prospective merchant info sheet - corporate


prospective merchant info sheet - corporate
It’s about
the choices
we make.
Empower Processing, in cooperation with our merchants, is a proud supporter of charitable organizations that support America’s
military veterans and other support organizations. When a customer makes a credit card purchase at a participating merchant, s
generous percentage of Empower’s net collected revenue (defined as total fees collected from the merchant minus any card
association fees and assessments) is donated directly to select veteran support organizations (VSOs).
Become an Empower Merchant
Benefits of Using Empower
 A customer makes a purchase with
a credit or debit card at a participating
 The merchant processes the transaction through Empower Processing.
 Empower collects the processing
fees for the transaction from the
 A portion of these fees are then
donated directly to a veteran
charitable organization.
 The named organization
receives ongoing and recurring
financial support.
 If you currently have a merchant
account with another processor, we
can easily change over your
processing to Empower and you
supporting the programs of
the named veteran organization.
 If you’ve never accepted credit
cards at your business, one of our
sales representatives can provide you
with all of the information you need to
open a merchant account, including
pricing, terminal options, how the
process works, and how you receive
your funds.
 As a participating merchant, you
are automatically contributing to the
support of military-based charitable
organizations and providing tangible
benefits to our American veterans.
 Empower will likely match or lower the
pricing in your current Merchant Plan.
 Monthly, Empower will donate a
portion of its revenues directly to the
named veteran organization.
 There is no cost for you to participate in the program.
 Save money on your overall
processing costs.
 Receive exceptional customer
service and prompt attention to your
questions or concerns.
 Increase your revenue by advertising your participation in the program.
 Know that you are making a difference in the lives of America’s heroes.
It’s your decision.
Choose to make a
difference in the
lives of our veterans.
For more information, contact:
Empower Processing
Empower Processing
is a Registered ISO/MSP
of HSBC Bank USA, NA,
Buffalo, NY
Carson Kainer
877-343-2450 toll free
832-286-0403 fax