new incentives system - Konya Teknokent
new incentives system - Konya Teknokent
KONYA TEKNOKENT TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INC. Selçuk University Technology Development Zone 6DSSKLUH3DQRUDPD%XLOGLQJ1R$$UGÕoOÕ0DK*UEXOXW6RN1R 6HOoXNOX.RQ\D785.(<7HO)D[ / 3ODFHDQG<HDURI3XEOLFDWLRQ.RQ\D± 2 CONTENTS Preface /ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ /͘'ĞŶĞƌĂů/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ϭ͘WŽƉƵůĂƨŽŶ 2. Employment And Human Rewsources 3. Climate 4. NATURAL RESOURCES 4.1. Bio-diversity 4.2. Forest Lands ϰ͘ϯ͘EĂƚƵƌĂůWŽƚĞŶƟĂů 4.3.1.Lakes ϰ͘ϯ͘Ϯ͘^ŝŐŶŝĮĐĂŶƚEĂƚƵƌĞƌĞĂƐ 4.4.Water Resources 5. AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK 6. ENERGY 6.1. Electric Power 6.2. Natural Gas 6.3. SHALE GAS 6.4. BIOGAS 6.5. SOLAR ENERGY 6.6. WIND ENERGY 7. INDUSTRY lI. SERVICE SECTOR 1.CONSPECTUS 2. ORGANISING THE BUSINESS WORLD 3. CONSTRUCTION 4. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE 4.1. Shopping Centres and Supermarket Chains 4.1.1. Shopping Centres ϰ͘ϭ͘Ϯ^ƵƉĞƌŵĂƌŬĞƚ&ŽŽĚŚĂŦŶƐ ϰ͘Ϯ͘ŽŵĞƐƟĐdƌĂĚĞ 4.3.Foreign Trade 4.3.1.Export 4.3.2 Import ϰ͘ϰ͘/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŽŶŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐĂŶĚŽͲŽƉĞƌĂƟǀĞƐ 5. BANKING 6.Transport 6.1.Road Transport 6.2 Railway Transport 6.2.1. High-Speed Train (HST) 6.2.2. High-Speed Train (HST) 6.2.3. Other Railway Lines 6.2.4. Railway Passenger Transport 6.2.5. Railway Freight Transport ϲ͘Ϯ͘ϲ͘EĞǁůLJŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĂŶĚWůĂŶŶĞĚĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĂŶĚ 2023 Targets ϲ͘ϯ͘>ŽŐŝƐƟĐƐĞŶƚƌĞ ϲ͘ϰ͘ŝƌdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ 6.4.1.AIRLINE PASSENGER TRAFFIC 6.4.2. Air Cargo Transport 6.5. Inner-City Transport 7. PRESS AND BROADCASTING 04 06 08 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 17 18 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 27 30 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 39 40 42 42 44 44 46 46 46 47 48 49 51 51 52 53 53 54 54 62 73 73 75 76 76 78 79 79 79 79 81 82 83 86 90 91 92 92 94 94 95 96 97 98 98 100 100 100 101 102 103 103 104 105 106 106 107 107 110 8. TOURISM ϴ͘ϭ͘<ŽŶLJĂ͛ƐdŽƵƌŝƐŵWŽƚĞŶƟĂů 8.2.Faith and Culture Tourism 8.3. Silk Road Tourism ϴ͘ϰ͘ŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶĂŶĚǀĞŶƚdŽƵƌŝƐŵ 8.5. Health and Thermal Tourism 8.6. Ecotourism and Plateau Tourism 8.6.1. Lakes (water sports and bird watching) 8.6.2. Speleological Tourism ϴ͘ϲ͘ϯ͘,ƵŶƟŶŐdŽƵƌŝƐŵ 8.6.4. Trekking ϴ͘ϲ͘ϱ͘WĂƌĂŐůŝĚŝŶŐ;ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ͕ŬƔĞŚŝƌͿ 8.7. Food Tourism 8.8. Social Areas 9.EDUCATION ϵ͘ϭ͘dƌĂŝŶŝŶŐĂƚĂKĨdŚĞDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJKĨEĂƟŽŶĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ϵ͘Ϯ͘,ŝŐŚĞƌĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 9.3. R&D Science and Technology 9.4. Science Centre 10. HEALTH 10.1. General View ϭϬ͘Ϯ͘,ĞĂůƚŚ/ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ ϭϬ͘Ϯ͘ϭƵƌƌĞŶƚ/ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐŽĨ,ĞĂůƚŚŝŶ<ŽŶLJĂ ϭϬ͘Ϯ͘Ϯ͘^ŝƚƵĂƟŽŶŽĨWƌŝǀĂƚĞ,ĞĂůƚŚ/ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ ϭϬ͘ϯ͘^ŝƚƵĂƟŽŶŽĨ,ĞĂůƚŚ^ƚĂī 10.4. Other Health Services 10.5. Health Investments-Ongoing Investment 10.6. Sports Complexes 11. ENVIRONMENT 11.1 Waste Management 11.2. Management of Waste Water ϭϭ͘ϯ͘<ŽƐŬŝtĂƐƚĞtĂƚĞƌWƵƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶWůĂŶƚ III. INCENTIVES SYSTEM ϭ͘/ŶĐĞŶƟǀĞƐ^LJƐƚĞŵ ϭ͘ϭ͘'ĞŶĞƌĂů/ŶĐĞŶƟǀĞƐ^LJƐƚĞŵ ϭ͘Ϯ͘ZĞŐŝŽŶĂů/ŶĐĞŶƟǀĞƐ^LJƐƚĞŵ ϭ͘ϯ͘/ŶĐĞŶƟǀĞ^LJƐƚĞŵĨŽƌ>ĂƌŐĞ^ĐĂůĞ/ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚƐ ϭ͘ϰ͘/ŶĐĞŶƟǀĞ^LJƐƚĞŵĨŽƌ^ƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĐ/ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚƐ 2.IPA Rural Development (IPARD) Program 3.Other Supports 4. ORGANISATIONS OFFERING SERVICES TO INVESTORS ϱ͘KEdd/E&KZDd/KE&KZK&&//>'E/^͕,DZ^ AND RELATED ORGANISATIONS ϲ͘,ŽǁdƌĞĂƐƵƌLJWƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐĂƌĞĂůůŽĐĂƚĞĚƚŽƚŚĞhƐĞŽĨ/ŶǀĞƐƚŽƌƐ 6.1.The Sale of Land to Foreigners 7. Treasury Lands Allocatable to the Use of Investors in Konya ϳ͘ϭ͘dŚĞŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨǀĂŝůĂďůĞdƌĞĂƐƵƌLJWƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐŝŶ<ŽŶLJĂďLJ Type ϳ͘Ϯ͘dŚĞŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨǀĂŝůĂďůĞdƌĞĂƐƵƌLJWƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐŝŶ<ŽŶLJĂďLJ ^ŝnjĞĂŶĚ>ŽĐĂƟŽŶ ϳ͘ϯ͘dŚĞŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨdƌĞĂƐƵƌLJWƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐŝŶ<ŽŶLJĂďLJ^ŝnjĞ 112 112 112 112 113 3 PREFACE Within the context of the Centennial Honour Year of the Founding of our Republic, we are working diligently in providing strong support for the mobilisation being undertaken on a national scale for this occasion and in taking steps to reach a special place than today in 2023 for Konya. The source of our strength is harmony at the highest level between the provincial public and private sectors and NGOs; the determination to work jointly and a like-minded philosophical approach. Given these features, we are effectively utilising our existing resources, our potential and regional dynamism to expand the sustainability of our province in a rapid, healthy and rational manner. No doubt Konya is like a shining star in the middle of Anatolia with the variety in its economic activities and its strong and rapidly developing economy. In many of the sub-sectors in the service sector, the Province of Konya is an area of opportunities with its young and dynamic human capital, strategic position in the middle of a large market, lively economy and commercial life, high competitive strength in potential tourism, rich natural beauty, promising profitable future in the health sector, real estate investment partnership opportunities, the existence of supportive organisations in co-operation and the existence of large land that can be allocated to investors. Parallel to the world, the share of the service sector in our Province within the economy is rapidly expanding. While the retail industry is in first place in the service sector, in terms of the number of businesses, it is followed by the construction industry, the transport industry and the wholesale trade industry. With 3,000 businesses active in an area covering 4.5 million m2, the Province of Konya has a vibrant commercial life with 10 Shopping Centres with a total capacity of 700 businesses. The transportation advantages of a central location within the country have also turned Konya into a centre in the field of logistics with the inclusion of the infrastructure suitable for intermodal transport. Konya is a junction with its motorways connecting to seven different provinces. A very large part of these motorway connexions are divided motorways. Konya has one of the leading road freight and passenger transport fleets in Turkey. Konya ranks sixth in the country with the number of firms possessing the C-2 4 Ú¯Í ¨¡¡ certificate for international and domestic commercial freight transport. In the supply of raw materials as well as in the provision of manufactured goods to world markets, a need for both railways and maritime transport modes are needed for the transport system. In this regard, Konya has access to major ports and rail connexions in Turkey. On the other hand, after Ǧç ǡ Ǧ train line in Turkey. The high-speed train lines that started in ͖͔͕͕ çǤ lines will include Istanbul at the end of this year and expand in the following years to include Izmir, Sivas, Erzincan and eventually Antalya, thus putting Konya in a central position in terms of high-speed train links. In addition to an average 8 round trips between Konya and Istanbul, overseas charter flights also arrive daily in Konya. Konya Airport is experiencing a steady increase in the number of passengers and a new terminal five times the size of the existing terminal is under construction and will be operational at the end of 2013. Konya possesses a significant potential in terms of faith and culture tourism. Aside from Mevlana, being the ancient capital (capital of the Seljuk’s) indicates the existence of a large potential in this regard. Additionally, as the first permanent settlement geography of mankind, Konya, with its unique historical monuments, possesses alternative tourism opportunities, culinary culture distilled from history and a climate of tolerance where the Abrahamic religions meet. With transport investments which will enable its full potential, 10 million tourists of which 2.5 million are foreign tourists is targeted for 2023 in the tourism sector in Konya. There are 5 universities in the Province of which 2 are state and 3 are foundation universities. Undoubtedly universities play an important role in the development of cities and in fact we can say that they are the locomotive in development. Above all, universities are essential in the formation of human capital. Konya continues on its path of becoming a centre of science with its universities, technocentre and the first science centre under construction and supported by TUBITAK and the Konya Regional Innovation Centre that is being implemented. Existing comfortable and well-equipped facilities in the health care industry has made Konya the health care centre in the region. There are four university hospitals, 25 public hospitals and 11 private hospitals under the supervision of brand-name companies. Aside from the topics that I briefly mentioned here, if the Guide is completely examined, it will be understood how appropriate it is to invest in the service sector in Konya. Additionally, the Appendix, “Ten Reasons for Investing in the Service Sector” is in the nature of a summary to the Guide. I wolud like to thank all the valuable academicians at the Technocentre, the personnel of the Konya Directorate of Environment and Urban Development and all the other interested parties that took part in the preparatory work financed by MEVKA within the coverage of the direct support activities programme. Furthermore, I hope that an increase in investments to support the work carried out in the service sector in our Province will contribute to the achievements of our objectives for Konya and our country. In particular, I would like to state that we will provide all means of support to potential overseas and domestic investors and invite them to invest in Konya to utilise the significant resources and opportunities available and take this opportunity to extend my greetings and best wishes. 5 ¤¢¦¤ The section “The Service Sector in Konya” summarizes the current state of the service sector, along with the sub-sectors, in Konya through statistics, emphasizing the opportunities and facilities presented to potential investors. The socio-economic indicators, which represent an analysis of the current state of the service sector along with the sub-sectors and emphasize the potential of the city for supporting the development of service sector, were basically borrowed from the “TR52 NUT II Region, the 20102013 Regional Plan”, which was prepared by the The objectives of the Konya Service Sector Invest- Mevlana Development Agency, the report on “TR52 ơ NUT II Region, the 2023 Vision”, which the Mevlana potential of the city, which is included in the TR52 Development Agency had another organization pre͖ǡơ pare, the report on “Available Investment Areas in service sector, attracting new service investments Konya”, which was prepared by the Konya Chamber into the region, promoting service production and of Commerce in cooperation with the Mevlana Deemployment, increasing the amount of income ob- velopment Agency within the scope of the project tained from the service sector and exports, and, “Prefeasibility Report on Investments in Konya”, the thus, making contributions to the socio-economic database of the Turkish Statistical Institute and the development of the TR52 Region and the country. database of the Union of Chambers and Commodity One significant objective is to make sure that the Exchanges of Turkey. ơ by potential investors planning to make investments The section “Incentives and Supports for Service within the boundaries of Konya. Investments in Konya” presents a summary of the The Konya Service Sector Investment Guide was prepared as part of the “Konya Service Sector Investment Guide Project” (Project No: 2011-58), which was supported by the Mevlana Development Agency within the scope of “Direct Activity Support Program, 2011” and conducted by the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning in Konya. The service provider of the project was the Konya Teknokent Technology Development Services Inc. It was a team of faculty members from Selcuk University who put the project down on paper. incentives, exemptions and supports granted to potential investors planning to invest in the service industry in Konya. In this respect, the section informs readers about the “General Incentive System” and “Regional Incentives”, which are governed by the “Decree on State Support for Investments”, and otThe section entitled “Konya” provides readers with her State supports provided for those activities that geographical characteristics of the city as well as are intended to increase exportation and bring in population, education and employment figures, and foreign exchange, and other supports, exemptions summarizes related socio-economic indicators in ad- and reductions given under the legislation on R&D, ơ technology development, entrepreneurship, envithe investments in the service industry, ronment and commercialization of research results. The section entitled “Why to make service investment in Konya” presents why Konya is attractive to those planning to invest in service industry, what ơ from others. 6 The section “Organizations and Institutions Supporting Investors” informs readers about what the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning, which is a sub-unit of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, is responsible for and how to contact the directorate. It is emphasized in the section that it is the ơ ponsible for informing those planning to invest in the service industry in Konya and ensuring the inter-institutional cooperation between public and private organizations in the region so that potential investors are proơ Ǥơ place that potential investors must initially apply. The section also includes the contact information for other institutions that provide support for potential investors in Konya. The section “How Treasury Properties are allocated to the Use of Investors” lists the three legislations on the allocation of Treasury lands in Turkey to the use of investors. The section informs readers about the sale, exchange, leasing and preauthorization of Treasury properties, granting construction right in return for land or ƪǡ to the terms of “The Regulations on the Management of Treasury Property”, the allocation of Treasury Property to investments according to the “Decree on State Aids for Investments” and “The Regulations on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Allocation of Public Property to Investments”, and the sale of Treasury Property to foreigners according to the “Articles 35 and 36 of the Land Registry Law (as amended by the Law concerning the Amendment of the Land Registry Law and Cadastre Law). The section also emphasizes that requests for Treasury lands should be submitted to the General Directorate of National Property. The section “Lands Allocatable to the Use of Investors in Konya” contains information about the allocation of lands and places to potential investments in the service sector within the boundaries of the Selcuk University Technology Development Zone. Furthermore, the section informs the reader about how to get information about the Treasury lands that can be allocated to potential investors planning to invest in the service sector in Konya. The section “Why to invest in Konya?” presents why Konya is attractive to potential investors planning to invest in the service sector and supports the argument through statistics. The section is intended to enable potential investors to have a general idea about the overall investment environment concerning the service sector in Konya and the opportunities presented by the city to the investors The Konya Service Sector Investment Guide is embroidered with relevant visual elements such as maps, satellite images, graphics, tables and figures. We would like to express our gratitude to Aydin Nezih Dogan, the Governor of Konya, for attaching so much important to the projects to prepare the Konya Service Sector Investment Guide and making such great contriơ the Guide with his invaluable opinions, to the Mevlana Development Agency for providing financial support for the project, to Mehmet Yazicioglu, the Provincial Director of Environment and Urban Planning in Konya, for directing the project in accordance with the objectives, to Metin Ozdil, the Provincial Director of Urban Planning in Konya, for ensuring the coordination between public institutions, and to the Konya Metropolitan Municipality, the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning, the Provincial Directorate of National Property and the Provincial Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre for providing the project team with invaluable information required for the project. 7 With a surface area of 40.814 km2 including lakes, Konya covers the largest area in Turkey, which is 5% of the national territory. Most of its territory situated on the high plains of the Central Anatolia, the city has a surface area of 38.783 km2 excluding lakes. The average height of the city is 1.016 m 8 I. 9 1. POPULATION According to the results of the 2012 Address Based Population Registration System (ADNKS), Konya has 2.71% of Turkey’s population equivalent to 2,052,281 and ranks 7th among the provinces. Within the boundaries of the Konya Metropolitan Municipality, the population of the county centres of Selçuklu, Meram and Karatay is 1,107,886 and make up 54% of the population of Konya. Excluding ǡçǡçǡ.ǡºǡÇǡç ͙͔ǡ͔͔͔Ǥ Indicator EƵŵďĞƌŽĨDƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůŝƟĞƐ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨŽƵŶƟĞƐ Number of Villages dŽƚĂůWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ ŝƚLJWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶZĂƟŽƚŽdŽƚĂůWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ;йͿ WŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶĞŶƐŝƚLJ dŽƚĂůĞƉĞŶĚĞŶĐLJŐĞZĂƟŽ;йͿ ŶŶƵĂůWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ'ƌŽǁƚŚZĂƚĞ;ƉĞƌƚŚŽƵƐĂŶĚͿ Turkey Konya Ϯ͕ϵϯϰ 199 Rank 1 957 31 2 ϯϰ͕ϰϮϱ 584 14 ϳϱ͕ϲϮϳ͕ϯϴϰ Ϯ͕ϬϱϮ͕Ϯϴϭ 7 77.2 76 14 98 53 51 48.4 51.5 35 12 6.7 36 101 98 71 EĞƚDŝŐƌĂƟŽŶ 0 3.668 32 EĞƚDŝŐƌĂƟŽŶZĂƚĞ;йͿ 0 1.79 27 DŝŐƌĂƟŽŶ&ƌŽŵWƌŽǀŝŶĐĞƐ Ϯ͕ϰϮϬ͕ϭϴϭ ϱϰ͕ϱϯϯ 9 DŝŐƌĂƟŽŶZĞĐĞŝǀĞĚďLJWƌŽǀŝŶĐĞƐ Ϯ͕ϰϮϬ͕ϭϴϭ ϱϮ͕ϭϯϰ 7 'ĞŶĚĞƌZĂƟŽ;йͿDĂůĞͬ&ĞŵĂůĞ ¦¡ဓထၺၸၹၺ 10 90+ years 85-89 years 80-84 years 75-79 years 70-74 years 65-69 years 60-64 years 55-59 years 50-55 years 45-49 years 40-44 years 35-39 years 30-34 years 25-29 years 20-24 years 15-19 years 10-14 years 5-9 years 0-4 years Distribution of Population by Age Groups (2012) ¦¡ဓထၺၸၹၺ 2. SSince 2008, the insured employment has been increasing at a higher level in Konya than the national average. The city ranks eighth in Turkey in terms of insured employment. The workplaces increased by 10.6% in 2011 when compared to the previous year. In Konya, 60.6% of the population is younger than 35 years old, which suggests that there is a considerable amount of employable young population in the city. The age structure of Konya demonstrates that the working-age, between 15 and 64 years old, population is 66.01 % of the total number population. The city population includes 26.08 % and 7.72% of age groups 0-14, and 65-above, respectively. Non-institutional Population by Labour Force Status (over 15 years old) Manpower Status Turkey dZϱϮ;<ŽŶLJĂ͕<ĂƌĂŵĂŶͿ WŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶϭϱLJĞĂƌƐŽůĚĂŶĚŽůĚĞƌ;ϭϬϬϬͿ ϱϰ͕ϳϮϰ ϭ͕ϲϭϯ Manpower (1000) Ϯϳ͕ϯϯϵ 789 Employed (1000) Ϯϰ͕ϴϮϭ 741 Ϯ͕ϱϭϴ 48 Ϯϳ͕ϯϴϱ 824 50 48.9 Unemployed (1000) WŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶŶŽƚŝŶĐůƵĚĞĚŝŶŵĂŶƉŽǁĞƌ;ϭϬϬϬͿ DĂŶƉŽǁĞƌƉĂƌƟĐŝƉĂƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ;йͿ hŶĞŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚƌĂƚĞ;йͿ 9.2 6.1 EŽŶͲĂŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞƵŶĞŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚƌĂƚĞ;йͿ 11.5 8.3 ŵƉůŽLJŵĞŶƚƌĂƚĞ;йͿ 45.4 45.9 Population Distribution by Age Group 0-14 535,238 26% 40+ 695,165 34% 15-39 821,878 40% ¦¡ဓvထၺၸၹၺ Employment According to Economic Activity in TR-52 in the TR-52 (Konya-Karaman) Region (2012) INDUSTRY 17% 16% 0% SERVICES 48% 15% 3% AGRICULTURE 35% SERVICES Employment According to Education Level (Konya, Karaman) Region (1000 persons/2012) AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY ª¤¤£¤¢§¤¦£¤¢®£¤¡£ Education under high 519 66% Illiterate 20 Graduateof University 122 Gradute of High School128 ª¡¡¤¦¤¨ှၹၽ¡£¡ထၹၸၸၸ¡££ဿၺၸၹၺ 11 3.¤ The climate of the city is of a continental character, with hot and dry summers and wet and cold winters. Spread over a large area, the city has several microclimatic regions with wetter and milder conditions. Considering the districts for which meteorological records are kept, the relative humidity is 59.5% whereas the average temperature is 11.4C. December 19 12 ϱ͕ϳ ϭ͕ϭ 29.9 26 20 ϭϮ͕ϱ ϲ͕ Average Min. Temperature (°C) Ͳϰ͕ϰ Ͳϯ͕ϱ ͲϬ͕ϭ ϰ͕ϲ ϴ͕ϲ 12.8 ϭϲ͕ϭ ϭϱ͕ϱ 11 6 Ϭ͕ϰ ͲϮ͕ϴ October 22.9 ϯϬ͕ϭ August Ϯϯ͕ϱ Ϯϲ͕ϳ July ϮϬ͕ϭ 22 June 16 18 May 11 12 April ϱ͕ϲ 6.8 March ϭ͕ϭ ϰ͕ϰ KONYA * February -O.4 Average Max. Temperature (°C) January November September Meteorological Data on Konya Average Temperatures Measured in Long Period (1970 - 2011) Average Temperature (°C) ǀĞƌĂŐĞ^ƵŶƐŚŝŶĞƵƌĂƟŽŶ;ŚŽƵƌͿ ϯ͕ϭ ϰ͕ϰ 6 7 ϴ͕ϰ ϭϬ͕ϯ ϭϭ͕Ϯ 11 ϵ͕ϰ ϳ͕ϭ ϱ͕ϭ ϯ͕ϭ Average Number of Rainy days ϵ͕ϰ ϴ͕ϲ ϴ͕ϲ 10 11 ϲ͕ϱ Ϯ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϳ 3 ϲ͕ϱ ϲ͕ϴ ϵ͕ϱ Average Monthly Rainfall (kg/m2) 35 26 26 37 42 Ϯϯ͕ϴ ϳ͕ϲ ϱ͕ϵ 10 34 34 ϰϭ͕ϵ ¡ဓŴဓဳဳªªªနန¨န¤¢ဳထၺၸၹၺ ၐ¤¤¤«ၹႁၿၸဖၺၸၹၺ Precipitation of the city is in winter and spring as a torrential rain. At least precipitation of the region and Turkey is Salt Lake and its Ǥ ơ Ǥ ͖͛͝ǡ͙ȋÇȌ͛͗͜ǡ͛ȋçȌ Ǥ and winter. 4. 4.1.ဖ¨¡£¤® The inner areas of the Province are located in a steppe belt and covered with plants. The most common plant species in the lowland basin are vetch, speedwell, thyme, clover, shepherd’s bag, ferret and cattle tail. From the edges of the lowlands after the shrub formations are forests. Certain sections of the forest areas have been recorded as “natural forest” and preserved. The endemic ºǤ ǦǤ ƪ Ǥ 12 4.2. ¡£¤£ Surrounding the city in the south, southwest and southeast, Western and Central Taurus Mountains are rich in species and forest lands. The total area of normal and degraded forest lands in the city is 492.829,5 ha, which is equal to 12.6% of the city territory. The tree species include pinus nigra, juniper, trembling poplar, cedar, cedrus libani, cedrus atlantica, quercus vulcanica, quercus cerris, quercus infectoria, quercus pubescens, corylus, quercus ithaburensis and pinus sylvestris, which has been introduced through plantation. 4.3. ¤§¡¤¤ ǡº ºÇÇǤÇçÇ ǡºÚǤòǯòòÇÚòç ÚòǡÇÇÇǤòǯòòºÇÇ ÚòǡÇÇÇòò ںǺÇǡç Úòǡ.ç Úòǡ Úòǡò Úòǡ ÚòÇÇÇÇǤ 13 4.3.1.£ ¤ဓ It is the second largest lake in Turkey, second only to Lake Van. Occupying a closed basin, the lake satisfies most of the salt requirements in Turkey. It has an area of 11.000 ha. The average amount of salt obtained from the lake ranges between 120.000 and 150.000 ton. 14 £¡ဓ The largest freshwater lake in Turkey, the Lake is located in a tectonic depression between Sultan and Anamas Mountains, in the north of Beysehir and south of Sarkikaraagac. It has a total area of 653 km2 and contains 32 islands and islets. It is fed by 27 rivulets and brooks. Near Lake Beysehir in the town of Adakoy (Beysehir) is Absingir Reeds; near the village of Karadiken is Karadiken Reeds; and in the town of Yesildag are Gur Reeds and Bayatan Reeds. ¡ဖဓ ƪǤ ơ from drought in recent years. In addition, two dams, namely Ivriz and Ayranci, have been constructed on the sources that supply the ecosystem. ¦ဓ The Lake is located within the boundaries of Yalihuyuk and Seydisehir. It is bordered by Taurus Mountains in the south. It is used as a storage yard by the State Hydraulic Works. ¤£ဓ Located between Hotamis and Cumra in Konya Plain, the lake is large and densely covered with reeds. ¦ဓ It is 39 km south of Cihanbeyli. It has an area of 1.150 ha. Since its water contains sodium carbonate, it can be used neither as freshwater nor for irrigation purposes. It is acknowledged as Grade 1 Natural Protected Area. Na2SO4 is produced in the lake. It is an important incubation place for water birds. ¡ဓ Located in the region of Sinkhole Lakes, Akviran plateau, Karapinar, the lake is a sinkhole lake. ¦¦¦ဓ It is in 5 km east of Kulu. It has an area of 860 ha. It is a bird watching area thanks to the wildlife it enjoys. Scarce reeds exist in some parts of the lake. It has been discovered that 183 bird species inhabit the lake. ¯ှ ဿဓ The Lake is located in the town of Kozanli, 20 km west of Kulu. The lake was declared as a protected area in 1996 £ဓ It is 25 km southeast of Kulu. Lake Samsam was declared as a protected area in 1992. ¡£ဓ It is 34 km southeast of Cihanbeyli. It has an average area of 1.100 ha. It is acknowledged as a Grade 1 Natural Protected Area. Its water is salty and Na2SO4 is produced from the lake. £¯ဓ Located in Sulek Plateau, Bozkir, the lake is 500 m in perimeter and 33 m in depth. It has an approximate area of 2 ha. There is a ƪǤǡºÇºÇǤ ¦£ဓ It is located in the town of Kusca, Cihanbeyli. It dries up in summer but comes to life with rainfall in winter. It is surrounded by reeds. ¡ဓ It is 8 km east of the town of Taspinar. There are reeds that are fed from the bottom in Karagoz Location, Taspinar. ¦¦ဓ Lake Kulu-Duden is a shallow lake 5 km south of Kulu and northwest of Lake Tuz, It was declared as a protected area in 1992. The lake is included within the boundaries of Lake Tuz Special Environment Protection Region. It is favorable for bird watching thanks to the wildlife it is home to. £¯ဓ : It is located in Sarayonu. Discharged through the Besgoz Rivulet, its water is used for irrigation. There is a trout farm in the roots of the Besgoz Rivulet. It is a significant attraction with the wildlife it is home to. £¡ဓ The Lake covers an area of 353 km2 between northeastern Sultan Mountains and Emir Mountains in the north of Aksehir Plain. The lake hosts reeds and water lily. Tringa totanus and sterna hirundo are among the bird species that incubate in the area. The management plan concerning Lake Aksehir was prepared and approved in 2008. ဖ¨¦£¦ဓ It is 7 km northwest of Ilgin. It has an area of 1.200 ha. It is used for irrigation purposes. The activities in the area include fishing, hunting and bird watching. Its water is used to irrigate the district Ilgin and Atlanti Plain. Crawfish and carps are fished for export purposes. 15 ှဿဓ It is located in Cihanbeyli. It is 3 km away from the town of Golyazi. Its water is brackish. The lake is divided into large and small parts ǤƪǤ ¡¤¡¤¡ဓ It covers an area of 3 km2 in Karacadag near the highway between Karapinar and Eregli. Containing saline water, the lake is a volcanic one .It is a crater lake that can be found nowhere else in the world. ဓ The Lake is located along the highway between Karapinar and Eregli. It is 10 km away from Karapinar. The lake is 5.700 m in perimeter and 1500 m in diameter. Its depth varies from 80 m to 90 m. It is 70 m below the surface level; however, the eastern part is shallow. 16 4.3.2. Ŋ¤¤§¡¡£ Among the 500 species of birds found in the continent of Europe, 450 are inhabitants of Turkey of which 240 species live in the wetlands of the Province. There are a large number of forest recreation and picnic areas in Konya. In addition, caves with Ǥ ȋçȌǡ Úò ȋçȌǡ ȋçȌǡ ȋçȌǡ ȋçȌǡÇçÇ ȋçȌǡ òòò ȋ ȌÚòȋȌ Ǥ ͕͗͝͝ǡç͜͜ǡ͙͔͛ ͗͗Ǥ The Park and its surroundings have potential resources for water sports activities, day-use and camping facilities are available. Among the important species of trees in the National Park are juniper, larch, fir, cedar and among the animal species are ǡǡơǡǡǡǡ ǡǡƪǡǡç the fish species. Ú͖͔ǤÚòơ Ǥ Ú ƪ ͙͔͔ Ǥ DzÚòǤdz ǡ Úò and stalagmites. º ͗͜ºǤ ǡ ǤDzÚdz Ǥ Ǥ ơ vegetation. With this feature, many species of birds not see in steppes are found here. Animal husbandry takes place in this region. The marshes are popular hunting grounds. The region has been declared as a first degree natural preserved area by the Ministry of Culture. The Bozdag Wild Sheep Breeding Station registered in 1967 as a Wild Sheep Conservation and Breeding Area is 592 km2. A section of the region consisting of 3,429.5 hectares is surrounded by a wire enclosure. Aside from wild sheep, wolves and birds of prey are also found in the area. As of 2008, it is estimated that 550 wild sheep (Ovis Orientalise) is located in the region. The Kestel Forest Nature Park is 425 hectares in size. Natural water sources are found within the black pine forests and additionally it is used as a picnic area. Aside from black pine, larch, juniper and wild pear tree are also found. Among the animal species are wild boar, marten, fox, rabbit, squirrel, skunk, weasel, partridge, wild pigeon, thrush and blackbird. 17 Important Natural Areas in Konya Area >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ >ĂŬĞĞLJƐĞŚŝƌEĂƟŽŶĂůWĂƌŬ /ƚŝƐůŽĐĂƚĞĚŝŶĞLJƐĞŚŝƌ͕<ŽŶLJĂ͘ dĂƌĂƐĐŝEĂƟŽŶĂůWĂƌŬ /ƚŝƐĂŶĂƚƵƌĂůƉĂƌŬŝŶdĂƐĂƌƐĐŝ͕^ĞLJĚŝƐĞŚŝƌ͕<ŽŶLJĂ͘ Akgol Natural Reserve Area dŚĞǁĂƚĞƌďŝƌĚƐĂƌĞĂŝŶƌĞŐůŝ͕<ŽŶLJĂŝƐĂŶĂƚƵƌĂůƌĞƐĞƌǀĞĂƌĞĂ͘ZĞůĞǀĂŶƚǁŽƌŬŝƐƵŶĚĞƌǁĂLJ͘ Agili Juniper Nature Monument ďŽƵƚϭϬϬϬͲLJĞĂƌƐͲŽůĚ͕ƚŚĞũƵŶŝƉĞƌ͕ϭϬŬŵĂǁĂLJĨƌŽŵĂŐĐŝůĂƌ͕dĂƐŬĞŶƚ͕<ŽŶLJĂ͕ǁĂƐƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚĂƐĂ nature monument in 2002. Trembling Monument Poplar Nature ƉŽƉůĂƌ ƚƌĞĞ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƌĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ƐŝƚĞ ŝŶ zĂŬĂ DĂŶĂƐƟƌ &ŽƌĞƐƚ͕ ĞLJƐĞŚŝƌ ǁĂƐ ĚĞĐůĂƌĞĚ ĂƐ Ă ŶĂƚƵƌĞ monument in 1994. Lake Meke Nature Monument dŚĞĂƌĞĂŽĨϰϵϯŚĂ͕ĂŶĂƚƵƌĂůǁŽŶĚĞƌŝŶ<ĂƌĂƉŝŶĂƌ͕<ŽŶLJĂ͕ǁĂƐĚĞĐůĂƌĞĚĂƐĂŶĂƚƵƌĞŵŽŶƵŵĞŶƚŝŶ 1998. Fossil Juniper Nature Monument dŚĞũƵŶŝƉĞƌŝŶ^ĂƌĂLJ͕ƵŵƌĂ͕<ŽŶLJĂǁĂƐĚĞĐůĂƌĞĚĂƐĂŶĂƚƵƌĞŵŽŶƵŵĞŶƚŝŶϭϵϵϰ͘dŚĞƚƌĞĞŝƐ ĞƐƟŵĂƚĞĚƚŽďĞϱϬϬLJĞĂƌƐŽůĚ͘ ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 4.4. ¤¡£¦¡£ Konya has a water potential of 4.4 billion m3 (2,9 billion m3 surface water and another 1,5 billion m3 underground water). Surface water resources are Lake Beysehir and the Carsamba Rivulet. The project will meet irrigation, drinking and using water requirements of the region by transferring an enormous amount of 414 million m3 annually from the Goksu River to the Konya Closed Basin. 18 ¤¡¤¡¤¤ Konya has geothermal resources and wells whose temperature ranges between 27,5 °C and 54,5 °C. These resources and wells are ÇǡǡǡǡǡǤ The Characteristics of Geothermal Water in Konya DISTRCIT LOCATION dzWK& RESOURCE Drinking Water Beysehir Malanda Spa Beysehir Yesildag Beysehir Sevindik Village Thermal Water Beysehir Kasakli Thermal Water Beysehir Iasakoy Thermal Water Beysehir Doganbey Seyrik Mineral Water >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ Beysehir Kukurt Spring Thermal Water Cihanbeyli Eksimushilsu Drinking Water Cihanbeyli Alaman Well Mineral Water dEKZEYh>/dz Temperature: 13 °C pH: 6 dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϯϰ͘ϱΣƉ,͗ϴ͕ϴ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϭϮϰϵ͕Ϯ ŵŐͬů dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϮϭΣƉ,͗ϳ͕Ϯ ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϴ͕ϰĞŵĂŶ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϴϬϵ͕ϵ ŵŐͬů dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϯϯΣƉ,͗ϳ͕Ϯϱ ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϳ͕ϲĞŵĂŶ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϯϮϴ͕ϳϴ ŵŐͬů dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗Ϯϯ͕ϭΣƉ,͗ϳ͕Ϯϱ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϭϮϮϭ͕ϱϭ ŵŐͬů dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϭϴ͕ϮΣƉ,͗Ϯ͕ϵϲ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϭϮϮϭ͕ϱϭ ŵŐͬů Temperature: 20 °C pH: 5.8 ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϭϯĞŵĂŶ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗Ϯϰϲ͕ϰ ŵŐͬů Temperature: 33 °C pH: 6.7 ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϲĞŵĂŶ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϰϴϭϲ͕ϯ ŵŐͬů dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϭϳ͘ϱΣƉ,͗ϲ͕ϳ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϱϭϯϵ͕ϱ ŵŐͬů D^^&>Kt RATE Kd,Z/E&KZDd/KE Ϭ͕ϭϱůƚͬƐ ϭϱůƚͬƐ ϱůƚͬƐ ϭ͕ϮϰůƚͬƐ It can also be used as mud. Ϯ͕ϱůƚͬƐ Ϭ͕ϬϱůƚͬƐ ϮůƚͬƐ Ϭ͕ϱůƚͬƐ 19 Cihanbeyli Ilicapinari dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϮϵΣƉ,͗ϳ͕ϭ ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϵĞŵĂŶ Thermal Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϰϱϴϳ͕ϴϵ ŵŐͬů ϭ͕ϮůƚͬƐ It has been discovered by the General Directorate of Mineral ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚdžƉůŽƌĂƟŽŶĂŶĚǁĂŝƚƐƚŽ be processed. Temperature: 48°C Debi: 38 Thermal Water ůͬƐ Cihanbeyli Doganhisar Karaaga Mineral Water Temperature: 14.5 °C pH: 6 Doganhisar Karaaga Spa Drinking Water Temperature: 13 °C pH: 6 Ϭ͕ϬϰůƚͬƐ Eregli Kukurtlusu Kaplicasi Thermal Water Temperature: 25 °C pH: 7 Ϭ͘ϱůƚͬƐ There is no facility. Hüyük Kosk Temperature: 35 °C pH: 7.1 Thermal Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϭϮϰϵ͕Ϯ ŵŐͬůZĂĚLJŽĂŬƟǀŝƚĞ͗ϵ͕ϭĞŵĂŶ ϭϴůƚͬƐ Thermal hotels are present. Cavus Temperature: 25-26 °C pH: 6.52 Thermal Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϭϭϴϭ ŵŐͬů,ĂƌĚŶĞƐƐ͗ϲϲͲϳϬ Hüyük ϭͲϮ͕ϱůƚͬƐ Hüyük Kosk Thermal Water Temperature: 48°C Hüyük Gorunmez Temperature: 18 °C pH: 6.6 Mineral Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϯϴϬ͕Ϯ ŵŐͬů Ilgin Cavuscugol Thermal Spring dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϰϬ͕ϱΣƉ,͗ϳ͘ϲ ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϭϬĞŵĂŶ Thermal Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϱϵϯ͕ϰ ŵŐͬů ϭϮůƚͬƐ Catchment is included. There is no facility. Ilgin Ilgin Thermal Spring dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϰϮΣƉ,͗ϲ͕ϱͲ ϳ͕ϲ Thermal Water ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϭϵ͕ϭĞŵĂŶ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϴϰϯͲ ϭϮϯϭŵŐͬů ϱϬůƚͬƐ Thermal hotels are present. Karapinar DŽƵŶƚhnjĞĐĞŬ͕ Yarimca Plateau Karapinar Nasippinari Karatay Seydisehir Temperature: 29.5 °C dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϮϬΣƉ,͗ϲ͕ϱϯ Mineral Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϱϮϬϳ͕ϰϭ ŵŐͬů Ismil Thermal Water Temperature: 13-45 °C Seydisehir Thermal Spring Temperature: 32-32.5 °C pH: 7 Thermal Water ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƟǀŝƚLJ͗ϴͲϮϬĞŵĂŶ dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϳϴϳ͕ϱϯ ŵŐͬů Temperature: 22-46 °C pH: 6.2 - 7.3 dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϯϬϬϬ ŵŐͬů;ŵĞĂŶͿ Seydisehir Kavakkoy Seydisehir Huyuk T. dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗Ϯϳ͕ϭΣƉ,͗ϳ͕ϭ Mineral Water dŽƚĂůŵŝŶĞƌĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ͗ϭϮϴϱ͕ϳ ŵŐͬů Tuzlukcu Pazarkaya K. Thermal Water dĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ͗ϮϵͲϰϯ͕ϱΣ 20 ϯϴůƚͬƐ It has been discovered by the General Directorate of Mineral ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚdžƉůŽƌĂƟŽŶĂŶĚǁĂŝƚƐƚŽ be processed. There is no facility ϭůƚͬƐ The borehole is 93m in depth. ϮůƚͬƐ No catchment or facility. ϰϬͲϲϱůƚͬƐ Two wells designed by the General Directorate of Mineral Research džƉůŽƌĂƟŽŶĨŽƌŚŽƚǁĂƚĞƌ͘KŶĞŽĨ them is 320 m and the other is 674 m in depth. ϮůƚͬƐ Ϭ͘ϭͲϮůƚͬƐ ϭ͕ϱůƚͬƐ ϭ͕ϱͲϱůƚͬƐ A number of resources with ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚƚĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞƐĂŶĚŵĂƐƐ ŇŽǁƌĂƚĞƐ͕ĂŶĚƚǁŽďŽƌĞŚŽůĞƐ͘ High gas content. No catchment or facility. dŚĞƌĞĂƌĞƚǁŽďŽƌĞŚŽůĞƐ͘^Ɵůů ƐƵďũĞĐƚƚŽƌĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ͘ 5. Total Land Use Cultivated Land Use Our Province with an area of 40,813,520 decares is the province with the largest land area in which agriculture takes place on 19,044386 decares. With a total population of 2,038,555, 510,618 (25%) live in rural areas while 1,517,937 (75%) reside in the city. The urbanisation rate in the Province is 73.82%; the annual population increase is 1.2% and the number of persons per square kilometre is 50. The Metropolitan Municipality of the Province of Konya with 31 counties, 174 towns and 612 villages with a total of 111,479 farmers is actively engaged in the agriculture sector. Elevation above sea level varies between 570 and 1,700 metres according to the location of the settlement areas. ơ ơ structure of the Province. Annual rainfall varies between 300 and 760 mm from region to region. From a topographic point, while ǡƪǡǤ Rainfall in the large expanse that lies to the east and north of the Province and is popularly known as the “Konya Plain” is below 400 mm while in certain local regions rainfall below 300 mm has made the dry agriculture system compulsory. In other words, the “grainfallow” rotation is the most common agriculture system in these areas. ơ ǡ ơ Ǥ ơ ǡ Ǥ Ǥǡ ơ to a decline in pastures that support cattle raising, sheep breeding came to the forefront, where the ability to utilise low quality grass is common. The realities of nature have meant that in arid lands the grain-fallow rotation system in agriculture production and in animal husbandry sheep breeding has come to the forefront. In particular, during recent years, as a result of state investments and individual and joint initiatives of farmers, areas opened to irrigation have seen significant progress. Today, 595,059 hectares of land (According to the KOP Agency regional report) are open to irrigated agriculture. With new areas opening to irrigation, the cultivation of fruit and fruitless trees is changing the steppe appearance of the plain each passing day. Numerical information on the agricultural structure and production of the Province is given below. Cultivated Land Use Total Land Use USAGE AREA (Decare) й й - Fields ϭϭ͕ϲϵϮ͕ϰϮϱ 61.5 32.8 - Fallow ϲ͕ϳϲϴ͕ϱϵϲ 35.5 16.6 - Vegetables ϭϵϲ͕ϲϬϲ 1 0.5 - Fruits Ϯϴϳ͕ϱϳϳ 1.5 0.7 ϵϵ͕ϭϴϮ 0.5 0.2 TOTAL й й ϭϬ͕ϰϮϯ͕ϴϲϮ 81.8 46.4 - Legumes ϰϮϵ͕ϳϯϴ 3.4 1.9 - Industrial plants 867.915 6.8 3.9 - Forage crops ϰϰϳ͕ϮϮϳ 3.5 2 - Cereals ϭϵ͕Ϭϰϰ͕ϯϴϲ 100 46.7 2- MEADOW PASTURE ϳ͕ϲϭϰ͕ϲϬϳ 100 18.7 3- FOREST ϱ͕ϰϬϭ͕ϴϵϬ 100 13.2 4- UNPRODUCTIVE LAND ϴ͕ϳϱϮ͕ϲϯϳ 100 17.4 GRAND TOTAL ϰϬ͕ϴϭϯ͕ϱϮϬ AREA (decare) 1. FIELDS 1. CULTIVATED LAND -Orchards USAGE 100 - Tuberous plants ϭϬϬ͕ϴϭϲ 0.8 0.4 - Oil plants ϰϲϴ͕ϱϳϮ 3.7 2.1 ϭϮ͕ϳϯϴ͕ϭϯϬ 100 56.7 - Vegetables ϭϳϯ͕ϰϯϭ 35.7 0.8 - Fruits Ϯϭϯ͕ϲϰϲ 43.9 1 TOTAL 2- ORCHARDS GARDENS - Orchards TOTAL 3- FALLOW GRAND TOTAL ϵϵ͕Ϭϲϭ 20.4 0.4 ϰϴϲ͕ϭϯϴ 100 2.2 ϵ͕Ϯϱϰ͕Ϯϵϴ 100 41.2 ϮϮ͕ϰϳϴ͕ϱϲϲ 100 21 6. 6.1. ¤¢ª¡ There are 13 electric generating plants in the Province of Konya of which 4 are hydroelectric power plants and 9 are thermal power ǤǤ ȋ ÚǡǡÇȌ ͜ǦȋǡǡǡºfǡfǡÇfǡÇǡ ÇȌǤ. Tes Thermal Power Plant is in the investment phase and will operate as an auto-production power plant. ºÇÇfǡȋ ǤȌ in Konya rose from 943,404 in 2011 to 969,551 between January-November 2012. In 2011, a total of 3,126,000,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity was used while between January-November of 2012 electricity consumption increased to 3,247,000,000 kilowatt-hours. When looking at electricity use, despite the fact that the population of Konya showed a steady increase up to 2011, per person electricity consumption and electricity use per subscriber continuously declined. During the first 11 months of 2012, total electricity consumption rose parallel to the increase in the number of subscribers. Year Total Electricity ůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJŽŶƐƵŵƉƟŽŶƉĞƌ^ƵďƐĐƌŝďĞƌ ŽŶƐƵŵƉƟŽŶ;DtŚͿ (MWh) (kWh) Number of Subscribers Per Capita Electric ŽŶƐƵŵƉƟŽŶ 2.664.236.870 3.299 807.465 1.767 2007 4.545.962.579 5.481 829.356 2.320 2008 4.580.275.952 5.346 856.740 2.325 2009 3.919.075.040 4.416 887.318 1.966 2010 3.316.508.370 3.593 922.988 1.618 2011 3.126.594.171 3.314 943.404 1.533 2012* 3.247.904.777 3.349 969.551 1.540 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¢¤®£¤¢¦¤နှၐဿ£¤¨¡ၺၸၹၺန 6.2. ¤§¡ £ Ǯ fººÇÇǤfǤǯȋ ǤȌ͕͗ 2004 with the authority to distribute natural gas within the contiguous area of Konya Metropolitan Municipality. Natural gas reaches Ǥ çǤ The Konya-Izmir transmission line will provide the connection to the South and the East Anatolia Natural Gas Main Transmission Line from Bulgaria will transmit gas to the Southeast Anatolia provinces. The Konya-Izmir Natural Gas Transmission Line goes through ÇçǤ The tender to construct the Salt Lake Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility within the boundaries of the Province of Konya has been awarded to allow the storage of 1 billion cubic metres of natural gas and will be completed in 2018. The project will provide significant gains in terms of security of energy supply in Turkey, an important safeguard against any future reduction in natural gas imports. 22 6.3. £ According to the drilling activities carried out by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), the KonyaººǦ 8 billion tons of petroleum-shale (petroleum derived from shale) have been identified. According to the calculations undertaken by MTA, the shale reserves when heated can produce petroleum and natural gas with an estimated 2.6 to 8.3 billion barrels of petroleum. Research on a national and international basis is continuing and this development will make the region an attractive location on the subject of energy. 6.4. £ According to the report on the Biogas Potential of Turkey prepared by Germany’s Federal Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety (BMU) in which the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Urban Development were the project partner: Based on provincial data, cities that have high biogas potential in terms of agricultural substrates (manure, cereal straws, energy crops in fallow fields, tomato residues, sugar beet leaves) have been identified. ǣ ǡǡ ǡ fÇǡǡǡ .ǡ çǤ ǣǡǡǡǡÇǡǡ ǡ.ǡfÇǤ 6.5. ¡¡® Konya Province is above the average for Turkey in terms of global radiation values. Turkey’s average annual total solar radiation value is 1,527.5 kWh/m2 while for Konya this value is 1,612.5 kWh/m2. While the average annual total sunshine duration for Turkey is 2,741 hours, this figure for Konya is 2,902.5 hours. ͚͔͖Çǡ͘ǡ͔͔͔Ǥ 6.6. ¡® According to the 2010 provincial-based Installable Wind Power Plant Area Sitemaps of the General Directorate of Electric Power Survey and Development Administration, the areas in Konya Province where wind power plants can be built are: the Konya Provincial çǡ ǡçǡºçǤ çǦÇÇ.Ǧòòºò Ǥ 7. ǡ Ǥ ƪ developments, in the 2011 Largest 500 Industrial Companies in Turkey prepared by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Konya had 8 companies in the top 500 and 16 companies in the second 500 list. A total of 3,107 companies are registered in the Konya Chamber of Industry and employ 55,459 individuals. The number of industrial companies in Konya makes up 4% of the total for Turkey. This share puts Konya in fifth place after Istanbul, Bursa, Ankara and Izmir. The variety of industrial enterprises in Konya in terms of the number of businesses is remarkable. With food, manufacturing machinery, agricultural machinery, automotive parts, rubber and plastic products, footwear and base metals leading the way, furniture, agro-processed products, iron and steel products, textiles and clothing, salt, aluminium and marble are industries that are also at the forefront. In the development of industry in Konya, the point reached by the Organised Industrial Zones (OIZ) and the Small Industrial Estates (SIE) in providing a suitable environment for investors during the investment and production stages is of great importance. The Konya First OIZ with 165 businesses on 134 hectares came into service in 1976. In the Konya OIZ, where construction is on-going, 520 businesses on 2,043 hectares of land have commenced production and, on the other hand, OIZs have been established in the çǡçǡ.ǡºǡǡÇçǤǡ͔͛ and parcel distribution and construction work is continuing. On the other hand, in order to provide workplaces for small industrialists, 6,800 workplaces were built in 39 small industrial estates and about 15,010 workers were employed. On 528 hectares of land, 2,526 businesses have started operations in 14 private industrial estates (PIE) and have employed around 32,365 individuals. In terms of employment and value added to our country’s economy, Konya ranks sixth after Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Antalya. Manufacturing sector businesses located in 9 OIZs, 39 SIEs and 14 PIEs make up 4% of the registered businesses in Turkey and in terms of companies in industrial production Konya is ranked fifth. 23 lI. 1. ¤ £¡© £¡© ¦££££ £ £Ŋ¤ ¤¡ ¦£££ £¤¢¤ ¡ª¤ ¤ ¨¤နª£ထ¦££££¨¨¤¢£¤¡¤£¡©¦££££န£ ¤¢£¤£ª¤¡£¤¤¤£¤¡န¨£¡©¦££££ထª¤¤¤ထ£¡¤¤ ¡¤¡¤န£¤¨¤££¦¡¤£¯£¡©န ¨¤£¡©£¤¡¦¡£¤¦£¤¦¤¤¦ထၹႁၺၻန¡ၽၸ¤ႀ ¢¦¤§¡£¤¡ª¤ႀၸ¡£¤£¤¤¦¡ဠ££¨¤¡¤န£¡£¦¤ ¡¤¢¤¢¦¤§¡£¤¡Š¤¡¤¤ထ¤¤¤¤££¤¡¡Šၻၸ¤ၾၽŠ¤¤ ¤£¡©£¤¡ဠ££¡ထª¤£Ń¤¤¤¦£¤¢®£¤¡£¦£¤ၹၸန¤¡¡¥¤¨¦ဖ£¡©£¤¡£ ¤¡န ¡©£ထ£¨¤¡¤§Ŋ¤¨¡¦£¤¨¤£ထ¨¡ª¡န£¤¡¦££¡©££¦ £ £¦¤ထ ¡ထ ¤¢£¡¥¤ထ £Ť«¡ထ ¤ထ ¦¤ထ ¡£ ¡ ¦¤£န ¦¤ထ ¤ ¤¡¥¤£¡©£¡Ń¤¨Š¤£¡¨ဖ¦Ŋ¡¡£¤£¤¡¤££¤¨Ń¤ ¤¤¤¨££Ŋ¡£ª¤Š£¤¢§¤§¡£¡©£ထª¡¤¢£¡¥ထ¦¤£ထŊထ¡¨ £¦¡¥န £¡¤¡¨¤®¤£¡©£¤¡နª¨¡ထ¤¡£££¤®¡ª£¤£¤£¤£¡©£¤¡ ££¤¢§¤ထ¤ထ¤¦¡£ထ¦¤ထ¤¢ထ£¦¤ထ£¤£ထ¡¤¤®ထŶ¨¡¥£ £¤¡န¡¤¤¤ၺၸၹၺထ¤¡¡ၺႁထၹၻႁ¤¨£¡©£¤¡£¤£¤£န ¤¡ထª£ၾထၻၾၸ£¤£¤£ထှ¬¤¤¡¨£¤¡£ဿ£¡Ŋ¡£¤¤£¡©£¤¡ ¤¤£န £¤¢§¤ £¤¡ ှ¦ £¤¢§¤ထ £¯ £¤¢§¤ ¤¨¤£ထ £¤¢§¤ ¦¤¡ £¤¢§¤§¡£ထ ¦££¤¨¤£ဿ¡£¡¥¡£¡¥¨££¤¡Ť¡¤¡¤¡ª¤ ၾထၸၾၻၻထႀၻၼ¦¡£¤£¤£ထ¡£¤¨န 24 Number of Businesses/Workshops Operating in the Service Sector ĐƟǀŝƚLJ ŚĂŶŐĞ;йͿ Number of ϮϬϭϭƵƐŝŶĞƐƐͬ tŽƌŬƐŚŽƉ Number of ϮϬϭϮƵƐŝŶĞƐƐͬ tŽƌŬƐŚŽƉ Retail trade (Excluding motor vehicles and otorcycles) 5.959 6.360 ϲ͕ϳϯ Land transport and transport via pipelines 3.246 3.834 ϭϴ͕ϭϭ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ 3.780 3.633 Ͳϯ͕ϴϵ Wholesale trade (Excluding motor vehicles and motorcycles) 1.811 2.092 ϭϱ͕ϱϮ Food and beverage service activities 1.053 1.548 ϰϳ͕Ϭϭ Specialised construction activities 1.039 1.296 Ϯϰ͕ϳϰ 755 1.040 ϯϳ͕ϳϱ Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Legal and accounting activities 689 971 ϰϬ͕ϵϯ Building and landscape activities 709 637 ͲϭϬ͕ϭϲ ĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶͬƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ 536 573 ϲ͕ϵ Other service activities 425 565 ϯϮ͕ϵϰ KĨĨŝĐĞŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ͕;ŽĨĨŝĐĞƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĂĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐ 431 552 Ϯϴ͕Ϭϳ Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 536 507 Ͳϱ͕ϰϭ Construction of structures excluding building 410 497 Ϯϭ͕ϮϮ Activities of head offices and management consultancy activities 847 471 Ͳϰϰ͕ϯϵ ƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƵƌĂůĂŶĚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐĂĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐ͕ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůƚĞƐƚŝŶŐĂŶĚĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐ 384 429 ϭϭ͕ϳϮ Warehousing and support activities for transportation 372 403 ϴ͕ϯϯ Human health services 302 366 Ϯϭ͕ϭϵ ĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƚŝŽŶƐͬ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂůŝƚLJ 179 286 ϱϵ͕ϳϴ Security and investigation activities 277 271 ͲϮ͕ϭϳ ZĞƉĂŝƌŽĨĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƐ͕ƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůĂŶĚŚŽƵƐĞŚŽůĚŐŽŽĚƐ Others Grand Total ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¡¤®£¤¤§¤¡¤¡¤ 366 270 ͲϮϲ͕Ϯϯ 3.154 3.103 Ͳϭ͕ϲϮ 26.835 29.139 ϴ͕ϱϵ The highest share of total production in the Province is services, industry and agriculture sectors, respectively. The Share of the Sectors within Gross Value Added Turkey TR52 Region(Konya and Karaman) Services ƌĂŶĐŚŽĨĐŽŶŽŵŝĐĐƟǀŝƚLJ 64.3 57.7 Industry 27.2 22.3 8.5 20 Agriculture ¦¡ဓvထၺၸၹၺ In terms of the number of insured employment, Construction sector (building construction, specialized construction activities, construction of outdoor structures, buildings and landscape activities) is ranked first with 48,085 employees where Retail Trade (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles) follows up with 24,135 number of employment. Transport and Transport via Pipelines is ranked third with 15,553 employees. In 2012, the number of insured employment increased the most in accommodation sector with a rate of 35.18 %; while followed by the education, catering and health sector with the rates of 32.10 %, 29.64 % and 26.53%, respectively. 25 G ĐƟǀŝƚLJ 2011 Number of Insured Insured 2012 Number of Insured ŚĂŶŐĞй ƵŝůĚŝŶŐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ 22.669 26.255 ϭϯ͕ϲϲ Retail Trade (Excluding motor vehicles and (torcycles) 22.528 24.135 ϲ͕ϲϲ Land Transport and Transport via Pipelines 12.928 15.553 ϭϲ͕ϴϴ ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶͬƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ 7.883 11.610 ϯϮ͕ϭ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐĞĚĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 8.434 9.903 ϭϰ͕ϴϯ Wholesale trade (Excluding motor vehicles and orcycles) 8.048 9.613 ϭϲ͕Ϯϴ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶŽĨƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞƐĞdžĐůƵĚŝŶŐďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ 6.137 7.850 Ϯϭ͕ϴϮ Human health services 4.850 6.601 Ϯϲ͕ϱϯ &ŽŽĚĂŶĚďĞǀĞƌĂŐĞƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 4.537 6.448 Ϯϵ͕ϲϰ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐĂŶĚůĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 4.776 4.077 Ͳϭϳ͕ϭϰ ^ĞĐƵƌŝƚLJĂŶĚŝŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƟŽŶĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 3.204 3.750 ϭϰ͕ϱϲ Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 3.107 3.370 ϳ͕ϴ tĂƌĞŚŽƵƐŝŶŐĂŶĚƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĨŽƌƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ 3.012 3.248 ϳ͕Ϯϳ ĐƟǀŝƟĞƐŽĨŚĞĂĚŽĸĐĞƐĂŶĚŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶĐLJĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 5.130 3.107 Ͳϲϱ͕ϭϭ KĸĐĞŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ͕;ŽĸĐĞƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐͿƐƵƉƉŽƌƚ ĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 2.562 3.096 ϭϳ͕Ϯϱ ZĞƉĂŝƌĂŶĚŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟŽŶŽĨŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJĂŶĚĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 3.011 3.015 Ϭ͕ϭϯ >ĞŐĂůĂŶĚĂĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ 1.815 2.606 ϯϬ͕ϯϱ ĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƟŽŶƐ 1.546 2.385 ϯϱ͕ϭϴ ƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƵƌĂůĂŶĚĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ͕ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůƚĞƐƟŶŐĂŶĚĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐ 1.500 1.897 ϮϬ͕ϵϯ WƌŝŶƟŶŐĂŶĚƌĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶŽĨƌĞĐŽĚĞĚŵĞĚŝĂ 1.575 1.532 ͲϮ͕ϴϭ 23.917 22.821 Ͳϰ͕ϴ 153.169 172.872 ϭϭ͕ϰ Others Grand Total ¦¡ဓ¨¡¤®£¤¤§¤¡¨¡¤¡¤ Based on data for October 2012, Konya is ranked 8th among the provinces in the highest number of insured employees such that ͗ ǡǡǡ Ǥ ǡºǤ Konya is again ranked 8th in the nation that has contributed the most to the increase in the insured wage earner during the previous year. From October 2011 to October 2012, in the change in the number of insured employees Konya is 20th among 81 provinces with a 10% increase and, among the highest employment in the top 15 provinces Konya is 2nd behind Gaziantep. Taking October 2008 as 100 among the insured wage earners (4/a) in Turkey and Konya, this said value was 131.2 in October 2012 for the nation as a whole and 147.6 for Konya. Since October 2008, the rate of increase in the insured wage earner in Konya has been above the nation as a whole. 26 Turkey Index ¦¡ဓ¦¡¤®£¤¤§¤ှ ဿထ¦¤£ Konya Index Oct.12 June.12 Feb.12 Oct.11 June.11 Feb.11 Oct.10 June.10 Feb.10 Oct.09 June.09 Feb.09 Oct.08 Insurance Paid by Month (4/a) Number of Employees (Indexed to October 2008=100) (Seasonally Adjusted Series) 2. ǡơ ǡ in innovation that is locked in to the same objective as the business world. Commercial organisations, institutions, associations, chambers and co-operatives that have helped in shaping commercial life are working in an organised way to move Konya even further ahead. ¡¡ The Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) was established in 1882 with an imperial edict and with the decision adopted by the assembly of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce which is the first chamber established on 20 January 1880. Thus, the Konya Chamber of Commerce is the second oldest chamber in Turkey. The KTO, with 75 professional committees and over 20,000 members, is Turkey’s 6th largest chamber. The Chamber is among the largest and most active professional organisations in Turkey. By organising domestic and international trade fairs, the KTO has been instrumental in opening business abroad as well as increasing the volume of business of its members. The Chamber, with its in-house KOSGEB focus on synergy, provides information on KOSGEB related support to its members, while another in-house organisation, the European Turkish Business Centres Network (ABIGEM), provides training and information for its members. ¡¦£¤¢® The Konya Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in 1926 as a result of work aimed at reviving industrial and commercial activities and to spread conscious and systematic developments nationwide. Until 1976 the Chamber provided services to both the commerce and industry sectors. However, based on the developments in the manufacturing and supply industry, it became necessary that the chamber of industry be an independent organisation from the chamber of commerce and, as a result, the Konya Chamber of Commerce (KSO) commenced its activities on 25 April 1974. The KSO’s founding was realised by 165 members that were under 8 occupational groups and this figure has increased exponentially with each passing day. Today, 1,373 industrial organisations from 25 occupational groups benefit from the activities of the Chamber. With basic principles such as complete and timely service, continuous improvement, building and developing the technological infrastructure, employee training and as an exemplary organization, the KSO continues on its path with the determination to carry the industry of Konya to future and better horizons. The KSO conducts the tasks of protecting professional ethics and solidarity; ensure the development of the general interests of industry and to make proposals and recommendations to ministries on occupational activities. ơ ǡ global, that teaches competence in industrialisation, that possesses foresight in innovation in investments and production, that shares cultural values with the world, that develops a reliable social structure and with the understanding of carrying the value of being a capital in history to brand awareness and targeting to become a production base and a SME capital. ¤®¬ Its date of founding makes it one of the oldest exchanges. The Konya Commodity Exchange (KTB) was established in 1912 but was closed in 1914 due to the outbreak of the First World War. The re-establishment of the Exchange had to wait for the Republic years and 10 years later on 24 October 1924, the Exchange opened for the second time with decree No. 1041. Thus, the first exchange in Anatolia was established and pioneered the founding of other exchanges. The KTB became the 5th exchange to be founded nationwide. The KTB is required to fulfil the duties set out in Law No. 5174, conducting sales of auction rooms, weighing machines, laboratories and has the capacity to undertake the sale of salesroom services and all the necessary services as a broker. The Exchange provides services in 3 buildings each with an area of 50 m2, a weighhouse of 64m2 and an articulated lorry weighbridge. In addition, the KTB has a 300 m2 closed and 200 m2 open, 5 horizontal silos with a capacity of 10,000 tonnes. Within the Wheat Market there are 284 warehouses belonging to its members with a 400,000 tonnes storage capacity of which 300,000 tonnes are closed and 100,000 tonnes are open warehouses. The KTB has Turkey’s first and only electronic salesroom. This salesroom opened on 8 May 2011 to provide services in which 142 members can be included in a sale at the same time. All members can provide manual price bids to any product until the end of the session or a price in the form of an automatic bid or a one price bid. In this way, the individual member can provide a more comfortable bid. The KCE has completed the infrastructure of spot bidding and is ready to conduct futures trading. 27 ¡£¡£¡¥££ှဿ The Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Artisans of Konya (KONESOB) was founded on 21 July 1966 in accordance with the principles set out in Article 135 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and according to Law No. 5362 on Tradesmen and Artisans Occupational Organisations and is a professional organisation in the nature of a public sector institution. As of today, 86 chambers are registered. Konya Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Artisans (KONESOB) Members Konya Chamber of Footwear Shop Owners Konya Chamber of Auto Tyre Sellers ŬƔĞŚŝƌZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂƚĞƵƌƐŚĂŵďĞƌ KĚĂƐŦ ŽŒĂŶŚŝƐĂƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ KĚĂƐŦ <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Drivers Konya Chamber of Coppersmiths Konya Chamber of Bakers ŬƔĞŚŝƌDĞƚĂů'ŽŽĚƐ͘ Sellers Chamber ŽŒĂŶŚŝƐĂƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Drivers <ĂƌĂƉŦŶĂƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Grocery Owners Chamber Konya Chamber of Marketers ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨĂƌƉĞŶƚĞƌƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ'ƌŽĐĞƌLJ Store Owners <ĂƌĂƉŦŶĂƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Drivers Konya Chamber of Barbers Konya Chamber of Watch and Eye Glass Shop Owners ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ,ĂƌŶĞƐƐ Makers ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨĂƌďĞƌƐ Kulu Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Chamber of Bicycle Konya Chamber of Travelling Manufacturers Salesmen ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨƌŝǀĞƌƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Lumbermen Kulu Chamber of Drivers Konya Chamber of Blacksmiths Konya Chamber of Plumbing ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨdĂŝůŽƌƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨŽīĞĞ Makers Sarayönü Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Chamber of Electricians Konya Chamber of ŽŶĨĞĐƟŽŶĞƌƐ ůƨŶĞŬŝŶŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨƌŝǀĞƌƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Footwear Shop Owners Sarayönü Chamber of Drivers Konya Chamber of Real Estate Agents Konya Chamber of Drivers ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨdƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨDĞƚĂů Goods Industry ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Chamber of Bakers Konya Chamber of Radio and TV Repairs ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨƌŝǀĞƌƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ&ƌƵŝƚƐ and Vegetables ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Drivers Konya Chamber of Scrap Dealers Konya Chamber of Tinsmiths ŽnjŬŦƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨdƌĂĚĞƐŵĂŶ ĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨƌŝǀĞƌƐ Tuzlukçu Chamber of Tradesmen Konya Chamber of Builders Konya Chamber of Tailors ŽnjŬŦƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨƌŝǀĞƌƐ ƌĞŒůŝŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨdĂŝůŽƌƐ Üzümlü Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Chamber of Butchers Konya of Machinists Cihanbeyli Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Emirgazi Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Yunak Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ <ŽŶLJĂŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨŽīĞĞ Makers Konya Tube Gas Dealers Cihanbeyli Chamber of Drivers 'ƺŶĞLJƐŦŶŦƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ Tradesmen Yunak Chamber of Grocery Owners Konya Chamber of ^ƚĂƟŽŶĞƌLJKǁŶĞƌƐ Konya Chamber of Oil Painters Çumra Chamber of Tradesman ĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Hadim Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Yunak Chamber of Drivers Konya Chamber of Restaurateurs Konya Chamber of Quilt Makers Çumra Chamber of Drivers Hüyük Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Chamber of Carpenters ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ'ƌŽĐĞƌLJ Store Owners Çeltik Chamber of Tradesmen ĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ /ůŐŦŶŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Konya Chamber of Minibus Drivers ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨĂƌďĞƌƐ Derbent Chamber of Tradesmen ĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ /ůŐŦŶŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨƌŝǀĞƌƐ Konya Chamber of Furniture Makers ŬƔĞŚŝƌŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨŽīĞĞ Makers Derebucak Chamber of dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦŚĂŵďĞƌŽĨ dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ Source: KONESOB KĸĐŝĂůtĞď^ŝƚĞ ¡¡£££¤£ In the 13th century when Anatolia was under the domination of the Turks, the emergence of the institution of Ahi in Konya shaped social and economic life and is a distinct characteristic of our city. Unique in the world, the Ahi system, from the Seljuk period to the Ottoman period to present day, has an enormous contribution to social order in terms of social, cultural and economic life. The organisation of Ahi or Akhism has set an example to non-governmental organisations of the 21st century. Based on this tradition, trade and non-governmental organisations in our Province continue their work to take Konya further on its path. 28 Professional Chambers at Konya Centre Konya Chamber of Industry (KSO) dƵƌŬŝƐŚsĞƚĞƌŝŶĂƌLJDĞĚŝĐĂůƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ Konya Area Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) TMMOB Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers Konya Branch dDDK7ŶƔĂĂƚDƺŚĞŶĚŝƐůĞƌŝKĚĂƐŦ<ŽŶLJĂbƵďĞƐŝ Konya Commodity Exchange (KTB) TMMOB Chamber of Civil Engineers Konya Branch <ŽŶLJĂhŶŝŽŶŽĨŚĂŵďĞƌƐŽĨdƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚƌƟƐĂŶƐ;<KE^KͿ TMMOB Chamber of Geology Engineers Konya Branch Konya Chamber of SMMM TMMOB Chamber of Architects 5th Region Konya Chamber of Pharmacists TMMOB Chamber of machinery Engineers Konya Branch Konya Chamber of Medicine TMMOB Chamber of City Planners Konya Branch Konya Chamber of Odontologists TMMOB Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Konya Branch <ŽŶLJĂĂƌƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ TMMOB Chamber of Food Engineers Konya Brach dƌĂĚĞƐŵĞŶĂŶĚĂŝůŽͲŽƉĞƌĂƟǀĞ TMMOB Chamber of Electrical Engineers WE<K/Z>/<;^ƵŐĂƌĞĞƚ'ƌŽǁĞƌƐŽͲŽƉĞƌĂƟǀĞƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶͿ dƵƌŬŝƐŚƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶŽĨdƌĂǀĞůŐĞŶƚƐ ¦¡ဓŴဓဳဳªªªန£¡န Konya Province Active Associations by Area of Activities EƵŵďĞƌŽĨƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶƐďLJƌĞĂŽĨĐƟǀŝƟĞƐ Number Religious Purposes 716 ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂůWƵƌƉŽƐĞƐ 362 Cultural Purposes 102 Social Assistance Purposes 899 ^ƉŽƌƟǀĞWƵƌƉŽƐĞƐ 324 TOTAL Ϯ͕ϰϬϯ ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤££¤£ှဿ vI¡ The Konya Branch of the Association of Independent Industrialists and Businessmen (MÜSIAD) was established in 1993 with the ơǤ͕͚͖͔͔͗ǡ oǤ its modern facilities and utilizing technology in the best possible way, the Konya Branch undertakes many seminal activities on international markets, IT, total quality management systems, governance, brand names and other topics. Since its establishment to the present day, MÜSIAD provides an entrepreneur vision, entrepreneurial culture and information and acts as a pioneer for expansion to foreign markets for more than 180 members. ¡ှ¦¡¤ ¡ª¡£ဖ¡¤¨££¤ဿ Founded in 1993 Pankobirlik is the top organisation for sugar beet growers covering 64 provinces and 7,500 locations with approximately 1.6 million partners. With 31 sugar beet co-operatives, approximately 300 branches, 6 co-operative sugar beet ȋÇǡǡǡºÇǡ.Ȍ͙͔ Ǧ ǡ was formed entirely with the contributions of its members and acquires, distributes, supervises and co-ordinates all inputs for the agricultural activities of its partners. ¦£¤¡¤¨¤£ ǡơ ǡ ơ Ǥ Presently there are 5 clustering projects, 3 of which are being carried out by KSO, 1 by the Konya Provincial Directorate of Culture and 1 by the Konya Governorate. The KSO contributes to projects carried out by the automotive, casting and shoe industries, the Provincial Directorate of Culture on tourism and the Governorate of Konya on dairy products. New industries are expected to be added to these projects in the coming months. Among the industries that have clustering potential in the near future are: The automotive supply, machinery manufacturing, basic metal, furniture, food and beverage, leather and leather products, plastics and rubber products, textile and textile products, wood products, metallic and non-metallic mineral products (such as glass and porcelain), fabricated metal products (such as industrial kitchen equipment) and paper and paper products. 29 3. The construction industry, in terms of the size of the industry as well as by the size of its marketing and commercial activities, ơ ͔͔͘ǦǤ Among the leading sub-sectors that are the basic inputs of construction are the cement, ready-mix concrete, iron, steel, ceramics, paint, insulation materials, brick and glass industries. The construction industry, because it is labour-intensive, always provides the highest employment after agriculture. In particular, in terms of unskilled labour, the construction industry is a large source of employment. Quality is one of the fundamental elements of the construction industry. There are 1 cement factory, 26 crushed stone plants, 2 heat insulation board manufacturers, 7 brick factories, 1 membrane waterproofing manufacturer, 4 manufacturers of construction chemicals, 6 metal chimney manufacturers that possess the CE certificate together with many small-scale building materials manufacturers in the Province of Konya. There are also 44 concrete plants and 3 paint manufacturers with a G certificate. Building Inspections* EƵŵďĞƌŽĨƵŝůĚŝŶŐ/ŶƐƉĞĐƟŽŶŐĞŶĐŝĞƐ 41 Number of Inspectors 435 Number of Control Employees 367 Number of Assistant Control Employees Completed Work (Number) (2012) Completed Work (m²) (2012) ၐ¡¤ª¤¤¨¡ªနၼၿၸႀ£¤¦¤£¤ ¦¡ဓ¡¨¨¡¤¡¨¤¡¤¡¤ 99 800 ϰϮϱ͕ϬϬϬ Ƥ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨŽŶƚƌĂĐƟŶŐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐ Unlimited Company Limited Company Joint-Stock Company Ordinary Partnership Real Person Temporary Contractor ^^ƵŝůĚŝŶŐŽͲŽƉĞƌĂƟǀĞ TOTAL 1 955 93 7 617 ϭ͕ϴϱϯ 5 dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐWƌŽǀŝĚĞĚ ϯ͕ϱϯϭ ƌĂŌƐŵĂŶĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞ TOTAL EƵŵďĞƌŽĨĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐWƌŝŶƚĞĚ ¦¡ဓ¡¨¨¡¤¡¨¤¡¤¡¤ှ£¡¥ၺၸၹၻဿ ϱ͕ϮϲϮ Number of fully or partially completed new buildings and additions according to their intended use (Based on occupancy permits) 30 ¦¡ဓvIၺၸၹၺ While the weast part of deweling production konya continued by meaans of cooperatifs upto 2009 , after 2009 it was conducted by private enterprises. %89 of activ coopertifs are inthe center of Konya . ͖͔͕͖ÇÇÇƪ 800 700 730 600 500 400 363 300 200 100 4 5 4 22 47 6 98 3 4 6 0 ACTIVE RECOMENDED Dewelling ACTIVE ^ŵĂůů7ŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂůƌĞĂ RECOMENDED WƵďůŝĐŽĨĨŝĐĞ ¦¡ဓ¡¨¨¡¤¡¨¤Ú¡¤¡¤ ƪǡ neighbourhoods that are non-resistant to earthquakes, the Urban Renewal activities, in order to provide a healthy settlement pattern, has become attractive to investors in the construction industry. At the same time: Due to Konya being located in the 4th degree earthquake zone and because geologically it is classified as one of the cities with a low earthquake risk, this can be considered as an advantage to the construction industry. In examining the housing situation according to household property status, we note that 73% own their homes and 21% rent their home. In household ranking Konya is 6th in Number of Households in Konya and Selected Provinces by Property Status Ownership Status RANK Province Total Home Owner Renter Longings Dweller Non-home Owner (But Non- rent Payer) Other Not Known 1 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů 2.550.607 1.476.687 893.427 28.100 131.662 17.425 3.306 2 Ankara 1.018.371 597.310 319.097 37.675 55.857 8.022 410 3 7njŵŝƌ 922.729 591.974 249.897 14.642 58.618 7.254 344 4 Bursa 545.391 353.275 143.638 6.335 39.081 2.798 264 5 Antalya 383.339 251.975 101.445 5.996 19.565 4.255 103 6 Konya 444.354 325.093 92.201 7.624 16.308 2.882 246 7 Adana 402.243 273.054 89.329 6.784 27.410 5.504 162 8 7ĕĞů 367.445 251.232 85.571 4.583 18.900 6.912 247 9 Kocaeli 283.708 170.597 77.056 5.582 23.003 7.402 68 10 Gaziantep 248.213 162.888 65.738 3.777 13.262 2.349 199 15.070.093 10.290.843 3.604.367 310.347 730.065 125.452 9.019 Total TURKEY ¦¡ဓ¦¡£¤¤£¤£¤¤§¤ှဿထၺၸၹၺ 31 Distribution of Residential Property by status 21% Landlord 2% Unknown 4% 0% Others Non-ret Payer 73% Residing in Lodgings Lessee ¦¡ဓၺၸၹၺ ¦¦££¤¢¤¤¨¤£ With a total of 65 projects, 14,785 housing investments have taken place or are taking place by the Public Housing Administration (TOKI) in Konya. The distribution of housing completed and delivered or where completion is 90% finished and delivery is near of 13,286 housing projects by counties is given below. In addition, the distribution of schools, hospitals, social facilities, landscaping and other projects are also given in the table. ơ Ǥ small down payment options are preferred by citizens who wish to become homeowners. Akören 144 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ 576 ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ 448 ŽnjŬŦƌ 192 Cihanbeyli 204 ŽŒĂŶŚŝƐĂƌ 144 988 ,ĂůŬĂƉŦŶĂƌ 288 /ůŐŦŶ 192 ,ƺLJƺŬ;7ŵƌĞŶůĞƌͿ 212 <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦ 192 <ĂƌĂƉŦŶĂƌ 768 Karatay Meram Selçuklu ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ 1 KƚŚĞƌ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ WƌĂLJĞƌZŽŽŵ ,ĞĂůƚŚĞŶƚƌĞ DŽƐƋƵĞ >ŝďƌĂƌLJ ^ƉŽƌƚƐ,Ăůů dƌĂĚĞĞŶƚƌĞ WĞŶƐŝŽŶƐ ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂůƐ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 5 4 384 1 TOTAL 13.286 0 1 0 3.684 72 0 0 1 208 Yunak 0 0 1 2 4.414 0 0 96 ƌĞŒůŝ Sarayönü 2 80 Çumra Emrigazi ^ĞĐŽŶĚĂƌLJ^ĐŚŽŽů ZĞƐŝĚĞŶĐĞ 7ůĕĞƐŝ ůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ^ĐŚŽŽů * KONYA Province Public Housing Administration Activities * (Construction Completed or 90% and Above Completed Projects as of ၺၸၹၻန¦¡ဓŴဓဳဳªªªန¤န¨န¤¢ 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 3 0 15 5 2 1 10 3 1 8 4 1 12 9 The citizens of Konya provide a very fast reaction especially to new constructions and public houses built or to be built. Unlike previously, the expanding construction sector and construction technologies leads to more rapid changes in housing. 32 4. The number of establishments engaged in wholesale and retail trade in Konya rose from 7,770 in 2011 to 8,450 in 2012, an 8.75% increase. The number of insured increased 10.37% from 30,576 establishment in 2011 to 33,748 in 2012. The KTO, collaborating with the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), published the Konya Retail Confidence Index (KOPE) as the first indicator that measures the trends in the retail sector at the local level in Turkey. Within the coverage of the Konya Retail Confidence Index Survey, face-to-face surveys are carried out each month with 300 large retail stores in the food, beverage and tobacco products, textiles, clothing, footwear, household electrical appliances, radio and television, furniture, lighting equipment, household-use products, motor vehicles and other large retail outlets that sell more than one type of product in the central counties of Karatay, Meram and Selçuklu. With KOPE the retail industry in Konya is compared with Turkey and the European Union member states. The Konya Retail Confidence Index continued to rise in the fourth month of 2013. While KOPE had a value of 5.9 in April, the Turkey Retail Confidence Index (TEPE), which represents Turkey as a whole, reached a value of 9.2. While KOPE dropped 2 points compared to last year it increased by 1 point compared to March. Retailing in Konya reached its highest value in the last one year in April 2013 which was below Turkey in general but showed a better performance compared to the EU-27 members. A Comparison of KOPE with TEPE* (February 2012 – April 2013) ¡¨¤£ဓဓ¤Ŋ¬ထဓ¦¡¤Ŋ¬ ¦¡ဓ¡¡ၐ£¦£¤¡£ YEAR Wholesale Number ofInformation Wholesale Konya Market 2011 2 Value of Sold and Purchased Goods (TL) Amount of Sold and Purchased 3.675.134 575.000 1.745.000 290.576 2012 2 ¦¡ဓ¤¢¤¦¤® Almost all kinds of tradesmen were active in markets and bazaars in Konya during the Ottoman period. Each part of a group of tradesman and artisans were located in a separate street, square or bazaar which is an indication that clustering in trade began during this period in Konya. Among the locations of the most important of these markets and bazaars that form the basis of commercial life in Konya are ǡ.çÇǡ ÇǡºÇǡÇǡºÇǡÇÇǡÇǡÇǡÚò ÇÇǤǡ Ǥ Known for the work that they do and that gather in specific locations, these centres provide industries the opportunity to benefit for the services they seek as well as all available alternatives. The list of these centres in Konya is shown below. Wholesale Locations in the Centres of Konya Province BB Number ƌĞĂͬŵϮ Wholesalers 651 150.835 Adnan Menderes Market 153 78.014 58 27.062 Wholesale Area Karatay Market >ŝŶĞŶͬƌĂƉĞ^ĞůůĞƌƐ 2.423 374.101 Dry Goods Sellers 415 110.527 Pulse (Legumes) Sellers 878 321.319 ^ŵĂůůdĞdžƟůĞ^ĞůůĞƌƐ 848 232.896 Fresh Vegetables 595 158.487 6.021 1.453.241 TOTAL ¦¡ဓ¤¢¤¦¤®ထ¤®¡¤£¤ 33 4.1. ¤¢£¦¡¡¤£ Konya has shopping centres which includes many international and domestic retail brand stores that are also in Turkey. All kinds of clothing, food, electronics, DIY and similar international shops are located in Konya. The following are some of the shopping centres in the province. 4.1.1.¤¢£ ¦¤ Turkey’s most modern and one of the premier shopping and entertainment centres, Kulesite opened in June 2004. With 130 brand names, Kulesite draws attention as the most magnificent structure of Konya’s modern face. A daily average of 28,000 people visits the Kulesite Shopping and Entertainment Centre during the weekdays and 45,000 people at weekends. During special events, the number of visitors per day reaches an average 60,000 and 75,000 on the eve of religious holidays. With 9 screen cinemas and a seating capacity of 1,500; a 7,000 m2 entertainment centre, brand name stores, a 14,000 m2 hypermarket, a 1700 vehicle car park, restaurants and entertainment areas, Kulesite is the centre of social and cultural life in Konya. Kulesite welcomes nearly 12 million visitors annually and with a 37,285 m2 leasable area it has a 100% occupancy rate. ¡Í¡¤¤¢ º͖͔͔͙͘͝ǡ͙Ǧ ǡ for 1,000 visitors in a 35,000 m2 closed area. ၹ¡¯ှဿ The M1 Central (Real) Shopping Centre has an 180,000 m2 court area, a 65,000 covered area with 62 shops and a 2,330 vehicle car park. It is Turkey’s second largest shopping centre and with cultural and artistic events has contributed to the development of the region. ¤¯ ǡơ inside its tower within an approximately 110,000 m2 area. The Kent Park Shopping Centre has a 45,000 m2 shopping area, a 1,750 vehicle open and closed car park capacity, a range of exclusive brand names and wide entertainment and sports opportunities that will appeal to visitors not only in Konya but from surrounding provinces. Kentplaza includes 160 shops with over 60 national and international brand names. ¡¡¤¤¢ The Konya Makro Market Shopping Centre covers a 6,200 m2 area and has 40 shops with a 500 vehicle car park. Makro markets are ÇÇǡçǤ ¤¢ Serving as an international chain, Kipa has 2 shopping centres in Konya and with a 1,500 vehicle car park capacity of which 750 are in ͗͜ Ç ÇǡǤ ¢£¤¢ An important member of the modern retail market in Turkey, aside from food and consumer goods, Migros meets the requirements of consumers with stationery, tableware, appliances, books, tapes and ready-to-wear clothing aisles. Migros Shopping Centres are ǡºǤ ¨0¡ĆÚ£¡£¤¢ ‘Oval Bazaar Bosnia’ provides its services in a 5,462.82 m2 area and with dozens of brand names it is an entertainment and shopping centre in the centre of Bosna. It is located at the Bosna Hersek neighbourhood in Selçuklu, Konya. ¡¤¢ Located in the County of Selçuklu, the 5-storey Konya Park Shopping Centre has a total covered area of 21,000 m2 with 66 independent Ǥ͕͙ǡ͔͔͔͖Ǥ͘ƪ͗ƪ ǡ͗͘ ƪ ǡ͖ƪ Ǯ ǯǡǡ ǡǡ ǡǤ͕ƪ Ǥƪǡ ǡǤ Ú¯Ú¡¤¢ Ǯ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ oò ǡ ÇÇ ͕͙ǡ͙͔͝ ͖ǡ ͙͜ independent business places, 1 closed car park, a car wash, a 3,000 m2 hypermarket, 3 banks and national and international brand name shops that will meet the needs of the city centre. The most important indicators in determining the potential for shopping centres will be the predictions on the rise of the income level of the province and attached to this per capita income, household private consumption expenses and the rise in retail expenditures. Other leading shopping centres are also expected to open in the coming years. 34 4.1.2 ¦¡¡¤£ In addition to shopping centres, both national and with the contribution of entrepreneurs in Konya, important representatives of ǡ ǡǡ ǡÇǡ͕͔͕ǡ.Ç consumer. Furthermore, Ittifak Holding’s retail industry representative Adese also provides its services as one of the important retail brands. As of the end of 2012, with 141 markets and over 3,000 employees with locations in Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bolu, Ankara, Konya, Aksaray, Karaman and Mersin, Adese has become a giant supermarket chain with over 30 million customers. In Konya, Adese has 2 large supermarkets, 2 logistics centres, 39 Adese markets and 72 Adesem food markets. That only 42% of the retail sector in Turkey is organised reveals the growth potential of the sector. Besides economic growth, the potential for growth in the retail sector also rests on social and demographic factors such as the population growth rate, the young population and urbanisation. The expansion and growth of our country makes the retail sector an attractive area of investment. The organised food retail industry in Turkey grew over 10% in 2012. 4.2. £¤¡ Thanks to its geographical position, Konya has been a vivid commercial center throughout the history. The city, through which the important caravan routes passed during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, has always witnessed intensive business operations. ƪ Ǥ and animal products are still important. As a result of the advances in manufacturing industry in recent years, Konya has become a city which has an important role in Turkish domestic trade in terms of industrial products. Agricultural machinery, automotive spare parts, rubber and plastic products, processed agricultural products, iron and steel products, manufacturing machinery, weavingclothing, aluminum and marble are main industrial products in the city. Although business is concentrated on the city center, such large districts as Aksehir, Eregli and Seydisehir enjoy active business. In Konya, there are a total of 22.000 workplaces registered for the Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, nearly 11.265 workplaces are engaged in wholesale and retail business operations as well as production and service activities. 4.3. ¡¡ 4.3.1. ¬¡¥ Foreign trade in Konya has experienced significant developments in recent years. In the city, exports rose from $179.039.000 in 2003to $1.275.512.000 in 2012. During the period, imports experienced a 7 fold increase in Konya whereas the national increase was 3.3 fold. The export volume of Konya, which was USD 179.039.000 in 2003, dramatically increased to USD 1,275,512,000 in 2012. Among the main sectors in Konya, it can be seen that the manufacturing industry has been having a share of exports close to 95% over the years. The following table represents the sectoral distribution of exports with respect to the main sectors in Konya. 35 Konya Sectoral Distribution of Exports (In thousand USD) tŚŽůĞƐĂůĞĂŶĚ Year ŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞĂŶĚ &ŽƌĞƐƚƌLJ DŝŶŝŶŐĂŶĚ YƵĂƌƌLJŝŶŐ DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐ 2003 6.771 392 171.132 744 179.039 2004 4.644 497 267.779 2.636 275.556 2005 4.525 216 411.495 375 419.985 2006 6.928 597 482.635 3.372 493.532 2007 24.539 917 657.003 3.398 694.111 2008 33.631 7.327 827.956 2.309 871.223 2009 26.091 4.832 703.347 1.727 735.997 2010 4.382 19.456 913.592 1.917 978.785 2011 67.697 20.134 1.076.795 3.528 1.168.154 76.286 8.959 1.186.497 3.769 1.275.512 2012 ¦¡ဓvှၺၸၹၺ¤¤£ဿ ZĞƚĂŝůdƌĂĚĞ dŽƚĂů 4.2.2. ¡¥ While Konya import wolume was 244.921.000 USD in 2003, in 2012 it reach to 1.153.774.000 USD increasing 4.7 times. Ç ǡ between the range of %75-96 by years. ( 2002-2012 pariots are seen in the below) The Distribution of the Imports in Konya by Sectors ($1000) Year ŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞĂŶĚ &ŽƌĞƐƚƌLJ DŝŶŝŶŐĂŶĚ YƵĂƌƌLJŝŶŐ DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐ tŚŽůĞƐĂůĞĂŶĚZĞƚĂŝů ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ dŽƚĂů 2003 1.287 1.889 228.377 1.785 244.921 2004 2.955 2.494 339.742 5.912 377.698 2005 8.424 247 408.768 7.359 427.021 2006 11.213 3.048 53.514 6.428 555.829 2007 86.856 1.627 600.319 6.822 695.625 2008 173.891 3.544 578.206 19.778 775.418 2009 98.624 1.684 45.528 27.895 583.483 2010 134.262 347 657.424 727 802.426 2011 206.751 4.841 949.339 9.288 1.170.219 2012 214.483 4.858 924.054 10.379 1.153.774 36 Part of the reason why Konya has low foreign trade figures is that some exports and imports in Konya are carried out through such cities as Istanbul and Mersin, and that some exporting firms in Konya have their headquarters outside the city. This results from the fact that the number of service organizations engaged in foreign trade in the city is inadequate. As is the case for the export in Konya, import is mainly based on manufacturing industry products, agricultural and forestry products Ǥǡ G͕ Ǣ ͖Ç ͗Ǥ Top Ten Sectors in Export in Konya ^ĞĐƚŽƌ džƉŽƌƚƐ;ΨϭϬϬϬͿ DĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJĂŶĚĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚŶŽƚĞůƐĞǁŚĞƌĞĐůĂƐƐŝĮĞĚ ^ŚĂƌĞй 263.731 ϮϮ͕ϱϵ Food products and beverages 228.497 ϭϵ͕ϱϳ Motor land vehicles and trailers 202.776 ϭϳ͕ϯϳ Base metal industry 120.906 ϭϬ͕ϯϱ Metal goods industry (machinery and equipment excluded) 62.502 ϱ͕ϯϳ Chemical substances and products 52.257 ϰ͕ϰϴ ZƵďďĞƌĂŶĚƉůĂƐƟĐƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ 45.972 ϯ͕ϵϰ Other non-metallic mineral products 34.354 Ϯ͕ϵϰ &ƵƌŶŝƚƵƌĞĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐŶŽƚĞůƐĞǁŚĞƌĞĐůĂƐƐŝĮĞĚ 18.308 ϭ͕ϱϳ dĞdžƟůĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ 16.210 ϭ͕ϯϵ 1.045.513 ϴϵ͕ϱϳ Total ¦¡ဓၺၸၹၺ Konya exports its products to 170 countries. These countries are Iraq Germany, Libya, Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Egypt, USA, Spain and Saudi Arabia respectively. Meanwhile, Konya is ranked as 13th city in Turkey with an import performance of 0.94 %. Top Ten Sectors in Import in Konya ŽĚĞ ^ĞĐƚŽƌ;/^/ZĞǀ͘ϯͿ /ŵƉŽƌƚĂƟŽŶ;ΨϭϬϬϬͿ ^ŚĂƌĞй 24 Chemical substances and products 229.706 ϭϵ͕ϲϯ 29 DĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJĂŶĚĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚŶŽƚĞůƐĞǁŚĞƌĞĐůĂƐƐŝĮĞĚ 206.848 ϭϳ͕ϲϴ 27 Base metal industry 133.688 ϭϭ͕ϰϮ 15 Food products and beverages 78.110 ϲ͕ϲϳ 23 ŽŬŝŶŐĐŽĂů͕ƌĞĮŶĞĚƉĞƚƌŽůƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚŶƵĐůĞĂƌĨƵĞůƐ 48.674 ϰ͕ϭϲ 34 Motor land vehicles and trailers 43.023 ϯ͕ϲϴ 25 ZƵďďĞƌĂŶĚƉůĂƐƟĐƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ 41.722 ϯ͕ϱϳ 21 Paper and paper products 39.611 ϯ͕ϯϴ 31 ůĞĐƚƌŝĐŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJĂŶĚĚĞǀŝĐĞƐŶŽƚĞůƐĞǁŚĞƌĞĐůĂƐƐŝĮĞĚ 36.513 ϯ͕ϭϮ 33 DĞĚŝĐĂůĚĞǀŝĐĞƐ͖ƉƌĞĐŝƐĞŽƉƟĐĂůƚŽŽůƐĂŶĚǁĂƚĐŚĞƐ 17.076 ϭ͕ϰϲ Total 874.971 ϳϰ͕ϳϳ 37 džƉŽƌƚWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞŽĨdžƉŽƌƚŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐŝŶ^ĞůĞĐƚĞĚWƌŽǀŝŶĐĞƐĂƐĞĚŽŶ>ĞŐĂů,ĞĂĚƋƵĂƌƚĞƌƐ ϭ:ĂŶƵĂƌLJͲϯϭĞĐĞŵďĞƌϮϬϭϮ RANK WZKs/E yWKZdDKhEd;džϭ͕ϬϬϬΨͿ Zd&KZdhZ<zй 1 ISTANBUL ϲϬ͕ϵϵϵ͕ϬϯϬ ϰϰ͘ϯϬй 2 KOCAELI ϭϯ͕ϬϴϬ͕ϴϲϭ ϵ͘ϱϬй 3 BURSA ϭϭ͕ϵϭϲ͕ϱϱϭ ϴ͘ϲϱй 4 IZMIR ϴ͕ϰϴϰ͕Ϯϱϴ ϲ͘ϭϲй 5 ANKARA ϲ͕ϱϱϬ͕Ϯϲϳ ϰ͘ϳϲй 6 GAZIANTEP ϱ͕ϴϳϵ͕ϰϭϰ ϰ͘Ϯϳй 7 MANISA ϰ͕ϯϭϰ͕ϵϬϬ ϯ͘ϭϯй 8 DENIZLI Ϯ͕ϳϯϵ͕ϭϬϳ ϭ͘ϵϵй 9 HATAY Ϯ͕Ϭϴϯ͕ϴϰϮ ϭ͘ϱϭй 10 ADANA ϭ͕ϴϬϮ͕ϴϬϮ ϭ͘ϯϭй 11 SAKARYA ϭ͕ϳϴϰ͕ϳϵϱ ϭ͘ϯϬй 12 KAYSERI ϭ͕ϲϭϭ͕ϳϰϵ ϭ͘ϭϳй ϭϯ KONYA ϭ͕Ϯϵϱ͕ϰϲϵ Ϭ͘ϵϰй 14 MERSIN 1.277.215 Ϭ͕ϵϯй 15 TRABZON ϭ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϴϲϯ Ϭ͘ϴϱй TURKEY TOPLAM ϭϯϳ͕ϳϬϵ͕ϵϮϵ ¦¡ဓIှ¦¡£¬¡¥¢£££ဿ Ƣ ǡ ͖͔͔͖Ǧ͖͔͕͗Ǥ ¦¡ဓၺၸၹၺ As can be seen from the graph, whereas there are no large increases in import rates, there is a steady increase in export figures. Although overall Turkey’s export figures have risen, the graph indicates that the Province of Konya’s share in the export area has risen as well. ¤§¡¤¬¡¥£¤¤£ဳ¤§¡¤¬¡¥£ Technological Export Structure of Konya and Other Cities According to 2011 data of Foreign Trade potential of Ministry of Economy, Konya takes in the place of wide variety of production which is the export products that are not ordinary ǡ͘ GǡGǤ 38 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¨¡¡¤¤ထၺၸၹၹ According to the “Foreign Trade Potential by Cities”, released by the Ministry of Economy in 2011, Konya is included among the cities with a great diversity that exports unusual products. A review of the list of diversity performance suggests that the 76 cities, whose index values had been taken into evaluation, competitively produced and exported 40 products on average. This national average indicates that Konya has the opportunity to produce and export more than one product in a competitive way. On the other hand, Konya ranked 26th in ordinariness. Ordinariness depends on how many cities produce a particular product. Those products included in the export range of many cities are considered ordinary. According to the standards for performance, a high level of ordinariness indicates that the products competitively produced and exported by a city are ordinary. Therefore, Konya can be said to be a low level of ordinariness. The city has a decent export performance, seeing that it has a high level of diversity but a low level of ordinariness. As for the sophistication, the city ranked eighth of 81 cities, which means that Konya exports products that are mainly exported by developed countries and that Konya has a good chance of competing in the international market with these products. The export target of the city is projected to be $15 billion in 2023. ZĂŶŬŝŶŐ ŝƚLJ džƉŽƌƚŽĨ/ŶƚĞƌŵĞĚŝĂƚĞĂŶĚĚǀĂŶĐĞĚdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ;ΨDŝůůŝŽŶͿ 1 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů 20.280 2 Bursa 7.990 3 Kocaeli 1.948 4 Ankara 1.846 5 7njŵŝƌ 1.597 6 Sakarya 1.519 7 Manisa 545 8 Gaziantep 415 9 Konya 413 10 Adana ¡ဓ¡¡¤¤¤£ထ¤£¤¢®ထၺၸၹၹ 393 4.4. ¡¤£ဖ¡¤¨£ Registration of companies and co-operatives is carried out by the Provincial and County Directorates of Trade Registry. The total number of corporations in Konya in 2012 was 2,358 and although 73 new corporations were established in 2012, 46 corporations were terminated resulting in an overall increase of 27 corporations. The total number of limited companies established in 2012 was 443 and despite 113 limited companies closed down, an increase of 330 limited companies took place bringing the total number to 12, 958. ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¡¤¡¤ 39 5. <ŽŶLJĂ'ĞŶĞƌĂůĂŶŬŝŶŐ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ 2011 Bank Employees 2.703 Branches 209 ATM 521 POS 51.828 Number of Business Customers 42.906 Savings Deposit Accounts 2.606.638 KĸĐŝĂůĞƉŽƐŝƚĐĐŽƵŶƚƐ 10.253 Commercial Deposit Accounts 188.012 Bank Deposit Accounts 398 Foreign Exchange Deposit Accounts 276.231 Other Deposit Accounts 14.082 Gold Deposit Accounts 1.423 ¦¡ဓၺၸၹၺ£££¤¦¡ထၺၸၹၺ As one of the most important areas of the service sector, the banking industry at the same time has a very important place in achieving growth for other industries and in reaching its customers. In particular, the banking sector acts as a bridge between businesses active in the retail sector and its customers and is constantly renewing itself while forcing its customers and other sector representatives to do the same. According to data from the Banks Association of Turkey, the number of branches of the 21 banks active as of April 2013 is given below: Active Banks and Number of Branches as of April 2013 ĂŶŬ ƌĂŶĐŚĞƐ ŬďĂŶŬd͘͘b͘ ĂŶŬ 20 ƌĂŶĐŚĞƐ bĞŬĞƌďĂŶŬd͘͘b͘ 8 ůƚĞƌŶĂƟĩĂŶŬ͘b͘ 1 dĞŬƐƟůĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 1 ŶĂĚŽůƵďĂŶŬ͘b͘ 1 dƵƌŬůĂŶĚĂŶŬ͘b͘ 1 ƌĂƉdƺƌŬĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 1 dƺƌŬŬŽŶŽŵŝĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 9 ƵƌŐĂŶĂŶŬ͘b͘ 1 dƺƌŬŝLJĞƵŵŚƵƌŝLJĞƟŝƌĂĂƚĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 37 1 dƺƌŬŝLJĞ'ĂƌĂŶƟĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 20 dƺƌŬŝLJĞ,ĂůŬĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 20 ŝƟďĂŶŬ͘b͘ ĞŶŝnjďĂŶŬ͘b͘ 13 &ŝŶĂŶƐĂŶŬ͘b͘ 10 dƺƌŬŝLJĞ7ƔĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 31 ,^ĂŶŬ͘b͘ 5 dƺƌŬŝLJĞsĂŬŦŇĂƌĂŶŬĂƐŦd͘͘K͘ 17 /E'ĂŶŬ͘b͘ 5 zĂƉŦǀĞ<ƌĞĚŝĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 24 7ůůĞƌĂŶŬĂƐŦ͘b͘ 1 ¦¡ဓ£££¤ Again, according to data from the Banks Association of Turkey, all banks active in Turkey by province and the number of branches are shown below. As an indispensable element of commercial life, Konya is ranked 8th in Turkey in the number of banks and 7th in the number of bank branches. Number of Bank Branches by Selected Provinces (2012) ƌĂŶĐŚĞƐ ϮϬϬϬͲϮϬϭϭ ZĂŶŬŝŶŐ EŽ͘ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞƐ 2000 2011 1 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů 2.214 2.833 й EŽŵŝŶĂů ŚĂŶŐĞ 619 ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ 29 ƵŵƵůĂƟǀĞ ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶй 29 2 Ankara 673 977 304 10 39 3 7njŵŝƌ 613 720 107 ϳ͕ϰ ϰϲ͕ϰ 4 Antalya 200 399 199 ϰ͕ϭ ϱϬ͕ϱ 5 Bursa 238 353 115 ϯ͕ϲ ϱϰ͕ϭ 6 Adana 190 230 40 Ϯ͕ϰ ϱϲ͕ϱ ϳ <ŽŶLJĂ ϭϰϵ ϮϬϵ ϲϬ Ϯ͕ϭ ϱϴ͕ϲ 8 <ŽĐĂĞůŝ;7njŵŝƚͿ 129 201 72 Ϯ͕ϭ ϲϬ͕ϳ 9 DƵŒůĂ 134 176 42 ϭ͕ϴ ϲϮ͕ϱ 10 7ĕĞů;DĞƌƐŝŶͿ 138 174 36 ϭ͕ϴ ϲϰ͕ϯ 40 Source: Banks Association of Turkey, 2013 Number of Banks Operating in Selected Provinces ZĂŶŬ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ EŽ͘ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞ 1 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů ϮϬϬϬͲϮϬϭϭ 2000 2011 78 44 EŽŵŝŶĂ ŚĂŶŐĞ й ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ -34 ϵϳ͕ϴ 2 Ankara 51 27 -24 60 3 7njŵŝƌ 54 26 -28 ϱϳ͕ϴ 4 Bursa 42 23 -19 ϱϭ͕ϭ 5 Antalya 39 22 -17 ϰϴ͕ϵ 6 Kayseri 34 22 -12 ϰϴ͕ϵ 7 Gaziantep 37 21 -16 ϰϲ͕ϳ ϴ <ŽŶLJĂ ϯϱ 21 Ͳϭϰ ϰϲ͕ϳ 9 Adana 41 20 -21 ϰϰ͕ϰ 10 Denizli 35 20 -20 ϰϰ͕ϰ ¦¡ဓ£££¤¦¡ထၺၸၹၺ Distribution of Deposits by Selected Provinces: 2000-2011 Comparison* ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ;ŝŶd>Ϳ ZĂŶŬ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞ ϮϬϬϬͲϮϬϭϭ ƵŵƵůĂƟǀĞ 2000 2011 ŚĂŶŐĞй ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ 1 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů 28.515.838 299.679.053 ϵϱϬ͕ϵ ϰϲ͕Ϭ ϰϲ͕Ϭ 2 Ankara 13.222.021 113.128.492 ϳϱϱ͕ϲ ϭϳ͕ϰ ϲϯ͕ϰ 3 7njŵŝƌ 3.766.438 37.863.239 ϵϬϱ͕ϯ ϱ͕ϴ ϲϵ͕Ϯ 4 Antalya 1.086.810 16.298.021 ϭ͘ϯϵϵ͕ϲ Ϯ͕ϱ ϳϭ͕ϳ 5 Bursa 1.482.563 15.702.134 ϵϱϵ͕ϭ Ϯ͕ϰ ϳϰ͕ϭ 6 Adana 1.106.135 10.742.936 ϴϳϭ͕Ϯ ϭ͕ϲ ϳϱ͕ϴ 7 <ŽĐĂĞůŝ;7njŵŝƚͿ 1.292.672 9.945.496 ϲϲϵ͕ϰ ϭ͕ϱ ϳϳ͕ϯ 8 7ĕĞů;DĞƌƐŝŶͿ 867.586 7.617.275 ϳϳϴ͕Ϭ ϭ͕Ϯ ϳϴ͕ϱ 9 DƵŒůĂ 492.991 7.556.079 ϭ͘ϰϯϮ͕ϳ ϭ͕Ϯ ϳϵ͕ϲ 10 <ŽŶLJĂ ϱϰϵ͘ϳϮϯ ϳ͘ϭϴϬ͘ϳϮϱ ϭ͘ϮϬϲ͕Ϯ ϭ͕ϭ ϴϬ͕ϳ 11 Hatay (Antakya) 573.309 6.488.690 ϭ͘Ϭϯϭ͕ϴ ϭ͕Ϭ ϴϭ͕ϳ 12 Kayseri 520.931 6.287.798 ϭ͘ϭϬϳ͕Ϭ ϭ͕Ϭ ϴϮ͕ϳ Distribution of Deposits by Selected Provinces and Regions, 31.12.2011 (Million) ZĞŐŝŽŶƐĂŶĚ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞƐΎ ^ĂǀŝŶŐ ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ KĸĐŝĂů ŐĞŶĐLJ ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ ŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ *In the comparison of the “Distribution of Deposits” by Provinces between 2000 and 2011, Konya was ranked 10th with a 1,206.2% change. Again in this 11-year cumulative period, Konya has shown an annual increase of 80%. ĂŶŬ ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ ŽƌĞŝŐŶ džĐŚĂŶŐĞ ĐĐŽƵŶƚƐ KƚŚĞƌ KƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶƐ ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ WƌĞĐŝŽƵƐDĞƚĂůƐ ^ĂĨĞŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ ĐĐŽƵŶƚƐ dŽƚĂů ^ŚĂƌĞ ŽĨdŽƚĂů ĞƉŽƐŝƚƐ й 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů 107.741 4.446 50.755 15.160 105.128 12.516 3.932 299.679 ϰϮ͕ϴϵй Ankara 30.303 14.729 18.097 9.389 28.437 10.966 1.207 113.128 ϭϲ͕ϭϵй 7njŵŝƌ 23.330 1.150 3.719 1 8.428 606 629 37.863 ϱ͕ϰϮй Antalya 9.225 441 1.206 0 4.896 161 369 16.298 Ϯ͕ϯϯй Bursa 8.621 370 2.063 0 3.793 407 448 15.702 Ϯ͕Ϯϱй Adana 6.998 363 1.210 0 1.812 213 148 10.743 ϭ͕ϱϰй <ŽĐĂĞůŝ;7njŵŝƚͿ 4.144 531 2.522 1 2.403 145 199 9.945 ϭ͕ϰϮй 7ĕĞů;DĞƌƐŝŶͿ 4.894 301 558 0 1.499 229 137 7.617 ϭ͕Ϭϵй DƵŒůĂ 4.945 191 599 0 1.569 67 185 7.556 ϭ͕Ϭϴй <ŽŶLJĂ Ϯ͘ϵϬϲ ϲϳϯ ϭ͘Ϭϳϲ 0 Ϯ͘ϭϳϲ ϭϰϱ ϮϬϱ ϳ͘ϭϴϭ ϭ͕Ϭϯй Hatay 3.126 268 540 0 2.392 86 78 6.489 Ϭ͕ϵϯй Kayseri 2.376 249 943 1 2.502 100 118 6.288 Ϭ͕ϵϬй ĂůŦŬĞƐŝƌ 3.917 152 406 0 1.443 78 144 6.141 Ϭ͕ϴϴй Denizli 3.514 213 598 0 1.595 71 125 6.116 Ϭ͕ϴϴй LJĚŦŶ 3.708 166 369 0 1.201 80 114 5.637 Ϭ͕ϴϭй Tümü Toplam* 270.643 32.128 105.803 39.671 210.215 29.584 10.612 698.656 ၐ£¤££¤¤££Ŋ¤¤¦£¤¡£ဠ¡နၺၸၸၺဳၼၿၺၸ¦£¤ŏ ¯Ŵနၺၼႀႀၼၺၺနၸႁနၺၸၸၺန ၐၐ¡£ª¤¤¤£¤£¤£¤£¤¤¤¤¤£¤£¤Ŋ£¤¤¤£¦¤££¨¤£¤¢¦¤¤¡¡£¦¤£န 41 As an important part of the banking sector, Konya has received 1.37% of the total loans extended in Turkey and is ranked 10th in the nation. On a sector basis, agriculture and the occupational/professional group received the highest amount of loans. Distribution of Loans by Selected Provinces and Regions as of 31 December 2011 (In million TL) øKWLVDV.UHGLOHUL Province Agriculture øVWDQEXO Ankara Other 1RQ6SHFLDOLVHG /RDQV Total*** Share in Total Loans % Occupational Tourism 465 347 104 1.326 249.003 251.246 38,02% 815 473 7 414 63.831 65.541 9,92% ø]PLU 1.964 370 20 385 34.503 37.242 5,64% Antalya 1.235 318 12 418 18.679 20.661 3,13% Bursa 948 289 7 274 17.836 19.353 2,93% Adana 1.275 119 0 112 12.215 13.722 2,08% Kocaeli 154 60 0 121 12.628 12.963 1,96% Gaziantep 368 268 18 154 10.760 11.569 1,75% øoHO 772 110 2 43 8.703 9.630 1,46% Konya 1.061 128 0 111 7.760 9.060 1,37% Hatay 487 192 9 68 7.499 8.256 1,25% Kayseri 449 63 0 106 7.112 7.729 1,17% Denizli 475 90 0 99 5.889 6.553 0,99% Manisa 959 207 0 79 5.284 6.528 0,99% Samsun 480 229 1 110 5.306 6.126 0,93% 24.528 5.541 347 13.960 616.508 660.884 Total**** *** Total Excludes “Non-performing Loans” and “Special Provisions.” **** The reason for the discrepancy between the loan total calculated from this table and the loans that take place in the financial tables is due to a bank not having distributed its accrual. In addition, the total loans of two banks include “At Fair Value Through Profit/Loss of Financial Assets” shown under “Loans.” Source: TUIK Deposits According to Provinces 2011 The banking sector in Konya is rapidly expanding parallel to the expansion in demand and services. Rather than in a centralised area, banks are located at centres of enterprises that are active in the production and service sectors and at points closer to these businesses. òǡǡǡǡ͕ǡ͖ and 3rd OIZs, Selçuk University campus, New Wholesalers Site, and shopping centres. Bank branches increased to 209 in 2011 from 149 in 2000. Additionally, the rapid increase in internet banking and the opportunity to carry out banking transactions at every internet access point as well as cash withdrawal, deposit and transfer and other procedures through ATMs provides a convenience without entering a branch. 6. TRANSPORT Konya has been an important center of trade and accommodation throughout history due to its geographical location where connects northern and southern provinces as well as eastern and western provinces. Konya, where is located at the intersection of beyond Anatolia’s roads from east to west, north to south, is on the historical Silk Road and an exceptional city that has the identity of museum-city. 6.1. ¡£¡¥ Thanks to its geographical location, it has been a significant center of commerce and accommodation throughout the history. Starting from the city center towards the north, northwest, west, south, east and northeast, the city roads connect Konya with other cities. The Konya-Afyonkarahisar, Eskisehir-Bursa-Istanbul and Konya-Ankara highways connect Konya with Ankara and other northwestern cities; the Konya-Aksaray highway with Nevsehir and northeastern cities; and the Konya-Beysehir highway with Izmir through Isparta-Denizli-Aydin. The Konya-Karaman highway in the east enables the city to be connected to Mersin and Adana. Furthermore, the road that is connected to the Ankara-Adana highway through Eregli connects Konya with not only Adana and southeastern cities but also the Black Sea cities through Kayseri. Opened in 1996, the Konya-Seydisehir highway connects Konya and the Central Anatolia Region to southern coasts in the fastest way. The total highway network of the city is 10.282 km long (1.421 km. state-run highways, 1.631 km provincial roads and 7.230 km village roads). With 3.052 km-long highways, Konya has the greatest share in the State-Run and Provincial Highway Network operated by the General Directorate of Highways. Within the coverage of the Emergency Action Plan for Konya Province, an 871 km section (86.3%) of the planned 1,009 km of divided ͖͔͕͗ơ Ǥ͕͗͜ ȋ͕͗Ǥ͛ΨȌ Ǥ͕͙͙ km Konya-Ankara motorway completed by the General Directorate of Motorways is a BSK-coated divided motorway and is open to ơ Ǥ 42 «£¤£¤¡¥¤¤¢£ Konya-Istanbul: 660 km (Complete divided road) Konya-Ankara: 258 km (Complete divided road) Konya – Izmir (Port): 552 km (Complete divided road) Konya-Antalya (Port): 322 km (187 km divided road) Konya-Mersin (Port): 348 km (287 km divided road) £¤¡£ In terms of the number of registered vehicles, Konya has 3.3% of the registered vehicles in Turkey. Konya is 6th in the number of companies with a C-2 certificate that undertake international transport of goods. EƵŵďĞƌŽĨŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐƚŚĂƚhŶĚĞƌƚĂŬĞ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů&ƌĞŝŐŚƚdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚǁŝƚŚĂͲϮ ĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞ EhDZK&Z'/^dZs,/>^KsZ>>dhZ<z/EϮϬϭϮ ZĂŶŬ WƌŽǀŝŶĐĞ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ sĞŚŝĐůĞƐ ZĂƚĞ Rank Province Number of Companies ϴ͕ϰϬй 1 7ƐƚĂŶďƵů 351 1.071.900 ϲ͕ϮϬй 2 Hatay 124 795.337 ϰ͕ϲϬй 3 Mersin 101 4 Ankara 76 1 7^dEh> 3.115.960 ϭϴ͕ϭϬй 2 ANKARA 1.454.586 3 7D7Z 4 ANTALYA 5 BURSA 613.222 ϯ͕ϲϬй ϲ KONYA ϱϲϱ͘ϮϯϮ ϯ͕ϯϬй 5 bŦƌŶĂŬ 49 <ŽŶLJĂ ϰϱ 7 ADANA 513.647 ϯ͕ϬϬй ϲ 8 DZ^7E 474.943 Ϯ͕ϴϬй 7 7njŵŝƌ 45 9 '7EdW 385.330 Ϯ͕ϮϬй 8 Mardin 44 10 <K>7 283.579 ϭ͕ϲϬй 9 Bolu 39 11 <z^Z7 282.006 ϭ͕ϲϬй 10 Gaziantep 39 dƺƌŬŝLJĞdŽƉůĂŵŦ ¦¡ဓ¡Ń¤¡¡ထၺၸၹၺ 1.107 ¦¡ဓ£¤¢®¡£¡¥¡¤Ń¡£¦¤£ The number of domestic transport companies in Konya is increasing each passing day. As of the end of 2012 about 28,000 certificated were given and the number of companies undertaking national and international transport registered with the KCC reached 512 companies dŚĞEƵŵďĞƌKĨŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐhŶĚĞƌƚĂŬŝŶŐEĂƟŽŶĂůŶĚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚ ĐƟǀŝƚLJ EƵŵďĞƌ Long-distance Freight by Road Transport (Excluding Gas and Petroleum Products) 350 KƚŚĞƌ&ƌĞŝŐŚƚdƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚŽŶ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůZŽĂĚƐĂŶĚŝƌ͕ZĂŝůĂŶĚDĂƌŝƟŵĞ&ƌĞŝŐŚƚ&ŽƌǁĂƌĚŝŶŐ 162 43 ¡¡ဣဤ¡¤¤£¤£ The TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) carne for international transportation are used by companies depending on distance and the number of unloading. The TIR carne types are as follows, respectively: 4-wheel AB TIR carne, 4-wheel TIR carne, 6-wheel ǡ͕͘Ǧ ͖͔Ǧ Ǥ͘Ǧ ơ to EU and countries bordering the EU. According to the data from the Konya Chamber of Commerce, the highest increase between January-March 2013 compared to the previous period was with the 4-wheel AB TIR carne. The 4-wheel AB TIR carne increased 60.7% during the January-March period compared to the previous year to 717 carne. Konya TIR Carne Sales Figures Type March January-March 2012 2013 Change (%) 2012 2013 Change % 116 218 87.9 446 717 60.7 4-Wheel TIR Carne 31 26 -16 77 73 -5.1 6-Wheel TIR Carne 0 0 0 0 0 0 635 607 -4.4 1,875 1,822 -2.8 27 -51.7 114 80 -29.8 4-Wheel EU TIR Carne 14-Wheel TIR Carne 20-Wheel TIR Carne 56 ¦¡ဓ¡¡¡¡¤¤¤£¤£ Number of vehicles of companies operating in the transport sector in Konya is as follows: Number for Konya Type of Vehicle Puller Semi-Trailer Trailer >ŽƌƌLJͬdƌƵĐŬ Number for Turkey 6.305 6.828 96 11.088 й 140.894 161.609 5.663 276.407 ϯ͕ϵϬ ϰ͕Ϯϯ ϭ͕ϳϬ ϰ͕Ϭϭ ¦¡ဓ¡¡ထ¡¡¡¥¤ 6.2.ª¡£¡¥ Kn addition to road transport, Konya also enjoys railway transport. The railways passing through the boundaries of the city were 590 km in 2010, which suggests that Konya had 6.1% of the total railway network (9.594 km) in Turkey. ͕͜͜͝Ǥçǡ Central Anatolia Blue Train, Izmir Blue Train, Toros Express and Karaman DMU Set. 6.2.1. ဖ¡ှဿ The milestone in the railway transport in Konya is the high-speed train between Konya and Ankara, which is still in service after having been successfully completed. When completed, the project reduced the time spent on traveling between Konya and Ankara to one hour and 50 minutes. The high-speed train line between Polatli and Konya, which is 212 km long, started to be constructed in August 2006 and finished in 2011. The line between Ankara and Konya is 306 km long. With eight services a day, the line is used as a bridge between the two cities. ǯ͗Ǧçǡ ͙͙͗ǡ͖͗ ͖͔͕͗Ǥ 1 hour 50 minutes by train whereas 5 hours by driving on highway. Every day of the second voyage began serving of Konya and çǤ͖ ç. Konya-Ankara High-Speed Train Journeys (April 2013) KONYA - ANKARA Train Konya (6710) WŽůĂƚůŦͲ^ŝŶĐĂŶ ANKARA - KONYA Ankara (2503) Train No. 91202 07:00 08:28 91204 08:30 09:38-09:59 91206 10:30 --91208 12:15 --91210 14:30 15:36-15:59 91212 16:00 --91214 18:15 19:23-19:44 91216 20:30 21:36-21:59 ¦¡ဓ¦¡£¤¤ª£ှဿ¤¤¡¥¤ 44 08:50 10:21 12:15 14:02 16:21 17:45 20:06 22:21 91201 91203 91205 91207 91209 91211 91213 91215 Ankara (2503) 07:00 09:35 11:20 13:00 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:45 ^ŝŶĐĂŶͬWŽůĂƚůŦ 07:24 09:59-10:59 --13:24 15:54 --18:54-19:14 21:09-21:29 Konya (6710) 08:52 11:30 13:10 14:52 17:22 18:50 20:25 22:40 <ŽŶLJĂͲƐŬŝƔĞŚŝƌ,ŝŐŚͲ^ƉĞĞĚdƌĂŝŶ^ĐŚĞĚƵůĞ;ƉƌŝůϮϬϭϯͿ <KEzͲ^<7b,7Z ^<7b,7ZͲ<KEz dƌĂŝŶEŽ͘ <ŽŶLJĂ;ϲϳϭϬͿ ͘bĞŚŝƌ ;ϮϰϯϱͿ dƌĂŝŶEŽ͘ ͘bĞŚŝƌ ;ϮϰϯϱͿ <ŽŶLJĂ;ϲϳϭϬͿ 91301 91303 09:35 18:45 11:35 20:45 91302 91304 08:00 16:00 10:00 18:00 Source: TCDD KONYA <ŽŶLJĂ,ŝŐŚͲ^ƉĞĞĚdƌĂŝŶ:ŽƵƌŶĞLJƐĂŶĚdƌĂǀĞůdŝŵĞ ,ŝŐŚͲ^ƉĞĞĚdƌĂŝŶ>ŝŶĞ >ŝŶĞ>ĞŶŐƚŚ dŝŵĞ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞŽŵŵĞŶĐĞŵĞŶƚĂƚĞ Konya-Ankara 306 km 110 minutes 24.08.2011 <ŽŶLJĂͲƐŬŝƔĞŚŝƌ 355 km 120 minutes 23.03.2013 45 6.2.2. ဖ¡ှဿ The diesel multiple unit (DMU) Set trips between Konya and Karaman as a connexion between Konya and Ankara HST commenced carrying passengers. Travel takes approximately 65 minutes. The replacement of the conventional line to a double line began in 2013. The passenger train on this line will be able to travel at 200 km per hour. ¦¡ဓ¤¤¡¤¡¤ Konya-Karaman DMU (High-Speed Train) Lines (April 2013) KONYA - KARAMAN Train No. Konya (6575) Karaman (6569) 62412 09:15 10:23 62414 12:05 13:04 62416 17:30 18:37 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¤¡¤¡¤ KARAMAN - KONYA Karaman (6569) 10:45 14:25 19:00 Train No. 62415 62417 62419 Konya (6575) 11:50 15:31 20:06 6.2.3. ¤¡ª£ The Meram Express train has been discontinued due to the Ankara-Istanbul 2nd Stage High Speed Train Project and the Inner Anatolia ǦçǦ çǦ been discontinued until further notice due to rail renovations. The Inner Anatolia Blue and the Toros Express trains will continue to operate between Adana and Konya. Selçuk Express (DMU) Konya Inner Anatolia Blue Train Toros Express Blue Train The Other Railway Lines (April 2013) 11126 ƌŝĮLJĞ 20:30 Adana Enveriye Afyon 23:30 Karaman 02:52 KONYA 06:38 KONYA 61125 14:40 19:47 21:13 21:28 01:23 05:00 07:53 ƐŬŝƔĞŚŝƌ 07:20 Adana 07:01 KONYA 20:40 7D7Z 20:40 KONYA 20:40 Z)>7 Kütahya 08:50 Karaman 12:16 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ 23:01 Manisa 21:52 Çumra 21:11 Karaman Afyon 10:45 KONYA 13:37 Afyon 00:18 ůĂƔĞŚŝƌ 23:18 ƌŦŬƂƌĞŶ 21:24 ƌŦŬƂƌĞŶ KONYA 14:40 KONYA 13:52 hƔĂŬ 02:40 hƔĂŬ 01:27 Karaman 21:49 Çumra KONYA 15:00 Afyon 17:42 ůĂƔĞŚŝƌ 04:53 Afyon 03:46 Z)>7 22:58 KONYA Karaman 16:21 Kütahya 19:39 Manisa 06:19 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ 05:02 Adana 21:30 ƐŬŝƔĞŚŝƌ 21:06 7D7Z 07:28 KONYA 07:22 06:00 07:09 07:33 07:46 08:15 71306 61305 71136 31135 62422 62421 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¤¡¤¡¤ 46 <KEz'ĞůŝƔ <KEz<ĂůŬŦƔ Karaman Adana 07:05 08:51 13:42 Afyon Enveriye ƌŝĮLJĞ 6.2.4.ª££¡¡£¡¥ ǦǦçǦ ͖͔͕͗ǡ centre and transportation means will have expanded further. Konya is preparing an implementation project to build a high-speed train station in place of the old wheat market. The implementation project’s contract price is 348,000 TL. Project cost will be known after the implementation project. Work is nearing an end and expropriation activities continue. Furthermore, the Turkish State Railways (TCDD) is planning to declare the TCDD lands in Konya Station as “TCDD Private Project Area” within the framework of urban transformation projects. They are also planning to take all activities other than passenger transportation out of the station and to move cargo operations to the Kayacik Logistics Center. Due to the growing potential in cargo loading and unloading services at Konya Train Station, this service was transferred to Horozlu Han and later within the coverage of the project by our Organisation to carry the cargo stations from the city centre to outside the city and with the aim of providing a ǡ ÇǤ TCDD Konya: Number of Passengers Oca.12 DMU (KonyaKONYA INNER INNER SELÇUK TOROS TOROS Karaman-Konya) Ds7 ANATOLIA ANATOLIA 50.571 3.370 2.284 0 2.938 2.518 0 0 61.681 bƵď͘ϭϮ Mar.12 Nis.12 41.002 44.459 49.617 2.049 1.747 2.414 2.559 2.785 2.856 0 0 0 1.435 1.198 1.310 1.255 1.008 1.282 0 0 0 0 0 0 48.300 51.197 57.479 May.12 48.342 2.791 2.757 0 1.327 1.454 0 0 56.671 Haz.12 51.592 3.439 3.867 0 2.755 2.785 0 0 64.438 2012 YHT TOTAL Tem.12 53.030 2.716 3.335 0 1.762 2.306 0 0 63.149 ŒƵ͘ϭϮ 50.739 2.849 838 1.259 1.898 2.330 629 1.533 62.075 Eyl.12 68.881 3.716 1.359 2.380 1.602 1.714 1.366 2.813 83.831 Eki.12 61.019 3.469 1.481 2.059 1.471 2.016 1.236 3.378 76.129 Kas.12 59.871 3.257 1.216 1.332 922 1.071 679 2.527 70.875 Ara.12 67.584 3.759 1.277 1.696 1.284 1.210 1.126 2.960 80.896 TOTAL 646.707 35.576 26.614 8.726 19.902 20.949 5.036 13.211 776.721 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¤¡¤¡¤ With the start of the High-Speed Train (HST) services, a rapid increase in the number of passengers can be observed and 83% of the passengers were carried by HST. With Ǧçǡ Ǥ As a result of the shortening of time and an increase in services, railway transport has become day-by-day a much more preferred means of transport. Together with the completion of the Konya-Kara HST line that is at the tender stage, another important aspect to Konya through transport opportunities will have been provided. ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨƚŚĞEƵŵďĞƌŽĨ<ŽŶLJĂdƌĂŝŶWĂƐƐĞŶŐĞƌƐŝŶϮϬϭϮ 47 Number of Konya Train Passengers in 2012 by Months 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 83.831 61.681 48.300 51.197 57.479 56.671 76.129 64.438 63.149 62.075 80.896 70.875 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¤¡¤¡¤ ¦§££¡¤¡£¡©££ဠ¤¦¡ၽၸ 6.2.5. ª¡¤¡£¡¥ ơ ǡ transport as well during this process. Transport of Outgoing Goods Type of Goods 2010 2011 2012 Wagons Tonnes Wagons 8.335 141.595 6.728 548 27.645 94 1.541 103 1.949 306 5.812 304 5.936 762 14.381 168 9.357 3.888 178.940 42 7.168 739 139.592 27 4.510 363 1.106.550 Commercial Bonded Military ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟǀĞ TOPLAM 131.376 Wagons Tonnes 3.718 1.089.857 Source: TCDD Konya Train Station Directorate Transport of Incoming Goods Type of Goods 2010 2011 2012 Wagons Tonnes Wagons Tonnes Wagons Tonnes 7.956 30 616 341 8.943 337.850 1.015 10.346 10.292 359.503 7.244 4 335 125 7.708 273.810 69 5.590 2.733 282.202 3.953 2 719 422 5.096 1.614.921 98 9.701 65.446 1.690.166 Commercial Bonded Military ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟǀĞ TOPLAM ဓ ¡ĞĞ¡ĞÍğ 48 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¤¡¤¡¤ When freight transport by the TCDD is examined for Konya Province during the last 3 years, the increase that took place in 2012 can Ǥƥ Ç ǡ Ƥ Ǥ 6.2.6. ª¤¤¨¤£ၺၸၺၻ¡¤£ The following HST lines that are at the planning stage will pass through the Province of Konya: ȂȂçȂǡ Ankara – Konya – Antalya – Alanya, ȂºȂȂǦȂ ǡ Izmir – Afyon – Konya Kayseri – Cappadocia – Aksaray – Konya – Antalya – Alanya ¨¡¥¤ဖ¡£¤¦ line combining the Konya-Mersin line into a dual line consists of four parts and each stage is as follows: . Laying a second line between Konya and Karaman (102 km): The construction tender to laying a second 102 km section next to the existing line was realised on 11 March 2013 and after delivering the land to the contractor, the project is expected to be completed within 40 months. Completion of the project is expected to decrease travel time to 1 hour 13 minutes and 40 seconds. Ççȋ͕͙͗Ȍ line: In order for the project to obtain a 200 km/h speed, the contract for the preparation of revised projects was signed on 7 January 2013. The research project work is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2013. The construction tender is expected to take place in 2013. Çç ȋ͕͔͝Ȍǣ ͖͔͔ȀÇçǦ ǦǦÇçǦ Adana High-Speed Train Project prepared by the General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments, the research project will be tendered in 2013 at a 2 million TL cost. ͗͘Ǧȋ͚͖͛ί͕͗͘ȌǣThe project work in converting the existing dual line to a 4-line railway between Adana and Mersin is at a completion stage. The tender is planned to take place in May 2013. 49 ¦¡¢¤¤§¤ၺၸၺၻ¡¤£¤ Significant investments are taking place in railways, in particular high-speed rail lines and new conventional lines between metropolitan cities in Turkey. In order to strengthen our strategic location between Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa through continuous and high standard railway connexions, work continues on renewing existing lines and laying new lines. About 45 billion USD in investments is planned for the railways for the period up to 2023. ͖͔͖͗ǡ ơ ͖Ψ to 10% and freight transport from %5 to 15% has been targeted. ¡£¤Ú¤§¤Ú¤Ú¨£ 50 6.3. £¤£¤¢ Within the scope of the logistics center projects carried out by the Turkish State Railways, it is planned that a logistics center will be founded in Kayacik, Konya. Logistic centers are special areas where national and international cargo is carried, distributed, stored and other similar activities ơ Ǥ ơ ǡ and transporting activities in combination with highways, railways, sea and, when necessary, air, logistic centers are becoming more and more important. Due to its central location on the map of Turkey, Konya is also a natural logistics centre. In the crossings between north and south and east and west regions, the Province is almost a logistics junction and is 6th in the number of companies that carry out international freight transport. ơ ͖͛ǡ͖͔͕͕Ǥ scope of the Logistics Center Foundation Project (Konya-Kayacik), included in the Investment Program for 2011, it was decided that the General Directorate of Turkish State Railways would urgently nationalize a real property of 1.000.000 m2 and the premises on the property, which is necessary for the logistics center. The objective of the center is to take the existing cargo and storing centers ǡơ other means of transportation, and to make great contributions to regional business. Activities for nationalizing the 1.000.000 m2 area for the Kayacik Logistics Center are still underway. Logistics center project tender has been already made. Contract was signed on 05.09.2012 with the company. Project delivery date is 02.04.2013. ȋ ÇȌ ͚͘Ǥ͔͔͔Ǥ͔͔͔Ǥ͖͔͕͗ǡ͚Ǥ͙͔͛Ǥ͔͔͔ project and 20.000.000 is planned to be allocated for 2014 and 2015. Work commenced on the Logistics Centre in 2008 and construction will start in 2013 to be operational in 2015. In addition, the project ǤǡǦǦç will connect to the logistics village. ȋ ÇȌ ǡ many companies that undertake land, air, sea and railway transportation are expected to open a unit at Konya. As a result of the restructuring, the provinces on the HST route will become a suburb to each other and it is expected that revenues from cargo transport will meet 116% of expenditures. Thus, infrastructure and operations will be separated and infrastructure costs will be met by the state. ȋ ÇȌ ͘Ǧ motorway are as follows: Ȉǡ Ȉǡ Ȉơ ǡ ǡ Ȉǡǡǡ Ǧ ǡǡ Ȉ Ǥ ǡ ǡǡǡƪǡǡǡǡǡ ǡ ǡ ȋ ÇȌ Ǥ 6.4. ¡¡£¡¥¤ There is an airport in Konya that can be used for military and civilian purposes. Put into service in 2000, the Konya Airport is classified as joint civilian-military. It is 18 km and 129 km away from Konya and Karaman respectively. It has a passenger-domain of 2.650 m2. It has to capacity to accommodate 278 vehicles and 2.000.000 passengers. The Konya Airport has the status of a border crossing open ơ Ǥ ơ ͖͗͘ǡ͙͗͘͘͜ǡ͜ and an annual 17,520 aircraft capacity. The terminal building of Konya Airport, which connects the city to the other cities and countries, is being restructured in parallel with the development of city. The construction of new terminal building that began in 2012, has been designed on an area of 23.648 square meters, including 280 vehicles and eight bus parking lot and for 3,000,000 of annual passenger capacity. Five times the size of the existing terminal building in the airport the waiting lounges of the new terminal building, which will be ǡ ƪ Ǥ opening of new terminal, expectations of passengers from a terminal in both technical and service view will be met. The new airport building is expected to put into service until 7-17 December 2013, when the annual Commemoration Ceremonies of Mevlana (Rumi) will be held. 51 ¡££¡¡ŏ òǯçǦÇçÇÇ͖͔͔͙Ǧ͖͔͕͖ÚΨ͜͝ÇçÚǡÇÚÇ Ψ ͕͕͛ ççǤ Ç ͛ ÇÇ Ú òǡ çǦÇç ÇÇ ÇÇ ò ÇÇòòççǤ Konya Airport: Number of Passengers (2005-2012) Konya Turkey Turkey Foreign ŽŵĞƐƟĐ YEAR ŽŵĞƐƟĐ No. of No. of No. of Turkey /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞй 2005 20.529.469 134.242 35.042.957 33.010 56.119.472 Konya Increase й 167.252 -- 2006 28.774.857 218.016 32.880.802 44.545 62.271.876 262.561 57 11 2007 31.949.341 214.857 38.347.191 33.213 70.715.263 248.070 Ͳϱ͕ϱ ϭϯ͕ϲ 2008 35.832.776 230.442 43.605.513 35.701 79.964.897 266.143 ϳ͕ϯ ϭϯ͕ϭ 2009 41.226.959 267.518 44.281.549 34.206 86.124.146 301.724 ϭϯ͕ϰ ϳ͕ϳ 2010 50.575.429 499.117 52.224.966 47.041 103.536.513 546.158 81 ϮϬ͕Ϯ 2011 58.258.324 538.297 59.362.415 70.076 118.292.000 608.373 ϭϭ͕ϰ ϭϰ͕ϯ 2012 64.721.316 598.211 65.630.304 ¦¡ဓ ¡¡¤¡¤¤¤¡¡¥£¦¤¡¤® 68.500 131.029.516 666.711 ϵ͕ϲ ϭϬ͕ϴ Konya Foreign No. of Turkey Grand Konya Grand Total Total -- Konya Airport: Arrival and Departure of Aircrafts (2005-2012) YEAR Turkey Konya ŽŵĞƐƟĐ ŽŵĞƐƟĐEŽ͘ No. of Passengers of Passengers Konya Turkey Foreign Foreign No. of No. of Passengers Passengers Turkey Grand Total Konya Genel dŽƉůĂŵŦ Konya /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞй Turkey /ŶĐƌĞĂƐĞй 2005 265.113 1.660 286.867 274 551.98 1.934 0 0 2006 341.262 2.366 286.139 413 627.401 2.779 ϰϯ͕ϳ ϭϯ͕ϳ 2007 365.177 2.014 323.291 310 688.468 2.324 Ͳϭϲ͕ϰ ϵ͕ϳ 2008 385.764 2.272 356.001 374 741.765 2.646 ϭϯ͕ϵ ϳ͕ϳ 2009 419.422 2.506 369.047 316 788.469 2.822 ϲ͕ϳ ϲ͕ϯ 2010 497.862 4.725 421.549 398 919.411 5.123 ϴϭ͕ϱ ϭϲ͕ϲ 2011 579.488 4.601 462.881 517 1.042.369 5.118 ͲϬ͕ϭ ϭϯ͕ϰ 600.818 4.773 492.229 473 1.093.047 5.246 Ϯ͕ϱ ϰ͕ϵ 2012 ¦¡ဓ 52 Konya Airport: Number of Arriving and Departing Aircraft (2005/2012) Konya Airport: Number of Arriving and Departing Aircraft (2005/2012) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Konya International Aircraft Numbers Konya Domestic Aircraft Numbersh 6.4.2. ¡¡¡£¡¥ Aside from passenger transport there is an increase in cargo transport as well at Konya Airport. In 2012, air cargo transport was ͘͜ǡ͚͕͜ǡ͖ǡ͔͔͔͖͔͔͔Ǥ ǡơ the number of passengers and the number of aircraft. KONYA AIRPORT: DEPARTING AIRCRAFT CARGO (kg) ĂƌŐŽĞƉĂƌƟŶŐĨƌŽŵ<ŽŶLJĂŝƌƉŽƌƚ;ŬŐͿ 6.4. YEAR TURKISH AIRLINES (THY) 2010 42.430 0 688 2011 44.974 0 78 2012 48.861 0 0 TOTAL PEGASUS 136.265 ANADOLU JET 0 766 ¡ဖ¤®¡£¡¥ ǯ ơ ƪ ơ Ǥ no problems are encountered in private vehicle travel as well as in public transport journeys. Within the coverage of the Konya Metropolitan Municipality services, public transportation needs are provided by tram, bus and minibus (private). The numerical distribution of public transport types are shown below: Total Number of Stops Standing Passenger Capacity ŶŐ Number ^ŝƫ Passenger Of Vehicles Capacity Transport Type Vehicle Type TRAM TRAM 60 182 350 KÖRÜKLÜ 90 48 100 NORMAL SMALL MINIBUS 189 31 530 35 25 14 60 40 2 BUS MINIBUS Number Number of of epartures Arrivals Total Number of Trips (Daily) Total Line Length (km) 35 285 21 1.848 2.037 2.821 411 751 198 212 199 ¦¡ဓ¤¢¤¦¤®ဵ¡£¡¥¤ၺၸၹၹ¡¥ 53 Passenger transport service is provided by 60 trams along the 20 km line between Aladdin (city center) and Selcuk University for 24 hours. During semester, the north tram axis and south-west line of minibuses and buses are used extensively. During the season, the average daily passenger number for tram is 90,000. The daily passenger number is determined by the electronic el-kart (means hand-card) system that allows the optimization of schedule and stops. Municipal buses, minibuses and taxis constantly provide transport services to the city center and industrial zones. Compared with many other Metropolitan, it can be said that transportation in Konya cheap and easy. ơ ƪ faster. Konya is the most bicycles used city of Turkey. Konya Metropolitan Municipality was constructed more than 120 kilometers of cycle paths under the “bike path” (Bicyle Road) project for safer and more bicycle use and also implemented smart bike service with 500 bicycles, distributed to bike stations, throughout the city. Ǧ ơ by other metropolitan cities are not experienced in the city. 7. The Province of Konya has 5 local TV stations and 15 local radio stations where both local and regional news and current issues can be followed live. Sun TV, the first local television channel in Turkey broadcasts from Konya. Additionally, with 15 local newspapers, it is possible to reach a wide reading audience with suitable advertisement costs. Since the business community which has limited opportunities to benefit from the national press and broadcasting facilities, the opportunity to benefit from local press and broadcasting facilities is at the optimum level. Press and Broadcasting Organs in the Province of Konya LOCAL NEWSPAPERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ŶĂĚŽůƵDĂŶƔĞƚ'ĂnjĞƚĞƐŝ Anadolu Telgraf Gazetesi Haberdar Gazetesi Hakimiyet Gazetesi <K7ŶĞƌũŝŬŽŶŽŵŝ'ĂnjĞƚĞƐŝ <ŽŶLJĂWŽƐƚĂƐŦ'ĂnjĞƚĞƐŝ Konya Yenigün Gazetesi <ŽŶLJĂŶŦŶEĂďnjŦ'ĂnjĞƚĞƐŝ <ŽŶLJĂ͛ŶŦŶ^ĞƐŝ'ĂnjĞƚĞƐŝ Memleket Gazetesi Merhaba Gazetesi Rasyonel Haber Gazetesi Yeni Haber Gazetesi Yeni Konya Gazetesi Yeni Meram Gazetesi 8. LOCAL RADIO STATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Derya FM Ekspres FM En FM Esas FM Genç FM Gençlik FM 'ƂnjLJĂƔŦ&D 7ƐƌĂ&D Konya FM Net FM Panel FM Ribat FM Rota FM Ülkü FM Tiryaki FM LOCAL TV STATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 KON-TV KONYA-TV KTV SUN-TV ÜNTV ¦¡ဓ ¨¡¡¤¡¤£¤ Strong historical past Peace and tolerance is the way of life of the city Natural beauty and attractive ness A geographically large and efficient structure 8.1. ဠ£¦¡£¤¤ Konya draws attention with its natural resources, socio-cultural values, historic sites, geographical location and production in the areas of industry and trade. The first settlement in the history of mankind and in the course of history carrying the footprints of many civilisations with it, Konya, the capital of the old Seljuks, with its natural beauty and historical sites in the region, makes gains in tourism each passing year and possesses a significant potential in tourism growth. In the “Konya Region Tourism Sector Spatial Asset, International Competitiveness and Macro-Level Clustering Study,” Konya’s core capabilities and its strong areas were revealed. ͗ ǡ ǡ .Úò ͝ǡ͔͔͔Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǡ Dzdzǡçǡǯ architectural works makes Konya, The Ancient Capital City, a living history. 54 Konya, in the heart of Anatolia, also known as Asia Minor, is one of the oldest settlements in the world dating back to prehistoric times. Today, the city is like an open air museum carrying the footprints of its historical past. The capital of the Anatolian Seljuk State, the city for the prince of the Ottoman world, Konya at the same time is the Mevlevi centre that rightly represents Islamic civilization. Aside from faith and culture tourism, Konya has and important potential in convention and fair tourism, health and thermal tourism as well as eco-tourism (cave tourism, bird watching, hunting tourism, mountain climbing, air sports and plains tourism). ǯ Ǥ ǡ ǡǡƪǡ crock and pottery making, tiles and ceramics and calligraphy and other handcrafts attract the attention of foreign tourists. Konya ƪ ơ Ǥ Forwarded to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and our candidate list updated in 2012, 2 of the 38 historical works that are a Dz dzDzççºǤdz ¦£¦£ ͕͗ ͗Ǥǣǡòǯǡ ǡ ǡǡçǡç ǡçǡºǡǤǤºǡ ÇǤ CENTRAL MUSEUMS IN KONYA Museum Mevlana Karatay Slender Minaret Ataturk Archeology Ethnography Catalhoyuk Total Visitors ŽŵĞƐƟĐ 2010 1.644.426 71.558 56.690 5.740 6.758 8.298 9.905 1.803.375 1.311.815 Foreign 491.560 MUSEUMS IN AKSEHIR-EREGLI AkSehir B. Cephesi Aksehir Nasreddin Hoca Eregli Total Visitors 17.293 13.910 4.650 35.853 ^ŚĂƌĞ;йͿ ϵϭ͕Ϯ ϯ͕ϵ ϯ͕ϭ Ϭ͕ϯ Ϭ͕ϰ Ϭ͕ϱ Ϭ͕ϲ 100 73 27 48 39 13 100 2011 1.733.315 62.934 42.523 2.211 14.375 5.673 7.060 1.868.091 1.469.141 ^ŚĂƌĞ;йͿ ϵϮ͕ϴ ϯ͕ϯ Ϯ͕ϯ Ϭ͕ϭ Ϭ͕ϴ Ϭ͕ϯ Ϭ͕ϰ 100 79 398.947 21 16.401 12.389 3.525 32.315 51 38 11 100 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤¢¦¡£¡¤¡¤ ¤£ There are a total of 23 hotels with a tourism operation license. Whereas 17 of them are located in the city center, the remaining seven ǡǡǡǤǦƤǦ Karatay, two districts in the city center. ǡ͕͕͕͕͕͛͘ Ƥ The number of Facilities, Rooms and Beds in Konya TOURISM INVESTMENT LICENSE TOURISIM OPERATION LICENSE The ^ĐĂůĞͬzĞĂƌ The Number of The Number The number of The Number of number of The Number of Beds Rooms of Beds &ĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐ Rooms &ĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐ TURKEY 2010 877 114.771 252.984 2.647 299.621 629.465 KONYA 2010 2.077 4.431 23 1.927 3.921 KZE/й ϭ͕ϯϳй ϭ͕ϴϭй ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¦¤§¡¦¡£ 12 ϭ͕ϳϱй Ϭ͕ϴϳй Ϭ͕ϲϰй Ϭ͕ϲϮй There are 85 travel agencies with a tourism operation license in Konya- 82 of them classified as Group A and four of them as Group B. The city hosts 12 restaurants with a tourism license- 5 of them classified as private restaurants, 4 of them as first class, 1 of them as second class, and 2of them as a breakpoint. The supply of high-quality tourism through five-star and four-star hotels, restaurants and travel agencies are centered round the city center. The reason why tourism activities and other activities like accommodation, dining, entertainment are centered round the city center is that the main attraction in the city is the Mevlana Museum and other related activities. 55 For the same reason, Konya is considered by foreign tourists as a transiting or daily accommodation spot, although the city enjoys world-famous resources and beauties as well as natural and cultural objects that can make foreign tourists stay there for at least two or three days. Konya Province Number of Licensed Tourism Hotel 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 Star 4 Star 3 Star 2 Star Special License Hotels with a Tourism Operation License in Konya (2012) Type The Number of Hotels Five-star The Number of Rooms The Number of Beds ǀĞƌĂŐĞKĐĐƵƉĂŶĐLJZĂƚĞ;йͿ 3 672 1.368 ϰϲ͕ϳ Four-star 6 709 1.464 ϰϭ͕ϲ Three-star 11 457 903 ϮϮ͕ϵ Two-star 1 12 24 ϮϮ͕ϲ Private License 2 77 162 ϲϵ͕ϭ 1.927 3.921 ϯϯ͕ϵ TOTAL 23 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 207 422 180 120 100 2 RIXOS ***** 279 574 300 50 100 3 ANEMON ***** 186 372 185 220 4 BERA (MERKEZ) **** 136 315 240 185 5 ÖZKAYMAK **** 108 216 140 90 6 BALIKÇILAR **** 51 105 80 115 7 DÜNDAR **** 106 210 200 200 8 SELÇUK **** 80 162 150 9 ,7>dKE **** 228 456 235 10 BAYKARA **** 64 121 120 11 MERAM SEMA *** 60 128 115 65 12 ZhD7 *** 33 66 75 15 13 BELLA *** 41 83 80 30 14 GRAND *** 39 79 150 150 15 N.HOCA ÖNDER *** 32 64 90 16 SEY-HAN *** 22 44 30 Disco ^ĂƵŶĂͬ Turkish Bath Bar 1.230 100 Var Var Selçuklu 320 1.300 600 Var 68 Selçuklu 130 195 295 100 Var 140 Selçuklu 130 55 610 Var Selçuklu 130 80 Var Selçuklu 100 290 175 50 90 48 Karatay 150 Var Selçuklu 200 Var Karatay 300 Var Var 50 25 County DƵůƟͲWƵƌƉŽƐĞ Hall (Capacity) Beds Class Line No. 56 Conference Hall (Capacity) Cafeteria ***** Dining Room Capacity DEDEMAN Rooms 1 Name of Hotel ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚͬKƉĞŶ Dining Hall Province of Konya Licensed Tourism Hotel Operations (2013) Karatay Var 25 50 Karatay Var Meram Var Karatay Karatay 150 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ Var ŬƔĞŚŝƌ Var ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ 17 >77>7Z *** 42 80 85 120 18 WbWZ< *** 44 88 50 19 MEVLANA SEMA *** 40 74 75 20 GHERDAN *** 40 76 80 21 <d7bK)>h ** 12 24 40 22 MEVLANA BERA Ö.Belg.. 55 118 100 23 ÖZKOÇLAR Ö.Belg. 22 44 100 100 TOTAL 1.927 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 3.921 2.900 1.365 70 40 15 190 40 ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ Karatay Karatay 60 50 Selçuklu /ůŐŦŶ 80 200 750 1.228 4.900 Var Karatay 200 130 ƌĞŒůŝ 950 Konya Province Licensed Tourism Hotel Operations - Addresses (2013) HOTEL CLASS ADDRESS 1 2 DEDEMAN ***** PnjĂůĂŶDĂŚ͘^ŝůůĞ<ĂǀƔĂŒŦ RIXOS ***** 7ƐƚĂŶďƵůzŽůƵϮϬ<ŵ 3 ANEMON ***** /ƔŦŬůĂƌDĂŚ͘ĞůĞŶ^ŽŬ͘EŽ͘ϯ 4 BERA (MERKEZ) **** ĂďĂůŦŬDĂŚ͘<ĞŵĞƌůŝĂĚ͘EŽ͘ϭϯ 5 ÖZKAYMAK **** EĂůĕĂĐŦĂĚ͘<ƵůĞŦƚLJ<ĂƌƔŦƐŦ 6 BALIKÇILAR **** DŝŵĂƌƐŝŶĂŶ^ŽŬ͘DĞǀůĂŶĂDƺnjĞƐŝ<ĂƌƔŦƐŦEŽ͘ϭ 7 DÜNDAR **** &ĞƌŝƚWĂƔĂDĂŚ͘<ĞƌŬƺŬĂĚ͘EŽ͘ϯϰ 8 SELÇUK **** Alaaddin Cad. No: 4 9 ,7>dKE **** njŝnjŝLJĞDĂŚ͘<ŦƔůĂƂŶƺ^Ŭ͘EŽ͘ϰͬϭ 10 BAYKARA **** bĞŵƐŝdĞďƌŝnjŝDĂŚ͘7ƐƚĂŶďƵůĂĚĚĞƐŝEŽ͘ϭϯϯ 11 MERAM SEMA *** ƌŵĂŒĂŶDĂŚ͘DĞƌĂŵzĞŶŝzŽůĂĚ͘EŽ͘Ϯ 12 ZhD7 *** ŝǀĂƌDĂŚ͘ƵƌĂŬĨĂŬŦŚ^Ŭ͘EŽ͘ϱ 13 BELLA *** ĂďͲŦŬƐĂƌĂLJDŚ͘zĞŶŝnjŝnjŝLJĞĚ͘EŽ͘ϭϵͬ 14 GRAND *** Selçuk Mah. Doktor Aziz Perkün Cd. No.9 15 N.HOCA ÖNDER *** ϮϰŒƵƐƚŽƐƵůǀĂƌŦ^ĞůĕƵŬDĂŚ͘EŽ͘ϰϴ 16 SEY-HAN *** ,ĂĐŦƐĞLJŝƚĂůŝDĂŚ͘Ϯϭϰ͘^Ŭ͘EŽ͘ϯϭ 17 >77>7Z *** Dalyan Mah. Atatürk Cad. Bilir Sk. No.1 18 WbWZ< *** Sultanveled Cad. Tercüman Mah. 19 MEVLANA SEMA *** Mevlana Caddesi No: 59 20 GHERDAN *** bĞLJŚbĂŵŝůDĂŚ͘Žĕ͘ƌ͘,ĂůŝůmƌƺŶĂĚ͘EŽ͘Ϯϳͬ& 21 <d7bK)>h ** /ůŦĐĂDĂŚ͘7ŶƂŶƺĂĚ͘ϱϮ^ŽŬ͘EŽ͗ϱ 22 MEVLANA BERA ÖZ.Belgeli Mevlana Caddesi ÖZ.Belgeli ^ƺŵĞƌDĂŚ͘7ŶƂŶƺĂĚ͘EŽ͘ϭϭϬ 183.996 6.846.474 15.565.115 DOMESTIC FOREIGN DOMESTIC 290.041 ϭ͕ϯ ϭ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϲϯ Ϯϯ͕Ϯϳ 22.411.589 22. 662.247 27.066.987 49.729.234 ϯ͕ϯ ϭ͕ϳ Ϯ͕Ϯ ϭϱ͕ϰϱ ϭϴ͕ϰϲ ϯϯ͕ϵϭ TOTAL 271.049 198.684 FOREIGN 18.992 TOTAL FOREIGN TURKEY 14.688 OCCUPANCY RATE ;йͿ TOTAL KONYA DOMESTIC FOREIGN ǡǡ ȋ͖͔͕͕Ȍ AVERAGE CITY ARRIVALS OVERNIGHT STAYS LENGTH OF CCOMMODATION &ĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐǁŝƚŚĂDƵŶŝĐŝƉĂů>ŝĐĞŶƐĞ DOMESTIC 23 ÖZKOÇLAR ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ TOTAL LINE No. Ϯϰ͕ϵ ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 57 The Distribution of Arrivals at Facilities with an Operation License, Nights Spent, Average Length of Accommodation and Occupancy Rate by City and District (2011) 173.043 ϭ͕ϲ ϭ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϱ ϭϬ͕ϬϮ Ϯϵ͕ϴϲ ϯϵ͕ϴϴ 8.728 9.491 ϭ͕ϰ ϭ͕ϰ ϭ͕ϰ ϭ͕ϲϯ ϭϴ͕ϲϴ ϮϬ͕ϯϭ 121.483 132.325 253.808 139.563 185.893 325.456 ϭ͕ϭ ϭ͕ϰ ϭ͕ϯ ϭϵ͕ϴϭ Ϯϲ͕ϯϴ ϰϲ͕ϭϵ 108 9.480 9.588 208 13.196 13.404 ϭ͕ϵ ϭ͕ϰ ϭ͕ϰ Ϭ͕ϰϭ Ϯϲ͕Ϭϭ Ϯϲ͕ϰϮ TOTAL FOREIGN TOTAL FOREIGN 129.564 763 ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ DOMESTIC TOTAL 43.479 6.884 FOREIGN 114.124 6. 347 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ DOMESTIC 86.242 537 FOREIGN 27.882 Meram DISTRICTS TOTAL OCCUPANCY RATE Karatay Selçuklu DOMESTIC AVERAGE LENGTH OF ACCOMMODATION NIGHTS SPENT DOMESTIC ARRIVALS 1.237 7.487 8.724 1.808 7.487 9.295 ϭ͕ϱ 1 ϭ͕ϭ ϲ͕ϭϵ Ϯϱ͕ϲϰ ϯϭ͕ϴϯ ƌĞŒůŝ 555 4.978 5.533 809 7. 390 8.199 ϭ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϱ ϱ͕Ϭϰ ϰϲ͕Ϭϭ ϱϭ͕Ϭϱ /ůŐŦŶ 46 14.992 15.038 113 31.281 31.394 Ϯ͕ϱ Ϯ͕ϭ Ϯ͕ϭ Ϭ͕ϭϮ ϯϯ͕ϯϱ ϯϯ͕ϰϳ ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ 17 515 532 32 1.468 1.500 ϭ͕ϵ Ϯ͕ϵ Ϯ͕ϴ Ϭ͕Ϯ ϵ͕ϭϰ ϵ͕ϯϰ TOTAL 151.865 262.366 414.231 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 186.775 385.007 571.782 ϭ͕Ϯ ϭ͕ϱ ϭ͕ϰ ϭϯ͕ϰϯ Ϯϳ͕ϲϳ ϰϭ͕ϭ If the Konya-Ankara high-speed line is enlarged to cover the Istanbul-Konya-Antalya line, a significant amount of vivacity is expected in congress tourism, culture tourism, health tourism and thermal tourism in both the city center and districts. The city requires those facilities that will enable its natural and cultural resources to be utilized in tourism and alternative tourism. Although the number of rooms and beds included in the facilities centered round the city center is increasing each year, they are not able to meet the demand. The city needs new facilities both in the city center and districts. Tourism Target for 2023 ƵƌƌĞŶƚ^ŝƚƵĂƟŽŶͲϮϬϭϬ dĂƌŐĞƚͲϮϬϭϯ Number of Tourists Turkey 28.510.852 ŽŵĞƐƟĐ &ŽƌĞŝŐŶ Konya 50.000.000 ŽŵĞƐƟĐ 1.311.815 491.560 &ŽƌĞŝŐŶ 7.500.000 2.500.000 Tourism Income ($1000) Turkey 20.806.708 50.000.000 Konya 400.000 2.500.000 Number of Beds Turkey Konya ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤¢¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 58 882.449 4.746 1.500.000 15.000 RESTAURANTS Province of Konya Licensed Tourism Restaurant Operations Information Line No. 1 2 Restaurant >D>7d/EdW D) 'mDmb<W/P> SAUNA Class Telephone Address County Özel 589 00 04 ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌŶƚĂůLJĂzŽůƵϮϱ͘Ŭŵ ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ Özel 233 94 46 &ĞƌŝƚƉĂƔĂŵĂŚ͘'ƺŵƺƔĂůĂŶƐŽŬ͘EŽ͗ϯ Selçuklu Ϯ͘ƐŦŶŦĨ 657 62 24 <ŽŶLJĂŶŬĂƌĂDĂŬĂƐŦ Kulu ŶŬĂƌĂzŽůƵd͘D͘KzĂŶŦ DĂŚŵƵƌŝLJĞŵĂŚ͘&ĞƌŝƚƉĂƔĂ;7ƐƚĂƐLJŽŶͿĐĂĚ͘ EŽ͗ϭϳϵͬ ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌͲ<ŽŶLJĂ<ĂƌĂLJŽůƵϮŬŵ<ĂƌĂďƵůĂŬ Mevkii Selçuklu 3 BARAN LOKANTASI 4 HOROZLUHAN Özel 346 05 38 5 Z7>K<Ed ϭ͘ƐŦŶŦĨ 322 06 54 6 GÜNAYDIN ϭ͘^ŦŶŦĨ 582 08 06 7 7s> ϭ͘^ŦŶŦĨ 245 43 45 ^ŝůůĞŬDĂŚ͘zĞŶŝ^ŝůůĞĚ͘EŽ͘ϮϰϲͬͲ' Selçuklu 8 RADAR ϭ͘^ŦŶŦĨ 582 26 81 ,ĂĐŦƐĞLJŝƚĂůŝDĂŚ͘Ϯϭϭ^Ŭ͘EŽϭϮ ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ 9 OPERA XL Özel 3250008 zŽƌŐĂŶĐŦDŚ͘zĞŶŝDĞƌĂŵĚ͘zŦůĚŦnj<ƂƔŬ^Ŭ͘ EŽϯͬ Meram 10 D7Z>>Z DŽůĂEŽŬƚĂƐŦ 712 02 00 ŝLJĂ'ƂŬĂůƉDŚ͘ĚĂŶĂĚ͘mnjĞƌŝŶŽ͘ϮϮϯͬϮ KONYA ƌĞŒůŝ Antalya Yolu 24.Km. ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ bĞŵƐͲŝdĞďƌŝnjŝDĂŚ͘<ĞŵĂůŝLJĞ^ŽŬ͘EŽ͘ϳͬϭ Karatay 7Zsd/EdW7E>͘ DŽůĂEŽŬƚĂƐŦ 589 00 47 TES. 12 Wb<KE)/ Özel 351 67 67 Source: Konya Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate 11 Meram ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ ¦¤§¡££¤£Ú According to the database of General Directorate of Foundations (GDF) and Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT), Konya has a total number of 24.309 cultural assets, 22.744 of which are recorded in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and 1.565 of which are recorded in the General Directorate of Foundations. While 689 of these assets are archaeological sites, 1.467 of them are composed of Cultural Real Assets to be protected. Konya Archaeological Site and the Potential of Cultural Real Assets to be protected Type of Archaeological Site Archaeological Site Urban Site Natural Site Historical Site Urban Archaeological Site Archaeological and Natural Site Type of Cultural Real Assets to be protected 560 4 9 43 1 21 Sample of Civil Architecture 393 Religious Structures 395 Cultural Structures 316 ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟǀĞ^ƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞƐ Military Structures 62 8 Industrial and Commercial Structures 36 58 Urban-Archaeological-Natural Site 3 Graveyards Historical and Natural Site Archaeological-Historical-Urban Site Historical and Urban Site 1 Martyrdom Cemetery 5 1 Monuments and Memorials 4 4 Natural Assets 1 Ruins Archaeological and Urban Site Archaeological-Historical-Urban Site TOTAL ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤§¡¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 151 39 1 689 1467 59 ¦¡ဓ¯¦£¡¤ထ¤§¤Ń¤£¤¡¤¨£¦¡£¤¦¡£ထ¦¨¡£¤®ထ¦¡¤£¤¤§¤ £ထ££¦ဓၺၻဓၺၼၾထၺၸၹၸ A total of 16 strategies were adopted in the document entitled “The Tourism Strategy of Turkey, 2023”. In this respect, the document stipulated the establishment of 9 Tourism Development Zones, 7 Thematic Corridors, 10 Tourism Cities and five Ecotourism Zones. Within the scope of city branding strategy, the document emphasized the objective of “branding cities with rich cultural and natural values and making them touristic attractions”. Furthermore, the strategy 2023 “tourism diversification” focused on “the development of alternative types of tourism, especially health tourism and thermal tourism, winter tourism, golf tourism, sea tourism, ecotourism and plateau tourism, and convention and event tourism”. The strategies 2023 concerning the objective of “Brand Cities” included Konya in the Culture Tourism Zone, Convention and Event Tourism Zone, Lakeland, and Ecotourism Development Zone. 60 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¦¤¢¦¡£¡¤¡¤ 61 8.2. ¤¦¤§¡¦¡£ Faith tourism occupies a prominent place in the city. This is because it was home to Rumi, a great man of the cloth who lived in the 13th century. The Mevlana Museum, which hosts the tomb of Rumi- a person who was a friend of humanity, an advocate of peace and an example of a great leader- has played a pivotal role in making Konya famous all around the world and a center of faith tourism ơǤ Visited by a lot of tourists around the world, the Mevlana Museum is the most commonly visited museum in Konya and the third commonly visited museum in Turkey, following the Topkapi Palace Museum and Hagia Sophia, with a total of 1.670.651 visitors in 2010. The museum is visited by hundreds of thousands of domestic and foreign tourists every year. A particular attraction is Vuslat Torenleri, which is held during the Rumi week between December 10 and 17. ǡ ȋȌ ơ and Tourism that 2007 should be declared as the “Worldwide Mevlana Year”, because it coincided with the 800th birthday of the man of cloth. Within this framework, 171 member nations of the United Nations held programs on Rumi. The activities proved to be an important step in making Rumi an international symbol. The UNESCO included the 800th birthday of Rumi into 2007 activities, which presented an important opportunity for Konya to be introduced to the world. In addition to the Mevlana Museum, Konya also hosts a number of mosques, madrasas, complexes and churches. The spots that can be visited for faith tourism purposes include the Alaaddin Mosque, Aziziye Mosque, Slender Minaret Mosque and Madrasa, Iplikci Mosque and Madrasa, Sahip Ata Complex, Lala Mustafa Pasa Complex, Esrefoglu Mosque, Hagia Helena Church, and Mosque and Tomb of Sems-i Tebrizi. ¤¡¤¡¤¨¡£¡¤¦¨¡£¡®¨²ထ¦¤¡¥£ၸၿဖၹၿ¡ Mevlâna was born on 30th of September in 1207 in Belh, a city in the region of Horasan presently located within the boundaries ǤǯǡòÁ Dz dzǤòǡòǡ Ǥ òƮǦ͕͖͖͖͛Ǥ ǡ fǡ͕͖͖͙Ǥǡ .Ǥ Mevlana who lost Gevher Hatun years later got married to Kerra Hatun, a widow who had children. Mevlana had two sons called ơ. Ǥ During these years, most parts of Anatolia were ruled by the Seljukian State. Konya was the main city of this state. Konya was Ǥƪǡ ǤǤòƮǦ from Karaman to Konya and asked him to settle down in Konya. Bahaeddin Veled accepted the sultan’s invitation and came to Konya with his friends and family on the 3rd of May, 1228. Sultan ȋGǤ òƮǦ͕͖ǡ͕͖͕͗Ǥ Ǥ ǡǤòƮǦǡ around Mevlana. Mevlana was considered to be the only heir of his father. Mevlana really became a notable scholar of science and GǤ Ǥ fǦ ǦÁ ͕͙ ǡ ͕͖͘͘Ǥ fǡ Dz Ǥdz ǡDz ǤdzǡǤf Ǥfǯǡ Ǥǡò.fǦÁƮǤ To Mevlâna, the abstract of his life are the words “Raw I was, Cooked Well Burnt I Got.” He died on the 17th of December, in 1273. Mevlana regarded death as rebirth. He would come together with God, his Beloved. Therefore, he called the day of his death as DzfǦðdz ǤǡǤ The International Commemorative Ceremonies of Reunion Anniversary of Hz. Mevlâna are held between 7 and 17 December every year. £¦l£ဖ¡Ô¯ fǦÁÁ Ǥ The tomb has a classical structure of Seljukian domes. Its top is covered by a roof made of lead. Below the dome, there is a huge cist. fǦÁǤ fǦÁǦÁ ǯ in Konya. . 62 63 £¦l¡ဖ¨Ô fÁȋ͕͖͔͛Ǧ͕͖͛͘ȌǦ Ǥ Ǥ ͕͖͛͘ǡǤǤÁ .ç ǡ Ǥǡǡǡ library, tomb, graveyard and fountain. f Ǧ Á f ǡ Ǥ Ǧ ƪǤ Ǥ structure is a pitched roof covered with bricks. The original wooden window lids of the mosque are in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works in Istanbul. f Á Ǥ mosque, the tomb was built together with the library in 1274. Ú¡ÀÚ¡£ ÇÇ ͕͖͖͘Ǥǡ periods of Principalities, the Seljukian and Ottoman periods are displayed. ¯¯£¦ This mosque located on the tomb street is an important work built with the baroque style of Ottoman architecture. It was built in ͕͛͘͜ò Ǥǡ a unique view in terms of its stone and marble craftsmanship. In riddles, the answer to the question “Which is the mosque whose windows are bigger than its doors?” is Aziziye Mosque. ¡¤¡£ှ¦£¦¡£ဿ ǤG͚͘͝Ǥȋ͕͖͙͕ǤȌǤ known. The madrasa used during the Ottoman period was abandoned in the late 19th century. Karatay Madrasa which has an important place among the tile works of Seljukian period was opened as “the Museum of Tile Works” in 1955. It was built as a one-roomed and single- storey “madrasa with closed courtyard” to teach the science of hadith and tafsir. The entrance is through a door made of blue and white marble in the east. It is a unique sample of stonemasonry in Seljukian period. On the door, the 120th verse of the Chapter Al-Tawba from the Quran that means “God never fails to recompense those who work righteousness” is inscribed. On the other surfaces of the door, there are other verses and hadiths. The doomed cell on the north of the single room completed after the recovery excavations and restorative works in 2006 was organized as a hall of glass and plaster works. In this section, the ceramic works of the Ottoman and Seljukian period are exhibited, as well. 64 ¤¦¤¦£¦ This magnificent work, also known as Larende Mosque, was built by the Seljukian Vizier Sahib Ata Fahreddin Ali in 1258. The portal of the mosque which is the masterpiece of Seljukian art and one of the rare examples of stonemasonry is captivating visitors with its splendour. This gate is famous for its spouted fountains rarely seen in Turkey. The constructor of the mosque, bath and tomb which were built later was Sahib Ata Fahreddin Ali. IÀ£¦ Ǥf͕͖͔͕Ǥ ȋ͕͖͗͗ȌǤ GȋȌǡGǤ ͕͙͕͝ ͕͚͔͝ ͕͚͔͝Ǥ ƪ characteristics of the Seljukian architecture. £¦ ò work here had a magnificent mosque built in the west of the tomb. The building process which progressed with the endeavours of Sultan II. Selim, who was the Governor of Konya at the time, was completed during the reign of II. Selim. Ć¡Í¦Ğ£¦ှĆ¡ဿ çºòǤ Dzdz Turkish art. This kind of buildings are completely supported and covered by wooden materials. ç çº 65 Ǥǯ͕͙ǡ͖͔͕͕Ǥçº ǯ.Úòǡ ǯ tourism. As it is known, there are groups formed to visit works and locations on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The world’s touristic interest that increases every passing day will make Konya even more attractive destination. ¦£¤Ćှ¦¡Ć¦¦ဿှÚဿ Ǥ͘͜͝ȋǤ͕͙͚͛ȌÇÇçǡÇÇǯÇÚÇÇçÇǤ çÇÇòÇǤÇ ǯÇǤÚÇǤ ²£¦¤¦¤£ှ¡¤ဿ The mosque is one of the oldest Seljukian works. This group of buildings known including many other tombs is in the north east of the Alâaddin Hill and is located in a central point of the city. The mosque draws attention with its high and crowned doors, high and thick walls, marble pillars, tile decoration ad wooden mimbar that is a real work of art. Ǥòȋ͕͕͕͚Ǧ͕͕͙͚ȌǤ ǡÇÇÇÇǯ ǤGǤȋ͕͖͖͕ȌǤ ǡ Ǥ Ç òǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ÇòǡǤÇÇǤ ÇòǤ 66 I¡¡£ှ¦£¦¤¡£ဿ ͕͖͙͕͖͛͜͝ǤGǤ The architect of the madrasa built to teach hadiths was Abdullah bin Keluk. The madrasa is one of the Seljukian madrasas with closed courtyards. It was built as a single-section structure. The crowned door in its east is one of the best examples of stone masonry during the Seljukian period. The Crowned Door on the chapters of Fetih and Yâsin from the Quran are inscribed is decorated with botanic and geometric motifs. G ͕͝ Ǥ͕͚͕͛͜͜͝͝Ǥ some restorative works starting in 1936, it was reopened as the Museum of Stone and Wooden Works in 1956. Between 2001 and 2002, its mosque, gathering hall and cell were restored in accordance with its original structure. The best examples of double-headed eagle and winged angel which are the symbols of Seljukians whose capital city was Konya are exhibited in this museum. 67 ®¡§ဖ¦£¦ှĆ¡ဿ Ǧ çǤ ơ ǡ.Ǥǡ çǤ çǦÇǤ ÁǤ by the Directorate of Foundations ²Ô¯¡¤¡ှဿ Áǯ ǤòǡǦ Ǧ Ǥ Dz Çdz͕͔͔͘ ǤǤÁ͕͚͔͔ settled down in Hâdim. ǤÁ to guiding society spiritually and ethically. In pursuit of this purpose, he used to go to Konya and preached sermons in Alaaddin Mosque. ǤÁ appeared. He was one of the most mature and delicious fruit of Ottoman madrasa tradition. With his works and students that he educated, he was an important person from whom his era benefited. £¡ှĆ¡ဿ The Turkish folk scholar Nasreddin Hodja who lived between 1208 and 1284 was the pioneer of comedy that included emotions and subtlety in folk language. ǡ çǤǡǤ ÇÇǤ Ǥǡ Ǥ͕͖͗͛ǡ ç ÇGǤ Islamic religion. Nasreddin Hodja’s value can be measured through not his experiences but the subtlety of the meaning, satire and humour of folk tales that he told or people told through his eyes. In his humorous stories, rude devout men’s beliefs about life after death have an important place. Such tales as “Mules Carrying Pots” and “I Used to Pass by Here When I was Alive” reveals ideas about rigid beliefs. The story called “Eat, MY Coat, Eat” underlines people’s reaction to what society pays importance through the eyes of Nasreddin Hodja. ƪ DzǡdzDzdz Dzdzƪ ơǤ 68 0¤öğŴ¤ှ0¦¡ဿ ǯ͕͕ǯ .ÚòǤ .Úò ǯǤ Ǥ.Úòǡ ǡ Ǥ ͕͔.ǡ Ǥ .Úò͔͔͔͝Ǧ ͔͔͔͜Ǥ not have any streets, people used to walk around on roofs and used to enter their homes through holes on the roofs. As it can be understood from wall paintings, reliefs and sculptures in these people’s houses that date back to thousands of years ago, they Ǥ.Úò Ǥ .Úò ǡ structure and its well-developed social structure. .Úò͕͔͔ ͔͗ Ǥ .Úò ǯ ͖͔͕͖Ǥ .Úò ǯǡDz.Úò ͔͔͛͘ǤǤ times and has an urban plan that is based on an important stage in the history of humanity with its understanding of society and ideals of equality.” £¤¢ှ£¤¢ဿ¤¤® ͔͛ ͙͘Ǧ Ú ȋȌ Meram, Konya. Klystra which was densely populated during Hellenistic and Roman periods grew rapidly in early Christian period (A.D. VI.-XIII. Centuries) has an architectural structure similar to Cappadocia. 69 The ancient city Klystra is located on the historical Royal Road (Via Sebaste). Lystra which had strategical importance as a point of security on the south borders of Roman Empire was one of the five centres that were transformed into military colonies by Emperor Augustus. Klystra is a city that is based on the sayings, miracles and experiences of St. Paulus and that is still a religiously central touristic point for Christian pilgrimages. With its architectural structures such as churches, chapels, fountains, wineries, monasteries, watch towers, citadels, antique roads, ǡơǤ နI¨¡¯¦¤ှÚ¡ဿ G ȋȌ Gǡ͕͛ÇǡǤ beginning of the river as a relief on a rock in late Hittite Period (1180-700 B.C.) by King Varpalawas, one of the most glorious kings of Ǥ͕͝ ǤG ǡ the most important works of Late-Period Hittite art, is 4.20 wide and 4.20 high. ƪ ƪ ǡǤ Ś¤§Ú¡Ŵ¤¤¡¦¤ှĆ¡ çǡǤ ǤǤȋ͕͘͜͝ȌǤ rectangular stones. The reliefs that keep their quality are carved on 14 blocks of stone. The first plan of the monument is not known. The monument dates back to the period of Hittite Kingdom. £Ú¡Ŵ¤¤¦¤ှĆ¡ဿ Çǡ͕͜çǤ to the Hittite period. It is as large as 2.25 x 2.75 x 8.30 meter. It is composed of reliefs of two Gods and a couple of lions carved on a huge rock 20 m2 wide and 72 tons heavy. Ç Ǥǡ there is one God, two lions and a second less important God. ¦¡££¦£ှ¦ဿ Sille is located 7 km west of Konya. It was established on the two sides of a deep and narrow valley. Behind the valley, there is a ƪǤǡ Ǥ Dz dz Foundation of Protecting Cultural Assets in Konya. The district of Sille is one of the places inhabited since Phrygians. It has been an important place of settlement since Byzantium times. 70 It was one of the first centres of Early Christian period and an important point of accommodation for pilgrimages between Istanbul and Jerusalem. The architectural structures in Sille such as churches, mosques, Turkish baths, fountains and Sille houses which are examples of civil architecture have been protected ¦¡ ÚçÇ Ǥ Ǥ Emperor Constantine in 327. Constantine’s mother, Helena visited Konya while she was going to Jerusalem and decided to build a big chapel in Sille when she saw the dwellings carved into stones in Christian periods. There is no inscription or document left from the time when the church was first built. While Sille Aya Elena Church was originally built in early Christian period, it has gained important because of the Turkish tablet inscribed with Greek letters on the entrance gate. £¤¡®ဵŚ¤§£¤¡® It is located on the slope of the valley between Ak Slope and Sille on the foot of Mount Takkeli. The monasteries are religious structures built in the countryside and mountainous areas for Christian religious men to worship. Ak Monastery was built by Hagios Ǥ ǤÁ ǡǤ to go to this monastery, talk with monks and stay there. Since the hills on which the monastery is made of white limestone, it is known as Ak (White) Monastery. It is also known as Hagios Khariton Monastery in some sources of structures. While the inscribed gravestones brought from the church and monastery to Konya Archaeological Museum shed light on the history of the Monastery, they provide important information about the relations between Byzantium and Seljukian periods. Ú£¤¡¦¡ The church has an entrance in the north and a plan of three basilica naves. It has a rectangular apse. There is a second door in the north-east. The frescos on the arches of the walls are almost erased. On the frescos, there are the figures of saints and the scene of Koimesis that narrates the death of Mary and the figures of saints. The church is considered to have been testes and it is believed that some illnesses can be healed if one sleeps in the church. Ú£¤¡¦¡ It has a closed Greek Cross plan. Its northern part is mostly ruined. There is no trace of frescos in interior parts. There is a basement ƪ Ǥ ¢ÚှÚ¯Ú¡I£ဿ¦¡ çÇǡǤ migration was registered in the Ministry of Culture by the Directorate of Museums in 2007 and was taken under protection ¦¡ It is situated on the hill that is on the south west part of the road going to from Sille to the dam. This church is believed to have been tested like the Panaghia Church. Mothers who go dry visit this church to recover. 71 ¯ It is located in the stream bed in front of the monastery. Through a passage covered with stones, one can go underground. On the west part of this passage, there is a circular section covered with stones of 2 m and it is believed that Hz.Mevlâna used to stay here. çÇ Ǥ east and west. ¦¡¥§¦Ć£¦ ç ǤǤǤ plain earth roof has been covered with zinc. The altar of the mosque which does not have a minaret, its mimbar and sermon stand are made of wood. The round-arched niche of the altar draws attention by its openwork decoration. ¦ĆÚ£¦ çÇ ǤǤ which is made of rubble stone are covered with cement. The gathering place and the minaret of the rectangularly planned mosque are mad eof wood. The minaret balcony and the cone of the mosque have local features. The calligraphic inscription on the entrance gate dates back to 1295. The mihrab, mimbar and stand in the mosque are made of wood, as well. There is a line of calligraphic inscription on the main curb of the mihrab. The arch that surrounds the niche of the mihrab is made with the technique of openwork and is painted with gilt. ¯¡£Ú£¦ ǤçÇǤ back to the first half of the 18th century is made of scrubble stone. ¡¥£¦ The mosque which is located in the central neighbourhood is made of rubble stone. It has three naves and is covered with wood and has a zinc roof added later. The mosque which does not have a minaret has wooden mihrab, mimbar and stand. Its inscription dates back to 1279. ¤£¦ It is located in the White District in the entrance of Sille. The inscription found on the entrance gate in the south dates back to 1280. Ǥƪ has three naves and has a tile roof. Its minaret is in the north-west. Its mihrab, mimbar and stand are made of wood. The crown of the mihrab and the side railing of the mimbar have botanic decoration in the technique of openwork. ¡¤Ć£¦ ç ͕͜ Ǥ 0£¦ It is located in the centre of Sille, on the south part of the stream bed. ¤ထ¡¤¦¤နှ¡Ú¡ဿ Çǡ Ǥ ͕͙͚͗Ǥ mosque, imaret, covered bazaar, inn and bath. Today the bath is used as a museum while the inn is used as a cafeteria. ¡£¤ှ¯Ú¡ဿ Ç Ǥ Ç ǡơ ǤÇǡǡǡ Seljukians, Principalities and Ottomans lived in the past, there are a huge number of historical and cultural works left by these civilizations. Zengibar Castle is located on a hill which is 1750 metre high from sea level and which connects the Central Anatolia Plain to Taurus ÇǡǤ Çǡ in ancient times, is the Historical Zengibar Castle. ¦¦öğŴ¤ှ¡¤ဿ Ǥ͕͙͔͔.Úò known. ͕͕ǡ ÚòǤ Ǥ far as it is known, people lived in Neolithic and Bronze ages. Later, settlers and inhabitants lived in Hittite, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantium, Seljukian and Ottoman periods. 72 ¦ဖ¦¤¤ª¡ှĆ¡ဿ Ǥ ç Ǥ Dz heaven is either here or under here,” the sultan who was fascinated by the green and curved water as sweet as milk ordered his men to build a palace. With its architectural decoration, Kubad Abad Palace Complex is the only Seljukian palace that has survived in the world. It sets a ǡÇÇÇ Ǥ 8.3. ¦¡£ ơ Ǥ are inns and caravansaries. ¯Ú Úǡ era of Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat (633-Hijri 1236 Christian Year). It was built as a courtyard composed of summer and winter cottages. It is 104 m high and 62 m wide. In the exterior parts of the stone structure, some parts of works dating Ǧ Ǥ Ú͖͙ the road between Konya and Aksaray. ¦¯¦ ͖͘çf ǡ ÇG͕͖͕͔Ǥ ¡¯¦ It is located 200 m inland from Konya –Ankara highway. The Inn used as a restaǤ Çò ( in the 13th century). ¡§ There is no tablet that specifies the date when Obruk Inn located in Obruk Village 4 km inland from the Konya- Aksaray highway was built. From its architectural structure and plan, it is understood that it is a Seljukian building built in the 13th century. Ú¯Úö¡ ÇÇÚ Ǧç ͕͘ Ǥ Ç ò͕͖͔͚͕͖͔͛Ǥ It dates back to the period of principalities. It is an inn composed of closed parts. Previously a pile of ruins, it has been restored recently. ¦£¤£¬ှÚဿ It was built by Lala Mustafa Pasha in H. 992 (1584 Christian Year). It is today rented as a covered bazaar or storehouse by the ÇǤ ¯¤§ှ¦¤ဿ¡¨£¡®ှÚÚဿ It was built by Raziye Hatun, a sultan living in the 13th century during the reign of Anatolian Seljukians. 73 8.4. ¨¤¨¤¦¡£ ¨¤ The “Tourism Strategy-2023” issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism considers Konya as one of the cities that have favorable conditions for convention tourism in Turkey. It is planned that investors will be guided and directed through planning and allowances by the Ministry. Although the Mevlana Culture Center, municipal culture centers, a convention center which is still under construction and expected to accommodate 30.000 people, and universities present a certain potential for convention tourism, the city needs new facilities so that the convention tourism can be enhanced further. ¡¤¡ The fairs play a key role in the tourism industry in the city, too. Thanks to these fairs, Konya is visited by a lot of domestic and foreign visitors, who stays in the city at least for a while. The KTO-TUYAP International Fair Center is a golden opportunity for the city. The Center is home to commercial fairs in which the power of the Anatolian industry, a significant contribution to the improvement in Turkey’s export, is displayed. The center hosted a total of nine fairs- two international fairs, one general fair and six special fairs, in 2012. KTO - TÜYAP is the 3dr biggest international Fair Center ဖv¤¡¤¬¤¤¢ဒ In an area of 26.700 m2, 2 large exhibition halls each of which are 8100 m2, foyer area of 2500 m2, service area of 8000 m2 Ȉ͗Ǥ͙͔͔ Ȉ͙͔ Ȉ ͙͔͔ Ȉ͖Ǧ͖͙͔͚͔͔ ȈȀ Ȉǡ Ǧ Ȉǡ Ȉ ȋǡ ǡ͖Ǥ͔͔͘Ȁ Ȍ Ȉ ơ Ȉǡ Ȉ Ȉ ǡǡ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ǥ £¤¨£ ¤¡¤£¡£¤¨£ၸၹဖၹၸ¦ှĆ¡ဿဿ “Nasreddin Hodja Festival” which started in 1959 is the most important step taken in this filed and one of the oldest festivals in our country. Embracing many people from the world of science, art and literature from many countries in the world and combining cultural richness with humour, the festival has drawn attention not only in our country but also abroad for more than 50 years. ç ͘ ç Nasreddin Hodja and famous people to take part in activities. On the 5th of Julay, Nasreddin Hodja is awakened in his tomb and çǤ çǡǤ Nasreddin Hodja Festival is a feast that binds people together with art and culture day and night for six days. It is a very exciting, energetic and popular feast. Encountering artists’ modern, classical and strange works, experiencing a variety of activities such as dance, theatre, film, caricature, literature and music leave unforgettable traces on people’s minds. 74 ¤¡¤£¤¦££¤¨ၺၺဖၻၸ¤¡ှ In the ancient city Konya where the sound of reed is heard in the wind, the smell of roses is smelt in leaves, time and space are cures for sorrows, the sultan of hearts Hz. Mevlâna was born, mysiticity pervades stones and mountains, International Mystical Music Festival has taken place every year since 2004. Under the peaceful shadow of Green Dome, the festival where mystical music ơ Ǥ Mevlâna Cultural Centre. “Konya International Mystical Music Festival” is considered to be one of the most reputable festivals in the realm of mystical and traditional music in the world. Through the festival, it is targeted to have a commemorative programme that represents Hz. Mevlâna’s inexpressible infinite love, modesty and tolerance that embraces all humanity. “Konya International Mystical Music ǡdz ơ every passing day and enhancing interaction between communities through the impressive power of music. Ú£ဖ¤¡¤¤§¤£¤¨ှÀ¦¨¡£¤®ဿ The main aim of the festival is to help students of cinema, who can have original ideas about the art of cinema and contribute to this ơ ǡ Ǥ of short films and have more audience watch these short films. ͔͔͘ ͔͔͜ ò every year during the festival. Short film makers come together in Konya for interviews on important names of cinema sector, documentary films, Turkish cinema, independent cinema and scenario in cinema. The films that join the film contest are analyzed from a cinematographic perspective and in terms of their scenarios and techniques and those found successful are prized. ¦££¡¤¤¡¤¦¡£¤¢£¤¨ၹၼဖၺၼ¡ှ¤¤¤¢ဿ In order to contribute to the cultural development of Konya, Konya State Theatre started a International Theatre Festival in Turkish called “THOUSANDS OF BRETAH IN ONE VOICE.” In this way, it has made a large contribution to the endeavour of the city to become a branded city. Within the scope of the festival, they appeal to all around the world so: “Dear theatres performing in Turkish, no matter in which country or where you are, come to Konya between 14-24 April. Come and share the enthusiasm of the festival with us. Come even if ơơ ǥǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡǡ ǥǡDz Ǥdz 8.5. ¤¡¦¡£ With its attention-grabbing spas and bathhouses, Konya has significant geothermal water resources. Ilgin Spa Resort, Kosk Spa Resort (Huyuk) and Sevindik Spa Resort are acknowledged as grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 spas in Turkey respectively. It is in Ilgin where the spa tourism is most common within the boundaries of Konya. Ilgin has two spa resorts and accommodation facilities, one belonging to the Regional Directorate of Foundations and the other to the Ilgin Municipality. The two facilities have 526 beds in total. ơ ȋȌ cures liver diseases and biliary tract diseases. The Ismil Spa Resort, on the other hand, is known to have a crucial role in physiotherapy. The Ilican Spa Resort , which is located in Seydisehir, is assumed to have been used even before the birth of Christ and its waters, which contain hydro-carbonate, calcium and bromide, are said to be good at healing dermatologic disorders, gynecological diseases and bone diseases. Other similar facilities include mineral springs in Eregli-Akhuyuk, mud and spa facilities in Beysehir-Uzumlu Yesildag, mineral springs in Seydisehir, and mineral springs in Altinekin. The Karasu Mineral Spring, which is a part of Goksu Waterfall in Hadim, is known to cure dermatologic disorders. Ú¡£ှÚဿ ÇÇ ÇÇÇçÇǤÇÇÇò Ç ǤǤ ççǡǤǡ has lots of touristic works left from the many periods it has gone through, were built as “the First Turkish Bath” by the Seljukian Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat. The springs are not a bath rateher a source of curative thermal water. The main factors are the mine, minerals, anions, cations and Ǥ ÇǦ Ǥ has no colour or smell but a natural taste is 42 degree hot and is very curative for paralysis, sciatic, trachoma, eye pain, neurological diseases and fatigue, rheumatism, gynaecological diseases and kidney stones. ÇÇ Ǥ͕͙͙͛͜͝ǤǡǦ G Ǥ͕͛͜ǡ͚͔͖͙͔Ǥ 75 £¡£ G ºǦÇǡ͙͔ GǤ͖͙͜͝ǡ͔͙ǡ Ǥ water is 45 degree hot and has a mineralization level of 2.985,05 mg/lt with calcium and thermominarels. It is a source of cure for the chronic periods of rheumatic and neurologic diseases under physician control, for the treatment of orthopaedic sequels, and for dermatological and internal diseases. 8.6. ဖ¦¡£ Lake Meke, which is acknowledged as the “Amulet of the World”, and Lake Beysehir, the largest freshwater lake in Turkey, are significant properties for nature tourism. Lake Meke, a crater lake assumed to have been formed following a volcanic eruption about five million years ago, is located in Karapinar. Resembling to an amulet in summer and winter, the lake is attractive to not only naturelovers but also shutterbugs. The lake is home to many bird species. However, it faces extinction, like other wetlands, owing to global warming. Lake Beysehir, on the other hand, is visited by tourists as part of sunset tours. The lake is worth visiting especially in summer, when the lake is surrounded by a forestland and Anamas Mountains. With a number of natural beauties at high altitudes, Konya is quite favorable for plateau tourism and attempts to serve those who love keeping in touch with nature and to provide them with daily or short-term accommodation. Potential investors are provided with significant opportunities, in particular, by Cihanbeyli Plateau, Obruk Plateau and Taseli Plateau as well as those parts of Mount Bolkar and Mount Geyik that overlook the Konya closed basin, and those plateaus situated above Mount Sultan and Mount Gol. 8.6.1. £ှª¤¡£¡¥£¡ª¤ဿ Ć¡¤¡ ǡçç Sultan and Anamas Mountains. It is surrounded by 22 places of settlements with 2 of them being the cities of Isparta and Konya and ͘çǡòòǡçfºǤ͖͛ the lake. ͗͗çǤǡ DzǤdzǡ ÇǡÇÇǡGºǡǡÇǡǡ ç Ǥǡǡ Kazakhs who emigrated from Russia lived till 1940. People still lead a rural life on the island. ǡǡơ ecosystems it has around itself. Therefore, it has always been a point of attraction and hosted various civilizations. Because people have been drawn to here, many places of settlements including islands have been established around the lake. The lake is an open-air museum worth visiting with its beautiful landscape, lakeshores convenient for water sports and its historical Ǥ çǤ ǡơ Ǥ ç ͕͗͝͝Ǥ ͜͜Ǥ͙͔͛ Ǥǡ tourists can join recreational activities such as trekking, hiking, biking and having a picnic, camping in tents or caravans and having a journey along safari routes. Along with the islands and the neighbourhood around the lake that have a background of 9 thousands years, camping, picnic areas and the beach around Karaburun are a centre of attraction for local and foreign tourists. çǦǤç world draws thousands of local and foreign tourists to the town every year. ¤ ǦÇÇÇǡ Obruk in the south, Cihanbeyli in the west and Hayaman plateaus in the north. After Lake Van, it is the second-largest lake in Turkey. Salt Lake is a tectonic lake located in a closed basin. Despite its size, it is one of the shallowest lakes in our country. It is no more than 0, 5 m deep in most parts. In spring months when there is more water than usual, the lake area becomes as big as 164.200 hectare. ƪ͔͙͝Ǥ fƪ ǡ 76 ǡG Ç southeast. Salt Lake is one of the most important salt lake not only in our country but all around the country. Its intensity is 1-22.5 cm3/gr and has a salt level of % 32.4. ǡ Ǥǡƪ vegetation. Salt lake and its neighbourhood, some of the most important watery areas in Turkey, were declared as Salt Lake Specially Protected Environment Area by the Council of Ministers’ Decision. The region as large as 7.414 km2 has its unique natural structure and historical values. Salt Lake Specially Protected Environment Area is within the boundaries of Ankara, Konya and Aksaray. The Salt Lake Basin is an A class watery area according to international criteria in terms of the protection of biological variation. Salt Lake is one of the richest areas in Turkey in terms of the existence of birds. In the area, there are 85 types of birds, 129 types of insects with 4 of them being endemic, 15 types of mammals and 38 types of endemic plants. The Lake has been registered as a Grade One Natural Site Area. Salt is produced through the technique of evaporation in Salt Lake and this method is based on the crystallization of lake water under sun. In the production of salt through solar energy, retting system is used. In Salt Lake, there are three salt marshes (Pavement, Rock çȌǤ ¡¤¡ ͜ÇǤ Ǥ crater (pyrloclastic cone) that was formed 4 or 5 millions years ago in Pleistocene epoch as a result of a volcanic eruption was filled in water and turned into a lake in time. 9000 years later, a second volcanic eruption formed a second volcanic cone and a second lake in time. The lake and the first crater is 800 m deep and 500 m wide. The lake is 12 m deep. Lake Meke is 981 m above sea level. The lake in the volcanic cone 50 m above sea level in the middle of the Central Meke is 25 m deep and salty. With its panoramic view, geological structure and birds that live in the region, it is a marvel of nature. Meke Crater Lake that shelters a large variety of birds draws the attention of nature and photograph lovers with its image like a blue nead during summer and winter months. Lake Meke was included in the list of Ramsar Contract in 2005. ¤¡¡¥£ çǤ ͗ ͕͔ of people at the same time. There are lots of water sports facilities and people who go for one single day can have tents or caravans to stay there. ç Ǥ the lake. The fact that the sea coast is not too deep and the water is clean turns swimming in the lake into a pleasure. ¡¤ Ç Ǥǡ Ǥ ǡç shelter where migratory birds can live. Salt Lake is one of the richest places in terms of birds in Turkey. The wide area of water that its covers during winter creates an important place for the wintering of birds. Flamingos, avocets, ruddy shelducks and similar birds that are well-adapted to salty environments, ringed plovers, cranes, greylags and wild ducks live in groups in the lake. Since it is relatively isolated around the lake, birds can feed in the puddles, meadows and planted areas around the lake and can swim in the lake even on the coldest days 77 of winter. Collared pratincoles, shelducks, ruddy shelducks, teals, avocets, stone curlews and sea gulls can incubate on the islands and marshes that are formed around the lake in spring. In the region, there are salty steps and endemic species that are ecologically Ǥ ȋ Úòǡòǡ ǡçǡÚÚȌ ƪ Ǥ ƪ ͙͚ nests in the middle of the Lake. 8.6.2. ¦¡£ Ç ǡ ç ǡ çǡçÚòǡ ǡÚòǡǡ ò ÇçÇǤ Ú¯¤¨ှĆ¡ဿ It is noted that the cave first discovered by the French scientists Michel Bakalowichz in 1968 is curative for asthma. The cave is one of the 31 caves open to tourism in Turkey and is 1.580 m long. Apart from the downward slope that is 30 m long, the cave is totally horizontal. In the region, a climate between Mediterranean and Continental climates is dominant. The highest temperature is 36,5°C while the lowest temperature is –18,4 °C . Ç͖͔͗ Ǥ ǡ between the ground and the ceiling is 65 m. ¤¨ှ¡¦ဿ It is located withing the boundaries of Derebucak. It is 1.768 m long and the deepest point from the entrance is -32 m while the highest point from the entrance is +6 m. It has two entrances, one in katavothre and the other in spring. The one close to the road takes in the water of an aula and pours its water to Uzunsu Stream through a deep valley 2 km in the south. Balatini cave is composed of two overlapping levels. The base of the fossil part that forms the upper level is covered with cave clay and is ended with the rooms of sculptures made by visitors. In the main gallery in the lower level, people can walk when there is little water. People can pass through the 3 hot spots as deep as 5 m with a transition technique or boats. The cave is worth visiting with its travertines, sculpture rooms and huge hot spots. ¦¦¨ှ¡¦ဿ ǡ͙͔͔.ÇǤƪ Úòº ƪº ͕͔͔Ǥǡ through huge rock blocks and the cave expands as a wide and high gallery for 150 m and then it reaches Large Lake. Pouring in the ͕͙͔ǡƪ͔͗Ǥ Ǥ ö¡ğ¨ှ¡¦ဿ ͙͔͔.Ç Ǥ Úòǡ͕͖͙͔Ǥƪ ººǤ ǡ ƪ Ǥ Ǥ ǡƪ waterfalls. ¡ö¡ğ¨¤¡ှဿ Úò ƪ Ǥ Ǧ touristic and natural beauties. Úòǣ Úò Ú River. It is hot in winter and cold in summer and is curative for dermatological diseases. Karasu Spring including sulphur minerals is both very curative and provides a unique atmosphere of relaxation with its natural richness. 8.6.3.¦¤¦¡£ ǡ ÇǡºǡÇçǤǡ 78 ǡ Ǥǡƪ º çǤ ¯Í¤¦Ś£ှဿ ƪȋǡÇǡºÇȌȋ Ȍ of Central Anatolia on mountains of mid-height are ancestors of domesticated sheep, they do not look like them. They are very slender and strong animals. When they were taken under protection in 1966, their number increased rapidly. Today, it is estimated that there are 700 of them. In ƪǯǡ͙͔͔͔ was surrounded with electronic iron wires and supported with dried plants in winter. Ψ͔͝ƪ Dz dzDz dz National Parks and Game Wildlife. ƪ Ǥƪ Ǥ ƪǤ ǡ ƪǤ hunting. After hunting, hunters take the photos of hunted animals and take the skin and the horns of hunted animals with them. A degree travel agency firms can join tenders. 8.6.4.¡ çç which includes walking, camping and climbing on mountain. Gelincik Ana Hill is 2.610 m high and is especially convenient for trekking and camping. 8.6.5.¡ှĆ¡ထĆ¡ဿ çǤ have been organized here for a few years. ÇÇÇ çǤ ǡ çǤ 8.7. ¦¡£ Konya Cuisine has created an incredible culture of cuisine with its kitchen architecture, instruments, types of dishes, methods of cooking, style of serving and types of food prepared for winter. The facts that food was served on golden plates and trays like Oghuz people did, food was prepared by and eaten in communities in Mevlevi Cuisine, the first head cook whose mausoleum was built lived in Konya are enough to imagine the magnificence of Konya Cuisine. Eating desserts during the transitional periods between birth and ǡ Ǯçǯ ͛ started with the letter ‘S’ on Nevruz (the Coming of Spring) are some of the examples of Konya Cuisine. The most interesting feature of Konya Cuisine is the invitation dinners that have turned into a strict tradition. The wedding pilaf çÇÇÇDzÇÇdzǤ ǡ ǤçÇÇǡǡ ǡǮǯ ǡçÇǮçǯǤ In Konya, three types of dishes drawing attention as outdoor dishes are Oven Kebab, bread with meat and cheese pita. Lately, mixed pita with cheese and meat has also been popular. These three dishes draw the attention of not only local people in Konya but also foreign visitors. Konya Cuisine about which not many people know became a focus of foreign people’s interest after the First International Food Congress by Konya Tourism Foundation in 1986. 79 ¬£££ ¤ှI¯¯ဿ The homeland of bread with meat is Konya. 60-70 years ago, there were shops of dishes, local restaurants and lots of restaurants of Ǥ ÇGǤ restaurants rather than in local restaurants because they could eat homemade food in their houses. Bread with meat and meatballs were prepared in kebab restaurants and were not eaten in places where they were prepared as it is today. Ú¡ÚÚှ£ဿ It can be said without hesitation that oven kebab is a Seljukian dish. In the works of Hz. Mevlana, there is a mention of kebab and sheep’s head kebab. It is prepared with the special parts of mutton or lamb in two stages in an oven. While the kebab can be made from every part of the animal except the back buttocks, the ribs and forearms are the most preferred parts. Konya’s famous dish “Oven Kebab” is made of mutton or lamb meat. When made with lamb meat, no water is added. Lamb meat is cooked for 3-4 hours, male mutton is cooked for 4 hours and female mutton is cooked for 7-8 hours. With the meat of one sheep, 10-15 kg of kebab can be made. ¦ Gombo soup made in Central Anatolia is an important warm starter in classical menus in Konya. Because pilaf and starters are sour in Konya, they are given after desserts and then the second group is eaten. ¡ĆÚ¦ This soup is eaten with not meat but pastry. This soup the first example of which was made of partridge meat was later made with ǤǤƪǡǤǡ ǡ ǡƪǡ Ǥ ǡ pepper, lemon and black pepper are added. They are indispensable for cold winter nights. People have rituals for serving food. In ǡ ǤçÇ his/her soup. 0À It is the best dish of Konya cuisine. The çebiç feast starts in the morning and the lamb liver is served in breakfast. The lamb meat cooked in tandouri is served on pilaf for lunch. As gourmets in Konya tell, the most delicious çebiç is cooked in September because lambs are most mature during this period. ¤¡¦¡ It is served very often in Konya’ s feasts. It is served with other pastry food and bulghur today. 80 ¡£Ú It is a dessert unique to Konya. In the past, the dessert tray was put on a hot iron. It was covered with another iron sheet. Burning pieces of oak were put on this second sheet. Thus, the dessert was cooked between these two sheets of iron. ǡǡÚçǤ 8.8. ¡£ The number of green areas, parks and picnic areas are increasing every year thanks to works maintained by the Municipality. Since 2012, 54 parks, 3 hobby gardens and a public area of 33.549.961 m2 are in servitude of people Konya. Families can both have a picnic and relax in large picnic areas in the city. Picnic and rest areas draw intensive attention especially at the weekends. In addition, there are hobby gardens and other places where families isolated from natural life can get rid of the stress they are exposed to while living an urban and modern life. Growing vegetables and fruit in these gardens, families can fulfil their longing for natural life and get away from their urban and tiring life for a while. With its organized and high quality municipality system, Konyaprovides a life distant from the life stress in big metropolitans. Konya ǡơ important cities in Turkey in the future. According to FDI Magazine (2006-2007), an issue of Financial Times, it has been chosen the second best city in the category of “European Cities and the Regions of Future.” Konya which develops with a focus on humankind prepares itself to be a much bigger and magnificent city. ¡¥¤¡¤¡£ Meram It is 8 km further from the city centre in the east. Meram is a marvellous place with its green vegetation, streams, vineyards and gardens, mansions and picnic areas in the middle of the dry and tough geography of Konya. ¡ It is a historical garden on the northwest of Alâaddin Hill. In recent years, it has been turned into a garden culture park. ² It is in the city centre. The hill which has a background of thousands of years is a central point of attraction for local and foreign tourists. 0Ú¡ÍÚဓ It is 20 km away from Konya and is a historical recreation area that provides water for the city. No touristic complex has been built in this beautiful recreation area. However, its natural beauty has been preserved. ¦ĆÚ¯Úö¡ဓ It is resting place in a forest in Konya. ¤Ú It is 17 km further from the city and is a picnic area famous for its grapes and water. ¦¤¦ It is famous for its landscape and vegetation. ÚÚ¡ÚှĆ¡ဿ It is a beautiful resting place with pine trees, picnic areas and mountain hotel. £¤¡®ှĆ¡ဿ ͚ç Ǥ ºǡ.ÇÚºçǡGºǡÇÇǡÚò ǡǡǡÇ ÇǤ 81 9. According to the Address-Based Population Registration System in 2012, women in Turkey are literate by 93.51% while men in Turkey are literate by 97.43% (those six years old and older considered). The literacy rate for Konya is 93.33%, which is above the national average. Population by Literacy and Educational Status (2011) Status TURKEY KONYA WŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ й Illiterate 2.788.757 ϰ͕ϭϭ 57.182 ϯ͕ϭϭ Literate 63.347.643 ϵϯ͕ϯϯ 1.756.216 ϵϱ͕ϰϰ Not known as either illiterate or literate WŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ й 1.740.979 Ϯ͕ϱϲ 26.772 ϭ͕ϰϱ 6+ Years Old at the Age of Literacy 67.877.379 100 1.840.170 100 Non-graduate 14.058.334 ϮϬ͕ϳϭ 377.475 ϮϬ͕ϱϭ Not known as graduate or non-graduate 1.740.979 Ϯ͕ϱϲ 26.772 ϭ͕ϰϱ Illiterate 2.788.757 ϰ͕ϭϭ 57.182 ϯ͕ϭϭ Any kind of graduates 49.289.309 ϳϮ͕ϲϮ 1.378.741 ϳϰ͕ϵϮ Primary-school graduate 15.220.028 ϮϮ͕ϰϮ 529.745 Ϯϴ͕ϳϵ Elementary-school graduate 12.669.905 ϭϴ͕ϲϳ 367.812 ϭϵ͕ϵϵ 2.849.999 ϰ͕Ϯ 64.578 ϯ͕ϱϭ 12.096.830 ϭϳ͕ϴϮ 264.925 ϭϰ͕ϰ 5.913.187 ϴ͕ϳϭ 139.808 ϳ͕ϲ 416.741 Ϭ͕ϲϭ 8.588 Ϭ͕ϰϳ 122.619 Ϭ͕ϭϴ 3.285 Ϭ͕ϭϴ 56.521.805 100 1.513.345 100 Graduate of a secondary school or its equivalent Graduate of high school or its equivalent Graduate of college or university Postgraduate Doctor ϭϱнWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶďLJĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂů^ƚĂƚƵƐ ¦¡ဓထၺၸၹၺ On the basis of the Academic Year 2012-2013, there are 889 preschools, 834 primary schools, 523general high schools and 207vocational and technical schools in Konya. In total, these schools provide education for 478.258 students. A total of 25.319 position-based and contract-based teachers work for these schools. 82 9.1. dŚĞŶƵŵďĞƌŽĨ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐĂŶĚdĞĂĐŚĞƌƐďLJĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂů/ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ;ϮϬϭϮͲϮϬϭϯͿ TURKEY KONYA 27.197 889 -The number of students 1.077.933 29.796 -The number of teachers 62.933 1.647 17 18 29.169 834 -The number of students 5.593.910 159.524 -The number of teachers 282.043 8.341 20 19 16.987 524 -The number of students 5.566.986 155.762 -The number of teachers 269.759 8.290 21 19 10.418 251 -The number of students 4.995.623 133.176 -The number of teachers 254.895 7.041 20 19 4.214 113 -The number of students 2.725.972 58.239 -The number of teachers 119.393 2.775 23 21 6.204 138 -The number of students 2.269.651 74.937 -The number of teachers 135.502 4.266 17 18 83.771 2.567 -The number of students 17.234.452 478.258 -The number of teachers 869.630 25.319 20 19 PRESCHOOL -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher PRIMARY SCHOOL -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher SECONDARY SCHOOL -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher HIGH SCHOOL (VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL) -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICALHIGH SCHOOL -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher TOTAL -The number of schools -The number of students per teacher ¦¡ဓ¤¤£¤£¤¡¦¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ 83 ^ĐŚŽŽůŝŶŐZĂƚĞĐĐŽƌĚŝŶŐƚŽ^ĐŚŽŽů'ƌŽƵƉƐĂŶĚ'ĞŶĚĞƌŝŶ<ŽŶLJĂ;йͿ;ϮϬϭϮͲϮϬϭϯͿ TURKEY KONYA PRE-SCHOOL (4-5) ϰϰ͕Ϭϰ ϰϰ͕ϰϲ Male ϰϰ͕ϴϲ ϰϱ͕ϲϯ Female ϰϯ͕ϭϴ ϰϯ͕Ϯϰ PRIMARY SCHOOL ϵϴ͕ϴϲ ϵϴ͕ϳ Male ϵϴ͕ϴϭ ϵϴ͕ϲϭ Female ϵϴ͕ϵϮ ϵϴ͕ϴ SECONDARY SCHOOL ϵϯ͕Ϭϵ ϵϰ͕Ϯ Male ϵϯ͕ϭϵ ϵϰ͕ϭϯ Female ϵϮ͕ϵϴ ϵϰ͕Ϯϲ ,/',^,KK>;'ĞŶĞƌĂůнsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂůͿ ϳϬ͕Ϭϲ ϲϲ͕ϳϰ Male ϳϬ͕ϳϳ ϲϲ͕ϳϰ Female ϲϵ͕ϯϭ ϲϲ͕ϳϱ GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL ϯϰ͕ϰϳ Ϯϱ͕ϭϯ Male ϯϮ͕ϳϴ Ϯϯ͕ϱϰ Female ϯϲ͕Ϯϲ Ϯϲ͕ϴ VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL ϯϱ͕ϱϵ ϰϭ͕ϲϭ Male ϯϳ͕ϵϵ ϰϯ͕Ϯ Female ϯϯ͕Ϭϱ ϯϵ͕ϵϱ ¦¡ဓ¤¤£¤£¤¡¦¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ Disturibition of population according to Accucation ( 2012) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Graduated from Primary School Graduated Graduated from from Primary Secondary Education School or its i l EƺĨƵƐƵŶŒŝƟŵƵƌƵŵƵŶĂ'ƂƌĞĂŒŦůŦŵŦ;ϮϬϭϮͿ Graduated Bachelor’s from High Degree or School or its Faculty equivalent gradua Master’s Degree Graduate Doctorate Graduate dŚĞŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨ,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůƐŝŶ<ŽŶLJĂďLJdLJƉĞ General High School 113 The Number of Students 40.309 sŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů^ĐŚŽŽů 138 67.093 The Number of Schools WĞƌĐĞŶƚĂŐĞŽĨ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐй 38 62 ¦¡ဓ¤¤£¤£¤¡¦¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ According to 2011 data from TUIK, with the start of 12-year compulsory education in Konya which was the 5th city in terms of the number of schools and students in Vocational and Technical and with more importance attached to cocational and technical education by the Ministry of Education, there will be a considerable increase in the number of students and more investment in education will be needed to meet the requirements of this increase. ơ ǡ vocational and technical high schools in the future. As a result, the number of vocational and technical high schools in the city will be 84 ơ Ǥ In this respect, a total of 526 classrooms with 409 classrooms in the city centre and 117 classrooms in towns are required to apply normal education and to have classes of 30 students in vocational and technical education. Also, because of the termination of the ơ ǡ Ǥǡ ơ inevitable to open new vocational and technical high schools. Therefore, 3 technical and industrial vocational high schools of 40 classrooms, three vocational and technical high schools for girls and three trade vocational high schools are needed in the city centre. In the new incentive system, investments in primary areas will be used in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th regions. In Konya, because “investments in primary, secondary and high school education by private sector” will be made in the primary areas, incentives will be used in the 5th regions. Distribution of High Schools in Konya According to Their Type (2012-2013) Okul Türü Anatolian High School Number of Schools Number of Students State Private State Private 39 13 21.643 2.861 Anatolian Fine Arts and Sports High School 2 356 Anatolian Teacher High School 7 2.463 Science High School 5 Social Science High School 1 4 927 285 341 High School 37 5 11.028 405 TOTAL OF GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL 91 22 36.758 3.551 Anatolian Hotel Management and Tourism sŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů ŶĂƚŽůŝĂŶ,ĞĂůƚŚsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů ŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů 1 10 274 2 2.763 3 459 dƌĂĚĞsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů 11 8.075 sŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůĨŽƌ'ŝƌůƐ 16 8.997 DƵůƟͲWƌŽŐƌĂŵ,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů 39 5.375 dĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůĂŶĚ/ŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂůsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů 22 17.881 ĞŶƚƌĞŽĨsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂůĂŶĚdĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 4 1.564 WƌŝǀĂƚĞsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽůƐ 7 275 TOTAL OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS ZĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů Total ¦¡ဓ¤¤£¤£¤¡¦¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ 113 2 45.663 29 233 620 620 21.004 24 103.425 4.171 ¦¦¤¤¢£ 6.324 courses of various certificate fields were opened in active Public Education Centres in the city centre and towns in 2011-2012 academic year and 104.759 successful course attendees were given certificates. %32,7 of certificates were given to male attendees while %67,3 of them were given to female attendees. Courses opened by Konya Directorate of Education Public Education Centres According to Years Academic Year Number of Courses Opened Number of Course ƩĞŶĚĞĞƐ Number of ƩĞŶĚĞĞƐ'ĞƫŶŐĂ ĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐ Rate of ŽŵƉůĞƟŽŶ 2008-2009 3.069 62.448 39.647 ϲϯ͕ϰϵй 2009-2010 3.648 72.688 44.281 ϲϬ͕ϵϮй 2010-2011 6.159 123.210 95.811 ϳϳ͕ϳϲй 2011-2012 6.324 140.929 104.759 ϳϰ͕ϯϯй General Total 19.200 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¡¤¦¤ ¤ဓ¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ¡¤¨¦£¤¡££¤ 399.275 284.498 ϳϭ͕Ϯϱй 85 ¦¤¦¡££ 7.828 certificates in 68 fields were given in 2012 by KOMEK “Konya Metropolitan Municipality Vocational Courses” which is defined as “a planned, programmed and systematic method of education apart from formal education” and which is “an organization of adult education carried out with the principles of mass-education.” Information about KOMEK Vocational Course YEAR Number of Komek Courses 2011 17 Number of Komek Number of Komek Fields ŽƵƌƐĞƩĞŶĚĞĞƐ 6.743 dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐ'ŝǀĞŶ 50 6.439 2012 18 7.828 68 ¦¡ဓ¤¢¤¦¤® There are the following number of teacherages and Evening Art Schools in Konya and its districts. 7.828 Number of teacherages and evening art schools (2012-2013) Number of Teacherages and Evening Art School Konya and its districts 16 ¦¡ဓ¤¤£¤£¤¡¦¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ Total Bed Capacity City Centre 479 9.2.¡¦¤ Konya is one of the main centres of education and science in our country with the 5 universities, 2 of which are state universities. Current universities in Konya both meet the need of the city for more qualified people and contribute to scientific and technological education and activities of innovation. In Turkey Statistics Institute’s research called “Index about the Economic and Social Structure of Konya, 2012,” Konya was one of the first 5 in the list of the Number of Students and one of the first 4 in the list of the Number of Academicians and Graduate Students. Today, it has more than 93.000 students and 4.000 academicians. ǯoY YÇÇÇȋ͖͔͕͕Ǧ͖͔͕͖Ȍ Index Number of University Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree Students Total Number of Students Studying Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree Students dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨ,ŝŐŚĞƌĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ'ƌĂĚƵĂƚĞƐ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨWƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌƐĂƚhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƟĞƐ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞWƌŽĨĞƐƐŽƌƐĂƚhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƟĞƐ dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨĐĂĚĞŵŝĐŝĂŶƐĂƚhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƟĞƐ ¦¡ဓထ¬¦¤¤¤¢§¤§¡ထၺၸၹၺ 86 Turkey Konya Rank 813.580 21.554 5 4.112.687 74.387 5 496.794 15.554 4 16.783 513 4 9.257 279 4 118.839 3.824 4 À¦¨¡£¤® One of the 2 state universities in Konya, Selçuk University is the first university in Konya and was founded in 1975. It is carrying out educational activities at 55 units (faculty/institute/school) and 461 departments. It has a population of 2.641 academicians and 69.688 students. Selçuk University ranks the 9th among other state universities in terms of the number of international publications. Potential ơ schools in Selçuk University. Faculties at Selçuk University are some of the most competent faculties in our country. In the list of “Success Rate based on Academic Performance of Universities in 2011 Academic Year” by the URAP Research Laboratory founded by the Institute of Informatics at Middle East Technical University (METU), Selçuk University ranked the 4th among 125 universities in the field of Environment and Agriculture and the 10th in the field of Engineering. ơ Faculty Number Number of of Academicians Students Faculty Faculty of Economics and ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟǀĞƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶ Number of Students Number of Academicians 5060 81 2244 69 Faculty of Medicine 705 324 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨĞŶƟƐƚƌLJ 504 56 Faculty of Veterinary Science 1028 112 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 1048 65 Faculty of Literature 5409 139 Faculty of Engineering 7613 329 Faculty of Science 2760 150 Faculty of Architecture 688 51 Faculty of Agriculture 1721 119 Faculty of Health Science 1520 39 526 37 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨdĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 502 13 2541 54 Faculty of Art and Design - 7 326 3 278 24 Faculty of Fine Arts Faculty of Law Faculty of Management ¦¡ဓÀ¦¨¡£¤®¤¡¤ Faculty of Technology Ŵ¡¨¡£¤® It was founded as a state university (with the name of Konya University) in 2010. The university is carrying out educational activities in 14 units and 87 departments with 1.248 academicians and 20.475 students. At the end of 2011, Meram Faculty of Medicine in Selçuk ǡçº ǡ ǡç ơ ͖͚͖͔͕͗ǡç ǡ ç ǡº ǡº º ơ Faculty Number of Students Number of Academicians Faculty of Medicine 1172 646 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨĞŶƟƐƚƌLJ To be opened 8 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ Faculty of Science Faculty of Engineering 8667 235 To be opened 19 521 74 Faculty of Natural Sciences To be opened 9 Faculty of Aerospace To be opened 9 Faculty of Religion 2174 81 Faculty of Social and Human Sciences 654 64 Faculty of Tourism 227 17 0 1 State Conservatory School of Applied Sciences School of Foreign Languages To be opened 3 16 ¦¡ဓŴ¡¨¡£¤®¤¡¤ 87 ¨¨¡£¤® Mevlana University which was founded by Gevher Sultan Association of Education, Research, Health and Culture in 2009 is carrying out its educational activities with 5 faculties, 1 school and 3 institutes. In 27 programmes, there are 142 academicians and 2017 students. In 2013-2014 academic year, it will have students in the departments of Mechanical Engineering (English) and International Relations (English) if it is approved by the Board of Higher Education. Mevlana University Number of Academicians and Students Faculty Number of Students Number of Academicians Faculty of Medicine 149 35 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 804 50 Faculty of Law 103 9 34 6 Faculty of Engineering 290 22 Faculty of Health Service 242 16 Faculty of Social Sciences 378 2 Faculty of Science ¦¡ဓ¨¨¡£¤®¤¡¤ 17 2 Faculty of Management ¡¡¡¤¨¡£¤® Konya Chamber of Trade Karatay University founded by Konya Chamber of Trade Association of Education and Health in 2009 is carrying out its educational activities in 2 institutes, 4 faculties and Vocational Schools. The university has 20 departments, 106 academicians and 127 Ǧ ơ &ĂĐƵůƚLJ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨĐĂĚĞŵŝĐŝĂŶƐ 22 12 Faculty of Law 377 15 &ĂĐƵůƚLJŽĨĐŽŶŽŵŝĐƐĂŶĚĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟǀĞ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƐ 419 27 Faculty of Engineering 323 30 Faculty of Fine Arts sŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů^ĐŚŽŽůŽĨ:ƵƐƟĐĞ 64 /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞŽĨ^ŽĐŝĂů^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƐ 65 School of Foreign Languages 22 ¦¡ဓ¡¤¨¡£¤®¤¡¤ ¨¡£¤®¢¦¤§¡ ǡ ǡƤ ǡ Ƥ ǡ ǡ requirement of the 153rd Bylaw of 12.06.2013 dated and 6292 numbered Code and being subject to the provisions of 2547 numbered Law of Board of Higher Education. With; a) Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, b) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, c) Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, ç) Vocational School, d) Institute of Social Sciences, e) Institute of Sciences, 88 within the structure of the Rectorate, this newly founded university will be an important institution to increase the accumulation of food and agriculture knowledge of our city and country. Being on the same line with Wageningen University in Holland, Kyoto University in Japan and Dakota University in the USA, it will be a pioneering university of research on healthy food and life with ed ǡ ǤƤ Ƥ of healthy life ad food and studies on agriculture. General Statistics of Academicians and Students in Konya -2013 Name of University ^ĐŚŽŽůͬ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ &ĂĐƵůƚLJͬ Number of Departments Selçuk University 55 KTO-Karatay University Bölüm Akademisye ^ĂLJŦƐŦ ^ĂLJŦƐŦ Number of Number of Students Academicians 461 2641 7 Mevlana University 20 106 PŒƌĞŶĐŝ^ĂLJŦƐŦ 69.688 69688 1270 9 27 142 2017 N. Erbakan University 14 87 1248 20475 TOTAL 85 595 4137 93450 ¦¡ဓ¨¡£¤®¤¡¤£ဖၺၸၹၻ Distribution of Students and Academicians according to Units in Universities in Konya SECTOR HEALTH EDUCATION ManagementLawAdministrative Sciences-Social SciencesCommunicationTourism Technical Units (Engineering) Art Religion NAME OF FACULTY HOW MANY UNIVERSITIES HAVE THE DEPARTMENT Faculty Of Medicine 3 NUMBER OF STUDENTS NUMBER OF ACADEMICIANS 2.026 1.005 &ĂĐƵůƚLJKĨĞŶƟƐƚƌLJ 2 504 64 Faculty Of Health Sciences 3 1.762 64 Faculty Of Veterinary Science 1 1.028 112 &ĂĐƵůƚLJKĨĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 2 9.471 285 Faculty Of Science 3 2.777 171 &ĂĐƵůƚLJKĨsŽĐĂƟŽŶĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 1 1.048 65 &ĂĐƵůƚLJKĨdĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ 1 502 13 Faculty Of Literature 1 5.409 139 Faculty Of Management 2 360 9 Faculty Of Law 3 3.021 78 Faculty Of Economics Administrative Sciences 2 5.479 108 Faculty Of Human And Social Sciences 3 1.097 66 Faculty Of Communication 1 2.244 69 Faculty Of Tourism 1 227 17 Faculty Of Engineering 4 8.747 455 Faculty Of Agriculture 1 1.721 119 Faculty Of Architecture 1 688 51 Faculty Of Technology 1 278 24 Faculty Of Fine Arts 3 548 50 Faculty Of Art And Design 1 0 7 Faculty Of Religion 1 2.174 81 TOTAL NUMBER OF TOTAL NUMBER OF ACADEMICIANS 5.320 . 19.207 673 12.428 347 11.434 649 548 57 2.174 81 ^ĐŚŽŽůƐ͕sŽĐĂƟŽŶĂů^ĐŚŽŽůƐŶĚ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞƐ 42339 1085 42339 1085 TOTAL 93450 4137 93450 4137 ¤ There are 15 dormitories within the structure of the General Directorate of Higher Education Credits and Hostels Institution in Konya. These have a total capacity of 11.974 students with 7772 of them being in the city centre. Also, there are many private dormitories both in the city centre and around the university campus. Moreover, students can meet their accommodation, shopping and social needs in the District of Bosna Hersek which is right opposite Selçuk University. 89 Dormitories of Directorate of Higher Education Credits and Hostels Institution EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ ŝƟĞƐĂŶĚŝƐƚƌŝĐƚƐ ĂƉĂĐŝƚLJ ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ sĂĐĂŶƚĂƉĂĐŝƚLJ ŽƌŵŝƚŽƌŝĞƐ Konya (City Centre) 7 7772 6469 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ 1 520 502 ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ 1 592 587 ŽnjŬŦƌ 1 376 300 Çumra 1 248 232 ƌĞŒůŝ 2 892 252 <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦ 1 868 520 ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ 1 706 667 dŽƚĂů ϭϱ ϭϭϵϳϰ ϵϱϮϵ 1303 18 5 76 16 640 348 39 Ϯϰϰϱ ¦¡ဓ¤¤£¤£¤¦¤ထ¡¦¤ၺၸၹၺဖၺၸၹၻ 9.3. Ŷ® Konya is one of the most developed cities in Turkey in terms of innovational infrastructure. A well-functioning innovation ecosystem has been established in recent years. The relationship between public and private institutions and universities has been notably enhanced through the foundation of the Konya Teknokent. The Selcuk University Technology Development Zone (the Konya Teknokent) provides substantial support and opportunities for Ƭǡ Ƥ Ǥ ¡ဖ Ǧơ ƬǤ Moreover, it allocates lands/construction sites to organizations that aspire to construct their own buildings. In the Selcuk University ǡƬ Ǥơ operational services as housekeeping, security, heating, electric, water and gas distribution, Internet access, interphone system ơǢ ǡǡǢ services like technology marketing, patent registration, technological consultation, training, laboratories, clustering and access to financial resources, which are required in R&D activities; functions as an incubation place for entrepreneurs focused on advanced technology; mediates between R&D organizations and the universities in the city, namely Selcuk University, Necmettin Erbakan University, KTO Karatay University and Mevlana University so that the organizations can have access to the opportunities and ơǢ Ƭ ǡǡǡ Ǥ The firms in the Selcuk University Technology Development Zone are allowed to take advantage of seminar and meeting halls, convention centers, libraries, swimming pools, sports facilities, shopping malls, restaurants, cafeterias, cafes, a five-star hotel, a post ơ ǡ ǡ Ǥ In addition, they can employ the faculty members and students of Selcuk University as company executives, advisors or researchers and take advantage of the laboratories, the Internet, telephone switchboard in Selcuk University. Software and technology development firms in Konya are able to access qualified human force less expensively than those in cities like Istanbul and Ankara. According to the data on June 2012, there are 118 R&D and software development firms in the Konya Teknokent. The Distribution of the Entrepreneurs in Konya Teknokent by Area of Activity The Distribution of the Entrepreneurs in Konya Teknokent by Area of Activity 10% 2% Information Technologies 5% 7% 43% 14% Machinery-Mechatronics Biotechnology Electrics-Electronics 19% Environment-Energy Construction-Architecture Others 90 Thanks to the Project and Business Development Center (PIGEM), technology transfer, and other qualified support for entrepreǡơ ǡ public sector and industry. The Konya Teknokent PDJC has so far developed about 100 TUBITAK-TEYDEP (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-Department of Technology and Innovation Support Programs), KOSGEB-TEKMER (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization-Technology Development Centers) and TTGV (Technology Development Foundation of Turkey), R&D projects and more than 1000 Development Agency, DPT (The State Planning Organization) or EU projects on the cooperation among the three. Thanks to the R&D cooperation projects initiated by the Konya Teknokent, faculty members have been employed by the firms in the Konya Teknokent as researchers, advisors or company executives and university students as interns, assistant researchers or software developers. ơ Ǥǡơ ͖͔͔ ȋ͔͝Ȍ cooperation between universities and public sector or universities and industry. The PIGEM is one of the most successful technology ơ Ǥ The Technology Development Center, a department of KOSGEB, the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, is one of the most ơ Ƭ Ǥ The PIGEM provides production and service organizations inside and outside the Teknokent with the following services: Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ Ȉ ȋǦǡ ǡǦȏȐǡ͛ǡǡ Development Agencies, R&D support programs of the Ministries, etc.), ȋǡ ȏ ȐǡƬ nistries, EU, Development Agencies, FP7, etc.), zations can be solved, ǡ ǡǡ Ǧ ȋǡǡǡ ǡǡ Ȍ ve entrepreneurs until they have started their own companies, ȋǡǡǡ ǡǡ seed capital), ǡ Ǥ The firms in Konya have been constantly improving their abilities to develop and design original products as well as creating their own brands. The use of technology in production in Konya is much higher than the national average. Furthermore, the city ranks fifth, sixth and seventh in trademark registration, industrial design registration and patent registration respectively. There are a ơ ȀǤǡ Ǧ will operate in technological consultation and intellectual property rights management. 9.4. ¤¢ Within the scope of the cooperative project put into practice by Konya Metropolitan University, Konya Chamber of Industry, Konya Provincial Special Administration, Konya Directorate of Organized Industrial Zones, Selçuk Unversity, Konya Directorate of National Education and Konya Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, the largest Science Centre in Turkey is being founded in Konya. Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey is providing technical and financial support for the project. Konya Science Centre founded to train inquisitive, reformist and self-confident individuals for a knowledgeable society will appeal to children above 3, students, teachers and people of all ages. Konya Science Centre which is still being built will be opened in 2013. Turkey’s largest Science Centre, Konya Science Centre will cost 62 millions TL. Konya Metropolitan Municipality is building the building of Konya Science Centre covering an area f 26,248 m2 Ǥ oGǤ There will be a planetarium, observatory, exhibition halls, laboratories, and sections that introduce Konya’s culture in Konya Science Centre. The centre is expected to make direct and indirect contributions to the socioeconomic development of Konya. 91 10. 10.1. ¡ª Konya is one of the important health centres of our country. The number of beds for each 10 thousands of people is 32 in Konya, which is above the average number, 27 in Turkey. %2.8 of hospitals, %3.4 of doctors and %2.8 of beds in Turkey are in Konya. The city ͔͘ǡ͚͙͚͕͘͜Ǥ͖͕͘ơ͙͙͗͜ Ǥǯ its being an important centre of trade and thus providing health service to many other cities in the region have made it attractive to open many private hospitals in Konya. The city has increasingly become a more important centre of health. Because the city is an industrial centre and there is an increase in the regional demand for service sector, the city has attained a regional structure in terms of health service. The statistical data about preventive medicine and basic health service that indicate the rate of improvement in health is above the average in Turkey. Laboratory support has been provided for primary care service. Prior to the Project of Transition in Health, children were vaccinated against 7 types of illnesses while they are vaccinated against 12 types of illnesses today. All of these vaccinations are charge-free. These vaccinations have the standards of developed countries. Ǧ Indicators ZĂƚĞŽĨsĂĐĐŝŶĂƟŽŶ;dͲϯ͕йͿ Mother Mortality Rate (per 100 thousands) Infant Mortality Rate(per 1000) ဓÍÚÚÍÚ¤¢¤ၺၸၹၻဖၺၸၹၿ 92 2012 98 Last 5 Years 97 Target in 2013 99 23(Number:8) 18 8 10 (Number:371) 12 4 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¤¡¤¡¤ Number of Organ Transplantation Number of Organ Donors KƌŐĂŶdƌĂŶƐƉůĂŶƚĂƟŽŶĨƌŽŵĂĚĂǀĞƌ KƌŐĂŶdƌĂŶƐƉůĂŶƚĂƟŽŶĨƌŽŵůŝǀĞŽŶŽƌƐ dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨKƌŐĂŶdƌĂŶƐƉůĂŶƚĂƟŽŶ 2012 Last 5 Years 132 1519 14 45 7 21 21 66 ¦¡ဓ£¤¢®¤¤¢¤ထၺၸၹၻဖၺၸၹၿ 93 Service provided by institutions of Konya Ministry of Health and other institutions Details of service provided in hospitals dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨdžĂŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐ;^͕ϭ͘Ϯ͘ĂŶĚϰ͘ĂƐ͘DŝůůŝŽŶͿ ĂĞƐĂƌĞĂŶ;й͕ƚŽƚĂůͿ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨYƵĂůŝĮĞĚĞĚͬй;ƚŽƚĂůͿ dŽƚĂůEƵŵďĞƌŽĨĞĚƐ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ ĞĚƐƉĞƌϭϬ͘ϬϬϬƉĞŽƉůĞ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ ĞĚƐĨŽƌƵƌŶŝŶŐƐ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ ĚƵůƚ/ŶƚĞŶƐŝǀĞĂƌĞ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ ŚŝůĚ/ŶƚĞŶƐŝǀĞĂƌĞ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ EĞǁďŽƌŶ/ŶƚĞŶƐŝǀĞĂƌĞ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ DZEƵŵďĞƌ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ dEƵŵďĞƌ;D,ͬdŽƚĂůͿ h^'EƵŵďĞƌ;^ͬdŽƚĂůͿ Dental Unit Number (SB) ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¤ဓ£¤¢®¤ 2012 16 ϰϰͬϭϱϱϮϮ ϭϰϲϮͬϰϭ ϯϱϵϭͬϲϳϯϲ ϭϳͬϯϯ ϱϬͬϱϲ ϮϮϳͬϱϬϭ ϲͬϲ ϳϵͬϭϵϲ ϲͬϮϰ ϭϮͬϯϳ ϰϵͬϭϬϮ 194 10.2. ¤£¤¤§¤£ Karatay Provincial Hospital that has 848 beds (420 beds for general hospital, 424 beds for Birth and Child Hospital) appeals to Konya and the whole region. Of 708 pharmacies in Konya, 414 are in the city centre and 294 are in districts. 10.2.1. ¦¡¢¤£¤¤§¤£¤ TYPE OF INSTITUTION TURKEY Number of Hospitals KONYA 1453 40 840 25 65 4 503 11 45 - Number of Bed 194504 6568 Ministry of Health 121297 3578 University 34802 2276 Private 31642 714 6757 - 27 32 Ministry of Health University Private Other Public Other Public Number of Bed per 10.000 People ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¤ ,ĞĂůƚŚ/ŶƐƚŦƚƵŦŽŶƐ 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 3 29 8 197 249 5 5 708 9 11 3 0 0 PRIVATE EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂůƐ 0 0 Wh>7 EƵŵďĞƌŽĨĞĚƐŝŶ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂůƐ 0% 27% 35% University 63% 10% Private Min. Of. Health 94 54% University Private 11% Min. Of Health Number Of Hospital Beds Per Ten Thousand Turkey 27 Konya 32 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 In Konya, there are a total of 439 dental units, 194 of which are in Ministry of Health, 183 of which are in universities, 62 of which are in private hospitals and dental policlinics. University and private sector have great contributions in this respect. In order to increase ơ ǡȋ͚͔Ȍ of investments. A tender of this project will take place in 2013. Current Situation of Health Centres (2013) Health Unit Ministry of Health University Private Hospital 20 4 11 Integrated Hospital 5 - - Mouth and Dental Health Centre 3 - - Family Health Centre 197 - - Health Centre 249 - - Policlinic Maternal and Infant other Child Health and AP Centre Tuberculosis Control Dispensary ĞŶƚƌĞͬWŽůŝĐůŝŶŝĐŽĨDŽƵƚŚĞŶƚĂů Health Pharmacy ĞŶƚƌĞƐŽĨƐƐŝƐƚĞĚZĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ Treatment ĞŶƚƌĞƐŽĨ'ĞŶĞƟĐƐ 10 3 5 - - 5 - - 3 - - - - 708 1 1 3 - 1 1 Private Medical Centres - - 5 Private Field Centre - - 6 Private Dental Policlinic - - 9 Doctor’s Clinic - - 42 - 186 Dental Doctor’s Clinic ¦¡ဓ£¤¢®¤ 10.2.2. ¤§¤¡¨¤¤£¤¤§¤£ Intensive demand in health sector in recent years has prompted private sector. Health institutions that provide service all around Turkey have turned towards Konya. Thus, ultramodern hospitals have started to serve in Konya. The increases in the number of qualified beds and the application of modern medicine in world standards have increased the quality of service. While the number of qualified beds has increased in both state and private hospitals in Konya within the balance of supply-demand, the level targeted has not been reached yet. Because Konya provides service for other cities in the region and there is a big demand for treatment, a larger number of qualified beds and hospitals are needed. In these hospitals, there are also a centre of burn treatments, centre of hyperbaric oxygen, units of new-borns and units of intensive treatment. Also, there is demand for physical treatment and rehabilitation in places where there are geothermal water sources. The current Organ Transplantation Centre needs to be strengthened. With new investments in all these areas, Konya will be an important health centre not only in the region but also all around Turkey. Thus, it can also reach better levels in health tourism. 95 In Konya The Capacity of Bed in Private Hospitals 120 106 100 80 82 75 60 60 40 45 27 20 42 38 41 17 0 10.3. ¤§¤¤¤Ń In the city, there are 3558 doctors in total. Each doctor has 576 patients while each nurse has 387 patients. The number of doctors per 10.000 people is 17 and the number of nurses per 10.000 people is 26. In 2023, the number of doctors per 10.000 people is targeted to be 24 while the number of nurses per 10.000 people is targeted to be 40. ơ POSITION OF STAFF TURKEY KONYA EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ,ĞĂůƚŚ^ƚĂī 460966 14241 Specialist Physician 66064 1748 WƌĂĐƟĐŝŶŐWŚLJƐŝĐŝĂŶ 39712 1009 Assistant Physician 20253 801 Total Number of Physician 129029 3558 ĞŶƟƐƚ 21099 518 Pharmacist 26089 777 Nurse Midwife EƵŵďĞƌŽĨKƚŚĞƌ,ĞĂůƚŚ^ƚĂī ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¤ 124982 3820 51905 1480 110862 4088 Distribution of Health Staff According to Sectors 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ministry of Health Universite Specialist Physicion Private Ministry of Health Primary Care Physicion Dentist Universite Private Mia wife-Nurse ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¤ထ¡¤¡©£ၹၹ¡ၺၸၹၻ¤¨ª¡£¦¦¡ဓ£¤¢®¤ထၺၸၹၹ¤¤¤£¤£¡ Since 2013, 580 Family Physicians have been working. The system of family practice centre was started on 14 June 2010. Each physician has been given a room and more qualified rooms of examination 96 ¤¤¤Ń ơǢơ ǡ ǡ of Health Sciences and Vocational High Schools of Health with the support of private entrepreneurs. Also, there are 12 Vocational High Schools of Health in Konya. ǣ There are Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Health Sciences. ǣThere are Faculty of Medicine and Vocational School of Health Services. Necmettin Erbakan University: There is a Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Dentistry and Health Sciences will be opened in 2013. ǣThere are 10 state and 2 privately run vocational high schools of health in Konya. In order to meet the demands for more qualified workers, there is an increased demand by students. 10.4. ¤¡¤¡©£ G 2013 (March)* EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ^ƚĂƟŽŶƐ 59 WŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶƉĞƌ^ƚĂƟŽŶ;džϭϬϬϬͿ 34 EƵŵďĞƌŽĨŵďƵůĂŶĐĞƐ;D,ͬWƌŝǀĂƚĞͿ Total Number of Cases (X1000) ĂƐĞƐĂƌƌŝĞĚďLJWůĂŶĞͬ,ĞůŝĐŽƉƚĞƌ Rate of Access to Urban Cases in First 10 Minutes Rate of Access to Rural Cases in First 30 Minutes ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¤ၐၺၸၹၺ¤¡န ϭϮϱͬϮϲ 122* ϱͬϭϵϱΎ 91* 93* In Konya, there are 106 NMRT (National Medical Rescue Team) volunteers, 17 of whom are physicians. Emergency Health Service Vehicle Fleet Ambulances 118 Emergency Aid Ambulances 2 fully equipped 4x4 Ambulances with Snow Palettes 2 Ambulances of Multiple Patients (4 stretchered) 1 Intensive Care Ambulance 2 Motorcycle Ambulances Other 3 4x4 NMRT Vehicles 1 Mobile Command Vehicle 1 Mobile Role vehicle ¡£¡¤ The number of people diagnosed with “cancer” in our city is 2881. The number of people who provide training on cancer is 25.952 while the number of people examined by public institutions and Ketem is 77.994. The Guideline called “Procedures and Principles of Patient Satisfaction in the Treatment of Cancer, Mobilization of Oncology Patients in Case of Need, Meeting Personal Medical Needs in Konya” was prepared in March, 2011. ¦£ In Konya House of Hope, people diagnosed with cancer, treated for cancer or subject to home for long periods due to treatment and Ǥƪ ǡ bedroom, bathroom and WC. During the process of treatment, patients can stay for as long as they want and when their treatment is over, they are taken to their house by service cars. Service is CHARGE-FREE in House of Hope. ¡££¡¤¢¡¡ ǦǤ ͗ ͗ ơ related examinations in KETEM. ¦¤¤¢ ȋGȌ cooperation of Universities (Necmettin Erbakan University, Selçuk University) is being planned with a vision to serve not only the city but also the whole regions. The biggest advantage of simulation centres is that they teach necessary skills for attempts in virtual environments close to reality with models and tools before application on real patients. In this way, damage to the patient during a medical attempt can be minimized. 97 Dialysis Services /ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ Number of centres Number of Device Number of WĂƟĞŶƚƐhŶĚĞƌ Treatment WƌŽƉŽƌƟŽŶŽĨ WĂƟĞŶƚͬĞǀŝĐĞ Specialist Physician WƌĂĐƟĐŝŶŐ Physician Nurse 14 123 322 Ϯ͕ϲ 9 13 51 Ministry of Health University 4 58 150 Ϯ͕ϱ 4 2 24 11 302 1158 ϯ͕ϴ 11 20 90 Total 29 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¤ 483 1640 ϯ͕ϰ 24 35 165 Private Number of Staff Providing Dialysis Service 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ministry of Health University Specialist Physician Special Practicing Physician Nurse ơ ͘ ¦¡ဓ£¤¢®¤¨¡£¤®¡¨¤ 10.5. ¤¨£¤¤£ဖ¨£¤¤ Ongoing Investment Health Complex Capacity ^ƚĂƌƟŶŐĂŶĚ&ŝŶŝƐŚŝŶŐ Date /ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƚŽ/ŶǀĞƐƚ Amount of Investment Numune Hospital 500 bed 2012-2015 dK<7 89444 ŬƔĞŚŝƌ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 200 bed 2010-2013 dK<7 21726 ƌĞŒůŝ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 200 bed 2011-2014 dK<7 24450 /ůŐŦŶ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 100 bed 2011-2014 dK<7 14975 ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 75 bed 2011-2014 dK<7 9243 Bozkir State Hospital 50 bed 2011-2014 dK<7 10254 <ĂƌĂƉŦŶĂƌ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 50 bed 2011-2014 dK<7 8400 Çumra State Hospital 50 bed 2011-2014 dK<7 8818 AMATEM Centre 21 bed 2011-2013 HS 100 112 Command Control Centre 2011-2014 7P 2891 ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌmĕƉŦŶĂƌ,ĞĂůƚŚ,ŽƵƐĞ 2011-2013 7P 94 Emirgazi Demirci Health House 2011-2013 7P 100 10.6. ¡¥£¬£ Closed and open sports areas, halls, complexes and clubs in many branches of sports within the structure of Provincial Directorate of Youth Welfare and Sports provide service for people in Konya. There are also many sports complexes and sports halls in service within the structure of Municipality, Universities and Private Sector. 98 Provincial Directorate of Youth Welfare and Sports Number of Sports Complexes Type of Complex Number &ŽŽƚďĂůůĮĞůĚ 54 Sports hall 20 Trap Skeet 6 Tennis court 6 Stadium 4 Swimming pool 2 ƚŚůĞƟĐƐƚƌĂĐŬ 1 Bicycle velodrome 1 Drag track 1 Youth centre 1 Social complexes 1 Scout house 1 Total ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¦¤¡¡¥£ဖ£ 98 Provincial Centre of Sports Number of Sporters, 2012 Branch ƚŚůĞƟĐƐ Badminton Basketball 'LJŵŶĂƐƟĐƐ Wrestling Dumbbells Judo Karate Table tennis Taekwondo Tennis Volleyball Swimming Total ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¦¤¡¡¥£ဖ£ EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ^ƉŽƌƚĞƌƩĞŶĚĞĞƐ 96 85 400 432 81 28 120 182 102 400 226 249 1449 3850 Information about the Number of National Sporters, 2012 Branch Bicycle Wrestling Handball Hockey Hearing Impaired ƚŚůĞƟĐƐ 'LJŵŶĂƐƟĐƐ Fencing Kick-box Judo Taekwondo Dumbbells Special Sporters Visually Impaired Male 14 7 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 Female 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 1 4 2 1 1 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¦¤¡¡¥£ဖ£ There were 69 national sporters within the structure of Konya Provincial Directorate of Youth Welfare in 2012. Also, 60047 sporters attended 2301 activities fro of which were international activities in 2012. 99 2012 Club Information Type of Club Number Club of Youth and Sports Sports Club ^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĂƟŽŶ^ƉŽƌƚƐůƵď 183 183 6 2012 Number of Activities Number of Number of Sporter EĂŵĞŽĨĐƟǀŝƚLJ Number Members ƩĞŶĚĞĞƐ 1281 &ĞĚĞƌĂƟŽŶĐƟǀŝƚLJ 125 7511 1281 WƌŽǀŝŶĐŝĂůĐƟǀŝƚLJ 2172 51985 52 /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůĐƟǀŝƚLJ 4 551 ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¦¤¡¡¥£ဖ£ ª¤¦ Konya which has the largest sports complex in Turkey and the most modern stadium in Anatolia and which is a city of history, culture, agriculture, tourism, science and tolerance will be mentioned as a “city of sports” from now on. Olympic Village and New Konya Stadium, the largest sports complex of Turkey in comply with the criteria of UEFA and covering an area of 400 thousands m2 with a capacity of 42 thousands spectators is being built within the borders of Selçuklu District. The complex is going to carry the magnificent history of the city to today. The prior target of the project is to provide a living space and then a place of doing and watching sports. Konya is trying to be young city of sports where the youth is closer to football field and sports areas. 11. 11.1. £¤¤ In the end of 2012, Licensing Process to the following Firms was performed within the scope of Gathering, Transmitting, Temporarily Storing, Recycling and Eliminating by Firms according to environment regulations. The Recycling and Eliminating are carried out by the same firms. 2012 WASTE MANAGEMENT Packing waster Waste Vegetable Oil 4 Waste Oil Number of Firms Licensed for Removing 4 Number of Licensed Complexes of Recycling 12 Expired Tyres Number of Vehicles Licensed for Removing 6 EƵŵďĞƌŽĨDƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůŝƟĞƐĂƉƉƌŽǀŝŶŐDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ Plan 5 Number of Recycling Complex 2 Number of Recycling Complexes 6 Number of Recycling Complex 1 Number of Firms Approved for Temporary Storage 1 13 tĂƐƚĞĂƩĞƌŝĞƐĂŶĚ Accumulators Number of Licensed Vehicles Removing Dangerous Waster 15 Number of Firms Licensed for Removing Waste Accumulator 2 Number of Firms Approved for Dangerous Waste Plan 95 Number of Vehicles Licensed for Removing 2 Number of Recycling Complex 1 EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ^ƚĞƌŝůŝƐĂƟŽŶŽŵƉůĞdž 1 Number of Firms Approved for Temporary Storage 3 Number of Licensed Firms 5 4 Number of Vehicles Licensed for Removing 5 EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ&ŝƌŵƐZĞŐƵůĂƟŶŐŽĐƵŵĞŶƚƐĨŽƌ Gathering and Dividing 10 Number of Recycling Complex 4 Number of Firms Licensed for Removing 13 Number of Vehicles Licensed for Removing Medical Waste Safe Waste ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¨¡¤¡ The Amount of waste which was sent to recycling in 2012 The Amount of medical waste which was sent to sterilization(kg) 20.731.803 12.409.661 6.890.350 PACKING WASTE 100 3 Number of Licensed Complexes of Gathering and Dividing EƵŵďĞƌŽĨ&ŝƌŵƐ'Ğƫ ŶŐZĞŵŽǀĂů>ŝĐĞŶƐĞ Dangerous Waster Number of Recycling Complex DANGEROUS EXPIRED TYRES WASTE 1.777.578 1.565.849 327.513 69.569 MEDICAL WASTE WASTW BATTERIES WASTE OIL WASTE VEGETABLE OIL 11.2. ¤£¤¤¡ 20 waste water purification plant serve a population of 1.323.101 people in Konya. Also, the waste water purification plant in Konya Organized Industrial Zone serves fro 510 plants with a capacity of 7.000 m³/day. ç͚͔Ǥ͔͙͘ ç 40.824 people. Ƥ No District DƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůŝƚLJͬZĞŐŝŽŶ DƵŶŝĐŝƉĂůŝƚLJWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶŝŶƚŚĞƐĐŽƉĞ ŽĨƚŚĞWƵƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶWůĂŶƚ ĂƉĂĐŝƚLJŽĨWƵƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶWůĂŶƚ 3.328 3.636 62.054 35.872 15.966 98663 4.737 31.828 13.603 1.107.886 22.844 40.824 2.285 1440 4.451 1295 842 1.407 754 1338 2603 2.125 2.070 1.461.851 623 200 10.500 18.662 1.500 19.656 410 4.320 1.296 200.000 15.000 8.000 210 150 75 200 100 300 100 200 476 250 250 282.478 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Akören Akören ůƨŶĞŬŝŶ ůƨŶĞŬŝŶ ŬƔĞŚŝƌ ŬƔĞŚŝƌ;7ŚĂůĞͿ ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ Cihanbeyli Cihanbeyli ƌĞŒůŝ ƌĞŒůŝ 'ƺŶĞLJƐŦŶŦƌ 'ƺŶĞLJƐŦŶŦƌ /ůŐŦŶ /ůŐŦŶ <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦ <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦ Konya ƺLJƺŬƔĞŚŝƌ Kulu Kulu ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ;7ŚĂůĞͿ Kulu Zincirlikuyu Selçuklu ĂƔĂƌĂŬĂǀĂŬ Selçuklu Tepekent ŬƔĞŚŝƌ Yazla ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ ĂLJĂǀƔĂƌ Derebucak ĂŵůŦŬ ŽŒĂŶŚŝƐĂƌ Konakkale /ůŐŦŶ Beykonak /ůŐŦŶ zƵŬĂƌŦŝŒŝů Selçuklu ^ŦnjŵĂ Cihanbeyli Günyüzü TOTAL ¦¡ဓ¡¨¡¤¡¤¨¡¤¡ Number of people benefiting from purification plants in the province of Konya 29% 67% 4% The number of people who couldn't ger Service 590.430 Planned(tendering stage)102.878 The number of people who got service 1.358.973 11.3. ££¤¤¡¦¡Ŋ¤¤ The goal of Konya Waste Water Purification Plant is to purify waste water in Konya in comply with human and environment health and to provide safe environmental conditions with discharged and purified water and purification mud to be stabilized. Thanks to the plant becoming partly active on 16.06.2009; There will be important contributions to the conditions of human and environment health around Salt Lake with the Keçi Channel through which waste water is discharged. Also, at least 50 million m³ of irrigation water will be produced. With 2 MW/hour electrical energy obtained from biogas produced by anaerobic corrosives, an important amount of energy will be saved for certain foundations. Stabilised mud from the plant can be used as agricultural fertiliser and fro the improvement of soil. 101 III. 102 NEW INCENTIVES SYSTEM General Incentive Implementation Regional Incentive Implementations Promotion of Large Scale Investments Promotion of Strategic Investments x VAT Exemption x VAT Exemption x VAT Exemption x VAT Exemption x Customs Duty Exemption x Customs Duty Exemption x Customs Duty Exemption x Customs Duty Exemption x Tax Reduction x Tax Reduction x Tax Reduction x Support for Employer’s Insurance Premium x Support for Employer’s Insurance Premium x Support for Employer’s Insurance Premium x Allocation of Investment Area x Allocation of Investment Area x Allocation of Investment Area x Interest Support x Insterest Support x VAT Return 1. Konya is included in the second region in incentives system. The investments to be realized in Konya shall benefit from general, regional, big scale and strategic investment incentives in accordance with the minimum fixed investment cost, rate and duration of the 2nd region. 1.1. ¡¤¨££¤ This is out of the scope of any investment issues which shall not be supported and not meeting the foreseen incentive requirements and comprises all investments to be made in Konya that are over one million Turkish Liras; » VAT exemption » Customs Duty Exemption incentives can be benefited. 103 103 1.2. ¤¨££¤ Any investments to be realized in Konya within the coverage of regional incentives shall benefit from the incentives given in the below table if such investments meet the minimum fixed investment amount requirement. Any investment to be made in Konya with following features shall benefit incentives as follows; 1- If the investment is in Organized Industrial Zone or if it is an investment that shall provide integration in the common activities by an investor which is constituted of at least five partners of real or legal entities who are active in the same field then such an investment shall benefit from 3rd Region supports with respect to tax discount and Employer’s Insurance Premium supports. 2- If the subject is included in prior investment issues, then shall benefit from 5th region supports. Incentives and Supports for Industrial Investments in Konya Province 2ND REGION SUPPORT ELEMENTS VAT EXEMPTION CUSTOMS TAX EXEMPTION ZĂƚĞŽĨŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŝŶ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ;йͿ hŶƟůϯϭ͘ϭϮ͘ϮϬϭϯ ZĞĚƵĐƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ;йͿ TAX REDUCTION As of 01.01.2014 ZĂƚĞŽĨŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŝŶ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ;йͿ ZĞĚƵĐƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ;йͿ ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚƵƌĂƟŽŶ SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYER’S SOCIAL SECURITY PREMIUM SHARE hŶƟůϯϭ͘ϭϮ͘ϮϬϭϯ ZĂƚĞŽĨŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŝŶ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ;йͿ ZĞĚƵĐƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ;йͿ As of 01.01.2014 ZĂƚĞŽĨŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŝŶ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ;йͿ WITHIN OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ OUT OF OIZ WITHIN OIZ 20 25 55 60 15 20 40 50 3 years 5 years 15 20 3 years 15 20 ¦¡ဓ¨¨¤®ª¤¨£¡¥ၺၸၹၺ Ƥ Sector Code Usd 97tl ^ĞĐƚŽƌƐƚŽďĞŶĞĮƚZĞŐŝŽŶĂů/ŶĐĞŶƟǀĞƐ 2nd Region Minimum Fixed Investment Amount Stockbreeding Investments including Integrated Brood Stock Breeding Investments 1 Milyon TL ƋƵĂĐƵůƚƵƌĞ;/ŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐdŝĚĚůĞƌĂŶĚWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶͿ 1 Million TL &ŽŽĚĂŶĚĞǀĞƌĂŐĞWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 2 Million TL ^ƵŝƚĐĂƐĞ͕ŚĂŶĚͲďĂŐĂŶĚůĞĂƚŚĞƌĐƌĂŌ͕ƐŚŽĞƐĞƚĐ͘ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 1 Million TL 20 WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶŽĨtŽŽĚ͕ǁŽŽĚĞŶƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĂŶĚĐŽƌŬƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ;ĞdžĐůƵĚŝŶŐĨƵƌŶŝƚƵƌĞͿ͖ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶŽĨƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐŵĂĚĞďLJŬŶŝƫŶŐ ŽĨƌĞĞĚ͕ƐƚƌĂǁĂŶĚƐŝŵŝůĂƌŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ 3 Milyon TL 10 21 WĂƉĞƌĂŶĚWĂƉĞƌWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 11 24 ŚĞŵŝĐĂůDĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐĂŶĚWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 24 2695.1 27 ϮϳϮϬ͕Ϯϳϯ 28 28 Metal Goods 3 Million TL 30 29 DĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJĂŶĚƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 3 Million TL 32 30 KĸĐĞ͕ĐĐŽƵŶƟŶŐĂŶĚ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞƐDĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJ WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 3 Million TL 1 ϬϭϮϭ͕ϬϮϮ͘Ϯ 2 0500.0.04 3 15 8 ϭϵϭϮ͕ϭϵϮϬ 9 104 WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶŽĨŽŶĐƌĞƚĞWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐĨŽƌƚŚĞƉƵƌƉŽƐĞŽĨ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ĂƐŝĐDĞƚĂů/ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ͕DĞƚĂůĂƐƟŶŐ/ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJĞdžĐůƵĚŝŶŐ/ƌŽŶΘ Steel 10 Million TL 3 Million TL 3 Million TL 3 Million TL 33 31 ůĞĐƚƌŝĐĂůDĂĐŚŝŶĞƌLJĂŶĚƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 3 Million TL 34 32 35 33 36 34 38 ϯϱϵϭ͕ϯϱϵϮ 40 361 41 ϱϱϭϬ͘ϭ͘Ϭϭ͕ ϱϱϭϬ͘ϭ͘ϬϮ͕ ϱϱϭϬ͘ϯ͘ϬϮ͕ ϱϱϭϬ͘ϱ͘ϬϮ͕ ϱϱϭϬ͘ϱ͘Ϭϰ͕ Oteller 42 5510.3.01 Student Hostels 43 6302.0.01 Cold Storage Services 44 6302.0.01 Licensed Storage 2 Million TL 45 80 (809 excl.) ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ;/ŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐWƌĞƐĐŚŽŽůƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐďƵƚĞdžĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶŽĨĞůĚĞƌƐĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐͿ 1 Million TL 46 ϴϱϭϭ͘Ϭ͘ϬϭͲϬϱ͕ Hospital Investments ϴϱϭϭ͘Ϭ͘ϵϵ͕ 8531.0.01-03 Nursing Home ZĂĚŝŽ͕dĞůĞǀŝƐŝŽŶĂŶĚŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚĂŶĚĞǀŝĐĞƐ WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ DĞĚŝĐĂůĞǀŝĐĞƐ͕^ĞŶƐŝƟǀĞĂŶĚKƉƟĐdŽŽůƐWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ Motor Land Vehicles 3 Million TL 1 Million TL 50 Million TL Motor Land Vehicles Sub-industry 3 Million TL DŽƚŽƌĐLJĐůĞĂŶĚŝĐLJĐůĞWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ 3 Million TL &ƵƌŶŝƚƵƌĞWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ;džĐůƵĚŝŶŐƚŚĞŽŶĞƐŵĂĚĞŽĨŽŶůLJƉůĂƐƟĐͿ 3 Million TL 3 stars and over 100 students 1000 m2 1 Million TL 100 persons 48 Waste Recycling or Disposal Plants 49 ŽĂů'ĂƐWƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ;^LJŶŐĂƐͿ 1 Million TL 50 Million TL 50 Greenhousing ¦¡ဓ¨¨¤®ª¤¨£¡¥ၺၸၹၺ 40 decare ͗Ǧ ƬǡƤǡ interest support. 1.3. ¤¨£¤¡¡¨£¤¤£ Any investments to be made in Konya that are about investment issues as indicated in incentive system for large scale investments and which have the minimum fixed investment cost determined by the Ministry shall benefit from the below given supports. SUPPORT ELEMENTS 2nd REGION VAT EXEMPTION CUSTOMS DUTY EXEMPTION hŶƟůϯϭ͘ϭϮ͘ϮϬϭϯ ZĂƚĞŽĨŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŝŶ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ;йͿ ZĞĚƵĐƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ;йͿ OUT OF OIZ 30 WITHIN OIZ 35 OUT OF OIZ 55 WITHIN OIZ 60 OUT OF OIZ 25 WITHIN OIZ 30 OUT OF OIZ 40 WITHIN OIZ 50 TAX REDUCTION As of 01.01.2014 ZĂƚĞŽĨŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŝŶ /ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ;йͿ ZĞĚƵĐƟŽŶƌĂƚĞ;йͿ 105 ͕͗Ǥ͕͖Ǥ͖͔͕͗ ǯ ͔͕Ǥ͔͕Ǥ͖͔͕͘ 3 years 5 years ȋΨȌ 5 8 ȋΨȌ 3 years 5 8 1.4. ¤¨£¤¡¤¢¤¨£¤¤£ Any investments meeting the requirements of incentive system for strategic investments shall benefit from the same supports in ͚Ǥơ for investments with respect to conditions of use, minimum investment costs, support elements and duration. SUPPORT ELEMENTS ALL REGIONS VAT EXEMPTION CUSTOMS DUTY EXEMPTION ŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶZĂƚĞŝŶ/ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ TAX REDUCTION ;йͿ Support to Employer’s Social Period of Support Insurance Premium ϱϬй 7 YEARS (10 YEARS IN THE 6th REGION) ALLOCATION OF INVESTMENT AREA VAT Return Interest Support Support for Income Tax Stoppage Support for Employee Share in Insurance Premium ¦¡ဓ¨¨¤®ª¤¨£¡¥ၺၸၹၺၺ &ŽƌďƵŝůĚŝŶŐĂŶĚĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶĐŽƐƚƐŽĨŝŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚƐƚŽƚŚĞ amount over 500 Million TL Minimum up to 50 Million TL providing that not to exceed ϱйŽĨƚŚĞ/ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚŽƐƚ 10 years only for the investments in the 6th Region 10 years only for the investments in the 6th Region 2. ¦¡¨¤ှဿ¡¢ Within the scope of the IPARD Program, there are three precautions and 10 sub-precautions in Konya. The first one is milk and meat production, which is focused on processing and advertising meat, milk, fruit, vegetable and water. The second one is modern agricultural activities, which focus on beekeeping and honey production, and production of medical and aromatic plants and ornamental plants. The last one includes activities for developing rural tourism, culture fishing, handicrafts and local products. All these activities are supported with donations ranging from 50% to 65% depending on positive discrimination standards like age and highlands. Within the scope of the IPARD Program, construction works and purchase of machinery/equipment are supported in all precautions. Furthermore, the support also covers the expenditures on project planning like consultation services, architecture services and system certification consultation. The purchase of living animals, tractors and expenditures on lands are excluded from the support. Konya is the only city in Turkey that can be supported within the scope of all the precautions of the IPARD Program. Half of the TL 500.000 to be spent on Rural Economic Investments is supported through donations. The economic investments to be support are; The economic investments to be support are; Investments related to processing, storage and packaging of agricultural products for new facility or existing facilities in order to increase capacity building and to renovate technology or completion of unfinished facilities. Investments for building of greenhouses in which use alternative energy sources or power plant for alternative energy to be used in agricultural facilities, (Alternative energy means for geothermal, biogas, solar and wind power. For the alternative energy investments new facilities or existing greenhouses but integrated with alternative energy to be support.) Investments for building mass-pressure (drip and sprinkler) irrigation systems. 106 3. State Support for Activities that can Increase Exportation and Bring in Foreign Exchange Support by the Development Agencies R&D Support TAGEM (The General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies) Agricultural R&D Project Support TUBITAK-TEYDEP (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-Department of Technology and Innovation Support Programs) Industrial R&D Support 1501-TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Industrial R&D Projects Support Program 1505- TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) University-Industry Cooperation Support Program 1507-TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) SME R&D Start-up Support Program 1509- TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) International Industrial R&D Projects Support Program (EUREKE, Eurostars) 1511- TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Priority Areas R&D and Innovation Projects Support Program 1512- TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Individual Entrepreneurship Progressive Support Program R&D Support by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology SANTEZ Industrial Thesis Support Program Technological Entrepreneurs Capital Support Program Pre-Competition cooperation Support Program TTGV (Technology Development Foundation of Turkey) R&D and Environment Supports KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization) support for the SMEs SME Project Support Program Thematic Project Support Program Cooperation and Collaboration Support Program R&D, Innovation and Industrial Practice Support Program General Support Program Entrepreneurship Support Program SME Support Program for Emerging Companies Market Rate for Loans Support Reductions, Exemptions, Supports and Incentives provided for R&D Activities under the Law no 5746 Reductions and Supports provided for R&D Activities under the Law number 4691 “Technology Development Zones” EU Seventh Framework Program Support Cooperation Special Program Ideas Special Program Person Support Special Program Capacities Special Program 4. ȋȌǣ ơ ơ business community and supports every phase of investments to be made in Turkey ȋȌơ The Mevlana Development Agency (MEVKA), as one of the 26 development agencies in Turkey, was founded pursuant to Law No. 5449 on the Establishment, Co-ordination and Duties of Development Agencies and operates in the TR52 (Konya and Karaman) Level 2 Region. The Agency continues its activities under the overall co-ordination of the Ministry of Development. In order to create a favourable investment environment, the Agency organises provincial investment advisory group meetings consisting of representatives of relevant institutions and organisations which the Agency coǤ ơ introducing regional investment opportunities to delegations from overseas to the region. INFORMATION ON PROJECTS SUPPORTED IN THE REGION YEAR 2009 2010 PROGRAMME Small-Scale Infrastructure FSP NUMBER OF SUPPORTED PROJECTS PROGRAMME BUDGET (TL) 12 7.000.000 Rural Development FSP 46 3.000.000 Social Development FSP 79 5.000.000 Economic Development FSP 76 15.000.000 Technical Support Programme 94 825.528 107 ŝƌĞĐƚKƉĞƌĂƟŶŐ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ 36 1.664.185 101 1.000.000 ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚŽĨŽŵƉĞƟƟǀĞŶĞƐƐŝŶ Economic Enterprises FSP 62 11.500.000 Rural Development FSP 37 3.500.000 Konya Guided (BIM) 1 4.000.000 <ĂƌĂŵĂŶ'ƵŝĚĞĚ;/b'DͿ 1 1.000.000 37 398.000 1 6.000.000 0 6.000.000 0 14.000.000 Technical Support Programme 2011 Technical Support Programme 'ƵŝĚĞĚWƌŽũĞĐƚ;DDͿ Tourism Directed SSI FSP 2012 ;ǀĂůƵĂƟŽŶ^ƚĂŐĞͿ ŶŚĂŶĐŝŶŐƚŚĞŽŵƉĞƟƟǀĞŶĞƐƐŽĨƚŚĞ Region FSP ŝƌĞĐƚKƉĞƌĂƟŶŐ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ 2013 'ƵŝĚĞĚWƌŽũĞĐƚ;ŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶĂŶĚdžƉŽ TOPLAM 0 350.000 1 2.000.000 58 82.237.713 ¦¡ဓ Ǧ ÜThe TKDK was founded to ensure the realisation of activities for the implementation of rural development programmes from funds provided to our country by the EU and international organisations. ȋȌƥ The Konya Plains Project (KOP) is one of the most important regional development projects that are being implemented in our country. Turkey’s first formal irrigation project to meet the irrigation needs of Konya is implemented by the State Hydraulic Works (DSI) and is in summary called the Konya Plains Projects or in short KOP. ǡ ǡ ǡ º provinces, the Konya Plains Project (KOP) Regional Development Agency attached to the Ministry of Economy was established with Decree Law No. 642 of 8 June 2011. With the establishment of the Konya Plains Project Regional Development Agency, KOP was transformed into a regional development project. The founding objective of the KOP Agency is to co-ordinate on-site KOP implementations; execute the necessary investments, research, planning, programming, project planning, monitoring, evaluation and co-ordination activities and thereby accelerate the development of the regions concerned with these projects. One of the duties of the Agency is to undertake, or have it undertaken, research, studies, projects and analysis of the areas potential for development, challenges and opportunities. With the aim of accelerating the development of the region, the KOP Agency under the guidance of the Ministry of Economy, in collaboration with ministries, is carrying out the preparatory work for the “KOP Draft Action Plan.” The KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organisation) Konya Service Centre Directorate is the service unit in Konya Province of the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Development and Support ơ Ǥ ǡ policies of KOSGEB, provides support for companies in the SME status. Amount of Support Provided in 2012 YIL Type of Support 2012 ¦¡ဓ 108 Number of Support Number of Enterprises Amount (TL) Re-payable 20 16 1.532.936 Non-repayable 4.178 1.934 15.934.284 çǤfǤ ơ Ƭ ǡơ Ƭ Ǥ ͖͔͕͖ǡ ͕͕͜ Ƭ Ǥ ȋ Ȍǡ Ƭ ͕͗Ǥ͕͖Ǥ͖͔͖͗Ǥ͕͔͔Ψ Ƭ Ǣ͕͔͔Ψ Ƭǡ Ǣ͕͔͔Ψ ǢǤ͙͚͛͘ǡ͙͔Ψ ȋȌ Ƭǡ ǡ ͙Ǣ Ǥ͙͛͘͜ ǡǤ͕͛͘͜ ǡ ƬǤ Ƭ ǦǦơ ǡ Ȁ ǯǤơ ǯ ȀǤ ơ Ǥ ƥ ȋȌ Operating within the structure of Konya Teknokent, SELCUKTTO acts as a technology transfer centre in transferring knowledge produced at universities to industry. SELCUKTTO undertakes project recommendation preparatory services for investors in access to R&D support, training and technical consulting services, providing solutions on technical questions to companies and organisations and serves as an interface in facilitating collaboration between universities and private sector companies. ºçÇÇÇç ò ÇǤÇ ǣǦÇǡǦǡ ǡÇǡǦçÇÇÇÇÇÇǡÇçYòǡ oÇǡÇǡ ÇǡÇȌ Ǧȋ ǤfȌ The ABIGEM Corporation provides institutionalisation, quality, CE, business development, entrepreneurship, internationalisation, market research, project management, clustering, brand naming and access to domestic and international funds through preparatory project recommendation and training and consulting services. The training and consulting services that are provided cover all sectors and relevant subjects. Training and consulting services on project development, project preparation and implementation and other services are provided to public institutions and organisations, chambers of commerce, associations and other agencies. Konya ABIGEM was founded on 11.12.2007 as an EU Project with EU funds. Its activities commenced in July 2008. Continuing its activities with the support of the EU until June 2010, the Konya ABIGEM is now operating as a corporation since that date. Konya ABIGEM Corporation’s partners are the Turkish Union of Chambers and Exchanges (TOBB), the Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO), the Konya Chamber of Industry (TSO), the Konya Organised Industrial Zone Directorate and the Konya Chamber of Commerce Ǥ ơ Ǧ Ǥ has provided training to approximately 10,000 individuals since it started its activities. Additionally, direct consulting services were provided to 200 firms and one-on-one meetings with 1,000 companies. Within the coverage of two Direct Activity Support Projects, the Konya ABIGEM carried out and implemented an “Imported Intermediary Goods Manufacturability and Market Research” Project for the Konya OIZ and the Karaman OIZ in 2012. Subsequently, the Project was published in two volumes of 400 pages each. The Konya Province Export Analysis work that is on-going by the KTO is being implemented by Konya ABIGEM. ͖͔͕͖ ǡ ǯÚò Phase Environmental Planning Project with a 1.6 million budget was prepared by Konya ABIGEM. Konya ABIGEM continuous in preparing and implementing Turkey’s First Regional Innovation Centre Project with a budget of 5,335,000 TL and as a project partner continues to make significant contributions to the region. 109 Aside from the authority granted by special laws on Treasury property, the General Directorate of National Real Estate is the component governing agency. The units operating on a provincial level are the National Real Estate Directorates. The main powers and duties of the General Directorate are: To carry out the managerial services of immovable properties under the private ownership of the Treasury of state-owned lands. The sale, leasing, bartering and providing limited real rights of immovables under the private ownership of the Treasury; lease stateowned lands and where it is deemed appropriate granting permission in the use of these lands; allocate lands under the private ownership of the Treasury or state-owned necessary for public service to general, annexed or special budgeted administrations and agencies or to remove these allocations once the purpose of the allocation is completed or used outside of its purpose; remove structures and installations belonging to public agencies and organisations, excluding the Treasury, in which the allocation of immovables has been removed; to set the basis and procedures relating to removal or liquidation; maintain an inventory of immovable property belonging to the Treasury and determine the basis and procedures of inventory recordings relating to immovables of other public agencies and organisations. Investors need first to apply to the National Real Estate Directorate for the province in question regarding the sale, leasing, bartering and obtaining limited real rights of immovables under the private ownership of the Treasury, lease state-owned lands and where it is deemed appropriate obtain permission in the use of these lands. 5. ထ ှ¤¡¡¦¡ဓႁၸထ¡ဓၻၻၺဿ EĂŵĞŽĨKƌŐĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶ Address Telephone Fax E-mail Website The Governorate of Konya bƺŬƌĂŶ Mahallesi dĞǀĮŬŝLJĞĂĚ͕͘ ϰϮϮϬϵDĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 310 2011 350 9988 konya@icisleri. www.konya. Konya Metropolitan Mayoralty zĞŶŝƔĞŚŝƌDĂŚ͕͘sĂƚĂŶĂĚ͕͘ No. 2 ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 221 1400 221 1576 baskan@konya. www.konya. Selçuklu Municipal Mayoralty bĞLJŚ bĂŵŝůDĂŚ͕͘Žĕ͘ƌ͘ Halil Ürün Caddesi No. 19 ϰϮϬϳϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 224 3600444 9919 224 3699 belediye@selcuklu. www.selcuklu. Karatay Municipal Mayoralty ŬĕĞƔŵĞDĂŚ͕͘ 'ĂƌĂũĂĚ͕͘EŽ͘ϱ <ĂƌĂƚĂLJ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 350 1313 350 8872 karatay@karatay. www.karatay. Meram Municipal Mayoralty bĞLJŚ^ĂĚƌĞƫŶDĂŚ͕͘ &ĞƌŝƚƉĂƔĂĂĚ͕͘EŽ͘ϭϴ DĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 320 1000 320 0341 admin@meram. www.meram. Konya Provincial Special Agency ,ĞĂĚKĸĐĞ ,ŽƌŽnjůƵŚĂŶDĂŚ͕͘zĞŶŝ Istanbul Yolu Üzeri No. 72 ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 248 9600 248 9290 konya@ konyaozelidare. www. konyaozelidare. Konya Provincial Directorate of Environment ĂŶĚhƌďĂŶŝƐĂƟŽŶ ,ŽƌŽnjůƵŚĂŶDĂŚ͕͘ Abdülbasri Sok. No. 2 ϰϮϬϲϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 235 4520 235 4527 ǁǁǁ͘ĐƐď͘ŐŽǀ͘ƚƌͬ ŝůůĞƌͬŬŽŶLJĂ Konya Provincial Directorate ŽĨ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞ͕/ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJĂŶĚ Technology ͘7ŚƐĂŶŝLJĞDĂŚ͕͘ Alay Cad. No. 32 ϰϮϬϰϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 321 7756 321 7729 stmkonyail@sanayi. konya.sanayi. Konya Provincial Directorate ŽĨ&ŽŽĚ͕ŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞĂŶĚ Livestock Mamuriye Mah. >ĂƌĞŶĚĞĂĚ͕͘EŽ͘ϭϰ ϰϮϬϰϬDĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 322 3460 (4pbx) 322 4315 www.konyatarim. www. konyatarim. Konya Provincial Directorate of Labour and Employment Agency DĞĚƌĞƐĞDĂŚ͕͘ ĂŵƉŦŶĂƌ^ŽŬ͕͘EŽ͘ϴ ϰϮϬϲϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 236 0828 233 2894 ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ Konya Chamber of Commerce Vatan Caddesi No. 1 42040 Konya 221 5252 353 0546 Konya Chamber of Industry 1.Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 7ƐƚŝŬĂŵĞƚ Cad. ϰϮϯϬϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 2510670 (4 Lines) 248 9351 110 Konya Commodity Exchange Adana ÇevrezŽůƵ͕&Ğǀnjŝ ÇakmakDĂŚ͕͘ĂLJƌĂŬƚĂƌ ^ŽŬ͕͘ EŽ͘ϭϰϮϬϱϬ<ĂƌĂƚĂLJ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 3421444 (8 Lines) 342 1456 ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬŬƚď͘ŽƌŐ͘ƚƌ dƵƌŬŝƐŚ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ͕ ŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƟŽŶ,ĞĂĚƋƵĂƌƚĞƌƐ for Konya Organize Sanayi Bölgesi sĞnjŝƌŬƂLJĂĚ͕͘<ŽĐĂĚĞƌĞ^ŽŬ͘ 42300 Konya 239 0480 (3 Lines) 239 0483 Dm^7<ŽŶLJĂƌĂŶĐŚ Headquarters Havzan Mah. Sapanca Sok. EŽ͘ϭͬ ϰϮϬϵϬDĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 320 6500 320 8700 musiad@ www. musiadkonya. <d7^<ŽŶLJĂƌĂŶĐŚ Headquarters 1. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Adana Çevre Yolu Cad. No.1 ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 251 2040 251 1288 ďŝůŐŝΛĂŬƟƐĂĚ͘ŽƌŐ͘ƚƌ ǁǁǁ͘ĂŬƟƐĂĚ͘ ASKON Konya Branch Headquarters ,ŽƌŽnjůƵŚĂŶDĂŚĂůŦĚƺnjƺ^ŽŬ͘ KƚŽƉůĂnjĂ^ŝƚĞƐŝ'ŝƌŝƔ <ĂƚϭͲϮͲϯ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 248 0048 248 8055 askon@ www. askonkonya. Konya Provincial Directorate for Culture and Tourism njŝnjŝLJĞDĂŚĂůůĞƐŝ͕ƐůĂŶůŦ <ŦƔůĂĂĚĚĞƐŝEŽ͘ϱ <ĂƌĂƚĂLJ͕<KEz 353 4020 353 4023 www. konyakultur. Konya Provincial Directorate ŽĨEĂƟŽŶĂůĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ďĚƺůĂnjŝnjDĂŚ͕͘ Atatürk Caddesi No.14 42040 DĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 353 3050 351 5940 www.konya. Konya Provincial Directorate of Health ĞLJŚĞŬŝŵDĂŚ͕͘ <ĂnjŦŵ<ĂƌĂďĞŬŝƌĂĚ͘EŽ͘ϭϮ ϰϮϬϲϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 351 1832 351 7268 bilgi@konyasm. www.konyasm. ŐŽǀ͘ƚƌͬ State Motorways 3rd Region Directorate ,ŽƌŽnjůƵŚĂŶDĂŚ͕͘ Ankara Cad. No. 151 ϰϮϯϬϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 221 1111 235 6499 ,D7<ŽŶLJĂ Airport Directorate Vali Ahmet Kayhan Cad. ϰϮϭϬϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 239 1343 239 1341 infokonya@dhmi. www.konya. z<ŽŶLJĂdƌĂŝŶ^ƚĂƟŽŶ Directorate ůĂLJĂĚ͘d'ĂƌDĚůƺŒƺ Meram Merkez DĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 322 3680 SGK Konya Provincial Directorate Büyük 7ŚƐĂŶŝLJĞDĂŚ͕͘ <ĂnjŦŵ<ĂƌĂďĞŬŝƌĂĚ͘EŽ͘ϱϲ ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 322 2760 322 3329 TÜIK Konya Regional Directorate bĞŵƐͲŝ Tebrizi Mah. Mevlana Cad. No. 33 ϰϮϬϯϬ<ĂƌĂƚĂLJ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 353 2560 353 1640 Konya Provincial Directorate ĨŽƌWŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶĂŶĚ ŝƟnjĞŶƐŚŝƉ bƺŬƌĂŶ Mahallesi dĞǀĮŬŝLJĞĂĚĚĞƐŝ ϰϮϮϬϵDĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 310 2057 353 0241 konyailnufus@nvi. MTA Konya Regional Directorate ^ĂŶĐĂŬDĂŚ͕͘ Taçmahal Cad. No. 6 ϰϮϮϰϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 255 0307 255 0302 ƚƌͬǀϮ͘Ϭͬ ďŽůŐĞůĞƌͬŬŽŶLJĂ Meteorology 8th Regional Directorate Meram Yeni Yol Üzeri No.25 DĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 322 7430 322 7400 konyabolge@mgm. www.konya. ŵŐŵ͘ŐŽǀ͘ƚƌͬ DSI 4th Regional Directorate ŶŦƚůĂŶŦ DĞƌĂŵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 322 0191 (5 lines) 320 9953 ƚƌͬďƂůŐĞͬĚƐŝϰ T.C. Prime Ministry Investment Support and WƌŽŵŽƟŽŶŐĞŶĐLJ;dzdͿ (TYDTA) <ĂǀĂŬůŦĚĞƌĞDĂŚĂůůĞƐŝ͕ ŬĂLJĂĚĚĞƐŝEŽ͘ϱ͕ ĂŬĂŶůŦŬůĂƌ͕ŶŬĂƌĂ (312) 413 8900 (312) 418 901 konyasgim@sgk. www.konyasgk. 111 Mevlana Development Agency (MEVKA) DĞĚƌĞƐĞDĂŚ͕͘ hůĂƔďĂďĂĂĚĚĞƐŝEŽ͘Ϯϴ ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 236 3290 236 4691 www.mevka. Agriculture and Rural Development Support Agency Konya Provincial CoŽƌĚŝŶĂƟŽŶKĸĐĞ &ĞƌŝƚƉĂƔĂDĂŚ͕͘<ƵůĞĂĚ͕͘ Kule Plaza 7Ɣ Merkezi Kat.16 No.23-24 Konya 233 9293 233 9394 KOP Regional Development Agency ,ŽƌŽnjůƵŚĂŶDĂŚ͕͘ Ankara Cad. No. 201 ϰϮϭϭϬ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 280 2800 280 2900 KOSGEB Konya Service Centre Directorate Büsan Sanayi Sitesi KOSGEB Cad. No. 53 <ĂƌĂƚĂLJ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 345 0603 345 0610 konya@kosgeb. Konya Teknokent Technology Development Services Corp. Selçuk ÜniversitesidĞŬŶŽůŽũŝ 'ĞůŝƔƟƌŵĞƂůŐĞƐŝd'Ͳ ϭůĂŶŦ^ĂĮƌWĂŶŽƌĂŵĂ ůŽŬ<ĂƚϭͬϭϮϬƌĚŦĕůŦ DĂŚ͕͘'ƺƌďƵůƵƚ^ŽŬĂŬ 42003 Selçuklu Konya 262 0202 262 0204 info@ konyateknokent.. www. konyateknokent. Konya Teknokent WƌŽũĞĐƚĂŶĚƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ Development Centre ;W7'DͿ Selçuk ÜniversitesidĞŬŶŽůŽũŝ 'ĞůŝƔƟƌŵĞƂůŐĞƐŝd'Ͳ ϭůĂŶŦ^ĂĮƌWĂŶŽƌĂŵĂ ůŽŬ<ĂƚϭͬϭϮϬƌĚŦĕůŦDĂŚ͘ Gürbulut Sokak 42003 Selçuklu KONYA 262 0202 262 0204 info@ konyateknokent.. www. konyateknokent. Selçuk University Advanced Technology ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚĂŶĚƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ Centre Konya Teknokent Elmas Blok Selçuk Üniversitesi Alaaddin Keykubat Kampüsü 42003 Selçuklu Konya Konya ABIGEM Corp. Vatan Cad. No 1 Konya 350 6693 350 6873 <ŽŶLJĂEĂƟŽŶĂůZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞ Directorate sĂƚĂŶĂĚĚĞƐŝ͕ ^ĞůĕƵŬůƵ͕<ŽŶLJĂ 236 5638 236 5624 www. 6. ǡ ơǣ ǡ ǡǡ ƪǡ constitution of servitude on them according to the terms of “The Regulations on the Management of Treasury Property”, The allocation of Treasury Property to investments according to the “Decree on State Support for Investments” and “The Regulations on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Allocation of Public Property to Investments”, and The sale of Treasury Property to foreigners according to the “Articles 35 and 36 of the Land Registry Law (as amended by the Law concerning the Amendment of the Land Registry Law and Cadastre Law). 6.1. ¤¡¡£ The sale of land to foreigners can only be undertaken according to the Articles 35 and 36 of the Land Registry Law (as amended by the Law concerning the Amendment of the Land Registry Law and Cadastre Law) and the regulations on the exercising of these articles. 7. Konya has 28.581.018 m2 land (3.233 pieces of improved land) and 8.540.608.910 m2 Treasury land (146.112 pieces of unimproved land) that can be allocated to the use of investors. The following table presents the available Treasury properties by type, surface area and location. 112 7.1. £¤¢¦¤¨¡£¦¡®¡¡¥£ Type Piece Surface Area (m2) Building 3.985 Ϯϲ͘ϱϴϵ͘ϯϮϳ͕ϰϲ Building Land 29.758 ϭϵϭ͘ϱϰϴ͘ϰϭϰ͕ϰϭ Landed Property 32.399 ϭ͘ϭϲϬ͘ϭϱϬ͘ϭϯϴ͕ϴϬ Orchard and Vineyard 7.598 Ϯϰ͘Ϭϵϱ͘ϯϱϬ͕Ϭϰ Field 62.839 ϭ͘ϰϵϭ͘ϲϯϲ͘ϯϵϭ͕ϭϯ Forest 5.500 ϱ͘ϱϮϬ͘ϱϰϬ͘ϭϬϰ͕ϰϯ Common Property Water and Water Products 776 ϵ͘ϰϳϵ͘ϰϲϱ͕ϳϳ 6.293 ϭϬϬ͘ϵϳϬ͘ϭϰϭ͕ϱϴ 104 ϰϮ͘ϭϳϱ͘ϯϮϰ͕ϯϬ 39 ϭ͘ϴϯϮ͘ϯϴϯ͕ϳϯ Mines and Pits Historic and Cultural Areas Space 55 ϭϳϳ͘ϵϭϭ͕Ϭϯ TOTAL 149.346 ϴ͘ϱϲϵ͘ϭϵϰ͘ϵϱϮ͕ϲϴ 7.2. £¤¢¦¤¨¡£¦¡®¡¡¥£¯¤ ZĂŶŐĞŽĨ^ƵƌĨĂĐĞƌĞĂ 100 m2 or less 2 EƵŵďĞƌŽĨWƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐ ^ƵƌĨĂĐĞƌĞĂ;ŵϮͿ 4.260 Ϯϭϳ͘ϴϴϳ͕ϳϱ 101-500 m 17.363 ϱ͘Ϯϱϰ͘ϴϴϮ͕ϱϰ 501-1000 m2 19.137 ϭϰ͘ϮϮϰ͘ϲϬϮ͕ϯϱ 1001-5000 m2 50.393 ϭϮϮ͘Ϯϰϴ͘ϴϭϴ͕ϳϲ 5.001-10.000 m2 18.061 ϭϮϵ͘ϴϲϯ͘Ϭϱϱ͕ϲϰ 2 29.231 ϲϲϵ͘ϳϵϳ͘ϰϰϰ͕Ϯϭ 50.001 - 100.000 m2 5.905 ϰϬϯ͘ϲϴϴ͘ϯϱϯ͕ϯϳ 100.001 - 500.000 m2 10.001 - 50.000 m 3.637 ϳϬϳ͘ϲϵϲ͘ϴϵϰ͕ϭϯ 500.001 - 1.000.000 m2 479 ϯϯϱ͘ϵϬϲ͘ϰϳϭ͕ϵϯ 1.000.001 - 5.000.000 m2 586 ϭ͘ϯϭϳ͘Ϯϱϴ͘Ϯϱϰ͕ϴϭ more than 5.000.000 - m2 294 ϰ͘ϴϲϯ͘Ϭϭϰ͘ϳϯϭ͕ϭϳ ϭϰϵ͘ϯϰϲ ϴ͘ϱϲϵ͘ϭϳϭ͘ϯϵϲ͕ϲϲ dŽƚĂů 7.3. £¤¢¦¤¡£¦¡®¡¡¥£¯ No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.000- 10.00050.000100.00010.000 50.000 100.000 m2 500.000 m2 2 2 m m Number of Parcels 907 1.483 547 155 160 3.658 4.545 1.432 179 214 1.621 3.181 1.243 242 328 366 159 27 3 2 444 2.335 383 40 34 598 2.727 826 68 24 449 1.778 1.043 251 55 5.248 6.744 1.361 169 143 4.355 4.094 838 136 154 1.581 6.102 5.109 1.487 475 195 1.199 457 86 51 1.731 4.225 1.180 186 138 90 387 222 59 158 1.582 1.503 344 48 44 672 935 211 56 66 360 1.087 732 191 88 01.000 m2 Size DISTRICT Karatay Meram Selçuklu ŚŦƌůŦ Akören ŬƔĞŚŝƌ ůƨŶĞŬŝŶ ĞLJƔĞŚŝƌ ŽnjŬŦƌ Cihanbeyli ĞůƟŬ Çumra Derbent Derebucak ŽŒĂŶŚŝƐĂƌ Emirgazi 500.0001.000.000 m2 23 41 60 1 2 1 0 16 27 18 8 22 40 6 18 3 1.000.000- 20.000.00020.000.000 100.000.000 m2 m2 33 75 109 0 10 7 0 54 67 10 9 21 34 18 43 6 2 10 1 0 4 3 0 5 2 0 0 1 1 8 2 0 Total Piece 3.125 9.894 6.483 554 3.237 1.508 3.601 13.632 9.666 14.619 2.006 7.606 992 3.581 1.953 2.465 113 17 ƌĞŒůŝ 18 'ƺŶĞLJƐŦŶŦƌ 19 Hadim 20 ,ĂůŬĂƉŦŶĂƌ 21 Hüyük 22 /ůŐŦŶ 23 <ĂĚŦŶŚĂŶŦ 24 <ĂƌĂƉŦŶĂƌ 25 Kulu 26 Sarayönü 27 ^ĞLJĚŝƔĞŚŝƌ 28 dĂƔŬĞŶƚ 29 Tuzlukçu 30 zĂůŦŚƺLJƺŬ 31 Yunak TOTAL 2.285 1.000 1.924 141 1.362 1.418 1.006 2.427 616 427 2.330 904 78 525 666 40.966 3.702 1.453 1.385 334 1.064 3.562 2.586 2.939 2.379 1.669 2.005 1.063 426 136 2.930 70.117 1.883 263 221 290 179 1.549 974 1.964 2.120 1.028 297 237 329 8 2.777 30.074 411 31 35 53 31 159 140 593 420 175 51 41 44 2 478 6.020 237 19 34 24 31 165 56 324 206 60 85 47 29 4 210 3.665 28 2 13 10 6 45 5 25 10 3 21 10 0 1 10 475 25 6 55 20 22 72 7 28 6 5 48 29 0 5 16 840 1 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 61 8.579 2.760 3.668 1.703 2.647 6.899 4.742 8.305 5.644 3.337 5.424 2.012 969 681 7.056 152.157 There are nearly 1.500 pieces of available Treasury Properties in Konya that are larger than 300 da in size. However, nearly onethird (456 parcels) of them that meet transportation, quality and land requirements have been selected after those with the status of forest or those included in land consolidation areas have been excluded. These parcels have been studied on the spot by the Evaluation Commissions set up by the District Governorships. Each parcel has been recorded after the following relevant information about them has been determined: Ȉ Ȉ ǡ ǡǡ Organized Industrial Zones, and the way they face roads, Ȉ ǡǡ ǡǡǡǡ ǡ Ȉ ǡ Ȉ ǡ ǡ ǡ extraction of underground water, and availability of irrigation water, railway transport and potential of young population, Ȉ ͔͔͕͔͗Ǧ ǡ facilities and investments in a 10-km distance, Ȉ ǦȀǡǡǡ Ǧ based business investments, business investments, culture and faith tourism investments (if there are historic artifacts or ruins nearby), and for investments in health and thermal tourism, ecologic tourism/plateau tourism, hunting tourism/ private hunting place, nature sports (rafting, mountaineering, speleological tourism, pentathlon, skiing, grass skiing, paragliding), health, education, wind power, solar power, organic products, greenhousing/vegetable gardening, fruit growing/vine cultivation, arboriculture, seed growing, arable field, poultry farming, bovine breeding, ovine breeding, aquaculture, apiculture and golf courses. The Evaluation Commission has also determined the parcels with a high potential for usability for industrial, service or agricultural investment. These parcels have been visited for the second time, this time by the faculty members of Selcuk University, to confirm what the Evaluation Commission has identified. The Landed Property Information Forms, which include such information about each parcel, have been duplicated so that each of the following directorates has one copy of these forms: the Provincial Directorate of Science, Industry and Technology in Konya, the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in Konya, the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning in Konya, and the Provincial Directorate of Planning in Konya. The corner coordinates and land registry information about the 456 parcels have been uploaded to the ArcGIS 9.3 Geographical Information System so that they can be pursued on the map of Konya. Similarly, the coordinates of the Organized Industrial Zones in Konya have been uploaded to the ArcGIS 9.9. Thanks to this, the Provincial Directorate of Science, Industry and Technology in Konya, the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in Konya, the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning in Konya, and the Provincial Directorate of Planning in Konya possess relevant ArcGIS 9.3 files. Potential investors planning to invest in Konya can obtain such information about the 456 parcels and the ArcGIS 9.3 files from the Provincial Directorate of Science, Industry and Technology in Konya, the Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in Konya, the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning in Konya, and the Provincial Directorate of Planning in Konya. ir. 114 0 x x, (2012) x Republic of Turkey Konya Governorate x x Konya Provincial Directorate of Science, Industry and Technology x x Konya Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanisation x x x Union of ϐ Website ) x x Ministry of Health 2011 Health Statistics Yearbook x Ministry of Health Strategic Plan 2013-2017 x KOSGEB 2013 Performance Programme x Foreign Trade Potential by Provinces Report of the Ministry of Economy, 2011 x Konya Metropolitan Municipality –Transport Report, 2011 x Konya Environmental Status Report 2011 – Konya Provincial Directorate of Environment &Urbanisation x MEVKA Report on the Strategic Sectors of the Region in Exports, 2012 x KTO Konya Province Report on the Appropriate Investment Areas, 2012 x State Railways Konya Train Station Directorate x Konya State Airports Operations Directorate x Konya Provincial Directorate of Youth Services and Sports x Konya Provincial Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Livestock x Konya Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism x Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education x Konya Provincial Directorate of Population and Citizenship x Konya Provincial Health Directorate x Konya Motorway 3rd Regional Directorate x Konya Provincial Directorate of Meteorology x Konya Provincial Directorate of Social Security Administration x Konya Provincial Directorate of Commerce x Konya Chamber of Commerce x Konya Plains Project (KOP) Administration Head ϐ x o ϐ x f x MEVKA Konya by Numbers Report x Mevlana Development Agency x x Selçuk University Chancery Mevlana Development Agency New Incentives Report, 2012 x KCC Karatay University Chancery x x Necmettin Erbakan University Chancery KCI Numbers -Konya’s Economy, December 2012 x Mevlana University Chancery x KCI - Industrial City Konya: 2013 Presentation x Ministry of Economy (New Incentive System) x x Meram Electricity Distribution Corp. x Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) Konya Province’s Economic and Social Structure Indicators, 2012 -Türkiye Statistics Agency x Banks Association of Turkey x x European-Turkish Business Centres Network (ABIGEM) Konya Chamber of Commerce: Konya Economic Indicators, January 2013 x National Education Statistics – Formal Education, 2012-2013 x 115 Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Fatih Mehmet Botsali Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Selcuk University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ay Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Selcuk University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savas Durduran Department of Topographical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Selcuk University The report was prepared within the scope of the project “The Konya Service Sector Investment Guide”, supported by the Republic of Turkey Mevlana Development Agency as part of the “Direct Activity Support Program 2011”. It is the “Konya Teknokent Technology Development Services Inc.” that is fully responsible for the content. All the ideas in the guide are of the project team; thus, they do not represent the ideas of the Republic of Turkey Mevlana Development Agency. KONYA 2013 116 117