In memory of our beloved Chunky - St Columba`s Presbyterian Church
In memory of our beloved Chunky - St Columba`s Presbyterian Church
ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE WEEKLY MESSAGE A Congregation of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa St. Columba’s is a community where the best of Presbyterian tradition courageously embraces inclusivity, innovation and open-minded conversation in Christian service. Letter from Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young In memory of our beloved Chunky Banking Details: Standard Bank Rosebank Branch 004305 Account: 001948776 St. Columba's Presbyterian Church St Columba’s Presbyterian Church 45 Lurgan Road Parkview Johannesburg 2193 Tel: (011) 646-5420/1/2 Fax: (011) 646-0253 Follow us on Facebook ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dear Friends. We really appreciate all the messages, anecdotes, memories and photographs that you are sharing about Chunky Young. Would you please also email them to for the family and church to collate and create a keepsake for us to cherish. Dear members and friends of St. Columba's. The news of Chunky's death has left us in complete shock. Please receive our sincere condolences on the loss of one, who to such a wide number was considered a friend, a guide, an ambassador of relief and hope, a man of compassion. It is with a particular depth of sadness that we remember Elvina, Garreth, Matthew and their families and trust that in one another and through this congregation, they too will find comfort and strength. Chunky and I held high hopes for a vital and life-giving colleagueship, I regret deeply that this is now not to be. Once again the words of the Apostle Paul seem so poignant: "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.". God bless you. God bless Chunky. With love and respect, Alistair and Joanne ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In memory of our beloved Chunky I cannot bring myself to understand that this is the last message -and such a vital one - from my dear friend Chunky Young. I have been privileged to know him since 1999 and to have had the opportunity of spending time at his home. His preaching was excellent; his Doctorate from Princeton was proof of his high academic standing, though none was needed, his selflessness in attending to the needs of others has contributed to today's tragedy. He was a faithful Minister of the Gospel which he lived daily. He was a true friend showing his concern even this morning when we were burgled and my car stolen. So saddened to hear that this beautiful man, Chunky Young completed his journey here on Earth yesterday. Not only did he marry us 11 years ago but he was a true friend. His wise words about marriage and so many other things to do with our new family still ring in my ears. May his soul soar with the angels. He touched so many lives and we are all truly grateful to have known him. — with Chunky Young and Stephen Cole. Over the years we discussed many matters of individual and mutual concern and I welcomed his wisdom. His role as husband and father was his pride. His devoted love for and care of Wendy was exemplary. His pride in Garreth and Matthew and his delight in officiating at their weddings to Kerry-Anne and Tina shone through. His love of Elvina and the happiness of their marriage was delightful. Thus to those who loved him most Darrin and I send our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace and rise in Glory in the knowledge that he will be acknowledged as having been an outstanding Christian whose stand for the right and his caring tolerance will inspire all of us who knew and love him. Bert Kerrigan ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In memory of our beloved Chunky RIP Chunky Young, so saddened by this news. Thank you for all that you were to my family throughout the years of my life, and the many years before. We love you so much and will miss you dearly. You baptised my two boys with such love, as if they were the most precious children in the world and we the most precious family. I'm very grateful you were part of our lives and will miss you deeply. Louise Buckle Dearest Chunky Young, I have no words to describe what you meant to my family. Your ministry, love, dedication, support and friendship has touched more people than can be counted. I said a few years ago you should be Sainted and I stand by that. You made everyone feel like you were there just for them and have shared in the most intimate moments with so many. To Elvina, Gareth, Matthew and family, our hearts and prayers are with you. There will be no other like you. Rest well my Friend, and say hi to mum. Claire Grundy Last week we met up for coffee and we were talking about things that were going to happen a year from now and now you are gone. That is heartbreaking, and I am still hoping that this turns out to not be true. I have learned things from you that I have not learned from any other. You taught me patience, kindness, strength, compassion, friendship,… Erin Horwood. ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In memory of our beloved Chunky We will all miss you terribly. Karl Eddison Chunky Young this will forever be one of my memories - blessed you baptized my little miracle — with Chunky Young. Dearest Chunky It is with much sadness that we hear of the untimely death of Chunky Young. A wonderful man who will be dearly missed by many. Sending much love to his family and friends. Helen Boyd Gardiner Thank you for guiding us through marriage and parenthood with wisdom, compassion and love. There is a gaping hole in our hearts and the space you so lovingly occupied in our, and so many others', lives. Thank you for your counsel and for caring. We love you dearly. We send our love and wishes to your family and hope that the many messages showing how very much appreciated and loved you were will give them some comfort during such a heartbreaking time. We will miss you so very much. Love Joff, Traci, Callum and Finlay To Chunks, A man of great wisdom and stature A man of sincerity A man who exuded compassion and kindness A comforter A true rebel in his beliefs – ready to fight a good fight A great colleague and friend I am going to miss making your tea My family is going to miss you dearly All in all, I am going to miss the man you stood out to be – YOU!! Cornelia Words absolutely fail me.....I had lunch with you 2 weeks are the reason I have survived my son's passing. ...who do I call now? Who do I phone when I'm having a bad day....I just don't understand. ....RIP. Chunky Young my beautiful friend and saviour. My heart is torn into a thousand pieces again. May God guide your family through this terrible time. You are an angel. Warren Jennings ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dear Hansie, Ernie, ExCo and Session, I should have written earlier and so I do apologise. It has taken a great tragedy for me to do so and I simply don’t have words. I cannot believe it is real. I assume this is what Dr. Maker means when he says that the longest journey is from the head to the heart… I want to give each of you my deepest condolences. While we have all lost a friend, confidant, and minister, you have the added burden of leading St. Columba’s through this unstable and painful time. Many will be looking to you for leadership, kindness, and support, and so you have grief multiplied buy the burden of service under stressful circumstances. I know that you will be extremely busy with arrangements for the service in just two short days. Knowing your hearts, you will be deeply concerned to honour Chunky and his enormous contribution, you will be wanting to do your best for the care of Elvina, Garreth, Matthew and their families, and you will be wanting to honour the heritage that is St. Columba’s. Please may I encourage you in all of that! Honouring Chunky will not be difficult. Painful, yes; but not difficult - his legacy is so rich that it will be told and re-told in a hundred-thousand different conversations. The heritage, of which Chunky has been such a huge contributor, likewise will be carried forward by the sheer momentum that he, you and so many others over the years have lent it. The care of Elvina, his family, and the congregation will be a beautiful thing, because that is just who you and the congregation are in Christ. I believe that all of us will realise a strange irony: that Chunky and Jesus prepared us, even for this. His beautiful preaching, the hours of counselling and conversations, his magnificent research in post-trauma counselling, the legacy of the Counselling centre and outreach work, his wonderful friendship and so much more, has been a gift that has nourished, strengthened, and even equipped you for this season. I know that instead of shrinking back from the challenge, St. Columba’s will embrace it and, once again, the Good thing will be done beautifully. I know that because Chunky was and is a beautiful person; I know that because each of you is beautiful, and our God is constantly giving "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for morning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness”. I so wish I could be with you to mourn and give thanks on Friday, but it is not possible. I will witness and weep with you through the telecast. For today, and Friday, and every day that follows, I pray the grace, peace and Love of the God we serve. Much love, Stephen ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH When our dearest friend Chunky died in the early hours of Sunday morning, a light went out in the world. I have never met a more loving, caring, and selfless person than Chunky. He put his heart and soul into anything he was involved in. We knew he had touched many, many lives, but are only beginning to realise now, just how many. He was with people at their happiest moments, baptising their children or marrying them. He was with people in their darkest hours, sitting at a bedside waiting for a loved one to die, counselling people in distress, walking the painful journey with them. We will never forget how he helped us on our desperately sad journey when we lost our beloved Sarah. We are going to miss him so very much and break our hearts for Elvina, Garreth, Kerry, Matthew, Tina, Craig, Sue, Leigh, Rob, Robyn, Guy, Caitlyn, Matthew and Hayley. RIP our beloved friend. Tony and Ann Klemptner My heart is sore tonight. Chunky Young, a legend, a mentor, a great friend telling the angels how it's done good and proper now. An inspirational man. Kevin Kraak ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH For the best part of 40 years, I still remember Chunky and Wendy dating and then they bought their engagement ring from me. Chunky has been a friend and colleague to me for all these years. I will miss the daily conversations we had and I am missing him terribly already. Ernie Blom. Chunky, I remember the day Ernie and I go married and I asked you to dress up, because the cassock was too plain for an Afrikaans girl like me ….! Chunks was kind, wise and a special person. He always had time to listen. Our children will miss him to. We had so many fun functions and dinners together. I will miss you in our lives. Elna Blom Dearest Elvina, who gave my friend so much happiness and love and received the same. I cannot stop thinking about the tough cards you've been dealt. We love you and feel with you but not at the level you have to bear. We have no knowledge of that and we know you would not want us to. The sadness and devastation is the greatest I have ever experienced. Sending all the love in the world. Graham Hamilton ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH What a difficult today in the office without our dearest Rev. Dr. Chunky Young...Our hearts are heavy and aching. We will cling to the wonderful memories we have of you forever, you were the sunshine in our lives and without you it will never ever be the same. But we will ensure that we continue your vision, love and tolerance of everyone. You were always so unbiased and by far the most knowledgeable, gentle man I have ever met. Matthew 25.23: Well done good and faithful servant...Farewell Chunky until we meet again. Bronwyn Wheelan Chunks, when I heard the news yesterday my world stopped. They couldn't have been talking about you, how could this happen? My life plan does not have a version where you aren't part of it, I can't remember you ever not being. From the moment you started at St Columbas you melted into so many lives and become so much to so many people. Yes, you were my minister, yes, for a while you were my boss, but I was amongst the privileged in this world. I got to call you my friend. No matter what life threw my way or how bad things seemed you could make things better. My go to guy, my confidante, my hero, my protector and fierce and loyal supporter, my true and trustworthy friend. What am I going to do in a world without you? I feel like I have been thrown overboard in a sea of frenzied sharks and God is standing there laughing saying, "What are you going to do now?". I want to throw things and smash things and scream and hate God or even just stop believing in anything good because how can there be good if you can be taken like this, what's the point? And then I remember what you've always said, and I try to understand what possible reason there can be for this because you always taught about a God of mercy and grace. I don't understand and I don't even know if I want to. I just want someone to wake me up and tell me this is a nightmare or that it's a really warped late April Fool's joke. I won't even punch the person who started it if it means that you are still here. But you're not. Damn it, Chunky, what do I do with that? I love you and I need you and I don't know how to get through this world without you at my back. I already feel the gaping emptiness. I want to phone you and tell you that I am sad, that my world has shattered in an instant, but this time I can't, you won't answer. You never will again. I miss you and I will never forget your kindness and love you showed even when as was at my most unlovely. Kerry Horwood ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Feel so lucky that we got to call you family. Rob and Leigh Otto Still feeling so so sad about the loss of my old friend. I've known him for more than 40 years and, as many have said, he was always available and his character was unchangeable, so much so that it's almost impossible to imagine that he's not going to be at the other end of a phone call when I need his wisdom and love. He's helped and supported me through so many difficult circumstances in my life - from a state of panic before my matric history exam to many difficult times of conflict with my Mom. The family counselling he did with us in the late 90s was instrumental in helping to heal our relationship and I've always been so grateful for how God worked through Chunks. Last year, when my Mom was dying he popped in to see and pray with her at Sandton Clinic. I'm so sad to lose you so prematurely Chunks but also so proud of how much you were loved and everything that God achieved through you! My deepest sympathies to your wife and children! Rest in peace and rise in glory. Danielle Smith ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A good leader is someone who stands up for what is right, even when the majority is against it. Chunky was such a person. In his early ministry, he fought Apartheid. More recently, he refused to pay e-tolls. Last year, he and I were in the dock for doing same-sex marriages. This year he would have been my co-accused on charges of heresy. Now I face it alone. Issues of social justice motivated his ministry. I remember him for his compassion for the downtrodden, his inclusion of the marginalized, and open-minded theology (=heresy for some!). Chunky, you fought the good fight, you ran the good race. Your legacy lives on. Hansie Wolmarans Colleague, fellow-conspirator, and co-heretic I have learned so much from this giant of a man... This was his last posting on Facebook, earlier today... Absolutely gutted. All we can do now is to pick up where Chunky Young of St. Columba's Presbyterian Church left off, as best we can. With the deepest love, respect and gratitude. This is all too unreal... Carl Ballot ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dear Chunky, as I come to terms with your sudden death, I have found it difficult to find the words. I have been in admiration of your caring heart, and have been touched by all the wonderful messages posted to you. Although words cannot express how I feel, I think this picture will be an apt description of you; because of your caring you have gathered so many! My condolences to Elvina, Matthew, Garreth and the congregation of St. Columbas. Wayne Van Heerden Chunks you have left a really big hole in our world. There are so many things that can be written and so many things that can be said and so many questions that can be asked .... In taking your advice I will not over analyse and just say Thank You for blessing of having had you in our world and for all you gave to us. I will always fondly remember your firm handshakes and pats on the back that I sometimes wondered if I was going to face plant into the floor ...... Thank you for everything and all you taught me so unselfishly. How privelaged we are to have had you take us through the journeys you did and for the honour of marrying us in way that only you could do. Thank You Chunks .....Robin Rowe R.I.P Chunky Young you were part of the start of our incredibly special family moments. Our wedding, and the baptisms of both our daughters. You were one of a kind, and there will always be a very special place in our hearts and family for you. Carry on being the amazing man you are from Heaven We miss you xxxx Cate D’Oliveira Rest in peace dear friend - Rob and Sarah Taylor ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Words fail me. My heart is so so sore. You were such an amazing man. Thank you for everything you did for me and for being a pillar of strength to me many times. Thank you for always making me laugh, for your amazing bear hugs and for all the love and support. The world has lost the biggest piece of sunshine. Rest in peace, Chunky Young. Klair White-Shelver My Matric photo showing Martin "Chunky"Chunky YoungYoung taken in 1972. Alas we have lost both David Amos many years ago and now dear Chunky. Carole White ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Just so heartbroken – I hope Chunky has found our dear Joshua and now he is his guardian. Kara Jennings. I'm reminded of Ralph Waldo Emerson's words, tweaked a bit here, to say that Chunky Young's actions were so loud that one couldn't hear what he was saying. His preaching was first and foremost through what he did, not said. His wisdom, empathy, depth of understanding, compassion, love were boundless. Even in the face of the greatest adversity, he consistently and publicly promoted inclusivity. He treasured Alan Maker's legacy and continued to fight the good fight, wherever this lead him and at whatever cost to him personally. The things that troubled him resulted in practical action, outspoken commentary, constructive challenge, inspired giving, and so much more. His reach was way beyond the congregation of St. Columba's Presbyterian Church. He leaves an enormous gap. We all have a responsibility to take this forward, in love, kindness and grace. Dale De Klerk Words cannot express the sadness that I feel. The world has lost a wonderful man and minister. My life was richer for having known you and I will miss you very much. Rest in peace dear friend. My deepest love to Elvina and to all your family. Xxx Beth and Barry Forbes Thank you for your mail, although it is with great sadness that we received it. Our deepest condolences to Elvina and family with the loss of a wonderful husband, father and Shepard of our flock, he will be dearly missed by each and every one of us! ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We have lost such a beautiful, kind and caring man. It seems so unreal. Chunky Young you have always been there for me and my family, and were our rock. I can't believe I won't be bringing you tea in the office tomorrow morning and hearing that wonderful contagious laugh. Catching up in prayers every morning. We will never hear you sing down the corridor, or laugh at your crazy jokes. It is so unreal. The world will be a different place without you here. Rest in peace Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young . Pauline Shelver Rest in peace Chunky. Praying for your family that Heavenly Father will bless them and comfort them.. Felicity Winstanley Stevenson Dear Pauline We were overwhelmed to hear the sad news about Chunky and would like to express our sympathy and condolences to his wife and family and to Alan who will conduct the service. We are in England visiting family and therefore unable to attend the service which we would undoubtedly have done. We would appreciate it if you could pass on this message to Alan. Thank you. Sincerely Jean and Raymond Louw. ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On behalf of the Tomaselli family may I offer our condolences to Chunky’s family and the congregation. He was loved by all of us. His passing is indeed an untimely and sad loss. I will represent the family at his funeral on Friday. Sincerely Keyan Tomasellli I was so shocked and saddened to read the message about Chunky. Such a tragic loss for his family and for all the Church members. He will be sorely missed. His family would not know me, but please give them my very sincere and heartfelt condolences. Best regards, Margaret Gibbs Chunky, my friend and minister. From our very first lunch meeting in Springs, before you joined St Columba's we clicked. Our families grew to know each other through so much. Sunday School, Confirmation, weddings and funerals of which there were many. When I was retrenched from Lonmin (thank goodness) You offered me the admin post at St C and was not out of work for one day. We were a formidable team, you the front man and me the backroom guy .I have seen you in times of great hurt and pain and times of joy and elation, but never giving up caring for all and sundry. You have been an example to us all and as I have heard so often "We stand on the shoulders of giants" - well the next will have to climb mighty high to get up on yours. Morning prayers will never be the same, the discussion and banter (not to be mixed up with banting) will take on a very different tone. The last time I saw you was after Tenebrae when no talking was permitted after service. You looked at me with your smiling eyes and gave me the thumbs up. I understood that you were pleased with the way the service went. You were always able to express your emotions even without words. I will cherish that last look for ever. When I spoke to you on Saturday after our holiday you were concerning yourself with pastoral matters and a wedding. That was so typically you. My heart goes out to Elvina, Garreth and Kerry-Anne, Matthew and Tina at this dreadful time. Thank you for sharing Chunky with us all. We are all so grateful for the privilege of being part of his and your lives. With so much love. Andy White Thanks so much, Andy. Like you we were terribly shocked as Chunky was an important player in our lives. He was a teacher at Bryandale when Guy & Leanne were there; he got married when Guy was in his Std 3 class and went off on honeymoon with Wendy only to find Family McGlashan were booked into the same Drakensberg resort as they were; then he went to Rhodes to study to go into the ministry and we were in touch with him during that period too; and, in more recent years through you guys, we have kept in touch through the boys being born and growing into such fine young men, the illness and tragic death of Wendy and then his new marriage so very recently. Also the family marriages and funerals we attended where he was the officiating minister as well as those frequent occasions at your home when we were your guests along with him were other very important points in our lives. We shall miss him badly. We don’t know who to contact to send our condolences and feelings of sadness but we would appreciate it if you would let them know on our behalf, especially Gareth & Matthew and their families and Chunky’s wife as well as the church congregation itself. We mourn his loss with all of you. Take care and God you. With our love, Louise & Denzil. bless ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH David and I traveled to South Africa last October, after Chunky had invited me to be last year’s St. Columba’s lecturer. In addition to the lecture, I preached twice and, at Chunky’s invitation after we arrived, David preached once. Since Chunky’s death we have gone over that trip in detail, recalling wonderful memories. Chunky met us at the airport with his big smile, big hugs, and infectious laugh. When he drove us to his house, we were met by Elvina’s grace and charm and enormously comforting welcome. We felt immediately at home. As with so many others, they made us feel as if we had always been friends. Chunky and Elvina embodied the South African hospitality that others had told us about. They weren’t alone in that. We marveled at the way people always greeted each other with hugs and kisses as if they hadn’t seen each other for months instead of just the day before. We were invited into people’s homes for dinner, and more than one person said we could stay with them if we ever returned. It was the trip of a lifetime, and there were a number of things that were new to us: • Bobotie, which we loved. • Koeksisters, which we did not. • Biltong, which I wouldn’t eat at first because, naïve foreigner that I was, I thought it was bull tongue. • Braai. • Driving on the opposite side of the road. (I have often said that what made it most difficult for David – was me! I was a nervous wreck.) • Watching our first ever Rugby game. Chunky tried to teach David the rules, and we learned what ―scrum‖ means. • Being within a few feet of wild animals – and not being afraid. • And the words we never, ever heard anyone say in our whole lives: ―Be sure to put the food away, so the monkeys don’t get it.‖ David loved the wine, and I couldn’t believe that while visiting the wine capital of the world, I was on medication that didn’t allow me to drink! And David loved Chunky’s Scotch! Numerous people cooked meals for us: Elvina and Susan Wand, Carl and Dale (I believe Dale’s mother actually cooked the main dish), Pauline and Clive who invited us for braai, Ernie and Elna, who served bobotie, and Lyn and Andy who prepared a meal in the bush. We shared a meal with Ann and Tony soon after we arrived, and we were thrilled to meet Arnold and Iris Fair; we will be forever grateful that they allowed us to visit their beautiful game reserve in the bush. We stayed a week in Stellenbosch, meeting wonderful people at the University, and spent a day with our close friends, Wentzel and Hester, who recently retired to South Africa after spending many years in Princeton. We marveled at the beauty of the country that lived up to everything Hester has been telling us about SA for years! St. Columba’s was the most vibrant church either of us have ever encountered. We love the United Methodist congregation David serves in New Jersey, but we were envious of the number of people who allow their lives to revolve around St. Columba’s. And we were amazed by the outreach programs that Chunky helped develop and that many, many volunteers help to support. Chunky’s ministry can be held up as a model to all of us who seek to serve the church. After we learned of Chunky’s death, David told me that he was going to surprise me on my 65th birthday in May by letting me know of the plans he was making for us to return to South Africa next fall or January. He had shared those plans with Chunky, who had his own idea about how to make that possible, and who promised to keep the plans a secret until my birthday. We still intend to return, but it will be bitter sweet. When we think of returning, we imagine ourselves with Chunky and Elvina – in their beautiful home, at church, in the bush, out to eat – but within a beat or two, we remember that Chunky won’t be there, and our hearts break all over again. David and I firmly believe in Easter hope. Our faith is not shaken, but we know that we will live in the shadow of Good Friday for a very long time. Like so many others, ours is a grief that cannot be consoled. We will forever carry the sorrow of Chunky’s death, but we will also forever be grateful for the privilege of getting to know him. And we will hold everyone (our friends and those whom we do not know, but most especially Elvina and all the members of Chunky’s and Elvina’s family) in our prayers on Friday and for a long time to come. I write in gratitude for Chunky’s life and with deep sorrow over his death. David isn’t on Facebook, but he helped write this account. Together we send our love. David and Nancy Duff ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV DR MARTIN (CHUNKY) YOUNG WE WILL MISS YOU DEARLY THE MANY FACES OF CHUNKY. This is the man we at St Columba's love .... a fine leader, a man of God with a vision for a new and better world. Carl Ballot thank you so much for sharing these images. Geoff van Heerden
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