St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community
St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community
St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community Madison Heights, Michigan From The Pastor As I mentioned, or perhaps failed to mention, I am currently in the midst of my retreat at the Capuchin Retreat House in Washington Twp. I will return to the parish on Tuesday afternoon. Since my ordination over thirty years ago I have looked forward to this annual time of rest and prayer with the Lord. It has never failed to be a time of blessing and renewal. It is only by coincidence that the gospel today has Jesus calling the disciples to an out of the way place for rest and prayer. Last Sunday’s gospel had Jesus sending the disciples out on their first missionary experience. He had empowered them to deliver demons, heal the sick, and preach the coming of the Kingdom. Now on their return, the disciples excitedly report to Jesus all that had happened along the way and the power they had in his name. In the midst of this activity of ministry, Jesus calls the disciples to a deserted place to pray, share fellowship, and rest. Jesus himself has need for this time of respite. He has just learned about the beheading of John the Baptist. Jesus desires to step away and ponder the loss of this cousin and the meaning of so harsh an event. It is very evident that Jesus highly valued prayer as an essential part of his relationship with the Father and the new life they sought to bring to the world. So what happens on a retreat? What does one do and how do you know you are ‘doing it right’. First, there are several types of retreats. Some are silent when a person simply chooses to spend time alone in rest and prayer. Some retreats are directed. In this case, the retreatant spends several periods of the day in prayer, and then meets with a spiritual director for conversation. This is what I do. There are also preached retreats when a group listens to the reflections of a retreat leader. There are scheduled times for conferences, rest, personal prayer, Mass, etc. This is typical for the inner healing retreat I lead at Manresa twice a year. How can a retreat be helpful? What is supposed to happen on a retreat? Intentionally, it is a time of prayer, reflection, learning, or pondering one’s life before the Lord. Nothing is expected really, so you can’t get it wrong. It is simply the gift of freely and willingly choosing to spent time with God for whatever intention lies in the heart of the retreatant. In prayer, we tend to look for spiritual progress or tangible response from the Lord. What the Lord notices is the desire of our hearts in love for him. Like all of us, God loves to be loved, appreciated, thanked, and honored. Looking at the desire of our hearts the Lord aligns his desire with our own. What we desire is often the desire of the Lord for us. In other words, the one you want, wants you. A mature prayer life takes time. There will be many ups and downs, distractions, and seeming failures along the way. Yet, in any developing and deep relationship of trust and desire, not much goes to waste. Patience and persistence are necessary virtues for the long haul of a deeper relationship with God, or anyone else. I came across this image recently: things that are soft grow fast and are easy to smash, like a tomato, or garden squash. Things that are hard grow slowly and are hard to destroy, like an oak tree. Prayer is like that; slow and steady leads to strong and secure. Many resist the quiet of a retreat for fear of too much silence. This is a great and wide spread tragedy in our culture. The unconscious and mindless resistance to quiet rest is an active defense against the inner unrest we hold within. The constant noise and use of technology devices is a serious hindrance to an interior life and a capacity to know ourselves peacefully in the Lord. Times of quiet may cause us to feel the unwanted emotions or inner tensions we prefer to not feel. Yet, the silence we resist is the very solution we need to resolve such tension and find the wisdom and inner peace we seek. Quiet calm practiced regularly is a healing balm for the body and soul. The rest gained on a retreat is not the same as more sleep and time to slumber. Retreat rest is Sabbath rest; it is holy and active in its desire to be in the Lord. This rest teaches us to be at home to ourselves with the confidence of God’s presence. Such rest is an act of courage to surrender the activity of life and yield our dependence on the providence of God’s mercy. This kind of rest creates a conscious attention and capacity to live the life we intend with meaningful purpose rather than accepting life as is seems to just happen unaware. Living a self-aware life guided by faith and prayer will lead to an inner spirit of joy that creates a greater patience against the challenges we must face. This kind of prayer and inner rest is a corner stone of the Christian life and happy living. It is meant for all of us and not just for those who have the freedom to be on a retreat. Such prayer practices can and should be created at home in some form on a daily basis. Some days will be great, other days not so much. Some days will be missed and others will swell with grace. As we started, Jesus is not looking for successful production quotas, but the longing desire of your heart. Prayer is just loving God; trusting God with our needs, longings, sufferings, and contrition. God receives our love, honors our struggles, and responds to our petitions with a listening attentive heart. Sometimes this is no more than thirty seconds of grateful praise or a quick moment of intercession. Practice makes the heart strong and the Lord ever-present. Be still and enjoy the present moment. Father John Esper Page 2 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Mass Schedule Change ST VINCENT FERRER CHURCH WEEKEND MASSES A Communion Service will replace the 8:00am morning Mass this Monday and Tuesday, July 20th and 21st. Saturday - 4:00pm Sunday - 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:30pm (Vietnamese/Bilingual) WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday thru Thursday - Mass 8:00am Friday - 8:00am Communion Service - Chapel EUCHARISTIC ADORATION MONDAY, July 20, 2015 Tuesdays 8:45am-6:00pm - Chapel 8:00am Communion Service HEALING MASS Last Saturday of the Month - 4:00pm Sacramental Anointing follows Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Private Confession Saturday - 3:00-3:45pm BAPTISM - WEDDING - FUNERAL FUNERAL LUNCHEON Contact the Parish Office to make arrangements PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION ST VINCENT FERRER Parish Office 1087 E. Gardenia, Madison Heights, MI 48071 248-542-8720 Fax 248-542-8721 Website: Summer Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. - 9:00am-Noon & 1:00-4.30pm Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday Parish Staff Reverend John C. Esper, Pastor Rev. Mr. Andrew Fairbanks, Deacon Rev. Mr. Francis Xavier Chau Doan, Deacon Deborah Tourville, Business Mgr./Spiritual Direction Sheryl Brown, Parish Secretary/Bulletin Jim Balistreri, Music Director Mary Ann Przybysz, Adult Faith Formation/RCIA Kirsten Kyle, Christian Service & Evangelization Carl Copen, Facilities Supervisor Alex Mototolea, Eric Henderson, Maintenance Faith Formation Office SVF School Bldg. - Herbert St. entrance 248-398-1743 Faith Formation Office Hours Closed for summer Faith Formation Staff Betty Sheehan, Director of Religious Education Karen Roush, Administrative Assistant Samantha Nguyen, Vietnamese Instruction TUESDAY, July 21, 2015 8:00am Communion Service EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 8:45AM to 6:00PM WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2015 8:00am Mass: Frank Dubiel† (46th R.A.) req. by Tom & Dianne Karolski THURSDAY, July 23, 2015 8:00am Mass: George Kaulsky† req. by Dawn Woodrow FRIDAY, July 24, 2015 8:00am Communion Service SATURDAY, July 25, 2015 4:00pm Mass: Pete & Helen Malega† req. by Lorraine Sagan Virginia Kiely† req. by Regis & Marian Welsh SUNDAY, July 26, 2015 8:00am Mass: Parishioners of St. Vincent Ferrer 10:00am Mass: Louis Sticklinski† (57th R.A.) req. by Lucille Sticklinski Mae Stimac† req. by Marlene Stimac Edwin Sagan† req. by Family Richard A. Malotke† req. by Wife & Family 12:30pm Mass: Ancestors, All Souls and All Vietnamese Intentions NEXT SATURDAY JULY 25TH HEALING MASS 4:00PM Fr John will administer the Sacrament of the Sick after Mass. Prayer teams will be available for those desiring individual prayer. Page 3 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community and Sunday, September 13th Hopcroft Funeral Home has graciously donated gift baskets for two early bird drawings, for those who have sold their raffle tickets. The first drawing will be August 1st after the 4pm Mass. The prize for selling the winning raffle ticket has been replaced by a prize of $100 to the seller of the most tickets. You can drop off sold tickets to the raffle representatives at the table in back of church or mail them to the parish office. Looking Forward to our Parish Mission… WHO IS FR. JACK CONLEY? Time goes so swiftly that October 18-21 will be here before we know it! These are the dates of our parish mission with Fr. Jack Conley. And who is Fr. Jack Conley you may ask? For those who have been in the parish for more than a few years, you may recall that Fr. Jack has been here before, leading a mission. Fr. Jack was ordained a Passionist priest in 1976, and has served as Campus Minister at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY; as Retreat Director at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center in Detroit; as a pastor in 2 parishes. He has preached missions and retreats throughout the United States and Canada. In April of last year, he led a mission at St. Mary of the Hills in Rochester Hills, MI where people were most enthusiastic about his preaching. He now resides in Chicago. Let us continue to pray for the success of our mission, and especially for Fr. Jack as he prepares to minister to us through the mission. Tuesday, July 21, 2015 St Vincent de Paul 7:00pm - Church Sunday, July 26, 2015 RCIA Inquiry 11:30 - Modular Reflecting on God’s Word Often we are unable to identify the truth in our lives. Is our passion love or lust? Is our financial security greed or wise preparation? Is the raising of our children good discipline or carving them into our own image and likeness? Is our religiosity superstition or faithfulness to the tradition? Do our dreams nurture the Kingdom of God or the Tower of Babel? In other words, is it from God or is it from the Other Side? So we look about us, and because our neighbors’ lives seem little different from our own, we put into any selfhelp harbor that seems able to shelter us from aimless drifting. Most of us, I suspect, wonder if there is anyone who knows the deepest truths, whether they be about life or about our world or even about ourselves. So we find ourselves gathering about Jesus, though even then some may do so half-heartedly—at times trusting that he will have some sort of answer and at other times wondering if he indeed does, yet not knowing where else to go. And so we gather, like sheep around a shepherd, simply because every other voice has been heard and found wanting. —Rev. Joseph J. Juknialis . Copyright © 2014, World Library PublicaƟons. All rights reserved On Sunday, July 12, 2015 Fr. John Esper administered the Sacrament of Baptism to Dung Thuy Nguyen We welcome her into Christ’s family. May she grow strong in her faith by the example of her parents and godparents. May God bless our newly baptized and her family. Congratulations to the parents and godparents. Interested in learning about the Catholic faith ? R C I A I N QU I RY These informal sessions are facilitated by our Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, Mary Ann Przybysz. If you or someone you know might be interested in these informational sessions about our Church, please join Mary Ann in the school modular at 11:30 on Sunday mornings. Page 4 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church Christian Service Corner S .V T P U A L THE TIRELESS SHEPHERD How can our wounded world be healed? How can barriers be broken down, reconciliation begin and healing take place? This is certainly a question for this new century, but it is a question as old as the world. In today’s first reading, the prophet Jeremiah describes a torn and broken world. He looks to the leadership in the land and finds it lacking. He writes of shepherds who mislead and scatter. Such bad shepherds, then and now, might be political leaders. But they might also be leaders of families, of industry, of education, or of any human institution. Jeremiah foretold the coming of Jesus, “a righteous shoot to David” (Jeremiah 23:5). He foretold a shepherd who would gather the sheep, a king who would govern wisely. In today’s Gospel, Mark describes this shepherd king. He and his apostles were tired and had gone away to rest. But they were met by a crowd of people searching for his teaching. We are told that Jesus pitied them, seeing them as “sheep without a shepherd” (Mark 6:34). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company C A N “It is important to help couples acquire the human and spiritual maturity they need to assume responsibly their mission as Christian spouses and parents, and to remind them that their love is unique and indissoluble and that marriage contributes to the full realization of their human and Christian vocation.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan: Annulments “We encourage divorced persons who wish to marry in the Catholic Church to seek counsel about the options that exist to remedy their situation, including the suitability of a declaration of nullity when there is no longer any hope of reconciliation of the spouses. Such a declaration is a finding by a church tribunal, or court, that no valid marriage bond was formed because the requirements for valid consent were not met at the time of the wedding. If a declaration of nullity is granted, and there are no other restrictions, both parties are free to marry in the Catholic Church.” To read the document go to St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community Page 5 St Vincent Ferrer Faith Formation Reaching out to all to bring about God’s Kingdom A JOURNEY BEGINS No sooner had these priestly bearers of the ark waded into the waters at the edge of the Jordan, which overflows al its banks during the season of the harvest, than waters flowing from upstream halted… Jos 3:15-16 Over the past several months, I have imagined myself in the shoes of the bearers of the ark. They stood at the edge of an overflowing river and had to wonder how they would ever be able to cross it. They had to take a step forward in faith for the miracle to occur. In joining the community of St. Vincent Ferrer, I feel as though I am taking a step forward in my own faith journey and believing for blessings. Although I have met only a few members of this community, I am certain that I am where God wants me. My name is Karen Roush and I will be the new assistant in the religious education office working under Betty Sheehan. I have known Betty for the past 7 years and am looking forward to working with her here at St. Vincent Ferrer. She is an amazing person. To give you a little bit of my background, I graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a BBA and a major in accounting. I began my own accounting and financial practice about 24 years ago. I am a member of Christ, Our Light in Troy. I came into the faith through the RCIA program in 1992. Since that time, I have taught religious education. I spent 17 years teaching 2nd grade and three teaching 8th. During this past summer, I completed the first part of the training for certification as a DRE and will intern under Betty for the next year. I so appreciate this opportunity to grow and I can hardly wait to meet all of you. I will be in the religious education office on Mondays and Thursdays starting in August so please stop by and introduce yourselves. Karen Rousch Seminary Day for Altar Boys Will your son attend the 3rd Annual Seminary Day for Altar Boys? This day is organized to help our young men who serve at the Altar of the Lord in the Archdiocese of Detroit, to gain a better understanding of the priesthood. Last year, the Seminary Day for Altar Boys saw 100 young men spend the day at the seminary with Archbishop Vigneron, priests and seminarians. It will be fun, inspiring and spiritually enriching. The Seminary Day for Altar Boys (completed 7th grade- H.S. Senior), sponsored by the Office of Priestly Vocations, is scheduled for Friday, August 14, from 9:30am -3pm at SHMS, Detroit. To r egister and for mor e infor mation: Page 6 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE July 25/26, 2015 MASS TIME SACRISTAN/ SERVER READERS ALCOLYTES EME Saturday Mass 4:00pm L Proszkowski D Tye T Riley C Morisette P Morisette A Morisette F Haranczak P Allen D Bail K Boguslawski M Hochstetler P King LR Proszkowski Deacon Xavier Sunday Mass 8:00am T Karolski C McCarthy J Turchin D Vu K Vu C McCarthy K Kyle T Primeau Volunteer Sunday Mass 10:00am P Halkey J Szeliga P Miles M Johnston M Gray S Eggert G Flack J Giszczak A Goll B Gutowski D Gray J Kosnak C Maltese J Newell Sunday Mass 12:30pm Vu Rang Phuong Nguyen Sang Nguyen Q Nguyen T Nguyen T Nguyen T Nguyen R Orloski C Szwarc Deacon Andy Traveling Chalice Host July 26, 2015 Jucilsa de Guzman 10am Mass READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF July 20, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 DONATIONS NEEDED The Knights of Columbus will be holding a garage sale in August. We are asking for donations of items for that sale. Please call Jim Morrison at 248-585-2324 for pick-up. Thank you. Lord Jesus, You are the Divine Physician and Healer. To You, we lift up in prayer those who are lonely, homeless, sick or addicted; those who are unemployed or underemployed; those who are anxious or depressed and all who are suffering in any way spiritually, physically or emotionally. In their pain and brokenness, we ask that you bring them the comfort of your loving presence. In You, may they find strength for the day and hope for the journey. Amen FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Offertory Env. Distributed & e-fund participants July 11/12 905 316 Offertory Env. Used & e-fund participants Total Amount in Offertory Env. & e-funds rec’d $ 8,723.00 914.51 Loose Cash /Check Collection Offertory Collection Total $ 9,637.51 Budgeted Amount for Offertory $ 9,538.05 Energy $ 307.00 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community THE GIFT OF TIME Many families in our community are struggling to take care of a loved one at home. For these full-time caregivers, a break to run errands, go to their own doctor appointments, or just relax for an hour is often impossible because their parent or spouse cannot be left alone. If you have a few hours, once or twice a month, to just sit with an older or disabled adult, your gift of time will make a huge difference for these families. No hands-on care or nursing experience is needed. For more information, call the Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers at 586-757-5551. Page 7 St. Justin-St. Mary Magdalen Parish St. Vincent de Paul 50 E. Annabelle, Hazel Park, MI. 48220 Thank You - Thank You Parishioners of St. Vincent Ferrer We would like to extend our thanks for all the food so graciously given to us for our Food Pantry. As you know times are still tough for many people. They depend on us to help them. We helped hundreds of people so far this year and we are only going into July. Your support is greatly appreciated. Again THANK YOU! St. Justin-St. Mary Magdalen St. Vincent de Paul FILL THOSE LAZY SUMMER DAYS COME VISIT WITH JESUS During the summer months, many people make time to get away from the routines of life. Maybe its also time to start something new. Our Lord Jesus Christ waits anxiously to visit with us in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He’s there to hear concerns and worries, accept praise and thanksgiving and even listen to complaints. His utmost desire is to love and be loved by each and every person. Why not stop by on Tuesdays and visit with Jesus? The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration from 8:45am to 6:00pm in the SVF chapel. CSA Minute Religious Education Children throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit are having fun this summer while growing spiritually at vacation Bible schools. , Throughout the archdiocesan Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools, your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support the work of catechists, who plan vacation Bible schools in their parishes. These faith-filled weeks help children learn about Jesus in a relaxing and fun way. These dedicated catechists also teach our faith in parishes and Catholic schools. Their mission includes helping others to reflect on their Catholic faith and understand its purpose in today’s world. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs and services, please go to www.AOD/org In her blog, Ruth Baker identifies 10 Surprising Things That Happen When You Go To Adoration More Often 1) You develop a sense of awe and wonder 2) You experience peace in other areas of your life 3) You begin to look outwardly 4) You get bored or distracted sometimes 5) You become excited about going to Adoration 6) Grace enters your life 7) You realize how fortunate you are 8) You realize the God has a sense of humor 9) You want to go to Confession more 10) You fall in love. To read the entire blog visit: Jesus is waiting for you! Attorney Brian C. Hartwell 201 W. 13 Mile, Madison Hts Wills, Trusts, Deeds Probate, Criminal Sullivan’s Fleet Service AUTO TRUCK AND BUS REPAIRS (248) 217-8732 DOWNEY’S PLUMBING All Types of Plumbing Repairs Sewers Cleaned Electrically - 24 Hour Service 10% Senior Disc./VISA/MC Accepted — (586) 775-2441 — Licensed Master Plumber 248-545-6756 Pre-Planning Available CHUCK HAMILTON, JR. MANAGER MICHIGAN Grosse Pointe Woods 20273 Mack Ave. • (313) 884-4144 Southfield 19355 W. Ten Mile • (248) 357-3399 Birmingham 33703 Woodward • (248) 642-5775 23900 John R. Hazel Park, MI 48030 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise Over 66 years at this location starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person EDWARD SWANSON AND PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE SON FUNERAL HOME PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 GERALD’S FLORIST 248.398.2322 Mary Zalewski, Owner 29131 Dequindre Madison Heights North of 12 Mile Road Dequindre Rd. • 1 blk. S. of 13 Mi an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA “We Care” ........... 248-543-2929 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 919 S. MAIN ROYAL OAK, MI (248) 542-7850 30647 Dequindre Rd. Madison Hts., MI 48071 248-544-2606 Parishioner email: OPEN YEAR ROUND A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 248.320.0811 HOPCROFT Complete Auto Service Certified Mechanic On Duty Mon-Sat 5477 12 Mile Rd. • Warren (Just West of Mound) 586-751-0580 Dunn Counsel PLC 900 Wilshire Drive FUNERAL HOMES, INC. Troy, MI 48084 Ste. 110 MADISON HEIGHTS 31145 John R. (248) 643-8130 (248) 585-7770 547-4064 Tax, Trusts & Estates Law David A. Hopcroft, Owner David Fecteau, Manager 429 N. Main Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 HAZEL PARK 23919 John R. (248) 543-6687 Complete Auto & Truck Specialist (248) 548-5490 DAVE ZIMMERMAN Proud to be Family Owned & Operated 28152 John R. • Madison Hts., MI 48071 Serving the Community for over 60 years. Julie Jones 1-248-515-3340/call or text *Shop *Host * Join Thirty-One Gifts *Celebrate *Encourage *Reward A Reputation HANSEN’S AUTO CENTER 8210 W. 9 Mile Rd. Built Oak Park, MI on Trust 661 E. Eight Mile Rd., Ferndale QUALITY AUTO REPAIR Ask for Dave Jim Hansen 248.542.8266 398-1334 • 398-0408 MONUMENT CENTER INC. 938750 St Vincent Ferrer Church RON’S AUTO CARE *First Three Months Arthur Hopcroft, Founder (1924-2006) Edw. C. Swanson Dennis C. Swanson $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made PREFERRED BOOKKEEPING & TAX LEANNE CARLSON SMITS (248) 588-5120 B & B COLLISION CORP. HOURS M-F: 7 AM-5:30 PM SAT: 9AM-12 NOON ALL ABOUT PLUMBING $20.00 OFF any plumbing work ........... WILL WEAVER, R EALTOR 248.983.9665 248.398.0100 WILL . WEAVER @ CENTURY 21. 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