TENBY SCHOOLS IPOH Newsletter #114 - June 2016 Highlights in this newsletter: Message from Campus Principal Sekolah Tenby at MELTA Way With Words Activities at TEYCI The Little Big Shots of Year 4 Green Year 5 IPC Exit Point Year 9 Academic Trip 61st Swimming Competition SMK Methodist From the Campus Principal Jane Kuok Dear Parents and Tenby Community We would like to wish all our Muslim students, parents and staff a blessed Ramadhan. During this month, students who are fasting may go to the Library during break and lunch to sit quietly in the air-conditioned environment. Seatbelt Campaign Winners We are pleased to announce the winners for the Seatbelt Campaign for Primary students. Congratulations to Year 6 Blue from International Primary and Standard 6T from National Primary for being the classes who have collectively belted up the most during the May campaign. The winning classes will be treated to a Pizza Party during their lunch time after Ramadhan. Meanwhile the Committee will view the Infomercials today and a winner will be announced in due course. Distracted Driving Campaign for June Remember that next week is our drive for the Distracted Driving Campaign for this month. Remember to ‘Stay Focussed’ and ‘Drive Safe’! Avoid using your mobile phone to text, talk without a hands free device, avoid fiddling with a GPS, taking photographs, eating, drinking, grooming yourself etc. whilst driving. Primary students will be ‘signing off’ their parents on the correct behaviour for following the rules of Distracted Driving on the way to and from school. International Week The School will hold International Week from Monday 11th July to Friday 15th July and the theme chosen this year is The Olympics, in honour of the fact that this is also an Olympic year. Each section of the School will represent a continent following the Olympic Rings and their focus will be traditional games and food of the country chosen within their continent. The Parents Association has also generously agreed to be involved and we welcome parents’ participation and support. The Primary and Secondary Sports Days have been penciled into this week too so the Olympic theme is most fitting. Of course the Sports Days will only go ahead if the Ministry of Education ban on outdoor activities is lifted. More details of the International Week arrangements will follow. Arts Week 2016 (contributed by Dr Jeff Rowlands and Ms. Stephanie Jukes) Students in the Expressive Arts Department from across both the National and International section are now looking forward to showcasing their talents once more in during Arts Week 2016. This will take place from Monday the 18th July to Wednesday the 20th of July with three dedicated evenings of Drama, Dance and Music respectively. We hope you will come and support students in their endeavour to once more entertain and inspire you. Year 11 Transition Assembly & Prom Night The Year 11 students completed their IGCSE examinations this week, and celebrated it with a Transition Assembly this afternoon. Their celebrations for the end of their examinations continue tonight at the Form 5/Year 11 Prom at the Impiana Hotel. Suspensions Four students were given a two day internal suspension for breaking curfew by leaving their rooms to visit other students whilst on a school residential trip. Once again, the School expects high standards of behaviour and we try to encourage our students to make good decisions and learn to accept the consequences when poor decisions are taken. Have a good weekend. Parents’ Association Happy Ramadan to Muslim Parents. What is Ramadan? First of all, The Basics: Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and it is seen as a holy month due to the fact that the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad during this month. Muslims observe this month by fasting during the day, something the Prophet himself did as well, abstaining not only from food, but also from sex, smoking and even water. The Start of Ramadan: The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, so not only does the date of Ramadan change by approximately 11 days every year, slowly moving through the seasons. Specifically, Ramadan starts when the crescent moon is sighted, and it ends with the new moon after 29-30 days (a day that is called Eid). One thing that might need more explanation, though, is the term “during the day”. “The Day” ends when the sun has gone down, so when it’s still relatively light outside but when the sun itself is no longer visible on the horizon, at which point Muslims break the fast with a meal called “Iftar”, often starting by eating dates. It starts again when the sun comes up, before which Muslims all over the world have ”Suhoor”, the last meal before fasting again. Why Muslims fast? For Muslims, fasting has a number of benefits: 1 It helps one to feel compassion for those who are less fortunate and underprivileged. 2 It allows one to build a sense of self-control and will-power, which can be beneficial throughout life in dealing with temptations and peer-pressure. 3 It offers a time for Muslims to purify their bodies as well as their soul, by developing a greater sense of humility, spirituality and community. Ramadan is a very spiritual time for Muslims. A great sense of generosity and forgiveness is also characteristic of this time. As with other duties in Islam, fasting becomes obligatory after the age of puberty. 1 CONGRATULATIONS to 2016 MELTA- Smart Kids Way With Words Competition Winners! In conjunction with the 25th MELTA International Conference, the 2016 Way With Words Competition was held at the Casuarina Hotel and Convention Centre, Ipoh, Perak, on Wednesday, 1st June. Tenby Schools Ipoh, participated by sending two teams from the National StreamUpper Primary. The teams who competed consisted of students from Standards 4 and 5 under the supervision, guidance and training from Miss Lee Lai Lai and Mrs Jerlie Ham. Team 1 consisted of Hail Harraz, Bryan, and Julia who later emerged as CHAMPIONS whileTeam 2 consisted of Yat Yee, Jorge, and Ansel who came in FIRST RUNNER-UP. They had the opportunity to demonstrate their prowess in their vocabulary including their ability to spell and pronounce words, generate different words, and also use the words correctly. It was a fun and exciting challenge for them, requiring them to apply both language and thinking skills. The pupils delivered their best as a team and they made the school proud of them! !"#$%&'() *+,-)-').&/"-0) 1.2#(3)4#&53)675&#) ) C(/5&9")*#(/7#/+)-+#@"+.9)D"')"+5%+>) -.#&()-"+)9-7>+(-90)E.9)4#$)#(>)E9) *++)*#&)*#&) =.'7>)#(>)97%%'.-&?+)-+#@"+.9)#(>)%#.+(-9)A))) !'(/.#-75#-&'(9)-')+?+.2'(+B)) ! SM Tenby team wins second place in the MELTA Way with Words Competition As part of the 25th MELTA International Conference by the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) at Hotel Casuarina @ Meru, the MELTA Way with Words Competition was organised for the national school students within Malaysia last Wednesday 1st June, 2016. This was our first time joining with SM Tenby sending three teams of three students each to compete in the Lower Secondary category (Form 1 – Form 3). A similar contest was held for the upper primary school, and Tenby sent two primary school teams as well. There were three stages in the competition. For stage 1, each student had to spell the word given correctly. As for stage 2, it was a group effort where students had to ‘string’ words by coming up a word that started with the last letter of the previous word and then spell it correctly. Then, in the final stage, each student had to ‘string’ the word given, spell the word correctly and make a grammatically-sound sentence with the word. Points were awarded for all completed attempts within the time limit and were totalled up for a group score. Teams with the top three scores won first place, second place and third place respectively. Though a wide range of intermediate to advanced words like ‘apocalypse’ and ‘avaricious’ were thrown at them, most of our students were able to give the correct answers. Despite the strong competition from some of the other teams, one of our teams emerged as the second place winner with the hard work of the team members: Anis binti Zainuddin (Form 3), Erica Goh Kah Yen (Form 2) and Jorja Chow Hue-Xi (Form 1T). All in all, it was a challenging yet enlightening learning experience for all the students who attended. News from Tenby Early Years Centre Ipoh It was wonderful having the children back at school after the Mid-Term Break. We saw happy children having a great time in class. All classes started their new IPC themes as follows: Nursery “Up and Away”, Reception “Shopping” and Year 1 with “Hooray! Let’s Go On Holiday!”. Sneak – a – Peek Toddlers (Little Dolphins) Once upon a time there were three Billy goats, who went up the hillside to make themselves fat, and they were all had the same name, "Gruff." On the way up there was a bridge over a cascading stream. They had to cross over but under the bridge lived a great ugly troll, with eyes as big as saucers and a nose as long as a poker. Little Dolphins used hand puppets to role-play the story of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”. Toddlers (Little Penguins) Kneading dough is a great way to strengthen their fine motor skills. “This is the way we knead the flour all day long”. Franco and Wai Kit are busy forming the letter “c” using dough. Nursery - Little Tulips The children designed and made their own kite. We hope to have a nice weather to fly them. Nursery - Little Daffodils The parachute games encouraged co-operative, non-competitive play and encouraged turn taking and sharing among the children. It’s been a great day playing with the parachute. Reception - Little Einstein’s & Little Da Vinci’s Children usually don’t get the opportunity to buy things on their own so the IPC topic on “Shopping” gave the right opportunity for them to role-play shopping. Both Reception classes transformed their classes into different mini-marts. The children had a great time shopping for stationary and toys. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Let’s go shopping with the money we have. ! ! ! ! THE LITTLE BIG SHOTS OF 4 GREEN ! One of the most anticipated activities in Term 3, “Bringing to life the enormous, enraged and fierce tyrannical monster, Ms Trunchbull of Matilda“ . Year 4 Green students enjoyed reading and impersonating the characters in Matilda. 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We enjoyed joyed investigating the processes involved in the Water Cycle. ycle The water filtration process salt water and salt evaporation water evaporation investigations investigation were fun. were fun. – Neoh Sheng Ze- NUMERACY WEEK 1%!&%$%!+.'(!-/!:%!,'-27!=%*-/$7!(9$)*+!-2%!>9=%$'5?! 1%%@A!!#-!-2%!:%+)**)*+!&%!&%$%!%B-$%=%.?!*%$3/976! 7/=%2/&!&%!*%3%$!@*%&!-2'-!-%'52)*+!5/9.(!:%!7/! %B2).'$'-)*+A! ;C9$)6!D''E%72$)6!F'3'('$)*%%6!G'?(%*6!H2$)7-/42%$6!D'E%%3;! Year 5 IPC Exit Point: What Price Progress Have you ever wondered when some great discoveries like the telephone, internet, steam engines or flushing toilets were invented? The Year 5 students and parents had a fun-filled day of discovery through presentations and activities, sharing knowledge and finding out about past inventions and new technologies. We began by introducing some inventors of the past through role plays, a power point presentation, an interview and poems. Then, parents were put on the spot to solve a quiz! Collaborative group work between students and parents took place to design and create a product from a varied selection of junk materials. Lastly, we ended the session by proudly showcasing our own creations as a way to celebrate technology and invention that make a difference in peoples’ lives. A role play about Charles Darwin, a naturalist and geologist best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. A poem about James Watt.! ! An interview about James Watt. ! ! ! Parents’ quiz to match the correct inventions to the inventors. James Watt Parent-student collaborative work on invention. "#!$%!&'#(')*+!$,-.!&'/01!2'33!4'1!56)#+! 5(3!6#!$7!8(9(13+!$%$7!:0!4'1!96#0;! <0!4'1!=)0'3>?0!'#@!>##6?'3>?0+! :0!4'1!1/')3+! 50='(10!:0!A>B0@!5A(050))*!3')31;! <>1!9)'#@C'3:0)!103!(D!'!1=:66A!C6)!E'3:1+! 'AA!3:0!)66/1!40)0!C(AA!6C!)'31;! <0!4'1!9)0'3+!'#@! 0?0)*6#0!A>B0@!:>/+! 5(3!#6!6#0!B#04!:>1!:6(10!4'1!@>/;! E613!>/D6)3'#3A*+!&'/01!2'33!>#?0#30@!'#@!>/D)6?0@! 6#!3:0!130'/!0#9>#0+! 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Other activities we did included: shopping, visiting the war museum, visiting Penang hill, making DIY tambun biscuits and visiting the Penang time tunnel. Overall, the trip was a great success. I enjoyed myself very much and I speak on behalf of all of my classmates that the trip was a really good time for everyone. I believe that the teachers in charge also had a great time in Penang. By Lara, Year 9 Yellow My favourite was the visit to the war museum on the second day. Although we were swarmed by lots of flies and mosquitos it did not deter us at all. I enjoyed exploring the underground tunnels even though some of us were too afraid to venture into them. Our tour guide, En Johari was very knowledgeable and shared with us many interesting facts, so it became a very enjoyable and interesting discovery for many of us. In addition to an enjoyable trip, I also learned quite a lot. I would like to suggest that we have a few more school trips, maybe 1 or 2 more every year because they are so enjoyable! By Sean, Year 9 Green Swimming Update On Friday, 27th May, Tenby Schools Ipoh’s swimming team under 17 and under 15 boys participated in the 61st Swimming Competition SMK Methodist (ACS). They gave their best and both teams won 3rd place in their age group. Lastly, thank you to Mr Fareez our swimming coach, for giving us extra training and making us work hard! Team Under 15: Ryan Teh Mohamed Firdaus Daniel Teng Hui Yan Khishen Nantha Kumar Team Under 18: Rikitada Darren Loh Yuan Shin Lim Fang Hoong By Rikitada (Year 10Y)
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