ST. JOHN OF GOD PARISH MCKEES ROCKS, PA FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Sat, Jan. 31 to Sun, Feb. 7, 2010 FEAST OF ST. BLASÉ This Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010 is the Feast of St. Blasé. On this day we will bless throats at the 8:30 AM School Mass in Mother of Sorrows Chapel and at the 9:30 AM Mass in St. Mary’s Church. Saturday Vigil, Jan. 30: 4:30 PM Church Ted Skepanski (Wife, Joyce & Children) Following is a little information about St. Blasé and how this blessing came to be. Sunday, Jan. 31: 7:30 AM Church For the Living - Joe Giedl in celebration of 91st birthday The special blessing of throats associated with St. Blasé is due to a miracle attributed to him. While in prison, he miraculously saved a boy choking on a fish bone. Early in the sixth century, evidence exists in the Eastern Church that Blasé was prayed to for aliments of the throat. To this day, his feast is a holy day in the Eastern Church. In the ninth century, veneration of St. Blasé came to the Western church and became very popular. Blessing of the throats with crossed candles began in the 1500s, the height of devotion to St. Blasé and that blessing is still part of the devotion of the Catholic Church. Sunday, Jan. 31: 9:30 AM Chapel Deceased Members of Colantoni, Magnelli & DeCroce Families (Carmella Magnelli & Family) Sunday, Jan. 31: 11:30 AM Church Catholic Schools Week Opening Mass - For Students, Staff and Parents of Saint John of God School _______________________________________________ WEEKDAYS — 9:30 AM CHURCH Monday, Feb. 1: Deceased Members of Mortell Family (Family) Tuesday, Feb. 2: Nancy Fearon (Joseph Fearon) Wednesday, Feb. 3, 8:30 PM, Chapel: For Students and Staff of Saint John of God School Wednesday, Feb. 3: Robert Keintz (Agnes Gerger) Thursday, Feb. 4: Anniv - Donald Seibert (Phyllis & Family) Friday, Feb. 5: Jim Keenan (Flo Coperich) _______________________________________________ Saturday Vigil, Feb. 6: 4:30 PM Church Frank & Pat Zane (Daughter, Mary Yost & Family) Sunday, Feb. 7: William Hoffman (Son, William) 7:30 AM Church Sunday, Feb. 7: 9:30 AM Chapel Anniv - Millie Wozniak (Daughter, Theresa & Family) Sunday, Feb. 7: 11:30 AM Church Living and Deceased Consecrated Life Readings for the Week of January 31, 2010 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Jer 1:4-19/1 Cor 12:31-13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Mk 5:1-20 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Mk 6:1-6 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/Mk 6:7-13 Sir 47:2-11/Mk 6:14-29 1 Kgs 3:4-13/Mk 6:30-34 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/1 Cor 15:1-11/Lk 5:1-11 No matter what the facts are, St. Blasé is a constant reminder to us of God's care and concern for us in our weakness, sickness, and limited human existence. God's healing touch is with us always. St. Blasé’s celebration is one of the ways in which we highlight and thank God for that care and concern. BAPTISMAL PROGRAM FOR NEW AND EXPECTING PARENTS The next program will be held on Sunday, Feb. 14, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in Mother of Sorrows Chapel. To register or for more information, please call John Fatula, 412-331-8573. STEEPLE CHASE SUPER BOWL FOOTBALL POOL UPDATE Thank you for supporting this fundraiser. Completed pools will be distributed this weekend (January 30 & 31). The remaining ones will be mailed. If you have not received your copy, please call Terry, 412-3313443 or Charlotte, 412-331-2453. SANCTUARY CANDLE - WEEK OF JANUARY 31 ST. MARY’S - IN MEMORY OF FRANK AND PAT ZANE BY DAUGHTER, MARY YOST MOTHER OF SORROWS - IN MEMORY OF ARNOLD HOFFMAN BY BROTHER, WILLIAM ††††††††††† “YEAR OF THE PRIEST” PARISH PRAYER God, give us worthy priests in sufficient numbers. Parish Office Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Monday thru Friday) Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday Noon FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 31, 2010 YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS The 20th annual Lovewalk for the Poor is scheduled for Sunday, February 14 at 2:00 PM at Sacred Heart Church in Shadyside. All participants are invited to bring baby items for Catholic Charities’ Roselia Center and nonperishable food items for EECM Soup Kitchen. Following Mass participants will carry the collected items with them on a one mile walk as a way of experiencing the hardships of the homeless, who must carry their possessions with them at all times. All teens in grades 9-12 are invited to participate in this unique social service experience. To sign up, contact Steve at 412-3318573 or by February 8. Got talent? Then you should plan to perform at the Talent Show being held Saturday, March 6 at 7:00 PM in O’Conner Hall at St. Paul Seminary. Acts are being recruited now and both teens and adults are encouraged to perform. For more information call or email the Youth Ministry Office. PARISH WEEKEND ATTENDANCE Jan. 23 / 24 Saturday ............................................................... 352 Sunday ................... ............................................. 685 Total Weekend Attendance ................................ 1,037 PARISH FINANCIAL TOTALS For the Weekend of Jan. 23 / 24 Regular Offertory Collection ........................$ 5,832.00 (This is ordinary income from contributions for the general running of the parish. It is subject to a 17.6% tax to the Diocese of Pittsburgh.) PARISH SHARE PROGRAM PSP Assessment for 2010 ............................. $ 83,561.00 PSP Collected To Date ......... .......................... $ 22,703.00 Remaining of 2010 Goal ................................ $ 60,858.00 You can see that we have received our 2010 Parish Share Assessment. We are allocating to that. More information to come in February about our 2010 assessment. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Two HUD subsidized apartments are ready for immediate occupancy at Sto-Rox Plaza, senior citizen high-rise on Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks. Applicant must be at least sixty-two years of age or mobility impaired and pass eligibility standards. For more information or to obtain an application, please call 412-331-41132. ST. JOHN OF GOD SCHOOL NEWS • A Scholastic Book Fair will be starting Monday, Feb. 1 continuing through Friday, Feb. 5. • The School is collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. The section needed on the Campbell’s Soup label is the UPS code now usually marked. We do not need the entire label. The labels can be put in the box in the back of the Church and Chapel. Catholic Schools Week: Dividends for life January 31 to February 5 As we plan for our annual observance of Catholic Schools Week, “Catholic Schools: Dividends for Life,” we want to acknowledge your special contributions to the success of St. John of God School and thank you for your continued support. Through the efforts of the parish and school community you have helped us in our mission to provide high quality, Catholic education to our students and instill in them a lifelong commitment to serving others. Your support provides a real-life example of how our Catholic faith and values can truly make a difference. Thank you for helping us as we continue to educate the next generation of community leaders. Please join us in the events of Catholic Schools Week! Sunday, January 31, 11:30 AM Mass in St. John of God Parish, the Church at St. Mary’s Wednesday, February 3, 8:30 AM School Mass Followed by Grandparents Tea and Open House Thursday, February 4, 6:30 PM Talent Show Friday, February 5, Tiny Tots Basketball 10 AM Social Hall ~~ 11:30 AM Dismissal HOSPITAL Please pray for all parishioners who are in the hospital, especially: Vincentian Regency - Honey Gerger West Hill Rehab. Center - Evelyn D’Orazio Mercy Fr. Joseph Markalonis, T.O.R. Also for all those ill at home (especially Ida Faramelli), in nursing homes, and shut-ins; that they may continue to receive the Lord’s Blessings. SYMPATHY We wish to extend our sympathy to the Family of Robert Fitzsimmons, Helen Carey and Laura Dzurenda whom God has called. Please remember them and all our dearly departed and their families in your prayers. “May the Angels lead them into paradise and may they with the once poor Lazarus have rest everlasting.” ST. JOHN OF GOD PARISH WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE Next Sunday, February 7, 2010, World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated at the 11:30 AM Mass in St. John of God Parish, the Church at St. Mary’s. The theme this year is “Here I am, send me!” We will celebrate the lives of all the consecrated religious who have gone before us and those who continue in the day-to-day faithfulness of their lives. We have eleven women religious who minister/live in our parish at the present time. For the gift that each of these women religious are to our area and the Church, we give thanks for their faithfulness in the “heat of the day.” Sr. Ruth Bearer, CSJ Sr. Sarah Crotty, CSJ Sr. Anna Marie Gaglia, CSJ Sr. Marjorie Kelly, CSJ Sr. Theresa Kunzler, CSJ Sr. Anne Lazar, OSB Sr. Marlene Luffy, CDP Sr. Judith Nero, OSB Sr. Catherine O’Malley, CSFN Sr. Sue Ann Orange, CSJ Sr. Lois Ann Wuenstel, CDP MCKEES ROCKS, PA FEAST-OF-FEAST RAFFLE The Steeple Chase Drive is sponsoring a Feast-ofFeasts Raffle on March 8, 2010, the Feast Day of Saint John of God. It will be based on the official three-digit Pennsylvania Lottery Number drawn at 7 PM that date. All numbers are played straight as drawn. One winner will receive a dinner for two at the Monterey Bay Fish Grotto and $50 gift certificates/cards from the following thirteen restaurants: The Carlton, The Cheesecake Factory, Eat’nPark, Hofbräuhaus, Isabela on Grandview, LeMont, Peters Place Restaurant, The Pine Restaurant and Bar, Recipes Remembered, Rockefeller’s Grille, Scoglio at the Point, Sewickley SpeakEasy and Wright’s Seafood Inn. Tickets cost $10.00. Tickets donated by Penn Interiors, Inc. are on sale before and after each Mass, at the Parish Office, Pizza Kitchen and Bingo. We do need help in selling tickets beyond the parish limits; if you are interested in selling these tickets to your family, friends, neighbors or co-workers please call Terry, 412-331-3443 or Charlotte, 412-331-2453. CONGRATULATIONS SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS There are no classes this Sunday, January 31. Sunday School resumes next week, February 7, 2010 for all students. ST. PAUL’S RETREAT HOUSE NEWS Even though several of our men from St. Catherine’s and St. John of God are making a retreat this weekend, you can still attend a weekend retreat. The theme concerns Jesus parables. Contact St. Paul’s for more information. DIOCESAN ADULT FAITH FORMATION SERIES The Adult Lecture Series for Spring, 2010 continues with Rev. Dwight Longnecker, author, and regular contributor to First Things, This Rock and National Catholic Register. Ordained an Anglican priest, Fr. Dwight and his family were received into the Catholic Church in 1995. He was later ordained as a Catholic priest for the Diocese of Charleston in 2006 under the special pastoral provision for married former Anglican clergy. Come for Fr. Dwight’s presentation, St. Benedict and St. Therese: The Little Rule and the Little Way to be held at St. Paul Seminary Auditorium, this Tuesday, February 2 at 7:30 PM. Continuing education credit is available for priests, deacons and catechists. The lecture is free - all are welcome to attend. Bring a friend. We wish to congratulate our parishioner, Mrs. Bobbie Casper, who had the pleasure to “Come on Down” at the Price is Right Game Show. Bobbie was a contestant on the show and did quite well! To find out “how well”, tune in to KDKA, Channel 2 on Monday, Feb. 1, 2010 at 11:00 AM when the show will air. Congratulations, Bobbie! THE WEEK AHEAD Feb. 1 (Mon.) - Miraculous Medal Novena Prayers recited in St. Mary’s Church - Rosary begins 6:30 PM. Feb. 2 (Tues.) - St. Anthony Novena Prayers recited following the 9:30 AM Mass in St. Mary’s Church. Feb. 3 (Wed.) - WEDNESDAY NIGHT BINGO in MOS Social Hall - Doors open at 5 PM Early Birds, 7 PM and Regular Games begin at 7:15 PM. Feb. 3 (Wed.) - Cub Scout Mtg, 6-7:30 PM, Gathering Place - Call Jeff Kotek, 412-855-1933 for information. Feb. 5 (Fri.) - Mother of Sorrows Novena Prayers recited following 9:30 AM Mass, St. Mary’s Church. Feb. 5 (Fri.) - PIZZA KITCHEN AND IT’S FALAGONE FRIDAY! To order please call 412-3318530 on Fridays, 8 AM – 1 PM. Orders must be picked up by 3:30 PM. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 31, 2010 NIGHT AT THE RACES MARK YOUR CALENDAR! St. Catherine of Siena Parish will sponsor a Night at the Races the evening of Saturday, March 20. The evening will begin with a buffet dinner followed by the races. Please mark your calendars to welcome in welcome in spring with your friends at this event. Bring your family and friends and fill a table. Volunteers to help at the function are needed. More information will follow in the upcoming weeks. The Steeple Chase Drive is requesting you to mark your calendars for Thursday, April 8, 2010 for a reception and dinner at the LeMont. Since Pope Benedict XVI declared June 2009 to June 2010 the year for Priests, the dinner will honor current and former priests of St. John of God Parish. The proceeds of this event will be used to defray the costs of repairing the roof and steeples of St. Mary’s Church of St. John of God Parish. Please watch the bulletin for more information, and in the meantime we can all start saving a little each week in order to attend the event. VALENTINE’S DAY CRAFT SHOW The Holy Trinity Valentine’s Day Craft Show is Sat., Feb. 6 from 10 AM to 3 PM at Holy Trinity, 5718 Steubenville Pike, Robinson Township. Chinese Auction, Bake Sale, 50/50 Raffle - Lunch available between 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM. All proceeds benefit FIRE Youth Ministry’s mission rip to Rockford, IL in July to fix up houses for the underprivileged and elderly. For more information, call Jason Gawaldo at 412-809-9259. Area Mass Schedule Weekdays St. Joseph St. Malachy Ascension 8:30 AM (M,T,Th,F) Wed. at 7 PM 7:15 A.M. (M thru F) 7:30 AM (M,T,W,Th,F) Sat. at 8 AM St. Joseph St. Malachy Ascension Saturday 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM 8 AM, 11 AM 9:00 AM, 11:15 AM FATHER RYAN ARTS CENTER NEWS This winter, the LaRoche College Dance Department will perform “Winter Rep 010” on stage at the Father Ryan Center for the Arts on Friday, Feb. 5 and Saturday, Feb. 6 at 7 PM both days. LaRoche College dancers have been featured for the past two years in performances at the Byham Theatre in downtown Pittsburgh’s Cultural District in addition to performing in Manhattan with other New York City professional dancers. Tickets are $10 for adults; $5 for seniors; $1 for students and can be purchased by calling Linda Cubbison at 724-5385856. WEEKEND RETREAT FOR POST-ABORTION HEALING Rachel’s Vineyard, a weekend retreat designed to heal the emotional and spiritual wounds of abortion, will be held February 26-28 at the Spiritan Center in Bethel Park. In a confidential and supportive atmosphere, Rachel’s Vineyard demonstrates God’s love, forgiveness and compassion to women and men struggling with abortion’s aftermath. Financial aid available. Sponsored by Catholic Charities and the Diocese of Pittsburgh. To register or for more information, call Toni Jester at 412-353-5348 or go online to www, and click on Rachel’s Vineyard. Registration deadline is February 19, 2010. BLOOD DRIVE Bishop Canevin High School and the Central Blood Band, as part of Catholic School’s Week, will host a Blood Drive this Tuesday, February 2 from 8 AM to 1:30 PM in the school’s gymnasium. This Blood Drive is open to the public. Walk-ins welcome or to schedule your life saving appointment, please contact David Jakielo at 412-922-7400, ext 20 or CATHOLIC CHARITIES THANK YOU Catholic Charities extends its deepest gratitude to the volunteers, translators, businesses and churches who welcomed the children from Haiti and provided for their safety and comfort. Thank you for making what seemed like the impossible, possible for these precious children. In this our 100th anniversary year, Catholic Charities was honored to be a part of this remarkable mission and our participation would not have been possible without the ongoing generous support that allows us to serve our neighbors when they are in need. And so we also extend a heartfelt thank you to our faithful donors who make possible our mission to be the hands and face of Christ. For more information about Catholic Charities and for ways you can support our outreach to others in their time of greatest need, visit ST. JOHN OF GOD PARISH MCKEES ROCKS, PA PASTOR'S CORNER Fr. Lou Vallone Last week in preparation for Catholic Schools Week I gave you the Old Testament part of an essay supposedly written by a child as a summary of the Bible. Since today begins Catholic Schools Week, here is the New Testament continuation: “The Children's Bible in a Nutshell (Through the eyes of a child) After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mom is always saying to me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.') During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Republicans. Jesus also had twelve opossums. The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him. Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount. But all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot who didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead. Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.” This essay has been fun to read. We also hope our Catholic Schools are fun experiences, more importantly that they give authentic formation in the faith to a whole new generation. Thanks to the faculty, administration and staffs of our schools, and God bless our children! BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: A RETREAT FOR GRIEVING SINGLES Were the holidays difficult? You are not alone. There are others who must walk this hard road as well. Come be among us. We know the pain. No masks required. The Beginning Experience weekend program is presented by a team of people who have suffered the loss of a spouse through death, separation or divorce and are willing to share their own experience to help others. The next weekend will be held March 19-21, 2010 at the Gilmary Center in Moon Township. Payment arrangements and possible financial assistance are available. For more information, contact the Office for Family Life at 412-456-3160 or visit or make a confidential call to Susan Ackerman at 724-980-4757 or 724-334-0118. Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline 1-800-808-1235 St. John of God Parish Membership Form Name ___________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ________________________ Zip _________ Phone _______________ CHECK ONE: New Registration Change of Address Moving out of Parish Want Envelopes Please drop Membership Form into the offertory basket or mail to Rectory.