SOTH Newsletter December 2014


SOTH Newsletter December 2014
Shepherd of the Hills
It Has All Been Done For You!
December 2014
Inside This Issue
The Martin Luther Christmas Book, translated and arranged by Luther scholar
2 Church Happenings
Roland Bainton, is a collection of seven sermons by Luther. Themes include the
Annunciation, the Wise Men, and the Presentation of the child Jesus in the temple. 3 Holiday Happenings
The consistent message of Luther is this: the greatest miracle of Christmas isn’t a
virgin conceiving, a star suddenly shining to guide wise men, angels appearing to
announce good news, animals speaking at midnight (not in the bible, but in
folklore), or God becoming a human child. The greatest miracle of the Nativity is
that the God of the universe would become a vulnerable child born in poverty, be
raised under oppression, be executed in shame, and raised from the dead all for
the love of us.
4 Lydia Circle
From Luther’s sermon on the Annunciation:
7 Congregational Minutes
This is the word of the prophet: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a
son is given” (Isa. 9:6) This is for us the hardest point, not so much
to believe that He is the son of the Virgin and God himself, as to
believe that this Son of God is ours. . . . Truly it is marvelous in our
eyes that God should place a little child in the lap of a virgin and
that all our blessedness should lie in him. And this child belongs to
all mankind.
Most of us believe there is a God. This belief causes us to struggle through the
“why” of life events, yet we still believe. It is much harder for us to believe that
this God loves us, has done all things for us, and laid aside power and glory,
choosing humility and service for us. Amazingly we hear that to heal the world,
to bring good news to the poor, to bind up the broken hearted, God then in turn
chose us. According to Luther the most amazing miracle is not that Mary could
conceive by the Holy Spirit. Most amazing? Mary was moved in faith to accept
the angel’s message. God had chosen her.
The Virgin birth is a mere trifle for God; that God should become man is
a greater miracle; but most amazing of all is it that his maiden
should credit the announcement that she, rather than some other
virgin, had been chosen to be the mother of God. . . . She held fast
to the word of the angel because she had become a new creature.
Even so must we be transformed and renewed in heart from day to
day. Otherwise Christ is born in vain. This is the word of the
prophet; “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” (Isa. 9:6).
May your minds be filled with joy, your actions show courage and hope,
and your spirits be assured that God has done this great thing for you!
A blessed and merry Christmas,
Pastor Kiehl
4 Unity Walk
5 Just a Chat
6 December Birthdays
Shepherd of the Hills
Lutheran Church
4887 Valleydale Road
Birmingham, AL
What’s Happening at
Shepherd of the Hills
SOTH will serve at the Firehouse Shelter, a ministry for homeless men in
downtown Birmingham again on Wednesday, December 24th at 6:00 p.m. Please
contact Jeanne Trammel if you are interested in serving Christmas Eve.
Advent Evening Services will be held on December 3, 10 and 17 – Soup
supper at 6:00 p.m. followed by Advent Vespers at 7:00 p.m. Please join in the
worship and fellowship during Advent. A sign-up sheet for soup suppers will be
posted in the Narthex.
Poinsettias – If you wish to sponsor one of the beautiful poinsettias decorating
the church, please sign up on the list in the Narthex or you may email your
request to the church at The cost is $15.00.
Dedications will be printed in the Christmas Eve service bulletins.
Newsletter Submission Deadline for the January issue is Tuesday, January
6th. Please submit all articles and announcements to
by that date.
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study meets each Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m.
Lydia Circle meets the first Wednesday of every month. The Circle supports the
efforts of the church with its treasury and supplies funds for requests from the
Pastor and for outside charities. Oak Mountain Mission receives quarterly funds. All ladies of the church and their friends are welcome.
Christmas Eve Service
SOTH will celebrate with two candle light services on
Christmas Eve. The “Family of Faith Service” at 5:00pm with
joyful Christmas songs from the contemporary music group
Emmanuel and bells for the children to ring. At 7:30 we
celebrate with special music from the SOTH Sanctuary choir
and Shepherd’s Bells.
Angel Tree Updates
Thanks to the generous support of the SOTH Family, all of
the Angel Tree children have been sponsored with a
commitment for gifts and gift cards. Your help is needed to
complete our mission.
Sunday the 14th we will have a ‘Family of Faith workshop’
during the Sunday school hour. Our entire Sunday school
family will spend the workshop wrapping gifts for Angel Tree,
making Christmas cards for the Firehouse Shelter, baking
cookies for Firehouse Shelter and having the youth choir
practice for Christmas Eve. Please bring breakfast foods to
share – sausage balls, doughnuts, fruit, cheese and
crackers, and juice. If you would like to sign up to deliver
gifts to one or more families, please contact Jason
Blankenship at – or
Epiphany Event
Please plan on joining us Sunday, January 4th for SOTH’s
annual Epiphany Event and Chalking the Doors! All SOTH
members, as well as family and friends, are invited to join us
from 4:00 to 6:30pm for this fellowship event.
4:00 pm – Chalking of the Doors & un-decorating the church
5:30 pm – Fellowship Dinner
6:00 pm – Dedication of the Prayer Labyrinth followed by the
Christmas Tree burning
If you would like your Christmas tree to be burned along with
the church tree, please put it in the bonfire area in the back
of the church. Please contact Sue Collins or Kim Boettner if
you have any questions. We hope you’ll plan to join us!
Shepherd of the Hills Lydia Circle Thanks You!
The members of Lydia Circle wish to thank
everyone who contributed to Oak Mountain
Missions, bringing the Fall Thanksgiving
display in the front of the church to
overflowing. A special thanks goes to
Carolyn Hayford who challenged her fellow
workers to an Auburn vs Alabama canned
goods drive.
Alabama won with Auburn coming in second.
So much was collected that it took some help
getting the boxes into the church. The boxes
were placed in the Oak Mountain corner in
the narthex.
The ladies of Lydia Circle are finishing the
year by supplying the Christmas wishes and needs of a family. Oak Mountain Mission
supplied the names of the three children and the mother and members of the circle will
fulfill the requests of each one.
The first meeting of the Circle for the new year will be January 7, 2015. Anyone
interested in meeting once a month to listen to a program and enjoy the fellowship of
some really neat ladies is encouraged to give Lydia Circle a try. You would be most
A letter of thanks was received from Oak Mountain Missions Ministries for SOTH’s
attendance and support of the annual Harvest of Hope Luncheon. With attendance fees,
donations and the auction proceeds, OMM raised over $122,000.
Unity Walk and Food Collection
The Birmingham Metro Diversity Coalition is gearing up for the 5th Annual MLK Unity Walk,
which will be held on January 10, 2014 @ 12NOON - RAILROAD PARK! This year's theme is FOOD365. The goal of this event is to replenish the Greater Birmingham Ministries food
banks. Please come to walk and bring canned goods. The event is free, but a $25 tax-free
donation would be appreciated. For more info, call Bessie Bell at 205. 529.2404.
GBM Needs Our Help
With less than a week before Greater Birmingham Ministries begins distributing clothes, toys
and food to 200 families, they still need your donations of unused, unwrapped toys for children
ages 3 - 12 to help provide a truly happy holiday for many of our Birmingham area neighbors.
Here are some ideas about the kinds of items needed:
Big Wheels, Bikes, Bike Helmets, Board & Card Games, Hand-Held Electronic Games, Gift
Cards, Stuffed Animals, Action Figures, Dolls (dolls of color preferred), Sports Items, Skates,
Crayons/Coloring Books, Watches & Costume Jewelry… Coats, Gloves & Scarves, Shirts,
Pants, Dresses, Skirts, Socks, Shoes, Underwear, Blankets & Accessories...
Frozen Turkeys & Hams, Fruit, Non-Perishables...
Items may be dropped off at GBM (2304 12th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35234) between the hours
of 8:30AM - 4:30PM. For more information call Sarah Price or Mary Jones at (205) 326-6821.
Let’s Talk With . . .
Elaine Densmore
Birthday: May 29, 1955
Birthplace: Gadsden, AL
Family: Mike (husband), Melissa (daughter) married
to Daniel Couch, grandsons Sam (4) and Noah (1);
Jacob (son), married to Leslie, granddaughter,
Kaylee (11 months); two older brothers, Tom and
Mike and one younger sister, Betty. My father died in
1996 and my mother in 2000.
Occupation: Administrative Support Associate for the
Chilton County office of the Alabama Cooperative
Extension System/Auburn University.
Favorite Things:
TV Shows: Cooking shows, Hallmark movies,
American Idol.
Books: Biographies, cookbooks, Nicholas Spark’s
Music: Oldies, modern country, pop
Colors: Purple and magenta.
Food: Chocolate, I like almost everything.
Pets: Just acquired a kitten from a co-worker. Her
name is Bitsy.
Sports Team: Auburn, since I work for them. We’ve
never been big sports fans.
Church Background: Life-long Lutheran.
Church Participation: Handbell choir, Shepherd,
Fellowship Committee, Communion Server.
What I hope for SOTH’s future: Peace
What I love about SOTH: Music, members, Pastor
and his sermons, fellowship.
Something you may not know about me: When I was
six my parents purchased the Flamingo Court on
Panama City Beach, FL and I lived there until I
married Mike in 1973.
Michael Densmore
Birthday: February 27, 1955
Birthplace: Arab, AL
Family: Elaine (wife), Melissa (daughter)
married to Daniel Couch, grandsons, Sam
and Noah, Jacob (son) married to Leslie,
granddaughter , Kaylee, Joe and Sam
Densmore (parents); one brother (Mel).
Occupation: Mechanic (primary), welder,
crane operator, truck driver, carpenter,
electrician (secondary).
Favorite Things:
TV Shows: Star Trek series, Firefly
Books: Science Fiction, History
Music: Little bit of everything except rap
and opera.
Food: Everything I like is bad for me, eat
most things except fish, turnip greens, and
Pets: Just acquired a kitten from Elaine’s
co-worker. Her name is Bitsy.
Sports Team: None
Church Background: Baptist - Lutheran
after I married.
Church Participation: Greeter, Usher,
Acolyte, Crucifer, Communion Server, Cook,
Something you may not know about me: It
won’t be a secret if I tell.
Curt Hamme
Brandon Brown
Bart Jones
Joan Smith
Tasmin Jones
Emily Brown
Earl Waller, Jr.
Bella Huckabaa
Beth Canute
Cyndy Jones
Jeny Doig
Sarene Hampton
Amelia Pyle
Natasha Yoder
David Grigsby
Beth Smith
Anna Collins
November 16, 2014
Larry Smith, Council President, called the meeting to order.
Margie Slaughter, Council Vice-President, began the meeting with a devotional. This
was based on the following passage from Hebrews 10:24-25 – “And let us consider
how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet
together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as
you see the Day approaching.” (NRSV)
Karen Smith, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report. She first discussed the
recent stewardship campaign. She then noted that we have received contributions
amounting to 80% of our budget for 2014. She next reviewed figures provided by
the Stewardship and Finance Committees, noting that for the current budget year,
our income has been fairly level but is slightly trending down.
Brief reports were then given on behalf of several committees. Carrie Peters,
Property Committee Chair, discussed the installation of security cameras, the review
of the cleaning service, the slight increase in the cost of utilities, the lease payments,
and the review of the lawn mowing service. Susan Pritchett, Fellowship Committee
Chair, reviewed the activities that fall under the purview of the Fellowship
Committee, including the food that is provided for various church events, the annual
camping trip, the wine and cheese fundraiser, the advent dinners, the ladies
luncheon, and the Easter breakfast. John Boettner, Worship Committee Chair,
reviewed the responsibilities of the Worship Committee, and in particular noted that
Ann Jones is now directing the Shepherd’s Bells, Corey Griffin is now directing the
Sanctuary Choir, and that the contemporary service and the need for a director of
contemporary worship is currently under review. Kim Boettner, Learning Committee
Chair, described the activities of the Learning Committee, and specifically mentioned
the narrative lectionary, devotionals, learning material for confirmation, Sunday
School, Vacation Bible School, the 2015 national youth gathering in Detroit, and the
potential hiring of an individual to direct youth and family activities. Jason
Blankenship, Outreach Committee Chair, reviewed the activities of the Outreach
Committee, and described outreach activities such as the Firehouse Shelter, Habitat
for Humanity, Food for the Poor, and the SOTH angel tree. Tim Thorson, Audit
Committee Chair, discussed the responsibilities of the Audit Committee, and noted
that the committee, which meets quarterly, reviews the church’s finances, the
percent of funds going to benevolence, and the work that Karen Smith performs in
her role as Treasurer.
Larry Smith next proceeded to Old Business. He noted that the new church
constitution, which was approved by the congregation in November 2013, was
submitted to the Synod office for review, was then returned to us because it did not
include the appropriate language to conform with ELCA congregations, was then
resubmitted to the Synod office after the revisions were made, and was then
approved by the Synod office.
Motion: To ratify the church constitution. Mike Huckabaa made the motion and
Bernard Troncale seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Larry Smith next described the updated plans by the City of Hoover to widen
Valleydale Road. He said that our sign would no longer need to be moved. He stated
that he will accept the offer from the city (for the sale of the land) and will then
proceed with the closing.
Karen Smith presented a summary of the 2015 budget. She first discussed our 2014
financial goals, which were approved by the congregation in November 2013. She
mentioned that our income is below our budget, but that our expenses are also
below their budgeted amounts. She then said that we currently have three months of
our operating fund fully funded. Karen next recommended financial goals for 2015,
and specifically discussed the impact on our finances of the potential Youth and
Family Minister, the sale of property to the City of Hoover, and the partial restoration
of salaries for Ann Jones and Pastor Kiehl. In response to questions from the
congregation, Karen noted that there is no formal timeline to provide for the full
restoration of salaries, that Marcia Giordano is the individual being considered as the
new Youth and Family Minister, that Marcia would be on a one-year contract with
SOTH, and that either SOTH or Marcia could cancel the contract with 15 days notice.
Pastor Kiehl then stated that the youth and family ministry is a key component of the
church’s mission.
Motion: To approve the 2015 budget. Tom Trammell made the motion and Ron
Wooster seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Bob Oster, Council Secretary, described the purpose of the 2015 Nominating
Committee as finding qualified candidates to run for each Council and Committee Chair
position that will be voted on during the April 2015 congregational meeting. He also
mentioned that the reasons for discussing this now are that the congregation must vote
to approve this committee and that the next congregational meeting will be the April
meeting. He then described who would not be eligible to serve on this committee (those
who served on last year’s Nominating Committee, and those who may be interested in
running for a Council or Committee Chair position). Bob next mentioned that he and
Kathy Warren are the Council representatives on the committee, and that he is the Chair
of the committee, and that four members of the congregation are needed to serve on the
committee. Bob proceeded to introduce the slate of candidates, which he and Kathy both
lined up in advance of the meeting, noting that all would agree to serve if elected. The
candidates were Carla Crowder, Lyn DiClemente, Kathy Hansen, and Ann Jones.
Motion: To approve Carla Crowder, Lyn DiClemente, Kathy Hansen, and Ann Jones as
congregational members of the 2015 Nominating Committee. Sue Collins made the
motion and Sonya Reynolds seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: To adjourn the meeting. Danny Bedgood made the motion and Bernard
Troncale seconded. The motion passed unanimously.