2011 Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project
2011 Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project
2011 Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, Arizona, USA INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project was to test alternative methods of landscape maintenance for turf and rock mulch sites on the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Flagstaff campus. These sites are under the care of the Grounds Department of Capital Assets and Services (CAS), which utilizes a variety of techniques to maintain athletic fields, lawns, flower beds, shrubs, and trees spread across approximately 650 acres. Synthetic herbicides are used on a regular basis throughout the growing season due to a university requirement to keep grass and rock mulch areas weed-free. Although CAS uses these herbicides according to manufacturer’s recommendations, there is concern that these chemicals pose human health risks and can negatively affect local ecosystems, including damage to soils and water. The university has established a Learning and Enterprise Strategic Plan which includes the goal of “Stewardship and Sustainability of Place” (see Appendix A: Eliminating Herbicide Use on the NAU Campus). One strategy within this goal is for NAU “to be a model of environmentally responsible and sustainable operations and education”. The elimination of potentially toxic herbicides is a critical first step towards environmental responsibility and sustainability. The landscapes of NAU provide the perfect setting to showcase alternative methods of lawn and garden maintenance and thus create an educational opportunity for students, faculty, and the general public. Through this pilot project, we have begun to test non-toxic turf treatments, including the hand-pulling of weeds, improving soil health through the application of organically-approved amendments, and introducing native types of turfgrass. We are also monitoring the use of physical weed barriers on xeriscaped rock mulch areas and comparing them to areas which are sprayed with synthetic herbicides. As a pilot project, we encountered a number of unexpected situations which caused our research to adapt and evolve. A study such as this is further confounded by issues such as the variability of weather from year to year and the slow process of improving soil health. It is therefore necessary to complete more seasons of monitoring in order to acquire valid data for broader applications. As the first season of treatments comes to an end, we are confident that we have collected useful data, refined our research technique, and have built a strong vision for ongoing research. For further information on the intentions of this pilot project, see Appendix B: Green Fund Project Proposal for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project. METHODOLOGY Choosing Sites Test and control sites were chosen through collaboration with CAS. Visibility to passing students and visitors was considered the highest priority. Sites were also chosen to represent different areas of the campus (i.e. South, Central, and/or North Campus), since each area could have variations in soils and microclimates. Test and control sites were adjacent to each other, usually divided by sidewalks. Rock mulch sites were chosen to include both single-layer and dual-layer weed barriers. In July 2011, site RUT-S was found to have no weed barrier in place, but monitoring continued as per usual. In the early summer of 2011, we were informed that the Ardrey sites (AT-N, AT-S, AC) were slated to undergo construction in the spring of 2012 and the amount of subsequent damage was unknown. The Ardrey sites continued to undergo treatment and monitoring for the remainder of 2011, and their condition will be assessed in 2012 to determine if they can continue to be used. The Knoles sites (KT and KC) were then chosen as replacements in the event that the Ardrey sites were unsuitable for further research. Due to the late inclusion of the Knoles sites, they were not soil tested in 2011 but will be tested in the spring of 2012 along with the other sites. Also due to the late inclusion and to the somewhat different weeding protocols (see Transecting and Data Collection below), data from KC and KT are not always included in the results of this document. Site Measurement Turf and rock mulch sites (except KC and KT) were measured using a calibrated wheel and sketches, and the data was put into Devinci:Almode, a real-estate appraisal program (see Appendix C-1: Plot Measuring). The KC and KT sites were measured using a steel measuring tape and sketches, and the data was put into AutoCAD, version: D.309.0.0, Auto Computer Aided Design 2010, manufactured by Autodesk (see Appendix C-2: Plot Measuring-Knoles). Soil Testing Prior to beginning treatments, soil samples were collected from all turf test and turf control sites with the exception of KC and KT. Five to ten samples were randomly collected depending on the size of the site. To collect the samples, the top turf layer was cut and pulled back, and soil was collected at 3-6 inches below surface. Samples from each site were mixed in a plastic bucket, and noticeable rocks and plant fragments were removed. The samples were placed in zip-lock freezer bags and stored in a freezer until testing. Soil testing was conducted at the Colorado Plateau Analytical Laboratory at NAU. Samples for pH were measured in 50 +/-5g amounts and tested using an Orion 701A pH probe. Remaining soil was hand crushed and put through a 2 mm sieve. Sieved soil was measured into 50 +/-5g samples and dried for 24 hours in a 70C oven. Dried soil was measured into 10 +/- 1g samples. Each sample was tested for nitrogen (N as NO3- and NH4+) using a 2M potassium chloride extraction; potassium (K) using the “Flame Atomic Absorption” technique (EPA method 7610); phosphorus (P as PO4-3) using a sodium bicarbonate extraction (a.k.a. Olsen Method); iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), and sodium (Na) using a barium chloride extraction (EPA method 213.1 for Ca and method 273.1 for Na); and sulfur (S) using Ion Chromatography (EPA 300). Results were calculated by multiplying the final concentration by 50 (the extraction volume in milliliters) and dividing by the weight of the original sample; results were reported as micrograms per gram of dry soil. Transecting and Data Collection For all test and control sites (except KT and KC: see below), baseline data was collected prior to treatments regarding weed abundance and species composition by running six-foot wide transects and counting and identifying all weeds observed from standing height. The primary weed species of concern, as stated by CAS, were white clover (Trifolium repens), dandelion (Taraxacum officianale), and cheeseweed/common mallow (Malva neglecta or parvifolia). Beginning with treatments, weed production was monitored by running six-foot wide transects every 14 - 21 days and counting and identifying all weeds observed from standing height. On turf test sites, weeds were pulled using Ames® Dandelion Digger and/or Ames® HoundDog WeedHound Elite and/or Grampa’s Weeder. Clover patches were counted but not removed. During the monsoon season, plantain (Plantago major) became difficult to completely remove due to a burst in seedling production; at that point, plantain were both removed individually and counted as clumps (similar to clover). On rock mulch test sites, weeds were pulled by hand to avoid damaging fabric and plastic weed barriers. On turf test and control sites, grass conditions and general observations were recorded, such as overall lawn appearance, prevalence of exposed soil, and grass health. Beginning in August 2011, monitoring and hand-weeding began on KT and continued at 14 - 21 day intervals. In an effort to replicate the actions of a typical grounds employee, weeds were located by simply walking around the site, then pulled using the WeedHound and put in a bucket. This type of weeding activity (hereinafter called normal weeding) was timed in order to determine how long it would take a typical grounds-worker to weed an area this size. After weeding, the weeds in the bucket were counted and identified. The control site (KC) was transected with the same methods used for the other control sites. During the summer and fall of 2011, the Ardrey, Eastburn, and SBS test sites were normally weeded once in the manner described for KT. After the normal weeding, AT-N, AT-S, and ST were transected to account for any weeds missed by normal weeding. This step was neglected on ET-E and ET-W. In 2012, all sites will have normal weeding followed by transecting performed on a regular basis. Beginning in August 2011, a quadrat system was implemented in order to estimate percent cover of (1) thick grass, (2) thin grass/thatch, (3) weeds, and (4) exposed soil (including holes). The number of quadrats per site was selected based on square footage, and only test and control sites within one area were compared (i.e. AT-N and AT-S were compared with AC but not with EC) due to the extreme differences is site sizes. Data was collected by having two to four people take turns randomly throwing a 25-inch diameter hula hoop and assessing (by consensus) the cover where the hoop landed, with observations done at standing height. This was not performed on the Knoles sites but will be in 2012. Other Variables Irrigation data for turf test sites were provided by CAS and were used to calculate the amount of water used on each site over the course of the season. Precipitation amounts and temperatures were recorded weekly from http://classic.wunderground.com/history/airport/KFLG.html , in order to track climate variables which may influence plant growth and to compare natural precipitation rates with irrigation applications. 2011 SITES and TREATMENTS TURF SITES SITE: Ardrey Turf Control Site (AC) Location: North of Ardrey east entrance, bordered by Knoles Drive and the entrance walkway to the Clifford White Theatre Size: ≈ 3,399 ft2 SITE: Ardrey Turf Test Site North (AT-N) Location: North of Ardrey east entrance, bordered by Knoles Drive Size: ≈ 1,195 ft2 SITE: Ardrey Turf Site South (AT-S) Location: South of Ardrey east entrance, bordered by Knoles Drive Size: ≈ 2,872 ft2 SITE: Eastburn Turf Control Site (EC) Location: NE of Eastburn main entrance, bordered by Knoles Drive and Parking lot Size: ≈ 27,821 ft2 SITE: Eastburn Turf Test Site East (ET-E) Location: SE of Eastburn main entrance, bordered by Knoles Drive Size: ≈ 15,006 ft2 Treatments: 1. Pelletized corn gluten meal (CG) was applied in on 05/06/11 at a rate of 10 lbs/1,000 ft 2 (total = 150 lbs) and again on 10/08/11 at a rate of 10 lbs/1,000 ft 2 (total = 150 lbs). 2. Pelletized sulfur (90% elemental sulfur, 10% bentonite) was applied on 10/08/11 at a rate of ≈ 10 lbs/1,000 ft2 (total = 150 lbs). SITE: Eastburn Turf Test Site West (ET-W) Location: SE of Eastburn main entrance, along side of building Size: ≈ 3,665 ft2 Treatments: 1. Pelletized CG was applied on 05/06/11 at a rate of 20 lbs/1,000 ft2 (total = 70 lbs) and again on 10/08/11 at a rate of 20 lbs./1,000 ft 2 (total = 70 lbs) 2. Pelletized sulfur (90% elemental sulfur, 10% bentonite) was applied on 10/08/11 at a rate of ≈ 15 lbs./1,000 ft2 (total = 50 lbs) SITE: Knoles Turf Control Site (KC) Location: East side of parking garage, north of test site, bordered by Riordan and Knoles Drive Size: ≈ 2,659 ft2 SITE: Knoles Turf Test Site (KT) Location: East side of parking garage, south of control site, by parking garage entrance Size: ≈ 1,727 ft2 SITE: SBS Turf Control Site (SC) Location: North of SBS western entrance, south of test site: triangular corner by sidewalk and parking lot Size: ≈ 710 ft2 SITE: SBS Turf Test Site (ST) Location: North of SBS western entrance, next to parking lot Size: ≈ 4,362 ft2 Treatments: On 06/25/11, blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis) seed from High Country Gardens, Santa Fe, New Mexico, was applied at a rate of ≈ 2 lbs/1,000 ft 2 (total = 7 lbs) ROCK MULCH SITES SITE: Clifford White Theatre Rock Mulch Test Site North (RCT-N) Location: North border of walkway to Clifford White Theatre entrance off of Knoles Drive Size: ≈ 1,657 ft2 Site has a dual-layer weed barrier consisting of a top layer of permeable woven plastic and a bottom layer of impermeable plastic sheeting. SITE: Clifford White Theatre Rock Mulch Test Site South (RCT-S) Location: South border of walkway to Clifford White Theatre entrance off of Knoles Drive Size: ≈ 487 ft2 Site has a dual-layer weed barrier consisting of a top layer of permeable woven plastic and a bottom layer of impermeable plastic sheeting. SITE: Union Rock Mulch Test Site North (RUT-N) Location: North of Union building (Knoles Drive side), along wall Size: 571 ft2 Site has a dual-layer weed barrier consisting of a top layer of permeable woven plastic and a bottom layer of impermeable plastic sheeting. SITE: Union Rock Mulch Test Site South (RUT-S) Location: South of Union building (Knoles Drive side), along wall Size: 1,612 ft2 Site has no weed barrier SITE: SBS Rock Mulch Control Site (RSC) Location: East of SBS/Castro building, south of walkway to entrance Size: 2,313 ft2 Site has a single-layer weed barrier (permeable woven plastic). RESULTS TURF SITES Soil Tests Knoles sites were not tested this season. All sites were alkaline, with pH levels higher than optimal for turfgrass growth (Table 1). No measurable amounts of sulfur or iron were detected on any sites. Phosphorus levels were low with the exception of ET-E. Potassium was within the optimal range or slightly below. Table 1: Baseline soil test results for 2011 turf sites (nutrient levels in parts per million) Nitrate Ammonium Site pH NO3+NO2 NH4 P K Ca Na Fe Su AC 7.80 2.54 9.19 12.83 149.15 2963.11 69.60 <11 <3 AT-N 7.67 2.63 15.34 14.36 143.99 3351.54 158.89 <11 <3 AT-S 7.64 1.61 9.77 15.88 114.39 2725.55 129.31 <11 <3 EC 7.67 4.02 13.29 11.75 203.68 4295.90 41.66 <11 <3 ET-E 7.88 2.63 12.68 19.23 138.53 3300.02 4.95 <11 <3 ET-W 7.67 4.19 17.21 14.89 219.92 4310.43 9.77 <11 <3 SC 7.81 1.29 12.89 13.53 170.45 2649.26 24.35 <11 <3 ST 7.58 4.80 20.64 15.06 175.63 4097.96 19.51 <11 <3 Optimal 5.0range 6.0-7.0 N/A N/A 16-24 150-240 2400-4799 30.0 Other ranges high = high = found* 8-18 101-150 * Levels were rated as low-medium-high-very high. Levels above “high” required no additional inputs of the nutrient.. Weed Abundance and Diversity Clover and dandelion were the most abundant weeds across all sites (Table 2). Plantain was abundant on most sites, with the largest populations on ET-E, ET-W, and AT-N. Cheeseweed, although named by CAS as a problem weed, was limited and found primarily along edges with bare soil, as was spurge and most prickly lettuce. Bindweed was noted but found in limited areas where it blended well with the turf grass. Other weeds were classified together and were not numerous enough to be considered important. Table 2: Total weed abundance and diversity on 2011 turf sites (per 100 ft 2 of lawn area) SITE AC AT-N AT-S EC ET-E ET-W SC ST TOTAL/ 100 ft2 Dandelion Clover Prickly Lettuce 1.29 4.18 0.97 0.27 0.21 0.35 3.94 4.47 Plantain 1.62 2.68 2.96 18.50 9.78 16.59 14.23 65.84 Cheeseweed 0.06 0.92 0.07 1.14 0.43 5.27 0.28 0.76 15.62 13.81 18.14 21.63 9.17 19.21 14.65 18.94 131.17 Bindweed Spurge Other TOTAL/ 100 ft2 18.51 41.42 20.37 4.31 38.91 40.16 14.51 5.02 Black Medic 1.32 1.51 0.63 4.22 3.05 5.05 15.49 3.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.51 0.00 0.00 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.29 0.27 0.00 0.09 1.47 2.76 1.57 1.61 3.79 5.89 4.23 2.50 39.89 87.36 44.46 52.68 66.12 92.80 67.32 102.61 132.20 8.93 15.68 182.85 35.14 2.38 0.89 23.82 553.24 Weeding Times Weeding times fluctuated but stayed within close ranges during the first half of the season and diminished on some sites until the monsoons began (Figure 1). During the monsoon season, times increased dramatically due to a surge in plantain and dandelion seedling production and changes in weeding techniques with the arrival of new interns. AT-N AT-S ET-E ET-W ST 14.00 Number of person-hours 12.00 10.00 8.00 Normal weeding with no transect 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weeding Session 8 9 10 11 Figure 1: Weeding times for turf test sites during 2011 monitoring season Normal weeding with transect Knoles Sites Times for normal weeding (without transecting) on KT diminished over the course of the monitoring Time (minutes) season (Figure 2). Weed abundance on KT was significantly lower than on KC (Figure 3). 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 y = -2.8571x + 38.333 08/10/11 08/24/11 09/07/11 09/21/11 10/13/11 10/27/11 KT Weeding Sessions Total Weeds per 100 ft.2 Figure 2: “Normal” weeding times for Knoles turf test site during 2011 monitoring season 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 KC KT 08/12/11 08/24/11 09/07/11 09/21/11 10/13/11 10/27/11 Weeding Sessions Figure 3: Weed abundance for Knoles turf test and control sites during 2011 monitoring season Percent Cover All sites were dominated by thin/thatchy cover (Figure 4). AC Percent Cover 2011 Soil/holes Weeds Thin/thatchy 9% EC Percent Cover 2011 Thick Soil/holes Weeds Thin/thatchy 11% 9% 3% 26% 41% 47% 54% AT-S Percent Cover 2011 Soil/holes Weeds Thin/thatchy 12% 9% ET-E Percent Cover 2011 Thick Soil/holes 4% Weeds Thin/thatchy 6% 22% 75% Weeds 15% Thick 15% 57% ET-W Percent Cover 2011 AT-N Percent Cover 2011 Soil/holes Thick Thin/thatchy Thick Soil/holes Weeds Thin/thatchy Thick 2% 6% 16% 2% 37% 55% 67% SC Percent Cover 2011 Soil/holes Weeds 14% Thin/thatchy ST Percent Cover 2011 Thick Soil/holes Weeds Thin/thatchy 6% 15% 0% 30% 71% Figure 4: Variations in ground cover on turf test sites from 2011 monitoring season 37% 27% Thick Rock Mulch Sites All rock mulch sites had minimal weed abundance relative to the size of the plot (Figure 5). Weeding times stayed between 1 and 10 minutes. 7.00 Number of weeds per 100 ft.2 6.00 RCT-N RCT-S 5.00 RUT-N 4.00 RUT-S RSC 3.00 2.00 Herbicide spray 1.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Weed Monitoring Session Figure 5: Weed abundance on rock mulch sites for 2011 monitoring season IRRIGATION ON TURF TEST SITES Irrigation on test sites was calculated for the season based on head numbers and spray volume (see Appendix D). Precipitation amounts were recorded in order to compare the amount of water which naturally occurred to the amount of water applied by irrigation (Table 3). Table 3: Flagstaff precipitation and irrigation amounts for turf test sites during 2011 monitoring season Date Total Precipitation (in) AT-N Irrigation (gal) AT-S Irrigation (gal) ET-E Irrigation (gal) ET-W Irrigation (gal) ST Irrigation (gal) Mar. 27-April 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 April 3-9 April 10-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,378.50 1,248.30 0.00 April 17-23 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,757.00 2,496.60 0.00 April 24-30 0.00 7,453.00 2,496.60 2,241.00 May 1-7 0.00 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 May 8-14 0.11 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 May 15-21 0.76 1,663.20 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 May 22-28 0.00 2,494.80 2,246.40 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 May 29-June 4 0.00 3,326.40 2,995.20 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 June 5-11 0.00 3,326.40 2,995.20 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 June 12-18 0.00 3,326.40 2,995.20 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 4,482.00 1,108.80 1,108.80 1,663.20 998.40 998.40 1,497.60 0.00 June 19-25 0.00 June 26-July 2 0.00 3,326.40 2,995.20 22,359.00 7,489.80 July 3-9 0.57 2,217.60 1,796.00 18,632.50 6,241.50 3,735.00 July 10-16 0.07 1,108.80 998.40 7,453.00 2,496.60 2,241.00 July 17-23 0.38 1,108.80 998.40 7,453.00 2,496.60 2,241.00 July 24-30 1.27 1,108.80 998.40 7,453.00 2,496.60 2,241.00 July 31-Aug. 6 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aug. 7-13 0.01 1,386.00 1,248.00 9,316.25 1.71 1,663.20 1,497.60 11,179.50 4,369.05 3,744.90 1,467.50 Aug. 14-20 Aug. 21-27 0.10 3,326.40 2,995.20 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 Aug. 28-Sept. 3 0.00 3,326.40 2,995.20 22,359.00 7,489.80 4,482.00 2.22 1,663.23 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 1.11 1,663.23 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 0.01 1,663.23 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 0.11 1,663.23 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 1.57 1,663.23 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 0.00 1,663.23 1,497.60 11,179.50 3,744.90 2,241.00 0.00 1,663.23 1,497.60 0.00 0.00 2,241.00 0.37 831.60 748.80 0.00 0.00 2,241.00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,120.50 46,973.60 gal. 352,563.25 gal. 121,709.25 gal. 78,035.00 gal. Sept. 4-10 Sept. 11-17 Sept. 18-24 Sept. 25-Oct. 1 Oct. 2-8 Oct. 9-15 Oct. 16-22 Oct. 23-29 Oct. 30-Nov. 5 TOTALS Total Irrigation 3,326.40 13.62 in. 52,391.01 gal. 651,672.11 gal. 2,995.20 2,241.00 DISCUSSION Issues with plant identification During baseline and first round of data collection, all plants resembling clover were counted as clover. During subsequent collections, plants such as black medic (Medicago lupulina) and oxalis (Oxalis corniculata) were able to be separately identified due to flowering. Other plants, such as plantain, became more apparent and easily identified as well. Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) was often counted as dandelion during initial counts and, like medic and oxalis, may still be problematic when in the seedling stage and for those collectors less experienced with botanical identification. It therefore must be assumed that some plants were misidentified in early counts and also during new seedling stages, such as during the monsoons. It is further assumed, however, that most grounds-workers would group these “look-alike” plants together for the purpose of elimination; therefore these discrepancies may not impact the validity of our results. Turf Sites Soil Test Interpretations Using the Internet as a resource, it was found that the recommended soil nutrient levels for turfgrass varied depending on the source. The site used as the reference for optimal levels was chosen because the levels were similar to a number of other sites: http://documents.crinet.com/AgSource-Cooperative-Services/Locations/UnderSoilAnaly.pdf Internet research continuously reiterated the belief that there is no reliable way to test for plant available nitrogen in soil due to seasonal variability and the overall transient nature of the nutrient. One source indicated that total nitrogen levels should be <20, but it also stated that the ratio of nitrate to ammonium was more critical than the actual levels themselves: nitrate levels should be three or more times greater than ammonium levels, i.e. 9 ppm nitrate to 3 ppm ammonium (http://groundsmag.com/mag/grounds_maintenance_keeping_eye_nitrogen/). In some cases, ammonium may not break down sufficiently due to lack of oxygen or compaction and thus the nitrogen cannot be taken up by the plants. Our results indicated that nitrogen levels varied greatly between sites, and all sites showed a ratio of ammonium and nitrate which was the inverse of the ratio recommended in the above article (Figure 5). The high levels of ammonium may indicate issues with compaction as well as a lack of active soil microorganisms which would normally transform the ammonium into nitrate and make it available to be taken up by the plants. Micrograms per gram dry soil 25.00 20.00 15.00 Nitrate NO3+NO2 10.00 Ammonium NH4 5.00 0.00 AC AT-N AT-S EC ET-E ET-W SC ST Figure 5: Nitrogen ratios on turf sites According to our references, potassium and phosphorus levels were optimal to low. It must be noted, however, that the recommended levels of potassium and phosphorus showed the greatest variance when researching optimal levels. If other references than the ones stated above were used, phosphorus levels on most sites would be considered high, and potassium levels on all sites would be considered high to very high (see: http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/components/1731-complete.pdf for other levels). According to Woods and Rossi (USGA 2011), high potassium can increase dandelion production. Any recommendations regarding the input of phosphorus and potassium should keep these discrepancies in mind. Soil Test Recommendations Given the variability of the nitrogen levels and the wide range in which phosphorus and potassium could be interpreted, we do not recommend applying any traditional N-P-K fertilizer until further soil tests are performed over time. Nitrogen may be added via corn gluten meal (CGM) treatments for weed control, since CGM contains approximately 10% nitrogen by weight. This application would serve a dual purpose of providing nitrogen to the grass while inhibiting weed seed germination. Properly composted animal manure and/or other organic material are non-toxic, low-level nitrogen applications which could be used as a top-dressing on turf sites. Top-dressing with any good quality compost would add nitrogen as well as improve soil structure and introduce microbes for better nitrification. Any applications involving phosphorus or potassium should be determined when soil test results indicate a definite deficiency. Plant tissue tests are also an option to determine nutrient levels. To add sulfur and acidify soil, elemental sulfur can be applied at approximately 7-10 lbs./1,000 ft2 for clay soils with established turf (http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/library/hort2/mf2311.pdf). Ideally, sulfur should be applied when the turf is first established (i.e. tilled into the soil). On established turf, it should be applied when coring/aeration takes place in the spring or fall. Sulfur should be applied in frequent, smaller amounts to avoid burning. It should be applied when temperatures are cooler (<80F) and be watered in. Hard water, which is common in Flagstaff and in reclaimed water used for irrigation, can make it more difficult to achieve acidification with elemental sulfur. Treatments with ammonium sulfate may ameliorate that effect (http://www.turf.uiuc.edu/extension/ext-fert.html). According to Tilman, et al (Ecological Applications 1999): “… fertilization of lawns with NH4SO4 [ammonium sulfate] favored lawn grasses and caused marked reduction in Taraxacum… Soil acidification caused by ammonium sulfate fertilization may also have played a role in this dominance by grasses.” Ammonium sulfate, however, is not considered an “organic” product and is prohibited according to the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) requirements. In accordance with the intentions of this study, it would therefore not be a suitable material. Ferrous and ferric sulfates are organically acceptable amendments that can also have an acidifying effect. Since the sites are deficient in iron, an iron sulfate is one suitable option. Foliar applications of ferrous sulfate are more readily available to plants than soil applications, particularly in alkaline soils, but results are short-lived. Chelated iron, as Fe-EDDHA and Fe-DTPA, will be more readily available in soil applications than unchelated forms and should be applied at a rate of 2-3 pounds per 1000 ft 2. Monthly applications are recommended during the growing season. The best solution for low iron is to improve the overall soil health and increase organic matter and microbial activity; natural chelates will then be formed. (See: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/az1415.pdf for the above-referenced information regarding Arizona soil pH and iron). Initial Application of Sulfur on Select Turf Test Sites Due to a miscommunication, pelletized sulfur was applied to ET-E and ET-W at much higher rates than recommended (see Methodology: 2011 Test Sites and Treatments). The excessive application rate did not appear to burn the grass; this may have been due to cool temperatures and the ensuing dormancy of the plants. To properly incorporate the sulfur into the established turf, aeration should have preceded application or been done immediately after application and before watering-in. Watering-in occurred immediately after application, and aeration was performed 10 days later. Soil tests conducted in the spring of 2012 will help determine whether or not the sulfur was retained within the soil by the late aeration. The high application rate may have a greater effect on soil pH than the recommended rates would have shown. If this is indicated by the next round of soil tests, we may consider using higher rates on other sites, provided the application is done late in the season to avoid turf damage. Weeding Tools Three weeding tools were used during the monitoring season: Ames® Dandelion Digger, Ames® HoundDog WeedHound Elite, and Grampa’s Weeder®. The Dandelion Digger was very successful in pulling plantain due to the plant’s shallow root system and compact form. Small plants in particular could be rapidly removed using a scooping motion. This tool required bending from the waist or squatting/kneeling, making it difficult to use for long periods of time. Grampa’s Weeder® worked with some success provided it was centered correctly over the plant. The clamping mechanism caused the surrounding turf to tear in clumps, leading to a larger amount of soil and grass being removed than with the other tools. The pulled weeds had to be pulled off of the tool by hand; they would not fall off into the bucket nor could they be scraped off on the edge of the bucket. This was particularly problematic in wet soil. The WeedHound was determined to be the most successful tool overall. It pulled all types of weeds easily, leaving a hole similar in size to the aeration holes. The sliding mechanism discharged the weeds into the bucket with one or two strokes. The spiked end could be driven into the soil with moderate pressure, although very dry, compacted soil could take more effort. With all tools, some weeds were not completely removed, as evidenced by the discovery of large, healthy weeds (primarily dandelion) growing out of the removal holes on the subsequent monitoring session. This may be due to incorrect centering over the weed before removal or the incomplete removal of the entire root system. Weeding Times Weeding times varied but stayed within close ranges prior to the monsoon season (Figure 1). Increases in precipitation were correlated with a sharp increase in seedling production, particularly plantain and dandelion on ET-E and ET-W, which subsequently led to longer weeding times. The training of new interns also increased weeding times: the techniques were not consistent with those of the previous interns, and thus more weeds were being pulled/counted than during the preceding sessions (see Figure 1, Sessions 8, 9, and 10). Weed Diversity and Abundance Dandelion was the most common weed found throughout the season, with an increase in seedling growth during the onset of the monsoons. White clover and black medic were found throughout the season, although medic was not identified as separate from clover until it began to flower in the beginning of June. Both clover and medic formed patches which were counted as “individuals”. Patches of clover varied in size from a few inches to 6 feet or more in diameter. Due to the size variations and subjectivity of the person counting (i.e. deciding what constitutes a single patch), a better system of measuring clover would be percent cover: rather than counting plants as individuals, measurement is based on the amount of surface area covered by clover within a given space. We will explore alternative methods of measurement for future research seasons, and implement what seems to be the most valid and efficient. Medic was usually removed, since the patches form from a central stem; there were occasions, however, when many individual plants were found close together and removing all of them would create too large a hole in the turf. Clover forms colonies via surface-covering stems (stolons) which root and could not be removed without digging. We intend to test removal methods in 2012, including the use of non-toxic sprays such as vinegar and hand-digging the patches; the bare areas would then be reseeded with turf grass. We are also studying the visual effects of having clover mixed in a grass lawn. Although current NAU landscape practices are designed to remove clover (such as the use of broadleaf herbicidal sprays), the plants are common in many lawns around the world, where they make nitrogen available to the turf grass and keep a thick, green cover when many grasses are brown and dormant (such as early spring and late fall). If the inclusion of clover does not reduce the aesthetic appeal of turf areas, it may be a more sustainable choice to encourage it rather than remove it. Cheeseweed was identified by CAS as a problem weed, but it was relatively uncommon in turf areas. Cheeseweed was primarily found along the edges of paved areas or around shrubs where it grew in exposed soil. The best strategy for removal would be reseeding exposed soil with the appropriate turfgrass in order to prevent cheeseweed from establishing. Other plants (excluding plantain: see below) were found in limited numbers and were therefore not seen as having a negative impact on the lawns. Most plants occurred in disturbed areas, such as pavement edges and bare soil, where over-seeding with turfgrass would greatly reduce the weed’s ability to establish. Plantain Abundance and Problems with Counts: Plantain was an unexpectedly abundant weed. Plantain was sparse during the beginning of the season but became extremely prolific once the monsoons began. Seedlings were the most problematic, forming large clumps of dozens of individuals which were difficult to completely remove without causing excessive damage to the turf (i.e. creating large holes). This was particularly an issue on the Eastburn sites, ET-E and ET-W, where the researchers were unable to count and pull all individuals and resorted to counting patches in a manner similar to that used to count clover. In the future, it would be best to remove patches of plantain by digging or with the application of a non-toxic herbicidal spray, and follow with grass seeding. At the end of the 2011 summer research session, plantain individuals were numbering in the thousands but were being counted in clumps or only as larger individuals by the summer interns. New interns began training in the fall but were not informed of the summer interns’ techniques. Due to the focus of training, a greater-than-usual number of plantains were counted on ET-E and ET-W which skewed the numbers when compared to previous counts. This is notable in the graphs which contain total weed numbers (Figures 6). If plantain counts are removed from the graph, the data is more consistent with the overall condition of the lawns relative to general weed abundance (Figure 7). 18 EC Total Weeds per 100 ft2 16 ET-E 14 ET-W 12 Normal weeding with no transect (both test sites) 10 8 6 4 Herbicide application 2 0 Corn gluten meal application Date of Weeding Figure 6: Total weed abundance for Eastburn turf sites Total weeds per 100 ft2 (excluding plantain) 18 EC 16 ET-E 14 ET-W 12 Normal weeding with no transect (both test sites) 10 8 6 4 Herbicide application 2 0 Corn gluten meal application Date of weeding Figure 7: Total weed abundance without plantain counts for Eastburn turf sites “Normal” Weeding Normal weeding was performed once on all turf test sites during the 2011 season in order to imitate the work of a typical grounds keeper. Standard transecting, with all found weeds counted and identified, followed the normal weeding in order to count any weeds missed during normal weeding; this produced the correct total number of weeds for that data collection session. Transecting was not performed on ET-E and ET-W following normal weeding. This produced an anomaly in the data, showing a dramatic dip in weed numbers when graphed (Figures 1, 6, and 7). Hand-weeding can be considered a labor and time intensive process. In order to accurately predict what CAS would need to allocate for hand-weeding, we will increase the frequency of normal weeding in 2012. Knoles and “Normal” Weeding The turf sites, KT and KC, were incorporated late in the monitoring season and therefore had fewer monitoring sessions than other sites. The test site, KT, was normally weeded without transecting; the control site, KC, was transected, and weeds were counted and identified. While KT had fewer weeds to begin with, hand-weeding treatments showed a significant reduction in weed abundance when compared to KC, and weeding times diminished over the course of the season (Figures 2 and 3). Percent Cover Percent cover was used to determine the quality of the turf areas in terms of the visual health of the grass and overall aesthetic appeal as a lawn. Four categories were used: (1) thick grass: an “ideal” lawn look and density; (2) thin/thatchy: sparse and/or unhealthy looking grass (thin, pale blades) with large amounts of dead grass present; (3) weeds; and (4) bare soil (including aeration and weeding holes which were not filling in). All sites showed a predominance of thin and thatchy cover (Figure 4), where 6 out of the 8 sites had a greater than 50% thin/thatchy appearance. Grass health and density can have a direct impact on reducing weed species simply by outcompeting the weeds for resources (water, space). By increasing the density of the grass cover through soil improvements and overseeding with better adapted grass species, weeds may become less of an issue. Treatment Responses Treatments included the application of corn gluten meal, elemental sulfur, and overseeding with the native grass species, blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis). Corn gluten meal (CGM) is a pre-emergent herbicide which prevents seeds from forming viable root systems. It is also a nitrogen source. The spring application of CGM on ET-E and ET-W may have influenced lower weed production when compared to EC (Figure 6). The fall application was meant to serve more as a fertilizer rather than as a pre-emergent, as plant growth had already diminished due to falling temperatures. An application of CGM at the onset of the monsoon season may negatively affect seedling production which is normally increased by the precipitation. This could be particularly noticeable with dandelions and plantain. A mid-season application will be tried in 2012. Other research has shown that it takes repeated applications over several seasons before the effects of CGM can be clearly noted. Elemental sulfur was applied on ET-E and ET-W in late fall. Soil tests conducted in spring 2012 will determine whether or not the sulfur was incorporated into the soil and if pH was noticeably affected. Reducing the pH and increasing sulfur content (which was undetectable in soil tests) can encourage grass growth and limit weeds. Blue grama grass seed was applied to ST in late June. A few weeks later, some seedling production was detected along the eastern part of the lawn where exposed soil lay next to the shrub beds. Overall, however, it was difficult to differentiate between new blue grama growth and existing grass. Rock Mulch Sites There may have been confusion between the two Union rock mulch sites, when they were designated as RUT1 and RUT2 rather than having the current north and south designations. General observations by team members noted more weeds being present on the south site, where early season warming, abundant light, and a lack of a weed barrier could increase weed production. The data collection record, however, shows higher weed numbers on the north site. By the time the questionable data was noted, it was too late to question the team members who did the data recording, as they would not have been able to recall those particular sessions due to the passage of time. Overall, weeds were minimal on all test sites (Figure 5) and were most commonly found along edges, around plantings (shrubs and trees), or in built-up soil on top of the weed barriers. Both grasses and herbaceous plants were observed. The control site, RSC, had the greatest number of noticeable weeds (easily seen when walking by) due to the dead/dried remains of the plants following herbicidal spray application (Figure 8). Figure 8: Dead grass and mallow on RSC following herbicidal spraying Weeds were pulled by hand rather than with the WeedHound in order to protect the weed barriers. Large areas could take more time and require more physical effort if a tool which can be used while standing, such as the WeedHound, cannot be used. If weed barriers are intact, however, and edges and plantings are properly protected, weed numbers should be minimal, and hand-pulling may not be a problem. Rock mulch areas are also suitable for non-selective alternative herbicides, such as vinegar, where overspray is not a concern. Irrigation One of the keys to more sustainable landscaping is reducing water inputs. Although the Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Project did not manipulate irrigation during the 2011 monitoring season, we recorded precipitation amounts and calculated irrigation applications on turf test sites in order to better understand the amounts of water going into the plots (see Appendix D and Table 3). Precipitation totals for Flagstaff in 2011 were 20.77 inches, with SLM monitoring season totals of 13.62 in. (http://classic.wunderground.com/history/airport/KFLG/2011/12/1/MonthlyHistory.html#calendar). Inches of precipitation were converted to gallons per 100 ft 2 of soil using the calculator found at: http://www.virtualsecrets.com/annual-rainfall-water-calculator.html. Each square foot of soil in Flagstaff received approximately 12.88 gallons of precipitation per year. For our research, this translates to 349,048 gallons per year for our total turf test plot size of 27,100 ft 2. An additional 651,672.11 gallons of irrigation water was applied during the 32-week monitoring season (Table 3), for a total of 1,000,720 gallons of water going into the turf test plots. When examining these numbers, it is important to remember that Flagstaff has many microclimates. The generic precipitation totals for Flagstaff as a whole are not necessarily accurate for NAU’s landscape. The numbers are still useful, however, and are sufficient for the purpose of this research. Despite the large amount of water the sites received, the overall grass quality and density was marginal, as the percent cover observations found most turf to be thin and thatchy (Figure 4). Less-than-ideal soil quality plays a large role in the health of the grass as well. If the Southwest continues to become drier, as it has been for some years now, water inputs such as these will be impossible to rationalize. While irrigation water is often reclaimed water, it still raises the question of just how much water should be put into lawn care. There may also be broader issues associated with the use of reclaimed water, as it has been shown to increase salts and other deposits in the soil and possibly have an adverse effect on soil microbes and plant growth (http://www.aseanenvironment.info/Abstract/42002678.pdf). Appendix A: Eliminating Herbicide Use on the NAU Campus An opportunity to advance the Strategic Plan Prepared by Paul Gazda, 28 February 2007 Updated 13 April 2007 For the latest version of this document, see: www2.nau.edu/~pag/HerbicideElimination.pdf Executive Summary Goal 3 of NAU’s new Learning and Enterprise Strategic Plan, Stewardship and Sustainability of Place, calls on the NAU community to “elevate the environmental…vitality of our communities through collaborative stewardship of place.” Eliminating herbicide use on the Mountain Campus offers an opportunity to answer this call in an important way. There is increasing evidence of the toxicity of herbicides and pesticides to humans and animals. A 2004 literature review by the Ontario [Canada] College of Family Physicians concluded that exposure to all the commonly used pesticides has shown positive associations with adverse health effects. A recent study reported in Scientific American showed that individually “safe” levels of these chemicals can inflict serious harm on the ecosystem when combined. With growing evidence of the negative human and environmental impact of herbicides, how can their continued use be in keeping with NAU’s goal of providing leadership in sustainable practices? The Learning and Enterprise Strategic Plan provides a framework within which we can provide leadership in the global efforts to eliminate toxic herbicide use by learning from those who have already begun to address this problem and then contributing back to this knowledge base our own locally developed practices. By using the practical problem of finding an effective alternative to herbicides as a springboard for research and focused education, NAU can have a broad positive impact. Local communities that are struggling with the issue of herbicide use can look to NAU for help in finding viable non-toxic alternatives. Not only will such leadership provide a great service to surrounding communities, but it will garner goodwill in the process. Students, parents, faculty and staff would enthusiastically support NAU’s elimination of herbicides. It is a sign of a university that truly cares about its community. Eliminating herbicide use on the NAU campus provides an excellent fit with Goal 3 of our Learning and Enterprise Strategic Plan. It addresses both Strategies and eight of the twelve Initiatives under Goal 3, and should therefore be given a high priority for implementation. Recommendations 1. That NAU set a goal of eliminating herbicide use on its Mountain Campus. 2. That a project be undertaken to find viable alternatives to herbicides such that the appearance and health of campus grounds can be maintained in a non-toxic manner. 3. That a steering committee consisting of staff, faculty and students be established to guide this project, set a timeline for complete herbicide elimination, and facilitate project collaboration amongst interested campus groups. 4. That NAU’s successes in this effort be shared with the broader community to help eliminate herbicides on a regional scale. Appendix B: Green Fund Project Proposal for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project Overview The NAU Grounds Department is required to keep the campus grounds free of weeds while working with limited human and material resources. The only way they have found to accomplish this is through the use of toxic herbicides, which have been linked to cancer and other diseases as well as ecosystem disruption. Although Grounds uses the minimum amount necessary, which is often less than the manufacturer’s suggested concentration, it is not in keeping with NAU’s sustainability goals to continue to use toxic chemicals indefinitely. In the Climate Action Plan, the Grounds Department has set a goal of testing non-toxic grounds maintenance methods until a successful method is discovered and herbicide use on campus can be reduced. Although Grounds is willing to put forth the effort to test new methods, their resources are severely limited and they have not been able to fund the people and materials necessary for a pilot project to test new methods. We are asking the Green Fund to make it possible to conduct a pilot project to study alternative non-toxic landscape maintenance methods. A pilot project is an extremely important first step, without which NAU will not be able to move toward its goal of reducing herbicide use on campus. In the proposed pilot project, several campus lawn and rock mulch areas will be designated as sustainable landscape maintenance areas. These will be maintained using the best organic, non-toxic practices available, and compared with control areas maintained with the Grounds Department’s standard procedures using toxic weed control chemicals. Collaboration with SSLUG to provide organic nutrients will be pursued. Signage will educate the public on the nature of the project and refer to a web site with more information on the process and benefits of non-toxic landscape maintenance. The project will run from spring through fall of 2011 and include a project report with background, procedure, findings and recommendations. The cost of the project will include a paid student intern each semester to plan, coordinate and evaluate the project in cooperation with the Grounds Department, additional hours for student workers to assist with landscape maintenance activities, and the cost of seeds, soil amendments, etc. 1. Visibility Our project proposes several test sites and will be visible throughout campus. We have chosen sites that are well seen. The North side of the SBS West building on campus, which is right next to the busiest bus stop on South Campus, beside Ardrey Auditorium, which is also beside a busy bus stop as well as across from the Union, and in front of the Eastburn Education Center which is easily seen from the road and a busy sidewalk. These test plots will have signage on them, which will allow students to understand and read about what we are doing and why. They will be able to visibly see and support what their tuition money is going towards; which as a student myself, is very important. The project will also include an educational component via a related web site which will encourage students to do research and learn about what we are trying to accomplish, become more aware of the project and hopefully become involved as well. The test plots will increase student awareness that there are toxic herbicides and pesticides on campus and that there are other, non-toxic and environmentally friendly ways to go about treating the grounds at NAU. Information about the pilot could also be featured on Earth Day and possibly tied into a campus cleanup event that includes weeding of the test plots. 2. Meets Student Priorities This project meets following priorities based on the survey results. Survey: How strongly do you agree/disagree? Integrating sustainable practices (such as use of renewable energy and energy efficiency) into university life is worthwhile. 74% strongly agree. 22.6% somewhat agree. Sustainable practices on campus are a low priority for students. 53.5% somewhat or strongly disagree. This project deals with the campus landscape which student see and use every day. They sit on grass to eat, read and socialize, play recreational games, stage events, etc. Students will benefit from knowing the importance of clean and sustainable landscape maintenance practices to their daily life. Twenty-first century jobs increasingly rely on professionals who are aware of sustainable practices. 37.7% strongly agree. 47.9% somewhat agree. Learning about sustainable practices is irrelevant to my college experience. 31.3% somewhat disagreed. 45.4% strongly disagreed. The educational component of this project will make students in all disciplines more aware of sustainability issues. Survey: What should Green Fund support? Grants for student research and sustainability projects applicable to all areas of study 41.3% very important. 35.8% somewhat important. A variety of majors and disciplines can take part- from the sciences such as biology, chemistry or environmental sciences, in which students can help monitor and use the plots for research and observation on how chemicals may or may not effect the grass test plots, to communication majors who will be able to report, photograph, write about, and help promote our cause to eliminate the toxic chemicals used on campus. Other sustainability initiatives (such as recycle bin purchase, Yellow Bike Program expansion) 55.2% very important. 29.3 somewhat important. This project can tie in with other sustainability initiatives on campus such as composting and SSLUG organic gardening. 3. Economically Feasible/Sustainable Purpose of this project is to develop, examine and evaluate alternatives. Will end with a report including recommendations on further action. If viable alternatives are found, it is hoped that funding could be taken over by the ongoing Operations budget or some other central fund of NAU rather than the Green Fund. At this point, NAU Operations will be providing staff for routine maintenance such as grass mowing, litter pick up, etc. The Green Fund is being asked to provide funds for organic materials, non-toxic pre-emergent treatment, extra grass seed, the student intern responsible for the research aspect of the project, and additional student worker hours for manual weed removal. 4. Program Longevity If viable sustainable methods are proven in this project, it is hoped that NAU Operations would take over the project and merge with their ongoing grounds maintenance program. 5. Reasonable Timeline The project is specifically planned for one full landscape maintenance cycle from spring through fall of 2011. It should be possible to see results and trends by then, but due to the desired outcome of building sustainable soil and plant health, it may take longer for the pilot plots to become self-sustaining. It may be desirable to extend the project for additional semesters if additional time is needed to draw conclusions regarding the long term characteristics of the methods being studied. Whether it would be desirable to extend the study will not be known until the fall semester 2011. 6. Campus Community Involvement Our project involves students in several ways and different aspects to include a wide variety of people at NAU. With the proposed test plots, there will be attention from the student population and interest in what we are trying to accomplish. These plots also need maintenance and monitoring. We hope to bring other students, student run organizations and disciplines such as SSLUG and the ART groups of the Master’s in Sustainability Communities, internships and capstone projects into the process to help us achieve our final goal, which is to eliminate toxic herbicides and pesticides on campus. There are an endless number of students that can choose to participate with this project and the more the better! 7. Impact The costs are for labor, seed, organic fertilizers, etc. to build a healthy soil in which plants and microorganism can establish themselves and become self-sustaining. The benefits are achieving a clean, sustainable landscape that does not require endless application of toxic chemicals which accumulate in the environment. This project could be integrated as field study with classes related to the sciences (biology, botany, environmental science, etc.). The signage and educational website will provide information to student of all disciplines on sustainability as it relates to their daily lives. 8. Meets Campus Sustainability Goals Climate Action Section 3 - Operations Goal 2 Reduce the impact of chemicals used on campus. Action Continue to use Green Seal Certified cleaning products. Continue test-plot research on non-toxic grounds maintenance methods until a successful method is discovered and herbicide use on campus can be reduced. Responsible Party The Director of Operations will oversee these efforts. Measure of Success The reduction of chemicals used on campus. Green Fund Project Budget for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project Notes: In consultation with the Grounds Department, we have addressed your concerns about the budget of our proposal, and have been able to reduce the budget from $34,627 to $26,952. The following are the steps we took. First, we considered partnering with SEED, SSLUG, Eco House, or Botany for student volunteer workers, or perhaps for academic credit/internships, for manual weed removal on the test plots. The Grounds department has concerns about the reliability of volunteers for a project of this duration, and the additional supervision and coordination it would require from their staff. With their mandate to keep these highly visible areas free of weeds for a full year, they felt that volunteers would not be a reliable option. However, as an alternative, we agreed that an academic credit internship could be posted each semester for manual weed removal along with data collection and other duties related to the research aspect of the project. The budget does not assume that the internship would be filled each semester, since it may be difficult to find students to fill the internship for all three semesters; but for each semester that an intern is found, the student worker budget would be reduced accordingly. After discussions with Jacqueline Vaughn, who coordinates internships for Environmental Studies, we feel that the originally proposed paid internship for a student to lead the research aspect of the project must remain a paid internship due to the time commitment and level of responsibility of the position. The paid internship is of highest importance for the success of the project, and it is felt that offering payment plus the possibility of academic credit is necessary to attract a student each semester to that position. Although it is possible that the same student could continue for more than one semester, we are assuming that different students would fill the paid and academic credit internships each semester due to limits on internship credits, and to make the opportunity available to more students. Draft descriptions of the internships are included with this application. Second, we looked at the total area test of 53,000 square feet. We realized that by switching the test area at the largest site (Eastburn Education building) from larger north segment to the smaller south segment (a sidewalk provides a natural divider), a major reduction to 24,000 square feet could be achieved. This significantly reduces the labor and material costs, while maintaining a large enough test area to retain the visibility and effectiveness of the research aspect of the project. Third, we have discussed partnering with Gardens for Humanity, a registered non-profit, to obtain donations of corn gluten, organic fertilizer, sulfur etc, for the project. The President of Gardens for Humanity has expressed support for the idea, but formal approval would be required by their board once a specific donation proposal is received. We have thus far approached five different companies regarding donating some of the materials required by the project, and have thus far received a reply from one company indicating they are not willing to donate. We will continue to pursue this option, and any donations will reduce the budget request accordingly. Fourth, we will look into grants to help fund this project. There is not time to locate and apply for grants before the start of spring semester, but we will look for grants throughout the duration of the project. Any grants received will reduce the amount needed from the Green Fund. If we miss the spring semester window, the project will probably have to be delayed a full year until spring 2012 since it depends on the growing season and herbicide application cycle. So we would like to proceed on the basis that we will look for grants to replace Green Fund money throughout the life of the project. The grant search and application process will be part of the student interns’ work. In summary, this revised budget request represents a reduction of $7,675 from the originally proposed budget. It should be considered a “worst case” budget. We will look for ways to reduce the Green Fund budget through student interns, material donations and grant funding throughout the life of the project. Costs will be tracked throughout the project. Any budgeted funds that are not used, or are replaced by the options mentioned above, will be returned to the Green Fund. Materials: Corn Gluten, Organic Fertilizer, Sulfur, Perennial Rye Seed - $3,860 Soil Testing: $750.00 Signage: $250 Labor: Chemical Applicators, Staff for Corn Gluten, Seed, Sulfur and Fertilizer Application, Airification, etc - $6,076 Student Worker Costs: Student Workers for Manual Weed Pulling, monitoring, etc. - $8,416 Miscellaneous Tools and use of State Vehicles for Students: $2,200 Student Intern to plan and conduct research component of project: 150 hrs @ $12/hour = $1,800/semester for fall, summer, spring 2011 semesters. Total student intern cost: $1,800 x 3 semesters = $5,400 Total cost (spring, summer, fall 2011): $26,952 Total Costs per Semester: $8,984 Green Fund Project Timeline for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project Spring semester 2011 – Research existing documents and new sources to confirm best methods for sustainable landscape maintenance; develop detailed maintenance plan; develop methods to document processes and measure results; begin application of methods to pilot plots; document processes and measure results; maintain complete and accurate project documentation. Summer semester 2011 – Continue application of methods to pilot plots; document processes and measure results; maintain complete and accurate documentation; begin drafting project report. Summer semester 2011 – Finish application of methods to pilot plots; document processes and measure results; maintain complete and accurate project documentation; produce final project report. Green Fund Project Maintenance and Operations Plan for Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Pilot Project A) What maintenance will be needed (how often and for how long)? This project is a variation on ongoing landscape maintenance operations that occur every year. Only the details of the methods used will be different for purposes of this project. B) Who is responsible for the maintenance? NAU Grounds department. C) What costs are associated with the maintenance and where will funding come from? All additional costs for special procedures of this project are accounted for in the project budget. Depending on the results of the pilot project, NAU Grounds may continue with the modified methodology or revert to standard methods. Appendix C: 1 Plot Measuring Each plot was measured using a measuring wheel calibrated in feet. The plots were walked on the inside of the cement surrounding it. Each side was measured and drawn on paper. To get the angles of each area within a plot, the corners were measured on each side (a and b) and then the distance between the endpoints on each side was measured (c). These measurements for the sides and width were placed into Equation 1 to calculate the angle: Equation 1 Equation 1 is made true by the Law of Cosines, which is an extension of the Pythagorean Theorem. This equation was chosen because it has been proven to be correct since the 19 th century, which means that the equation does work and by rearranging the law of cosines you can solve for any side or angle needed. This equation is based off of Figure 1: in this picture, the angle γ (gamma) is shown along with the measured sides and width. Outer side of the corner Outer side of the corner Figure 1 Figure 1 shows a triangle with sides of length a, b, and c and, angles of α, β, and γ respectively, where a and b are the outside lengths of the corner and c is the width and γ is the angle we solved for. There was slight error within the measuring of the sides and width of each corner. For one inch there was a 6% range of error present. To find the area of each plot, the lengths of all sides and angles were drawn into Devinci: Almode, an appraisal program which automatically calculates the area when the drawing is finished. Each of the plots were very different sizes and shapes which meant that some semi-circular corners needed to be changed to 90 degree corners to aid in the drawing of the plots. This had to be done because there is no formula to calculate the radius of the semi-circular corners, and they could not be accurately measured. The program need to have each line and angle added separately; thus, by making the angles 90 degrees instead of semi-circles, it made the measurements more accurate. However, making the side lengths more accurate made the areas slightly inaccurate. Each area has an approximate 3% error per changed corner. C-2 Plot Measuring- Knoles In order to measure the plots Knoles Turf Test Site (KT) and Knoles Turf Control Site (KC), the plots were walked on the inside of the cement surrounding them. Both plots were measured and then drawn by Auto Cad (version: D.309.0.0, Auto Computer Aided Design 2010. Manufacturer: Autodesk). To make the measurements, a 100 foot tape was used to measure the side near the sidewalk, and a 20 foot tape was used to measure the other sides. Side A was measured and marked at 1 foot. Then side B was measured and marked at 1 foot. Then the distance between the two marked points was measured and noted as side C (Figure 1). When each measurement was finished, the data was noted on a sketch in a notebook and labeled with a number for use with Auto Cad. To calculate the angle, the Law of Cosines was used (Equation 1 and Figure 2): Equation 1 Some parts of the plots were curved. For those segments, a method that measures distance at a sample of points on the curve was used to determine the shape of the curve. Points were chosen at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 inches, and then the distance to the curve was recorded. (Figure 3). After finishing the measurement of the plot Knoles Parking Garage, the sketch was drawn in the Auto Cad. Changes were made to Auto Cad Default setting to meet the requirements for the drawing. For example, in the computer, the default setting of length was meter. It was changed to inch. The dimension was also changed from meter to inch. In order to draw the shape of the curved area, first of all, a straight line was drawn in the Auto Cad. Then concentric which had radius of 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 inches were drawn. After that, lines were drawn which were perpendicular to the straight line drawn at the beginning. The lengths of the lines were made the same as the lengths in the notebook. In the end, the extremities of all the lines were connected. The resulting figure was similar to the shape of the curve in the upper left of (Figure 4). For the calculation of the area, one order in Auto Cad called ‘Area’ was used. In order to calculate the value of the area, the order “Area” was typed into the command bar. Then all the points were chosen one by one. After all the points were chosen, “Enter” was clicked and the value of the area was shown in the command bar. See Figures 5 and 6 for completed drawings. Appendix D: IRRIGATION INFORMATION FOR 2011 TURF TEST PLOTS IRRIGATION HEADS Rainbird 1800 (and/or brass) popups: all styles 1.58 precipitation inches/hour Nozzle: 15 series Pressure: 30 psi ¼ Flow: gpm 0.92 ½ Flow: gpm 1.85 ¾ Flow: gpm 2.78 Full Flow: gpm 3.70 Rainbird 15103 Impact head Pressure: 50 psi Single head: gpm 2.90 Hunter I-20 rotary heads: 0.57 precipitation inches/hour Nozzle: 6.0 Pressure: 50 psi All heads: gpm 5.5 EASTBURN: Turned on approximately April 12 - Turned off approximately Oct. 17 Station 1 (ET-W) Popups Rainbird 1800 or brass 9 = ½ heads = 16.65 gpm TOTAL: 18 heads = 41.61 gpm 6 = full heads = 22.2 gpm 1 start @ 15 min. = 624.15 gallons/ day 3 = ¼ heads = 2.76 gpm 2 start @ 15 min. = 1,248.30 gallons/ day April 12 - May 1: May 1 - May 22: May 23 – July 7: July 15-17: July 22 - 25: Aug. 9 - 19: Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: Sept. 6 - 8: Sept. 9 - Oct. 16: 1 start time/ 15 min/ 4 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week = = = = = = = = = 2,496.60 gallons/wk 3,744.90 gallons/wk 7,489.80 gallons/wk 2,496.60 gallons/ 2 days 2,496.60 gallons/2 days 3,744.90 gallons/wk 7,489.80 gallons/wk 1,248.30 gallons/ 2 days 3,744.90 gallons/wk Station 2 (ET-E) Popups Rainbird 1800 1= ½ head = 1.85 gpm 3 = full heads = 11.10 gpm TOTAL: 4 heads = 12.95 gpm Hunter I-20 rotary heads 1= ¼ head 3 = ½ heads 1 = ¾ head 1 = full head TOTAL: 6 heads = 33.00 gpm 10 TOTAL HEADS on site = 45.95 gpm 1 start @ 15 min. = 689.25 gallons/ day 2 start @ 15 min. = 1,378.50 gallons/ day April 12 - May 1: May 1 - May 22: May 23 – July 7: July 15-17: July 22 - 25: Aug. 9 - 19: Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: Sept. 6 - 8: Sept. 9 - Oct. 16: 1 start time/ 15 min/ 4 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week = = = = = = = = = 2,757.00 gallons/wk 4,135.50 gallons/wk 8,271.00 gallons/wk 2,757.00 gallons/ 2 days 2,757.00 gallons/ 2 days 4,135.50 gallons/wk 8,271.00 gallons/wk 1,378.50 gallons/ 2 days 4,135.50 gallons/wk Station 3 (ET-E) Eastern-most station (Library clock) also contains large leak on rotary head middle lawn Dry spot near old gym is caused by irrigation head hitting pine tree - dry spot does not receive water from southeast corner by pine - it is hit from Station 2 Popups Rainbird 1800 1 = full = 3.70 gpm TOTAL: 1 head = 3.70 gpm Hunter I-20 rotary heads 3 = ¼ heads TOTAL: 10 heads = 55.00 gpm 4 = ½ heads 11 TOTAL HEADS on site = 58.70 gpm 1 = ¾ heads 1 start @ 20 min. = 1,174.00 gallons/ day 2 = full heads 2 start @ 20 min. = 2,348.00 gallons/ day April 12 - May 1: 1 start time/ 20 min/4 times/ week = 4,696.00 gallons/wk May 2 - May 23: 1 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week = 7,044.00 gallons/wk May 24 – July 7: 2 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week = 14,088.00 gallons/wk July 15-17: 2 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week = 4,696.00 gallons/ 2 days July 22 - 25: 2 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week = 4,696.00 gallons/ 2 days Aug. 9 - 19: Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: Sept. 6 - 8: Sept. 9 - Oct. 16: 1 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 20 min/ 6 days/ week = = = = TOTALS for ET-E (stations 2 and 3) 21 TOTAL HEADS on site = 104.65 gpm 1 start time @ both 15 and 20 min. = 1,863.25 gallons/day 2 start time @ both 15 and 20 min. = 3,726.50 gallons/day Turned on approximately April 12 April 12 - May 1: 1 start time/ 15-20 min/ 4 days/ week May 1 - May 22: 1 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week May 23 – July 7: 2 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week July 15-17: 2 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week July 22 - 25: 2 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week Aug. 9 - 19: 1 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: 2 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week Sept. 6 - 8: 1 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week Sept. 9 - Oct. 16: 1 start time/ 15-20 min/ 6 days/ week Turned off approximately October 17 7,044.00 gallons/wk 14,088.00 gallons/wk 2,348.00 gallons/ 2 days 7,044.00 gallons/wk = = = = = = = = = 7,453.00 gallons/wk 11,179.50 gallons/wk 22,359.00 gallons/wk 7,453.00 gallons/ 2 days 7,453.00 gallons/ 2 days 11,179.50 gallons/wk 22,359.00 gallons/wk 8,422.50gallons/ 2 days 4,135.50 gallons/wk ARDREY: Turned on approximately April 26 - Turned of approximately October 26 Station 1 (southern lawn) Popups Rainbird 1800 2 = ¼ heads = 1.84 gpm TOTAL: 8 heads = 16.64 gpm 4 = ½ heads = 7.40 gpm 1 start @ 15 min. = 249.60 gallons/ day 2 = full heads = 7.40 gpm 2 start @ 15 min. = 499.20 gallons/ day April 26 - May 9: May 10 - May 25: May 26 – July 7: July 15-17: July 22 - 25: Aug. 9 - 19: Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: Sept. 6 - 8: Sept. 9 - Oct. 25: 1 start time/ 15 min/ 4 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week = = = = = = = = = 998.40 gallons/wk 1,497.60 gallons/wk 2,995.20 gallons/wk 998.40 gallons/ 2 days 998.40 gallons/ 2 days 1,497.60 gallons/wk 2,995.20 gallons/wk 499.20 gallons/ 2 days 1,497.60 gallons/wk Station 2 (northern lawn) Popups Rainbird 1800 4 = ¼ heads = 3.68 gpm 4 = ½ heads = 7.40 gpm 2 = full heads = 7.40 gpm April 26 - May 9: May 10 - May 25: May 26 – July 7: July 15-17: July 22 - 25: Aug. 9 - 19: Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: Sept. 6 - 8: Sept. 9 - Oct. 25: TOTAL: 10 heads = 18.48 gpm 1 start @ 15 min. = 277.20 gallons/ day 2 start @ 15 min. = 554.40 gallons/ day 1 start time/15 min/ 4 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week = = = = = = = = = 1,108.80 gallons/wk 1,663.20 gallons/wk 3,326.40 gallons/wk 1,108.80 gallons/ 2 days 1,108.80 gallons/ 2 days 1,663.20 gallons/wk 3,326.40 gallons/wk 554.40 gallons/ 2 days 1,663.20 gallons/wk SBS: Turned on approximately April 26 - Turned off approximately Nov. 3 ** Station also includes popups for Control Plot ** Rainbird 15103 Impact head 1 = full head TOTAL: 1 head = 2.90 gpm Hunter I-20 rotary heads 1 = ¼ head 1 = ½ head 2 = ¾ head April 26 - May 13: May 14 – July 7: July 15-17: July 22 - 25: Aug. 9 - 19: Aug. 20 - Sept. 5: Sept. 6 - 8: Sept. 9 – Nov. 2: TOTAL: 4 heads = 22.00 gpm 5 TOTAL HEADS on site = 24.90 gpm 1 start @ 15 min. = 373.50 gallons/day 2 start @ 15 min. = 747.00 gallons/day 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 2 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week 1 start time/ 15 min/ 6 days/ week = = = = = = = = 2,241.00 gallons/wk 4,482.00 gallons/wk 2,241.00 gallons/ 2 days 2,241.00 gallons/ 2 days 2,241.00 gallons/wk 4,482.00 gallons/wk 1,120.50 gallons/ 2 days 2,241.00 gallons/wk