February 2016
February 2016
The Cross & Flame “Where the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit converge to change hearts and lives.” Monthly Newsletter of The United Methodist Church, Branford PRAYER “Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” – Romans 12:12 In This Issue: From Pastor Kent Worship Stewards B-Days & Anniversaries Happenings Advisories Sewing for God Men’s Breakfast United Methodist Women Learn & Play Special Messages February Calendar Just For Kids Upcoming Events So Much More….. 1 2 3 3-4 5 6 6 6 7 8-9 10 11 12 Fall/Winter Worship Schedule Services are at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM every Sunday morning. Church Office Hours The Church Office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Next Cross & Flame Deadline February 15 for March issue to get the Cross & Flame out on time. Romans 12:12 is one of the first Bible passages I memorized by my own choice. In its simplicity it really encourages me to have a more complete perspective on my relationship with the Lord. I will confess that historically my prayer time quickly got to the “I need” stage. But this verse encourages me to start with celebration. I make a conscious choice to thank God and celebrate the hope that I see around me and in the world. I also need the middle part of this verse. So often when I see a need I want to fix it by doing something. I quickly want to become active and involved. This verse reminds me to “wait upon the Lord.” When I am patient I can see the real need and quite often I can join the Lord in the solution which He is already working out. And then there is that word “constant.” My prayer life needs to be continuous, not momentary or sporadic. How is your prayer life? Have you spent time working on your relationship with the Lord to find a deeper connection? I encourage you to memorize this verse and claim its truth for your life today. And speaking of prayer … it is good for brothers & sisters in Christ to join together. Please mark your calendars and plan to regularly attend one of our monthly prayer meetings either on the 2nd Monday of each month at 2 PM or on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. Blessings, Pastor Kent Weekly Sermons Now On Our Website Thanks to the technology expertise of Roger Gagné and Bud Cochran, you can go to UMC’s website to see Pastor Kent’s weekly sermons. Check out the videos on www.umcbranford.org - follow the link. Keeping God’s Time – Worship Stewards February 2016 Sanctuary Steward: Heather Mazzucco (Early Worship Stewards Listed in Italics) February 7__Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Transfiguration Sunday 9 & 10:30 am February 21-Second Sunday in Lent 9 & 10:30 am Call to Worship: (Anne Jackson) Diane Komp Lay Readers: (Daniel Gagné) Earl Lind Greeters: (Adam Jackson) Rosemary Luzzi Ushers: (Daniel Gagné) Adam Jackson, Don Robinson Acolyte: Haley Mazzucco Prayer Partners: Ken Schneider Don Robinson Flowers: To the Glory of God Fellowship Hosts: (Ruby Lawrence) Diane & Bob Nerkowski, Gus VanDerMaelen Call to Worship: (Emily Mazzucco) Bill Beagle Lay Readers: (Haley Mazzucco) Linda Beagle Communion Servers: (Laurie Gagné) Jean & Bob Massage Greeters: (Molly Mazzucco) Larry Appleton Ushers: (Adam Jackson) Molly Mazzucco, Benjamin Mazzucco Acolyte: Hannah Jackson Prayer Partners: Ken Schneider Ro Robinson Flowers: To the Glory of God Fellowship Hosts: (Ruby Lawrence) Souper Bowl Luncheon February 28-Third Sunday in Lent 9 & 10:30 am Call to Worship: (Laurie Gagné) Anne Jackson Lay Readers: (Anne Jackson) Rosemary Luzzi Greeters: (Janet Viets) Don Robinson Ushers: (Rosemary Luzzi) Cyrus Kapadia, Larry Appleton Acolyte: Emily Mazzucco Prayer Partners: Ken Schneider Linda Beagle Flowers: To the Glory of God Fellowship Hosts: (Ruby Lawrence) Michelle Ritter February 14-First Sunday in Lent 9 & 10:30 am Call to Worship: (Ken Schneider) Mike Cartwright Lay Readers: (Ruby Lawrence) Lori Cartwright Greeters: (Rosemary Luzzi) Pam Johnson Ushers: (Laurie Gagné) M.E. Solomon, Monya Zurkus Acolyte: William Gagné Prayer Partners: Ken Schneider M.E. Solomon Flowers: To the Glory of God Fellowship Hosts: (Ruby Lawrence) Doris Handy Lectionary Readings: During 2016 we will not be printing the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. Instead, you may ask for a copy of the One Year Chronological Bible. The weekly sermons will be based on these readings. We have copies available in 3 translations. Please let us know if you would prefer The New International Version, The New Living Translation or the New King James Version. A donation of $15 per copy is appreciated. The Cross & Flame Published 11 times a year by The United Methodist Church, Branford, 811 East Main Street, Branford, Connecticut 06405, (203) 488-0549, umcbranford@snet.net, Pastor: Rev. Kent Fredric Jackson. Deadline for copy: The fifteenth day of the month prior to publication. Brenda Prunty, Editor, reserves the right to edit for content and space. ©2016 UMC, Branford. 2 2016 DISTRICT RESOURCE DAYS Jennifer Sygiel 1 Sam Appleton 3 Jim Lee 3 Len Dunican 6 Rick Gregoire 8 Dick Robinson 13 Maurine Cornelius 15 Joan Dunican 15 Lori Cartwright 16 Raymond Nickou 17 Charlotte Rispoli 18 Madelyn Caruso 19 Pam Johnson 19 Paige Machnicz 20 Anne Carpenter-Smith 23 Heather Mazzucco 25 Ruth Moon Hannah Jackson Kaylee Roberts Jean Sunny Gabriel Maggay Helen Werns Judy Loukides Sean Deveau Joan Gerlach Erin Marszalek Julie Guckin June Ann Greeley Sterwin Maggay David Simon Madison Ballard Bob Nerkowski Kylie James Ginny Busca Aubrey Simon All lay people and clergy are invited and encouraged to attend. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2016-WESTPORT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2 TO 4:45 PM and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2016-WOODBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9 TO 11:45 AM 1 2 2 2 3 8 9 13 13 14 20 21 21 21 25 26 28 30 30 WORKSHOPS: Role of the Trustees Staff Parish Relations Committee “Who, What, When & How of Prayer” Disaster Preparedness Church Finances Facebook in Ministry Church Finances Telling Our Stories Worship Design Older Adult Ministries Conversations With Your Muslim Neighbor Technology In Worship Godly Play-Guiding Children in Worship Immigration SPECIAL DATES John & Carolyn Flynn 13 Ro & Dick Robinson 19 Charlie & Pat Steeves 27 John & Connie Nickou 26 3 Transfiguration of Our Lord February 7, 2016 Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016 First Sunday in Lent February 14, 2016 Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2016 President’s Day February 15, 2016 Second Sunday in Lent February 21, 2016 Third Sunday in Lent February 28, 2016 The season of preparation for Easter comes early this year. The 40 days of Lent begin Wednesday, February 10th. Everyone is encouraged to set aside a time for worship on ASH WEDNESDAY at 12 noon or 7 pm. Both services at UMC, Branford will include an opportunity to receive ashes as a sign of repentance. The evening service will also double as the opening session for our LENTEN BIBLE STUDY, “When God’s People Pray.” This 6-session study by Jim Cymbala, Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, will guide us through a discussion of the transforming power of prayer. We are initiating a monthly youth night for the purpose of fun & fellowship. All youth from our church (6th-12th grade) are encouraged to attend and bring their friends. We will meet in the church basement from 7-9:30 PM. Snacks will be provided. Air Hockey and Foosball will be available for the first gathering and we’ll add other activities in the future. We plan to begin each evening with a light supper at 6 pm and the study time concluding no later than 8 pm. Child care will be provided. We will have 2 signup sheets available, one to register your intention to participate and the other to volunteer to prepare one of our meals. (All expenses will be reimbursed.) If anyone would like to donate a flat screen television, DVD player, ping pong table, etc. we would be happy to accept your donations. The Movie RISEN (PG-13) is being released in midFebruary and we would like to make it a church event. We plan to view the movie at Regal Cinema in Branford and come back to the church for discussion and pizza. We will purchase group tickets for about $10 each. Those who would like an evening showing are invited to sign up for Friday, February 19th. Movie time 7:15 pm. A daytime showing is scheduled for Saturday, February 20th. Movie time 2:00 pm. Please sign-up in Connector Hall so we know how many tickets to order. 4 Would you like to learn more about United Methodist beliefs? Are you interested in how United Methodists are organized? As we roll into 2016, the 50th Anniversary of our Church is scheduled for the first weekend in October. The planning committee already has been at work, and we have a role for you to play now. Have you thought about becoming a member of UMC, Branford? This is another reminder that we are looking for photographs of YOU from 50 years ago. This will obviously leave out our younger members...but don’t feel bad, there will be more later. If you answered, “Yes” to any of these questions, then the Pastor’s “Inquirer’s Class” is for you. I encourage our current members as well as those who have recently begun attending UMC, Branford to consider attending the upcoming Inquirer’s Class. If you’re willing to share a photo of you from 1966, please put your name on the back (or a post it note) and add any information you’d like to include. Then put it in an envelope and drop it off at the office or give it to M.E. Solomon, Dick Robinson, Ken Schneider or Jan Viets. All photos will be returned. I will set meeting dates based upon the schedules of those who are interested in attending. Please call the church office and let us know of your interest. Pastor Kent If you have any memories, recollections or short stories about our church, you can also include them. If you’d like to be on the planning committee, please talk to Ro Robinson. Thanks! M.E. LOOKING FOR YOUR TABS !! NEXT FILLUP DATE IS: March 31st Collecting pop tabs is a fun and easy way to support the Ronald McDonald House New Haven. All of the money is used for the Ronald McDonald Houses to support families staying there while their children are undergoing medical treatment . It’s easy! All you need to do is remove the pop tab from each can before you put the can in your recycle bin. It’s fun! You can involve community groups and your family in supporting the cause without a lot of effort. Check all your cans for tabs, they add up quickly. Put a small jar on your counter and you will be surprised how fast is will fill up. 5 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN February 7th - SOUPER BOWL SUPPER 11:30 – 2:00pm or until we run out SEWING FOR GOD Will resume gathering on the 2 & 4th Wednesday starting in March. nd Our goal is to fill our shelves with more quilts than fabric. For those who need our comfort through the layers of fabric stitched together with love and God’s prayers. If you know of someone who needs a quilt, please let me know. NOTE: If you would like to get together on a Wednesday afternoon if I’m available, we can SEW, just give me a call. Rosemary 203-589-1620 It’s that time again. Our Annual Souper Bowl Supper will be held immediately after the 10:30 service. Assorted soups / breads will be available. The public is invited to attend to help support our women’s shelters as all proceeds will be split between them. $5 Donation requested. VOLUNTEERS needed to make soup & provide bread. Signup sheet is located on the connector hall table. UMW Announces the 2016 Programs February 7th MEN’S BREAKFAST Our monthly Men’s Breakfasts group will meet on February 20 at 8:00 AM. After a time of good food and fellowship we will view one of Pastor Rob Bell’s Nooma videos. All men of our church are encouraged to put this date on their calendars and to invite friends to join them each month. March 4th March TBA April 20th May 18th June 6-13th July/August Sept 21st October 19th Nov 16th Dec 5-12th Souper Bowl Sunday - Fund Raiser for Local Women’s Shelters World Day of Prayer – St. Mary’s Church Fudge Fund Raiser for “Kimberly” “Days for Girls” Program “Becoming a Woman of ?” – Mini Bible Study Annual Summer Luncheon – LaLuna No Meeting Pot Luck Dinner – “Becoming a Woman of ?” – Mini Bible Study Afternoon at the Movies “Becoming a Woman who loves” – Mini Bible Study Annual Winter Luncheon – LaLuna Meetings will be held in the small conference room from 1pm to 3pm unless otherwise noted. January through March, we’ll meet on a Sunday after services, dates to be announced. 6 Learn & Play News Learn & Play’s annual Soup-er bowl collection will be taking place the week of February 15th. Our goal is to collect 100 cans of soup for our UMCB food closet. Sport activities are planned for Friday, February 5th as well as a “wear your favorite sport shirt” day. Go team Learn & Play! During the month of February we will be talking about Nursery Rhymes. Our Bible theme will be the Parables of Jesus. We will talk about the Sower and the Seed, the Good Samaritan, the two builders and the Lost Coin. The faith point that we will emphasis this month is that Jesus’ stories teach us about God’s love. February will be a busy month as we will also touch on Ground Hog Day and Valentine’s Day. Children have really enjoyed our January theme of arctic and Jonah and the big fish. We have painted with ice, made “snow”, played penguin bean bag toss, had a whale made from a tablecloth in dramatic play, had floating boats in the water table along with a milk jug whale and “Jonah”, learned how penguins stay warm with an ice and “blubber” experiment and sorted and counted “snowballs” by size. Learn & Play will be out and about on two road trips this month. We will be participating in two preschool information events. The first one will be held at the Guilford Library on Friday, February 5th from 10:30-12 noon. The second one will held at the Trinity Church in Branford and sponsored by the Willoughby Wallace Library and Branford Early Childhood Council on Saturday, February 27th from 10am-12 noon. If you know of anyone that may be looking for childcare, refer them to one of these events for more information. Looking ahead…………save the date!!! Learn & Play and UMCB will team up to offer a joint Easter Egg Hunt and Resurrection Egg story on Saturday, March 12th. Watch for details and more information in next month’s Cross & Flame. Robin Costa 7 Message From Don Robinson Feeling lonely on a hot summer’s night in July, sitting on the banks of Young’s Pond in Branford, I wrote the following. I would like to share it with you this wintery month. Listen To and Hear the Warm! The fickle moon looked down the shadowed earth, a lone bright lantern hanging in the sky. While in the pond another moon was mirrored in the water and was suspended between the two, free from the restraints of earth while yet a stranger to the sky. I watched a traveling cloud erase the moon above and tremble in the darkness until it reappeared, and I saw the ruffled waters shatter the reflection on the surface of the pond while golden pieces danced and danced upon the ripples. Image was restored as the wind vanished in the night. Even as faith is sometimes dimmed by life’s shadow and shattered by life’s storms and restored when the winds subside—faith intercedes and takes over with our awesome God leading the way. I never felt so close to God as I did that night. If you are feeling down just call out for God and He’ll come. God surely will bless you. Don Robinson 8 Nursing Home Ministry Don Robinson is dedicated to providing this important ministry. He visits a number of nursing homes and would LOVE to have others join this ministry. He would be happy to talk with anyone interested and help them get started. Call Don at 203-488-6111 or see him in church. On Valentine’s Day, we remember that God is the source of all love in the world. His perfect love for us has made all human love possible. 9 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 10a Monday Morning Quarterbacking 7p Power of Praise 10a L&P Chapel 10:30a Prayer Shawl Ministry 6p Monday Study: The War Room 7:30p AA Meeting Thursday 4 Friday Saturday 5 6 7p Al-Anon 7p AA Meeting 7p Church Council 7:30p Choir Rehearsal 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9a Early Worship 10a Monday Morning Quarterbacking 7:30p AA Meeting ASH WEDNESDAY 7p Al-Anon 7p Jubal’s Latte 7p AA Meeting 10:30a Worship 11:30a Souper 2p Prayer Meeting Bowl Supper 7:30p Choir Rehearsal 10a L&P Chapel 10:30a Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:30 Devotional Bible Study-Shoreline Cafe 12p Worship 7p Worship 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9a Early Worship PRESIDENTS DAY Church Office Closed 7p Power of Praise 10a L&P Chapel 10:30a Prayer Shawl Ministry 5:30 L&P Board 7:15 Movie: ”Risen” 8a Men’s Breakfast 10:30a Worship 7:30p AA Meeting 10a Monday Morning Quarterbacking 7p Al-Anon 2p Movie: ”Risen” 6p Lenten Dinner/Study 7:30 Devotional Bible Study-Shoreline Cafe 7p Trustees 7p AA Meeting 7:30p Choir Rehearsal 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9a Early Worship 10a Monday Morning Quarterbacking 7p Prayer Meeting 10a L&P Chapel 7p Faithful Stewards 6p Community Dinner 7p AA Meeting 10:30a Prayer Shawl 7p Al-Anon 10:30a Worship 7:30p AA Meeting 7:30p Choir Rehearsal 28 29 9a Early Worship 10a Monday Morning Quarterbacking Ministry 7:30 Devotional Bible Study-Shoreline 6p Lenten Dinner/Study Cafe 10:30a Worship 7:30p Choir Rehearsal 10 7p Youth Night JUST FOR KIDS 11 The United Methodist Church, Branford 811 East Main Street Branford, CT 06405 203.488.0549 203.488.9952 Fax umcbranford@snet.net www.umcbranford.org 6 1 0 ry 2 a u r Feb Upcoming Events - February February 12 February 26 Jubal’s Latte Open Mike Community Dinner Committee & Board Meetings February 3—Church Council February 15—Trustees February 18—L&P Board February 25—Faithful Stewards Regular Groups Tuesdays 7:30 pm—AA Wednesdays 10:30 am—Prayer Shawl Ministry 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 4pm—Sewing for God Resumes in March Thursdays 7:30 pm – Al Anon (7:00 pm new attendees) Saturdays 7 pm – AA 12