Newsletter 3 June 2013 - Boronia K


Newsletter 3 June 2013 - Boronia K
Parent Newsletter
Rangeview Campus
Phone: 9762 2089
Mount View Campus Phone: 9760 4900
Executive Principal: Mr Ross Bevege
Mount View Campus Principal: Ms Kate Harnetty
Rangeview Campus Principal: Mr Colin Davies
College Council President: Mrs Drey Baldwin
3 June 2013
Important Dates
4 June - Year 5,6 & 7 CERES Excursion
6 June - Holocaust Centre Excursion
(Yr. 10, 11 & 12)
10 June - Queen’s Birthday—No
students required at school
12 June - GAT Exam
14 June - Rangeview Campus Disco
26 June - School Council Meeting
27 June - Student/Parent/Teacher
28 June - Last Day Term 2 (2.30pm
15 July - First Day Term 3
16 July - Year 1 & 2 Possum Magic
31 July - School Council Meeting
9 August - Curriculum Day (no students required at school)
August 2013 -College Production of
Oliver! Performances: August
Inside this issue:
Car Parking & Entry at the Rangeview Campus
Parent / Student / Teacher Conferences
From the PE Team
Term Dates 2013
Term 1 - 29 January to 28 March
Term 2 - 15 April to 28 June
Term 3 - 15 July to 20 September
Term 4 - 7 October to 20 December
*MVC = Mount View Campus (8-12)
*RC = Rangeview Campus (K-7)
A very colourful skipping rope made entirely out of rubber bands has
been spotted throughout the Rangeview Campus schoolyard.
Executive Principal’s Report
I’d like to take this opportunity to write about Bung Siriboon. Since her disappearance two years ago, we as a school
community have held her family’s struggle close to our hearts and we continue to offer them every support we can. We
know the Police are also continuing to support Bung’s family through this time, and are working very hard to find her.
I’d like to reassure you as parents that we have been extra supportive to all our students and families who knew Bung,
as we understand that anniversaries can heighten their anxiety and sadness. As many of you probably know, Bung’s
disappearance attracted a lot of media at the time and this second anniversary of her disappearance is likely to attract
media again.
The College leadership team will be making sure that the media respects and protects the privacy of our students during
this time.
This is a timely reminder to speak to your children about stranger danger, with advice including:
Don’t speak to strangers
Look after yourself and your mates
Don’t walk in lonely places by yourself
Report any suspicious behaviour or people to an appropriate adult
Dial 000 if you feel under threat
If you have any questions about our own stranger danger programs, please feel free to contact either Colin Davies at the
Rangeview campus or Kate Harnetty at the Mount View campus.
My thanks are extended to the vast majority of parents who have adapted to the changed parking circumstances at the
Campus. Courtesy, support and cooperation are the best ways for us to work through this challenging period. A reminder that the Council By Laws officer is regularly patrolling this area so please ensure that you park in a designated area.
I have been very pleased with the cooperation of parents with the morning drop off zone. We only seem to strike problems when a grandparent or family friend (unaware of the restrictions) drops off students or we have a car breakdown. I
have had a number of complaints about a small percentage of parents parking for extended periods in the drop off zone
in the afternoon. Unfortunately, at this time the 2 minute parking restriction does not apply in the afternoon (only the
morning period). Until this is changed by the Council, can I ask all parents to restrict the amount of time they are
parked in this area so that we do not get bottlenecks and the area it can continue to flow like the morning?
Mount View Principal’s Report
Another area that appears to have a degree of congestion at the beginning and end of the day is the front entrance to the
Campus. It would be appreciated if parents and students did not congregate at the front gate during these busy periods,
particularly parents with strollers. It makes it far easier for both students and parents to move freely and the last thing
we want is for anyone to trip and fall. We hope to have the works to border area around the playground and sandpit
completed in the next few weeks.
As part of our assessment and reporting processes, teachers will be available to discuss student progress with parents on
Thursday June 27th. We will be trialling a new online booking system for this event and will communicate details of the
process to be followed in next week’s Newsletter.
Ross Bevege
Executive Principal
It’s nearing the end of Semester 1 and students are busy working on various projects in VCAL Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related Skills.
Ms Kimpton and I are very pleased with the high quality of work and effort being displayed in our classes and are proud
to be overwhelmed with students’ folders bulging with completed work tasks.
Term 1 classes focused on individual skills and establishing goals to work on for the year – some specific to each class.
Term 2 has developed these skills and set students up for project work to showcase what they’ve learnt.
In PDS, students have begun or are about to commence work on a Community Project that focuses on investigating a
specific issue of student choice as well as planning an event. There have been some great ideas put into action and students are working well.
The Numeracy Skills class is about to plan an Australian Holiday with each student selecting 2 or 3 cities to travel to:
booking tickets, accommodation, sight-seeing and shopping activities on a budget! I look forward to the holiday ‘snaps’
and seeing how well they can manage their finances.
In Work Related Skills the Intermediate and Senior students are conducting an investigation into their Workplace - detailing the type of industry; working layout; services/products involved; career pathways; employability skills; working
conditions and pay structures. They will also identify major OH&S issues, identify hazards and undertake risk assessments and ultimately make recommendations for modifications.
Student of the Week – 24 May
After two weeks of ‘no award’ due to my absence, I’m proud
to announce our first male Student of the Week – Nathan,
Nathan is in Foundation VCAL and has worked solidly in
class and produced great work in all his VCAL classes. His
attendance has been perfect and his conduct in class has
been mature, responsible and productive. Nathan has offered
assistance to his class mates as well as helping Ms Kimpton
and I in our classes and is demonstrating sound leadership
Nathan’s consistency of effort exceeded those from a number
of students who were also in line for the award. Congratulations Nathan – keep it up!
Student of the Week – 31 May
Congratulations Heidi, 12V – our VCAL student of the week
for the week ending 31 May! Heidi is in Senior VCAL and is
completely up to date with all her tasks and is working at a
very high standard. She is leading her team on the PDS
Community Project and displaying diligence, maturity and
drive to complete all aspects of the research task.
Heidi is also a member of the team about to start planning
the VET Awards night for the Mullum cluster, and is eagerly
completing all her classwork to make way for preparations
on this event, scheduled later in the year.
Heidi’s attendance and punctuality are perfect and she is
very organised and maintains excellently presented work
folders in each subject. She is an enthusiastic participant in
class activities and regularly offers her assistance and advice
to others.
John Gove
VCAL Coordinator
Chaplain’s Spot
‘An Attitude of Gratitude’
I am sharing things from both schools this week. Last
week, Hugh Van Cuylenburg [from ‘The Resilience Project’] challenged Year 6 & 7 students at Boronia K-12 College, to think of three things that they are thankful for.
Since then, I have begun a ‘Gratitude Journal’, where I
have written things each day for which I am thankful.
Some of these have included my wife Bonnie, our children,
music, the beach and dark peppermint chocolate.
At Aussie of the Month assembly at Great Ryrie PS, the
band played ‘What a wonderful world’. There is a version
of this song by Louis Armstrong on youtube, with Raymond Crowe [‘unusualist’] providing a brilliant silhouette
show. Here are some of the lyrics:
“I see trees of green........ red roses too …I see em bloom.....
for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white … Bright blessed
days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.”
Middle Years Science
The Middle Years students have some more exciting
things in the making.
For our next Science experiments we are collecting EGG
If anyone could donate these to the school to be used for
our experiment, it would be greatly appreciated!
Rangeview Library Scholastic Book Fair
We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful College Community for their support of our biannual Book Fairs. It is greatly appreciated.
As a result of your outstanding support and participation
in our May 2013 Book Fair, we made a grand total of
$2,537.85 in sales. From this we earned 30% in book commission which equates to $761.35 worth of books for our
College Community to borrow and enjoy from our library.
Some of us are ‘half glass empty’ people’; some are ‘half
full’. This concept is used to explain how people perceive
events. Perception is unique to every individual and is
simply one's interpretation of reality. A situation may be
seen in different ways depending on one's point of view,
and there may be opportunity in the situation as well as
We would also like to thank ALL staff members for their
invaluable help and support in taking on the extra tasks
that are involved in making this and previous book fairs a
successful and happy time.
We all have choices about how we will look at life. Sometimes we need a reminder to think about what we do have,
rather than dwell on what we feel we need. Perhaps, like
me, you might like to try a Gratitude Journal. You may
even like to use one for your whole family to write in. Stay
State School Spectacular
Alan Silverwood
Boronia K-12 College - Wednesday, Thursday
Great Ryrie Primary School - Mon, Tue, Fri
The Chaplaincy program is funded through the Federal
Government & Community support. This is a voluntary
program in our school community.
Mrs Young, Miss Hancock, Miss Johnston & Miss Cottle
The Victorian State Schools Spectacular will be held at
Hisense Arena on Saturday 27 July at 11am and 5pm.
The ticket prices are: adults $28.50; concession $23.50;
children under 15 years $15.00.
A cast of 3000 students from over 130 schools will captivate audiences with show-stopping vocals, high-energy
dance routines, electrifying special effects and aweinspiring circus tricks in a slick and exciting three hour
show. Two of our students are involved in the massed chorus this year; Natalie Sanders and Jenny Hu.
The Spectacular will feature an 80-piece orchestra, 1500voice choir, 1400 mass dancers, 23 lead vocalists, 25 principal dancers, 25 ensemble dancers, 14 backing vocalists,
40 roller skaters and 30 circus performers from the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA).
Victoria’s outstanding young performers will light up the
stage for 47 toe-tapping tunes from popular, rock and
classical artists including Lady Gaga, Daft Punk, Katy
Perry, Tom Waits and Ella Fitzgerald.
To purchase tickets, simply visit
spectacular or phone Ticketek on 132 849.
The College will not accept legal liability in relation to any advertisements
which appear in this newsletter.
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Don’t forget that Woolworths’ Earn and Learn promotion
is now in full swing. The promotion ends on Sunday 9
June! The stickers you collect from shopping at any
Woolworths earn points for our school to win some fantastic prizes!
Rangeview Canteen
College Production
An updated canteen pricelist for Years Prep to 6 was released last week. The new pricelist (dated as 28 May, and
printed on blue paper) was handed out in class to every
student. Please discard any previous price list you may
have, and refer to this newly distributed list. Copies of this
list are available at the Rangeview General Office.
The Rangeview canteen is in operation all school days,
from Monday through to Friday. A variety of goods are
available for purchase over-the-counter, as well as through
a ‘lunch order’ service.
If you wish for your child to receive a lunch order, the process is as follows:
Written on a paper bag, please clearly include the following
details –
Your child’s name
Your child’s class
The amount, name and cost of each item you wish
to purchase
The total of what your order will cost
The total amount of money enclosed within the paper bag
Ensure that the correct amount of money is placed
within the clearly labelled paper bag
Secure the bag so the money cannot fall out
Each classroom has a ‘lunch order tub’. If your child
has a lunch order, remind them to notify their teacher, and place their order in the tub
The lunch order tub is taken to the canteen in the
morning by student volunteers
At lunchtime the tub is collected from the canteen
with your child’s lunch, and taken to your child’s
If you received change for your lunch order payment,
this will be returned to your child’s classroom within
the original paper bag
Please follow the above process to ensure your child’s lunch
order is correctly received.
Neither the canteen nor the General Office can offer ‘lunch
order credits’. You cannot pay by EFTPOS. The canteen
accepts cash only. Payments are not taken by the General Office.
Stacey White
3/4 D
X1 Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap $3.50
X1 Carrot Sticks - with dip
X1 Apple Juice
3 June
5 June
11:30 –
6 June
7 June
3:30 –
22. Fine Life
pp 104 – 112
& 151-153
Parlour pp. 29
- 51
31. As Long
as He Needs
Me pp 154 159
Food Glorious
Nancy, Fagin, Bill
Oliver, Charlotte,
Noah, Mrs Sowerberry
Workhouse chorus,
Bumble, Widow Corney, Oliver
Woolworths Earn & Learn
Don’t forget that Woolworths’
Earn and Learn promotion is
now in full swing. The stickers you collect from shopping
at any Woolworths earn
points for our school to win
some fantastic prizes!
Please remember to bring your collected stickers to the
General Office at either campus so we can all get collecting!
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
The Rangeview Campus would like to say a big thank you to all students and their families for their support of our
‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea’. This was held on Wednesday May 29, and was a huge success. We beat our target and
raised an amazing $383 for those affected by Cancer. It was a very worthy cause and we are very proud to have made
such a wonderful contribution.
The Rangeview Rubber Skipping Rope
Last week we played skipping rope but it’s not just a skipping rope, it’s a rubber band skipping rope! When my Mum was
a little girl she made a rubber band skipping rope all by herself, but, she grew up, found herself a husband, and went to
Australia. She left her skipping rope behind in the Philippines. I really like skipping ropes, so my Mum made a rubber
band skipping rope all by herself all over again, for me, her daughter Jhaymie!
From the PE Team
Interesting Foot Facts - Australian Podiatry Association VIC (
The average person will walk around 128,000kms in a life time - that’s more than three times around the earth.
A quarter of all the body’s bones are in the feet (There are 52 bones in a pair of feet).
During the first year of a child’s life their feet grow rapidly, reaching almost half their adult size. By 12, a child’s
foot is about 90 per cent of its adult length.
When walking, each time your heel lifts off the ground it forces the toes to carry one half of your body weight.
It’s rare that two feet are exactly the same; one of them is often larger than the other.
In a pair of feet there are 250,000 sweat glands that produce approximately 500ml of perspiration daily.
Around 40 per cent of Australians will experience some form of foot problems in their lifetime.
Our feet bear an enormous burden of daily living. As well as carrying the weight of our body, they must also twist and
flex with increased impact and strain when we move around. Even through simple day-to-day activities such as standing
and walking, our feet can be injured if not properly supported. Shoes play a vital role in this, as well as protecting our
feet from external dangers.
The Ideal Shoe
There is no such thing as the one perfect shoe. Feet come in all shapes and sizes. Men, women, children, athletes and
older people all have different shoe requirements, and these vary considerably from activity to activity. When you buy
new shoes, it’s important to make sure:
they fit properly ,
they are supportive for the kind of activity you engage in and,
they do not cause damage to your feet or hurt in any way.
A reminder from the PE department in regard to safe and appropriate footwear…
Students should have an appropriate change of footwear for their PE classes, Sport Electives and Interschool Sport
Days. For sports that involve running, well-fitting, cushioned and supportive footwear is essential to prevent injuries to
muscles, joints and tendons. Remember especially with the wet weather, it is important to bring a change of socks and
appropriate footwear for physical activity to prevent injury and discomfort. See photos attached:
Poor choice of footwear, very little support,
cushioning or grip.
Good choice of footwear for physical activity.
Supportive, adjustable, excellent grip.
Tuesday 4th June: Intermediate Netball & Badminton.
Thursday 13th June: Year 7&8 Netball, Badminton & Football
Friday 21st June: Year 7 Boys & Girls Soccer @ Darebin International Soccer Centre
Term 3 Secondary Sport
Basketball and Table Tennis (dates to be confirmed)
Thursday 1st August: Boronia K-12 College Athletics Carnival @ Knox Athletics Track
We appreciate any assistance from parents/guardians who are able to assist with coaching, transport, generally helping
out in any way possible on these sport days… please contact the Campus Sport Co-ordinators if you can assist in any
way. - Ms Rhonda McMillan on behalf of the PE/Sport Department (Mount View Campus Sport Co-ordinator)
Rangeview Mother’s Day Stall
Rangeview Student of the Week
Prep A - Tyson
Prep B - Jasmine
For coming to school with a smile and for always trying his
best. Well done Tyson!
For always trying her best and taking pride in her work!
Well done!
Prep C - Madisyn
1/2 A - Tania
For sharing her ideas with the class and having a positive
attitude towards her learning.
For her excellent research skills about a meerkat. Keep up
the great work!
1/2 B - Tirna
1/2 C - Alyshia
Well done Tirna on making a great start to your new school
and settling in well in 1/2B’s class.
For her hard working attitude in all aspects of school.
1/2 D - Max
3/4 A - Jonathan
For his ongoing effort with his school work!
For a great attitude in trying to solve our ‘make a bag’
problem solving task.
3/4 B - Jessica
3/4 C - Jake
For being a good helper in class this week!
For a great summary of the book he read!
5/6/7 A - Nazish
5/6/7 B - Ray
For her valuable input during the debating session.
For your fantastic starts at school! Keep it up!
5/6/7 C - Shane
5/6/7 D - Jordan
For your fantastic attitude at school. You always try your
personal best. Keep it up.
For her absolutely fantastic debate speech!