Connected Car 2014 - AutoScout24 - OBD-2


Connected Car 2014 - AutoScout24 - OBD-2
Connected Car 2014
Connected Car Business Models –
State of the Art and Practical Opportunities
© Continental AG
Table of contents
1 Executive summary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Introduction
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Study methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
7 Outcome and use cases
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Summary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Position AutoScout24
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Relevance of the Connected Car 6
market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Trends affecting the Connected 7
Car market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Challenges for the development 8
of the Connected Car market . . . . .
Executive summary
The car market is currently undergoing major
changes. Stricter regulations, pollution restrictions, more driving assistance and an increasing
awareness of safety and security are driving the
development of the Connected Car. Furthermore,
the expectations of consumers are shifting towards
greater connectivity. These changes are giving rise
to new business models and opportunities for the
entire Connected Car market. This study examines
both existing and future business models related
to the Connected Car.
We interviewed 27 participants from related industries such as car manufacturers, telecommunications and the digital sector. We asked them about
the various challenges, trends and business models
relating to the Connected Car. The main challenges
identified were technical-, business-, and market-related. These include the difference between
the automakers and the Internet industry as well
as the question of how to monetize the Connected
Car. Moreover, there may be conflicts caused by
the use of varying platforms in different brands of
car. The platforms all need to be compatible with
the smartphone used by the driver. This difference
accounts for embedded and brought-in solutions.
The concern about data security remains. Who has
the right to access which data and to who does the
data belong? Many use cases require the collection
and analysis of car or user data. The Connected Car
market still needs to overcome a range of challenges in order to grow. The study identified over
40 potential and existing use cases.
After analyzing the trends, challenges and the
customer value of the use cases, the conclusions
drawn based on the view of AutoScout24 are:
• Connected Car Cloud as a driver for
the success of the Connected Car
• There aren’t any applications with a major value for the customer on the market
• A real open source initiative could push
the Connected Car market
• Used cars could have a major impact on
the development of the Connected Car
• Consumer needs and problems have not
yet been identified extensively
AutoScout24 takes part in the identification of
customer problems and needs. Being the largest
online car marketplace in Europe, the development
of the car offers great potential. This study can
serve as an overview of possible Connected Car
applications and also as an overview of the main
trends and challenges in this young growth market
for everyone in the industry.
© Audi AG
Connecting the car to the Internet could lead
to major changes in the automobile industry.
It introduces the IT business to a traditional industry segment. This new field of business follows
different rules and has contrasting characteristics.
There are some advantages and also a number of
challenges that accompany the introduction of the
Connected Car. However, not only carmakers stand
to benefit from the development of the Connected
Car. The industry is set to undergo a great many
changes and see new market entrants within the
next few years. These new market participants
have the opportunity to expand their businesses
and enter the automobile sector. This is especially
true for the telecommunications industry and the
digital sector. These markets are very consumer-driven. Therefore, the main goal of this study is
to identify use cases that provide greater value for
the consumer. The results will then be categorized
and analyzed.
The study begins by explaining the methodology
that was applied. This chapter is followed by a
description of the relevance of the Connected Car
field. The study then analyzes the current trends
affecting the Connected Car. We asked 27 market
experts to state their opinions and share their
insights on this topic. The future of the connected vehicle faces numerous challenges that are
described in the chapter prior to the outcome and
findings of the study. The use cases will also be
mentioned and categorized. Furthermore, these
possible applications are evaluated and ranked
according to their importance. The study then
concludes by outlining the position of AutoScout24
and providing an outlook.
Network Provider
Network Provider
Connected Car
Digital Business
Digital Business
Study methodology
AutoScout24 surveyed 27 experts from various
industries related to the Connected Car market
in Germany. The study was performed from the
end of December 2013 until March 2014. During
qualitative interview sessions the experts answered
open questions with the goal of identifying use
cases. The experts work in the following industries:
• Car manufacturing
• Consulting8
• Telecommunication3
• Tier 1 supply
• Car sharing
• Information technology 4
• Financial services
The questionnaire consisted of basic questions
concerning the trends and factors driving the
development of the Connected Car. The survey
focused on the identification of use cases.
Questions concerning customer value made up
the third part of the questionnaire. Monetizing
the Connected Car played as much of a role as
the outlook and further development.
In order to identify a trend in the importance of
the use cases identified, the experts then received
an online questionnaire in which they were asked
to evaluate the use cases on a scale from very important to very unimportant. The survey gathered
information from 24 expert participants in order
to obtain knowledge on the perceived importance
of the use cases for the Connected Car market.
2 Financial services
3 Information technology
8 Car manufacturing
3 Car sharing
4 Consulting
3 Tier 1 supply
4 Telecommunication
Relevance of the
Connected Car market
Cars are one of the last of very few white spots on
the digital map. But now the digital revolution is
increasing the connectivity of cars and enhancing the possibilities for being connected at all
times. Regulations, for example the eCall, and
the growing demand for infotainment are pushing
the development of the Connected Car. Entertainment and other functions within the car are rather
static, whereas smartphones are accustomed to
dealing with real-time data. Due to decreasing
prices for technology and data transfer, the car
now has the chance to become a mobile device on
wheels. This development offers new options for
car manufacturers to position themselves in the
market. Connected Cars enable carmakers to build
and maintain a relevant relationship with their
Increasing connectivity is already being seen with
the increased numbers of smartphones and greater
volumes of global mobile data traffic. Studies
predict more than ten billion mobile-connected
devices within the next 4 years. This mega-trend
is changing customers’ expectations regarding the
availability of connectivity. Increasing volumes of
data will be collected and data science will create
new business opportunities. This forecast has led to
many studies stating that all cars will be connected
within the next few years. According to a study by
MarketsandMarkets the market value for the Connected Car is expected to be close to 100 billion
US dollars by 2018.
The Connected Car not only impacts carmakers,
but also other industries. This trend can be seen in
the efforts of companies such as Microsoft, Apple,
and Google.
They are all competing with one another to ensure
that their operating systems are fitted in the infotainment units of new cars.
The ecosystem includes telecommunications
companies, governments, insurance companies,
garages, app developers, retailers, and auto
suppliers. When talking to these players, they are
all aware of the high importance of increasing
connectivity. Even though there are estimates for
the future potential of the Connected Car market,
we can only begin to imagine how the market is
likely to develop.
New features relating to Connected Cars may well
be more relevant to the end customer than, for
example, the actual engine technology. The study
“The Cars We Want Tomorrow” conducted by AutoScout24 in 2013 indicates the increasing demand
for Connected Car features in the near future.
According to this study, in particular, end customers expect safety and entertainment features. This
will lead to a variety of very important changes
from the perspective of the customer with regard
to mobility. First of all, mobility itself is becoming
more important than actually owning a car. This
can be seen especially in bigger cities, which have
an increasing number of car-sharing companies.
While on the move, consumers expect the same
experience and connectivity they have at any other
time and place. Greener solutions such as electric
mobility greatly depend on connected vehicles.
Cars need to charge their batteries, but charging
stations have limited capacities. Therefore a solution that shows the availability of charging points
at any station would be very helpful. The Connected Car market offers a large number of possible
applications with many benefits for consumers.
Trends affecting the
Connected Car market
Connected vehicles are becoming a mainstream
phenomenon. The way people connect with their
environment has changed radically over the past
years. Therefore the experts were asked about the
trends they see developing in the field of the Connected Car. This chapter summarizes the four major
trends that were identified. They include not just
the consumer but also external trends affecting
the Connected Car market.
Increasing demand for connectivity
Cars are expected to offer more and more connectivity features. Today, it might still be a selling
proposition to offer certain connectivity services,
but in the future these features will be expected as
standard equipment. On the one hand there are
the consumers who expect connectivity everywhere. On the other hand, regulations and safety
laws require cars to be connected. Carmakers can
profit from increasing connectivity by providing
new after-sales solutions, thereby bolstering customer retention. New car models, such as electric
cars, require more connectivity than other vehicles.
Their range is limited and charging stations are not
yet available everywhere. The availability of charging points necessitates real-time communication in
order to meet the need to charge car batteries.
“While the e-mobility slowly picks up the speed,
another revolution is already in full swing:
the digital revolution.”
Dieter Zetsche, Vorstandsvorsitzender, Daimler AG
Mobile devices are important for the
Smartphones are a great way of connecting
vehicles. First of all, most people use smartphones
regularly and are therefore accustomed to greater
connectivity. Furthermore, smartphone users
have their personal data stored on these devices.
A connection between cars and mobile devices
is therefore inevitable. Smartphones and other
devices need to be compatible with their owners’
vehicles. Therefore, all types of car need to be
able to connect with all brands of smartphones.
Used cars may rely on smartphones as control
devices to operate Connected Car features. Additionally, mobile devices offer the advantage
of reducing the amount of hardware required.
Autonomous driving is not an immediate goal
A self-driving car will become standard at some
point in the future. However, it is not the main
focus of automakers at the present time. First,
many advanced features are being developed to
make driving easier, safer, and more convenient.
Then new laws and regulations need to be passed
in order to pave the way for a self-driving vehicle.
Before all these challenges are mastered and cars
are ready to drive on their own, customers first
need to be made aware of self-driving cars. This
necessitates the broad acceptance of consumers.
Another factor is car-to-x communication. The infrastructure needs to be able to communicate with
the cars on the road. A general system to establish
data transmission will be necessary.
Laws and regulations influence the future
of the Connected Car
Safety regulations will affect the Connected Car
market in general. The eCall is the first regulation that will immediately have an impact on the
connectivity of cars in the European Union. As
from 2015, all new cars will be equipped with this
feature. Automakers have to bow to these laws
and accept them. Taking the eCall as an example
to connect all vehicles, the power of regulation is
obvious. A car needs to be equipped with a black
box to make the eCall work. Driver distraction may
well become a topic for governments to regulate
what a driver is allowed to do while driving and
which actions need to be limited to a non-moving
position. Various other government plans may also
determine the future of the Connected Car market.
Challenges for the development
of the Connected Car market
© Volkswagen AG
The increasing use of smartphones, growing urban
areas and greater numbers of cars on existing
roads – the car industry will be facing a great
many challenges going into the future. Connected
Cars require a wide range of industries in order to
interact with one another. On the one hand, car
manufacturers are still responsible for the development of the car itself. On the other hand, they
need to open up and work together more closely
with telecommunications companies. The Connected Car is therefore causing a paradigm shift within
the car industry. This shift is also supported by
the changing needs of consumers. Car buyers are
becoming older and no longer need to own a car
within cities. Furthermore, the car’s specification
is no longer the most important criterion.
Monetizing the Connected Car
Connecting the car will also lead to new costs. But
who will pay for these services in the future? How
much are consumers willing to pay to connect their
vehicles? These questions are as yet unanswered.
Firstly, car buyers are used to paying for their vehicles once only. The Connected Car requires a constant Internet connection, which might therefore
cost subscription fees. There might be business
models similar to the smartphone or a one-time
payment when the car or the application is initially
purchased. Data and roaming costs also need to be
paid in addition to the services used.
Difference between automobile manufacturers
and Internet industry
The lifecycles of automobiles and Internet products, such as smartphones or apps, differ from one
another. Cars usually take much longer to develop.
A car development lifecycle takes up to five years,
whereas operating systems and apps are constantly updated. The Connected Car requires both
industries to work together. Updates and upgrades
must be applied regularly in order to meet the
requirements of end consumers. They will expect
the operating systems in their cars to work as well
as those in their smartphones.
Furthermore, car manufacturers rely on partnerships with mobile network providers to some
extent. A stable Internet connection is a prerequisite at all times.
Embedded vs. brought-in solutions
Embedded connectivity systems are meanwhile
fitted in many new cars, whereas used cars are
rarely equipped with them. In order to connect
them, a brought-in solution is required. The use
of interfaces such as OBD2 to connect the car to
the smartphone might well be a suitable solution.
Generally, cars need to be able to connect to end
consumers’ mobile devices using cables, Bluetooth
or other technologies, enabling them to fully
access the contents of these devices. In order to
achieve a high percentage of Connected Cars on
the roads, the discrepancy between new and used
cars requires a solution. Brought-in solutions may
solve this discrepancy.
© Volkswagen AG
Ownership of cars may change and introduce
new ownership models
Car manufacturers are aware of the changes in
customer behavior. The trend is heading away
from owning a car towards the general need
for mobility. Many automakers are supporting
car-sharing programs in order to fulfill the need of
mobility. Traveling from one city to another could
then be done by train. When the consumer has
arrived in the foreign city, car sharing might well
be a suitable option as a way of accessing mobility.
Therefore, it is no longer necessary to own a car.
Intermodal transport is increasing as a result of
new ownership models. This means you have the
option to book trains, car-sharing vehicles and
other transportation devices in just one accounting
process. Smooth transportation options are available without the need to own a car.
Data security and ownership of data
Connected Cars transmit data to a variety of receivers. These might be mobile devices, automakers,
insurance companies and so on. But who has the
right to access this data? Carmakers see themselves
as the owners, but car buyers want to decide about
the use of their data themselves. Who is responsible for the security of the data? Privacy questions
may slow down the development of the Connected
Car market. The possibilities of analyzing the data
transmitted by vehicles have not yet been fully explored. Time will tell which companies are able to
set up new business cases and create new business
”The expectations of the people towards mobility will change fundamentally.”
Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Vorstandsvorsitzender, Volkswagen AG
Compatibility between different platforms
Currently, each individual car manufacturer develops its own operating system for its vehicles. The
carmakers decide which apps will be available for
their vehicles. Closed platforms allow them to decide about the level of security and reliability. This,
on the other hand, limits the number of applications in each vehicle. The automakers control the
developers and therefore regulate the variety of
services available. An open platform would allow
external developers to create apps for cars. But
the cars’ operating systems need to be compatible
with one another in order to make the use of apps
possible across different models and brands.
Outcome and use cases
© Volkswagen AG
The term Connected Car is well known within the
automotive business, but not yet among consumers. Therefore the driver of the Connected Car
needs to be identified and analyzed. So who are
these drivers specifically?
Autoscout24 asked the opinion of 27 experts in
Germany about which use cases or trends may help
to increase awareness regarding the Connected
Car. Safety is paramount for consumers. With an
average of 5.35 on a scale up to 6, the experts
consider safety of great importance to the future
of the Connected Car. This opinion is driven by the
eCall regulation passed by the European Union.
The eCall is an emergency call system designed to
help the driver and passengers in the car in case
of an accident. Cars will have telematics boxes
fitted during manufacturing, which will be set up
to make the eCall. The other important categories
in the field of Connected Cars are diagnosis and
navigation. Infotainment and insurance take a
rather less important role in taking the Connected
Car to the next level.
Importance of identified categories
Car sharing
Remote telematics
Insurance 4.33
© Continental AG
Overall, the study resulted in over 40 different use
cases relating to the Connected Car. Use cases are
possible scenarios for applications. The use cases
are sorted by category, but some of them are interrelated. Thus, for instance, the use cases in the
field of safety also relate to navigation. The eCall
is taken as an example to illustrate the connection
between the various categories. In order to make
an eCall, the vehicle must be fitted with a telematics box, GPS tracking, and a SIM card, thereby
creating the basic technology required for other
possible applications. Tracking of one’s vehicle or
geo-fencing use cases may then be established.
Furthermore, a person’s driving behavior can be
analyzed by means of the extracted data, which
may then be taken to determine usage-based insurance premiums or to optimize one’s own driving
behavior. This leads to the finding that a combination of different applications is very much possible
and may even be desired. If an application meets
the same basic requirements, such as technological
standards, it offers the possibility to use the same
standard for a number of use cases. This becomes
even more important when looking at used cars.
An external telematics box or OBD2 dongles might
be necessary to connect the vehicle. Therefore a
standard for an app store or similar may allow the
introduction of various use cases from different
“Market participants other than the OEMs are
able to access car data through the OBD-2
interface. This allows many new use cases and
benefits for the driver and car owner.”
Thomas Girod, Sales Manager Automotive, Vodafone GmbH
Top 10 use cases
1. Live traffic information (5.83)
2. eCall (5.46)
3. Accident prevention (M2M communication) (5.46)
4. Self-diagnosis including data cloud (5.43)
5. Intermodal route planning (5.25)
6. Intelligent parking – showing the availability of parking spots (5.13)
7. Wrong-way driver warning (5.09)
8. Usage-based insurance (5.08)
9. WLAN in the car (5.04)
10. Synchronization of playlists (5.00)
• Live traffic information
• Points of interest displayed in the car
• Finding parked car
• Intelligent parking - pinpointing available parking spots
• Counterevidence for speeding tickets
• Areally/ timely extension of navigation area
• Booking of parking spots in advance
• Intermodal route planning
• Automatic traffic sign recognition
• Locally based information about events
• Offers of available parking spots
• Electronic logbook
• eCall
• Wrong-way driver warning
• Prevention of accidents (M2M communication)
• Health check of driver
• WLAN in the car
Remote telematics
• Purchasing and downloading music
• Entertainment streaming into the car’s displays
• Remote control
• Stolen vehicle recovery
• Surveillance of the car
• Analyzing driving behavior/
optimizing fuel efficiency
• Synchronization via the airwaves
• SMS messages - reading and sending
• Spotify and Internet radio
• Location-based ads
• Business functions such as calendars, address books
• Social networking in the car
• Location-sharing and tracking of friends
• Usage-based insurance
• Combined insurance services (e.g. bCall)
• Cross-selling offers
• Self-diagnosis including data cloud
• Used car check
Car sharing
• Ad hoc carpooling
• Combined booking of cars and parking spots
• Private car sharing without physically
exchanging keys
• Reminder of forgotten mobile devices in the car
• Mobile payment of car tolls
• Concierge services
• Automatic information on delays
• Location-based memory function
• Leasing rate based on driving behavior
• Current car residual value sent to the consumer
“The car will become a sensor cloud. The data
is important and may help to enhance driving
for everyone. This could include traffic, street
conditions, etc.”
Dr. Michael Dinkel, Head of Software Integration, Elektrobit
Automotive GmbH
Live traffic information
Real-time traffic information is a service that
shows current conditions on the roads, including
traffic jams and construction sites. Radio stations,
navigation systems, and the Internet are possible
sources for retrieving real-time traffic information.
The information is gathered from the police, automobile clubs, and sensors on and nearby roads as
well as from floating data. The latter data source
then becomes increasingly interesting. Floating
data can be collected from smartphones and cars.
For drivers and their passengers, this use case
offers a variety of specific benefits. First of all, live
traffic informs drivers about the current traffic situation along the planned route, allowing them to
make detours if necessary and be aware of possible
delays along the way. This could save time and
have a positive impact on the well-being of the
driver. The highly accurate information it provides
could lead to stress reduction. It therefore becomes
possible to avoid traffic jams without having to
rely on traffic reports from the radio. Furthermore,
Live Traffic usually includes radar warnings. The
driver therefore always knows where speeding is
eCall stands for emergency call. It is an automatic
emergency call system that contacts emergency
services via the emergency telephone number
automatically in case of an accident. They then
send rescuers to the place of the accident. The car
sends basic data such as the time the accident occurred, driving direction, car and service provider
ID as well as whether the eCall has been triggered
automatically or manually. Furthermore, it is possible to send data from the safety system on board
the car. These include the number of passengers,
whether the seat belts were fastened and the intensity of the accident. In every case the emergency
call center tries to contact the integrated phone in
the car to talk to the driver or passengers.
This use case offers great value in terms of safety.
When car accidents happen, minutes can decide
between life and death. Therefore the eCall may
reduce the road toll and help to reduce the incidence of major injuries occurring due to car accidents. Particularly the damage caused by accidents
that happen at night on streets with little traffic
can be greatly reduced with the help of the eCall.
Sending the GPS position and the driving direction
enables vehicles to be recovered more quickly. This
saves time in cases of accidents that do not result
in serious injury. The amount of time saved could
be as high as 50% in rural and 40% in urban
Prevention of accidents (M2M communication)
This use case describes the general M2M communication. Therefore it is not just a specific car-to-car
communication aspect, but also offers many other
possibilities. Generally, it enables cars to communicate with other vehicles or even mobile devices.
Two specific examples will explain this use case.
A car has broken down immediately after a corner
and is hidden from view. The following car receives
the information that the car in front has broken
down and therefore notifies the driver to slow
down to prevent a collision.
M2M communication includes more than car-tocar capabilities. It could be developed further to
establish car-to-mobile device communication.
Especially during the night or in other difficult
driving conditions, this type of communication
could inform drivers that people are walking on
the street or are even running towards the street.
“Connected Cars can increase the safety on the
streets by far. This can even go as far as seeing
cars communicating with mobile devices to
prevent accidents with pedestrians.“
Wilko S. Wolters, Practice Leader, Ingenieurskunst GmbH
Self-diagnosis including data cloud
Car owners can self-diagnose their vehicles using
interfaces such as OBD2. Instead of depending on
repair shops or garages, it is possible to diagnose
the electronic condition of the car. The analyzed
data can be read in an app or sent to a repair shop
of the driver’s choice. Therefore the car can be
monitored and major damage can be prevented
before it occurs. The data can be stored in the
Connected Car Cloud and then made available for
further analysis.
Knowing which problems your car has or what
might break down in the near future can have a
major impact on the amount of money spent on
The automatic notification of repair shops allows
a vehicle to be constantly monitored. Therefore
drivers no longer need to worry about the condition
of their cars. They can rely on the repair shop to
contact them in case of damage. It is also important
to immediately know the reasons that caused the
problem, which reduces stress in case of car trouble.
Intermodal route planning
Increased connectivity also makes it possible to
provide the driver with itineraries that include
several modes of transport. The following example
demonstrates this type of travel planning. A person
leaves home to travel to the local train station,
which requires public transport. Then this person
takes a train to travel to another city. After arriving
at the destination, a car-sharing vehicle is needed
to reach the final destination. When the person
enters the car, the navigation system could receive
data from a mobile device to set the address of the
final destination. If the final destination cannot
be reached by car, the vehicle’s navigation system
could send the remaining route to the traveler’s
mobile device. Public transport, trains, and car
sharing are booked and displayed in one single
route planning. This use case may go as far as
including the automatic rebooking of modes of
transport if the traveler is running late any time
during his journey.
Intelligent parking – pinpointing available
parking spots
Parking spots have become rare in bigger cities. Therefore it might be an option to show the
availability of parking spots directly in the car.
This means that if the desired parking areas are
occupied, the car’s navigation system will guide
the driver to the closest available parking spot.
Furthermore, whenever a car leaves, this specific
parking spot needs to be shown as available to
other drivers. Therefore cars need to communicate
with each other to share their location anonymously. Connected Cars are able to send data to
each other. This requires a very high number of
Connected Cars in order to make this use case
possible. Another possibility might be the development of the infrastructure to show the availability
of parking. This has the major advantage of being
independent of the parked cars’ connectivity.
Wrong-way driver warning
There are two possibilities for this use case. On
the one hand there are cars that enter a highway
going the wrong way. They could receive alerts
and warnings on their displays and possibly even
instructions on how to behave correctly after being
on the wrong road. On the other hand it might
be possible to warn other drivers. This means that
as soon as someone is driving the wrong way, the
car transmits warnings to any cars that might be
affected and exposed to danger. Then the other
drivers receive alerts on their head-up displays.
Increased safety and fewer accidents may occur
from implementing this use case.
Usage-based insurance
Pay as you drive (PAYD) and pay how you drive
(PHYD) are parts of the usage-based insurance
scheme. This type of automobile insurance calculates its costs based on the vehicle type and its
actual driving record. Factors such as time, place,
and distance are measured. They add up to the
driving behavior that serves as the basis for the
insurance premium.
The difference to traditional car insurance is the
consideration of driving skills. The safer the driver
is, the less he or she needs to pay for their coverage. If car owners choose this type of insurance,
they will be evaluated concerning how, when, and
where they drive.
The most important value for customers is the
potential to reduce the cost of their insurance
policies. The better the driver, the less he needs to
pay. This might be interesting especially for young
drivers who need to pay a lot at the beginning of
their driving careers. They might reduce their rates
by adopting safer driving behavior.
This encourages a fair evaluation of policy rates
and might well benefit the low-risk drivers.
Consumers now have the option to select between
different insurance types instead of relying on the
standard premium. Drivers are able to improve their
driving habits and even compare the results to their
family and friends because of the tracking device.
WLAN in the car
The car provides a WLAN connection for the driver
and the passengers. This allows various devices
such as notebooks, tablets, or smartphones to
connect to the network and use the Internet for
working, streaming, or other purposes.
This use case offers a specific value for the customer. Traveling and business trips may require
access to a WLAN connection. On business trips it
is possible to connect all devices such as tablets,
smartphones, and notebooks to the WLAN and
thereby reduce the number of separate SIM cards
or WLAN sticks required. This use case also offers
another benefit while traveling. The WLAN allows
the streaming of movies, songs, and other activities such as checking e-mails or connecting to
social networks.
“Car data allows an electronic profile of each
car. This could be a health insurance file for the
vehicle including user data, driving behavior,
amount of driven kilometers and so on…”
Andreas Bucholz, CEO, conexas GmbH
Synchronization via the airwaves
This use case provides for a wireless connection
between the car and the home computer, smartphone, and other online services. Therefore play
lists could be synchronized with the car, which
means that your favorite music you listen to at
home could be automatically streamed into your
vehicle. Furthermore calendars, notes, and address
books could be synchronized with the car, allowing
passengers to use these functions while in the car.
According to the experts, the personalization of the
car is the key value. One expert gave the example
of a shared car. If a husband and wife share a car,
they should easily be able to set up their calendar,
notes and favorite music within the car. Furthermore, it is entirely up to the driver or passenger
to decide which music he or she wants to listen to.
In the following, the top 3 use cases are displayed
for each category. The results are ranked according
to the evaluation of the experts. The explanations
for each use case can be found in the appendix of
this study.
© Volkswagen AG
Top 3 use cases: Remote telematics
Top 3 use cases: Diagnosis
• Stolen vehicle recovery (4.88)
• Remote control (4.70)
• Fuel efficiency analysis (4.67)
• Self-diagnosis (5.43)
• Automatic data transfer to repair shops (5.13)
• Check-up of used cars (4.65)
Use cases in the field of remote telematics are not
the main factors driving the Connected Car market.
However, overall, remote telematics is ranked in the
middle of the available categories, just below car
sharing. The experts mentioned five use cases and
evaluated them all with a lesser importance than other categories. The other two use cases are the analysis
of driving behavior and the surveillance of the car if,
for example, children take the car unasked.
Diagnosis is considered the second most important
factor driving the Connected Car market. There are
already some applications on the market that allow
car owners to check the electrical status of their
cars. Major breakdowns may therefore be prevented due to early detection of problems in the car.
The ability to check one’s car could lead to further
uses for this application. One day, it may even be
possible to make a full car inspection of a used car
before buying it.
Top 3 use cases: Infotainment
Top 3 use cases: Insurance
• WLAN in the car (5.04)
• Synchronizing play lists (iTunes etc) (5.00)
• Spotify and Internet radio in the car (4.92)
The results of the infotainment use cases are surprising, as infotainment is ranked low compared to
the other categories. The respective use cases are
evaluated higher. Two infotainment use cases are
ranked among the top ten use cases. Other possible applications include entertainment streaming,
social networking, location sharing, business functions, and voice control for messaging services.
„Augmented Reality offers so many new benefits
to the Entertainment applications of the car. Just
imagine if you travel and always know where
your favorite music is played. Information about
live concerts or bars and clubs may be sent into
the your car and based on your location and the
music you listen to in the car.” Steffen Holly, Head of Media Management & Delivery, Fraunhofer IDMT
• Pay-as-you-drive (5.08)
• Additional services (e.g. bCall) (4.63)
• Cross-selling of insurance policies (3.96)
The Connected Car offers new business models
for insurance companies. Besides being able to
introduce new policies based on driving behavior, they can also offer additional services. Some
insurers offer breakdown calls or other services in
addition to their regular policies. If a telematics
box is installed in the car, they may either find use
cases concerning the data or create cross-selling
© Audi AG
Top 3 use cases: Navigation
Top 3 use cases: Car sharing
• Live traffic information (5.83)
• Intermodal route planning (5.25)
• Intelligent parking – showing the availability
of parking spots (5.13)
• Ad hoc car-pooling (4.83)
• Combined booking of cars and parking (4.78)
• Private car sharing without physical key
exchange (4.58)
Navigation has been considered a major driver
of the Connected Car market. The importance of
navigation applications can be seen when looking
at the top ten use cases. The top three use cases
displayed above are all ranked among the top ten
use cases overall. Other use cases, such as locally
based information, electronic logbooks, the finding
of a parked car, or point-of-interest information are
also included in the navigation category.
Car sharing may greatly benefit from Connected
Cars. Being able to pick up people along the road
may be an interesting concept for car-pooling companies. Car sharing tends to increase their field
of operation, especially in bigger cities. Therefore
new concepts such as the combined booking of a
vehicle and a parking spot may become possible.
Concerning private car sharing, a Connected Car
provides the option to rent cars out the same way
as car-sharing companies.
“The eCall is certainly an important step towards
the Connected Car, but there will be also other
drivers to force connectivity onto the market.
These definitely include driving data related use
Thomas Becher, VP Business Development, TomTom Telematics
Top 3 use cases: Safety
• eCall (5.46)
• Prevention of accidents (M2M communication) (5.46)
• Warning of wrong-way driver (5.09)
As the most important factor of the Connected Car,
safety has a few very important use cases. Besides
the well-known eCall, the safety applications offer
enhancements for the driver and other road users.
Other use cases in this field are a digital driver
control and a health check for the driver. The last
mentioned possible application checks the health
status of the driver and monitors, for example,
the blood sugar level.
Top 3 use cases: Other
• Mobile payment toll (4.74)
• Leasing rate based on driving behavior (4.30)
• Location-based memory function (4.22)
Some use cases simply do not fit into the chosen
categories. In general, these are rather unpopular
and ranked at a low level. The use cases may become interesting at some point, but are not among
the main topics of focus today. Further possible
applications include the sending of the current car
residual value to the owner of a car. Another future
option is to remind drivers if they have forgotten
any mobile devices in the car.
Position AutoScout24
© AutoScout24 GmbH
As we have seen, there are a great number of
relevant use cases for the Connected Car. As a
very important player in the used car sector and
operating an online garage marketplace, AutoScout24 plans on taking part in the Connected Car
market. AutoScout24 therefore draws the following
Connected Car Cloud as a driver for the
success of the Connected Car
Smartphones have changed the way consumers
interact with their environment. A Connected Car
Cloud offers new opportunities for both drivers
and passengers, including access to information
and navigation as well as entertainment. An onboard system or an after-sale solution is required
to handle data. The data may be sent to car manufacturers or other service providers. A cloud offers
drivers and passengers access to apps for navigation, infotainment, or other information either
with an embedded system or a retrofit device.
There aren’t any applications with a major
value for the customer on the market
Overall, the survey showed that there is uncertainty about the future development of the Connected
Car market. Cars will become more and more connected and will be available with new functions.
Today there isn’t one particular use case or idea
that would immediately boost the popularity of the
Connected Car. There are numerous applications
and functions available when purchasing a new
car, especially in the premium segment. But all of
these show only minor enhancements for driving
and the car itself. Connecting used cars requires a
mobile device. These vehicles aren’t equipped with
telematics boxes to connect themselves. Therefore
a retrofit solution is required. Even if there are
applications that offer an enormous potential, they
do not reach most cars.
Real Open Source offers more diversity for
the Connected Car market
The best solution in order to push the Connected
Car market and increase customer awareness would
be an open platform and a real open source concept. This would allow all-in-one solutions for both
new and used cars. Instead of the walled garden
solutions on the market today, creating an open
platform offers more scope for individualization.
This leads to a greater chance of reaching a broader market than relying only on solutions created by
car manufacturers. However, car manufacturers are
not likely to open their businesses in the foreseeable future. Telecommunications and Internet
companies are forcing their businesses towards
the car market. The first step in this direction has
been taken with the establishment of the Open
Automotive Alliance and other alliances between
car manufacturers and companies such as Google
and Apple.
An open platform enables external developers to
create applications and functions for a variety of
vehicle brands. There are many advantages if real
open source becomes the standard in cars. This is
especially true for the used car market. Even after
buying a used car, functions related to the use cases previously mentioned can be set up in the car
individually. Overall, this study displayed the wish
and maybe even the need for an open platform.
Used cars have a major impact on the
development of the Connected Car
The used car market is playing an important role
in the development of cars. If cars tend to be
more than 10 years on the street, than even if the
eCall remains mandatory for any new car in 2015,
it will take until 2025 before nearly all cars are
connected for eCall. So for most people who own
and buy used cars, it won’t be before the end of
the decade until the broad awareness of Connected
Cars is raised among them. Furthermore, they will
miss many of the latest functions available only
for new cars. This isn’t very different from earlier
times, but in the specific case of the Connected
Car, where machine-to-machine communication
will take place, it has a great impact on the cars on
the street. If every car transmits data, e.g. for crash
protection and other safety reasons, an older car
without the relevant functions will not take part in
the communication process. Therefore the safety
issue cannot be solved completely and the developments of such features need to take used cars
into account. The challenge of connecting almost
every car may also be solved with retrofit solutions. AutoScout24, for example, offers an OBD2
solution to make the connection possible.
Consumer needs and problems are
not yet identified
This study showed the expectations of the key
market players and what they expect the consumers to be interested in. Most of the use cases
discovered offer some value and benefit to drivers
and passengers. However, a key question remains:
What exactly does the consumer want? It might be
diagnosis, increased safety, or infotainment features. Safety is often mentioned as very important
in consumer studies, but potential customers are
usually not willing to pay a higher price for more
safety features such as the eCall. Therefore the
question still remains unanswered: What is the
customer willing to pay for and how much? As soon
as actual customer needs are identified, the Connected Car market will boost itself. The answers to
these questions are even more difficult today, due
to an obvious change in consumer behavior. Car
buyers become older when they purchase new cars
and owning a car is no longer as important
as it used to be.
© Daimler AG
Despite the challenges and possible risks concerning the Connected Car, it will play a major role in
the future of the car in general. All experts agree
on the importance of increasing connectivity.
Automakers need to develop global solutions and
open themselves to other market participants in
order to push the Connected Car. Applications
need to be set up for upgrades and updates.
This may be another challenge for carmakers,
specifically because they were used to developing
their products in longer cycles than the digital
market. Furthermore, the connectivity of a vehicle
is already achievable by means of mobile devices. Many people who own smartphones or other
devices can make their vehicle “connected,” but
to set up valuable applications, the capability to
extract vehicle data is required. This is necessary
for diagnosis, tracking, analyzing driving behavior, and so on. Connectivity requires consistent
service. This means that the infrastructure needs to
be enhanced in order to offer service and network
access everywhere.
This study covered over 40 use cases and possible applications concerning the Connected Car.
Many of them are likely to be available in the near
future. Some will need to be available in every
car in order to comply with regulations and others
may become available as add-ons or in app stores.
In order to set up app stores, standards need to
be established. It remains to be seen whether
the initiative comes from the carmakers or from
alliances with companies such as Apple, Google, or
The monetizing of the Connected Car remains a
challenge. Who is going to pay for these services?
Who will pay for the mobile data? These questions
are still unanswered and there are numerous
options to answer them. Laws abandoning high
mobile roaming costs in the European Union, for
example, certainly give this topic a boost. By 2016,
cars will be able to connect in European countries
at the same cost as in Germany, for example.
Consumers are changing their buying behavior and
the average buyer is getting older. So what are the
future criteria for buying a car? Is it still the brand
or the power of the engine? These factors may certainly play a role when making a buying decision,
but connectivity may also be an important factor
as well, along with user-friendliness. The features
the Connected Car offers need to be easily accessible in a straightforward way. The human-machine
interface therefore needs to be optimized, which
could include touchscreens with new functions or
other solutions. One possibility could be voice control. Which of these options will become standard
remains to be seen.
To conclude this study it should be mentioned
that awareness of the Connected Car is very high
among the key players. This is true of the carmakers, the telecommunications industry and all of the
other participants. New entries are also likely to
launch themselves onto the Connected Car market.
Their strategies will be adapted to take part in this
market. New mobility concepts and intermodal
route planning will enhance the way we travel. A
high degree of vehicle connectivity is required to
establish these new models. The future of mobility
is the Connected Car.
Remote control
Smartphones could well be used as tools to remotely control one’s car. It is possible to lock and
unlock the vehicle as well to start the engine by
means of an app. Furthermore, sounding the horn
or flashing the lights may become possible via
remote control. In comparison to existing remote
controls, an app and a vehicle being connected via
the Internet, these features would be accessible
from all over the world.
Stolen vehicle recovery
Tracking the vehicle and being able to recover a
car after it has been stolen is an interesting use
case. In the era of the Connected Car, it will be
possible to track down the current position of the
vehicle and then to slow it down until it comes to
a complete standstill. The number of stolen vehicles is likely to decrease greatly once every car is
equipped with a system of this type. It is already
common in Southern Europe, the USA, and South
Africa. There are many privately owned companies
offering this service.
Surveillance of the car
Drivers can track their vehicles at any time,
enabling them to know where their car is and how
fast it is traveling. For instance, if parents lend
their vehicle to their children, who may have only
recently received their driver’s license, the parents
are able to set geo fences, restricting the area in
which the children are allowed to drive. If they
pass the invisible geo border, the car owner can be
notified. This is also possible concerning specific
speed limits that can be set up individually.
Analyzing driving behavior/optimizing
fuel efficiency
Increasing gas prices also increase the cost of
owning a car. Therefore it might be helpful to adjust one’s driving behavior. The car can record the
style of driving in terms of braking, accelerating
and the distance traveled. This use case could be
interpreted as a kind of driving coach. It may even
give real-time feedback to the driver as a method
of instant learning. However, improved driving
behavior is not just about saving fuel. It is also
helpful to lower maintenance costs, e.g. for brakes,
suspension, or transmission. The necessary data
can be retrieved using the CAN network or the
OBD2 interface.
Purchasing and downloading music
This use case goes further than merely synchronizing play lists with the car. Music stores may find
their way into the car and no longer be available
only on computers and mobile devices. This innovation would allow the driver to search for music
to purchase while in the car and download the
desired music.
Entertainment streaming into the car’s
Movies, songs, or other entertainment features
could be streamed into the car’s displays. Using
mobile devices to stream movies to the head-up
display may be dangerous due to driver distraction, but if the car is equipped with rear seat
entertainment systems, this use case makes it possible to stream movies for the back seat passengers, transforming the car into an entertainment
cloud connected to any mobile device.
© Volkswagen AG
SMS messages – reading and sending
Voice control would make it possible to use messaging services while driving. The car would be
able to receive and send messages. This capability
would be possible if the car connects to the mobile
device and functions as an extension of it, or if
the car is set up with a SIM card that has the same
specifications and number as the cars used in
the mobile device. Then the car could be used for
Spotify and Internet radio
A Connected Car can stream data while on the
move. The only requirements are a stable Internet connection and a telematics system with the
corresponding applications. An existing Spotify
account could then be used not just at home or
with a smartphone but also in the car. The driver
would then have a larger variety to select his or
her favorite music.
Location-based ads
Corporations could send advertisements directly
to the car. This could be achieved by setting up
geo fences around a specific place or store. The
Connected Car would then offer a variety of new
advertisement options for companies. For example, if the driver is getting closer to a fast-food
restaurant, he or she would receive a coupon for
that particular restaurant on the head-up display
of the car.
Business functions such as calendars,
address books
The car could become a second mobile device or
personal assistant. A Connected Car Cloud, for
example, would make it possible to connect the car
with one’s computer and mobile devices. The data
stored on these devices would then be automatically transferred to the car. For people working in
sales or other jobs requiring a lot of traveling it
might be helpful to have access to this information
at all times.
Social networking in the car
This use case is nothing more than Facebook in the
car. It creates access to social networks while in the
car. The need for social network access in the car
is questionable and doesn’t necessarily add much
value to the Connected Car.
Location-sharing and tracking of friends
It might be interesting to know where your friends
are and if they are in the area near you. The use of
GPS location technology in the car could interact
either with smartphones or by itself to send the
driver an alert when friends are within a predefined radius. It would also allow others to see
where you are driving and possibly even how one
is driving, which might be an attention-grabbing
feature. This use case is comparable to a running
app for smartphones.
Points of interest displayed in the car
Based on fuel level or other factors, the car could
show nearby gas stations or similar places in the
head-up unit. The car could recognize how long the
driver has been behind the wheel and therefore
motivate the people in the car to stop for a break
at a nearby cafe. The vehicle monitors basic things
such as tire pressure or fuel level and the duration
of driving and gives advice concerning point of
interests close to the car.
Finding parked car
The car automatically sends its GPS location to
an app installed on the driver’s mobile device.
Especially when the car is parked in unknown areas
or bigger cities it might be helpful to remember
where the vehicle is parked. The app then guides
the driver to the parking spot.
Counterevidence for speeding tickets
If the driver is able to track his or her speed at any
time, this data may be used as counterevidence
if stopped by the police. Then both sides have
evidence to settle the case. The two measurement
options may also help to calm the situation if the
driver is confronted with speeding accusations.
Automatic traffic sign recognition
There are already a few cars on the market that can
detect traffic signs. Most of these cars use cameras
to analyze the shapes and colors of traffic signs.
This use case does not relate directly to Connected
Car features, but it is necessary for self-driving
cars. If autonomous cars are introduced to the
market, traffic sign recognition will be installed
in every vehicle.
Locally based information about events
Geo fencing offers a variety of interesting applications for consumers. Connected Cars on the
one hand are able to analyze the music the driver
prefers. On the other hand they can send certain
information into the head-up display, based on
their location. If cars are within a predefined area
or in a foreign city, they could receive information
about events according to the music played in the
car. This could be of greater value to people when
they are traveling. In addition, the consumer does
not need to manually search for these entertainment events as they are simply shown in the car.
Offers of available parking spots
This use case relies on geo fencing. When a car
reaches the center of a city or an airport it could
receive offers for available parking spots. These
might be special offers or just regularly available parking spots. It might be an advantage for
consumers driving into cities if they are able to
check parking options before even arriving at their
Electronic logbook
Business drivers or company cars could be
equipped with an automatic logbook. Therefore the
driver no longer needs to fill out the information
manually. Solutions for automatically logging this
data add value, especially to fleet management
operations. Electronic logbooks could increase
efficiency and reduce the car’s carbon footprint.
© Volkswagen AG
Health check of driver
Some car companies, for example Ford and Toyota,
have been developing health solutions for drivers.
There are features such as monitoring the glucose level for diabetics or warnings for areas with
a higher risk of allergic reactions. Any of those
health monitoring apps require additional sensors.
If they are built in, other health checks can be
done while driving. An impending heart attack
could be shown with an alert in the car’s display,
possibly resulting in increased safety for the driver
and other road users. Another possibility would
be to set the navigation system to avoid certain
high-risk allergic areas or even high air pollution.
This might be extremely helpful for someone who
suffers from breathing problems.
Digital driver control
Drivers could be tired and may have been on the
road for a long time. Instead of merely analyzing
the time spent driving, the entire driving behavior
could be analyzed to tell the driver when there is
a higher risk of having an accident. Factors such
as the average position in the car lane, reaction
time and many more factors could be evaluated.
Then the car may suggest taking a break, including
possible places to rest nearby.
Used car check
Buying a used car is a stressful situation for most
people. They could look for the car’s specifications
and the basic car data such as age, kilometers
driven, and so on. The physical appearance can
be evaluated only from the outside. With an app
and the mandatory interface to the car it could
be possible to check the electronic systems of the
car. The value for consumers is tremendous if they
are able to check the entire car. It could save them
from a nasty surprise.
Mobile payment of car tolls
The customer value may be quite low for this use
case, but connected vehicles offer the possibility
to calculate the exact distance driven on specific
roads. Therefore it might be possible to charge a
flexible toll. However, the regulations and laws
might be the biggest obstacle to setting up such
a system. The technical aspects are practically
accomplished when cars are connected.
Booking of parking spots in advance
Parking spots have become rare in big cities. The
search for an available parking spot can be both
stressful and exhausting. It can take up to an hour
to find a suitable parking space in the center of
cities such as Munich or San Francisco. Therefore it
could be a good idea to introduce the possibility of
booking the parking spot prior to arrival. It could
be possible for commercial parking lots or garages
as well as for private parking areas. The booking
of such designated parking spots could be done
online or by using an app. Drivers and their passengers may see the most value in the time-saving
aspect. It is far less stressful to be able to book the
parking in advance than looking for vacant spaces.
This could be useful on a shopping trip in a bigger
city and allows for better planning and more efficient use of time when traveling.
Combined insurance services (e.g. bCall)
If a car is already equipped with a telematics box,
insurers may be able to sell additional services,
such as breakdown assistance. Even though the
eCall will be a mandatory feature in any new car
built as from 2015, a bCall might be helpful for
used cars. It would enable drivers to have the same
safety functions as in new cars.
Cross-selling offers
Insurers could send offers or requests to the
head-up display of the car. For instance, if the
car is heading towards the Alps in the winter,
there might be offers concerning accident or legal
liability insurances. There are a number of other
possible options, but they all function in the same
way. Insurance policies could be offered, based on
navigation systems or geo fencing.
Ad hoc carpooling
This use case enhances the known features of
carpooling. Carpooling enables private drivers to
share their cars with other people. Usually, these
trips are booked in advance and the carpooling
people meet at specific locations to start their
journey. Ad hoc carpooling allows the driver and
potential passengers to use this service while on
the road. This means that real-time information of
the position of the car and the passenger is shared.
The following example illustrates the concept. The
driver is on a trip from Munich to Berlin and is
interested in taking passengers with him. He then
sets a range of detour kilometers he is willing to
take in order to pick someone up along the way. A
potential passenger needs to travel from Leipzig to
Berlin and he wants to carpool. Then he is able to
see available cars traveling in his direction. He is
now able to send a booking request to the driver.
The driver then decides whether he is willing to
pick up the passenger.
Combined booking of cars and parking spots
Car sharing could be taken to a new level. The
availability of car-sharing vehicles is already
traceable. This use case makes it possible to book
the car and a parking spot at the destination.
This could be relevant in bigger cities with limited
parking space. The infrastructure needs to be developed in order to check the availability of parking spots, but if they are available the driver could
book this specific spot in advance and it would
save the time spent looking for suitable parking.
Private car sharing without physically
exchanging keys
The connectivity of cars may also boost the private
car-sharing sector. Using a telematics box that
could be built into used cars, it becomes possible
to open and lock the car without needing physical
keys. This would allow private car owners to offer
their cars to be shared without actually meeting
the person renting the vehicle. Geo-fencing may
then be used to set the allowed area for the rental.
In addition, GPS data could be used to analyze and
track the distance covered. A GPS signal could send
out warnings if the car has been stolen. A telematics box therefore offers a variety of possibilities for
private car sharing.
Reminder of forgotten mobile devices in the car
A Connected Car recognizes any devices left behind
in the car. If you leave your car and you forgot to
take your phone with you, the car can send acoustic and visual signals to remind you. The use case
could be expanded to include tablets and laptops.
This use case could be an add-on to existing telematics boxes in order to boost consumer satisfaction.
© Volkswagen AG
Concierge services
Car manufacturers could offer a concierge service
to their customers. This includes booking of hotel
rooms, making reservations in restaurants or locating the closest ATM. It could be done by a person
that is called from the car. The other option is to
make these services automatically available. This
might include points of interest or other features.
Then the car’s hands-free kit establishes a connection to the corresponding place.
Automatic information on delays
When calendars and business schedules are synchronized with the car’s telematics system, the car
could send notifications to the business partner in
case of delays. If, for example, someone is running
late and the navigation system recognizes the
delay, the car matches the existing data. Then it
sends a message to the person waiting, including
an approximate arrival time. This use case could
function as a secretary for the driver.
Location-based memory function
Instead of setting reminders at a specific time it
might be more useful to send notifications based
on the location. This means that if someone, for
example, needs to buy groceries it might be better
to inform the driver when there is a store nearby,
rather than at a pre-set time.
Basically, the calendar and organizer uses location
information instead of a time to notify the consumer. Connected Cars may use their GPS position
and the information from navigation systems to
identify the locations.
Leasing rate based on driving behavior
New business models in terms of leasing could be
created. Instead of setting up the rate only based
on the kilometers driven, it might be possible to
analyze the driving behavior. This includes accelerating, braking, and overall driving habits. Furthermore, it could include the time when the car is on
the street as well as the type of street. However, it
is unclear as to whether consumers will be willing
to be more or less transparent in order to calculate
a lower leasing rate.
Current car residual value sent to the consumer
This use case enables consumers to check the
current value of their cars. According to the car’s
condition, the residual value can be seen at any
time. This could go as far as sending information
to the car or the smartphone when the car has a
good selling value. The market demand can influence the value and therefore consumers wanting
to sell their cars can decide depending on this
Executive Editor:
The present study was conducted by the Connected Car Team
consisting of Boris Danne and Patrick Hofer.
My special thanks belongs to them as the main research team
as well as to all other employees from AutoScout24 who have
supported the study.
Munich, July 2014
Dr. Robert Martignoni
Senior Business Development Manager
AutoScout24 GmbH
Overview of interviewed experts (excerpt)
Andreas Lehmann
Product Manager Automotive
iPublish Ganske GmbH
Prof. Dr. Heinz-Leo Dudek Professor DHBW/Consultant Openmatics
Thomas Girod
Sales Manager Automotive
Vodafone GmbH
Thomas Becher
VP Business Development – Business Solutions TomTom AG
Christian Seiler
Head of Diagnosis, Consulting & Innovation Management
Gigatronik GmbH
Lars Thyroff
CMO and SVP M2M EMEA Region
Cinterion Wireless Modules
Karsten Winkler
Project Leader/Senior Consultant
P3 Group
Dorian Gast
Head of Solution Sales Mobility
Telefonica Germany
Andreas Schwarzmeier Product Manager ConnectedDrive
BMW Group
Rudolf Mietzner
Technology Coaching & Consulting
MFG Innovationsagentur für
IT und Medien des Landes BW
Wilko Wolters
Practice Leader Mobility
Ingenieurskunst GmbH
Tobias Scheibling
Consultant Automotive/M2M/Car2X
T-Systems International
Peter Weichsel
Senior Consultant
P3 Group
Steffen Holly
Head of Media Management and Delivery
Fraunhofer IDMT
Alexander Ruhland
Business Development Associate – Connected Car
IBM Germany
Dr. Thomas Siems
Managing Partner/Executive Board/
Head of Automotive
Henrik Mitsch
Executive Manager Product Management DriveNow
Sixt AG
Andreas Bucholz
conexas GmbH
David Toma
Manager Strategic Direction & Innovation
Ernst & Young GmbH
Dr. Michael Dinkel
Director Infotainment
Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
Martin Muschet
Manager Business Analytics and Optimization
IBM Austria
Simon Baumann
Detecon International GmbH
AutoScout24 GmbH
Dingolfinger Str. 1–15
81673 Munich