ACI 131 - Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures
ACI 131 - Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures
ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Presentation Outline: • Concrete Design/Construction Practice Overview • • Industrial/Plant Buildings Peter Carrato, Bechtel Corporation Daniel Berend, Facchina Construction • Concrete BIM Software Today • • • • Frank Moore, Autodesk Alan Bommer, Bentley Systems Robert Anderson, Nemetschek/Scia/Vectorworks Carl Taylor, Tekla • Concrete BIM vs. Steel BIM Perspective • Peter Carrato, Bechtel Corporation • Status of ACI 131 Work on BIM • • Chris Brown, SOM Allan Bommer, Bentley Systems BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Current State of Design/Construction Practice : Peter Carrato, Bechtel Corporation Daniel Berend, Facchina Construction Jeff Cochrane, aSa • Buildings • Industrial/Plant Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Structural Design and Documentation (2D, 3D, hybrid) Contract Deliverables (2D, 3D, hybrid) Typical workflow for information exchange to builder What role is IFC or other digital formats playing How would the ACI BIM exchanges affect the current workflow? What or who are the catalysts for change? Where do we think cast‐in‐place concrete will be in 5, 10, 15 years? BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Current State of Software Used for Concrete BIM: Frank Moore, Autodesk Allan Bommer, Bentley Systems Robert Anderson, Nemetschek/Scia Carl Taylor, Tekla Concrete BIM Software (By Vendor) • Modeling in 2D and 3D • Reinforcement design and layout in 2D and 3D • Detailing for construction Data Interoperability (Panel Discussion) • Native (API) or Neutral (IFC) – Could your market survive with just one or need both? • Today, where is most of your IFC development/resources? (structural or non‐structural) • In your opinion, how do you think the ACI 131 work, including the IFC support by GA Tech, will impact the overall industry acceptance of BIM for concrete? • In your opinion, is this work proceeding on “pace” or “lagging” relative to the Industry? And, if lagging, how could it be accelerated? BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Concrete vs. Steel: Peter Carrato, Bechtel Corporation • What can we learn from the steel and precast industries? • Industry Foundation Class (IFC) format for BIM BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures History: Organized 2009 – First Meeting ‐ Fall 2009 ACI Convention in New Orleans Membership: • 35 Voting Members (many initial members still active) • 15 Associate Members General Committee Composition • 10 Concrete Industry Suppliers/Detailers • 10 Civil/Structural Engineers • 7 Software Vendors • 6 General Contractor/Builders • 5 Research/Academic/Trade Organizations • Most Concrete Industry Trades and Structure Types represented BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Committee Mission: Develop and report information on the application of building information modeling to concrete structures. Goals: 1) Develop/promote data exchange standards for concrete 2) Develop new work processes for concrete BIM projects 3) Present case studies of successes on concrete BIM projects 4) Develop concrete BIM short course(s) 5) Understand what gaps currently exist in software and workflows 6) Develop standard test models for BIM software 7) Understand legal implications of BIM projects. BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Accomplishments: • Information Delivery Manual (IDM) for Cast‐in‐Place Concrete ‐ ACI 131.1R‐14 • • • • Process Map that “Documents” the Concrete Industry Includes 20 Model Exchanges (Information Flows) “Roadmap” for current and future work A “hurdle” ‐ critical to long‐term development of a standard • Convention Seminars • 2 hour BIM Session ‐ Spring 2015 • Short Session on IDM – Fall 2012 • 3 hour BIM Session ‐ Spring 2010 BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 AISC IDM March 2013 BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Current Work (Next Publication): • IFC Model View Definitions (MVDs) for 3 of the 20 IDM Exchanges • Deemed “high value” for increasing overall efficiency • EM‐6: Structural Design (Intent) Model (i.e. Plans & Specs) • EM‐15: Reinforcement Placement Model (i.e. Rebar Shops) • EM‐20: Construction Reference Model (i.e. Almost All) • These MVDs are another big first “hurdle” critical to overall success BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 EM‐6: Structural Design Model: defines structural intent, specifying concrete profiles, steel reinforcing in members, lap standards, spacing requirements, tendon requirements, major joints and embeds EM‐15 Reinforcement Placement Model: full detailed rebar layout with ties, laps, from detailer to fabricator; tagged with placement sequence EM‐20: Construction Reference Model: detailed placement model, with pour objects, finishes and formwork; for final coordination with all other systems. BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Status (now through September 2015): • Data Sets for EM‐6, EM‐15, and EM‐20 Model View Definitions (MVDs) • EM‐6 Structural Design (Intent) Model • 90% Complete • Requires developing some new parameterized objects not in IFC • EM‐15 Reinforcement Placement Model • 95% Complete, ready for first review • EM‐20 Construction Reference Model • 85% Complete, some further refinement necessary BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Columns EM‐6: “Design Intent” Challenge Typical Concrete Column Data From Structural Design Drawings BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 Addressing these Issues in IFC ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Future Work (now through 2016?): • Documentation/Implementation Phase ‐ EM‐6, EM‐15, and EM‐20 MVDs • Committee • Fall Convention (Denver) ‐ Draft of MVD data sets/Test Ballot • Begin work on Publication including TAC review • GA Tech with Software Vendors (IFC Support) • Preliminary implementation and testing (GA Tech) • Implement and debug new rule sets (GA Tech) • Work with software companies in implementation and testing • EM‐15 released first, available for use, followed by EM‐20, with EM‐6 released last. BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Collaboration with GA Tech: • Long history of IFC expertise (PCI, AISC, ACI) • MVDs require IFC expertise that users (even software vendors) don’t have • Expertise in Testing and Validation of MVD’s (neutral party) BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015 ACI 131 ‐ Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures Summary: • IDM (Information Delivery Manual) ACI 131.1R‐14 • Comprehensive “Road Map” to Document our Industry for BIM • MVDs (Model View Definitions) ACI 131.X? • EM‐6, 15, 20 Cover Major Segments of a Digital (BIM) Workflow • If adopted by Vendors/Users, may formalize a BIM Transition in Industry • We believe we are moving forward in transforming BIM for the Concrete Industry • But, as a Technical Committee, how far should we be going (alone)? • We need your support. BIM Industry Strategic Meeting ACI Headquarters, August 27, 2015