customized high volume molding and webbing
customized high volume molding and webbing
customized high volume molding and webbing produCts 2016 customized products on demand h reliable delivery h excellent quality & service Table of Contents index welcome research & development 04 06 products agriculture tools metal parts construction optic parts other automotive 12 50 56 64 65 66 68 dutch quality brand AKROH Industries is an original registered Dutch trademark of Hortech Holding. 3 Welcome AKROH Industries is a company that operates throughout the world, exporting its products to over 40 countries. Started in a small way in 1956 by Mr. Arend Horst, the business produced hats and equestrian clothing. 55 years later, the company grew into AKROH Industries. AKROH Industries develops and manufactures in-house its own extensive range of plastic and webbing products. These products are sold in the agricultural, veterinary, automotive, construction, transport, railway construction, optical and equestrian sectors. With our high-quality products, fast delivery and personal service we have succeeded in building a solid reputation among our clients. This catalogue contains products that are available as stock items. However, if required we can manufacture custom-made products in any design or colour of your choice. Would you like to find out what we can do for you, please contact us by e-mail on, call +31 (0)38 467 45 00 or visit our website: AKROH Industries is een internationaal opererend bedrijf, dat wereldwijd exporteert naar meer dan 40 landen. In 1956 begon de heer Arend Horst met een kleine zaak in hoeden en ruitersportkleding. 55 jaar later is het bedrijf uitgegroeid tot AKROH Industries. AKROH Industries ontwikkelt en produceert in eigen huis een groot assortiment kunststof en webbing producten. Afnemers zijn de agrarische-, veterinaire-, automotive-, bouw-, transportsector, spoorbouw, optiekmarkt en de ruitersport. Onder onze klanten hebben wij een gedegen reputatie opgebouwd met kwaliteitsproducten, snelle levertijden en een persoonlijke service. In deze catalogus vindt u producten die uit voorraad leverbaar zijn. Natuurlijk kunt u ook bij ons terecht voor custom-made producten, producten in elke door u gewenste vorm en kleur. Wilt u weten wat er allemaal mogelijk is? Neem vandaag nog contact op en e-mail:, bel +31 (0)38 467 45 00 of kijk op 4 AKROH Industries has a broad injection molding machine park. These machines are used for the manufacturing of articles with a weight that varies from 0.5 gram to 4.5 kg. AKROH Industries beschikt over een groot machinepark spuitgietmachines. Producten van 0.5 gram tot en met 4.5 kg kunnen met deze machines gespoten worden. With these machines we can process almost all plastic materials: from PE to PP and from PA to PC. We also use less common materials and even recycled materials, enabling us to offer our customers environmentally friendly products. Met deze machines kunnen we praktisch alle kunststof materialen verwerken. Van PE tot PP en van PA tot PC. Minder gangbare materialen kunnen wij ook verwerken. Maar ook het gebruik van recycle materiaal behoort tot de mogelijkheden, zo kunnen wij, waar mogelijk, milieubesparend produceren. Welcome We also possess the techniques to manufacture molded products with metal inlays. Such as insulators, weights for necklaces, screwdrivers or the well-known necklaces with molded buckle. Ook beheersen wij de technieken om omspoten producten te vervaardigen. Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan isolatoren, halsbandgewichten, een schroevendraaier of de bekende halsband met aangespoten gesp. 5 Research & Development endless possibilities Eindeloze mogelijkheden 6 Research & Development From necklace to ear tag and PTO guard cones for machines, we design and manufacture it all. But what is it you really need? A standard product, but in a colour choice that reflects your corporate identity? An exclusive design with your own company name or logo? Tell us about your requirements and we will be pleased to tell you what can be done. And that is a great deal… Van halsband tot oormerk en machinebeschermkap, we ontwerpen en maken het allemaal. Maar hoe wilt ú het hebben? Een standaardproduct, maar dan wel in uw huisstijlkleur? Een exclusief ontwerp met uw eigen bedrijfsnaam? Vertel ons wat uw wensen zijn en wij vertellen u graag wat mogelijk is. En dat is heel veel… Ideas Ideeën Moulds Matrijzen Because our clients vary so greatly, we are just that bit more creative with our solutions. We enjoy the challenges people present us with! Our lines are short: the moulds are manufactured or adapted in our own tool manufacturing plant, so that you get exactly what you are looking for. Omdat onze klanten zo divers zijn, zijn we net even iets creatiever in onze oplossingen. We laten ons graag door u uitdagen! Onze lijnen zijn kort: de matrijzen worden in onze eigen gereedschapmakerij vervaardigd of aangepast, precies zoals u het wil. Injection mould process Spuitgieten Personalised products Personaliseren We are experts in the use of injection moulding techniques (from 0.5 until 4500 gram). Any product supplied by us is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Products can have your company name printed on them or woven into them, depending on what you prefer or the manner of use. We beheersen de spuitgiettechniek tot in de puntjes (van 0.5 tot 4500 gram). Wij leveren u een product met absolute tevredenheidsgarantie. Wij kunnen op een product uw bedrijfsnaam drukken of inweven, afhankelijk van uw wensen of toepassing. 7 Research & Development Research & Development AKROH Industries has a large knowledge base in the field of product development. We are able to offer a conceptual solution to any customer inquiry or problem. If necessary, we can provide our solution as a 3D prototype in order to physically test it. We also take care of the next stages: from further product development to the moldable product design (including the development of the related mold). To this end, we use both 2D and 3D construction programs. For the construction of molds, we have an extensive range of tools at our disposal. We can manufacture single piece products, sub-assemblies or fully assembled final products in consumer packaging. We can make things as convenient as you want. You ask, we deliver! AKROH Industries beschikt over een grote kennis op het gebied van productontwikkeling. Op basis van een klantvraag of probleem kunnen wij een conceptuele oplossing aanbieden. Deze kunnen wij eventueel als 3D prototype aanleveren. Opdat de oplossing in de praktijk getest kan worden. Ook het verdere traject, van door-ontwikkeling tot spuitgietproduct inclusief de ontwikkeling van de daarbij behorende matrijs kunnen wij voor u verzorgen. Hierbij maken wij gebruik van zowel 2D als 3D constructie programma’s. Evenals ons uitgebreide gereedschapspark. Om de matrijs te kunnen vervaardigen. Het is mogelijk om losse producten, halffabricaten, of volledige geassembleerde eindproducten in consumenten verpakking door ons te laten vervaardigen. Alles kunnen wij leveren. Op deze manier kunnen wij u volledig ontzorgen. 8 Research & Development 9 Research & Development On the farm Agrarisch An ID sleeve or a marker tag number may not appear to be particularly significant, but in daily use outside or in the stable they are subjected to rigorous wear and tear. Good quality is a requirement and that is where all our products distinguish themselves. Als je er niet bij stil staat, lijkt een oormerk of een halsbandnummer niet heel bijzonder. Maar bij dagelijks gebruik op het land of in de stal, krijgen ze veel te verduren. Een goede kwaliteit is dan een vereiste en daarmee onderscheiden al onze producten voor de agrarische markt zich. Neck numbers Nekplaatjes Calf coat Kalverdek Number blocks Halsbandnummers Ear tags Oormerken PTO guard cones PTO beschermkappen Transponder holders Transponderhouders Udder protector Uiernet Necklaces Halsbanden 10 Research & Development Miscellaneous Diversen Injection moulding can be used for a wide range of products. We have developed many ourselves, the industry also keeps coming up with more ideas and so do clients like you. We take care of the way your number plate is fixed onto your vehicle, your glasses have been made thanks to our input. And we have made your work on the tractor just that bit safer. And because we continue to develop new solutions, it is likely that you will come across our name more and more often. Spuitgieten leent zich voor tal van producten. Die bedenken we zelf, de markt of die bedenkt ú. Wij zorgen voor de bevestiging van uw nummerbord aan uw voertuig, uw bril is mede dankzij ons gemaakt en we maken uw werk op de tractor een stukje veiliger. Omdat we bepaald niet stilzitten, komt u onze naam steeds vaker tegen. Automotive Automotive Straps Spanbanden Your products? Uw producten? ? Optic parts Optische delen Building products Bouw producten Tools Gereedschappen Equestrian products Ruitersport producten 11 Product overview agriculture 12 Product overview cattle recognition Clip-On CRS number Clip-On CRS nummer Due to circumstances in the stables, ID numbers can get damaged. When this happens, they need to be replaced as soon as possible. The replacement of a damaged ID number is considerably time-consuming. Therefore, we now introduce the Clip-On ID number. It is very easy to mount these numbers: • Remove the damaged ID number. • Slide the Clip-On ID number on the necklace. Door omstandigheden in de stal kan een identificatie nummer beschadigd raken. Het is wenselijk dat deze zo snel mogelijk vervangen wordt. Het vervangen van een beschadigd nummer kan een zeer tijdrovende klus zijn. Hiervoor introduceren wij nu het Clip-On nummer. De montage is zeer snel en eenvoudig: • Verwijder het beschadigde nummer. • Schuif het vervangende Clip-On nummer op de halsband. 399516 clip-on crs high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace. • sold per 10 pcs. in showbox 1 patent pending 13 Product overview agriculture cattle recognition 399000 crs 1 for cows/horses number block 48 x 46 mm high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace • sold per 10 pcs. in showbox. 1 399001 crs 1 for cows/horses number block 48 x 59 mm high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace • sold per 10 pcs. in showbox. 1 budget line 399002 crs 1 for small animals number block 36 x 36 mm high quality id sleeves for 30 mm necklace • sold per 10 pcs. in showbox. 399004 crs 1 for cows/horses number block 48 x 46 mm glow in the dark high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace • sold per 10 pcs. in showbox. 14 1 1 399003 crs 1 for cows/horses number block 48 x 46 mm high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace • only in combination with a black necklace. • sold per 10 pcs. in showbox. 1 Product overview 399020 crs 2 for cows/horses number block 48 x 96 mm high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace • sold in pairs (l + r) 1 399006 top number printed, in sets single color • 1-25, 26-50, 51-75 etc • sold per 25 pcs. in bag. high quality id sleeves for 40 mm necklace • sold in pairs (l + r) 1 399005 top number blank 1 399035 number plate for horses printed high quality id number for 20 - 40 mm necklace • 77 mm x 97 mm 399030 crs 3 for cows/horses number block 48 x 120 mm high quality id number for 40 mm necklace 25 399036 number plate for horses blank 25 high quality id number for 20 - 40 mm necklace • 77 mm x 97 mm 25 15 Product overview agriculture cattle recognition 399050 neck number for sheep printed, in sets single color • 1-25, 26-50, 51-75 etc. • sold per 25 pcs. in bag. 1 399052 neck number for sheep blank each color 25 pieces • sold per 25 pcs. in bag. 1 399865 key ring 25 mm, 27 mm and 30 mm (for necknumber 399050 / -51 / -52) 16 399051 neck number for sheep printed, by piece special numbers, on request 399844 rubber ring length 250 mm high quality rubber for neck numbers (399050 / -51 / -52) 1 10 399442 leash stopper 01 100 ø 6 x 40 mm • for ankle transponders 100 Product overview 399700 transponder holder 01 40 mm ø 30 x 10 mm 10 399890 weight 340 gr, ø 30 x 60 mm • to be used in combination with 399701 399891 weight for necklace 500 gr ø 50 mm • should be used in combination with buckle (399863) or oval buckle (399862) 399701 transponder / weight holder 02 40 mm ø 30 x 62 mm • should be used in combination with buckle (399863) or oval buckle (399862) 10 399703 transponder repair kit 03 10 10 for DeLaval 906500-80, 906501-80 399888 weight for necklace 500 gr ø 60 mm • should be used in combination with buckle (399863) or oval buckle (399862) 10 10 17 Product overview agriculture cattle recognition Ear tags Oormarkeringen AKROH Industries offers an extensice range of ear tags. These ear tags are suitable for - among others – cattle, pigs, sheep and goats. They can also be used for scientific purposes (wildlife research). Furthermore, we can also deliver EID ear tags (both, HDX and FDX tags are available). All ear tags are available in many different colors. There are a lot of possibilities: ear tags for 1 ear or for 2 ears, serial number printed or personalized with company logo or name. You can also order ear tags together with a matching set of necklaces, inclusive of the necessary CRS identification numbers. Just contact us for the correct combination of ear tags for your application. AKROH Industries beschikt over een breed assortiment oormerken. Deze oormerken zijn onder andere geschikt voor koeien, varkens, schapen en geiten. Maar bijvoorbeeld ook voor onderzoek (wilde dieren). Hiernaast kunnen wij ook EID oormerken leveren (HDX en FDX behoren tot de mogelijkheden). Uiteraard zijn de oormerken in vele kleuren leverbaar. Vele combinaties zijn mogelijk, voor 1 oor, of juist 2 oren. De oormarkeringen kunnen voorzien worden van het volgnummer, maar ook van een bedrijfslogo of naam. Het is ook mogelijk om de oormarkeringen te bestellen in combinatie met een bijpassende set halsbanden, inclusief de benodige CRS identificatienummers. Contacteer ons voor de juiste combinatie oormarkeringen. 18 Product overview schaal 1:1 size 5 size 4 size 3 size 2 size 1 size 0 19 Product overview agriculture 20 Product overview necklaces / webbings Necklaces / webbings Halsbanden 1 AKROH Industries is a leading manufacturer of necklaces and webbing products. Thanks to our in-house production, we can guarantee high quality products at attractive prices and short lead-times. We can print or embroider your company name onto all our necklaces awnd manufacture the webbings in your company colors. The next 3 steps allow you to order the desired product at AKROH Industries: 2 Step 1: Choose the type of necklace/halter. Step 2: Choose the correct length. Step 3:Choose the color of your preference from our color chart (see page 22). If you need any further assistance, just contact us. We will be pleased to help you. AKROH Industries is de wereldwijde nummer 1 producent van halsbanden en webbing producten. Wij produceren alle verschillende producten in eigen huis, en staan bekend om onze snelheid en goede kwaliteit. Wij kunnen elk product voorzien van uw bedrijfsnaam en leveren in uw bedrijfskleuren. Wanneer u onderstaande 3 stappen volgt verzekeren wij u van het juiste product. 3 In 3 stappen het gewenste product bestellen bij AKROH Industries: Stap 1: Kies het type halsband/halster. Stap 2: Kies de gewenste lengte van het product. Stap 3:Kies uit onze kleurenwaaier het gewenste kleurenpatroon (zie pagina 22). Kunt u het gewenste model halsbanden niet vinden, neem dan alstublieft contact met ons op. Wij helpen u graag verder. 21 Product overview agriculture necklaces / webbings 50 61 49 66 47 67 46 68 45 71 27 73 26 25 74 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 7 22 8 9 10 11 Product overview colors on stock other colors on request 27mm 31black/red 35white/green 30mm 30black 32green 33blue 34white/black 44 yellow 48 red Colors and patterns Kleuren en bandpatronen AKROH warehouses a wide variety of lace designs. Lots of colors and color patterns are on stock. Due to the wide range of webbing products that AKROH manufactures there are several widths of webbing available: • 27 mm • 30 mm • 35 mm • 40 mm • 50 mm • 70 mm AKROH heeft een zeer breed gamma band designs op voorraad. Doordat AKROH een zeer grote verscheidenheid aan producten produceert is er keuze uit diverse breedtematen: • 27 mm • 30 mm • 35 mm • 40 mm • 50 mm • 70 mm 35mm 75 63yellow/black 28 29 40mm 2blue/white 3white/blue 4black/green 5blue/black 6black/yellow 7white/black 8black/green 9white/red 10yellow/black 11silver/black 12green 13green/white 14black/yellow 15black/blue 16black/green 17green/white 18white/green 19white/blue 20white/orange 21black/white 22black 23red/white/blue 24blue 25blue/white 26white 27black/red 45 black/green 46 grey/yellow 47 grey/blue 49 light blue/white 50 white/green 61blue/yellow 66silver/orange 67black/orange 68red 71black/red 73silver 74orange/black 50mm 75black/yellow 63 48 44 34 33 32 30 31 70mm 28black/red 29black/yellow 35 23 Product overview agriculture necklaces / webbings Custom Webbing Geweven band is maatwerk All webbing products can be customized to a very high degree. Variables such as corporate design, colors, color patterns, flexibility, width, thickness and length can all be altered to match and exceed the wishes of the customer. It is possible to develop your own design, to display your brand and brand quality. There are several options available: 1 Custom woven brand name 1 2 Long lasting brand name display on your product. 2 Custom printed brand name Clear and flexible design of your brand name and or logo. 3 Custom full colour print Clear and flexible design of your brand name and or logo. Alle bandproducten kunnen zeer verregaand aangepast worden. Hierbij kunt u denken aan huisstijl design, kleuren en kleurpatronen, flexibiliteit, breedte, dikte en lengte. Al deze zaken kunnen aangepast worden om zo het product te creëren waar u naar op zoek bent. Het is mogelijk om uw eigen ontwerp te ontwikkelen, om zo uw merk en merkkwaliteit te promoten. Er zijn diverse opties beschikbaar: 1 Ingeweven logo Zeer slijtvaste weergave van uw bedrijfsnaam en logo op uw product. 2 Gedrukt logo Duidelijk leesbaar weergegeven bedrijfsnaam en logo op uw product. 3 Full colour print Duidelijk leesbaar weergegeven bedrijfsnaam en logo op uw product. 24 3 Product overview 399805 necklace for calf with molded plastic buckle 40 mm 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr 399825 necklace for calf, with thorn buckle and d ring, nylon reinforced 40 mm 100 50 399813 necklace for calf, with molded buckle and integrated weight 40 mm 200gr 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr 399438 necklace for calf, with thorn buckle and o ring, nylon reinforced 40 mm 0.75 mtr / 0.85 mtr / 0.95 mtr 0.75 mtr / 0.85 mtr / 0.95 mtr 399989 necklace for calf, with roll buckle and d ring, leather reinforced 40 mm 399527 necklace for calf, with roll buckle and o ring, leather reinforced 40 mm 0.75 mtr / 0.85 mtr / 0.95 mtr 50 100 50 50 0.75 mtr / 0.85 mtr / 0.95 mtr 25 Product overview agriculture necklaces / webbings 399040 belt keeper 40 mm belt keeper for 40 mm necklace • to secure the tip of the necklace • supplied separately 399806 necklace with sewn on plastic buckle 40mm 500 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr 399809 necklace with custom printed brand name 40 mm on request 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 26 399800 necklace without buckle 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399820 necklace with simple buckle 40 mm 50 399804 necklace with molded plastic buckle, heavy duty quality 40mm 100 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399821 necklace with oval buckle 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399817 necklace with custom woven brand name 40 mm 399517 necklace with thorn buckle, 35 mm on request 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr Product overview 399434 necklace with thorn buckle, leather reinforced 35 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399834 necklace with thorn buckle, leather reinforced 40 mm 50 399830 necklace with thorn buckle 40 mm 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399831 necklace with thorn buckle and d ring, nylon reinforced 40 mm 50 50 399826 necklace with thorn buckle, nylon reinforced 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399439 necklace with thorn buckle and o ring, nylon reinforced 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399903 necklace with thorn buckle and d ring, leather reinforced 40 mm 399514 necklace with thorn buckle and o ring, leather reinforced 40 mm specials on request 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 50 injection moldet t-buckle 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 27 Product overview agriculture necklaces / webbings 399904 necklace with thorn buckle and chain, nylon reinforced 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399832 necklace with thorn buckle and chain, leather reinforced 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399827 necklace with roll buckle 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr A 399909 necklace with roll buckle, nylon reinforced 40 mm 50 399910 necklace with roll buckle, leather reinforced 40 mm 50 KROH 399828 necklace with roll buckle, rivet reinforced 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 399364 necklace with roll buckle and d ring, leather reinforced 40 mm 399387 necklace with roll buckle and o ring, leather reinforced 40 mm 399416 necklace with roll buckle and metal belt keeper 40 mm 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 28 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr 50 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr / 1.1 mtr / 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr Product overview 399388 necklace for young bull, leather reinforced 50 mm 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr / 1.6 mtr / 1.7 mtr / 1.8 mtr / 1.9 mtr 399885 necklace for small animals, plastic 0.55 mtr • custom molded logo and custom printed logo available on request 399833 necklace for small animals with thorn buckle and o ring, leather reinforced 30mm 50 50 50 399839 necklace for bull, leather reinforced 70 mm 1.2 mtr / 1.3 mtr / 1.4 mtr / 1.5 mtr / 1.6 mtr / 1.7 mtr / 1.8 mtr / 1.9 mtr 399799 necklace for small animals with oval buckle 30mm 0.6 mtr / 0.7 mtr / 0.8 mtr / 0.9 mtr / 1.0 mtr 399829 necklace for small animals with thorn buckle, rivet reinforced 30mm 0.6 mtr 50 50 50 0.6 mtr 29 Product overview agriculture necklaces / webbings 399436 replacement strap for transponder 40 cm • custom molded logo and custom printed logo available on request 399847 ankle webbing with simple buckle 40 mm 42 cm 399850 ankle webbing without buckle 38 mm 42 cm 30 10 50 399840 hollow ankle webbing for transponder 40mm insert transponder into webbing and buckle up 399849 ankle webbing with inox buckle 30 mm 42 cm 50 50 399442 leash stopper 01 100 ø 6 x 40 mm • for ankle transponders 100 Product overview 399886 ankle strap for small animals, plastic 16.5 cm • custom molded logo and custom printed logo available on request 399841 ankle strap plastic, ribbed, printed 34 cm 399916 ankle strap plastic, holes, printed 37 cm 399843 ankle strap velcro 10 10 10 40 cm 399848 ankle strap plastic, ribbed, blank 34 cm 399842 ankle strap plastic, holes, blank 37 cm 10 10 10 31 Product overview agriculture webbings 399851 down part with standard snap 399923 down part with hd-hook 399924 down part with akroh clip 32 10 10 10 399922 down part with standard snap and rings 399852 down part with hd-hook and rings 399853 down part with akroh clip and rings 10 10 10 Product overview 399374 shackle leather with chain • roll buckle 399444 shackle 10 399509 shackle oval buckle and flat buckle 10 399837 shackle 10 399838 shackle adjustable leather reinforced • roll buckle oval buckle leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy duty quality 10 399836 shackle adjustable 10 leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy duty quality 10 33 Product overview agriculture webbings 399892 halter calf 399927 halter heifer leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 10 399894 halter bull 399892 show halter calf leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 10 leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 399893 show halter cow 399894 show halter bull leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 10 leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 34 399893 halter cow 10 leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 10 399927 show halter heifer 10 leather reinforced • roll buckle • heavy quality 10 399510 slide halter 10 10 Product overview 399810 cattle leg retainer strap 100 mm • 0.5 mtr 399926 strap with panic snap 30 mm 10 10 399433 cattle leg lifting sling 40 mm • 0.5 mtr / 0.6 mtr 399854 strap with panic snap and biner 30 mm 10 399610 belt for self-insemination of sows 10 399814 canvas belt 20 mm 10 0.35 mtr 10 specials on request 35 Product overview agriculture webbings 399845 webbing by roll, 40 mm 25 mtr, 50 mtr, 75 mtr, 100 mtr 1 399846 webbing by roll, 25 / 27 mm 25 mtr 1 399917 cotton webbing by roll, 30 / 60 mm 25 mtr, 50 mtr, 75 mtr, 100 mtr 399896 necklace cutter 500 mm 2 mounting clamps included 36 1 10 Product overview milking equipment 399914 bucket lid 2 connectors • ø 12 - 17 mm or ø 16 - 21 mm 10 399915 bucket lid 3 connectors • ø 12 - 17 mm or ø 16 - 21 mm 399913 milk bucket 30 l 399978 rubber seal custom logo printing available • suitable for all milking units • all colors available on request for bucket lid 10 10 10 37 Product overview agriculture milking equipment 399970 calf feeding bucket 10 L • easy to clean • multiple colors available • personalized bucket design available 10 399975 spare parts calf feeding bucket teat nut • nut • valve • housing 38 10 Product overview 399971 mounting bracket for front and rear installation 399972 bucket lid 10 399973 teat m01 length 110 mm 10 399974 teat m02 10 399976 calf feeding bucket - multi teat 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 or 6 teats available easy to remove • easy to handle • with hanging hook length 110 mm 10 399977 calf feeding - fixed system 1 easy to clean 1 39 Product overview agriculture Calf coat Kalver bodywarmer For the manufacturing of the calf coats we only use the best available materials. AKROH calf coats protect calves against cold weather. Thanks to this protection, calves use less energy to stay warm. This has a very positive and significant impact on the growth of calves. We can customize the calf coats by printing your company name, logo or slogan on them. In one color or in multiple colors. Everything is possible at AKROH. 399981 calf coat standard De kalverdekens van AKROH worden geproduceerd van de beste materialen die er zijn. De AKROH kalverdekens bieden extra bescherming bij lage temperaturen, waardoor het kalf minder energie verbruikt om warm te blijven. Deze extra energie bevordert de groeiontwikkeling van het kalf. Wij kunnen de kalveren bodywarmers voorzien van uw bedrijfsnaam, logo of slogan. Een bedrukking in één kleur, of multi-colour? Alles is mogelijk bij AKROH. Please conta ct us for more information 399993 calf coat premium 40 1 1 Product overview Udder protector Uiernet 399983 udder protector with and without perlon • S - 4XL 1 AKROH udder protectors are made of strong and high quality materials and limit teat damage that might occur in the stables and outside in the meadows. The udder protectors are easy to apply and protect the udder against step injuries. The udder protectors are manufactured in various sizes and with or without perlon. We also supply spare nets. De uiernetten van AKROH worden gemaakt van sterk en stevig materiaal en zijn gegarandeerd bestand tegen het leven in een volle stal of buiten in de wei. De uiernetten zijn gemakkelijk aan te brengen en geven maximale bescherming van de spenen en de uier. Available sizes Beschikbare maten •S •M •L • XL • 2XL • 3XL • 4XL 399982 udder protector spare net with and without perlon • S - 4XL 1 41 Product overview agriculture milking equipment 399945 liner shell 01 ø 22 mm & ø 45 mm L = 110 mm, ø 10 mm • DeLaval, Fullwood • Other designs available on request, please contact us for more information 399379 liner shell 02 and disc 01 100 399449 liner shell 03 ø 20 mm & ø 48 mm L = 130 mm, ø 10 mm • Surge 42 100 399503 liner shell 04 100 399504 liner shell 05 ø 20 mm & ø 50 mm L = 124 / 170 mm, ø 10 mm • Westfalia ø 24 mm & ø 38 mm L = 104 mm, ø 10 mm • ø 18 mm • DeLaval ø 22 mm & ø 48 mm L = 128 mm, ø 10 mm 100 399505 liner shell 06 100 ø 20 mm & ø 48 mm L = 105 / 151 mm, ø 10 mm • Westfalia 100 Product overview 399506 liner shell 07 ø 22 mm & ø 44 mm L = 108 mm, ø 10 mm • Interpuls 399507 liner shell end 01 100 399944 inflation plug 399385 cleaning jetter, liner sprayer 03 100 399931 cleaning jetter, liner sprayer 01 100 22 / 25 mm • for washing inflations in clean-in-place washing systems ø 29 mm & ø 46 mm L = 51 mm, ø 10 mm • Fullwood 20 / 24 mm • for washing inflations in clean-in-place washing systems 100 399932 cleaning jetter, liner sprayer 02 100 24 / 28 mm • for washing inflations in clean-in-place washing systems 100 43 Product overview agriculture milking equipment 399946 cradle for jetter 399947 jetter for liner for clean-in-place kit • DeLaval for clean-in-place kit • DeLaval 399158 cord 01 399161 cord 02 4mm thick • 200 meter on a coil • for milking cluster 4x6 mm • 200 meter on a coil • low stretch cord • dyneema® 100 10 399930 distributor 01 399933 distributor 02 with vent • for clean-in-place kit without vent • for clean-in-place kit 44 100 399382 hook 01 100 Can be used in combination with cord 399158 100 399162 cord 03 1 4 mm • 200 meter on a coil • for poultry applications 10 399381 distributor 04 100 ø 10 mm 100 Product overview 399380 distributor 03 399378 bracket 01 2 x ø 12 mm & ø 14 mm for product 399380 100 399935 hose clip double 100 399937 hose clip single 100 399383 impeller 01 cattle weaner smallblack mediumgreen largewhite 100 DeLaval 10 399940 fan 399384 impeller 02 100 399101 antimilker 100 399440 feed scoop 100 10 45 Product overview agriculture 399511 claw bag 10 399911 dipper standard 399912 dipper non return easy to clean easy to clean 399151 slurry pusher plastic with stick 46 10 10 399160 curry comb 10 very soft and animal-friendly 10 399150 pig pusher / cow pusher 399155 fly-flap “give the fly a chance” 10 10 Product overview 399121 jump cup 399120 cover 100 x 32 mm 100 399895 tweezer straight 10 cm • bent 16 cm 10 100 399898 bull holder, stainless steel 10 specials on request 47 Product overview 190 agriculture protection caps 190 230 230 399330 machine cone 200 x 257 mm 399315 machine cone 190 x 230 mm 100 different hole patterns available 100 190 different hole patterns available 190 230 399320 machine cone 208 mm different hole patterns available custom hole patterns 399310 machine cone 210 x 294 mm 100 all patterns available on request, please contact us for more information 48 different hole patterns available 100 Product overview 399901 cover 08 34 x 95 mm 399710 machine cone 120 x 105 mm 10 10 399902 cover 09 45 x 77,5 mm 399720 machine cone 125 x 130 mm 100 10 399731 machine cone 190 x 200 mm 399730 machine cone 115 x 70 x 60 mm 10 10 specials on request 49 Product overview tools 50 Product overview 399905 snow-grain shovel 360 mm, alu edged, handle 10 399906 snow-grain pusher 480 mm, alu edged, handle 10 399907 snow-grain shovel 360 mm, handle 10 399908 snow-grain pusher 480 mm, handle 10 51 Product overview tools 399899 toolbox blank nestable / stackable 399900 toolbox custom printed 100 399920 bucket 12 liter measuring scale in liters and gallons 52 on request 399921 bucket 12 liter, custom printed 10 399925 bucket 22 liter measuring scale in liters and gallons printed with your custom design • nestable / stackable measuring scale in liters and gallons on request 399934 bucket 22 liter, custom printed 10 measuring scale in liters and gallons on request Product overview 399835 strap for buckets 399928 mixing tub 30 liter 100 399929 mixing tub 45 liter 10 399942 mixing tub 65 liter, on custom printed request 10 399941 mixing tub 45 liter, custom printed 399936 mixing tub 30 liter, custom printed on request 399938 mixing tub 65 liter on request 399939 mixing tub 90 liter 10 10 399943 mixing tub 90 liter, custom printed on request 53 Product overview tools 398005 ratchet rubber handle, orange / blue 1 398000 ratchet rubber handle, orange / blue 4.000 Kg, 8,5 + 0,5 mtr manufactured to EN 12195 - 2:2000 5.000 kg, 8,5 + 0,5 mtr manufactured to EN 12195 - 2:2000 398010 ratchet ergo, orange / blue 398020 - 55 roundsling 5.000 Kg, 8,5 + 0,5 mtr manufactured to EN 12195 - 2:2000 1 398060 - 95 webbing sling duplex manufactured to EN 1492 - 1:2000 54 manufactured to EN 1492 - 2:2000 1 1 399365 corner cover 01 1 for ratchet straps up to 60mm wide 100 Product overview AKROH SAFE LIFTING CHART ROUNDSLINGS, MANUFACTURED to EN 1492-2:2000 WORKING LOAD LIMIT (WLL) IN KG FOR ROUNDSLINGS, ALL LENGHTS AVAILABLE SAFETEY COLOR CODE STRAIGHT LIFT CHOKE BASKET LIFT LIFT MULTI-LEG SLINGS parallel to 7° 7° to 45° 45° to 60° 0° to 45° 0° to 45° 7-1 SAFETY FACTOR MODELNO. MODE FACTOR 1,0 0,8 2,0 1,4 1,0 1,4 2,0 398020 VIOLET 1000 800 2000 1400 1000 1400 2000 398025 GREEN 2000 1600 4000 2800 2000 2800 4000 398030 YELLOW 3000 2400 6000 4200 3000 4200 6000 398035 GREY 4000 3200 8000 5600 4000 5600 8000 398040 RED 5000 4000 10000 7000 5000 7000 10000 398045 BROWN 6000 4800 12000 8400 6000 8400 12000 398050 BLUE 8000 6400 16000 11200 8000 11200 16000 398055 ORANGE 10000 8000 20000 14000 10000 14000 20000 AKROH SAFE LIFTING CHART WEBBINGSLINGS MANUFACTURED to EN 1492-1:2000 WORKING LOAD LIMIT (WLL) IN KG FOR WEBBINGSLINGS, ALL LENGHTS AVAILABLE SAFETEY COLOR CODE STRAIGHT LIFT CHOKE LIFT BASKET LIFT MULTI-LEG SLINGS parallel to 7° 7° to 45° 45° to 60° 0° to 45° 0° to 45° 7-1 SAFETY FACTOR MODELNO. MODE FACTOR 1,0 0,8 2,0 1,4 1,0 1,4 2,0 398060 VIOLET 30mm 1000 800 2000 1400 1000 1400 2000 398065 GREEN 60mm 2000 1600 4000 2800 2000 2800 4000 398070 YELLOW 90mm 3000 2400 6000 4200 3000 4200 6000 398075 GREY 120mm 4000 3200 8000 5600 4000 5600 8000 398080 RED 150mm 5000 4000 10000 7000 5000 7000 10000 398085 BROWN 200mm 6000 4800 12000 8400 6000 8400 12000 398090 BLUE 250mm 8000 6400 16000 11200 8000 11200 16000 398095 ORANGE 300mm 10000 8000 20000 14000 10000 14000 20000 55 Product overview metal parts 399979 ring 26 x 4 mm 399882 ring 50 x 7 mm 10 10 399980 ring 29 x 3.5 mm 399856 ring 72 x 12.5 mm 10 10 399954 ring 35 x 5 mm 399865 key ring 25 mm, 27 mm and 30 mm 10 399969 ring 35 x 6 mm 10 399873 s-hook 100 10 (for necknumber 399050 / -51 / -52) other meta l parts are available on request 399860 d-ring welded 40 x 6 mm 56 10 399513 d-ring welded 50 x 7 mm 10 399870 d-ring welded 70 x 10 mm 10 Product overview 399955 simple buckle welded 25 x 2.5 mm 399515 buckle 40 x 3 mm 399512 oval buckle welded 50 x 7 mm 10 10 10 399958 simple buckle welded 28 x 2.5 mm 399988 buckle 40 x 3 mm Stainless steel 399868 oval buckle welded 70 x 6 mm 10 10 10 399863 simple buckle welded 40 x 4 mm 399867 oval buckle welded 30 x 6 mm 399861 double buckle welded 40 x 6 mm 10 10 10 399423 buckle 40 x 3.5 mm Stainless steel 399862 oval buckle welded 40 x 6 mm 399869 double buckle welded 70 x 6 mm 10 10 10 57 Product overview metal parts 399956 thorn buckle 25 mm 399857 roll buckle 25 mm 399884 roll buckle double tongue 70 mm 58 10 10 10 399435 thorn buckle 35 mm 399880 roll buckle 40 mm 399858 buckle 28 mm 10 10 10 399881 thorn buckle 40 mm 399441 roll buckle double tongue 50 mm 399889 inox buckle 30 mm 10 10 10 Product overview 399966 buckle 30 mm 399871 tie ring 10 10 399883 biner 399372 biner 5x50, 6x60, 7x70, 8x80, 9x90, 10x100, 11x110, 12x140 and 14x180 stainless steel • 5x50, 6x60, 7x70, 8x80, 9x90, 10x100, 11x110, 12x140 and 14x180 399425 trigger snap 26 mm (1“) 10 10 399859 snap 26 mm (1“) 10 10 399872 tie ring with eyebolt 399866 hook 25 mm 399875 hd snap (bull) 26 mm (1“) 10 10 10 59 Product overview metal parts 399876 panic snap 13 mm (1/2“) 399879 panic snap 26 mm (1“) 10 10 399508 clamping plate 02 399878 akroh clip 26 mm (1“) 10 10 399959 riveting plate 10 60 399877 panic snap 26 mm (1“) 10 Product overview 399864 plastic buckle 40 mm 10 399874 u-buckle 399887 buckle lever spare parts 399968 snap with ring 10 399948 weight 50 x 29 mm m6 10 399949 weight 60 x 20 mm m6 10 10 10 61 Product overview metal parts 399855 chain 01 7 mm • L = 77 cm 399389 chain 02 10 399518 chain 03 for goat • 3 mm • L = 60 cm 62 10 399519 chain 04 10 399520 chain 05 biner • 6mm • L = 70 cm 8 mm • L = 30 cm for calves and young cattle • 5 mm • L = 56 cm 10 399521 chain 06 10 for calves • 4 mm • L = 60 cm 10 Product overview 399522 chain 07 for cows • 5 mm • L = 60 cm 399523 chain 08 10 for cows • 6 mm • L = 65 cm 10 other chain designs are available on request 399524 chain 09 for cows • 7 mm • L = 70 cm 10 399525 chain 10 for young bulls • D-ring 50 mm • 7 mm • L = 57 cm 399526 chain 11 10 for bulls • D-ring 70 mm • 7 mm • L = 65 cm 10 63 Product overview construction 399950 distance holder, hole 22 mm 118 mm, 158 mm, 178 mm, 198 mm, 228 mm, 248 mm, 278 mm, 298 mm 399952 distance holder screw-thread 10 mm, purple, hole 22 mm length 248 mm 64 399951 distance holder, hole 26 mm 100 100 118 mm, 158 mm, 178 mm, 198 mm, 228 mm, 248 mm, 278 mm, 298 mm 399953 distance holder screw-thread 15 mm, brown, hole 22 mm length 298 mm 100 100 Product overview optic parts 399200 plastic patterns 1800 399210 removeable oval 30 x 17 mm 500 65 Product overview other 399501 akroh cap 399119 coins 1 399897 rope lock b-lock 5 66 on request 399122 cover 01 100 399447 cover 04 2,5” • other shapes and sizes available on request custom injection molded designs • please contact us for more information 60 x 40 mm 100 399448 cover 05 100 3” 100 Product overview 399360 cover 10 for pole 70 x 70 mm 399361 clamp with nut holder 01 100 399600 frame 16 x 16 cm 100 399500 frame 35 x 28 cm 10 specials chip in plastic 399362 boarding clamp pin included 10 100 67 Product overview automotive Custom injection molded logo Spuitgiet logo op maat It is possible to purchase license plate holders with your custom logo. Injection molded into the product. This is a great way of displaying your brand! Het is mogelijk om de kentekenplaathouders te laten voorzien van uw eigen logo, in het plastic gespoten. Dit is de perfecte manier om uw bedrijf te promoten! 68 Product overview Custom Printed License Plate Holders Bedrukte kentekenplaathouders AKROH has developed a wide range of license plate holders, from scooter till motorcyle and from car till truck, all vehicle types are covered. We offer a printing service to get the holders printed with your logo, slogan or text! AKROH heeft kentekenplaathouders ontwikkeld voor alle voertuigtypes, van scooter tot motorfiets en van personenwagen tot vrachtwagen. Tevens bieden wij een bedrukkingsservice aan. U kunt uw kentekenplaathouders laten bedrukken met uw eigen logo, slogan of tekst! 69 Product overview automotive 399390 license plate holder click for scooter, commercial 100 x 175 mm 399391 license plate holder click for scooter, square, commercial 145 x 125 mm 399392 license plate holder click for motorcycle, commercial 210 x 143 mm 70 25 25 25 399395 license plate holder click for scooter, standard 100 x 175 mm 399396 license plate holder click for scooter, square, standard 145 x 125 mm 399397 license plate holder click for motorcycle, standard 210 x 143 mm 25 25 25 Product overview 399409 nl - license plate holder click for car and truck, commercial 520 x 110 mm 399409 be - license plate holder click for car and truck, commercial 520 x 110 mm 399409 de - license plate holder click for car and truck, commercial 520 x 112 mm 100 100 100 399408 nl - license plate holder click for car and truck, standard 520 x 110 mm 399408 be - license plate holder click for car and truck, standard 520 x 110 mm 399408 de - license plate holder click for car and truck, standard 520 x 112 mm 100 100 100 71 Product overview automotive 399398 license plate holder click for car and truck, square, commercial 340 x 210 mm 25 399403 click-on clamps commercial for license plate holder click 399409 • sold in pairs 72 399399 license plate holder click for car and truck, square, standard 340 x 210 mm 25 399402 click-on clamps standard 25 for license plate holder click 399408 • sold in pairs 25 Product overview Click and drive Combine the click license plate holder range (with your custom logo) with these Click-on clamps to quickly install the test plates for a test drive. Or clamp on your advertorial plates. These clamps will make that possible! Eenvoudig en snel Watch movie Combineer de click kentekenplaathouder range met deze click-on klemmen, zo kunt u razendsnel een auto voorzien van garageplaten voor een testrit of van uw reclameplaten voor in de showroom. Deze klemmen maken dat mogelijk! BEFORE AFTER 73 Product overview automotive 399404 blanking plugs for belgian license plates 399400 license plate holder, standard 2000 399401 license plate holder, commercial 520 x 110 mm 100 520 x 110 mm 399405 license plate holder, slide-in, commercial 100 100 520 x 110 mm 399406 key tag for vehicle registration standard print and custom printing available, please contact us for more information 74 399407 towbar cap on request ideal to personalize • black and white colors in stock 100 Product overview 75 edition 2016 customized products on demand h reliable delivery h excellent quality & service 77 It’s not just a company, it’s Akroh ! AKROH Industries b.v. Ampèrestraat 6 NL-8013 PV Zwolle The Netherlands fli phone +31 (0)38 467 45 00 email fax +31 (0)38 467 45 11 web
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