May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday


May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday
May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday
Schedule of Masses
Saturday: 9 am
Saturday Eve: 5 pm (Sunday Obligation)
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am, & 12 pm
Weekdays: Monday-Friday 7:30 am & 12 pm
Holy Days: 7:30 am, Noon & 7:30 pm
National Holidays: 9:00 am
Served by
Rev. John McCrone, Pastor
Rev. Paul Houlis, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Stefano Hong, Parochial Vicar
Mr. Jeremiah K. Rehse, Deacon
Gail Ritchie, School Principal
John Nunziata, Pastoral Associate
Colleen Jagde, Director of Faith Formation
Kristin Dabaghian, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy
Donna Schifano, Director of Outreach
Eric Erler, Director of Youth Ministry
John Weiss, Business Manager
Mission Statement
Parish Center:
193 Wyckoff Avenue // Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201.327.0976 // Fax: 201.327.6197
Faith Formation Grades K-8
201.327.8010 //
School: 201.327.1108 //
We are Catholic Christians
who embrace the plan of God for our salvation.
We come together in faith
to worship in a loving community.
We are moved by the Holy Spirit
to witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We wish to live out the vision of Jesus
expressed in the Beatitudes
as it unfolds in our daily life,
through time, talent and treasure.
Youth Office: 201.825.9199
Baptism: Parents, please contact the Parish Center during the pregnancy, or prior to adoption, to begin
preparing for your child’s baptism.
Penance: Saturdays 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment.
Marriage: Arrangements must be made one year in advance.
Anointing of the Sick: At two special Eucharistic Liturgies in Church during the year. Visitation of the sick at
home any time.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): For those interested in becoming a Catholic. Call the Parish
Center for information.
May 15, 2016
Mass Intentions for the
Week of May 15th
MONDAY, May 16 - Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9:14-29 (341)
7:30 Eileen Quann; Req by The Family
12:00 Cate Heafy-Rose; Req by Mr. & Mrs. Ritchie
TUESDAY, May 17 - Jas 4:1-10; Mk 9:30-37 (342)
7:30 Novena of Masses
12:00 Kathleen & Ralph Becher; Req by Charlie & Cathy Campbell
WEDNESDAY, May 18 - Jas 4:13-17; Mk 9:38-40 (343)
7:30 Victorianna Gaviola; Req by Romulo & Leticia Poon
12:00 Rose St. Hilaire; Req by Gary & Diane Trotter
THURSDAY, May 19 - Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:41-50 (344)
7:30 Alice Whittemore; Req by The O’Dowd Family
12:00 Justine Zaconie; Req by Ramsey Bld. Dept.
FRIDAY, May 20 - Jas 5:9-12; Mk 10:1-12 (345)
7:30 Denis Sheridan; Req by Anne & Jim McGowan
12:00 Jennie Dillon; Req by Connie & Bob Crimmins
SATURDAY, May 21 - Jas 5:13-20; Mk 10:13-16 (346)
9:00 Novena of Masses
5:00 Teresa Restuccia; Req by The Family
SUNDAY, May 22 – The Most Holy Trinity
Prv 8:22-31; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 (166)
7:30 John Hallett; Req by The Journick Family
9:00 Artie & Flo Doherty; Req by Charlie & Cathy Campbell
10:30 People of the Parish
12:00 Mary & Ed Brown; Req by Maureen & Jim McElderry
Candlelight Living Rosary and May Crowning
7pm This Evening
A Candlelight Living Rosary and May Crowning
honoring Mary—Mother of God, and our Mother—
will be held on this evening, Sunday, May 15th at
7pm in the Church.
A Living Rosary is a beautiful spiritual evening for
the entire family, where the Holy Rosary is prayed
using candlelight and musical accompaniment.
All are invited to participate in this evening of prayer and
tradition of our Catholic faith.
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all the women &
men who serve in our
armed forces;
David Finn
Peter Morgan
David King;
Marion Thompson
Rev. Eugene J. Hazewski
Rev. Msgr. Carl D.
burns in memory of
Edward & Nancy
Carr requested by
Joe & Cathy Lynch.
The month of May is the traditional
month for the Ordination of Priests
in this Archdiocese.
Please remember your priests in your
Father John McCrone—May 14, 1982
Father Paul Houlis—May 28, 2011
Father Stefano Hong—May 24, 2014
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Pentecost Sunday
If there's one truth we should take as our anchor on this great feast day, it is this: Pentecost is for
everybody! Parthians, Medes, and Elamites. Residents of America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Citizens of
Poland, Japan, Korea and Kazakhstan. Everyone!
Today's first reading encompasses the whole known world at the time of Christ, in the form of the
list of visitors to Jerusalem who witnessed the outpouring of the Spirit on the Apostles. And from that day
forward, nothing has changed, we haven't yet seen the fulfillment, it is our heavenly Fathers deepest desires
to pour his Spirit into every man, woman and child in creation. We need the Holy Spirit because he alone
can enable and empower us to live the life that Jesus won for us on the cross. We need the Spirit to guide us
to the truth especially the truth about Jesus. Every day a barrage of information and opinion tries to take
the place of the only One who gives eternal life. But in the midst of all this noise, the Spirit continues to
speak, telling us every day that Jesus wants to act powerfully in our lives. But the Spirit doesn't just speak
to our hearts. He also gives us the words - Gods own words - to comfort those who mourn and to
encourage those who falter. He gives us the wisdom too, to know when to listen instead of speak. He offers
to teach us how to move ahead in peace, confident in his leading, even when we can’t see where the road
leads. That outpouring of the Spirit in the sight of people from all over the world stands as Gods public
notice: “I have not left you desolate. I will help you. I will encourage you, empower and energize you to do
the things I call you to do." The risen Christ sends us out into the world, empowers us with the Holy Spirit,
and calls us to use our power according to his way and not the worlds. We are to find ways for the Holy
Spirit to empower those who are oppressed and powerless to speak the truth and to challenge those who
are powerful to be silent and listen. So let us listen and open our hearts and ask the Father to guide us on
our journey of life.
Treasures From Our Tradition
Today we are at the fiftieth day of the Easter celebration: seven weeks of seven days, a week of weeks, now
culminating in a festival fiftieth day. While the liturgical color of the Easter season is white or gold, on this
last day we have red. For the first thousand years of the church, there were no firm rules for using colors.
Only wealthy churches could afford a full array of colors, and most places used the best vestments, no matter the color, for the greatest feasts. The Church spelled out an exact plan for color, including red for Pentecost, only in 1570, but local differences held on until the 1800s.
Color experts tell us that red is a hot color, best used for fast paced, upbeat, active experiences. It is hard to
be neutral before red, as any matador will tell you. It invites commitment, draws you in. It is a stimulating
color, engaging the eye, stirring hunger. It is the most fitting color for this day when we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit into our lives, a dynamic presence overturning neutrality in favor of passion and
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
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May 15, 2016
6th Annual Fathers
Evening of Reflection
Church of Saint Paul ~ Ramsey, New Jersey
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 ~ 7:30PM
Saint Paul Church
~ Fathers, Sons, Uncles, Nephews, Grandfathers,
Step Fathers, Brothers ~
All men are invited & encouraged to attend the 6th
Annual Fathers Evening of Reflections
Men of the parish will share their experiences in
their roles as sons and fathers
The Joy & Grace of Being a Grandfather ~
Joe Losos
The Privilege of Being The Son of a Christian
Father ~ Patrick Mottola
“I Have Chosen YOU” A Step Fathers’ Blessings ~
R.J. Montouro
The 21st Century Challenges of Fatherhood ~
Eddie Scholl
For information contact John Nunziata –
2017 Book of Mass Intentions
Opening May 17, 2016
Our 2017 Book of Mass Intentions will be opened on
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 10 a.m. at the Parish
Please review the general guidelines below for
requesting a Mass intention:
In order to accommodate the requests of many
parishioners, each parish family may request up to 5
scheduled Masses (up to 3 of these can be Sundays).
Due to the large size of the parish, it is absolutely
First Come, First Serve. We will process in–person
requests on May 17, 2016 beginning at 10 a.m.
Mailed in or dropped off requests will be processed
starting May 18, 2016. For Drop off or Mail in
requests, please use the Mass Intention Request
Forms available in the Church, Parish Center or on
our website Donations
should be sent with the request ($ 10.00 per
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Church of Saint Paul Baptism Ministry
An Invitation ~
Do You Have Sewing Talent?
Did you know that 100 babies are baptized at St.
Paul Church every year? One of the most
memorable aspects of the Sacrament is the
“Clothing with White Garment”. There is a team
that cuts and sews the garments. We will provide
you with the materials and the instructions. We ask
that you sew only 24 garments per year. Once your
work is finished we are blessed to have the
generosity of John FitzPatrick and his family. His
company embroiders the names of the children on
the garments each month. He has been supporting
this ministry at no charge for many years. Every
family comments favorably about the beautiful,
personalized garment. We tell them about the
team’s talent and John FitzPatrick’s generosity and
they are so impressed by the sense of community
here at the Church of Saint Paul. Toni Small
coordinates the sewing team. Among are dedicated
sewing volunteers are Anne Rubel, Helen
Bonadonna, Virginia Autenrieth, Helen Driscoll and
Allison Loriz.
We could use you as part of this team. Do you want
to make a difference? If you are interested in joining
this rewarding ministry please contact John
Nunziata, Pastoral Associate at the Saint Paul Parish
Center, 201-327-0976 or
In addition to the team that sews there are other
opportunities to join the Baptism Ministry. If the
Baptism Ministry is right for you just contact John.
The Commitment is as little as 6 hours per year and
the rewards are priceless.!
Catholicism Classes
The make up class for April 27 will be Wednesday,
May 18 - same time/place.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Pentecost Sunday
Social Concern
Adult Care Brief Drive - This is the final weekend
of our collection. All items collected will be
distributed to organizations throughout Bergen
County. Thank you for your generous and caring
gifts to others.
Food Pantry—The St. Paul Food Pantry is
supported through generous donations from St.
Paul parishioners. The pantry is located in the front
vestibule of the church and is available for all in the
community in need. The Food Pantry is open on
Tuesdays from 11:30am—12:00pm. Please contact
the Parish Center at 201-327-0976 if you need to
make special arrangements to access the Food
Pantry. Place all food donations in the wooden
boxes located at the side entrances of the church.
Please no perishable items.
Juice, Snacks/Cookies/Crackers, White Rice,
Canned Meat (Tuna, Chicken, Ham), Spaghetti
Sauce, Canned Fruit (Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail)
and Cereal.
Harrison House—Twice monthly the committee
provides a home cooked meal for eight people with
the AIDS virus, who live in a home on the grounds
of Bergen Regional Medical Center.
Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver a
meal for: Sat., June 4 and Fri., June 24; Sat., July 2
and Fri July 22;.Sat., August 6 and Fri., August 26.
If you are able to help, call Debbie at 201-825-7856.
Baby Bottle Campaign
Beginning Mother's Day and running
through Father's Day, our parish will be
supporting the Lighthouse Pregnancy
Resource Center through its annual Baby
Bottle Campaign. We encourage you to
take an empty baby bottle home, fill it with
coins, cash or a check made payable to
Lighthouse PRC and return it to church on
or before Father's Day. This year's Baby
Bottle funds will help Lighthouse to further expand
its services for those facing or at risk for unplanned
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Youth Group News
Upcoming Event:
New Jersey Youth Rally
Six Flags Great Adventure
Sunday, May 15
End of the Year Picnic, June 8
We'll kick back and celebrate all the fun we've had
and memories we share. Activities such as a
softball game, home run derby, ultimate Frisbee,
water balloon throwing, and "state fair" games can
be expected along with hot dogs, hamburgers, and
ice cream. Then we'll cap the night off with the
Hand Print Ceremony and a "Year in Review"
Senior Night, June 14
To celebrate the contribution that our graduating
seniors make to the youth group and their years of
dedication, we'll start the evening with a short
prayer service where Groupies will be given a
graduation gift. Then we'll head off to a special
restaurant for an awesome meal together. This is
the only youth group meeting with a dress code!
There is no charge for this event; it’s our graduation
gift to you! Seniors who will be attending dinner
must RSVP no later than June 7.
Camping Retreat, July 21 - 24
This is a retreat that takes us out of our comfort
zones and into God's creation. We'll hike, canoe,
learn about camping and survival skills, as well as,
God, faith, leadership, and life. Groupies will learn
to cook their own food over a campfire (supervised
of course!), pitch their own tent, and as always,
leave their surrounds better than they found them.
Cost is $160 per “groupie” to be submitted with the
appropriate forms by June 7. For more information
attend youth group meetings.
Weekly high school meetings are Tuesdays from
7:30pm - 9:00pm in the upper room of the gym.
To receive the monthly youth ministry enewsletter, email
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May 15, 2016
Faith Formation Registration
Registration for our Faith Formation Program began May 2. The new Program year will begin in September
and is for children Kindergarten through Grade 8.
To register or to learn more about the Faith Formation program, we invite you to call 201-327-8010 or email
us at
Sacrament Preparation
Our Faith Formation journey is one in which we grow in a deeper relationship with the person of Christ and
understanding of the Catholic Church.
Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation happen separately
from the scheduled Faith Formation Sessions. The young people are enrolled in the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Preparation sessions once one full year of curriculum has been completed. Children traditionally enroll in the Faith Formation Program in 1st grade and First Reconciliation and
First Holy Communion are generally celebrated in 2nd grade. Young people being presented for the Sacrament of Confirmation should have attended continuous Catholic faith formation since First Holy Communion. There will be special Parent Meetings and Family/Child Preparation Sessions for all children who
choose to receive the Sacraments. Notifications of Meetings and Preparation Sessions will be mailed to families at the appropriate time.
If you have a child that attends Catholic School, you should contact the Faith Formation office at the end of
their 1st grade and 8th grade year, in order to obtain the information regarding enrolling in the Sacrament
Preparation program.
Those that attend the Academy of St. Paul will have information mailed home.
Potter Reflection Evening
All 9th grade Candidates currently enrolled in our Confirmation Preparation Program should attend one of
the evenings. The Candidate should attend with the potential Confirmation Sponsor or other adult family
The dates are as follows:
Wednesday, May 18: Last Names beginning with A through L
Friday, May 20: Last Names beginning with M through Z
The evenings will be held in the Academy cafeteria from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Ray Boswell is a very gifted man who conveys his faith in God through storytelling and his artwork!
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645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Pentecost Sunday
187 Wyckoff Avenue, Ramsey //
Phone: 201-327-1108 //
Email: // Website:
Academy of St Paul is our parish school! Make a Catholic education a priority for your family.
Academy of Saint Paul, a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School, provides academic excellence in an atmosphere
of love and Catholic Christian values through scholarship, spirituality and service. Our rigorous curriculum
and exemplary teachers prepare our students to take their place as faith-filled stewards in the Church and the
world. Let us partner with you in your child’s school success and in the development of their Catholic
identity. Call 201-327-1108 to arrange a tour. For more information, visit
On April 15, 2015, student representatives from the Back to Bach Project visited the Academy of St. Paul and
performed classical music for the students.
The Back to Bach Project is a national initiative launched in October 2014 in Northern NJ. It's founder, Noah
Lee, is a student at Don Bosco Preparatory High School. Its mission is to promote and expose students to
classical music. The Back to Bach Project has expanded to several cities in the United States since its
inception. In addition to Noah Lee, a cellist, performers included Amy Oh (violinist) and Joshua Park
(percussionist). The musicians performed chamber and solo performances of classical music, and a selection
from the Disney movie—Frozen. Students and faculty enjoyed the amazing performances and informative
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
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May 15, 2016
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645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
Pentecost Sunday
Giving Back to Your Parents with a
Charitable Gift Annuity
Are you looking for the perfect gift for your aging parents that would
guarantee income for life? Consider opening up a charitable gift annuity
with the Archdiocese of Newark. A charitable gift annuity can provide
payments with direct deposit to your aging parents now and a gift to
their parish later, all while providing you with both piece of mind and an
income tax deduction. If you would like information on this unique gift,
please contact Theresa Lynch, Planned Giving Manager, Archdiocese of
Newark (973) 497-4042 or by e-mail at
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ
WEEKEND of May 7-8 is
$20,842.00 which includes
$6,281.00 from Faith Direct.
10% of the weekly stewardship
treasure is set aside to help
others in need.
We are grateful for your
ongoing generosity.
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May 15, 2016
2016 Cardinal Egan Lecture Not Born Bad: The Catholic Truth
About Original Sin
by Archbishop J. Augustine
Di Noia, O.P.
Saturday, May 21 at 6:00 p.m. at the Catholic Center
at NYU.
To register, visit or
call 914-502-1859. Tickets are free but reservations
are required.
Organized by the Magnificat
Msgr. Jim Burke’s
Mass of Thanksgiving
There will be a Mass of Thanksgiving for his 60th
Anniversary as a priest on Sunday, June 5, 2016,
12:00noon at the Church of the Nativity, 315
Prospect St., Midland Park, NJ.
A casual reception will follow in Nativity’s
Kennedy Hall. ABSOLUTELY NO GIFTS! This is
his thanksgiving for you!
Please reply by Friday, May 27 by calling 201-4446362 or email
“A Path to Addiction”
Come learn about “A Path to Addiction” in
Lyndhurst, NJ on June 9.
The session will discuss the path from prescription
painkillers to heroin. It will be at 7:00 p.m. in the
Lyndhurst Senior Building, 250 Cleveland Ave.
This free presentation is through a partnership by
the Bergen County Prosecutors Office,
Commissioner John Montillo, the Lyndhurst Police
Department and the Rutherford Police Department.
Contact Sgt. Richard Pizzuti with questions, at or 201-939-2900 ext.
Thank you to all those people who
helped make the Tribute to Mothers
such a success! This will certainly
become an annual event!!!
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Marriage Encounter
Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost – the
sending of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the
Comforter to come and dwell in us, God’s children.
Open your heart wide and invite the Holy Spirit in
to dive even deeper in your relationship with God
and your spouse. For more information contact
Mike and Janet Turco at 973-427-7016 or 609-3356880 or email
Military families, are you getting ready to deploy?
Is your family trying to reconnect after deployment?
Marriage Encounter offers tools of communication
that have kept many military marriages strong and
happy throughout the ups and downs of military
service. Contact your local chaplain or call 973-4277016 or 609-335-6880 for more information.
A Retreat for Those Facing
Serious Illness
Gennesaret, a retreat designed to provide a spiritual
and temporal oasis for men and women suffering
with a life changing illness, will be held the
weekend of May 20, 21, & 22, 2016 at the
Archdiocesan Retreat Center, located in Kearny N.J.
The retreat will begin Friday at 2:15 P.M. and end
with a closing Prayer Service Sunday at 1:30 P.M.
There is no cost to you for the retreat.
For further information, contact:
Hilare Reinold
Peggy Walsh
Maire Merritt
Linda Capobianco
Special Noon Mass
A special mass and support group meeting for all
who are affected by the disease of alcoholism will
take place at Church of St. Mary, 20 Legion Place,
Closter, NJ on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 12:00 noon.
Mass is offered for the support, healing and
recovery of not only the man/woman directly
infected with the abuse of alcohol or drugs, but also
for anyone involved in the life of the alcoholic or
drug addict. For information please call 201-7687565.
645 St Paul - Ramsey, NJ