Sept - Saskatoon Public Schools
Sept - Saskatoon Public Schools
Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. What's in this Issue: Page 2 Principal’s Message Page 3 Georgio’s Menu & update Page 4 German Exchange & Daily Schedules Page 5 Counsellor’s Corner 1904 CLARENCE AVENUE SOUTH Page 7 Parent Teacher Interview Informa on SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN S7J 1L3 Page 10 A endance Page 11 Take Our Kids to Work Telephone: Fax: 306‐683‐7600 306‐657‐3944 Page 12 Academic Assembly Page 16 Demographic Data Update Sheet Email: Portal: h ps:// Principal: Vice Principal: Superintendent: Email: Trustee: Email: Mr. C. Hanke Mr. D. Fisher Ms. C. Scrimshaw Ms. B. Eyre UPCOMING EVENTS 6th Oct Academic Assembly 15‐16th Oct Parent/Teacher interviews 20th Oct SCC Mee ng 7pm 4th Nov Take your Kid to Work Day 18‐20th Nov Senior Drama Produc on … Home of the Bears Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 2 Principal’s Message‐Mr. C. Hanke We are off to a roaring start with classes ge ng se led in and a full slate of fall extra‐curricular ac vi es keeping us hopping. The sense of excitement that school opening always brings has not abated which is awesome as the high energy level can s ll be felt in our hallways. Rolling into October has us looking forward to a few events around the school including a visit from some Japanese visitors as well as our first opportunity for parent/teacher interviews. Our school division is a proud educa onal partner with Kitohiroshima, Japan and for the last 25 years has been involved in an exchange with several high schools from that city. The latest ex‐ change happens during the week of October 10th‐15th with Bowman hos ng a con ngent of 12 students and a few civic officials including the mayor of Kitohiroshima. The reciprocal visit to Japan happens in the spring where several Bowman students as well as Mr. Sco get to experi‐ ence life in another culture first hand. With Parent/Teacher interviews looming on the horizon I encourage you to have a conversa on with your son/daughter about how things are going in their classes. When their perspec ve of how things are going in class matches with their teacher’s it is generally a good sign. The intent of the interview is to mi gate any issues early so I have encouraged staff to share strengths and weakness of students rather than numbers… averages can be misleading this early in the se‐ mester. Mid‐term report cards are out the first week in November and is a more fair assess‐ ment of how your son or daughter is progressing academically in the class. Please see page 7 for further informa on about PTI’s and how to sign up for them on the Parent Portal. I am very proud of the fact that Aden Bowman has the largest School/Community Council of all of the high schools in the city. The parent group is intent on making Aden Bowman a be er place for all students and ac vely supports many ini a ves in and around the school. It is not too late to join. Our next mee ng is on October 20th at 7 p.m. in the library conference room. Congratula ons to Jerilyn Robertson for assuming the role of SCC Chair. A quick welcome to Mr. Torey Sto who was hired the first week of the semester to help with our burgeoning grade 9 popula on. Mr. Sto is teaching grade 9 Social Studies as well as Phys‐ed. Feel free to come by the school should you have any ques ons or concerns. Cody Hanke … Home of the Bears Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 3 Weekly Menu Weekly Special $5.00 Monday—Spaghetti & Meatballs with Garlic Toast Tuesday—Chicken Nuggets with Caesar Salad & Garlic Toast Wednesday—Alternating between Pork Souvlaki on Garlic Bun with Caesar Salad / Vermicelli Noodle Salad with Spring Rolls & Sweet chili sauce Thursday—Tacos with Mexi Fries Friday—Baked Macaroni with Cheese and small drink On the Menu Everyday $5.00 Cheeseburger with drink Chicken Burger with drink Chicken Caesar Salad with garlic toast Pizza Pretzel with drink Soup of the day with bun $2.50 Breakfast Blueberry waffles with choice of three different toppings and syrup $3.50 Muffins $1.50 NEWSFLASH GEORGIOS NOW SELLS A $12.50 & $25 CARD FOR PURCHASES. Pay for your card at Georgios and ensure your student always has lunch paid for!!!!! Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 4 2015‐16 German Exchange We are pleased to welcome six students from Germany to Aden Bowman this fall, who are par cipa ng in the three month exchange program. They are stay‐ ing with five Bowman families for the first three months of the school year, and their Canadian part‐ ners will travel at Easter me to spend the last three months in their German host families. Say “hello” and chat with these wonderful students: Elena Buggisch (Ashley de Sousa Mar ns), Silli Carl‐ son (Hanna Stewart), Alissia Hofeditz (Abby Bauer), Gina Kunze (Victoria Williams), Sarah Müthel (Kylie Buchan) and Andrej Viethen (Jordan Senterre). Students and parents interested in learning more about this program are welcome to a end an informa onal evening at ABCI on Tuesday, Novem‐ ber 17 at 7:30 in the Cafeteria. DAILY AND ALTERNATE SCHEDULES Regular Schedule Period 6 7:50am‐8:40am Period 1 Period 2 BREAK Period 3 LUNCH (7) Period 4 Period 5 Thursday Schedule (pre‐school) Period 1 8:45am‐9:35am 8:45am‐9:50am Period 2 9:40am‐10:30am 9:55am‐11:00am JUST READ 10:30am‐10:45am 11:00am‐11:15am 11:15am‐12:20pm 12:20pm‐1:10pm 1:10pm‐2:15pm 2:20pm‐3:25pm BREAK Period 3 LUNCH (7) Period 4 Period 5 10:45am‐11:00am 11:00am‐11:50am 11:50am‐12:35pm 12:35pm‐1:25pm 1:30pm‐2:20pm Students begin classes at 8:45am with period 1. The other morning classes are numbered 2 and 3. A er the lunch break, the two a ernoon classes are designated as periods 4 and 5. Classes scheduled outside of typical school hours are numbered period 6 (pre‐school) and period 7 (noon hour). NOTE: We no longer have the block Thursday’s. Thursday classes will be the same as the rest of the week but will be shortened so students are dismissed at 2:20pm. (see schedule above) Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 5 News from Student Services Post-Secondary Planning It is a very exciting time for our graduates as high school nears completion. Grade 12 students are encouraged to see Mr.Wingert in Student Services regarding post-secondary plans. The University of Saskatchewan Admissions and Competitive Awards Application due dates are: The U of S competitive awards application submission date is February 15, 2016. Early admission deadline to the College of Kinesiology, Edwards School of Business, and College of Engineering is December 1, 2015 Applications for the College of Kinesiology and College of Engineering must be submitted by February 15, 2016. Saskatchewan Polytechnic Institute applications can be submitted at any time except for the Nursing Program. Applications for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Institute/U of R Nursing program must be submitted by February 15, 2016. Scholarship Notices and Post-Secondary information is posted in the Counsellor’s Corner link on the Aden Bowman website: Career research links, education, and scholarship websites are in a shared documents folder in the Counsellors Corner section of our Learning Portal. This portal can be accessed from our school website. Have your child show you how to log on to our Learning Portal. If you have any questions, please contact our office (306) 683-7606. Credit Checks It is the me of the year when Student Services is busy performing credit checks with grade 12 students. Please be advised that it is the responsibility of all grade 12 students to ensure they have the compulsory provincial requirements for gradua on. Our provincial body, Saskatchewan Ministry of Educa on, requires a minimum of 24 credits, including required subjects. Grade 12 students have completed a credit audit during their semester one English class, but can review their credit status at any me by making an appointment with Mr. Shane Wingert. When considering withdrawing from a class, a student must check to determine if it affects gradua on status. Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 6 The WDM Saskatoon is offering a family Halloween night on Friday, October 30th from 5:30‐8:30 pm. Children can take part in ghastly games, terrifying tales, solve the Boo Town mystery, and much more. Come in costume if you wish! For further informa on call 306‐931‐1910 or visit our website Admission: Family $25.00 Adults $10.00 Seniors $9.00 Students $7.00 Kids (age 6‐12 yrs) $4.00 Preschool (5 & under) FREE Children must be accompanied by an adult Eastside Youth Soccer Associa on Registra on is currently underway for the Eastside Soccer 2015‐16 indoor season. We have programs for players in the Under 6 to Under 16 age groups. Registra on is done online through our website ( Late fees will apply a er Septem‐ ber 4. Further informa on can also be found on our website. Saskatoon Lions Band is a community Marching Band ages 12‐21. Band students (who have at least one year playing experience) are invited to a end our first date on Sunday Sept 27 from 1‐3 at 238 Ave V North at no charge. This band performs at local parades and events and some mes na onally and interna onally. Yearly fee is $40 month and 5 commitment bingos which can be fundraised. Spe‐ cialized instruments, music and uniform are provided Tour is sepa‐ rate, can fundraised and is determined by numbers in January. Girls who would like to take part in flag twirling have the same rehearsal me and same fees but do not require any previous experience. Costume provided. Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 7 Parent Teacher Interviews will occur 15th & 16th October. Below are instruc ons for you to schedule your interviews on the Portal. Refer to last month’s newsle er for portal access. Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 8 Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 9 SCHOOL COMMUNITY PORTAL QUESTIONS? NEED HOMEWORK? CONTACT A TEACHER? Are you interested in keeping up to date with what's happening at our school? Are you looking for one place where you can find out about school events and read the latest announcements from our administra ve team? Welcome to our school community portal! This is a new secure online tool for communica ng with parents and guardians. Things like newsle ers, the school handbook, school events and school an‐ nouncements, will be posted. The Maplewood‐Student link on the right hand side of the page allows you to access demographic and a endance informa on about your child. The Maplewood‐Student link provides the following informa on about your child(ren): ‐ A endance for the current day ‐ A endance history for the current year ‐ A endance summary for the current year ‐ Demographic data ‐ Timetable for the current year ‐ Course choices for the next school year ‐ Conven onal marks ‐ mid‐term and final marks ‐ Unofficial transcripts ‐ final marks including previous years All you have to do is give us your email address and we'll take care of the rest. form is a ached at the back of this newsle er. A demographic Please make sure your email address is correct. Please complete one form per student. You will receive an email welcoming you to the portal and giving you your own unique username and password. This will allow you to log onto the site and find the kind of informa on you are looking for. Our school community portal is a secure website that is only accessible to parents, guardians, stu‐ dents and staff at our school. We hope it will become another tool that helps improve communica‐ on between our school and your home. Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 10 ATTENDANCE Aden Bowman Collegiate has an answering machine to receive calls 24 hours a day (306)‐683‐7605 or parents/guardians can call to talk to a secretary between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. We would like to take this opportunity to clarify two items around student a endance. They are as follows: PARENT CALLS TO CLEAR ABSENCES “Explained” absences are those where a parent/guardian calls the school to indicate that the student is away for an unavoidable reason. Examples of these would be: Illness, medical appointments, aƩending a compeƟƟve event that cannot be avoided during school Ɵme or for compassionate reasons. These absences are recorded as “cleared” or “excused” and classroom teachers are noƟfied of this at the end of the day. “Unexplained” absences are recorded and reported when either no call is received or the school cannot legi mately sanc on the absence. Examples of these would be: Home studying, working, sleeping in, at a hair appointment. In these cases, the absence would be leŌ “unexplained” or “uncleared”. Parents/guardians must call in for any class that their child will miss even if the student has informed the teacher of their absence. Students who are late for class but marked absent will need to have the teacher no fy the main office and correct the error. These absences WILL NOT be changed to a late from a parent/ guardian phone call. Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 11 STUDENT FEES Student fees can be paid at the main office. Invoices were sent home the first day of school. If you have not received your student’s fee invoice please contact the office at 306‐683‐7600. Fees can be paid by cash or cheque made payable to Aden Bowman Collegiate. Monthly payments are welcomed. TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK On November 4, 2015, grade 9 students across our country will be par cipa ng in the TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK program—a one ‐day job‐shadowing experience. This unique opportunity is a perfect supplement to the Grade 9 Career Educa on program. Students will receive training at school before heading out into the workplace in November. Parents and Guardians of Grade 9 Students! This is what you can do to help: Invite your child to spend the day with you at work. Talk to your supervisor, union representa‐ ve or employer, and then fill out the consent form that was provided at Grade 9 Orienta on Night and to all students who were not able to a end. If you are not working at present, or work in a se ng unsuitable for a day like this, please ask a friend or rela ve to take your child to work for the day. Perhaps you know someone who works in a field that your child is interested in! If your workplace can accommodate other students, please contact the school. Consent forms are due to students’ Phys.Ed./Career Ed. teachers by October 5th! If you or your student have any ques ons, please contact Aaron Adair (ABCI Career Facilitator) at 306‐683‐7600. Thank you in advance for helping providing this unique opportunity! son/daughter achieved the honour roll this past academic year they will be receiving recogni on at our Aca‐ demic Awards Assembly and will re‐ ceive a cer ficate in Homeroom. This invita on is sent to all grade 10 – 12 parents. If your 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Academic Assembly In recogni on of your son’s/daughter’s academic achievement for the join us Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 12 Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 13 BUSPASSES You may reload your high school student Go Pass card at the main office at the following costs: $57.00 for a monthly pass or 10 ckets for $18.00 If you do not already have a Go Pass card, you may purchase one for $5.00 Homework Support As the semester moves forward your son or daughter may, from me to me, experience some struggles with grasping concepts that prevent them from comple ng their homework successfully. If you hear the phrase, “ I am lost” or “but I don’t get it” please let your son or daughter know that ABCI offers homework help every day at lunch in Room 117. Students can get support from teachers who spend their lunch hour suppor ng students with their classroom work. Students have access to computers and are welcome to bring their lunch. STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Aden Bowman Collegiate Student Services Office has two full‐ me counsellors (Mr. Wingert and Ms. Gurski Risling) and a secretary (Ms. Timmerman). Services are provided in the areas of educa onal planning, career planning, and personal/social development. Call 683‐7606 to contact a counsellor or speak to a secretary. COURSE CHANGES Students are expected to study the courses originally chosen because the school is scheduled and staffed on this basis. If a student has a problem with his/her metable, he/she should make an ap‐ pointment to see a counsellor. Students must a end all scheduled courses un l a change is officially completed. Aden Bowman Newsle er‐Sept 2015. 14 Sunday 4 11 18 25 Monday Tuesday 7:00 SCC Mee ng 20 13 6:00 Girls Soccer vs WMC @ TCU 7:00 Music Concert Academic Awards P3 6 October 2015 5 7:30 Boys Soccer vs HC @ TCU 6:15 Girls Vball @ MG 8:00 Boys Vball @ MG 12 Thanksgiving ` 19 6:00 Boys Soc vs EH@TCU Pm Girls Soccer Quarter Finals Wednesday 7 4:00 X‐Country Runnin on Water: City’s @Lakewood 4:30 B Soc vs St. Joes @ Umea W Vball 6:15 Girls AB‐STJ @WM 8:00 Boys Wm‐AB@St Joe 14 4:30 Boys Soc vs WM @ Newsham E 21 Boys Soccer Quarter Finals 6:15 Girls 8:00 Boys Vball @ CCI 28 Thursday 1 7:30 Sr. Fball vs WMC 4:30 Girls Soccer vs CCI @ Umea W 8:00 boys Vball BR vs Beth @ AB 8 3:00 Sr. Football vs St. Joseph Friday 3 Saturday 2 10 Xcountry—provincials in Saskatoon 17 9 OP/PD Planning No School 16 P/T Interviews 15 P/T Interviews Evening No School Mustang Volley Soccer Boys 12:00 Girls 2:00 Semifinals @ TCU and Kinsmen Mustang Volley 24 7:30 Sr Football vs HC 31 Soccer Provincials 30 23 8:00 Boys Vball BJM vs EH@AB 22 Mustang Volley 29 7:00 Variety Night 27 Soccer City Finals Vball @ TD 6:15 Girls 8:00 Boys 26 Girls 6:45 @ Kinsmen Boys 7:15 @ TCU Aden Bowman Collegiate Demographic Data Update Please complete and return to the main office that we may update our files. LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: Birthdate: Gender: Student Resides with: USUAL/CALLED NAME: Grade: ADDRESS: Custody: Home Phone: Student’s Cell Phone: Student’s Email: First Na ons, Inuit and Me s Status—(Voluntary Informa on): Father: Band/Reserve Name: Home Ph: Address: Cell: Email: Employer: Work Ph: Mother: Home Ph: Address: Email: Employer: Work Ph: Guardian: Home Ph: Address: Email: Employer: Work Ph: Stepfather: Home Ph: Address: Ext.: Cell: Ext: Cell: Ext Cell: Email: Stepmother: Address: Home Ph: Cell: Email: Social Worker: Phone: Cell: Other Contact 2: Phone: Cell: Other Contact 3: Phone: Cell: Emergency Contact: Phone: Cell: Doctor: Dr.’s Phone: Student’s Sask Health #: 1st contact for closure/emergency: Emergency Notes: (Emergency Medica on, or life threatening condi ons): Please indicate any other medical condi ons that staff should be aware of: Full name of siblings a ending this school: Other siblings: Full name: Parent’s Signature Birthdate: Date:
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