OpenCIM - Intelitek


OpenCIM - Intelitek
version 4.0
D e s i g n , S i m u l a t i o n , Tr a c k i n g , C o n t r o l a n d O p t i m i z a t i o n
OpenCIM is the ultimate software tool for the study and
practice of computer integrated manufacturing.
OpenCIM gives students experience and knowledge in
the concepts, uses and interconnections of the various
software modules that comprise a CIM system.
OpenCIM allows students to gain practical experience
in translating theoretical manufacturing methods and
processes into actual CIM applications.
OpenCIM enables students to use and study components
and subsystems individually as well as the entire
integrated CIM system.
OpenCIM provides enhanced optimization functions
and performance analysis to support studies in industrial
management, operations research, management sciences
and related fields.
OpenCIM incorporates the latest advancements in CIM
and software technologies:
Enterprise resource planning (ERP): OpenCIM includes
MRP for defining parts, machines and processes,
customer, purchase and production orders; inventory
control and tracking; scheduling and dispatching; report
Manufacturing execution system (MES): OpenCIM
integrates real-time information with the system's PCbased database, and maintains online communication
with all subsystems through a LAN, a lab network or
the Internet.
3D graphic simulation: OpenCIM dynamically and
accurately simulates the CIM components and processes.
It provides real-time graphic tracking of manufacturing
processes and off-line simulation testing before actual
execution. Students can also design and experiment
with virtual CIM workcell configurations.
Internet-enabled: OpenCIM can be accessed through
the Internet. Users can monitor CIM cell operations in
real time from remote locations, and work with actual
CIM cells in e-learning programs.
OpenCIM's open architecture enables integration of
hardware and software components, facilitating expansion
and customization of the CIM system.
OpenCIM can interface with third-party software tools
such as MRP, ERP, CAD, CAM, SQC, CRM and PDM
OpenCIM stores all data in standard industrial database
format. Data files can be exported and imported to and
from Windows application (e.g., Excel, Access, MS-SQL).
Users can write applications (e.g., in Java, Visual Basic,
C++, C#) that will monitor real-time communication and
display the data.
❀h❊☛ ✷e i❘ O p e n C I M
cat#100654 rev.A
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
The Project Manager includes a 3D preview
of each cell in the project list. Users can view
and select the cell that will be activated by
the CIM Manager or CIM Setup applications.
Ve r s i o n 4 . 0
The enhanced CIM Optimization
utility lets users select machine
queue algorithms and define their
weight according to various
parameters: FIFO (first in first out);
maximum priority; random
selection; shortest process time.
It also includes open source to allow
user to add new queue algorithms.
The Performance Analysis utility allows
users to observe the effect of the
different algorithm combinations on
the system's overall performance. The
analysis data serves to improve system
performance, (e.g., shorten production
time, improve efficiency, lower
production costs.).
New 3D models have been added to the graphic simulation modules, including
spectraLIGHT 0200 CNC milling machine, spectraLIGHT 0400 CNC turning
machine and the CNC benchtop router.
A new device driver enables integration of the SCORBOT-ER 4u robot and
ASRS systems controlled by Controller-USB.
S e e o u r w e b s i t e f o r d e t a i l s : w w w. i n t e l i t e k . c o m
444 East Industrial Park Drive, Manchester, NH 03109-5317, USA
Te l : ( 6 0 3 ) 6 2 5 - 8 6 0 0 , ( 8 0 0 ) 7 7 7 - 6 2 6 8 F a x : ( 6 0 3 ) 6 2 5 - 2 1 3 7
w e b s i t e : w w w. i n t e l i t e k . c o m
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