2008/2009 Annual Report - Center for Grieving Children
2008/2009 Annual Report - Center for Grieving Children
Annual Report 2008-2009 Last year’s faltering economy was a testing time for many people and businesses in our community. These economic challenges have placed a much greater demand on the need for our services. Fortunately, to date, we have weathered those challenges and have been able to meet the demand for services so that children, teens and families who have been LPSDFWHGE\WKHORVVRIDORYHGRQHFDQVWLOOÀQGWKHVXSSRUWWKH\QHHGIUHHRIFKDUJHIRUDV long as needed. We have managed to maintain services for those who grieve by tapping into our reserves and our hope this year is to restore those funds and continue to meet expanding demand. Anne Lynch Executive Director In the last year, we have increased support for adults by expanding our Bereaved Parents Group and adding a support group for widows, widowers and others who have lost a partner to death. Our Tender Living Care program has added a group for young adults dealing with a serious or life threatening illness and we are translating our TLC book, A Family’s Journey, into Spanish to meet a growing demographic throughout our region. We have increased the number of support groups offered to incarcerated youth at the Long Creek Youth Development Center, enhanced our speaker series for our families, volunteers and the wider community with guest speakers such as Donna Schuurman, Lynn Plourde and Ann Hood. We also added a third school to our Multicultural Peer Support program. Patrick Veroneau Board President As an agency that does not receive state or federal funding we are increasingly competing for the donated dollar. The Center does not charge for services and trusts that our community ZLOO FRQWLQXH WKHLU WUHPHQGRXV JHQHURXV SHUVRQDO DQG ÀQDQFLDO VXSSRUW :LWKRXW WKLV support, the services that The Center provides to families in our community would be VLJQLÀFDQWO\UHGXFHG Thank you to all of our many supporters, both volunteers and donors alike, as we could not advance our mission without you. Please visit our website for a listing of the many generous supporters and information usually found in our annual audit. We hope you enjoy this calendar featuring art drawn by the children and volunteers who attend The Center. Our hope is that you will remember us not only at this time of year as people make their annual gifts but throughout the year as each child, teen and family member works through their own unique grief with the support we provide. The Haug Family (Norma, the mom, Gunter, 9, and twins Natalie and Grace, 6 1/2) started coming to The Center in 2006. Norma’s husband Paul died in October 2005. Here is their story: )RU1RUPDWKHÀUVWWLPHWKHIDPLO\FDPHWR7KH&HQWHULWVHHPHG´MXVWDQRWKHU thing I had to do at the time. Even the title is hard. You don’t want to see your kids DVJULHYLQJFKLOGUHQEXWWKDW·VZKDWWKH\DUHµ%XW´DVWLPHZHQWRQWKHVSDFH the people …I could just relax. You’re amongst people that know. There are no SUHWHQVHV<RXVKDUHLQWLPDWHGHWDLOV²SUHWW\KRUULÀFVWXII²DQGWKHUHLVDVHQVHRI safety and healing here.” ´7KH&HQWHUKDVPDGHDKXJHGLIIHUHQFHLQRXUIDPLO\:H·UHUHDOO\MXVWEHJLQQLQJ WRUHDSWKRVHEHQHÀWVQRZ3HRSOHFRPPHQWKRZZH·UHGLIIHUHQW²OLJKWHU,WMXVW helped us get through the process. Grief is a lot of work – physically, emotionally, PHQWDOO\²DQGRQWRSRIWKDW\RXKDYHWRGR\RXUOLIH,W·VYHU\GLIÀFXOWµ ´,W·VVRUWRIOLNHDQH[WHQGHGIDPLO\KHUHIRUDOORIXV<RXMXVWKDQJRXWDQGVKDUH and hug and connect. We’ve come a long way. We really have.” 1RUPD·VNLGVORYHG7KH&HQWHUULJKWDZD\*XQWHUVKDUHVWKDW´(YHUVLQFH, have been coming to The Center, I thought that this place has stopped me about thinking bad things about my dad and that he’s dead. And about my grandparents DQGP\FDWVWKDWDUHGHDG,WKRXJKWDWÀUVWHYHU\RQHZRXOGEHYHU\PHDQ(YHU\RQH turned out to be very nice. I really like coming here and I hope I keep coming until I’m in the ‘big group’”. 1DWDOLHôFRPPHQWHG´7KHVWXIIWKDWUHDOO\KHOSVPHLVWKDWWKHUH·VDSLOHRI animals in our class and you just jump in it and if you’re sad or mad, it just pops away. Or, in the Volcano Room you get some punching gloves and if you’re sad or mad, it just pops away.” $QG*UDFHDOVRôWROGXV´7KH&HQWHUKDVPDGHPHIHHOEHWWHUVLQFHWKHODVW time I came here. When I come here, it takes away some of the sadness.” Natalie, Gunter and Grace Thank You to Our Wonderful Volunteers Bereavement Facilitators Lynn Abood-Pelletier Peter Arndt Sara Asch Paul Attardo Jennifer Barriault Laura Anne Beaudoin Allison Beck Henry Bliss Sunny Bradford Suzanne Byrnes Patti Campbell Kimberly Carr Kelly Chambers Ali Conroy Kerry Conway Dan Creek Stephanie Cushman Rachel Dean Becky DeLois Ina Demers Debbie Deschambeault Kirsten Devries Andy Dixon Mark Doering Fred Durst Claudia Dwyer Barbara Eberhardt Lester Evans Lynn Foley Kay Forte Sare Gebhardt Irene Goff Marijo Hamilton Steve Hart Ann Heath Tatyana Herron Drew Hill Claudette Hokanson Daniel Hope Myra Hopkins Sarah Howarth Sophia Hsiang Jean Jala Tricia Jamiol Noreen Jensen Sheila Jepson Gretchen Johnson Valerie Jones Abigaile Kane Maureen Keeley Carol Kerr Rita Kozma Shelly Lajoie-Carlson Jodie Lane Joanne Larman Joan Leaman Stacey Leet Christine Linnehan Amy Liston Rob Long Marcia Lowery Misty Mallar Joan Martay Stephen Masison Glenda McKertich Robyn Merrill Kristen Michaud Tracie Millett Eileen Minte Paul Mirto Michael Moore Stephanie Morris Andrea Mortello Nancy Nally Linda Nerbak Kristen Nichols Cathleen O’Donnell Cathy Paglio Connie Palys Toni Parise Weston Pease Maureen Peters Katie Pieh Kristen Funkhouser Pierce Jennie Pirkl Sheryl Plummer Kate Rhein Peggy Rowe Carol Savage Linda Siglock Nancy Simard Daniela Skalina John Soper Desiree St Cyr Donna Stackhouse Jennifer Stockless Pat Stone Karen Stowe Amber Strickland Denise Sullivan Carol Sylvester Jeff Thaler Ellen Theodores Beth Van Gorden Katie Vandermast Anne Verrill Kathi Wagner Jennifer Weber Shaw Wilhelm Leslie Wilkinson Kelly Williams Intakers Bunny Andrews Sara Asch Laura Beaudoin Becky Delois Kristen Doherty Steve Hart Barbara Hill Sophia Hsiang Sare Gebhardt Solange Leborgne Kristen Michaud Eileen Minte Yvette Nadeau Kristen Nichols Brooke Proulx Karen Stowe Desiree St. Cyr Multicultural Facilitators Angie Arndt Sally Bancroft Laura Beaudoin Bre Chamberlain Sare Chisholm Janelle Dosher Betsy Elliman Karen Francoise Mark Fuoco Nancy Greenleaf Sophia Hsiang Barbara Kaufman Solange LeBorgen Debra Lovsin Kim Marie Kristen Nichols Corrie O’Brion Westin Pease Jasmine Smith Desiree St. Cyr Meaghan Stewart Denise Sullivan Jeff Thayler Afton Trottere Kathi Wagner America’s Camp Sara Asch Allison Beck Patricia Ellen Myra Hopkins Nora Gross Deb Pfeffer Carol Sylvester 2IÀFH9ROXQWHHUV Laura Anderson Annette Avedisian Zohar Azoulay Jadot Bakunda Paige Bedell Kristina Burks Christopher Butt Heidy Castaneda Debbie Chasse Jeremy Collison Hannah Coons Chris Cusack Jennifer Damon Gregory Day Nick Desidino Nicole Drowns Linda Dunham Terry Hand Cheryl Homung Darin Hoyt Mary Jacobs Timothy Johnstone Jason Jolda Hillary Keach Julie Leeman Lisa Leone Jan Lewis Kalauna Meyer Chelsea Moran Jaime Myers-McPhail Ashley Patterson Meghan Peterson Steve Potts Daniella Runyambo Ezra T. Marcia Taylor Margaret Thorton Bijou Umuhoza Eliza Weymouth Board of Directors Kim Anderson True Bethany Beausang Vaughn Clark Burr Duryee Paul Gray Charlie Hascall Bill Hendrix Quincy Hentzel Germann Michael Hiltz Joe Hyatt Scott Libby Susan LoGiudice Julie McQuillan Peter Miner Phillip Morin Jared Payton Thomas Polko Jim Salter Sharon Sesling-Labonte Will Stiles David Stearns Nancy Thompson Patrick Veroneau Anne Verrill Bereaved Parents Group Volunteers Sara Asch 7ULVV&ULWFKÀHOG Fred Durst Joe Hyatt Longcreek Volunteers Sara Asch Paul Attardo Allison Beck Henry Bliss Karen Francoise Kristen Funkhouse Pierce Steve Hart Cathleen O’Donnell Event Volunteers Lynn Abood-Pelletier Sara Asch Kohl’s A-Team Loren Ayer Julia Ayer Amy Ayer George Ayer Laura Beaudoin Jane Berger Tom Blackwelder Sunny Bradford Melissa Brenner Marcia Brown Kathy Bryant Kristina Burks Cape Elizabeth Soccer Team Tricia Carr Heidy Castaneda Jack Chandler Beat Clown Boopetta Clown Boris NoseBoff Clown Bounce Clown El Buffo Clown Mr. Clown Clown Pitou Clown Silly Lilly Clown Ida Connolly Destiny Cook Abby Culberson Tabitha Cummings Jen Damon Pat Davis Lori Davis Leonardo De Britto Ina Demers Catie Fairbanks-Cliff Danielle Fernald Lynn Foley David Ford Lila Gannette Annie Golding Steve Hart Jen Hayward Quincy Hentzel Germann Michael Hiltz Anna Holm Sophia Hsiang Jillian Huff Peg Hughes Halee Jandreau Nicolle Jones Rachel Knight Kohl’s Team Lisa Leone Jan Lewis Donna Libby Susan LoGiudice Joseph Loughlin Miss Maine Christian Malarsie Carrie Manning Phil Morin Hillary Nelson Leslie Newall Kristen Nichols Kathy Nielsen 6RÀD1LHWR Alexis Nise Larry Nise Corri O’Brien Sloan O’Donnell Shawna Ohm Cathy Paglio John Paglio Micayla Paige Toni Parise Jared Payton Emma Robinson Ed Rogers Theresa Seekamp Sharon Sesling-Labonte Linda Siglock Aubrey Siglock Barb Smith Jill Smith Teddy Smith Tracey Sparagis Desiree St. Cyr Anthony Tessier Kendra Tessier Nancy Thompson Margaret Thornton Bonnie Topham Sue Turner Kylie Turner Patrick Veroneau Anne Verrill Wei-Hsing Wang Jennifer Weber George Weber Tara Wheeler Jim Wilder Katie Zema Interns Laura Beaudoin Sare Chisholm Sophia Hsiang Kristen Nichols Desiree St. Cyr Denise Sullivan Outreach Volunteers Laura Beaudoin Ina Demers Karen Francoise Sophia Hsiang Kristen Nichols Desiree St. Cyr Denise Sullivan A sincere thank you to all who make it possible for us to do our work This list includes donations made from July 1st, 2008-June 30th, 2009 and it includes United Way pledges made in campaign year 2008. This list does not include Capital Campaign Donations. Benefactor $25,000 and above Peak Peformance Maine Marathon United Way of Greater Portland Wal-Mart Foundation Patron Level $10,000$24,999 A Little Hope, Inc. America’s Camp Foundation Health Dialog Maverick Capital Foundation Sam L. Cohen Foundation Leader Level $5,000$9,999 $FDGLD%HQHÀWV,QF Michael Dubyak Geneva Ventures LLC Health Dialog Debbie & Stephen Little Maine Community Foundation Michael & Gwen Moore Spectrum Medical Group Tex-Tech Legacy Level $2,500$4,999 Aetna Foundation Airtemp Mike and Sarah Del Tergo Gagnon Heating & Air Conditioning H.M. Payson, Inc. John Leonard Jane Mack Maine Bank and Trust Martin’s Point Health Care Medical Care Development, Inc. My Gym Children’s Fitness Center New England Technology Foundation Inc. Oakhurst Dairy Poland Spring Bottling Plant Portland Harbor Hotel Re/Max By The Bay Sellers Publishing, Inc. Wellpoint Foundation Wright Express Core Support Level $1,000-$2,499 Acadia Trust American Rental Association Anthem Blue Cross/ Blue Shield Paul Attardo William Bennett Berry, Dunn, McNeil and Parker Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation Garrett & Janet Bowne Celgene Corporation Chipped Enamel Vaughn and Christine Clark Coastal ME Aquatics Paul & Susan Connolly Deborah & Thomas Coward Kathy & Bob Crispin Mary Cupp Frank Depaola Andra Descoteaux 'LYHUVLÀHG Communications Andrew Dixon & J.B Kavaliauskas Fairpoint Communication Genentech George L. Shinn & Clara S. Shinn Fdn. Paul & Annie Golding Paul Gray & Beth Del Tine Paul Gray & Beth Be Tine Greater Worcester Community Foundation Guardian Russell T. Hamilton Steve Hart Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Headlight Audio Visual Joe & Maria Hyatt IBM Employee Services Center Dana Image Works JetBlue Airways Kohl’s Joanne Larman Louis & Marla LeBlanc Joe and Carole Long Susan Lynch MacDonald Page Maine Center for Cancer Medicine & Blood Disorders Alan McIlhenny, Jr. & Beth Ackerson Midas Auto Service Peter Minter & Joan Kenyon Dana and Janice Mitiguy Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Pet Quarters 3À]HU)RXQGDWLRQ Volunteer Program Phillips-Green Foundation Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation Pine State Trading Co. PM Construction Co, Inc. Port City Architecture PretiFlaherty Roy A. Hunt Foundation Timothy & Linda Sabo Saco & Biddeford Savings Bank 6DQRÀ$YHQWLV Troy Scott Shaw’s Supermarkets Inc. Shipyard Brewing Company Graham and Barb Smith John St. Hilaire Andrew and Ann Stickney Will Stiles & Hilary Rapkin Carol and Rick Sylvester SymQuest TD Banknorth The Greg Altman Foundation Inc. The Standard The Tyler Foundation Nancy & Tim Thompson Triton Foundation United Way of New York City Susan Chinn and Charlotte Pryor UnumProvident Corporation Anne and Don Vermeil Verrill Dana VNA-Hospice of S.C.C. & VIC., Inc. Waka Kickball William J.J. Gordon Foundation Wyeth Yarmouth High School Zenkel Foundation Healing Support $500-$999 Allied Cook Construction Co., Inc. Edith S. Aronson Baker Newman & Noyes Bank of America Foundation David Bradeen Amy Bruning Luanne and John Cameron Camp Takajo Clean Harbors/Env. Services Companies Ms. Joan Conroy Andrew& Kim Couch Cumberland County Federal Credit Union Dale Carnegie Training of Maine Joe and Becky Delois Cathleen DiMarzio James Fickett Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Congregational UCC - South Portland Strand Quesada Geonomic Health Inc. Linda Greuling Barbara & Charles Hahn Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Florence Hascall Penny Kerwin Dorothy Kingsbury Chilton and Michael Knudsen Jim & Sarah Lee Paul & Janet Letalien Liberty Management Thomas Leahy & Kathryn Longley-Leahy Losam Fund Maine Biotechnology Services Margaritas Downtown Gregory & Julie McCarthy Joline McDonough Janet McGorty Susan McHenry Jeffery McKinnon Susan Metters and Mark Segar David & Brenda Miley National Semiconductor Network Systems, Inc. Leslie Newell Norton Insurance / Financial Jared Payton Peoples Choice Credit Union Planet Dog Portland Provident Association Janet Rathbun and Peter McDonald Cathy and Brian Roberts Kerry Robillard Kate Roden Kathleen & Kevin Smith South Freeport Church Southworth International Group Julie St. Clair The Coveside House Apartments The Thomas Agency Kim & Jeffrey True Unity Foundation Verizon Patrick & Cynthia Veroneau WCSH-TV (6) Louisa and Brett Wickard Willis North America Amy Hemmens-Wu and Jack Wu Yarmouth Lions Club Heart Support $250-$499 04107 Designs Alexander Agnew and Lisa Markushewski Anderson Landscaping Angela Adams Designs Anne Lynch Anne Rogers Austin and Eileen Farrar Bank of America United Way Campaign Barton & Gingold Black Bear Enterprises Inc. Bob’s Discount Furniture Brandon Hayes Bruce McAfee Burr & Deborah Crispin Duryee C & A Service Inc. Charles and Anita Stickney Cindy Bolles ClearPoint Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares Connections for Kids Constance and Francis Palys CRH Properties Daniel Wasneechak David Burchill David Weatherbie David Wend deBree Portraits Dianne and Tim Barnes Donald C. Almy Gail and Peter Cinelli Gary & Leslie Newell Gary and Cathy Robinson Glenn and Jane Irish Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Holden Agency & (PSOR\HH%HQHÀWV Solutions InterMed $GPLQLVWUDWLYH2IÀFHV Inverness Medical James Salter Jane Berger Photography Janice Tedford Jean & Joseph Jala Jeff Thaler and Karen Massey Jill & Gregg Frame Jill Kelly John Brady John Edski John Nay John R. Mullen Joseph Long DDS Judith Gagnon Kelley Pratt Kitchenware News Kurt & Janet Anderson L.L. Bean Linda & Ken Davidson Linda Paolino Lions Club of Cape Elizabeth, Inc. Lynn Foley Maine Turnpike Authority Margaret Persavich Marie and Edward Manganello Mary Ellen & Joe Walek Maxwell Freeman Mel & Judy Berghuis Merck Partnership for Giving Michael and Laura Totta Michelle Bailey Molly Thompson Ms. Mary Sanborn Lahner Nelnet, Inc. Norris, Inc. Orthopedic Massage Patricia Flaherty Patricia Rice Paulette York and Richard Borts Philip Scavotto & Cecilia Caldwell Pk Originals Raymond & Peggy Veroneau Reinaldo de los Heros MD Richard & Ellen Asdourian Rita Kozma Robert Kennedy Roland Mercier Rosalie Blenkhorn Rudolph Naples Sandra Tyler Sarah Kovarik SLC Enterprises Inc. South Congregational Church Sun Life Financial Susan LoGiudice The Good Table Theodores Family Foundation Titan Mechanical, Inc. Tom & Dena Polko University Credit Union Veronica Mower Guardian Angels $100-$249 Sallyann Abel Actuarial Designs & Solutions, inc. Grant Adams AEC Engineering Robert Agger Sara A. Almy Sally and John Amory Robert J. Anderson Elizabeth and C. D. Armstrong Sara E. Asch Mary Atkinson David & Melissa Aust Brenda and Charles Bacall Douglas and Nancy Bagin Leigh and Terrance Bagley Ron and Sally Bancroft Bonnie & Neil Banerjee Bank of America Matching Gifts Dana Banks Paula Banks Marie Barlow Tim Barnard James & Carolyn Baron Doris and Jim Barrell Daniel Barrett Barron Center Linda and Robert Bartlett Liz and Bob Barton Basics Fitness Center Joel Bassett Gail Beals Representative Paulette Beaudoin Beth Beausang & John Gosselin Allan Beausang Arthur Bell and Robin Hodgskin Christine A. Bennett, MD Anthony and Nancy Bennett William Bennett John Bennett Francine and Stephen Blattner Charles & Sherry Boan William Bolinder & Heather English Donald B. Bonoff Dr. Robert Boose Bob Boothe Arthur & Kate Borduas Derek Boucher Isabella Bouffard Chris & Ellen Bowden Dorothy & L. Robert Bowe Boys to Men Elizabeth Brisk Richard and Kimberly Brooks Leslie Brown Capt. Thomas & Susan Brown Jessica BROWN Rebecca Brown Gail Bruzgo Linda Buckley Kimberly Burke Glenn Butkus Jennie Butler C.H. Rosengren Painting & Repair Sandra & Dominic Candelmo Cape Elizabeth Police Benevolent Association Linda and Doug Cardente Mariette & Jack Carey Gale Carey Sherry Carll Ned & Cat Carlson Peter S. Carpenter Debra Carson Steven & Shelly Carvel Central Maine Power James Chamberlain Janice and Bruce Moore Chapman Debbie Chasse Brian Chasse Jeanine S. Chesley Peter & Susan Clark Christine Clark Joellen Clark Susannah Clark Andrew and Judith Coburn Thomas Cochran Leonard & Andrea Cole Anna Colpitts Susan C. Conkey Jeanne Conley Michael & Elizabeth Connelly Allene Cooley Craig and Jennifer Cooper Randall Cooper Cooper Properties, Inc. Barbara Coulombe Kristen L. Crean Patricia & David &ULWFKÀHOG Stephanie Crockett Kimberly & James Cullen Richard Cunningham Katherine Curtis Hannah Curtis Steve Daigle Bruce Dalbeck Regina D’Angelo Mr. Douglas M. Darby DBA Construction Consultants DBA Lucky Pup Rescue Charles De Sieyes & Carol Ward D. Dean George Deely Deering Lumber William and Linda Merrill Deetjen Mr. Mike DeLuca Fred Demers and Barbara Swain Jennifer Demers Denovo LLC Amy DeNuzzio Amy Deschaines Jennifer DeSena Daniel DeSimone Nancy J. Dewing Purl Diva Karen Donaghey Vinal Doody Richard Dow Bill Maxwell & Janie Downey Tom and Kay Downey Robert Downs Joe Dresnok Mark and Martha Dunlap Fred Durst East Brown Cow Management, Inc. Patricia Ellen Ivette Emery Mary Ann Emmons Baizley David & Nancy Erb David and Carol Ertz Jennie Esposito Ted & Alison Darling Stephen Etzel Catherine FairbanksCliffe John & Kim Ayre )DLUÀHOG Falmouth Lions Club Joseph Lorello and Cheryl Farrington Mark and Patricia Fasold Julia Fay Female Samaritan Association William and Victoria Ferentz Carolyn & Roland Ferguson First Congregational Church-No. Yarmouth Steve & Sue Fitts Michael Flaherty Matthew and Margaret Flynn Lawrence and Sheila Foley Marybeth Fougere Barbara & Nicholas Fowler Jennifer & Steven FowlerGreaves Sam and Norma Fratoni Sam Fratoni Alfred and Polly Frawley Alford Frawley Kathleen Garza Quincy and Carl Germann Lina Germann Shawn Gilbert Peggy Gildersleeve Robert Gips and Karen Harris Molly Gleason Paul Goncalves Mark Googins Sandra Goolden Lisa and Leon Gorman David and Anne Gould Kerry Goulder David Van Slyke and Susan Granai Nancy Grant & Michael Boyson Barbara Grant Clifton Gray Patricia Greatorex Jennifer Greer -R$QQ)UDQN*ULIÀQ Nora Gross Bill & Jeanne Gross Guy A Defeo DO H. H. Sawyer Realty Company and Daughters Haley’s Tire Hancock Lumber Company Terry & Peter Hand Gary Harriman Stephen & Lorraine Harriman Davis & Jane Hartwell James Harvey Deborah and Charles Hascall David Haskell John Hayes Dr. Hayes Ann Heath Jacquelyne Hedlund, M.D. Eugene Heitz Karen Herold Suzanne & Tom Herrin James Hewitt Gayle and John Hichborn Frederick Hickman Andrew Hill Barbara Hill and Jimmy Kloczko HNTB Ronald & Stacy Hodge Brian and Margery Hodgkin Holistic Physical Therapy Services Inc Peter Hollander Graffam Holly Hjames Hooten III Thomas & Sandra Hopkins Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area Brigid & Vernon Hovey Bill Hunscher Thomas and Laurie Hyndman Investors Security Trust Co. J.B. Brown & Sons William Jacaruso John Hatcher Real Estate Account Kenneth Johnson Teresa Johnson Richard Joyce George Kando Holly Kany Douglas Kaplan Sandra Kavaliauskas Maureen Keegan and Thomas Schwarm Keller Williams Realty Linda & Tom Kelly James & Cathy Kerney Sarah Kessler Beckie Kier George Kiesewetter Diane & Rick Kimball Carol Kinney Summer and Marjorie Kinney Rosemary Kirby Knaughty Hair William Knox Andrew Knupp Michael and Elizabeth Kramer Ken Kunin and Elisabeth Stickney Clayton Kyle Laurel LaBonte Richard & Jean Labonte Amy Landry Kenneth Lapanski Stefanie LaRose Darrin & Robin Lary Jim LaVangie Lyndell and Mark Lavigne Timothy Lawler Margaret Lawrence Rachel & Keith Lawrence Jackie & Richard Leach John Leahy Valerie Leathers Amanda Lednum Legacy Properties Sotheby’s Intl. Realty Lenders Network Inc. Leonardo’s Pizza Joe & Bridget Lepley Mary and Richard Levy Jennifer Levy Donna & Mike Libby Patrick Liddy Karen and Bill Lightfoot Timothy and Megan Limburg 0DUWKD6DOO\/LWWOHÀHOG Living Innovations Sandra Livingston Alison Luck Paula Lundgren Jeffrey Lunt Richard Luthe Tracy Lydon Lyn Snow Watercolors Mary Anne H. Lynch Janet and John Lyons Thomas MacArthur Helen MacDonald Rebecca MacQuinn Dena Macvane Diane Madden Andrew Mader Ronald & Jane Maheu Dr. James & Louise Mahoney Maine Medical Center Katharine and Jack Mann Christa Manning Thomas Marino Richard Marino Anthony Martin Leslie Mayberry E. McBratney James McBratney Katharine McCarthy John McCartney William & Mary McClaran James & Sharon McCormack McFarlane & Field Laura McGuigan John McHugh David Mckane Heather & Wade Lippert Barbara McManus Julie McQuillan & Michael St.Clair Brendan McVeigh Debra Merrithew Norma Michalec Middle Branch, LLC Susan and Alan Miller Roberta Miller & Alan Medville Eileen & Geoff Minte Paul Mirto Mister Bagel Robert & Barbara Mitchell Debbie and Rick Molander Robert Montgomery Robert A. Moore Emily Morris Stephanie Morrison Nathan & Stacy MorrisWhite Carolyn Morse Morse Street School Eric Mukai & Laurie Small Pamela Mullin Kristyn Mulry Justin Munson Kristin Murak Janet Murphy Nappi Distributors Merle & Leonard Nelson Kristen Nichols Kevin Noonan Norway Savings Bank William & Rita Nugent Kelly Anne O’Brien Philip O’Connor Frankie Odom Tim and Wendy O’donovan Laura Olcott Old Port Wine Merchant ,UHQH-HIIUH\2OGÀHOG Sheila Olmstead Christopher O’Neil Raymond O’Neill Judy O’Reilly Nick Owens Carl Pabst Petra Palmer Paul and Esther Pappas Louise Parise Parker Company Glenice Parkinson Jared Payton Ms. Sheila Peabody Bob & Susie Peixotto Nancy Pelletier Lisa Pelton Maureen & Thomas Peters Linda and Morris Hancock Mark Philbrook Pinnacle Real Estate LLC Portland Chiropractic Portland Eagles Club Portland Nannies Portsports Susan Powell Precision Welding and Fabrication, Inc. Prides Corner Congregational Church Jeffrey & Carolyn Putnam Claudia Racki Susan Rainsley Mr. Michael RawlingsSekunda Barbara & William Ream Daniel Reardon & Bernadette Woodcock Redimix Companies Edward Reed Maureen Richards Lisbeth Robinson & David Murphy -RQDK5RVHQÀHOG Viola Saverio Robert Schaedel Pat & Mike Scheer Kate Schwarz and Chris Gould Maxine Sclar Seabreeze Property Services Inc. William & Jacquetta Searle Tammi Seymour Judith Shank Jonathan Shapiro Arthur Shaughnessy Jen Lyn Shelly Edward Shevenell James and Kelley Shimansky William Shumaker Mary Silva Kimberly Simard Kevin Simard Dave and Cecile Slater Jeanne & Craig Sloan Jeffrey & Joann Smith David Smith Tara & Gloria Smith Mike Smith Kenneth Soeder Kenneth Spirer & Joan Leitzer St. George’s Episcopal Church Bruce St. Thomas & Peggy Fallon Beth Stacey David & Charlene Stearns Richard Stevens Laurie Stewart Joanne Stewart Tim Stickney Anne H. Stickney Betsy Stivers Sandra Stone Alex Stone Stonewall Kitchen Stroudwater Construction Company, Inc. Frank Strout Greg Strzegowski Cheryl Stubbs Peter Sullivan Sure Winner Foods David and Ann Swardlick Amy Tchao & Roger Clement Ralph and Marilyn Tedesco The Boston Bruins Foundation The Community Foundation The Maine Center for Lipids The Mark B. Issacs Foundation, Inc. The Narrow Gauge Railroad The Yoga Center Matt & Ellen Theodores Eva Thompson Barbara & Gordon Thomson Charles Thorp TIFF Advisory Services Gail Torkelson Sarah Torkelson Susan Towle Town of Long Island TransCore Kevin Trytek Tyco Integrated Cable Systems Inc. United Way of Androscoggin County United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut University of Southern Maine Accounts Payable UnumProvident Matching Gifts Program Peter Ventre Anne & Jeffrey Verrill Lynn Verrill Mrs. Eleanor Vincent Saverio Viola Jon Wakelin Gloria Walker Martha Wallace Douglas E. Watts Wayfarer Village, Inc. WCYY Marilyn Webb Fred & Robin Webber Margaret Webster David and Amy Weinstein Susan Weiseman Robert & Susan Weiss Westbrook School Department Elizabeth Westley Joan & John Westley Barbara Wheaton David White Amy Whitehead Christopher & Joan Whittaker Fred Williams Windham Millwork Vivian and Carlton Wing Women’s Specialty Care Kimberly Wood Mark Woodhead Mike and Heather Worroll Alex Wray Scott Wyman Michael and Deborah Yurchinson Matthew Zeleznik Friends Up to $99 Marc Abatiell Debra & Douglas Abel Lynn Abood-Pelletier Ruth Ackerman ADIO, Inc. Admiral Fire and Safety, Inc. Stephen and Barbara Aidikonis Robert Akerley Justin Alfond Jessica Allen Geoff Allen Julie Allen Renee Allocca Allstate Giving Campaign Nancy Allyn Altrusa Club of Portland Maine Laurel Amabile Thom Amnotte Cathy Anastasio Lori Andersen Robert & Barbara Anderson Melissa Anderson Karin Anderson Joyce Ann Cox Anonymous Philip & Meredith Anson C. Neal Anthoine, III Robyn Antonowicz George & Gloria Aponte Clarke Amy Arenstein Anthony & Julie Armstrong Angela & Peter Arndt Kristeen Arntz Laura Astor Cynthia Atkinson Joyce Auger Adrienne Aust William Avery William Bachman Lee Bailey Charlotte BaileyMcPherson Ryan Baird Philip and Virginia Baker Barney Baker Ruth Ballard Rick Bancroft David and Donna Banks Susan Barbera Joanne Baribeau Sally Hall Barker Ronald and Jo Anne Barker Joshua Barker Roxanne & Clayton Barker Katherine Barnard Julie Barnes Stephen Majercik and Faith Barnes Shirley & Leroy Barry Deborah Barry Melissa Barter Karen Barter Katherine Barter Mike & Ann Marie Barter Judi Barter Raina Bartlett Virginia Bartlett Ellen Bartlett Nelson Bartley Barton Mortgage Corporation Veronica Bates Peter and Jackie Bates Danielle Batey Ann and John Bay Beale Street Grill Sharon Bearor Ann Beatty-Rose Allan & Susan Beausang Ondrea Bebout Michael Becker Elizabeth Begin Angela Bell Jordan & Lisa Bendersky Marcia and Jack Berman Thomas and Marjorie Berman Kathryn Bernier Kyla Berry & Donald MacDougall Eric Bettencourt Clarence Bickford, Jr Amelia Bishop Heidi Bishop Christian Bishop Merrill Bittner & Nancy Noppa Katharine & Cade Blackburn Alexander Blake Peter Blanchard Jenna Blanchard Leila Blaylock Lawrence Bliss Mary Bloch Sarah Blodgett Rev. Willis Bloedow Patricia & David Bloom Aaron Bloom Bob’s Garage Inc. Joanne Boeschenstein Robert Bogosian Amy Bois Roberto Bonechi Bonny Eagle Middle School Miriam Bookstaver Craig Borgmann & Ericka Bass Winifred Bosak Pamela Bosco Jeffrey Boutot Douglas and Elisa Boxer Cook Steven Boyer BPO Elks 188 Elaine P Brackett Sunny Bradford Erica Bradstreet Denise Brennan Judith Brewer Susan Brewer Brewster House Bed and Breakfast Elinor Bridges Antona Briley David Brinkman Craig Broadbent Michael Bromley Michael & Denise Brooks Abigail Brooks 6KLUOLH-RKQ%URRPÀHOG Christopher Brown Jim & Eileen Brown M.A. & Robert Brown Ronald Brown Juliet Browne and Jon Hinck Diane Brunet Laurie Brunswick Jordan Buck Caroline Budney Denise & Michael Burke Michael Burke Joan and Bridget Burke Edward Butler Al Butler John & Maroudia Byrne C.H. McLaughlin Title Co. Justin Cahill Liz Caldwell & Eric Beausang Paul Campbell Kimberly A. Candelmo Nina Candelmo Stacey Cantara Cape Elizabeth Grange Karen Caprio Carol Cardinal Andrew Carey Peter & Justine Carlisle Drinda Carmichael Gray Mary & Gerald Carp Susan Carpenter Monica Carpenter Courtney Carrier Steve Carter Emily Carter Kurt Caruth &DVFR%D\%HQHÀWV Group, LLC Angelo Castigliola Elizabeth Cayer Arthur Cerullo Matthew Chan Susan Chandler Benny and Poh-Yong Chang Douglas Chapman Denise Charette Elizabeth Charles Julie Charrette Molly Chase &KLFDJR2IÀFH Margaret Chisholm Tim Christie Erica Christie Cecelia L. Cierpich Marlene Clapp Ms. Dale Marie Clark Angela Clark Kathy Clark Peter and Marjorie Clifford Anna & David Cloutier Stephanie Cloutier Danielle Clukey Donald and Carolyn Cohen Mary Ann and Douglas Coleman Carey Collins Miriam and Christopher Collins Tim Collins Larry and Candy Collomy Benjamin Connard Sandra Conroy Kerry Conway Toby and Joanne Cook Anne Marie Cooke Denise Corbett Maria Corliss Carolyn Corliss Robert Cornett & Paula Klimek Kristen Corrigan Elise Cote Elizabeth Cote Jonathan & Jaqueline Cottrell Moriah Coughlin Scott Penelope Coward Brett Cox Pam Coyne Jo Coyne Lydia Crafts Wendy Craig Elizabeth and Thomas Crane Marygay Cross Susan Croteau Maria Crouch Jill & Michael Crowell Melissa & Steven Cummings B.J. Cunningham Andrew Curran Nancy Curran Doug and Beth Currier Thomas and Mary Cushman John and Beverly Daley Brenda Daly-Weiss Lynda D’Amico Mary Jane Daniels Mary Danis Michele Danois Janine Darwin Richard Davee Jeanne Davidson Margaret Davis and Peter Rice Linda Davison Michael & Chanthou Day Robert Decolfmacker Mara DeGeorge Matthew Delage Mary DeLois and Robert Raff Susan Delong Indriani Demers Amy Demers Sheila Deming Judith Demo Leslie Denbow Cheryl Denis Emily Denny Paul Deschambault Debbie Deschambeault Maggie & Dick Deschambeault Designer Greens Nancy DesRoberts Angela & David Desruisseaux Joseph DiBiase Kenneth & Elizabeth Dieffenbach Janice DiMauro Scott Dinsmore & Stacy Calderwood DMF Financial Services Holly Doggett Dogz, LLC Diane Dombrowski Ken Donnell Peter Donnelly Angie Doucet Darin Dougherty Lauralee Downs Jeanne & Joel Doyon Craig Dozois Dress Down Day Fund Amy Drew Shana Dube Melissa Dubois Margaret Duchette Kathy Dudley Stacy Duffy Ruth Dufresne Lisa Dulac Chris Dunn Joy Dunphy Lulrine Duperry Susan Durfey Denise Duval Christina Duvernay Claudia & Daniel Dwyer Dyer Realty Group, Inc Andrew Eddy Jillian Edginton Beth Elicker & Charles Ott Milton & Teresa Emerson Pam & Ed Emerson Peter Endres Judith Entwistle Michael & Jill Epstein Tom Esty Jay & Martha Evans Martha Evans Lester Evans Sylvie Fadrhonc Phoebe Fairburn Dainel and Maureen Fallon Kimberly & Michael Fallona Falmouth Middle School Andree J. Fanning Stephen Farrell Shari Farrice Rebecca Federico Heidi Fenwick Catherine Feutz Kim Fickett David Field Ron Finlayson-Brown Marcia Finley First Parish Congregational Church First Parish UCC of Freeport Ronald Fisher Heidi Fisher Jean Fisher Wendell & Edna Fitts Robert Fitts Homer Fitts Stanley Fitts Lesley Fitzgerald Dan Flack Ellen Flaherty Cynthia L. Flaherty Kimberly & John Flood Lonnie and Mary Floyd John Flumerfelt & Creighton Taylor Robert Flynn Jodi Flynn Beth Fogg Angela and Marjorie Forrester Priscilla P. Forte William Foster Terry Foster Brian and Julie Fournier Heidi Fox Terry Fralich Ginger Frank Wally & Judy Frank Frank Jewett School Linda and Scott Freedman Kathy Friend Lynn Frist James Fritzell Melinda & Tim Frostad Anne Funderburk Aaron Furman Timothy Gallagher Christopher Garlick Barbara Garrigan Gerard & Susan Garrity Nancy & Larry Garside Susanne Garside Terri R. Gaulkin Lisa Gaumont GE Foundation Charlene Gendreau Anne Gennaro Jerry Genovese Gerber Associates, P.A. Harvey and Suzanne Gerry Karen Gersen & Donald Peterson Kathleen Gibbons Tamara Gifford David and Susan Hirshon Trina Gill Lisa Gilson Michael Giordano David and Maria Glaser Diane Glasser Marty Glick Jordan Goldwarg Elizabeth Golson Kristin Goodall GoodSearch Leana Good-Simpson Kimberly Gorelik Marie Gorton David Gould Celia and Bill Gould Margaret Govostes Michael Gower Chris Gower Christopher Gratto Peter and Gail Graumnitz Kenneth F. Gray Gray-New Gloucester Animal Hospital Susannah Green Diane and Robert Greene Bob Greene Rosemary Greenwood Janis Greim Joanne and William *ULIÀQ 3DXO*ULIÀQ June Grocki Christine & Joseph Groff Nora Gross William Gross Mark Grover Philip Gruber Marnelle & Joseph Grumbach Robert & Janice Guenther Marc L. Gup Caity Hager Patricia Hager Mike and Cindy Hagerty Anne Hagstrom Tim Haines Robin Haley Andrea Hall Kristina Hall Harry and Janice Hall Mary Hamilton Casey Hamlin Hannaford - Sanford Kim Hanscom Arnold Hanson Diane Hanson Kathleen Hanson Cedric and Slyvia Harkins Ansell Harmon Amber Harper Sharon Hartl Katharina Hartman Jeanette Haskell Natalie Haskell Lucille E Hatcher Anders Haugen Elizabeth and Peter Hawkes Eric Hawkins Caryn Hayden Kathleen Healy Catherine Heath Mark Heinrichwallace Ann Heller Francine & Glen Hemingway Colleen Hennessy Phyllis Hey Susan Hight Drew & Sharon Reiser Hill Stella Hills Donna Hilton Christopher Hirsch Eric Hobson Matt and Laureen Hollyday Alan Holt Gail Hood Amy Hopfmann Myra Hopkins Karen Hopkins James Horne James Hoskins Ann Houser Ms. Lisa Howell Anne Howse Elizabeth and James Huebener Jillian Huff George Hughes Lloyd Hunt Julie Hutchinson Deborah Hutson Mary Iaculli ITN Portland Nora Jackson Karli Jaffe Jai Yoga Barbara & Joseph Janco Deborah Jean Jean Bugbee Inc. Phil Jellen Michael Jenike Karen Jennings Ashley Jensen Martha Jensen Jennifer & Troy Jipson Tara Johnson David M. Johnson, D.O. Gregory Johnson Deidre Johnson Eliza Johnson Cheryl & Keith Johnson Valerie Jones Audrey & Paul Jones Jeffrey and Lucia Jones Kerrie Jones-Cole Andrea Jordan Bonita Jordan Cinda Joyce Laura Joyce J’s Osyter Jessica Judkins Brooke Kaltsas William Karl Colin Kaveney KBM Foundation KCC, Inc. Melanie C Keary Mark & Nancy Keast Eileen Keenan Scott Kehoe Mary Lou Kelley Colleen Erin Kelley Ms. Kristen E. Kellner Sean Kelly Sue and Jack Kennedy Bob & Jan Kenney-Rollins Martha Kerney Sandra Keroack James Key Mary Kibbee Holly Kidder Phyllis Kimball Sharon & Wayne Kimball Ted King Charles Kirin Randi Kirshabum Theresa Kittredge Peter Klein Debbie & Michael Kogut Ms. Constance Korda Mark & Lenore Kraus David Kreisler Sunny Kutella Sandra Kynes Helen La Count Ms. Anne LaBossiere Donna Labranche Stacy LaBranche Clare and Scott LaBrecque Adam Lacasse Stu Lacognata Edward Lago Bill Lago John Laibinis, Sr. Ann Laine Judith Lajoie Shelly Lajoie-Carlson Carla Landers Margaret Landon Susan & Terry Landry Anthony Landry Marcel Landry Sharon Smith Landry Janet Lane Margaret Lane Beverly & Edmund Langlois Mary LaPierre Ann Largay Naomi Larman Janet Larochelle Roxanne LaRochelle Jacqueline & Robert Laskoff Joyce Lauzier Estelle A. Lavoie Daniel Lavoie Dianne Law Wendy Lawson Susan Lazor Vicky Leal Steve LeClair Pamela Lederer & Michael Carmen Alexandra Lee Carroll Leen Jeannine Lefevre Alison Leger Susan & Jeffrey Leighton Cindy & John Lemieux Philip and Glenda Lentz Kate Leonard Bob & Ellen Leonard Peter Leonard Kara Leopold Robert Leslie Jerome Lessard Donald Lewis Priscilla Lewis Judith Lewis Dale Lewis Catherine L’Heureux Anne Libby Leon and Ann Libby Tammy Jean Libby Robert Libby Thomas Libby Melissa Libby Catherine Libby Christine Linnehan Allen Little Phyllis Lockhart Carrie Logan William Lombard Sadie & John Lombard Anna Lopez-Tous Krista Lord Lorman Education Services Cecily Lowenthal Paul J Luise George Lydick Patrick Lynch Maccrillis-Rousseau LAVFW 8835 Renee MacGregor Janice and William MacKenzie Erin MacKenzie Grass Donna Madsen Ryan Mahan Dorothy Maines Donna Maiorino Louis Malarsie Misty Mallar Rebecca Mann Anne Manning +LODU\0DQVÀHOG Kathleen Marchetti Lauri Marchewka Wendy & Jerry Marcotte Michael Marcotte Kristen Marden Thomas Marjerison Francis Marsh Anita Marston Joan Martay & Michael Brennan Sarah Martin Mary Martin Maternity Fair Andrea Matsuoka Jamie Matteson Marie and Donald Matthew Lisa Maxwell Brock Maxwell Naleen Mayberry Brian Mazjanis Roseann Mazjanis James & Heather Mazjanis Matthew McAleney Debbie McAlpine John McBratney T.D. & J.K. McBrierty Jennifer McBrierty Chris McClay Chris McCormick David McCullough Kelly McDonald Meghan McDonald Joe McEacharn Lorraine & Stephen McElwain William and Nancy McEnaney Moira McGoldrick Sharon McKenna Walter and Glenda McKertich Richard McLaughlin Robert McMann Matthew Mercier Raymond Mercier Jon Mermin Robyn Merrill Judson Merrill Ann Merrill Connie Merrithew Deborah & Jon Meyer Frank & Mary Michaels Miclin Corporation Mighty Mo Inc. Celeste Miliard Mary Miller Jack & Deborah Miller Joanne Minor Kevin Mitchell Travis Mitchell MJD Enterprises Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Janet Molenaar Nina Mollicone Todd Molloy Elisabeth and John Montgomery Victoria & Michael Montgomery William Moody, Jr Lynn Moore Ruth Morales Amy Morgan Tracie Morin Nicholas Morrill Julie Marie Morrill Abbott Carol Morrison Marilyn Morse Carol A. Mulkern Clarence Mullins Michele Murphy Michael & Margaret Murphy Murray Oil & Propane Tracey Murrell Jeff Musich Georgette Nadeau Nancy Nadeau Josh Nappi Judd Nathan Jennica Nattress Alison Nedzbala Sive Neilan Richard Nelson Mariah Nelson Bruce & Patricia Nelson Linda and Glenn Nerbak Ann-Marie Netto Anne Newcomer Laurie Nicholas Theresa Nicholas William & Linda Nickerson Karen Nielsen Anne Reevy Nieman Penelope & J. Georges Nitis Jonathan and Eliza Nolan Nonesuch River Golf Club Paula Nueslein Stephanie Nueslein Kristen O’Connell Barbara O’Connell Marilyn O’Connor Robert Odlin A. O’Donnell John O’Donnell Philip & Diane O’Hearn John and Diane O’Kelly Cindy Olsen Charles and Mary Olsen Meredith Olson O’Natural’s Restaurant John and Cynthia Orcutt Suzanne Orlowski Dr. Harold and Peggy Osher Others! Julie & Harold Otte Leah Ottow Sheila Ouellette Teri & Mark Ouellette Lori Owen Catherine & Richard Paglio Dianne & Thomas Pakula Lynne Palmer Nancy Parent Rachel Pargeter Susan Parr Dawn Parsons Rebecca Parsons Alison Partridge Linden Thigpen Pavloff Caroline Pelletier Priscilla Pelletier Tammy Pelletier Laura Pelletier Pemberton’s Gourmet Foods Kathleen Pena Kate Pennington Clara Permar Julie Perreault Christina Perron Allison Perry Rachel Perry Ryan Peters Julie Peterson Roberta A. Peterson Laura Peterson Candice Pierce Jen Piesik Marie Pike Barbara Pillsbury Elizabeth Pinette Louis Pirone Rob Pitt Shelly Plante Priscilla Platt Lisa Plotkin Helene C. Plourde Alan Plummer Plummer-Motz School Stephen Podgajny Anita and James Poitras Guy Pollino Malcolm Poole Erinne Poore-Brown Katherine Porter Diane Porter Ann Post Michelle Post Ms. Kathleen Potrepka Kathleen Potts Mathieu Poulin Keith Prairie Carolann Present George and Harriet Price Rebecca & Douglas Pride Timothy Prince Anne & Harry Pringle David & Elizabeth Provost Jim and Michelle Przybylowicz Chris & Lisa Pulieris John M Punderson Jospeh & Jeanne Punderson Zak Putnam Nathaniel Pyle Dan Quinn Karen Rand Susan Rankin Carey Rasco Katharine Raybin RE/VISION Enterprises Inc. Charles and Patricia Reade William and Sharon Reagan Teresa Reager John & Sheila Reaman Eva Reck John and Margaret Reimann Rich Pelletier’s Karate-Do Mark & Tammy Richard Henry and Sandra Richards Gina & Brian Richardson Elise Richer Adam Ridlon Dorothy Riendeau Alison Riker Jennifer Roark Steve & Louise Roberge Lucille and Robert Robinson Ann Robsinson Jen Rohde Melinda Rondeau Sharon Rose Edith Rossborough Ralph Rousseau James & Judith Rowe Andrew Rowe Katie Rowen Eileen & Ted Rowland Valerie Roy Lynn Roy David Roy Steven Rubin Mark and Ellen Russell Susan Russo Michael and Lynn Ryan Neil and Kimberly Ryan Saccarappa Lodge #86 A.F. & A. M. Saco Middle School Susan & Jeffrey Saffer, M.D. Alexander Saksen Shannon Salvaggio Gerard Salvo Deb Sanborn Sanctuary Studio John J. Sanders David Sandilands Shawna Santamore Cynthia and Phillips Sargent Kate Savidge Andrew Sawyer Dennis & Diane Mancini Sbrega Darlene Scamman Christine Scammell Harry and Janine Scheld Stone Laura Schleicher Amber Schmidt Chuck Schwab Robert Schwarz David & Nell Scott Cynthia Scott Heidi Scribner Eve Segal Edie Seidenberg Dean Seizert Nichole Sequeira Shannon E. Webster Family Trust Leslie Shapiro Hilary Shepard Elliott Sherman Lisa Shiers Nancy Shore Herbert Short Susan & Thomas Shortall Catherine Siegel F.B. & Nell Siegfried Robert Sigler Doris & Norman Simard Elizabeth Simon Christine Simons Linda & Paul Simonsen Jessica Simpson Ms Jill Simpson Jennifer Simsarian Dawn Sirois Kelley Skillin-Smith Cara Slifka Darin Small Eleanor and Montelle Small Dianne Smiley Julie Smith Gordon & Carolyn Smith Alison Smith Kristy Smith Adam Smith Janice & Stephen Smith Martha Smith Jane Snerson Marie and Roger Snow Deb Snow Mark Snowden Karen Sorabella Sandra Soucie Benjamin Soule Rose South Ms. Caroline Southall Southern Maine Sports Richard Southwick Cindi Spear Cathy Spear, LICSW Sheila Speckin William and Rachel Speed Leanne Lentz and George Gary Spencer George & Margaret Spino James Spitzer Laura Sprague Maureen B St. John Denise Stack Judith Stanhope Catherine Stankard Claudia & Mel Stephens Joyce Stevens Gloria Jean Stevens Robert Stewart Will Stickney Melody Stickney Karen Stimpson Jennifer Stockless Ayers & C.C. Stockly Ashley Stone Molly Stone Gloria Stover Gail Strattard Mary Strnard Susan Strommer Stephen & Patricia Strout Andrew Strout Kristin Sutton Kim Svanda Colin Swan Heather Sweeney Systems Engineering Connie Taggart & Ian Lane Christopher Taintor Anne Taliento Marion Tandyrak Justine Tanguay Nancy & Charles Tarkinson Tina Tarr Nonnie Tarr Susan Tavilla James & Elizabeth Taylor William Taylor & Nancy Thompson Teasdale Thorp Mary Ellen Tetreau Lynne Tetreault Patty Tetreault The 7th Level The Children’s Museum The D’errico Agency LLC The Paint Pot The Standard Baking Company Louise Theodores Patrick Theriault Lindsey Theriault Katherine Thibeault Kelly Thomas Raimey Thomson Renee Thorington Diane Thornton-Chandler Norma Jean Thurber Stacey Tibbets Diana Tighe Mary Ann Tilton Mr. David Tompkins Janice Toomey Kelsey Towle Town of Scarborough Edward and Marguerite Towsend Townsend & Townsend Inc. Christina Traister Jay & Karen Lentz Traunig Sarah Traynor Jerry Tremblay Nina and Bob Trowbridge Lindsay Trueblood Steven & Julie Tselikis Michael and Harriet Turkanis Jeanne & Glenn Twigg Ms. Michelle T. Twombly Maida Uhlig David & Lynne Unger United Way of The Greater Seacoast Michael Urbanski, Ed.D. Jim Vacca Jacqueline Vachon Kristen & Adam Vaillancourt Deborah Vallely Beth Van Gorden Ingrid Vanni June Varney Verizon (Employees) Vic Vernet Lisa Vickers Allison Villani James & Diana Violette Spencer & Jessica Violette Terry & William Violette Susan Vire Keith Voight Julia & Theodore Volger Diane & Kenneth Volk Volk Packaging Corporation Rhonda Vosmus Amber Wagner Serena Wakelin David and Susan Wallace Deantha & Wayne Warner Seth Warner Diane Warner Daniel Warren Robert Waterman Mr. & Mrs. L. Hoyt Watson Jaimee Watts Hope Webb Ryan Webber Jennifer & George Weber Libby Webster Patricia Weimer Bob & Carol Westley Kent & Sally Westley Edith White Judy White Don White Sarah White Janet & Peter White Nicole Whiteacre Dan Whitmore Kathleen & Todd Whitney Jennifer Whitney Doreen & Philip Whitney Jennifer Wiessner Mara Wiggin Richard and Mary Lee Wile Carolyn Wiley Julie & Stephen Williams Pat Williams Donna Williamson Ivy Willoughby Scott & Donna Willson 3K\OOLV:LQÀHOG Elizabeth Wing Evan Wisell Amanda Witham Peter and Mary Wood Berndette and Peter Woodcock Amory Wooden Robert Woodman Margaret Woods Heather Worroll Linda Wyman Nancy Wynne Barbara Wytrwal-Jordan XL Global Services Tracy Yannelli Glenn Yap Ralph and Clare Yarn Rita Yarnold Hillary York William Youmans Debbie Young Margene Young Michael & Deborah Yurchison Mary & Daniel Yuska %LOO/RXLVH=DÀUVRQ $QQD=DÀUVRQ Edward Zelinsky Kristyn Zimmerman Gifts in Honor Of: Paul Attardo WCSH-TV (6) David Aust Adrienne Aust Laura Beaudoin Robert Decolfmacker The Beausang Family Allan Beausang Alfred Bersbach Patrick Liddy Kai Bicknell -RQDK5RVHQ¿HOG Margaret Chisholm Judith Shank Elizabeth Elliman Ted King Katharine Raybin Criterium Engineers Peter Hollander Kristen Fitts Sallyann Abel Lonnie Floyd Lonnie and Mary Floyd Steve Hart Andy Dixon and J.B. Kavaliauskas Jackie & Richard Leach Debbie Henry Edith S. Aronson Quincy Hentzel-Germann Lina Germann George Hogan Michael E. Dubyak Debbie Maxcy Geoff Allen Steve Maxcy Jessica Allen Heidi McDonald Jack & Deborah Miller Robyn Merrill William and Linda Merrill Deetjen Sarah Millington Angela Clark Amy Bartlett Hewitt Mary Ellen & Joe Walek Carol Sylvester Douglas and Elisa Boxer Cook Wayne Bonoff Donald B. Bonoff Ruth Dufresne Jeff Thaler Robert Gips and Karen Harris Cynthia Brown Beverly & Edmund Langlois Cindy Andrews & Tom Whyte David and Anne Gould Bob Mills -RQDK5RVHQ¿HOG C.H. Rosengren Painting and Repairs Holly Kidder Mark & Eileen Keith Prairie Markushewski Vinal Doody Paul & Janet Letalien Roland Mercier James and Kelley Shimansky Patrie Douglas Volk Diane & Kenneth Volk Kathi Wagner Amber Wagner Kristine Watson Marie and Roger Snow Nancy Hutchings Sharon Bearor Lewis & Jeannette Patrie Keith Prairie Linda Kelly Ms. Dale Marie Clark Dana Poole William Moody, Jr Joanne Larman Robert & Janice Guenther Naomi Larman Susan Strommer Debbie Rowe -RQDK5RVHQ¿HOG Gifts in Memory of: Erin & Korey Ryan Donna Williamson Marie Almy Sara Almy Gretchen Schaefer -RQDK5RVHQ¿HOG Richard Ames Robert J. Anderson Kimberly Simard Bob & Susie Peixotto Bert Andrews John and Margaret Reimann David Stearns Joyce Auger 6KLUOLH-RKQ%URRP¿HOG Constance Asdourian Richard & Ellen Asdourian Donna & Mike Libby Hilary Rapkin & Will Stiles Alexander Agnew and Lisa Dorothy Aube Larry and Candy Collomy Pam Leo Ms. Dale Marie Clark Herbert Little Allen Little Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Long 7KH2I¿FHRI-RVHSK/RQJ DDS Mandy Mastropasqua Nancy & Larry Garside Elaine Webster Rebecca & Douglas Pride The Youngs Debbie Young Lindsay Berghuis Mark and Martha Dunlap Ms. Sheila Peabody Brigitte Brunhart John McBratney Hunter Burke Cynthia Atkinson Peter & Justine Carlisle Molly Chase Moriah Coughlin Scott Mara DeGeorge Stacy Duffy Marybeth Fougere Brian and Julie Fournier Kimberly Gorelik Kara Leopold Sandra Livingston Thomas Marjerison Kelly McDonald Paula Nueslein Stephanie Nueslein Carey Rasco Eva Reck Robert Schaedel Diana Tighe Townsend & Townsend Inc. Allison Villani AEC Engineering Ryan Carter Melanie C Keary 5LWD&DX¿HOG Lyndell and Mark Lavigne Grant Chandler Diane Thornton-Chandler Mike Churchill Daniel Reardon & Bernadette Woodcock Frances Corey Donna Hilton Mary Cote Marie and Roger Snow Katie Craig Wendy Craig Audrey & Paul Jones 6ORDQ&ULWFK¿HOG Elizabeth and C. D. Armstrong 3DWULFLD'DYLG&ULWFK¿HOG Arthur Curran William Bachman Michael Becker Miriam Bookstaver C & A Service Inc. Gale Carey &KLFDJR2I¿FH B.J. Cunningham Julia Fay Elizabeth Golson Arnold Hanson Ann Heller Investors Security Trust Co. Bonita Jordan Charles Kirin Barbara McManus Janet Murphy Ann Post Lucille and Robert Robinson Chuck Schwab Dean Seizert Elliott Sherman Marion Tandyrak June Varney Women’s Specialty Care Margaret Woods Margery Dixon Andy Dixon and J.B. Kavaliauskas Midge Dixon Sandra Kavaliauskas June Dunn Joe and Carole Long Karl Durgin Elizabeth Charles Jennifer Demers ITN Portland Marilyn Durst Carolyn Wiley Milton Emerson Milton & Teresa Emerson Molly Fitzpatrick Jim and Michelle Przybylowicz Karen Flagg Catherine & Richard Paglio Zack Gaulkin Terri R. Gaulkin Kevin Gilbert Patricia Flaherty Donald Goodrich Donna Hilton Amy Hewitt Mary Ellen & Joe Walek David and Amy Weinstein Samuel Scott Hooper Maternity Fair Margaret Howard Margaret Chisholm Margaret Persavich Gloria Stover Hope Webb Nancy Wynne Glenn Yap Susan Iatesta Kathy & Bob Crispin Helen Johnson King Linda & Paul Simonsen Michelle Kell Volk Packaging Corporation Betty Ketch Charles and Mary Olsen Robert Libby Dorothy Maines Donna Maiorino Dawn Parsons Plummer-Motz School Anita and James Poitras Dan Quinn Saccarappa Lodge #86 A.F. & A. M. Eleanor and Montelle Small Stonewall Kitchen Jeanne & Glenn Twigg Caoimhe Lynch Mark and Martha Dunlap Samuel Maier Rosemary Greenwood /LQGD0DQV¿HOG Karen Gersen & Donald Peterson Mary McClaran William & Mary McClaran Robert Kidd Kathleen & Todd Whitney Robert McGeachey Ruth Ackerman Raimey Thomson Jack Gorsuch Miriam and Christopher Collins Susan Konkel Jeffery McKinnon Bob & Betty McGuigan Susan & Jeffrey Leighton Geraldine Hamilton Lyndell and Mark Lavigne Richard Ladner David and Susan Wallace Beverly Metivier Donna Hilton Iva Mae Harriman Stephen & Lorraine Harriman Pauline Laliberte Cathleen DiMarzio Frances Mullen John R. Mullen Walter Lewis Virginia Bartlett Elaine P Brackett Karen Caprio Mary & Gerald Carp Peter S. Carpenter Nancy Curran Falmouth Middle School Lesley Fitzgerald Christopher Gratto Anthony Landry Judith Lewis Dale Lewis Lois Murphy Anne Funderburk Susan Rainsley Mrs. Eleanor Vincent Bill Hemmens Fred Demers and Barbara Swain Glenn and Jane Irish John Hentzel Petra Palmer Benjamin Herrick Edward and Marguerite Towsend Alec Nelson Charles and Patricia Reade Tom Noll June Grocki Donald Peterson Roberta A. Peterson Anita Poulin Charlotte Bailey-McPherson Gerald Pratt Miriam and Christopher Collins William Lee Randolph Good Leana Good-Simpson Kelly Roberts Representative Paulette Beaudoin Kathryn Bernier Bob’s Garage Inc. Bonny Eagle Middle School Susan Brewer Laurie Brunswick Steve Carter Mary Jane Daniels Linda Davison Angela & David Desruisseaux Carolyn & Roland Ferguson First Parish Congregational Church Frank Jewett School Aaron Furman Christopher Garlick Barbara Garrigan Kristin Goodall Guy A Defeo DO James Harvey Caryn Hayden HNTB Lloyd Hunt Donna Labranche Sharon Smith Landry Wendy Lawson Maine Turnpike Authority Middle Branch, LLC Victoria & Michael Montgomery Nancy Nadeau Dianne & Thomas Pakula Nancy Parent Kathleen Potts Tara & Gloria Smith Richard Stevens Gloria Jean Stevens Joyce Stevens Mary Ellen Tetreau Janice Toomey TransCore Lisa Vickers Diane Warner Gary Romasco Cindy & John Lemieux Andrew Rossignol David Roy Kevin Ryan David and Carol Ertz Jeffrey and Lucia Jones Jane Sanborn Ms. Mary Sanborn Lahner Esther Stailing Judith Stanhope Nathan E. Stewart Kristen O’Connell Berndette and Peter Woodcock Agnes Elizabeth Tate Kathy & Bob Crispin Kelly Testa Cathleen DiMarzio Timothy Thompson Friends of Nancy and Tim Thompson Elizabeth Pinette Susan and David Stander Hans Verleur David and Donna Banks Sandra Wajda Linda and Scott Freedman Eileen Keenan Nonnie Tarr Barbara Wilson Gail Strattard Sarah Wright Lawrence and Sheila Foley
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