Letter from Rev Alistair Anquetil - St Columba`s Presbyterian Church
Letter from Rev Alistair Anquetil - St Columba`s Presbyterian Church
ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE WEEKLY MESSAGE—21ST JULY 2016 A Congregation of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa St. Columba’s is a community where the best of Presbyterian tradition courageously embraces inclusivity, innovation and open-minded conversation in Christian service. Letter from Rev Dr Martin (Chunky) Young Letter from Rev Alistair Anquetil Decisions taken at General Assembly Banking Details: Standard Bank Rosebank Dear Friends, Amongst the number of decisions that were taken at last week’s General Assembly are two that clearly stand out as having bearing on St. Columba’s and in relation to the positions that this congregation has taken in recent years about same sex relationships: Firstly the decision was made that no minister of the UPCSA is permitted to conduct or bless any form of civil union. Branch 004305 Account: 001948776 St. Columba's Presbyterian Church St Columba’s Presbyterian Church 45 Lurgan Road Parkview Johannesburg 2193 In the second instance a Notice of Motion was brought against Hansie’s doctrine and teaching (a matter separate to same sex relationships). This was then referred as a Complaint to the Court of Assembly. Further to that, Rev. Brent Russell requested that the status of Minister Emeritus be withheld pending the result of the said court – this was contested, but ultimately agreed to. The implications of these decisions still need to be understood and processed by our Session (which meets on the 2nd of August) and our congregation and with all the relevant information at our disposal. These are two very sensitive matters that affect many of us to varying degrees and need to be handled with the greatest of care. You will be kept up to speed with these things as they develop. What is left to say at this stage, is that my door is open, please do be in touch if you would like talk further. With a heavy heart, your minister and friend, Alistair Tel: (011) 646-5420/1/2 Fax: (011) 646-0253 www.stcolumbaschurch.co.za admin@stcolumbas.org.za Follow us on Facebook ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH St Columba’s has a number of Senior members who were active members of the church but are no longer able to get to church, have moved out of their homes,no longer have elders visiting, are not computer literate and really miss not being in touch. The Pastoral committee is looking for volunteers who would be happy to be a link; to be a friend just by making an occasional phone call. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL IF YOU ARE ABLE TO REACH OUT AND BE A ST COLUMBA’S FRIEND. Roy Sawers 011 447 7840 or 072 255 2865 Gael Forbes 011 615 6978 or 082 463 3970 Church Office 011 646 5420 CONGRATULATIONS RON AND CAROL We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ron and Carol Timm who are celebrating their Golden Wedding anniversary on the 23rd July 2016. We hope you are enjoying your special time away in the UK with your family. D aily Lectionary Readings Monday: Matt. 26:36-46 Tuesday: Matt. 26:47-56 Wednesday: Matt. 26:57-68 Thursday: Matt. 26:69-75 Friday: Matt. 27:1-10 ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST COLUMBA’S DATABASE UPDATE St Columba’s is busy with a major update of the congregation database. Please can we ask you to complete the online membership form so that we can be sure we have your correct details. When you have completed the form and click the submit key, a new tab will automatically open in your browser on the top right hand side. For security reasons, you will be asked to type in the CAPTCHA code and click on submit. Lastly you will receive confirmation of your form submission, and you can now close the browser. Once you click here on the link provided, the membership page will appear. You can follow these steps to complete your update. ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THERE IS STILL TIME TO ENTER NOT TO BE MISSED Are you a winner? See the next page for details ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS IN JULY - WELL DONE SUNDAY CLUB The amount of trouble Debi Weber and the Sunday Club team go to to make our post service teas such a pleasure to attend needs some form recognition. So let's do it in pictures. Here's a big thank you from all of us at St Columba's, who were able to share this wonderful Christmas in July with you all. And how special was it to see Ryno Frylinck back in church after his nasty fall. ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 702 WALK THE TALK Please be advised that due to the 702 walk the talk there will be a few road closures on Sunday 24th July. We have included a map for you to plan your route on that Sunday and a printable residents pass. Alternatively, you can collect a pass at the church office. Click on the map to download your route. ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE CELEBRATING A BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK 24th July Trefor Jenkins 25th July Nicola Bush Julia Du Plessis Deborah Whitehead 26th July Susan (Sue) Gordon 27th July Suzanne Clifton Julie Cuyler Jean Jones Sandra Pyke Jackie Staveley Martha Trinchero Patrick Waite Lynette (Lyn) White 28th July Janet Watts 29th July Nicky Evans Kenja Mcarthur 30th July Michelle Jordaan Ciara Rowe ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Club Sunday, 24 July 2016 9.30 to 10.30am Age Lesson Other Activity Ages 2 - 5 Moses and the pharaoh Story time Paper pyramid craft Story time Baby Moses craft Ages 6 - 8 Ages 9 – 13 Forming healthy relationships View and episode of Wizards of Waverly Place and discuss the relationships in the episode ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Club Sunday, 31 July 2016 9.30 to 10.30am Join us for a “pilgrims” themed family service in the Church! The lineup will include: Chaucer, Prologue to Canterbury tales – about the Canterbury Pilgrims; The Pilgrim’s Way and Manner; An extract from A Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan A piano rendition of Antionio Estevez’s Lullaby for a Doll An Angel and Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam sung by the Sunday Club M+WIG The next event is a visit to the M+WIG The next event is a visit to the WALTER SISULU NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDENS (ROODEPOORT) TUESDAY 30 AUGUST 2016 No Charge as this is Pensioners day at the Botanical Gardens No formal booking required but please just let Elspeth know that you are coming so that we do not wander off without you Meet at 8.00 am at the Entrance Gate ENQUIRIES AND ATTENDANCE CONFIRMATION Elspeth Jansen edjproms@yebo.co.za BARBERTON TRIP The Barberton Trip originally scheduled for October 2016 has had to be moved until next year. Elspeth has done a lot of research and identified some very interesting activities but the accommodation has been problematic in that the 3 possible Guest Houses we identified are either fully booked, not up to M+WIG standards, or are being sold to new owners who are not taking bookings for October at this time We look forward to seeing you at the Botanical Gardens Best Regards Elspeth & Willie Jansen Gill Hardingham Ron & Carol Timm ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH T he Pantry Outreach contact person Iris Fair Telephone number +27(0)84 438 0709 Email address irisfair@icon.co.za Please remember the pantry when you are grocery shopping: • TIN LARGE AND SMALL PILCHARDS • • TUNA SWEETCORN • PEAS • SMALL TOMATO SAUCE ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH F airlands Children’s Home holds a massive annual Fête at the end of August each year. This is our major fundraiser that enables us to keep our doors open and care for up to 60 children who have been placed into our care. The success of the Fête is very dependent on the support we receive from the local community. In this regard we desperately need assistance with our Cake Stall. We need people either to provide cakes or bake cakes, cupcakes, milk tarts and biscuits, even things like fudge and coconut ice etc. If you are able to assist us we would be most grateful. Our Fête is on Saturday 27th August 2016 at our premises – 21 Eleventh Street, Linden. We would need to have the cakes delivered to us by the Friday the 26th in order to be set out ready for the Fête on the 27th. We are desperate for support and so would really appreciate your help in this regard. Eddie & Hazel de Vos—Majors—Principals ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST COLUMBA’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THIS WEEK AT ST COLUMBA’S: 25TH TO 31ST JULY 2016 st th Monday Monday125 12h30 12h30 16h30 16h30 18h30 Bridge Bridge Outreach Meeting Outreach Bach ChoirMeeting 17h00 Nicarela Meeting 18h30 Bach Choir practice Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th 11h00 19h00 Thusano Choir Practice Friday 29th Sunday 31st 08h00 09h30 POTJIEKOS COMPETITION PEASE NOTE THAT THE 7.00PM SERVICE IS CANCELLED DUE TO THE POTJIEKOS COMPETITION 09h30 Sunday Club Alchemist Group 18h30 to 19h30 AA meeting in Jones Halls
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