Newsletter October1 - Pembina Trails School Division


Newsletter October1 - Pembina Trails School Division
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Student Council
Hey Shaftesbury!
We are super excited to representing the school this year. It’s an honour to have so much trust put into
our hands. Our first plan of action is to get some more school spirit involving sales that contribute to
Grade Wars. Also, we are in the midst of beginning to plan our Halloween dance, and are sure that it will
be a big bang! As well, we have our big Entertainment book sale going on right now, and we hope that
everyone can purchase at least one or more books to help make this year better than ever! We have so
many great ideas and we cannot wait to see what we can put into this school and make this year a memorable one!
Parent Teacher Conferences
We are pleased to announce that Shaftesbury High School has implemented a new online computer program for booking course changes and parent teacher conferences. Our goal is to make the appointment
process user friendly, easier, and more accessible for you. Letters were mailed out to all students with a
student ID and pass code that is needed to assign your child to your account. Simply go to the site at and become a member by registering. You will be able to create appointments for any children you have in the Pembina Trails School Division from the one account.
Dates to Remember
Early dismissal (2:20 p.m)
Safe Grad parent meeting 7:30 p.m.
Picture retakes p.m.
Parent/teacher conferences (p.m.)
In-service (no school)
Parent/Teacher conferences
In-service (no school)
Halloween Dance
The daily timetable consists of five 68 minute classes
with four minutes in-between classes. Times for each
class are as follows:
8:30 a.m.— 9:38 a.m.
9:42 a.m.— 10:50 a.m.
10:54 a.m.— 12:02 p.m.
12:02 p.m. — 1:10 p.m.
1:10 p.m. — 2:18 p.m.
2:22 p.m. — 3: 30 p.m.
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Grade 12 Canoe Trip
On September 17th Ms. McDonald and
Mr. Asu accompanied 7 of Shaftesbury’s most adventurous Grade 12 students on a 3 day canoe trip through
the Experimental Lakes System in
Northern Ontario. Under the watchful
eye of Mr. Cameron White, head guide
of Red River Outfitters, Samantha Ballard, Ashley Breklemans, Shaleah Thompson, Andrew Courtney,
Eric Stevenson, Mikael Kovacs and Jeremy Kim paddled, ate and camped through three different
lakes. As always our students were model ambassadors of Shaftesbury High School. Although the
weather was cold and windy at times, there were no complaints. The students learned a tremendous
amount about canoe paddling (on wavy lakes), backwoods camping (sleeping on windy shores) and outdoor meal preparation (eating steak and potatoes). Ms. McDonald and Mr. Asu thoroughly enjoyed the
company of the kids and are looking forward to next year's Grade 12 canoe trip.
Shaftesbury High School will once again be selling Entertainment coupon books for $30.00 as a fundraiser for student council. The sale of the Entertainment Book is a very important fundraiser for Shaftesbury as the profits for selling the Entertainment Book help to either fully fund or subsidize dances, clubs
and sports teams. Please consider buying one or more books to help Shaftesbury provide your son or
daughter with rewarding extra-curricular actives, even if you are not a coupon user. The books make
great gifts! The incentives for students who sell books are as follows: Sell 1 book and have your name
entered in a draw for a grand prize. Sell 3 books and receive $5.00 Starbucks or Time Horton’s Subway
gift card plus the . Sell 5 books and receive a complimentary Entertainment book. Sell 10 books and
receive 2 Cineplex movie passes. Sell 12 books and receive a $20.00 gift card. For each level reached
you will receive the prizes from the previous level. Plus, anyone who sells 2 or more books will have
their name entered into a separate draw for even more prizes! There will be surprise early bird draws as
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Safe Grad
The dinner, dance, and safe grad event will be held at Canad-Inn Polo Park this year on June 22, 2011.
This year the graduating class has two parents that have volunteered to chair the entire Safe Grad committee: Krista Girard and Ingrid Popel. The first parent meeting is October 7th 7:30 in the Cafeteria all
are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to volunteer for Safe Grad can contact Krista Girard at the school
at 888-5898 or Please check the Shaftesbury High School website for the calendar of events .
The six grad chairs elected by the Class of 2011 are Alyia Ahluwalia, Elena Belevicious, Emily Cummings,
Jody Miller, Lauren McCombe, and Jackson McDonald.
Congratulations to all who ran and to the Grade 12 class of 2011 who had the best voter turnout ever!
Grade 12 students interested in applying for scholarships please see Ms. Moran to complete a scholarship
information form. We are looking for information regarding your athletics, community involvement and
career goals. This information aids us when completing reference letters and/or applications on your behalf. You can update this form at anytime throughout the school year. Find the form on our website and
return your completed forms to Ms. Moran.
Halloween Dance
Shaftesbury High School
Thursday October 28
7:00 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
The New SHS Choral Program…
Shaftesbury High School has a brand new for credit choir
program open to all students interested in being a part of a
musical team. Everyone is welcome to come check it out
Tuesdays and Thursdays in the theatre. We start all rehearsal
classes at 12:20 pm. So far we’ve had over forty students singing in the first few practices - things are off
to a big start. Any questions - please see Mr. Block.
Band Program
The Shaftesbury High school jazz and concert bands are busy preparing new music for the upcoming Term 1. The
band program at Shaftesbury includes Grade 9 concert and jazz band, Grade 10 concert band and jazz band, and
Grade 11/12 combined concert band and Grade 11, Grade 12 jazz band. Mr. Cianflone (Mr. C) is the band director.
We would like to welcome back the Grade 10, 11, 12 band students and a special welcome to the new Grade 9, 10
band students to Shaftesbury.
Band parent information packages have been posted on the Shaftesbury High School web page. The information
needs to be returned to the school by Thursday, September 23. The first meeting of the band parents group will be
held on Wednesday, October 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. Please contact Mr. Cianflone via e-mail if more information is required at Band parents please note that all band information will be
shared via the parent e-mail contact system.
Mr. C. has 25 tickets for an open dress rehearsal with the
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra on Friday, October 8. Cost
per ticket is $10.00. Please contact Mr. C. if you would like a
ticket for your son/daughter.
Upcoming band trips for the school year 2010-11 include
Grade 9 and10 bands to Minneapolis and Chicago for the
Performing Arts Consultant Music Festival (May 2011),
Grade 11/12 band to Toronto for the Performing Arts Consultant Music Festival (April 2011). The Grade 9-12 jazz
bands will travel to Brandon Jazz Festival (March 2011), plus
a variety of concerts performed in the school and in greater
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Counselor's Corner
University Information
Students in Grades 11 and 12 will have a number of opportunities this year to learn about university admission requirements, programs, etc. The following are the dates on which students will have the opportunity to gain more information about post-secondary education.
October 27 - U of W student recruitment - Period C
TBA - University of Manitoba student recruitment
October 29 - Booth College - noon hour
November 4 - National Universities Fair at Sturgeon Heights Collegiate
February 22 - Red River College Open House
February 23 - University of Winnipeg Open House
February 24 - University of Manitoba Info Days.
Other Important Dates:
December 1—Advanced early application deadline for U of M and U of W. Admission of Grade 12 students is based on final Grade 11 transcripts.
February 18 - Early admission deadline University of Manitoba. Admission is based on interm Grade 12
March 1 - Early admission deadline University of Winnipeg
April 5-7 - Rotary Career Symposium at the Convention Center
South Winnipeg Family Information Centre presents:
This 5 week workshop will provide parents the opportunity
to explore, assess and develop strategies that could
enhance, compliment and maintain healthy relationships
with their adolescent.
Dates: Wednesday, October 6th - November 3rd
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Fee: $35.00 per person or $45.00 per couple
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Wall of Fame 2010 Inductee
The Shaftesbury Wall of Fame committee congratulates our 2010 inductee, Dr. Daniel Lindsay, for outstanding achievement in the sciences.
Dr. Lindsay is currently The Diagnostic Imaging Director of four hospitals and numerous health facilities
in rural Manitoba. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology
at the University of Manitoba.
Dr. Lindsay graduated from Shaftesbury in June of 1973, and graduated with his medical doctorate from
the University of Manitoba in 1980. He received his board certification in Radiology in 1987.
He has had 16 research articles published in a variety of medical journals in Canada, the USA and Great
Britain. He has also guest lectured in front of a variety of groups including Doctors without Borders in
Most recently, Dr. Lindsay served as Diagnostic Imaging Consultant to the Canadian Department of National Defense at the Multinational Medical Unit in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He served in this position for
a total of 13 months travelling to Afghanistan five times from the December of 2006 to the February of
2009. He has been able to apply many of the techniques used in this military operation to his civilian
practice. He has been awarded both the General Service Medal Active War Zone Afghanistan and the
Excellence of Service Aid to the Warrior RSM Afghanistan medal.
The Wall of Fame represents all five decades of Shaftesbury’s history. Shaftesbury Alumni Wall of Fame
members are recognized on a permanent display in the school’s front foyer and the public is always welcome to drop by and view the display.
However, we need your help in selecting future inductees. The nomination committee researches
through newspapers and the Shaftesbury archives but receives very few nominations from the public and
Shaftesbury Alumni. It is time to stop being modest about your own achievements or others in the Shaftesbury community. So please help the nomination committee ensure that the many deserving Shaftesbury Alumni can continue to be recognized for their outstanding achievements and contributions to society. Please do not be shy about nominating sons, daughters, friends, relatives, or acquaintances. All it
takes is a simple email to the school giving the name of the individual and then leave the rest up to the
nomination committee.
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Don’t Cry For Us Argentina!
The staff and students at SHS won t be crying next week as they welcome students to Canada as part of an exchange partnership established
with Colegio San Carlos in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The SHS students will
host the Argentines here in Winnipeg from October 1st to 16th, SHS students will travel to Buenos Aires at Spring Break at which time they will
experience the daily life, food, culture , dance and language of Argentina..
National Crystal Growing Competition
The Chemical Institute of Canada is once again sponsoring the National Crystal Growing Competition. Participants have five weeks within which to grow the largest and most spectacular crystal they
can beginning with 100 g of copper sulfate. Cash prizes up to $300 will be awarded for the best crystals. This years participants are Theo Wigle, Mike Gussakovsky, Arjun Nirula, Alec Hutfluss, Han Kyung
Sung, Lindsey Walker, and Rachel Jeong. Crystals will be submitted to the regional coordinator for judging by November 22. Students meet Friday's during the lunch hour in Mr. Deakin's room.
SHARP Is Back!
Shaftesbury High Altitude Robotics Project is still going strong and we anticipate our first launch into near space by
the end of October. We are looking for new members, sponsorships, and support from the community. Our
SHARP members will be playing with GPSs and learning how to operate a HAM radio, as well as fiddle around with
electronic devices and bring out your creative side by designing the payload box. It will be an experience you won’t
want to miss out on!
Students interested in joining the SHARP team should contact Mr.Deakin, Mr. Friesen, Mr. Striemer or Mrs.
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Valorie Platero is in Grade 10 at Shaftesbury
High School. She took the Digital Pictures
course in Grade 9. Valorie loves art, music and
photography and is an overall dedicated and strong student. She composes her photographs thoughtfully, and as you can see - creates amazing images! Valorie skillfully edits her captures in Photoshop. Enjoy this sampling of her work!
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Titan News
Welcome back to all students! Titan Sports have started. Hockey, Volleyball and Cross-Country have begun. We're excited about another athletic school year . Best of luck to all athletes!! Finally, a big thanks
to all our coaches who are coaching our various teams
Active Living Centre
The Active Living Center is an area for students to work out, i.e. weights, use of aerobic and various multi
-use machines. The centre is available to students in the morning, at noon, after school and during
spares. The Active Living Centre is available to all students after they have participated in an orientation
on the rules and regulations of the centre, which includes a brief explanation on the use of the exercise
equipment. The membership rate for the full year is $60.00 or $35.00 per semester. Please see the
phys. ed. staff for registration information.
Shaftesbury students register individually or as a group for scheduled activities. Activities include: 3 on 3
basketball, badminton, floor hockey, indoor soccer, mixed volleyball, novelty games and activities, table
tennis, speedball, powerball, and flag football.
2011 Ski/Snowboard Trip
It’s that time again. It’s time to start thinking about having the most memorable time or your new school
year - the 2011 Shaftesbury Ski Trip to Banff. Students of all ability levels from novice to advanced have
taken part in past trips and we are welcoming all ability levels again for the 2011 trip. Besides four full
days of skiing and snowboarding, activities will include local sightseeing, common breakfasts, and free
time for dining, exploring , and shopping in the town of Banff. The first meeting for the 2011 ski trip was
Thursday, September 30th.
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Varsity Boys Volleyball
The varsity boys volleyball team has
been practicing hard and getting ready
for the upcoming season. This year
the season consists of five tournaments and nine league matches. The
team consists of nine Grade 12 and
five Grade 11 athletes. We are excited
about the upcoming season.
Team Roster:
Justin Turner
Costa Danakas
Ryan Swayzie
Devon Adamson
Brad Christensen
Steven Robillard
Harry Jeong
Brendan Girard
Andrew Courtney
Kyle Drysanski
Jarrell Taylor-Babb
Jordan Hershfield
Alec Hutfluss
Junior Varsity Boys Volleyball
Team Roster:
Brett Sparrow
Liam Muirhead
Marko Savajac
Reid Girard
John Tadeo
Raymond Cao
Ryan Hesselbart
Justin Krysanski
Avery Witherden
John Cayanan
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Varsity Girls Volleyball
Team Roster:
Lauren Nicholson
Bryann Chrobak
Justine Hesselbart
Natalie Manicotto
Jennifer Hlynsky
Michelle Hourihan
Pauline Ojeda
Alexa Gray
Whitney Groening
Emily Bowles
Melanie de Pena
Isidora Draskovic
Solana Johannson
Jennifer Caron
Abby Eyford
Hannah Boyko
Anna Ceklic
Jade Randall
Brittany Adam
Autumn Giles
Junior Varsity Girls Volleyball
Team Roster:
Adriana Cesario
Julie Lack
Jade McClure
Julie Rubel
Allison Smith
Rachel Hill
Kylie Waschuk
Madison Piltzmaker
Terry Fox Run
Shaftesbury High School once again participated in the Terry Fox Run. The run was
held on Thursday, September 23rd.
Shaftesbury High School
October Newsletter
Take 5… Choose Involvement…
Vote in your school board election… October 27, 2010
As a start, take 5 minutes to consider 5 reasons to care about public schools, 5 reasons school boards
matter and 5 qualities to look for as a candidate. Please visit our website at
board_administration/SchoolTrustee/index.html and click on Take 5 – Choose Involvement.
Charleswood Curling Club
The Charleswood Curling Club Ladies Daytime League is looking for curlers for Tuesday and Thursday afternoon draws. Beginner or 'seasoned' curlers, regulars or spares, teams or individuals will all be most
welcome!!! Please contact Heidi,, 257-1490 or Gisele,
831-7930 for further information.
Happenings at Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre 1150A Waverley Street
Women Changing Lives: The Wheel of Time Workshop – Thursday October 14th, 2010 from
10:00 am – 12 Noon
A workshop to increase your knowledge of time management strategies and to confirm your commitment
to change your time management behaviour. This is a women only – FREE event. Space is limited – pre
registration is required by calling 477-1123. Non perishable food items or monetary donations towards
FGWRC are gladly accepted.
Women & Midlife: First Monday of the Month 1:30-3:30 pm
A monthly support group for women 45 years of age and older. The group will explore topics that are of
interest to women during their middle years of life and beyond. Some topics will include:
Positive Aging - October 4th, 2010
Osteoporosis – Speaking of Bones – November 1st, 2010
Coping with Stress – December 6th, 2010
Space is limited. Registration required – please call 477-1123.