OPEN - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church


OPEN - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist
Catholic Church
September 11,2016
Established October 4, 1960
5751 Locust Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608-1320
Parish Office……………..483-8454
Office Fax…………………481-8326
Religious Education…. ….483-4628
Youth Ministry …….483-8454 x 254
Parish website:
Parish email:
Rel. Ed:
School website:
School email:
Fr. Bernardin Mugabo………………………………………....Pastor
Fr. Godwin Xavier…………………………………...Parochial Vicar
Fr. Thomas A. Bland…………………………….....Pastor Emeritus
Fr. Alban C. Uba, SMMM .......................................... In Residence
Mr. Lawrence Niekamp ..................................................... Deacon
Valarie Spangenberg............................................ School Principal
Sr. Hannah M. O’Donoghue, RSM . Coord. of Religious Education
Mrs. Roseann Garthwait…………….Director of Music and Liturgy
Mr. Jack Wilson…………… Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council
RECONCILIATION - Tr ue r econciliation is
emotional, dramatic, and cleansing. When two
people meet heart to heart and work through old
hurts, misunderstandings, and careless words,
cleansing tears often flow and the encounter ends
with an embrace that fills both with the warmth
of a love too strong to fade.
Mass Schedule
The readings this weekend assure us of this
Mass of Sunday:
healthy release that comes with reconciliation.
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
They give us the courage to reach out to someone
Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon
with whom we need to reconcile ourselves, and
Daily: 6:30 & 8:30 AM (M-F); 8:30 AM (Sat)
give us the courage to ask for forgiveness from
Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM
God, too.
Eucharistic Adoration: Wed & Fri 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
In the reading from Exodus, we see how God
again and again to give up on the IsraelConfessions: Fridays and Saturdays 10 min before morning Massites.
though they grow impatient with God
es and 3:45 to 4:45 PM Saturday
and turn to false idols, God still calls them back.
Baptism: call office about parent preparation sessions
Luke’s Gospel assures us that God rejoices when
Marriage: contact the clergy at least six months in advance
Anointing of Sick: call the office at any time
we turn away from sin. Paul’s letter to Timothy
encourages us, like Paul, to look back on our
Catholics Coming Home, for more information call 483lives and recognize where God’s patient mercy
8454 ext 150 or send e-mail to
has been shown to us.
Registration / Change of Address
 I want to register in the parish.
 I have changed my address; my envelope # is _________.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________ ZIP ________
Phone: _______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________
It may take up to 2 months to start receiving envelopes or for any changes.
Place in collection
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 11, 2016
A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit
renew within me.
— Psalm 51:12
Pastor’s Column - Fr. Bernardin is out of town.
His column will return on September 25.
Fifteen years ago, the continuing TV coverage of the
imploding twin towers of the World Trade Center in New
York was unbearable for me, as were accounts of the
crashes and destruction in Washington and the hills of
Pennsylvania. The immense devastation of human life
was incomprehensible. Visiting the site in New York
some five years later reopened searing wounds, and overwhelmed me with immense sadness. An incursion on our
soil, carefully planned and executed by foreign elements,
had shattered my cherished sense of security, and provoked a frightening sense of God’s absence.
How could my Catholic faith tradition enable me to
endure this tragedy? I knew that neither vengeance nor
sweeping animosity was an option for me.
You have left us crushed . . . covered us with darkness.
We are bowed down to the ground (Psalm 44:20, 26).
O Lਏ਒਄ of hosts, restore us;
Let your face shine upon us (Psalm 80:4).
The Psalmist cries a lament, expressing the mourning
of the Israelite people, the chosen of God, who had regarded themselves as untouchable and above reproach,
now hurled into misery. The lament expresses a nation’s
agony, dares to complain against their divine protector,
may even own some complicity in the misery, and finally
pleads with God for deliverance.
In the midst of lamenting, the faith of Israel endured,
as must ours. We are as vulnerable as they were to the
violence and hatred that seem to encircle us. Our demand
for a divine explanation goes unheeded. Yet we have
learned of the self-sacrificing heroism of many, witnessing to the finest character of our nation and of our Christian heritage. Dying for one’s friends is a sacred theme in
our story, epitomized in Jesus, our Savior, and extended
through centuries in the grandest and noblest acts of men
and women in all circumstances.
In 2001 we came together as one nation under God,
sharing the grief, the disillusionment, and the promise to
rebuild. As today we lament our honored dead and wounded, shall we translate such agonizing emotion into a persistent pursuit of worldwide reconciliation and peace?
—Rev. Andrew Nelson, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
SJE School Donut Sunday will take place after the 10
a.m. Mass today on the Holy Family Patio.
SJE Gift Shop is now open. Please stop by
September 12 to September 17
Monday: T he M ost Holy Nam e of M ary
6:30 a.m. Gillermo Gonzales +
8:30 a.m. John Hong +
Tuesday: St. John Chrysostom
6:30 a.m. Patrons and Donors of
Easter’s Catholic Books, Int.
8:30 a.m. John Susko +
Wednesday: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
6:30 a.m. Patrons and Donors of
Easter’s Catholic Books, Int.
8:30 a.m. Gillermo Gonzales +
Thursday: Our L ady of Sorrows
6:30 a.m. Georgette Holly Griffith +
8:30 a.m. Will Cooney +
Friday: Sts. Cornelius & Cyprian
6:30 a.m. Joe Podmostko +
8:30 a.m. Elaine Manning +
Saturday: St. R obert Bellarm ine
8:30 a.m. Ed Bispo +
our sick and their caregivers: Rober t
Burns, Rosa Cabiglia, Geoff Carter,
Alice Cottam, Shirley Crase, Russ Davis, James DeCicco, Chris Diehl, Lorraine Dombrowski,
Melissa Duran, Kate Ellis, Debbie Erichs, Juanita Estrellas, Martin Fiorino, Anthony Gabriele, Alison Geoffrey,
Norma Goligowski, Ella Gomes, Gosnell Family, Jimi
Grant, Bev & Don Habecker, Donna Harris, Tom Harvey, Vicky Heard, Amy Hodge, George Heffner, Miles
Jeffries, Eduardo Jimenez, Betty Jones, Shirley Jones,
Angelica Martin, Jennifer Martin, Lenox Marie Martinez, Tony Martini, Manuel Molina, Lynn Parry, Mike
Peterson, Alex Quiroz, Ruth Salazar, Robert Scholtes,
Christopher Scott, Stacey Spear, Hank Thompson, Ryan
Tooley, Collette Walker and all sick parishioners.
Please join us this Tuesday, 09/13 for
our monthly Sisters in Faith meeting at 6:30 in the St.
James Hall. We look forward to seeing you.
Weekend Collection of September 3 and 4
Sunday Offerings
Maintenance & Improvement
Capital Campaign
St. John’s Health Ministries - Nurses are taking blood
pressures in the Reconciliation Rooms after Masses this
Sr. Hannah-Mary
A prayer for God’s guidance in voting: “Merciful Jesus, with
firm faith relying solely on You, we entreat You to raise up a
suitable candidate for the office of the president of the UnitedStates of America. O Jesus, we surrender this to you. Thy Will
Be Done. Amen.” (
Suggestion: Pr ay as a family, household and/or individually
between now and November.
Pope Francis’ September intentions: “ (1) That each may
contribute to the common good and to the building of a society
that places the human person at the center. (2) That by participation in the sacraments and meditating on Scripture, Christians
may become more aware of their mission to evangelize.” (
Registration-Request Forms:
Forms for the following programs are available on the larger
rectangular table in the narthex:
*RCIA: PROCESS for those fr om other faith-denominations
who have an interest in becoming Catholic. It’s also for those
baptized Catholic – but who have not received the sacraments
of Reconciliation/Confession and Holy-Communion/Eucharist.
*RE/CCD/CFF: Religious-Education classes, grades K
through Junior-High, for children who attend public schools.
*Adult-Confirmation: Pr epar ation for those who did not
receive this sacrament when younger.
*Returning Catholics: Pr ocess for those who want to r etur n
to the Catholic-Faith after a time of absence.
*General-Assistance with r eligion-related matters. (Tune in
also to Catholic-Answers-Live, on Catholic-Radio, 1620AM,
from 3 to 5 p.m. on weekdays.)
Prayer for our Country - During the month of October,
we will be saying the rosary 30 minutes before all weekend Masses. October is the Month of the Holy Rosary,
Respect Life Month and it is the month pr eceding the
upcoming presidential election in our countr y. Come
join fellow parishioners as we unite our prayers and
voices, asking God's blessing on our homeland.
NEWS – We were pleased to learn the room sponsored
by SJE and the Knights of Columbus has a new resident. Please keep Lanai in your prayers as she is scheduled for a C-section on September 7th. Lanai has had
many hardships and challenges in her life. We would
like to help her “feather the nest” for her new baby
BOY. If you’d like to contribute to this effort, please
bring your gift to SJE September 10 & 11. There will
be a box in the narthex marked BABY SHOWER. Lanai needs almost everything: disposable diapers, baby
wipes, car seat, wipe warmer, onesies, clothes, receiving blankets…you name it, she needs it! May God
bless you for your generosity! Questions? Call JoAnn
261-5805, Norma 962-1324 or Glenda 631-0774.
CATECHISTS, please check your emails for impor tant information… Thank you.
Sunday, September 11: Everyone, please meet in the Chapel
at 9:00 a.m. (Parents/Guardians, students and Catechists.)
Sunday, September 18: is National-Catechetical-Sunday.
(The theme is: PRAYER: The Faith prayed.)
All RE families are urged to attend the 10:00 a.m. Mass.
September 23 and 24: Diocesan Ministr y Days. All par ishioners involved in ministry are encouraged to attend at least one
see: or call 916-733-0123.
St. Vincent de Paul food locker
is hosting an open house after
each Mass today and invite all to
come over to see the operation
and how your generous donations that we ask for every week
help the needy of our community. We encourage any St John
8th grader to come over as well to see how our junior St
Vincent de Paul volunteers help at the food locker
(during school hour)s. If you become inspired to volunteer, we would love to have you. There will be refreshments so if nothing else come over to the food
locker, which is behind the rectory, and have a bite to
eat and say hello. Another St. Vincent de Paul activity
we would like to share with you is in announcing the
annual Walk for the Poor, Saturday, September 24th at
St. Francis High School from 7 a.m. – 11.a.m. It
should be a nice day to get out and get some fresh air
and a little exercise while supporting a worthy
cause. You may designate your pledge directly to St.
John’s food locker. Learn more about this event by
logging onto and contact
Gene or Gigi at Lastly,
donations of rice, cereal, spaghetti sauce, and peanut
butter and jelly would be appreciated. Most of these
items can be found at the dollar & 99 cent stores.
May your week be graced with the blessings you need… ....
Sr. Hannah Mary
The date for Baptisms has been changed this month
from the 10th to the 17th. Any questions, call the parish.
Funeral services for Peg DePiazza will be held on September 17 at 11 a.m. at St. John the Evangelist. A reception in St. James Hall will follow the services. In lieu of
flowers please make a donation to St. John’s St. Vincent
de Paul.
Please pray for the r epose of the soul of par ishioner
Marie Ostrander, who died recently. May God grant her
eternal peace and comfort for her family. Services will
take place at St. John’s on September 12. Rosary at 10:30
a.m. followed by Mass. A reception in St. James Hall
after Mass.
Retreats, spiritual-direction and more:
christtheking (916-725-4720) in Citrus-Heights. (530-887-2019) in Auburn.
Important Dates/Events:
ALTAR-SERVERS: Our thanks and appr eciation to
all who signed-in and served during July and August:
(C=College; HS=High-School; X=times served.)
Rachel and Rebecca DiRegolo (C); Natalie Ellis; Julie &
Bree Ewert: Alexandria Florin (C); Jack Ford (Visitor);
Shelby Martin (C); Peyton McDonald; Ethan Ruzic (HS);
James Williams (HS); Bryan (HS) and Carlo Dizon (4X);
Jenica Gospodnetich (HS-4X); Finley McDonald (4X);
Aeden Molaer (HS-4X); Sam Oliver (4X); Jake & Nick
Swanson (3X); Elias Quintana (HS-4X); Esteban Quintana (HS-3X); Marianne Yanetta (Adult – 3X).
Families, whose students have taken altar-server training,
are very much needed and urged to contact our scheduler,
April, to find out about available and needed spots for
at: or 916-218- 8796. ((If everyone trained
signed up for even one weekend Mass per month – we
would have enough servers for each Mass. As you can see
– we relied on just a few faithful servers, adults, highschool & college students over the summer.)) **In future
Altar Server names will be posted on a monthly basis.
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises – Please join us every
Thursday night at 6:30 in the school library as we make
our way through one of the most practical yet surprising
methods of spiritual reflection. If you have questions,
please call Keith at 390-5458.
“I changed my schedule and it changed my life.” Come
join us at Chris the King for a retreat to deepen your relationship with God. The retreat theme is “Gathered In the
Name of Jesus." The Retreat is deeply inspired by the
Gospel of Matthew who affords us the opportunity to
engage the strife in our own time and the uncertainties in
our hearts with courage, love, and the example inspired
by the Emmanuel who is always with us. Register for
the Women’s retreat October 28-30, 2016 online at For further information
or registration by phone, you can call your parish coordinator Patricia Bagley: 916-944-1050 or contact Carol
Forrest at the Center: 916-725-4720 ext. 314.
The 39th Annual Jewish Food and Craft Faire will be
held at Congregation Beth Shalom, 4746 El Camino
Ave. on Sunday, September 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Come and enjoy delicious food, arts and crafts and entertainment. For information visit No
entrance fee and free street parking. Shalom!
SJE Legion of Mary needs your help to br ing the Eucharist and God’s Love to our fellow Catholics who lack
the mobility and/or the resources to come to Mass. May
the Holy Spirit move you to bring His love to those who
are less fortunate. For details call Lili at 481-4151 or
Gwen at 961-2761.
Please suppor t those who adver tise in our bulletin!
They make it possible!
Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke will star t on, Sunday September 11, 6 p.m. Call Joyce Weil at 334-6498.
Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 7:1-10
Tuesday : 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100:1-5;
Lk 7:11-17
Wednesday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38;
Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28;
Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 7:36-50
Friday: 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Lk 8:1-3
Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14;
Lk 8:4-15
Sunday: Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8;
Lk 16:1-13 [10-13]
This weekend, ther e will be a second collection—The
Diocesan Collection for Priests Retirement. This is an
opportunity for parishioners to thank our priests for their
long and loving service to the Diocese. Please consider
making a donation. Thank you for your support of our
parish priests. Special envelopes are available.
Upcoming SJE Events sponsored by the Knights of
*Pancake Breakfast: September 25th
*Life Chain (Madison and Manzanita): October 2nd
*Tootsie Roll Drive: October 21-23
*Cioppino Dinner (early reservations being taken for
tables of 8 only at this time - Gene Gobbo 283-5223):
October 29th.
SJE Seniors Group will meet in St. J ames Hall on
September 22 at 9:30 a.m. to play Bunco. All Seniors
are invited (men and women) Call Lu at 729-1934 for
more information. We hope to see you there!!
Altar Server Training and Party! With the new
school year starting, we want to invite all existing altar
servers, new altar servers and their parents to a group
training on Sunday, September 25th at 2 p.m. in St.
James Hall. We will be introducing some new initiatives,
having some fun social time and discussing some ideas
to get more kids involved and we would love to see you
there for Pizza, Soda, Fun and Education. This is for 512th
If you have any questions about this event or the new
program, please contact Sean Harrell at 509-9531782 or
It's time to clean your closets! The St. Vincent de
Paul (SVdP) Thrift Store truck will be here in the St.
John's parking lot on Saturday October 1st from 3-6pm
and Sunday October 2nd from 7:30-2pm to accept your
donations. SVdP needs your help. Please donate clean
gently used clothing, small furniture, and household
items in good condition. Please do not leave bundles of
clothes or other items in the school yard. They will not
be picked up. Please call Pam at 716-6228 if you have
questions on acceptable items. Thank you for your donations to SVdP.
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