The Fates - Starfleet Region One


The Fates - Starfleet Region One
The Fates
The Official Newsletter of the Shuttle Nemesis
Volume 1, Issue 4
October 2002
Velvet Glove……………2
Graduation speech……..4
Puzzle solution………...6
Entertainment Galaxy….6
Enterprise Star Stats…...7
Enterprise Glossary...9-13
Region One News…….17
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
The Velvet
Greetings crew,
This issue of Fates is almost a double issue
since it is September and October combined. The
focus of this issue is Enterprise. Does everyone
like the Fates having issues focusing on a science
fiction series each month? I am open to ideas if
you would like to see other things. Since I have
not heard from anyone not liking it, I assume the
content in the newsletter is agreeable to everyone.
This issue I will start putting some information
concerning regional Starfleet news besides the
shows and movies. Some of the crew maybe
interested in getting involved in regional activities
December 8, 2002 at the Barberton Public Library, downstairs meeting room, will be the December meeting/Christmas gathering party from
2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Please try to make it. What
would you like do at this face-to-face meeting?
Also for future gatherings, anyone knows a free
meeting room open on Sunday in Akron let me
know. I am not finding any libraries open on Sunday and the crew said they did not want to meet
on Saturday which I found a library that was
open in West Akron with meeting rooms. I would
like to have the meetings in West Akron when
we do meet for special things but I need help
finding a free meeting room. Let me know what
you find out there. Please RSVP for the December gathering so I know how many people to expect.
We must start thinking about possibly in February of having our commissioning. Did we want
to rent the San Run Park Cabin again? Did we
want to all go to dinner somewhere? Start thinking plus we can invite others to our big event too.
That is it for this month, more next month. Remember this is your club and we want to hear
from you. You get out of it what you put into it.
Also on page 4 the address to the students is be-
Muse-ings From the Other Side
A moment in time and space
For rituals of cleansing
In reflections of lives lived
For choices made in heated moments
For judgments called, prices paid
Tell someone a secret never shared
Give something away treasured dear
I give you this gift
Carried within heart and soul
I give up this one thing
That means the world to me
I replace it with another
That means to me even more
To fill the void left by darkness
To let go of a past beyond redeeming
You are my beacon, guiding me
A light to chase away the shadows
A moment I hang on to desperately
Seeking my redemption in your eyes
My secret is my love for you
Knowing we are forever
I cannot fathom the universe
Without you in it
I no longer fear this future
For I am blessed with your meanings
A love fiercely protected
In defense of the universe
I am once again whole
Myrrh-lynn 1/30/2002
THE FATES is the Official newsletter of the
Nemesis, NCC 1896/01 which is a chapter of
Starfleet International the Star Trek Fan Club. This is
a Fan publication intended solely to inform and
amuse Starfleet members and not to infringe on the
copyrights held by Paramount. Contributors retain all
the rights to their work. Opinions of the individuals do
not necessarily reflect those of the
Shuttle Nemesis
Report articles should be submitted to
Shuttle Nemesis
P.O. Box 13075
Akron, Ohio 44334
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Planetarium Hails Star Trek Creator
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- The Sci Fi Channel has canceled
"Farscape," which it claims had begun slipping in the rat.c The Associated Press
ings in its fourth season after racking up consistently
solid numbers from March 1999 through the end of 2001,
EL PASO, Texas (AP) - A Texas school district's
Variety reports.
planetarium is boldly going where no other stargazSci Fi cited declining viewership and "the extreme and
ing facility has gone before.
growing cost of production" for its decision. But the
show's producer, Jim Henson TV, said the Australian-shot
The El Paso Independent School District's 33-year- "Farscape" cost only about $1.5 million an episode, which
old facility was renamed Gene Roddenberry Plane- is at least $500,000 an hour less than the production cost
tarium on Friday. Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, of the UPN primetime sci-fi series "Buffy the Vampire
was born in El Paso in 1921. He died in 1991.
Slayer" and "Enterprise."
Fans have organized a "Save Farscape" campaign with
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the rethe hopes Sci Fi will change its mind, or that the show will
naming, and dinner afterward, district officials were be picked up by another network. In press releases, they
joined by Star Trek actors and astronaut Richard
say that the Sci Fi Channel misled them regarding the seGordon, who orbited the moon on Apollo XII.
curity of the show.
Sci Fi still has a number of unaired hours of the series,
``It's particularly meaningful because Gene hired
which it will play off at 10 p.m. Fridays from January to
us,'' said Michael Dorn, who played Worf on ``Star March. The show originally ran earlier in the evening, and
Trek: The Next Generation,'' and ``Star Trek: Deep
the 10 p.m. slot cost "Farscape" some of its younger viewSpace Nine.''
ers, said Juliet Blake, president of Jim Henson TV, U.S.
Roddenberry's son, Eugene Roddenberry Jr., also
visited the address where his father was born.
``Now it's a flower shop. I wondered what it was like
before. I kept looking around, wondering, did he
play in the back yard?'' Eugene Roddenberry Jr. said
in Saturday's editions of the El Paso Times.
Word List
Solution on page 6
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Ladies and gentlemen of the Starfleet Academy graduating class of 2002
Disobey the prime directive.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, disobeying the prime directive would be it. The longterm benefits of disobeying the prime directive have been proven by Starfleet, whereas the rest of my
advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice
Enjoy the power and beauty of your starship. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and
beauty of your starship until it's been pulverized. But trust me, in 20 years, You'll look back at that
ship that was always about to fly apart at the seams and recall in ways you cant grasp now how
much better the flagship is, and how that ship wasn't that great after all. It's not as bad as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is about as effective as trying to get
useful information out of your ship's counselor. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
assimilate you and use you for information, the kind that carve up your ship's hull and kidnap you at 4
PM on some idle Tuesday.
Tug your shirt at least once a day.
Don't sing, or your crew will think you are an imposter.
Don't be reckless with your Security Guards. Don't put up with Security Guards who won't be reckless and die for you.
Drink Tea. Earl Gray. Hot.
Don't waste your time on Q. Sometimes he'll put you in Sherwood forest, sometimes he'll throw you
thousands of light years across the galaxy. The trial is long, and in the end, your actions will determine
the fate of humanity.
Remember that Data has an emotion chip now. Forget that he still has no grasp of humor. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old flute. Throw away your old saddle. You never know when you'll be stuck in TenForward wishing you had.
Don't feel guilty if Captain Kirk has to save your butt. The most interesting people I know didn't know
at 22 who would have to save their sorry butt. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Be kind to your heart. You'll miss is when it's gone.
Maybe you'll mind meld with a great ambassador, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll resign from Starfleet for what you believe in, maybe you won't.
Maybe Q will steal your girl, maybe your girl from long ago will meet you on the holodeck for one last
date. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself to much, or berate yourself either. Your choices
could destroy your ship. So could everyone else's.
Enjoy your body. Use it in every way that you can. Don't be afraid when people are cutting you up
and putting you back together while you're asleep. It is the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
Ride a horse, even if you have nowhere to do it but the Nexus.
Make your engineer read all of the rules, even if he has to break them.
Do not read Moby Dick. Lily will only use the analogy of Captain Ahab against you.
Get to know your nephew. You'll never know when he'll be gone for good. Be nice to your brother.
You never know when you two will have a fistfight in the vineyard. Your family are the people who
are the best link to your past and the most likely people to stick with you after Wolf 359.
Understand that helmsmen come and go, but you should promote the blind one to Chief Engineer.
Work hard to reach out to your Bajoran officer, no matter how much she doesn't belong on your ship,
because the more Bajorans on your ship, the more the Cardassians are exposed.
Live on Veridian Four once, but leave before a madman destroys the sun. Live on Risa once, but
leave before the time traveling aliens get there.
Accept certain inalienable truths: You can never get rid of Wesley Crusher, your first officer will
never take his own command, and The Federation Council is corrupt. You, too, will get old. And when
you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, Wesley Crusher was easy to get rid
of, your First Officer accepted his first offer, and the Federation Council was infallible. Unless, of
course, you are transformed into a child in a freak shuttle accident. Then you must accept that you
will be Wesley Crusher's roommate at the Academy.
Don't expect Gowron to acknowledge you. Maybe he'll rewrite history, maybe he'll steal your Chief
of Security. But you never know when the Duras sisters rise and he needs you again.
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Entertainment Galaxy
You can pre-order the Season 1 Babylon
DVD over at for $74.99.
The release date for North America is November 5.
DUCK DODGERS: Word has come down that
Warner Bros. Animation is planning Duck Dodgers,
a new series featuring Daffy Duck and Porky Pig in
outer space and scheduled to bow in 2004 on the
Cartoon Network.
MAD MAX 4: has announced that the
next installment of the Mad Max story -- #4 -- has
gotten a green light from Fox Studios. According to
the site, veteran Mad Max director George Miller has
been signed to film there beginning in March 2003.
Negotiations are under way between Mel Gibson's
production company Icon, Fox Studios and Miller to
finalize other aspects of the deal. Although Gibson
has said that he would look favorably in reprising his
role as "Mad" Max Rockatansky, there is nothing official as yet..
WITCHBLADE: There is a glimmer of hope for WITCHBLADE fans. Producers may be taking WITCHBLADE
into syndication if TNT does not pick it up. Nothing official as yet, but should the show go into syndication, it
would mean 22 episodes instead of the 13 TNT had given
it each year.
Terry Farrell last month married Sprint PCS commercial star
Brian Baker in Las Vegas, according to Extra TV. Congratu-
X-MEN 2: Patrick Stewart is very excited
about his new project, X-MEN 2. He feels the
first movie was more of an introduction to the
characters and this movie is more like their
first adventure as a unit. Stewart says, "So,
there's my continuing conflict with Magneto
[Ian McKellen] and with a new enemy, a
very, very dangerous individual [General Stryker] played by Brian Cox. And, of course,
Xavier is attempting to hold the X-Men together and trying to change humankind's perception of what mutants are, which finally climaxes in
the movie with a very strong scene in the
Oval Office between Professor Xavier and
the president of the United States [played by
Cotter Smith]." X-Men 2 is slated for release
on May 2, 2003.
STAR TREK: NEMESIS: Will this upcoming
feature be the LAST Star Trek movie? Patrick Stewart recently said that he and other
cast members are open to reprising their roles
in future Star Trek: The Next Generation features, but that the fate of the big-screen franchise depends on Trek fandom supporting the
upcoming Star Trek Nemesis. It is now in the
hands of fans. Surrounded by mega-movies,
STAR TREK: NEMESIS is set to open on
December 13. Stewart said, "I would love to
see Nemesis hit a home run that weekend, to
use a current image. That, more than anything, is what would promise a further episode
The Next Generation." Stewart commented on
the film by saying, "It has some very intense relationships in the film. But the one thing it has,
which perhaps we haven't quite had since GENERATIONS, is emotion. It's emotionally a very,
very intense movie and the last half an hour is
Volume 1, Issue 4
Enterprise Star Statistics
Scott Stewart Bacilli
Birthdate: October 9, 1954
Nickname: Bak
Height: 6’ 0”
Spouse: Krista Neumann' (1981 - 1995)
Chelsea Field
(1996 - present)
Children: 1 girl, 3 boys. (18yr, 13yr, 7yr, 3yr)
The Fates
Linda Park
Birthdate: July 9, 1978
Bronze-level international ballroom dancer.
She is a certified actor
combatant by the Society
of American Fight Directors.
Appeared on the cover of the
March 1995 issue of Playgirl
Magazine. In the interview inside, illustrated with several photos of Scott baring his hairy
chest, he stated that he wouldn't
have a problem doing a nude
scene in a movie.
The white streak in his hair appeared when he
was four years old. He had been helping a neighbor
paint, and his mother thought he had gotten paint in
his hair.
Dominic Keating
Height: 5’7”
Jolene Blalock
Birthdate: March 5, 1975
Nickname: Leno
Height: 5’7”
Had the "honor" of being the first pregnant
male in Star Trek
Went to college on a football scholarship.
Is a natural brunette who has
dyed her hair blond.
(25 September 2001) Arrested along with her
boyfriend, actor Edward Furlong, by West Hollywood
Police in 2 separate traffic -related incidents.
Her name is Scottish-Irish and before her ancestors came through Ellis Island, it was Black Lock,
meaning "black hair."
Avid surfer from childhood.
Pierced navel.
A skilled artist, whose preferred medium is crayon.
Born in Leicester, England
Currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys
golfing, swimming, music, boogie boarding,
reading and traveling
An only child.
Connor Trinneer
Birthdate: March 19,
Height: 5’ 10”
John Billingsley
Birthdate: May 20, 1960
Spouse: Bonita Friedericy
Has over 4000 books in his home collection
Has two cats
Studied theatre at Bennington College in
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Anthony Montgomery
Birthdate: June 2, 19??
Grandson of legendary jazz
guitarist (and composer)
Montgomery, Wes.
Specifications :
Registry number: NX-01, Starfleet
Crew Compliment: 87
Length: 190 meters
Weight: 80,000 metric tons
Armaments: The Enterprise is equipped with laser cannons, hull-retracting plasma-charged artillery turrets, and spatial torpedoes.
One of the most famous pieces of television
memorabilia—Captain Kirk’s Star Trek command chair—hit the auction block June 27, and
an anonymous buyer boldly paid a whopping
$304,750 for it. Still, this was not the most
amazing sale of the day. A letter sent to Star
Trek creator Gene Roddenberry by Leonard
Nimoy, griping about the way Spock was being
written, went for $9,775 (it was anticipated to
Defensive mechanisms : No shields, only
equipped with retractable polarized hull plating.
Shuttlepods : The Enterprise is equipped with
shuttlepods, each carrying six passengers and a
pilot. They are launched using a magnetic arm,
which lowers them through bomb bay doors
below the hull of the ship and then releases them.
Used for ship to shore, ship to ship, and ship to
station transportation. Capable of sub-warp
speeds only.
Replicators : The Enterprise stocks regular foodstuffs but has primitive replicators, or protein
resequencers, that can produce limited items like
pasta and beverages.
Transporters : No bio-filters. Crewmembers
must decontaminate themselves in a Decon
with phosphorescent gel.
Transporters are only used for cargo mostly.
Communications : Long-range communications
only possible while at warp. Intra-ship communications through touch-panel only. Away teams
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Andorians Natives of the planet Andoria, these humanoids are blue-skinned in appearance and have bilateral
antennae and characteristically white hair. Andorians are
Adaptive Syntax A linguistic form. Klingon dialects are constructed on an adaptive syntax. (Ep 1) self-described as a violent and warlike species engaging
in group marriages of four as a rule. Most of what is
known about this race is scattered. They eventually beAh’Len A Xyrillian female born on Thera that is
come a Federation-member race and were first seen in TOS
the engineer of the ship that Tucker assists. Her
“Journey to Babel”. They have been mentioned several
using granules with Tucker to read each other’s
minds is what causes an exchange of genetic mate- times in TNG and DS9. Their variety of silk is prized for its
rial impregnating him. Played by Julianne Christie in softness. Andorian jewelry is highly collectible and is not
usually available. In the time of Enterprise, they have sevEp 5.
eral grudges against the Vulcans which leads to their
attack on a Vulcan monastery. The ruling body is the AnAlmack, Ensign A junior engineer mentioned in
dorian Imperial Guard. They are neighbors of the Vulcans
Unexpected (Ep 5).
and had long suspected the P’Jem monastery of hiding a
Altarian Marsupial A creature kept in sickbay by spying station, though in 2 previous trips to the monasDr. Phlox who’s droppings contain the highest con- tery, they failed to find it. They do not have transporter
centration of regenerative enzymes found anywhere technology. They think Vulcans “smell of dust” (Ep 7).
(Ep 1).
Benecia Colony One of the first off-world colonies
on Mars (Ep 6).
Amazon University The college Hoshi Sato taught
Enterprise Glossary
linguistics at before joining the Enterprise crew (Ep
Anaxar First mentioned in TOS
episodes “Whom Gods Destroy”
and “Court Martial” as Kirk having had been awarded the Palm
Leaf of Axanar. In Fight or
Flight, an Anaxar ship is found
adrift by the Enterprise. They
become allies once the aliens
that attacked the ship return.
They live for 400 years and are androgenous
(neither male nor female).
Archer, Henry Captain Archer’s father, Henry was
an engineer who designed the Warp 5 engine,
though died before it was completed. Played by
Mark Moses in Broken Bow. Has known Tucker for
8 years and saved his life about 4 years before the
Enterprise mission (Ep 5).
Clinton, Ensign Joshua Played by Steve Folger in Broken
Cochrane, Dr. Zephram Inventor of Warp Drive has a
cameo in Broken Bow - a video taped segment from a
speech he gave 30 years before used in the send off of the
Enterprise on it’s mission. Played by James Cromwell.
Crater, Judge Someone missing since the 20th century one of the great unknown occurrences (Ep 6).
Cutler, Ensign Elizabeth Ship’s entomologist (insect expert). Played by Kellie Waymire (who also played Lanya in
Voyager’s “The Muse”) in Strange New World.
DeGalla A rogue planet - one that broke out of it’s orbit
of a system. With no sun around, it is a world of perpetual
night. The Enterprise discovers it’s being used as a hunting reserve by the Eska who are allowed to hunt on it only
4 days a year. It has several species that are hunted - including a shapeshifting intelligent race. It is covered by
forest which reminds Archer of the rainforests of New ZeaArcher, Captain Jonathan Prior to visiting the
P’Jem monastery, the Ingari monastery in Tibet was land on Earth. It also has primal volcanic vents that remind
Archer of Yellowstone and T’Pol of the grottos of Deneba
the oldest he ever visited (Ep 7). Was an Eagle
Scout and has 26 Merit Badges (though not one for Prime. (Ep18)
exo-biology). The Rogue Planet reminds him of the
Deneba Prime A planet that has volcanic vents the T’Pol
rainforests of New Zealand where he earned his
Wilderness Badge (Ep18). Archer very rarely does comments as being similar to those found on DeGalla
Volume 1, Issue 4
Denobulan Dr. Phlox’s race. They don’t believe in
wasting time talking during meals. They have mu ltiple mates (Ep13). Dr
Phlox has 3 wives and
each of them have 3
husbands. (Night in
Eska A race that enjoys hunting and uses the
rogue planet of DeGalla as a private hunting
reserve - though they are only allowed to use it 4
days out of the year and their is a waiting list of
several years to do so. They possess technologically advanced sensor camouflage and sensors
developed to hunt their favorite prey - the shapeshifters native to DeGalla. (Ep18)
Forrest, Admiral Human male. 50s to
60s. A career military man who's the
highest ranking officer in Starfleet.
He's fond of Captain Archer and has
personally selected him to command Enterprise.
Played by Vaughn Armstrong. Introduced in Broken Bow. Character is named in honor of the late
TOS actor, DeForest Kelly (Dr. Leonard McCoy).
Grappler The great-grandfather of the tractor
beam, the grappler is a primitive and simple device
that shoots out two projectiles at high velocity
parallel to each other. These are secured to the
ship via a high-strength cable. The projectiles
grab onto their target by means of high strength
electromagnets allowing the object to be secured
in the shuttle bay of the Enterprise. The grappler
can be used offensively to capture small shuttles
or to bring onboard any other space objects of a
size less than or equal to a small shuttle, but too
big for the cargo-bay transporter.
Grat, Colonel The Tandaran in charge of the detention camp for innocent Suliban (Ep 21). Archer
suspects the woman he meets on Risa of working
for Grat (Ep. 25). Played by Dean Stockwell who
co-starred with Scott Bakula in Quantum Leap.
Hull Plating The defensive shielding of the Enterprise. Rather than using an energy field that surrounds the ship like a bubble as in TOS, the Enterprise takes damage directly to its hull. After it has
The Fates
been shot, the hull plating, similar to armor, can be repolarized to strengthen it. The plates can be easily seen on
the surface of the ship.
IDIC The Vulcan concept of Infinite Diversity in Infinite
Combinations - the idea of how different things combine to
form something of beauty. Mentioned but not explained by
T’Pol in Ep 7.
Ingari Monastery The oldest Capt. Archer ever had visited
before his trip to P’Jem, the Ingari Monastery is located in
Tibet, on Earth (Ep 7).
Klaang A courier carrying a message from Siran, he is pursued by the Suliban and forced to crash land on Earth.
While he manages to kill the Suliban’s pursuing him, he is
shot by the farmer who’s land he crashed on and is taken to
Starfleet. Played by Tom ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr in Broken Bow.
Kohlinoor The final purging of all emotions from Vulcans.
(Ep 7). It was the ritual Spock was undergoing in ST: The
Motion Picture.
Laracus Prime A planet known for having over 5,000 species of insects (Ep 4) which probably means it also has a lot
of trees and wood.
Leonard, Admiral Human male. 40s - 50s. A high-ranking
officer in Starfleet who serves directly under Admiral
Forrest. Played by Jim Beaver in Broken Bow. Character is
named in honor of the late TOS actor, Mark Leonard (Sarek,
Spock’s father as well as other characters) and TOS actor
Leonard Nimoy (Spock).
Mayweather, Ensign Travis His parents ran cargo ships for
23 years (Ep 3). Has been fascinated by Terra Nova since
he was a kid and promised his father he’d see it some day.
Capt. Archer allowed him to do the report to Starfleet (Ep 6).
Minshara Class Planet The Vulcan designation for a
planet capable of sustaining humanoid life forms with a oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. (Ep 4) Later abbreviated to “Mclass” in TOS.
Miraceen 40ccs of the drug shortens the time Tucker must
go through decompression on the Xyrillian ship by half down to 3 hours (Ep 5).
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Mitchell, Captain Captain of the Conestoga, the
Terra Nova colonization vessel (Ep 6).
New Berlin The first off-world colony established
on the moon (Ep 6).
Novakovich, Ensign Ethan Part of the landing
party team that beamed up to the ship (Ep 4).
Played by Henri Lubatti.
P’Jem An ancient Vulcan monastery almost 3000
years old. Near the edge of the Andorian border,
the Andorians have long suspected the monastery hides a spy device. Technology is considered
a distraction. Visitors should not speak to anyone
unless spoken to first. Upon conclusion of a visit,
the visitor is often given a Stone of Jicar to go on
their journey which represents the foundation of
all they believe - that life has order. One of the
founders was master Hadok. (Ep 7).
Phase Pistols
A new weapon introduced in Broken Bow, Phase
Pistols have 2 settings, Stun
and Kill, rather than the
range of 8 or so that TOS phasers will have.
Phlox, Dr.. His people don’t speak during meals as
they consider it a waste of time. Is very curious
about human and alien customs and rituals including mating) and is very observant - the (innocent)
source of ship gossip (Ep 3). “When in Phelibia,
do as the Phelibians do” (Ep 5). He’s a Denobulan
(Ep 6). He has three wives.
Plomeek Broth A traditional Vulcan breakfast
(Ep 5). Plomeek soup was first introduced in TOS
episode “Amok Time” as Nurse Chapel brings a
home-made bowl of it to Spock.
Porthos Captain Archer’s dog,
a beagle. He’s named after one of
the Three Musketeers from the
series of
novels by
Alexandre Dumas. Porthos was
the faithful companion who was
more brawn than brains and concerned about his image and social station. He loves cheese (especially cheddar),
but is lactose intolerant and suffers from gastrula
Pulsar Gride Sent to alien species as a part of first contact to help them locate Earth. Probably a triangulation of
the Sol system defined by pulsars as this is a common astrological procedure. (Ep 3)
Reed, Lt. Malcolm His favorite food is pineapple (Ep 12).
Was an Eagle Scout and has 28 Merit Badges, including
one for Exo -biology Archer doesn’t have (Ep18).
Sato, Ensign Hoshi. Her quarters are on the port side after
asking Archer for permission to switch with someone else
as the “stars are going the wrong way” - she had port side
quarters on both her training cruises. (Ep 3)
Shuttle Pod A small pod-like ship intended for limited
range missions landing on a planet or short-range space
missions, the Enterprise’s shuttle pods are released from a
docking arm from the lower decks of the ship. As transporters are only in wide use for cargo, personnel are usually transported via shuttle pod. They have auxiliary landing thrusters (Ep 4).
Silik Late 30s to early 40s. Alien. Physically agile. One of
the leaders of the Suliban introduced in Broken Bow.
Played by John Fleck.
Siran A Suliban female rebel who sends a message via
Klaang to the Klingon High Council warning them of a
Suliban plot to cause war within the Klingon Empire. She is
killed by Suliban agents in Broken Bow. Played by
Melinda Clarke.
Song of the Wandering Angus, The Poem written by
Keats that was one of Archer’s favorites growing up. His
mother used to recite it to him often. It tells of a man
named Angus who spends his life searching for a woman
he glimpsed once with apple blossoms in her hair. The
shapeshifter Archer meets on DeGalla takes the form of
this woman. (Ep18)
Soval, Ambassador Vulcan male. Late 60s.
A wise and arrogant diplomat who has very
little patience with Captain Archer. Played
by Gary Graham, who also played Sikes in
Alien Nation and Tannis in Voyager’s
“Cold Fire”. Introduced in Broken
Volume 1, Issue 4
Strange New World planet This unnamed planet is explored in Ep 4. It is Minshara-class (capable of supporting humanoid life), with 2 moons and rocks composed of
limestone and cormolite. Archer decides to land in the
Northern continent because he “likes the looks of it.”
Hallucinogenic spores are released from a plant growing
in the mountains southwest of the landing area during a
storm which includes 80 kph winds.
Suliban A deadly species obsessed with genetic enhancement. The Suliban will be the recurring villains of
the series, though they will be lead by an unknown
leader directing them from the future.
Surak One of the most revered Vulcan philosophers.
His teachings led to Vulcan’s purging emotions (Ep 7).
Termites Over 5,000 species reside on Laracus Prime
(Ep 4).
Terra Nova The “Great Experiment” - the first Earth colony established outside the solar system 70 years prior
to the Enterprise Mission. The Conestoga (named after
Conestoga wagons that colonized the American West)
was a vessel designed to be taken apart once it landed
on it’s one-way colonization mission. The mission was
commanded by Capt. Mitchell. One of the
settlers, Loch Logan, lead a movement against the planned
second save of settlers originally planned and shortly
after that, all contact with the colony was lost. Since it
would have taken 9 years one way to investigate, no
ship was ever sent to see what happened until Enterprise. It was one of the legendary mysteries of space.
The Enterprise discovers that shortly after the colony
was established, an asteroid struck 500 kilometers north
of the colony that was composed mostly of
Baresium ore causing radiation levels that would have
been fatal at the time and are just dissipating when the
Enterprise arrives. The resulting dust cloud covered half
of the northern hemisphere for more than a year and
rained toxins on the colonists killing half the adults.
Children around the age of 4 or less developed an immunity and moved underground. The survivors called
themselves Novans and thought of humans as the enemy. The water supply has become increasingly contaminated and would prove fatal to the final 58 survivors
but Archer manages to convince them they should
move to the unaffected Southern hemisphere where
there are similar tunnels. They developed their own
terms based on their life underground including:
The Fates
Shale = lies
Go Befores = ancestors
Underside = underground tunnels they live in
Overside = the planet’s surface.
Diggers = a burrowing animal that is hunted for food
by the Novans
Tos Vulcan male. 50s. Ambassador Soval's assistant.
Shares Soval's disdain for human culture. Played by Thomas Kopache who
also played Kira’s father, Kira Tiban in
several episodes of DS9. Introduced in
Broken Bow. Character name is a homage
to The Original Series.
T’Pol, Subcommander She has been to 36 Minsharaclass planets (Ep 4). She first uses the Vulcan nerve
pinch on Mayweather in Ep 4. Not familiar with early
Earth space expeditions, though Tucker says Vulcan
expeditions are required learning for Earth school children (Ep 6).
Trena’L The commander of the Xyrillian ship Tucker
assists. Played by Randy Oglesby in Ep 5.
Tucker III, Commander Charlie “Trip” Has been in
Starfleet 12 years, has known Archer for 8 years and
Archer saved his life once about 4 years prior to the
Enterprise mission (Ep 5). His favorite food is catfish
(Ep 5). Was never good in history class (Ep 6).
Velik Tucker’s 10th grade biology teacher. The first
Vulcan he met and he “scared the hell” out of him.
One of his favorite sayings was “Challenge your preconceptions or they’ll challenge you.” (Ep 4).
Vulcans Vulcans use automated probes to do a geological survey from orbit for 6-7 days before sending
any landing parties to Minshara-class worlds. (Ep 4).
There are no ghost stories on Vulcan. (Ep 4) Their
star charts aren’t all that accurate Archer discovers as
a proto star isn’t included. They revere their dead and
some of their most sacred relics are the bones of their
ancestors contained in the catacombs of the P’Jem
monastery. They have a strong sense of smell and
don’t like the smell of humans - T’Pol was given a nasal numbing agent to help her be more comfortable on
Enterprise. They don’t believe in responding to violence with violence (Ep 7).
Volume 1, Issue 4
Webb, George During the camp out in Strange New
World, Mayweather tells the tail of George Webb,
who opened an escape pod from a Y-500-class
freighter they found drifting in space for 63 yars.
Webb, the ship’s assistant chief engineer, said the
metal felt cold and that he could hear a tapping noise
from inside the pod, though it turned out to be empty.
Webb’s personality changed after the incident ... he
often got into fights with the crew and muttered in
some unknown alien language. One day he locked
himself in engineering and almost overloaded the engines destroying the ship. He jettisoned himself in a
lifepod and some say to this day, he drifts in space possessed by an alien or taken over by the ghost of
the dead crewman he found in the original pod. Some
say they can occasionally hear him tapping and pick
up his distress signal as he drifts through space. The
story prompted T’Pol to remark that “There are no
ghost stories on Vulcan.”
Williams, Admiral Human male. 50s. A somewhat
temperamental Starfleet officer who serves as attaché
to Admiral Forrest. Played by Jim Fitzpatrick in Broken
Bow. Character is named in honor of TOS actor William Shatner (Capt. James T. Kirk).
Xyrillians Species first encountered in Unexpected.
They are very familiar with meeting other cultures and
have developed a decompression process to acclimate
most humanoids to their atmosphere. The decompression process normally takes 6 hours, but Miraceen
cuts this time to half. Ships seem to be partially organic as green grass grows on the floors that releases
a vapor that helps them metabolize their food. The
food grows all over the walls. They have advanced
holographic technology that uses resequenced photons to create matter. They give the technology to the
Klingons in order to prevent their ship from being destroyed. They also have a stealth technology that
allows them to hide in the warp wake of ships when
their own is damaged. Their engines use teraphasic
warp coils that seem to be somewhat fragile. They
have dermal plating on their bodies that allows them
to detect other people moods and play a game using a
container of granules. When 4 hands are put into the
granules, the two people may exchange thoughts.
Those granules allow genetic material to be passed to
Tucker which causes him to be impregnated with the
offspring growing between his 6th and 7th intercostal
ribs. At least one planet in their system is called Thera
(Ep 5).
The Fates
Views of Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Enterprise NX-01
Doug Drexler, the designer of Enterprise NX-01, gave insight into the design of the ship.
General approach: One of the reasons why so much of the technology is hidden behind hatches is
to allow the authors to determine the ship's capabilities and invent new ones: "The solution for me
was a kind of 'Swiss army knife' approach that allows us great diversity in the ship's capabilities
and will not conflict with stock footage of the ship (As you know, stock footage is a necessity due
to money and time constraints)... The NX-01 has somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 circular
ports that a variety of devices including Phase Cannons, antennas and buoys can egress the ship...
We have a number of obvious airlocks that Mike (Okuda) conjectured based on his intimate knowl-
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Saucer structure Only the saucer volume is inhabitable. The cross-section reveals its structure.
There are seven decks, named A-deck through G-deck. The bridge is located on A-deck. The junior
officers' quarters are on D-deck. Sickbay, mess hall and the senior officers' quarters can be found on
E-deck. Two half-decks are inserted between D-deck and E-deck and between E-deck and F-deck.
They contain plasma conduits and access tunnels (not sure whether they will already be called
"Jefferies tubes").
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Warp drive Main engineering occupies part of D-deck and E-deck just behind the saucer center.
deuterium tanks are located on B-deck, in the forward ends of the twin hulls. The antimatter pods are
The double hulls, pylons and warp nacelles are uninhabitable. They can only be accessed in environmental suits. The plasma conduits that can be seen in
main engineering run from the warp core up to Cdeck. The twin hulls contain a three-stage plasma
accelerator, something like a big supercharger. The
accelerator is what distinguishes Enterprise from
other ships of the era and what allows Warp 5. Doug
Drexler agrees that, also in the Star Trek Universe,
the design of NX-01 may have been inspired by the
P-38 aircraft which had superchargers in the twin
hulls too. The first stage is just above main engineering, and is visible from outside as a detail on the
top of the twin hulls, the warp core output transfer junction. After three stages, the plasma is fed into
the nacelles through the warp pylons, like on conventional starships too. The nacelle housings contain
hatches to critical warp engine components which require constant work and tuning. The ship should
have to hold in space regularly to retune and clean the engines.
The pod between the twin hulls is not supposed to hold weapons, but a symmetrical warp field governor that regulates the warp field shape that would otherwise break apart at higher warp factors.
Note In "Fight or Flight" it looks like a torpedo is fired from the pod, but the aft torpedo
launcher is actually on F-deck in the saucer, like the forward tubes too. Being on the same deck, the
Hard connect points The port (red) and starboard (green) formation lights are located on raised
black panels. First of all, this is a homage to the first version of the Enterprise NCC-1701 that had
the same details. The black panels are actually hard contacts where the ship is "clamped" to the
drydock facility. They are important because tractor moorings are not practical yet.
Volume 1, Issue 4
The Fates
Cargo doors The two large rectangular hatches that can be seen in the top view (port and starboard
of the bridge) are facing exact counterparts on the ventral surface. There is a shaft between them
through which one could fly right through the ship when the doors are open. Because of a zero gravity
environment inside the shaft, cargo containers may be easily handled and transferred to the single
decks where they are stored in large balconies along the shaft, acting as shelves. Once a cargo container has reached the desired shelf, it may be given a push, and rollers on the floor would take over
the their weight in the gravity well of the deck. 150ft robot arms may be deployed to pull the containers into the ship. There are two of them and they egress through the cargo doors which allow them
ready access to the top and bottom of the saucer. The arms are ambulatory and can ride the grid on
the ship's surface. The ship also has inspection cars that ride these same rails. Real-life contemporary
counterparts can be seen crawling along the surfaces of modern skyscrapers.
Sens ors Sensor pallets are located next to the deflector dish, just forward of the port and starboard
saucer airlocks, behind the bridge, forward of the shuttlebays and on the back of the symmetrical
warp field governor. The domes on the top and the bottom of the saucer are perimeter and planetary
Engineering EV staging area The EV staging area is located at the back of the saucer, with equipment still to be determined. The inspection pod that Archer and Tucker used in "Broken Bow" is
stored here too. Like the one next to the lower shuttlebay, there is an observation room above the EV
staging area.
Note According to "Terra Nova", Enterprise is supposed to have no more than two shuttlecraft. Doug explains: "In my opinion we have two pods that are on 'hot standby,' and two more that
are 'mothballed' and can be made good to go in two days working normal shifts, one day working dou-
Starfleet Region One News
I will start the first Regional report with an overview of
how we stack up with membership compared to the other
ships and shuttles in the region. Region One is the biggest
region in Starfleet. Region One encompass Indiana, Ohio,
Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. You must keep 10 members to
stay commissioned. You given time (month) to fix.
Ohio ships are USS Arizona (Canton) 9, USS Asgard (Lancaster) 18, USS Columbia (Wooster) 12, USS Columbus (Columbus) 21, USS Gallifrey (Elyria) 12, USS Jurassic (Hamerville) 23, USS Intrepid (Mansfield) 14, USS
Lagrange (Cuyahoga Falls) 9, USS Nebula (Parma) 8, Shuttle Nemesis (Akron) 32, USS OHIO (Barberton) 13,
USS Renegade (Youngstown) 9, USS Tempest (Lima) 20, USS Tycho (Toledo) 18,.
Other ships in the region: USS Aeon 15, USS Alaric 11, USS Appomattox 22, USS Aries 19, USS Athena 21, SS
Bennu 16, USS Bonaventure 8, USS Carolina 20, USS Charleston 18, USS Chesapeake 9, USS Dark Wolf 12, USS
Dominator 19, Shuttle Francis Marion 11, USS Heimdal 18, USS Hornet 6, USS Jamestown 37 (one of the oldest
chapters in Starfleet) , USS Kitty Hawk 18, SS Lewis B. Puller 13, USS MAAT 59, Uss Maelstorm 15, SS Nikola
Tesla 15, USS Normandy 17, USS Powhatan 9, USS Providence 12, USS Questar 24, USS Reprisal (our mothership) 20, USS Richmond 7, USS Ronald E. McNair 14, USS Rutledge 10, USS Star League 26, USS Starward Fury
17, USS Tristar 14, USS Wasp 21, USS West Virginia 13, USS White Eagle 9, USS Yeager 4, USS Yorktown 13.
Shuttle Nemesis
P.O. Box 13075
Akron, OH 44334