
Northern Hills
Hills Fellowship
Fellowship Unitarian
Unitarian Universalist
14 #11
2014 2014
November 2: Pagans and Pledging and a Potluck, Oh My! It’s all happening
Northern Hills Fellowship isas we celebrate with gratitude for the NHF community by making pledges of
a congregation of free peo-support for the coming year, as we observe Samhain and honor our ancestors,
and as we enjoy a tasty after-church potluck. Come in costume if you wish!
such, we
sity and welcome toofour ser-November 9: “Some Freethought Heroes, or a Tour of My Office Door.” Dr.
free all
Mark Fischer. Dr Fischer is Chair of the Department of Chemistry at Mt. St.
Joseph University. His topic sheds light on some of the legendary freethinkers
of race,
such, we celebrate
and scientists who are his personal heroes, great minds who have inspired his ofand
welcome to our
ty, disability,
orientafice door mosaic. Goodies and Gifts Galore sale following the service.
of race,
or faith.
ethnicity, disability, sexual
invite andorwelcome
November 16: Rev. Doug Slagle will preach on the topic “No-Stringsour membership hose in
We invite andwith
to our Attached Love.” At a time when hate, intolerance and fundamentalism seem to
our purposes
be on the rise, how can Universalism and no-strings-attached love help solve
membership those in
many of the world’s problems? Joint service with The Gathering, with music by
agreement with our
purposes and principles.
a combined choir. Goodies & Gifts Galore Sale and “Bridges” photo exhibit
following the service.
For current calendar
information, visit the
website and click on the
calendar link at the
bottom of the page.
November 23: Speaker Fazeel S. Khan, an attorney specializing in civil rights
law, has a passion for theology and comparative religious studies. Mr. Khan is an
active participant in various inter-faith programs in Central Ohio. His topic,
"Faith and Nation: Being an American Muslim” will cover the basics of the
Islamic faith and deal with the issues of being a practicing Muslim in America,
which many believe to be founded on principles inherently incompatible with
Islam. This will be a joint service with The Gathering.
November 30: “Talk About.” Joint service focusing on a discussion topic with
The Gathering
NHF Shares the Plate: Each week, NHF shares at least one-third of our Sunday morning offering proceeds
with a charitable organization. Valley Interfaith Food & Clothing Center, our neighbor in Lockland, is the
usual recipient of these funds. However, other organizations are sometimes designated on special Sundays,
based on the focus of that individual service.
Shared offering funds have been distributed recently by NHF to:
Valley Interfaith FCC, in the amount of $1,142 (cumulative donation)
Heifer International, in the amount of $118 (donation from the Blessing of the Animals service on May 25
led by our Coming of Age RE class)
Thank you for your past and future generosity!
Celebration Sunday, November 2
Pledge forms have been mailed; additional copies are
available on the table in the foyer between now and
November 2. If you cannot attend on November 2,
please return your pledge form before that date if possible. If you have questions about any part of the stewardship or pledging process, please contact Jennifer
Any time is a great time to visit NHF’s Facebook
page (type Northern Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in the FB search box), a continuing source of
news and well-chosen inspirational quotes. But the
October 18 link for Celebration Sunday is not to be
missed! While you’re there, be sure to “like” the NHF
page if you haven’t already, so new postings will appear on your own Facebook news feed.
November Birthdays
1 – Barb Kent
7 – Rachel Anderson
14 – Mary Lou Aufmann
16 – Seth Israel
19 – Devin Choudhury
27 – Penny Shore
30 – Leo Schmahl
As a new church year begins this fall, please consider joining the team of people
who “make Sunday morning happen” at NHF. Signing up to help as a service
leader, usher, or sound system operator is quick and easy on the signupgenius web
site. Visit http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c49acad2fa75-sunday and a member of the Worship Committee will contact you about any needed orientation or
Michael Tacy will be leading a joint choir of members
from NHF and the Gathering on Nov. 16, Dec. 14 and
Dec. 24. If you are interested in being part of the joint
choir, please contact Michael Tacy at
deaf4242@gmail.com. For each service, we meet at 10
am at NHF to rehearse.
A warm welcome to new NHF members
Andrea Chemero, Luke Germann, and Cheryl
Leksan! If you’re considering membership,
please contact MJ Pierson, who will be conducting a primer on Unitarian Universalism
following the service on November 23.
Valley Interfaith Needs Chicken Noodle Soup and Gravy - By December 7
Again this year, Valley Interfaith has asked NHF to provide 150 cans of chicken noodle soup (10-11
oz.) and 75 packets or jars/cans of turkey gravy for their Christmas baskets. Please put your donations in the
large basket under the wall phone in the RE hallway outside the Quimby Room by Sunday, December 7.
We’re also still collecting two-pocket, three-prong folders for VIFCC to distribute next school year (our goal
is 300). Thank you for your generosity!
Volunteers Also Needed by VIFCC: Weekly volunteers are requested for the following times:
Tuesday 10A-2P: Clothing & Sorter
Thursday 10A-2P: Clothing
Friday 10A-2P: Front Desk
Pantry: All Days
Financial: Wed. Evenings 5-7
Individuals are also needed to pick up food donations and deliver them to VIFCC. Days and hours vary. If
you are interested in helping, please email VIFCC at info@vifcc.org or call 821-3233 and ask for the volunteer coordinator.
VIFCC Manna List: These items are needed by VIFCC year-round--canned fruit and soup, peanut butter,
personal hygiene items (deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.), empty cottage cheese or yogurt containers
(which will be filled with laundry soap for clients), sheets for larger size beds, and men’s pants. All donated
items can be placed in the large basket outside the Quimby Room near the stairs.
Goodies and Gifts Galore, Sundays, November 9-16
The frost is on the pumpkin and the holidays are
just around the corner. If you’re getting anxious about
holiday gifts and decorating, don’t miss NHF’s Goodies and Gifts Galore Sale after Sunday service on November 9 and 16. Items handmade and homemade by
members and friends of the fellowship will be on sale
for a set price (no bidding) and can be purchased firstcome, first-served. This sale is cash/check-and-carry
only. Items cannot be held for later payment. Although
you don’t want to miss November 9 for the best selection, there will be some new items on November 16, so
plan to be at NHF then, too, for our joint service with
the Gathering.
In addition to holiday wreaths, table toppers and
runners, coasters, a stuffed Christmas tree, Santa pillows, a needlepoint angel tree topper, pysanky eggs,
earrings, a jewelry box, photographs (framed or matted), scarves, hats and shawls, items made from wood,
pies, cheesecake, spiced pecans, fudge, cookies, breads,
cranberry apricot raisin chutney, and other surprises, we
will also have NHF’s cookbook, Nourish, available for
purchase for only $9 each. Cookbook bonuses include
two special sections, one on kids’ kitchen crafts and one
on cooking and nutritional tips, plus Margie Wilson’s
recipe for elephant stew!
Movie Night at NHF
November 15 5:30-8:30 PM
Our friends from The Gathering will be invited
to join us to view the film Fed Up, followed by
a question and answer time facilitated by a
physician and a nutritionist. With its claim that
everything we’ve been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong. Fed
Up is a film the food industry doesn’t want you
to see and may change the way you eat forever. Please bring a healthy finger-food to share.
Prepare Affair, November 15
The Men of Northern Hills are sponsoring our
congregation’s participation in the People
Working Cooperatively annual Prepare Affair,
November 15 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. We
will be joined this year by CARV (Cincinnati
Area Peace Corps Returned Volunteers) as we
help low-income, elderly, and disabled homeowners prepare their homes for winter. Go to
https://forms.pwchomerepairs.org/prepare to
register – look for and select Crew Leader Richard Thornton's name in the crew leader dropdown menu of the registration page. PWC will
serve lunch to all volunteers after work is over.
Our Mission
The mission of Northern Hills Fellowship is
to create a religious community that
celebrates human diversity,
encourages spiritual growth,
fosters responsiveness to our world community
Make plans now to attend the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio (UUJO) 2014 Justice Assembly,
Saturday, November 8, at the First UU Church of Columbus. The opening plenary discussion will focus
on information about lobbying the Ohio General assembly. Issue group workshops promoting education,
service, media, public witness, and civil disobedience are also planned. Fliers are available on the table in
the foyer. For more information and to register, visit www.ohiomeadville.org/uujo. The assembly runs from
10:00 am to 4:00 pm; $25 registration includes lunch.
Harbinger Staff
Editor and Layout: Sue Woodruff
Distribution: Al Jerome, Dee Krueger and Emily Adams
Contact Information:
Church phone number: 513-931-6651
Email: northernhillsfellowship6824@gmail.com
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Policy (September 2008)
All items that appear in the Harbinger should be of general interest to the members and friends of NHF and be consistent
with NHF's mission, purposes, and policies.
Newsletter submissions should be as brief as possible, with a 500 word maximum. The editor has the right and responsibility to edit as needed to ensure conciseness and readability. The editor also has the right to delay publishing non-timecritical articles as available space may require.
The newsletter editor may refuse publication if a submission if is considered inappropriate.
The editor shall consult with the minister and the Trustee who holds the communications
portfolio for guidance in what shall be published.
Members of NHF shall have the choice to receive the Harbinger electronically or via paper mail. The newsletter shall be
posted on the NHF website. Do not submit names or contact information without the consent of other persons.
The Harbinger mailing list shall not be used for business purposes, for any type of mailings other than those specifically
relating to church events.