WELCOME TO Blessed Trinity Parish 1 The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time & Respect Life Sunday October 5, 2014 WELCOME—VISITORS PARISH OFFICE Hours: Monday–Friday 8-11:30 AM & 12 Noon-3:30 PM Telephone ...................................... (920)467-4616 Fax .................................................. (920) 467-4290 Website ............................................. www.btsje.org PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Robert J. Lotz (Ext. 306) Emergency: (920) 287-8235 E-Mail: frbob@blessedtrinityparish.org We’re happy you’ve joined us for this celebration! If you are visiting, please fill out a Welcome envelope located at church entrances. Visitors at our church from other Catholic parishes in Sheboygan County are welcome to place your parish envelope in our collection and we will forward it to your home parish. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Retired Deacons: William Jens & Sylvester Regan If you are interested in joining our church, please contact the Parish Office at 467-4616, Ext. 301; E-mail: sandy@blessedtrinityparsh.org; OR print out membership forms from our website (www.blessedtrinityparish.org), please go to the Membership Info link on the Parish home page. Director of Administrative Services: Lynn Walvoort (Ext. 302) E-Mail: lynn@blessedtrinityparish.org Parish Administrative Assistant: Sandy Jordan (Ext. 301) E-Mail: sandy@blessedtrinityparish.org SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM & MARRIAGE Please contact: Blessed Trinity .......... 467-4616 (Ext. 301) St. John Evangelist ... 452-9623 ANOINTING OF THE SICK Individually as requested at home or in care facility COMMUNAL ANOINTING: 2nd Saturday of Month 4:00 PM Blessed Trinity 5:30 PM St. John Evangelist SACRAMENTAL RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Individual: By appointment 1st & 2nd Saturdays 3:00-3:30 PM Blessed Trinity 3rd, 4th & 5th Saturdays 3:00-3:30 PM St. John Evangelist Director of Liturgy & Music: Zach Holzer (Ext. 311) E-Mail: zach@blessedtrinityparish.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Director: Ken Stanczyk (Ext. 318) E-Mail: ken@blessedtrinityparish.org Administrative Assistant: Jackie Grasso (Ext. 317) E-Mail: jackie@blessedtrinityparish.org Religious Education Telephone ......467-6282 YOUTH MINISTRY Director: Christopher Briggs (Ext. 321) E-Mail: chris@blessedtrinityparish.org CATHOLIC LIFE CENTER Director: Julie Minter (Ext. 315) E-Mail: juliem@blessedtrinityparish.org Catholic Life Center Telephone.......467-6291 PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairperson: Terry Rotter ................467-4951 BULLETIN & VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY 8 AM Please e-mail (sandy@blessedtrinityparish.org) or drop off your information to the Parish Office. All items are subject to the approval of Fr. Robert Lotz and available space. Parish-related items are a priority. 319 Giddings Avenue Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 (920) 467-4616 MASS INTENTIONS 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, October 4 SCRIP Sales: Monday-Friday (8-11:30 AM) (Parish Office) After Weekend Masses (SCRIP Area) On-line SCRIP Ordering: www.shopwithscrip.com (If you need the Enrollment Code, please email lynn@blessedtrinityparish.org.) BT 4:00 PM SJE 5:30 PM W. L. & Kathryn Jens (Bill & Pauline) Rita Lang (St. Ann’s Altar Society) Sunday, October 5 (The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time) SJE 9:00 AM BT 10:30 AM Food Pantry Weekend (BR/CE) Mass for Parishioners Donald Gregoire (Memorial) Dorothy Ziesel (Family) Saturday, October 4 3:00 PM Confessions (RR) Monday, October 6 SJE 7:00 AM Sunday, October 5 10:30 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CH) 11:30 AM Colton Setzer Baptism (B) 7:00 PM AA & AL-Anon (MR) Frank Plesetz (Kathy & Family) Tuesday, October 7 BT 8:00 AM Eugene C. McCabe (Marilyn) Wednesday, October 8 SJE 7:00 AM Al & Helen Nardi Family (Drs. Mark & Teresa Bettag) Thursday, October 9 BT 8:00 AM Curtis Schroeder (Family) Friday, October 10 SJE 7:00 AM PC 9:00 AM Tuesday, October 7 6:30 PM Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions (SFC) 7:00 PM Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting (L) Theresa Benishek (Family) Joan Weeden Saturday, October 11 BT 4:00 PM SJE 5:30 PM Art & Marie Kampmann (Ronald) Dorothy Schinker (John & Jean Blattner) Dolores Rach (Family) Sunday, October 12 (The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time) SJE 9:00 AM BT 10:30 AM BT 2:00 PM Robert & Alice Pethan (John & Joyce) Mass for Parishioners Donald Perronne (Family) Blessed Trinity & St. John Evangelist Confirmation Class 2014-2015 Key: BT = Blessed Trinity Parish SJE = St. John Evangelist Parish Monday, October 6 8:30 AM Holy Dusters (C) 9:30 AM Monday Morning Bible Study (L) 1:00 PM SVDP-St. Mary Conference Meeting (L) 5:00 PM Joint Technology Ministry Team Meeting (SJE-LLCR) 6:00 PM Catholic Underground Dinner & Discussion Series (TL) Rosary Service (C) PC = Prairie Crossing PH = Pine Haven Christian Home Dates open for Mass Intentions, especially for the Tuesday & Thursday Masses. Please contact the Parish Office, 467-4616, Ext. 301. Wednesday, October 8 5:45 PM RE Grades 1-6 (REC/CLC) 7:00 PM RE Grades 7-8 (REC/CLC) Knights of Columbus Meeting (KCR) 7:15 PM Confirmation Classes for Grades 11 & 12 (SJE) Thursday, October 9 8:30 AM Human Concerns Committee Meeting (SFC) Senior Social (CLC-MR) 5:30 PM LWE Committee Meeting (L) 7:15 PM Music Ministry Choir Rehearsal (CA) Saturday, October 11 10:00 AM Confirmation Rehearsal (C/CH) 3:00 PM Confessions (RR) 4:00 PM Communal Anointing (C) Hadassah Allison Baptism (C) Sunday, October 12 9:00 AM RE Kindergarten (SJE-Rm4) 10:30 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CH) 7:00 PM AA & AL-Anon (MR) THANK YOU! Many thanks to Lisa Heun from Floral Essence and Caring Blooms for sharing time, flowers and love with the patients of Sharon Richardson Hospice. Key: B=Baptistry C=Church CH=Church Hall KCR=Knights of Columbus Room MR=Music Room RR=Reconciliation Room SJE=St. John Evangelist BR/CE=Blue Room/Church Entrances CA=Choir Area CLC=Catholic Life Center L=Library REC=Religious Education Center SFC=St. Francis Chapel TL=The Lodge WEEKEND OF SEPTEMBER 27 & 28, 2014 MASS ATTENDANCE: 522 CHILDREN’S ENVELOPE CONTRIBUTIONS: $2.00 Week’s Giving Weekly Required** Surplus (Deficit) $7,152.50 $8,653.85 ($1,501.35) 07/01/14 to Present Giving 07/01/14 to Present Required Surplus (Deficit) $118,107.50 $112,500.00 $5,607.50 **Please note—$450,000 required for fiscal year 2014/2015 THANK YOU to the following parishioners for their OCTOBER donations in loving memory of: Hosts: Leo & Brian Schleicher (Seymour & Connie Katchkey) Wine: Richard Henning and Larry & Opel Boge (Dorothy Henning) Living Faith Books: Clinton Campbell (Marcy Eppers) Council 11129 will be hosting its semi-annual brat fry on Sunday, October 26 after the 10:30 AM Mass. The proceeds of the sale to benefit the council college scholarship fund for local high school students. Council 11129 will also be hosting Monday Night Rosary Services during the month of October at 6 PM. October is Respect Life Month. Council 11129 welcomes anyone interested in becoming a member. Members must be a practicing catholic male over age 18. Please contact Tim Woodworth, Grand Knight at 920-360-5528. A Second Collection will be taken at all Masses next weekend, October 11/12. PRAYER/CARE NOTES... Helping you Grow Closer to God (Human Concerns Committee) Prayer Notes bring prayer to people—and bring people to prayer. Care Notes addresses issues that are a part of your world. Each topic is presented in an open, easy-to-read format that will guide you through difficult choices. The Prayer/Care Notes are located in the Gathering Area (near the front of church, across from the bulletin board). Please take as many as you need. BINGO HELP NEEDED! SCRIP IN-STOCK CARD OF THE WEEK Bath & Body Works is available in $10 & $25 gift cards. Bath & Body Works donates 13% to the parish for every card sold. We are looking for kitchen help from 4-7 PM and floor help from 6:30-9 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. This is our best fundraiser. If you can help, please contact Joan Schueffner at 467-3306. Thank you! SCRIP is available: On-line at www.shopwithscrip.com (If you need the Enrollment Code, please email lynn@blessedtrinityparish.org.), After the Weekend Masses, AND At the Parish Office (Monday-Friday, 8-11:30 AM). Week Ending: 9/29/2014 SCRIP Sales: $2,865.00 SCRIP Profit: $115.69 Music Director Position: St. Dominic Catholic Parish (Sheboygan), is seeking a music director to help lead their parish in spirit-filled liturgies, with a growing vision of discipleship. The director, in collaboration with the Pastor and Prayer and Worship Committee will be responsible for overseeing: the liturgical planning of services, teaching and directing choirs/ensembles/cantors of all ages, ordering music/procuring copyrights, and serving as the principal organist and/or keyboard player for services throughout the year. This person will have a working knowledge of Catholic liturgical planning, an eclectic/versatile knowledge of church musical styles, effective resource skills for assisting in various liturgical capacities, computer literacy skills/technology skills, and essential communication skills for fostering positive interaction with parishioners and staff. A Bachelor’s Degree or its demonstrable equivalent in Music or related fields is desired. Interested individuals are invited to submit the following by October 10, 2014: a letter of interest and resume to Fr. Philip Reifenberg (2133 N. 22nd Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081). JUST DESSERTS—A Card & Game Party Please join St. Clement Altar Society for JUST DESSERTS!, an afternoon of cards, games, and camaraderie! Tuesday October 7, 2014 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM St. Clement Parish – Dominican Hall Women and men are welcome to bring mahjong, dominos, or your favorite board game – and your friends or family to enjoy it with. Card clubs are welcome; cards will be available. A delicious variety of homemade desserts and coffee will be served. There will be door prizes. Reservations are available at $4.00 per person. Contact St. Clement Parish office for tickets (920)457-4629. Enter parking lot from either Wisconsin Ave. or New York Ave. Handicapped accessible entrance on New York Ave. BULLETIN BOARD NEWS St. Vincent DePaul will now pick up your donations of clothing, furniture and miscellaneous items. Call 457-4844, Ext. 11 to schedule a pick up. All money raised stays in Sheboygan County to help those in need. Life Chain: Sunday, October 5, 4-5:30 PM at the intersection of Erie Avenue & 14th Street (Sheboygan). This is a peaceful, prayerful public witness of pro-life Americans standing in honor of 56 million lives lost to abortion, praying for our nation, for people in crisis situations and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. For more information, call Sarah at 457-8422. Reinbold-Novak Funeral Home 24th Annual Coats for Kids Campaign: The Coat distribution location will be at The Salvation Army (710 Pennsylvania Avenue, Sheboygan) on Tuesday, October 7 from 9 AM-1 PM and Thursday, October 9 from 2-6 PM. The Steffen Peschel Trio from Reichenbach, Germany will be traveling to the United States to perform at various congregations in Wisconsin and Missouri. This group has been exciting audiences throughout Germany with their special blend of American influenced jazz. Experience the Trio live on Thursday, October 9 at 7 PM at First Congregational Church, UCC (310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan). Concert is FREE. Our country and our world is in desperate need of prayers and the rosary is a very powerful prayer. Please join us for the 2014 Rosary Crusade to pray for our country and the world on Saturday, October 11 at Sheridan Park (Sheboygan). The rally starts at 12 Noon. Call Margaret Reinbold at 457-5260 if you have any questions. Individuals, families, congregations and groups are invited to the 29th Annual CROP Hunger Walk organized by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee on Sunday, October 12, at McKinley Park on the lakefront next to the marina. Free registration begins at 12:30 PM. A 2-mile walk around the lagoons or 5-mile walk into the city start at 1:30 PM. Collect monetary pledges in advance for international relief work and/or bring nonperishable food for the local Hunger Task Force on walk day. There will be live music, children’s activities and snacks. Call 414-2769050 or contact Normad@interfaith conference.org, see www.interfaith conference.org. The School Sisters of St. Francis annual Pancake Breakfast and Fall Festival will be held at the St. Joseph Center (1501 S. Layton Boulevard, Milwaukee) on Sunday, October 12 from 8:30 AM-2 PM. All-you-can-eat pancakes served until 11:30 AM. Sloppy Joes and snacks from 11:30 AM-1:45 PM. There will be a grand raffle, raffle baskets, and silent auction. Enjoy their homemade bakery and a wide selection of crafts and gifts. $8 for adults, $4 for children 5-12, kids 4 and under free. Call 414-384-3334 for details. The Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, October 12 at Holy Name of Jesus Church (Sheboygan)-3 PM. An organ concert will be held on Sunday, October 12 at 4:30 PM at First Congregational Church, UCC (310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan) by Andrew Galuska, director of music and organist at Christ United Methodist Church (Rochester, Minnesota). His program will include pieces by Bach, Guilmant, Bizet, Widor, etc. The concert is FREE. Great Marriages will present Love Thinks on Saturday, October 18 from 9 AM-4 PM. This program is for adults of all ages who wish to make smart dating choices including: individuals who have experienced a divorce and are dating again; never married singles, and anyone who wants to know how to find a compatible mate for a healthy relationship. The program is FREE but registration is required. Call 920-7836142 or register at www.GreatMarriages.org. RE Schedule 2014-2015 Grades 9 and 10 on Wednesdays 7:15 – 8:30p at St. John’s (SJE) October 15 First Day of Class – students and parents gather in SJE church October 22 No Class ~ Fall Break October 29 Class November 5 Class th November 12 No Class ~ Nov. 10 SCORE speaker @ St. John the Baptist in place of class November 19 Sheboygan Co. RE Mass w/Bishop Hying 6:30 pm @ Holy Name November 26 No Class ~ Thanksgiving December 3 Class December 10 Class December 17 Class January 7 Class January 14 Class January 21 No Class January 28 Class February 4 Class February 11 Class February 18 No Class ~ Attend Ash Wednesday Mass in place of class February 25 No Class March 4 Class March 11 Class March 18 Class March 25 No Class April 1 No Class ~ Spring Break April 8 Class April 15 Class April 22 No Class April 29 Class May 6 Last Day of Class Sheboygan Area “Sister Parish Soup Kitchen” Homemade soups, chili, Jambalaya, breads and Bake Sale Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM The Immaculate Conception Gym 2722 Henry Street - Sheboygan Bake Sale - 50-50 Raffles - Take-outs available FREE WILL OFFERING Checks made payable to : SASPOP - Sheboygan Area Sister Parish Outreach Program Proceeds benefit members of St. Mary’s Assumption, our Sister Parish in New Orleans, and the members of the St. Bernard Project who continue to struggle in putting their lives back together after Katrina and Isaac’s recent flooding. United by Human Concerns, proceeds also defray some HFH travel expenses for volunteers from the Sheboygan Area Sister Parishes. Plans will be made soon for an outreach trip in the spring of 2015. For more information, ask at the Soup Kitchen. There will be a power point presentation and photographs of previous mission trips to the area. St. Mary's Bell Tower BRING FAMILY, FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS FOR FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP (Green Bay Packers and Carolina Panthers Noon Game will be televised on a wide screen TV) Sponsored by Sheboygan Area Catholic Sister Parishes: United by Human Concerns St. Clement St. Dominic St. Peter Claver Holy Name of Jesus Immaculate Conception Ss. Cyril & Methodius Blessed Trinity – Sheboygan Falls St. John’s – Kohler Friends - St. John the Baptist -Plymouth Mary: Fr. James Kubicki, SJ National Director, Apostleship of Prayer Featured Speaker Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki Archbishop of Milwaukee Mass Celebrant Featured Speaker Rosario Rodriguez Inspirational Speaker, Healing and Forgiveness Featured Speaker Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR Co-Founder, Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Conference Emcee Gina Loehr Author, Teacher, Speaker, Wife and Mother Women of Christ | PO Box 34 | Cedarburg, WI 53012 | 262-309-9588 Individuals: $40 (offline: $45) | Students: $25 (offline: $30) Groups of 5+: $35/person (offline: $40) | Clergy and religious: Free register online by October 20 and save! w w w. w o m e n of c h r i s t. n e t * join us early for All Saints Day Mass at 7:30 a.m.! Mass | Confessions | Adoration | Speakers | Vendor Market | Eucharistic Procession Washington County Fair Park | 3000 Pleasant Valley Road | West Bend Saturday, November 1, 2014 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm R WOMEN OF CHRIST CONFERENCE two hearts. one journey. Jesus LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 11/12 PLEASE ARRIVE 15 MINUTES BEFORE MASS. MASSES Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 10:30 AM Ushers Duane Glancey Andrew Schuessler Daniel Steinacker James Tinnirello, Jr. Patrick Waitkus VOLUNTEER Dale & Rosemary Lensmire Michael Hagen John O’Dell Ryan Thiel Arne Weinfurter Samuel Ministry Lectors Benjamin Krueger Sophia Larsen Makayla Schueller Taylor Schleicher Madison Schwerin Emma Teetzen Head Ext. Ministers Richard & Lorraine Schaap Steven & Naomi Faust Altar Servers Jackson & Logan Konrad Charles Waitkus Colin & Jordyn Girdaukas Langdon Thiel Sac. Ministers Karen Gilsdorf Susan Woveras Cantors Judith Woelfel Kenneth Stanczyk Group Leader (Bold) (If Available, please call Duane Glancey at 467-2337.) Children’s Liturgy 5 Cathleen Freitag, Diane Micoliczyk, LaVerne Miller, Paul Morgan, Kerry Mueller, Elizabeth Sterner 6 Erin Garczynski, Ronald Lorenz, James Ringwell, Jr., Kent Thomas 7 Lisa Brotz, Amy Kuffel, Isaiah Zehr 8 Samuel Copp, Duane Glancey, Regan Haulotte, Emma Langen, Kristine Pool 9 Glenn Borden, Kelly Fladvid, Tedd Guttmann, Julia Huberty, Clark Konrad, Lois Maxfield, Betty Sandley 10 Jennifer Humphrey, Brianna Kleckner, Deborah Lawrence, Christopher Mikula, Jeffrey Pribek, Robert Pucel, James Schleicher, Edward Szadziewicz 11 Dianne Gatzke, Claudia Langen, Marie McCoy, Michael Schmitz, Matthew Slana, Maynard Turany Shannon Schuren Meet & Greet Kenneth Stanczyk Kitty Klich SCRIP Sellers Karen Gilsdorf Kay McCoy Rosanne Bachmann Dawn Buhler THANK YOU! WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 5 Brian & Susan Woveras 40 Years 6 Robert & Margaret Feider Robert & Sarah Mileski Andrew & Carol Schuessler 41 Years 30 Years 52 Years 7 Sean & Jacquelyn O’Dwanny Tye & Nicole Potokar 19 Years 9 Years Timothy & Bonnie Eigenberger Kenneth & Alice Walter 4 Years 22 Years 9 Many thanks to Julie Minter from the Catholic Life Center for organizing the visit to the Basilica of Holy Hill and St. John the Evangelist Cathedral. A group of 41 people enjoyed this outing. Thanks, also, to Julie’s daughter, Katherine, for her help and Rose Moran for the sweet treats. BLESSED TRINITY’S CARING CONNECTION would like to offer a Soup Dinner to those in need due to an illness, death in the family, or a new baby. Call Kathy Audino at 467-6696 to let us know of your need. We’d love to help. 3 BIRTHDAYS 10 11 George & Patti Jo Cedzo Dean & Crista Larsen Ronald & LoAnn Lorenz Michael & Donna Ross Jasen & Suzanne Schmidtke Daniel & Barbara Steinacker 29 Years 22 Years 50 Years 22 Years 17 Years 22 Years Douglas & Julie Fairbotham 28 Years If we missed your birthday and/or wedding anniversary, we’re very sorry. Please call the Parish Office (467-4616, ext. 301) with the correct dates and we will update our records. Thank you. PRAYER REQUESTS… Tom Baby Boy Ben Daniel Jerry Daryl Marilyn Darlene Connie Marcy Nick Gary Lucy Marilyn Julie James Brunner Oren Woodworth Zach Weber A Young Lady Ralph & Jeanine A Young Family A Family Brianna & Family Larry Maner Family Mary Lammers Family Missionaries in Iraq If you have names of people who need our prayers, please call Mrs. Lorraine Schaap, Prayer Chain Contact Person (467-6242). Every week, Mrs. Schaap will give the names to the Parish Office for the bulletin. THE AUGUST 28, 2014 BLESSED TRINITY PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ... are on the parish website (www.btsje.org, click on Blessed Trinity and click on Pastoral Council on the left side of the page). The minutes are passwordprotected. If you do not have the password, please call the Parish Office (467-4616, ext. 301). If you do not have access to the Internet, the Meeting Minutes (printed on green paper) are located at all church entrances. 4 Servant hearts, caring hands. Inspired living as you age. 920.467.2401 www.pinehaven.org Sheboygan Falls & Oostburg A Wellness Retreat Hair & Spa Services 920‐457‐7323 Fax 920‐457‐8202 631 Riverfront Drive, Sheboygan www.salonsase.com (920) 627-0707 Parish Member Parish Member