2015 Town Report - Town of Sidney, Maine
2015 Town Report - Town of Sidney, Maine
Annual Report of the Town Officers of SIDNEY, MAINE for the Year Ending January 31st 2015 INDEX IN BACK OF REPORT Town of Sidney Annual Town Meeting 2015 SCHEDULE VOTING on Articles 1 and 2 as outlined in the Town of Sidney Warrant for Annual Town Meeting: DATE: Friday, March 27, 2015 TIME: 12:15 PM – 8:00 PM PLACE: Sidney Town Office, 2986 Middle Road TOWN MEETING to vote on the remaining Articles as outlined in the Town of Sidney Warrant for Annual Town Meeting: DATE: Saturday, March 28, 2015 TIME: Breakfast begins at 8:00 AM Meeting begins at 9:00 AM PLACE: JH Bean School, 2896 Middle Road, Sidney 2nd Annual SAA Breakfast! The Sidney Athletic Association (SAA) will be hosting a fund raising breakfast at 8:00 AM before the Town Meeting begins. The SAA will serve pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries, juice, and coffee. The SAA is asking for a small donation of $5 per person. Come and support the SAA and the youth of this Town! FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS: The Town of Sidney Selectmen would like to show support to the community by asking each attendee to bring a non-perishable food item to the Town Meeting as a donation to THE SIDNEY FOOD PANTRY. 2 TOWN REPORT DEDICATION The 2015 Town Report is dedicated to Robert Bacon. Bob is a lifelong resident of the Town of Sidney. He was instrumental in forming Sidney Rescue and was in charge of the department for 12 years. He has been actively involved with both the fire and rescue departments for more than 50 years. After the West River Road Fire Department was destroyed by fire in late November of 1994, he served as chairman for the Building Committee that oversaw the rebuilding project. He also sent letters to suppliers of fire equipment throughout the country, resulting in thousands of dollars worth of donations to help re-equip the station. In 2011 Bob received the Spirit of America Award for his service to his community. Some criteria for this award includes a person that has shown continued long-term service, whose efforts and accomplishments have been a direct benefit to the community, and who set an example for young people to follow. There is no question as to why Bob was a recipient of this award. Sadly, Bob will be stepping down as the Assistant Fire Chief in 2015. Please help us to acknowledge his many years of dedication and service to our community and wish him a very happy retirement. Photo from 1990 - L to R: Don Farnham, Doug Cunningham, Bob Bacon 3 4 Dear Friends: In November, the people of Maine entrusted me to serve another term in the United States Senate. I am deeply honored to serve you and will continue to work to bridge the partisan divide and to forge bipartisan solutions to the many challenges our nation faces. With the New Year just beginning, I welcome this opportunity to reflect on some of my work from this past year and to highlight some of my priorities for the year ahead. The biggest challenge facing our State remains the need for more jobs so that Mainers can stay in our great State to live, work, and raise their families. Since small businesses create the vast majority of jobs, we must help them to start up, grow, and succeed. We must update our tax code to encourage small business investment in equipment and other assets, cut the red tape that is hampering job creators, build the transportation and energy infrastructure to support an expanding economy. We must also foster opportunities for key industries, from agriculture to defense. We must ensure that our workers have the skills they need for the jobs of today and tomorrow. These initiatives will remain my top priorities in the new Congress. I am pleased to report a number of successes from this past year, including provisions from my “Seven Point Plan for Maine Jobs.” My proposals to streamline job training programs and better match workers’ skills with employers’ needs were enacted as part of a workforce investment act. I helped secure promising manufacturing opportunities for our state—from requiring the military to buy American-made athletic footwear for new recruits, just as it does for other uniform items, to an additional Department of Energy investment in the deepwater, offshore wind power project being developed by the University of Maine, Maine Maritime Academy, and private companies. For Maine agriculture, I succeeded in including the fresh, white potato in a federal nutrition program from which it has been the only vegetable to be excluded. Also last year, I was pleased to join in the christening of the USS Zumwalt at Bath Iron Works, a Navy ship for the 21st Century that will help protect our nation and strengthen one of Maine’s most vital industries. And, for Veterans living in rural areas, I secured a two-year extension of the successful Access Received Closer to Home program, which is improving access to health care for Veterans in northern Maine. Finally, after several years in the making, I am delighted that Congress has approved my legislation to form a commission – at no cost to taxpayers – on the creation of a National Women’s History Museum. A museum recognizing the contributions of American women is long overdue, and this bill is an important first step toward that goal. In the new Congress, I will serve as Chairman of the Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee. This position will allow me to continue working to ensure investments are made in critical transportation infrastructure, which is essential for our safety and economic growth. To date, Maine has received more than $90 million for highway, bridge, airport, rail, and port projects through the successful TIGER grant program. I will also serve at the helm of the Senate Special Committee on Aging in the 114th Congress, a position I sought because Maine has the highest median age in the nation. Working to address pressing issues facing our seniors, from long-term care and retirement security to the vast potential of biomedical research, will be on our agenda. Preventing and effectively treating Alzheimer's should be an urgent national priority as this devastating disease continues to take such a personal and economic toll on more than five million Americans and their families. The Committee will also continue to focus on the scams and frauds targeting our senior citizens and has a toll-free hotline (1-855-303-9470) where seniors and their loved ones can report suspected fraud. A Maine value that always guides me is our unsurpassed work ethic. As 2014 ended, I continued my record of never missing a roll-call vote since my Senate service began in 1997; a tally that now stands at more than 5,700 consecutive votes. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the great State of Maine and the people of Sidney. If ever I can be of assistance to you, please contact my Augusta Constituent Services Center at (207) 622-8414, or visit my website at www.collins.senate.gov. Sincerely, Susan M. Collins United States Senator 5 6 Town of Sidney 2986 Middle Road Sidney, Maine 04330 Dear Friends, Since being sworn in, I have been working to help solve our most important issues such as creating more jobs, lowering the cost to heat our homes and balancing the national budget. In Congress, I will work to give job creators the confidence they need to start new businesses and create more jobs. It is important for Congress to continue to pass jobs bills, like the Keystone XL Pipeline Act, to get our hard-working Mainers back to work so they can put more food on the kitchen table. As your representative, I will always support legislation that will balance our national budget, reduce the high cost of energy and help create more jobs. Secondly, I have been working, with Republicans and Democrats, to help lower the cost of energy for our small businesses and hard-working families in Maine. One of my first votes, as a member of Congress, was in support of the Keystone XL Pipeline Act and the Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act. These bills will help increase the production and create a reliable flow of natural gas to Maine, especially the Second District. For my first House floor speech, I asked my Republican and Democrat colleagues to join me in support of the Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. This Constitutional amendment will require Washington to, finally, live within their means, just like our hard-working families in Sidney. Balancing the national budget will help end wasteful spending and help secure financial security for our kids and grandkids. I’m honored and grateful to serve you and represent the hard-working people of Maine’s Second Congressional District. If you need any help, please visit my website (Poliquin.house.gov) or call any of my offices: Lewiston (207) 784-0768, Bangor (207) 942-0583, Presque Isle (207) 764-1968 and Washington, D.C. (202) 225-6306. Sincerely, Bruce Poliquin 7 8 Annual Report to the Town of Sidney A Message from Senator Roger Katz Dear Friends and Neighbors: First of all, my thanks to you for the honor of serving as your moderator at Town Meeting! This is now my third term in the Maine Senate. I am so grateful for the trust you've placed in me and I will continue to do my best to represent the citizens of Sidney and the entire state. Even as we continue to come out of the recession, we face some stubborn and daunting issues here in Maine, including the reality that we have the highest median age in the country. How do we deal with the challenge of an aging population? How can we continue to provide excellent state services to our people without putting more pressure on local property taxes? How can we prepare our students (young and old) for the high – paying, high – demand jobs of the future? What can we do to help lower energy costs for Maine people and businesses? How can we ensure a welfare safety net for the most vulnerable among us while at the same time making sure that we are encouraging self-sufficiency? What can we do to attract more young workers and entrepreneurs to our state? The questions are easy to ask. Finding the answers is a more difficult. This is where you come in! I am hoping that many of you will reach out to me during the course of the legislative session with your ideas and thoughts on the budget and other bills we are facing. The Governor’s budget proposes some fundamental reform to our tax structure, most of which I think makes great sense. However, parts of it could end up placing further burdens on the Town of Sidney and its property taxpayers. What do you think? Let me know by contacting me at 2871505 or rkatz@lipmankatz.com. Your input will help me do a better job. Again, my humble and sincere thanks for allowing me to represent you in Augusta. Best, Roger Katz State Senator 9 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0002 (207) 287-1440 TTY: (207) 287-4469 Robert W. Nutting P.O. Box 100 Oakland, ME 04963 Home: (207) 465-7139 E-MAIL: bob@bobnutting.com January 2015 Dear Friends & Neighbors: Thank you for the ongoing privilege of being your voice in Augusta. It is difficult to believe that I am already in my second fourth-term in office. The pleasure of serving the people of Sidney is one I will never forget, and I hope my representation has lived up to your expectations. For a number of weeks already, lawmakers have been hard at work, as roughly 1,890 bills have been submitted for consideration prior to our statutory adjournment date of June 17. Amongst the myriad of topics presented for discussion are, of course, the State budget; legalizing, taxing, and regulating marijuana; reinstating the State Fire Marshal’s authority to inspect amusement rides; virtual charter schools; solid waste disposal; energy costs; the availability of rural broadband Internet; eliminating the requirement that adults wear seatbelts; and prohibiting the handling of a mobile telephone while operating a motor vehicle. As always, you can monitor the progress of all tendered proposals online by visiting the Legislature’s Web site, http://legislature.maine.gov/. Focusing more on my time at the State House, legislative leadership has assigned me to the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee. Having past experience on this panel, I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in crafting a balanced financial plan that will help more Mainers move from poverty to prosperity. Since it is always my intent to maintain an open line of communication with constituents, I encourage you to send me your e-mail address so that I can provide you with a copy of my regular e-newsletter. This publication includes topics of interest related to government and other public service announcements. As we delve deeper into the New Year, I hope 2015 is one that brings you and your families good health and good fortune! Best regards, Robert W. Nutting State Representative District 77 Oakland (part) and Sidney 10 TOWN OF SIDNEY OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2014-2015 MODERATOR: Waldemar Buschmann SELECTMEN: Doug Eugley Laura Parker Kelly Couture Peter Schutte John Whitcomb, Chairman (2012-2015) (2013-2015) (2013-2016) (2014-2016) (2014-2017) TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR & CLERK: Shawna Foye DEPUTY TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR & CLERK: Diane White ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO SELECTMEN: Sheila Thorne OFFICE ASSISTANT: Mary Blaschke ROAD FOREMAN: Leon Burgess ROAD CREW: Michael Gilley Dale Mullen Tom Bigelow (sexton/winter call-in driver) Brian Kingsbury (call-in driver) TRANSFER STATION ATTENDANTS: Victor Grivois Nick Levenseller Brian Quirion George Savage 11 SUPERINTENDENT OF RSU #18 Gary Smith RSU #18 DIRECTORS: Eunice Spooner Kerry Oliver Term expires 2017 Term expires 2015 BUDGET COMMITTEE: Floyd Luce William Cole Erika Russell Brent Dugal John George, Chairman Tim Russell Alternates: Don Cole Michael Savage (2014-2015) (2014-2015) FIRE CHIEF: Richard Jandreau (2013-2016) FIRE WARDEN: Richard Jandreau (2014-2015) ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF: Robert Bacon (2014-2015) FIRE CAPTAINS: Kevin Bacon Ben Jandreau (2014-2015) (2014-2015) LIEUTENANT: Brian McKinnon Clyde Warman (2014-2015) (2014-2015) (2012-2015) (2012-2015) (2013-2016) (2013-2016) (2014-2017) (2014-2017) RESCUE CHIEF: Scott Routhier (resigned) Dan Courtemanche (Interim Chief) ASSISTANT RESCUE CHIEF: Mary Jane Parks (resigned) (2014-2015) RESCUE CAPTAIN: Dan Courtemanch (now Interim Rescue Chief) (2013-2015) FIRE/RESCUE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Rachel Williams (2014-2015) LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER: Dan Courtemanch (Interim) (2014-2015) 12 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR: Richard Jandreau SAFETY COORDINATOR: Leon Burgess REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Sandra Ouellette (resigned) Patty Bragg DEPUTY REGISTRARS OF VOTERS: (All terms expire 2015) Shawna Foye Diane White BALLOT & ELECTION CLERKS: Patricia Bragg Sandra Ouellette Alternates: Bonnie Cohen Dr. Tom Fiola Shelly Bacon Monique Fiola Angela Brown Ryan Poulin Richard McMahon Mary Bean Alanna Cole Gail Smith Tim Russell Bruce Hillman Margaret Loveless Kathy Hamlin Lulu Luce Charlotte Sawtelle Germaine McLellan William Sawtelle Robert Lorenz Mary Manley PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Gary Fuller, Certified by State CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Gary Fuller GENERAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATORS: (All terms expire 2017) Mary Blaschke Shawna Foye Sheila Thorne 13 MEMORIAL DAY PARADE COMMITTEE: Patricia Bragg Roberta Drummond Jeff Frost Maura Gammans Larry Tibbetts Arlene Toulouse (2014-2015) (2014-2015) (2014-2015) (2014-2015) (2014-2015) (2014-2015) ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS: Christopher Martinez Contact # 207-446-2443 PLANNING BOARD: Robert Philbrick, Chairman David Bernier Tom Vigue George Savage Shannon Stoddard (2014-2017) (2013-2016) (2013-2016) (2014-2017) (2013-2016) Alternate: Mary Blaschke, Secretary / Alternate Theresa Savage (2013-2016) (2013-2015) PLANNING BOARD OF APPEALS: Frank Southard, Chairman Marilyn Eccles Wayne Bragg Rochid Elias Alternate: Ron Masure (2013-2016) (2013-2016) (2013-2016) (2014-2017) (2014-2017) ASSESSMENT BOARD OF APPEALS: Floyd Luce Vacant Position (2011-2014) (2012-2015) WELFARE FAIR HEARING AUTHORITY: Vacant Position CIVIL CONSTABLES: Robin Sellinger (resigned) Mark Sellinger (resigned) (2014-2017) (2014-2017) CEMETERY COMMITTEE: (All terms expire 2017) Larry Tibbetts Beth Golding Lisa Lee Stanley Hanscom Alan Tibbetts 14 SCHOLARSHIP FUND COMMITTEE: (All terms expire 2017) Dr. Nancy Reynolds, Chairman Louise Erskine Sheila Thorne FIRSTPARK REPRESENTATIVE FOR SIDNEY: Donna Farnham –General Assembly Rep. Peter Schutte –General Assembly Rep. Doug Eugley, Alternate SIDNEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Chad Haskell, President Tait Rodgers, Vice President Dean Hall, Secretary Brad Pelletier, Treasurer Rick Greene Shawn Brunelle Amber Bragg ROAD PLANNING COMMITTEE: (All terms expire 2016) Ed Ayers Leon Burgess, Road Foreman Jon Dubois Floyd Luce Ed Manter John Philbrick Robert Willette 15 (2012-2015) (2013-2016) (2013-2016) SIDNEY'S ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STATE GOVERNMENT Senator Roger Katz District 24 State House Station # 3, Augusta, Maine 04333 (207)-287-1505 E-mail: SenRoger.Katz@legislature.maine.gov House Representative Robert W. Nutting District 77 2 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002 (207)-287-1400 Email: Bob.Nutting@legislature.maine.gov ____________________________________________________ SIDNEY'S ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 1st Congressional District Senator Angus King 174 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 (202)-224-5344 Augusta Office- (207)-622-8292 Senator Susan Collins B-40 Dickerson Senate Office Washington, D.C. 20505 (202)-224-2523 Augusta office- (207)-622-8414 Congressman Bruce Poliquin 416 Canon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202)-225-6306 Bangor Office- (207)-942-7101 16 17 18 2015 Sidney Mil Rate Allocation 0.10 0.30 0.09 1.12 School County & PSAP KRDA Overlay 9.24 Town Operations Allocation of 2014 Property Tax Collections 3,302,997 32,996 106,092 36,250 400,571 9.24 Mills School 85.15% .10 Mills KRDA 0.93% .09 Mills Town Operations 0.85% 1.12 Mills County & PSAP 10.33% .30 Mills Overlay 2.74% 19 SELECTMEN FINANCIAL REPORT SELECTMEN FINANCIAL REPORT Department Town Administration Department Salaries Town Administration Utilities Salaries Maintenance Utilities Supplies Maintenance Training Supplies Training Insurance Insurance Services Professional Professional Services Equipment Equipment Contracts Contracts Buildings Buildings Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Budget TotalTotal Budget Public Safety Public Safety calls Fire/Rescue Fire/Rescue calls Rescue Department Fire Department Rescue Department services Fire PSAP Department Animal Control PSAP services Total Budget Animal Control TotalHealth Budget & Sanitation Transfer/recycling center Refuse Disposal Health & Sanitation Total Budget center Transfer/recycling Refuse Disposal Public Works TotalSummer Budget Highways Salaries Utilities Public Works Maintenance Summer Highways Supplies Salaries HotTop/ Road Supplies Utilities Training Maintenance Insurance Professional Services Supplies Equipment Hot Top/ Road Supplies Buildings Training Contracts Insurance Miscellaneous Professional Services Total Budget Equipment Buildings Contracts Miscellaneous Total Budget Budget Receipts/Fees Budget Receipts/Fees 193,500 9,400 Expended Expended 180,885 9,211 184,950 4,000 8,200 7,400 5,100 6,200 500 750 50,115 43,725 48,060 39,050 10,500 2,500 9,700 8,600 4,000 2,000 5,000 5,500 306,075 342,675 171,510 3,988 9,192 9,313 3,689 772 6,747 420 47,334 42,141 40,540 38,843 8,776 1,249 10,108 8,964 2,103 3,356 5,669 8,798 291,780 321,828 32,500 40,300 14,000 65,120 19,640 40,742 67,475 10,725 44,354 163,087 32,500 12,679 63,159 40,742 7,446 156,526 9,615 181,384 39,720 39,720 39,745 39,745 71,100 2,340 14,500 1,750 69,175 263,000 2,420 750 13,500 23,265 2,650 1,415 18,750 225,250 1,600 200 3,200 27,820 900 2,600 403,805 14,500 1,600 4,800 800 364,080 20 64,439 64,439 37,389 60,462 97,851 70,545 70,545 31,864 18,048 67,475 39,588 6,868 163,843 39,748 77,887 117,635 57,990 2,077 12,037 992 63,483 222,615 2,479 100 22,840 10,520 315 2,019 15,825 166,335 1,405 815 3,150 24,973 610 242 339,956 7,406 0 4,500 0 282,771 SELECTMEN FINANCIAL REPORT Winter Highways Salaries Utilities Maintenance Supplies Training Insurance Professional Services Equipment Road Supplies Buildings Miscellaneous Total Budget 85,800 7,920 13,500 9,100 250 24,120 400 8,000 115,400 1,250 850 266,590 Leisure Services Sidney Athletic/Recreation Sidney Trail Riders Snowmobile Total Budget Debt Services Principal Interest Total Budget 13,000 13,000 County Tax Kennebec County Total Budget 12,924 2,946 15,870 193,783 14,821 208,604 5,000 5,000 1,100 2,000 2,500 15,600 2,639 5,000 1,100 2,000 2,500 13,239 3,302,997 3,302,997 3,302,997 3,302,997 356,217 356,217 356,217 356,217 36,250 4,700 4,700 5,000 10,000 60,650 36,250 4,700 4,700 1,442 8,890 55,982 106,092 7,922 Unclassified First Park Cemetery/Headstone Maint Cemetery Trees Grant Funding Generator Total Budget Overlay 2,946 2,946 193,900 14,950 208,850 Public Assistance General Assistance Sidney Food Cupboard BRCA - Conservation Alliance BRCA - Milfoil Friends of Messalonskee Total Budget Education RSU #18 Total Budget 73,778 10,503 14,989 1,645 815 22,957 380 3,604 84,728 0 0 213,399 21 Do you have business to do at the Town Office, but you can’t make it in during our regular hours?? A lot of business can be done on-line, at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is easy and available when you are ready. See the following links……. Motor Vehicle and Trailer Re-registrations: http://www.informe.org/bmv/rapid-renewal Vanity Plate Search or Duplicate registration http://www.informe.org/bmv/rapid-renewal click on Vanity Plates or Duplicate registration ATV/Snowmobile Renewals http://www.maine.gov click on ATV/Snowmobile renewals Hunting/Fishing Licenses http://www.maine.gov click on Hunting/Fishing licenses Deer /Moose Permit Applications http://www.maine.gov click on Check for online services and type in Any Deer Permit or Moose Hunting Appl Absentee Ballots for State Elections http://www.maine.gov click on Check for online services and type in Go to our website for a quick link to any of these sites on the home page http://www.sidneymaine.org 22 TOWN CLERK REPORT VITAL RECORDS Births 49 Marriages 35 Deaths Sidney Residents DOD 03/28/2014 07/16/2014 09/06/2014 09/06/2014 04/23/2014 05/16/2014 01/05/2014 06/08/2014 09/26/2014 08/11/2014 01/14/2014 07/27/2014 01/23/2014 01/05/2014 06/03/2014 12/30/2014 08/29/2014 03/24/2014 09/24/2014 07/28/2014 Name Allen, James Allen, Bernard Ammarell, Artelissie Andres, Linda Ayers, Richard Barrows, Jason Blake, Matthew Coulombe, Philip Emerson, Robert Erickson, Bonnie Hutchinson, Beatrice Jacques, Richard Willard Millis Nadeau, Gerard Paradis, Lance Perrino, Leahnna Sherman, Diane Sprague, Merle Tillson, Effie Willette, Robert Age 70 87 74 64 88 31 47 87 84 67 86 84 93 80 46 <1 59 83 71 71 REPORT ON DOGS Males/Females Neutured/Spayed 119 692 Respectfully Submitted, Shawna Foye 23 Kennels 6 2014 TAX COLLECTORS REPORT Tax Collector’s Report *Paid after books closed *see itemized list in town report 2007 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/14 61.95 Abated 61.95 Abated Rent-Way Inc 61.95 2008 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/14 63.00 Abated 63.00 Rent-way Inc 63.00 2009 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/14 68.60 Abated 68.60 Rent-way Inc 68.60 2010 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/14 68.60 Abated 68.60 Rent-way Inc 68.60 2011 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/2014 70.00 Abated 70.00 Rent-way Inc 70.00 24 2012 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/2014 61.77 Paid Treasurer 61.77 2013 Personal Property Uncollected 1/31/2014 76.78 Paid Treasurer 57.83 Uncollected 1/31/2015 14.96 72.79 Michael & Lynn Jandreau 14.96 2013 Liens Filed Name ALOFAITULI, ANN M & MAC M. 905.28 AMMARELL, ANNETTE 317.05 ARCHER, AMANDA 893.31 BAILEY, MICHAEL/LINDA 503.54 BEAN, EDWARD 1237.28 BEAN, EDWARD & DONNA 289.13 BEAN, TRAVIS/MARY 350.95 BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & 270.19 BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & 1117.41 BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & 1136.58 BECHARD, LAWRENCE J 1152.53 BERUBE, ALAN 1428.70 BERUBE, ALAN 155.53 BERUBE, ALAN D. 613.16 BICKFORD, LESLIE 80.76 BICKFORD, LESLIE & MARY A 435.69 BOGACZYK, DANIEL & MAYO, ANNIE 2109.65 BOLDUC, GEORGE & SHIRLEY 649.22 BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA 1912.25 BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA 1843.45 BRANN, JASON/SHERRIE 1863.39 BRETON, DAVID 39.88 BREWSTER, JONATHAN 484.54 BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. 433.70 CARSON, CHRISTOPHER & JEAN 1015.94 25 CHOATE, LARRY & NANCY 1087.73 COLE, SHARI 505.48 COOLEY, HAROLD & SANDRA 176.03 COTE, DONALD JR & KAREN 2080.74 CRAM, DUSTIN 356.93 CUMMINGS, JASON 287.14 CUMMINGS, PATRICK 1057.82 DECHAINE, SUSAN & 621.13 DORVAL, PAUL 2241.26 DOSTIE, SUSAN 836.48 DYER, HOWARD W. JR. 853.43 EGO, WAYNE 268.19 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1589.22 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1856.41 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1748.74 GAGNE, WANDA 1790.61 GAGNON, JEFFREY & TAMMY 523.43 GAGNON, JEFFREY 498.50 GILBERT, KIM 872.38 GOFF, ALBERT 1544.35 GOULD, MARK 1021.93 GOULD, MARK 563.31 GOULD, MARK 1608.16 GREENE, JACQUELINE 388.03 HUNT, PHILIP J. & LORI A. 502.49 JANDREAU, BENJAMIN 98.89 KIBBIN, DANIEL 353.94 LATHE, VALERIE 1223.32 LAVALLEE, TAMRAN & ERIC 1921.22 LETOURNEAU, LORRAINE 533.40 LETOURNEAU, LORRAINE 21.93 LEVASSUER, LORRAINE 13.96 LIBBY, TINA 237.29 LOGAN, DANNY 98.70 LOGAN, DANNY & MELISSA 429.71 26 LOGAN, DANNY & MELISSA 998.00 MADDEN, RICHARD 213.04 MARQUIS, SHAWN 309.07 MARQUIS, SHAWN 306.08 MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA 1321.03 MARTEL, DONALD & MARIELAINA 658.02 MCFADDEN, SCOTT & ZENA 1863.39 MCFADDEN, THEODORE T & MARLENE MCFADDEN, THEODORE T. 910.26 279.16 MCKENNA LAWRENCE/PATRICIA 1116.64 MELANSON, JUDITH A. & RAND, KELLY 696.90 MELLOWS, SHERYL 129.61 MERROW, THOMAS 309.07 MOODY ROGER E. JR. & 825.50 MOODY, DENNIS 529.71 MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN 187.44 MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN 2626.10 MOUNTAIN, SHIRLEY & DANA 1099.69 MULLEN, JOHN C/O CODY CUMMINGS 10.97 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 629.11 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 146.56 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 46.86 PENNEY, LINDA & ALBERT 1641.06 PHILBRICK, JEFFREY 1387.82 PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA 1562.30 PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA 70.79 PIERCE, DAVID/CAROL 74.55 PINE VIEW MOBILE HOMES 314.06 POULIN, GERALD 131.60 POULIN, GERALD A. 666.00 POULIN, GERALD A. 806.57 PREO, RANDALL/ 1071.78 QUIMBY, MATTHEW & SUSAN RIPLEY, CYNTHIA 362.91 1186.43 ROCKWOOD, CONSTANCE 56.92 27 ROSADO, RUTHANN 519.44 ROSADO, RUTHANN 88.73 ROSE, KELLY/MARTIN RICHARD 1382.84 RYAN, BRET 474.57 RYAN, BRET 1089.72 SAWLIVICH, ANDREW 416.75 SAWLIVICH, ANDREW/BRENDA 417.74 SAWLIVICH, ANDREW/BRENDA 519.44 SAWLIVICH, BRENDA 617.14 SCOTT, ROBERT 471.58 SIROIS, GARY 334.99 SKIDGEL, SHELDON 849.44 SKIDGEL, SHELDON 526.42 SMITH, BARBARA 581.25 SMITH, BRENT 1756.71 SMITH, GORDON-HEIRS 317.05 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 698.90 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 906.27 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 458.62 SMITH, MONA T., HEIRS OF 1258.21 SMITH, MONA T.,HEIRS OF 223.33 SNYDER, GREGORY & RONDA 4054.76 SOMES, ROBERT/ELIZABETH 2025.90 SOMES, ROBERT K. JR. 2121.62 ST. PIERRE, GINGER 261.21 STEWARD, JAMES & ELIZABETH STRICKLAND, CAETLIN 2206.36 620.26 TILLSON, WALTER/EFFIE 1584.23 VIOLETTE, RANDY 3129.58 WADE, DEAN & CYNTHIA 366.90 WEBB, MARGARET & PIERCE, P WEBB, RONALD & MARIE 1251.24 518.44 WELCH, ANTHONY 46.86 WELCH, LINDA 1401.78 WELCH, LINDA 1320.53 WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. 744.76 WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. 1635.08 WHITNEY, LORI L. 1746.74 Total 114541.78 28 2014 COMMITMENT Commitment 3832451.00 Paid to Treasurer 3520208.87 Abatements . 2703.83 Uncollected 1/31/15 309538.30 3832451.00 2014 Abatement Witham, William & Ellen 130.20 Campbell, Robert 74.87 Philbrick, Matthew 2498.76 2703.83 2013 Abatement Philbrick, Matthew 2296.09 Philbrick, Matthew & Nichole 2296.09 Perry, Helen 131.60 4592.18 Tax Acquired Bechard, Lawrence 1152.53 Supplements 2013 Supplement Philbrick, Matthew 2296.09 Philbrick, Matthew & Nichole 2066.78 4362.87 29 3832451.00 Tree Growth & Farmland Withdrawal Penalty 2013 Dewitt, John & Sarah 7210.70 Excise Taxes Vehicles 824217.34 Boats 8022.00 Aircraft 111.72 832351.06 2014 UNPAID TAXES Real Estate ADLEY, MENDEL & LILLIAN 662.94 ALOFAITULI, ANN M & MAC M. 985.18 AMERICAN TOWER INVESTMENTS LLC 1423.52 AMERICAN TOWER INVESTMENTS LLC 1195.67 AMMARELL, ANNETTE 345.03 ARBOUR, JEFFREY 580.48 ARBOUR, JEFFREY 2020.27 ARCHER, AMANDA 972.16 ARNOLD, ALAN 1388.80 ARNOLD, LARRY & CAROL 1169.63 BAILEY, MICHAEL & LINDA 473.22 BALLARD, GLEE C 2112.50 BALLARD, GLEE C & BALLARD RUTH M 10407.32 BALLARD, RUTH 347.20 BARKER, RAY A. & RUTH E. 1855.03 BARRY, STARR 282.10 BEAN, EDWARD 1346.49 BEAN, EDWARD & DONNA 314.65 BEAN, MICHEAL & JENNY L 1358.42 BEAN, TRAVIS & MARY 396.03 BEAULIEU, HEIDI 641.24 BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & TINA & GERARD BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & TINA 294.04 1216.29 BECHARD, LAWRENCE J 1254.26 BERUBE, ALAN 1554.81 30 Personal Property BERUBE, ALAN 169.26 BERUBE, ALAN D. 667.28 BICKFORD, LESLIE 87.89 BICKFORD, LESLIE & MARY A BLAISDELL, MICHAEL G. 474.15 1313.94 BLETHEN, CHAD & KRISTIN 635.81 BOGACZYK, DANIEL & MAYO, ANNIE 2295.86 BOLDUC, GEORGE & SHIRLEY 1260.77 BOWMAN, SANDRA 1171.80 BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA 2081.03 BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA 2006.17 BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRANN, JASON & SHERRIE 194.22 2027.87 BRETON, DALE 564.20 BRETON, DAVID 43.40 BREWSTER, JONATHAN 527.31 BROOKS, ROBERT D. & MARTHA T. 1836.91 BRYANT, MARK E 1942.36 BRYSON, JOAN & MICHAEL 1009.05 BUCKNAM, KAREN & PERRINO, MARC 1151.19 BURGESS, BRIAN 1475.60 BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. 471.98 BURRILL, MARGUERITE 617.55 CAMPBELL, JOHN A & BRIDGET H 1555.89 CARSON, CHRISTOPHER & JEAN 1105.62 CHOATE, LARRY J. & NANCY A. 1183.74 CLEARY, CARALEE 725.65 CLOUTIER, JODY 652.09 COLE, SHARI L. 550.10 COLLIER, RAYMOND & ELAINE COLLINS, PAULA & GORDON, EDWIN 1188.08 515.38 COLLINS, PAULA 6.51 COLLINS, PAULA 103.08 COOLEY, HAROLD & SANDRA 341.78 COOMBS, RON 311.40 31 CORMIER, JAMIE & KATIE 1294.41 COTE, DONALD JR. & KAREN 2264.40 COUTTS, SCOTT 1729.49 COUTURE, JOSEPH III & MARY ANNE 1895.50 CUMMINGS, CODY 120.44 CUMMINGS, JASON 312.48 CUMMINGS, PATRICK 1151.19 CUMMINGS, RICHARD & PAMELA 990.61 CUMMINGS, RONALD, RUSSELL, RICHARD 288.61 CUMMINGS, TONY 304.89 CURATO, HILDY 1176.68 DECHAINE, SUSAN & 675.96 DESMOND, MARK 875.60 DESVEAUX, GARY 544.67 DORVAL, PAUL A. 2439.08 DOSTIE, SUSAN 1245.58 DOUGLASS, KENNETH & LOIS 588.07 DOUIN, KENNETH 360.22 DOUIN, KENNETH M. & EARLE, LOUISE 1845.59 DYER, HOWARD W. JR. 928.76 EDGECOMB, VICTOR & EUGENE SR & 393.86 EDGECOMB, VICTOR A 969.99 EGO, WAYNE 183.37 ERICKSON, BONNIE 1395.31 FLETCHER, TODD & CYNTHIA 646.66 FLETCHER, TODD & CYNTHIA 213.75 FLETCHER, TODD & CYNTHIA 273.42 FORD, MARK & CAROLYN 1196.76 FOWLER, SCOTT 398.58 FOYE, KELLIE 861.23 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1720.81 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1446.31 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1816.29 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1755.53 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1818.46 32 62.93 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 2028.95 FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA 1884.65 G & G PROPERTIES, LLC 9953.79 G & G PROPERTIES, LLC 3649.94 GAGNON, JEFFREY & TAMMY 569.63 GAGNON, JEFFREY A. 542.50 GAGNON,TIMOTHY JR & DANIELLE 322.85 GAMMANS, JONATHAN & MAURA 2112.50 GILBERT, KIM 949.38 GILBERT, ROBERT L & LINDA L 1121.89 GILLEY, MICHAEL & CARLA 1012.63 GILMORE, PETER J & 959.14 GOFF, EDWARD & BERNADETTE 616.28 GOODHUE, GREGORY 1476.69 GOP, CECILE & WILLIAM/ ROOSA 103.12 GOULD, MARK 1112.13 GOULD, MARK 613.03 GOULD, MARK 1750.11 GRANT, BOBBI JO & JOSHUA 176.97 GRENIER, JEFFREY & ALETA 664.77 GURNEY, CATHERINE 3345.06 HAHIB, KHALIL 1739.26 HALL, KENDRA & JOHN 953.09 HAMLIN, KATHERINE & PHILLIP 2032.21 HASKELL, JAMES & NANCY 8.56 HATT, DAVID F., JR 1396.40 HOWARD, JAMES 2149.39 HOWARD, JAMES & HELEN 252.81 HUBBARD, BARBARA J & MICHAEL A 1757.94 HUMPHREY, WALLACE JR. & CONSTANCE 1469.09 HUNT, PHILIP J. & LORI A. 655.34 IRELAND, JEFFREY A 754.08 IRIS LANE, LLC 141.05 JANDREAU, BENJAMIN 1490.79 JANDREAU, MICHAEL & LYNN 16.28 33 KING, JERE T. & CHARLENE M. 618.45 KING, RALPH & EDRIS 218.57 KINGSBURY, LINDA 1525.51 KINGSBURY, LINDA 1437.08 KLING, MICHAEL & DEBRA 1346.49 KNOX, CRAIG & TRACY 2354.45 KNOX, KIRBY 1318.28 KRUK, LOUISE 186.11 LADEW, LINDA 8.68 LADEW-DUNCAN, JENNIE 24.12 LALIBERTE, NOEL R & CONNIE L 5841.64 LANDRY, CHRISTOPHER & HEIDI 1180.48 LANGUET, JAY 356.97 LASTELLA, CARMINE & CHARLENE 1641.61 LATHE, VALERIE 1331.30 LAVALLEE, TAMRAN & ERIC 2090.80 LECLAIR, RICHARD C. & CLAIRE A. 961.31 LETOURNEAU, A. LORRAINE 485.00 LETOURNEAU, A. LORRAINE 23.87 LEVASSEUR, AMY & MICHAEL 2023.53 LEVASSEUR, LORRAINE & MICHAEL A II 941.78 LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE 15.19 LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE 543.59 LIBBY, TINA 294.04 LIZOTTE, PETER & PATRICK 54.25 LOGAN, DANNY 129.12 LOGAN, DANNY 40.15 LOGAN, DANNY 107.42 LOGAN, DANNY & MELISSA 467.64 LOGAN, DANNY & MELISSA 1086.09 LOGAN, MELISSA 155.16 LOGAN, MELISSA 172.52 LOVEITT, GALE 324.42 LOVEITT, GALE 305.97 LOVEITT, GALE 324.42 34 LOVEITT, GALE 303.80 LOVEITT, GALE G & EUGENE 303.80 LOVEITT, GALE & EUGENE 585.90 MACKENZIE, GERALD & LEANNE 3387.37 MACKENZIE, GERALD SR 32.55 259.32 MADDEN, RICHARD M. 325.50 MARKOWITZ, LARRY M. & KAREN M. 1741.43 MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA 1437.63 MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA 889.70 MARTEL, DONALD & MARIELAINA 716.10 MARTIN, PETER & LYNDA 1527.68 MCFADDEN, SCOTT & ZENA 2027.87 MCFADDEN, THEODORE T & MARLENE 990.61 MCFADDEN, THEODORE T. 303.80 MCFADDEN, WESLEY 705.25 MCKENNA, DANIEL & CATHY 8019.24 MCKENNA, JAMES & OBERTON, JANE 0.99 MCKENNA,LAWRENCE & PATRICIA 1215.20 MCMAHON, RICHARD & KIM 996.03 MECAP, LLC 2704.91 MELLOWS, SHERYL 141.05 MERROW, THOMAS 336.35 MICHAUD, VICKIE 628.22 MILLIGAN, DANIEL 997.12 MILLIGAN, JAMES & AGNES 7573.30 MOODY, ROGER E. JR. & 951.55 MOODY, CATHY JEAN 1655.82 MOODY, DENNIS 945.54 MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN E 203.98 MORIN, MICHAEL ESTATE OF 788.80 MORRISSETTE, DOROTHY & WITHAM, DON 893.52 NEWTON, JOHN 269.08 NICHOLS, PAMELA & SHAWN 1163.12 NILES, DALE & MARY 1112.13 NORTON, STANLEY JR & MARY 818.28 35 290.78 O'BRIEN, BONNIE 158.41 OUELLETTE, JENNIFER 151.90 PAQUETTE, ROBERT D. 789.88 PARADIS, WILLARD 1179.40 PARROW, JACQUELINE 825.69 PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT 684.64 PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT 159.50 PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT 51.00 PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT 1785.91 PEPPER, DAVID 181.20 PHILBRICK, JEFFREY 1510.32 PHILBRICK, MICHAEL A. SR. 1992.06 PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA 1700.20 PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA 77.04 PICKETT, JOHN III & JENNIFER 2164.58 PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL 485.00 PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL 895.13 PINE VIEW MOBILE HOMES 341.78 POIRIER, JEROME 359.14 POOLE, KARL JR. & HEIDI 325.50 POULIN, GERALD 143.22 POULIN, GERALD A. 724.78 POULIN, GERALD A. 877.77 POULIN, MARK & CINDY 1423.52 PRAY, BARBARA & MCFADDEN, TRACY 1495.13 PREO, RANDALL J & 1166.38 PRESTIGE CUSTOM HOME 0.72 RACKLEFF, KIM C 675.96 RACKLEFF, KIMBER LEE & PETER 1070.90 RENOCK, NANCY -135.47 ROACH, ERIC & JUDITH 752.99 ROBERTS, DONALD & ANNE 1990.98 ROCKWOOD, CONTANCE 72.55 ROCQUE, CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA A 1465.84 RODRIGUE, GEORGE 773.61 36 ROSADO, RUTHANN 565.29 ROSADO, RUTHANN 96.57 ROSE, KELLY & MARTIN, RICHARD A 1498.98 RYAN, BRET 516.46 RYAN, BRET 1185.91 SAWLIVICH, ANDREW 453.53 SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA 454.62 SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA 565.29 SAWLIVICH, BRENDA 563.12 SIROIS, GARY 364.56 SIROIS, SCOTT & CROCKETT, BOBBI 1515.75 SKIDGEL, SHELDON 572.88 SMITH, BARBARA 623.88 SMITH, BRENT 1911.77 SMITH, DIXON 22.60 SMITH, GORDON-HEIRS 345.03 SMITH, JASON 135.63 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 760.59 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 986.27 SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF 499.10 SMITH, MONA T., HEIRS OF 1369.27 SMITH, MONA T.,HEIRS OF 243.04 SNYDER, GREGORY R & RONDA C 6435.42 SOMES, ROBERT & ELIZABETH ESTATE 2204.72 SOMES, ROBERT K. JR. 2308.88 SOUCY, JOHN 1104.53 ST. PIERRE, GINGER 135.71 ST. PIERRE, RAYMOND & DIANE P 446.11 STEWARD, JAMES & ELIZABETH 2401.11 STRICKLAND, CAETLIN D. 374.12 STUDLEY, ROBERT W. & CECILE A. 1052.45 THERIAULT, ROLAND JR 345.63 TILLSON, WALTER & EFFIE 1724.07 TRACY, UNA TRUSTEE 1368.19 TREADWELL, PAMELA & DANA 1388.80 37 TURNER, GILBERT 84.20 VEILLEUX, JOHN & ROBIN 507.24 VIOLETTE, RANDY 3405.82 WADE, DEAN & CYNTHIA 399.28 WEBB, MARGARET H. & *PIERCE, PATRICK WEBB, RONALD & MARIE 1361.68 564.20 WEBBER, CURTIS & BRENDA 1016.00 WHITEHOUSE, CASEY 670.53 WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. 852.81 WHITNEY, LORI L. 1792.42 WITHAM, WILLIAM & SARAH 1882.48 WOOD, DEREK 386.26 YANNELLI, DANA 1749.02 309081.51 TOTAL UNPAID 01/31/2015 309538.30 Respectfully submitted Shawna Foye 38 456.79 TREASURERS REPORT *Paid after books closed *See itemized list in town report Cash On Hand 1/31/2014 1,301,441.75 Deposits, Transfers,Interest 5529164.13 Warrants, Transfers/Service Charges -5449129.55 Cash On Hand 1/31/2015 1,381,476.33 SUMMARY OF TAX LIENS 2013 UNCOLLECTED Alofaituli, Ann/Mac 905.28 Ammarell, Annette 317.05 Archer, Amanda 893.31 Bean, Edward 1237.28 Bean, Edward 289.13 Bean, Travis & Mary 350.95 Bechard, Gerard Jr/Ernestine 1117.41 Bechard, Gerard Jr/Gerard III 270.19 Bechard, Lawrence 1152.53 Berube, Alan 1428.70 Berube, Alan 155.53 Berube, Alan 613.16 Bickford, Leslie 80.76 Bickford, Leslie/Mary 435.69 Bogaczyk, Daniel/Mayo, Annie 2109.65 Bolduc, George/Shirley 325.41 Breton, David 39.88 Brewster, Jonathan 484.54 Burgess, Shirley/Delmont 433.70 Carson, Christopher/Jean 347.48 Choate, Larry/Nancy 1087.73 Cooley, Harold/Sandra 176.03 Cote, Donald Jr/Karen 2080.74 Cummings, Jason 287.14 Cummings, Patrick 1057.82 Dechaine, Susan & 621.13 Dorval, Paul 2241.26 Dyer, Howard Jr 853.43 Ego, Wayne 268.19 Gagnon, Jeffery /Tammy 523.43 Gagnon, Jeffery 498.50 Gilbert, Kim 872.38 Gould, Mark 1021.93 Gould, Mark 563.31 Gould, Mark 1608.16 Greene, Jacqueline 388.03 39 Hunt, Philip & Lori 502.49 Jandreau, Benjamin 98.89 Lathe, Valerie 1223.32 Lavallee, Tamran & Eric 1798.18 Levasseur, Lorraine & Michael II 13.96 Libby, Tina 237.29 Logan, Danny 98.70 Logan, Danny & Melissa 429.71 Logan, Danny & Melissa 998.00 Madden, Richard 120.55 Marshall, Gilbert Jr/Viola 1321.03 Martel, Donald & Marielaina 658.02 McFadden, Scott & Zena 1863.39 McFadden, Theodore & Marlene 910.26 McFadden, Theodore 279.16 McKenna, Lawrence & Patricia 1116.64 Mellows, Sheryl 48.04 Merrow, Thomas 309.07 Morin, Andre II & Dawn 187.44 Mullen, John 10.97 Penney, Linda & Albert 629.11 Penney, Linda & Albert 146.56 Penney, Linda & Albert 46.86 Penney, Linda & Albert 1495.27 Philbrick, Jeffrey 1387.82 Philbrick, Nathan/Angela 1562.30 Philbrick, Nathan/Angela 70.79 Poulin, Gerald 131.60 Poulin, Gerald 666.00 Poulin, Gerald 806.57 Preo, Randall 1071.78 Quimby, Matthew/Susan 362.91 Rosado, Ruthann 519.44 Rosado, Ruthann 88.73 Ryan, Bret 474.57 Ryan, Bret 1089.72 Sawlivich, Andrew 416.75 Sawlivich, Andrew & Brenda 417.74 Sawlivich, Andrew & Brenda 519.44 Sawlivich, Brenda 617.14 Sirois, Gary 334.99 Smith, Barbara 581.25 Smith, Brent 1623.78 Smith, Gordon heirs 317.05 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 698.90 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 906.27 40 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 458.62 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 1258.21 Smith, Mona T Heirs of 223.33 Somes, Robert & Elizabeth 2025.90 Somes, Robert Jr 2121.62 Steward, James & Elizabeth 2206.36 Violette, Randy 1874.37 Webb, Margaret/Pierce, 1251.24 Webb, Ronald/Marie 518.44 Welch, Anthony 46.86 Welch, Linda 1401.78 Welch, Linda 1320.53 Whitehouse, Lance 744.76 Whitney, Lori 1746.74 73,544.05 2013 TAX ACQUIRED Bechard, Lawrence 1152.53 1152.53 COLLECTED TAX LIENS NAME 2012 Alofaituli, Ann/Mac 967.02 Ammarell, Annette 338.67 2013 503.54 Bailey, Michael & Linda 1172.30 Bean, Edward 388.73 Bean, Travis/Mary 629.42 Beaulieu, Heidi Bechard, Gerard Jr/Ernestine 1,214.10 Berube, Alan 1,526.15 Berube, Alan 166.14 Berube, Alan 654.98 1136.58 86.27 Bickford, Leslie 465.41 Bickford, Leslie/Mary 2,253.54 Bogaczyk, Daniel/Mayo, Annie Bolduc, George/Shirley 323.81 Bragg, Wayne/Patricia 1912.25 Bragg, Wayne/Patricia 1843.45 Brann, Jason & Sherrie 1863.39 Brewster, Jonathan 517.59 Burgess, Shirley/Delmont 569.78 Campbell, John/ Bridget 610.26 Carson, Christopher/Jean 861.11 668.46 505.48 Cole, Shari 870.11 Collins, Kim 41 585.15 Cormier, Jamie & Katie 356.93 Cram, Brian Cummings, Patrick 885.67 Cummings, Ronald, Russell, Richard 356.96 605.72 Dechaine, Susan & 2,394.12 Dorval, Paul Dostie, Susan 893.54 Dyer, Howard Jr 911.64 Ego, Wayne 286.49 Foye, Kellie 1123.55 836.48 Foye, Thomas/Shawna 1589.22 Foye, Thomas/Shawna 1856.41 1748.74 Foye, Thomas/Shawna 1912.74 Gagne, Wanda 1790.61 1544.35 Goff, Albert 1091.63 Gould, Mark Gould, Mark 601.73 Gould, Mark 1717.85 Greene, Jacqueline 308.85 Hunt, Philip & Lori 477.57 Kibbin, Daniel 353.94 Letourneau, A Lorraine 533.40 21.93 Letourneau, A Lorraine 2046.93 Lavallee, Tamran & Eric 123.04 805.16 Levasseur, Lorraine & Michael 14.91 Levasseur, Lorraine & Michael 150.17 Libby, Tina 92.49 Madden, Richard Marquis, Shawn Marquis, Shawn 330.15 309.07 326.96 306.08 Marshall, Gilbert Jr/Viola 1411.13 Marshall, Gilbert Sr heirs 873.30 702.90 Martel, Donald & Marielaina 1990.49 McFadden, Scott & Zena 972.35 McFadden, Theodore & Marlene 298.20 McFadden, Theodore McKenna, Lawrence/Patricia 1192.80 McMahon, Patricia 2233.30 744.44 Melanson, Judith & Rand, Kelly 696.90 81.57 Mellows, Sheryl 330.15 Merrow, Thomas 7451.80 Milligan, James 934.01 Moody, Roger Jr/Cathy 825.50 1064.26 Moody, Cathy 529.71 Moody, Dennis 2,805.21 Morin, Andre II & Dawn 42 2626.10 REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Exempt Codes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * * Homestead - * Veteran - & Blind - # Taxpayer ACHEY, DYLAN ADAMS, ANITA ADAMS, ANITA ADAMS, DAVID J & BOLDUC, AMY L ADLEY, MENDEL R. & LILLIAN L. AHO, MARK C & LAURIE J AINSLIE, BOYE & SUSAN AINSLIE, JAY & DEBRA AINSLIE, JOHN & MARJORIE AINSLIE, JOHN & RHONDA AINSLIE, RHONDA & JOHN C ALDEN, JAMES C. ALDERMAN, RODNEY ALKURABI, FERAS M. & KERRIE ALLARIE, DANIEL F. & SUSAN L. ALLARIE, DANIEL F. & SUSAN L. ALLEN, CRAIG J. & BRENDA J. ALLEN, GARY M. ALLEN, JAMES & THERESA ALLEN, KATHRYN L. ALLEN, KELLEY R. ALLEN, TERRY ALLEN, TERRY M. ALLEN, WILLIAM E & MARY LOU S ALLEN, WILLIAM E & MARY LOU S ALLEN-TIERNEY, JANE ALOFAITULI, ANN M & MAC M. ALTO, WILLIAM & SUSAN LIVING TRUST ALVAREZ, KENNETH C. & SHELLY B. AMADEI, ROBERT W. & REGINA M. AMERICAN TOWER INVESTMENTS LLC AMERICAN TOWER INVESTMENTS LLC AMERICAN TOWER INVESTMENTS LLC AMES, ANDREA T.H., HEWETT, MARK & HEWETT, ERIC AMES, ANDREA T.H., HEWETT, MARK & HEWETT, ERIC AMES, BRENDA CAREY AMES, PAMELA AMMARELL, ANNETTE AMMARELL, ARTELISSIE V. AMMARELL, PRESCOTT & DEBORAH AMMARELL, PRESCOTT & DEBORAH ANDERSON, KENNETH P. & BECK, JUSTINA A. ANDERSON, KENNETH P. & BECK, JUSTINA A. ANDERSON, MARK K. ANDREWS, JAMES & CYNTHIA ANDREWS, PATRICK R ANGELIDES, LEO P & DEBBIE A ANGELIDES, LEO P & DEBBIE A ANNIE'S VARIETY/MANLEY,ANNIE ANTANAVICH, RONALD M. APPANEAL, JAMES A. ARBOUR, ERIC & CRYSTAL ARBOUR, JEFFREY ARBOUR, JEFFREY ARCHER, AMANDA ARMSTRONG, BRIAN & ELYSABETH 43 Value 169,100 108,300 50,700 103,200 61,100 167,600 153,400 259,400 20,300 193,100 61,400 100,900 195,100 228,300 154,500 61,400 132,500 313,200 134,600 136,600 109,100 56,100 174,100 185,000 28,000 144,900 90,800 125,400 152,000 54,300 103,500 110,200 131,200 121,700 35,700 77,100 163,200 31,800 112,700 59,300 29,000 53,200 500 63,300 211,900 165,400 600 210,800 25,000 117,900 59,100 165,900 186,200 53,500 89,600 161,200 RE Tax 1,834.74 1,175.06 550.10 1,119.72 662.94 1,818.46 1,664.39 2,814.49 220.26 2,095.14 666.19 1,094.77 2,116.84 2,477.05 1,676.33 666.19 1,437.63 3,398.22 1,460.41 1,482.11 1,183.74 608.69 1,888.99 2,007.25 303.80 1,572.17 985.18 1,360.59 1,649.20 589.16 1,122.98 1,195.67 1,423.52 1,320.45 387.35 836.54 1,770.72 345.03 1,222.80 643.41 314.65 577.22 5.43 686.81 2,299.12 1,794.59 6.51 2,287.18 0.00 1,279.21 641.24 1,800.02 2,020.27 580.48 972.16 1,749.02 PP Tax 271.25 * * *& * *& * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * * 122,200 128,000 107,800 129,200 5,500 51,600 194,200 108,800 85,000 21,900 94,700 28,000 69,600 22,900 99,000 203,600 129,400 188,000 224,500 197,500 172,600 48,000 1,400 36,600 36,600 418,800 140,300 298,900 61,500 201,100 161,600 124,200 234,800 200,700 141,900 180,500 89,900 135,600 12,700 187,100 194,700 959,200 140,200 3,000 425,300 32,000 87,700 232,700 237,500 10,400 284,600 36,500 187,800 171,200 137,600 71,500 110,400 54,400 25,100 43,900 56,300 ARNOLD TRAIL SPORTSMAN CLUB ARNOLD, ALAN J. ARNOLD, LARRY & CAROL ARNOTT, NORMAN A. & KATHRYN L. AT & T MOBILITY LLC AUDET, PAUL & LUCILLE AUSTIN, DALE E & MAXINE L AUSTIN, JANET A AUSTIN, ROBERT L. & BETTY M. AYERS, EDWIN AYERS, EDWIN & BRENDA AYERS, EDWIN R. & BRENDA AYERS, EDWIN R. & BRENDA AYERS, MAXINE D. AYERS, MAXINE D. AYERS-MILLER, PATRICIA AYOTTE, PAUL E & MARY L AYOTTE, RAYMOND & JANET L. AYRES, SUSAN; REYNOLDS, NANCY & BACON, ADAM BACON, BRENDA J. BACON, BRYAN BACON, BRYAN & GWENDOLYN BACON, BRYAN & GWENDOLYN BACON, BRYAN & GWENDOLYN BACON, BRYAN O & DIANGELO, BETTE JEAN BACON, BRYAN O. BACON, BRYAN O. BACON, BRYAN O. BACON, EARL, PAULINE & LINDA BACON, KEVIN & SHELLEY BACON, KEVIN, SOLE TRUSTEE UNDER THE BACON, NICHOLAS B. BACON, RICHARD A. & DEANNA BACON, ROBERT H & PAMELA M BAGLEY, BRIAN BAILEY, MICHAEL & LINDA BAILEY, RALPH E & ELIZABETH F BAKER, TINA BALLARD, BROOKS & LANCE D. BALLARD, GLEE BALLARD, GLEE C & BALLARD RUTH M BALLARD, JEANALYS BALLARD, LANCE D. & LAURENE BALLARD, LANCE D. & LAURENE BALLARD, RUTH BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. BARD, DEANNA L. BARD, RYAN P. BARD, STEVEN & LINDA BARD, STEVEN & LINDA BARDEN, MICHAEL M & ELAINE BARDEN, THOMAS A. & WILLIAM F. BARKER, RAY A. & RUTH E. BARNA, ROBERT & CYNTHIA M. BARNETT, JEROME J. BARNETT, LEO BARNETT, LEO BARNETT, LEO BARNETT, LEO BARNETT, MARLENE A 44 1,325.87 1,388.80 1,169.63 1,401.82 0.00 559.86 2,107.07 1,180.48 922.25 0.00 1,027.50 303.80 755.16 248.47 1,074.15 2,209.06 1,403.99 2,039.80 2,435.83 2,142.88 1,872.71 0.00 15.19 397.11 397.11 4,543.98 1,522.26 3,243.07 667.28 2,181.94 1,753.36 1,347.57 2,547.58 2,177.60 1,539.62 1,958.43 975.42 1,471.26 137.80 2,030.04 2,112.50 10,407.32 1,521.17 32.55 4,614.51 347.20 951.55 2,524.80 2,576.88 0.00 3,087.91 396.03 2,037.63 1,857.52 1,492.96 775.78 1,197.84 590.24 272.33 476.32 610.86 59.68 237.62 520.80 112.84 BAROW, SEAN & SARAH * BARRETT, ROBERT C BARROWS, STEVEN A & DARCY A * BARROWS, STEVEN A & DARCY A BARRY, ERIC W BARRY, STARR BARTER-CHESSMAN, PAMELA * BARTER-CHESSMAN, PAMELA BARTLETT, ERIC H. & MISTI BARTLEY-WING, DEBORAH A. BEAL, FULTON I * BEALS, MARTHA & MILLIS,WILLARD JR. BEAN, ANN M. BEAN, ANN M. * BEAN, CALVIN & PENNY BEAN, CALVIN H. & PENNY L. BEAN, CALVIN H.& PENNY BEAN, EDWARD * BEAN, EDWARD & CALVIN H. BEAN, EDWARD C. & DONNA M. * BEAN, ERICA L & JAMES A, JR *& BEAN, GEORGE BEAN, GEORGE F & ANN M BEAN, JOSHUA P & LAURA A * BEAN, MARION & CALVIN & PENNY BEAN, MARION & CALVIN & PENNY * BEAN, MICHAEL & JENNY L BEAN, ORLAND E. & DONNA M. *& BEAN, ORLAND E. & DONNA M. BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND & DIANE BEAN, ROLAND G & DIANE T * BEAN, ROLAND G & DIANE T BEAN, RYAN A. BEAN, TRAVIS & MARY BEAN, WILLIAM F & KELSEY D * BEAN, WILLIAM F. & KELSEY BEAUDOIN, JEFFREY P. & SUZANNE L. * BEAUDOIN, PAUL E. & PATRICIA J BEAUDOIN, RONALD M & CRAVENS, PAMELA J *& BEAULIEU, ALBERT L. & CHRISTINA L. * BEAULIEU, BRIAN R & KATIE J BEAULIEU, CLEMENT & BRENDA BEAULIEU, DAWN CAROL & ALAN NORMAN * BEAULIEU, HEIDI * BEAULIEU, RAYMOND & DEBORAH * BEAULIEU, STEPHEN & ANN BEAULIEU, WILLIAM A BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & BECHARD, GERARD J, III BECHARD, GERARD J, JR & TINA * BECHARD, GERARD JR & ERNESTINE BECHARD, LAWRENCE J BECKERMAN, LUCILLE A & SCOTT M * BECKERMAN, PETER & JOAN BEDARD, CARMEN & ROGER TRUSTEES * BEDARD, CARMEN A & ROGER G *& BEDARD, WILLIAM & JOYCE BEGLEY, LAURA D. & MARK W. * BEGLEY, PAUL & STEPHANIE 45 283,100 99,400 1,042,700 529,300 201,000 26,000 40,000 137,900 169,600 127,500 113,700 857,800 1,800 76,600 203,100 29,200 5,200 124,100 99,000 29,000 117,100 114,800 96,000 81,400 109,800 56,700 125,200 76,400 118,600 21,700 64,000 34,800 18,400 181,100 175,200 164,600 36,500 27,700 135,200 89,400 146,600 23,800 100,200 211,200 142,100 226,700 59,100 119,100 51,600 94,300 27,100 112,100 114,000 115,600 64,600 310,600 83,700 205,700 115,200 34,500 290,200 3,071.64 1,078.49 11,313.30 5,742.91 2,180.85 282.10 434.00 1,496.22 1,840.16 1,383.38 1,233.65 9,307.13 19.53 831.11 2,203.64 316.82 56.42 1,346.49 1,074.15 314.65 1,270.54 1,245.58 1,041.60 883.19 1,191.33 615.20 1,358.42 828.94 1,286.81 235.45 694.40 377.58 199.64 1,964.94 1,900.92 1,785.91 396.03 300.55 1,466.92 969.99 1,590.61 258.23 1,087.17 2,291.52 1,541.79 2,459.70 641.24 1,292.24 559.86 1,023.16 294.04 1,216.29 1,236.90 1,254.26 700.91 3,370.01 908.15 2,231.85 1,249.92 374.33 3,148.67 BELGRADE CONSERVATON ALLIANCE, INC * BELL, PATRICIA BELL, RICHARD N. JR. & MELISSA C. BELL, ROBERT R. III & MEGAN J. * BELL, WILLIAM J III & BETH A BENEDICT, LAURA J. LIVING TRUST * BENSON, HANNA & DAVID A. *& BERARD, DANIEL G. SR. & MARY * BERETSOS, TINA BERGER, ANITA L * BERGER, PATRICIA BERNIER, CARI M. & DAVID J. BERNIER, PETER * BERNIER, RON & ANNE BERNIER, RONNEY & * BERUBE, ALAN BERUBE, ALAN BERUBE, ALAN D. * BERUBE, DAVID J. & LILA BEST CONSTRUCTION * BEVERIDGE, CURTIS A. & PAMELA A. * BICKFORD, BETTY JANE BICKFORD, BETTY JANE * BICKFORD, JACK * BICKFORD, JERRY R * BICKFORD, LESLIE BICKFORD, LESLIE & MARY A * BICKFORD-STRAINER, NORMA J BICKMORE, ANDREW & LISA * BIELAU-NIVUS, JAN BILLINGTON, CAROL & GORDON BILLINGTON, GILBERT BILLINGTON, GILBERT & DEBORAH A. BILLINGTON, GORDON & CAROL * BILODEAU, DONNA & INGRAHAM, SRA * BILODEAU, RITA BILODEAU, STEVEN M & CASSINA B * BISHOP, MICHAEL D & NORINE A * BISPHAM, HARRISON A. III * BISSON, RACHEL & RONALD BLAIR, DAVID & LANEY-BLAIR, KAREN * BLAISDELL, DEBRA BLAISDELL, MICHAEL G. BLAKE, MATTHEW A. HEIRS OF BLANCHARD, JASON W * BLANCHARD, JOYCE M * BLANCHARD, STEVEN W & LISA I BLANCHETTE, CHRISTOPHER D. * BLASCHKE, MARK A & MARY E BLETHEN, CHAD D. BLETHEN, CHAD D. & KRISTIN E. BLETHEN, DALE C * BLETHEN, DALE C & JOAN G BLETHEN, DALE C. BLETHEN, DALE C. & JOAN G. BLETHEN, JOAN G BLETHEN, PARKER D. & BERNICE L. * BLETHEN, PARKER D. & BERNICE L. TRUSTEES BOEGE, WILLIAM T & KNIGHT, ANGELA L BOGACZYK, DANIEL & MAYO, ANNIE * BOISVERT, CHRISTINE N. 46 1,400 38,700 143,900 203,500 281,600 138,200 217,200 260,400 146,300 33,200 199,000 197,600 212,700 146,200 28,000 143,300 15,600 61,500 90,500 49,000 168,700 100,700 67,400 51,500 175,000 8,100 43,700 73,200 348,500 93,800 381,500 169,100 312,600 39,200 165,300 156,700 232,700 195,100 188,500 138,900 312,900 152,100 121,100 108,500 61,700 193,000 162,400 183,000 174,000 151,200 58,600 32,000 184,000 18,900 56,600 42,300 71,300 140,100 135,100 211,600 117,700 15.19 419.90 1,561.32 2,207.98 3,055.36 1,499.47 2,356.62 2,825.34 1,587.36 360.22 2,159.15 2,143.96 2,307.80 1,586.27 303.80 1,554.81 169.26 667.28 981.93 0.00 1,830.40 1,092.60 731.29 558.78 1,898.75 87.89 474.15 794.22 3,781.23 1,017.73 4,139.28 1,834.74 3,391.71 425.32 1,793.51 1,700.20 2,524.80 2,116.84 2,045.23 1,507.07 3,394.97 1,650.29 1,313.94 1,177.23 669.45 2,094.05 1,762.04 1,985.55 1,887.90 1,640.52 635.81 347.20 1,996.40 205.07 614.11 458.96 773.61 1,520.09 1,465.84 2,295.86 1,277.05 531.65 38,400 467,200 116,200 14,200 21,900 140,900 134,400 154,000 7,000 112,100 215,100 157,400 94,400 53,900 103,900 26,400 144,000 167,500 146,400 175,200 21,200 241,700 450,600 119,200 186,000 108,000 211,400 369,800 348,500 186,400 15,700 253,300 98,400 146,500 40,500 208,700 390,400 43,000 8,900 12,000 3,000 21,300 24,600 85,900 21,500 79,000 148,000 62,600 127,500 222,800 188,200 184,900 191,800 17,900 19,700 59,300 50,900 41,100 27,900 421,200 186,900 BOLDUC, DANIEL G & JANE A * BOLDUC, DANIEL G & JANE A * BOLDUC, GEORGE R & SHIRLEY I BOLDUC, LUKE M BOLDUC, LUKE M. & CAOUETTE, HUGUETTE * BOLDUC, SUSAN V. *& BONENFANT, RICHARD J & DOROTHY * BONNEY, GEORGE F & PATRICIA BONNEY, GEORGE F. & PATRICIA * BOROW, ELLERY BOUCHARD, DAVID P. & HAZEL L. BOUCHARD, TODD M. & BOUCHER, MICHAEL BOUCHER, MICHAEL BOUCHER, MICHAEL A BOUCHER, MICHAEL A. BOUCHER, MICHAEL A. * BOUDREAU, DONALD A. & TINA A. BOUDREAU, MARK * BOUDREAU, MARK R BOUTELLE, STEVEN BOUTIN, BRIAN * BOUTIN, JAMES A. JR. & DONNA J M BOUTIN, TREVOR B. BOWERS, MEAGHAN WRAY * BOWMAN, SANDRA * BOYCE, LAWRENCE M & LESLIE A * BRADFIELD, WILLIAM K. & DAWN M. BRAGG FAMILY TRUST * BRAGG FAMILY TRUST BRAGG FAMILY TRUST BRAGG, CALEB J. * BRAGG, CLIFTON W. & AMBER L. * BRAGG, HARLAND & SHIRLEY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY * BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY & KATHY BRAGG, JEFFREY H & KATHY G BRAGG, JEFFREY H. & KATHY G. BRAGG, KATRINA BRAGG, LYNDSY BRAGG, MARGARET D FAMILY TRUST * BRAGG, MARGARET FAMILY TRUST * BRAGG, NICHOLAS & MAURA * BRAGG, RICHARD J & CHRISTINE BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA * BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA BRAGG, WAYNE & PATRICIA * BRANDWEIN, LEE BUDNER & REBECCA BRANN, JASON A & SHERRIE L 47 416.64 5,069.12 1,260.77 154.07 237.62 1,528.77 1,458.24 1,670.90 0.00 1,216.29 2,333.84 1,707.79 1,024.24 584.82 1,127.32 286.44 1,562.40 1,817.38 1,588.44 1,900.92 230.02 2,622.45 4,889.01 1,293.32 2,018.10 1,171.80 2,293.69 4,012.33 3,781.23 2,022.44 170.35 2,748.31 1,067.64 1,589.53 439.43 2,264.40 4,235.84 466.55 96.57 130.20 32.55 231.11 266.91 932.02 233.28 857.15 1,605.80 679.21 1,383.38 2,417.38 2,041.97 2,006.17 2,081.03 194.22 213.75 643.41 552.27 445.94 302.72 4,570.02 2,027.87 75.95 * BRAZZ, DOUGLAS & WENDY BREARD, FRANCIS JOSEPH BREARD, FRANCIS JOSEPH BREAULT, DOUGLAS BREIDEN, MARTHA H BREIDEN, NANCY & ZWICKY, STEVEN J. BRENDLE, RUTH, & SCHWARTZ,CHARLENE BRENNAN, DAVID D. BRETON, DALE * BRETON, DALE & CRYSTAL * BRETON, DAVID * BRETON, JEFFREY M. * BRETON, LAURENT J. & SANDRA M. BRETON, MICHAEL J BREWER, SUZANNE S. & STEPHEN G. BREWSTER, JONATHAN BREZNYAK, TONYA BROOKS, ERIC M. * BROOKS, ROBERT D. & MARTHA T. * BROWN, ANGELA M. BROWN, CARL FAMILY TRUST BROWN, DIANE * BROWN, JEANINE M * BROWN, MARILYN BROWN, SALLY * BROWN, SANDRA & RICHARD BROWNING, MEREDYTH A. & ERIC C. * BRUNELLE, SHAWN R. & JENNIFER M. * BRYANT, BETTY BRYANT, BETTY J. BRYANT, MARK E *& BRYSON, JOAN W. & MICHAEL A. * BUCK, TRAVIS A. & TANIA L. BUCKNAM, KAREN J & PERRINO, MARC A * BUCKNAM, PETER J. & MANDY E. * BUCKNAM, SCOTT & ANN BUJOLD, DONALD * BUJOLD, DONALD * BUJOLD, JANET L. * BUMFORD, SCOTT & KIMBERLY BUMPS, SHERWOOD M & LORNA R BUMPS, SHERWOOD M & LORNA R BUOTTE, ALLAN & DAVIS, HEIDI J. * BURBANK, FRANK W & BARBARA G *& BURGESS, BRIAN P. * BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. BURGESS, SHIRLEY L. & DELMONT H. * BURKE, JOHN W BURNS, ROBERT T. & CYNTHIA BURRILL, MARGUERITE M BURROWS, RACHEL D. & CHRISTOPHER C. * BURWOOD, TIMMY & CARYN * BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G & CYNTHIA BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G. & CYNTHIA BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G.& CYNTHIA BUSCHMANN, WALDEMAR G.& CYNTHIA * BUSSEY, DONNIE P. & VICKIE L. * BUTLER, BERNARD & JEAN BUTLER, DOROTHY BUTLER, MICHAEL & JANE BUZBY, ROBERT E & CYNTHIA A 181,300 172,700 99,600 29,300 346,500 37,900 66,100 83,500 52,000 156,200 4,000 146,300 118,500 105,900 125,700 48,600 106,200 125,800 169,300 136,000 235,400 175,900 154,300 93,600 628,400 90,000 124,200 137,800 66,900 146,200 179,500 93,000 217,700 106,100 210,700 133,600 29,700 119,900 74,300 164,300 500 80,700 28,600 211,300 136,000 43,500 200 143,300 185,600 103,000 188,600 201,800 342,900 36,000 271,800 81,600 129,600 88,300 23,900 257,200 133,500 48 1,967.11 1,873.80 1,080.66 317.91 3,759.53 411.22 717.19 905.98 564.20 1,694.77 43.40 1,587.36 1,285.73 1,149.02 1,363.85 527.31 1,152.27 1,364.93 1,836.91 1,475.60 2,554.09 1,908.52 1,674.16 1,015.56 6,818.14 976.50 1,347.57 1,495.13 725.87 1,586.27 1,947.58 1,009.05 2,362.05 1,151.19 2,286.10 1,449.56 322.25 1,300.92 806.16 1,782.66 5.43 875.60 310.31 2,292.61 1,475.60 471.98 2.17 1,554.81 2,013.76 1,117.55 2,046.31 2,189.53 3,720.47 390.60 2,949.03 885.36 1,406.16 958.06 259.32 2,790.62 1,448.48 * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * * *& BUZZELL, LENORE BUZZELL, LENORE K & PERRY M BYRNE, ROBERT C & JOAN E CAIN, JASON M. CAMPBELL, AIMEE J. CAMPBELL, ANTHONY & JENNIFER CAMPBELL, JAMES A & MARGARET B CAMPBELL, JAMES R.JR. CAMPBELL, JEFFREY CAMPBELL, JEFFREY A CAMPBELL, JEFFREY A & CAMPBELL, BETSY H CAMPBELL, JOHN A & BRIDGET H CAMPBELL, ROBERT H & DIANE M CAMPBELL, ROBERT H. CAMPBELL, ROBERT H. CAMPBELL, STEPHEN & CAROLYN CAMPBELL,JAMES,MARGARET,JOHN CANDAGE, RAYMOND CAOUETTE, DANIEL E & LINDA A CAOUETTE, HUGUETTE CAOUETTE, HUGUETTE CAOUETTE, MATTHEW A. & DENISE J. CAPELESS, WILLIAM E & KIRSTEN L CARD, FRANK L.JR & PAMALA J CARDILLO, KELLY M & ANTONIO CARLSON, KURT K.F. & ALISON K. CARON, BRIAN L. & WHITE, DIANE L. CARON, DONALD M & ELIZABETH A & CARON, JEAN P. TRUSTEE OF CARON TRUST CARON, JEAN P. TRUSTEE OF CARON TRUST CARON, JEAN P. TRUSTEE OF CARON TRUST CARON, KENNETH & MARY LOU CARON, ROBERT J. & MELISSA CARR, STEVEN M. CARRIER, DONALD & GAETANE CARRIER, ERNEST A & GINETTE CARSON, CHRISTOPHER & JEAN CARTER, ROBERT & CHRISTINE CARTER, SHARON L. CARVER, DEAN A & MELISSA L CASTONGUAY, DEBRA L.H. CATES, BRUCE S & DEBRA L CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY CHADWICK, BONNIE CHAMPAGNE, NICOLE LEE CHAPMAN, STEVEN G & CAROL A, COCHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL CHAREST, DANIEL P & BRYNN A CHAREST, DANIEL P. & BRYNN A. CHAREST, LAURA L CHARETTE, MARIE M. TRUSTEE CHARETTE, RUSSELL D & MARGARET L CHASE, GINGER CHASE, ROSEMARIE CHAVARIE, ABEL D CHAVARIE, DAVID & THERESA CHAVARIE, EMILY M & ANDREW CHAYER, RONALD J & CLAIRE 49 39,500 294,900 522,600 89,900 243,900 187,900 224,300 118,700 170,000 96,500 86,000 143,400 298,300 224,700 251,200 180,700 252,200 94,700 171,800 1,600 14,200 186,700 210,400 181,600 200,900 419,200 179,300 136,400 91,900 118,000 1,000 146,400 121,400 69,400 211,200 215,500 101,900 123,900 150,900 171,900 127,600 356,000 4,859,900 210,300 178,500 126,400 31,900 26,400 1,500 30,000 243,500 34,900 177,100 149,300 88,600 28,200 20,200 155,800 232,700 101,100 127,900 428.58 3,199.67 5,670.21 975.42 2,646.32 2,038.72 2,433.66 1,287.90 1,844.50 1,047.03 933.10 1,555.89 3,236.56 2,438.00 2,725.52 1,960.60 2,736.37 1,027.50 1,864.03 17.36 154.07 2,025.70 2,282.84 1,970.36 2,179.77 4,548.32 1,945.41 1,479.94 997.12 1,280.30 10.85 1,588.44 1,317.19 752.99 2,291.52 2,338.18 1,105.62 1,344.32 1,637.27 1,865.12 1,384.46 3,862.60 52,729.92 2,281.76 1,936.73 1,371.44 346.12 286.44 16.28 325.50 2,641.98 378.67 1,921.54 1,619.91 961.31 305.97 219.17 1,690.43 2,524.80 1,096.94 1,387.72 * * * * * * * * * * * * 223,600 116,900 109,100 152,100 207,000 7,700 28,500 198,000 80,000 36,400 59,500 127,800 51,700 36,600 33,700 23,000 53,400 217,900 65,600 177,800 131,200 21,000 64,300 105,900 123,400 133,600 60,100 152,100 224,700 109,600 32,100 273,500 2,400 700 408,800 347,300 3,800 175,300 83,400 85,600 58,800 81,000 57,600 28,600 59,800 58,800 57,400 656,100 57,200 60,700 60,200 59,100 58,100 57,600 138,700 54,300 32,000 340,700 17,000 66,100 1,700 CHEEVERS, ALISON E. & BECK, MITCHELL A. CHICKO, FRANK A & RHONDA M. CHOATE, LARRY J. & NANCY A. CHOATE, STEPHEN S CHRISTIANSON, CHARLES T & ETHELYN CHRISTIANSON, CHARLES T. CHRISTIANSON, GWENDOLYN M. CHRISTIANSON, NATHAN W. & TAMMY CHURCHILL III, ARTHUR L. CLARK, ANDREW J, HEIRS OF CLARK, DANA & DANIELS, CORY CLARK, DEBORAH CLARK, IRIS., HEIRS OF CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JOHN W. SR. & PEGGY L. CLARK, TAKAKO & ANN CLAVETTE, RUSSELL D & NICOLE L CLEARY, CARALEE M. CLEMENT, BRADFORD CLEMENT, RAYMOND B. & ANDREA M. CLEMENTS, BLAKE CLIFFORD, JAMES M. & DONNA P. CLOUTIER, GEORGE D CLOUTIER, JODY A. CLOUTIER, MYLES A. CLOWES, MARK A. & ROSEMARY A. COBB, WILLARD S, JR COCHRANE, EDWARD M & JANET L COHEN, PAUL E & BONNIE D COITRONE, TIMOTHY J. COITRONE, TIMOTHY J. COLBY COLLEGE COLBY COLLEGE COLBY COLLEGE COLBY, ROBERT A. & CATHERINE B. COLE BROTHERS COLE BROTHERS, DBA: TREES LTD. COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE REALTY COLE, DALE COLE, DALE COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE & NANCY COLE, DALE T. 50 2,426.06 1,268.37 1,183.74 1,650.29 2,245.95 83.55 309.23 2,148.30 868.00 394.94 645.58 1,386.63 560.95 397.11 365.65 249.55 579.39 2,364.22 711.76 1,929.13 1,423.52 227.85 697.66 1,149.02 1,338.89 1,449.56 652.09 1,650.29 2,438.00 1,189.16 348.29 2,967.48 26.04 7.60 4,435.48 3,768.21 41.23 1,902.01 904.89 928.76 637.98 878.85 624.96 310.31 648.83 637.98 622.79 7,118.69 620.62 658.60 653.17 641.24 630.39 624.96 1,504.90 589.16 347.20 3,696.60 184.45 717.19 18.45 700 139,900 167,300 30,800 8,400 50,700 1,500 159,800 900 155,600 4,700 9,900 17,300 222,500 109,500 141,700 109,500 68,400 190,100 316,600 174,900 47,500 9,500 600 77,700 177,500 42,500 153,900 159,400 58,100 64,000 600 600 207,400 112,000 89,600 70,900 173,600 91,200 31,500 28,700 38,400 43,500 120,700 44,700 398,400 119,300 152,800 224,600 284,000 114,700 153,700 208,700 166,200 159,200 37,200 201,700 133,500 142,700 106,600 159,400 COLE, DALE T. * COLE, DELLA B * COLE, DONALD W.& ALANNA C. COLE, NANCY COLE, NANCY * COLE, SHARI L. COLE, WILLIAM * COLE, WILLIAM & LISA COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY *& COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLE, WILLIAM & NANCY COLEMAN, ANDREW, MARTIN & JANE * COLFER, LORI L * COLLIER, FLINT L. & SUSAN M. COLLIER, RAYMOND & ELAINE COLLIER, RAYMOND & LAURALEI * COLLIER, RAYMOND & LAURALEI * COLLINS, GLENN & BROUGH, KATHERINE * COLLINS, MICHAEL & KIMBERLY * COLLINS, PAULA J & GORDON, EDWIN H COLLINS, PAULA J. COLLINS, PAULA J. COLLINS, PAULA J. * COLLINS, RICHARD T & LISA A COLORGRAPHICS, LLC * COMEAU, CRAIG & KATHRYN * COMSTOCK, PETER & EDNA CONARY, ROBERT A SR CONDON FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CONDON FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CONDON, HELEN V * CONDON, MICHELLE & BENJAMIN J. CONTI, ENRICO F & WILMA A * CONTI, PAUL A. & SHERRY A. CON-WAY FREIGHT INC COOK, DANIEL J. & PAULA K. * COOK, JULIE * COOLEY, HAROLD D & SANDRA J COOMBS, RON COPENHAVER, JANIS; AMOROSO, SUSAN COREY, GEORGE JR. * COREY, GEORGE M. & PHYLLIS A. COREY, GEORGE M. & PHYLLIS A. * CORMIER, DUANE R. CORMIER, JAMIE & KATIE * CORMIER, SHANNON & BRENDA CORRIGAN, ZENO & MELISSA CORWIN, DAVID S. & CAROL B. * COSGROVE, BERTHA COSGROVE, BERTHA L * COTE, DONALD JR. & KAREN * COTE, DONALD SR & LORRAINE COTE, TODD M COULOMBE, MICHAEL * COULOMBE, MICHAEL P & GAIL P * COULOMBE, PETER & RAYLEEN * COULOMBE, PHILIP & CONSTANCE COULOMBE, SYLVIA COUTTS, SCOTT G 51 7.60 1,517.92 1,815.21 334.18 91.14 550.10 16.28 1,733.83 9.77 1,688.26 51.00 107.42 187.71 2,414.13 1,188.08 1,537.45 1,188.08 742.14 2,062.59 3,435.11 1,897.67 515.38 103.08 6.51 843.05 1,925.88 0.00 1,669.82 1,729.49 630.39 694.40 6.51 6.51 2,250.29 1,215.20 972.16 0.00 1,883.56 989.52 341.78 311.40 416.64 471.98 1,309.60 485.00 4,322.64 1,294.41 1,657.88 2,436.91 3,081.40 1,244.50 1,667.65 2,264.40 1,803.27 1,727.32 403.62 2,188.45 1,448.48 1,548.30 1,156.61 1,729.49 461.13 769.27 * * *& * * *& * * *& * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 197,900 126,200 110,400 174,700 105,100 35,800 147,200 26,700 122,900 152,400 59,000 98,800 54,900 176,300 156,800 62,300 11,100 74,800 25,900 178,400 25,600 154,000 43,400 36,000 28,800 1,800 46,000 34,700 75,800 48,400 106,100 91,300 158,700 123,600 140,600 78,400 247,700 11,400 93,700 9,400 10,600 28,100 117,400 33,900 145,300 30,900 151,400 44,700 184,700 34,500 228,500 29,400 289,900 176,700 163,600 384,900 94,900 91,400 136,200 107,800 93,700 COUTURE, ANTHONY & KELLY COUTURE, CAROL COUTURE, CHRISTINE & JOHN COUTURE, JOSEPH H III & MARY ANNE COUTURE, JOSEPH W. CRAM, BRIAN C CRAM, DUSTIN & RUTHANN CROCHERE, DAVID CROCKER, CHARLES E. III & JEREMY R. CRONIN, JOLINE B & DANIEL T CROSS, PETER CROTHERS, MARSHALL C & CAROL A CROWE, DARLENE CROWE, DARLENE G. & GARY W. CUMMINGS, BROOK & LAURIE L. CUMMINGS, BROOK & LAURIE CUMMINGS, CODY CUMMINGS, DAVID H.& EVELYN R. CUMMINGS, HARLAND & NOELLA CUMMINGS, HARLAND S JR CUMMINGS, HARLAND S. CUMMINGS, HARLAND S. & NOELLA F. CUMMINGS, JANICE M & CHAD RUSSELL CUMMINGS, JANICE M. CUMMINGS, JASON CUMMINGS, LORRAINE CUMMINGS, NICHOLAS T & BROOK CUMMINGS, NOAH I & BROOK CUMMINGS, NOELLA CUMMINGS, PATRICK & STANLEY C. JR. CUMMINGS, PATRICK S CUMMINGS, RICHARD A & PAMELA CUMMINGS, RICHARD A. JR CUMMINGS, ROBERT & DIANE CUMMINGS, RONALD & LINDA CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F, RONALD H & CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F.& JANICE M. CUMMINGS, RUSSELL F., BROOK A. CUMMINGS, STANLEY & HOLLY M CUMMINGS, STANLEY C. JR. CUMMINGS, STANLEY JR. CUMMINGS, TONY CUNNINGHAM, DOUGLAS R.& PATRICIA CUNNINGHAM, NENA M & ERIC M CUNNINGHAM, RUTH A. CUNNINGHAM, RUTH A. CURATO, HILDY CURRIE, SHAWN D. & LORI L. CURRIE, SHAWN D. & LORI L. CURRIER, GARTH CUSHNER,TEMA, TRUSTEE OF TRUST D.L. ELECTRIC, INC DACHSLAGER, LUCILLE L. DAMREN, JENNY R. DANFORTH, DANNY W. D'AUTEUIL, ALBERT & MARION DAVENPORT, FAYE DAVENPORT, STERLING T & EMILY E DAVIS, ANN DAVIS, DARYL L. & BETTY DAVIS, DEAN 52 2,147.22 1,369.27 1,197.84 1,895.50 1,140.34 388.43 1,597.12 289.70 1,333.47 1,653.54 640.15 1,071.98 595.67 1,912.86 1,701.28 675.96 120.44 811.58 281.02 1,935.64 277.76 1,670.90 470.89 390.60 312.48 19.53 499.10 376.50 822.43 525.14 1,151.19 990.61 1,721.90 1,341.06 1,525.51 850.64 2,687.55 123.69 1,016.65 101.99 115.01 304.89 1,273.79 367.82 1,576.51 335.27 1,642.69 485.00 2,004.00 374.33 2,479.23 318.99 3,145.42 1,917.20 1,775.06 4,176.17 1,029.67 991.69 1,477.77 1,169.63 1,016.65 56,000 221,500 167,900 143,000 203,900 92,800 215,700 61,900 165,500 228,100 179,600 268,200 117,000 62,300 118,000 141,900 207,200 249,700 120,400 200,600 300,100 8,500 227,700 237,500 128,000 126,600 80,700 34,100 311,100 50,200 167,800 174,300 136,300 159,100 580,100 672,200 131,500 199,600 93,200 38,500 228,300 26,400 23,900 137,700 210,900 146,400 143,200 224,800 5,800 228,800 191,900 139,700 338,300 20,700 7,200 290,100 172,900 114,800 106,300 117,200 120,700 DAVIS, HELEN A * DAVIS, JON M & BARBARA J DAVIS, JON M JR DAVIS, MICHELLE L. * DAVIS, SCOTT D. & HELEN A. * DAWES, CRAIG A. & DIANNE M. * DAY, JEREMY D & TANAYA N DAY, SHEILA A *& DEANE, TIMOTHY A * DEBLOIS, JACOB * DEBLOIS, JEAN & BETTY A. * DEBLOIS, TODD E. * DECHAINE, PATRICK DECHAINE, SUSAN DECKER, JAMES R * DEERING, CABOT DEERING, MARK C & JENNIFER H DEKEUSTER, REBECCA MARY * DELONG, CRAIG O & ANITA L * DEMERITT, MARTHA L. & DANIEL C. DEMOSTHENES, DEBORAH & JAMES DEMOSTHENES, DEBORAH & JAMES * DEMPSKI, JULIAN C. JR DENNETT, JUSTIN & HEATHER * DEROCHER, FREDERICK A * DESJARDIN, ANGELA M DESMOND, MARK *& DESROSIER, GEORGE H. DESROSIERS, STEPHEN M. * DESVEAUX, GARY DEVEAU, JOHN & LAUREL DEWITT, CHARLES E.M. * DEWITT, JOHN D & SARAH A * DIBENEDITTI, WILLIAM N. * DICK, ERIC DICK, RICHARD T. DICKEY, TIMOTHY A & CHERYL L DICONZA, JOHN M DICONZA, JOHN M DIEHL, LEANN R. DIONNE, ANDREW J. & MARY A. DIRECTV, LLC DISH NETWORK, LLC * DIX, GINNA DIXON, DOUGLAS P & REBECCA L DOIRON, KAREN * DORVAL, ELWOOD & JEANNETTE DORVAL, PAUL A. DORVAL, PAUL A. DOSTIE, AARON P & STACY M * DOSTIE, BARBARA J M & GREGORY A * DOSTIE, BEATRICE DOSTIE, CHERYL L. DOSTIE, GABRIEL & DONNA L. DOSTIE, GABRIEL & DONNA L. *& DOSTIE, GABRIEL V. & DONNA L. * DOSTIE, MARC A. & JEAN M. DOSTIE, SUSAN * DOSTIE, WILLIAM & SANDRA * DOSTIE-SMITH, JACQUELINE * DOUCETTE, BLAIR A & STACY L. 53 607.60 2,403.28 1,821.72 1,551.55 2,212.32 1,006.88 2,340.35 671.62 1,795.68 2,474.89 1,948.66 2,909.97 1,269.45 675.96 1,280.30 1,539.62 2,248.12 2,709.25 1,306.34 2,176.51 3,256.09 92.23 2,470.55 2,576.88 1,388.80 1,373.61 875.60 369.99 3,375.44 544.67 1,820.63 1,891.16 1,478.86 1,726.24 6,294.09 7,293.37 1,426.78 2,165.66 1,011.22 417.73 2,477.05 0.00 0.00 1,494.05 2,288.27 1,588.44 1,553.72 2,439.08 0.00 2,482.48 2,082.12 1,515.75 3,670.56 224.60 78.12 3,147.59 1,875.97 1,245.58 1,153.36 1,271.62 1,309.60 286.44 259.32 62.93 * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * *& * * * * *& * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * *& * DOUCETTE, DARREN A. DOUCETTE, JACQUELINE DOUGLAS, ROCKY E DOUGLASS, JULIE R. DOUGLASS, KENNETH & LOIS DOUGLASS, KEVIN M & DANIELLE L DOUIN FAMILY TRUST DOUIN, JACQUELINE DOUIN, KENNETH DOUIN, KENNETH M & EARLE, LOUISE W DOUIN, LARRY H. & SHIRLEY A. DOUIN, NORMAN & ELSIE DOUIN, RODNEY DOUIN, RODNEY DOUIN, RODNEY DOUIN, VINCENT D. & CATHERINE T. DOWNE, RICHARD A. DOWNES, PHILIP & PATRICIA DOWNING, LORA S. & ARTHUR T. DOYON, DANIELLE D. DOYON, MICHAEL R & ELIZABETH DOYON, PETER & PAMELA DOYON, YVON F & MAUREEN L DRAKE, DARYL & ELLEN J DRAKE, DARYL L & ELLEN J DRAKE, SANDRA J, JOHN & KENNETH TRUSTEES DRAKE, ZELMA TRUSTEE, DRAKE FAMILY TRUST DUBE, JACOB DUBE, JACOB DUBE, LOUISE DUBE, MICHAEL L. & LOUISE E. DUBE, ROBERT JR & SARAH DUBOIS, DOMINIC J. & ANDREA M. DUBOIS, KEITH & LAUREN DUBOIS, ROSE M & JONATHAN DUBOIS, SHARON DUBORD, DYAN J. DUDLEY, CHRISTINE A & FRED E DUDLEY, CHRISTINE A & FRED E DUDLEY, JAMES F & BARBARA DUDLEY, JAMES F. & BARBARA DUDLEY, JOEL & KELLIE A DUDLEY, ROBERT A. JR. & SUSAN J. DUGAL, BRENT R. & MELISA G. DULAC, RONALD G. DUMONT, DAVID & NANCY DUMONT, DAVID A. & NANCY M. DUMONT, DAVID L. & VERONICA A. DUNCAN, RICHARD E. & CAROLEE W. DUNHAM, BRUCE W & DORIS L DUNLAP, HAROLD & SHIRLEY DUPERRY, DONALD R & LULRINE C DUPERRY, DONALD R & LULRINE C DUTIL, NICHOLAS & KATIE DUTILL, CARL L JR & VICTORIA M DUTTON, PAMELA J DYER, HOWARD W. JR. DYER, RANDALL & DOLORES E & M ROSSIGNOL, LLC EASLER, JAMES D & MADELYN A EASLER, MORGAN E. 54 54,500 142,100 330,000 190,100 122,600 147,000 211,500 125,200 33,200 170,100 132,000 128,600 2,700 22,700 143,400 133,300 94,400 182,333 164,200 154,000 141,300 128,800 211,800 134,900 52,900 331,600 157,700 200,600 3,500 13,500 237,900 166,800 139,100 205,700 140,800 93,900 177,100 22,900 126,100 137,500 37,500 147,200 146,400 250,000 99,300 300 308,400 110,600 159,400 108,400 134,500 44,600 47,800 210,000 111,900 42,100 85,600 161,900 66,400 133,500 76,000 591.33 1,541.79 3,580.50 2,062.59 1,330.21 1,594.95 2,294.78 1,358.42 360.22 1,845.59 1,432.20 1,395.31 29.30 246.30 1,555.89 1,446.31 1,024.24 1,978.31 1,781.57 1,670.90 1,533.11 1,397.48 2,298.03 1,463.67 573.97 3,597.86 1,711.05 2,176.51 37.98 146.48 2,581.22 1,809.78 1,509.24 2,231.85 1,527.68 1,018.82 1,921.54 248.47 1,368.19 1,491.88 406.88 1,597.12 1,588.44 2,712.50 1,077.41 3.26 3,346.14 1,200.01 1,729.49 1,176.14 1,459.33 483.91 518.63 2,278.50 1,214.12 456.79 928.76 1,756.62 720.44 1,448.48 824.60 EASLER, STEVEN * EASLER, STEVEN EASLER, STEVEN EASTON, MARK C. & ROSA K. TRUSTEES * ECCLES, MARILYN & HUDSON, CYNTHIA * EDDY, THOMAS S. & JOYCE EDGECOMB, VICTOR & EUGENE SR & EDGECOMB, VICTOR A EDMAN, JEREMY D. & REBECCA A. * EGO, WAYNE ELAVON INC ELIAS, COREY W. & RACHAEL ELIAS, COREY W. & RACHAEL ELIAS, ROCHID & JODY ELIAS, ROCHID & JODY ELIAS, ROCHID J & JODY W ELIAS, ROCHID J & JODY W * ELIAS, ROCHID J & JODY W * ELKIN, PAUL R. & KAREN K ELLIS, CHRISTOPHER D & MISTY L * ELLSWORTH, EUGENE & MARY ANN *& EMERSON, ROBERT * EMMONS, RYAN W. ERICKSON, BONNIE K 2011 REVOCABLE TRUST ERICKSON, BRIAN B. & STACEY O. ERNST, CHRISTOPHER & LENARDSON, RACHEL A * ERSKINE, ERIC P. & ANDREA * ERSKINE, LOUISE A & MICHAEL A * ESKELUND, RICHARD & PARADIS, CAROL * ESTABROOK, DANA A. & JANET E. * ESTES, ROBERT A. JR. & SHARON * ETTINGER, DAVID & DEBRA G. * EUGLEY, DOUGLAS M & COLLEEN A * EVANS, AMY E. & JAMIE R. * EVANS, CAROLE EZZY, GEORGE R. & SHIRLEY ELIAS EZZY, GEORGE R. & SHIRLEY ELIAS EZZY, PETER & JANE FAIRFIELD, MARK FAIRFIELD, MATTHEW H. FAIRFIELD, MATTHEW H. FAIRFIELD, MATTHEW H. FAIRFIELD, MICHAEL * FAIRFIELD, TIMOTHY FAIRFIELD, TIMOTHY J. FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FAIRPOINT NEW ENGLAND FARBER, BARRY & SUSAN * FARNHAM, DONALD C & MARTHA C * FARNHAM, DONNA * FARNSWORTH, SHAWN A. & TAMI L. FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, CYNTHIA LIFE ESTATE FARQUHAR, DOUGLAS MAINE SEPERATE PROPERTY TRUST * FARRAR, TIMOTHY J. & RHONDA D * FARRELL, KRISTI R 55 46,100 104,000 36,700 225,500 282,700 163,100 36,300 89,400 140,100 16,900 2,600 45,700 147,900 36,700 57,500 49,600 195,700 121,100 283,400 175,300 95,000 126,800 142,700 128,600 216,400 144,700 182,300 147,800 300,700 130,500 190,800 197,700 174,700 121,000 170,100 355,700 4,500 46,600 90,600 44,500 8,500 37,500 117,000 45,600 29,800 19,600 58,900 136,400 200 315,300 61,800 41,500 175,600 40,200 2,600 53,200 7,200 87,400 5,200 199,600 251,300 500.19 1,128.40 398.20 2,446.68 3,067.30 1,769.64 393.86 969.99 1,520.09 183.37 0.00 495.85 1,604.72 398.20 623.88 538.16 2,123.35 1,313.94 3,074.89 1,902.01 1,030.75 1,375.78 1,548.30 1,395.31 2,347.94 1,570.00 1,977.96 1,603.63 3,262.60 1,415.93 2,070.18 2,145.05 1,895.50 1,312.85 1,845.59 3,859.35 48.83 505.61 983.01 482.83 92.23 406.88 1,269.45 494.76 323.33 212.66 639.07 1,479.94 2.17 3,421.01 670.53 450.28 1,905.26 436.17 28.21 577.22 78.12 948.29 56.42 2,165.66 2,726.61 28.21 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * * *& * * * * * FARRINGTON, C. FREDERICK & GLORIA M FARRINGTON, LAURA D & ANDREW FAUCHER, ECHO L. & TROY FAY, JEFFERY E. & LINDA FAY, JEFFREY E. & LINDA A. FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECK ASSOCIATES FECTEAU, ALAN & STEPHANIE FENWICK, CARL R LIVING TRUST & FENWICK, CHRISTOPHER J & SARA B FENWICK, TODD J. & MELISSA FERGUSON, LOUIS E. & SARAH J FERLAND, JAMES & VERNA FERRAN, JOAN T FIDLER, WILLIAM P & SHARON R FIELD, LEE & HEIDI FIELDS, DANA L. & GLENNIS B. FIOLA, MONIQUE FIOLA, THOMAS J. & MONIQUE FIOLA, THOMAS J. & MONIQUE FISCHETTI, MICHAEL & CAROLINN FISH, ALAN & JOYCE FISH, DANIEL S & NATALIE M FISH, DAVID & EVELYN FISH, DOUGLAS M & TRICIA A FISH, HEATHER FISH, KEVIN E & DENISE D FISH, KIMBERLY FISH, KIMBERLY A FISHER, JOYCE & TEDD FISHER, TEDD C & JOYCE A FITZHERBERT, RICHARD W. FLEMING, MICHAEL P & PATRICIA A FLETCHER, LORIE L. FLETCHER, TODD H & CYNTHIA E FLETCHER, TODD H & CYNTHIA E FLETCHER, TODD H & CYNTHIA E FLETCHER, TODD H. & CYNTHIA E. FLEURY, DAVID & NANCY REVOCABLE TRUST FLINT, ANDREW C & AMBER L FOLGER, DAVID FOLGER, JAYNE C. FOLGER, JEFFERY L & JAYNE C FOLGER, JEFFREY L FOLGER, JEFFREY L & JAYNE C FOLGER, JEFFREY L & JAYNE C FONTAINE, LOUIS R & CHERYL W FORD, MARK & CAROLYN, TRUSTEES FORTIN, JOSEPH LEO & DOCILE R. FORTIN, JOSEPH R. & BERNADETTE S FORTIN, KEVIN & SHANNON FORTIN, TERRY J. & SHARON FORTIN, VINCENT FORTUNATO, MICHAEL & JACQUELINE FOSS, ROBERT F. FOSSETT, SCOTT E FOSTER, ALLEN J. & JEANNE C. FOTTER, GLENWOOD S. 56 263,000 157,300 158,000 289,500 41,700 777,800 57,300 38,700 28,000 165,900 103,600 314,400 162,700 93,300 172,700 217,700 149,700 149,600 154,000 163,000 317,600 35,600 193,000 169,400 134,800 167,400 130,500 167,200 106,600 96,600 31,600 138,100 33,500 156,400 328,900 197,300 104,700 59,600 25,200 19,700 177,700 615,000 172,300 119,500 7,400 136,500 28,000 56,900 64,500 179,200 110,300 90,800 85,000 141,100 190,500 274,400 192,200 200 65,500 221,400 224,700 2,853.55 1,706.71 1,714.30 3,141.08 452.45 8,439.13 621.71 0.00 303.80 1,800.02 1,124.06 3,411.24 1,765.30 1,012.31 1,873.80 2,362.05 1,624.25 1,623.16 1,670.90 1,768.55 3,445.96 386.26 2,094.05 1,837.99 1,462.58 1,816.29 1,415.93 1,814.12 1,156.61 1,048.11 342.86 1,498.39 363.48 1,696.94 3,568.57 2,140.71 1,136.00 646.66 273.42 213.75 1,928.05 6,672.75 1,869.46 1,296.58 80.29 1,481.03 303.80 617.37 699.83 1,944.32 1,196.76 985.18 922.25 1,530.94 2,066.93 2,977.24 2,085.37 2.17 710.68 2,402.19 2,438.00 419.90 * * * * * *& * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * *& * * * 53,600 118,400 119,000 36,900 166,900 148,500 59,800 209,200 187,000 161,800 158,600 34,300 133,300 167,600 167,400 300 173,700 38,700 199,700 289,900 114,300 33,600 48,500 133,800 198,200 96,400 233,100 132,500 36,200 58,600 65,500 123,500 917,400 336,400 230,600 44,700 157,600 287,100 479,900 213,400 179,600 142,100 266,800 155,300 213,300 52,500 143,300 217,700 50,000 109,200 30,600 113,100 59,500 86,000 99,800 187,100 194,700 126,500 209,500 53,900 150,800 FOUGERE, KEVIN & AMY FOUGERE, KEVIN & AMY FOWLER, LAURIE L & SCOTT A FOWLER, SCOTT FOX, KRISTIN L. & GILLIAN, KELLY L. FOYE, KELLIE J. FOYE, PHYLLIS LIFE ESTATE FOYE, SHAWNA L & THOMAS O FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS & SHAWNA FOYE, THOMAS O & SHAWNA L FOYE, THOMAS O. & SHAWNA FRANCK, SUSAN K FRANKEL, ALAN M. FRASCA, THOMAS & LYNN A. FRASER, RICHARD L. & HEIDI M. FREDETTE, LEON V. & MARGARET FREDETTE, LEON V. & MARGARET FRENCH, LLOYD E. & JENNIFER L. FROST, CHARLENE & JEFFERY FROST, DARLA J. FURBUSH, ARCHIE & SANDRA FURBUSH, JAMES L. FURBUSH, ROBERT A. & CATHERINE G. FURROW, HELEN B. FUSCO, ALPHONSE FUSCO, ALPHONSE G & G PROPERTIES, LLC G & G PROPERTIES, LLC GABOURY, RICHARD R. GAGNE, MATTHEW GAGNE, DOUGLAS & DIANE GAGNE, TERRENCE & HATCH-GAGNE, KAREN GAGNE, THERESA M. GAGNE, TODD A. & SHARON GAGNE, WANDA S GAGNON, ANDREA GAGNON, CARROLL & DAIGLE, DIANE GAGNON, GEORGE HEIRS OF & GAGNON, JASON D & TRICIA GAGNON, JEFFERY A. & TAMMY L. GAGNON, JEFFREY & BARBARA GAGNON, JEFFREY & KRISTIN GAGNON, JEFFREY A. GAGNON, JEFFREY A. GAGNON, THOMAS GAGNON, TIMOTHY GAGNON, TIMOTHY J, JR. & DANIELLE J GAIGNARD, GLORIA GALLAGHER, DONALD GALLANT, SHARON GAMMANS, JONATHAN & MAURA GARAND, PATRICK L GARDELLA, RANDY L & SARAH B GARDINER, CONRAD R. GARDNER, LORI J & REDMOND, KEVIN J 57 581.56 1,284.64 1,291.15 400.37 1,810.87 1,611.23 648.83 2,269.82 2,028.95 1,755.53 1,720.81 372.16 1,446.31 1,818.46 1,816.29 3.26 1,884.65 419.90 2,166.75 3,145.42 1,240.16 364.56 526.23 1,451.73 2,150.47 1,045.94 2,529.14 1,437.63 392.77 635.81 710.68 1,339.98 9,953.79 3,649.94 2,502.01 485.00 1,709.96 3,115.04 5,206.92 2,315.39 1,948.66 1,541.79 2,894.78 1,685.01 2,314.30 569.63 1,554.81 2,362.05 542.50 1,184.82 332.01 1,227.14 645.58 933.10 1,082.83 2,030.04 2,112.50 1,372.53 2,273.08 584.82 1,636.18 * GARLAND, RICHARD & LAURIE GARRETT, ROBERT L & PEGGY A GAUDET, JOHN *& GAUDET, JOHN R *& GAUTHIER, ROGER R. * GAY, FREDERICK R, JR & TISHA B GEMERY, HENRY *& GEMERY, HENRY & PAMELA GEMERY, HENRY & PAMELA GEMERY, PAMELA GENEST, KEITH P & HEATHER E * GENEST, ROBERT & SACHA * GEORGE, JOHN S. & GAIL M. * GERTLOFF, ARTHUR E. & RACHEL P. * GESTWICKI, ANNETTE P * GETCHELL, ROXY A. * GIBBS, ANDREW D. & SHARON A. * GIFFORD, SHANNON * GILBERT, ANGELA M GILBERT, DEBRAH ANN * GILBERT, DIANE C. LIBBY GILBERT, DONALD & LOIS GILBERT, DONALD G & LOIS L * GILBERT, DONALD G. & LOIS L. GILBERT, GARY P & LISA * GILBERT, JOAN GILBERT, KIM GILBERT, ROBERT L & LINDA L & GILE, HERMON E. & CAROLYN D. GILLES, ANN & NORMAN GILLES, ANN L. & NORMAN * GILLEY, MICHAEL & CARLA * GILMAN, LAWRENCE G. JR. GILMORE, PETER J GILPIN, KEITH M & BATES, VIOLET J GIROUX, DAVID GIROUX, JEFFREY A. & CYNTHIA R. GIROUX, NORMA & PAUL GIROUX, NORMA E. GIROUX, TIMOTHY A & DEBORAH A * GLEASON, EDWARD E. & LISA A. GLEASON, EVAN & VERNA GLEASON, EVAN & VERNA GLINES, BERT & CAROL & GOFF, ALBERT J. * GOFF, EDWARD & BERNADETTE * GOFF, LENDALL & WYNNE J. * GOGUEN, ROLAND E. & SANDRA J. GOLD, PAMELA * GOLDEN, SUSAN H. GOLDING, BETH GOLDING, PETER * GOLDING, PETER A. & BETH K. * GOMEAU, DAVID L, JR. GOOCHER, MICHELLE GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA 123,500 162,900 83,000 252,800 118,500 112,600 137,500 179,500 168,000 137,500 151,000 205,300 226,000 111,600 93,700 121,300 284,700 122,600 58,000 186,000 133,300 268,200 229,000 209,600 64,100 119,500 87,500 103,400 132,800 173,100 43,600 120,900 564,800 88,400 147,300 140,600 8,200 202,900 241,000 169,600 172,900 20,100 45,900 2,200 154,900 56,800 330,200 111,000 101,200 376,000 30,000 8,900 303,900 117,300 162,700 6,400 29,200 16,300 61,400 299,600 35,000 58 1,339.98 1,767.47 900.55 2,742.88 1,285.73 1,221.71 1,491.88 1,947.58 1,822.80 1,491.88 1,638.35 2,227.51 2,452.10 1,210.86 1,016.65 1,316.11 3,089.00 1,330.21 629.30 2,018.10 1,446.31 2,909.97 2,484.65 2,274.16 695.49 1,296.58 949.38 1,121.89 1,440.88 1,878.14 473.06 1,311.77 6,128.08 959.14 1,598.21 1,525.51 88.97 2,201.47 2,614.85 1,840.16 1,875.97 218.09 498.02 23.87 1,680.67 616.28 3,582.67 1,204.35 1,098.02 4,079.60 325.50 96.57 3,297.32 1,272.71 1,765.30 69.44 316.82 176.86 666.19 3,250.66 379.75 * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * 10,600 16,600 299,100 14,500 136,100 117,200 153,200 352,400 164,900 10,500 141,500 108,200 94,600 28,200 108,000 187,900 860,400 56,500 161,300 102,500 70,700 25,700 88,800 6,600 188,900 286,300 201,100 150,300 208,400 15,300 69,000 169,100 21,900 1,300 150,600 11,100 209,800 159,800 113,200 213,000 400 155,700 130,340 189,200 220,500 124,500 122,500 169,400 18,500 186,400 109,300 94,200 175,000 181,000 197,600 112,200 308,300 134,200 5,900 122,200 48,700 GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE TRUST, CLINTON & PATRICIA GOODHUE, CLINTON GOODHUE, GREGORY GOODNO, CECILE GOODRICH, RANDY J. & LISA M. GOODRICH, ROBERT A. & MAUREEN F. GOOLDRUP, RICHARD P. & MARJORIE S. GOP, CECILE A. & WILLIAM J. & GORDON, KIMBERLEY GORNEAU, VICTOR J. GOSSELIN, RYAN GOSSELIN, RYAN LEE GOSSELIN, SUSAN G. & PETER D. GOTREAU, KENNETH A. & JEAN M. GOULD, JONATHAN, MICHAEL & DAVID GOULD, MARK G. GOULD, MARK G. GOULD, MARK G. GOULET, KELLY A. GOW, MARK GOW, MARK A GRAHAM, LINDA & DAVID GRAHAM, THEODORE W JR GRANT, ANDREW N. & KARA L. GRANT, BOBBIE-JO L. & JOSHUA J. GRANT, GARY & CONSTANCE GRANT, PETER E & GREENE, REBECCA S GRAVES, GERALD & DARLENE GRAVES, MARIE H. GRAVES, MARIE H. GRAVES, MARIE H. & GERALD GRAVES, MARIE H. & GERALD GRAVES, NEIL N & GRAYHAWK LEASING, LLC GREELY, ROBERT E. & FRANCES B. GREEN, DIANE S & HOWARD DALE GREEN, HOWARD DALE II GREEN, CRYSTAL L. GREEN, HOWARD D II GREENACRE, DAVID E. & KAREN Y GREENE, DANIEL J. GREENE, RICHARD & CATHY GREENLEAF, JASON P & MARY F GREGOIRE, JOHN E. GREGOIRE, PAUL D. & GRENIER, JEFFRY & ALETA GRIFFIN, DEBORAH GRIGNON, CHRISTOPHER R. GRIMSHAW, SEAN M. GROVER, LINDA M. & GUARINO, KELLIE A. & MICHAEL T. GUERETTE, PATRICK J. & KRISTINA M. GUIMOND, VIC GURA, MARY ELLEN GURNEY, CATHERINE GURNEY, DONALD J. INC. GURNEY, RONALD GURNEY, RONALD & ANN GUSACK, MARK D. & BONAVY U. 59 115.01 180.11 3,245.24 157.33 1,476.69 1,271.62 1,662.22 3,823.54 1,789.17 113.93 1,535.28 1,173.97 1,026.41 305.97 1,171.80 2,038.72 9,335.34 613.03 1,750.11 1,112.13 767.10 278.85 963.48 71.61 2,049.57 3,106.36 2,181.94 1,630.76 2,261.14 166.01 748.65 1,834.74 237.62 14.11 1,634.01 0.00 2,276.33 1,733.83 1,228.22 2,311.05 0.00 1,689.35 1,414.19 2,052.82 2,392.43 1,350.83 1,329.13 1,837.99 200.73 2,022.44 1,185.91 1,022.07 1,898.75 1,963.85 2,143.96 1,217.37 3,345.06 1,456.07 64.02 1,325.87 528.40 120.44 4.34 HABIB, KHALIL * HACHEY, GERALD & LONA HACHEY, STACEY * HAISCH, RICHARD A, TRUSTEE HALL, DEAN W. & LINDA J. HALL, DEAN W. & LINDA J. * HALL, KENDRA & JOHN * HALL, LINWOOD & JANE K HALL, STEWART C & ERIKA J HALL, TRISH L & GALLANT, MICHAEL A * HALLEE, THEODORE & COTE-HALLEE, JUNE HALLEE, TIMOTHY & LAUREN S. HALLISEY, BRIAN J & MITCHELL-HALLISEY, BEVERLY A * HAMILTON, REBECCA L. * HAMLIN, KATHERINE L.& PHILLIP L. * HAMLIN, TREVOR E & ERIKA L * HAMLIN, VIOLET A. HAMMOND, DAVID * HAMMOND, DAVID S * HAMMOND, GARY L. & MARTHA J. HAMMOND, GARY L. & MARTHA J. HANDLEY, CRAIG F & MARJORIE HANDLEY, ERIC A. HANNA, SUSAN L. & GREGORY C. * HANNES, MARIA HANNING, RAYMOND G & EILEEN S *& HANSCOM, DOROTHY HANSCOM, DOROTHY * HANSEN, JEFFREY S. & FAITH L. * HANSON, CHRIS & TANIA HANSON, JEFFREY & DONNA *& HARDCASTLE, ALAN & BIRGIT HARDE, DEREK A. HARDE, GORDON & CLARA *& HARDE, GORDON & CLARA * HARDING, SHELLIE J. & DOUGLAS A. * HARGROVE, JASON K. & ROBIN R. HARLAN, MARALEE & HARRY HARMS, JOHN H. HARMS, JOHN H. HARMS, JOHN H. HARRIS, BRUCE A. & LORRAINE V. HARRIS, BRUCE A. & LORRIANE V. HART, DENISE M & RANDALL H HARTFORD, DARREN & ANGELA HARTIGAN, MARIE * HARTIGAN, MARIE S. HARTUNG, DALLAS L. & EMILY HARTUNG, DALLAS L. & EMILY HARTUNG, DALLAS L. & EMILY D. HARVEY, EUGENE V. * HASKELL, CHAD & BECKY HASKELL, JAMES & NANCY * HASKELL, JAMES D & NANCY E HASKELL, MICHAEL N. * HASKELL, PATRICIA HASKELL, PATRICIA HASKINS, RICHARD & BARBARA * HASKINS, RICHARD & BARBARA HATCH, MARK P. & DENISE Y. HATT, DAVID F., JR 60 160,300 181,700 73,100 364,700 28,800 193,200 114,800 193,100 187,900 122,400 294,500 224,900 92,600 59,100 187,300 113,400 70,400 354,800 389,600 347,500 224,300 179,600 142,700 142,200 119,200 115,300 152,000 191,500 125,800 102,500 35,000 109,600 29,600 41,900 164,600 105,800 205,600 29,400 63,300 29,100 192,900 735,700 32,800 175,000 218,700 28,200 160,000 39,800 123,100 123,700 186,600 228,100 38,300 161,800 1,800 141,100 34,900 29,200 214,800 259,400 128,700 1,739.26 1,971.45 793.14 3,957.00 312.48 2,096.22 1,245.58 2,095.14 2,038.72 1,328.04 3,195.33 2,440.17 1,004.71 641.24 2,032.21 1,230.39 763.84 3,849.58 4,227.16 3,770.38 2,433.66 1,948.66 1,548.30 1,542.87 1,293.32 1,251.01 1,649.20 2,077.78 1,364.93 1,112.13 379.75 1,189.16 321.16 454.62 1,785.91 1,147.93 2,230.76 318.99 686.81 315.74 2,092.97 7,982.35 355.88 1,898.75 2,372.90 305.97 1,736.00 431.83 1,335.64 1,342.15 2,024.61 2,474.89 415.56 1,755.53 19.53 1,530.94 378.67 316.82 2,330.58 2,814.49 1,396.40 * * * *& *& * * * *& * * * * * * * * * *& * * * 141,100 218,000 153,800 185,000 91,000 129,200 161,400 404,100 193,700 156,700 29,800 176,200 31,200 28,600 28,600 29,400 28,600 28,700 29,000 28,700 29,400 64,500 28,700 138,400 205,500 104,200 178,800 35,100 45,500 35,500 32,100 78,400 117,800 160,900 181,400 270,800 123,200 162,300 219,300 80,900 167,500 124,200 291,500 154,200 223,500 63,000 198,100 23,300 86,900 125,200 196,100 109,800 162,700 28,000 129,200 179,900 444,300 135,400 60,400 30,000 8,900 HAWES, JASON W. HAYDEN, MELISSA A. & RYAN A. HAYWARD, SHELLY L. & CLINTON D. HEATH, THOMAS & KATHLEEN HECKMAN, SYLVIA HELM, WILLIAM JR HENDERSON, WAYNE P & HAZEL B HENDSBEE, RICHARD HENNING, KAREN & MICHAEL HENRY, DANIEL & KATHRYN HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERITAGE COMMUNITIES, LLC HERSOM, CHERYL S. & CHARLES M HERSOM, JOHN B. & ROBERTA E. HEWETT, ERIC J HEWEY, MARY HIBBARD, JULIE HIGGINS CONSTRUCTION, INC. HIGGINS, JEFFREY A & RAYOLA A HIGGINS, JEFFREY A & RAYOLA A HIGGINS, KEVIN L. & SMITH, JAMIE HIGGINS, LARRY G. & CHARLOTTE HIGGINS, TRACEY A. HILEMAN, DANIELLE M. HILL, ERIN E. & CAMPBELL, MATTHEW A. HILL, PENNY HILL, TOMMY E. & LETA J. HILLMAN, BRUCE J. & JANE G. HILLMAN, FRANK & VALERIE E. HITE, GEORGE A. & YVONNE A. HOEL, THOMAS P & MARILYN A. HOLLAND, HENRY & HUMPHREY, HAROLD HOLT, EARL D. II HOPPER, CHRISTOPHER & HORTON, GEORGE D. JR HOWARD, JAMES HOWARD, JAMES & HELEN HOWE, STEVEN E. & CRYSTAL L. HOYLE, SHAWN B & NICOLA B HOYLE, SHAWN B. & NICOLA B. HUARD, JOSEPH HUBBARD, BARBARA J & MICHAEL A HUGHES, MICHELLE A. & HERBERT B. II HUGHES, TERRENCE G. & CHARLOTTE HUME, DOROTHY C. HUME, H. ALAN & DOROTHY C. HUMPHREY, WALLACE JR. & CONSTANCE HUNT, PHILIP J. & LORI A. HUNTER, MARJORIE HUNTER, MARJORIE 61 1,530.94 2,365.30 1,668.73 2,007.25 987.35 1,401.82 1,751.19 4,384.48 2,101.65 1,700.20 323.33 1,911.77 338.52 310.31 310.31 318.99 310.31 311.40 314.65 311.40 318.99 699.83 311.40 1,501.64 2,229.68 1,130.57 1,939.98 380.84 493.68 385.18 348.29 850.64 1,278.13 1,745.77 1,968.19 2,938.18 1,336.72 1,760.96 2,379.41 877.77 1,817.38 1,347.57 3,162.78 1,673.07 2,424.98 683.55 2,149.39 252.81 942.87 1,358.42 2,127.69 1,191.33 1,765.30 303.80 1,401.82 1,951.92 4,820.66 1,469.09 655.34 325.50 96.57 22,900 232,700 75,200 109,300 38,600 550,700 214,900 51,300 11,000 69,500 180,400 119,600 136,200 149,800 47,000 13,000 352,000 245,500 177,200 28,100 87,700 146,200 34,900 113,800 348,200 184,900 182,900 122,000 34,900 151,500 24,600 132,800 81,700 171,900 65,500 50,900 175,200 137,400 159,800 1,500 149,200 17,800 159,500 269,300 115,300 77,200 54,500 87,400 44,400 153,300 113,500 130,700 59,300 29,800 95,700 139,900 90,400 263,700 178,900 301,200 116,000 HUNTER, MARJORIE * HURTUBISE, JUDI L. & GARY F. * HUTCHINSON, BEATRICE M. * HUTCHINSON, JANICE MITTON IENG, CHHAY K. & YOEUN P. ILS PROPERTIES, LLC INDRIERI, JOHN S. & PATRICIA IRELAND PEAT IRELAND PEAT * IRELAND, JEFFREY A * IRELAND, WAYNE & SUSAN IRIS LANE, LLC IRIS LANE, LLC IRIS LANE, LLC IRIS LANE, LLC IRIS LANE, LLC * ISBISTER, FREDERICK ISBISTER, FREDERICK ISBISTER, FREDERICK E. ISBISTER, FREDERICK E. ISBISTER, FREDERICK E. * ISHAM, PAMELA A. ISLEY, JESSICA M ISLEY, JESSICA M J R DEVELOPMENT LLC JACKSON, LEVI JACKSON, LEVI G & INGRID A JACKSON, ROBIN J. JACKSON, SHARON * JACQUES, DAVID & PATRICIA JACQUES, FLORIAN, NANCY,JEANNE, ET ALS * JACQUES, MARK G. * JACQUES, PATRICK & LISA *& JACQUES, RICHARD & GERMAINE JACQUES, RICHARD J. & PATRICIA M. JACQUES, RYAN * JACQUES, STEWART & ELAINE * JANDREAU, BENJAMIN * JANDREAU, MICHAEL J. & LYNN JANDREAU, MICHAEL J. & LYNN * JANDREAU, RICHARD JEANS, DAVID C. JR JENNINGS, ELIZABETH JIM PEPIN HOMES, LLC * JOFFE, NANCY *& JOHNSON, ARTHUR & RUBY JOHNSON, ARTHUR & RUBY * JOHNSON, CLIFTON V & ALICE M JOHNSON, CLIFTON V. & ALICE M. JOHNSON, JAMES F. JOHNSON, JANET *& JOHNSON, MICHAEL W & WANDA J JOHNSON, RUSSELL A JR JOHNSON, RUSSELL II * JOHNSON, TENEALE & DAVID JOHNSTON, EMILY M. * JOLER, SHAWN M. * JONES, ALAN S. & DAWN S. JORDAN, STEPHEN R & KRISTIN M * JOYEUX, JANET & DORIAN, PATRICK M JUDKINS, SHARON 62 248.47 2,524.80 815.92 1,185.91 418.81 5,975.10 2,331.67 556.61 119.35 754.08 1,957.34 1,297.66 1,477.77 1,625.33 509.95 141.05 3,819.20 2,663.68 1,922.62 304.89 951.55 1,586.27 378.67 1,234.73 3,777.97 2,006.17 1,984.47 1,323.70 378.67 1,643.78 266.91 1,440.88 886.45 1,865.12 710.68 552.27 1,900.92 1,490.79 1,733.83 0.00 1,618.82 193.13 1,730.58 2,921.91 1,251.01 837.62 591.33 948.29 481.74 1,663.31 1,231.48 1,418.10 643.41 323.33 1,038.35 1,517.92 980.84 2,861.15 1,941.07 3,268.02 1,258.60 16.28 258,100 199,300 103,100 162,400 115,500 208,800 337,900 141,000 27,400 410,700 34,400 144,800 113,200 155,700 34,300 15,600 400 69,200 98,100 40,100 100 6,000 153,000 96,500 156,000 63,000 35,500 235,400 161,200 360,000 16,600 4,400 106,600 57,000 102,200 177,800 140,600 132,450 173,700 2,200 2,000 2,000 5,900 121,200 155,500 124,100 46,300 119,100 46,600 140,000 163,900 114,000 217,000 121,500 134,100 117,200 224,500 61,500 232,600 304,200 222,600 JUDKINS, SHARON B * KADNAR, SCOTT J & JENNIFER B KANARIS, LISA MARIE KANE, DANIELLE & JOSEPH J *& KARCZEWSKI, CAROL L. KARSTENS, BRIANNE L & JOSHUA S KARTER, BRENDA R. KAUPPINEN, JON & NICOLE KEENE, HAROLD HEIRS KELLER L.A. & SON INC. KELLER, LINWOOD KELLER, LINWOOD KELLER, LINWOOD * KELLER, LINWOOD KELLER, LINWOOD KELLEY, JULIE & ROY KELLEY, JULIE & ROY KELLEY, JULIE & ROY KELLEY, KRISTOPHER * KELLEY, RANDY KENNEBEC LAND TRUST KENNEBEC LAND TRUST * KENNEY, GREGORY D & SHERRY A * KENNEY, SHANNON & EDWARDS, SHERRY * KENYON, THOMAS KERR, DAVID E. & SEARS, TORREY KIBBIN, DANIEL KICK, PAMELA * KIERNAN, KATHLEEN L. KIM, SUNGYUL & BOCKSOON KINCAID, JOHN T. & HELEN A. KINCAID, JOHN T. & HELEN A. * KING, BRENDA * KING, JERE T. & CHARLENE M. *& KING, RALPH H. & EDRIS M. * KINGSBURY, BRIAN * KINGSBURY, LINDA KINGSBURY, LINDA J * KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY KINNEY, DUNCAN & SANDY * KIRK, WANDA J KITTREDGE, DAVID & ELAINE * KLINGE, MICHAEL & DEBRA J. KNAUER, EDWARD B *& KNIGHT, DANIEL M & GARY A KNIGHT, DANIEL M & GARY A * KNIGHT, GARY A. & JANE E. * KNIGHT, RALPH E. III & PAULA J * KNOWLTON, JAMES L. & JUDY M. KNOX, CRAIG K & TRACY L *& KNOX, KIRBY & * KNOX, REBECCA * KNOX, STEPHEN R. & JODY L. * KOHL, GEORGE K. & JULIE A. KOONS, E.DONALDSON & ELIZABETH KOONS, JOHN D * KOONS, JOHN D. KOONS, PETER O 63 2,800.39 2,162.41 1,118.64 1,762.04 1,253.18 2,265.48 3,666.22 1,529.85 297.29 4,456.10 373.24 1,571.08 1,228.22 1,689.35 372.16 169.26 4.34 750.82 1,064.39 435.09 1.09 65.10 1,660.05 1,047.03 1,692.60 683.55 385.18 2,554.09 1,749.02 3,906.00 180.11 47.74 1,156.61 618.45 1,108.87 1,929.13 1,525.51 1,437.08 1,884.65 23.87 21.70 21.70 64.02 1,315.02 1,687.18 1,346.49 502.36 1,292.24 505.61 1,519.00 1,778.32 1,236.90 2,354.45 1,318.28 1,454.99 1,271.62 2,435.83 667.28 2,523.71 3,300.57 2,415.21 * KOONS, PETER O. & JEAN E. KORBET, MATTHEW A. & PATRICIA L. KORBET, STEPHEN & BARBARA *& KORBET, STEPHEN & BARBARA * KORSKE, LAWRENCE M & CHRISTINE A KOSIS, BENNY M & MARILYN A,TRUSTEE KOSIS, BENNY M & MARILYN A,TRUSTEE KRAMER, CLIFTON KRAMER, CLIFTON & JULIE KRAMER, CLIFTON R * KRAMER, CLIFTON R & JULIE A KRAMER, CLIFTON R. KRAMER, CLIFTON R. KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F KRAMER, ERIC F & KRAMER, ERIC F & CLIFTON R * KRAMER, ERIC F & KELLY S KRAMER, FRANKLIN * KRAMER, FRANKLIN KRAMER, FRANKLIN & SIMONE * KRAMER, KENNETH L & MAUREEN C KRAMER, SIMONE KROUS,STUART W KRUK, LOUISE KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN KRUSE, STEPHAN L. & JACQUELYN * KUCHARSKI, PIOTR & LOBASTOVA, YELENA * LABBE, JAYNE LABBE, MICHAEL R & VIRGINIA L LACHANCE, CODY M * LACHANCE, MICHAEL & MANON * LADEAU, GERALD & ALEXANDER, NELLIE LADEW, LINDA LADEW-DUNCAN, JENNIE * LAFLAMME, WILLIAM N. & TERRY LAGACE, DONALD O, JR & MELISSA A LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. * LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. LAGACE, DONALD O. JR. & MELISSA A. * LAGASSE, HELEN LAGASSEY, CAROL L * LAGASSEY, PATRICK J * LAHAYE, A. PETER & CHRISTINA M. LAJOIE, BRIAN D. LAJOIE, JOHN & DEBRA 317,150 180,700 38,200 222,800 215,300 60,400 77,100 2,800 122,100 11,000 182,400 5,700 3,600 9,200 2,700 68,500 114,300 103,500 190,700 79,000 261,200 154,700 162,800 80,000 117,200 17,700 30,400 31,200 31,200 30,600 30,200 30,000 30,000 30,400 30,200 30,000 30,200 30,000 62,000 31,200 30,400 222,300 185,900 96,100 2,000 197,000 149,100 800 33,900 158,500 149,700 26,600 28,200 238,100 144,200 92,200 134,700 167,000 146,500 130,000 173,500 64 3,441.08 1,960.60 414.47 2,417.38 2,336.01 655.34 836.54 30.38 1,324.79 119.35 1,979.04 61.85 39.06 99.82 29.30 743.23 1,240.16 1,122.98 2,069.10 857.15 2,834.02 1,678.50 1,766.38 868.00 1,271.62 192.05 329.84 338.52 338.52 332.01 327.67 325.50 325.50 329.84 327.67 325.50 327.67 325.50 672.70 338.52 329.84 2,411.96 2,017.02 1,042.69 21.70 2,137.45 1,617.74 8.68 367.82 1,719.73 1,624.25 288.61 305.97 2,583.39 1,564.57 1,000.37 1,461.50 1,811.95 1,589.53 1,410.50 1,882.48 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& *& * * * * * 41,400 148,400 60,500 173,400 300 538,400 222,700 251,900 108,800 400 61,900 223,900 80,100 191,900 50,000 176,000 208,600 115,700 187,600 32,900 40,400 119,400 263,100 94,700 91,500 189,700 201,300 185,900 44,000 19,100 13,900 54,100 53,400 151,300 141,200 122,700 141,700 236,900 192,700 123,300 13,100 138,100 174,500 303,500 158,600 88,600 192,700 30,000 318,700 231,700 21,200 116,500 132,400 259,700 126,200 124,800 84,800 44,700 2,200 165,000 3,800 LAKE RIDGE ASSOCIATION LAKE, AMBER & NICHOLAS LALIBERTE, DIANE T. & LIONEL J. LALIBERTE, LIONEL & DIANE LALIBERTE, LIONEL J.& DIANE T. LALIBERTE, NOEL R & CONNIE L LAMBERT, BRIAN C & KIMBERLY A LAMBERT, JOHN & DEANE, LISA A. LANDRY, CHRISTOPHER & HEIDI LANE, LINDA F. LANE, LINDA F. LANE, RALPH C. SR. & LANE, RANDY & SUE LANE, RANDY & SUSAN LANE, RANDY & SUSAN LANE, RANDY LEE LANE, ROBERT & JUNE A. LANEY, NANCY D. LANGUET, AIMEE E LANGUET, JAY LANZILLO, JOSEPH H LAPAN, JOSHUA W. & KAREN E. LAPLANTE, DONNA LAPOINTE, BRANDI A. LAPOINTE, MICHAEL & ARNETTE LAPORTE, EVERETT F. & JACQUELINE T. LAROCHELLE, RANDALL LARSEN, MARK A. & LEE ANNE LASTELLA, ANTHONY B. LASTELLA, CARMINE LASTELLA, CARMINE LASTELLA, CARMINE A. LASTELLA, CARMINE A. LASTELLA, CARMINE A. & CHARLENE J LATENDRESSE, LAURIE J. & DENNIS LATHE, VALERIE M LATNO, RICHARD JR. & ANGELA M. LAVALLEE, ANGIE L & DOOLEY, PATRICK S LAVALLEE, TAMRAN & ERIC LAVERDIERE, RAYMOND R. & DORIS B. LAVOIE, BONNIE LAW, MARK ALAN & MONTGOMERY,ROXANN LAWRENCE, CLAUSTIN & KATHERINE LAWRENCE, MARVIN K. & ANN B. LEBLANC, ALAIN & CARRIE LECLAIR, RICHARD C. & CLAIRE A. LEE, EDWIN K. & LISA LEE, ROBERT & FUSCO, MILDRED LEFEBVRE, CRAIG R. & TAMMY L. LEIGHTON, JEANNETTE & DAVID LEMELIN, DEBORAH LEMELIN, DEBORAH LEMIEUX, DONALD R & CLARK, SUSAN LENENTINE, MARK A & MICHELLE M LESSARD, GASTON & DIANE E. LESSARD, GASTON R & DIANE E LESSARD, GASTON R. & DIANE E. LETOURNEAU, A. LORRAINE LETOURNEAU, A. LORRAINE LETTRE, DEBRA C. LETTRE, JON 65 449.19 1,610.14 656.43 1,881.39 3.26 5,841.64 2,416.30 2,733.12 1,180.48 4.34 671.62 2,429.32 869.09 2,082.12 0.00 1,909.60 2,263.31 1,255.35 2,035.46 356.97 438.34 1,295.49 2,854.64 1,027.50 992.78 2,058.25 2,184.11 2,017.02 477.40 207.24 150.82 586.99 579.39 1,641.61 1,532.02 1,331.30 1,537.45 2,570.37 2,090.80 1,337.81 142.14 1,498.39 1,893.33 3,292.98 1,720.81 961.31 2,090.80 325.50 3,457.90 2,513.95 230.02 1,264.03 1,436.54 2,817.75 1,369.27 1,354.08 920.08 485.00 23.87 1,790.25 41.23 542.50 * * * * * * * & * * * * * *& * 1,400 15,100 4,900 186,500 86,800 1,400 50,100 50,800 135,400 158,600 156,000 7,200 25,600 294,100 145,100 195,900 181,900 143,500 158,400 215,400 249,700 273,900 129,000 138,100 27,100 195,800 193,800 98,600 131,600 311,900 19,700 5,000 86,400 28,800 124,800 141,500 100,600 11,900 3,700 9,900 43,100 100,100 14,300 15,900 3,500 9,600 7,200 67,300 224,600 112,000 30,500 210,300 29,900 28,200 29,900 28,000 54,000 28,000 250,500 167,700 195,400 LETTRE, ROBERT F LETTRE, ROBERT F. LETTRE, ROBERT F. SR. & AUDREY L. LEVASSEUR, AMY & MICHAEL LEVASSEUR, LORRAINE & MICHAEL A II LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL & LORRAINE LEVASSEUR, MICHAEL A. II & AMY J. LEVASSEUR, ROCH TRUST LEVENSELLER, MICHAEL J II & MICHAEL J LEVESQUE, GILBERT P., II LEVESQUE, MATTHEW P LEVESQUE, RICHARD & GARY LEVIN, NORMAN LEVY, GERALD R. & BARBARA L. LEWIS, CHARLES S. III LEWIS, RAYMOND LEWIS, ROBERT E. & CHERI LEWIS, WILLIAM E. LIBBY, CHRISTOPHER A & SHEILA M LIBBY, DAVID O. & SUSAN E. LIBBY, HEATHER & BRETT LIBBY, JOHN W & CYNTHIA F LIBBY, JOHN W & CYNTHIA F LIBBY, SCOTT P. LIBBY, TINA L'ITALIEN, MATTHEW & RANAE LITTLEFIELD, DWIGHT & KRISTIE LIVINGSTON, RONALD & BONNIE LIZOTTE REALTY, LLC LIZOTTE, PAUL J & MARY S LIZOTTE, PAUL J & MARY S LIZOTTE, PETER & PATRICK LIZOTTE, PETER C LIZZOTTE, BENJAMIN J. LIZZOTTE, GEORGE R & LEEANN LLOYD, ERIC & MCKAY, KOURTNEY LOCKE, JACQUELYN E. LOGAN, DAN LOGAN, DANNY LOGAN, DANNY LOGAN, DANNY & MELISSA LOGAN, DANNY & MELISSA LOGAN, MELISSA LOGAN, MELISSA LOG-LAND CORP. LOG-LAND CORP. LOG-LAND CORP. LONG, KELLY J. LOPEZ, ROY & SHARON E. LORD, RICHARD E. LORD, RICHARD E. LOURENS, RAINA & JON LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE LOVEITT, GALE G & EUGENE C LOVEITT, GALE G & EUGENE C LOZINSKI, JOHN J. & DAWN L. LUCARELLI, JOHN & JUDITH LUCE, BRIAN & DEBORAH 66 15.19 163.84 53.17 2,023.53 941.78 15.19 543.59 551.18 1,469.09 1,720.81 1,692.60 78.12 277.76 3,190.99 1,574.34 2,125.52 1,973.62 1,556.98 1,718.64 2,337.09 2,709.25 2,971.82 1,399.65 1,498.39 294.04 2,124.43 2,102.73 1,069.81 1,427.86 3,384.12 213.75 0.00 937.44 312.48 1,354.08 1,535.28 1,091.51 129.12 40.15 107.42 467.64 1,086.09 155.16 172.52 37.98 104.16 78.12 730.21 2,436.91 1,215.20 330.93 2,281.76 324.42 305.97 324.42 303.80 585.90 303.80 2,717.93 1,819.55 2,120.09 54.25 * LUCE, DENNIS & SYLVIA LUCE, FLOYD & LULU * LUCE, FLOYD & LULU LUCE, FLOYD & LULU LUNDQUIST, ROBERT E & PAMELA L LUNDQUIST, ROBERT E. & PAMELA L. LYFORD, JASON D. LYON, DAVID * LYON, DAVID L. & SYLVIA C. LYON, SCOTT * LYONS, CHRISTOPHER, H. LYTX, INC * MACDONALD, DAVID C& MURRAY, LISA M MACKENZIE CONSTRUCTION * MACKENZIE, GERALD R & LEANNE MACKENZIE, GERALD R SR MACKENZIE, GERALD R SR MACKENZIE, GERALD R SR * MACMILLAN, RAY L. & KAREN * MADDEN, RICHARD M. * MADORE, CYNTHIA A. * MADSEN, ARTHUR C. MAINE RSA #1, INC. * MALO, GERARD * MANLEY, ANNIE C MANLEY, GEORGE JR. & GERALD ALLEN MANLEY, GEORGE JR. & GERALD ALLEN * MANLEY, GEORGE JR. & MARY L. * MANLEY, GERALD A. & GAIL Y. MANLEY, MARY & TRAVIS MANLEY, TRAVIS A & MARY E * MANLEY, TRAVIS A & MARY E * MANSFIELD, FABIAN R. * MANSIR, JAMES S & BARBARA E MANTER CONSTRUCTION OF MAINE, INC. MANTER HAVEN TRUST MANTER HAVEN TRUST MANTER, BARRY K & JEANIE K MANTER, DALE & MARGARET MANTER, DONALD & THELMA MANTER, DONALD & THELMA MANTER, DONALD I. & THELMA A. MANTER, DOUGLAS G & JENNIFER M TRUSTEES * MANTER, EDWARD D. & ANN M. * MANTER, EDWARD W. MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WARREN & IVA MANTER, WENDY J * MARAGGIO, THOMAS & ROBIN L. * MARASCIO, JAMES B & CAROL L MARCOUX, LIONEL MARCOUX, LIONEL JAMES * MARCOUX, LIONEL JAMES MARCOUX, LIONEL JAMES * MARDEN, HAROLD E. & MARY A. * MARDEN, ROBERT MARE, AMOS MARGOLIUS,KEIRA & PIPER,VANESSA & MATTHEW MARINO, VINCENT & DEBRA * MARKOWITZ, LARRY M. & KAREN M. MARKOWSKI, MELISSA 67 162,700 36,600 154,500 31,800 182,400 304,200 237,600 42,900 200,100 63,500 149,500 4,600 174,100 3,000 312,200 10,800 23,900 41,600 120,100 30,000 172,900 147,600 11,700 196,900 181,900 3,600 400 132,300 127,100 1,000 37,700 208,800 165,500 134,100 8,000 26,700 137,800 173,500 180,800 28,300 28,600 652,400 227,800 415,900 353,400 56,300 342,700 31,700 194,200 399,600 2,800 86,400 111,000 6,600 156,900 207,200 99,700 58,800 28,000 160,500 150,300 1,765.30 397.11 1,676.33 345.03 1,979.04 3,300.57 2,577.96 465.47 2,171.09 688.98 1,622.08 0.00 1,888.99 0.00 3,387.37 117.18 259.32 451.36 1,303.09 325.50 1,875.97 1,601.46 0.00 2,136.37 1,973.62 39.06 4.34 1,435.46 1,379.04 0.00 409.05 2,265.48 1,795.68 1,454.99 0.00 289.70 1,495.13 1,882.48 1,961.68 307.06 310.31 7,078.54 2,471.63 4,512.52 3,834.39 610.86 3,718.30 343.95 2,107.07 4,335.66 0.00 937.44 1,204.35 71.61 1,702.37 2,248.12 1,081.75 637.98 303.80 1,741.43 1,630.76 49.91 32.55 126.95 10.85 86.80 30.38 * MARLEY, JANE E. MARQUIS, LYNN C & LUCY MARQUIS, MATTHEW H. & DANIELLE K. MARQUIS, SHAWN P. MARQUIS, SHAWN P. MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA * MARSHALL, GILBERT JR & VIOLA * MARSH-SACHS, WILLIAM O. & RACHEL R. *& MARTEL, DONALD & MARIELAINA * MARTIN, DAVID & JEAN B. * MARTIN, JAMES W. & LINDA L.M. MARTIN, JOHN S & MURIELLE T MARTIN, JOHN S & MURIELLE T * MARTIN, LISA DAWN MARTIN, MARC & CHERYL A. & MARTIN, PETER & LYNDA MASLOSKI, WILLIAM M. * MASURE, RONALD L & RHONDA; M, LISA * MASURE, ROSALIE E * MATHEWS, FRANK MATHEWS, FRANK D. MATHEWS, FRANK D. MATHIEU, JOHN L & SONIA M. * MATHIEU, SONIA & JOHN MAYO, TIMOTHY J & KAREN F * MCAVOY, JOHN & KIMBERLY MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCAVOY, KIMBERLY KRAMER MCBRIERTY, MICHAEL C. & ANN E. McCAFFERTY, DAVID B. & MARIE D. * MCCANN, STEPHEN M. & GLORIA L. *& MCCARTHY, ALFRED & MARGARET * MCCARTHY, JENNIE MCCASLIN, MARTIN D & FILDER, LAURA * MCCORMICK, ANDREW B. & MCCURDY, DONNA L & STACY J MCDANIEL, BEVERLY A. MCDANIEL, JAMES H. MCDONALD, DELBERT & MONA *& MCDONALD, MONA J & DELBERT I MCDOUGALL, KEVIN * MCDOUGALL, KEVIN * MCFADDEN, SCOTT & ZENA * MCFADDEN, STEVEN & KELLY * MCFADDEN, THEODORE T & MARLENE MCFADDEN, THEODORE T. * MCFADDEN, VANESSA J & KEVIN MCFADDEN, WESLEY MCFADDEN, WILLIAM & ROSANNE M. MCFADDEN, WILLIAM J. III & APRIL M. MCFADDEN, WILLIAM JR & ROSANNE M * MCFADDEN, WILLIAM JR.& ROSANNE M. MCGLAUFLIN, KEITH A. * MCGLAUFLIN, KEITH A. & SELINA L. MCGOWAN, BERTHA J. MCGOWAN, BERTHA J. MCGOWAN, BERTHA J. MCGOWAN, BERTHA M. MCGOWAN, BERTHA M. 75,400 223,000 545,500 30,700 31,000 82,000 132,500 214,700 66,000 206,000 158,900 46,100 40,900 270,500 199,300 140,800 201,500 397,800 137,200 179,200 45,900 206,000 82,700 246,400 198,400 369,700 27,400 50,400 19,700 12,200 619,100 234,500 193,500 120,500 182,400 140,400 92,300 173,000 25,200 1,800 88,700 101,600 147,000 183,500 186,900 512,600 91,300 28,000 56,200 65,000 60,800 206,400 34,100 110,500 4,300 176,200 58,600 518,700 189,100 148,700 437,100 68 818.09 2,419.55 5,918.68 333.10 336.35 889.70 1,437.63 2,329.50 716.10 2,235.10 1,724.07 500.19 443.77 2,934.93 2,162.41 1,527.68 2,186.28 4,316.13 1,488.62 1,944.32 498.02 2,235.10 897.30 2,673.44 2,152.64 4,011.25 297.29 546.84 213.75 132.37 6,717.24 2,544.33 2,099.48 1,307.43 1,979.04 1,523.34 1,001.46 1,877.05 273.42 19.53 962.40 1,102.36 1,594.95 1,990.98 2,027.87 5,561.71 990.61 303.80 609.77 705.25 659.68 2,239.44 369.99 1,198.93 46.66 1,911.77 635.81 5,627.90 2,051.74 1,613.40 4,742.54 MCGOWAN, DAVID J. * MCGOWAN, DAVID W & SHELLEY M MCGUIRE, J. POWERS & ELLEN MCHALE, BRIDGETT MCINTOSH, APRIL A. & BERNARD D. MCKENNA, DANIEL & CATHY MCKENNA, DANIEL R. & CATHY L. MCKENNA, JAMES A. & ORBETON, JANE MCKENNA, LAWRENCE G. & PATRICIA MCKENNA, MIRIAH L. * MCKENNEY, CHERYL A. * MCKENNEY, DIANE MCKINNON, BRIAN MCKINNON, BRIAN A. *& MCLAUGHLIN, DON & MARION W. MCLELLAN, CLIFTON MCLELLAN, CLIFTON * MCLELLAN, DENNIS & JUDITH MCLELLAN, FRANK & TINA * MCLELLAN, GERMAINE * MCLELLAN, ROBERT & MELISSA MCLELLAN, ROBERT W * MCLELLAN, WOODROW & CHANDRA MCMAHAN, J. ANDREW & IRENE S. * MCMAHON, PATRICIA H. *& MCMAHON, RENEE & MICHAEL MCMAHON, RICHARD & KIM * MCMAHON, RICHARD J. & KIM R. *& MCNAUGHTON, PAUL & CARLENE MCNAUGHTON, PAUL H. & CARLENE MCNAUGHTON, PAUL H. & WESLEY MCNAUGHTON, TODD & TAMMY MCNEIL, SCOTT & SUZANNE * MCQUILLAN, KIRSTIN & TYLER J. * MCQUILLAN, NATASHA MCQUILLAN, ROBERT A. JR MCQUILLAN, ROBERT A. JR, MCQUILLAN, RORY *& MCQUILLAN, ROBERT SR. LIFE ESTATE * MCQUILLAN, RORY & JUDITH MEAGHER, GRAHAM D & PELLETIER, SARAH A MECAP, LLC MEGGISON-KEIMEL, ALISA P * MELANSON, JUDITH A. & RAND, KELLY MELLOWS, SHERYL * MERCER, TIMOTHY & CAROL * MERCIER, GREG A & CHERYL A MERCIER, SHARON L & GLENN L MERCKENS, LAWRENCE E. & HILDA S. MERK, DAVID J. & NANCY MERRITT, FLOR & LANCE * MERROW, JENNIFER J & LAWRENCE M, JR MERROW, THOMAS * MICHAUD, DEBRA D & MICHAUD, LYNETTE T. MICHAUD, PATRICK D. & LEZLEE E. * MICHAUD, VICKIE R. MIHM, CHANTAL N & CHARLES M MILLER, WENDY & JULIE * MILLIARD, PATRICK S. & SHERYL A. MILLIGAN, DANIEL MILLIGAN, JAMES & AGNES 69 97,500 159,600 94,300 184,100 180,100 26,800 739,100 91,200 112,000 116,900 112,400 83,300 38,700 193,000 192,700 146,700 38,000 164,800 157,700 188,200 264,400 28,900 167,000 37,000 209,700 105,300 91,800 190,600 238,500 55,000 113,300 99,800 39,200 191,300 131,200 38,500 49,500 85,100 248,200 148,000 249,300 163,300 69,900 13,000 169,100 447,600 107,500 34,900 328,700 141,400 70,200 31,000 190,600 114,800 2,000 57,900 263,800 293,600 352,100 91,900 698,000 1,057.88 1,731.66 1,023.16 1,997.49 1,954.09 0.00 8,019.24 989.52 1,215.20 1,268.37 1,219.54 903.81 419.90 2,094.05 2,090.80 1,591.70 412.30 1,788.08 1,711.05 2,041.97 2,868.74 313.57 1,811.95 401.45 2,275.25 1,142.51 996.03 2,068.01 2,587.73 596.75 1,229.31 1,082.83 425.32 2,075.61 1,423.52 417.73 537.08 923.34 2,692.97 1,605.80 2,704.91 1,771.81 758.42 141.05 1,834.74 4,856.46 1,166.38 378.67 3,566.40 1,534.19 761.67 336.35 2,068.01 1,245.58 21.70 628.22 2,862.23 3,185.56 3,820.29 997.12 7,573.30 290.78 * * * * * * * * * * *& * * * * * * * *& * * * * *& * MILLIGAN, ROBERT MILLS, BRIAN P MILLS, JARED & VIVIENE M. MILLS, JEFFREY J & KAREN G MILLS, SUZANNE A. MILNE, JONATHAN D & HANAUER-MILNE, JULIA MILNE, SUSAN R. & CAROL K. MINER, MARIE L. & THEODORE A. MITCHELL, C. WAYNE & BONNIE K MITCHELL, CHRISTOPHER G MITCHELL, SUSAN B. & ASSELIN, ROBERT P MITTON, SUSAN & FONTAINE, MARC R. MITTON, WAYNE M. MITTON, WAYNE M. & HUTCHINSON, JANICE MOLAND, JUDITH H TRUST MONROE, DOROTHY & MOODY, BRIAN G. MOODY, BRIAN GENE MOODY, BRIAN GENE MOODY, CATHY JEAN MOODY, DENNIS MOODY, LAWRENCE G & LINDA M MOODY, MARCIA MOODY, ROBERT M & ANGELA M MOODY, ROGER E. JR. MOODY, STEPHEN & SHEPARD, CYNTHIA MOORE, ERIC S. & CONSTANCE L. MOORE, RYAN M & AMBER MOORES, BRIAN MOREAU, DAVID A. MORIARTY, DONNA T. MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN E MORIN, ANDRE II & DAWN E MORIN, ELISE MORIN, GARY M. MORIN, MICHAEL R. ESTATE OF MORISON, MAUREEN MORRIS, MARY MORRISSETTE, DOROTHY & WITHAM, DONNA MORRISSEY, PETER D. & ANITA M. MORROW, CATHLEEN E. & MORSE, KARL J. MOSKOWITZ, ROBERT & MARJORIE S MOSQUITO, LLC MOSS, ROY G & CAROLYN MOUNTAIN, SHIRLEY M & DANA S MUNCEY, ARTHUR L. & MARY ELLEN MURCH, DANA & JONES, MEREDITH MURCH, DANA & JONES, MEREDITH MURCH, DANA & JONES, MEREDITH H MURRAY, GREGORY MUSHERO, PAUL MUZEROLL, EDWARD & DIANE MYERS, NICK & DEBORAH N. F. LUCE, INC N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. 70 61,600 232,700 157,900 108,500 139,000 178,300 151,700 187,800 157,500 201,700 191,600 190,400 94,400 34,600 162,300 147,200 42,400 4,000 108,600 203,400 108,500 132,900 3,500 235,700 87,700 178,600 122,300 98,900 209,700 170,800 52,300 263,400 18,800 32,100 118,000 72,700 115,600 296,100 217,700 188,900 477,900 101,100 168,300 265,500 198,700 110,300 172,100 13,400 78,700 2,400 159,800 95,900 161,300 216,500 54,900 32,400 30,000 70,600 31,900 28,400 29,100 668.36 2,524.80 1,713.22 1,177.23 1,508.15 1,934.56 1,645.95 2,037.63 1,708.88 2,188.45 2,078.86 2,065.84 1,024.24 375.41 1,760.96 1,597.12 460.04 43.40 1,178.31 2,206.89 1,177.23 1,441.97 37.98 2,557.35 951.55 1,937.81 1,326.96 1,073.07 2,275.25 1,853.18 567.46 2,857.89 203.98 348.29 1,280.30 788.80 1,254.26 3,212.69 2,362.05 2,049.57 5,185.22 1,096.94 1,826.06 2,880.68 2,155.90 1,196.76 1,867.29 145.39 853.90 26.04 1,733.83 1,040.52 1,750.11 2,349.03 595.67 351.54 325.50 766.01 346.12 308.14 315.74 * * * * * *& * * * * *& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. N. F. LUCE, INC. NADEAU, ALAN DAVID NADEAU, DARRYL NADEAU, GERARD SR. NADEAU, LEE A. NADEAU, PETER NADEAU, PETER NALE, THOMAS J. NALE, THOMAS J. & THOMAS J. JR. TRUSTEES OF THE NAWFEL, MICHAEL R. NAWFEL, NICHOLAS NAWFEL, PENNY NAWFEL, PETER M. NAWFEL, SAM M. NEILSON, PAUL NEILSON, PAUL & SUSAN M. NELSON, DONNA L. & JOHN T. NEVELLS, ROGER NEW ENGLAND MUSIC CAMP NEW ENGLAND MUSIC CAMP NEWHOUSE, BARTON J & ANGIE L NEWMAN, DAVID C. JR & JODY L. NEWSOME, GLENN & HARRIS, TRACY L NEWTON, JOHN H. NEWTON, SANDRA A. NICHOLAS, MARY & BIRNEY, MARSHA NICHOLS, PAMELA J. & SHAWN J. NICHOLS, RALPH E & AMY M NICHOLS, SHELLIE R. NICHOLS, SHELLIE R. NICKERSON, FENTON & JEANETTE NICKERSON, GLENN NIELSEN, GARY M. & CATHERINE E. NILES, DALE H. & MARY M. NILES, WAYNE F. & DIANE H. NILSEN, DAVID C. NIVISON, WILLIAM S. & LINDA J. NOBLE, MARK & TONDREAU, JOANN E NOBLE, WILLIAM T. & ARISTINA M. NOEL, ANTHONY S. & BONNIE L. NOONAN, DAVID & PATTY NORTHEAST WIRELESS NETWORKS LLC NORTON, STANLEY L. JR & MARY E NUTTER, THOMAS J & CELESTE Z O'BRIEN, BONNIE OLIVER, EDWARD C. & KERRI O'MALLEY, ROBERT G. & ANNA E. ONEIL, JOHN & BETTY OSBORN, JANICE E. OTIS, DAWSON E. & ELAINE T. OTIS, RANDY & HEIDI OUELLETTE, ALLEN OUELLETTE, ANTHONY J & SUE E OUELLETTE, DAVID F & PAULA M 71 31,500 97,000 29,500 28,700 28,600 31,300 28,900 47,600 27,100 90,600 137,500 191,300 342,400 3,200 235,100 217,400 179,700 92,700 197,100 173,400 185,600 84,700 32,400 171,800 126,600 2,083,400 83,300 88,400 148,300 343,600 24,800 108,200 181,300 107,200 36,500 189,800 6,100 46,200 178,300 278,600 102,500 103,900 181,900 122,300 183,700 111,500 95,700 290,700 24,000 119,800 204,100 14,600 444,800 167,400 446,500 96,900 217,200 120,300 66,100 245,700 97,000 341.78 1,052.45 320.08 311.40 310.31 339.61 313.57 516.46 294.04 983.01 1,491.88 2,075.61 3,715.04 0.00 2,550.84 2,358.79 1,949.75 1,005.80 2,138.54 1,881.39 2,013.76 919.00 351.54 1,864.03 1,373.61 22,604.89 903.81 959.14 1,609.06 3,728.06 269.08 1,173.97 1,967.11 1,163.12 396.03 2,059.33 66.19 501.27 1,934.56 3,022.81 1,112.13 1,127.32 1,973.62 1,326.96 1,993.15 1,209.78 1,038.35 3,154.10 260.40 1,299.83 2,214.49 158.41 4,826.08 1,816.29 4,844.53 1,051.37 2,356.62 1,305.26 717.19 2,665.85 1,052.45 34.72 OUELLETTE, DAVID F. & PAULA M. *& OUELLETTE, ERNEST & RENA *& OUELLETTE, FAYE M. OUELLETTE, FRANKLIN * OUELLETTE, GARY A. & CHERYL J. * OUELLETTE, JENNIFER OUELLETTE, SANDRA J. * OUELLETTE, SANDRA J. OWSLEY, H.A JR & AUDRIE JOINT REVOCABLE TRUST OWSLEY, H.A. JR. & AUDRIE D. PACKARD, RAYMOND & CARRIE M. PADERA, CHARLES ALLEN PAGE, MAE PAINE, RANDALL B * PALENSKI, MICHAEL S. & DARLENE M. * PALMER, CHERYL L * PALMER, DAVID M JR. & KELLY R * PALMER, STEVEN B & CYNTHIA S * PAQUET, PATRICIA * PAQUETTE, JAMI PAQUETTE, MICHAEL J. PAQUETTE, ROBERT D. PARADIS NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER * PARADIS, CHRISTIE A. & PAUL * PARADIS, JEFFREY & SUSAN M PARADIS, LANCE R & JEFFREY R * PARADIS, LANCE R. & MARY F. * PARADIS, ROBERT & CECILE PARADIS, ROBERT, LANCE & JEFFREY PARADIS, WILLARD J. JR PARADIS, WILLARD JR PARE, JONATHAN W. * PARE, RAYMOND J. & LISA A. * PARK, BRUCE * PARKER, BENJAMIN P. & LAURA B. PARKER, DONALD *& PARKER, DONALD & EDITH * PARKS, JILL F. PARKS, MICHAEL & LORIE PARKS, MICHAEL C. & LORIE L. * PARKS, STEPHEN L. PARKS, STEPHEN L. PARKS, TIMOTHY & MARY JANE * PARKS, TIMOTHY & MARY JANE * PARROW, JACQUELINE S. PARSONS, CHRISTOPHER F * PARSONS, TERRY M & JAYNE PATENAUDE, DENIS L. * PATENAUDE, DOMINIC G. * PATENAUDE, ELIZABETH PATENAUDE, ELIZABETH PATENAUDE, GEORGE R. PATENAUDE, IRENEE A. IRREVOCABLE TRUST * PATENAUDE, THOMAS R. & ELISE B. PATENAUDE, TODD J. * PATRIE, SCOTT D & GAIL A PATTERSON, GERALD G * PAULETTE, VAUGHN R. & CRYSTAL K * PEARSON, MARK R PEARY, CHRISTA B PEARY, RICHARD L 72 34,000 156,100 109,000 141,100 143,100 14,000 71,500 133,900 123,600 324,800 140,900 431,500 9,900 9,700 177,800 114,200 160,700 138,400 83,900 148,200 168,900 72,800 401,400 228,100 133,100 49,100 268,300 348,400 32,200 108,700 257,800 101,500 124,200 2,700 139,800 137,100 246,200 86,200 245,400 70,300 131,700 37,600 62,300 167,500 76,100 162,500 128,700 30,300 319,400 137,500 21,300 32,200 30,300 236,900 28,600 263,300 181,500 115,000 252,500 192,400 40,000 368.90 1,693.69 1,182.65 1,530.94 1,552.64 151.90 775.78 1,452.82 1,341.06 3,524.08 1,528.77 4,681.78 107.42 105.25 1,929.13 1,239.07 1,743.60 1,501.64 910.32 1,607.97 1,832.57 789.88 4,355.19 2,474.89 1,444.14 532.74 2,911.06 3,780.14 349.37 1,179.40 2,797.13 1,101.28 1,347.57 29.30 1,516.83 1,487.54 2,671.27 935.27 2,662.59 762.76 1,428.95 407.96 675.96 1,817.38 825.69 1,763.13 1,396.40 328.76 3,465.49 1,491.88 231.11 349.37 328.76 2,570.37 310.31 2,856.81 1,969.28 1,247.75 2,739.63 2,087.54 434.00 PEASE, TYLER J. & CHELSEA L. * PEET, DONALD U. & GEORGIA E. PELLETIER, ADAM I. * PELLETIER, AMANDA & BRADLEY * PELLETIER, DAVID & SHANNON *& PELLETIER, ELMER PELLETIER, ELMER PELLETIER, HEATHER M. PELLETIER, JANET * PELLETIER, LOMER & CHASE, ROSEMARIE PELLETIER, LOMER P. & CHASE, ROSEMARIE PELLETIER, LOMER P. & CHASE, ROSEMARIE * PELLETIER, PETER H. & DELORES S. * PELLETIER, PETER J. PELLETIER, SCOTT J. & JUDITH A. PELLETIER, SCOTT J. & JUDITH A. * PELLETIER, SCOTT L & JUDITH A * PELLETIER, WENDY PELOTTE, ANTHONY L. & JAIME L. PELOTTE, FANADO PELOTTE, FANADO & LINWOOD J; RAYMOND PELOTTE, FANADO & YVETTE PELOTTE, FANADO J & RAYMOND J & PELOTTE, FANADO J, RAYMOND J & PELOTTE, FANADO J, RAYMOND J & LINWOOD J PELOTTE, FANADO J, RAYMOND J & LINWOOD J PELOTTE, FANADO J, RAYMOND J & LINWOOD J PELOTTE, FANADO, LINWOOD & RAYMOND PELOTTE, JAMES E * PELOTTE, LINWOOD * PELOTTE, NICK G & * PELOTTE, ROBERT & DAWN PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PENNEY, LINDA J & ALBERT PEPIN, JAMES P. PEPIN, JAMES P. PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPIN, JIM PEPPER, DAVID PEPPER, GORDON & PRISCILLA PEPPER, GORDON S. PERKINS, DAVID & ANNA * PERRY, PAUL & DEBORAH PETERSON, JAYNE M PETERSON, KURT PHAIR, JAMIE P. & LUANNE I. PHELPS, JOHN E. & JOYCE R. * PHELPS, JOHN E. & JOYCE R. PHILBRICK, ANNIE M. PHILBRICK, BERNADETTE PHILBRICK, DELWIN & SANDRA PHILBRICK, DELWIN & SANDRA PHILBRICK, DELWIN & SANDRA PHILBRICK, DELWIN C. & SANDRA M. * PHILBRICK, DELWIN C. & SANDRA M. PHILBRICK, JAMES 73 156,800 202,500 88,700 178,800 265,100 138,600 38,900 211,900 130,600 343,200 37,600 64,100 154,900 197,600 33,400 31,500 155,100 163,000 68,300 63,600 113,200 94,200 67,100 24,900 152,100 33,000 30,200 97,400 28,000 152,600 143,400 143,600 14,700 164,600 4,700 63,100 241,800 48,800 28,600 30,200 141,200 156,400 28,800 16,700 15,000 160,000 82,000 219,800 136,300 318,800 29,500 48,900 151,600 131,500 7,400 9,800 11,400 6,000 73,900 329,600 28,500 1,701.28 2,197.13 962.40 1,939.98 2,876.34 1,503.81 422.07 2,299.12 1,417.01 3,723.72 407.96 695.49 1,680.67 2,143.96 362.39 341.78 1,682.84 1,768.55 741.06 690.06 1,228.22 1,022.07 728.04 270.17 1,650.29 358.05 327.67 1,056.79 303.80 1,655.71 1,555.89 1,558.06 159.50 1,785.91 51.00 684.64 2,623.53 529.48 310.31 327.67 1,532.02 1,696.94 312.48 181.20 162.75 1,736.00 889.70 2,384.83 1,478.86 3,458.98 320.08 530.57 1,644.86 1,426.78 80.29 106.33 123.69 65.10 801.82 3,576.16 309.23 115,800 241,800 139,200 4,400 31,100 5,100 21,300 81,000 1,400 21,600 10,600 28,600 58,600 28,100 36,000 59,700 28,100 28,400 167,900 28,800 28,500 28,100 28,200 28,100 28,900 28,500 29,000 28,000 525,400 28,100 40,000 15,200 14,700 28,000 16,100 31,400 16,400 15,800 151,100 14,000 14,500 17,400 29,400 16,700 17,000 28,000 92,700 230,300 275,900 183,600 156,700 7,100 90,700 120,200 72,100 36,000 7,700 93,900 116,400 124,900 52,800 PHILBRICK, JAMES * PHILBRICK, JAMES F. * PHILBRICK, JEFFREY PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE * PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JENNIE PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN PHILBRICK, JOHN & REBECCA * PHILBRICK, JOHN & REBECCA PHILBRICK, JOHN & REBECCA PHILBRICK, JOHN & REBECCA PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A PHILBRICK, JOHN A * PHILBRICK, LUCAS PHILBRICK, MATTHEW * PHILBRICK, MATTHEW & NICHOLE M * PHILBRICK, MICHAEL A SR & WANDA M * PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA PHILBRICK, NATHAN & ANGELA PHILBRICK, RAY E. JR & FLORENCE K. * PHILBRICK, RAY E. JR & FLORENCE K. PHILBRICK, RAY E. JR & FLORENCE K. PHILBRICK, REBECCA PHILBRICK, REBECCA PHILBRICK, REBECCA * PHILBRICK, REBECCA L. PHILBRICK, REBECCA M. PHILBRICK, REBECCA M. 74 1,256.43 2,623.53 1,510.32 47.74 337.44 55.34 231.11 878.85 15.19 234.36 115.01 310.31 635.81 304.89 390.60 647.75 304.89 308.14 1,821.72 312.48 309.23 304.89 305.97 304.89 313.57 309.23 314.65 303.80 5,700.59 304.89 434.00 164.92 159.50 303.80 174.69 340.69 177.94 171.43 1,639.44 151.90 157.33 188.79 318.99 181.20 184.45 303.80 1,005.80 2,498.76 2,993.52 1,992.06 1,700.20 77.04 984.10 1,304.17 782.29 390.60 83.55 1,018.82 1,262.94 1,355.17 572.88 * * * * * * *& * *& * * * *& * * 14,300 28,000 28,500 28,600 34,600 28,700 53,000 28,600 34,600 34,900 34,600 14,300 224,000 34,600 14,300 77,000 42,500 53,000 131,900 106,800 158,700 85,100 100,300 700 98,500 73,800 199,500 82,500 44,700 143,700 32,700 12,700 23,600 17,100 46,700 1,396,000 29,800 11,600 464,100 102,200 31,500 71,000 120,500 86,000 188,600 29,400 38,600 291,900 143,400 34,400 159,300 33,100 180,100 173,600 150,600 235,100 144,900 125,300 150,200 128,300 71,800 PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT PHILBRICK, ROBERT E. PHILBRICK, ROBERT E. PHILBRICK, SANDRA PHILBRICK, SANDRA M. & DELWIN C. PHILBRICK, TONYA L & PHILLIPS, BRUCE & LUCILLE P PHILLIPS, BRUCE A. & DAVID & MICHAEL PHILLIPS, DAVID A. & DEBRA L. PHIPPS, WILLIAM H. PHIPPS, WILLIAM H. PICKELL, TRAVIS PICKETT, A. JOHN III & JENNIFER M. PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL PIERCE, DAVID & CAROL PIERCE, EDWARD E & SANDRA D PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC. PIKE, SHERRY L. PINE VIEW MOBILE HOMES PINE, FREDERICK, JR. & DONNA J. PINKHAM, DALE R. & BRENDA M. PINKHAM, KARI J & JAMES D JR PLACE, CARLETTE L. PLISGA, STANLEY J JR & BARBARA PLISGA, STANLEY J JR & BARBARA PLOURDE, DONALD J & IRENE T PLOURDE, JOSEPH & DOROTHY POIRIER, ERNEST & HOLLY POIRIER, ERNEST F & HOLLY M POIRIER, JEROME P. POIRIER, RHONDA A. POIRIER, SHEILA & FRECHETTE, JEAN T POISSONNIER, LAURA J & LINWOOD D POMERLEAU, GERALD T. & PAULA POMERLEAU, JEAN-LUC & CONSTANCE POMERLEAU, MADELINE C. POND ROAD, LLC POND ROAD, LLC POND ROAD, LLC 75 155.16 303.80 309.23 310.31 375.41 311.40 575.05 310.31 375.41 378.67 375.41 155.16 2,430.40 375.41 155.16 835.45 461.13 575.05 1,431.12 1,158.78 1,721.90 923.34 1,088.26 7.60 1,068.73 800.73 2,164.58 895.13 485.00 1,559.15 354.80 137.80 256.06 185.54 506.70 15,146.60 323.33 125.86 0.00 1,108.87 341.78 770.35 1,307.43 933.10 2,046.31 318.99 418.81 3,167.12 1,555.89 373.24 1,728.41 359.14 1,954.09 1,883.56 1,634.01 2,550.84 1,572.17 1,359.51 1,629.67 1,392.06 779.03 5,035.48 * *& * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * * *& * * * * * * * 16,200 30,000 120,900 173,400 193,600 19,200 224,700 172,600 269,300 80,500 13,200 64,200 66,800 80,900 283,300 125,600 81,900 25,700 131,200 17,600 334,600 306,900 137,900 152,500 191,200 215,800 137,800 107,500 28,300 28,100 217,200 101,400 118,200 125,500 136,300 180,900 516,700 152,500 26,200 83,700 198,100 62,300 98,700 184,600 191,000 187,500 79,600 153,000 158,100 190,000 111,700 170,700 25,600 109,200 275,800 15,600 220,100 229,700 122,900 105,100 229,000 PONITZ, GEOFFREY C. POOLE, KARL JR. & HEIDI POOLE, KARL JR. & HEIDI POOLER, MAURICE L. & MICHELLE D. POPP, MICHAEL L & MARGARET M PORTLAND CELLULAR d/b/a VERIZON PORTO, PATRICIA POST, KRISTIN & SHANON POULIN, CELESTE J. & RICHARD H. POULIN, DENISE M. POULIN, GERALD POULIN, GERALD & HELEN POULIN, GERALD A. POULIN, GERALD A. POULIN, JOHN B. & AMBER POULIN, JON E & DEBRA L POULIN, JOSEPH G. & SILVIA J. POULIN, LARRY POULIN, MARK R. & CINDY POULIN, PETER & POULIN, KENNETH POULIN, PHILIP R. POULIN, RYAN & CHARITY POULIN, TIMOTHY R. & ELIZABETH J. POULIOT, JAMES N. POULIOT, JAMES N. POULIOT, MATTHEW & TRACY L PRAY, BARBARA & MCFADDEN, TRACY PREO, RANDALL J & PRESTIGE CUSTOM HOMES PRESTIGE CUSTOM HOMES PRICE, KEVIN LEE PRIME, PATRICK D. PROCTOR, KELLY & MAYLAND PRUGH, ANN M. & MINOTY, RICHARD C. JR. PUGSLEY, JENNIFER PURTON, ALLAN F. PUTNAM, JAMES R & MICHELE D QUIRION, ARLENE V. QUIRION, CARL QUIRION, CARL RACINE, JONATHAN R & DRUMM, LINDSEY E RACKLEFF, KIM C RACKLEFF, KIMBER LEE & PETER RACKLEFF, PETER A. RANCOURT, REGINALD F. & MARIE G. RANSLOW, STEPHEN G & RAPACKI, AMANDA L RAVELO-TIMMINS, LISA M. RAY, ARTHUR C. REARDON, KIRBY R & SHERRI W REDLEVSKE, ROBERT REDMOND, RICHARD W & EVELYN E REED, KENNETH L, II REEDER, RANDY R. & CHERYL M. REINFELDS, VICTOR V & LYDIA E RENFROE, WAYNE RENOCK, NANCY A REYNOLDS, BEATRICE RICHARDSON, ANGELIQUE A. RICHARDSON, DOROTHY RICHARDSON, ROBERT O & NANCY J 76 175.77 325.50 1,311.77 1,881.39 2,100.56 208.32 2,438.00 1,872.71 2,921.91 873.43 143.22 696.57 724.78 877.77 3,073.81 1,362.76 888.62 278.85 1,423.52 190.96 3,630.41 3,329.87 1,496.22 1,654.63 2,074.52 2,341.43 1,495.13 1,166.38 307.06 304.89 2,356.62 1,100.19 1,282.47 1,361.68 1,478.86 1,962.77 5,606.20 1,654.63 284.27 908.15 2,149.39 675.96 1,070.90 2,002.91 2,072.35 2,034.38 863.66 1,660.05 1,715.39 2,061.50 1,211.95 1,852.10 277.76 1,184.82 2,992.43 169.26 2,388.09 2,492.25 1,333.47 1,140.34 2,484.65 208.32 RIPLEY, CYNTHIA * RIPLEY, GLORIA * RIPORTELLA, CRAIG V & LISA L. RIVARD, DEREK & BARRON, JAMIE *& ROACH, ERIC D. & JUDITH B. * ROBBINS, CARL * ROBBINS, DONALD C & NANCY D ROBBINS, MATTHEW & MILLIS, KENDRA ROBBINS, MATTHEW & MILLIS, KENDRA H. * ROBBINS, WINONA ROBERTS, DONALD C. & ANNE M. * ROBERTS, LEROY E & ANGELA R * ROBERTSON, JANE A & JOHN R. ROBERTSON, JANET L. & STANLEY W. ROBERTSON, JANET L. & STANLEY W. ROBICHEAU, RYAN B. ROBINSON, DAVID E & SUSAN E * ROBINSON, RICHARD & EVELYN *& ROBINSON, RICHARD A. LIVING TRUST ROBINSON, RICHARD A. LIVING TRUST ROCHE, THOMAS F. III & MARYBETH ROCKWOOD, CONSTANCE E & RALPH J ROCKWOOD, CONSTANCE E & RALPH J * ROCQUE, CHRISTOPHER & CYNTHIA A. RODERIGUE, BETHANY * RODGERS, ERIN T. & ELIZABETH A. * RODGERS, RICHARD & JENNIFER * RODRIGUE, DEAN A. * RODRIGUE, GEORGE * RODRIGUE, LEE J. & CORINNA A RODRIGUE, RANDY R & CHERI L RODSATRA, ARUNEE RODSATRA, ARUNEE * ROGERS, JAMES A. ROGERS, MARCIA & JOHN ROGERS, MARCIA & JOHN * ROIX, PATRICIA D. ROJAS, FRANCISCO & PATRICIA * ROLLINS, WILLIAM H III & FATIMA * RONCO, RALPH & GERALDINE A. ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSE, KELLY & MARTIN, RICHARD A * ROSS, KIRK & ADRIANE ROSS, NANCY & * ROSS, NANCY & VILES, GEORGE H. II ROSS, NANCY J. ROSSIGNOL EXCAVATING INC ROSSIGNOL EXCAVATING, INC. ROSSIGNOL, ERIC R & ROBERT A, REBECCA S ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E. TRUSTEE ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E.& ELIZABETH ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E.& ELIZABETH ROTCHFORD, HOWARD E.& ELIZABETH * ROUTHIER, RALPH J & JOYCE M * ROUTHIER, ROGER E. & JANE A. ROUTHIER, ROGER E. & JANE A. ROUTHIER, TAMMY L. ROWE, HALEY T. * ROWELL, DAVID & JEANETTE * ROY, GERMAINE D 77 119,000 173,600 243,800 225,100 69,400 136,200 135,500 197,800 419,200 131,400 183,500 196,800 142,200 77,600 45,200 205,600 175,200 2,900 163,100 28,300 179,100 283,100 52,000 135,100 186,500 137,400 127,800 189,400 71,300 224,700 224,200 212,500 75,500 158,675 300 80,700 184,800 105,700 116,900 140,500 8,900 52,100 138,700 204,100 45,400 193,700 32,000 76,100 14,000 144,700 171,800 37,400 168,700 131,100 131,200 176,800 61,600 123,500 130,200 212,600 43,400 1,291.15 1,883.56 2,645.23 2,442.34 752.99 1,477.77 1,470.18 2,146.13 4,548.32 1,425.69 1,990.98 2,135.28 1,542.87 841.96 490.42 2,230.76 1,900.92 0.00 1,769.64 307.06 1,943.24 3,071.64 564.20 1,465.84 2,023.53 1,490.79 1,386.63 2,054.99 773.61 2,438.00 2,432.57 2,305.63 819.18 1,721.62 3.26 875.60 2,005.08 1,146.85 1,268.37 1,524.43 96.57 565.29 1,504.90 2,214.49 492.59 2,101.65 347.20 825.69 0.00 1,570.00 1,864.03 405.79 1,830.40 1,422.44 1,423.52 1,918.28 668.36 1,339.98 1,412.67 2,306.71 470.89 151.90 ROY, MONICA & POULIN, ADAM J. * ROY, PAUL M. & VICKI A. ROYLE, DENISE D & FLETCHER, CYNTHIA E ROYLE, FREND J & DENISE D * RUEL, MATTHEW R. & KATHLEEN M. * RUNSER, MICHAEL P. & JOYCE P. * RUSSELL, J. MAXWELL III & ERIKA D. *& RUSSELL, TIMOTHY A. & SHEILA M. * RYAN, BRET RYAN, BRET J RYAN, LESLIE D * RYERSON, SUSAN E S.W.O.A.M. * SADLER, DANIEL EDWARD & JILL M. * SADLER, MATTHEW & HEATHER * SADLER, TERRY A. * SAGE, THEODORE W. SALZHAUER, AMY L SALZHAUER, AMY L SANBORN, CHRISTINE & PRESTON F. * SANBORN, GREGORY W & DEBORAH J * SANBORN, JENNIFER E. * SANBORN, KATE * SANBORN, PERRY F. & LISA D. SANBORN, ROGER W. & BRENDA L. SANBORN, WILSON * SANBORN, WILSON M. & STOTHOFF, SALLY S. SANFORD, NANCY A * SANTILLI, LUIGI SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, ERIC & SCOTT SAUCIER, TAMARA, TRUSTEE OF THE * SAUNDERS, PATRICK R & JOYCE A * SAUZEK, JEREMIAH J. & KRISTIN M. * SAVAGE, DEBRA J. * SAVAGE, GEORGE A. & LOUISE *& SAVAGE, GEORGE A. & THERESA M. SAVAGE, MICHAEL * SAVAGE, MICHAEL & SAWLIVICH, ANDREW SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA SAWLIVICH, ANDREW & BRENDA * SAWLIVICH, ANDREW G & SUSANNE E * SAWLIVICH, BRENDA *& SAWTELLE, WILLIAM D & CHARLOTTE G * SAWYER, JOHN V. III & LAURIE SBA TOWERS III LLC SCHLEHR, FRANK & KIMBERLY SCHMECHEL, PAUL D. 78 130,600 158,400 169,500 33,900 173,700 416,300 318,800 191,000 47,600 109,300 81,500 125,400 15,800 174,100 172,600 288,100 202,500 388,700 94,200 159,500 170,700 132,000 175,200 100,000 210,400 184,200 163,300 167,500 98,400 29,200 30,000 33,200 29,200 28,200 29,200 33,400 28,800 28,800 28,600 30,800 62,800 28,800 28,600 307,900 175,600 184,300 59,800 165,300 193,400 41,900 160,500 41,800 41,900 52,100 178,300 51,900 284,900 245,100 41,900 617,000 191,200 1,417.01 1,718.64 1,839.08 367.82 1,884.65 4,516.86 3,458.98 2,072.35 516.46 1,185.91 884.28 1,360.59 171.43 1,888.99 1,872.71 3,125.89 2,197.13 4,217.40 1,022.07 1,730.58 1,852.10 1,432.20 1,900.92 1,085.00 2,282.84 1,998.57 1,771.81 1,817.38 1,067.64 316.82 325.50 360.22 316.82 305.97 316.82 362.39 312.48 312.48 310.31 334.18 681.38 312.48 310.31 3,340.72 1,905.26 1,999.66 648.83 1,793.51 2,098.39 454.62 1,741.43 453.53 454.62 565.29 1,934.56 563.12 3,091.17 2,659.34 454.62 6,694.45 2,074.52 * * * *& * * * *& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *& * SCHMIDT, DAVID & HARRIETT SCHUPPIN, KENNETH E & LEWIS, MARY E SCHUTTE, PAMELA T. & PETER SCIENTIFIC GAMES INTERNATIONAL SCOTT, ROBERT SCOTT, RYAN SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT SEEL, CARYL A. SEIGARS, ELIZABETH SELUKE, WILLIAM G & CATHY L SHARAFFA, DAVID J & MAE A SHAW, DAVID C. SHAW, HAROLD JR & MARY SHERMAN, DIANE L. SHERMAN, RANDY SHORE, ROBERT & MARGARET SHORES, DANA J. SIDNEY LAKE RIDGE EAST ASSOC. SIDNEY REALTY LLC SIDNEY TRAIL RIDERS, INC. SIDNEY TRAINING CENTER LLC SIENKO, KENNETH E. & JAMIE M. SIENKO, KENNETH E. & JAMIE M. SIGMUND, PHYLLIS SILVER SPUR RIDING CLUB, INC SIMMONS, ELIZABETH SIMMONS, CATHLEEN E. SIMMONS, DEBRA & LANCASTER, ALFRED SIMMONS, DEBRA & LANCASTER, ALFRED SIMMONS, MARY L & JOHN E SIMONEAU, RENALD O & LISE N SIMPSON, SHAWN E. SINCLAIR, EDWARD J. & EMILIE E. SIROIS, FRANCIS P & DEBORAH L SIROIS, GARY R. SIROIS, GARY R. SIROIS, JAMES R SIROIS, JASON F. SIROIS, JASON F. & SUSAN A. SIROIS, JASON F. & SUSAN A. SIROIS, SCOTT & CROCKETT, BOBBI SIROIS, SHERRY L SISKO, STEPHEN A & JANINE M SKIDGEL, SHELDON SKIDGEL, SHELDON W SLACK, JESSE & MACKENZIE SMALL, JEFFREY & ANNE SMALLEY, JEREMY SMART, AARON L & STACY L SMART, MARYANN D SMITH, ANDREW N. & LISA SMITH, ARTHUR J. & SANTINI-SMITH, LAURA SMITH, BARBARA SMITH, BETTY, CAROL & LINDA SMITH, BETTY, LINDA & CAROL SMITH, BRENT SMITH, BRIAN G & TRACEY S SMITH, CHRISTINA SMITH, CLYDE L. & MARGARET E. SMITH, CURTIS A JR & MARY A 79 15,200 387,700 299,200 4,300 47,300 159,300 50,800 186,200 242,700 186,300 163,200 70,600 131,800 103,600 99,800 86,000 133,500 130,700 81,400 176,700 106,600 352,700 31,000 170,800 131,800 161,000 47,500 153,300 91,100 154,100 168,700 139,500 155,800 117,600 218,500 146,100 33,600 94,400 280,100 231,500 29,900 139,700 155,400 184,700 143,800 52,800 185,000 157,700 139,100 132,500 140,000 153,500 205,100 57,500 92,700 27,600 176,200 267,600 96,200 117,900 133,000 164.92 4,206.55 3,246.32 0.00 513.21 1,728.41 551.18 2,020.27 2,633.30 2,021.36 1,770.72 766.01 1,430.03 1,124.06 1,082.83 933.10 1,448.48 1,418.10 883.19 1,917.20 1,156.61 3,826.80 336.35 1,853.18 1,430.03 1,746.85 515.38 1,663.31 988.44 1,671.99 1,830.40 1,513.58 1,690.43 1,275.96 2,370.73 1,585.19 364.56 1,024.24 3,039.09 2,511.78 324.42 1,515.75 1,686.09 2,004.00 1,560.23 572.88 2,007.25 1,711.05 1,509.24 1,437.63 1,519.00 1,665.48 2,225.34 623.88 1,005.80 299.46 1,911.77 2,903.46 1,043.77 1,279.21 1,443.05 46.66 *& SMITH, DAVID B & KATHERINE G *& SMITH, DAVID C. & GAIL SMITH, DIXON * SMITH, DIXON E. * SMITH, DON R. & SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN SMITH, DONALD & DOREEN * SMITH, DONALD T. & DOREEN A. * SMITH, GARY W. & PATRICIA F. * SMITH, GEORGE B III & WOOLLEY, LINDA E SMITH, GORDON-HEIRS * SMITH, JASON * SMITH, JONATHAN & HEATHER SMITH, JONATHAN A. & DENISE L. * SMITH, JOYCE E. & DANIEL L. SMITH, KATRINA * SMITH, KEVIN & JESSICA SMITH, LEE N. SMITH, LINDA L & SMITH, CAROL A SMITH, MICHAEL J. SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA L TANNER, HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA T., HEIRS OF SMITH, MONA T.,HEIRS OF SMITH, RONALD P & JULIE M * SMITH, RONALD P & JULIE M * SMITH, ROSLAND SMITH, STANLEY H. & THERESA M. * SMITH, TIMOTHY L & SUSAN S * SMITH, WARREN L. & DOLORES M. * SNIDE, CHRISTINE N. SNOW POND RESIDENTIAL CENTER * SNOW, MICHAEL & LISA * SNOWDEN, BOYD & TRACY SNYDER, EDWARD A & KIMBERLY A SNYDER, EDWARD A. SNYDER, GREGORY R & RONDA C * SOBECK, LESLEY * SOBOLESKI, DARLENE & STANLEY P * SODOMA, DEBRA A & WILLIAM C SOMES, ROBERT & ELIZABETH ESTATE * SOMES, ROBERT K. JR. SONNY J. SEARLES LIVING TRUST * SOUCY, CLARENCE J. & MAY A. SOUCY, JOHN A. SOULE, CHRISTOPHER D. * SOULE, DAVID & DONNA * SOUTHARD, FRANK E. & ETHEL M. SPEARS, JASON D & MACE, SHANNON K * SPEARS, KRISTY A & PETER T SPILLER, HOWARD B. & LORRAINE D SPOONER, DAVID B. * SPOONER, EUNICE B & DAVID B *& SPRAGUE, BARBARA F. SPRAGUE, MICHAEL & RACHAEL * SPROUL, BRYCE J. SPROUL, HOWARD W. JR. SQUIERS, ANITA L. & BRIAN 156,700 121,800 117,700 101,000 21,900 27,300 27,400 25,700 25,700 183,600 196,200 296,400 31,800 12,500 130,100 218,200 148,500 163,100 149,800 268,000 104,000 6,300 70,100 90,900 46,000 126,200 22,400 103,100 137,900 127,300 188,700 175,400 148,800 110,400 13,200 107,400 189,500 199,000 29,300 593,800 194,600 271,900 129,400 203,200 212,800 156,700 152,700 101,800 150,600 79,900 149,300 205,300 185,300 77,900 187,600 204,900 116,500 121,900 163,300 170,300 26,800 80 1,700.20 1,321.53 1,277.05 1,095.85 237.62 296.21 297.29 278.85 278.85 1,992.06 2,128.77 3,215.94 345.03 135.63 1,411.59 2,367.47 1,611.23 1,769.64 1,625.33 2,907.80 1,128.40 68.36 760.59 986.27 499.10 1,369.27 243.04 1,118.64 1,496.22 1,381.21 2,047.40 1,903.09 1,614.48 1,197.84 0.00 1,165.29 2,056.08 2,159.15 317.91 6,442.73 2,111.41 2,950.12 1,403.99 2,204.72 2,308.88 1,700.20 1,656.80 1,104.53 1,634.01 866.92 1,619.91 2,227.51 2,010.51 845.22 2,035.46 2,223.17 1,264.03 1,322.62 1,771.81 1,847.76 290.78 143.22 * SQUIERS, BRIAN & ANITA * ST. PETER, JOEY B & ERICA B ST. PIERRE, AARON ST. PIERRE, GINGER * ST. PIERRE, LEONARD J III & JEANNE ST. PIERRE, RAYMOND & DIANE P * ST. PIERRE, RAYMOND D & DIANE P * ST. PIERRE, SALLY A. * ST. PIERRE, SARAH JW & JEFFREY A * STACEY, BRIAN J. & VALERIE J. STAFFORD, CYNTHIA * STAGGE, ROBERT L. * STANHOPE, BRANT & LAURIE STANHOPE, BRANT & LAURIE STANHOPE, BRANT J. LAURIE J. STANHOPE, BRETT J. & GABRIELLE * STANHOPE, BRETT J. & GABRIELLE * STANHOPE, JORDAN L & BEVERLY J * STAPLES, LOUISE & BRUCE STEINMEYER, RAY B *& STEINMEYER, RAY B. & STEPHENSON, SOLVEIG IRREVOCABLE TRUST STEVENS, ALAN C & DIERDRA S * STEVENS, ALAN C. & DIEDRA S. STEVENS, ALAN C. & WADE ALAN STEVENS, ALLEN C & DIERDRA S * STEVENS, CARLA J. * STEVENS, DENNIS R. * STEVENS, DOUGLAS J. & JERI W. *& STEVENS, GLENN A. & ETHEL STEVENS, GLENN F. * STEVENS, JANE W. STEVENS, JANEL D. * STEVENS, KATHY STEVENS, KEITH M. JR. *& STEVENS, KEITH M. JR. STEVENS, L. CARLTON, DURWOOD, ERNEST, STEVENS, NATHAN P & EMILY A * STEWARD, JAMES & ELIZABETH STEWARD, JAMES E. STILES, MEGAN R & NUZA, PHILIP STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. STILES, MEGAN R. & NUZA, PHILIP A. * STITT-KITTREDGE, NANCI STITT-KITTREDGE, NANCI & STODDARD, ADAM C STODDARD, JESSICA & DOUIN, ADAM STODDARD, RONALD W. & ERNESTINE G. * STONE, JEFFREY & DEBRA STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STONEWALL DEVELOPMENT LLC STOREY, PATRICIA A. 81 118,100 168,400 58,100 26,200 208,400 41,300 205,700 161,000 186,100 216,900 161,300 86,600 129,200 14,600 16,400 112,000 99,200 63,100 123,800 41,100 170,600 176,000 55,600 215,400 179,300 46,700 77,400 192,200 218,900 107,200 172,000 97,500 49,900 3,700 27,400 88,900 8,900 235,500 221,300 172,400 27,900 234,900 24,200 29,600 204,600 61,700 92,300 168,500 54,800 395,800 28,600 28,000 28,200 28,300 28,000 29,900 29,900 28,700 28,100 28,300 258,100 1,281.39 1,827.14 630.39 284.27 2,261.14 448.11 2,231.85 1,746.85 2,019.19 2,353.37 1,750.11 939.61 1,401.82 158.41 177.94 1,215.20 1,076.32 684.64 1,343.23 445.94 1,851.01 1,909.60 603.26 2,337.09 1,945.41 506.70 839.79 2,085.37 2,375.07 1,163.12 1,866.20 1,057.88 541.42 40.15 297.29 964.57 96.57 2,555.18 2,401.11 1,870.54 302.72 2,548.67 262.57 321.16 2,219.91 669.45 1,001.46 1,828.23 594.58 4,294.43 310.31 303.80 305.97 307.06 303.80 324.42 324.42 311.40 304.89 307.06 2,800.39 * STRAFFIN, NORMAN I & MARGARET F * STRATTON, EUGENE P & SARA J STRATTON, EUGENE P SR STRATTON, EUGENE P. SR, & STRATTON, BENJAMIN P. * STRICKLAND, CAETLIN D. * STRICKLAND, JOHN STROHL, DAVID J. STROHL, DAVID J. * STUDLEY, ROBERT W. & CECILE A. SULLIVAN, PATRICK & EASTON, MARTHA * SURPRENANT, JAMES R. * SWAILS, ERIC * SWEENEY, PAMELA P. & RYAN C. * SWETT, MARK D. & PAMELA J. SWIFT, JASON J. & MELIA D. SWIFT, JEFFREY & BETTY SYLVAIN, WILLIAM J. II & SYLVAIN, WILLIAM J. II & SYLVAIN, WILLIAM J. II & SYMONEVICH, JOHN A. TAKACH, ROBERT J. TANSEY, JAMES TARDIF, KEVIN R. & CANDACE M. *& TARDIFF, EDWARD THARIAN, VINOD THERIAULT , CARMEN T. & TIMOTHY A. THERIAULT, MANNING J. SR & JANET L. * THERIAULT, ROLAND & AMY THERIAULT, ROLAND JR. * THOMAS, BRENDA M. THOMAS, TOBY SCOTT * THOMPSON, ANN M. THOMPSON, JAMES & LOIS * THOMPSON, JAMES & LOIS * THOMPSON, MICHAEL & CANDACE * THOMPSON, STEPHEN J & LORELAI E THOMSON, LISA-ANNE *& THOMSON, DAVID & LISA-ANNE * THORNE, CHRISTOPHER A & SARAH J * THORNE, GARY L *& THORNE, JANET LIFE ESTATE *& THORNE, JEROMIAH A & SHEILA * THORNE, JEROMIAH A & SHEILA * THORNE, LAWRENCE & NANCY THORNE, ROBERT THURLOW, DAVID & ANDREA * THURLOW, TIMOTHY & GLORIA J TIBBETTS, ALAN & KATHERINE * TIBBETTS, HEIDI J. & ALAN B. TIBBETTS, JEFFREY J & REBECCA L * TIBBETTS, KATHERINE & ALAN *& TIBBETTS, LAWRENCE A. & SANDRA TIERNEY, JAMES & ALLEN-TIERNEY, JANE *& TILLSON, ARTHUR D & MELVINA J * TILLSON, BENJAMIN *& TILLSON, EDWARD W SR & JEAN L TILLSON, EDWIN H & SHERRY R TILLSON, EDWIN H. & SHERRY R. * TILLSON, EDWIN H. & SHERRY R. * TILLSON, GERRY M. & CARMEN A. TILLSON, JEREMY 82 180,300 115,800 9,900 8,900 105,300 150,100 156,600 32,000 97,000 98,700 98,700 162,500 246,100 169,100 354,600 258,500 1,300 1,400 146,700 60,900 443,900 249,900 194,000 91,500 209,500 193,900 102,700 163,400 64,100 167,400 63,500 207,200 88,400 288,900 175,600 255,800 30,200 184,600 157,000 224,600 146,700 114,100 244,100 104,000 37,600 88,500 217,900 28,100 18,900 160,900 152,000 165,400 95,500 133,500 62,800 168,900 140,400 1,600 197,700 166,100 30,800 1,956.26 1,256.43 107.42 96.57 1,142.51 1,628.59 1,699.11 347.20 1,052.45 1,070.90 1,070.90 1,763.13 2,670.19 1,834.74 3,847.41 2,804.73 14.11 15.19 1,591.70 660.77 4,816.32 2,711.42 2,104.90 992.78 2,273.08 2,103.82 1,114.30 1,772.89 695.49 1,816.29 688.98 2,248.12 959.14 3,134.57 1,905.26 2,775.43 327.67 2,002.91 1,703.45 2,436.91 1,591.70 1,237.99 2,648.49 1,128.40 407.96 960.23 2,364.22 304.89 205.07 1,745.77 1,649.20 1,794.59 1,036.18 1,448.48 681.38 1,832.57 1,523.34 17.36 2,145.05 1,802.19 334.18 19,300 217,100 9,000 109,800 158,900 342,600 13,000 29,100 13,200 245,000 78,100 16,800 157,900 93,800 21,600 989,400 3,400 185,000 27,600 40,200 6,200 306,900 184,000 152,700 116,800 172,900 43,200 144,600 211,800 235,300 225,200 22,400 98,000 198,000 71,400 141,300 98,200 260,200 195,600 13,700 126,100 50,500 65,300 168,400 66,500 124,900 153,500 17,100 37,300 105,700 142,200 128,000 53,300 150,300 205,900 213,700 75,600 182,400 109,800 75,000 134,200 TILLSON, JOSH * TILLSON, LEE R. & SHERRY B. TILLSON, SCOTT & TAMMY TILLSON, SCOTT M. & TAMMY L. * TILLSON, WALTER & EFFIE * TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE TILTON, DALE V & SANDRA TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE V. & SANDI TILTON, DALE V. & SANDRA L. * TILTON, DENNIS H & SHARON J TILTON, DENNIS H & SHARON J TIME WARNER CABLE INTERNET LLC TIME WARNER CABLE NORTHEAST LLC TIMEPAYMENT CORP * TIPPET, SAMUEL J. TOBEY, BARBARA & ROBIN TOMAN, GEORGE R & JOYCE TOMPKINS, RICHARD, STEPHEN & TONDREAU, PAMELA & REGINALD * TONDREAU, REGINALD P & PAMELA M TONDREAU, ZACHARIAH R & MEGAN A * TOSI, STEVEN & TRACY *& TOULOUSE, ROGER B. TOWERS, BRAD TOWLE, HOWARD L & JESSICA L TOWNSEND, KIMBERLY A & STEVEN C TOZIER, DONALD & DONNA * TOZIER, JOEL K. & NANCY J. TRACY, CONSTANCE I * TRACY, CONSTANCE I * TRACY, JAMES G & JODIE J TRACY, LEAH C * TRACY, MICHAEL E. & JOANNE M. TRACY, RAYMOND & NANCY TRACY, RAYMOND D & NANCY M TRACY, RYAN & ANDREA * TRACY, THOMAS TRACY, UNA TRUSTEE OF THE TRAFTON PROPERTIES TRAFTON PROPERTIES TRAFTON PROPERTIES TRAFTON PROPERTIES LLC TRASK, JONI M. TRASK, LEEANN L. TRASK, ROBERTINA B. TRASK, ROBERTINA B. *& TRASK, VINCENT W & LEEANN L * TRAUSSI, GREGORY J & JOANNA P * TREADWELL, PAMELA & DANA II TREPANIER, DIANA * TREPANIER, DIANA M. * TRUE, MICHELLE M. TUELL, ANTHONY J. TUPLIN, CYNTHIA * TURGEON, CATHY & RAYMOND * TURGEON, GERARD J. & JEANNE M * TURGEON, KARI L. TURNER, GILBERT C. 83 209.41 2,355.54 97.65 1,191.33 1,724.07 3,717.21 141.05 315.74 143.22 2,658.25 847.39 182.28 1,713.22 1,017.73 0.00 234.36 0.00 10,734.99 0.00 36.89 2,007.25 299.46 436.17 67.27 3,329.87 1,996.40 1,656.80 1,267.28 1,875.97 468.72 1,568.91 2,298.03 2,553.01 2,443.42 243.04 1,063.30 2,148.30 774.69 1,533.11 1,065.47 2,823.17 2,122.26 148.65 1,368.19 547.93 708.51 1,827.14 721.53 1,355.17 1,665.48 185.54 404.71 1,146.85 1,542.87 1,388.80 578.31 1,630.76 2,234.02 2,318.65 820.26 1,979.04 1,191.33 813.75 1,456.07 * TURNER, JOHN H JR & JOLENE D * TURNER, KATHLEEN P & JACK B TURNER, KATHLEEN P. * TUTTLE, ALLEN G & MARCIA J TUTTLE, GARY L. & ESTHER * TUTTLE, GREGORY A. & RACHEL A * TUTTLE, LINDA TUTTLE, ROSE MARIE & GARY L JR * TUTTLE, ROSS A. * VAFIADES, SCOTT & DOMENICA * VAN HORN, LEON * VAN HORN, NORMAN * VAN ORMAN, SCOTT LIVING TRUST & * VAN WART, ARTHUR R. & SANDRA L VANOVER, JACQUELINE D. * VARNERIN, JEFFREY D. & CAROLYN A. VASVARY, DAWN M. & LOUIS W. VEILLEUX, BRIDGITTE M. & MARC G. * VEILLEUX, CLAUDE & SONIA * VEILLEUX, JOHN & ROBIN * VEILLEUX, MARC G & BRIDGITTE M. * VEILLEUX, MARC L. * VEILLEUX, RICHARD J. & JULIETTE * VENABLE, STACY & CHAD * VIGUE, THOMAS & FINGERMAN, EILEEN VINTINNER, PATRICIA & ST PIERRE, CYNTHIA * VIOLETTE, MICHAEL & DEBORAH L. VIOLETTE, RANDY R. VOGT, WILLIAM C. & MARTHA L. * VOISINE, RENARD P. & NANCY L. * VYE, ALBERT H.JR. W+S ENTERPRISES W+S ENTERPRISES WABI RADIO TV * WACOME, DONALD & DONNA M. WACOME, DONALD G. & DONNA M. WADE, CHRISTOPHER T. WADE, DEAN & CYNTHIA * WADE, DEAN L & CYNTHIA C *& WADE, MELVIN JR. & JOAN M. * WADE, RANDY L & MACLEOD, JENNIFER L * WADE, TIMOTHY M WAGNER, DENNIS WAGNER, DENNIS J WALKER, FRANK E. WALKER, JOHN S & JUDITH WALKER, MARK A & CAROL A * WALSH, RICHARD & JAYNE WANSER, MARIE WANSER, MARIE WARD, BRYAN & KATE WARD, BRYAN B. & KATE H. WARMAN, CLYDE & PATRICIA WARNER, JOHN R & SUSAN B *& WARREN, CLEMENT & CONSTANCE * WATSON, THOMAS O. & SHIRLEY M. WEAVER, ALISON L. & BRUCE C. WEAVER, ALLISON L. & BRUCE C. WEBB, MARGARET H. & PIERCE, PATRICK D WEBB, RONALD & MARIE * WEBBER, CORAL E. 84 131,500 230,800 29,100 146,500 61,800 96,500 43,300 130,800 176,000 264,800 88,000 166,900 304,800 200,200 184,800 152,500 65,900 27,500 125,800 182,200 72,000 87,900 103,000 250,600 231,000 165,100 121,300 313,900 234,900 183,600 104,700 40,000 2,100 13,800 169,300 29,800 122,200 36,800 343,500 207,800 120,300 188,900 320,500 1,400 154,200 187,600 109,900 231,600 133,400 30,800 180,500 38,000 100,300 265,600 231,500 387,500 348,900 33,800 125,500 52,000 102,900 1,426.78 2,504.18 315.74 1,589.53 670.53 1,047.03 469.81 1,419.18 1,909.60 2,873.08 954.80 1,810.87 3,307.08 2,172.17 2,005.08 1,654.63 715.02 298.38 1,364.93 1,976.87 781.20 953.72 1,117.55 2,719.01 2,506.35 1,791.34 1,316.11 3,405.82 2,548.67 1,992.06 1,136.00 434.00 22.79 0.00 1,836.91 323.33 1,325.87 399.28 3,726.98 2,254.63 1,305.26 2,049.57 3,477.43 15.19 1,673.07 2,035.46 1,192.42 2,512.86 1,447.39 334.18 1,958.43 412.30 1,088.26 2,881.76 2,511.78 4,204.38 3,785.57 366.73 1,361.68 564.20 1,116.46 149.73 * WEBBER, CURTIS & BRENDA * WEBSTER, DAVID A WEBSTER, DAVID A. * WEEKS, ALTON & TERESA * WEISS, DACE * WELCH, ERIC & JENNIFER WELCH, KEVIN WELCH, PHILLIP & WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. * WELLS, DANIEL & BRENDA * WELTON, JAMES C & ELIZABETH L WENTWORTH, JIM & CHERYL * WENTWORTH, JIM D. & CHERYL L. * WESCOTT, BRUCE D. WESCOTT, DONALD T. & BEVERLY J. WESCOTT, KYLE WEST SIDNEY BAPTIST CHURCH * WEST, PATRICIA A. WESTOVER REALTY TRUST * WHEELER, GARY & KELLEY P WHEELOCK, ROBERT E JR * WHITCOMB, JONATHAN * WHITCOMB, ORMAN WHITCOMB, ORMAN E. * WHITE, BOBBI JO WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, CLARENCE WHITE, CLARENCE * WHITE, CLARENCE * WHITE, DARCY N & NANCY J WHITE, DARIN & SARAH * WHITE, JACOB * WHITE, MARK & DIANE WHITE, MARK A & DIANE M WHITE, MARK A. & DIANE M. WHITE, MARK D WHITE, SUSAN G. * WHITE, TUNNEY A & MARIANNE C WHITEHOUSE, CASEY A. WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. WHITEHOUSE, LANCE W. * WHITNEY, LORI L. * WHITTEN, HOWARD A. & JUDITH K * WHITTIER, KENNETH WIGGIN, JEANNETTE, SOLE TRUSTEE OF THE WIGGIN, JOHN WIGGIN, JOHN WIGGIN, JOHN WILBER, NANCY * WILKINS, STEPHANIE M WILLETTE, LAWRENCE & CANDICE *& WILLETTE, LAWRENCE & CANDICE WILLETTE, MELISSA A. * WILLETTE, PATRICK W. & SUSAN M * WILLETTE, ROBERT & PAMELA *& WILLETTE, ROBERT L. & RUTH H. WILLIAMS, RACHEL * WILLIAMS, RACHEL & TIMOTHY WILLIAMS, RACHEL & TIMOTHY WILLIAMS, RACHEL & TIMOTHY WILLIAMS, SARAH, JUAREZ, RUTH & 85 123,500 290,100 125,400 154,700 245,100 203,700 87,900 196,400 169,200 184,800 138,900 29,500 273,500 166,000 144,200 33,600 73,100 164,700 44,400 197,500 112,500 239,300 268,200 97,500 43,800 111,400 34,500 54,500 214,900 187,600 190,900 203,500 295,000 30,200 70,200 245,600 68,700 263,700 61,800 78,600 164,000 165,200 167,500 128,000 451,700 363,100 72,300 202,100 55,400 37,800 36,700 236,900 121,900 95,600 238,400 50,100 10,500 127,500 134,500 41,100 327,100 1,339.98 3,147.59 1,360.59 1,678.50 2,659.34 2,210.15 953.72 2,130.94 1,835.82 2,005.08 1,507.07 320.08 2,967.48 1,801.10 1,564.57 364.56 793.14 1,787.00 481.74 2,142.88 1,220.63 2,596.41 2,909.97 1,057.88 475.23 1,208.69 374.33 591.33 2,331.67 2,035.46 2,071.27 2,207.98 3,200.75 327.67 761.67 2,664.76 745.40 2,861.15 670.53 852.81 1,779.40 1,792.42 1,817.38 1,388.80 4,900.95 3,939.64 784.46 2,192.79 601.09 410.13 398.20 2,570.37 1,322.62 1,037.26 2,586.64 543.59 113.93 1,383.38 1,459.33 445.94 3,549.04 * WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY D & ANDREA WILLIAMS, TONYA M & GLENN R WILLIAMSON, JAMES J. IV & SPENCER, LISA M. * WILLIGAR, DESIREE N. * WILLIGAR, NATHAN J * WILSON, BETH A * WILSON, DAVID L & NANCY P WILSON, LINDA * WILSON, LINDA * WILSON, SCOTT L. & KAREN L. * WINCHENBACH, ALLAN C. * WINDSOR,WILLIAM JR & ROOD-WINDSOR,LINDA K WINKLEY, DEBORAH ANN CAMPBELL * WINTER, REBECCA & * WINTER, TRUDY S. WITHAM, WILLIAM & ELLEN * WITHAM, WILLIAM & SARAH WITHAM, WILLIAM & SARAH * WITHAM, WILLIAM R & ELLEN A. WITHAM, WILLIAM R SR & ELLEN A WITHAM, WILLIAM R. & ELLEN A. WITHAM, WILLIAM R. JR. & SARAH A. WITHAM, WILLIAM R. SR & ELLEN A. WITHAM, WILLIAM SR. & ELLEN WITHAM, WILLIAM, SR. & ELLEN WLBZ 2 WOHLFORD, RODNEY & LESLIE WOLF CREEK FARM, LLC * WOOD, ALLEN R & SHELLY A WOOD, DEREK E * WOOD, KAREN * WOOD, KEITH S WOOD, ROBIN TRUSTEE U/A DATED 02/18/14 WOODARD, LYNN C. & GWEN E. * WOODHEAD, ANDREW & ANGELA * WOODSIDE, PATRICK M & CYNTHIA A WOODWARD, CRAIG WOODWARD, CRAIG W. & SANDRA * WOODWARD, ROBERTA R & LOFTUS, ELIZABETH WRIGHT, BETTY C WRIGHT, BETTY C WRIGHT, KERRYANNE & CHRISTOPHER * WRIGLEY, DONNA E YANNELLI, DANA YERIGAN, BRUCE D & KRISTINE L YERIGAN, KRISTINE L & BRUCE D * YETERIAN, EDWARD H & MARGARET W YOUNG, CLIFFORD & PATTY ANNE * YOUNG, MICHAEL & JENNIFER LEE ZALEGOWSKI, BRANDON ZIMBA, JASON * ZIMBA, JASON 86 197,600 116,200 119,600 165,300 179,300 159,700 290,900 35,300 222,700 129,600 110,900 270,300 92,400 102,100 94,400 9,300 201,100 173,500 290,000 1,200 89,200 26,200 117,600 30,900 126,700 79,300 270,100 9,000 206,500 35,600 152,700 134,100 293,000 43,400 189,400 210,000 42,000 176,400 77,400 47,500 200 177,900 148,500 161,200 544,700 104,400 279,300 95,100 121,300 69,400 29,000 108,800 2,143.96 1,260.77 1,297.66 1,793.51 1,945.41 1,732.75 3,156.27 383.01 2,416.30 1,406.16 1,203.27 2,932.76 1,002.54 1,107.79 1,024.24 100.91 2,181.94 1,882.48 3,146.50 13.02 967.82 284.27 1,275.96 335.27 1,374.70 860.41 2,930.59 0.00 2,240.53 386.26 1,656.80 1,454.99 3,179.05 470.89 2,054.99 2,278.50 455.70 1,913.94 839.79 515.38 2.17 1,930.22 1,611.23 1,749.02 5,910.00 1,132.74 3,030.41 1,031.84 1,316.11 752.99 314.65 1,180.48 357,083,248 3,852,199.66 97.65 22,336.94 REPORT OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER The Town of Sidney had a relatively busy year in 2014 with the construction of new homes as well as barns, garages and renovations. The total number of permits issued was 72 compared to 71 in 2013. Below are the comparisons. 2014 2013 2012 New Homes Mobile Homes Barns & Garages Repairs & Additions Decks & Pools 20 8 24 15 4 13 5 30 17 4 17 5 35 9 6 Should you have any questions, I can be reached on my cell phone 4415302, or at the office during my office hours (Monday nights 6PM 9PM during the winter months & Mon. 6PM - 9PM & Sat. 9AM NOON during summer months) at 547-3159. Respectfully submitted, Gary R. Fuller, Code Enforcement Officer REPORT OF THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR The number of plumbing permits that were issued in 2013 was 40 compared to 44 in 2013. The breakdown is as follows: 2014 2013 29 – ext. 33 – ext. 11 – int. 11 – int. If you need a plumbing permit, or your project is ready for inspection, please contact me at 441-5302, or at the office during my regular office hours (Mon. 6PM - 9PM during the Winter and Mon. 6PM - 9PM & Sat 9AM - NOON during the Summer) at 547-3159. Respectfully Submitted, Gary R. Fuller, Plumbing Inspector 87 REPORT OF THE FIRE CHIEF Once again it is that time of year to submit the annual report for the Sidney Fire Department for the fiscal year of February 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015. The Sidney Fire Department is pleased to have brought on new members to the Fire Department. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mike Sprague Blake Philbrick Lou Berthel Chad Steward Sarah Cabana These new members are now enrolled in Fire Fighter 1 and 2 block classes. These classes involve 8 blocks at 16 hours a block equaling 128 hours of fire training for each new member. With the completion of this course they will meet qualifications for the Bureau of Labor Standards. This will be a big asset to the Sidney Fire Department due to the number of firefighters that are getting done. At the time of this report the Sidney Fire Department responded to 79 Fire Calls and 52 Fire/ Rescue Calls. These calls were a wide range from vehicle accidents, forestry fires, structure fires, carbon monoxide calls, fire alarms, and smoke alarms. On that note, the department would like to remind residents to please remember to change the batteries in your smoke alarms. This year the town Selectmen and myself decided to go from two days of issuing fire permits to just one day; Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. New to 2014, town’s people may also go on line to get a fire permit for free at www.wardensreport.com by following the instructions. From August 2014 to February 1, 2015, there were 77 permits issued on this free website. 88 I would like to thank my officers for their dedication and support in this challenging year. The officer core consisted of Asst. Chief Bob Bacon, Captain Kevin Bacon Engine 1 Company, Captain Ben Jandreau Engine 2 Company, Lt. Brian McKinnon Engine 1 Company, Lt. Clyde Warman Engine 2 Company and myself. I also would like to thank my fire fighters for their dedication to the fire department and to the town’s people. The entire Sidney Fire Department would like to recognize Asst. Chief Bob Bacon for his dedication to the department for a total of 50 years. It has been brought to our attention that he will be retiring this year. This will be a great loss to the Town Of Sidney and the Fire Department. We wish you a happy retirement. The Sidney Fire Department would like to thank the Town’s people for their continued support to their Fire Department, without your support it would be very hard to do our jobs. Thank you, Chief Richard Jandreau 89 Report of the Sidney Rescue Chief Sidney Rescue responded to 96 medical emergencies and Fire and Rescue responded together to 32 motor vehicle accidents this past year. Rescue also stood by at structure fires and controlled burns held by the Fire Department. The top three responders for these calls were: Chris Giroux - 87 Dan Courtemanche - 64 Scott Routhier - 37 We currently have seven members and will be adding more Emergency Medical Technicians in the coming year. We would like to thank all of the Firefighters who responded to medical calls with us and the townspeople for their continued support. Please take a minute and make sure that your house number is clearly visible from the road. This is how we find your house in the event of an emergency. Respectfully submitted, Dan Courtemanch Interim Rescue Chief 90 Sidney Fire / Rescue Call Totals 2013 Call Summary 2014 Call Summary (01/01/2013-12/31/2013) (01/01/2014-12/31/2014) Month Fire Rescue F/R Totals Month Fire Rescue F/R Totals Jan 9 7 3 7 Jan 4 6 1 19 Feb 3 19 4 20 Feb 6 6 6 26 Mar 4 16 3 23 Mar 6 5 1 23 Apr 6 14 3 23 Apr 9 14 0 23 May 11 9 1 34 May 3 9 5 21 June 11 9 2 26 June 5 17 5 22 July 9 13 4 21 July 4 7 4 26 Aug 11 13 2 22 Aug 6 7 5 26 Sept 4 19 5 26 Sept 6 5 6 28 Oct 10 10 0 28 Oct 8 8 4 20 Nov 8 8 6 22 Nov 12 6 8 22 Dec 21 13 13 33 Dec 10 6 7 47 Totals 96 150 46 292 Totals 79 96 52 227 91 SIDNEY TRAIL RIDERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB FINANCIAL REPORT TO TAXPAYERS JANUARY 1, 2014 - DECEMBER 31, 2014 INCOME Memberships FUNDRAISING $1,377.00 Business Family Affiliate MSA Raffle Tickets $350.00 $950.00 $15.00 $62.00 50/50 Raffle Donations $93.00 $185.50 BOTTLE RETURNS $278.50 $43.10 CLUB RENTALS $700.00 SIGN ADVERTISING $700.00 SNOWMOBILE REG. REIMB $2,734.06 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT GRANT $2,343.44 GROOMING GRANT FROM STATE $3,750.00 TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Club Expenses $11,926.10 MSA - Membership Bank Fees/Checks Postage Paper/Postcards/Envelopes Potluck /Chicken BBQ/Xmas Party 92 $769.00 $65.95 $113.51 $4.65 $203.35 $1,159.46 Clubhouse Building Maintenance $212.62 ELECTRICITY OIL TRASH REMOVAL TAXES ANNUAL REPORTING FILING REIMBURSMENT TO HASKELLS ( for extra evaluation) FIRE/LIABILITY INSURANCE GROOMING EXPENSES Registration of Drag sleds Liability Insurance for groomers Repairs to Drag sleds Gas/Oil for Drag sleds Trail Clearing & Bridge Building Remaining Balance Pd on Bearcat TOTAL EXPENSES $212.62 $437.28 $2,224.02 $40.00 $1,156.61 $35.00 $397.11 $844.00 $83.00 $1,091.80 $1,004.45 $617.87 $820.56 $1,822.73 $5,440.41 $11,946.51 Narrative: The Officers of the Sidney Trail Riders Club would like to thank all its past and present members for your continued support. If you are interested in renting the Snowmobile Club please call 207-547-3630 for rental cost and availability. Remember to respect land owners, and use caution on the trails. Respectfully submitted by, Tonya Philbrick, Secretary/Treasurer Sidney Trail Riders Club 93 Cemetery Committee Annual Report December 31, 2014 Under Warrant Article 19 ($4,700.) the Select Board approved a contract with Gravestone Concerns, LLC (locally owned by DonnaMae Bean) to continue the gravestone preservation effort. Gravestone preservation was performed in Lincoln and Field Cemeteries. Recommendations were made to the Select Board for removal of the hazardous trees. The Select Board approved removal of dangerous trees from Reynolds Hill, Bean and Clark/Goff Cemeteries by Foster Tree and Landscaping, LLC. Two more signs were donated to our cemeteries. One sign located at the bottom pointing up to Reynolds Hill and one for the Reynolds Hill Cemetery Fence. A leaning tree over the Lincoln Cemetery on private property was cut and removed by Tom Tillson. To decrease costs, trees were hauled off from Reynolds Hill and Clark/Goff by volunteers. Abbott Fence Company volunteered to straighten the granite fence posts in Lincoln Cemetery. Thank you to the following volunteers that maintain some of our cemeteries: David Smith in Bangs, Tom Tillson in Lincoln and Leslie Bickford in Barton Cemeteries. With the help of volunteers from the Sidney Historical Society, veteran's graves were decorated with American Flags in time for the Memorial Day recognition. The Boy Scouts Troop 401 hosted a flag burning ceremony on June 14th, Flag Day, with residents dropping off flags along with the worn flags from our cemeteries. We continue to monitor tree conditions as least twice yearly and following severe windstorms. Our tree maintenance efforts have resulted in preventing damage to ancient memorial stones in many graveyards. Still, we don't catch them all. We have enjoyed great relations with local contractors, each donating hundreds of dollars of labor beyond their contract prices. Volunteers, the Town staff, and 94 the Select Board have been very supportive, as have the land owners adjoining the several sites where the work has been performed. We are concerned that the present level of funding for the preservation efforts barely allows for maintaining the status quo. We feel it is time to develop a plan for replanting some hardy tree species at some of these sites, Longley being one example. This would allow us to work toward another century or more of continuing the tranquil and respectful atmosphere once provided by the former cedar trees. Site development is also to be considered. We understand from Shawna Foye, Town Clerk, there is a waiting list for gravesites. We suggest budgeting now for expansions through further mapping and landscaping within existing sites where undeveloped space is available. We also see room for additional land adjoining some sites. Early negotiations for these parcels would be a wise consideration. We wish to preserve our heritage and maintain our ancestral graveyards in a manner that will make us all proud. Respectfully submitted, Town Cemetery Committee: Beth Clark Golding, Chair Lawrence A. Tibbetts Stanley Hanscom 95 SIDNEY FOOD CUPBOARD 2014 REPORT The Sidney Food Cupboard continues to grow in the number of families we serve. In 2014 we had 284 requests for food which fed 1,218 Sidney residents. This is an increase of nine requests but an increase of 220 Sidney residents needing food. We received a grant from Mid-State Machine Foundation for $2,000 this year. This grant made it possible for us to have different items of food on the shelves. We also received 800lbs of food from the Postal Food Drive in May. The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Messalonskee Middle School and the James H. Bean School all continue to have great food drives in November; this helps us get through the holidays. The MHS Key Club in Oakland brought us a pickup truck load of food in November. The Empty Bowl Dinner raised $547. Middle Road General Store gives us bread several times a week which the clients really enjoy. DND Disc Golf of Sidney had a donation box at their golf course this summer and brought us food to stock the shelves with. The Arnold Trail Sportsmen’s Club gave us a $300 donation for food at Christmas time and bought presents for 12 children. Many individual donations were received from local families. Praise God! Scott and Helen Davis had a fundraiser at their home this summer to benefit the food cupboard. They had a live band, invited 100 friends and neighbors with everyone bringing food donations. Helping those less fortunate than ourselves, Sidney people are always willing to help their neighbors. Praise God! At the Annual Town Meeting the voters of Sidney appropriated $5,000 to be used to stock the pantry. A great day for the Sidney Food Cupboard! We still receive food from KVCAP four times a year. Marcoux Meat Shop continues to work with us to keep our meat voucher program going. Our clients get a voucher for $20 to buy meat each month. 96 We also received $1,371 from the End Hunger Program from the Maine State Employee Credit Union. Thanks to all who participated in the walk-a-thon, we couldn’t have done it without you. The teachers at the James H. Bean School put together 7 turkey baskets that go to local families at Thanksgiving. A total of 40 turkey baskets were passed out this year. The members of the Sidney Historical Society donated food and made a cash donation each month at their meetings. The Masons had a wonderful food drive in October. They collected approximately 1,000 items and $200. We have been so fortunate to receive so many donations from local residents to keep this mission going. God is good; He takes care of our need. In Christ’s service, Sandra Tibbetts 97 REPORT OF THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Greetings from Animal Control, 2014 was a slow year for animal control related calls. There were a total of 43 calls for service. This included 2 dog bite incidents, 2 animal welfare checks, 5 dead animal pick-ups, 8 animal trespasses and 11 stray animals. Three people were summoned on animal related violations including keeping a dangerous dog, animal trespass and keeping an unlicensed and unvaccinated dog. There has been an ongoing animal trespass case regarding a local farmer. Several of his goats and cows have been continuously reported, throughout the year, grazing near I-95, crossing the Drummond Road unattended, and trespassing on private property. This case has been filed with the Waterville District Attorney's Office and is under review by a court Judge. In the mean time, please use caution when traveling the Drummond Road. In regards to animals trespassing, I have had several complaints regarding chickens and guinea fowl running on local roads and trespassing on private property. Remember that Maine State Law Title 7 section 4041 (Animal Trespass) states that an owner or keeper of an animal may not allow that animal to enter onto or remain on the property of another or unattended on any local, county or state road or highway. Animals include any live stock, fowl, equine, or dogs. Cats are excluded from this animal trespass law. For further information on this statue, please refer to the Maine Revised Statues Annotated and the above Title and section, which can be found at http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/. -A reminder about stray cats: Stray cats may be picked up. However, the stray cat must be contained or captured before an impounded is made. (i.e. garage, in a room, cat carrier or trap) Cats have free range of Maine and there are no laws regarding or preventing cats from running at large. Stray cats have also adapted to survive the winter weather and continue to breed every year. Please note that if you feed a stray cat for more than 10 consecutive days, 98 you become the legal keeper of that cat and the responsibilities there of. (MRSA Title 7 section 3907§16) - Rabies Vaccinations and Dog License. Maine state law requires that both cats and dogs are to be vaccinated against rabies, Title 7 section 3916. It not only benefits your pet, but you as well. By doing this, you are in part helping to keep the spread of rabies and other infections down. A fine of up to $100.00 can be issued to animal owners if their cat or dog is found to be unvaccinated. Also, Town ordinance and Maine state law require all dogs to be license each year, Title 7 section 3921. A fine of up to $100.00 can be issued for an unlicensed dog. If you have any questions regarding animal issues, animal law, or need advice with animal wildlife, please don’t hesitate to call me. All though animal wildlife is not part of my animal control duties, I am a certified animal damage control agent with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. A fee may be charge for any trapping and removal of nuisance wildlife. However, if the animal is exhibiting signs of rabies, contact me immediately as this is an animal control related issue and needs to be handled right away. I would like to wish all a safe and happy New Year. Thank you for your support. Chris Martinez Animal Control Officer Cell# 207-446-2443 99 Sidney Historical Society The Sidney Historical Society has had a busy and productive year. I continue to be amazed at the commitment and hard work from our members. We have a talented group and whenever there is a job to be done someone steps up to do it. Thank you all! This year through the back breaking work of Jon Gammans and Jeff Frost with a contingent of hearty volunteers, the memorial bricks were laid at our site in front of the Town Office. The Buy-a-Brick Campaign Continues! With the leadership of Emmons Pinkham and Maura Gammans, we were able to raise money for our memorial project by providing lunch for 280 bicyclists and volunteers at New England Music Camp in September. The Modern Woodmen of America provided us with a matching grant for which many thanks go to Patrick Linnehan. Beth Golding and her committee had a garage sale in June that raised funding for our kitchen renovation project. That work is ongoing. Our new bathroom provides easy access for our members. The SHS Veteran’s Memorial Committee held its 3rd annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony. Thank you to Sidney’s Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts for helping to honor our veterans. We presented Spirit of America Awards to Harland Bragg, Floyd Luce, and Don Robbins. On Veteran’s Day in November, we sponsored a ceremony with Roger Katz as our speaker. Bill and Charlotte Sawtelle created another stellar calendar for 2015. These calendars may be purchased at the Town Office or from an SHS member. We continue to have programs at our monthly meetings. With the support of Maine Archives and Museums (MAM), Maura Gammans was able to arrange our Oral History Project speakers at the Grange in April. Kathi Smith is keeping our membership informed about goings on with her Newsy Notes. Sally Furber Nelson is working to keep our new website current and informative. 100 We continue to have the Grange open for research on Tuesdays from 14pm. Our regular meetings are being held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00 at the Grange through March. We’ll be back to our usual meeting time on the 2nd Wed of each month in April. You are invited to join us. Respectfully Submitted, Roberta Drummond Sidney Historical Society President VITAL RECORDS OF SIDNEY PUBLISHED A significant event which occurred during 2014 was the publishing of the book Vital Records of Sidney, Maine. This book was compiled by Sidney Historical Society members Beth Clark Golding, Sally Furber Nelson, and Janet McCarthy Weymouth and published by Picton Press. It includes births, deaths, marriage intentions, and marriages from 1746 to 1899 as well as a copy of "Record of Marriages Solemnized by Asa Wilbur Pastor of a church in Sidney." The book is available for research purposes in the town office and in the research center of the Sidney Historical Society next door. Respectfully Submitted, Janet Weymouth Sidney Historical Society Secretary 101 Spirit of American Foundation Tribute The Spirit of American Foundation Tribute honors individual volunteers, organizations, or groups. It is presented in the name of Maine municipalities for commendable community service. This year our Town is pleased to award the Spirit of America Foundation Tribute to Jon and Maura Gammons for their tireless work on the Sidney Veteran's Memorial site. Shirley Bragg also received a Spirit of America of Foundation Tribute this year for her myriad of contributions to the Town of Sidney. Over the past few years Jon contributed many volunteer hours to develop a list of veterans who have a Sidney connection. He then constructed an impressive poster listing all those names and built a model of the proposed memorial site. He followed that with fund raising activities in order to procure building materials. And finally, he was leader in the actual construction of the Town's new memorial site. When the Bicycle Coalition of Maine requested several communities within Kennebec valley to sponsor a lunch for the 2014 "Bike Across Maine," Maura, with her can-do attitude, picked up the torch and was the prime motivator that made this event happen in Sidney. She formed a committee and got sponsorships and an offer from the New England Music Camp to use their dining facility. Her committee was able to provide lunch for 300 people who were very appreciative of this community effort. In addition, they were able to raise $5400 for the Sidney Veteran's Memorial site. Shirley Bragg, a Sidney resident for over 55 years, was awarded with the Spirit of America Foundation Tribute for her contribution to activities many years ago and for her current contributions. Many years ago, Shirley was a Ladies Aid support for firefighters; she was involved in the Sidney 2nd Baptist Church, Sidney Lions Club, and Sidney Snowmobile Club. This year, Shirley contributed to the Bicycle Coalition of Maine by donating vegetables for the meal provided at the New England Music Camp. She offers family counseling services as a licensed Counselor for free to families in the community. Sidney residents are proud to honor Jon Gammans, Maura Gammans, and Shirley Bragg for their community service! 102 Mailboxes In the 2014 Town Report, the Sidney Highway Department included information for the correct installation and maintenance of mailboxes along roadways. We have included the Town of Sidney’s Mailbox Policy for Sidney Roads in this Annual Report. Please find the mailbox information following this notice. Snow in Roadways The Sidney Highway Department would like all property owners to be aware of the safety and legal issues of putting snow in roadways and covering culverts. Due to many issues we have encountered this winter already, we are sharing the following information released by the Maine Department of Transportation and Marc Guimont (MDOT’s Director of Maintenance and Operations), December 1997: “PUTTING SNOW IN ROADWAY IS ILLEGAL AND UNSAFE” “As you are clearing your driveway after the next snowstorm, the Maine Department of Transportation wants you to remember that it’s unsafe and illegal to dump the snow into the road for the State or local snowplow to move for you.” Despite State statute found in 29A MRSA § 2396, “State and municipal snowplows routinely encounter situations where someone has plowed, snow blown, or even shoveled snow from a driveway into the road instead of disposing of it safely and properly.” “The law making those actions illegal was passed to protect the driving public. Drivers encountering snow plowed from a driveway onto an otherwise clear or lightly-covered roadway stand a good chance of losing control of their vehicles when they hit the accumulated snow. Snow pushed, blown or thrown from a driveway could lead to an accident that puts someone in the hospital, or worse.” State and municipal departments have the option of asking for State and local police assistance if they are constantly dealing with snow deposited into the roadway and over culverts. However, we would rather remind people about the serious problem that this causes before an accident occurs. Therefore, as you clean snow from your driveway, please be sure to remove any snow pushed into the roadway and please do not plow over the end of culverts. Thank you for your cooperation. 103 SIDNEY, MAINE FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 31, 2015 104 105 106 107 Town of Sidney Transfer Station 98 Public Works Center Hours of Operation: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 8:30AM – 4:30PM Closed major holidays PARTIAL LISTING OF FEE SCHEDULE We have a pay per bag policy. Rubbish bags up to 30 gallon size must have a sticker on it that can be purchased at the Town Office or local stores; sticker are $1.25 ea. Stickers can only be used for household rubbish. All other permits must be purchased at the Town Office. Stickers & permits are NOT sold at the Transfer Station. Bulky items will be charged $7.50 an item (ie: couch, chairs, mattress, toys etc). TRUCKS & TRAILERS 6’ Body 7’ Body 8’ Body One Ton 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 12”=1’, over 12’-24”=2’ etc. Length x width x height= number of cubic feet. The price for trucks includes body sides up to 2’. An additional $15.oo will be charged for each portion of a foot over 2’. Cross over tool boxes deduct $10.00 BRUSH, LEAVES, TREES, AND STUMPS Brush and leaves are not accepted. Use for composting or contact Fire Department for burning permit. Trees & stumps may be brought to Waste Management in Norridgewock. Call them to make arrangements. PARTIAL LISTING OF UNIVERSAL WASTE FEES COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Monitors (17” or less), televisions, desk top copiers /printers, scanners, fax machines, CPU, laptops & UPS (Battery Back-up Systems) are all $7.50 each. Other computer Peripherals (key boards, mouse, speakers etc.) are $1.25 each. LAMPS All fluorescent lights (straight, circles, compact, u-lamps, HID lamps, coated or un-coated) are $1.25 each ITEMS CONTAINING FREON Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, or anything containing Freon is $10.00 an item. Items cannot be combined with demolition debris. 108 RECYCLABLES ARE FREE TO DISPOSE OF. LISTING CURRENTLY ACCEPTED: Newspaper Catalogs Magazines/Junk mail Cardboard-Thin & Corrugated Various Plastic Tin & Aluminum Cans White Goods Metals Plastics #1 - salad dressing, peanut butter & mouthwash containers #2 - milk jugs, detergent bottles, butter tubs & cereal box liner #5 - yogurt, ketchup & syrup containers & medicine bottles Plastic bags #’s 2 & 4 ALL RECYLABLE CONTAINERS MUST BE RINSED OR THEY WILL BE REJECTED The Sidney Transfer Station regrets to inform its residents that they are unable to accept recyclable glass at this time. Transfer Station Etiquette: Do’s & Don’ts Absolutely NO dumpster diving! Stickered household trash bags 30 gallon maximum size limit. Residents will self sticker bags - Not the attendants. Residents will dispose of their own trash bags. Residents will sort recyclables before arriving to the Transfer Station. Residents will sort recyclables to their respective bins. Residents are not allowed in the Universal Waste Building. Station Attendants will take care of all universal waste items. 109 110 111 112 Proven Expertise and Integrity February 25, 2015 Board of Selectmen Town of Sidney Sidney, Maine We were engaged by the Town of Sidney, Maine and have audited the financial statements of the Town of Sidney, Maine as of and for the year ended January 31, 2015. The following schedules have been excerpted from the 2015 financial statements, a complete copy of which, including our opinion thereon, will be available for inspection at the Town. Included herein are: Balance Sheet – Governmental Funds Statement C Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Governmental Funds Statement E Budgetary Comparison Schedule - Budgetary Basis – Budget and Actual - General Fund Schedule 1 Schedule of Departmental Operations – General Fund Schedule A Combining Balance Sheet – Nonmajor Governmental Funds Schedule B Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Nonmajor Governmental Funds Schedule C Certified Public Accountants 3 Old Orchard Road, Buxton, Maine 04093 Tel: (800) 300-7708 (207) 929-4606 Fax: (207) 929-4609 www.rhrsmith.com 113 STATEMENT C TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE BALANCE SHEET – GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JANUARY 31, 2015 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectibles): Taxes Liens Other Tax acquired property Prepaid expenses Due from other funds General Fund $ TOTAL ASSETS $ LIABILITIES Due to other funds TOTAL LIABILITIES $ DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Prepaid taxes Advance payment of LRAP funding Deferred revenue TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES $ 1,381,746 308,299 71,413 12 10,219 14,304 1,785,993 315,925 315,925 Total Governmental Funds Nonmajor Funds $ $ $ 197,637 85,853 315,925 599,415 - $ $ $ 308,299 71,413 12 10,219 14,304 315,925 2,385,408 315,925 315,925 2,907 323,873 326,780 21,186 21,186 2,907 21,186 323,873 347,966 24,523 1,118,765 1,143,288 283,490 249,714 45,025 578,229 24,523 283,490 249,714 45,025 1,118,765 1,721,517 1,785,993 $ 599,415 $ See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. 114 1,579,383 85,853 2,385,408 STATEMENT E TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 REVENUES Taxes: Property Excise Intergovernmental Investment income, net of unrealized gains/(losses) Interest / costs on liens Charges for services Other income TOTAL REVENUES General Fund $ EXPENDITURES Current: General government Public safety Health and sanitation Public works Leisure services Public assistance Education County tax Overlay Unclassified Debt service: Principal Interest TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,883,167 845,300 157,395 27,362 8,668 51,731 38,466 5,012,089 Total Governmental Funds Nonmajor Funds $ 44,286 5,034 96,241 145,561 $ 313,025 163,368 39,748 487,756 12,924 10,600 3,302,997 356,217 7,922 59,166 111,094 313,025 163,368 39,748 487,756 12,924 10,600 3,302,997 356,217 7,922 170,260 193,783 14,821 4,962,327 111,094 193,783 14,821 5,073,421 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 49,762 34,467 84,229 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 30,884 (90,440) (59,556) 90,440 (30,884) 59,556 121,324 (121,324) - NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES FUND BALANCES - FEBRUARY 1 FUND BALANCES - JANUARY 31 $ - 3,883,167 845,300 201,681 32,396 8,668 51,731 134,707 5,157,650 (9,794) 94,023 84,229 1,153,082 484,206 1,637,288 1,143,288 $ 578,229 See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. 115 $ 1,721,517 SCHEDULE 1 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE – BUDGETARY BASIS BUDGET AND ACTUAL – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 Budgeted Amounts Original Final Budgetary Fund Balance, February 1 Resources (Inflows): Property taxes Excise taxes Intergovernmental State revenue sharing Homestead reimbursement Other Investment income, net of unrealized gains/(losses) Interest / costs on liens Charges for services Other income Transfers from other funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Variance Positive (Negative) Actual $ 1,153,082 $ 1,153,082 $ 1,153,082 3,874,322 - 3,874,322 - 3,883,167 845,300 8,845 845,300 95,728 57,737 6,484 48,030 30,883 5,266,266 95,728 57,737 9,430 48,030 30,883 5,269,212 94,220 49,298 13,877 27,362 8,668 51,731 38,466 30,884 6,196,055 (1,508) (8,439) 4,447 27,362 8,668 51,731 (9,564) 1 926,843 335,125 170,881 39,745 570,545 13,000 10,600 3,302,997 356,217 60,888 106,092 335,125 170,881 39,745 570,545 13,000 10,600 3,302,997 356,217 63,834 106,092 313,025 163,368 39,748 487,756 12,924 10,600 3,302,997 356,217 59,166 7,922 22,100 7,513 (3) 82,789 76 4,668 98,170 193,900 14,950 90,440 5,265,380 193,900 14,950 90,440 5,268,326 193,783 14,821 90,440 5,052,767 117 129 215,559 886 $ 1,143,288 $ 1,142,402 $ $ (1,152,196) Charges to Appropriations (Outflows): General government Public safety Health and sanitation Public works Leisure services Public assistance Education County tax Unclassified Overlay Debt service: Principal Interest Transfers to other funds Total Charges to Appropriations Budgetary Fund Balance, January 31 $ 886 Utilization of unassigned fund balance $ 1,152,196 $ $ 1,152,196 - See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. 116 $ - 117 DEBT SERVICE Principal Interest Total 193,900 14,950 208,850 13,000 13,000 LEISURE SERVICES Parks and recreation Total 39,745 39,745 31,864 18,048 67,000 44,354 9,615 170,881 335,125 335,125 308,655 261,890 570,545 $ PUBLIC WORKS Highways and bridges Winter highways Total HEALTH AND SANITATION Transfer/recycling center Total PUBLIC SAFETY Fire/Rescue calls Rescue Department Fire Department PSAP services Animal control Total TOWN ADMINISTRATION Administration Total Original Budget $ Budget Adjustments - - - - - - $ 193,900 14,950 208,850 13,000 13,000 308,655 261,890 570,545 39,745 39,745 31,864 18,048 67,000 44,354 9,615 170,881 335,125 335,125 Final Budget $ 193,783 14,821 208,604 12,924 12,924 279,523 208,233 487,756 39,748 39,748 31,864 18,048 67,000 39,588 6,868 163,368 313,025 313,025 Expenditures $ 117 129 246 76 76 29,132 53,657 82,789 (3) (3) 4,766 2,747 7,513 22,100 22,100 Variance Positive (Negative) SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE 118 $ 5,265,380 37,586 52,854 90,440 106,092 $ - - - 2,946 - - 2,946 2,946 Budget Adjustments $ 5,268,326 37,586 52,854 90,440 106,092 36,250 2,946 5,000 9,638 10,000 63,834 356,217 3,302,997 3,302,997 10,600 10,600 Final Budget See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS Special revenue funds Capital project funds Total OVERLAY 36,250 5,000 9,638 10,000 60,888 356,217 COUNTY TAX UNCLASSIFIED First Park Snowmobile club Grant funding Cemeteries Miscellaneous Total 3,302,997 3,302,997 10,600 10,600 EDUCATION RSU #18 Total PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Charities/donations Total Original Budget $ 5,052,767 37,586 52,854 90,440 7,922 36,250 2,946 1,442 9,638 8,890 59,166 356,217 3,302,997 3,302,997 10,600 10,600 Expenditures $ - - - 215,559 - 98,170 3,558 1,110 4,668 Variance Positive (Negative) SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS – GENERAL FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE 119 45,025 TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES AND FUND BALANCES - - 45,025 45,025 45,025 45,025 $ $ $ $ FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Advance payment of LRAP funding TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES LIABILITIES Due to other funds TOTAL LIABILITIES ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Due from other funds TOTAL ASSETS Special Revenue Funds $ $ $ $ 270,900 249,714 249,714 21,186 21,186 - 270,900 270,900 Capital Project Funds $ $ $ $ 283,490 283,490 283,490 - - 197,637 85,853 283,490 Permanent Funds $ $ $ $ 599,415 283,490 249,714 45,025 578,229 21,186 21,186 - 197,637 85,853 315,925 599,415 Total Nonmajor Governmental Funds SCHEDULE B COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JANUARY 31, 2015 TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE SCHEDULE C TOWN OF SIDNEY, MAINE COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 Special Revenue Funds REVENUES Interest income Capital gains/(losses) Intergovernmental Other income TOTAL REVENUES $ EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES FUND BALANCE - FEBRUARY 1 FUND BALANCE - JANUARY 31 250 250 Capital Project Funds $ Permanent Funds $ 355 4,679 200 5,234 $ 355 4,679 44,286 96,241 145,561 29,008 77,886 4,200 111,094 (28,758) 62,191 1,034 34,467 37,586 (6,178) 31,408 52,854 (24,706) 28,148 2,650 90,339 42,375 $ 44,286 95,791 140,077 Total Nonmajor Governmental Funds 45,025 1,034 159,375 $ 249,714 90,440 (30,884) 59,556 94,023 282,456 $ 283,490 484,206 $ See accompanying independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. 120 578,229 TOWN OF SIDNEY WARRANT FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING To Mary Blaschke, Resident of Sidney, Kennebec CountyGreetings: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Sidney, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Sidney Town Office, Friday the 27th of March A.D., 2015 at 12:15 P.M., Eastern Standard Time to vote on Articles One and Two. Then the meeting will recess until 9:00 A.M., Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, the 28th of March A.D., 2015, at which time it will proceed to vote on the remaining articles at the James H. Bean School, to wit: ARTICLE 1: To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE 2: To choose by ballot the following officers for the ensuing year in accordance with M.R.S.A. 30, Sec. 2061, thereto wit: one Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of the Poor to serve for a three year term, one Selectman, Assessor, Overseer of the Poor to serve for a two year term, and one RSU#18 School Director to serve for a three year term. The polls or ballot box for receiving ballots for the above mentioned officers will be open at 12:30 P.M., Eastern Standard Time and will close at 8:00 P.M., Eastern Standard Time. ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will vote to set September 1, 2015 as the due date for payment of 2015 taxes with interest on unpaid balances beginning October 1st, 2015 at 7%. (2014 due date was September 1st, 2014 with 7% interest charged October 1st, 2014) ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to fix an amount of interest to be paid by the Town on abated taxes that have been paid for the fiscal year 2015-2016. (Current rate fixed by the Town is 3%) ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Tax Collector to accept pre-payment of taxes for 2015, not yet assessed and to pay interest at a rate of ____% (not to exceed 8%) on such pre-payment made prior to commitment of those taxes. (Interest was voted at 0% in 2014) ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to expend overlay money to pay tax abatements and applicable interest granted during this fiscal year. ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to spend an amount not to exceed 1/6 of the budgeted amount in each category of the 2015 annual budget during the period from Feb. 1, 2016 to the year 2016 annual Town Meeting. ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to transfer monies received from excise tax to the surplus account at the close of the 2015-2016 fiscal year. ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to sell any real estate acquired by the Town for nonpayment of taxes, and to execute the quit claim deeds for such properties. 121 ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will elect two members to serve for three year terms, and two alternates to serve for one year terms on the Budget Committee. (Present members: Floyd Luce and William Cole terms expire 2015; Erika Russell and Brent Dugal terms expire 2016; John George and Tim Russell terms expire 2017; Alternates: Michael Savage and Don Cole terms expire 2015) ARTICLE 11: To determine the rates of pay for the following Town elected and appointed Officials or take any other action thereon. Selectmen recommend the following amounts, 5 for/0 opposed: Budget Committee recommends the following amounts, 6 for/0 opposed: 2014-2015 $20/hr up to $3500 2015-2016 $20/hr up to $3500 One Chairman of the Selectmen, $21/hr up to $3700 Assessors, Overseers of Poor $21/hr up to $3700 Four Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor Constables Ballot / Election Clerks Moderator $7.50 $7.50 minimum $15.00/ $7.50 per hr after 2 hrs worked minimum $15.00/ $7.50 per hr after 2 hrs worked $100/day Town Meeting $100/day Town Meeting ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $354,767.00 plus receipts, to be used for operating expenses of Town Government, to fund CEO, and to pay Planning Board members an authorized fee of $10.00 per member per meeting attended, not to exceed 24 meetings, and place the unexpended Employee HRA funds into an Administration Employee HRA Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2015-2016 2014-2015 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $193,500.00 $180,886.00 $197,980.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 26,400.00 $ 24,180.00 $ 24,500.00 Utilities $ 9,400.00 $ 9,211.00 $ 9,900.00 Insurance $ 37,565.00 $ 34,784.00 $ 39,527.00 Employee HRA $ 12,550.00 $ 12,550.00 $ 12,550.00 General Assistance $ 5,000.00 $ 2,639.00 $ 5,000.00 Professional Services $ 57,760.00 $ 51,420.00 $ 57,810.00 Printing/Misc. $ 6,500.00 $ 8,798.00 $ 5,500.00 $347,675.00 $324,468.00 $354,767.00 Selectmen recommend taking $347,367.00 from Surplus and $7,400.00 from Administration Employee HRA Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $342,367.00 from Surplus and $7,400.00 from Administration Employee HRA Reserve, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed. 122 ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $175,100.00, plus receipts, for the purpose of paying principal due on the following notes, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2015-2016 2014-2015 2014-2015 2010 Volvo Truck $ 19,400.00 $ 19,362.00 $ 0.00 Matured 12/2014 2010 Fire Truck $ 53,500.00 $ 53,456.00 $ 53,500.00 Matures 12/2015 Goodhue Rd Paving $ 91,400.00 $ 91,367.00 $ 91,400.00 Matures 09/2017 2014 Intnl Truck $ 10,300.00 $ 10,290.00 $ 10,500.00 Matures 07/2016 2009 Rescue Truck $ 19,307.00 $ 19,700.00 Matures 07/2016 $ 19,300.00 $193,900.00 $193,782.00 $175,100.00 Selectmen recommend taking $175,100.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $175,100.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $10,020.00, plus receipts, for the purpose of paying all interest which will become due on monies already, and to be borrowed, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2014-2015 2015-2016 2014-2015 2010 Volvo Truck Note $ 700.00 $ 648.00 $ 0.00 Matured 12/2014 2010 Fire Truck Note $ 4,300.00 $ 4,277.00 $ 2,710.00 Matures 12/2015 Goodhue Rd Paving $ 8,250.00 $ 8,223.00 $ 6,170.00 Matures 09/2017 2014 Intl Truck $ 600.00 $ 582.00 $ 400.00 Matures 07/2016 2009 Rescue Truck $ 1,092.00 $ 740.00 Matures 07/2016 $ 1,100.00 $14,950.00 $14,822.00 $10,020.00 Selectmen recommend taking $10,020.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $10,020.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/ 0 opposed ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $16,450.00, to add to or replenish the Contingency Fund, or take any other action thereon. Per 30-A M.R.S.A. § 5801: The annual appropriation for a financial emergency fund may not exceed 5% of the current tax commitment. Auditor recommends not lower than 1% or $50,000. If approved, the Selectmen recommend taking $16,450.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $16,450.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 4 for/2 opposed (FL, JG) ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $40,300.00, plus receipts, to compensate Fire and Rescue personnel for calls and place the unexpended funds into a Fire/Rescue Pay Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. (Fire Chief and Rescue Chief request $40,300.00) Salary OH Station Check Rescue Pay Fire Pay Fire/Rescue Pay Fire/Rescue Stipend Appropriated 2014-2015 $ 2,600.00 $11,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,950.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 9,500.00 $40,300.00 Unaudited Expenditures 2014-2015 $ 2,281.00 $ 8,190.00 $ 3,796.00 $ 5,551.00 $ 3,679.00 $ 8,875.00 $32,372.00 Proposed 2015-2016 $ 2,600.00 $11,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,950.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 9,500.00 $40,300.00 If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $34,300.00 and taking $6,000.00 from Fire/Rescue Pay Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends raising $34,300.00 and taking $6,000.00 from Fire/Rescue Pay Reserve, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 123 ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $22,380.00, plus receipts, for the operation and training of the Sidney Rescue Department with the unexpended money to go into the Rescue Department’s Capital Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. (Rescue Department requests $22,380.00) Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2014-2015 2015-2016 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $ 1,575.00 $ 906.00 $ 1,575.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 8,550.00 $ 6,850.00 $10,600.00 Utilities $ 2,610.00 $ 2,602.00 $ 2,610.00 Insurance $ 3,505.00 $ 3,675.00 $ 4,095.00 Professional Services $ 3,400.00 $ 4,014.00 $ 3,500.00 $19,640.00 $18,047.00 $22,380.00 Selectmen recommend taking $22,380.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $22,380.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 18: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $83,985.00, plus receipts, for operations, and training expenses of the Sidney Fire Department with unexpended money to go into the Fire Department’s Capital Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. (Fire Department requests $83,985.00) Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2014-2015 2015-2016 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $ 6,750.00 $ 7,399.00 $ 5,970.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 20,550.00 $ 21,427.00 $ 35,750.00 Utilities $ 9,150.00 $ 12,510.00 $ 9,150.00 Insurance $ 11,110.00 $ 9,847.00 $ 12,025.00 Training/Prof Srvc $ 5,800.00 $ 5,497.00 $ 6,975.00 Equipment $ 14,115.00 $ 10,320.00 $ 14,115.00 $ 67,475.00 $ 67,000.00 $ 83,985.00 Selectmen recommend taking $83,985.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $83,985.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 19: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $13,200.00, plus receipts, to be used to clean and repair headstones, purchase flags, general upkeep, remove trees, and repair fencing in Town maintained cemeteries, with unexpended money to go into a Cemetery Headstone Reserve, or take any other action thereon. (Cemetery Committee requests $13,200.00) Headstone Maintenance And Repairs Flags/Flag Holders Tree Removal/Fencing Appropriated 2014-2015 Unaudited Expenditures 2014-2015 Proposed 2015-2016 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 300.00 $ 239.00 $ 300.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 9,700.00 $ 9,639.00 $13,200.00 Selectmen recommend taking $8,800.00 from Surplus, $2,200.00 from Cemetery Maintenance Trust Fund Reserve, and $2,200 from Cemetery Headstone Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $8,800.00 from Surplus, $2,200.00 from Cemetery Maintenance Trust Fund Reserve, and $2,200 from Cemetery Headstone Reserve, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 124 ARTICLE 20: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $371,730.00, plus receipts, to be used for Summer Highways, with unexpended Employee HRA funds to go into a Summer Highway Employee HRA Reserve account and unexpended hot top money to go into the Hot Top Escrow, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2014-2015 2015-2016 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $ 69,175.00 $ 63,483.00 $ 71,700.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 17,315.00 $ 12,539.00 $ 14,150.00 Utilities $ 2,420.00 $ 2,479.00 $ 3,050.00 Insurance $ 23,120.00 $ 20,273.00 $ 24,680.00 Employee HRA $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 Equipment $ 14,500.00 $ 7,406.00 $ 18,000.00 Professional Services $ 7,600.00 $ 5,557.00 $ 8,700.00 Road Supplies $ 25,250.00 $ 17,060.00 $ 26,750.00 Hot Topping $149,275.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $364,080.00 $282,772.00 $371,730.00 Selectmen recommend raising $178,016.00, taking $95,903.00 from Surplus, taking $44,286.00 from Block Grant, $50,725 from Hot Top Escrow, $2,800.00 from Summer Highway Employee HRA Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends raising $178,016.00, taking $95,903.00 from Surplus, taking $44,286.00 from Block Grant, $50,725 from Hot Top Escrow, $2,800.00 from Summer Highway Employee HRA Reserve, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 21: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $279,790.00, plus receipts, to be used for Winter Highways and Maintenance, and place the unexpended Employee HRA funds into a Winter Highway Employee HRA Reserve account, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2015-2016 2014-2015 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $ 85,800.00 $ 73,778.00 $ 92,260.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 24,700.00 $ 16,634.00 $ 20,200.00 Utilities $ 7,920.00 $ 10,503.00 $ 8,050.00 Insurance $ 19,420.00 $ 18,257.00 $ 21,030.00 Employee HRA $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 Equipment $ 8,000.00 $ 3,604.00 $ 11,500.00 Professional Services $ 650.00 $ 1,195.00 $ 1,450.00 Road Supplies $ 84,728.00 $120,600.00 $115,400.00 $266,590.00 $213,399.00 $279,790.00 Selectmen recommend taking $276,990.00 from Surplus, and taking $2,800.00 from Winter Highway Employee HRA Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $266,990.00 from Surplus, and taking $2,800.00 from Winter Highway Employee HRA Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/1 opposed (ER) 125 ARTICLE 22: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money up to $110,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a loader/backhoe, or take any other action thereon. Financial Statement Total Town Indebtness: A. Bonds outstanding and unpaid B. Interest to be paid on outstanding bonds C. Total debt service on outstanding bonds D. Bonds to be issued if article is approved E. Estimated interest on new bonds F. Total debt service if additional bonds issued $498,405.00 $20,545.00 $518,950.00 $110,000.00 $3,806.00 $632,756.00 When money is borrowed by issuing bonds, the Town must repay not only the principal amount of the bonds but interest on that amount as well. The amount of interest to be paid will vary depending upon the rate of interest and years of the bonds which are subject of this vote is $3,806. Thus, the total principal and interest to be repaid over the life of these bonds is estimated to be $113,806. Validity: The validity of the bonds and the voters’ ratification of the bonds may not be affected by any errors in the above estimated. If the actual amount of the total debt service for the bond issue varies from the estimate, the ratification by the voters is nevertheless conclusive and the validity of the bond issue is not affected by reason of the variance. If approved, the Selectmen recommend borrowing up to $110,000.00, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends borrowing up to $110,000.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed Above rates figured on an estimated interest rate of 1.72% for a three year term through Bangor Savings Bank. ARTICLE 23: To see if the Town will raise or appropriate a sum of $39,825.00, plus receipts, for the operation of the Transfer/Recycling Station, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2015-2016 2014-2015 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $31,100.00 $30,672.00 $30,200.00 Maintenance/Supplies $ 1,425.00 $ 1,693.00 $ 1,500.00 Utilities $ 1,900.00 $ 1,803.00 $ 1,900.00 Insurance $ 3,620.00 $ 2,441.00 $ 3,625.00 Professional Services $ 1,700.00 $ 3,139.00 $ 2,600.00 $39,745.00 $39,748.00 $39,825.00 Selectmen recommend taking $39,825.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $29,825.00 from Surplus and $10,000.00 from the Waste Disposal Reserve, plus receipts. 5 for/1 abstain (ER) ARTICLE 24: To see if the Town will vote to use monies from the refuse fees to pay for the refuse/recycling disposal contracts and to place unexpended monies in the reserve account for the on-going refuse disposal costs. The monies may be expended as disposal expenses are incurred, or take any other action thereon. 126 ARTICLE 25: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $10,180.00, plus receipts, for Animal Control, or take any other action thereon. Unaudited Appropriated Expenditures Proposed 2014-2015 2015-2016 2014-2015 Salaries / OH $ 2,300.00 $ 523.00 $ 2,300.00 Shelter $ 5,975.00 $ 5,975.00 $ 5,975.00 Insurance $ 240.00 $ 83.00 $ 205.00 Mileage $ 1,000.00 $ 267.00 $ 1,000.00 Supplies/Training $ 18.00 $ 700.00 $ 100.00 $ 9,615.00 $ 6,866.00 $10,180.00 Selectmen recommend taking $10,180.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking taking $10,180.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 26: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $14,000.00, plus receipts, to fund the Sidney Athletic Association and the Recreation Committee for the operation and maintenance of the Town recreation fields, and to place unexpended Recreation Committee monies into reserve and unexpended Field Repair Fund balance into a Field Repair reserve, or take any other action thereon. (S.A.A. / Field Committee Request $13,000.00) (Selectmen Request $1,000.00) S.A.A Field Committee Field Repair Fund Appropriated 2014-2015 $ 3,000.00 $10,000.00 $ 0.00 $13,000.00 Unaudited Expenditures 2014-2015 $ 3,000.00 $ 9,924.42 $ 0.00 $12,924.42 Proposed 2015-2016 $ 3,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 14,000.00 If approved, Selectmen recommend taking $14,000.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking $14,000.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 27: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $5,000.00 to a lapsing fund to provide, at the Selectmen’s discretion, any required matching funds for any grants the Town or any Town department may receive, or take any other action thereon. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $5,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $5,000.00, plus receipts. 5 for/1 opposed (JG) ARTICLE 28: To see if the town will vote to approve a Community Development Block Grant application for the following program and dollar amount: Program: Economic Development Amount: $270,000.00 and to submit same to the Department of Economic and Community Development and if said program is approved, to authorize the municipal officers to accept said grant funds, to make such assurances, assume such responsibilities, and exercise such authority as are necessary and reasonable to implement such programs. Futhermore, the Town of Sidney is cognizant of the requirement that should intended National Objective of the CDBG program not be met all CDBG funds must be repaid to the State of Maine CDBG program. Or take any other action thereon. 127 ARTICLE 29: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money up to $19,000.00, plus receipts, to repair damage to the Closed Landfill (located on the Tiffany Road) cap and venting system, as required by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, or take any other action thereon. If approved, the Selectmen recommend taking up to $19,000.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends taking up to $19,000.00 from Surplus, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 30: To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of money up to $20,000.00, plus receipts, to install a perimeter fence, gate, and signs around the Closed Landfill (located on the Tiffany Road) to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing and damaging the cap and venting system, or take any other action thereon. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising up to $20,000.00, plus receipts. 5 for/0 opposed Budget Committee recommends raising up to $20,000.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 31: To see if the town will vote to abandon the purpose of the “Well Testing Reserve Account” and transfer the balance remaining in that account into a newly created reserve account to be known as the “Old Landfill Remediation Reserve” account, to be used for expenses related to the closed landfill that may arise in the future, such as: groundwork, venting and piping repair/replacement, clean drinking water supplies, well water repair/replacement, well water testing/repair/replacement, fencing, signage, gating, engineering, consultation; the municipal officers shall have the authority and responsibility with respect to funds in the “Old Landfill Remediation Reserve” account as provided for reserve accounts under 30A MRSA Section 5802, or take any other action thereon. ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $6,000.00 to match funds raised by the Veteran’s Memorial Committee of the Sidney Historical Society to finish the Veteran’s Memorial honoring all veterans, or take any other action thereon. (Sidney Historical Society/Veteran’s Memorial Committee Requests $6,000.00) If approved, Selectmen recommend raising $6,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote on this Article; 0 for/5 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $0.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 33: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $5,000.00 for the Sidney Food Cupboard, or take any other action thereon. (Provides food and various household items for Sidney residents). 2014 request was $5,000.00; $5,000.00 raised 2014: Six volunteers contributed approximately 4,000 volunteer hours. Served 217 Sidney residents. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $5,000.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $5,000.00, plus receipts. 4 for/1 abstain (ER) 128 ARTICLE 34: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $9,500.00, to fund Messalonskee Lake water quality programs, including erosion control and invasive plant (milfoil) prevention and removal, operated by the following non-profit organizations, or take any other action thereon. • Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance (BRCA) – Courtesy Boat Inspections,Youth Conservation Corps BRCA/FOM requests: $ 3,500 • Selectmen recommend: $ 3,500 Friends of Messalonskee (FOM) – Milfoil removal, Messalonskee Lake BRCA/FOM requests: $ 6,000 Selectmen recommend: $ 2,700 Total Article: BRCA/FOM requests: Selectmen recommend: $ 9,500 $ 6,200 _______________________________________________________________ 2014 Budget 2015 Request BRCA Youth Cons Corps $1,100.00 $1,500.00 BRCA Milfoil Boat Inspections $2,000.00 $2,000.00 FOM $2,500.00 $6,000.00 2014 BRCA/Friends Of Messalonskee request was $5,600.00; $5,600.00 approved 2014: The BRCA Milfoil Program inspected over 3,196 boats on Messalonskee Lake, 1,673 in Sidney. Recruited & trained volunteers who in turn contributed at least 4,372 volunteer hours and removed 16,438 gallons of variable milfoil from Belgrade Stream and Messalonskee Lake. 2014: The FOM pulled over 50,000 pounds of Milfoil and identified new areas of infestation. Number of volunteers 20-30. Approximate number of volunteer hours contributed, 1,000. Provided 100 volunteer hours for the Courtesy Boat Inspection Program on Messalonskee Lake. During the summer of 2014 FOM built its first dedicated DASH (Diver Assisted Suction Harvesters) boat. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $6,200.00 (BRCA $3,500; FOM $2,700), plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article with Selectmen recommendation; 5 for/0 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $6,200.00 (BRCA $3,500; FOM $2,700), plus receipts. 5 for/1 opposed (FL) ARTICLE 35: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $3,118.00 for Crisis & Counseling Centers, or take any other action thereon. (Provides crisis services and treats individuals with a wide range of behavioral health concerns including mental health, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders). Was not included in 2014 Town Warrant 2014: Served 6 Sidney residents. If approved, Selectmen recommend raising $3,118.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote on this Article; 0 for/5 opposed) Budget Committee recommends raising $0.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed ARTICLE 36: To see if the Town will vote to raise or appropriate a sum of $1,052.00 for The Lifeflight Foundation, or take any other action thereon. (Provides aircraft, medical equipment, aviation infrastructure (helipads and weather systems) for people suffering medical trauma or severe illness). Was not included in 2014 Town Warrant 2014: Served 27 Sidney residents. If approved, the Selectmen recommend raising $1,052.00, plus receipts. (Selectmen vote in support of this Article; 4 for/1 opposed-LP) Budget Committee recommends raising $0.00, plus receipts. 6 for/0 opposed 129 ARTICLE 37: To see what action the Town wishes to take regarding the release of funds returned by the State of Maine from snowmobile registration fees. (Requested by Sidney Trail Riders Snowmobile Club) 2014 funds of $2,945.90 were released to Sidney Trail Riders Snowmobile Club on 1/12/15 ARTICLE 38: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to accept and expend or utilize on behalf of the Town any grants or funds awarded to the Town by any State or federal agency, any grant or other monetary donation from any other public or private entity, organization or individual, and any gift of personal property. This includes the authority to apply for such grants, funds or donations where an application is required, or take any other action thereon. ARTICLE 39: To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town way 1,400 feet known as Pepin Road, and 600 feet known as Joseph Drive, Phase III. This is an extension of the existing 450 feet accepted in 2012 for Phase II, and previous to that, 1,152 feet accepted in 2009 for Phase I, as approved by the Planning Board and inspected by the Road Foreman, or take any action thereon. (Requested by Jim Pepin) ARTICLE 40: To see if the town will vote that orders of the municipal officers for the closing of roads in winter under 23 MRSA § 2953 shall be final determinations of said closings, or take any other action thereon. (Public Hearing to follow in 2015 for proposed roads to be listed as closed for winter maintenance. Required procedure every 10 years). ARTICLE 41: To see if the Town will vote to increase the property tax levy limit of $259,423.00 established for Sidney by State law in the event that the municipal budget approved under the preceding articles will result in a tax commitment that is greater than that property tax levy limit. 130 131 Definitions of Terms The following are definitions of terms are used in this manual: 1. Abatement: A reduction of assessed property taxes, if it is deemed that an error was made in the original assessment of the said property. 2. Accrual: This is money that was appropriated at Town Meeting for a specific expense or project that is not completed before the end of the year. Money left over is carried forward to finish the project in the next fiscal year. 3. Block Grant: Is funds received from the State to compensate towns for winter plowing of State roads. 4. Borrow: A loan to fund large ticket capital improvement items such as vehicles, new buildings or improvements to existing buildings, etc. 5. Contingency Fund: Money that can be used only for unbudgeted emergency use. 6. Escrow / Reserve: Money that was approved to be set aside for future use for a specific item or purpose. Voters must approve the use of escrow money. 7. Overlay: Monies that are appropriated at commitment time to cover errors in property assessments through an abatement process. Overlay amounts are determined by a formula set up by the State. 8. Raise: Funds that are appropriated through the mil rate, to fund expenses such as education, County, overlay, the Kennebec Regional Development Authority and items voted on at the Town Meeting that are not appropriated through the surplus. 9. Receipts: Income received, such as interest or donations that can be utilized to cover a shortage in a specific account. If not used, it will be placed into the reserve account for that department or will be rolled over into surplus. 10. Surplus / General Fund: Money left over at the end of the Fiscal Year. It consists of collected excise tax, fees, undesignated receipts, and unexpended money. Surplus reduces the amount money to be raised to cover the approved budget. Rather than using projected receipts like the State of Maine and other municipalities, we use only collected receipts to help keep our budget in check. 132 Gifts & Grants as allowed by 2014 Town Meeting Article 34 ARTICLE 34: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to accept and expend or utilize on behalf of the Town any grants or funds awarded to the Town by any State or federal agency, any grant or other monetary donation from any other public or private entity, organization or individual, and any gift of personal property. This includes the authority to apply for such grants, funds or donations where an application is required, or take any other action thereon. 1) MMA Safety Enhancement Grant Ergonomics Trackball Mouse Vertical file cabinet Safety 2- Dump-locks 2) Pike Industries Sidney Historical Society Veteran’s Memorial Gravel and crushed stone $44.99 $209.99 $254.98 Total -$139.99 Grant payment $114.99 Town’s expense $1,990.00 Total $1,326.66 Grant payment $ 663.34 Town’s expense 3) Gagne & Son Precast Sidney Historical Society Veteran’s Memorial Cement mix 4) Roland Bean Sidney Historical Society Veteran’s Memorial Expertise in masonry work constructing memorial 5) Bob Campbell Allowing road crew to utilize his bulldozer on the Blake Road 6) Walmart Foundation Donation for the purchase of electronic scoreboards at SAA ball field 7) Boy Scouts of Maine Playground at SAA ball field 8) Healthy Northern Kennebec Grant for $500 to use toward physical activity – released funds to use toward SAA playground Grant Proposals for 2015 1) Fire Department Turnout Gear – MMA 2) Fire Department Washing Machine – Unknown 3) Highway Department Dump-locks – MMA 4) Misc. Office Ergonomic/safety items - MMA 133 INDEX Town Meeting Schedule………………………………. 2 Dedication………………………………………………….. 3 Legislators’ Letters.…………………………………....... 4 Officers & Committee Members……………………. 11 Selectmen’s Report………………………………………. 17 Selectmen’s Financial Report………………………… 20 Town Clerk…………………………………………………… 23 Tax Collector Report……………………………………… 24 Treasurer’s Report………………………………………… 39 Real Estate / Personal Property Tax…………......... 43 Committee Reports………………………………………... 87 Spirit of America Tribute…..…………………………… 102 Highway Department…………………………………… 103 Mailbox Policy……………………………………………… 104 Transfer Station……………………………………………… 108 Superintendent’s Report ……………............................. 110 Kennebec County Sheriff’s Report ………………… 112 Independent Auditor’s Report ending 1/31/15… 113 Warrant…………………………………………….…………… 121 Definitions……………………………………………………. 132 Grant Allocations…………………………………………… 133 Index…………………………………………………………….. 134 134
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