenger 6-09web:6-09 - St Andrew`s Episcopal Church
Growing Together in God’s Love
Rector’s Reflections
Annual Picnic
Come to our parish
picnic on June 14 at
10 am at the Surf
Club. See page 7 for
more details.
On June 21, we
begin our summer
worship schedule —
two Sunday services,
8:00 am & 9:15 am.
this Summer
Volunteers are
needed to provide
refreshments after
the 9:15 am services.
Starting June 21, we
will serve lemonade,
iced tea, and cookies
outside. Sign up at
church, or contact
Donna Johansen at
or 245-6729.
Suppers at the
Surf Club
Join us at 6 pm on
Wednesdays starting
July 1. See page 9.
On the Feast of Pentecost, May 31 at 5:00 pm,
we will have the Celebration of a New Ministry
with Bishop Drew Smith presiding at our formal
worship of “coming together” as a ministry
team, a team for whom we pray for God’s
blessing. As we continue to grow together as a
ministry team, it is important for us to explore
our baptismal covenant. In summary, the
baptismal covenant is to love God and to love
one another, as we love ourselves. By this, we
mean that God is our first priority and ourselves,
our families, and our neighbors are also our
priority, and God’s as well. It is imperative,
given the large size of St. Andrew’s that you
continue to add and even increase your significant ministry to mine. One person alone,
ordained or lay, could never fulfill the ministry
needs of church as active as St. Andrew’s. Your
time and talent and love are needed! This is
your calling through your baptismal covenant.
Your church needs you! Please answer this
prayerful petition to volunteer as a Sunday
School teacher (no formal theological training
is necessary and coaching and a curriculum are
available), or as a leader of Outreach, or as a
member of Building and Grounds, or to do the
bookkeeping for the Memorial Garden Committee, or to weed and maintain the Memorial
Garden itself, or any other host of ministries
available here. There are many places for your
time and talent to be used to the Glory of God.
Thank you for answering the call.
— Yours in Christ, Pastor Mary
St. Andrew’s Cares Day
Thanks for the help at St. Andrew’s Cares Day.
We made a difference in the life of an 88-yearold Madison resident. Angelina Oslander and
her daughter Betty were delighted to get some
help to clean up their yard. Thanks to Kristen
Garnett, WasteTech agreed continued on page 7
JUNE 2009
Worship with the 1928
Book of Common Prayer
Upon request, on Wednesday, June 3 at
9 am, we will celebrate Holy Eucharist using
the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Many of
our faithful grew up with and cherish the
1928 prayer book. Please join us as we
worship with it once again.
I spoke with the regular Wednesday
morning congregants and thereafter, we will
use Rite 1 in the current prayer book to
celebrate Holy Eucharist on the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday mornings at 9 am each month.
Rite 2 will be used on the other Wednesdays.
Yours in Christ, Pastor Mary
Celebration for David Mikus
On Sunday, June 7 after the 9:15 service, we
will gather to celebrate David Mikus’ 11 years
as the verger of St. Andrew’s Church. In honor
of this occasion, there will be a brunch-style
coffee hour. We invite you to contribute your
favorite fruit or baked good. In addition, there
will be a basket available for all who would like
to share any written or drawn good wishes or
memories with David. See “thank you” on page 5.
Nominees for Executive
Committee and Vestry
On Monday, May 11, the Vestry voted to
approve the calling of a special meeting of the
parish for the election of Wardens, Clerk and
Vestry members to fill the vacancies created by
the conclusion of the ministries of Susan Miller
as Senior Warden and William Crawford as
Junior Warden. The meeting will immediately
follow the 9:15 am worship on Sunday, June 7
in the Sanctuary.
continued on page 2
Our Mission — To deepen faith and transform the world as Christ calls us
through joyful worship, music, study, and service to others.
On Saturday, May 2, we had
20 parishioners, teenagers and
adults, confirmed and received
in the Episcopal Church at a
ceremony presided by Bishop
Andrew Smith at Holy Trinity
Church in Middletown.
Those confirmed were: Samantha
Albright, Caroline Garnett,
Samuel Hodgson, Melissa
Hoffman, Rachel Johansen,
Emily Karas, Marissa McCann,
Kelsey Page, Luke Scaros, Anne-Claire Merkle-Scotland, Dennis Stewart and Demi Zachos. Those who were received: Bill and Grace Crawford, Olivia
and Lee Scaros, Jean and Rob Card, Matt and Jen Parthasarthy. The teenagers, shown above, were honored at coffee hour on May 3.
J2A Class Confirmed
The Journey to Adulthood (J2A) class
completed their two-year curriculum
recently. The J2A curriculum is explores
the excitement, challenges and growing
pains of the teen years.
Our 9th and 10th graders finished
this two-year program in grand style on
May 2 with Confirmation by Bishop
Smith at Holy Trinity Church in Middletown and on May 3 at St. Andrew’s during the 9:15 service and at a reception
in their honor.
Special kudos go to our Attendance
• Overall Attendance 2 years, 2007-09:
Demi Zachos (No. 1)
Dennis Stewart (No. 2)
• Attendance Year 1, 2008-09:
Caroline Garnett, Marisa McCann,
Demi Zachos
• Attendance Year 2, 2008-09:
Anne-Claire Merkle-Scotland and
Demi Zachos (No. 1, tied)
Luke Scaros (No. 2)
• 30 Plus Club:
Caroline Garnett, Marisa McCann,
Anne-Claire Merkle-Scotland, Luke
Scaros, Dennis Stewart, Demi Zachos
Not content to say good-bye, the
class has challenged the teachers to a
kickball game. The teachers have
accepted, but WE NEED HELP! The
game will take place at the annual
church picnic on June 14. Any parent
or other adult (especially if you played
varsity kickball in high school) is more
than welcome to play for us (for the
— Bob DiBiccaro, Jenny Coniff,
Wendy Flanders
Last Chance to Sign Up for Theater Camps
Our first camp, for kids entering
Grades 1-5, is called “David and the
Rock Slinger.” This camp runs July 6-10
with a performance on Friday, July 10 at
7:00 pm. “Broadway Bistro,” our second
camp, is for kids entering Grades 6-12.
This camp runs July 13-17 with a dinner
theatre performance on Saturday, July 18;
dinner at 6:00, performance at 7:00 pm.
“Hula Hoops and Halos,” our third camp,
will give the kids entering Grades 6-12
a chance to perform a fun and hilarious
musical comedy with great 50’s style
music, poodle skirts and saddle shoes.
This camp runs July 20-24 with a performance on Friday, July 24 at 7:00 pm.
All campers need to bring a bag lunch
and snack daily. The morning session
begins at 9:00 am at St. Andrew’s Church.
Lunch will be at 12:00. Then each afternoon will feature an exciting field trip.
The fee for each camp is $225 per
week — including all field trips! We offer
a 10% discount to anyone signing up
for more than one week (or more than
one child). Our camps are geared to be
noncompetitive. EVERY child will have
a speaking role, lots to do and a chance
to shine — GUARANTEED! Registration
forms are in the church office or on our
web site at
Scholarships are available for those in
need. Contact us at 245-2584 for details.
If you have any questions, send an
e-mail to
— Joy Weaver
Moms’ Groups Meet
“Oh God help me get through this!”
Jen Conroy, mother of Sarah and
Billy, has launched a moms’ prayer
group. The group will meet on
Mondays, 12 noon to 1 pm, at Jen’s
home, 53 Liberty Street in Madison.
This group is for parishioners and
any interested non-parishioner of all
ages interested in coming together to
pray for each others’ children and
for one another. All are welcome!
For those who are not available
during the day, Judy Albright will
host an evening meeting, in a similar
format, on Tuesday nights. For more
information, please send an e-mail
to Judy at
Nominees for Executive
Committee and Vestry
continued from page 1
Those nominated are Robert Card, Sr.
Warden; Matt Parthasarthy, Jr. Warden;
and Olivia Scaros, Clerk. To fill the
Vestry vacancies, it is Robert Stimpson
to take Matt’s term on the Vestry and
Jenny Gerst to take Olivia’s term on the
Vestry. All have said that if elected,
they will serve God to the best of their
ability beginning June 16.
Let us pray for these individuals and
for St. Andrew’s in this time of lay
leadership transition.
JUNE 2009
Church School and Youth Group Activities
■ Nursery
The nursery officially closes for the
academic year on June 7. Childcare will
not be available at the installation of Pastor Mary on May 31. Thank you Jordan
Mattei for another year of great service!
■ Confirmation Celebration
Congratulations to Sam Albright,
Caroline Garnett, Sam Hodgson, Melissa
Hoffman, Rachel Johansen, Emily Karas,
Marisa McCann, Kelsey Page, Luke Scaros,
Anne-Claire Merkle-Scotland, Dennis
Stewart and Demi Zachos who were
confirmed by Bishop Andrew Smith on
Saturday, May 2 at Holy Trinity in
Middletown. Thanks to Bob DiBiccaro
and Wendy Flanders for journeying with
our youth for the past four years, their
teaching and leadership will be greatly
missed. Thanks to Jenny Coniff and
Laurie Page for their help the past two
years with this group. (See photo on page 2.)
■ Church School
Is God calling you? Recruitment for
new teachers is in full swing. Two teams
of teachers (often couples, but not necessarily) teach each class and rotate
Sundays so there is some flexibility with
family schedules. Current openings in
the younger grades include our Pre-K
group of 3 and 4 year olds (two teachers
needed), and someone to rotate with
Florie and Patches Earle in the 4th grade/
5th grade group.
Rite 13 (6th and 7th grade) and J2A
(8th and 9th grade) teachers are needed.
Our longtime teachers in the J2A program are moving on to other ministries,
and there is a wonderful opportunity for
interested adults who enjoy the energy
of our younger high school students.
Teaching is part of our baptismal call
— to share the good news with others.
Ideally, the commitment with older kids
is two years. This gives both the teachers
and young people plenty of time to get
to know one another and become very
familiar with the curriculum.
Please remember that training and
lots of encouragement are provided.
Teacher meetings are held throughout
the year and offer opportunities for discussion, support, ideas and fellowship.
OMG! More church school for the
JUNE 2009
big kids? There is some interest among
the recently confirmed in continuing
with a church school type program such
as what has been offered to previous J2A
students. The J2A grads would be combined with the current YAC group led by
Mary Merkle, Judy Albright, and possibly
an additional adult. If you are interested
in participating either as a young person
or as an adult leader, please send an
e-mail to Mary at
■ Youth Group / H.O.M.E.
• The pancake breakfast brought in
a little over $700, and it is a blessing
that money continues to dribble in.
Thanks to individual parishioners for
their contributions and for attending
the pancake breakfast. Thanks to all of
the teenagers who served and poured,
flipped and bussed tables. Enormous
thanks are due Dick Johansen and
Glenn Stewart for chairing this event,
for shopping and flipping, cajoling and
inspiring, and to the other H.O.M.E.
chaperones — Donna Johansen, Rich
Fisler, Ben Hoffman, and David Mikus.
• My ears are still ringing! Friday,
May 15, over 150 high school students
and adults from Clinton and Madison
rocked the house at Band Night! Special
thanks to the grandparents of Hannah
Morgan who donated the sound equipment. More than $1,300 was raised
and seven bands played, among them
our very own Matt Gregory.
• Special thanks to Dick Johansen
and Rich Fisler for their trip to Maine in
early May. Some 700+ miles later, we
have a much clearer picture of what is
really needed at H.O.M.E. This year, our
plan is to complete construction of a
single-family dwelling. A wish list of
building supplies and other items that
are needed at H.O.M.E. is pending.
— Mary Merkle-Scotland
Car Wash on June 7
A Car Wash Fundraiser for the
H.O.M.E. Mission Trip will be
held Saturday, June 7, 1-4 pm at the
Sunoco-Madison Service Station in
downtown Madison. Bring your cars!
Vacation Bible School
Offers New Options
VBS will run June 29-July 3, 9 am
to 12 noon. The cost is $55 and
scholarships are available. At press
time, only a few spaces remain!
Many thanks to Florie Earle for
managing registrations.
Special this summer — Nikki
Downes has offered her choreography,
dancing, singing skills and bright
smile to enhance our VBS mornings.
Want to climb on board? VBS
promises to be a great week! Send an
e-mail to if you
want to be a crew leader, crew helper,
snazzy snack specialist, or an adult
program leader in charge of games,
drama, or crafts.
■ New VBS Program for
5th and 6th Graders
Taking a concept from our new
president — a sort of “Yes, I can!”
focus with kids — we will learn and
implement specific skills each day,
such as found object sculpture,
gardening on parish grounds, film/
video, woodworking, etc. The 5th
and 6th graders in this group will
enjoy their own separate track for
VBS. Each day will have its own focus.
Kids in this group will learn the
songs/dances with everyone else at
our morning meeting and then go off
on their own. They will reconnect with
the larger group for snack and then
complete their morning with their
skill leader and VBS crew leaders.
They will reconvene with the rest of
the VBS crowd for our end of morning gathering.
If you have a specific skill that you
would like to share for a morning
with this age group (or know someone who might be a great fit) —
whether it is building model rockets,
constructing a garden bench or
wiring a circuit — please see me.
There is an additional supply fee
of $35 for the 5th/6th grade “Yes, I
can!” program.
For more information, please send
an e-mail to
— Mary Merkle-Scotland
Preschool News
Thank you to the entire St. Andrew’s
community for a fabulous year! Your
support of St. Andrew’s Preschool is
invaluable and tremendously worthwhile.
Thanks to your commitment to early
childhood education, we offered programs to 79+ students from Killingworth,
Clinton, Madison and Guilford.
Let’s keep it going! Registration will
continue throughout the summer for
fall programs — and we are promoting
our Twos program. Contact Leah Ann
Portley for information at 245-1308.
The summer camp schedule is shown
below. Please tell your friends! All our
camps are Monday through Friday from
9 am - 12 noon. The cost is $110 and
includes a snack and all materials. Forms
can be found in the Church School hallway on the table near the stairs.
June 15-19
• Entering Pre-K and
July 6-10
• Ages 3-5
July 13-17
• Ages 3-5
• Entering Pre-K through
2nd grade
July 20-24
• Ages 3-5
• Entering Pre-K through
2nd grade
July 27-31
• Ages 3-5
August 3-7
• Ages 3-5
August 10-14 • Ages 3-5
Peace, Leah Ann
Photos for Celebration
The fall Celebration Dinner usually
includes a digital slide show of the
year’s events at St. Andrew’s. You are
encouraged to submit digital photos.
Activities may include: worship services, musical performances, Spaghetti
Supper/Auction, H.O.M.E. mission
trip, newcomer events, summer theater
camps, rectory renovation, and other
events. For details about how to
submit photos, please contact John
Fuller at
Team Uganda: Updates, Changes, & Looking Ahead
■ Chicks
Thank you for another successful
“Chicks For U…ganda” program at
St. Andrew’s. Through your love and
generosity at Easter and additional funds
from Outreach, we were able to send the
Chain Foundation Orphanage a substantial purse for replenishing their livestock
needs. We sent over $1,600! This is a
great source of protein for the children’s
diets, as well as a method of helping
them learn valuable farming skills.
■ Web Site & Bulletin Board
Be sure to go to the St. Andrew’s web
site when you get a free moment and
check out the new updates for the
Uganda Mission portion. Thank you,
Terry Sinclair! And, next time you are in
Farmer Hall, stop by the Team Uganda
bulletin board to see a letter of thanks
from Retired Archbishop Livingstone
Nkoyoyo for the gift of 10 Braille
machines! The machines are making a
difference in the lives of the blind
children at Chain.
■ Cathy
One of the
four orphans
we support,
Cathy, has
been working
very hard at
school and
recently was
able to pass
exams that qualified her for boarding
school! This was no easy feat for her to
achieve, and she has not taken the assistance of St. Andrew’s for granted for one
moment. Cathy knows that studying
hard and excelling in school is her chance
for a successful future. Thank you for
helping her to strive to be her best and
giving her hope for a bright future.
■ Calling a New Chairperson
for Team Uganda
Team Uganda is looking for a new
person to chair our committee. Could
God be calling you to this exciting role?
Being the chair of this dedicated group
does not necessarily mean you have to go
to Uganda! There is plenty of work to
do right here. But, it is always an option!
Requirements would be running a
monthly meeting with a fun group and
being part of a dedicated team helping
to keep our global mission at St. Andrew’s
moving forward and on track. Please
call Martha Hoffman at 245-3932 to
learn about this rewarding opportunity.
Memorial Service
■ Charlotte Gleason
A memorial service and reception
was held at St. Andrew’s on May 2
to celebrate the life of Charlotte
Gleason, mother of Chris Abbott.
In addition to Chris, she is survived
by a son, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Charlotte was a
faithful parishioner for 10 years after
she moved to Madison full time.
Her family had a beach house here
for many years. She was highly active
in the art world and was admired for
her engaging spirit.
Past Members
■ Bonnie Brink
A private funeral was held May 12 at
St. Andrew’s, followed by interment
in the Memorial Garden. Bonnie
was predeceased by her husband,
John. She moved away from Madison
following his passing in 2004.
■ Carol Frierson
A service was held at a funeral home,
followed by burial in West Cemetery
on May 10. Carol faithfully attended
St. Andrew’s for years and sat with
her dear lady friends. She was active
at the Thrift Shoppe and in ECW.
■ Mary Fried
An interment took place in the
Memorial Garden on May 18 for
Mary Fried, who passed away at the
age of 101. Mary moved to Southbury in 2007 after worshiping at
St. Andrew’s for many years. She is
survived by a daughter, a son, and
JUNE 2009
Many “Thank You’s” for Extraordinary Service
■ David Mikus
On behalf of the Wardens, Vestry, and
Congregation of St. Andrew's Church,
we are so very grateful for all your hard
work and dedication as the Verger of our
church. Your sacrifice and time away
from family for these 11 years has been
amazing. You have trained countless
acolytes, chalicists and readers and
assisted at numerous weddings and
funerals. Thank you, David, for all you
have done. You are another example of
someone bearing much fruit in our
community. See announcement on page 1.
■ Susan Miller
On behalf of the Executive Committee
and Vestry and, indeed the entire
congregation, thank you Susan for your
exemplary leadership of the Vestry
through your terms as Junior and Senior
Warden. It is never easy taking a
congregation from one rector, through a
search process, and then transitioning to
a new rector. I can say wholeheartedly,
that you have done it with grace, prayer,
and faith, and have done a tremendous
ministry on behalf of the Body of Christ
as lived out at St. Andrew’s. Susan is a
wonderful example of someone who has
answered God’s call to serve the Body of
Christ at St. Andrew’s. Thank you so
very much. Well done good and faithful
servant. Get some good rest and have
fun with your husband and family!
■ Bill Crawford
Thank you to Bill Crawford who is
finishing up his term as Junior Warden
as of June 15. St. Andrew’s has been
blessed by your leadership, especially with
regard to Stewardship, Living the Good
News Bible Study on Sunday mornings,
Buildings and Grounds (water testing),
and your communication skills with
e-News. You served the parish during an
interim which can be very difficult and
you rose to the occasion with wisdom
and a gentle approach. May God bless
you and your family, especially your wife,
Grace, for allowing you to give so much
to the Body of Christ at St. Andrew’s.
■ Martha Hoffman
Three years ago, Martha Hoffman was
blessed with a deep desire and calling
JUNE 2009
from God to help those less fortunate in
Uganda. She shared that passion with
the parish and since has traveled to
Uganda twice to determine the level of
need and ensure the safe transmission
of funds there. After much sacrifice,
Martha has indicated that it is time for
her to step down as the Chair of Team
Uganda. Her passion and dedication to
the mission in Uganda will march on
(thanks be to God), but she will defer to
the call of another to handle the leadership of Team Uganda. We give much
thanks to Martha for her faithfulness
and steadfastness in helping those less
fortunate than ourselves. Martha is a
wonderful example of answering a call
to minister to our neighbors in need, in
this case, our neighbors oversees.
■ Roger Chapman
Thank you so very much, Roger, for
having your crew of exceptionally professional men excavate and install the
drainage to help prevent the flooding of
Farmer Hall and to help with the landscaping at the rectory. Over the last
30 years, you and your wife, Vi, have
done so much for St. Andrew’s and it is
very much appreciated. You are both
examples of those who have answered
the call to serve the Body of Christ at
St. Andrew’s. Thank you!
■ Welcoming Commission
Thanks to the Welcoming Commission for organizing two special events in
May. Jane Leake, Rosie Price, Priscilla
Rensis, Leslie Bullock, Grace Crawford,
and Martha Stewart “catered” an afternoon tea and a dinner for newcomers to
the church. Staff members, wardens,
and commission chairs also attended to
provide information about the ministries
of St. Andrew’s. We were glad to have
Debbie Ferrigno, Meg and Molly Sawyer,
Sharon and Sharon Service, Gina Kolstad,
Kim Hodgson, and Tom, Neera, Denali
and Zarya Dahl join us for fellowship.
We hope that anyone who was not able
to attend this “Life at St. Andrew’s”
series will join us the next time we run
the program.
Open Door, Open Phone,
Open E-Mail —
Open Communication
Dear Parishioners of St. Andrew’s,
With a parish the size of
St. Andrew’s, it can sometimes be
hard to know if you hear the right
information. Numerous rumors have
made it to my desk in the 14 weeks
that I have been here. The two that I
heard recently: that I am closing
Serendipity (NOT TRUE — BRING
MORE GOODIES!) and that I have
canceled fundraisers (NOT TRUE —
Please know
that my door is
always open for
you to ask
questions and
confirm what
you have heard. My phone number is
245-2584, ext.1, and my e-mail is Please help
keep everyone informed in an open
way that brings us together and
ultimately gives Glory to God.
Yours in Christ, Pastor Mary
New Septic System
As was shared with you in the last
newsletter, we had an unexpected failure
of the church’s septic system this spring.
The final cost to repair it and secure a
pump was approximately $11,500. This
was unbudgeted and unplanned for the
operating expenses for 2009. Some
people are surprised to learn that
St. Andrew’s pays its bills just like you
do at home, paying our bills based upon
the income from our family (all of us).
St. Andrew’s does not receive funding
from the National Church or from the
Diocese of Connecticut. What we give
to St. Andrew’s pays for everything from
sewer repair, to Sunday School, to
Outreach, to worship. St. Andrew’s is a
community of generous people. Anything you can do to help cover that cost
is greatly appreciated.
Serendipity always is stocked with quality merchandise
Thank you to all those who brought a
“Birthday Present” to Serendipity’s 3rd
Birthday Party in May. The items were
quickly priced at the store and promptly
put out on the floor for sale.
Now, just for fun, consider the following shopping scenario: As you enter the
store (most likely after having breakfast
or lunch at Nick’s Restaurant), you will
notice how the first half of the store
displays furniture, glassware, dishware,
and home decorative items. Our own
in-house interior decorators somehow
Meals on Wheels
Needs More Drivers
If you are available on Monday mornings, please consider volunteering to
drive for Meals on Wheels. St. Andrew’s
provides two drivers every Monday
(except holidays), and we always look
for more helpers. Some people drive
once a month, others once every three
months, and some just in the summer.
It takes about 90 minutes to deliver
approximately a dozen meals.
Meals are picked up at the Clinton
Town Hall, 54 East Main Street, between
10:30 and 11:00 am. There are two
coolers: one with a hot lunch, and one
that contains milk, bread, and dessert.
Madison has two routes, and although
suggested driving routes are provided, it
is very helpful to carry a map of Madison
in your car to check out the route before
you start. There is often a new name or
two on the list, but those who drive for
Meals on Wheels regularly come to know
the recipients on their route. The seniors
receiving the meals are always appreciative and happy to see a friendly face, and
some are quite talkative. After delivering
the meals, you return the coolers to
Clinton Town Hall, where you can fill in
a mileage reimbursement form, available
on a table next to the coolers.
We are grateful to those who participate in this valuable neighbor-to-neighbor
community service, and we encourage
others to give it a try. Please call Martha
Stewart at 245-3220 if you would like
information or want to sign up to help.
find the room to display all of these
items in small group settings. We carry
everything from small end tables to
living room sets; from patio tables to
dining room chairs.
Walk past the sales desk on your left
and you enter the clothing department.
“rounders,” “four-ways,” and “double
hung bars” are just shop terms for various
racks on which clothing is displayed.
Note the way all clothes are nearly-new
and nicely hung on uniform hangers.
Continue to the rear of the sales floor
and you will see the shoe department to
the left, the handbag rack straight ahead,
and two dressing rooms to the right. Oh,
and be sure to notice the 75% off shelves
holding the current week’s specials.
Our Fundraisers
Some people may be wondering about
the annual plant and shrub sale at
St. Andrew’s. Because the front lawn has
been torn up and re-seeded as a result of
the septic system project, some fundraisers
that may have been done at St. Andrew’s
cannot be held here. For example, we
strongly encourage St. Andrew’s parishioners to frequent the fundraiser at
Hammonasset State Park now. One of
our faithful and long-time parishioners,
Don Rankin, is a primary organizer for
the fundraiser there. Even though we
cannot have the fund-raiser here at
St. Andrew’s, we can support the fundraiser that Hammonasset is having. Plus,
the price of these shrubs and flowers is
extraordinarily low! Thank you for your
ministry, Don. You are another example
of a faithful person answering God’s
call to serve the community.
I am having a dialogue with the
Outreach Committee and Vestry regarding establishing a more detailed policy
for fundraisers. Currently, it is the policy
that all fundraisers must be pre-approved
by the Vestry. That current policy is still
in operation, and nothing has changed
in terms of fundraisers at St. Andrew’s.
Please know that I am always open to
input and feedback as to fundraisers in
general, and any topic, actually.
Yours in Christ, Pastor Mary
Lastly, the room in the back of the
store is where we want you to visit the
most. Cleverly called “The Back Room,”
this is where we accept donations at any
time the store is open. Bring us your
clothing, furniture and seasonal items.
Pricing teams will mark them and
quickly get them out for sale. Visit the
Back Room often! Keep our volunteers
busy! And, don’t forget to pick up your
Tax Deduction Slip for your donations
at the desk on your way out.
Our shoppers compliment us often as to how
nice the store looks. It’s
only because we have such
generous donors like yourselves who keep us stocked
with quality merchandise.
Next month, I’ll
explain how to save 20%,
40% and 60% each week that
you come in to shop. Stay tuned, and
I’ll see you in The Back Room!
— Sue Morriss
The Way of St. James
Beginning June 15, Stephen Rawlings,
son of Nick and Joan Rawlings, will walk
approximately 250 miles of the ancient
Way of St. James pilgrimage in Spain.
The destination of the pilgrimage is the
Cathedral of Santiago, which was built
upon the remains of the apostle James.
The route to Santiago has been a
pilgrimage since the early 9th century
and was, in medieval times, revered as
one of the three great pilgrimages (the
others being the Holy Land and St. Peter’s
in Rome). Stephen, who is finishing the
second year of an MD/PhD program at
New York University, will be officially
commissioned on June 7 by the Church
of the Good Shepherd in New York City.
He will begin the trip on the French
side of the Pyrenees in the small town of
St. Jean Pied-de-Port and pass through
the towns of Pamplona, Burgos, and
Sarria before reaching Santiago. Each
night, pilgrims stay in refugios
(dormitory-style old monasteries) or
pilgrim churches, many of which date to
the 14th century or earlier.
JUNE 2009
Parish Picnic set for June 14
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Join us on Sunday, June 14 at the Surf Club in Madison (weather
permitting). We will have an outdoor church service at 10:00 am,
followed by our annual church picnic. What a great way to start
your day with a service at our beautiful town beach — plus food,
fellowship and fun to follow! We will provide hamburgers, hotdogs,
chicken, and all of the fixings. If your last name begins with A-M —
please bring a dessert to feed 10-12; and if you’re N-Z — please bring
a salad to feed 10-12. Feel free to bring your own place setting
Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 10:00 am
(we're trying to do our part to be eco- friendly!) We are asking
at the Madison Surf Club
for a $10 donation per family to help defray the cost of the picnic.
Please detach the ticket at the right and present it at the gate to
Present this ticket at the gate
the Surf Club. This secures your admission to this wonderful event,
for free admission
even if you do not have a Town of Madison Beach Pass.
Please arrive prior to 10:00 to give yourself time to set up your
chairs, drop off your food contribution, and settle in for the service.
During the service, we will recognize graduating seniors.
In addition, J2A grads have challenged their church school teachers to a kickball game. Sneakers recommended!
Parish Picnic
Serendipitous Encounter and Outreach Help Literacy Volunteers
Serendipity, our thrift store, is aptly
named. The definition of serendipity is
the ability to make desirable discoveries
by accident. Recently, the Outreach Fund
presented a check for $1500 to Literacy
Volunteers of Valley Shore based on a
serendipitous encounter! A Serendipity
customer discussed with Mary Ellen
Jewett, Director of Literacy Volunteers,
all of the good work done by St. Andrew’s
St. Andrew’s Cares Day
continued from page 1
to provide the dumpster and charge us
only for the weight of the rubbish.
Thanks to Don Rankin, Metal Management provided another dumpster at no
charge in exchange for the metal we
packed in it. Guilford Rental gave a
discount on the loading machine. Jean
Card arranged for a donation of sandwiches from Madison Subway, and the
rest of lunch was provided by generous
parishioners, as was much of the funding
that we needed. This was a good way for
St. Andrew’s to work locally and handson. We’ll get together for another project in the fall. (See photos on page 8.)
— Glenn Stewart
JUNE 2009
Outreach. After their conversation, Mary
Ellen submitted a request of St. Andrew’s.
Literacy Volunteers is a non-profit
organization that helps individuals learn,
read, write or speak English. Through a
dedicated volunteer staff, Literacy
Volunteers serves eleven shoreline towns,
including Madison. Most referrals come
from past students, libraries, school
systems or employers. Volunteers and
students work together for a one-year
commitment, but the relationship often
grows. Recently a volunteer was assisting a student with the mortgage process.
This is truly teaching a man to fish!
Literacy Volunteers is accredited by
ProLiteracy America and has been operating for 26 years. In 2007, they helped
197 students through their network of
over 200 volunteers. Literacy Volunteers
has multiple funding sources, such as
the United Way. However, funding
sources require standards-based outcomes
on the reading intervention.
Literacy Volunteers made a request of
St. Andrew’s Outreach to purchase a
nationally recognized outcome-based testing format called CASAS. With the purchase of this program, they can continue
their work and remain in good standing
with their many funding resources.
Literacy Volunteers always looks for
assistance. You can volunteer to help a
student, or you can go to their book sale
located at their office at 25 Middlesex
Turnpike #2 in Essex. Also, they need
books for the book sale.
Serendipitous indeed! Please remember all of the outreach that Serendipity
can provide through its funds. Come in
and volunteer to staff the store, shop or
bring in items for sale.
— Jean Card
Spirit Choir News
I just want to say a big “THANK
YOU” to all of you who participated
in Spirit Choir this year. It was great
fun exploring our faith through music
with you. I hope to see all of you
back in September when we resume.
I will send out e-mails to keep you
updated on the start of our next
choir season. If you do not currently
receive Spirit Choir e-mail messages,
contact me at
or call me at 230-8264, and I will add
you to my list. We always welcome
new members to both the Spirit Choir
and Chancel Choir.
— Joy Weaver
12 noon - 1 pm
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
8:00, 9:15, 11:00 am
Holy Eucharist
1-4 pm H.O.M.E. Trip
Car Wash (see page 3)
9:00 pm Compline Service
12 noon - 1 pm
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
8:00 am Holy Eucharist at
St. Andrew’s
10 am service at Surf Club
followed by Parish Picnic
9:00 pm Compline Service
Preschool Camps
begin (see page 4)
12 noon - 1 pm
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
8:00, 9:15,
Holy Eucharist
12 noon - 1 pm
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
9:00 pm Compline Service
8:00, 9:15,
Holy Eucharist
9:00 pm Compline Service
9:00 am - noon
Vacation Bible
School, all week
(see page 3)
2 0 0 9
9:00 am
Holy Eucharist
using the 1928 Book
of Common Prayer
5:15 pm — Spirit Choir
7:00 pm — Chancel Choir
9:00 am
Holy Eucharist
9:00 am
Holy Eucharist
9:00 am
Holy Eucharist
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
Moms’ Group
(see page 2)
• July 1 — Wednesday Night Suppers at the Surf Club begin
• Throughout July — Preschool Camps (see page 4)
• 3 weeks in July — Theater Camps (see page 2)
• July 26 - August 1 — H.O.M.E. Mission Trip to Maine
St. Andrew’s Cares Day
Parishioners from St. Andrew’s made a difference in the life of an 88-yearold Madison resident by cleaning up her yard. See the complete article
beginning on page 1.
JUNE 2009
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
232 Durham Road, Madison, Connecticut 06443
Telephone: (203) 245-2584 • Fax: (203) 245-2601
Web site:
Parish Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm
The Parish Staff
Parish Administrator
Preschool Director
Director of Children’s and
Youth Ministry
Organist & Chancel Choir Director
Director of Spirit Choir & Musicals
Sexton and Verger
The Parish Vestry
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Clerk of the Vestry
Summertime Service Schedule
On June 21, we begin our summer worship schedule — we will
have two Sunday services, 8:00 am and 9:15 am.
Wednesday Night Suppers at Surf Club
Mary A. Canavan
Barbara Gibbons
Leah Ann Portley
Mary Merkle-Scotland
Mark Sullivan
Joy Weaver
Jim Olden
David Mikus
Susan Miller
Bill Crawford
Bill Downes
Rob Card
Charles Albright, Sandra Butler, Rich Fisler, Geoff Gregory,
Matt Parthasarthy, Olivia Scaros, Terry Sinclair,
Martha Stewart, Maggie Walden
Back by popular demand, the Wednesday night picnics at the
Surf Club will start on July 1 at 6:00 pm. Simply pack up the family
and your cooler with your favorite picnic (including drinks) and
join friends from St. Andrew’s at the Point. The whole idea is to
make it simple and stress free, bring fixings for the grill, sandwiches
from Bradley & Wall, or pick up a pizza. It’s BYO everything!
No need for a beach pass after 5:30 pm. So join us on Wednesday
evenings throughout the summer. Any questions, please call
Donna Johansen at 245-6729.
THE MESSENGER is a monthly newsletter of St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church. Contributions are always welcome. The
deadline is the 15th of the preceding month. Please send an
e-mail to All articles may be
edited for space, style, and content.
Editor: Denise Forrest
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
232 Durham Road
Madison, Connecticut 06443
Permit No. 45
Madison, CT 06443
Pastor Mary Canavan
Parish Office: (203) 245-2584
JUNE 2009
Editor: Denise Forrest