Advanced eWorkbook Lessons 11


Advanced eWorkbook Lessons 11
Lesson 11 - Restoring Old Photographs
1. Go Start>Programs>Adobe Photoshop CS2, CS3 or CS4
Go to File>Open and navigate to Lesson 11 – Pictures and
open the picture “married couple”.
3. Click your Zoom Tool on the picture so you can see the
damaged areas. (Remember to zoom out – Hold down Alt
and zoom tool)
4. Notice there are several damaged areas on this photograph.
Now Click your Clone Stamp tool.
Select Brush size 12.
Very Important! Make sure you have the CLONE STAMP
HOLD DOWN the ALT key and click ONCE over a part of
the picture where the area is not damaged. **The Clone
Stamp “picks up” the color we need when you hold ALT.
7. Release the ALT key. The Clone
Stamp Tool turns into a brush.
Click on the damaged area a few
times to fill it in. **The color
won’t last long. You’ll need to
press ALT often.
8. Now you need to play around the
Clone Stamp tool until you have
repaired the photograph. Save as:
married couple repaired.
Lesson 11A - Restoring Old Photos
– Review
1. Open Photoshop CS2, CS3 and CS4
2. Go to the Folder called Lesson 11A – Pictures and open “threeguys.jpg.”
3. Use your Clone Stamp tool to get rid of the shadows and any other imperfections.
Extra Credit:
Find your own damaged photo and repair it.
Lesson 12 – Adding Color to Black and White
1.Open Photoshop CS2, CS3 or CS4.
2. Navigate to the Lesson 12 – Pictures folder and open the picture called “twogirls.jpg”.
2. Go to Image>Image Size> Change the Width to 500 so you can see it better.
3. Go to Image>Mode> and Check RGB Color.
3. Create a New Layer by going to Layer>New Layer
4. Double click Layer 1 and rename it Little Dress.
4b. Double-click the Foreground color box. In the RGB boxes, insert these colors or just
pick a Hot Pink Color.
5. Select your Polygonal Lasso Tool and Highlight around the dress
6. Click around the outside of the little girls dress. Double-click the Lasso tool when
you go all the way around and are ready to connect the path and you will get Marching
7. Go to Edit>Fill>Foreground Color
8. ***Change the Blending mode of the Little Dress layer to
Overlay. This will let you see through the color. Go to
Select>Deselect to release the lasso Tool. You can use the eraser
tool to Erase the color around her hand. We will color her skin
9. Make a new layer for the other dress and fill it with a dark red. Use
your eraser tool to erase any error you might make.
10. Continue to color the little girls hair (blonde) and the grass green.
Find a Skin-Tone Color for the face and hands. IMPORTANT: Be
sure to create new layers for each of them. Have fun!!!
11. Save as: little girls – colored.
Lesson 13 – Adding Color to Photographs
1. In Photoshop, open the image called happyanniversary.
Repair and add color to the entire image.
Lesson 14 – Colorful Zebra Calendar
1. Open Photoshop CS2, CS3 or CS4.
2. Open the Picture Zebra from the Lesson 14 – Pictures folder.
3. Remove the color by going to
4. That will make this image Black and
5. Click the Create a New
Layer Button on your
Layers palette.
6. Double-click Layer 1 and rename it Pink.
Click your foreground color and make it pink.
7. Use your Zoom tool to zoom in on the Zebra. Then take your paint brush
tool and use a small size (4) and click the airbrush and color some of the
white area of the stripes. If you go into the black, use your eraser tool to
remove it.
8. Now set your opacity on the pink layer to 65%.
9. Create a new layer and name it Blue.
10.Click your Foreground color and make it Blue.
11.Use your paintbrush tool to color some of the stripes blue. Use 65%
12.Repeat steps 8, 9, 10, 11 and make the color yellow. Continue until
you have the zebra colored.
13.Go to Layer>Flatten image.
14.Use your Polygonal Lasso tool and circle the zebra until your have
marching ants.
15.Go to File>open and open Jungle 2.jpg.
16.Take your move tool and drag the zebra to your jungle picture.
. Go to Edit>Transfrom>Flip Horizontal and size the
Zebra in the path by doing Ctrl T. Hit enter when you
are finished to apply the setting.
18. Select your Type Tool. Click on your picture. Choose any font
you want. Make the color white, but the size needs to fit the
pictures. Type the following as shown:
Lesson 15 – Difference between Good and Evil - Painting
1. Go to Photoshop CS2, CS3 or CS4
2. Navigate to the folder Pictures – Lesson 15 and open the file “mountain home.jpg”
Open angel1.jpg and use your magic wand on the white around the angel. Go to
Select>Inverse. Use your move tool and drag the angel to the mountain home picture.
4. Do a Control T and resize the angel. Hit Enter when you have it like this.
Change the blending mode to screen and Opacity to 50%
Open the Demon.jpg picture and use your
polygonal tool and outline the demon until he has
marching ants. Then use your move tool to move
it to the mountain home picture. Do a Control T
and resize the Demon. Hit Enter. Change the
blending mode to screen and Opacity to 50%.
Close the picture of the Demon.
7. Use your Type tool and type the following in Ravie, Reg. 18 pt, Sharp and find a nice
“No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.” - Plato
8. Make sure you are on the text layer and have your move tool chosen. Then go to
Layer>layer Style and check bevel and emboss and stroke. Make sure your stroke
is black.
9. Save as Good and Evil.
1. With the document open, Go to Layer>Flatten Image.
2. Go to Layer>Duplicate Layer and click OK. Turn off the EYE on the
Background layer.
3. Make sure you are on the duplicate layer and then go to
Filter >Blur>Smart Blur> and set quality to high, Set the Mode to edge
only, radius to 9, threshold to 45. (it will look strange)
10. Go to Image>Adjustment>invert. Name the Layer invert copy.
11. Go to layer>duplicate layer and name it Embossed layer. click ok.
12. Go to Filter>stylize>Emboss, set angle to140, height to 7, amount to 50.
Hit Ok when done.
13. In the layer palette change the embossed layer from normal to soft light,
and your invert copy from normal to soft light. Now turn the EYE
back on the background layer!
14. Now that you have a textured image you can go to Save the image as good and evil.
This will be in PSD format. To get this file in a JPEG, you will go File>save
as….then navigate to where you want it saved and pull down on the arrow until you
see JPEG and choose it. Now you can print it, etc.
Follow the above instructions and create a painting as we
have done, but find your own pictures. You need to add a
lens flare or glowing star somewhere in your own textured
painting project.
Lesson 16 – Magazine Cover in Photoshop
1. Open Photoshop CS2, CS3, or CS4
2. File>New and input these settings: 600w x 800h
3.Click on your foreground color and change it to a light
bluish green.
4. Use your rectangle tool to draw a rectangle at the top of
your document as shown below. Make sure your Font
color is black.
5.Use your type tool to type: Travel America in
6. Create a new layer. Go to File>Place and Navigate to
Lesson 16-Pictures folder and place” Drive in forest.jpg.”
Stretch it out over the bottom of the picture.
7. Now, FILE>OPEN> ”girl with dog.jpg” and use your Elliptical
Marquee tool and circle the moon around the girl. HOLD DOWN
move tool to drag it to Travel America picture.
File>open and go to car1.jpg and use your magic wand and click on the
white of the picture. Then go to Select>inverse and then use your move
tool to drag the car to the Travel America picture. Use your Control T to
move the car to the road and flip it as shown below .
9. File>open and go to “Ocean Scene.jpg” and use your
rectangle marquee tool to get a good portion of the
picture. Then use your move tool and drag it to Travel
America Picture and place it in the upper right hand corner
of the picture.
10. It is very important that you save your picture as
Travel America1 in your folder.
1. You should have your picture saved and on the
screen as shown above. Go to Layer>Flatten image.
2. Go to Filter>Artistic>Fresco and look at the image on
the left. There are many choice on how to change the
image play around with different brush size, texture
until you have an image you like.
You will create a poster similar to one you just did. You
1. Create a title for your poster. In word, you will write
what font and size, color you want the text.
2. You must find 4 pictures that will tell your story. You
need to say whether they are placed or opened and
cut, etc. Then you will flatten your image.
3. You will then pick an artistic filter and write down
which filter you chose along with the settings.
4. This will be a lab grade – 30% of 6 week grade.
Student Examples
Lesson 17 – The Balance of Nature
Use Photoshop and Create your own Poster by
following these steps.
File> New, 800x800, pixels.
2. File Place>bluebonnets
3. File>Place>thorns
4. Change blending mode to overlay
5. File open – snake – add him ( add glow)
6. File open – Spider – add him (add glow)
7. File open - hummingbird – add him (Add glow)
8. File open – wasp
9. File open - honey bee
10. Add the text – balance of nature – wave
11. You can flatten and give it a texture (bonus) must type what
kind of filter you use.
Here is an example!
Lesson 18 – Skateboarders in the Wild
1. Open Photoshop.
2. File>open and navigate to “wild path” and open it.
I have two skateboarders you can use (clean them up and place
them where you want)
Add more skateboarders – but must come from these free sites! You
MUST save the pictures and Photoshop document in a folder called
Lesson 19 - Entertainment in the Middle AgesThe Medieval Festival Flyer
1. Open Photoshop:
2. Open the Picture – Castle
Open Angel.jpg.
4. Use Polygonal tool to highlight angel and move the church picture.
Set Opacity to 50%
Open knight and dragon. Use magic Wando to remove background
and move to the castle. Set Opacity to 50%
Place as shown:
Open knights.jpg and clean up picture and
place as show.
Add the following text:
2. Text: Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render every one
his due.
-- Emperor Justinian
Add somewhere this text:
Austin Presents:
The Medieval Festival
October 20, 2012
Walter Scott Auditorium
Tickets on Sale Now!
Lesson 20 - We’ve Got the Beat – Part I
Open Photoshop CS2, CS4 or CS4
1. Go to File>New and put in these setting. Hit OK and press “D”
Add a New Layer – Layer>New Layer
3. Go to Filter>Render>Clouds
Then go to Filter>Noise>add Noise. Choose these Settings:
Go to Filter>Artistic>Dry Brush and use these settings:
Go to Filer>Brush Strokes>Splatter and use these settings:
Go to Select>Color Range and Choose “Highlights” and then hit OK. THIS IS TRICKY – LOOK THE
Your screen will be moving. Hit Ctrl D.
Save this as texture.
Go to File>Open and open Dude2.jpg.
Use your magic wand on the white part. Go Select>inverse so the guy has marching ants around him.
Select your Move tool and drag him to your texture picture. Go to you Layer Style and Pick Hard Light
Go to File>Place and place Color Paper over the man and texture. Change the Layer Style to multiply.
Select your Brush Tool. Click in
this area and then click on the tab
to the right of the screen it opens.
Find Special Effect Brushes and
Accept the changes.
You should get this
Find Brush size 69.
Change your foreground color to green.
Create a New Layer. Click your Brush tool and start Clicking your picture (except for the guy to sprinkle)
on the picture.
Click your Text tool and set your Font to 48 pt. Blackoak Std, Crisp . Type “We’ve got the Beat”
Then use your Warp tool and use Rise.
Save it as “We’ve got the Beat”
Now go to Part II – we’ve got beat text.
We’ve Got the Beat II – Text for Card
Open Photoshop CS2, CS3, or CS4
1.Go to File>New and use these settings:
2.Create a New Layer. Go to Layer>New Layer and click OK.
3. Select your Horizontal Type Mask Tool.
4. Use these settings: Impact, 72 pt. and Smooth.
5.Type the Words “We’ve Got the Beat” (It will Turn Pink)
6. Then Click your Move Tool.
7. Create a new layer. Go to Select>New Layer.
8. Then select your gradient Tool
Find Metals and accept the change.
Find Steel Bar
9. Drag from Top of First Word Through the Bottom.
Step 10.
Then go to Select>Modify>
Press and hold the M key
and press the left arrow twice
(called nudging)
Select the Gradient Tool
again and drag from Bottom
to the top.
11. Go to Filter>Texture>Grain. Set the Intensity to 23 and Contrast to 59. Click OK.
12. Go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise>Amount =11, Gaussian, Monochromatic. Click Ok.
13. Go Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp
125, radius =1.4, Threshold = 45. Click
Mask>Amount =
14. Click the Add Layer Style Button and
Select Drop Shadow.
Save as: Text Beat.
You can Move this text over the “We’ve
the beat” picture by using Your Magic
Wand and clicking on the white of text.
Go to Select>Inverse.
Use your Move tool to drag the text over the man’s body….. and you will get this.
Lesson 21 - The Dark Light – Movie Poster
1. Start a new canvas in Photoshop using these settings: (800x1000 px, 72, RGB,
2. Go to Edit>Fill and fill the canvas with Black.
3. Create a New Layer. Rename it Alley
3. Go to the pictures folder and open the picture called: alley
4. Select>All. Use your Move Tool to drag the picture onto
your original canvas.
5. Press CTRL T and resize the picture so it covers the entire
canvas as shown.
6. Create a New Layer. Rename it Subway.
7. Go to the class website and open the picture called: Subway
Use your rectangle selection
tool and only select the middle
portion on the subway
7. Use your Move Tool to drag the picture onto your original canvas. Press
8. and resize it so it covers the
Top Half of your canvas as shown:
Lower the Opacity to 52%
9. Create a New Layer. Rename it Circle. Go to the pictures folder and open
the picture called: Polar Distortions.
10. Select>All. Use your Move Tool to drag the picture onto your original
canvas. Press CTRL T and resize it so it covers most of your canvas (about
¾) as shown: Change the Blending Mode to Luminosity and reduce the
Opacity to 60%.
11. Click the Circle Layer. Go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur
and use these settings:
Go to the class pictures folder and open
eyes. Select>all and use your move tool to
drag the picture to the bottom on the
original canvas. Make the Opacity 60%
and change the blending mode to
12. Create a New Layer. Rename it Girl Silhouette.
Go to the pictures folder and open the picture called: Girl Silhouette.
13. Remove the girl from the background of the picture with
your Magic Wand. Got Select>inverse and drag the picture
on to the original canvas.
14. Use your Move Tool to drag the picture onto your
original canvas. Press CTRL T and resize it as shown:
15. Layer>Layer Style>Outer Glow: Use these
15. Create a New Layer. Rename it Blue Fill.
Change your Foreground color to a light blue.
Edit>Fill>and choose your foreground color. *Everything will be covered up by blue.
16. On the Blue Fill Layer, change the Blending Mode to Color and Opacity to 50%.
The Text:
21. Create a New Layer. Rename it The Dark Light Text.
22. **Important: Select the Horizontal Type Mask Tool
Use these Font settings:
23. Type The Dark Light
24. Click your Gradient Tool. Click here and select
Metals>Steel Bar
25. **Drag inside the The Dark Light text from top to bottom to fill it with the metal
26. Go to Select>Modify>Contract and contract by 3
27. Press the LEFT ARROW on your KEYBOARD 3 times.
28. Filter>Noise>Add Noise> use these settings:
29. Select>Deselect
You should have this:
30. Select you regular Type Tool and
Type the following in Arial, size 30,
In Theaters
July 2012
Place as shown. Save as The Dark Light Poster.