5. TOM`S RIVER. N...T. NOVEMBER 15, 1854. a TM m fZ
5. TOM`S RIVER. N...T. NOVEMBER 15, 1854. a TM m fZ
fe' vit* <- '(• r r> ut* » K knû-mêttig •; Tmmr îs xATfêirr tahoikíij ■«TV, « P i t o u & P u m - w u m il.| 5. ,!'i i :Ut' — é**- ht-tatM Hiir 1^‘*%■~ emhlkmh. »♦»j i *ÎJt*W #fW^HWIP Ü#f'P*tl V 5 1 41 . ?y ^ -,-ï .*jgï «aRp3^^M*Rt*£NM TOM’S RIVER. N...T. ». T M m fZ ___ _ ( . 4 0 * « ) • Immnfí »tu NOVEMBER 15, 1854. K rom this boundry (0 it« mouth, the small creeks on (he right, with settlements look wed ; and we procured (rating westward ns It doea, Into the heart ! the Kansaa, there la on the opposite «how, lui wild prairfo flower». Kan aa» River pres**» on Ms south«»« oa them. of tha continent, It thersfaée must become 1 a beautiful bluff; and between the C rest A little alter sunrl«« on Tuesday morn The dfftcqlìy ofu«vlg»il«g tW bonk, touhlng the uplands every lour or I Hopper and Mud Creek there 1« a pr»lr|i moat important in a cotnmsrcitl point of r the Om i i ing, * t neared Fort Riley— it* fine «lotto hill with « aten» wheel strainer of se five miles ; while on the nortf i »Ids, Fom bottom where pioneers were maMm jCITf Of SHOEING KGOOD flew, ' Soma of our company Joined o* | claims. h»itdu»wa looming up grandly in the oun* Jrnflfth M lh* Ospt* Ss* 4 point jw t below the rcoulh of Ihe Wolfe C ipt. B ak èlh fftk s that from this at Delaware. Above tbit place the ¡and »1 i .pkIKCiFKbeams. It Is 'ocated at the junction of the ker from ventuetereo for up *» Mr PTherdown fifty mile», there !» » -ontlauoua heavily timbered on both aide* of the I point to thé mouth of the Kansaa Is g dlaf«««re *iis to ntt itu *wl»e would. A shortsr*idf-wheel »team* bottom, lour or five mites wfdt-and mors Republican and Smoky lili Forks f tance ol eighty mllei by the river, R iv e rw ith eome wide high bottom on 9 1ST JiP*á Si MIT tbilfi id bench or toi rr, oi m y Ughi draught, adiptedfo the either aide, constating of bkgb dry allu I #*nf the n«st twenl v rrft!<*i Uifl coun m magnificent th in tho fsr famed American ter bluff« iimmedi nlvIffotfMOf IttH t Interior rivers, will gennai bottoms below Ht. Coule. Here excellent vion. Every five o r ale mliee in ibl* re* in our course presented the as ately behind, from ch tha budding soon ne put on the hf«de. We left Fon corn has been raised by the hail-breeds n both tea lures a t rhote ju st givei glon we pata fine bluff» on tha river ; and imuk« ii nils **» «♦** rock is quarried. It Is soft lime stono es- | Riley on our return trip, on Wednesday r w r y rich una riha!, on our right, immediately below ihe tides alternating prairie and (ItnUcr^il fur many y ean . T he «oil is g black K from i prlnili», ally cut out with n pick, and c»u be spin ; morning, and ctyue do« u ".JUfoing." W a «andy loam—kind, warm and quick ; and capable of arttir-merit. Wc pasted i t mouth of the •• Stranger," there la a been »«rs hat*, f Wi-tdlt ! I would ! produce much earlier In the »eaaon than Into any shape ; »e noticed tfie ««me Imp—i passed rapidly in review (fit i tiful one, with open wood«, an d high roll Stinson's ferry ; h's house and farm a Nmsainr* that ras I» in the eame latitude east. Emigrants to rlxonial strata .cropping put at «li etev* nei y of which we have attempted |< ing prairie to the back ground. Just above very picturesquely situated on an ran; j tad plrair ih» m im i , California and Oregon, who «re aware oi ted points ,ln tfie prairie. Crossing il» batty memoranda, ws i the junction of that stream with the Ken* sure where the upland prairies come do; Hats tac principi ■at River, there la a great band like a to the river. About one hundtsd mUqs tide laet prefer to crow the Missouri at Pawnee or Republican fork, by th» Gov oun about daylight next mcraing. jay with tlii» conimene«Before concluding tiles» brM note«, « I Horae shoe, where a tract nf excellent from the mouth ol the Kansas—by Cap!. Parkville, and take the great road up the ernment bridge, we had « good view ol ten d o ti talk to me the Sqe country between 111» two »Iyer»» mast lie remarked—in reference to the Kama* Valley on Ihe north side, on this I high bottom land aan be easily enclosed Baker's estlmsie-we passed on Ihe north c mind, or »lilt Ik« bead» 1 by a abort lenca ccroaa the neck. On ihe side, a fine bluff, with clumps of trees on account. They find most excellent graz which rises gr»cciully backward in high productions and climate of K i m h Terri* n like, the principe, Mfori 1 go to bod, ! kouth side oi Ihe river, oppoalte that band, the the top. rich rolling prairie on the ing for Iheir stock by ihe Brat of April, swelling prairie». Here there is » s a w lo ry -th a t (fiare ara ao I there is a p»U»y town aile, (iaiog qiauU- background, and heavy timber, above sou often earlier. W» hsve not se«n a swamp mill just started. We strolled up ihs Re hemp lands In Its great cannot be brief, I ally from the edge ol the water—the plat below, A little furlher up, on the left or a wet slough, or any stagnant water, publican gathered soma black raspberries p&ftfona , but nature uniunlakaUy facSL 1 from ill gracioul leaf, nlv plant giowa like a tree, | covered with grusa end scattering timber, Igink, a high prairie bottom comes In, in the valley drained by the Kansas river. •nd crossed « spring branch, then mount cate* «lock raising aa the groper and the - Ich ii made the princl; aforming a green lawn backed with high which swells gracefully sway southward The streams generally speaking Bow over ing a high bluff, whence we could see the most profitable uwcapetlon». for tfie feed prairies, In Ihia neighborhood tha shore with corpses of timber, presenting to the iirovelly bed» ; the few that are low are beautllul Republican Valley a long way » e ra who «nail settle there. In tfie great pulae, the nere» abate», ry organ It pro»iratea, {ia rocky. We passed a bald bluff on Ihe enraptured pioneer sites lor Ihe choicest ol «dry sandy character; and th« prairies up. It fa nearly three mile» wiiie( high, R anlat Valley below Pattawotonaie, and il Tirine» then like me. dry and level, with a loose, black, rich in the eastern region along the Missouri. j north, with a rich bottom on the south Iwar« anele a principe. farms. Settlement» ate being made on ais rolling enough to drain Ihe water soil. The river flows in a serpentine Ifierc are toftfo of the finest liento fond* !.. S. , side, and a high open lawn in (he rear,— bath sides of (tie river. Passing outrun! freely. A little further an the elevated prair Us Passing ihe west line ol the Faltawa* course through the prairfo bottom». «I ia ih i world. Wheat, corn, oaU .,«] .eg* we came to Ihe mouth of Soldier Creek, strike the river, giving a charming variety (omie nation, wu entered upon an open some bends m aking» circuit of six or tables, grow« a* well there a* In any ot which has Its rise far up north, and gives I 8CELLAN Y. to the scenery—while on the north are prairie olteh reaching the river on both eight miles, and coming back to within s tho Western States. Those ia tbs Pl&tfo variety to the landscape by Its dark line extsnded bottom« of rich limbered mile ol Usali again—the banks generally purchase. Immediately east -ftp« Minion the Kama« Hearld of Freedom. nf fringing timber. VVenext saw Pappan's sides ; now and then a email grove and a having a light (tinge oi timber, with occa ri River, who attend to irulfigrowlng, say land. light fringe ottlm ber on the bank». On Ferry. His bouse is cn the right, In n UP THE KANSAS RIVER. In this vicinity we saw many Indian« iho right, in a great prairie bottom, In a sion al groves near Ihe water's edge, In that their apple», peaches and plums.tcan.otglve our readers, • mots' along the hanks ; wc passed a grape fine limbered bottom; while on the anurh, bend »f the river extending back to Rock the ravines, and on the bluffa. Thia t» not he surpassed anywhere ; we can as«' crlptkin n( the Kanaaa Valley thicket, In the bottom, spread orer sever high prairies, such as we have already Creek. Mr. Perry has made a selec truly a delightful valey—tho roqst inviting no reason why as much may not be »aid ind In the follrttaring- excellent al thousand acres—while just above, on noticed, come down to (lie river. Here we of the same crops In tha region a«roa» the tlon for a stock larm ; and a little way for settlement we ever aaw. crossed Ihe Pattnwatumte line, about i the pen of Gao. 8 . Panxi edi- our right, ruse a rocky bluff covered with The “ Excell" made a «hurt trip up tho river. above hia claim there is another great Indnatrlal Luminary,” a Mis* open wood*. A ItUle way above tills bne hundred and fifteen mile« from the The winters ate getjeraiiy dry and bend, offering a templing Inducement to Smoky fill! ; Lieut. Sargent, from the t o i l , -r. ,Cu«a. II. UaaNiCoaiaii Eaq., Sugar Creek empties into tfie Kansns mouth of the Kansas. Tim ber on both accompanied us. We hud an exciting pleasant, and the roads line; but fluía some other enterprising farmer who ha* I all who have been up the from tha right ; and a little lurther up, side* ol the river w at next passed—the n taste for stock raising. B eyied this time. The constant announcement from •now fails, and lays <m the ground only ter. and Tie»»»«! lie beautiful there Is a low bluff—a short distance hs- praie bluff* on the south, about one hun w« saw Ihe Blpe Hill, which ia a promin the man who heaved tfie lead, was,, “ no lor «short time. Sometimes, however, irrobotate the laithfutnesa r>t yond, there being another fine grape dred feet high—soon after which, we ■ . » I f f o o* vi therejr.re very cold sggjts pf weather, but ent tandunark overtaking the mouth o( bottOm." , .1 M O . ! ' readied the Great Cro*«lng. There nre • Ii pen and ink «ketch*» The thicket and rich walnut bottom. On the the Blue river. From this point upward, The river was full, and th» current they are of not long duration. For fo. it intucea hitnaelf aa follow a i right «idg of the river coal has been found, three fem es together-with Pattawatumie the bluffs are higher and more abrupt, strong, but we hud great difficulty fit get'- stance, thé masons In Parkvlile, quarried spttlemem*, store*, and n Baptist School ipliance with an invitation from and here again, rlaea a beautiiui undula and the country back more elevated and ting round the short bends—it keeps on ahd laid stone Inst winter with , but llttfo •randC . A. Perry, Ihe rnler- ting eminence, affording n heaulifiil *i|e and Miawton on tire south aide ; and every .(iVriken. Here w»- tnw a large eagle neat, l he course of the main Kansas, confini? a Interruption on account Of thé wegjjjer, lew milp*heyond there was the same suc fer a town, there being open woods, and neru of Ihe little alramer " Excession nl groves and prairie up e^ber n i of wtijcii the pld birfi looked angrily little more from the sotfth wesf. TlferdlF Coniuiuii catiie, colts, m utersh'd »hefcp, epped on board at Patkville, on prairie about a mile hack. hand, prosuullfig brw,. JiH'l situation* 1 ,jp u 3 for intruding on its preemption ;|but more timber on this river than on the can bd wintered on blue-gfa*«, provided f vti ! |on», nn erne of the party up On tfS (¿It, u «hort distancé, above, (he she too, mu.t elve way with the red skins, Kansas. A little way up, we saw 1 a band the pastures are allowed W grow op in tor farms. » and smoky Hill Rivers. And Wakarus* flows in—a considerable com to manifold destiny. A little way above, of Fox Indians crossing over, going'north the Fall, and the stohk h ite it Unlontnwn was next seen. It is made i any that too much praise can- stream—with good timber far some way another huae buffalo floated past j he on a buffalo hunt ; and their motely pre or hay occasionally. February and arded to those gentlemen for back. Below the mouth there la a good upof ahum tw enty log cabin», anil is «Hu may have been anxious to »lack his thirst cession stretched aforig over the prairies March arc frequently quite pleasant, and alul effort« they have made and bluff and behind are the VVnkrusa settle nted on Hie south bank, about a mile Irani in the Republican or Smoky Hill, lost foot, for miles. Here and there in the party much plowing can be done In the mellow I ! making to find the channel ments. Here the Methodist C h u rch - the river. Steaming omvnrd, we passed hold, and got carried away by the rolling was carried a pole, with a swan's neck dry loam of the Kan sag Valley. The sum Hi the navigation of Ihe Kunta» North—;have a mission. Coal Inis been Red Blufl'i and Darling's F e rry ; and a flood. stuck upon it for a flag. They had with mers are quite warm and long, Ihe ther little (urlher on is Mill Creek, a consider ley have) Already accomplished discovered above the WakarUsa. Tne Passing the mouth of the Blue, which them aboul five hundred horses, all of mometer not unir, quentiy marking dp to dozen trips to Port Riley ; have Shawnee» have sold, without reserve, all able stream on which (lie i’atlawatoimes comes i-i Irom the north as nearly ail tri whom looked well. ® " near one hundred degrees In the shade.— have erected a mill. The soil Imre is of a there all necessary government their lands in this direction ; and the I he high prairies, however, are generally butaries ol the Kansas do-and appears to red mulatto color, and is very productive; Some forty miles tip thè Smokyhfll, an > ith a speed, care, and saving of whole country on (he south side ol the Imined by. cool and refreshing breezes; ant be navigatable for some distance, we were extensive tìed óf gypsum has been found, itherlo unknown ; and they have Kansas above—except a strip five milîs up this little river we saw firm grove« oi pleased with its fine bottoms and long extensive spedtht ns of which have been as we ascend tho branche* of (Sfe Kansas *!’eluded to keep tIrakir fleet llule «‘Me, and thirty long, owned by thePa- limber and many high mounds, lorniing slreaks ol tinitffr ; while on the lelt were tested and proved to be of superior qttaU Irom Fort Riley, there fs a rapid i l,e to « hat River, lor the purpose of tawatomlés—is rmw open for settlement. scenery of surpassing beauty : conical bluffs, and high prairie mounds, ity. Salt is also alleged to be very abun cooler region. In Mny and June (liera is Above Mill Creek, on the south, we ttlers to reach with Comfort' and There will probably he some vacant lands with figured lines, and steps rising one dant on thè Saline fork ; the wafers or a superabundance ol rain j but thé latter ,ice, Ihe place« of their deallna* below after the sbair.iees have made their passed an excellent prairie town site. A above ihe oilier in the distance, contribu the Smokyhiil are often fjilite OrflMsh end cd th e sümmer and (nil nfe generally little farther on, on the same side, there selections. » beautiful Kunaaa country, so . ting to the scenery a very romantic ap and when the boilers of the •• Excel" are dry. ore lolly banks oi red marl, with high 1« stage of water will admit.— In the connection it may be properly Having been across the Territory mané pearance. Immediately above this im filled from that river, there is a slight in Wc saw a large i rive nl their* la goad, and will be remarked that the Wyandots own thirty- prairie* in the rear. times In the course of flleèn year», » .■ portant tributary, there is another beau crustation of salt deposited. Specimens band of Indians, who had been holding a riifiuble as a business arrange- nme sections in Ihe forks of the Kansaa give these remarks as the result dfoUr e x d well timed as an immense ad* and Missouri rivers The Delawares, by council in tiro neighborhood, and here the tiful prairie botlom, sloping baok north of coal, both bituminous nnd anthracite, perience ward farther than we could sec; and on and of tin, lead and iron ore, have betm carcass of a huge buffalo flouted past.— 10 emigrants. We do cordially their recent .treaty, reserve a strip ten m, as pioneers ofsteamboat nav* mile» wide and forty miles long, running Again we had the rich bottoms and the left still another, containing more than brought in. Hints have been given that H ome.—How sweet are the ehdearn this and of the fur west—Kan- nearly to the mouth of the Grasshopper.— prairies on either side of u s ; nnd when 2000 acres In a bend not more than three gold abounds, but in parts almost un ifient* of home; how many foved nsiocie’ the honor and all the profit to The Kansas Indian*, too, have a reserva. we could withdraw our gaze from the fourths of a mile across thé neck. The known. lions cluster around it. There a father' There cannot be a doubt, however, but guiding sustaining influence Is felt; th«rr.> nelr industry and enterprise to t|on twenty*!*o miles long by one wide, ceuntry near by, we caught glimpses oi enticing features oi thé latter are—a grove llitle them. north of Ihe river, below Pattawatomie ; the splendid partions stretching away far ol timber on the height a cool, gushing that valuable minerals will be cropping loo, n mother’s watchful love, temleil 11 ly was a most agreeable one ; while the Pattawatomies have thirty miles beyond. Coming to an Indian wood yard, spring, and plenty of rock at hand in tiie out beneath or interspersed in the primitive watching over this helpieps hours of lb / ig of Ur Hammond, U. S. A„ and square, partly on each side ol Ihe Kansas fifteen cords of wood were then taken bluff, with which to raise an enduring formotion, as we ascend towards the up fancy, guiding the youthful minds by hr iss Nesbit.of Philadelphia, sister —nnd the Kickapoos hold a small reserve on hoard of our little cralt, for which fence over the narrow islhumus. The per mountains. The country rises very counsel and example, sympathizing In alt Hammond—Mrs. Perry and Mr. near the head of Grasshopper. All the was paid the sum ol $37,50. This is a world does not present a more excellent rapidly in that direstion, all the ascent the joys and sorrows of her little hods,“ t. Baker and their families—Mr. balance nflhc vast regions drained by the hew employment, as well as a profitable situation for a stock farm ; indeed, the in the first three bundréd miles, ii hold. Then, too, a cirfclfe of brother« am; ayniaster’i Clerk—Mr. Cattleman Kansas nnd its tributaries are noW open one, lor the red m en; ami the owners whole line of ihd main river and said to be two thousand leet. The rock “isit-18, sharing eacn olher'» pleasuie, vare—Mr. Murdockof New York, lor settlement, and will soon arrest the at promised to have fifteen or twenty cords branches, from here upward, may be said in the vipinity of Smokyhiil is principally happy In eaefi other's love. With home more ready by the time the '.(earner re* tobeadapléd for a continuous series of limestone; and the river bottoms are a are associated oitr fondest recollection.! IcCaan of Virginia—and our gen- tention ol Ihe enterprising settlers. On both sides of the river, above the turned. Our fine little craft was a most such farms. On the right a bluff oomes sandy loam. The upland prairies nre our earliest remembrances. To that Spot officers, Messre. Baker Perry and in to the river, the first above the mouth broken, but of black; rich soil; particular the I eart fondly tu rn s; there its warmest The excursionists were not hums Wakarusa, there are excellent bottom intereiling sight to most of them ; and there were enough however, to lands; and. a short way beyond these, she was examined from the bank by over of the Blue, offering an appropriate town ly where limestone predominates ; the affections centre. The weary tfaveffer ie a pleasant and agreeable com- another fine site for a town presents It- a hundred, whom curiosity had drawn to site ; and we saw stakes set out in the j valleys .are also very rich, and thè soil turns toward it with longing eyes; other Ti e ladies of our company were self on the north side—while still further gether tokee what had made sueli a shrill slope, as well as a tent or cabin on the mellow. Passing ovet the high upland, places may be more beautiful, other spots .t wfib have sailed up this beauti- up on the south bank thé high prairie w histle! They were very animated back o! the high prairie—indicating that often there is nothing to be seen but prai« may be surrounded with wealth and af comes down to the waters edge, present and commerce may yet Infuse iuduatri- our countrmen were there. Jtlst above, iOs spreading out beyond, till it is lost in fluence, while|po*erty and Sorrow may H er Ufthe Prairies. there is a clear running stream, and a line the dim distance. ing another appropriate place where ous habits into the Indian rase. be the Inmates of his loneijr dwelling ; yst <* ng loose from the landing at Parkthe busy hum of commerce may by and A little farther up, nnd a little back from of timber reaching far hack. From this still it is dear to him. 8 passed down to Kansas City; Wc previously mentioned (he Sfcareitj' by speak the presence of a city .* Here the river is the Catholic iMissiun. Skim* to the Fort thé river winds likë a natural An fempfcror’s daughter, who ¡Was d e * . : that evening, leaving the eddying we aaw numerous cabins of settlers ; and ming along for about twenty-five miles ciihal, through green flowery meadows, bf timber, above Baltawatomie ; it may lighted with the profound learning, live of the “ Mad Missouri," turning away as far as the nakedjeye could reach furlher, we reach the mouth of the Ver with similar scenery in the distance. On here béadded, that it is inadequate to ly Wit, nnd the strict adherence to the >w towards tha setting sun, headin a southwest direction, the prairies million river, emptying from the north, the left, wé saw some splendid country supply what would be needed for agricul- precepts of morality and religion, which rwards the Rbcky Mountains, the w e n high and rolling, like the waves of the timber on its banks forming a dark for farms, Up the valley of a stream, thrf I»»ral purposes and hardly sufficient for Characterized her tutor, one day rem ar 1 ’’ was steaming at a fine rata up old Ocean. Southward, beautiful groves line through the landscape formally miles name of which we do not recollect; there firéWond. Here and to the westward a ked— nsas. U Is more than 600 yards “ What a pity that so fine a soul as dot the prairie, and the dark line of lim along iis course. Two miles, or so above, were some fine groves of timber and rich new era in agriculture iniist be inaugérayour* is not in a more agreeable body.” t the mouth. The waters ol this ted—a new system must be practised.— “ In what sort of vessels, madam, is n mixed with a sandy sediment, like ber that stretches, gloBg the W akarusa we pss-red tha western Pattawatomie line, valley land. Nature demands that it should be so. In We undefsland that several claims have stead of clearing timber lands, as in ti e your father's wine preserved!” asked the i ssouri ; but it freer from snags, valley—with the grpat Rrairle-mound, so supposed to be about one hundred and tutor. : be banks are less liable to wash and to speak, fixed there as the land mark of seventy miles by tvater, fromthe mouth o f been made there. Eastern States, the citizen farmers of “ In earthen vessels,” was the answer. prepetual beauty—the meandering river, On Monday night, just before reaching Kansas ¡bust grow their timber. There is and the current is hot nearly so 1pan that be possible!” replied he:-the river. Fort Iliiey, we were overtaken by a tre- fqel wanted, but coal in many places,edn “ Why, OVery citizen preserves his wine •\ For tha first hundred miles or so, withjits dark skirting forests of timber on Anil (rorti this westren linO. let it be re* in earthen vessls; I should have thoughtméridous thunder storm. We were sur rage width will reach 600 yards ; the north-all are scenes in N ature's mag be got with vfery little lab o r; houses must gold or silver ones would have been more marked, all thfe country westward and rounded by prnirie, and the catpaln Imd ’attnwatomie to Rig Blue 400 yards; nificent Panorama, here brought within be built, and fences made, but in the ab~ suite We to the dignity of an emperor.” northwnrd is open lor settlement. to lay his oraft dose to the shbre, and •• You biv rig h te x c la im e d the prm* Jig Blue to Fort Riley, 300 yards.— the range of vision. Proceding north) high scence of sufficient limber, excellent rock rich bottoms extend for many miles, and cess, “ »nd beiiceforib this mark of re» cast anchor, there being no stump or tree Pawnee or republican, and Smoky for ailj^urpnses can be obtained in abuns speet sfiaW not be omitted." * T ht point here designated is ¡ibout to hitch to. He is of Opinion that there dance; or, tor fencing, the former can rks are scarcely J00 yards wide.— we saw vast thickets c.r grape vines, pna. In n few days, however, sh* again ac vities, raspberries, and paw paws. The forty mi'es up the Kansas river, and six shoujld be no cabin on steamers nflidga* hedgp himself in most completely With the costed her tutor on this snbjeel. saying — «tuuky Hill is the narrowest and miles abave the mouth of the Waknrtisa, "In the gaudy vessels you recommeii« jt. Below Uniontown—abaut one timber wss principally ouk, walnut ash, which diiclmrges it«e|f into the Kflhsas tliig'tllese prairie rivers; where (he wind Osage Orange; The country abounds hickory, mulberry, linden, Colton-wood ded, my father's wine was spoiled ; while etl and thirly mile*, by water from on the south side. The first Pioneer par sometimes sweeps along with iinbroke0 with the most tdsctdus grapes. Stbeft'Rf that wiffe which was placed in earthen ty from New England located here nnd violence. W e saw the Pilot Mounds in al! kit-fos áte iemarknbly healthy; and ones, improved in quality.” l8Souri River—the Kansas is quite andc ofiee bean. i)t, but above that point it is crookA few miles below the mouth of G rass staked oul their claims, and commenced the distance, where the military road these rolling prairies will make thé finest " Very possible,” rejoined the philosos the erection of temporary dwellings.— eeves the Kansas uqttoms, and passes, »h»ed-,,’filks in -1’" n-'-rfr1 Tn "fret t 1 i . oher. “ So at*o w&k i-t-».»<- - » ■t will be a good navigatable River hopper on the north, the prairie undulates A I .*» f o e f IYT \ A F ~ r . — » .- * 1 . . it ':i"Oii.;b b i > f ■ ««> ». t.ns G u f f (0 tr-; fcaek i.- ittre- "-.¿mbs fljSeh vest- -pernur ! thé • f ont Ï 0 KTEY. a dÉiàgÉa;, «ÂiÉëk.¡fl! aÉÈà *.'i TarrIMe Shipwreck Near I*»* A W eek In ter tro n i K erupe. Thu difficult It* which led to the hum ‘’ a A"« 8 9 ? S T h i ship N«y Ea*. ot Bath, Me. from A l JIL L h* ofleiad at PRIV P .da ne N**»*Tftrm,.—ftlgornua wfnter I hard moni ni Grey town, *ra, «avi the PMI I*UH 1'OnUHHBS. V> . nawamudaltn* irmi, fireman, bound to New Turk, wUb ahbut j . , U «pproachlng, and lhe •' gkioaty lin «me" adelpttla Ledger, probably In (he eourtp N, B. Ru», ging t» the '¿ m 1 ihr River. The al »»itlonyAnt T!toy will not again in f»ç if lit togli' feti l'a rflroin, T àt Criai“ fi out) (testongir* on tMUhl, eop*iga|d to j „ „ fl. n H ovifnt, s*.«« cur, Il Ih« negro population. In liuti flare ¿ o u i an thp Mme parahel of Ialini*? a§ 0 . C, Duncan, went ashore, on StBidar | 88 | f three stories Ito*‘a ma). KM vo hundred — , ta kept In ciyeck, by the ratldeoo* of wlntp Ilia «xtrero» fiaterò point of tha United night In * densa log off Deal oft ti* J e n rai Um Ga»! M ll* P eip 'r, »ml » KENATK LW»« h i the Prtrprhffor, tutti h no* tv lu be lavoiably dlipoetd to Stato*! et Int mpoth ol lin* Ht. Croix iUver( My atnire, and will probably prove*« to t* | *»• * '« « r lm <* {..nod, li . ' yB ' T h t lbove properly Is 2.5*8 tha United Stale«, oi* cltliena ol our courv whare, inioe w M kttlncr, Ica, Iront and " , f c p V T Po»tä **— I» O e « * CoaMy f l « I« t.-oRur-t, “ , * V !» ranged lor a boarding honte, | 2,430 nf elh*r p»rt «T M t« I n n i 11 t a t ù » )«•!. Ttii Captain (Hssay) *nd soma twenty ly al'BBted near the water In try, Bitch a preventive w at promlieS •now liad marte thelr appearance. The al Lim i. may. 99. The New Era village of Tom's River, ihe i aotna time ago, and «re learn that the idea lied force* ol Franca and Enfiami, aller a passengers ara saved. ASSEMBLY. fa about to be realised by an American , lapaa ol twenty doya from their departure salted trnm Bremerhaven ¡on (fie 28th of Ocean.county, and within a jo M jr r i. MirtdMrm, Item. 4M ■ettiement on the Muaquit'i Coaat on a | from Balakava, opanetl their batterleaon September. The whip lies broadside to tail ol good fishing, gunning i iftlA l ground ; and commands a Van Doran, 539. A f.nt, it daly authorised It recel.» Mlwrriplarge scale. A diallngulahed Senator of i Sebastopol, on tha 17th tilt, from fifteen the sea which run* mountains high, and the bay and Atlantic Ocean, Corti*», D*m. 564 Um * »^4 «Jv*rtt W i |U f«rjitn Otan Kmhlm the United Stale*, who earned a will«- dlflerent points, by land and tee, and con- renders It Impossible for the tug boats to arceaa from New York and I Johnson, 643 __ m 4 Idi M«n*T »Iunior, It l i t rill*« of Ne« spread military renown during the Mexi- i (Inued Ore uninterruptedly by night and by rendar any assistance. The sea is break* with which It has daily 1,.letra. Dem. 621. For further particular* apply to ¡¿. ’w York, Boiton l t d PklMflphw can war, la to be the leader of the enter- j day. The fortlflcailona on the 21*1, the Ing over the wreck, and betjre dusk we Ivin* Tom’* River, or to Tho*. vg L • Welch, 662 M i Donili, IOS N u n » Urte», » duly «■p riie .a n d a few week* will suffice to ) date o( our advices by the Amei least Hal- could see every available space In Ihe New Egypt. V ' I Walling, Dem. 548.' m akt all the neoeaaary arrangemenla for ! 'lay, «tamed lu have guttered but little ; rheriMd lo MMlm n b w rip (ioni ltd advertir# rigging filled with ¡probobly some two T. W. IV IN SA R rot^r Stout, 736. ■Ml* fl» Ikh paperhla Immediate departure for the acene of damage, but effectively returned the at | hundred (arsons. Not lee# probably than Tom’s River, Novemher 7, I8M. SH ER IFF. I . M. P e ilitfill k Crr, 119 Ñ a m a Ureil ti action. Al Americana burned the city o t 1 (ark ol the allle*. The R uftlan Admiral j seventy-five have already been waabed j daiy a*ibo{i*ad U i h i i k •»bacnpiKma i*d Conov«r, Dcm, 2.623. Greytown, there teem« to be an em inent' Kornlloff was killed at the commencement! overboard and from present Indications j Freehold Yeung Ladie*’ 8 k m m v j7 ^ advert Itraw iti fbc U !| paper, Burtleaon, 2,442 propriety to rebuild It by the band« o of the attack. The besleycd made frequen( a Rreat many more will be hurled Into the ti l Ills wvll-eitstilwliwl Iniututfaii »... 1 in tucctssful oparation. Tk» hij»*,»., M r. C. Oliphant, Jr. Ne* t h h a i , ii duly CORONERS Americans, and by permanently Impro sort!«*. Five steamers had at rived at by introdneln* new erranxemtat-, tea before any etTeclual assistance can be authoriaad to reeeiva MUet'ptioni iati ad ver■islr'l by ficclleol T#*ckers, <t»Wnl |a Wonfey, Dent. 3.255. ving It, to Impresa upon It tha American tkinioava, on the 18th, with the wounded I rendered. ti-cacstt atal ».♦«. n iSifU ‘ni iS* taure, fur present indticueients to ParettU1 , -iisrjians.i^ ni thé allies in repelling a great sortie made character. Wlmt It the main street of the All of the balls at Ihe station were shot Conover. Dem. 2.494. ihi- papet. behalf of ibis School, eeual t* those of any other M — T— — " M Dry. Dem. 2,303 town were to e t tend west to the Pacific by the Russian* with twenty thousand over the ablp without being able to send grst.el.M School. The U*f* o fM h e (J*,»«.. . troop*. The allied commander* had form a line on board from Ihe *hore except In anee make it coovealsat to all wu»a «f Nfw ' TO JDVE&TiSKHS. Vandorsn, 2,411. Ocean 1 Jersey. . C<4H E nbitm è* ti pebbahad pttbhi The Orina Kmbltm at Tam' ally »utntnoned the garrison to surrender, one cave when a Ilia boat was tmmedl Fret ill. The Session consist* of A desperate affray on board (he fleam «saltai* wf River, l i t euanty-feat of Octati, aatl eircalatvi TI and required the women, children, and sick aiely sent out to the wreck, and Capt. Eleven Weeks *" --«."fc ' boat Oily of Richmond took place on the commences on the 1st Wednesday in i* (very Iowa »oil village in tha county, «od in D# Bow, 1,515 Iasi trip of that vessel from Philadelphia to be sen! away, and the flags placed to Henry and eight or ten others got Into It, Winter Sessiou comBience«on tha IU Wteatsdgg ; tntay viemitlt. wjjfre no other paper I« received Fleming, '» 1.275. to Norfolk. A detachment of seamen, un desigtdire the hospitals. Their army is but it was Instantly eapsi*!tl. and turned I ia November. «ot mediani Ihr advertíais!. Term« per Quarter, in Adv«»c(i It will be »een by the above statement der charge of two United States officers now d| ,ded Into a Siege camp, and an ar compleatly over twice. Captain Henry my ol joservatlon, the latter posted on Ihe and four others clung to the boat, and I Board, Tuition in all Englfab and Ciaa*t(|f | that the Whig« and. Independents, have destined lor the receiving ship at Norfolk FAMES or JOKFTS. . Studie«, and daily lastradlo* is V**»] Haste, extensive table land between Balaklava Ihe bout, succeeded in reaching t*1®j rfneluding also tigli(sa fh«el and washng,) T h e IbHewlae pert«in ore doty oothoriicd to elected three out o r the tour Assembly broke Into the bold ot the steamer, opened men from Monmouth County, The Demo- a cask of liquor, gy. uproriously drunk and t | j bombarded city, and accessible shore. Unfortunately, a ' the time the life Lessons in Muslc(Pinne or O rgan), ^¡t* as« of oat M octet* h i tb* O n e* Kmbltm * $12. Book«, French, $3. j Drawing, cratlc Sheriff elected last fall, barely es and had a deeper mi fight with knives, In “only ftom two point*—the ravine oj boat cap.iae.t the cahle from (he shore to . Instrument, T. J. K. W u u c i, Naw Egypt. $1.50, U|e Use „/of Books, 50 50 cstti. cetili. H.wkt, caped driest, a t alto Dr. Laird, the candl- whicheeveal persons were badly wounded Tchernay, on the northwest, and pass of the ship gave way, and there was (hen no suti.mcry and Sheet Atoll« at booLiuare Edwie J. l u t t i , E»q., Baraegat.' | date fbr Senator having a majority of only The disturbance was finally quelled by Balaklava on Ihe southeast. This posltlnn rempdv hut to send to nnother slut on am) I For further |iartteulars, addms B. N . VaxnoT*. 7 more balls, for tb i purpose oil -l A. RICHARDSON, Pitndptlj' A. j ninety-nine. What a change has come the ship's officers, and one man arrested. Is defended by sixteen redoubts. The procure K oaaar E n a u c . Frrehold, Monmouth Coualjr, N,J. j over " Old Monmouth.” the Stronghold of T he seaman whom he wounded waa al Russians are hovering on the out side oj I throwing another due over the w reck' ____ March 16, 1854. thl* position of the allies, and edrly In the j *an(, nr', nn tns(an, v.„ lost la sending to | I Democracy, the most detemlned and san- last accounts In a critical condition. Tha Saar Jaracy Elvetica. WHOLESALE GROCERY AH8 month they mat»« a strong demonstration Ihp nearest file boat station l«r this pur ! gum» among the opposition party, lo the O F F I C I A L VOTE COMMISSION HOUSE. Schism has been caused In the Luthe on the northwest extremity of Ihe camp, pose. | administration, could not have expected rpiIA NKFUL lor pan lav. rj, lb# unuit- »»«¡l OF but «ere kept In check, and retired with ran Church in Maryland, by the agitation I would respectfully lufoim his bui-dt md A later dispatch states that Hie ship ‘ such a triumphant victory. OCEAN COUNTY. of the questions as to whether an Odd out coining tn battle. This waa followed was settling, and at 8 o'clock was nearly [ the public, lhat he ha* removed irrj Uuu-efy Thia result Is not confined to Mon» Dover T o w n th lp . iii.r- m No. 246 Washington street whit» 1mouth alone, but nearly every County Follow can be a good Chrlstinn, nnd a* by frequent sorties, up lo (he 10th, In which level with ihe »e*. which was then mak he will keep a full aed ccn-rul assortaieet of fb r C ongrus. «line «mall works of the n I lie» were de U HO CH l i i £ s . 1nnd Drlslriet In the Slate have followed 10 ,h* P '° i* r '«»‘ie of .idaiinl.ten g the j ing a ek-an breach over her, and It was Gr.’at vain will he taken ill the ntectum of GEORGE K. ROBBINS. *10. nuit. Clawson, Whig In the first District bread in the Lord's supper. stroyed. A convoy of 4000 Ku»»i«ua tT- not thought possible that the passengers Goods, which will always be sold al Ihe lowest lecfed a entrance in» the city, on the 5th. N. S. RUE. 47. composed of Camden, Gloucester, could hold on much longer. A second line market rales. An attempt was made at Albany on The allied lorcea In Ihe Crlmeu now Cotieianments of Produce of alt kinds solici Cumberland, Salem, Cape Msy, Atlantic, f b r Assembly. Tuesday evening of last week, by somu number 11(3000, a n d 8000additional ol the had been thrown from the shore across ted, lo the s-ie of which, persona) oftd prompt the deck of the »hip, hut the passengers attention will be given. WILLIAM F. BROWN. S55. la elected by about 2100 majority. Sec unknown scoundrel, to kidnap a little girl ond District, Robbins, W higls elected by from the street* ol that city. She was French Iroops wore ready to embark from nnd crew appear to have been loo much To all «ho may Invor me wilh their pair**, No Opposition. Marseille* on the 21st, and 8000 Turks ol if. and **»• I pledge myself lo use lay ultnoil endeavors, aboui 3000 over N. S. Rue, Detn. Third exhausted to avail themselves •eized and gagged, blindfolded, and taken For Sheriff. please and merit their favor*. District, Bishop, Whig ia elected over to a dark room, but being left alone for a weie awaiting tianspoils at Varna. Let when the hist messenger Irlt Ihe scene ol to The pnironuge of Ihe Trade in Ocean rnunly EDWARD W. IVINS. 35G. ter« slate lhat the nature of the ground— Lilly, Dcm. by 1390 majority. Fourth few moment*, succeded in making her the disaster, Ihe general opinion was that is respectfully solicited. a loot ofeaith on solid rock—renders sci ForCoTMn. ID" Particular artention paid In order*. District, Vnlt, Democrat iseie rte ! by escape. the ship must go fo plrre* very speedily, J. N. LUCKY entific approaches imposslbl ; that the al BENJAMIN H. STOUT, 338. about 493 majority over Osbourn A. N. and in lhat case probably every soul on New Yfilk, Dee. 22. 1*53. ly. SAMUEL JOHNSON. “ Dandy Paul," a iiarkt-y, was arrested lies have 300 guns in battery, and idler a board would be lost.—,V. Y. Tim a. 78. Filth District, Pennington, Whig I* elec HULI. F. RANDOLPH. 358 ROBERSON, VAN VAI.KENHURG dr Co. in Dover N. H , lor highway robbery, and lew days fiie, will attempt to storm the DANIEL GARIETT, Know Nothing ted over Darcy, Dem. by 1300 majority. Mirchnult ami while in charge ot a keeper looking lor garrison, which is rsiimuied at 40,000 men. OCT We have received Ihe firtt num JUauufuClurtri, ComminiOa By the above It will be seen that the Jitalrrr tn r,kipT Candidale. 278. It is true that Ihe Ituiisians have sunk ber of a new paper published tit W'ukarubail, jumped upon the tear ot a train of Whig« have elected four o f the five m em MOSES ANDERSON, Dem. 39. eight ships across ihe elmnet, which it sa. Kansas Territory, entitled Ihq " H er FOREIGN nnd D w . i r .Straw Go**, H**N cars going through town, and (he au • ♦Me. v\c.y No. 24 Courilandl Si*, New iork. ber* to the next Corgress from this State, 3TA FT0R D TOWNSHIP. seven hundred yard* wide, and line of bat ald of Freed»™. Independent on all sub We invite the aliention of Pufchhsen» lo our and have so changed the State Legisla thorflics have not seen bun since. A very mock of Gooifiy con»iplin«f <>f Men find Yonlh'a tie »hips anchored close to Ihe shore, com ib r Congrett. | ject*, by G. W, Brown &. Co. On our 1straw, fur, nilk *nd wool H«t.% Me» an I Bor*> ture as to givs them a majority of 5 nr 6 smart operation. plete Ihe barricade. Altogether, the pros GEORGE f t . ROBBINS, 144. ia the Assearbly, and on Joint Ballot 3 or cloth, velvet nnd fancy Cap#, Arliiiti»! A rash and Soinewh it deluded young pect of Ihe speedy Iftll of Sebastopol is not first page m ar be found « description ot 1plush, N. S. R U E, 38. 4. Thera seems to be a perfect ¡revolu, Flower.% Ribbons, and ever# article peN8ir.imr man, has threatened to apply the Maine so lav.orable to the allies, but, nevertheless, the country, selected from its pages it is m Millinery Good#. AI»o UmbrelJ**, Parasol», Aattmbly. an Interesting narrative. tlon not only In New Jersey, but in all Low to Ms sweeilieait, she intoxícales j Carpet Bbk.%Sic. intelligence of (lie vicloiy is expected by j Every pfllil will be put forth on onr iwu, io W. F. BROWN, 145. the Eastern and Western States. him so! Perhaps Ih e ' Marriage Law pen* e in England and France Irorn hour Copt. James Smith is on irf-l in ¡New merit n liberal »Imre of pnlronace. Particular NO Opposition. The canse of this great change may be would be richer more etfecliml. to hour, Arlmlial Menschikntf, who com York, before the U. S. Circuit Court, on attention paid to nideis. foundin the faithieas acts o f the admin f b r Sheriff. CoiiNiiMiee’s will pleave notice whether patk9 Governor Dotu»i, ol Uunneclicnt, hns manded at Sinope, and is Ihe Command' nn indictment,charging him with piracy put up. 182. istration |n reference to lime honored appointed the SUih mat., a* a duv ol ant at Sebastopol, has published an ad- having fitted out Ihe brig Julia Moulton ages appear us onginnllv EDWARD W. IVINS. W. H. Roukhnok, compact* or agreemnnfs between Ihe ilre-s, saying that he will delend it to Ihe lor Ihe slave-trade. The first witness was F . L . V ah FALxr.KBi’ftO, f b r Coronen. Thanksgiving. Hmth and South, together with some lo J no L. KruarN. last, nnd that any one Is welcome to shoot the first officer of the brig. His evidence 182. af causa* In relation lo Stair policy. B. H. STOUT. December 29. 1853. ly. The last expeprilon which sailed from him if he don'r. Advice from Constantin lltus lar, goes to prove that he was en g a SAM'L JOHNSON,’ 106. This latter cause we a re Inclined to New York lor Liberia with emigrants ople to the I3lh state llmt the Russians 145. HULL F. RANDOLPH, ged tn New York by Capt. Smith, lor a H U N T E R B U C K L E Y ft Co 37. lelieve has contributed largely towards waa accompanied by the Secretary ol Ihe have retaken Eupatorfa, the English g ar voyage to Africa, (o get a cargo of slaves M. R. ANDERSON, DEALERS ,IN he defeat of the Democratic party In this American Colonization Society, the Rev. rison ol 500 having rcllred with the loss lor the West Indies ; that the vessel was UNION TOWNSHIP. Foreign <£ Bomentio Fry Gowk. ¡tale. We view the result here as J. B. Plnney, who goes out lor the pur. ofone gun. This Is howevr denied in the fitted out for that object at thi* port ; that Fort* Congre**. 31 and 33 Veiry 51, (corutr oj Church ot.j ,n uprising of the people to vindicate pose of making personal observations as English papers. An allied (orce has been Ihe voyage was unrlertaken, and on land 108. N EW YORK. GEORGEIR. ROBBINS 38. heir rights, to assert their power and to the progress of the colony in Liberia sent under general Bosquet nnd Arhmet ing on the coast of Africa six hundred Charfo* F. Ifuntrr, N. 8. RUE, William C. Shvlilo*. ibillty to govern ihemselres, to do their and the provisions exisiing there for the Pacha to Perekop, In prevent the advance and «ixty negroes were taken on board, Thnmo* T. IliicUcy, William It. Welli*s fb r* Auembly. iwn legislation, to stand the guardians of comfort and mnintaiuance of new 1$ arri of tho Russians. Heavy rains had rela'r- who were conveyed to Cuba, where they 121. their own treasury, to protect Ihe Inter ved emigrants. Some six or seven miss ded the advance, but the weather w i, HO W E A N D B TOWN. WM. F. BROWN, were landed and the vessel burned. ( « v o i -t e m It D hacks . I n F u n .» ;» k Dos»x*tit f b r Sheriff. est* of their own internal improvements, ionaries also went out In the same ship.— again fine. A turner Jbecame current tn PORT o r TOM’S RIVER. H a s u w a b E. 144. and lo declare their independence of Mo.» Among Ihe emigrants recently shipped to the allied camp that on the I Ith the Rus EDW ARD W. IV INS. 219 Crecnwicb Slrce», lliird home .bo»* Vrsvy Arrival) and Departurei Liberia were filty slaves formerly belong sian army from Simferopol would attack NEW YORK. nopoly rule. fb r Coronen. fo r the week ending IVcdu Auoustii» Howe, E dward 5. Brow*. ing lo the estate of Mr. Geo. Love and them, and that Ihe Greeks in Balaklava 136. mar'h- 2 1854. liin. day, Novemher 15, 185« B. H. STOUT. ( f j f We understand that the Camden Mr. T. Herndon, in FaHquier and Loudon would simultaneously fire the town. The .20. SAM'L JOHNSON, and Pemberton Agricultural Railroad has counties, Virginia. The heirs gave them Greeks were consequently all expelled. A rrived. " PIKE INSTBA.NCE. *17, H. F. RANDOLPH. 29. been surveyed as far as Freehold, and an outfit costing $2000. HE subscriber being agent lor Ihe Empire M. R. ANDERSON, — Philadelphia Sun. Slate iMiilunl Insurnnce Company, located «t 123. the right of way obtained. DANIEL GARRIET, Schooner Faithful Friend, Thompson The contemplaied tunnel under the Ohio master, Lime Stone lor W. M’Kean. Tw o girls who were arrested In Man S*ralngn Spring*, A'. Y. t end the ghrew«l>ury We shall be glad to hear ol the farther BRICK TOWNSHIP, Mutual insurnnce (totnpany, located al EnlotiSchooner Practical. Phillips master. progress of this road, as it runs through chester, New Hampshire, a short time river, at Louisville, Kentucky, and Jeffer fb r Congrete. Schooner Brick Bergen, Tilton master. town ,Y. J, is prepared to insure Dwelling*,. sonville, Indiana, will be exc'usively for since, for horse stealing, &c., were sen Born*, Mill*, &c., icc., on favorable teim*. s i rich an agricultural district as any in Scho oner Vinryaro, Page master. 128. GEORGE R. ROBBINS, railway purposes, with a double Irack, ad .411 losses promptly adjusted, tha State, It cannot (ail to be not only an tenced, on Tuesday Iasi, to [our years Schooner Isabella, Tilton master. 79. N. S. RUE, i Y¥. McKE-4A". Schooner ElazaJane, Bills master. accommodation, but also a source of great hard labor in the state prison. Their bra apted to the use of all Ihe roads ot differ may 3,-If. Toms, Uvier, .VJ. f b r | Auembly. profit to farmers and others along its vado gave way when the sentence was ent guaeges. It will be 28 leet wide in the Cleared. clear, and seventeen leet high perpendic pronounced, and they shed tears freely, 129. line. WILLIAM F. BROWN, IS R A E L M IN O R & CO. ularly, Irom the center of each track. The Schooner Practical, Phillips master, Wholiiale Dealtrt in When will the Shore Road progress 1 f b r Sheriff. Mr. Austin Benham, of Waterfordi arching will be sixty (eet less than two Coal and Wood fur New York. RUGS. Medlcm-s, Paint*, Oils, Glassware, raised New London Gounty, N. Y. has 203. ‘ ED W A R D jW . IVINS. Patent Medicines, to ., 2! S F'«Uo« 2 3 " Our friend Mr. James E. Lane, the miles !u leuglli. The descending grades this year on fourteen acres of land, twelve The prevalence of incorrect notion* upnn the New York. fb r Coronere. postmaster at this place, while in the city into the lunnel, at either end, will be only December 29, 1853. ly. hundred and fitly bushels of shelled corn. sobjeetof medicine, i* a gerat cause of misery. 199. of New York last week on business, nar eighty feet per mile on a straight line,— BENJAMIN H. STOUT, 183. rowly escaped from a wntery grave.— The corn was of ihe variety called the From the head ot the grade on one side to Medicul practice should be governed by prlvciSAMUEL JOHNSON, c. p. k n i g h t & c o . • pies cautiously deduced from the contributions 125 Having occasion in the evening to go on Rhode island While. HULL F. RANDOLPH. the head of the grade on the oposite side of long experience and close observations. How pOMMlSSION MERCHANTS AND D U i82. MOSES ANDERSON. Dem. board a vesse lying in the dock, mistook The Cleveland Plaindealer states that ot the river will be two and a hall. The ipiportuiii, thru, thttinu medicine should be ia. \ , ERS in chees nnd provisions generally. No. JACSSC5 «y©*yï!ïïH!p â april b. ithis step, supposing Ibe boat to be against various sums of money having been lost lunnel will he crmslrnotec! in the river by ken by Invalids, unless it ernioales from the South Wharves Philadelphia. 67. the dock, and stepped into the river, b e through the mails between that place and excavating a channel or pit in the rock, GEORGE R. ROBBINS, IIRICK I RRICK ! BJRICK t hands of men of talent, judgment, and the strict 1C!. tween tke wharf and vessel, but fortunate N. S. RUE. Wheeling, Mr. Shallcross, of Wheeling, and arching over with the materials exca est probity. Hoofland’s Germnn Billers, pre The subscribers beg leave to announce that Plumstead|Towsnkip. ly there being a rope attached from the special mail agent, undertook to ferret out vated—limestone rock of the best quality. pared by Dr. C. M. Joekson, Philadelphia, they have just opened n Kiln of first quality “ one to the other, just over him, he suc- the robber. Suspicion finally rested on The work has been surveyd, and ihe cos1 is a preparation eminating from one of the most af Hard, Soft anil Arch Brick, at their B'iek ■Congrue. Yard near this village, which they will seilou 160. ceedsd in getting hold of it, and by the the Wellaville office. Eighty dollars re estimated at one million two hundred celebrated practiooers of modern limes, and one favorable terms. G. R. ROBBINS, A supply of Wgll btick will be ready In a of the gteatesi medical writers Germany ever aid of persons near by was rescued. 82. cently mailed at that placce was abstrac thousand 1ollars. It is proposed to raise N. S. RUE, few days.produced. This article is now is able hands, ted, and the robbery traced to the son of this sum by a cash subscription, no part Aesembly. N. B. Our brick have been burnt with ex O^r We would here correct an error in as evidence that the article is prepared careful' tra care, and we warrant them to be as hard as 158, lust week’s Emblem, found in the circu the Postmaster, who was arrested and of which is made payable until the whole WM. F. BROWN, any in the market. ly and skilfully, It Is producing the effect the sum is subscribed. „ 1VINS DAVIS. lar of Dr. Lewis Lane’s, Select School.— taken to Columbus. GOBLE & VANNOTE. origins! inventor intended. It is used by many - ;Sheriff. The price per term of eleven weeks is 6 At Annapolis, Md.t the captain and the The venrable Elizabeth Hamilton, the of the leading practitioners of Philadelphia in Tom’s River, Sept. I, 1853. 240. dollars instead of 5, as it appea,rsin last crew of the schooner Beacon, ot Philadel relict of Gen. Alezander Hamilton, died cases of debility of the digestive organs, and ED. W . 1VINS, Ih & L. ANGEVINE, issue. phia, were arrested on the 27th ult., and at Washington, on Friday. She was the biliary apparatus, and the diseases arising thereCoroners. EALERS in Genncsee, Ohio, Michigan and daughter • f Gen. Philipe S. Schuyhlep front. We therefore recommend this medicine fined lor a violation of the oyster laws.— OtT On Monday last, a brakesman on Southern F locp., No. 218 Washington St.,, 235. B. H. STOUT. 30. the Camden and Amboy Railroad, while The Beacon was taken, and is advertised of Albany, and was born on the 9th day ot to siffering invalid*. See advertisement. near Barclay, New York. SAM’L JOHNSON. August 1757. She was married to Alexan DAKIIX AKOEVIST LEVt -.NUEVJXK.. 155. for sale under the laws above referred to. H. F. RANDOLPH, Dec. 23, 1853. ly*’ 78. in the act ol fastening a rope lo the bell, The captain and crew have paid the fine der Hamilton, then one of Ihe Aids of Gen' M. R. ANDERSON. are rept .CTORY and Steamboat Bells 201. on the tender, was by some means thrown DAN’L-i GAR&IETT, Washington, with the rank of Lieutenan constantly on hand, and chimes ol any Sam non* and costs, and have been discharged. LANK DEEDS, Merigge« 3. off, and both his leg* broken. R, H. CONOVER, nnmbel and tone, cast to order. tile’s and Exe irons, Subpœu • o stable’s Colonel, on the 6th of December, 1780 The subsribers are agent* for Mr. G. Hoi ToTAh. Mr. Prentice, the editor of the Louis SberiflcuSal es Ae-, &o-i *»W*t his office. there being out quite a year’s difference in btook, who is proprietor of the oldest establisnWe understand that on Thursday last, 917. Robbin«, lent ia the country, and whoso Bella have for 445. a team driver at Bergen W orks, named ville Journal, who is on a visit to Mem thelr age. Rur, g l a s s w o r k s irty yeans maintained a reputation second to m e d f 908. Abram Skidmore, while drawing a load phis, has been tendered a public dinner Brown. M onmouth Weekov H erald ,” is the lone, having received the first premiums wher BURLINGTON COUNTY N. J . 72. of marl, was run over, and bis arm crush by his friends ia that city. M r Prentice Ivin* Davis, title of a newspaper printed ot Freehold ever they have been exhibited, never having HE Subscriber continues to masufaeture I (27. accepted of Ihe invitation, and Wednes E. W. Ivioa, every description of Window G.ass, Wf.iwh by Connually and Mason, neautral in been surpassed by any competitor at Ihe various Hit). ed above the elbow. R H. Stoui. day, the (wenly-fiftli uil., was appointed Fairs in New Yord, Boston, and elsewhere, for superiority el finish and transparency or poijtice. The second No. ol this paper has S. Johnson, «1. Air. H. also manufacturée Churh Organs npd body cannot be surpassed. Order* promptly ( j y Commander Hollins the hero of lor the entertainment to take place. Sen H. F. Randolph. s 9». Greytown. iia* been detached from the ator Jamea C. Jones was ihe uhairman ol conic to hand and presents a very pretty Town Clocks of superior quality, orders for all amended to m . R. Amim ww>, of which may be addressed lo appeaaance, arm is filled with excellent WM. C. FORTER. -y •j02. command of the naval rendezvous at New the committee who sent the invitation to reading matter. We wish the proprlaDaniel Garriet, CHAS. STARR, Ja. & Co. York, and ordered to a similar command Medford .tuns 14, 1854 -ly i . '.t. .. R. H. Con#f«r, ¡¡7 Fulton 8t>i k , If. as Bbundftnt success. Mr. P. at Philadelphia. Baiists rsjecieti it Me tal Vole o f No# Mouth I '«runty. ô E â O I î î l ê m F T D D F B T At rt rfidun r 14aU,6J$i irr - u m w WHIhesoW- THE T» ib . ExhihUion, wlll b* pe Numhered Certificata «ntltll»« Une Mute* U Ih. hdlowtag 100,000 Uiltai A FARM, loeated In Olonster Co., New J«r»«f, and «lidia uf Pluladalphia. Il .m bucM eeer onthondred • (rea (H Land, ia a high «lai* t f e.hivalion, vrltb Owcliiog, barn», and oihrr aeeaftary Out liooee» in eood rapati. Ther» i. a _ m in t match »III take place at Colli»» ol choice Frali». T tl* Indjipau n x io u s io protw» al Slxi«« ihoiMand doli»™. < Any Mill*, o * 'I’ll#™*»», « •» •m b tr *d, 1854, educnlinn for hie 01 in regaid lo Ihe farai may beokuln« for the celebrated Jersey R«ee Mare, of E . A. se to afford feellillei to other» ItKDFIELD, tensili oa Ihe pe»n,i«e*, Shrew, w i n * at *300. The winner een twelve object in »lew. the »»beer ber h u encaged the J ( KKF k I'Ua L LOAN wiihoni «vconty « «290 for her. A t» «»« bendsoine ierephine cervice» of MU» Wil»on, let» of the »nun* U . Interau, of FI»* T haiwand dolttan,) M eM lee, 00« ««nil Certie«», oee 8»!k«J, 0»e Seminary at Chailottevllle, N, Y. who On* o( Two Tbno.«nd doflarl. RoldVnnd one Levee Weteh. from her accomplishment« amt literary acquir One of On» t ‘tbete article« will be ehot for it pigeon« ement» __ ___i*I eminently ...... ........... .......that In qualifie.! to impart Two of FI»* hnndret; e«eh. from ■ .. Inf boi ; diitanee *1 yard», bound« j ^ruction, both mefel end ornimental. which the otherwise, If ordered,Mo the luit yirrua. ,« tlepnede 01 the ege reader eo iinii»|ieu«M»i* iu n u t tied to Umuq. ^ ’d t h u e E L 8t w r t S > M A .it cnr Shoot her tjb commence ten o’clock. •* Lilv Dai», whoe*o imi, a h«n>e»i, a nule J ¿ r UXPMECM , , <female education, f * . M For three hundred ettbeti PPER wilt be served up 10 of pupil« will be liroited to SO, For iwo hundre.! and fli y subscriber* we w j in 2 ,( 0—Vaìtied ai FiAeeti hundred dollari, ’I (K - - rf'u rC A S H .u r ita equivalent O N Llf Aa OYST. the evening. I 5 lto»ewi^d Piaho», vai.rd «1 F ife boadied U è»o«r inlealioa to Make «ar BtfailuAmm end the Irrise for the brancliee usually tensili give one splendid fine Gold Walsh (w irrsa t JAQUES A BORDEN. J doliar», irra i in tinnier fettkotont lecluding rent sail fuel, lor time) worth •30,00 * "’** datili edty A* 1’ ltKPAllED BY it doller« per term of eleve* wetite ; for music For two hundred, one m ■■ _____ _ f *1rc Gold Loekat» | 5 valoerl »1 Three handrc-fioliai* each.ì elcsunt B S •with u*e of Ute »«•U»»net, pem tinf, die wing, 4 glasses,) worth ( A porlion of Ih» Pian»« are T . Gilbert A Co’« P o O O l© 9 S1Í.U4I I)R. C.M. JACKSON, k t . k c ., w»U be extra char««*. to For one hundred and fifty on* elegant B rut !»l Celrhrated Aìolian«. Other. of Hallet, Davi» I Aad w* iherefuTe e n ra titl, Invile !' )U8£ AND SHIP PAINTER, ULAZEK &c. «mbroidery GERM AN M E D IC IN E STO K E, be tel forth in circulera hereafter 10 b»* pub- tin e gold,) worth IU.UÓ Tam m K tvtrr, Oeoat» C o u n ty N. J . k Co*«. Inelrumenla.) i celi aad e x a a ta t *nr «Uh * , ffo. 120 Jlrck HI., 0 .« door mlouti Sixth, JPhiluHalted. The School to aitamenee 13th of No« C. having located hlmvetf In Maine Street For one hundred, one Geld Vest Chain, worth The Splendili Sai.*» of Palatinva knowa as | *ha Iritlh of vhM w t aa». phia. j Tom’! River, twf» leave to Inform 11» in- vember. Good boarding at reeaotteble ratet, For seventy five subtciibers, one GoldI MFenb Their power overM th lite “ MiuorOf Nei» Enjland «od Canadiaa j (hai maay hibiiant« endthat nflhe neighbnring TownaMpi mar be obtained in the village. . above tliscnvt*» ¡< not Scenery,” and aow realttini * handsome iacone verl»#e, and hoi LEWIS LANE. that ha intend, enrryin« on Hit nbove biisine.s ane Gold Holder, handsuroely engraved, worth excelltil if «quailed, by any other preparntion by ita exhibitions in th« East— valued at twenty never intend to T ood’i River Oct. 25th 1&54. In all ita Braaehea, and hope» by Hriet iltanthm $ia,oo in the United State«, .» the cure, attest, in two thou«and dollars. •unnatioa of oar «lock i o«r pfkes to all ord-r» «itruw td to him to ln»are 8,00 many case» niter physician» had failed. For fifty, one do 3 Light and Beautiful Carriages—valued at fur ibemsvlve«. We flatter The». Bitter, are worthy th . attention of In. Two hundred nnd twenty-five dollars each. their fnrlbci favor». do 10 ,0 0 For forty, one do do In C hnueery o f New J e rs e y ny years’ experience in tmde, if. B. Sh?w Cabin« fixed in the beat »tylr. 5,00 valid«. Po«se»«i.i great virlne« in the rectifi Bor thirty, one do Ten Gold Watches, valued at one hundred ! lions will b« superidt Mi«» E. CHAMBERS, Millinery end Dicta Belween George Cnrnelius com ) cation of the liver and ien er gland«, exercising For twenty, Comtuercial dollars each* TO A S Y O TH E R i S TH E plainant and Job Halsey and > Order for Maker, at I he above adilreaa. 5.00 the most searching power in werktic«« and af extension holder worth Forty valued at Fiftv dollnrs racti. • nJ as we »ball be curaataiitly Henerrella bis wile el ai. del. ) Publication. do 2.00 fection« oftheiligediveorgaD», they are withal For fifteen, one Medium One hundred Fens and Case«—valued nt five Csrufsi ftutAt New Voik and Fsti It appertng to the Court that the Com- Fur twelv»*, one Lady’s to 1,50 | certain safe and pleasant, du S H E R I F F S SALE. dnU-ii. b** fur the interest of ill plainant Ii ith filed his Hill in the above cause aThi« Gobi Pen and fielder Virtue of a writ of /i fa lo me directed the Ladito ; M on, c . r , H lncilna, Mayor of the City ol Five Thousand Pencils - valued a t three dol patronage. * gam«l me above named defendants and others, | Siie and is a beautiful article. ) aaetl oat oi me ucean Fleet will be exposed ! ('am b n, said : “ We have seen many fiattrr. lars each. G koeos W, r|ïJU: t i ñ i All the above goods .«nail he prrn:iured from | t.g notice» of HOOI-'LAND’fi GERMAN BIT. at Public Vendue, on Thursday the 30th day for the foreclosure ami sale of certain Mortgaged Ninciy-onethousand eight Hundred rnd nine T o m 't R iie r , A u%. ‘¿3, IB Com- T E R 8, and the Jourcta from which they came teen Piece#ol Choice, Popular and Fashionable nil of November next, between the hours of 12 ami premises in the said Bill mentioned, and that pro* the New York Gold Pen Mvnuiaciurnii ■*-, 5 o’clock on said aay, at the hoose of Je«ae cess o f subpeena to appear and answer, directed punt, the oek lowleged hi st Gold Fen and Pen. j induced us lo make Inquiry respecting its mm ill. Music, 25 cts each 4 lo th e defendants hafli been regularly issued re* cil Case ManufrtCtmers opn ,Ui* this — coctinent. ' From " 1 J to - use- it, and Guwdrick Totn’i River. inquiry---------------------we were persuaded ONE GIFT FOR EVFRY TICKET. All that tract of land senate in the township luroable-n the seventeenth day of August in must say we found it apeede in its action upon In order to insure to all concerned a perfectly ofPlamstead, county oi Ocean; describrd as the year of our Lord one llmusund eiehl him bed # j diseases ol the liver and digesiive organ, anu fair nnd Naiisisctorv disposition of the above T. W. & A. MARSH, fellows: beeinning at a sione ul the »ooth-we»t amjt fifty four, in the term of May A. D. I854;but Wholes ile Grocers. Prov non, Wine and Liquor the powerful infiuiHC* It exerts upon nervous numed Gifts, Mr. Perhsm proposes that the AT T O M ’» RI V SR. 11 -»* .> . corner of raid tract, running thene». 1 north tha the Defendants. Job Halsey and Menerrctu, i r r r e s* Wurril'fi Woulu rei^rvifkilly ¡uTufia :si Si(grt, b**iwcv*n ' prostration, is really surprising, ft calms and Shareholders shall meet together Dealers, No. 1C 15m, west 2 chains and 29 links along the line hrt wife, CfjuW ftM he fbtwd tn this, iStafe to be ! strengihens the nerres, bringing them into a On T b n rsd n y E v en in g J u n e 2 3d, 1854 . I | Ike itexlee» In Ocean county that lie kaa l JJaiclav amt Robinso n tis., ivew York. of ■ ■—to aloae in the road from New Egypt sr * ad therewith, and that they have not caused A c u src f Ma» sh 1 sfaie of repute, makintg sleet* refr*»*hh” . If Or »»oner, Mnil *h* Tickets are «oM—due ne. i apyoiRiaa Jaaai: .M.vnxiua ua . Tum’a lu fe f. W . M arsh, !•> Goshen { »h**nrr* along ««id road 84 deg. 42in (hotoappearance to Ire entered ns tn case euch T hauoore „ . . „ , , . . . t . l this medicine was more generally used, we lice of which wiM be given,) at some suitable Aleni l'or ike »ale ofiiEGARfi and hi. i r r Nvwkurah P .l . «uu Am b.f Al «^ t , Ik . j lau , ard lhe,.t wou|U bc |c, s sick„eMl „ N.—E. IH chain 81 links lo a alone, thence 8 . pru aa# had been duly served nrd it being made F in e Cut C avendish C hew ing pl«ee, her»*nfter to he design«!« 1, and nppoinl a 4 deg. 30m K. 10 chains and 81 link» to a to ppear by aflidavit to the snii.^fiction of the houshead and barrel. j from the stomach, liver and nervous system, (he committee of five persons, to icceiva th« prop who will fill all order» from dealere, i t Jau . 12, 1134 ly. •none, the neb S. 83 dr 15m, H'. 19 chains ^42 Chancellor that the said Job Halsey and Hen *great majority of real and imaginary diseases erty. which they may dispose of in such a man iicturtr« price«' This lolmeeo ii train links to tbe eginuing, containing thirty »even erreita bis wile, reside out of the State of New emanate. Have them ‘n a healthy condition ner—by lolor othorvviae—as th« shareholders, allowed lo be superior to any other ent PETER LY N C H , acres, and tiluieen hundred» oi an acre, more or Jersey lo wit, in the Slots of South Carolina j and yon enn bid defiance to epidemie« vemerally in aeneral meeting, shall direct, the committee and «»nam ed not to contili an; p o tato si less-excepting about one acre on which the Thi« extraordinary medicine we wonld ndvije T IN P L A T E 4 SUO E T IR O N It is thereupon, on the Eighteenth day ol Au giving good and sufficient bond.«, if required by •<ibalance. meeting.houae known as Zion Merlin house gust, in the year of our Load one thousand Eight I our fiicnde who are at all indKpoard In gire it WORKER, AMD thv shareholders, fur the faithful perfurumnee ai GEO. CUEARY. »lands, the pailicular boundaries of which are hundred filly four, on motion of Thotntu W. Mid» trial—ft will recommend iticli; it should, in the duties required of them. June 7. 1854. ly . S T O V E S T 0 It E marked and recorded in Clerk’s office at Free- dleton, Solicitor of the Complainant by this ori feet be in every (iraily. No ether medicines Share holders residing out o f the eity of New --------- --------------------------;........... .... , ...... Imld.in Book Z, 4. folio 279. can produce such evidences ol merit. Une MOUNT HO LLY N. J. der, directed by the Chancellor, lhat the said fcViied as the properly of Job I. Davidson and a sent defendants, Job Halsey and Hencrretta. Plnmbinx, Tin Auolinj; «nd Spoutlnq,' Done I (treat «dv.m .*e they pos«i-»»ovrr other prep*r. lu rk , will stand upon the same footing ns resi SEARS ADRRANCE AND PLATT. John L. Davison, aud taken ia execution at the his wife, do appear, plead, an«w»*r,or demur to and Warranted. ! nlinns now urged for »imilar disease» i»t they dents, and whatever may fall to their shares will Im p o rter» An«i J w i m i O . be forwarded to them in such manner as they . suit of Harrison W. Price, and to be sold by | do nut contain one particle of calomel, or aay June 14, 1854 ly. llie Complainant’s Bill, on ok before the nine HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUTES f t . may direct, after the paituion has taken place. | any other mercuial preparation.’* teenth day of October next, oFilrut In default EDWARD W. IVINS, Sheriff. All orders for tickets, by mail, should be ad No. 165 G reen w ich S tre e t. thereof such decree be made agaVist them as the j M endham , Morris Co., N. J . June 7. 1851. I * m*V River Sept. 29 1*54. PENNINGTON FEMALE IN* dressed to Josiah Perhain, Academy Hall, 663 Chancellor shall think equitable aW juSt, And One door below Corilaodt Street, 1 Da. C. M. J a c k s o n —Dear S ir; With much Broadway, New York. If it should happen that S T IT IT E . it is farther ordered, that this ordcr^hnll within pleasure I testify to the extraordinary virtue of all the tickets are «old when the order is received NOTICE. NEW YORK. twenty days hereafter He served pfdtonnlly on The 21st Session of this Instituí ion will com- your GERMAN lil T 1KKS. Two years avo I folice ii hereby «¡v«n that a apfeial lerm a. (he said Jab Hulsey and Henerretta his wife, by the money will be returned, at oar experce for (LATE NO. 6<j COarlAHI.T¡tr) ! mence J u tu s t 3 h i, 1853 C. Wesley Dunn, I was nfllicied with Liver Complaint and Nervona postage. Correspondents will please wriledlstinel»e Orphan« Court ol’ the County of Ocean a delivery of a eoppy thereof to them, or be j b. A. nnd R- v. y/. F. Ln- her, Principals. The AVE an « in llore a Inrte and wellI inswrt| Debility ; was reduced to low that the pliysi- tly their name, residence, C> unty and State, to »ill b beM m the Court flnuii. >1 Toat'a River publish*-'! within the said twenty days in the ■prising ed nock of the abóte goods t-ompris 1 prices for Hoarding, Tuition, &<*., vary «« frd* on T u telar the 31(1 of llu, ¡naiint Ocaan Emblem a newspaper printed at the Vil j lows, viz : $25, $27,50, $30, $32,50 an ! $35, ! eians ami my friend« despaired ol my ever get- prevent errors. Or, if couveient, enclose an enItentioji every m iele in their line to which the nttenliei By ortler of the Court, lage of Tom’s River in the County of Ocean, in ! All who wish to enjoy its educai ¡unni ttdvnnl* I ling well. I was in that condition for about one velope, with their |direction§ on it in full—in of Merchants is rrspectfnlly invited I y e a r; my hope, of a cure was »one : my atwhich, such ticket* a* they may rder will be T momaa C. lUantaoN mis State and continued therein for six weeks | gen the coming yi ar, should make immediate mnkind purchases. ^ 1 torn wu* called to your advertisement in Scott’s returned. Clerk. successively, at lea»t once in «very week. | application in order to secure room« F ir cir ma,’h 29th. 1854. I f Oct. 19 l l i L B. IVtLUAMSOtf, C. ' cular* or farther information, addrfaa eithar *f j vr-ekly paper» I lead it, and believed the Bit; . - ii, . t ' -,'e me. 1 s.n t * It took eight A tru** Coot-v. FREEH O LD AND JA M E S B Ü K i ! the Frincipuib at Fcnntnglott N, J . | butt es riu.' iny belief was verified I continue GUARDIAN SETTLEMENT Da.v’L B. Bomffg, Clk* uug. 30-2m, COALYARD I S TOM S RIVER. R A I / . 1W A U r — — I well. Since then themI have nave sold sow many doxen dozen lo to OTICE is hereby given that lhat toe »crP H E subscriber haa opened a CoaJ Yard in Ore sold there < various peisous alBicled with live! complaints Where CHEAP GOO ¿0*u3c. connln o f tbe eulweiber Guardlen ofW im oMoney ! Money 1 Moucv l t W alcr Street Tom’* Rif er, whone he will lyr.pepsia, anil nervona debility, and in almost will the PEDICE rush ! Ihy Cox, will,be untitled and slated by tba liar, be happy to supply all with a good article ol fpH E subscriber beat leave lo inforni his friends | every esse it has etfectcd a cure. If necessarv, monte nnd reported lor set lement lo tha C H A N G E OF H O U R Anthracite Coal, who may ta m r him with a 1 and ih» pnbltc generally, ihnt he will conI f could procure n number of of certificates Orphan’s Court of the County o f Ocean, os tbe call, at the lowest cash price. Hi# coal is of a tinue the Mercantile ho*inc>s in all of its vari« S u m m er A rran g e m en t fiom person? who h&vu been cured br the Bit first Tnesdny of October next. superior quality, selected under his immediate out branche* at the Old Storehouse of Joseph ter« 1 hnvt? sold* Any one wishing information C H A N G E iU F E A R L Y L IN E T O JOHNATHAN COX, Gaardian. inspection, aad free from slate and «liter im B Cox, in West Creek, lately occupied by H. Irom me relative fothij medicine, I will freely NEW YORK F R O M E. A H- C. Gulick, where he will be pleased purities. rommiinicar* with them. 1 am peraonnlly W H I S T L E ! B L O W YOUR lo see the entire trading community. He will 6,45 TO 0,15 A. M. N. B. Coal delivered when desired, known to all the leading men of this county. endeavor to remedy the evil lhat has long been FV^HE attention of th ; nliabiiant.« of Tom’s S. AUMACK. I rem ain,dear sir, yours, &c. Q N nnd after Monday 12lh inet., the cnr« will reipectiuliy requested J8. Kiverandvicinity the lot ol Hus much neglected place, for want of Oat. I 8.-If. leave Freehold illation for NtW York^tnd COMMISSION D E ALER S JOHN J. BALLENTINE. good goods, nnd a good assoilinent ol goods be o the S u p erio r S to c k c f D ry Q j o d i a n d In A ll K Indi Of IU“ For sale Wholesale by Druggists in all Philadelphia n, follows i Gri oc Olios io be found »• the ing k«pl here. AT P R I V A T E SALE. At 6-15 a . m., anil 3 v. m., arriving nt New the piincipal cities and at retail bv apothecar The residents of this place and surrounding DO W N TOMf N STORE A valuable tract of land, situate in thecountj Yor at 9,30, A M. nnd 6.3U v. M. ies ami siorekeepcrr in the United States. Up to a period within oy memory but very «1 Mercer township of East Wind#©*’, about une neighborhood have be**n compelled lo seek a sup AVE removed from their «old Hand to th« R fiJU B N U G . PRICE 75 CENTS P E R BOTTLE. ply of the indispensibles of life by sacrificing few of the necessaries, nml none of the luxuries half mile from the flourishing village sf Hivhts- much lenve Pier No. 1, North River, by the John large and convenient one No. 27, WEST of their time in Horn« to Tuckertonand of life were kept on han«j by the merchants of July 1 2th I8a"4 ly iown, will be sold cheap il applied for soon. Poller, nl 7 A. M., nnd the . obn Neilion, nt 3. WASHINGTON MARKET, NEW YORK. For further particular.« inquire of E. C. Taylor, Manabawkia for those thing*, aud then paying litis section o f country; articles were sold at N. B. In the berry «cason they devot ibeir r. m . Lenve Philadelphia by Ferry from the exorbitant price», thus divining »he Itade Irota an fxoibitanl price Ihm building up princely J . i l e m in i ii g a n d S o ii ’ s To«f*s R iver; or of William R. Norton on tbe their own pleasant Village and building up other time exclusively to lhat branch of trade and loot of Walnut Street, at 7 a. m . and 2 r. st. merchant princes, and draining out the hard premises. places, while their own remain.« dormant. Thus earned wealth of the pi ople. Tilia stale of Passengers returning from New York, will be will be pleased lo see all who may ftvor September 29,—if. mreful lo ohUin l lckels on board the John them with a call. loosing the increase in value of property that things tbe subscriber will endeavor lo rectify, rP H E subscriber in consequence of misrepre Refers to W. McK ean ì Charles I delk« characterir.es other similar localities. and hO)>ea to havethe encouragement of the L sentations having been marie respecting Poller, nt the Captain's office, otherwise they T. S ingleton , Torn’» >C, W silkv I drll A BLACKSMITH WASTED The former of these evils the subscriber inwill be charged extra. NE ens rent » »hnp and tools «rery low also tends to remedy by keeping a full slock of goods buying community. The poineer in any great iho3e highly approved ATeedles, bjgs rcspectlnlly River. ) Freehold, June 21, 1854. tf public improvement hus in numerable difficulties to inform the community that he is the a dwelline house if wanted. The »hop will and selling them at fair prices. June 11, 18.54, ly* lo contend with. Pretenders will alwas enctea IMPORTER O F JAS. HE.MMIN^ k SON’S stocked for an honest sober blacksmith, if rented The second and greatest evil must be remedied vour to mislead the public t»y unfounded asser BLANK BOOKS G en u in e D rilled E yed Needles« TO FARM ERS. by the people, which they will hardly fail to do lions of economy, and ih us injure those persons E . OLIPHANT Jn . P a p e r S ta tio n a ry o seeing that they have their own inlrest at stake. who arc the real public benefactors. By such A’ot representing an article which is not rea UST receive a Jars« assortment of TssNew Lisbon, N. J. 9mo 6lh, 1854. Jm. F R A N C IS & L O im tF L , uny circiunit&nces. The subscriber would therefore invite one and pretensions the public ho'vc often suffered and ANUFACTERING Stationers, Importers j proved Patent Ploughs,of various number From tbe superior quality of the material of all, lo come nnd see his well selected Stock of will continue to »ulft-r until a proper spirit of T O T - R I N T E |K 3 . hich we are now selli ne cheap for cash. and Dealers in Foreien and Domestic Sta W . ci. H. k Sort’s ATeedlea are made their F ait and winter goods, consisting of a complete J. AUMACK & CQ% AHTKD an Imperial, or Double Medium assortment of French, English and American intelligence is diliused. Stories of •* coal trade, lug finish, he flatters himself they are unsur- tionary and Paper, N a 77 M aid en | Lane, mat ’h 29ib, 1854. 2k. • two prices ” and other press, anil lot of Job Type. Address r. New York. Drygoods, Cassimeres, Silk, Valencia and cote final about, but while th r people are devouring p&0 d by any Needles manufactured. EH Holderners, Tom’s Rlvei, Uconn Co., N. J Country Merchants and otters supplied with ton Vestings, D’Laine«, Cashmeres, Ginghams, these exaggerations, interested dealers arequi^t* H ealfo imports R. Richards’ Exquisite Drilled or. John G. Clark. Postmaster, Cranberry DISSOLUTION. evary style of account boooks, writing paper, Flannels. Table Linen, Slice!ins, Damask T ab l; Iv draining out their mon py. The subscriber F«y>d Needles, which are m uch approved. Middlesex Co., W. J. gold pens, portfolios, scrap hooka, copy and 1 be co partnership heretofore existing beCoveis, Kill, Silk, Lisle Thread aad Colton does not ask the public ti nke his word with- ALSO:—IMPORTER NND DEALER IAr. Glove», Ribbons ; together with a general as out proof, all he a«k*i is a all. When you are ."in*. Buttons, Combs, Gold and Steel Pens, pa3S bonks, cash and deed books, slates, card tween the subscribers is this day dissolved by T hos. W. Ivins N o w S a d d le a n d H am aan M am i/aotory. sortment of embroidery and Needle Work Goods, paying the merchants ir Maine street large Scissors, Stay Bindings, Thimbles, Tapes, Spool cases, cheasinen &c., Books made to pattern, mut is! consent Gko. W. Cowperthwait. Brown Sheeting?, Bed Ticks, Shirtings, Summer advances, just step a few yards around Uncle Colton, Sewing Silk, Whalebone, and Oilier paged &c. AT 1 K U E H LD . April 1. 1854, June 28 tf Proprietors of Francis’ celebrated Manifold Jesse’s corner and look into my store, where Vai ietiea. r n H E subscribers wish to inlorm their friends SlufTs, Printed Calicoes, Ac. &c. Writers, by which letters and copies are writ Grocries of all kinds, Paints, Oils, Drugs nnd yon will find new goods obliging clerks and He solicits a share of patronae** from WholeA. and tb« pablic in gioeml that in ^addition NOTICE. a gcncial assortment of Crockery. Flour and honest bills. sale Dealers wishing to have Needles of any ten at the same time* to their old stand at B lue Ball* (winch will be June 2 '. 1854.ly Feed, Patent Medicines, Hardware, &.c. a furLL petrous indebted *o the late firm s My assortment consists in part of a good quality imported to order* earned on as before by one of the fnm ) l“®l ther enumeration of articles is unnccce«*ocy as Ivins Sc Cowperthwait, are raquesttd to thA' have opened a shop in the village of Person-enquiring o f the subscriber where any A NEW ST O C K O F all wishing to pnrehase will. call and examine T. W. MIDDLETON, make immediate payment to the subscriber. v .:. Freehold on South street,» lew doors from particular make of Needles can be obtaned, he SS GOODS, L A D I E S ' D R E for themselves. Accounts remaining unsettled after Septem the coiner of Main street where they are ATTORNEY AT LAW. will cheerfully inform lo the best of his know H. C. GULICK. ber 1st, will be placed iu the hands cf an A t such an Barege de Lnines Lawns, Shall*, Mou- ledge. »»rr?R=red to -«ecdte *11 orders in their line ol M a ste r and lE s a m ln e r in C h an cer?. Cit-ek, Sept. 29, 1854. if. seime de L aines, Gingili ms, Calleo, ¿2c. &c. torney lur collection. f*isiness in a manner that shall be satisiaciory RICHARD RICHARDS, O FFIC E.—At Jesse Coivdnck’s Hotel well seiected and of choic : patterns. The qualto their customers. Hitmens made to order at GEORGE W. COWPERTHWAIT. 16 Maiden-Lane, N E W Y O H C. CLUCKS, WATCHES, & JEW ELRY. ity and styles cannot br surpassed by any iu Tom’s River .August 9, tf, TOM ’S RIVER, the shortest notice* may 31, ’54 ly . , this or any or any other place—the prices very Juno 21 1854. ly. The subscriber begs leave to inform the Bridles, Saddles, Whips,' Trunks, Horse people of Ocean county, that he has loca low. Also u good assortment of Brushes, Cards and Curry Combs constantly on NoticeF . J . ¡»PEEK , G E N T L E M E N ’S W E A R , ted himself ut Tom’s Rivnr, where he hns open FRENCH TRUSSES A LL persons indebted lo the estate ot S.tnuel Fly A’ets, Horse Blankets, Buffalo llobes and ed, under the office of the Ocean Emblem, a such ns cloths, cassimeres, ves tings, trimmings pO U N S E L L C p AT LAW, »nd Master nnd A w . rPotter Deceased, late of "the" Township W EIGHING LESS THAN 2£ OUNCES. ■ C lock, Watch nr»d J ewelry Stork, at which &.C. &c., Bell» in in their season. Examiner In Chancery of Dover, County ol Ocean, on bond, note, book F O R T H E CU R E O F H E R N IA OR R U P \ j All orders thankfully received and punctually place he will be happy to wait upon all who the account,oi oiberwi^e, fire requested to make iraTOM’S , HIVER, N. J. TURE. may favor Kfm wiih a call. attended to. A R T M E N T , m-dinte payment, and those having demands will will G R O C E R Y DEtf CKNOWLEDGED by the highest medical b. », 1854. Orders may be left with Jesse CowdncW .lo in s He has on hartd a well-selected stock of gar,be found, molasses, si uar, tea, çoflue vinepresent them for e»xnminatio* and settlement. authorities of Philadelphia, incomparably Jewelry, purchased for cash, which he will dis smo starch, spices, flour aud feed, butter, River or addressed to. A . C. M cLE A N , &AMU.EL R. BUNNELL superior to any other new in use. Sufferers JOHV. B. CQWDRICK, Blue Ball. pose of at a very small advance. TTORNEY and Counsellor fat Law, and Administrator. smoked meats, pork bread Ac., &-s. will be prntifiefl to learn that the occasion now CHARLES TRUEX Freehold, REPAIRING in all its branhes done with Master and Examiner in Chancery, Potter’s Creek, Sept. 27, 6vr. offers to procure not only the lightest and most F or th e S p o rtsm an , neatness and despatch. Clocks and Watches may 24,1854 ly. fsJBTom s River, N. J and shot, t-usy, but us durable a Truss as any other, in I have a superior article warranted for one year. 28, 1508. It*.f lien of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article percussion caps guns, &cREMOVAL. Ladies and Gentlemen's Br east-pinsE r ia “* friends give me a call, and see usually sold. There is no difficulty attending GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER Finger rings, Lockets, Gold and Silver Pe n if Inyouconclusion E. W . S N Y D E R , will not find the principles of the above the filling, and when the pad is located, it will HAW KINS’ PATNT STAVE DRES A t T h e Old Stand In Im la y sto w n . Spectacles, Thimbles, Spoons, Necklaces. retain its position without change. platform carried out to >0 ur ! advantage. SING MACHINE. D R A P E R A tN D J A I L E R Constantly on hand a superior assortment of 5DE subscriber ]».s on used s»d is constantly GEO. CORNELIUS. Persons at a distance unable to call on the Hishest Prize awarded at ine Exhibition YXJO VLDt ros|)cetfiilfy ir,foim his friends that i Clocks. All kinds of time peices neatly repard-, ec»iving every article usu.liv lobe found Tom’s River, May 17, 1854. ly. Subscriber, can havethe Truss sent to aay ad 01 1853. YV 5e has removed his shO|i lo hi» dwelling, t t lountiy store. H i. stock of Dry Goodin on the shortest notice, Acaordiensof every de dress by remitting Five Dojlars for the single next to Col. S. Q. {tunlism’s, whore he ha! o a embraces nil the new styles of good«, while in scription neatly repard. Truss or Ten dollars for the double—with mea r p h is machine dresses nnd joints the stave at hnttil n eood r.Sforment of Black, Bine, and ssolution. nt the same operation, civine it any bilse the Grocery Department his customers have N o t i c e o f D iolbre FRANCIS W EIGEL. sure round the hips, and staling side affected, existing between and Bevel desired. Il is capable of dressing Olive Frtnoh Clothe».—Doeskin, plaid, striped rn h * Copartnership here not bean forgotten. Tom’s River, Dec. 29, 1853. ly 1 H. E. & H. C. Gulick, is this day dissolved it will be exchanged to suit, if not fitting, by staves from 22 inches to six feet in lenatli—from check, aid olhei faxhionahle ensslmere», Satin He is sl»o prepared lo make up clothmgto returning it unsoiled. by mutual consent, all persons indebted to the 2 to 7 inches in width, and to any desired thick fancy »ilk» and mersellies vestings of the lateel oiler, having secured the the services of an For Sale only by the Importer. Noticeness. It requires from six to eight horse pours*« fashionable paltorn«—also a good assortment l*ie firm will please call c n H. E ^ ’ exterianced tailor on the premises. CALEB H. NEEDLES, oi linen goods soitnhle lor coats and pants—all No steaming of timber necessary. Cach paid lur all kinds of Country Produce, A L L persons indebted to the etsate of Paul settle the same without d^lay, as Car. Twelfth & Race Streets, Philadelphia. It will dress six hundred whiskey, and sizbt o f which ;he i« prepared l o make and trim at tka J..... x Potter Deceased, late of the Township of the books will be placed in the hands ol a MagSAMUEL SLOAN. ■ sfijrlesi notice and in the most fashionable L a d ie s , requiring t h e benefit of Mechanical ¡.hundred flour barrel staves per hour, and three Dover, County of Ocean, on bond, note, or book istritelor collection, Isi.ystewn June 14, 1854.—ly iDinner. From lope experience in bud/ e* _____ N. — B.—H. E«______ Guliek ¡¡»till continues at the Supports owing to derangement of the Internal jlhousand Molasses Hogshead staves per flay account, or otherwise, are request ad to make Satisfactory testimonials ot the quality nnd he feels competent of bei g ab to plea«ennl immediate payment, aad those having demands old stand, where he will he happy to see ail his Oigans, inducing falling of the Womb, Vocal, l u m b e r All Pulmonary, Dyspeclic, Nervous and Spinal quantity o f Iwork performed, will be furrikmsd, who ma y IV-vor him «with theiicnftem. will present them for examination and settle* old customers, and as many new ones as Postering Lath, Cedar Pickets, and meat. »ring them lhat he can Weakness, are informed that a competent,a,nd on application to the Subscribe#®. Owe ot these garments made nt this establishment guaranteed favor him with a call, to nive emire sntUfactiuri. P tt «tarrantfid in Pine Boards oi first quality lor sale at E. experienced L ady will be in attendance at the present as good an assort mont, and at prices as will be found below. SAMUEL R. BUNNELL all cases. E . W. SNYDER. Machine« apply to Rooms ( set «part for their exclusive use,) No, yfi. Ivins in Brothers’ Saw mill near this ow as any ¡»tore in the County Administrator W kz.ls &» H ill , Tam’s River. H, E. GULICK* 114. TW ELFTH St.y 1st floor bulow With W ill rmncxrd June 21, 1854. ly JPw ankec. Wlj. Aujust 1 8 5 4 -ly ^ July 15, 1S54- ly. Wanahawliin, Sept. 27. Potter's (Jreek, Sept. 27, 1854. 6 ^July 26, dm. ; A CELEBRATED Qerman Bittere, urn rff O £R j Segar and Tobacco DEPOT N* H Î IS L N 0. IDKLL & SON ‘ Country Produce, H NEEDLES. O M W A A A T I VJUHHHliJ» u ff t.'HKAl* DE V OOOBS A GRQORIU «a Por W M .H I . *»4 lis ta li l i n d o , \ AUhUUK * Ut», ar. »«Mwu»ur t«*trhw P E R D A M 'f liW .O f l) G I F T S ' T o m i H iv e r Look oat tor th* ! Clfk, il ma, sediati W\‘V Short II >tl i n ■ 4401,11 PT.s'w A filV V A ' kum 't Ikird OtfI K tU rfttH , nt K m • u | k*M «I J ta tb m i Hall. 043 Bra wo«, IY»w Ytok, o» T’hamto* !Ìa t!» S T iM L . a w a « ss W in t m Sto*« e» il*.v Un»»«, »lue* lUiniHg, Ata m . 1*84. ■— Silvtr P tu «nd J*rnei| Cast», ahotaitl« and nulWitliitamfmg th* U rto «littore in pi irei tra m a. 1 , « ilomtttic «mt utktr Dry Onori», tot» etimi«»« lo ha meeting wa« called lo oniei GnW Pvat «ad l’rtcil C * w rrp iiftd . « Il al uhi twist«. T hslr eroe», In varlety «mi a T * o’ttotk ik» ONE P R IV E C ASH S T O R E All goodi svU al A lt tti«hli,hin«iii sto war» , wbea B. 8, Adam*, Ksq.w»» tu tto ', I» noi « i>p»»!ed k | eny «„re la Ilo» I XV hr Ih Ìtali Villa«#«. Thvj oi« uow ptepaifJ tu oller th tiig W inaled «ad saanlawMljf ritti«,! Chaiimau, r P I tE «abttrlbew having talered into Co. f*nlcd «1 tvprcikiUid, Bini mW iowrr vhaa » v e tonda h* Hit e t « , piece, «r at retali, H prits» ‘* ml B»k#ft «emljf, Jr., Esq., appoiated Ki t •«- 1 (•»rise «hip, under |h t him of IRONS A. •A rrcl hy ih» ir»J». R n ,lu tti dote on ih* sa* Af.t.KN, pit the it«n»«, iioii o f the Mtte«#lllv felci nnd «o irvi,atto* »»«Irni. i f)1' w&ve* broke ao ita irirta f Jan. Ili, 1894. Jy, ()ur «torà li uasiiiaUr lane . tini boteht nn. ! Th* fir«l builnett in netler beiti* ih« »Urtile« iu iliirti at Thai1» River, N, J,, w hait l i t ) to k##p him cr>nit»nt!y wet. In which po- iter V h e t S .Rvm hle t , 3 i * n r , . , Z * we. ! t i » Co®»Ul«t e f fi», pt> S U le .« « 1« .„4 htv* tirtte d t eoiumodtont Sloi» Hour« and fins# It sp la « tiyle aot «urpanieij In ih* eouit•¡»on It« onui hat* partahml, but (sir ihe Ihtiefori!, It«f ••»»»«!, *1 «n «x«iai»»UM, l i t i 1d“ !*?» ™ thtO iflJI'nptitjr.H wai ea «Mino I 0 T I 8 O . C 0 B B Ì TÌ 7 ~ Hp*o\vril, « e now piocoril io Ih* B ottini' irt, krep roaittntiT on hind a complets a»»ort- j TVnolesate D esltr in Bool» end S ho«, No. act f..«** Srtt bafkrt cant# flnafhHf op to * • caa u l u l i lU» WHI Urtüiuo»» and Junktim don orni tl<oilon. mr«t of Good« or every dcmtiplluu, eonriiting D«y «Iretl, New Vorh. al obi Ouïeruination sot («4« «min «old. la m i hi» link) craft t which tie la the it (ml beTh* el rcllo» kein» »one imo, r tn lle d in the of, S A I S ROOM | The tiralo ri of OtcSn cooniy alili t.Ud il to DRY 0001)9, CROC ERIKS, “ ‘ Blit • ilmple basket would not nave will ba fonali n larga and compiala ««sort«un! rhoist ol ihs tollewiti naaird »«ntlrmen : ih*it «dv«nt*st lo e l i and clamino bit dipoi,, CBD.fR.Mr» V tU .O W WJtRK, ROUKttT RE a T TV , .1«., | whitk they will find nm arpaiied al noli eavh ! him—would not have kept him tiry, of Francis, fW aiaa, Kaaliah and Ars«,iena i TH.V A HÂRDW’J R E , BUGS 31AN, Jn. (•»Mimarrr, Siili, Marseilles, Valencia and Go«. I pilori. lii" but till* was a large «lied one,made ol at- mn Vtitins«, D’faùsc«, C«*hiMre», Uitthtn«, j LOOKlffO OV ISSES, #e. JJ. LATROP, Rimi through lo T o e k e rttn J _ I Jin«»M7 18, !fi#4. 9m. EVRIflTHRÉ, ,B ,S . ADAMS, „, imnaBiitlned will! tin. In this ha Ihotiphl pttimvjl, Tshu Linen,Shtello*», CasnUrpalot, d aji and batunliyi« tad ¿ 1' ’ LTMB K II N , C R O C K ER Y, Dtm««li«,Table Covro», «mi a Urna tH trcm tnl | "■ ” • o A h a t.n . he could ride high and «entire ,■ but the j r p H B labicrihti hai re-cumtaented burnia* Lloyd Jui.ru l urkatlun, k ‘ PAINTS, of Kid, hi Ik, L itis Thrts# >nd Cotton tilo»*«. ' Juillee l.mhropolfrrtUlht following Utsolulinn i i I l . m t ai hit Kiln In ihio v iU « r. Ut ha* and Friday», al 1 o'clock i w itrei deahed o»«w the top an » filled hi« Rihhfin«, Uenllrntra’i Fam ijhi»* Good« o f til j Ksnolvtd—Thai th* ccuumiltte htve powri OILS, 1UR IRON, F A R f i l *■. j nn hun.l a l*icr «applv of Lime for tonò, ilio a fit. t r . Utile ark of tal.-ly, and he h a j DOiliityi to kindli in*«ther with a «c»eral ***eft»*ni of (olili v tetnrfts, from » nctlstt lo «rive orlo “ « T o n ’« Riva#, 1 i Foptnor aitlclt fbr enason-tvork, whk-h «vili ba Atoolhe raest complete mtorltnenl el bail with—lie w aiasafn di»eon»ol*li’. D el Embroatery and Needle Work Grants. Our fu Hi) ihr rtipiirrmrnls of « uirm'wM.—Ctrrird. !' " B a ratfai, l ioM o* rtavonablr termi. W, M’KEAN. The Sem U ry Ihea rend Ih» fvSIowtn» ; . . . , , .. , «lock of Domes! ic (i»)d« are nsaurntMrd,— nOOTS AND BHOUS « “ Minihawkin, ! Tom’* Rtvéf, July 1, i893-tf, Rrrolvrd —T h tl (hr Commillre bt nuihori j ever oliere'I lo the citisene of Ocean county. ^ ^ " T S T . * • % ,/ “* Blr.ehcd Sheet««, .nd «hntint* 3-4 <o 11-4 •• 1 utKtrtah, C « !*■ «Hj:, shic hand#, but it will be iueifeclual. W h at j wider Brnwn Sheetings 4 1 to 10.4 wkl»: Bed to rw*#ÌYf» frfw* Hf. r i I S L f S & Ex intris AM. n il <f I U1.Î Intermediate place« in proportion, tiled t for C m h» t ■Jiuu a ae o a I He thought of the many j Ticks. Shirting*, summer Sniff«, Primed Cali, or take iintn him bontld for ila delivery v>it o n ly . W baloaaJ» C ib in e t W arebouae. UT* All a m a d t pv>cttally «llrnd, for, and hold the »ante ia Irusl fbr (h We refpi ' the itub' «Voi. 118 d* 120 Chathfim Sir tei, New Vork, cuts from four centi despised bid tin pan* and cup* »tattered11 tnfptbpr liüldpm.— r r M . ’ lie to onr e wl H L thè liirittQ ft of d tstcfi lo th f around every (arm ttouae, and of th of every 1 Hnr*. FI*« C«bin*t Wnre, whtrh i$ mode i in th* cene ue to him now i f hr had ope. He l • *enefAl asiorlnieiH of CVoefcerjr, Flnnr and hnt we sb»U *1 paper. I ivy of the gilded caWtts, rh h lit gnrpaous IdrFurniture, Patent Medicines, Hardwate . olittious were ntTered and unanimously adopted •, be able to offer loduceinenis le chasers ncv* j Mere bams and others drsirinp Fu.'nitort with the Steamer John Poller, which J nituro, aad of th e ro,«iy luxurious comfort« and Hnllowware, Smnkrd «ud Pickled M cntfjj Reso!ved--Th«t so soon ns it is escerulnetl er before clvmi In this villnt , would do well lo ta ll and txamina our Hook, P ier No, I North River, N. Y,, at 7 i Iro.n which he had g'adly escaped, even also WiNtmnr Salihs, Gits«, Lumbar, Lime, that eighty thousand of the (lift Ticket« inued 1 It to our inlenlion to «-k ut ONE PRICE which <:»iinol be cxccilrd In variwy, Bbtindtnc«, j th e Doming, fee., always nn hand. by M r. Pcrhara ia hit third enterprise are solo, for oar ponds. Urns eivinr 'he close buyer no or ebrapotit. to »afltor In fd» present wet and uncom call the Shave holders to- 1 nilvanispe over he lei* tert putmis, »«soring «11 We do not deem It neceesary to enumerate the («'Runitte* Goodi ctrtfally packed, and promptly for fortable position, But he could not help the different kind of Article« for sale by u* any !) er at lit« most convenient place, for the pur. elnsMt* Mint we a n no re peelers of persons, warded to nil pans of the conairy. L. 0 WILSON Sc- CO thinking of hie trade. He had »tuck to It further, •§ all wishing to purchtse will cull anil | r ° ci *>f instruclint Mid Committee in retard to believing one person • mon y to be as good as fly* Remember the Not,, I IS 4». 120 Chatham H ’holnale U ta h n 1« E o r tin if Domtilu D n he manner of dispuMAf of Ihe Gift porperty aiiul her’«. Su m , Goods, No. 11 Courllanil, and 11 Dgy ffrwj, —it had »tuck lo him, *o tor as to give him ejtBtniA* for themselves. J. AUMACK It CO. BlDbftp|t those holding Share Tickets Please live us a call before purchasing elseNew York, Dee. 15, !8 5 3 -lf. ATtie York, In hi* extremity an article perhaps ot hi» Tomfs River, Pfov. 3, 1853. If. a l l . | Resolved—That in order lo elose the enter srherg, as goods will bt -nown freely, knowing r p H E raereuanu of Oeean and .Vonmouih L. & v . p i a n v & Cu, __ ________ ___ __________ prise «t ihe earliest possible moment« this meetlhal people ate not apt In buy «ilhoul nn ex own matte, it not, some brother chip. H;s Wholesale Dealer! in Imported and American I » Coaaltoi af* n**g4tlully flvftad lo «all an* " r~'~T ing recwuuitvnd mi persons now holding Shart amination. JOHN J . IRONS, vessel of life and present safety wa« one N otv S ad d le an d H am Dry Goorla. A U o-F loor and Table Oil I ^ »«wrlmsnl o f Forstoa *«d OoawfftoDry oaa M a n u la o to ry ,; Ti- ket«, to t<*e their influence in obtnining sob CHARLES ALLEN. of his own handicraft. So tor his trade Cloth«» BtHitf* Show, k . t ; ond ngenls ior enttpriiing Kn» ''ih end Amcriciu AT * R K fiH L D . [ *c«‘‘Piions and advance the interest of ihe whole Tom’s River, May 24, 1854.-Jy. Henry Essex A Co.’« American Needles, 33 ,r•0'1," , ” i* 1* " ' ’fch •»<! *Hk plaids, had stuck to him. But oh, how he wished ff F subscribers wish lo inform their friends 1 | and 37 Vtsey and 8 Church Street one bloek l- “"***> *l»p*ct, canton a'otb, bomba On motion, adjnaroetl. EMEKS0N”S PATEFNT YETILA* and the public in aenenil that m addition lor one more sticking to—a thing lo bail zine, mennoea, rlc., etc. from Broadway New Y o ik . J .tllfil. B. S. ADAMS, Ohnirmnn. to their old stand at Blue Ball* (Which wiii be TORS. hi* boat. He was begining to 1« discon carried on as before by one of the firm ) (b a r)j ROBERT BEATTY, J*. Sccrtury. I Every at tide purchased ol us will be war' Having a buyer permanently located ia Europe ______ ADAPTED TO CHURCHES, AND OTHER ranted to be the Same as represented. J f found whose entire attention will be give» le the scsolate. If wa* night—thick foggy night— they have opened a shop in the village of M n 7 ~ deficient In quantity or quality, the lass will be lection of Goods for our sale*, we «bull be is ike PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DW ELLINGS, * .R* C abi>. and all around was darkness—gloomy, Freehold on South street, a lew d#ors from j . receipt of new and desirable «tyre* ui | promptly adjusted. (hr curnrr of Main ilr.e t w h trt they yrt Accompiny.i.s, vuu li.vt lubnulltd theolicml C^RS, ENGINE-HOUSES, D R E S S GOOP 3 murky darkness. He could not see Hope, lirtpired to tx e c B tt.il order, in ibeir line ol j The attention of the trade Is Get >n county ‘he Share Holders in M an M en. SMOKEY CIIIMNIES, is respectfully called to oar long established re Uv each steamer. Yet ahe came. The sea was calm and still. UuiintM in n mtnner Ihat .hell bt »lU f.clory | ¡."8 00 ll,e ° r ,he 27,h *•« Ac putation , onr feclliliri lor filling orders, and Our »toek of While Goods, Holsery, Shawls ' c purpo** of .decline a Committee, and P re se n tly « tittle sound came to his ear— to their catiomcit. Haroti., made 10 order « 1 ' ,Dr This Ventilator is stationary, and cannot gel the quality and cheapness o f our goods. lakine into cnniideralionother mallei* affect •nd ewlr.pt, wf'J i t round complete. the shortest notice' in* Ihr in Irei'll of all licltei holder* in o r Third ooloforder. 11 is « u n i t ! ¡r. jsch confor it was a familiar sound—a sound of hope Dee. 29,1053. ly. Also * large variety ol Black ond Cnlered Bridle«, Saddle*, Whins.' Tomb«, f?rtree mity to certain ateertained taws ol pneumatics, fiitks, Satin«, Ctotkl. Cessitnrrei, end Telloij beatinf against the side of his ralr. !Jc Bru'he», Card« and Curry Combs constantly on Giit Emerprize. «s lo insure a enaslaaldrall outward, whatever RO IIER hO N , VAN V 4 I K I'M M TIG A Co. It will be *een Ihat a CommiHee have now I rimnnnss gentrally. knew the sound—It belonged lo his trade hand. been anpoini«d, end iatlrneUon* alien meia »1 ,..«, lie ihe changing ilirecunn of the wind. The JUuntt/«cl»nrs, CcmrninioK Mirchuvts and •Ye b ars always on hand all leading style* ef p!y Nsls, Hor.c Blanket«, Buitoto Robes and lo ihe course lo be punned up m * certain rinse Mnss.ehnseu* Mechanic Asaoelaiion have j U ta h n ns —it was the sound or a tin vessel floaiing D O M E STIC GOODS, Belli in in »heir season. of nrutreas in the enterprises. Fur the iatorma. nwar led a gold medal lo the Inventor, and over n n o r r e v . . j ,, ... _ , ,, upon th# wid* expance of water—floating nun have h.„„ already __ _ jdispoitd :____ j ,.r All order* thankfully received and punclually lion nf absent *li»re holders. 1 here beg leave lo a9,001) been of k. by ,k Ihe. I |?OKEJGN and Domeslic Straw Goods, Hals, such as Blrached and Brown Drill«, T ils, Ac. 1 ele. etc., No. 24 Cpurttondt St., New York. up to his side, and he stretched out his »'tended to. «ate, that ihe number of liekei« »old up loth« Manufacturers. , Sole agents for Ihe sale of Hoyles P a le s t 1 We invite the ntienuon of Purchasers lu our hand and pulled it on board. It was one Orders may betcR wilh Jes*e Cowdrick'jToni’* present lime is about lotirty-six IbouitmJ. From GEORGE WALKER. stock ol Goods, consisting of Men nod Youth’s Swan's down Sewing Csttou. River oraddrevned to. 77 W h it s S trebt , (Near Broadwsy,) this yoa will perceive, lhal so soon «* thirty, L, O. Wiisolf of those tin cans that are attached to stools straw, fur, silk sod wool Hals, Me» und Boy’» JOHN. B. COWDRlCK, Blue Ball lour thousand more m e sold, they will advise NEW ORK. G. W. fiuH Z*it,> plush, cloth, velvet and fancy Caps, Artificial and mockingly called on board of sinking CHARLES TRUF.X Freehold August 9, 1864, ly. Ihe whole body of share holders of ihe Inct, and S. W. W atts*, Flowers, Ribbons, and every article pertaining n.k ol them, in xeneil meeiins assembled for ships—life preservers. Perhaps that very may 24, 1854 ly. Februarj 24, 1854.— ly. to Millinery Goods. Also Umbrellas, Parasols, rite purpose, insiruclions as In Ihe final disposi Ü00DS c h e a p e r t h a n e v e r one bad been salnly retied upon, and him Carpet Bags, Ac. tion ot the Gift Property, wtill which they are At 'ilio O ld Slitud l u lm lay«to\viis M ount Ilo lly ln s u rn n c e C oinpaby. Every effort will be put forlh on our part lo O cea n B a n k . / who had relied had gone down, white the intrusted. q p H e M M j U l o n hand and is constantly | ineril a lihernl share of patronage. Particular tpHLS Company continues lu insure buikttsw» Brsosiv I ron W orks , > only thing preferred was this little tin can. end their comeats, for ope or ntqre years ; J «eviving every mticte DRunllr ro ue found attpatk»B paid to orders. Xanuory lit, J853. j Thai these thirty.fourihnusnnd ticket-maybe How eagerly the shipwrecked tinman Consignee’s w ill please notice whether pack s o d also grant perpetual polie!»« on"dwell LL the cineulMing notes uttiinndin* of Ibil sold in ihe shot lest possible lime, the under, at aouniry store. His stock of Dry Goudse ing houses and other substsotJel boildi-tos, B aakm osibe presented 10 th e S ia ie T re a sisned makes Ihe followini proposition*, un embraces all ihe new styles of goods, while in ages appear as original])' pul op, seized the prize, with his knife —the only W. H. Rosi:« tin, the Grocery Department his customers haw for ptymenl vrlihln two years from t|,c equalled lur liberality : JO H N BLACK, Pies’t impliment of bis trade, he cot one end—It surer F . L. Vax l 'A U r m s a , GEO, H XV WOOD Sec’r. dase, or ih t lands deposited for th« redemption Each perron wbn pels up a club of ten *ub. nul been forcotten. cost not much effoi t, for these life prpser. of «Itch not«« will be civen up to this Institution serihers, and forward* len iPillars lo this office, J no. L. IkaanrH. He is «Isn prepared lo make up clothingtn JOHN AUMACK, Agent for Ccean Chanty, December 29, 1853. ly. Tom’s River, wilt receive hy return mail or other conveyances, order, hnving secured ihe the services ot au vers are made of but poor stock—and he at the expiration af said time. experienced Inilnr on Ihe premises. Elevrn tickets. (Sig ied> BENJ. SYDF. R, Pres’t. aprii 12lh 1851,17. had wh*f he had so wished lor—hoped as WHOLESALE GROCERY AND C a sh p a id f o r nil k in d s o f Country Produce. j«n 13— Jy Each |*rson who sends at one lime, one hun he thought against hope, but he had stuck COMMISSION H O U SE . dred dollars, will have sent in like manner, one Sa m u el ¿loan. C a r p e t» , Oil Cloth», r PHANKFUL for past fnvi rs, the undersigned hundred nod fifteen tickets. frslaysfown .Tone I t, 1834.—Jv to his trad* in former lime to save his life, AT LOW »Rices »0* CAW ', J would respectfully iul'urm his Irltndsand FrwiV J ia r i’s At bole AVorld. Each peison who shall se«d at one time, five and by his trade his life was saved G eorge E. I . H y a tt, rjlH L E.mtire Wozlp AT O uk iVii w , - ill hundred dollars, will have sent in like manner, M cB r i d e , r o b i s o n & h o o v e r , Ihe public, lhal he has removed his Grocery Stick to your trade. What a text it will X bas-relief, by Pfu/essor J. Woodruan Hare, ton Hundred tickets. Store to No. 2 4 6 W a sh in g to n street, svhtre A’o. 4*4 ami 443 Pe»rt street ( n n r C h a tta .) No. 12 C o u rtln n d t d irect, N ew Y ork, he will keep a full nod general assortment of —This extraordinary ingenioul und coin, reAnd for nil larser soma in exact proportion. be to him through life. What a text It anufacturer* a dealers ¡nsim«N E W YORK. GROCERIES. hensive work of nil—(he first-«»d only one o_ Il is lh,us, ladies and ueurleinen. that 1 hope Goods, Hats, Cups and Fur«, Umbrella* should be to every youth. Stick to your the Great care will be laken in ihe arleerlon of AS .VOW I-V s t o r e and is constantly rekind ever conceived—stssri.« forth as a lohecure y.iur hourly ervoperolion in hrineinc and Parasols, Millinery Goods, &c. We manu trade and it will slick to you. Let it be monument ol lhe unwearvins patience anU pvt this enterprise lo n sp*»dy, and 1 hope lo nil, r facture moll ol our good*, anu are enabled lo Goods, which will always be «old at Ihe lowest cnving a well nisotlrd Mock ol‘ Cnrper», market rales. Oil Cloths, Ac , In which he iuvitea publia a t. printed on the wall. Let It he hung up for severance ol man, and as a most wuiuitriul de aulisihclory termination. offer a greoier variety, at cheaper rales. Consignments of Produce of all kinds solici of meiUft! tcrtility, is now open to With great consideration* ol respret, lelitiun, believing that art examination of both We arc now gelling up our boys to read at school, at home, every - velopment ted, 10 the sale of which, personal ami prompt quality nnd prices »ill prove satisfeolury to bulk I remain yours, obediently, the public at lit* .World’s Hall., 377, 379 Broad S P R IN G STOCK, «1 ftp Iron will be given. where. It is an old saw, but it will do good way, fitted up ht immense eoat expressly for J. P kriissi. Meri hanis nnd purchasers generally, who buy which will embrace a Pull and complete assort To nil who may lavor me wilh their palron- lor C ash, His stock consul* of July 28lh, 1854. dtr__~ ment af goods in ihe above line. Ale., Palm service yet with a little filing. Let it run this master-piece of Art. This is not a mere display upon canvass, but nn actual ID" All orders for Tickets, by Mail, should lie Leal, Leghorn and other Straw Hals of every 1 ace. I pledge myself to use my utmost endeavors, r i c h Ve l v e t t a p e s t r y a Br u s s e l s —but don’t run away from or despise pamoramic to please and merit their favors. structure on Mecator’i projection, of over one ca rpets. Tire pntronnge ol Ihe Trade in Ocean county In New Designs ; Superior F.nglish and Ameri your trade. The meanest article made thousand nqnare feet, composed of real lnnd addressed to JosinhPerhrm, Academy Hatl, 663 grade, lo which we cordially and respectfully invite lire nrtenlion of nor Jersey friend?. Broadway, L\. V. is respectfully solieiled. and water. Immense labor and enormous ex can 3 ply nnd Ingrain Carpets ; Comprising by your hands may be the means, an In ITT 12 Cmirvlamlt street, opposileeslern ^ ID“ Particular ailention paid le orders. I f it shrill hi happen that all the Tlekels are pense have been lavished upon the design, many new p.,Herns, made expressly far firstthe case of Smith the tinman, of saving a which is now completed- So real is the work sold when the order is received, money will be and National Hold. „ . J. N. LUCKY clots trade.—Also— New Ybnij Dee. 22, 1853. ly. New York, Dee. 22, 1883. Jy. lellow creature's life.* that ail the oceans, rivers, lakes, gulfs ami bays return'd at our expence (or postage. CurresTwillrd and }iltin Venetian H s tfa m f'Îta ir Cftipeïs. pondenls will please write distinctly their antes,, are filled with running water, upon the surface SMALL PROFITS. Freehold Young Ladies' Seminary. residence, County and Stale, to prevent errors. of which floats ships and steamers, visibly mov Oil t’M h . la widths from 2 to 24 feet in var.iAn exchange paper says that only mo IS well-established Institution 11 H 'HIS institution continues ous qualities. ing euvoyage lo and from every clime. Monn Or if convenient, enclose an envelops with their 0 7 - 0 1 ip o r i f l i l g If 1 t o r* , p o it . , I fP ney used in the back part of Oregon is live tains and valleys with all the varied geographi directions on ii in full—in which such Tickets H R E r r ^ P A R A S m s r U n n ' T X Rich Morale, Tufted and Common Hearth in successful operation. The Principal, 1 introducino Principal, 2 5 3 « . ’. H A S Q I.S , C A R P E T - by hv introducing new arrangements, nnannemekt*. being hein- us. Rugs nf differ, nl soils. stock—a hog paying for a dollar; a sheep cal phenomena they present, are spread out in as they may order will be retuued. B A O S, 4c.. <fc., 4 c., Cheap f o r C A S H or sisled by excellent Teachers, is enabled to Table and Plano Covers of Choice P a tte r n lor fifty cents : turkeys for twenty five the exact form and shape made by nature. Vol 100, 000 T IC K E T S O N L Y 8 1.00 E A C H 4-4, 5-4 and 14-4 Plaid and Plain Millings. A pproved C r td it. present inducements to P arrnls andGuardians,in visibly belch forth sulphuric flames. cents, and young dogs ior a shilling. If canoes W ill B e S olo. Window Shades ol Desirable Styles. The dreadful rnalestorm or whirlpool oil’ the F the merchants o f Ocean and Monmonth behalf of this School, equal lo those‘of any other Stair-Coverings, nnd Stair Rod», and aii other Smith owes Jones four dollars twelve and coast of Norway is also seen dealing destruction Counties will call and examine our slock, first.class School. The lines o f Public Convey articles usually krpt in Carpel Sturcs. we will ¡rmarantee them Ihe most enure salis- ance make it convenient to all pans of New a half cents, tie sends him five hogs, and to all approaching objects. The wreck Of Ihe .P E T E K K U E Y E E , He is also agent for selling Jersey. faction, as to price and quality of goods. ill-fated steamer San Francisco is represented receives for change one cheep, one turkey Car h u it A N yk’s Power Loom, Three-ply WHOLESA1.K DEALER IN J[ The Session consists of Two Quarter* ol W iiAiams and Ct’NNlNcham, No. 184 Ftillon in the right locality, and seen sinking in the and one dog. The money market their boundless deep—the Three Bells, Antartic and Eleven AVeeks each. The Summer Session nnd Ingrain Carpets, which are in quality, style ARDWARE, Nnil» arid Cutjpry, Screws Street, New York, commences on the 1st Wednesday in Mny. The end colors equal to any gonds made. Jan, ] 6. - 6m. can be quoted occasionlly as,“ very lively. the Kilby, whose noble commanders so bravely and Hullow Ware, corner of Greenwich All of which will be thirty represented to Winter Session commences on the 2d Wednesday rescued so many rescued so many of America’s and Vesey iltreels, near Washington Market, purchaser* and sold at ra in prick*. in November. P A R T I T I O N NO ICE. When a person is carrying a cotton sons and daughters, are also in view. The New York. may 31, ’64 ly. Terms per Quarter, in Advance. To George Brown, Ezra Brown, Jncob Gaskill, northwest passage, recently discovered by Cap Always on hand a full assortment of Builders’ umbrella, it is, ‘curiously enough, never tain Board, Tuition in all English and Classical Willi,nn Gnskrli, Ridgaway Gaskill and Han McClure, is accurately shown and expatia and Cabinet Makers1 Hardware, Farming Uten his own property—he has just borrowed ted upon. The localities of the war in Europe sils, Houekee pine Articles, Mechanics’ Tools, nah Gaskill heirs at iawTof Joseph R. Brown Studies, and daily instruction in Vocal Music, LAW & BEARDSLEY, deceased. (including also lights, fuel and washing,) $ 45. it from a friend. If our own experience and Asia, are corieclly delineated. The gold etc. elp., all of which will be sold at the lowest 189 Washington SI., hetueen U ty «nd Fallon, Take notice that the Subscribers who claim Lessons in M nsic(Pianoor Organ), wilh use ol fields of California and Australia are prominent Cash prices. WHOLESALE DEALERS i n ALL KINDS OT did not tell us a very different sto ry .it in view. In a word the delighted eye of the French, $3. Drawing, Merchants and others are invited'to call and an undivided one eighth part ol the real estnic, Instrument, $12. ROOMP, Wood, Willow nnd Cedar W are would seem as if it fell to the late of only beholder can sway with enthusasiastic raptures examine my stock. late of Joseph It, Brown deceased! intend lo ap $1.30. Use of Books, 60 cents. Books, Brushes, Rope, Cordage, Twine, M atches ply 10 the Orphans Conrl of the County of Ocean, Stationery and Sheet Music at book-store prices. over the entire surface of ihe mighty globe cotton umbrellas to be borrowed. DIT Particular attention paid to orders. Ac Ac. For further particulars, address at the Court House in Tom’s River, on the 5th upon which as upon a stage, he appears as an Dec. 15, 1853. ly .: Manufacturers of Ju te, Cior *nd Skeleton day of October next (or Ihe pnriilion of the Real A. RICHARDSON, Principal j Early on a very eold morning, a trav- actor t and while he is surprised nt the vast M»»e, «"d Cior Cloth, from t to 1 } yard* wide. Freehold. Monmnulh fnnniv Jf.t. eslate of which Joseph Jt. Bruwn died seized : novelty of the design, he is delighted with the ling daguerreotypist called at the house of ingenuity of its mechanical operations, and ia VANDEWATER &"K0YT, Purchasers are nssured that, with the facili „1to died lo ihe County ol Ocean, and consisting -March 16, 1854{ ' 3m ties and experience we have had in business, WHOLESALE dealers tn of three tracts of Cedar Swamp in the Township wag, and inquired if ha w an ted a pictura convinced that the science of geography often being established for ten years, we are enabled of Dover. the laborious study of years, is here made the C h in a , C lass a n d E a rth e n W are, FIRE INSURANCE. taken. to fix our prices as low ns any other house in THOMAS SCATTERGOOD, amusing study of an hour. The best talent of No. 178 Was/ungion street, New York.} rpH F , subscriber being agent tor the Empire “ Yes,” was the reply, “ I w a n t y o u rs the country has been employed in the prepara the city, whose articles are equal in style ar.a ELIZABETH SCAT GOOD. i State Mutual insurance Company, located at beauty. 11 J E have always cm hand the la rarest, cheapAogost ¡ 6, 1834. taken from my door. tion of this in'stiiranyi» undertaking and ¿very Saratoga Springs, N . F ; and the Shrewsbury vv est and most desirable assortment of HKRVEV G . LAW. A. BEARDH.ET, possible pains within human compass, without China, Glass and Earthen Ware to be found in Mutual insurance Company, located at Eaton, New York, Dec. 15, 1853-lj. H U N T E R B U C K L E Y & Co town N. .1. is prepared to insure Dwellings, The editor of the Belknap Gazette regard to expense have have been bestowed to the city, an whici* will be sold at the DEALERS giN Barns, Mills, fcc., tec., on favorable terms, say s: During the past week we have ender it worthy of this enlightened age, the L o w e s t C a sh P icea. whole having been calculated from the best THE 8 C E AN E MB L E M " •ill losses promptly adjusted, set type and sawed wood, worked at the European charts, together with all the recent Is published ever» Wednesday, at Goods will be packed with Such care as will ■foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. w . M cK e a n . TOM ’S RIV E R , OCEAN COUNTY, N . J . press and dug potatoes, swept the office surveys by authority o( the United States gov insure their safety in transportation over the 3 ’. and 33 Vesey Hi, (corner of Church St.) may 3.—If. Toms, Rvrer, AfJ. and done chores at the house, fioc., con ernment. The audience is taken on a pleasant roughest roads. N EW YORK. TERM S. tour from pole to pole, and under the guidance The merchants of Ocean county are invited ISR A E L iiMINOR & CO. * Charles F . Uunler, William C. Sheldon. sequently our time for writing has been of the experienced lecturer, ensured a safe pas to call and examine our stock. St r ictly in advance , $1 SO Wholesale Dealer* in ThomasT. Buckley, William R. Welling When the publisher forwards the paper aj sage and speedy return to their happy homes. New York, Dec. 15, 1853-ly. decidedly limited. RUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glassware, his own expense, $2 00 a year, will be charged, We will only add that such are but few of the Patent Medicines, &c., 214 Fultoa street, which must be p a id strictly in advamck. HOWE A N D B R O WN , The U sury Laws have been entirely re many advantages which can be gathered by B R IC K ! B R IC K ! B R IC K ! New York. Advertisements not exceeding one squat* la only visiting this modern wonder. In connec' I mporters A Dealers I h F oreign & Domestic The subscribers beg leave to announce that pealed in Great Britain at the lute session tion with the abovea perfect model o f the city December 29, 1853. ly . length, will be published three weeks for one H A B D W A R E . dollar, and continued at twenty-five cents a of Parliament. It is now lawful in Great of San Francisco, ait now exists w ith all its they have ju st opened a Kiln of first quality 219 Creenwich Street, third house above Vesey of Hard, Soft and Arch Brick, a t .their Bfick week. G. i K N I G H T & COi Britain to loan money at any rate of in buildings, streets, warves, shipping, &c, made Yard near this village, which they will sell on NEW YORK. Yearly advertising and psper, $10.00 from actual measurment taken upon the spot COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND D EAL. A ugustus Howe, E dward S. Bitow.«, terest and on any description of property, for that purpose, built of solid material. AJso favorable terms. J O B 1‘ I U N T I N G S U C H A S \ J ERS in chess and provision* generally, No. mar’ll- 2 1854. dm. A supply of Well brick will be ready in a numerous panoramic views of the California either real estate or otherwise. South Wharves Philadelphia. aprii 6 . tf- CARDS, CHECKS, regions of gold, the whole rendering it one of few days. l x T k T e R. N. B. Oar brick have been burnt with ex liie most popular inatuctiva and inte resting BOOKS,' P lasterin g rj a ih, C ed ar P ick ets, and The Utica Telegraph, of Tuesday even places o f amusement in 1 New Yorkor we man- tra care, and we warrant them to be as hard as ACTORV and Steamboat Bells are fept L A B E LS,' any in the market. P ine Boards of first q u ality for sale at E, constantly on hand, and chimes ol any B L A N K S, ing contains the following brief ba( omul» arfily say in the world. GOBLE & VANNOTE, nnmbei nnd tone, cast to order. W. Ivins & B ro th e rs’ S aw mill n e a r this POSTERS, ous paragraph: Tom’s River, Sept. 1,1853. Theizobsiibers are agents for Mr. G. Hoi village. S. S. W YCKOFE & CO., BILL-HEADS. “ Ha ! t r ai l b a l l ! ft’s a girl 1” brook,'who is proprielor of the oldest establisn. July 26, 6 m. CIRCULARS, k c T TTH O LESA LE GROCERS, No. 102 Vesey meat ill the country, and whose Belis have for D, & Z . ANGEVINE, VV street, opposite Wasliinglon M rket forty fears maintained a reputation second to M E D F O R D G L A S S W O R K S . Some unknown author tells the fol New York. T A K E NOTICETAEALERS in Gennesee, OUio, Michigan nnd none,having received the first premiums wherSami/el S, W rc x o rr, Geobge C ia b k Al! persons indebted to B. C. Rodgers n ever, ¡hey have been eashiblled, never having X J Southern F lous, Ne. 218 Washington St., lowing profound-truth “ The entrance JHliHUNGTWN COUNTY * , I , Dec 15,1853, lv. rcqutdtcJ to make immediate payment, w ilh« beert surpassed by any competitor at Ihe various near Barclay, New York. HE Subscriber continues to mnnufaetnr* of a single woman ol latent Into a family iUKlZi. AîîGEVIKii. LEVi «KGEV1KE. further invitation. Al! accounts remaining u. Fails in New Yord, Boston, and elsewhere. every descr'.ptina cfY ’lr.doto fflai:, erikh is sufficient 10 keep it dfttr from foois for settled after OCTOBER 1st, ]«g 4 will pcsitiv Dec. 23, 1853. ly * : Wr. H. also manufactures Chnrh Organs and for superiority ef finish and transparent? of JUST RECEIVED a lot of superfo ly be pinned in the hands of an Attorney fo T ovn Clocks of superior quality, orders for ell body cannot be surpassed. Order* promptly several generation«.” locks at the the Totn'a River d o c k XJsLANK D EED S, M onggea, Sumoons collection. amended tp of which may be addressed to Exe trous, S ubpœ u is.i onstabln’s end Ii. C. ROGERS. Ctuse« V tork-U f- « W to.be «see isant aWishmerit. CHAS. STARR, Ja . A Co. W M . C. P O R T E R , jy •F R A N C IS W E IG E L . ShoriffcuSalrs Jtc., &c., sale at bis office. Waretow». Ssp(*mbtr 7. 1854in an “ interesting situation” 117 Fulton St., N. Y. Medford June 14, 1854.- ly „ „ li I Irosi saehun sud b | p«»k**#, ikefi Fau. T A M H I H B D E T B