St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community
St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community
St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community Madison Heights, Michigan From The Pastor At long last we have confirmation of the sale of the St. Dennis property. As has been published, Kroger’s will be the anchor store on the property. They have intentions to begin construction as soon as September. The Archdiocese has received on behalf of our parish a wire deposit of $5.1 million dollars. This represents the lion’s share of the sale with an additional $516 thousand dollars due in the next six months for the remaining parcels of the property. From this amount 6% will be paid to the Realtor’s, and one tenth of one percent will be paid to Rome. Congratulations to all! These funds will be used for enrichment of the parish in the present and will serve our legacy needs in the longer term. As you might expect there are many aspects to this kind of financial enrichment and wise prudence will be necessary by both the Finance Commission and the parish at large. In light of the closing and sale of numerous parishes, the Archdiocese has created a policy for ‘approved use of funds’ gained in the sale of such property. We have an initial proposal for the use of these funds for our parish and for various outreach programs, and charitable works. One primary use of these funds will be for the construction of our new administration building. The process for the approval of our use of these funds is still pending. I hope in the next month or so this process will be completed. At that time I will be pleased to share with you more details of this proposed use of funds. Until approval of our proposal these funds are not available to us. Once again we are at a cross roads and a call to faith. This income is a great blessing for the parish, however we must still show consistent evidence that we can sustain the parish through our regular collections. The parish must remain a viable faith community through its financial support for the basic and essential function of our mission to serve and promote the gospel. Stated more directly, this blessing of income does not mean we can backslide in our offertory collections. Our mindset should be one of faith with gratitude for God’s goodness. With that gratitude, in our love and commitment to Christ, our continued personal sacrifice on behalf of the gospel confirms our sincerity to be faithful to what we profess. Have no doubt, this is a tremendous blessing. Still, our commitment to sustain our parish life and mission rests on the shoulders of our faith and generous response to be a viable and mature community in the Lord. On another topic, we have for many months been in conversation with the Charter School regarding their interest to expand. They need and want more space. They have been looking for a new site, and have only remained with us because another viable site was not available for their use. That being said, the Finance Commission has approved a plan for the Charter school to locate a six-thousand square foot modular\gathering space on the property. With this addition we have agreed to an additional five years to the current lease. That extends the lease to 2024. The down side is the presence of additional modulars. The Commission felt it was a reasonable concession given the additional income and the longer lease. I hate to give up the space, but in the long run, I am pleased that all parties will be well served. Lastly, with final approvals pending, we intend to start construction on our new building on August 17th. I am confident this will be the case, but please say a prayer there are no further delays. I am pleased that the cost of construction is under $1.5m. With contingency costs, fixtures, and equipment the project is expected to come in below $1.75m. This figure represents much discussion and cost saving efforts in the planning. With this plan, I welcome and invite you to a brief prayer and ground breaking ceremony this weekend after the 10am Mass on the building site. Please join us and add your prayer and blessing to the ground and the parish life generated by this project. All of this business and administration is only for the sake of serving and strengthening our life in Christ. We are Jesus people and He is our Bread of Life. Without the Lord Jesus and the redemption into eternal life he promises, we lose our meaning and our purpose. Spend some time this week considering your faith and how you are feeding your spiritual journey. Consider your love for God through a personal relationship with Jesus. What does Jesus mean to you in a daily way? How do you perceive Jesus present to you? In faith, consider your love for yourself. Is it consistent with the love of God we profess? Ponder your love for others and how you express God’s love through your personal love for others. Check your prayer life. Is it fruitful and effective in strengthening your faith with joy and grace? Does it motivate you to love and serve to others? Are you growing in virtues like love, joy, peace, patience, generosity, forgiveness, and mercy? Do you value your life with gratitude as a gift from God in the promise of eternal life? Eternal life is God’s life for you here and now in the Spirit, and forever in the Kingdom of heaven. Enjoy your precious life. Give thanks and praise to God. The next two weekends I will be on vacation, returning for the healing Mass on August 29th. Fr. John Esper Page 2 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Assumption of Mary ST VINCENT FERRER CHURCH WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, August 15th Saturday - 4:00pm Sunday - 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:30pm (Vietnamese/Bilingual) The Holy Day obligation is suspended in the USA for 2015. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday thru Thursday - Mass 8:00am Friday - 8:00am Communion Service - Chapel EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “The mightiest helper of the Christian people, and the most merciful, is the Virgin Mother of God. How fitting it is to accord her honor ever increasing in splendor.” Pope Leo XIII Tuesdays 8:45am-6:00pm - Chapel HEALING MASS Last Saturday of the Month - 4:00pm Sacramental Anointing follows Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Private Confession Saturday - 3:00-3:45pm BAPTISM - WEDDING - FUNERAL FUNERAL LUNCHEON Contact the Parish Office to make arrangements PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION ST VINCENT FERRER Parish Office 1087 E. Gardenia, Madison Heights, MI 48071 248-542-8720 Fax 248-542-8721 Website: Summer Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. - 9:00am-Noon & 1:00-4.30pm Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday Parish Staff Reverend John C. Esper, Pastor Rev. Mr. Andrew Fairbanks, Deacon Rev. Mr. Francis Xavier Chau Doan, Deacon Deborah Tourville, Business Mgr./Spiritual Direction Sheryl Brown, Parish Secretary/Bulletin Jim Balistreri, Music Director Mary Ann Przybysz, Adult Faith Formation/RCIA Kirsten Kyle, Christian Service & Evangelization Carl Copen, Facilities Supervisor Alex Mototolea, Eric Henderson, Maintenance Faith Formation Office SVF School Bldg. - Herbert St. entrance 248-398-1743 Faith Formation Office Hours Closed for summer Faith Formation Staff Betty Sheehan, Director of Religious Education Karen Roush, Administrative Assistant Samantha Nguyen, Vietnamese Instruction MONDAY, August 10, 2015 8:00am Mass: Parishioners of St. Vincent Ferrer TUESDAY, August 11, 2015 8:00am Mass: Parishioners of St. Vincent Ferrer EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 8:45AM to 6:00PM WEDNESDAY, August 12, 2015 8:00am Mass: Intentions of Lance Jarrah THURSDAY, August 13, 2015 8:00am Mass: Parishioners of St. Vincent Ferrer FRIDAY, August 14, 2015 8:00am Communion Service SATURDAY, August 15, 2015 4:00pm Mass: Nick Szczerba† req. by Nick & Mary Szczerba Paul & Katherine Bilovus† req. by Tony & Jeanette Dombrowski Joseph & Dolores Robichaud† req. by Cynthia Mickey Nick Mickey† req. by Cynthia Mickey SUNDAY, August 16, 2015 8:00am Mass: Jerome Esper† req. by Family Stella Ploskonka† req. by Cathy & Corrine McCarthy 10:00am Mass: Edwin Sagan† req. by Family Patricia Scheid† req. by Mary Ellen Ruiz Al Ruiz† req. by Mary Ellen Ruiz Ben Guc† req. by Ernie Scheid Joseph Abraham Haddad Karem, Sr.† req. by Edna Trabucci Rick Sommes† req. by Virginia Dombrowski Philipp Andary† (1st R.A.) req. by Wife, Bernadette & Family Frank Spezia† req. by Bernadette Andary & Family Mike Kovala† req. by Wife, Clarice 12:30pm Mass: Ancestors, All Souls and All Vietnamese Intentions Page 3 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community Next weekend, we will be visited by Fr. Domingo Avellaneda Cabanillas, a missionary from the Institute of the Incarnate Word. His biography… My name is Domingo Avellaneda Cabanillas, born in Argentina on August 26th, 1977 in Salta city in northern Argentina. At 18, I entered religious life at the Institute of the Incarnate Word. On August 29th, 2003 I was ordained a priest, and on January 8, 2004, I started the mission in Lithuania in a village called Pumpenai, at the northern side of that country amounting to 800 inhabitants. Pumpenai, is a small town in which not all households have running water or natural gas. A few have bathrooms inside the house, others have just a pit (latrine) outside the house. Our main mission is to strengthen their faith which is so weak after so many years of communism. Without disregarding the elderly, we are mainly focusing our pastoral work on the children and the youth, who are the future of the country and the Church in Lithuania. I am the parish priest of two parishes, Kriklinai and Pumpenai. In both parishes every first Friday of the month I visit the sick and elderly in their homes providing the sacraments, especially confession and holy communion. In winter with streets full of snow and minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the average temperature, often, this turns out to be an adventure, especially when we bring 47 holy communions to our older parishioners. Further I am the chaplain of the only women's prison in this tiny country of Lithuania, and I work as well as a professor of religion at four public schools. In 2009 our Order started and founded a minor seminary where young teenagers discern their eventual vocational concerns about religious life. One of the largest projects undertaken by us lately is that we are trying and working to build a parish church at the main city within our bishopric of Panevezys. It seems to us that our Lord has helped this project, and showed us His approval thereof, by making it possible that we received in donation of a vast area in a new and residential neighborhood with space for a church and rectory. After getting all the permissions and drawings approved we are setting out to begin the actual building by digging the foundations. A main difficulty among the many and the poor general condition is the low temperatures which often reach -22 degrees Fahrenheit making the missioning sometimes quite hard. Our parish church building hasn’t any heating system, and therefore we celebrate the holy Mass under such cold conditions. This means that some months we have, for instance, just frozen holy water to make the sign of the Cross as people enter the Church for the service. A second collection will be taken next weekend for the mission. Envelopes are available at the church entrances. Please make checks payable to St. Vincent Ferrer Church. For accurate recording, please put name or parish envelope number on the mission envelope. Parish Picnic September 13, 2015 The Parish picnic and raffle is just a little more than 1 month away. On Saturday, August 1st, we had our first “Early Bird” drawing for those sellers who returned their sold ticket stubs. Mr. Thuy Nguyen won the basket donated by Hopcroft Funeral Home. On Sunday, September 6th there will be another drawing for a basket donated by Hopcroft Funeral Home. Just a reminder that this year there is a $100.00 prize for the seller of the most tickets. As of this date the most tickets sold by anyone is 24 and there is a 6 way tie. In order to be eligible for the $100.00 prize, the sold ticket stubs and money must be turned in by Tuesday, September 8th To date, we sold about 5,000.00 worth of tickets which is AWESOME! We would like to sell $10,000.00 worth of tickets. Any and all help is greatly appreciated The people of St. Vincent Ferrer are tremendously generous and supportive which makes our job so much easier. Thank you and God Bless You THE RAFFLE TICKET COMMITTEE. Christian Service Corner S P W Sign up next weekend to prayer walk with us in Royal Oak on Sunday, August 30th after the 10am Mass. Come and have your questions answered on what prayer walking is and how you can use it as a way to pray and to bless those around you. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Lawrence St. Clare St. Jane Frances de Chantal Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus St. Maximilian Kolbe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary There’s no pillow so soft as a clear conscience. —French proverb Page 4 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church GOD’S WORD TODAY “This is enough, O Lord!” How often has even the “Through an initial and continuing formation, may you enable Christian families to perceive the greatness and importance of their vocation, calling them ceaselessly to revive their communion through daily fidelity to the promise of the mutual, unique and exclusive gift that marriage entails.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan: Faith, Hope and Love “ As the church is a community of faith, hope, and love, so the Christian family, as the domestic church, is called to be a community of faith, hope, and love. Through this faith, hope and love, Jesus, by the power of his Holy Spirit, abides within each Christian family, as he does within the whole Church, and pours out the love of his Father within it.” To read the document go to http:// Friendship is like a bank account. You can’t continue to draw on it without making deposits. —Anonymous CSA Minute Sacred Heart Major Seminary/Institute for Ministry Many students are able to register for classes at Sacred Heart Major Seminary this month, thanks to Parish Empowerment Fund scholarships funded by gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal. Sacred Heart Major Seminary offers opportunities for faith development and leadership preparation, and grounding in Catholic tradition, for men seeking ordination in the priesthood and to the permanent diaconate, as well as for lay women and men seeking to be “new evangelists for the new millennium” through degree and certificate programs. Through discernment and theological reflection, the Institute for Ministry guides and challenges commuter students to deepen their commitment to spiritual growth, attend to their call, and identify their gifts for service in the Church. For more information about Sacred Heart Major Seminary or the Institute for Ministry, please go to www.shms,edu. For more information on CSA funded programs, ministries and services visit: most dedicated believer echoed Elijah’s cry of despair, heard in today’s first reading? Elijah was frustrated and exhausted because the people refused to heed his prophetic words. We are all aware of friends or relatives who seem to have more than their share of misfortune. Perhaps we may be experiencing severe hardships as we come to Mass today. If this is the case, then we are in the right place. It is here that we, like Elijah, can find food that will sustain us, even when all life seems to offer us is frustration and misfortune. Jesus promises us today that he is the living bread. Let us be strengthened by the living bread that is God’s word. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company A Home for the Wounded Heart Jesus set a high standard for chastity, asking his followers to live differently from the rest of the world. Jesus taught things about sexuality and marriage which we may find difficult to accept and live, both in ancient times and today. But Jesus asked us to live sacrificially for good reason. Jesus tells us the truth about how to love, and so if we respect marriage vows, practice self-control, and treat each other chastely, communion and freedom of spirit will dawn in our hearts and in our communities. Of course, we all stumble and sin, hurting ourselves and others in the process. Sin causes profound pain in family life. That is why Pope Francis once famously likened the Church to "a field hospital after battle." Pope Benedict called each parish a "family of families." In our ordinary parish life, each of us fulfills our mission when we bear one another's burdens and help each other heal the wounds. No one should be lonely or forgotten in a parish. The Church is a family of those who have encountered Jesus, who confess that he is Lord, who desire his grace to shape their lives, and so help each other respond to him. Jesus's way enables patience, forgiveness, and trust, so that we can convert and renew our hearts in ways that would otherwise seem impossible. Whatever controversies might arise in our culture, whatever others might do or fail to do, Jesus and his Sacraments are always with us, and love is always our mission. Used with permission-Office for the New Evangelization, Archdiocese of Philadelphia For more on World meeting of Families event visit: Page 5 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community St Vincent Ferrer Faith Formation Reaching out to all to bring about God’s Kingdom Sheehan’s Sharing’s He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said. ”Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” Mt 18:2-5 Have you ever watched a young child as it is learning to walk? Their persistence is amazing. No matter how many times they try and fail, they pick themselves back up and try again. They don’t care how many times it takes or who sees them fall, they just keep trying. We can learn a great deal from watching the youngsters around us. Jesus had a very special love for children and their innocence. He understood that little ones see the world through a lens of purity and clarity. They simply want to love and be loved in return. In just a few short weeks, we will begin a new year of faith formation for our children here at St. Vincent Ferrer. Students will join with their friends to learn and grow in their relationship with God and their church. It is an incredible thing to witness. Our program offers numerous opportunities for parents and adults to participate and work with the children. We always need teachers, substitutes, hall monitors and extra hands for special events. Anyone who has ever worked in religious education comes away with a new, simpler perspective of their faith. If you are interested in lending a hand or learning more about volunteer opportunities, please contact Betty, Karen, or Samantha in the religious education office. You can stop by during office hours or call us at 248- 398-1743. We would love the chance to speak with and get to know you. Registration for the 2015-2016 school year has begun. If you did not receive a packet in the mail, or are new to our program, they are now available. FAITH FORMATION OFFICE SVF School Building Entrance off Herbert St. Parking Lot 248-398-1743 Director of Religious Education Betty Sheehan Administrative Assistant Karen Roush Vietnamese Instruction Samantha Nguyen Adult Formation/RCIA Coordinator Mary Ann Przybysz OFFICE HOURS Monday Tuesday Thursday By appointment 9am to 4pm 9am to 3pm 9am to 3pm at 586-260-4250 STUDENT CLASS TIMES Mondays 6:30pm-8pm beginning September 21, 2015 Sundays 10:45am-12:15pm September 27, 2015 RCIA Sundays 11:30am beginning September 13, 2015 R C I A I N QU I RY AInterested in learning about the Catholic faith ? These informal sessions are facilitated by our Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, Mary Ann Przybysz. If you or someone you know might be interested in these informational sessions about our Church, please join Mary Ann in the school modular at 11:30 on Sunday mornings. Formal instruction for adults in the Catholic faith (RCIA) will begin Sunday, September 13th. Page 6 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE August 16/17, 2015 MASS TIME SACRISTAN/ SERVER READERS ALCOLYTES EME Saturday Mass 4:00pm T Riley P Allen M Simmons C Morisette P Morisette A Morisette K Boguslawski C Boguth M Boguth S Esslinger E Galczynski M Kairis P King Sunday Mass 8:00am T Karolski R Grant C McCarthy M McLaughlin S Bosetti J Kosnak G Flack J Giszczak A Goll S Gordon D Evans M Evans J Newell R Orloski G Palazzola B Turchin J Turchin Sunday Mass 10:00am C Vu S Gordon P Turchin A Turchin M Gray S Eggert S Gregory Sunday Mass 12:30pm Ryan Vu Huong Van Vinh Nguyen Quy N. Chien M. L Schwab-Guest L Tejada Deacon Andy Thuy H. Thuc N. Traveling Chalice Host August 15/16, 2015 Host Family Needed— Please contact office READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF August 10, 2015 Monday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:2426 Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wednesday:Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17; Mt 18:15-20 Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6; Mt 18:21 — 19:1 Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6 -7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27- 8 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:3956 Sunday: Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 2015 Appeal Our pledges and contributions to date are $58,636.00. Thank you for your generosity to this annual campaign. Lord Jesus, You are the Divine Physician and Healer. To You, we lift up in prayer those who are lonely, homeless, sick or addicted; those who are unemployed or underemployed; those who are anxious or depressed and all who are suffering in any way spiritually, physically or emotionally. In their pain and brokenness, we ask that you bring them the comfort of your loving presence. In You, may they find strength for the day and hope for the journey. Amen FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Offertory Env. Distributed & e-fund participants July 25/26 900 282 Offertory Env. Used & e-fund participants Total Amount in Offertory Env. & e-funds rec’d $ 8,200.50 617.00 Loose Cash /Check Collection Offertory Collection Total $ 8,817.50 Budgeted Amount for Offertory $ 9,538.05 Energy $ 606.00 Page 7 St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Community R O F Thousands of older and disabled adults in our community struggle daily to get by. For these individuals a little extra help can make it possible for them to remain safe and independent in their own homes. The Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers program matches volunteers with frail, homebound and isolated neighbors who need assistance. If you have just a couple hours a month that you can give to someone in need, you can make a huge difference in the life of a struggling neighbor. You tell us what days, times and areas are convenient for you, and how you would like to serve. You can be matched with the same person for regular visits, or just be on a list for occasional rides and chores. Volunteers are needed to help with: -Transportation for appointments and essential errands; -Simple chores, yard work or home repairs; -Help with housekeeping or meal preparation; -Friendly visits or supportive phone calls, -Respite breaks for full-time family caregivers, -And other support that can help a frail, older or disabled neighbor. We also need volunteers who can provide support in our office, assist with special events, or serve on our Board and its various committees. Call JoAnn at 586-757-5551 for more info. Learn more about our work at © J.S. Paluch Company Attorney Brian C. Hartwell 201 W. 13 Mile, Madison Hts Wills, Trusts, Deeds Probate, Criminal (248) 217-8732 Sullivan’s Fleet Service AUTO TRUCK AND BUS REPAIRS MICHIGAN Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 GERALD’S FLORIST 248.398.2322 Mary Zalewski, Owner 29131 Dequindre Madison Heights North of 12 Mile Road EDWARD SWANSON AND SON FUNERAL HOME (248) 588-5120 Edw. C. Swanson Dennis C. Swanson RON’S AUTO CARE “We Care” Complete Auto Service Certified Mechanic On Duty Mon-Sat 5477 12 Mile Rd. • Warren (Just West of Mound) 248-543-2929 586-751-0580 ROYAL OAK, MI (248) 542-7850 30647 Dequindre Rd. Madison Hts., MI 48071 248-544-2606 Parishioner email: OPEN YEAR ROUND WHY IS IT Dunn Counsel PLC A man wakes up after sleeping 900 Wilshire Drive Troy, MI 48084 Ste. 110 under an ADVERTISED blanket A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 248.320.0811 on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes HOPCROFT David A. Hopcroft, Owner David Fecteau, Manager 547-4064 429 N. Main Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 MONUMENT CENTER INC. 661 E. 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