26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
TODAY’S READINGS: 26th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Num 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 NEXT WEEK READINGS: 27th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Gen 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10: 216 SUNDAY 27 September 2015, Year B 26th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME SOCIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY ’GOSPEL REFLECTION The question of legitimacy of ministry is not a new one. There is a certain amount of tension between the institutional and the charismatic aspects of the church. To say that one is Spirit-driven and the other is not is to misunderstand Jesus' promise to remain with the church until the end of time. God normally calls ministers through the structures of the community. The authorities of the church are usually the ones who make the ultimate decisions about the needs of the church, how these needs are to be met, and who is to meet them. That is one of the responsibilities of their office. However, God calls in other ways as well. A solid biblical tradition maintains that the Spirit is not confined to human structure or custom. We see this in the judges, the prophets, and even the early kings. The Pentecost story describes the coming of the Spirit upon all people – sons and daughters, young and old, slaves and free. When God calls it is up to us to recognise that call and to test its spirit. Perhaps the primary criterion we have for judging is the biblical measure: By their fruits you shall know them. Today we also see that those who benefit from exploitation of the vulnerable will reap the fruits of their sin. This warning stems from the belief in the justice of God. Just as we believe that God will not allow the righteous to go unrewarded, so we are confident that neither will the wicked escape punishment. © Dianne Bergant CSS MISSION STATEMENT Centred on the Gospel of Jesus, Christ the King Church is a warm, welcoming community of faith. We continue to strive to be open and to embrace diversity, as we love and grow in relationship to God and in service to one another. Address: 10 Statham Ave, North Rocks, NSW 2151 Email: ctk.nrocks@bigpond.com Phone: 9871 8710 Fax: 9873 4340 Web page: www.northrockscatholic.org.au Office Hours: Tue—Fri 8.30 am—4.30 pm Parish Priest: Pastor Emeritus: Deacon : Parish Secretary: Rev. Fr. Ian McGinnity Rev. Fr. Eric Burton Rev. Tony Hoban Nadine Lucas Ph: 9871 8710 Youth Coordinator: Julia Hoban Mob: 0452 560101 School Principal: Tony Hughes Ph: 9871 7438 Baptisms Monthly 2nd & 4th Sun Weddings: By Appointment Reconciliation: Sat 9.30 am & 4.30pm Exposition of the Sat 9.30am Blessed Sacrament: Rosary: Sat 8.30am, Tue 7pm Children’s Liturgy: 10am Mass-During Term Parish Services Sunday Masses: 6.00pm Saturday 8.00 am Sunday 10.00 am Sunday 6.00 pm Sunday Weekday Masses: Tuesday 7.30 pm Wednesday 9.00 am Thursday 9.00 am Friday 9.15 am Saturday 9.00 am PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK IN OUR PRAYER : Eileen Tanna, Yvonne McDermott PLEASE REMEMBER THE RECENTLY DECEASED: Bernadette Rutkin, Norman McNally PLEASE REMEMBER THE DEPARTED RELATIVES AND FRIENDS IN OUR PRAYER Bruce McGinnity, Laurice Mary Behan and family, Tom Cincotta, Vince Martelli, Parish Diary th Sat 24 Oct 6pm Fr Eric’s 90th Birthday Mass Thur 12 Nov 5.30 & 7.30 First Reconciliation Sun 22nd Nov 10am Christ the King Feast Day and End of Year Thanksgiving Mass MASS COUNT The second week of a count of the number of people attending Mass on Sunday (including the Saturday vigil) will take place. This will continue for this and next weekend at all masses. This information will assist Father Ian and the Parish Council to discern the future needs of our parish with only one priest. We have been fortunate to call upon the services of Father Barry Dwyer, police chaplain, but as from 31st October he will be returning to work in his home diocese of Wilcannia –Forbes. As we are, I am sure, aware; there is a crisis in the number and age of active priests in the Parramatta Diocese and across Australia. Compared to other parishes in the Diocese ours is not a large one and one cannot reasonably assume that a second priest will be appointed to the parish in the foreseeable future with the demand elsewhere in larger and growing areas taking necessary priority. Canon law wisely (Canon 905) suggests a priest may not celebrate Mass more than once a day except for Sundays when the Bishop may allow him to celebrate twice or three times if pastoral need requires. We currently provide 4 Sunday masses (including the Saturday vigil) and a mass on Saturday morning which totals 5. If there is a nuptial Mass on the weekend this can raise the possibility of 6 Eucharist being celebrated on the weekend by one priest in addition to two timeslots allocated for Reconciliation. To help determine pastoral need Mass attendance on the weekend will be assessed. We are fortunate that our church building can provide seating for 450 adults comfortably. We invite the church ushers to count the numbers attending whilst taking up the first collection. A sheet will be available in the sacristy to tally the numbers. We appreciate your cooperation in this venture. SOCIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY: 27 SEPTEMBER TYBURN FUNDRAISER RAFFLE The Tyburn Nuns are seeking to raise funds for their Congregation needs. You will be interested to know that two of the Nuns are vocations from this Parish of Christ the King: Mother Seraphim AW and Mother Marilla AW are both Superiors of the respective Monasteries in nearby Riverstone (near Windsor), and in France. Both are very grateful for any contribution made towards their ministry. Raffle tickets will be available after Mass this weekend. $3 a ticket or $25 a booklet of 10. Prizes include Cash gift vouchers. Rev Mother Prioress, Tyburn Priory 325 Garfield Rd East, Riverstone NSW, 2765, Sydney , Australia. Ph: (61) 2 9627 5171 www.tyburnconvent.org.uk This year’s Social Justice Statement by Australia’s Catholic Bishops is entitled: For Those Who’ve Come Across the Seas: Justice for refugees and asylum seekers. The statement addresses the divisive national debate over asylum seekers, especially those who arrive by boat. It reminds all Australians of the need to welcome and comfort those who have fled here from terror and danger, and to live out the example of Jesus, who never turned His back on those who were lost or suffering. To obtains copies of the statement and to download supporting resources at no charge visit the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council’s website: www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au NEXT WEEK’S MINISTERS 3/4 October 2015 – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Computer Operator Eucharistic Minister Musician Dawn Peat Inge Wienker Divine Breen Peter Blyth Lilia Nuguid Dorothea Price Aubon Fernando Julie Elliott Dexter Tabeta Daniel Thurairatnam Margaret Coakley Christine Kinsella James Kinsella Toby Shi Paul Malouf Peter Bosci Flavia Pinto Sam Safy David Cook Cheryl Collins Annette Hoban Rosemary Wickham Carla Manasan Darren So Ken Boys Ken Coorey David Fahey Sue Veling Kathryn Gaudron Trish Yates Nesli Nuguid Gerianne Sadaya Mike Yates Welcomer Acolyte Saturday 6.00 pm Roger Hook Paul Rankin Keith Henson Sunday 8.00 am John Colman Sunday 10.00 am Sunday 6.00 pm Reader COUNTER Group 7- Tony Clancy, Brian Joyce, John Lacey ALTAR SOCIETY Group 3- Trish Hanna, Wendy Pokorny PIETY – Group 3- Robyn Bacon, Kim Fryer, Frances Gallagher, Joan Crawford CHURCH CLEANING– Group 2—Frances Gallagher, Rosemaree Maroon, Paul Cook, Marlene Galea BAPTISM—CONGRATULATIONS Rite of Christian Initiation – RCIA A life changing opportunity for those considering becoming a Catholic Christian. The journey begins on Wednesday 28 October in the Marian Centre, St Bernadette’s Church, Castle Hill. The gatherings are every Wednesday for 7.30pm – 9pm. If you are interested please RSVP to the Parish Office by 21 October Phone: 9871 8710 A warm welcome to James Vartuli, who will receive the Sacrament of Baptism at Christ the King today 27th September, 2015. We welcome this child into the family of the Church and share with his parents, Victoria and Adrian and his godparents the joy which the promises of Baptism bring. ALL CHILDREN OF THE PARISH, WE NEED YOU! CHRISTMAS EVE 6PM FAMILY MASS We need children – young and old, boys and girls – to join in the 2015 Christmas Eve 6pm Family Mass! We need more children than ever to participate from preschoolers up to Yr 6. All are welcome – no special talents are required! The only requirement is a commitment to attend Children’s Liturgy during 10am Mass in November and December, and some rehearsals 11am-12pm in December. Please contact Erica Rheinberger by emailing erica.rheinberger@syd.catholic.edu.au with your child’s name, grade and a contact phone number. LITURGY COMMITTEE UPDATE The Liturgy Committee met earlier in September. We discussed plans for the Christ the King Feast Day and End of Year Thanksgiving Mass to be celebrated at 10am on 22nd November and afterwards with a meal. We also began planning for Christmas with Mass times to remain the same as in previous years. Christmas Masses will be Christmas Eve (Thurs) 6pm Family Mass, 9pm Youth Mass, Midnight Mass Christmas Day (Fri) 8am and 10am Mass PRAYER FOR HSC STUDENTS The HSC begins on Monday 12 October and concludes Wednesday 4 November please keep these young people in your prayers: O God of Wisdom, Let your Holy Spirit be with our students as they prepare for the HSC exams. Guide their studies, and give them insight so that they can perform to the best of their ability. Grant them the strength to handle the pressure of these final exams, the confidence to feel secure in their knowledge, and the ability to keep an appropriate perspective through it all. Help them to keep in mind what is truly important. To be thankful for the knowledge gained and the learning experiences received at our Schools. We ask you to illuminate their minds and hearts, so that they may achieve their goals and go forward in service of you. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. T PARRAMATTA DIOCESE YOUTH RALLY: 24 OCTOBER SMARTLOVING ENGAGED Join hundreds of 16-35 year olds for an outdoor festival on the steps of St Patrick’s Cathedral, 24 October from 7pm-9:30pm. Live bands from across the Diocese, food stalls, activities, Polish dancing, plus more information on World Youth Day and the Australian Catholic Youth Festival. See videos of the mission work to be done in the Philippines and hear from some inspiring young people with incredible stories to tell. The night will also celebrate the Feast Day of our Diocese Founder, St John Paul II – Founder of WYD’s. For more information contact Catholic Youth Parramatta Director James Camden, 8838 3428 or jcamden@parra.catholic.org.au It is a dynamic multimedia course for engaged and committed dating couples designed to empower them to build a relationship that will joyfully endure. Over three consecutive afternoons through activities and talks, couples will learn liberating insights and proven practical strategies grounded in Theology of the Body. The course is presented by trained married couples with DVD input supplemented by personal witness. All sessions include participant activities shared privately and tools to practice before the next session. It is approved as marriage preparation in the dioceses of Sydney, Parramatta, Broken Bay and Wollongong among others. More information about all our programs, including testimonials from participants, can be found at www.SmartLoving.org | info@smartloving.org or 02 MUSIC AND COPYRIGHT WORKSHOPS: 15 OCTOBER These workshops are open to all parish music groups, parish liturgy coordinators and anyone interested in understanding their parish’s music ministry. The topics will cover appropriate copyright practices for parishes in the Diocese of Parramatta and working with music and copyright in your parish. Presented by Robert Barden, acting Chair of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission. From 7.309pm at The Institute for Mission Hall (downstairs), 1-5 Marion St, Blacktown. RSVP 10 October: Adelle Lobo tel (02) 9831 4911, ofw@ifm.org.au THE FRANCIS EFFECT II COLLOQUIUM:27 OCT You are invited to be part of the discussion on how to incorporate Pope Francis’ vision and challenge into our everyday lives. The colloquium will assist participants to explore this vision, offering inspiration and practical ideas for caring for our common home. From 8.30am-4pm at Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club, 4-28 John St, Lidcombe. Cost $195 (concession $95). Contact Anita Lee, Catholic Mission, tel (02) 9919 7800 WEEKEND RETREAT: Becoming Fully Alive – a prayerful journey with St Teresa of Avila. Presenter: Dr Richard Hardy Where: Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville, NSW, 2566 When: October 9 – 11 Cost: $220 (concessions apply) Day retreat: To Emmaus and Back Exploring the Emmaus story as a guide for catechesis and evangelisation. Presenter: Mr Darren McDowell When: October 10 Cost: $20 Weekend retreat: Icon Painting Presenter: Anna Prifti Come and write your Byzantine inspired icon on a relaxed weekend retreat. When: October 16-18 Cost: $570 (concessions apply) Bookings for this retreat are essential. Please either call: 8795 3400, or email: retreats@carmelite.com Five Dock | Saturdays: Oct 3rd, 10th & 17th | 1-4pm 9319 6280 DIOCESAN FAMILY SUNDAY, 18th October 2015, 2.30pm - 6pm Theme: 'Love is Our Mission' The Afternoon Family Gathering will include: Testimonies from Parramatta Diocese World Meeting of Families delegates, Update on the Family Synod and a talk on Blds. Louis and Zelie Martin, (parents of St Therese) to be canonised on October 18. Children will have their own activities on site. Sausage sizzle at the end of the event. Where: MacKillop Centre, cnr Swanston & Collins St, St Marys Enquiries to famlife@parra.catholic.org.au or 8838 3440 DO YOU HAVE A LITTE BIT OF TIME ON A SATURDAY TO VOLUNTEER? DO YOU LOVE FLOWERS? DO YOU LIKE WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES? We need some new people to help out on a Saturday to get the Church ready for Sunday liturgies. If you can help with arranging new flowers or even with just cleaning up after the old ones are taken away, then we need you! It will only take an hour or two of your time, once every couple of months! The Altar Society is a group who prepare the altar for Sunday Mass. They prepare beautiful flower arrangements each week and clean and replace the altar cloths. The group operates on a rostered basis, with each small group of parishioners rostered on about once every two months. Groups usually meet on a Friday afternoon or Saturday morning to prepare the altar. We are seeking new volunteers to join pre-existing groups so that support and training can be provided. We are also seeking a new or current volunteer who can step up to lead the Altar Society. Please contact Barbara Haddad or Erica Rheinberger 0402 259 326 or Erica.rheinberger@syd.catholic.edu.au if you are interested. Have a good Weekend