Letter from Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young
Letter from Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young
ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE WEEKLY MESSAGE—24TH MARCH 2016 A Congregation of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa St. Columba’s is a community where the best of Presbyterian tradition courageously embraces inclusivity, innovation and open-minded conversation in Christian service. Letter from Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young Letter from Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young Due to Chunky preaching throughout Holy Week, there is no letter from him today. HOLY WEEK AT ST COLUMBA’S CONDOLENCES Thursday 24th March 2016 at 7:00pm MAUNDY THURSDAY Holy Communion and Tenebrae Friday 25th March 2016 at 9:00am GOOD FRIDAY Morning Service of Good Friday Minister: Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young Our sincere condolences to the Patton family on the death of Audrey. Sunday 27th March at 8:00am, 9:30am EASTER DAY Festive Holy Communion for Easter Day Minister: Rev. Dr Martin (Chunky) Young ***PLEASE NOTE NO EVENING SERVICE Banking Details: Standard Bank Rosebank Branch 004305 Account: 001948776 St. Columba's Presbyterian Church St Columba’s Presbyterian Church 45 Lurgan Road Parkview Johannesburg 2193 Tel: (011) 646-5420/1/2 Fax: (011) 646-0253 www.stcolumbaschurch.co.za admin@stcolumbas.org.za Follow us on Facebook ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dear Member REMINDER - 2016/2017 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN The 2016/2017 stewardship material was distributed primarily electronically (through direct email and via our webpage), but also in hard copy for those without email or internet access. If you have not yet expressed a commitment, please would you consider doing so now by completing the pledge card? For ease of reference, there is a link to the stewardship material below. Our deadline for responses was 15 March 2016, to enable our Board of Management to reasonably estimate the anticipated income and thereby be able to reaffirm our commitment to worship, the sustainability of the Church and the full extent of work that we do. Please may I therefore ask you to respond to this follow-up request as a priority? By 18 March 2016, we had received 172 positive indications, including ongoing debit orders. We estimate that together these donors will provide R1 732 040, which is just over 50% of our targeted income for the year of R3 000 000. We therefore still have a long way to go and need the full support of all those who have not yet responded, who hopefully will be able to assist in securing this much needed funding. Please may I ask you to ensure that the Church receives your response by 31 March 2016 (even if simply to indicate that you are unable to give this year). This will enable us to know that we’ve reached every member and, from the collective outcome, be able to confirm our plans and budget with renewed energy and action, furthering our Church’s reach. New donors are always welcome – and much needed! If you didn’t participate in our Stewardship Appeal last year, hopefully you’ll feel that you are in a position to do so this year. Please remember that we always welcome visitors, who we hope many of whom will join our Church. Bringing friends and family to worship with us and become involved in our programmes is a major step forward for increasing our number of members. Achieving this is up to all of us. St Columba’s Church is remarkable in many respects. With the arrival of our new minister, Rev Alistair Anquetil (joining us from 1 June), there is already a lot of excitement and interest in terms of us doing even more. Talent, time and money are needed to achieve our goals. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to how we as individuals, and as a community, may respond to this. Yours faithfully Mike Lovell Convenor: Stewardship Committee Click here to view our brochure. 2 Click here to submit your pledge online. ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE FIRST TERM 2016 PLEASE JOIN US THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING FOR PAUL’S CHRISTIANITY ECLIPSING THE ROMAN EMPIRE. TIME: 18H30. FOR ANY INQUIRIES PLEASE CALL HANSIE 082-887-5665 U RGENT APPEAL 1 bedroom flat required urgently in Linden. If you are to help, please contact Andy White at the office on: 011 646 5420 or email admin@stcolumbas.org.za We would like to wish you all a blessed and happy Easter. T D he Pantry Outreach contact person Iris Fair Telephone number +27(0)84 438 0709 Email address irisfair@icon.co.za P lease remember the pantry when you are grocery shopping: 1x1kg sugar, 500g rice, smash, packet soup, box cup of soup. 3 aily Lectionary Readings Monday: Mark 16:1-8 Tuesday: Mark 16: 9-20 Wednesday: Matt. 28:1-16 Thursday: Matt. 28:16-20 Friday: Luke 24:1-12 Saturday: Mark 12:18-27 ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE CELEBRATING A BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK 27th March Shelagh Payne 28th March Sean Dobie Peter Malungani Merren Smith Colleen Wentzel 29th March Jennifer Barrow Stephen Buchner Margaret Goldsmid Nola Kidd Margo Ten Tusscher Willem Trengove Hedda Wolmarans 30th March Bronwyn Ingram Douglas Tilton Calista Tutttelberg 31st March Suzanne Rissik Maureen Smith 1st April 2nd April Melanie Anders Glen Krynauw Marie Smit 4 ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Annual Fête Fairlands Children’s Home holds a massive annual Fête at the end of August each year. This is our major fundraiser that enables us to keep our doors open and care for up to 60 children who have been placed into our care. The success of the Fête is very dependent on the support we receive from the local community. In this regard we desperately need assistance with our Cake Stall. We need people either to provide cakes or bake cakes, cupcakes, milk tarts and biscuits, even things like fudge and coconut ice etc. for our Cake Stall. We were hoping that your Church would be able to assist us with this. For parishioners who are willing, but maybe need assistance with ingredients, we would be able to assist by providing eggs and flour. Our Fête is on Saturday 27th August 2016 at our premises – 21 Eleventh Street, Linden. We would need to have the cakes delivered to us by the Friday the 26th in order to be set out ready for the Fête on the 27th. We are desperate for support and so would really appreciate your help in this regard. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours sincerely Eddie & Hazel de Vos Principals admin@firlandsch.co.za 5 ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Club Sunday, 3 April 2016 9.30 to 10.30am Sunday, 3 April 2016: Age Lesson Other Activity Ages 2 – 4 Adam and Eve Story time Make curling snakes Message in a bottle activity Ages 4 - 9 Ages 10 – 13 Bible tools – what are they? Bible tools – Bible tools matching exercise Abraham and Sarah 6 Plot a map of Moses leading the people out of Egypt to the promised land ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THIS WEEK AT ST COLUMBA’S: WEEK 28TH MARCH TO 3RD APRIL 2016 Monday 1st Monday 28th Tuesday 29th 12h30 BridgeEaster Monday 16h30 Outreach Meeting 17h00 Nicarela Meeting 18h30 Bach Choir practice Wednesday 30th 18h30 Wednesday Night Live Thursday 31st 11h00 Thusano 18h00 Executive Meeting 19h00 Choir Practice 08h00 Rev Prof Hansie Wolmarans 09h30 Rev Prof Hansie Wolmarans Friday 1st Sunday 3rd Sunday Club & Alchemist Group 18h45 AA Meeting in Jones Hall 19h00 Rev Prof Hansie Wolmarans 7 ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "I offer you a FREE no obligation quote" Only R 500.00 per day Anywhere in Johannesburg Call Trevor on 0845 07 07 47 ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED, REFERENCES AVAILABLE I’m reliable, trustworthy, experienced and can work unsupervised. Email: TREVOR.TROYE@GMAIL.COM F ridge Freezer ANY TYPE: BOX OR FRIDGE FREEZER. If you can help, please contact the church office on Tel: 011-646-5420/1 8
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