issue/04 - Style Lovely
issue/04 - Style Lovely
issue/04 — winter 2014/15 2. lovely the mag issue 04 3. lovely the mag issue 04 4. lovely the mag issue 04 5. lovely the mag issue 04 6. lovely the mag issue 04 7. lovely the mag issue 04 8. lovely the mag issue 04 9. lovely the mag issue 04 # 04/ winter 2014 editor in chief creative directors art director Antonio Mañas Luciana Mazza & Chalo Bonifacino Cooke Pablo Abad advertisement published by StyleLovely Web S.L. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of LOVELY magazine and its staff. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. 12. 24. editorial 01/ editorial 02/ editorial 03/ /Entropy. I fell in love before and he walked through the door. by Albert Ruso /Mia. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears. by Nacho Ricci /Colorful. Am I ready, can my heart be true? by Alberto Van Stokkum 48. 52. cover/ 62. close up/ /Gemelas Cuesta. The twins of the odd. by Mónica Parga /Relax baby. Le clan le clan la cagoule, relax baby be cool. by Jose Luis Beneyto /Close up by Dior photo by Jose Luis Beneyto 66. 70. interview/ Copyright © 2014 StyleLovely. All rights reserved. 10. staff 36. still life/ streetstyle/ /Just Lovely by Luciano Insua by Fernando Mañas cover: photography: Jose Luis Beneyto styling: Eva Barrallo make-up: Junior Cedeño for Dior hair: Leo Pereira photography assistant: Simone Gallucci model: Vika @Traffic Barcelona coat: Dior Thanks to Bad Ass Estudio lovely the mag issue 04 11. índice lovely the mag issue 04 01/ /Entropy. I fell in love before and he walked through the door. photography ⁄ Albert Ruso styling ⁄ Yvonne Granada 12. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 13. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 13 Roll-neck Jersey — Gerard Darel Top — Martin Lamothe Coat — Miriam Ponsa pag. 14/15 Shirt — Gerard Darel Roll-neck — Txell Miras Dress — Angel Schlesser Coat — Cos Shoes — Nike pag. 16/17 Roll-neck Jersey — & Other Stories Top — & Other Stories co-lab. Lykke Li Trousers — Martin Lamothe Coat — Angel Schlesser pag. 18 Jumpsuit and Shirt — Ailanto Shoes — Nike 14. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 15. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 16. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 17. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 18. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 19. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 20. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 21. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 19/20 Shirt — Martin Lamothe Jumpsuit — Miriam Ponsa Trousers — Moises Nieto Shoes — Adidas Originals pag. 22 Body — The Nude Label Trousers — Angel Schlesser Blazer — & Other Stories co-lab. Lykke pag. 21 Roll-neck Jersey — Cos Skirt — Miriam Ponsa pag. 23 Coat and Shirt — Cos Sunglasses — Vava 22. editorial ¶ model: Ira Romanova @UNO ¶ make-up & hair: Dani Moon ( by Givenchy & Schwarzkopf Professional ¶ photography assistant: Laura Lobera lovely the mag issue 04 23. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 02/ /Mia. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears. photography ⁄ Nacho Ricci styling ⁄ Nicole Segal 24. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 25. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 24/25/26 Jacket — Dubié Earrings — Julio Toledo pag. 28/29/30 Top & trousers — Tupa Shoes — Adidas Earrings — Julio Toledo pag. 31 Total look — Dubié Earrings — Julio Toledo Boots — Stylist own 26. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 27. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 28. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 29. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 30. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 31. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 32 Total look — Jorge Tailoring Earrings — Julio Toledo Boots — Stylist own pag. 33 Total look — Dubié Earrings — Julio Toledo pag. 34/35 Total look — Tupa Earrings — Julio Toledo Boots — Stylist own ¶ model: Mia Quinn @LO Models Management ¶ hair: Emanuel for Estudio Correa ¶ make-up: Eli Heros 32. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 33. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 34. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 35. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 03/ /Colorful. Am I ready, can my heart be true? photography ⁄ Alberto Van Stokkum styling ⁄ Julia Gándara 36. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 37. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 37 Sweater — Mané Mané Sunglasses — Italia Independent pag. 38/39 Sweater & Coat — Benetton Short Pants — Closed Sunglasses — Andy Wolf Necklace — Daniel Havillio Pantys — Calzedonia pag. 40/41 Sweater — Mané Mané Skirt — Koka Earring: Sandra Palomar Bracelet — Andrés Gallardo Pantys — H&M Shoes — Bohoo pag. 42 Long Sweater & Top — Bohoo Trousers — Moises Nieto Necklace — Andres Gallardo Sunglasses — ERDEM by Linda Farrow Shoes — K-Swiss 38. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 39. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 40. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 41. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 42. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 43. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 44. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 45. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 43 Coat — Amaya Arzuaga Blouse — Benetton Pantys — H&M Shoes — Amaya Arzuaga 46. editorial lovely the mag issue 04 47. pag. 46 Coat — Benetton Blouse & Skirt — Yono Taola Body — Wooodford Necklace — Andre Gallardo Pantys — H&M pag. 44/45 Bomber jacket — Bohoo Body — Madrubb Skirt — Amaya Arzuaga Earring — Andrés Gallardo Bag — Andrés Gallardo pag. 47 Bomber jacket — Moises Nieto Croptop — Miranda x Lidya Delgado Sunglasses — DeLarge Skirt — Mané Mané editorial lovely the mag ¶ model: Poli @TREND ¶ hair: Ricardo Calero for Chanel (Talents) ¶ make-up: Ricardo Calero for Chanel issue 04 04/ En la mitología griega, la figura de los hermanos gemelos era utilizada como representación de la dualidad de la naturaleza del universo. Mientras que Apolo fue adoptado como el dios del Sol, su hermana Artemisa fue acogida como la representación de la Luna. También se creía que los gemelos compartían poderes especiales y lazos irrompibles. Castor y Pollux mantenían una unión tan fuerte que cuando murió Castor, su hermano Pollux cedió la mitad de su inmortalidad para poder estar con su hermano. Así explicaron el hecho de que su constelación se apreciara sólo la mitad del año, pues según la leyenda, los gemelos dividen su tiempo entre el inframundo y el Monte Olimpo. Lucía y Helena Cuesta son hermanas gemelas. Son inseparables, amigas, y lo comparten todo. Incluido el armario, aunque cada una tiene su propio estilo. Son idénticas en el físico y en su pasión por el diseño, pero cada una se inclina hacia el camino que mejor le encaja. Muchas veces, sus caminos confluyen y surgen proyectos en común, como su marca de joyas Them Bones. Pinchos, calaveras, espinas, mandíbulas, colmillos, alambre de espino, cruces… Sus diseños son punk a la vez que románticos. Las referencias provienen de canciones, como Crown of Thorns de Mother Love Bone, e incluso de la literatura. Las piezas se elaboran artesanalmente utilizando oro y plata. Entrevistamos a Helena y Lucía, las mentes creativas detrás de esta apasionante aventura. A veces responde Helena, a veces Lucía, y a veces las dos a la vez. Las ventajas de ser gemelas. /Them Bones: The twins of the odd. interview ⁄ Mónica Parga photography ⁄ Estévez + Belloso 48. interview lovely the mag issue 04 49. interview lovely the mag issue 04 In Greek mythology, the figure of the twins was used as a representation of the dual nature of the universe. While Apollo was adopted as the sun-god, his sister Artemis was regarded as the representation the moon. It was also believed that the twins shared special powers and unbreakable bonds. Castor and Pollux maintained a bond so strong that when Castor died, his brother Pollux gave half of his immortality to be with his brother. That explained that their constellation can only be appreciated for only half of the year, because according to legend, the twins divide their time between the underworld and Mount Olympus. Lucia and Helena Cuesta are twin sisters. They are inseparable, friends, and share everything. Including their wardrobe, although each has its own style. They are identical in appearance and in their passion for design, but each one is inclined towards the path that best fits her. Often, their paths converge and emerge in joint projects such as their jewelry brand Them Bones. Spikes, skulls, bones, jaws, teeth, barbed wire, crosses... Their designs are punk and romantic. Referrals come from songs like Crown of Thorns of Mother Love Bone, and even literature. The pieces are handmade using gold and silver. We interviewed Helena and Lucia, the creative minds behind this exciting adventure. Sometimes Helena responds, sometimes Lucia does, and sometimes both do at once. The advantages of being twins. ¿Cómo surgió la idea de crear una marca de joyas? Surgió en el ultimo año de IED, donde decidimos crear una marca de joyería como proyecto de tesis. ¿Cuál fue la mejor lección que aprendisteis en el IED? Me quedo con las clases que impartía Luis Venegas, que siempre tiene algo que enseñarte. ¿A qué retos os habéis enfrentado con la marca hasta ahora? A todo lo que conlleva tener tu propia empresa. ¿Cuál es el lado negativo de la fama? ¿Y el positivo? No considero que sea famosa, a pesar de aquel famoso viral… ¿Cómo es vuestro proceso de trabajo? ¿Qué aporta cada una? Las dos aportamos ideas pero es Helena la que mejor las plasma con sus dibujos. ¿Cuáles son vuestras referencias creativas? Tenemos muchas, cuando eres una persona creativa y tienes una cultura visual rica encuentras inspiración en mil cosas ya sea en el cine, el arte o la moda, por ejemplo en nuestra tesis creamos una colección inspirada en cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe. ¿Cuál es ahora vuestra pieza estrella de la colección? El caballito de mar. ¿Qué es lo mejor que os han dicho sobre vuestras creaciones? Cuando alguien me ha dicho “Lo quiero” y lo ha comprado. ¿Conserváis alguna pieza de joyería vintage con especial cariño? Lucía. Un anillo que compré en Notting Hill de 1940. Helena. Un anillo de Cartier. ¿Cuáles serán vuestros próximos proyectos? Seguir con la marca y dado que no vamos a seguir el calendario de la moda, ir añadiendo piezas nuevas. ¿Dónde os gustaría que se vendieran vuestras creaciones? En Colette. ¿A quién os gustaría ver luciendo una pieza vuestra? A cualquiera. ¿Dónde os veis dentro de diez años? Preferimos pensar en el presente. ¿De quién seguiríais un consejo sin pensarlo dos veces? Lucía. De mi hermana. Helena. De mi hermana. How did the idea of creating a jewelry label come up? It occured to us in the last year of IED, where we decided to create a jewelry brand as a thesis project. Película que podéis ver una y otra vez: El viaje de Chihiro. What was the best lesson you have learned at the IED? Un sitio para salir: I'll say the classes taught by Luis Venegas, who always has something to teach you. Bar Corazón. Vuestro restaurante favorito: What challenges have you faced with the brand so far? Landó. What is the downside of fame? And the positive? Juana la Loca y Ana Bolena. We don’t think we’re famous, in spite of that popular viral video… Vuestro fin de semana ideal: How is your work process? What does each one do? Helena. En el campo, rodeada de naturaleza y una chimenea encendida. The two of us come up with ideas but Helena is the one that best puts them on paper. Lucía. Pasarlo con mi novio, haciendo cualquier cosa. Where do you see yourself in ten years? We prefer to think of the present. Do you keep any piece of vintage jewelry with special affection? Lucía. A ring from 1940 that I bought in Notting Hill. All that entails having your own business. Personaje histórico preferido: Which are your next projects? Continue working on our brand and given that we will not follow the fashion calendar, go continue adding new pieces. Helena. A Cartier ring. From who would you follow without a second thought? Lucía. From my sister. Helena. From my sister. Movies that you see again and again: Which are your creative references? We have many ones, when you're a creative person and have a rich visual culture you can find inspiration in a thousand things, either in film, art or fashion. For example in our thesis we created a collection inspired by tales of Edgar Allan Poe. Which is the best-selling piece of your collection? Spirited Away. A place to go out at night: Bar Corazón. Your favorite restaurant: Landó. The seahorse. What is the best thing someone has said about your creations? Favourite Historical Person: Juana la Loca and Anne Boleyn. When someone says me "I love it" and buys it. Where would you like to sell your creations? In Colette. Who would you like to see wearing a piece of yours? Your perfect weekend: Helena. In the countryside, surrounded by nature and a roaring fire. Lucía. Having fun with my boyfriend, doing anything. Anyone. 50. interview lovely the mag issue 04 51. interview lovely the mag issue 04 05/ /Relax baby. Le clan le clan la cagoule, relax baby be cool. photography ⁄ Jose Luis Beneyto styling ⁄ Eva Barrallo 52. cover lovely the mag issue 04 53. cover lovely the mag issue 04 54. cover lovely the mag issue 04 55. cover lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 52 Jacket — Sandro Rings & Earcuff — Thomas Sabo pag. 54 Dress — Sandro Bag — Lady Dior pag. 55 Coat — Closed Sweater — Sandro Jeans — Naf Naf Shoes — Nike Air Force1 pag. 56 Total look — Naf Naf pag. 57 Coat — Sandro 56. cover lovely the mag issue 04 57. cover lovely the mag issue 04 58. cover lovely the mag issue 04 59. cover lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 58/59 Total look — Naf Naf pag. 60 Sweater — Sandro pag. 61 Sweater & Shoes — Dior Trousers — Naf Naf 60. cover lovely the mag issue 04 61. cover ¶ model: Vika @Traffic Barcelona ¶ make-up: Junior Cedeño for Dior ¶ hair: Leo Pereira ¶ photo assistant: Simone Gallucci Thanks to Bad Ass Estudio lovely the mag issue 04 06/ /Close up by Dior. photography ⁄ Jose Luis Beneyto make up ⁄ Junior Cedeño for DIOR 62. beauty lovely the mag issue 04 63. beauty lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 62 Diorskin Star foundation & concealer Dior Glow Maximizer light boosting primer Rouge Dior 999 Flower crown by Amytouch pag. 64 Diorskin Star foundation & concealer Dior Glow Maximizer light boosting primer Prebase Eye Prime Diorshow Mono 726 Eyeliner Dior Addict It-Line Black Dior Addict It-Lash Black 64. beauty lovely the mag issue 04 65. pag. 65 /left Diorskin Star foundation & concealer Dior Glow Maximizer light boosting primer Rouge Dior 317 "Bar" Flower crown by Amytouch /right Diorskin Star foundation & concealer Dior Glow Maximizer light boosting primer Eyeshadow 5 Couleurs 276 "Carré Bleu" Eyeshadow 5 Couleurs 566 "Versailles" Mascara Diorshow Extase beauty ¶ model: Natalia Muñoz @TRAFFIC Barcelona ¶ make-up: Junior Cedeño for DIOR ¶ photography assistant: Pedro Guzman lovely the mag issue 04 07/ /Just Lovely: Suárez. photography ⁄ Luciano Insua 66. still life lovely the mag issue 04 67. still life lovely the mag issue 04 pag. 67 Grace white gold Necklace with white diamonds Grace white gold Ring with white diamonds pavé Imante Watch Grace white gold Earrings with white diamonds Grace white gold Bracelet with white diamonds pag. 68 Veris yellow gold Ring with black diamonds Idalia yellow gold Bracelet Veris yellow gold Ring with ónix and white & black diamond pavé 68. still life lovely the mag issue 04 69. pag. 69 /left Imante Watch Utopian Bracelet with black diamond pavé Zeraus cufflinks /right Idalia rose gold Ring Idalia rose gold Earrings with white diamond pavé Idalia rose gold Bracelet Idalia rose gold Ring Joyas de campaña rose gold Bracelet with black diamond pavé still life ¶ styling: Ida Johansson ¶ retouching: Loyal Family Studio lovely the mag issue 04 08/ /Street Style. by Fernando Mañas 70. street style lovely the mag issue 04 71. street style lovely the mag issue 04 72. street style lovely the mag issue 04 73. street style lovely the mag issue 04 74. street style lovely the mag issue 04 75. street style lovely the mag issue 04 76. street style lovely the mag issue 04 77. street style lovely the mag issue 04 78. street style lovely the mag issue 04 79. street style lovely the mag issue 04 80. street style lovely the mag issue 04 81. street style lovely the mag issue 04 Ailanto & Other Stories Adidas Originals Amaya Arzuaga Amytouch Andrés Gallardo Andy Wolf Angel Schlesser Aristocrazy Benetton Boohoo Calzedonia Cos Daniel Havillio 82. Closed Dior Dubié ERDEM by LINDA FARROW Gerard Darel H&M Italia Independent K-Swiss Madrubb Manémané Miranda x Lydia Delgado Miriam Ponsa Moises Nieto Naf Naf Nike Sandro Suárez The Nude Label Them Bones Jewelry Thomas Sabo Tupa Vava Yono Taola stockist lovely the mag issue 04 83. lovely the mag issue 04
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