January HEED - Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship


January HEED - Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
January 3rd
Newsletter of the Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Larry Vogelman:
DUUF Reflection Questions
January 10th
Lee Clasper-Torch, M.Div.:
"Practical Dreaming: From
Gandhi to King--the Power
of Nonviolence"
**Potluck after service**
January 17th
There will be a pot-luck following the Jan.
10th service. Bring an appetite and food to
The DUUF Book Group will be starting up
again during the last week in January. Jan
Roberts is in the process of identifying the
book and meeting day/time. Stay tuned for
more information!
Napolean Lherisson:
Social Justice
January 24th
Julie Farrell:
"GMOs: The Politics Behind
the Food We Eat"
January 31
Ken Kunhardt:
Socially Responsible Investing
DUUF Children’s Choir performing during December 20th service
This month marked the
inaugural event of a
new multi-church youth
group for middle and
high schoolers. The
kids (including a few
from the Fellowship)
enjoyed a holiday party
with music, games, and
a Yankee swap. More
events are planned for
We will be using the book, Bridging the God Gap by Roger
Christian Shriner beginning on 14 January 2016 and inviting
new members to join as we begin using this new resource
So, if you are interested in participating in our group, please
email me at Joycesh@msn.com and I will give you more info on
your first "assignment" as we agreed that it would be good to
have new members start by writing their own thisibelieve essay
to share at the first meeting on 14 January. We currently meet
on Thursday evenings from 7-9 PM @ DUUF.
I will be emailing the new assignment info next week to all
members, new and current.
Joyce Sheehan
From the Treasurer: Fellowship Expenses in Round Numbers
This year’s DUUF operating
budget anticipates expenses
of approximately $50,000.
Most of this, ~$37,000 supports the Fellowship House:
taxes, maintenance, insurance, utilities, cleaning, landscape, snow removal, etc. Denominational Affairs is the
next largest expense category
at ~$6,000. This amount includes dues to the UUA and
the Northern New England
UU District. The DUUF pays
dues to these organizations
based on our membership
count. Anticipated Program
costs, mostly honoraria for
our speakers, are ~$3000.
The remaining $4,000 is for
Social Action, Religious Exploration, Music, Socials
and Green Sanctuary.
The operating budget for
the fiscal year beginning in
July is established each
year in May at our Annual
Business Meeting. Refer to
the October issue of Heed
for the complementary
summary: Fellowship Income in Round Numbers.
Fellowship members can
find more details, history
and current status posted
on the MEMBERS PAGE of
our Web site:
uudurham.com. You will see
that we strive for balance in
our annual budgets while
remaining mindful of longterm needs. Participate!
Help keep this remarkable,
57-year, all volunteer liberal
religious experiment going
strong in Durham.
Yours, John Macri, Treasurer
Seacoast Family Promise to Get a
New Home!
Some good news occurred on December
23rd. The Superior Court judge reviewing the appeal by the abutters to the
home SFP wants to buy ruled that the
building met the requirements of a community service required by the zoning
code. The abutters had argued that SFP
would raise the risk of crime and drug
trafficking, among other things and did
not meet the community benefit standard. This means that SFP can close on
the house sale and begin renovating the
house to meet its specific needs. The
current day center at the Stratham Community Church has limited space and privacy for family and staff in its current
location. What a wonderful Christmas
present for the families and staff!
Betty Crepeau
Dec 20th Dedication Ceremony for River and Silas
Another wonderful Christmas Fair
Thanks to the work of many, many
hands, this year's Christmas Fair was
a great success. The cafe, with
homemade soups, breads, and cookies and the friendliest Durham waiters
brought in $330. Betty Nordgren's
woolens brought elegance to the
event and $320 to our coffers. Soups
To Go was the largest seller at $370,
and surely made many tummies warm
and happy that week. Sweet tooths
happily paid $150 to be satiated with
tasty jams, jellies, and baked goods. Swags and centerpieces earned us $280, and
the leftovers kept the Fellowship festive all month. White elephants brought in
$140, kids corner was $80, and books earned $90, helping us to clean out our
homes and delight purchasers with rare finds. (Would you believe someone was
happy to find a 3.5 inch floppy drive?!) The grand total was $1450, once expenses
were deducted. As has been done traditionally, the Fair committee will decide how
to spend the money earned. But, for me, the best part of all was spending time
with my friends from the Fellowship. Dawn Meredith, for the Fair Committee
DUUF - A Generous Community
Last Wednesday I delivered gas cards
worth $600 and $130 in checks to Pati
at Seacoast Family Promise. She was
thrilled with the donations and told me
that the donations from our Fellowship
exceeds those of far larger congregations. So, thank you for your generosity! Given the current price of gas, the
cards will cover many more miles than in
previous years!
Betty Crepeau
Upper left:
“Happy Birthday” to Emma
during the Fair
Lower right: Set
up for the Fair
2015-2016 DUUF Officers & Committees
Marjorie Wolfson
John Macri
Vice President
Joyce Sheehan
Rachel Legard
Program: Susan Bullivant (Chair), Larry Vogelman, Joyce Sheehan, Betty Crepeau,
Dorothy Oliver, Tom Schram, Carmen Buford-Paige
Religious Exploration: Jen Pavlik (Co-Chair), Brad Kinsey (Co-Chair)
House and Grounds:
House: Sarge Legard
Grounds: Nick Isaak & Eric Nordgren
Rentals and Cleaning: Karen Smith (Rentals), Edna O’Sullivan (Cleaning)
Social Action: Dawn Meredith (Chair), Betty Crepeau
Socials: Cindy Schram (Chair), Deb Johnson (Co-Chair), Joyce Sheffield,
Edna O’Sullivan, Bob Sheehan, Hilary Babon
Denominational Affairs: Michael O’Sullivan (Chair)
Bob Pavlik (Chair)
Caring Subcommittee:
Chris Rodgers, Michael O’Sullivan, Joyce Sheehan
Jim Nute (Chair), Thomas Pistole
Music Committee: Carmen Buford-Paige (Chair), Thomas Pistole
Green Sanctuary: Mike Fleming (Chair), Brett Gibson, Michael O’Sullivan
Webmaster: Brett Gibson
Our Mission Statement
The real test of our religion is the way we live our lives. The Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship affirms the
seven principles of Unitarian Universalism:
We seek to be a place in which each person's unique worth and beliefs are acknowledged and respected and
where each person's voice may be heard – a place in which each may freely explore his or her own spiritual path.
We join with others in reaching out to make the world more just, and commit ourselves to caring for the earth
and all that makes up the web of life.
We strive to be a source of inspiration, a forum for intellectual exchange, a wellspring of comfort to those in need
and a nurturing, supportive community for each other and our children.
Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
HEED is published by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durham, New Hampshire
20 Madbury Road Road ● Durham, New Hampshire 03824 ● www.uudurham.com

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