May 31, 2015 - St. Paul RC Church


May 31, 2015 - St. Paul RC Church
St. Paul Church
200 Wyckoff Avenue | Ramsey, NJ 07446
May 31, 2015
The Most Holy Trinity
Schedule of Masses
Saturday: 9 am
Saturday Eve: 5 pm (Sunday Obligation)
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am, & 12 pm
Weekdays: Monday-Friday 7:30 am & 12 pm
Holy Days: 7:30 am, Noon & 7:30 pm
National Holidays: 9:00 am
Served by
Rev. John McCrone, Pastor
Rev. Raul Gaviola, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Stefano Hong, Parochial Vicar
Mr. Jeremiah K. Rehse, Deacon
Gail Ritchie, School Principal
Sr. Maureen Corcoran, Pastoral Associate
John Nunziata, Pastoral Associate
Colleen Jagde, Director of Faith Formation
Kristin Dabaghian, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy
Donna Schifano, Director of Outreach
Genny Latour Huss, Director of Senior Ministry
Eric Erler, Director of Youth Ministry
John Weiss, Business Manager
Mission Statement
Parish Center:
193 Wyckoff Avenue // Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201.327.0976 // Fax: 201.327.6197
Faith Formation Grades K-8
201.327.8010 //
School: 201.327.1108 //
We are Catholic Christians
who embrace the plan of God for our salvation.
We come together in faith
to worship in a loving community.
We are moved by the Holy Spirit
to witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We wish to live out the vision of Jesus
expressed in the Beatitudes
as it unfolds in our daily life,
through time, talent and treasure.
Youth Office: 201.825.9199
Baptism: Parents, please contact the Parish Center during the pregnancy, or prior to adoption, to begin
preparing for your child’s baptism.
Penance: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment.
Marriage: Arrangements must be made one year in advance.
Anointing of the Sick: At two special Eucharistic Liturgies in Church during the year. Visitation of the sick at
home any time.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For those interested in becoming a Catholic. Call the Parish
Center for information.
May 31, 2015
Mass Intentions for the
Week of May 31
MONDAY, June 1
Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8 / Mk 12:1-12 (353)
7:30 Joe Farrell;
12:00 Novena of Masses
Tb 2:9-14; Mk 12:13-17 (354)
7:30 Thomas Cariddi; Req by Sue & Mike Hayward
12:00 Walter Bernadyn
Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a;
Mk 12:18-27 (355)
7:30 Marianna Endrigo; Req by Joan & Joe Endrigo
12:00 Novena of Masses
Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a;
Mk 12:28-34 (356)
7:30 Marilyn Battipede; Req by Sue & Mike Hayward
12:00 Josephine O’Keefe; Req by Schifano Family
FRIDAY, June 5
Tb 11:5-17; Mk 12:35-37 (357)
7:30 Michael Marella & August Marsico; Req by Marella &
Marsico Families
12:00 Victorianna Gaviola
Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Mk 12:38-44 (358)
9:00 Thomas Cariddi; Req by Elaine Croal
5:00 Michael Rizzo; Req by The Family
SUNDAY, June 7 - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 (168)
People of the Parish
Michael Sargenti; Req by John & Edith Altomare
Thomas J. Cariddi; Req by The Schifano Family
Maria Bergonzi; Req by Bergonzi Family
This week’s ALTAR BREADS and ALTAR WINE are donated
in memory of Eileen Newman requested by Nunziata Family.
men who serve in our armed forces;
THE SICK, ESPECIALLY: Linda Markey, John Mc Donnell,
John Murphy, Josephine Raucci, David King, Bob Tommaney,
and Art Welsh;
and THE DECEASED: Joanne Veon and Walter Bernadyn.
You won’t find the word
“trinity’ in the bible. This great
mystery was revealed through
Jesus, and speaks of the inner
life of God. Immediately after the
venerated as Lord and God by his followers. This placed the
Christians in a delicate place, for the Jews believed in one
God, and thought them polytheists. They were in a bad place
with the Romans and pagans, because the Christians would
not worship their gods. Jesus told them they would face great
trials because of their faith in him. “And now I am coming to
you, Father. I have told them many things while I was with
them so that they would be filled with my joy. I have given
them your commands. And the world hates them because
they don’t fit in with it, just as I don’t. I’m not asking you to
take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from Satan’s
power” (Jn 17:13-15).
The followers of Jesus remembered what he had
taught them about his relationship with the Father. “I and the
Father are one” (John 10:30). They were to be reminded by
his Spirit: “But now I am going away to the one who sent me;
and none of you seems interested in the purpose of my going;
none wonders why. But the fact of the matter is that it is best
for you that I go away, for if I don’t, the Comforter won’t come.
If I do, he will—for I will send him to you...When the Holy
Spirit, who is truth, comes, he shall guide you into all
truth” (John 15:8-14).
Many heresies grew up in those early years trying to
figure out and how to explain this great mystery. It would be
three hundred years before the language was developed and
the concepts clarified that the Church could say Jesus is
equal to the Father in every respect and yet distinct from the
We profess that creed each week “I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father
before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God
from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the
Father.” The Council Fathers did not make the mystery any
clearer. Yet, this is the faith of the Church.
If anything, the mystery of the Trinity communicates
that God is a family—a family so closely united that although
they are three persons, they are one God. God wants us to
share that oneness with him and one another. “My prayer for
all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as
you and I are Father—that just as you are in me and I am in
you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent
me” (Jn 17:20-21).
Eucharistic Adoration
In honor of the devotion to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in
the Church on Friday June 5th from 7 to 8pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to spend
peaceful time with Our Lord, Jesus, where the
Eucharist is exposed for prayer and
adoration, and the Church becomes an
intimate setting for personal prayer.
The holy rosary will be prayed beginning at 7pm, and the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed beginning at 7:45pm,
concluding with Benediction. Please join us!
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Altar Linen Ministry is looking for volunteers
to help with the laundering of the linens. For
information call Lena Zury at 201-327-0976
or email
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
The Most Holy Trinity
ALL Men of Saint Paul Parish
Are Invited To The Annual
Father’s Evening of Reflection
Thursday, June 18th @ 7:30PM
Saint Paul Church
Come gather with men in the parish and learn from the stories
of Catholic fathers who are committed to fulfilling their
responsibilities to their families! These are real life
experiences in a world that challenges sincere Christian
parenting at every turn. Bring your sons and fathers and
For information contact John Nunziata at (201-327-0976) or
One night a father overheard his son pray: “Dear God, Make
me the kind of man my Daddy is”. Later that night, the Father
prayed, “Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants
me to be.”
June Novena of Masses
James Ralston...John Holster...Michael Masi...Sheila Urinyi
Brian Murphy...Joanne Hysler...Mike, Florence & Terry Lieb
Carl Joseph Dietze…Lee & John Nunziata...Nancy O’Rourke
Josephine O’Keefe...Eileen Newman…James Walsh
Lee Meiman…John DeLalla...William Abbott…Alex Stecyna
Joyce Harrison…Antonio Bartalotta...Barbara Suess
Joseph Pastore…Marianne Kroski…Matilda V. Berlengi
Ugo Scanga…Timothy Dillon…Gemma & Elenora Zustovich
Annamay Leung…Anita Rapp…Margaret Kelly…Vita Mulé
Kenneth Cadematori...Maria Pia Mangano...Frank Illuzzi
Oscar Zustovich…Lawrence R. Inserra, Jr....Theresa Inserra
Armando Pelaschier…Joya Mirante…Emilio Ciacciarelli
In Thanksgiving...Special Intention for K. Deering,
The Christian Community
Church of St Paul
joyfully welcomes the children
baptized in the month of
May 2015
Colin Joseph Becker son of Michael & Diane
Rooney Matthew Cooper son of Matthew & Kimberly
Scarlett Rose Cunningham daughter of Derek & Laura
Charlee Rene DeFeo daughter of Mark & Karen
Isabella Angelina Edone daughter of John & Sharon
Finley Rose Holl daughter of Joseph & Meghan
Jemma Alexis Schoneman daughter of Jason & Gina
Omni Secoya Rehse don of Jeremiah & Tomasina
Belle Kathleen Norris daughter of John & Gia
Kyleigh Broderick McGlyn daughter of John & Meghann
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Social Concern
Baby Bottle Campaign – Beginning Mother’s Day, May 10
through Father’s Day, June 21 our parish will be supporting
the Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center through its
annual Baby Bottle Campaign. We encourage you to take an
empty baby bottle home, fill it with coins, cash or a check
(made payable to Lighthouse PRC), and return it to church on
or before Father’s Day. This year’s Baby Bottle funds will help
Lighthouse to further expand its services for those facing or at
-risk for unplanned pregnancy.
Food Pantry - The St Paul Food Pantry is supported through
generous donations from St Paul parishioners. The pantry is
located in the front vestibule of the church and is available for
all in the community in need. The Food Pantry is open on
Tuesday’s from 12:15pm – 12:45pm. Please contact the
Parish Center at 201-327-0976 if you need to make special
arranges to access the Food Pantry. Place all food donations
in the wooden boxes located at the side entrances of the
Food Pantry Needs - Juice, Snacks/Cookies/Crackers,
Spaghetti Sauce, White Rice, Condiments (Mayonnaise,
Ketchup, Mustard), Canned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Fruit
Cocktail) and Bath Products. Due to your overwhelming
generosity we do not need Cereal or Canned Soup.
Harrison House - Twice monthly the committee provides a
home cooked meal for eight people with the AIDS virus, who
live in a home on the grounds of Bergen Regional Medical
Center. Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver a meal
for the following summer dates: Fri., June 26th, Sat., July 4th,
and Fri., July 24th;.Sat., August 1st, and Fri., August 28th..If
you are able to help, call Debbie at 201-825-7856.
Next Meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:30pm in the
Academy of St Paul Library.
E-Mail Blast
Many of you may have noticed, St. Paul is publishing a
monthly E-Mail Blast with all events that are happening in the
parish. If you haven't received one, it may mean we do not
have a current e-mail address for you. Please e-mail with your information.
Parish Center Summer Hours
Summer hours for the parish center will begin
Monday, June 22:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We will return to regular hours as of Tuesday, September 8.
May 23/24 is $.00 which includes $5,292.00 from
Faith Direct.
10% of the weekly stewardship treasure is set aside to
help others in need. We are grateful for your ongoing
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May 31, 2015
Youth Group News
End of the Year Picnic: Tuesday, June 9
We'll kick back and celebrate all the fun we've had and
memories we share. Activities such as a softball game, home
run derby, ultimate Frisbee, water balloon throwing, and "state
fair" games can be expected along with hot dogs,
hamburgers, and ice cream. Then we'll cap the night off with
the Hand Print Ceremony and a "Year in Review" Slideshow!
Senior Night: Tuesday, June 16
To celebrate the contribution that our graduating seniors
make to the youth group and their years of dedication, we'll
start the evening with a short prayer service where Groupies
will be given a graduation gift. Then we'll head off to a special
restaurant for an awesome meal together. This is the only
youth group meeting with a dress code! There is no charge
for this event; it’s our graduation gift to you! Seniors who will
be attending dinner must RSVP no later than June 9.
Camping Retreat: Sat./Sun., July 25-26
This is a retreat that takes us out of our comfort zones and
into God's creation. We'll hike, canoe, learn about camping
and survival skills, as well as, God, faith, leadership, and life.
Groupies will learn to cook their own food over a campfire
(supervised of course!), pitch their own tent, and as always,
leave their surrounds better than they found them. Cost is
$150 per “groupie” to be submitted with the appropriate forms
by June 9. For more information attend youth group meetings.
Annual Golf Outing
The Academy of St Paul in Ramsey will be hosting its 3rd
Annual Golf Outing on Monday, June 22nd at the Ramsey
Golf & Country Club. A fun filled day that offers great value is
being planned including lunch, golf with cart, buffet dinner
with open bar, contests, great prizes and more. Cost per
golfer will be $175. Non-golfers are welcome for a great buffet dinner with open bar to support the cause for $50 per person. Numerous sponsorship opportunities are also available.
Funds raised by our outing will directly benefit the children by
contributing to school operating expenses. For more information about the outing or to receive a registration form for golf,
dinner or sponsorship, please contact: Paul Ursich Golf Committee Chair at 201-803-4646 or
187 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey // Phone: 201-3271108 // Fax: 201-236-1318
Email: //
Academy of St Paul is our parish school!
Make a Catholic education a priority for your family.
Academy of St Paul provides academic excellence in an
atmosphere of love and Catholic Christian values through
scholarship, spirituality and service. Our rigorous curriculum
and exemplary teachers prepare our students to take their
place as faith-filled stewards in the Church and the world. Let
us partner with you in your child’s school success. Call 201327-1108 to arrange a tour. For more information, visit
Academy Happenings
On May 14, the Sixth Grade
Class began their day early
at 7:30 Mass since they
would not be able to join the
rest of the school at noon
Mass for the Feast of the
students, accompanied by
chaperones traveled to the
Intrepid Sea, Air and Space
Students were
able to see the Enterprise
and tour the Space Shuttle
Pavilion as well as the
Growler Submarine.
Super 50/50 Raffle
Tickets for the Academy of Saint Paul Super 50/50 Raffle will
be sold after Mass on June 6th and 7th. The raffle will offer
the opportunity for three lucky people to win 25%, 15% or
10% of raffle ticket sales while fundraising on behalf of the
Academy of Saint Paul. Our winners last year shared a prize
of over $9,000! Tickets are $20 each, and the winner will be
drawn on June 22nd at the annual golf outing. Winners need
not be present. If you are unable to purchase after Mass, you
can contact the school at 201-327-1108.
Thank you for your support of our parish school.”
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Do you have a few hours to spare?
Volunteers needed to help with Fr.
Brennan's 50th Anniversary Party,
please call Donna at (201)327-0976 or
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The Most Holy Trinity
Night of Appreciation Invitations have been mailed to all
those adult volunteers in our parish. If you didn't receive one
and volunteer, please call the Parish Center so we can correct
our records. Please consider joining us on Saturday, June 6
at the 5 p.m. mass followed by dinner in the Academy of St.
Paul Gym.
Thank you to the ladies who take time out of their busy
schedule to help with the mailings.
or call 201-327-0976
by June 1
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Faith Formation
Registration for New Families
Enrollment in our Faith Formation Program is offered to all
registered parishioners who participate in the sacramental life
of the church and most especially Sunday Eucharist. The
Program is open to all Parish children in Kindergarten through
Grade 8, who are not in Catholic School. To find out more
about our programs and to obtain Faith Formation registration
information, please call 201-327-8010 or email
Our goal is to give the children the opportunity to build their
faith which is grounded in God’s love, family experience, the
witness of others and is brought to fruition as we celebrate as a
parish family of faith, especially when we celebrate the
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
May 31, 2015
Rev. Robert M. Brennan
Golden Jubilee
You are Invited to Join with
The Family and Friends of
Father Bob Brennan
Celebrating his
50 Years of Service
As a Priest
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Church of St. Paul
200 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey
Join us for a light reception following the Mass
Academy of St. Paul Gym
Please respond before Tuesday, June 9
or 201-327-0976
If you would like to write a note to Fr. Brennan sharing your memories, you may do so by
either e-mailing them to or drop them off to the parish center attention Donna Schifano.
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645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ