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Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-16 Message From The CHANCELLOR In today’s knowledge-led world, it is imperative that we have robust knowledge-generation and knowledge-transfer mechanisms in place so that economic development needs are efficiently catered for by our output from higher education institutions. I am happy to say that the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar is continuously striving – and succeeding-in meeting these challenges. UET Peshawar has risen three spots since last year in HEC’s ranking; while this is commendable, I hope this university can easily go higher. This success has been possible for a myriad of actions but the fundamental reason is that UET attracts the best students, who challenge a very competent faculty to perform at a much higher level. This improves standards all around, including excellent research publications. I am pleased that Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, Peshawar (CAS-EP) has been officially launched jointly by United States, State Department, USAID and HEC. This state-of-the-art Center will address indigenous energy problems, and come up with indigenous solutions. I hope you are one of the fortunate ones that make it to UET. Please be cognizant of the onerous responsibility this places on you, and therefore, single-mindedly concentrate on your studies to make us, and your parents, proud. Sardar Mahtab Ahmad Khan Governor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ii Message From The VICE CHANCELLOR Welcome to the first portal of UET Peshawar, i.e. the Prospectus 2015-16. This document describes our university that include academic programs, admission criteria, rules and regulations. Please read through the Prospectus very carefully, specially sections dealing with “conduct and discipline”, “hostel accommodation” and “fee structure”. Getting into UET Peshawar is a great privilege and you must appreciate this. With a robust infrastructure and a highly qualified faculty, UET is among the top universities in its category. Since we have 16 academic degree programs spread over 7 campuses and sub-campuses, admission into a program of your choice needs carefully filling out the application forms. You will need to prioritize your choices, both according to discipline and campus. Once the system places you according to your prioritized choices purely on merit, no changes can be made later! At UET Peshawar, we have zero-tolerance for politics on campus. Please understand that any violation in this respect will automatically initiate action leading to punishment. This policy is sacrosanct, and if you horbour any inclination for such activities, UET Peshawar is not for you! We at UET are dedicated to help you become a knowledgeable, well-rounded individual. Besides a solid academic content, we encourage students to take part in extra-curricular activities in clubs and student societies, job-fairs, open-houses and project expo's. This will hone your communication, entrepreneurial and leadership skills. It is our ardent endeavour to ensure that you reach your full potential as a productive member of society. With our guidance and mentoring, and your cooperation, I can assure you that time at UET Peshawar will be the best four years of your life. God bless you all. Engr. Syed Imtiaz Hussain Gilani Vice Chancellor, UET Peshawar iii GOVERNING BODIES SENATE Senate is the highest executive body, and exercises general supervision over the affairs and property of the University. The Senate consists of the following: n Chancellor (Chairperson). n Pro Chancellor. n Vice Chancellor. n Dean, Faculty of Engineering to be nominated by the Chancellor. n One member of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, to be nominated by the Speaker, Assembly. n Chief Justice Peshawar High Court or his nominee. n Secretary of the relevant Administrative Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. n Secretary, Higher Education Department (HED), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or his nominee. n Secretary, Finance Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or his nominee. n Secretary, Establishment Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or his nominee. n Chairman, Higher Education Commission (HEC) or his nominee. n One person from amongst the Alumni of the University, to be nominated by the Chancellor. n Three persons from the academic community of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or the country, other than an employee for the University, at the level of Professor or Principal to be appointed by the Chancellor. n Four University Teachers, including one Professor, one Associate Professor, one Assistant Professor and one Lecturer, to be elected by teachers of their respective cadres from amongst themselves. n Four persons from society, at large being persons of distinction in the fields of administration, management, education, academics, law, accountancy, medicine, fine arts, architecture, industry, agriculture, science, technology and engineering with a view to reflecting a balance across the various fields, to be nominated by the Chancellor. SYNDICATE Syndicate is an executive body, and exercises general supervision over the affairs and property of the University. Members of the Syndicate are: n Vice Chancellor (Chairperson). n Chief Justice, Peshawar High Court, or his nominee. n The Dean, Faculty of Engineering, appointed by the Vice Chancellor. n Secretary of the relevant Administrative Department of Government. n Secretary, Higher Education Department (HED), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or his nominee. n Secretary, Establishment Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or his nominee. n Secretary, Finance Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or his nominee. n Two Principals (Preferably one male and one female) of affiliated colleges in public sector to be nominated by the Chancellor from a panel recommended by the HED. n One Professor, one Associate Professor, one Assistant Professor and one Lecturer of the University to be elected by teacher of their respective cadres in the prescribed manner. n Nominee, Higher Education Commission (HEC). n One Chairman/Director of the Department/Institute/Center to be elected from amongst themselves in the prescribed manner. n Three persons of eminence, to be nominated by the Chancellor. n Two members of the Senate, to be elected by the Senate. iv ACADEMIC COUNCIL Academic Council is the academic body, responsible to lay down standards of instruction, research and examinations, and to regulate and promote the academic life of the University and affiliated institutions. The Academic Council consists of: n Vice Chancellor (Chairperson). n Chairpersons of Teaching Departments. n Dean, Faculty of Engineering. n Eight University Teachers, including two Professors, two Associate Professors, two Assistant Professors and two Lecturers to be elected by teachers of their respective cadres from amongst themselves. n Two Principals (Preferably, one male and one female) of affiliated colleges one each from public and private sector, to be nominated by the Secretary Higher Education Department (HED). n Four members of the Senate to be elected by the Senate. n Director Admissions. n Controller, Examinations. n Registrar, who shall be its member-cum-secretary. MAIN CAMPUS LAYOUT PLAN 770’-0” Hostel Road Directorate of Works Canteen Department of Basic Sciences & Islamiat, Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Mining Engineering New Administration Block d Roa No. 3 Bus stand Main Store Provost Office Road No. 2 Work shops Extension of Department of Electrical Engineering Audit Office 325’- Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Computer Systems Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering University Administration Offices 0” University Entrance University Post Office 1080’-0’’ Department of Agricultural Engineering Main Engineering Road Islamia College University New Academic Block Road N o. 3 Commerce College 567’-0” Department of Mechanical Engineering Road No. 2 Tennis Court Earthquake Engineering Center Department of CS & IT Scientific Instrumentation Center Department of Civil Engineering N Road 523’-0” Khyber Medical College LAYOUT PLAN Scale: 1” = 80’-0” Peshawar University Entrance w w w. u e t p e s h a w a r. e d u . p k UET strives to provide admission related information to potential students. The following departments respond to various queries regarding selection of academic disciplines, admission schedule and important dates etc. UET website has information on undergraduate and postgraduate courses, with helpful advice on selection of disciplines. Latest news and updates are regularly published on our website. Directorate of Admissions The Directorate of Admissions is responsible for the student admissions information; provides specific and general information to prospective students round the year. Contact: 091-9216784 E-mail: Directorate of Media and Publications The Directorate of Media and Publications is responsible for media activities and in-house publications. It runs an extensive admission publicity campaign; circulates admission schedules, important information, announcements, news releases and advertisements. Contact: 091-9216043 E-mail: IT Center Campus Solution is the only administrative setup available today that provides students, alumni, faculty and staff with immediate access to real-time information and connects that information to specific action. It provides a platform for effective administration of students academic life cycle with the facility to have 24/7 access to information and services. vi Learning & Support Services P roviding top-notch academic facilities is central to UET's policy. Our relevant and state-of-the-art curricula are fully supported with appropriately trained faculty and administrative staff, working in well-equipped laboratories. In addition, there are support facilities that add another dimension to the learning cycle. Career Development Center Health Care Services The Career Development Center is committed to serve students in a timely and effective manner to grab job opportunities after their graduation from the university. Our professionally trained career counseling staff p rov i d e s a co m p re h e n s i ve co l l e c t i o n o f c l i e nt counseling services to equip you with the tools to make successful career choices. To achieve this goal, one-toone counseling sessions and group discussions are held with graduating students to help them in making informed decisions about their career. CDC staff also arranges internship opportunities and conducts interviews for potential employers at university for short term placements of students. Students requiring medical attention are referred to the Lady Reading Hospital, Khyber Teaching Hospital and Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar. Medical treatment to students is free. In addition, students are provided with free round clock ambulance service. Computing and Communications Services These services are available for faculty and students alike and include high speed internet services, video conferencing, access to online databases such as ejournals and e-books provided through HEC digital library. Board of Advance Studies and Research (BOASAR) At UET we recognize the singular importance of research, and hence are playing a vital role in research and development. A separate statutory body called “Board of Advance Studies and Research (BOASAR)” that brings together faculty and postgraduate students in a creative environment, where research ignites laboratory based practice and experimentation. University Transport The Transport Directorate provides pick-and-drop services to students and faculty members. It has a large pool of buses, mini buses, pick-ups and trucks. Students interested in availing the facilities must register their names at the time of admission. All official trips by faculty and students survey camps and field trips are arranged by the Transport Directorate. University Workshops The University Workshops have extensive equipment serving a broad range of requirements, from heavy engineering applications to small-component shops. It provides ample opportunity to engineering graduates for hands-on experience during their academic stay at UET. During the first and second years, the students are familiarized with tools, machines and processes, while during the third and fourth years, they are assigned to work on projects which count towards their final degree credits. Major workshops include Drafting Shop, Machine Shop, Fitting Metal Shop, Foundry Shop, Carpentry Shop, Electric Shop and CNC Laboratory. vii Events... Orientation Day For the new entrants, the University holds Orientation Day before the commencement of classes. Admission folders, having important information including semester schedules, courses offered and contact details are distributed amongst students as well as desk information is also offered by student organizers and faculty. This is followed by the welcome address from the vice chancellor and faculty at university's Main Hall. It gives a great opportunity to see the University and to get a feel of its atmosphere. Project and Education Expos: Engaging University with the wider community though education expo's is widely recognized as a flagship feature with the aim to enhancing the University's reputation and public standing. In addition to this, “Student Project Exhibitions” are also arranged annually in June each year where final-year engineering students publicly demonstrate their design projects. Through this platform the students are engaged with a wide audience of engineering industry members, academics, media and the “Mid-engine rear wheel sports car” Final Year Mechanical general public. Engineering project Sports: The Directorate of Sports provides the opportunity for students to participate in physical activities to achieve a healthier lifestyle, to develop new skills and to improve their sporting talent. Students play friendly matches with neighboring universities, and private clubs. The Directorate also organizes inter-departmental sports tournament annually. The University shares sports grounds with the University of Peshawar for practice and competitions. We have excellent tennis grounds, alongwith allied facilities. Student Life @ UET UET is an amazing place to spend your student years. Besides earning an engineering degree that is well recognized by employers, students enjoy numerous attractions in extracurricular activities. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES: Besides extensive academic learning, students have the opportunity to develop and enhance their literary skills. The Directorate of Clubs and Societies is the umbrella under which other clubs work including, Drama Club (Stage), Hiking and Trekking Club, Environmental Club and Computer Society. Generally programmes such as dramas, debates, seminars, exhibitions, and trekking, computing and computer game contests are arranged. Literary and Debating Society (LDS): “Literary and Debating Society (LDS), a student body works with a single objective to develop literary skills of students. Major activities at LDS's forum include inter-university debates, seminars and debating competitions. Member of LDS have won prizes both at provincial and regional levels, and won many laurels for their alma mater. This year “Kawish}” was a flagship event managed by LDS which involved students from all public and private sectors schools and Higher Education institutions. LDS also publishes “CEMMAZINE”, the official magazine for UET's students. Appearing once a year, it covers everything that might be of interest to students. It has a separate editorial board, comprising of student volunteers and staff advisors, who guide them in editorial matters. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. The IEEE Subsection established in 2005, it has been involved in promotion of engineering practice and research through a wide array of events including International conferences and International symposiums and seminars. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): ASME is the elite global platform for the students and professionals of Mechanical Engineering. UET Peshawar is playing a vital role in promoting the professional and technical norms of ASME by aiding and facilitating the students with a versatile range of opportunities to grow and develop as useful professional of society. The ASME Student section at UET, Peshawar was established in February 2007. This year, ASME hosted the Student Professional Development Conference from 22nd to 24th February. Representatives from engineering universities across Pakistan had gathered at this event which featured many contests including Student Design Competition and Technical Paper Presentation. Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE): Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE ) Student Chapter, UET is aimed to foster and promote the Art and Science of Civil Engineering”. ICE enhances and broadens the knowledge and perspective of students at UET by giving them an international exposure of how Civil Engineering is, in the worldwide. It provides a platform for all civil engineering students to develop their potential and sharing their knowledge by interacting with allied Institutions and organizations. Robotics Club: Robotics Club was established in December, 2006 and is working with the purpose to promote student awareness about robotics by doing robotic project exhibitions, seminars and inter-university competitions. Recently the club won the first prize in an olympiad. Hiking and Trekking Club: Hiking and Trekking Club encourages students to develop a taste for outdoor activities. Every year the club arranges trips to various areas of Pakistan, particularly to the Northern Areas. Computer Society: The Computer Society aims to enhance the computer skills and university experience for all its students through participation in various computer related competitions such as computer gaming competitions and online quiz programmes. Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE): IIE is a professional society solely dedicated to support the Industrial Engineering profession and individuals involved in improving quality and productivity. It provides the students with a platform to connect engage and excel. IIE's vision is to promote and unite the industrial and systems engineering profession worldwide. IIE-Local Chapter at UET Peshawar was founded back in 2010, with the commencement of Industrial Engineering discipline at UET Peshawar. viii Contents PESHAWAR THE UNIVERSITY PESHAWAR CAMPUS SATELLITE CAMPUSES 01 02 03 04 ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES PESHAWAR CAMPUS Department of Agricultural Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Department of Computer Systems Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering (Communication & Power Group) Department of Industrial Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Mechatronics Engineering Department of Mining Engineering 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 MARDAN CAMPUS Department of Computer Software Engineering Department of Telecommunication Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering 25 27 29 BANNU CAMPUS Department of Civil Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering 30 31 JALOZAI CAMPUS Department Department Department Department of of of of Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering 32 33 34 35 KOHAT CAMPUS Department of Electrical Engineering 36 ABBOTTABAD CAMPUS Department of Electronic Engineering 37 NON-ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES Department of Computer Science & Information Technology (Peshawar Campus) Department of Architecture (Abbottabad Campus) Department of Basic Sciences & Islamiat (Peshawar, Bannu & Mardan Campuses) 39 42 44 UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS Admission Rules (Engineering Programme) Admission Rules (Non-Engineering Programme) Admission Rules (Non-Subsidized Programme) Examination Rules University Fee Scholarships and Awards Conduct and Discipline Regulations Hostel Regulations CONTACTS 45 55 56 60 66 68 70 74 82 About 01 Peshawar Undergraduate Prospectus 2013-2014 The UNIVERSITY University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, is a premier institution of higher learning in the field of engineering sciences. Starting as a College in 1952, with an initial enrollment of only twenty students, today it boasts sixteen departments, covering an entire spectrum of engineering disciplines, from the traditional, such as electrical and mechanical, to the cutting-edge technologies such as electronics, mechatronics, and industrial engineering. To-date, more than eight thousand students that graduated are serving the needs of Pakistan, and many have achieved high positions of responsibility and excellence in their chosen fields. Besides bachelors degree courses, there is a robust post-graduate programme, where scholars are engaged in rigorous training and research leading to Master's and Ph.D degrees. UET also has a strong out-reach programme, under which academic linkages with the world class universities of UK, Canada, USA, Malaysia and Thailand offering invaluable training to faculty and students, through split programmes, joint research and faculty exchanges. Over the last few years, with Higher Education Commission's support, UET has initiated a number of research and infrastructure development projects, with a portfolio of Rs. 9 billion. Major projects include “Earthquake Engineering Center”, serving as a hub of applied research in South Asia, “Institute of Mechatronics Engineering”, “National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning” and “Gems and Jewelery Center of Excellence”. In order to increase access to engineering education, particularly for the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, UET has been awarded a “mega” project of Rs. 6.56 billion to develop a new campus called, “Establishment of Jalozai Campus.” The Jalozai Campus promises to push boundaries for engineering education and will double its student intake from 4000 to 8000 in five years time. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 02 PESHAWAR Campus With a modest beginning in 1952 as a “constituent” college of Peshawar University, UET, Peshawar was established in 1980. Since then, four satellite campuses in Abbottabad, Bannu, Mardan and Kohat have been added. We have also established centers of excellence and institutions. However, Peshawar Campus remains the nucleus of the University, keeping everything moving along the correct path. Located in the historic city of Peshawar, UET is a reflection of the surrounding environment. While t h e a m b i a n c e o n c a m p u s i s p re d o m i n a n t l y academic, there is a strong cultural flavor, easily discernable in every facet of its activities. Our unique cultural diversity is readily recognizable. There are many disciplines at Peshawar for students to choose from. These are supported by wellequipped laboratories, departmental research, and a central library, sports facilities and enough dormitory accommodation to house most students that need campus housing. SATELLITE Campuses Mardan Campus As a result of our growth in the last few years, students were offered an option to get admission in other regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Mardan Campus was inaugurated in 2002, with a spirit to bring engineering education to people at their door steps. The campus is spread over an area of more than 22 acres, including a covered area of 190,000 sq ft., consisting of an administration block, academic blocks, recreation centre, a new hostel for boys, and residential facility for faculty. At Mardan we offer two engineering undergraduate programmes that include Telecomm- 03 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 unication Engineering and Computer Software Engineering which has been upgraded to postgraduate level and now electrical engineering added too is being offered at undergraduate level. All the laboratories have recently been strengthened with the latest cutting-edge equipment. The ever-increasing applications demonstrate that students find programmes offered credible and useful. Abbottabad Campus The Chancellor, UET, Peshawar inaugurated Abbottabad Campus in October, 2002, in the old premises of Ayub Medical College. The city of Abbottabad gained fame as a city of schools and colleges. Due to a pleasant climate, people from all parts of the country send their children to study in reputed educational institutions such as Army Burn Hall, Abbottabad Public School, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology etc. In addition, five medical colleges in the city also attract students. Establishment of a campus of UET, Peshawar in Abbottabad has not only addressed a longstanding public demand, but also enhanced the city's image as a seat of learning. Known for its natural beauty, better climatic conditions and a vast network of educational institutions, Abbottabad was ideally suited for such an institution of higher learning in applied sciences. A new girls hostel with a capacity to accommodate hundred students has been constructed at the campus. Bannu Campus Bannu Campus became operational in May 2002, in the premises of the Comprehensive High School in the city. This has brought higher education in engineering sciences to this neglected middle-southern region. Prior to this, students would go to Dera Ismail Khan, Kohat or Peshawar to pursue their higher studies. C u r r e n t l y, t w o t r a d i t i o n a l d i s c i p l i n e s i n engineering sciences are offered, and efforts are afoot to consolidate these programmes. Large investment in strengthening laboratories, and upgrading infrastructure are being done to quickly bring this campus at par with others. Kohat Campus The administrative and Management Control of Engineering Academic Programmes of Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST) was handed over to UET, Peshawar on April 3, 2012. At present, UET Kohat Campus is offering B.Sc. electrical engineering in leased premises, providing all necessary facilities to the students. Jalozai Campus The Jalozai Campus funded by HEC at the cost of Rs. 6,565.272 Million is being established on Pabbi-Cherat Road at 11 KM Southwards from GT Road in district Nowshera. Total area of the campus is 402 acres and the total covered area is approximately 1,021,233 sq. ft. with live-in strength of 3,240 students in eight departments. The Campus includes academic blocks, central facilities, amenities, sports & recreational facilities, hostels, staff residences together with infrastructural facilities and a Sewage Treatment Plant. At Jalozai eight faculties will be introduced. These include Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum and Gas Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Four undergraduate programmes i.e civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and industrial engineering are being offered at Jalozai Campus. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 04 FACULTY Chairman Prof. Dr. Taj Ali Khan Ph.D. (UK) Professors Prof. Dr. Daulat Khan Ph.D. (USA) Assistant Professors Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Ph.D. (USA) Dr. Zia-ul-Haq Ph.D. (UK) Dr. M. Shahzad Khan D.Engg. (Bangkok) Engr. Mahmood Alam Khan M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Abdul Malik M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Khurram Sheraz M.Sc. (Pak) Lecturers Engr. Muhammad Ajmal Engr. M. Hamed Khan Engr. Sajjad Ahmad M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Lab. Engineer Engr. Nazia Afreen 05 B.Sc. (Pak) Department of Agricultural Engineering Introduction The Department of Agricultural Engineering was established in 1961 in the then College of Engineering, University of Peshawar. This D e p a r t m e nt i s t h e p i o n e e r i n i n i t i at i n g Agricultural Engineering education in the country and thus has the pride of producing the first batch of Agricultural Engineers in 1965 in Pakistan. Since then, hundreds of graduates of this department are rendering their valuable services in government departments, national and international organizations throughout the world. Our graduates have been instrumental in the development of Pakistan's economy. Agricultural Engineering is the branch of Engineering that utilizes the engineering principles, materials and forces of nature for the benefit of agriculture and resultantly in the best interest of humanity. Agricultural Engineers are trained to creatively apply engineering and scientific principles in the design and development of new products, systems and processes for the conversion of raw materials and power sources into food, feed, and fiber while protecting the environment and workers health and safety. Agricultural Engineers offer their valuable services to design irrigation systems such as surface and high efficiency irrigation systems to utilize the precious waters to enhance agricultural productivity; design drainage systems to control the menaces of water-logging and salinity; design and develop strategies for flood management; develop soil and water conservation techniques for irrigated and rainfed areas; apply hydrology principles to predict and mitigate floods, landslides and drought risks; design farm structures for poultry, dairy, and storages for agricultural products; design dams and ponds for irrigation water s u p p l y ; m o d i f y a g r i c u l t u ra l fe a t u r e s b y landscaping techniques; perform agricultural product processing, and environmental impact assessment; design new and improved farm machinery for agricultural mechanization; utilize different techniques of renewable energies to generate power for agricultural needs; apply geographic information system and remote sensing techniques to agricultural research; interpret research output, and implement relevant schemes. In general, they combine physical sciences with biological sciences and solve engineering problems related to agriculture. Academic Programs Ø B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Ø M.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Ø Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering Laboratories The Department has the following wellequipped laboratories for practical work of students and research by the faculty members. Ø Soil and Water Engineering Laboratory Ø Irrigation Engineering Laboratory Ø Drainage Engineering Laboratory Ø Postgraduate Computer Laboratory Ø Undergraduate Computer Laboratory Ø GIS and RS Laboratory Ø I.C. Engine Demonstration Center Ø Farm Machinery Workshop Practical Training Apart from the academic activities, students are required to complete 800 hours of practical training as a requirement for the award of B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering Degree. This practical training is arranged during the summer vacations in the relevant fields of Agricultural Engineering. Field Visits The Department maintains close liaison with Government Departments and private industries related to Agricultural Engineering. Field visits are arranged as per requirement of a particular course. Industrial tours are also arranged in each semester to enable them the students to acquire practical knowledge and skills. Survey Camp Each year practical training in the field of surveying and leveling is arranged for the students of 7th Semester for a period of three weeks which is mandatory for the award of degree. The students are trained in techniques like leveling, plane tabling, triangulation, contouring, road and irrigation channel surveys. Research In addition to offering academic programs, the faculty is actively engaged in applied research at national and international levels and also providing consultancy services in the areas related to Agricultural Engineering. Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies No. BSI-101 Course BSI-111 Linear Algebra BSI-162 Engineering Mechanics AE-105 Basic Agriculture Lecture Lab. Islamic Studies AE-104L Fundamental of Computer & Applications ME-105 Engineering Drawing & Graphics ME-106L Engineering Workshops Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. BSI-231 Differential Equations CE-205 Surveying-I Course Soil & Water Conservation Engineering AE-204 Fluid Mechanics AE-209L Computer Aided Design AE-201L Computer Programming Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. Course CE-401 BSI-351 AE-206 AE-205 AE-303 Environmental Engineering-I Statistics & Probability Agricultural Processing Engineering Engineering Economics & Management Alternate Energy Resources Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. Course AE-401 Farm Power AE-304L GIS and Remote Sensing CE-402 Irrigation Engineering AE-403 Landscape Engineering AE-411 Project Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Calculus BSI-142 English Composition & Comprehension AE-101 Soil Science AE-102 Engineering Materials AE-106 Mechanics of Materials 17 Semester 4 Total No. BSI-120 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 12 12 15 5 17 BSI-242 AE-202 CE-207 CE-209 AE-208 Semester 6 Total No. 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 15 15 6 2 17 BSI-143 Farm Irrigation Systems CE-408 Environmental Engineering-II Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. 4 4 1 3 2 3 11 11 18 6 17 Communication & Presentation Skills Farm Machinery & Earth Moving Equipment Total 14 14 9 3 17 Lecture Lab. Course AE-407 Farm Structures AE-408 Water Management Engineering AE-411 Project Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total 0 0 0 3 3 0 2 3 3 4 4 2 16 16 6 2 18 Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 4 3 3 4 3 15 15 6 2 17 Lecture Lab. Open Channel Hydraulics Credit hours 2 3 3 3 3 2 Contact hours Elective-IV AE-402 2 3 3 3 3 3 Lecture Lab. AE-306 Semester 8 3 3 3 0 0 9 Course Elective-II Total 0 0 0 3 3 3 Contact hours AE-305 Credit hours 3 3 0 3 2 0 Course Professional Ethics Numerical Analysis Machine Design Surveying-lI Geo-Technical Engineering-I Quantity Survey and Cost Estimation Credit hours 2 3 3 2 2 2 Contact hours Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 2 3 3 3 2 2 Lecture Lab. Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 0 0 Lecture Lab. Elective-III BSI-122 12 4 Contact hours Semester 7 Course 13 13 Lecture Lab. Elective-I No. BSI-110 2 3 4 3 1 3 1 Contact hours Semester 5 Total 0 0 3 0 3 3 3 Lecture Lab. AE-203 Semester 2 2 3 3 3 0 2 0 Contact hours Semester 3 Contact hours Credit hours Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 9 3 3 3 4 3 12 12 12 4 16 Total Credit Hours for B.Sc Agriculture Engineering = 136 Peshawar Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 06 Agricultural Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 FACULTY Chairman Dr. Saeed Gul Department of Ph.D. (Austria) Chemical Engineering Associate Professor Dr. Muhammad Younas Ph.D. (France) Assistant Professors Engr. Imran Khan Swati Engr. Nehar Ullah Dr. Muddasar Habib Dr. Jamil Ahmad Dr. M. Imran Ahmad Dr. Asmatullah M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (Norway) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Lecturers Engr. Sultan Ali Engr. Hayat Khan Engr. Irshad Ali Engr. Naseer Ahmad Khan Engr. S. Naveed-ul-Hassan Engr. Ammad Ullah Khan Engr. Qurat-ul-Ain Engr. Muhammad Daud Engr. Mansoor-ul-Hassan Engr. Saira Bano Engr. Muhammad Irfan Engr. Unsia Habib Engr. Amir Muhammad Engr. Wajid Ali M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (S.Korea) Ph.D. (Canada) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Lab Engineer Engr. Abdul Hai Engr. Amir Naveed Engr. Murtaza Khan B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Chemical Engineering is the branch of engineering, which blends the knowledge of basic sciences with engineering to develop, design, analyze and engineer the industrial processes and plants that turn raw materials into valuable products. These processes must be accomplished in safe, cost effective and sustainable manner to create products, which are useful and essential to the modern world. Chemical Engineering is based upon the fundamentals of mass, momentum, and heat transfer, thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Chemical engineers are equipped with the necessary skills that encompass detailed understanding of all aspects of design, testing, scale-up, operation, control, and optimization of different unit operations. They are familiar with many industries such as petroleum and petrochemicals, plastics, fibers, paper, food processing, building materials, water desalination and pharmaceuticals. A Chemical engineering degree is also a good preparation for careers in pollution prevention and waste minimization. Academic Programmes Ø B.Sc Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Ø Ph.D Chemical Engineering Ø M.Sc Research Facilities Chemical Engineering Department offers state-of-the-art equipment and high-tech laboratories to facilitate the undergraduate and postgraduate students in lab work and research projects to acquire the understanding of various chemical processes by providing small-scale units and simulated industrial works environment. Chemical Engineering Department helps equip students with practical knowledge and troubleshooting skills through its various computer-controlled upto-date laboratories s u c h a s C h e m i ca l P ro c e s s Te c h n o l o g y, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Fluid Flow, Fuel and Combustion, Heat Transfer, Instrumentation and Control, Mass Transfer, Particle Technology, Simultaneous Heat & Mass 07 Tra n sfe r ( S H M T ) , a n d T h e r m o d y n a m i c s Laboratories. Practical Training Apart from academic activities, students are required to complete 800 hours of practical training as part of the B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Degree. This practical training is arranged during summer vacations in various national and international organizations and chemical industries. The major fields of i n t e r e s t a r e p e t r o l e u m r e f i n e r y, g a s processing, petrochemical, polymer, sugar, fertilizer, cement, glass, ceramic and other process industries. This training also helps students in the selection of their final year projects for addressing existing field oriented problems. Industrial Visits The Department is in close contact with government departments and private chemical industries. Field visits to chemical industries are arranged ranging across the whole country. Such field visits are found very helpful in broadening the vision of the students in the field of Chemical Engineering. Placement Opportunities There is a broad range of employment opportunities for Chemical Engineers, from large multi-national companies to small locally based companies, e.g. refineries, oil and gas fields, fertilizer industries, cement plants, ceramic and pharmaceutical industries. Graduates of this department are recognized as amongst the country’s finest Chemical Engineers. The Department has so far produced more than 500 engineers; most of them are holding responsible positions in public and private organizations of national and international repute. Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies No. BSI-111 Course Linear Algebra ChE-111 ChE-111L BSI-181 BSI-181L BSI-142 ChE-120 Credit hours Semester 2 Total 3 0 3 No. ChE-112 Applied Chemistry-I 3 0 3 BSI-122 Applied Chemistry-I Lab. 0 3 1 ChE-122 Applied Physics 3 0 3 Applied Physics Lab. 0 3 1 English Composition and Comprehension 3 0 3 Chemical process Industries-I 3 0 3 Lecture Lab. ChE-122L BSI-101 ChE-142L BSI-143 ME-106 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 15 6 15 2 17 Contact hours Course Chemical Process Principles-I Calculus Applied Chemistry-II Applied Chemistry-II Lab. Islamic Studies Computer Fundamentals Lab. Communication & Presentation Skills Engineering Workshop Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 3 1 14 9 14 3 17 **Any course outside the department Contact hours Semester 3 No. ChE-211 BSI-221L ChE-231 ChE-231L BSI-231 ChE-242 EE-210 EE-210L BSI-110 Course Chemical Process Principles-II Programming Skills Lab Particle Technology Particle Technology Lab. Differential Equations Fluid Mechanics-I Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Lab. Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. 3 0 3 0 3 2 2 0 2 15 15 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 9 3 Contact hours Semester 5 No. Course ChE-311 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-II ChE-342 Technical Report writing and communication skills ChE-371 Heat Transfer-I ChE-371L Heat Transfer Lab Lecture Lab. BSI-242 Numerical Analysis ChE-381 Mass Transfer-I ChE-262 Energy Engineering ChE-262L Energy Engineering Lab. BSI-120 Professional Ethics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 3 1 2 0 3 2 3 0 2 16 16 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 9 3 Contact hours Semester 7 No. ChE-402 Course Industrial Management ChE-411 Credit hours Semester 4 Total No. ChE-222 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 ChE-212 ChE-243 ChE-232L ChE-241 ChE-241L ME-104 ChE-222L 18 Contact hours Course Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I Engineering Materials Fluid Mechanics-II Fluid Mechanics Lab. Chemical Process Industries-II Chemical Process Industries-II Lab. Engineering Drawing & CAD Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 6 Total No. Course ChE-322 Chemical Reaction Engineering ChE-322L Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab. Statistics & Experimental Design ChE-401 Safety & Maintenance Engineering ChE-382 Mass Transfer-II ChE-382L Mass Transfer Lab. ChE- 341 Engineering Economics ChE-361 Department Elective-I ChE-372 Heat Transfer-II Total Contact Hours 19 Total Credit Hours Credit hours Semester 8 Total 0 3 No. ChE-412 Course Simultaneous Heat & Mass Transfer Instrumentation & Process Control 3 0 3 ChE-412L ChE-411L Instrumentation & Process Control Lab. 0 3 1 ChE-431 Project-I 0 9 ChE-441 Environmental Engineering 3 ChE-441L Environmental Engineering Lab. ChE-451 Chemical Plant Design Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 3 3 0 3 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 3 1 2 3 3 0 3 1 13 12 13 4 3 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 2 16 16 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 2 Contact hours 3 Lecture Lab. 0 Lecture Lab. ChE-352 Total 3 Contact hours Credit hours 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Lecture Lab. 17 Credit hours Total 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 18 Credit hours Total 3 0 3 Simultaneous Heat & Mass Transfer Lab. 0 3 1 ChE-422 Transport Phenomena 3 0 3 3 ChE-432 Project-II 0 9 3 0 3 ChE-442 Department Elective-II 3 0 3 0 3 1 ChE-452 Process Design & Simulation 2 3 3 3 0 3 12 15 11 15 12 5 11 5 17 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 16 Total Credit Hours= 139 Electives: Polymer Engineering, Petroleum Refining Engineering, Novel Separation Processes, Renewable Energy Resources, Bio-Chemical Engineering, Gas Dynamics, Gas Engineering, Food Processing, Introduction to Nano Technology, Process Analysis & Optimization, Petrochemicals, Risk Management & Safety, Waste Management, Industrial Energy Systems, Mineral Processing. Courses from other Disciplines of Engineering can also be offered in place of Department Elective-I. Peshawar Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 08 Chemical Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 FACULTY Chairman Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam Department of Ph.D. (USA) Civil Engineering Professors Prof. Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan (TI)Ph.D.(USA) Prof. Engr. Amjad Ali M.Sc. (USA) Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali Ph.D. (Pak) Prof. Dr. Irshad Ahmad Ph.D. (Pak) Prof. Dr. Amjad Naseer Ph.D. (Pak) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Javed Ph.D. (Pak) Prof. Dr. S. Muhammad Ali Ph.D. (Pak) Associate Professors Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Dr. Khan Shahzada Ph.D. (Pak) Ph.D. (Pak) Assistant Professors Dr. Navid Ahmad Dr. Rawid Khan Dr. Qaiser Iqbal Dr. Mohammad Adil Dr. Mujahid Khan Dr. Naveed Ahmad Dr. Muhammad Fahad Engr. Faisal ur Rehman Engr. Haleema Attaullah Engr. Tabinda Masud Dr. Awais Ahmed Dr. Salman Saeed Ph.D. (USA) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (Pak) Ph.D. (Itly) Ph.D (USA) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Ph.D (Netherlands) Ph.D. (Canada) Lecturers Dr. M. Sagheer Aslam Engr. Mansoor Khan Engr. Alamgir Khalil Engr. Ambreen Engr. Muhammad Fahim Engr. M. Adeel Arshad Engr. Muhammad Rizwan Engr. Arsalaan Khan Engr. Tayyaba Bibi Engr. Sikandar Sajid Engr. Muhammad Salman Engr. Hizbullah Sajid Engr. Mudassir Iqbal Ph.D. (Canada) M.Sc. (Sweden) M.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Italy) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) Visiting Faculty Prof. Engr. Farid Khan The prescribed syllabi and examination sta n d a rd s co m p a re favo ra b l y w i t h t h e standard of under-graduate work developed in U.K, USA and Canada. In addition to course work, the final year students are required to work on a project u n d e r t h e g u i d a n c e o f s e n i o r fa c u l t y members. Study tours and extension lectures are also arranged during the session for the benefit of the students. Second year or third year students during their summer break and final year students after passing the final examination in civil engineering may work with some recognized o rga n i za t i o n s , r e g i s t e r e d w i t h P E C o r government department or semi-government department to acquire practical training of 800 hours for award of degree. The Civil Engineering Department offers a post-graduate programe with specialization in structural engineering, water resources engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering and earthquake engineering. Academic Programmes Ø B.Sc Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Ø Ph.D. Civil Engineering Ø M.Sc M.Sc. (Pak) Field Visits Lab. Engineer Engr. Shams-ul-Khaliq The courses of study leading to the Degree of B.Sc civil engineering have been planned to offer a broad spectrum of civil engineering subjects. The curriculum lays emphasis on subjects of structures, irrigation, geot e c h n i c a l , t ra n s p o r t a t i o n e n g i n e e r i n g , environmental engineering and hydraulics. These courses include laboratory and design work. B.Sc. (Pak) Field visits to Civil Engineering projects of n a t i o n a l i m p o r t a n c e a re a r ra n g e d fo r students. Each year students and concerned faculty members visit facilities and projects with a high technical merit. Survey Camp Each year field course in surveying and leveling is arranged for students of third year Civil Engineering for a period of three weeks 09 for experience. The course includes hands-on work in contouring, triangulation, fly leveling and plane tabling. Laboratories The Department is supported by well-equipped laboratories having state-of-the-art machinery and equipment. It has the following laboratories: Ø Concrete Laboratory Ø Hydraulics Laboratory Ø Soil Mechanics & Highway Engineering Laboratory Ø Material Testing Laboratory Ø Surveying Laboratory Ø Public Health Engineering Laboratory Ø Postgraduate Computer Laboratory Ø Structural Engineering Laboratory Ø R & D Laboratory Ø Undergraduate Computer Laboratory Ø Earthquake Engineering Centre Research The faculty is involved in need-based research projects, continuously interacting with industry. In this regard some of the projects recently undertaken are: Ø Application of Slops Stability Techniques of Attenuation Relationship for Pakistan Ø Microzonation Map for Different Cities of Pakistan Ø Seismic Strength Evaluation of Masonry Buildings Ø Evaluation of Indigenous Pozzolanic Materials Ø Insulation Properties of Porous Bricks Cavity Walls and Other Indigenous Materials. Ø Shake Table Test of Reduced Scale Masonry and RC Structures. Ø Advanced Composite Materials Ø Bridge Assessment (Collapse Analysis) Ø Earthquake Resistance Design Ø Low Cost Water Filters Ø Cost and Performance Optimization of Bridge Superstructures Ø Development Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies Credit hours Semester 2 Total Contact hours Credit hours No. Course No. Course CE-107L Computer Programming for Civil Engg. 0 3 1 CE-112 Engineering Drawing for Civil Engineering 2 3 3 BSI-141 Communication and Presentation Skills 3 0 3 ME-191 Mech. Tech. & Heavy Const. Machinery 2 3 3 CE-106 Civil Engg. Material & Concrete Tech. 3 3 4 CE-116 Engineering Mechanics 2 3 3 BSI-101 Islamic Studies 2 0 2 BSI-110 Pakistan Studies 2 0 2 CE-115 Introduction to Civil Engineering Industry 0 3 1 BSI-231 Differential Equations 3 0 3 BSI-111 Linear Algebra 3 0 3 CE-210 Introduction to Architecture & Urban Planning 2 0 2 BSI-122 Calculus 3 0 3 14 9 14 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Semester 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 17 Credit hours Semester 4 Total 13 9 15 3 Contact hours Total 16 Credit hours No. Course No. Course CE-213 Building Construction and Drawings (CAD) 2 3 3 CE-212ΨΨ Fluid Mechanics - II 3 3 4 Lecture Lab. Lecture Lab. Total CE-206 Ψ Fluid Mechanics - I 3 0 3 CE-209 Ψ Geo-Technical Engineering - I 2 3 3 CE-214 Ψ Mechanics of Solids - I 3 3 4 CE-207 ΨΨ Surveying - II 3 3 4 CE-205 Ψ Surveying - I 3 3 4 CE-201 ΨΨ Mechanics of Solids - II 3 0 3 BSI-242 Numerical Analysis 3 0 3 BSI-351 Probability & Statistics 3 0 3 EE-106L Electrical Technology 0 3 1 14 12 14 9 14 4 14 3 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Semester 5 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 18 Credit hours Semester 6 Total No. Contact hours 17 Credit hours No. Course CE-312 Engineering Geology & Seismology 3 0 3 CE-320 Ψ Reinforced Concrete Design-I 3 0 3 CE-318L GIS/RS Application to CE (Geo-Info Engg.) 0 3 1 CE-301 ΨΨ Structural Analysis - II (Matrix Methods) 3 0 3 Lecture Lab. Course Lecture Lab. Total CE-313 ΨΨ Geo-Technical Engineering - II 2 3 3 CE-414 Hydrology & Water Management 3 0 3 CE-401 Ψ Environmental Engineering - I 3 3 4 CE-319 Foundation Engineering 3 0 3 Hydraulics 3 0 3 CE-310 Ψ Transportation Engineering-I 3 0 3 Structural Analysis - I 3 3 4 CE-408 ΨΨ Environmental Engineering-II 3 0 3 14 12 18 0 14 4 18 0 CE-303 CE-215 Ψ Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Semester 7 No. Course Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 18 Credit hours Semester 8 Total No. Project Planning, Mngt. & Engg. Eco CE-409 Steel Structure 3 0 3 Transportation Engineering-II 3 3 4 CE-309L Structural Engineering Software Application 0 3 1 CE-402 Irrigation Engineering CE-411 Project 0 9 3 CE-411 Project CE-419 Sustainable Dev. & Disaster Risk Management 3 0 3 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total Credit Hours = 136 Peshawar Campus CE-412 CE-421 Lecture Lab. CE-407 CE-311 3 Course 2 ΨΨ 3 Contact hours 11 18 11 6 CE-416 ΨΨ Ψ Credit hours Total Intro to Structural Dynamics and EQ Engg. 3 0 3 Quantity Surveying & Civil Engg. Practice 3 0 3 Reinforced Concrete Design-II 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 9 3 12 9 12 3 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 17 18 15 Pre-requistes for ΨΨ courses Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 10 Civil Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 FACULTY Department of Chairman Dr. Laiq Hasan Ph.D. (The Netherlands) Assistant Professors Dr. Nasir Ahmad Dr. Nasru Minallah Dr. Hamad Alizai Dr. Aftab Khan Engr. Zahid Wadood Mufti Engr. Ihsan Ul Haq Engr. Arbab Masood Engr. M. Athar Javed Sethi Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (Germany) Ph.D. (UK) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Lecturers Dr. Safdar Nawaz Marwat Ph.D. (Germany) Engr. Salim Ullah M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Sumayyea Salahuddin M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Madiha Sher M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Muniba Ashfaq M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Tariq Afridi M.Sc. (Germany) Engr. Irfan Ahmad M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Asif Ali Khan M.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Rehmat Ullah M.Sc. (Pak) Lab Engineers Engr. Shakir Ullah Engr. Amaad Khalil Engr. Sidra Gul Engr. Jebran Khan Engr. Atif Sardar M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) Computer Systems Engineering Computer Systems Engineering is a unique blend of selected fields from electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics required to design and develop computer systems. This branch of engineering provides the computational apparatus for technological growth in almost all fields of science and technology and has a huge impact on the economic development around the world. Once a blooming technology, it has now taken deep roots in every field of life. The Department of Computer Systems Engineering (DCSE) strives to impart skills such as digital systems design, computer programming, software engineering, digital signal processing, control systems and microprocessor based systems design and development. Such skills are required in a broad range of technological fields such as consumer and medical electronics, custom electronic design, digital communications systems, computer networks, transport systems, factory automation and digital computer graphics. The Computer Systems Engineering degree program is a combination of computer hardware and software engineering with a good foundation in electrical and electronics engineering. The degree Programme provides a combination of basic fundamental knowledge in computer systems, practical skills in hardware and software design, general problem solving skills required in designing and building systems, verbal and written communications, final year project work, exposure to a variety of existing and leading edge electronics hardware and software technologies. The course work is organized around key areas of Computer Systems Engineering and in quite a few cases; successful completion of basic course is a prerequisite for registration in an advanced course in a particular area. Academic Programmes Ø B.Sc. Computer Systems Engineering Ø M.Sc. Computer Systems Engineering Ø Ph.D. Computer Systems Engineering 11 Laboratories The Department boasts the following wellequipped laboratories, enabling students to get a strong practical grasp of the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom: Ø Electronics Laboratory Ø Microprocessor and Digital Electronics Laboratory Ø Digital Signal Processing & Digital Design Laboratory Ø Final Year Project Laboratory Ø Communication Laboratory Ø Control System Laboratory Ø Three general-purpose Computing Laboratories Internships & Field Visits Students are required to complete 800 hours of internship as part of the B.Sc. degree programme, which gives them a chance to explore and get hands-on training in their respective fields of interest. Visit to various industries and research organizations are a part of education training of engineers. Both long and short visits are arranged for students, providing them an opportunity to experience practical “engineering at work”. Research The department has a well-qualified faculty, which actively participates in the university's academic and research activities. Research activities are carried out in a variety of fields such as Networks, Communications, Digital Signal Processing, Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Advanced Digital Design and Computer A rc h i t e c t u r e , Pa t t e r n r e c o g n i t i o n a n d bioinformatics, digital image processing and faulttolerant computing. Engineering Programme Contact hours Semester 1 No. BSI-101 BSI-122 BSI-131 BSI-181 CSE-101 ME-106 Course Islamic Studies Calculus English Composition & Comprehension Applied Physics Computer Fundamentals Engineering Workshop Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Linear Algebra Complex Variables Digital Logic Design Circuits & System-II Object Oriented Programming Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. CSE-309 CSE-302 CSE-402 CSE-304 CSE-305 Course Communication Systems Systems Programming Digital Signal Processing Computer Organization & Architecture Engineering Economics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. CSE-401a BSI-120 CSE-310 CSE-4xx CSE-4xx Course Design Project-I Professional Ethics Control Systems Technical Elective-I Technical Elective-II Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. BSI-110 BSI-231 CSE-102 CSE-103 ME-104 BSI-141 2 3 2 4 4 1 13 13 9 3 16 Lecture Lab. Semester 4 Total No. CSE-204 CSE-301 CSE-206 CSE-209 CSE-210 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 15 15 9 3 18 Lecture Lab. Semester 6 Total No. CSE-303 CSE-307 CSE-308 CSE-403 CSE-311 0 3 3 3 0 3 4 4 4 3 15 15 9 3 18 Lecture Lab. Semester 8 Total No. CSE-401b CSE-406 CSE-4xx CSE-4xx 9 0 3 3 0 3 2 4 4 3 11 11 15 5 16 Course Data Communication & Networks Microprocessor Based System Design Digital System Design Database Management System Technical Writing Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 0 2 3 3 3 Course Operating Systems Signals & Systems Electronic Circuits Probability Methods in Engineering Data Structures and Algorithms Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Course Pakistan Studies Differential Equation Computer Programming Circuit & Systems-I Engineering Drawing & CAD Communication & Presentation Skills Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Contact hours Semester 7 Total 0 0 0 3 3 3 Contact hours Semester 5 Semester 2 2 3 2 3 3 0 Contact hours Semester 3 No. BSI-111 BSI-362 CSE-202 CSE-203 CSE-208 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Course Design Project-II Engineering Project Management Technical Elective-III Technical Elective-IV Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 2 3 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 3 0 2 3 4 4 3 2 15 15 9 3 18 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 4 4 4 3 4 15 15 12 4 19 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 4 4 4 4 3 15 15 12 4 19 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 0 3 3 3 9 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 3 12 Total Credit = 136 Note: Chairman of the Department is authorized to rearrange the order of courses form the approved courses, depending upon the availability of faculty and market demands. *List of Technical Electives (More elective courses could be added and the credit hours can be split according to the requirement of the University) u Embedded Systems u Enterpreniership u Computer Graphics u Advanced Computer Architecture u Artificial Intelligence u Network Modeling & Simulation u Digital Image Processing u Software Engineering u Fault Tolerant Computing u Advanced Electronics u Modern Programming Languages u Artificial Neural Network u Computer Security u Digital Communication u Parallel and Distributed Computing u Robotics u Wireless Communication & Networks u Discrete Structures u Web Engineering u Multimedia Communication u Numerical Analysis Peshawar Campus u Network Programming u Optical Networks u IP Networks u Human Computer Interaction u Special Topics Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 12 Computer Systems Engineering Scheme of Studies FACULTY Chairman Prof. Dr. Syed Waqar Shah Ph.D. (UK) Professors Prof. Dr. M. Naeem Arbab Ph.D. (UK) Prof. Dr. K.M. Yahya Ph.D. (USA) Prof. Dr. M. Inayatullah Khan Babar Ph.D (USA) Prof. Dr. Haseeb Zafar Ph.D. (UK) Prof. Dr. Amjadullah Ph.D. (Pak) Assistant Professors Engr. Gulzar Ahmad Engr. S.M. Majid Ashraf Engr. M. Iftikhar Khan Engr. Siddique Ali Dr. Gul Muhammad Khan Dr. Shahid Bashir Dr. Tariqullah Jan Dr. Sahibzada Ali Mehmud Engr. M. Usman Ali Engr. S.M Faheem M.S (USA) M.Sc.(Denmark) M.Sc.(Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D (UK) Ph.D. (UK) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Sweden) Lecturers Engr. Maha Gul Engr. Farah Mahmood Engr. Asiya Jahangir Engr. Muhammad Amir Engr. Imran Ashraf Engr. Bilal-ur-Rehman Engr. Seema Mir Akbar Engr. Hina Zahir Engr. Salman Illahi Engr. Saad Mobeen Engr. Zakaullah Zahid Engr. Faheem Ali Engr. Numan Khurshid Engr. Gul Rukh Engr. Uzma Nawaz M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Phil (UK) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Lab Engineers Engr. Seemab Gul Engr. Qurat-ul-Ain B.Sc. (Pak) B.Sc. (Pak) Department of Electrical Engineering The Department of Electrical Engineering was established in 1952 as part of the Faculty of Engineering. Ever since its inception the Department has provided cutting edge education to the people of this province, and its alumni are working at prestigious positions in various national and international organizations. The Department has expanded its academic activities and offers a rich menu of academic programs at various levels. Currently the Department is offering academic programs in two main st re a m s o f E l e c t r i ca l E n g i n e e r i n g , Communications and Power Engineering. The thrust of the Department is to prepare young Engineers who are fluent with the state of the art in the field of Electrical Engineering. The academic program is designed to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering alongwith specialized courses to cover the breadth of the ever expanding realm of Electrical Engineering. The faculty of the Department is highly qualified and is involved in active research, both locally and in collaboration with national and international research organizations. We are committed to transforming our students into leaders in innovation and technology who can manage and shape the industry and businesses of today and tomorrow. Academic Programmes (Power & Communication Streams) Ø B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Ø M.Sc. Electrical Engineering Ø Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 13 The Department offers a rigorous four year degree programme, based on applied mathematics, electronics (analog and digital) and Communications along with Power Engineering subjects. The broad based theoretical analysis is backed by hectic practice sessions in w e l l - e q u i p p e d l a b s . P re s e n t l y t h e Department has two disciplines, one is Electrical Communication Engineering a n d t h e o t h er is E lec t rica l Power Engineering. At postgraduate level, the Department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes both in Communication and Electrical Power E n g i n e e r i n g . T h e a re a s o f a c t i ve research include Biomedical Engineering, E l e c t ro n i c D e v i c e s a n d M a t e r i a l s , Intelligent Systems, Microelectronics and Computer Systems, Nano-engineering, Photonics Systems, Power Systems Engineering , Artificial Intelligence, Systems and Control, Telecommunications and Signal processing. This gives graduates an unparallel advantage in both technical skills and intellectual faculty to become leaders in overcoming the challenges of modern technological advancements. Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø High Voltage Laboratory Electronics Laboratory Power Systems Laboratory Machines Laboratory Control Systems Laboratory Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory Microprocessor & Digital Electronics Laboratory Communications & EMW Laboratory Faculty Computer Laboratory Computer Laboratory Field Visits Visits to various industries and research organizations are a part of education and training of graduate engineers. These visits are arranged for students to provide them with a window of opportunity through which they get a chance to peek at actual engineering at work. 14 Electrical Engineering Laboratories The Department has well-equipped laboratories in the following areas: Engineering Programme (Communication Group) Scheme of Studies Contact hours Electrical Engineering Semester 1 Credit hours Semester 2 Total Contact hours Credit hours No. Course No. Course BSI-122 Calculus 3 0 3 BSI-111 Linear Algebra 3 0 3 BSI-151 Electricity and Magnetism 3 3 4 EE-156 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 3 4 ME-100 Engineering Drawing 0 3 1 EE-170 Computer Programming 3 3 4 EE-121 Computer Fundamental 2 3 3 ME-162 Engineering Mechanics 3 0 3 BSI-101 Islamic Studies 2 0 2 EE-157 Workshop Technology 1 3 2 BSI-120 Professional Ethics 2 0 2 BSI-110 Pakistan Studies 2 0 2 BSI-142 English Composition & Comprehension 3 0 3 15 9 15 9 15 3 15 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Semester 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 18 Credit hours Semester 4 Total Contact hours Total 18 Credit hours No. Course No. Course BSI-231 Differential Equations 3 0 3 EE-202 Probability & Random Variables 3 0 3 EE-225 Digital Logic Design 3 3 4 EE-287 Engineering Economics 3 0 3 EE-200 Circuit Analysis-I 3 3 4 EE-201 Circuit Analysis-II 3 3 4 EE-271 Oops and Data Structures 2 3 3 BSI-242 Numerical Analysis 3 0 3 BSI-143 Communication & Presentation Skills 3 0 3 EE-345 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3 3 4 14 9 15 6 14 3 17 15 2 Contact hours Credit hours Semester 6 Total Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 5 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Total 17 Credit hours No. Course No. Course EE-336 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation 3 3 4 EE-312 Signal & Systems 3 3 4 EE-363 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3 0 3 EE-326 Micro-processor Base System Design 3 3 4 EE-497 Electronics Circuit - II (Breath Core-II) 3 3 4 CSE-303 Data Communication 3 3 4 EE-440 Electrical Machines 3 3 4 EE-388 Engineering Management 2 0 2 BSI-362 Complex Variables & Transforms 3 0 3 EE-391 Communication Systems 3 3 4 15 9 14 12 15 3 18 14 4 Contact hours Credit hours Semester 8 Total Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 7 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Total 18 Credit hours No. Course No. Course EE-496 Computer Communication Networks 3 3 4 EE-481 Control Systems 3 3 4 EE-4XX Elective-I 3 3 4 EE-4XX Elective - II 3 0 3 EE-286 Technical Report Writing 3 0 3 EE-4XX Elective - III 3 3 4 EE-478A Project 0 9 3 EE-478B Project 0 9 3 9 15 9 15 9 5 9 5 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 14 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total 14 Total Credit Hours = 135 15 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 Peshawar Campus Engineering Programme (Power Group) Semester 1 No. BSI-122 BSI-151 ME-100 EE-121 BSI-101 BSI-120 BSI-142 Course Calculus Electricity & Magnetism Electrical Engineering Drawing Computer Fundamentals Islamic Studies Professional Ethics English Composition and Comprehension Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 3 No. BSI-231 EE-225 EE-200 ME-211 BSI-243 EE-271 Course Differential Equations Digital Logic Design Circuits Analysis-I Applied Thermodynamics Communication & Presentation Skills Oops & Data Structures Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 2 Lecture Lab. Total No. BSI-111 EE-156 EE-170 BSI-162 EE-157 BSI-110 3 3 0 2 2 2 3 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 4 1 3 2 2 3 15 15 9 3 18 Credit hours Semester 4 Lecture Lab. Total No. EE-202 EE-287 EE-201 BSI-242 EE-345 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 0 0 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 17 17 9 3 20 Semester 7 Course Power Distribution & Utilization Technical Report Writing Elective-III Project Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 15 15 Credit hours Lab. Total 3 0 3 3 0 4 3 4 4 3 9 3 18 Semester 6 No. EE-312 EE-326 EE-391 EE-388 EE-205 Semester 8 Lecture Lab. Total No. EE-481 EE-4XX EE-4XX EE-478B 3 3 4 3 9 9 12 4 13 Course Signals & Systems Microprocessor Based System Design Communication Systems Engineering Management Elective-II Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 0 0 3 9 Course Probability & Random Variables Engineering Economics Circuit Analysis-II Numerical Analysis Electronic Devices & Circuits Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours 3 3 3 0 Course Linear Algebra Basic Electrical Engineering Computer Programming Engineering Mechanics Workshop Technology Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Lecture Course Electrical Measurements & Instrumentations 3 3 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3 Elective-I 3 Electrical Machines 3 Complex Variables & Transforms Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. EE-394 EE-286 EE-4XX EE-478A Credit hours Contact hours Semester 5 No. EE-336 EE-363 EE-230 EE-440 BSI-362 Contact hours Course Control Systems Elective-IV Elective-VI Project Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 3 3 3 1 2 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 4 4 3 2 2 15 15 9 3 18 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 3 3 4 3 4 15 15 6 2 17 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 0 3 4 4 4 2 4 14 14 12 4 18 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 3 3 0 3 0 3 9 4 3 4 3 9 9 15 5 14 Total Credit Hours = 135 . Peshawar Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 16 Electrical Engineering Scheme of Studies FACULTY Department of Chairman Prof. Dr. Iftikhar Hussain Ph.D. (UK) Professor Prof. Dr. Sahar Noor Ph.D. (UK) Assistant Professors Dr. Shahid Maqsood Engr. Rashid Nawaz Engr. Syed Asif Ali Shah Dr. Misbah Ullah Engr. Fawad Haidar Ph.D. (UK) M.Sc. (USA) M.Sc. (USA) Ph.D. (S.Korea) M.Sc. (UK) Lecturers Dr. Rehman Akhtar Engr. Aamir Sikandar Engr. Imran Ahmad Engr. Sikandar Bilal Khattak Engr. Altaf Hussain Engr. Khawar Naeem Engr. Muhammad Omair Industrial Engineering Ph.D. (USA) M.Sc. (UK) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) M.Sc. (Pak) Lab Engineers Engr. Ishrat Noor B.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Abdur Rehman B.Sc. (Pak) Engr. Mahawish Mahmood B.Sc. (Pak) Industrial Engineering is a discipline which can contribute a lot towards the optimization and integration of resources, streamlining of processes, eliminating waste, meeting targets and improving quality. With such a powerful combination of various engineering elements coupled with strong management sciences, it was inevitable to launch an Industrial Engineering (IE) discipline at University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar to produce proper knowledgeable and skilled people for our manufacturing and service sectors. The UET Peshawar launched the IE program in September 2006. Our curricula both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels are rich in contents covering manufacturing, optimization, quality, ergonomics and management. Working engineers from other engineering disciplines also opt for industrial engineering because their nature of jobs highly demand for industrial engineering knowledge. Our graduates are successfully serving both in national and multinational organizations. Most of our industries use conventional technologies and conventional techniques to manage them with minimum R & D activities. The result is, low productivity, low quality, more waste, and comparatively high unit price. With such a performance and output, it is very difficult to compete even with the neighboring countries. At the national level, it is the question of survival of our local industries which are facing competition from China, India, Bangladesh and other countries from Far East. Customers are free lancers. They buy products which are affordable and better in quality, whether these products are made in Pakistan or by any other country. We need to streamline and improve the performance of our industries and at the same time need to go for the emerging technologies to compete at the international level to widen the scope and contribute more effectively towards the economy. The future prospects of industrial engineers are bright not only in Pakistan but also abroad. They are typically found in organizations responsible for managing operations, manufacturing systems, process engineering, automation, supply chain management, quality control, sales, banking, hospitals, airports etc. Studying industrial engineering is one of the smartest decisions, because it is estimated that demand for these professionals will continue to rise every year. Industrial engineers are among the best paid professionals. Academic Programmes Ø B.Sc. Industrial Engineering Ø M.Sc. Industrial Engineering Ø Ph.D. Industrial Engineering Laboratories Almost all subjects are augmented by practical work/tutorials. The students are trained in the following laboratories: Ø Central Workshops Ø Automation & Robotics Laboratory Ø Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory Ø Metrology Laboratory Ø Mechanics Laboratory Ø Materials & Surface Engineering Laboratory Ø CNC Machines Laboratory Ø Computer Laboratory Ø Ergonomics (Human Factors Engineering) Laboratory Ø Virtual Manufacturing Laboratory Practical Training As a requirement for graduation, every student must complete 800 hours of practical work / apprenticeship in an industry. Students are allowed to complete this requirement during summer holidays but not before the 4th semester. Field Visits Industrial visits are regularly conducted to broaden the breadth and depth of technical and practical Industrial Engineering knowledge. Research The Faculty of Industrial Engineering is actively involved in research activities, providing solution to problems of different industries in the following areas: Ø Manufacturing Systems Ø Industrial Processes Ø Inventory Control Ø Quality Control Ø Operations Research Ø Industrial Management Ø Supply Chain Management Ø Human Factors Engineering 17 Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies No. BSI-101 BSI-142 BSI-110 BSI-122 ME-105 IE-115 Course Islamic Studies English Composition and Comprehension Pak Studies Calculus Engineering Drawing Introduction to Computing Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 2 3 2 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 15 15 6 2 Contact hours Semester 3 No. BSI-351 IE-234 IE-235 IE-242 IE-237 Lecture Lab. Course Probability & Statistics Basic Industrial Engineering Materials Engineering Mechanical Technology** Mechanics of Materials Lecture Lab. 3 2 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 Credit hours Semester 2 Total No. BSI-143 BSI-231 BSI-111 BSI-181 IE-122 IE-121 2 3 2 3 4 3 17 Credit hours Total 3 2 4 4 4 Contact hours Course Presentation & Communication Skills Differential Equations Applied Linear Algebra Applied Physics Engineering Management Workshop Practice Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Engineering Economics Introduction to Computer Aided Design Logical and Critical Thinking* Manufacturing Processes Technical Writing and Comprehension Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Numerical Analysis Metrology and Statistical Quality Control Manufacturing Systems Operation Research Work Study and Methods Engineering Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 7 No. IE-472 IE-358 IE-412 IE-4XX IE-498 9 3 Contact hours Semester 5 No. BSI-242 IE-353 IE-352 IE-356 IE-355 14 14 Course Design of Experiments** Industrial Facilities Design Operations of Manufacturing Systems Elective-I*** Project Phase-I Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total Credit Hours = 133 *Can be replaced by some other course of Social Sciences **Can be replaced by courses from other Disciplines of Engineering ***Can be replaced by a course of 4 Credit Hours List of Elective Courses Peshawar Campus Lecture Lab. 17 Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 14 14 12 4 18 Contact hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total 3 2 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 9 3 3 4 4 3 11 11 18 6 17 No. IE-360 IE-361 IE-232 IE-366 Course Industrial System Simulation Human Factor Engineering Management of Engineering Projects Production Planning & Control IE-367 Industrial Maintenance and Safety Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Elective-II Elective-III Elective-IV*** Project Phase-II 3 3 3 3 3 15 15 0 3 0 3 0 6 2 Lecture Lab. 2 2 3 2 3 12 12 3 3 0 3 0 9 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours List of Elective Courses IE-474 IE-414 IE-416 IE-480 IE-430 IE-410 IE-362 IE-401 IE-425 IE-450 IE-422 Lecture Lab. Contact hours Semester 8 No. IE-4XX IE-4XX IE-4XX IE-499 0 0 0 3 0 6 9 3 Contact hours Semester 6 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 3 3 3 2 3 0 14 14 Contact hours Semester 4 No. IE-241 IE-236 IE-243 IE-244 IE-248 Lecture Lab. CAD/CAM Human Resource Management Computer Integrated Manufacturing Metal Forming & Cutting Analysis Tool and Die Design Automation and Control Total Quality Management Management Information System Reliability Analysis Special Topics Logistics Management 3 3 3 0 9 9 3 3 3 9 18 6 Lecture Lab. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 Credit hours Total 3 4 3 4 3 17 Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credit hours Total 4 4 4 3 15 Credit hrs 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Ø Subject to change Ø Theory & Lab courses are treated separately and code for lab courses is followed by L. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 18 Industrial Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 FACULTY Chairman Prof. Muhammad Pervez Department of M.Sc (Pak) Mechanical Engineering Professors Prof. Dr. Irfan Ullah Prof. Dr. M.A Irfan Prof. Dr. Rizwan M. Gul Prof. Dr. Hamid Ullah Prof. Dr. M. Naeem Khan Ph.D. (USA) Ph.D. (USA) Ph.D. (USA) Ph.D. (Thailand) Ph.D. (Pak) Associate Professor Engr. Iftikhar Ahmad Engr. M. Masood Ahmad Dr. Afzal Khan M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Ph.D. (USA) Assistant Professors Engr. Muhammad Ali Arif Dr. S. Shaukat Ali Shah Dr. Khizar Azam Dr. Muhammad Ali Kamran Engr. Umar Ibrahim Engr. Feroz Shah Engr. Ihsan Ullah Dr. M. Alamzeb Khan Dr. Muhammad Sadiq M.Sc (UK) Ph.D. (Thailand) Ph.D. (Pak) Ph.D. (UK) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (USA) Lecturers Engr. Bilal Ahmad Engr. Tabassum Yasmin Engr. Naveed Ullah Engr. Naveed Ahmad Engr. Fakhre Alam Engr. Zuhaib Ali Khan Engr. Adeel Ahmad Engr. Fazli Yazdan Engr. Zeeshan Zahir Engr. Adnan Rasheed M.Sc (UK) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (USA) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Lab Engineer Engr. M. Usman Khan 19 M.Sc (Pak) The knowledge of mechanical engineering is used to build useful products and devices for society. This can range from a device as small as a catheter injected into the human body, to a fax machine or printer, to a modern jet engine, to as large as a power plant for a major city. heat transfer lab, metallurgy lab, computer lab, and a rapid proto-typing lab. In the area of production and manufacturing, facilities include conventional and CNC machine tools. Also included are Dynamics & Vibration lab, Control & instrumentation lab, and advance CAD/CAM lab. Mechanical engineering encompasses the generation, conversion, transmission, and utilization of mechanical and thermal energy. This includes design, construction, and operation of all kinds of mechanical and thermal devices and systems. Of all the engineering disciplines, Mechanical Engineering offers the greatest breadth, f l e x i b i l i t y, a n d i n d i v i d u a l i t y. I n d e e d , Mechanical Engineering education is an ideal preparation for working and living in a technological world. Industrial visits are regularly conducted every year to broaden the horizon of students and to appraise them with the industry of Pakistan. Academic Programmes Research Ø B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Faculty is actively involved in research in the areas of vibration, design, stress analysis, materials engineering , impact analysis, mechanisms and applications of artificial Intelligence in mechanical engineering. Ø M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Ø Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Laboratories Practical work in laboratories is an essential part of the curriculum. Almost all subjects taught are augmented by practicals in the laboratories. The Department has a Thermodynomaics & Fuels lab, Power Plants lab, Fluid Mechanics lab, refrigeration lab, Computing Facilities The Department has three well-equipped computer laboratories with networked PCs. Latest CAD and simulation software prepare the students to be well versed with current computer applications. Industrial Visits Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies No. BSI-101 BSI-110 BSI-122 EE-109 EE-109L ME-106 ME-108 BSI-142 Course Islamic Studies Pakistan Studies Calculus Electrical Technology Electrical Technology Lab Engineering Workshops Computer Programming Lab English Composition & Comprehension Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Linear Algebra Engineering Dynamics Engineering Dynamics Lab Fluid Mechanics-I Solid Mechanics-II Solid Mechanics-II Lab CAD-I Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. BSI-231 BSI-143 ME-101 ME-206 ME-206L ME-105 ME-105L ME-203 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 17 Credit hours Semester 4 Total No. BSI-242 ME-207 ME-207L ME-215 ME-202 ME-202L 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 12 12 12 4 16 3 0 3 3 3 3 0 18 18 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 Contact hours Course Production Automation Production Automation Lab Power Plants-II Heat & Mass Transfer Heat & Mass Transfer Lab Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Instrumentation Project Total 0 0 3 0 0 3 6 Lecture Lab. Mechanics of Machines & Vibration Mechanics of Machines & Vibration Lab Machine Design-II Engineering Materials Engineering Economics Manufacturing Processes Manufacturing Processes Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Semester 2 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship 3 Semester 7 No. ME-402 ME-402L ME-406 ME-404 ME-404L ME-407 ME-405 ME-411 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 0 12 4 Contact hours Semester 5 No. ME-302 ME-301 ME-301L ME-305 ME-307 ME-309 ME-304 ME-304L 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 3 13 13 Contact hours Semester 3 No. BSI-111 ME-201 ME-201L ME-102 ME-204 ME-204L ME-205 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Lecture Lab. 3 0 3 3 0 3 2 0 14 14 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 9 15 5 Semester 6 Total No. ME-310 ME-308 ME-306 ME-306L ME-303 ME-303L ME-315 Credit hours Semester 8 Total No. ME-407L ME-408 ME-408L ME-403 ME-409 ME-410 ME-411 19 Lecture Lab. 3 3 3 3 0 2 0 3 17 17 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 6 2 Contact hours Course Numerical Analysis Engineering Metallurgy Engineering Metallurgy Lab Machine Design-I Fluid Mechanics-II Fluid Mechanics-II Lab Lecture Lab. Course Ethical & Legal Dimensions of Engineering Quality Engineering Power Plants-I Power Plants-I Lab Mechatronics Mechatronics Lab CAD-II Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 19 Credit hours Total 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 12 12 6 2 14 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 2 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 11 11 12 4 15 Contact hours Course Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Lab Automatic Controls Instrumentation & Control Lab Maintenance Engineering Industrial Management Industrial Health & Safety Project Credit hours 3 3 0 3 3 0 Contact hours Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 20 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 Course Differential Equations Communication & Presentation Skills Engineering Statics Thermodynamics Thermodynamics Lab Engineering Drawing & Graphics Engineering Drawing & Graphics Lab Solid Mechanics-I Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 Contact hours Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 0 3 0 2 3 2 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 9 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 10 10 15 5 15 Total Credit Hours = 135 *Project will be covered in 7th & 8th semesters Peshawar Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 20 Mechanical Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 Director Institute of Associate Professor Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khan Ph.D. (Canada) Dr. haji Faridullah Khan Dr. Izhar-ul-Haq Dr. Kamran Shah Dr. Shahzad Anwar Engr. Muhammad Akmal Engr. Sheraz Ali Khan Ph.D. (Canada) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) M.Sc (USA) M.Sc (Pak) Engr. Hamid Khan Engr. Sikandar Khan Engr. Zubair Ahmad Engr. Ms. Nayyar Fazal Engr. Ms. Anam Abid Engr. Ms. Sadaf Sardar B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Engr. Ms. Gulbadan Sikandar B.Sc (Pak) Engr. Muhammad Tufail M.Sc (Bangkok) Engr. Bilal Ahmad M.Sc (UK) Engr. Faiz Muhammad M.Sc (Pak) Mechatronics Engineering Modern day machines increasingly incorporate electronics and microprocessors for intelligent control and increased efficiency such as electronic control of engines, computer control of machine tools, Robots, medical equipment and items of our daily life including automobiles, digital cameras, smart phones, tablets, DVD players and kitchen appliances. Design, production and operation of these machines require engineers with a k n o w l e d g e b a s e a c q u i re d f ro m m u l t i engineering disciplines. Mechatronics Engineering is a relatively new but very exciting field that combines knowledge from the disciplines of Mechanical, Electronic and Computer Engineering. The Institute has a very good number of PhD faculty members who have specialized knowledge in the field of Mechatronics Engineering thus enabling it to offer MS and PhD degree programs of its own. The Undergraduate program of the Institute of Mechatronics Engineering not only draws upon the expertise of its PhD faculty members but also has at its disposal, highly talented faculty members who hold Master degrees in engineering from reputed universities across the country and abroad. The Undergraduate degree program in Mechatronics Engineering is constantly reviewed and upgraded through the help and guidance of eminent academicians and experts from Pakistan and abroad, making it a cutting edge program that best meets the requirements of our industry. The Institute of Mechatronics Engineering has 21 been setup by the University as a state of the art facility with all amenities required for a modern higher education institute in engineering. The campus is situated in Hayatabad Peshawar, and is spread over an area of 45 kanals. A regular shuttle bus service is provided to connect it with the main campus. The Institute of Mechatronics has a host of laboratory facilities to help hone the practical and hands-on skills of its students. Recently through funding from the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, a state of the art PLC Training Laboratory has been setup that features twelve Siemens S7-1200 PLC training modules. Besides the laboratories mentioned below, students of this institute also avail the lab facilities of other departments of the university. Laboratories Ø Electrical & Electronics Laboratory Ø Microcontroller and Microprocessor Laboratory Ø Mechatronics Design Laboratory Ø Fabrication Shop Ø Robotics Laboratory Ø Instrumentation & Control Laboratory Ø Manufacturing Automation Laboratory Ø Computational Laboratory Ø PLC Training Laboratory Degree Programs Ø B.Sc Mechatronics Engineering Ø M.Sc Mechatronics Engineering Ø Ph.D Mechatronics Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 No. Course BSI-173 BSI-143 MtE-101 BSI-101 BSI-110 MtE-103 MtE-105 Calculus & Analytic Geometry Communication Skills Engineering Statics Islamic Studies Pakistan Studies Workshop Practice Electric Circuits Theory Lab. Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits No. BSI-112 MtE-201 MtE-205 MtE-221 MtE-203 MtE-233 Course Vector Calculus Dynamics Electronic Principles & Devices Materials & Manufacturing Processes Thermodynamics & Heart Transfer Digital Logic Design Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits No. MtE-350 MtE-311 MtE-316 MtE-317 MtE-321 MtE-323 Course Microprocessor & Microcontrollers Transducers and Instrumentation Mechanical Vibrations Theory of Machines Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits No. MtE-405 MtE-422 MtE-451 MtE-453 MtE-441 Course Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits ODE & Linear Algebra Applied Physics Engineering Drawing Network Analysis Computer Programming Technical Report Writing 3 18 18 Theory Lab. Theory Lab. Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits Semester 4 Total No. Course BSI-362 MtE-211 MtE-254 MtE-222 MtE-225 MtE-231 Transforms & Complex Analysis Electronic Circuits Design Professional Ethics Mechanics of Materials Electromechanical Systems Data Structures & Object Oriented Prog. 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 17 3 20 56 Semester 6 Total No. Course MtE-351 MtE-313 MtE-322 MtE-325 MtE-328 Probability Methods in Engg Power Electronics Design Mech Elem & CAD/CAM Mechatronics System Design Control Systems 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 3 3 15 6 21 97 Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits Semester 8 Total No. Course MtE-423 MtE-424 MtE-441 Engineering Elective I Engineering Elective II Senior Design Project 1 1 0 0 3 4 3 3 3 3 11 5 16 131 14 4 18 36 Lab. 0 1 0 1 1 1 Total 3 4 2 3 4 4 16 4 20 76 Credit hours Total 3 3 2 2 3 0 1 1 2 1 3 4 3 4 4 13 5 18 115 Contact hours Credit hours Theory Lab. Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits Credit hours 3 3 2 2 3 3 Theory Lab. Credit hours 3 2 3 3 0 3 3 2 3 4 3 Contact hours Credit hours Total 0 0 2 1 1 0 Theory Total Credit Hours Cummulative Credits Credit hours 3 3 0 2 3 3 Contact hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 2 Theory Lab. Robotics Industrial Automation Management Sciences Elective Engineering Economics Senior Design Project Course BSI-232 BSI-181 MtE-104 MtE-111 MtE-131 MtE-158 15 Contact hours Semester 7 No. 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 Theory Lab. Numerial Methods Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics & Pneumatics Total 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 Contact hours Semester 5 Semester 2 3 3 3 2 2 0 2 Contact hours Semester 3 Contact hours Credit hours Total 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 6 3 9 140 Total Credit Hours = 140 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 22 FACULTY Chairman Engr. Amanul Mulk Department of M.Sc (USA) Mining Engineering Professor Prof. Dr. Noor Mohammad Ph.D. (UK) Associate Professors Engr. Siddique Akbar Engr. Feroz Din Dr. M. Waqar Ali Asad M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Ph.D. (USA) Assistant Professors Engr. Ehtashamullah Khan Engr. Nisar Mohammad Engr. Salim Raza Dr. Ishaq Ahmad Dr. Khan Muhammad M.Sc (UK) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Ph.D. (Germany) Ph.D. (UK) Lecturers Dr. Safi-ur-Rehman Engr. Saira Sherin Engr. Talat Bilal Ph.D. (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Lab. Engineers Engr. Zahid-ur-Rehman Engr. Sajjad Hussain B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Mining Engineering is one of the most progressive industries today based on its reliance on the state-of-the-art technology for the provision of basic raw materials to other industries. Mineral sector is playing a crucial role in the economic uplift of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It provides raw materials for a number of mineral based industries including construction, power, mechanical, electrical, ceramics, paints, etc. The graduates of this department are employed in the public sector including Mines and Minerals Development Department, Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC), Oil and Gas Development Corporation Ltd (OGDCL), Pakistan Stone Development Company (PASDEC), Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) and various other private organizations like cement manufacturing operations and other mining related projects. Academic Programmes Ø B.Sc in Mining Engineering Ø M.Sc in Mining Engineering Ø Ph.D in Mining Engineering Laboratories The Department is equipped with following laboratories: Ø Mineral Processing Laboratory Ø Surveying Laboratory Ø Rock Mechanics Laboratory Ø Ventilation, and Safety Laboratory Ø Geology Laboratory Ø Computer Laboratory 23 Research Faculty research is actively pursued in the Department. Faculty members have been working on a number of research projects of national importance. Solution of mineral industry's real problems is the primary focus of current research. These projects include the development of improved mine planning and design as well as processing techniques. Improvement of working conditions and occupational health and safety in mines is another important area of research. Students both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels actively participate in t h e s e re s e a rc h p ro j e c t s u n d e r fa c u l t y supervision. Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies No. MinE-101 MinE-101L BSI-116 BSI-116L BSI-111 BSI-142 BSI-101 BSI-110 Course Introduction to Mining Engineering Introduction to Mining Engineering (Lab) Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry (Lab) Linear Algebra English Composition & Comprehension Islamic Studies Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Principles of Explosive Engineering Mineralogy & Petrology Computer Applications Lab Differential Equations Mechanics of Solids -I Mechanics of Solids -I Lab Fluid Mechanics-I Fluid Mechanics-I Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Structural Geology Structural Geology Lab Surface Mine Design Underground Mine Design Mine Design Lab Mine Surveying-I Mine Surveying-I Lab Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 15 14 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 9 3 Lecture Lab. 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 15 14 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 12 4 Contact hours Semester 7 No. MinE-401 MinE-415L MinE-403 MinE-404 MinE-404L MinE-405 MinE-407L MinE-42x* 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 2 Contact hours Semester 5 No. MinE-204 MinE-204L MinE-301 MinE-302 MinE-300L MinE-303 MinE-303L MinE-311 MinE-311L 3 0 3 0 3 3 2 2 16 16 Contact hours Semester 3 No. MinE-201 MinE-211 MinE-106L BSI-231 CE-104 CE-104L CE-206 CE-206L Lecture Lab. Course Strata Control Strata Control and Rock Mechanics Lab Mine Power Drainage & Material Handling Mineral Processing-I Mineral Processing-I Lab Technical Report Writing Senior Design Project Departmental Elective-II*** Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 15 14 0 3 0 0 3 0 6 0 12 4 Credit hours Semester 2 Total No. MinE-104 BSI-162 BSI-162L BSI-122 ME-104 ME-104L EE-209 ME-107L 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 18 Credit hours Semester 4 Total No. MinE-215 MinE-304 MinE-206L BSI-242 BSI-351 ME-209 ME-209L BSI-221L 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 17 Credit hours Semester 6 Total No. MinE-306 MinE-307 MinE-307L MinE-312 MinE-32x* UET BSI-102 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 Course General Geology Engineering Mechanics Engineering Mechanics Lab Calculus Engineering Drawing & CAD CAD Lab Applied Electricity Engineering Workshop Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours Semester 8 Total No. MinE-407L MinE-408 MinE-409 MinE-410 MinE-410L MinE-413 MinE-414L 18 Lecture Lab. 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 15 13 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 9 3 Contact hours Course Utilization of Industrial Minerals Rock Mechanics Geology Lab Numerical Analysis Probability & Statistics Applied Thermodynamics Applied Thermodynamics Lab Computer Programming Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. 3 3 0 3 3 3 0 0 15 14 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 9 3 Contact hours Course Mine Economics & Management Mine Surveying-II Mine Surveying-II Lab Coal Technology Departmental Elective-I* Free Elective** Professional Ethics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 18 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 Contact hours Lecture Lab. Total 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 16 Credit hours Total 2 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 17 Credit hours Total 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 18 17 3 1 18 Contact hours Course Senior Design Project Mine Rescue & Safety Mine Ventilation Mineral Processing-II Mineral Processing-II Lab Mining Laws Mine Rescue Safety & Ventilation Lab First Aid Certification**** Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 12 11 12 4 15 Total Credit Hours = 137 * MinE-321 Drilling Technology, MinE-322 Extractive Mteallurgy, MinE-323 Cement Technology ** Free Elective: any course from UET *** MinE-421 System Analysis, MinE-422 Mechanical Mining Techniques, MinE-423 Gems & Gemology, MinE-424 Stone Engineering Peshawar Campus **** The students have to complete First Aid Course as a requirement for award of B.Sc Mining Engineering Degree. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 24 Mining Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 FACULTY Coordinator Dr. Imran Khan Ph.D. (Thailand) Chairman Dr. Sadaqat Jan Department of Computer Software Engineering Ph.D. (UK) Mardan Campus Semester Coordinator Dr. Ibrar Ali Shah Ph.D. (UK) Associate Professors Dr. Sadaqat Jan Ph.D. (UK) Assistant Professors Dr. Muhammad Shafi Dr. Ibrar Ali Shah Dr. Samad Baseer Engr. Muhammad Usman Engr. Imran Maqsood Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (Thailand) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Lecturers Engr. Fahimullah Khan Engr. Muhammad Ishaq Engr. Shaharyar Engr. Sohail Khan Engr. Zafar Ali Shah Engr. Lubna Gul M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Lab Engineer Engr. Humayon Khan B.Sc (Pak) Lab Instructor Engr. Lailma Javed Software Engineering is the discipline which deals with developing and maintaining software applications by applying technologies and practices from engineering, computer science, project management and other applicable fields. This branch of engineering is the thorough understanding of the entire process from Planning to Design, Development, Testing and Deployment. Department Mission: The primary mission of this program is to teach and equip students with knowledge of the concepts, techniques, skills and tools for developing modern medium and large-scale software systems. Students with a BSc. degree in Software Engineering will be prepared for professional careers in the software industry which is an exponentially growing economic sector vital for the technological advancement and the competitiveness of the state and the nation. Academic Programmes B.Sc (Pak) Ø B.Sc Software Engineering Basic Sciences Faculty Ø M.Sc Software Engineering Dr. M. Abbas Mehmood Ø Ph.D Software Engineering Ph.D. (Thailand) Physics Dr. Iltaf Hussain Ph.D (Pak) Mathematics Dr. Murtaza Ali Bangash Ph.D. (Pak) Mathematics Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Khan M.Sc (Pak) Mathematics Mrs. Shazia Habib M.Sc (Pak) Mathematics Mrs. Nazneen Hakeem M.A (Pak) English Visiting Faculty Mr. Nafi Gul Mr. Amjad Ali 25 M.A (Pak) Islamiat M.A (Pak) Pak. Study The Software Engineering Department is offering B.Sc. degree since 2002 while it's M.Sc. and PhD programs started in the years 2011 and 2012, respectively. Software engineering encompasses a wide range of topics including software requirements, specification, analysis, design, implementation, verification, deployment, reuse, project management and evolution of software products. An orthogonal perspective of the discipline includes engineering Software Systems for performance, reliability, security, scalability, maintainability, etc. It also encompasses the economic and organizational aspects. Career Opportunities Graduates can expect career opportunities in software design and development in a variety of application areas. Software engineering graduates are particularly well-suited to work as members or leaders of software project teams. They have the knowledge and skills to help them develop quality software within schedule and cost constraints. About 295,000 n ew co m p u te r s o f t wa re e n g i n e e rs a re expected to be added to the workforce through 2018, a huge increase for a job already in demand. Research We have several fulltime Ph.D. faculty members actively pursuing research in areas like Human Computer Interaction, Software Te s t i n g , C o m p u t e r V i s i o n , C o m p u t e r Networks, Semantic Web as well as Parallel Computing and Grids. Computing Facilities There are five state of the art computer laboratories in the Department. These labs contain every instrument and software required in the software engineering courses. As power shortage is a big problem in Pakistan, Laboratories are backed up with a powerful generator. In addition, department also has an I/O interfacing lab to equip students with processors/embedded systems programming. Engineering Programme Contact hours Semester 1 No. SE-101 SE-101L SE-102 SE-102L BSI-101 BSI-122 BSI-133 BSI-181 Course Introduction to Computing Introduction to Computing Lab Introduction to Programming Introduction to Programming Lab Islamic Studies Calculus Functional English Applied Physics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Data Structures and Algorithms Data Structures and Algorithms Lab Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab Introduction to Software Engineering Pakistan Studies Linear Algebra Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. Course SE Elective-II Human Computer Interaction Software Project Management General Education Elective-III Project Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total No. SE-103 SE-104 SE-104L BSI-120 BSI-134 BSI-xxx BSI-xxxL 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 Credit hours Semester 4 Total No. SE-xxx SE-xxxL SE-206 SE-206L SE-209 SE-209L BSI-xxx BSI-xxx 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 14 14 6 2 16 15 15 Credit hours Semester 6 Lab. Total 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 No. SE-xxx SE-302 SE-302L SE-305 SE-305L SE-307 BSI-xxx BSI-xxx 6 2 17 Lecture Lab. 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 11 11 9 3 Credit hours Semester 8 Total No. SE-xxx SE-xxxL SE-xxx SE-309 BSI-xxx SE-405b 3 3 3 2 3 14 Contact hours Course Discrete Structures Object Oriented Programming Object Oriented Programming Lab Professional Ethics Communication & Presentation Skills Math/Science Elective I Math/Science Elective I Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 18 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 Contact hours Semester 7 Semester 2 3 0 3 0 3 2 3 Lecture Course 3 CS Elective-II 0 CS Elective-II Lab 3 Software Requirements Engineering 3 Operating Systems 0 Operating Systems Lab 3 Probability and Statistics Technical Writing for Software Engineers 3 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. SE-xxx SE-401 SE-402 BSI-xxx SE-405a 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 2 Contact hours Semester 5 No. SE-xxx SE-xxxL SE-207 SE-304 SE-304L BSI-351 SE-210 2 0 3 0 2 3 3 3 16 16 Contact hours Semester 3 No. SE-202 SE-202L SE-203 SE-203L SE-204 BSI-110 BSI-111 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Lecture Lab. 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 14 14 6 2 16 Lecture Lab. 3 0 2 0 3 0 3 3 14 14 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 9 3 Contact hours Course SE Elective-I Software Design and Architecture Software Design and Architecture Lab Computer Communication & Networks Computer Communication & Networks Lab Software Quality Engineering Math/Science Elective- III General Education Elective-II Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Lecture Lab. 3 2 0 3 0 3 3 3 17 17 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 6 2 Contact hours Course CS Elective-III CS Elective-III Lab SE Elective-III Entrepreneurship General Education Elective-IV Project Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total 3 3 0 2 3 3 0 Contact hours Course CS Elective-I CS Elective-I Lab Software Construction Software Construction Lab Introduction to Database Systems Introduction to Database Systems Lab Math/Science Elective-II General Education Elective-I Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 17 Credit 17 hours Total 3 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 19 Credit hours Total 3 0 3 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 3 1 3 2 2 3 10 10 12 4 14 Total Credit Hours = 131 Mardan Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 26 Computer Software Engineering Scheme of Studies FACULTY Coordinator Dr. Imran Khan Ph.D. (Thailand) Chairman Dr. Shahbaz Khan Department of Telecommunication Engineering Mardan Campus Ph.D. (UK) Semester Coordinator Miss. Naznina Hakim Khan M.A (Pak) Assistant Professors Dr. Imran Khan Dr. Akhtar Khalil Dr. Shoaib Khan Dr. Naveed Mufti Dr. M. Abbas Mahmood Dr. Murtaza Ali Bangash Dr. Akhtar Nawaz Khan Engr. Aziz Ahmad Khan Engr. Jalal Khan Engr. Shagufta Naz Ph.D. (Thailand) Ph.D (UK) Ph.D (UK) Ph.D (UK) Ph.D (Thailand) Ph.D (Pak) Ph.D (Thailand) M.Sc (UK) M.Sc (UK) M.Sc (Pak) Lecturers Engr. Sajjad Ali Engr. Zawar Hussain Engr. Nagina Zareen Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Khan Miss. Shazia Habib Miss. Naznina Hakim Khan M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (USA) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.A (Pak) Lab-Engineers Engr. Usman Ali Engr. Saida Jabeen Engr. Marina Karim Engr. Gul Rukh Engr. Usman Ali B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) The world of Telecommunication is evolving so rapidly that the devices and techniques that are new today will be tools you are expected to understand and use by the time you graduate. Because of the relentless drive of the technological evolution, you need to understand the fundamental principles underlying the technologies, be skilled in their application and be able to adapt rapidly to technological changes throughout your career. T h e d e p a r t m e nt c u r re nt l y o ffe rs B . S c . Telecommunication Engineering programme which is in conformance with the guidelines of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The B.Sc. programme is a broadbased course which aims to produce wellro u n d e d e n g i n e e rs w i t h h i g h l e ve l o f analytical and engineering design skills. Graduates will develop a sound knowledge of all aspects of Telecommunication Engineering and related areas. Research The department provides a research friendly environment. Our laboratories have state of the art testing equipment and software simulators. Journals: Conferences papers: Ø Book Chapters: Ø Research 20 42 03 Research Projects T h e d e p a r t m e nt o f Te l e co m m u n i cat i o n Engineering is at the forefront of innovation and excellence in Engineering through consistent and expanding research. Our faculty members have successfully collaborated with the local and international Industry to design Engineering solutions for our local problems. The department recently received a research grant of Rs. 25.5 million from the ICT R&D Fund Islamabad, for research and development under the project called 'Crop Estimation and Geographic Mapping System (CEGMaS)'. Project CEGMaS will focus on identification and classification of tobacco crop and its seven species through the use of advance 27 CEGMaS is a collaborative research project of UET, Peshawar and the Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) and would last for 3 years. Among many other benefits of the project, the project also provides funding for two Ph.D. studentships. It is hoped that the project will help in capacity building of UET in areas including Remote Sensing and GIS. Laboratories Ø Fibre Optics Systems Ø Basic Electronics Ø Applied Physics Ø Wireless Communication Ø Antenna design Ø Microwave Engineering Ø Communication Electronics Ø Radar and Digital Communication Ø Principles of Communication Ø Final Year Project Laboratory Ø Control Research Output Ø Research image processing techniques over Hyperspectral satellite imagery providing tobacco crop yield estimates to various stakeholders of the Tobacco Industry and the Government's regulatory bodies. CEGMaS will include the pilot regions of Shergarh (District Mardan) and Sawabi – both regions contribute to over 75% of the total tobacco grown in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. To enhance the accuracy of the estimation, CEGMaS will use GPS enabled smart phone applications developed during the project to collect 'ground-truth data'. The geographically mapped information will be available through a GIS for analysis by various stakeholders. Engineering Programme Contact hours Semester 1 No. BSI-122 BSI-142 BSI-181 BSI-181L TE-101 TE-101L BSI-101 TE-102L Theory Course 3 Calculus English Composition and Comprehension 3 3 Applied Physics 0 Applied Physics Lab 2 Introduction to Computing 0 Introduction to Computing Lab 2 Islamic Studies 0 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Total Contact Hours 13 Total Credit Hours 13 Course Complex Variables & Fourier Series OOP and Data Structures OOP and Data Structures Lab Circuit Analysis Circuit Analysis Lab Electronic Devices & Circuits Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab Engineering Economics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Electromagnetic Fields Electromagnetic Fields Lab Communication Systems Communication Systems Lab Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab Technical Report Writing Probability Methods in Engineering Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 9 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 No. BSI-111 TE-103 TE-103L TE-104 TE-104L BSI-143 BSI-110 BSI-120 Theory Lab. 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 15 15 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 9 3 Theory Lab. 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 3 15 15 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 9 3 Contact hours Semester 7 No. TE-401L TE-402 TE-402L TE-403 TE-403L TE-404 TE-405 TE-405L Lab. Contact hours Semester 5 No. TE-301 TE-301L TE-302 TE-302L TE-303 TE-303L TE-304 TE-310 Semester 2 Contact hours Semester 3 No. BSI-362 TE-201 TE-201L TE-202 TE-202L TE-203 TE-203L TE-204 Credit hours Theory Course 0 Final Year Project-I 3 Computer Communication & Networks Computer Communication & Networks Lab 0 Control Systems 3 Control Systems Lab 0 MBC Depth Elective I 3 RF & Microwave Engineering 3 RF & Microwave Engineering Lab 0 Total Contact Hours 12 Total Credit Hours 12 Lab. 9 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 18 6 Credit hours Semester 4 Total No. BSI-231 TE-205 TE-206 TE-206L TE-207 TE-207L TE-208 TE-208L 18 Credit hours Semester 6 Total No. TE-305 TE-305L TE-306 TE-307 TE-307L TE-308 TE-308L TE-309 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 18 Credit hours Semester 8 Total No. TE-401L BSI-242 TE-406 TE-407 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 18 Course Linear Algebra Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Computer Programming Computer Programming Lab Communication and Presentation Skills Pakistan Studies Professional Ethics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 16 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 Contact hours Theory Lab. 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 16 16 6 2 18 Theory Lab. 3 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 15 15 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 9 3 Contact hours Course Digital Communication Digital Communication Lab Wireless & Mobile Communications Antennas and wave Propagation Antennas and wave Propagation Lab Microprocessors and Interfacing Techniques Microprocessors & Interfacing Techniques Lab Engineering Management Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Theory Lab. 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 15 15 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 9 3 Contact hours Course Final Year Project-II Numerical Analysis MBC Depth Elective II Social Science Elective I Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Total 3 3 0 3 0 3 2 2 Contact hours Course Differential Equations Signals & Systems Amplifiers & Oscillators Amplifiers & Oscillators Lab Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab Measurements and Instrumentation Measurements and Instrumentation Lab Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours Theory Lab. Credit hours Total 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 18 Credit hours Total 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 18 Credit hours Total 0 3 3 3 9 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 3 12 Total Credit Hours = 136 Mardan Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 28 Telecommunication Engineering Scheme of Studies FACULTY Coordinator Dr. Imran Khan Department of Ph.D. (Thailand) Electrical Engineering Chairman Dr. Imran Khan Ph.D. (Thailand) Mardan Campus Semester Coordinator Dr. M. Abbas Mahmood Ph.D. (Thailand) Assistant Professors Dr. Imran Khan Dr. Sadiq Ullah Dr. Sadaqat Jan Dr. Ibrar Ali Shah Dr. Naveed Mufti Dr. M. Abbas Mahmood Engr. Shagufta Naz Ph.D. (Thailand) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (Thailand) M.Sc (Pak) Lecturers Engr. Fahim Ullah Khan Engr. Sajjad Ali Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Mr. Murtaza Ali Bangash Mrs. Shazia Habib Mrs. Nazneen Hakim M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.A (Pak) Lab Engineers Engr. Usman Ali Engr. Sadia Jabeen 29 B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Introduction Laboratories Owing to the overwhelming scope of electrical engineering within Pakistan and abroad, UET Peshawar decided to start this major engineering discipline in its satellite campuses. In light of the same, UET Mardan Campus was deemed the most suitable venue for the purpose due not only to the available facilities in terms of space, infrastructure, and faculty but to its location at the center of the province. The Program was launched in Fall2012 semester. Department of Electrical Engineering at Mardan currently offers bachelor degree (B.Sc) in both Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Communication Engineering disciplines with 50 seats in each. So far there two batches in the department with a total strength of nearly 200 students which is expected to rise to 400 in the next two years. The department is planning to launch postgraduate studies to offer MS as well as PhD degrees in both the disciplines. Ø Computer Laboratory Ø Electronics Laboratory Ø DSP Laboratory Ø Microwave & Antennas Laboratory Ø Digital Electronics/Microprocessor Laboratory Ø Control System Laboratory Ø Communication Laboratory Ø Machine Laboratory Ø High Voltage Laboratory Ø Power Electronics Laboratory Ø Complete Power Electronics Laboratory General Instructions For scheme of studies, please see page 15 and 16. FACULTY Coordinator Department of Civil Engineering Academic Programme Ø B.Sc. Ph.D (UK) Chairman Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Khan Bannu Campus The courses of study leading to the Degree of Civil Engineering have been planned to offer a broad spectrum of civil engineering subjects. The curriculum lays emphasis on subjects of structures, irrigation, geotechnical, transportation engineering, environmental engineering and hydraulics. These courses include laboratory and design work. The prescribed syllabi and examination standards compare favorably with the standard of undergraduate work developed in U.K, USA and Canada. In addition to course work, the final year students are required to work on project under the guidance of senior faculty members. Study tours and extension lectures are also arranged during the session for the benefit of the students. Second year or third year students during their summer break and final year students after passing the final examination in civil engineering may work with some recognized organizations, registered with PEC or government department or semi government department to acquire practical training of 800 hours for award of degree. Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Khan Ph.D (UK) Semester Coordinator Survey Camp Each year field course in surveying and leveling is arranged for students of third year civil engineering for a period of three weeks. T h e co u rs e i n c l u d e s p ra c t i ca l wo r k i n Contouring, Triangulation, Fly Leveling and Plane Tabling. Laboratories Ø Environmental Laboratory Ø Hydraulics Laboratory Ø Concrete Laboratory Ø Material Testing Laboratory Ø Applied Mechanics Laboratory Ø Soil Mechanics Ø Transportation Laboratory Ø Survey Laboratory Ø Drawing Hall Engr. Akhtar Gul M.Sc (Pak) Assistant Professors Engr. Yasir Irfan Badrashi Engr. Ateeq Ur Rauf Engr. Abdul Hamid M.Sc (Pak) M.Phil (Pak) M.Sc(Pak) Lecturers Engr. Wajid Khan Engr. Sajjad Ali Engr. Saeed Zaman Engr. Abdus Salam Engr. Akhtar Gul Engr. Wahid-ur-Rahman Engr. Saif-Ur- Rehman Engr. Afeed Ullah Engr. Zia-ur-Rahman Engr. Mahmood Ahmad Engr. Taimur Malik Engr. Aizaz Ahmad Engr. Asim Abbas Engr. Farid Ullah Barki M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) General Instructions For Scheme of Studies please see page 10. Civil Engineering 30 FACULTY Coordinator Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Khan Ph.D (UK) Department of Ph.D (UK) Electrical Engineering Chairman Dr. Naeem Khan Semester Coordinator Engr. Salman Atif Dr. M. Irfan Khattak Dr. Naeem Khan Engr. M. Naeem Khan Engr. Bilal Pirzada Ph.D (UK) Ph.D (UK) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Lecturers Engr. Shafaat Ullah Engr. Fawad Ahmad Engr. Aamir Rashid Engr. Asad Riaz Engr. Salman Atif Engr. Atif Jan Engr. Najvia Engr. Abdul Basit Engr. Latif Ullah Khan Engr. M. Suleman Khan 31 Bannu Campus B.Sc (Pak) Assistant Professor M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) The growing utilization of the Electrical products is a decisive prerequisite for a rapid development of industry. Keeping this in view, Electrical Engineering department at Bannu Campus focuses on establishing the foundation needed to support the study and practice of Electrical Engineering with emphasis on the graduate level. Outcome objectives from the undergraduate Electrical Engineering include: Formulae problem in Electrical Engineering from real life situations Conceptualize the output of Electrical Engineering problems Perform rudimentary analysis in Electrical Engineering, etc. Undergraduate studies at UET Bannu aim to provide students with conceptual skill to formulate, develop, solve, evaluate and validate physical systems. Attempts have been made through various research projects to p rep are stu d ents fo r Bro ad castin g , television, other telecommunication like telephonic industry, telegraph, Control of plants, control and regulation of production processes, Pocket computers, data processing by providing Electrical communication subjects like digital communication, data communication, control systems and electronic circuits. Laboratories Ø Computer Laboratories with high speed internet facility Ø Measurement Laboratory Ø Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory Ø Communication Laboratory Ø Electronics Laboratory Ø Electrical Machine Laboratory Ø Workshop Ø Digital Logic Design Laboratory Ø Control System Laboratory General Instructions For Scheme of Studies, please see page 15. FACULTY Coordinator Department of Prof. Fazal Khaliq Jan Electrical Engineering Jalozai Campus Electrical Engineering programme at Jalozai Campus is designed to prepare the students for career in industry and business by providing them with through foundation of the fundamental concepts at undergraduate level while students learn specialized tools about the contemporary electrical engineering during their postgraduate studies. The faculty is dedicated to continue innovation through its programme of academic interaction with the industry and research activities. Academic Programme M.Sc (Pak) Chairman Dr. Mohsin Matloob Bukhari Ph.D. (UK) Asstt. Professors Laboratories Ø Computer Laboratories Ø Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory Ø Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory Ø Communication Laboratory Ø Electronics Laboratory Ø Electrical Machine Laboratory Ø Electrical Engineering Workshop Ø Digital Logic Design Laboratory Ø Control System Laboratory Dr. Talha Zahir Engr. Ahmad Ali Ph.D. (UK) M.Sc (USA) Visiting Faculty Mr. Jamal Nasir M.Sc (Pak) Ø B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (Communication) General Instructions For Scheme of Studies, please see page 15. Field Visits Visits to various industries and research organization are a part of education and training of graduate engineers. These visits are arranged for students to provide them with a window of opportunity through which they get a chance to see actual engineering at work. Academic Block, Jalozai Campus 32 FACULTY Coordinator Prof. Fazal Khaliq Jan M.Sc (Pak) Department of Ph.D. (UK) Civil Engineering Chairman Dr. Sajjad Wali Khan Assistant Professors Dr. Sajjad Wali Khan Dr. Sagheer Aslam Dr. Saeed Zaman Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (Canada) Ph.D. (Thailand) Lecturer Engr. Najaf Ali Engr. Zeeshan Khan M.Sc. (USA) M.Sc. (USA) Jalozai Campus The courses of study leading to the Degree of B.Sc. Civil Engineering have been planned to offer a broad spectrum of civil engineering subjects. The curriculum lays emphasis on subjects of structures, irrigation, geotechnical, transportation engineering, environmental engineering and hydraulics. These courses include laboratory and design work. The prescribed syllabi and examination standards compare favorably with the standard of undergraduate work developed in U.K, USA and Canada. In addition to course work, the final year students are required to work on project under the guidance of senior faculty members. Study tours and extension lectures are also arranged during the session for the benefit of the students. Second year or third year students during their summer break and final year students after passing the final examination in civil engineering may work with some recognized organizations, registered with PEC or government department or semi government department to acquire practical training of 800 hours for award of degree. Academic Programme Ø B.Sc. Civil Engineering Field Visits Field visits to Civil Engineering projects of n a t i o n a l i m p o r t a n c e a re a r ra n g e d fo r students. Each year students and concerned faculty members visit facilities and projects with a high technical merit. Academic Block, Jalozai Campus 33 Survey Camp Each year field course in surveying and leveling is arranged for students of third year civil engineering for a period of three weeks. T h e co u rs e i n c l u d e s p ra c t i ca l wo r k i n Contouring, Triangulation, Fly Leveling and Plane Tabling. Laboratories Ø Environmental Laboratory Ø Hydraulics Laboratory Ø Concrete Laboratory Ø Material Testing Laboratory Ø Applied Mechanics Laboratory Ø Soil Mechanics Laboratory Ø Transportation Laboratory Ø Survey Laboratory Ø Drawing Hall General Instructions For Scheme of Studies please see page 10. FACULTY Coordinator Department of Prof. Fazal Khaliq Jan Mechanical Engineering Jalozai Campus The knowledge of mechanical engineering is used to build useful products and devices for society. This can range from a device as small as a catheter injected into the human body, to a fax machine or printer, to a modern jet engine, to as large as a power plant for a major city. Mechanical engineering encompasses the generation, conversion, transmission, and utilization of mechanical and thermal energy. This includes design, construction, and operation of all kinds of mechanical and thermal devices and systems. Of all the engineering disciplines, Mechanical Engineering offers the greatest breadth, f l e x i b i l i t y, a n d i n d i v i d u a l i t y. I n d e e d , Mechanical Engineering education is an ideal preparation for working and living in a technological world. Academic Programme Ø B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering M.Sc (Pak) Chairman Dr. Ashfaq Khan Ph.D. (UK) Assistant Professors Ø Dynamics Ø Control & Vibration laboratory & instrumentation laboratory Ø Advanced CAD/CAM laboratory Dr. Abdul Shakoor Dr. Kareem Akhtar Dr. Qari M. Khalid Waheed Dr. Usman Ghani Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (USA) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D. (UK) Industrial Visits Industrial visits are regularly conducted every year to broaden the horizon of students and to appraise them with the industry of Pakistan. Research Faculty is actively involved in research in the areas of vibration, design, stress analysis, materials engineering , impact analysis, mechanisms and applications of artificial Intelligence in mechanical engineering. General Instructions For Scheme of Studies, please see page 20. Laboratories Ø Thermodynamics Ø Power Ø Fluid Mechanics laboratory Ø Refrigeration Ø Heat & Fuels laboratory Plants laboratory laboratory transfer laboratory Ø Metallurgy Ø Computer Ø Rapid laboratory laboratory proto-typing laboratory 34 FACULTY Coordinator Prof. Fazal Khaliq Jan Department of M.Sc (Pak) Industrial Engineering Assistant Professors Dr. Shahid Maqsood Ph.D. (UK) Jalozai Campus Lecturer Dr. Rehman Akhtar Ph.D. (USA) Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. They find ways to eliminate waste in production processes, improve quality, increase productivity, and manage all functions within the business and beyond the boundaries. They devise efficient ways to use workers, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or provide a service. Industrial Engineering has evolved as a major engineering and management discipline, the effective utilization of which has contributed to the increased standard of living of the society through increased productivity, quality of work and quality of services, and improvements in the working environment. Although Industrial Engineers originally only dealt with manufacturing, today they have a wider range of options. Apart from production (both discrete and continuous), it finds applications in food, banking, health care, and commercial aviation to make them more effectively deliver their wares. The skills of Industrial Engineers better countless aspects of our society. Academic Program: Ø B.Sc. Industrial Engineering 35 Laboratories: Ø Automation and Robotics Laboratory Ø Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory Ø Metrology Laboratory Ø Mechanics Laboratory Ø Materials and Surface Engineering Laboratory Ø Fabrication Laboratory Ø Computer Laboratory Practical Training: As a requirement for graduation, every student must complete 800 hours of practical work/apprenticeship in an industry. Students are allowed to complete this requirement during summer holidays but not before 4th semester. Industrial Visits: Industrial visits are regularly conducted to broaden the breadth and depth of technical and practical Industrial Engineering Knowledge. FACULTY Department of Electrical Engineering Kohat Campus The Department of Electrical Engineering at Kohat Campus is aimed to prepare young Engineers who are fluent with the state of the art in the field of Electrical Engineering. The academic program is designed to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering alongwith specialized courses to cover the breadth of the ever expanding realm of Electrical Engineering. The faculty of the Department is highly qualified and is involved in active research, both locally and in collaboration with national and international research o rga n i zat i o n s . We a re co m m i tte d to transform our students into leaders in innovation and technology who can manage and shape the industry and businesses of today and tomorrow. Laboratories The department has well-equipped laboratories in the following areas: Ø Electronics Laboratory Ø Electrical Machine Laboratory Ø Communication Systems Laboratory Ø Computer Laboratory Ø Digital Systems Laboratory Ø DSP & FPGA Laboratory Coordinator Prof. Dr. Amjadullah Khattak Ph.D. (Pak) Chairman Prof. Dr. Amjadullah Khattak Ph.D. (Pak) Assistant Professors Engr. Nadeem Ahmad M.Sc (China) Dr. Akhtar Nawaz Khan D.Eng. (AIT, Thailand) Engr. Iftikhar Ahmad Afridi M.Sc (UK) Lecturers Engr. Sahib Khan Engr. Mujtaba Hassan Engr. Alauddin Engr. Ismail Afridi Engr. Wasim Habib Engr. Abeer Irfan Engr. Fazal-e-Wahab M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) General Instructions Ø For Scheme of Studies, please see page 15. There is no hostel facility available at Kohat Campus. Academic Programme ¤ B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (Communication) 36 FACULTY Department of Coordinator Engr. Siddiqu Akbar M.Sc (Pak) Chairman Dr. Syed Riaz-ul-Hassnain Ph.D. (Pak) Semester Coordinator Engr. Muhammad Hanif M.Sc (Pak) Assistant Professors Dr. Syed Riaz-ul-Hassnain Engr. Wajid Mehmood Dr. Syed Mohsin Matloob Bukhari Ph.D. (Pak) M.Sc (Germany) Ph.D (UK) Lecturers Engr. M. Fayyaz Khan Engr. Sania Syed Engr. Muhammad Hanif Engr. Asma Israr Engr. Yasir Malik Engr. Munaza Razzaq Engr. Haider Zaman Engr. Mazhar Sher Engr. Afshan Ishaq M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Lab Engineer Engr. Mehmoona Gul Engr. Quratulain B.Sc (Pak) B.Sc (Pak) Visiting Faculty Col. Shah Jehan Khattak Mr. Saeed Shah Engr. Zunaib Ali M.A, English M.Phil,Pak Std B.Sc (Pak) On Study Leave Engr. Ziaullah Khan 37 Ph.D (Sweden) Electronic Engineering Abbottabad Campus The Department of Electronic Engineering is functioning in the main building of Abbottabad Campus, which is located in the heart of city surrounded by lush green lawns and tall trees. At the back ground, there is beautiful Mountainous view adding more grandeur to the campus. Electronic Engineering is one of the fast growing disciplines having its applications in almost every field which include high speed data communication, automatic power system control devices, aerospace technology, computer hardware, industrial automation, robotic etc. Today's fast growing cellular technology depends on Electronic Engineering. Keeping in view the importance of the subject, the University of Engineering & Technology started the programme at its Abbottabad campus from fall semester 2004, treating it as specialized discipline not being offered at other campuses of the University. Uptill now six batches have graduated from this campus duly accredited by the Pakistan Engineering Council. The board of studies of the department has been constituted to revise and update the courses in order to coupe with modern trends in this important engineering discipline. While designing the courses the main emphasis is on concept building so that the graduate engineers are able to co-relate the theoretical knowledge in order to solve the practical problems in the field of electronic engineering. Besides academic activities the d e p a r t m e nt e n co u ra ge s ex t ra c u r r i c u l a r activities like sports competition, debates, music concerts etc. The department regularly organizes seminars and extension lectures for the benefit of the s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y. I n v i e w o f t h e importance of the subject, the department is planning to establish links with the related industry. Academic Programme Ø B.Sc. Electronic Engineering Research The Department promotes research facilities at Abbottabad Campus. Laboratories Ø Electronic Laboratory Ø Communication Laboratory Ø Digital Electronic Laboratory Ø Power Electronics Laboratory Ø Electrical Machines Laboratory Ø Applied Physics Laboratory Ø FPGA and DSP Laboratory Ø Computer Laboratory Ø Fiber Optic Communication Laboratory Ø Electronic Workshop Ø Control System 31 Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies Credit hours Semester 2 Total Contact hours Credit hours No. Course No. Course BSI-101 Islamic Studies 2 0 2 BSI-111 Linear Algebra 3 0 3 BSI-142 English Composition & Comprehension 2 0 2 BSI-110 Pakistan Studies 2 0 2 BSI-181 Applied Physics 2 3 3 BSI-143 Communication Skills 2 0 2 BSI-122 Calculus 3 0 3 ELE-102 Object Oriented Programming 3 3 4 ELE-101 Introduction to Computers & Programming 2 3 3 BSI-231 Differential Equations 3 0 3 ELE-100 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 3 4 ELE-123 Electronic Workshop 1 3 2 14 9 14 6 14 3 14 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Semester 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 17 Credit hours Semester 4 Total Contact hours Total 16 Credit hours No. Course No. Course ELE-203 Electronic Circuits-I 3 3 4 ELE-202 Probability and Random Variables 3 0 3 BSI-362 Complex variables 3 0 3 ELE-221 Circuit Analysis-II 3 3 4 ELE-210 Digital Logic Design 3 3 4 ELE-187 Engineering Economics 2 0 2 ELE-220 Circuit Analysis-I 3 3 4 ELE-240 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3 0 3 ELE-230 Electrical Machines 3 3 4 ELE-222 Computer Aided Engineering Design 0 3 1 ELE-311 Microprocessor Systems 3 3 4 14 9 14 3 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 15 12 15 4 Contact hours Semester 5 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 19 Credit hours Semester 6 Total Contact hours Total 17 Credit hours No. Course No. Course BSI-242 Numerical Analysis 3 0 3 ELE-305 Microelectronics Technology 3 3 4 ELE-250 Instrumentation & Measurements 3 3 4 BSI-323 Technical Report Writing & Presentation Skills 2 0 2 ELE-304 Electronic Circuits-II 3 3 4 ELE-323 Analog & Digital Communications 3 3 4 ELE-331 Power Electronics 3 3 4 ELE-421 Digital Signal Processing 3 3 4 ELE-322 Signals and Systems 3 3 4 ELE-361 Control Systems 3 3 4 15 12 14 12 15 4 14 4 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Contact hours Semester 7 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 19 Credit hours Semester 8 Total Contact hours Total 18 Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total No. Course No. Course BSI-120 Professional Ethics 2 0 2 ELE-407 Industrial Electronics 3 3 4 ELE/CS-4xx Elective-II 3 3 4 ELE-306 Optoelectronics 3 0 3 ELE-488 Principles of Management 3 0 3 ELE/CS-4XX Elective-III 3 0 3 ELE/CS-4xx Elective-I 3 0 3 ELE-499B Electronic Engineering Project 0 9 3 ELE-499A Electronic Engineering Project 0 9 3 11 12 9 12 11 4 9 4 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 15 Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 13 Total Credit Hours = 134 Total Contact Hours = 190 Abbottabad Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 38 Electronic Engineering Contact hours Semester 1 FACULTY Chairperson Dr. Wajeeha Khalil Ph.D, Austria Assistant Professors Dr. Wajeeha Khalil Dr. M. Kamran Ghani Mr. Izhar Ullah Mr. Syed Adeel Ali Shah Mr. Laeeq Ahmed Engr. Sadeeq Jan Mr. Ismat Ullah Khan Ph.D, Austria Ph.D, UK Department of Computer Science & IT (Ph.D. S/L) Introduction MS (CS), UK MS (CS), UK The Department of Computer Science & Information Technology offers undergraduate and graduate courses leading to the award of Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Computer Science respectively. It owes its emergence to the relentlessly growing demand of professionals with expertise in areas of computers, communications and information processing technologies. The Department of CS & IT enjoys full support of the engineering departments. Students work in laboratories equipped with state-of-art computer systems running a wide range of a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d s p e c i a l i ze d s o f t w a re supporting the courses. The department strongly supports the idea of using modern audio visual aids to enhance the learning capabilities of students and provides them a stimulating and challenging environment essential for high quality education. The graduates of this department will be able to meet the highest standards of training for leadership in computer science and information technology and to capitalize on the huge IT market of the 21st century. The Department of Computer Science & Information Technology is concerned with the theory, design, development and application o f c o m p u t e r s c i e n c e a n d i n fo r m a t i o n processing techniques. (Ph.D. S/L) M.Sc (CS), Pak Lecturers Dr. Suhail Yousaf Ph.D., Netherlands Ms. Zakira Inayat (Ph.D. S/L) Mr. Dilawar Khan MS (CS), Pak Mr. Imran Rasheed MS (CS), Pak Mr. Sadiq-ur-Rehman MS (CS), Pak Mr. Amir Taj MS (CS), UK Mr. M. Imran Khan Khalil MS (IT), Pak Ms. Aisha Javed MIT (Pak) Mr. M. Inayatullah MS (CS), Pak Mr. Imran Ahmad (Ph.D. S/L) Mission The mission of the CS & IT Department is: Ø To educate undergraduate and graduate majors as well as the broader campus community in the fundamental concepts of the computing discipline, to create and disseminate computing knowledge and technology, and to use our expertise in computing to help solve societal problems. Ø Excellence in research - achieved by tackling problems of real-world complexity - with the potential for significant long-term impact on the fields of computer science and multidisciplinary computing. Ø Excellence in education by providing the nation with computer scientists having a 39 core of knowledge allowing them to adapt to a rapidly changing technology and providing industry, universities and government with the next generation of leaders in the field. Ø Excellence in working with industry, government, educators and the community to advance computing and to serve the needs of these organizations and groups. Computer Laboratories The Department has well-equipped computer laboratories with latest PCs & Sun Micro Systems, equipped with the latest development software and tools. These laboratories have also been connected with the Digital Resource Library of the HEC to provide latest resources and information to the students as well as to the faculty members of the department. Academic Programmes Ø BS (Computer Science) Ø MS (Computer Science) Ø PhD (Computer Science) Industrial Visits Industrial visits are arranged to Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi on regular basis. The major objective of these visits is to enable the students gain first hand knowledge of the application and developments in their fields of specializations. Study Tour Study tours related to the courses offered are arranged for students during the semester. This helps them explore the practical aspects of their subjects along side the theory taught. Internships Department arranges internship during the s u m m e rs fo r p ra c t i ca l t ra i n i n g o f t h e students. Internships are arranged both in Government and Private sector organizations. 38 Non-Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies No. CS-101 BSI-131 BSI-101 BSI-122 BSI-110 Course Introduction To Computing English Composition & Comprehension Islamic Studies Calculus Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Object Oriented Programming Automata Theory Data Structure & Algorithms Digital Logic Design Numerical Analysis Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. EE-405 CS-301 CS-302 CS-303 BSI-351 Course Introduction to Signal Processing Software Engineering Operating Systems Database Systems-II Statistics & Probability Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. CS-400 CS-401 CS-402 IT-403 CS-404 Course Final Year Project Technical Report Writing Computer Networks-II Management Information System Elective-III Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. EE-103 CS-102 CS-103 BSI-111 BSI-143 4 3 2 3 2 13 13 3 1 14 Lecture Lab. Semester 4 Total No. CS-205 CS-206 CS-207 CS-208 BSI-231 3 0 3 3 0 4 3 4 4 3 15 15 9 3 18 Lecture Lab. Semester 6 Total No. CS-304 CS-305 CS-306 IT-303 CS-307 CS-308 3 3 3 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 15 15 9 3 18 Lecture Lab. Semester 8 Total No. CS-400 CS-405 IT-406 BSI-450 CS-408 9 0 3 0 3 3 3 4 3 4 12 12 15 4 17 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 15 15 6 2 17 Contact hours Credit hours LectureLab. Total Course 3 0 3 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 3 4 Intro to Computer Graphics 3 3 4 Database Systems-I 3 4 Computer Architecture & Assembly Language 3 3 0 3 Differential Equations 15 15 9 3 Contact hours Course Compiler Construction Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Computer Networks-I Project Management Elective-I Elective-II Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 0 3 3 3 3 Course Basic Electronics Intro. To computer Programming Discrete Structure Linear Algebra Communication & Presentation Skills Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Contact hours Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Contact hours Semester 7 Total 3 0 0 0 0 Contact hours Semester 5 Semester 2 3 3 2 3 2 Contact hours Semester 3 No. CS-201 CS-202 CS-203 CS-204 BSI-242 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 4 3 3 3 18 18 3 1 19 Contact hours Course Final Year Project Introduction to Information Security Ethical & Legal Issues in Computing Introduction to a Foreign Language Elective-IV 18 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 0 3 3 3 3 9 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 12 12 9 3 15 Total Credit Hours = 136 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 Peshawar Campus 40 Computer Science Contact hours Semester 1 Non-Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies Contact hours Information Technology Semester 1 No. CS-101 CS-102 BSI-131 BSI-101 BSI-122 BSI-110 Course Introduction To Computers Introduction To Computer Programming English Composition & Comprehension Islamic Studies Calculus Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Object Oriented programming Operating Systems Concepts Database System I Communication and Presentation Skills Introduction to Management Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. CS-301 CS-303 CS-304 IT-301 IT-302 Course Computer Networks I Introduction to Computer Graphics Introduction to Computer Security Introduction to Economics Human Resource Management Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. IT-401 IT-402 IT-403 IT-404 IT-405 Course E-Commerce Network Management Total Quality Management Entrepreneurship Financial Management Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. CS-103 CS-105 BSI-111 IT-101 EE-103 4 4 2 2 3 2 15 15 6 2 17 Lecture Lab. Semester 4 Total No. CS-204 IT-202 CS-205 BSI-351 IT-203 3 0 3 0 0 4 4 4 2 3 15 15 6 2 17 Lecture Lab. Semester 6 Total No. CS-307 IT-303 BSI-242 IT-304 CS-208 IT-305 3 3 3 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 15 15 9 3 18 Lecture Lab. Semester 8 Total No. IT-406 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 15 15 6 2 17 IT-407 IT-400 Lecture Lab. Course Visual Programming & Application Introduction to Computer Architecture Software Engineering Statistics & Probability Introduction to Marketing 4 3 3 3 4 15 15 6 2 17 Lecture Lab. Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 15 15 9 3 18 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 9 4 3 3 3 2 3 14 14 12 4 18 Contact hours Course Ethical & Legal Issues in Computing Quantitative Business Analysis Final Year Project Total 3 0 0 0 3 Contact hours Course Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Project Management Numerical Analysis Organizational Behavior Technical Report Writing Management Internship Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Contact hours Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Course Data Structure & Algorithms-I Software Paradigm Linear Algebra Financial Accounting Basic Electronics Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 Contact hours Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Credit hours 3 4 3 2 3 Contact hours Semester 7 Total 3 3 0 0 0 0 Contact hours Semester 5 Semester 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 Contact hours Semester 3 No. CS-201 CS-202 CS-203 BSI-141 IT-201 Lecture Lab. Credit hours Lecture Lab. Credit hours Total 3 3 0 0 0 9 3 3 3 6 6 9 3 9 Total Credit Hours = 131 41 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 FACULTY Department of Chairman Architecture Ar. Shabbir-u-Qureshi Abbottabad Campus Introduction Established in 2004, The Abbottabad Campus of University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar offers a five years (ten semesters) course to earn the Bachelor Degree in Architecture; B.Arch. The Campus is located in the picturesque valley of Abbottabad surrounded by green hills ideal for academics and creativity. The Department of Architecture aims to prepare professionals who uphold traditions of great civilizations, ready to cope with contemporary needs, creating a skyline based on historical lessons, addressing the prevailing issues with a perception for the future challenges. Enjoying the position of being at the gateway to Central Asia, the Department is determined to develop linkages with the Central Asian countries and to achieve an iconic position in the region for its innovative approach to technology and its collaborative vision. The B.Arch. Degree course at the Department of Architecture is set in such a manner that the students: Take Inspiration from Heritage- the region's extraordinary ancient civilizations and its rich living folk traditions; Innovate Technologically - correlating the wisdom of traditional building technologies with the most contemporary technology to create unique inventions for their own social context; Connect with Emerging Trends of Architecture globally and in Pakistan; Become leaders in social responsibility as development professionals building with human values and with respect for the environment. The Department has developed rapidly, and continues to do so with a focus on bringing these aspects to international standards: Academics and Research, Infrastructure, and Faculty Development. Academics Academics at the department focus on continuos upgradation of the curriculum in accordance with the developments at Pakistan level-Higher Education Commission (HEC/PCATP) curriculumas well as the best models of contemporary international education in architecture. The Department offers students the opportunity to explore themes in the electives that are close to their cultural and regional value. Since architecture is a multi disciplinary design field , a combination of art and science, courses have been tailored to inculcate creativity among students from Foundation Year to the Final Year Thesis Project. Each year course is attributed with a competency level benchmark to ensure students' performance throughout the Architectural Program at Abbottabad Campus. The Department also focuses on developing interpersonal skills of the students and a broad exposure to society, engaging them in various extra - curricular activities. Students are also taken to various nationwide field trips for an exposure to different historical buildings, architecturally significant structures and to establish dialogues with other professionals practicing in the country. Research One of the significant aspect of the Department is the extensive involvement of faculty in research and professional practice for enhancement of academics and field experience. This also provides students an opportunity to learn in a motivated research and professional environment. Infrastructure Keeping its pace with the advancement, the Department has acquired latest technologies to develop a conducive environment for studying Architecture. State of the art Computer lab, technically primed crafting workshop, well equipped design studios, and a resourceful library are available for effective learning process. Faculty Besides having a well qualified faculty, the Department also strives to bring in both nationally and internationally renowned professionals, eminent artists and intellectuals to share their ideas, experience and work with the students and faculty of the Architecture at Abbottabad Campus. They are involved both in teaching regular courses, and provide valuable ideas and research through the Department's Lecture - Workshop Series, which makes a great contribution to the academic environment of the Department. Continuous Professional Development of the faculty is encouraged and supported. Awards The Department of Architecture offers various Awards and Prize Money to the students for wining design competitions conducted by the Department. M. Arch (UET LHR) B. Arch (Khi) DAE Arch (Lhr) M-PCATP, M-IAP Semester Coordinator Ar. Habib Ullah B. Arch (Atd) M. Arch (in prog.) Assistant Professors Dr. Ghousia Saeed Ph.D (UK) Ar. Salman Jamil M. Arch (USA) Ar. Shahid Mansoor Khan PGD (LHR) PGD (Env. Design) MS (URP) Pesh Ph.D (in prog.) Engr. Akhter Munir M.Sc (CASE ISL) M.Sc Structural Engg. (In Prog.) Ar. Waqar Khattak B. Arch (Lhr) Ar. Muhammad Iqbal B. Arch (Khi) M.Sc ED (in prog.) Lecturers Engr. Irum Nasim M.Sc (UK) B.Sc (Pesh) Ar. Ubaid Ullah B. Arch (Atd) (Gold Medalist) (on study leave) Ar. Azmat Ali Khan B. Arch (Atd) M. Arch (in prog.) Ar. Faisal Rehman B. Arch (Atd) M.Sc UIPM (in prog.) Ar. Tahir Saeed Khattak B. Arch (Atd) M. Arch (in prog.) Visiting Faculty: Ar. Ghazala Naeem Assistant Professor Mr. Saeed Shah Assistant Professor Mr. Babar Ayaz Assistant Professor Ar. Iftikhar Ali Lecturer Ar. Humaira Mahmood Lecturer Ar. Mazhar Ali Lecturer Ar. Surriya Imran Lecturer Art. Muneeb Aqib Lecturer Ar. S. Haris Iftikhar Lecturer 42 Non-Engineering Programme Scheme of Studies Contact hours Architecture Semester 1 No. Arch-101 Arch-105 Arch-106 BSI-101 BSI-142 BSI-110 Course Basic Design-I Visual Communication-I Heritage & Culture Islamic Studies English Composition & Comprehension Pakistan Studies Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. Arch-201 Arch-204 Arch-206 Arch-207 Arch-209 Course Architectural Design-I Visual Communication-III Surveying & Leveling History, Theory & Criticism-II Building Construction-I Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Digital Application in Architecture-II Structures for Architects-II Architectural Design-III Engineering Systems-I History, Theory & Criticism-IV Building Construction-III Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Architectural Design-V Urban Design-I Interior Spaces and Design Technical Report Writing Elective Course Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Thesis Design-I Professional Practice-I Elective Course Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 8 3 2 2 2 2 Credit hours 0 0 1 2 0 16 6 4 0 4 8 3 3 2 2 3 3 30 15 18 Credit hours Lecture Studio Total 0 2 0 2 2 0 6 6 4 0 16 0 0 4 24 12 2 2 8 2 2 2 No. Arch-111 Arch-112 Arch-116 Arch-117 Arch-118 BSI-143 Lecture Studio Total 0 2 0 3 2 16 0 4 0 0 8 2 2 3 2 7 7 20 10 17 Credit hours Lecture Studio Total 0 3 0 20 0 6 10 3 3 3 3 26 13 16 Course Basic Design-II Visual Communication-II History, Theory & Criticism-I Environmental Studies Building Materials Communication & Presentation Skills Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. Arch-200 Arch-210 Arch-211 Arch-218 Arch-306 Course Structures for Architects-I Digital Application in Architecture-I Architectural Design-II History, Theory & Criticism-III Building Construction-II Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours No. Arch-300 Arch-307 Arch-311 Arch-312 Arch-316 Arch-318 Course Structure for Architects-III Digital Applications in Architecture-III Architectural Design-IV Engineering Systems-II History, Theory & Criticism-V Architectural Psychology Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Architectural Design-VI Landscape & Environment Urban Design-II Research work & Methodology Elective Course Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours Course Thesis Design-II Professional Practice-II Elective Course 8 3 2 2 2 2 19 Credit hours Lecture Studio Total 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 16 0 6 3 2 8 2 3 5 5 26 13 18 Credit hours Lecture Studio Total 2 0 0 2 2 2 8 8 0 4 16 2 0 0 22 11 2 2 8 3 2 2 19 Credit hours Lecture Studio Total 0 1 0 1 2 16 2 4 2 0 8 2 2 2 2 4 4 24 12 16 Contact hours Semester 10 No. Arch-517 Arch-518 Arch-519 16 6 0 2 2 2 28 14 Contact hours Semester 8 No. Arch-411 Arch-413 Arch-417 Arch-419 Arch-424 0 0 2 1 1 1 5 5 Contact hours Semester 6 Credit hours Lecture Studio Total Contact hours Semester 4 18 Credit hours Contact hours Semester 2 19 Lecture Studio Total Contact hours Semester 9 No. Arch-506 Arch-507 Arch-508 16 6 0 0 0 0 22 11 Contact hours Semester 7 No. Arch-401 Arch-407 Arch-409 Arch-422 Arch-423 0 0 2 2 2 2 8 8 Contact hours Semester 5 No. Arch-220 Arch-217 Arch-301 Arch-305 Arch-309 Arch-314 Lecture Studio Total Contact hours Semester 3 Credit hours Credit hours Lecture Studio Total Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours 0 2 0 20 0 6 10 2 3 2 2 26 13 15 Total Credit Hours = 171 Note: Two contact hours of studio = 01 credit hours 43 Abbottabad Campus Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 FACULTY Department of Chairman Basic Sciences & Islamiat Professors Prof. Dr. Amjad Ali Prof. Dr. Siraj-ul-Islam Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Ph.D. (Pak) Ph.D. (Pak) Ph.D. (Pak) Introduction Associate Professors The Department of Basic Sciences and Islamiat is one of the important department of the University. It provides support to all technologies and disciplines of the University and meets requirements of engineering disciplines in imparting basic sciences education. The department offers courses in Mathematics, Physics, Applied Mechanics, C o m p u t e r p r o g r a m m i n g , C h e m i s t r y, Engineering Geology, Economics, Islamiat, Pakistan Study, English and Professional Ethics, arts and culture which are taught in 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th, 5th and 6th semesters. Mr. Shah Jehan Laboratories The Department has well-equipped laboratories in the following areas: Ø Applied Physics Laboratory Ø Applied Mechanics Laboratory M.Phil (Pak) Assistant Professors Mr. Mustafa Kamal Mr. Kifayat Ullah Mr. Javed Iqbal Dr. Marjan-ud-Din Dr. Noor Badshah Dr. Muhammad Humayun Dr. Iltaf Hussain M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Phil (Pak) Ph.D (Pak) Ph.D. (UK) Ph.D (Pak) Ph.D (Pak) Lecturers Dr. Rehan Ali Shah Mr. Gul Shed Mr. Said Anwar Shah Mr. Atta-ur-Rehman Mr. Qayyum Shah Dr. Najeeb Ullah Ph.D (Pak) M.Phil (Pak) M.Phil (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) Ph.D (UK) Mr. Iqbal-ud-Din Arif Utman M.A (Pak) Mr. Jamal Nasir M.Sc (Pak) Miss. Gulandam Farhat M.A (Pak) BANNU CAMPUS Mr. Tufail Ahmed Mr. Taufiq Ahmed Mr. Sakhi Zaman M.Phil (Pak) M.Phil (Pak) M.Phil (Pak) Mr. Sahibzada Rooh-ul-Amin M.Sc (Pak) Mr. Mir Qad Ayaz M.Sc (Pak) MARDAN CAMPUS Mushtaq Ahmad Khan Miss Nazanina Hakeem Miss Shazia Habib M.Phil (Pak) M.A (Pak) M.Sc (Pak) 44 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS ADMISSION RULES (Engineering Programme) 1. GENERAL Admission to B.Sc. Engineering shall be on the basis of merit. The allocation of seats in each discipline of engineering in Peshawar, Mardan, Bannu, Abbottabad and Kohat Campuses is shown on Pages 56-57. Candidates admitted against any reserved quota in the Department of Electrical, Mechanical & Civil Engineering (Peshawar Campus) shall be adjusted as under:(a) Department of Electrical Engineering Communication: T hree Sections Power: One Section (b) Department of Mechanical Engineering Three Sections (c) Department of Civil Engineering Three Sections 1 .1. 2. Candidates are advised to carefully read the admission rules before filling the admission forms. Further Information regarding admission may be obtained during working hours by calling 0919216784 or 091-9216796-98 extension-3166.The staff of the Directorate of Admissions will be available for consultation during office hours. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION Admission to B.Sc. Engineering shall be open to the following categories of candidates: 2.1 (a) (b) (c) 45 Open Merit Seats Candidates applying for admission on open merit seats must meet the following conditions: They must have Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Settled areas) domicile. They must have appeared in the Entrance Test c o n d u c t e d b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f K hy b e r Pakhtunkhwa, Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA) Peshawar for the Academic Session 2015-16. The Entrance test is valid for one academic year only. They must possess any one of the following qualifications: (i) Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) certificate with the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry from a recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan with atleast 60% unadjusted marks. (ii) Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) certificate with the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science from a recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan with atleast 60% unadjusted marks. Such candidates are eligible for admission to Computer Systems Engineering and Computer Software Engineering only. (iii) A certificate equivalent to the Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) examination with atleast 60% unadjusted marks. Such candidates shall have to produce “Equivalence and Conversion of Marks Certificate” issued by (iv) 2.2 the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen, G ove r n m e nt o f Pa k i sta n , M i n i st r y o f Ed u c at i o n , I s l a m a b a d , a l o n g w i t h t h e application form. Pakistani Nationals are further required to have qualified the subjects of Islamiat, Pakistan Studies and Urdu at either SSC or Intermediate levels. The candidates other than Afghan nationals who have passed Baccalaureate Grade- 12 Examination Certificate from Afghanistan are ineligible to apply for admission on OPEN MERIT or any other RESERVED QUOTAS. Quota Seats Candidates applying against reserved quotas must fulfill the requirement of qualification mentioned in 2.1 (c) above and also meet the following conditions: (a) They must have domicile of the relevant area and meet the additional conditions of the relevant quotas, stated in section 4, below. (b) B-Tech degree or 3 years Post-Matric Diploma of Associate Engineer, with atleast 60% unadjusted marks. Such candidates are eligible for admission against the reserved seats of Diploma Holders in their specific field only. (c) C a n d i d a t e s w i t h d o m i c i l e o f K hy b e r Pakhtunkhwa/FATA must have appeared in t h e E nt ra n c e Te st co n d u c te d b y t h e G ove r n m e nt o f K hy b e r Pa k ht u n k hwa , Educational Testing & Evaluation Agency (ETEA) Peshawar for the Academic Session 2015-16. The Entrance Test is valid for one academic year only. (d) Candidates studying abroad and candidates with domicile of other provinces, seeking a d m i s s i o n o n re s e r ve d s e at s i n t h i s University must have passed Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-II) (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) with a minimum score of 800 or appeared in the entrance test from any other Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) a c c re d i te d p u b l i c s e c to r e n g i n e e r i n g university of the respective province. The test shall be valid for two academic years. (e) Candidates belonging to AJK & Northern Areas and seeking admission against the reserved seats in this University may appear in the entrance test conducted by ETEA or any other public sector, PEC accredited engineering university in Pakistan. (f) Applications of candidates whose results are not declared till the last date of submission of application form for admission shall not be considered. Note: Applications for entrance test and admission complete in all respect must reach to the Directorate of Admissions on or before the closing dates announced. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ADMISSION RULES 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURE 3.1 Candidates belonging to categories 1, 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 & 23 mentioned on page 56 are directed to submit their application forms for entrance test and admissions to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar on or before the last date advertised for the purpose. Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained. Incomplete applications shall stand rejected. Candidates applying under categories 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20 and 24 mentioned on page 56 shall submit their applications through their nominating agencies. Disciplines for these categories shall be allotted by the nominating agencies. The University shall communicate the last date for the receipt of nominations to the concerned nominating agencies. Candidates applying under categories 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 & 23 on page 56 having Khyber Pakhtunkhwa domiciles are also eligible to compete on open merit. Separate application forms for each category will have to be submitted to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar on or before the last date advertised for the purpose. The candidates will have to appear in the entrance test to be conducted by ETEA. Candidates applying under categories 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20 & 24 mentioned on page 56 are ineligible to compete on open merit basis. Candidates applying for more than one category will submit separate applications on prescribed forms of reserved quotas for each additional category. Candidates selected for admission shall submit original documents at the time of admission/ interview. Original documents of candidates shall be retained by the department concerned and shall be returned at the time of leaving the University. Documents once submitted with application form cannot be changed and shall be considered as final. The University will get all documents of admitted students of university verified from concerned Boards/Institutions. The affiliated Engineering Colleges shall be responsible for verification of documents of their admitted students. List of documents (Attested Photocopies) to be submitted with Application Forms. (i) DMCs of SSC and Intermediate (Pre-Engg/PreMedical) Part-I & Part-II (Separate). (ii) DMC of Additional Mathematics, (if applicable). (iii) DMCs of B-Tech/Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE), if applicable (All examinations). (iv) Original/Provisional Certificate of SSC. (v) Hafiz-e-Quran Certificate from a recognized institution (if applicable). (vi) Domicile Certificate of the Candidate. (vii) Father's/Mother's/Guardian's Computerized National Identity Card. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 (viii) Computerized National Identity Card or Children Registration Certificate (CRC) of the applicant. (ix) Good Character Certificate from the institute last attended. In addition to the above documents, five recent passport size (passport style) coloured photographs of the candidate must be submitted. 3.8 List of original documents to be submitted at the time of admission. (i) Detailed Marks Certificate of Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) or equivalent examination on the basis of which admission is sought. In case the examination consists of Part-I and Part-II, detailed marks certificates of each part shall be submitted. (ii) An equivalence/marks conversion certificate, issued by the Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, Islamabad in case of candidates having passed equivalent examination from an institute outside Pakistan. (iii) Original/Provisional certificate of Secondary School Certificate examination. (iv) Detailed Marks Certificates of Secondary School or equivalent examination. (v) Domicile Certificate of the candidate. (vi) Hafiz-e-Quran Certificate (if applicable) from a recognized institution. (vii) Good Character Certificate from the Head of institution most recently attended by the candidate. (viii) Computerized National Identity Card or Children Registration Certificate (CRC) of the candidate (Attested Photocopy). (ix) Computerized National Identity Card of the applicant's father/mother/guardian (Attested Photocopy). (x) Migration Certificate from the concerned Board. (xi) Medical Fitness Certificate on prescribed p ro fo r m a f ro m a re g i s t e re d m e d i c a l practitioner, at least MBBS. (xii) Income certificate of parents/guardian on prescribed proforma from a competent authority. (xiii) Undertaking on a Non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.50/- according to the prescribed p ro fo r m a d u l y atte ste d b y t h e O at h Commissioner for non-indulgence in politics on campuses. (xiv) A declaration signed by the candidate and countersigned by his/her father or guardian (as the case may be) to the effect that he/she would abide by the rules and regulations of the University and obey instructions issued to him/her from time to time by the University Authorities. (xv) For in-service candidates, permission letter and evidence of leave for the study period from their employer. 46 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline 4. RESERVED SEATS UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS 4.7 Note: Diploma Holders / B.Tech Graduates are also eligible for admission against reserved quotas. 4.1 Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) Ministry of States and Frontier Regions Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, shall make nominations of candidates. Candidates who fulfill eligibility conditions may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for Entrance Test as well as admissions on the prescribed forms, on or before the closing dates. 10% seats in this category are reserved for candidates who have passed their SSC and Intermediate examination from educational Institutions located within FATA, while 90% seats will go to candidates having FATA domicile certificates. As per new admission policy 2012-13, all the FATA candidates admitted in this University shall be required to furnish an undertaking on stamp-paper worth Rs.100/- as per proforma available in the application form. 4.2 4.3 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.6 Gilgit Baltistan Balochistan Province Punjab Province Nomination of candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria shall be made by the Secretary to Government of Punjab, Higher Education Department, Lahore. The candidates may contact Deputy Registrar, UET, Lahore. 47 Foreign Applicants (a) Nomination shall be received through the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance & Eco n o m i c s A ffa i rs ( Eco n o m i c s A ffa i rs Division), Islamabad. Application forms should be accompanied by a certificate from an appropriate authority of the applicant's country that the applicant is a bonafide citizen and is financially sound to meet the expenditure on his/her studies. (b) Afghan Refugees, registered with NADRA in Pakistan, seeking admission against their reserved quota on Technical Assistance Program must fulfill the eligibility requirement as per page 47. The Diploma holders with at least 60% un-adjusted marks are also eligible to apply for admission. The disciplines shall be allotted according to their technologies. Azad Jammu & Kashmir Nominations against the six (6) seats of candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria shall be made by the Director of Colleges, Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta. The nominations against the five (5) seats in selfsustained Departments shall be made by the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. Diploma Holder Seats Candidates must have domicile certificate of settled Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and possess B.Tech Degree or 3 years Post Matric Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) in the same technology, and obtained atleast 60% unadjusted marks. They are ineligible to apply against the seats reserved for open merit. However, they will apply to Directorate of Admissions, UET, Peshawar for entrance test and admission against their reserved seats on separate prescribed form on or before the closing dates. Nomination of candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria shall be made by the Director of Education, Gilgit Baltistan. 4.5. Air Force Seat Nomination of candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria shall be made by the Rear Air Headquarters, Peshawar. Nomination of candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria shall be made by the Nomination Board, G o v e r n m e n t o f A z a d J a m m u & K a s h m i r, Muzaffarabad. 4.4 Army Seats Nomination of candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria shall be made by the GHQ, Rawalpindi. Merged Areas of Hazara Division Candidates who fulfill eligibility conditions may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for Entrance Test and admission on separate prescribed forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates applying against seats under this category must have passed their SSC and Intermediate examination from educational institutions located within the concerned areas. Candidates having domicile certificate from Kala Dhaka are also eligible to apply against these seats. Sindh Province Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria shall apply for admission to their concerned engineering universities. The nominations shall be made by the Section Officer (C&PS& Literacy), Government of Sindh, Education Department, Karachi. 4.12 Sons/Daughters of Employees of UET The admission of sons/daughters of employees of UET who fulfill eligibility criteria shall be made strictly on merit interse. (a) Sons/daughters of the following categories of employees are eligible to apply: (i) Permanent employees of UET who are confirmed in their service, and have atleast 3 years continuous service to their credit on the last date of submission of application forms. Adopted children/ dependents are ineligible for admission against these seats. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ADMISSION RULES (ii) (b) (c) 4.13 Retired employees who have served the University for atleast 10 years. (iii) Deceased employees who died while in service of the University, provided they were confirmed in their appointment at the time of death. (iv) Employees serving on contract basis with at least five years cumulative service in this University. The Sons/Daughters of following employees are ineligible. (i) Those who have been dismissed, removed or terminated from service. (ii) Serving on deputation basis at UET. T h e wa rd s o f U E T, Pes h awa r reg u la r employees are exempted from Registration fee for Summer Semester/Winter Semester in the deficient Course(s). Sons/Daughters of Employees of KP Agricultural University, Peshawar, Islamia College University Peshawar and Gomal University, D.I.Khan. Nomination of candidates who fulfill the eligibility c r i t e r i a s h a l l b e m a d e b y t h e re s p e c t i v e nominating authorities of the KPK Agricultural University, Islamia College University and Gomal University on or before the last date fixed for the purpose. 4.14 District Kohistan Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for entrance test and admission on separate prescribed forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates applying against seats under this category must have passed their SSC and Intermediate examinations from educational institutions located within District Kohistan. 4.15 District Chitral Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for entrance test and admission on separate forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates applying against seats under this categor y must have passed their SSC and Intermediate examinations from educational institutions located within District Chitral. 4.16 Gadoon Amazai Area Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for entrance test and admission on separate prescribed forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates applying against seats under this category must have passed their SSC and Intermediate examinations from educational institutions located within Gadoon Amazai Area. 4.17 Federal Capital Area criteria shall be made by the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, Islamabad. 4.18 District Shangla Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for entrance test and admission on separate prescribed forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates applying against seats under this category must have passed their SSC and Intermediate examinations from educational institutions located within District Shangla. 4.19 Sports Seats Two seats have been reserved against this category on gender equity basis (i.e. one for male and one for female candidates). Candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus Peshawar for entrance test and admission on separate prescribed forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates applying against seats under this category must be domiciled in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / FATA. (a) The candidates who have remained as members of following teams shall be eligible to apply under this category. The order of preference shall be as follows. (i) Pakistan Color Holder. (ii) Pakistan Combined Boards Team. (iii) All Pakistan Inter Boards Championship (iv) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Senior Championship (under the auspices of PSB). (v) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Junior Championship (under theauspices of PSB). (vi) Inter-Colleges Board Tournament. (vii) Supporting sports certificates Inter Colleges University Tournament. Any player who represented HEC Team. Any player who represented University Team. Inter-Schools (All Pakistan, Regional, Divisional, District T o u r n a ments) (viii) Field performance test is compulsory fo r t h o s e c a n d i d a t e s w h o h a v e selected by the Sports Selection Committee. (ix) Selection on “Sports seat” will be p u re l y p ro v i s i o n a l a n d s h a l l b e regularized on the production of the original certificates. (x) Based on the order of achievements if there is a tie between two or more candidates, their supporting certificates will be considered. In case of further tie a candidate with achievement in individual event will get preference over a candidate with achievement in team event. Nomination of candidates who fulfill the eligibility Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 48 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline (xi) (b) 49 The membership certificate of each sport team should contain the name of player, sport, team represented and the year of representation. (xii) The Championship certificate of one sports team should contain the name of the player, sport, team represented, name of event/category/class in which player secured championship, year of championship and position. (xiii) C a n d i d a te s a d m i tte d u n d e r t h i s category will be required to produce an affidavit to the effect that they will represent the University in their respective games/sports whenever called upon to do so and that they would not play as professional or represent any other public/private institute on part time/full time basis. The required affidavit will be produced on judicial stamp paper of Rs. 30/duly signed by the Notary Public. (xiv) If a player posses higher sports certificates in addition to the priority list from 1 to 6, the Sports Selection Committee and the Sports experts of the Committee will determine the merit of that certificate and the decision of the Committee will be considered as final. Special trails and interview will be conducted for this cate go r y o f p l aye rs i n o rd e r to determine whether the certificate and the game level of the player (candidate) could prove the standard or not. The Committee shall have the powers to accept or reject such c e r t i f i c a t e a f t e r t h e p ro c e s s o f checking and verifications as above. (xv) Those students who have participated and achieved sports certificates in the games mentioned below will be eligible for admission against the s p o r t s s e at s / q u o ta re s e r ve d fo r sportsmen/sportswomen: Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Athletics, Badminton, Table Tennis, Tennis, Squash In addition to the above games, preference will also be given to those individual events and team events, which are not mentioned in the games list, but played in the All Pakistan I nte r - U n i ve rs i t i e s C h a m p i o n s h i p / tournaments. T h e fo l l ow i n g C o m m i tte e s h a l l m a ke selection of students for admission against sports seats. (i) Director/Assistant Director Sports, UET, Peshawar. (ii) Provost, UET, Peshawar. UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS (iii) Director, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Boards. Note: If none of the candidates fulfills the above-mentioned criteria, the seats shall remain vacant. 4.20 Disabled Persons Candidates may apply to the Directorate of Admissions, UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for E n t ra n c e Te st a n d a d m i s s i o n o n s e p a ra te prescribed forms on or before the closing dates. Candidates must have Khyber Pakhtunkhwa domicile. The candidate will provide disability certificate issued by District Assessing Board, Health Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. Selection will be made by Admission Committee strictly on the basis of academic merit of the candidate declared disabled by the Medical Board. 4.21 Reservation of 23 (Twenty three) additional seats under scheme Govt. of Pakistan "Award of 2000 Scholarships for Afghan Nationals" for the Academic Session 2015-16. 23 (Twenty three) additional seats in the following disciplines have been reserved for Afghan Nationals for admission to B.Sc Engineering for the Academic Session 2015-16 under the Federal Govt. programme, "Award of 2000 Scholarships for Afghan Refugees": 1. Department of Agricultural Engg: ........... 10 seats 2. Department of Mining Engg: .................. 10 seats 3. Department of Architecture ................... 03 seats Total 23 seats Nominations against these seats shall be made by the Director (Academics), Govt. of Pakistan, HEC, Islamabad. Afghan Nationals seeking admission against the above reserved quota must fulfill the eligibility requirements of atleast 60% unadjusted marks in intermediate (PreEngineering or equivalent examination). Diploma Holders, in the same technologies, are also eligible to apply for admission with atleast 60% unadjusted marks. The Disciplines shall be allotted according to their technologies. Candidates are exempted from the requirement of Entrance Test. 5. ENTRANCE TEST 5.1 The Entrance Test will be conducted by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Educational Testing & Evaluation Agency (ETEA), Peshawar. (a) Only candidates belonging to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA/AJK/Northern Areas are eligible to appear in the Entrance Test who fulfill either of the following conditions. (b) Candidates who have passed Intermediate (Pre-Engg) examination from a recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (B.I.S.E.) in Pakistan or any other equivalent examination and have obtained atleast 60% unadjusted marks. 5.2 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ADMISSION RULES (c) 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Candidates, who have passed three years Post-Maric Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) or B-Tech Examination and have obtained atleast 60% un-adjusted marks. (d) Candidates who have appeared in Part-II of Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) examination or 3 years Diploma in Associate Engineer (DAE) or B-Tech examination and are awaiting their results, are also eligible to appear for entrance test. However all other admission conditions will be applicable. The Entrance Test paper shall consist of 200 MCQs as per following detail: (a) Mathematics ........................... 60 MCQs (b) Chemistry or Computer Science .................. 60 MCQs (c) Physics .................................... 60 MCQs (d) English ................................... 20 MCQs Each correct answer will carry 4 marks and for each wrong answer one mark will be deducted. The Entrance Test Admit Card will be issued to each eligible candidate at the cost of Rs. 1500/(Rupees Fifteen Hundred only). This money is nonrefundable. Candidates who have passed Intermediate examination with the subject of Computer Science and intend to apply for admission in Computer Systems Engineering and Computer Software Engineering, may take entrance test in Computer Science as a subject instead of Chemistry. The result of the Entrance Test will be displayed on the Main Notice Board of the UET, Main C a m p u s , Pe s h awa r a n d U n i ve rs i t y we bs i te (a) All candidates seeking admission to Engineering Institutions in private sector within the geographical territory of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will have to appear in the Centralized Entrance Test to be conducted by ETEA. (b) Candidates hailing from other Provinces will be considered for admission if they appear in the Centralized Entrance Test of their Province. 6. DETERMINATION OF MERIT 6.1 Merit of candidates will be determined according to the following criteria: (a) 10% weightage to Percent marks SSC Examination in SSC x 1 (b) 40% weightage to Percent marks in Intermediate or Intermediate x 4 equivalent examination (adjusted marks) (c) 50% weightage to Percent marks in entrance test Entrance Test x 5 (d) There shall be no pass marks in the Entrance Test The interse merit of candidates applying for reserved categories/seats shall also be determined on the basis of Entrance Test, Intermediate or equivalent and SSC marks as in the case of open merit. 6.2 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 6.3 6.4 To determine merit, total marks obtained by a candidate in Intermediate Examination shall be adjusted in the manner given below: (a) For each additional attempt to pass or to improve Intermediate examination, (Part-I & Part-II), candidates will lose 10 marks. However, in any case, the total deduction of marks under this clause shall not exceed 20. (b) Candidates taking Mathematics as additional subject shall also lose 10 marks. (c) If a candidate is Hafiz-e-Quran, he/she will get additional twenty marks, provided that he/she qualifies the test conducted by the Admission Committee on the date and time notified for the purpose. In case of a tie in any merit position for admission, the marks obtained in Intermediate/ equivalent examination shall over-ride. In case of a further tie, the age of the applicants shall be the criteria and the older candidate shall get preference. 7. ADMISSION PROCEDURE 7.1 The Directorate of Admissions shall call applications for admission to B.Sc. Engineering. The Admission Committee shall process all valid applications received for admission to B.Sc. Engineering. Admission of candidates shall be based on their choice of disciplines and campuses given in the application form. Provisional merit list will be prepared and displayed on the Notice Board of the University Main Campus, Peshawar and University Website Offer letters will be sent to provisionally selected candidates on merit. The provisionally selected candidates shall be called for inter view on the specific dates mentioned in the offer letters. Even if the offer letter is not received, it is the responsibility of candidates to check the Notice Boards at University's Main Campus, Peshawar and appear for interview on the date announced. No change in order of choice of discipline/ campus shall be allowed during interview. Selected candidates are required to report for interview/admission alongwith their parents / guardian. Candidates will be required to complete admission formalities on the same date, failing which the seat shall fall vacant. Subsequent to completion of first phase of admission process, adjustment of seats will be carried out and provisionally admitted students will be allotted disciplines of their higher choices strictly on merit subject to the availability of vacant seats. Subsequent revised merit lists will only be displayed on the Notice Board of University's Main Campus, Peshawar. No separate offer letters will be issued in this regard. Applicants are themselves 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 50 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 51 responsible to check the notice boards and complete admission formalities by the last date notified, failing which the seats will fall vacant. Classes will commence on the date notified by the University. The Admission Committee will recommend names of provisionally selected candidates to the ViceChancellor for approval. Admission of candidates will be confirmed after the completion of admission procedure. (a) The admission process, including adjustment of seats, shall be completed before the commencement of the classes. (b) Candidates applying for admission on reserved seats must complete all the admission formalities within 10 days from the date of commencement of classes. No . admission against any reserved quota shall be allowed after 10 days of the commencement of classes. (c) The Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering may allow late admission/adjustment, in individual cases depending upon the merit of each case upto 15 days after the commencement of classes, Within 60 days of the last date of admission, particulars of candidates shall be reported to the Vice-Chancellor on the prescribed form alongwith the recommendations of the Admission Committee for approval. After approval of the Vice-Chancellor the names of candidates shall be entered in the University students register and registration cards issued to them in token thereof. Affiliated Engineering Colleges/Institutions shall also provide within 60 days of the last date of admission, a complete list of admitted students and other information as per prescribed proforma, for approval of the Vice-Chancellor, through Directorate of Admissions and shall deposit the prescribed fee for obtaining registration card of their students. Affiliated Engineering Colleges/Institutions shall follow the University rules and regulations for admission. Disciplines and campuses allotted to candidates at the end of admission process shall be final and shall not be changed. No change of Discipline/Campus shall be allowed on mutual basis. A bonafide student of this University who joins any other Department/Institution or Academy for the purpose of study shall be liable for immediate cancellation of his/her admission. Changes made in rules or regulations after printing of this prospectus shall be deemed to be part of the prospectus. Petitions against decisions of the Admission Committee shall be heard in Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS Note: Applicants are themselves responsible for checking the Notice Boards of the UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for Merit List and completing admission formalities within specified time limits. Offer letters and newspaper advertisements are for the convenience of the applicants only. A call letter wrongly issued to a candidate as a result of some inadvertent mistake on the part of University shall not confer any right of admission to the candidate. 8. ADMISSION UNDER SELF SUSTAINED PROGRAMME 8.1 The University has introduced rationalized fee structure for the following disciplines to be run under self sustained programme:(a) 8.2 Main Campus, Peshawar. (I) Deptt. of Computer Systems Engg; (ii) Deptt. of Computer Science & Information Technology. (iii) Deptt. of Industrial Engineering. (iv) Institute of Mechatronics Engineering (b) Mardan Campus. (I). Deptt. of Computer Software Engg; (ii) Deptt. of Telecommunication Engg; (c) Abbottabad Campus. (i) Deptt. of Electronics Engineering. (ii) Deptt. of Architecture, City & Regional Planning. (d) Kohat Campus. (I) Deptt. of Electrical Engineering (Communication) The students admitted in the above disciplines shall have to pay total amount of Rs. 200,000/- for 4 years (8 semesters) and Rs. 250,000/- (Architecture, City & Regional Planning) for 5 years (10 semesters) i.e. Rs. 25,000/- per semester in addition to normal fee and user charges at the time of admission in the University. 9. ADMISSION OF FOREIGN NATIONALS 9.1 Foreign applicants seeking admission should send their applications to Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. A certificate should accompany the application form, from an appropriate authority of the applicant's country, to the effect that the applicant is a bonafide citizen of that country and is financially sound to meet the expenditure on his/her studies. Foreign applicants shall be required to join the University within 15 days from the date of their arrival in Pakistan alongwith valid study visa, failing which their nominations shall be cancelled. The Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad, shall issue Foreign Students Identity Cards. The students shall return these cards to HEC, Islamabad after completion of their studies. Candidates possessing Tourist/Invalid Visas are ineligible for admission. Ten additional seats have been reserved for Foreign 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ADMISSION RULES 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Candidates on Self-Sustained programme. The nominations shall be made by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad. Afghan Refugees registered in Pakistan with NADRA nominated by Government of Pakistan, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, against Self Sustained Programme or nominated by Government of Pakistan Ministry of Finance and Economics Affairs, Islamabad against their reserved seats on Technical Assistance Programme, must fulfill the eligibility conditions of at least 60% unadjusted marks in Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) or equivalent examination. Foreign students seeking admission in B.Sc Engineering are required to Pass SAT-I and SAT-II or E nt ra n c e te st co n d u c te d b y p u b l i c s e c to r Engineering University. Foreign students must have stayed and studied abroad physically and have passed Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or equivalent examination with at least 60% aggregate marks in the subjects or English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There shall be no exception to this requirement under PTAP. If any of the particulars given by the foreign student in his/her application form for admission are found incorrect or facts suppressed his/her admission will be cancelled and the Govt: of Pakistan or University shall not accept any liability what so ever in this regard. ADMISSION BY MIGRATION The Admission Committee shall, on payment of Rs.800,000/- (Rupees Eight hundred thousand only) in lump sum as migration fee, recommend admission on migration basis to a student within 15 days of the commencement of semester. The admission by migration shall be allowed from PEC accredited public sector Engineering University/College / Institute provided that; The admission is possible in the same discipline. The applicant is a bonafide student of public sector institution accredited by PEC, Islamabad or PEC recognized foreign institution/ university (in case of migration from abroad) where from he/she is seeking admission by migration. The applicant produces a No Objection Certificate from the University/College/ Institution, where he/she has been studying, alongwith a statement of total number of lectures attended by the applicant, and the syllabi of courses studied in order to determine equivalence for admission. The applicant submits a certificate confirming that the student has not been debarred from taking University examination, nor has been expelled/ rusticated from the institution from which he/she intends to migrate and that no disciplinary action is pending against him/her. The Head of the Department concerned is agreeable to accept the applicant considering physical facilities in the department and the Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 evaluation of his academic record. While determining the equivalence of subjects, the Chairman may direct a student to repeat those courses in which the candidate has been found deficient. The Candidates domiciled in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA shall be given preference. (a) No migration shall be allowed in first, second, seventh and eighth semesters of B.Sc. Engineering. (b) Applicant for migration to a particular semester must have already studied and passed all courses equivalent to the courses taught in earlier semesters at this University with a minimum of CGPA of 2.50 with the exception of a maximum of two courses. If migration is allowed, the student must pass the deficient courses. The application for migration is based on such changes in circumstances, which render it practically impossible for a student to continue his/her studies in his/her parent Institution. The candidate should satisfy the minimum merit of that discipline/ Department for the session i.e. SSC, Intermediate and Entrance Test Marks. Migration of a candidate domiciled in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ FATA admitted in any Engineering University/College on the quota basis may be considered if the nominating agency issues a No Objection Certificate to the candidate. No migration is allowed on "mutual" basis. No migration shall be allowed between various campuses of the University, and from the affiliated Engineering Colleges. 11. CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION 11.1 A bonafide student of this University may apply in p e rs o n , o r t h r o u g h p a r e n t s /g u a r d i a n , fo r cancellation of admission on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.50/-, duly attested by an Oath Commissioner. The Chairman of the concerned department shall cancel the admission of the student. Cancellation of admission in case of students admitted in other campuses of the University shall be done by the Dean, Faculty of Engineering through Directorate of Admissions on the recommendations of the Chairman of Department concerned. In case of Cancellation of Admission under Clauses 11.1, 11.2, a student can appeal for re-admission, to be considered by the Committee constituted for this purpose, within a period of one Academic year after the cancellation of admission. The recommendations of the committee shall be considered by Admission Committee for final decision. In case the admission of 1st semester student is cancelled due to any reason, the rules regarding 11.2 11.3 11.4 52 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline U n i ve rs i t y fe e / d u e s c h a rge a b l e / ref u n d a b l e mentioned on Page-60 of the prospectus 2015-16 will be applicable. Whereas in all other cases the University fees/dues will be charged up to the last semester attended. 12. REGISTRATION 12.1 Students are required to register for the relevant semester within 15 days of the start of classes. A student who fails to register in a particular semester shall not be eligible for registration in the next higher semester. A student who wants to freeze a semester shall have to register in a “Zero Semester” subject to the following conditions: (a) He/She will pay registration fee for the “Zero Semester” (b) He/She will apply within 15 days of start of the classes (c) He/She will be allowed to clear his/her subjects prior to “Zero Semester” (d) He/She can resume his/her studies in a given semester subject to the approval of the Chairman. (e) The student shall pay freezing fee for each “Zero Semester”. 12.2 12.3 13. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 53 UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS 13.9 13.10 14. ADMISSION IN SECOND DISCIPLINE OF B.Sc ENGINEERING 14.1 Candidates seeking admission in second discipline should have passed their first discipline by obtaining minimum 2.5 CGPA from any recognized Engineering University/College. However, they will be required to clear those subjects of B.Sc. Engineering that they have not studied in first discipline. Candidates should be registered for courses rather than for classes. Admission shall be granted within 15 days of the commencement of first semester of the second discipline. However, they will get credit of the common courses already studied in the first discipline. Candidates possessing domicile other than Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA and those from foreign countries may be considered for admission in second branch of B.Sc. Engineering. However, candidates from foreign countries will be required to produce NOC from their respective embassies and Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance & Economic Affairs, Islamabad. Ea c h D e p a r t m e nt m ay a d m i t a to ta l o f 7 candidates in second-degree course. Admission for candidates who have domicile other than Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA, and candidates from foreign countries, shall be limited to two in each department. Tuition fee/other user charge shall be charged as under: (a) Candidates possessing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA domicile shall be charged a sum of Rs. 18,000/- (Rupees eighteen thousand) per semester at the time of registration, in addition to the normal tuition fee & user charges. (b) Candidates having domicile other than Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA, and Foreign st u d e nt s s h a l l b e c h a rge d a s u m o f Rs.500,000 (Rupees five hundred thousands) in lump sum at the time of admission, in addition to the normal tuition fee/user charges. Candidates for the second-degree programme may opt to register for any subject in which they are exempted for having passed it during their firstdegree programme. Previous results of the subjects shall become invalid, once they opt to resit in the same. 14.2 14.3 14.4 PERMISSION FOR SECOND STREAM OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Graduates of Electrical engineering in Power Engineering are allowed to complete course requirements of Communication Engineering, and vice-versa, under the following conditions: Candidates seeking admission in second stream should have passed B.Sc. Electrical Engineering with a 3.00 CGPA. The admission shall be granted on merit. The merit shall be determined on the basis of CGPA. Total 10 floating seats shall be reserved for the second stream. Only candidates of this university shall be allowed to take admission in the second stream. Candidates shall be charged full academic year/semester tuition fee and user charges. Candidates shall be registered for courses rather than for classes. They will be required to clear those subjects of the concerned stream that they have not studied in the first stream. Candidates, who have passed first stream, shall be admitted in the fifth semester for the second stream. However, they will get credit of the common courses already studied in the first stream. Candidate of second stream may opt to take an examination in any subject in which they are exempted for having passed it during their first stream. It should, however, be made clear that previous results of the subjects shall become invalid, once they opt to re-sit in the same. Admission shall be granted within 15 days of the commencement of fifth semester of the second stream. Candidates applying under this category are eligible for admission within two academic years after passing the B.Sc. Electrical engineering in the first stream. Applications on prescribed form shall be received on or before the last date to be announced for the purpose. 14.5 14.6 14.7 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ADMISSION RULES 15. MIGRATION TO OTHER ENGINEERING UNIVERSITIES/ COLLEGES 15.1 A student after taking admission in this University may be allowed to migrate to other institutions after obtaining No Objection Certificate from the University Academic Section on the re co m m e n d at i o n s o f t h e C h a i r m a n o f t h e department. No migration certificate shall be issued unless the student has cleared all the university dues. Migration certificate shall be issued after the cancellation of admission in the department in which the student is studying. No migration certificate shall be issued to a student who has been debarred from taking university examination or has been expelled or rusticated, so long as the punishment remains enforced. 15.2 15.3 16. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16.1 In all cases where these regulations are silent, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor shall be final. This prospectus applies to all undergraduate students admitted during the session 2015-16 onward. Any subsequent change/alteration in the rules made by the competent authority shall also be applicable. The University authorities reserve the rights to make any changes in the existing statutes, regulations, rules, fee structure, allocation of seats and course of study that may be considered necessary at any time without prior notice. No student is allowed to maintain simultaneous enrolment in any other programme of studies in other educational institutions. In case a student enrolled in this University is found to be a regular student of some other institution, his/her admission in this University shall be cancelled. If any of the particulars given by the candidate in his/her application for admission is found incorrect or facts suppressed, he/she shall be refused admission. If any incorrect or false statement or suppression of facts is detected after a candidate has been granted admission, his/her admission shall be cancelled and he/she shall be liable to any other disciplinary or legal action, which the University may deem fit. A student shall be expelled from the University at any time during the course of his/her studies, if for any reason, it is found that he/she was not entitled to admission in this University. A student expelled under this clause shall not be eligible to seek admission again in this university. Moreover, all the fees, funds and other user charges deposited by him shall be forfeited in favour of the University. Further, no show cause notice shall be issued in this regard. A student will cease to be a regular student as soon as his/her final semester examination is 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 16.8 16.9 16.10 concluded. Such a student shall not be entitled for privileges reserved for regular students. The University makes all possible efforts for the safety of the students. However, the University shall not be responsible in the event of any injury, damages or loss to a student resulting from any cause, whatsoever, during the course of study. Students are required to know the rules and regulations mentioned in this prospectus and notified from time to time. Ignorance of rules and regulations does not absolve them of their responsibilities. Interpretation of these rules and regulations by authorized officers of the University shall be final. 54 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS ADMISSION RULES (Non-Engineering Programme) 1. GENERAL 5. Admission to non-engineering programme shall be advertised alongwith other undergraduate programmes. Applications for admission should be submitted to the Directorate of Admissions, at UET Main Campus on or before the last date announced for the purpose. Currently, the University offers the following disciplines under nonengineering programme: 1. Five-Years Programme of Bachelor of Architecture (Abbottabad Campus) .......................... 59 Seats 2. Four-Years Programme of Bachelor of Computer Science (Peshawar Campus) ................ 58 Seats 2. 5.1 5.2 5.3 ELIGIBILITY 2.1 2.2. 2.3 Candidates must have the domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or FATA. Candidates who have passed Intermediate (PreEngineering) or equivalent examination and have obtained at least 60% unadjusted marks with any of the following combinations are eligible to apply for admission to non-engineering programmes: a. Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry b. Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science Diploma holders who have obtained at least 60% unadjusted marks in Diploma of Architecture or Civil Technology are also eligible for admission to Bachelor of Architecture programme. 3. ENTRANCE TEST Candidates for non-engineering programmes shall have to appear in the Entrance Test to be conducted by ETEA. There shall be no pass marks in the ETEA Test. However, qualifying score in the Entrance Test conducted by National Testing Services (NTS) shall be 50%. 4. DETERMINATION OF MERIT Merit of candidates will be determined according to the following criteria: (a) (b) (c) 55 10% weightage to SSC Examination 40% weightage to Intermediate or equivalent examination (adjusted marks) 50% weightage to entrance test Percent marks in SSC x 1 Percent marks in Intermediate x 4 Percent marks in Entrance Test x 5 ADJUSTMENT OF MARKS To determine merit, total marks obtained by a candidate in Intermediate Examination shall be adjusted in the manner given below: For each additional attempt to pass or to improve Intermediate Examination (Part-I and Part-II), candidates shall lose ten marks. However, in any case, the total deduction of marks shall not exceed 20. Candidates taking Mathematics as additional subject shall also lose 10 marks If a candidate is Hafiz-e-Quran, he/she will get 20 marks, provided that he/she qualifies the test conducted by the Admission Committee on the date and time notified for the purpose. In case of tie in any merit position to the selection for admission, the marks obtained in the Intermediate/equivalent examination shall be considered for merit. In case of further tie, the age of the applicants shall be the criteria and the older candidate shall get higher merit. 6. ADMISSION PROCEDURE 6.1 Admission Committee shall consider all applications received for admission and prepare a merit list. The merit list shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Main Campus of the University on the date announced. Selected candidates shall be sent offer letters. Candidates are responsible to complete admission by the last date mentioned in the offer letter. Any seats falling vacant in the first phase of admission will be offered to the next candidates in order of merit. Classes will commence on the date notified by the University. No further admission will be allowed after the commencement of classes. Applicants are themselves responsible for checking the notice board of the UET, Main Campus, Peshawar for Merit List and completing admission formalities within specified time limits. Offer letters and newspaper advertisements are for the convenience of the applicants only. A call letter wrongly issued to a candidate as a result of some inadvertent mistake on the part of University shall not confer any right of admission to the candidate. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Note: Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ADMISSION RULES ADMISSION RULES (Non-Subsidized Programme) 1. GENERAL 1.1 The University has introduced non-subsidized scheme in the following disciplines for the Academic Session 2015-16: S.No DEPARTMENT SEATS 1 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Power) (Peshawar) 40 2 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Comm) (Peshawar) 40 3 Deptt. of Civil Engg. (Peshawar) 80 4 Deptt. of Mechanical Engg. (Peshawar) 80 5 Deptt. of Chemical Engg. (Peshawar) 40 6 Deptt. of Industrial Engg. (Peshawar) 40 7 Deptt. of Mechatronics Engg. (Peshawar) 40 8 Deptt. of Computer Systems Engg. (Pesh) 40 9 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Comm) (Bannu) 40 10 Deptt. of Civil Engg. (Bannu) 40 11 Deptt. of Telecom Engg. (Mardan) 40 12 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Comm) (Kohat) 40 13 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Power) (Mardan) 40* % of Tuition Fee 14 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Comm) (Mardan) 40* 15 Deptt. of Civil Engg. (Jalozai) 40 Full (100%) Fee refund Upto 7th day of commencement of classes 16 Deptt. of Electrical Engg. (Comm)(Jalozai) 40 Half (50%) Fee refund From 8th-15th day of commencement of classes 17 Deptt. of Mechanical Engg. (Jalozai) 40 No Fee (0%) refund From 16th day of commencement of classes Total: 1.3 3. FEE STRUCTURE 3.1 Students admitted under the above scheme shall have to pay a total amount of Rs. 8,00,000/-(Eight Hundred Thousand Only) alongwith other fee, fund and user charges for four years (eight semesters) study period, in the following manner:I. Rs. 3,10,000/- lump sum at time of admission to 1st Semester alongwith other user charges. ii. Rs. 4,90,000/- in seven equal installments, of Rs. 70,000/- per Semester alongwith other user charges. 3.2 In case of Admission Cancellation the refund policy is as under: 760 * Five (5) seats each for Electrical Engineering power and communication, Mardan Campus shall be offered on subsidized basis. 1.2 2.2 the Entrance Test conducted by ETEA (for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa /FATA candidates). Candidates belonging to other provinces must have appeared in the entrance test from their respective public sector universities accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council. Out of 40 seats each in the above Departments, 35 seats shall be offered to candidates having Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA domicile, while 05 seats will be reserved for Pakistani nationals. The Non-Subsidized Scheme in each department is subject to filling a minimum of 20 seats. 3.3 3.4 3.5 Time Line for Semester System Admission against these seats shall be on the basis of merit interse. Students admitted under this scheme shall not be provided accommodation in University hostels. Besides clauses mentioned above, all other relevant clauses given in the Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-16 shall be applicable to this program of admission. In case of a conflict with the relevant clauses mentioned elsewhere in the Prospectus, these clauses shall prevail. 2. ADMISSION CRITERIA 2.1 The admission criteria shall remain the same i.e. at least 60% (unadjusted) marks in Intermediate (Pre-Engg) and appearance in Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 56 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS Allocation of Seats 2015-16 (Peshawar, Bannu & Jalozai Campus) Indus. Open Merit (Settled Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) a) Peshawar Campus b) Bannu Campus c) Jalozai Campus 46 40 46 40 3 3 40 92 160 40 FATA a) Peshawar Campus b) Bannu Campus 6 Gilgit-Baltistan 3 8 23 23 Sons/Daughters of University of Peshawar Employees 2 2 Sons/Daughters of all Govt. Polytechnic Institutes and Govt. Colleges of Technologies (KP) Employees 2 2 Sons/Daughters of Police Shuhada’s (KP) 1 1 Sons/Daughters of UET Peshawar Employees Sons/Daughters Agri. Univ. Peshawar Employees Sons/Daughters of Islamia Coll. Uni. Peshawar Employee Victims of Army Public School (APS) Peshawar 1 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 36 57 61 207 176 30 40 155 40 41 786 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline ALLOCATION OF SEATS Allocation of Seats 2015-2016 For Admission to B.Sc. Engineering Programme SELF SUSTAINED PROGRAMME (Rs. 25000.00 per semester in addition to normal fees and user charges) PESHAWAR CAMPUS Com. System Engg. CATEGORY Indust. Engg. Rationalized Subsidized Settled Area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 68 05 FATA Bangladeshi 03 01 Indian held Kashmiri Balochistan Province (HEC Nominees) Azad Jammu & Kashmir Gilgit Baltistan Total Rationalized BS (Computer Science) Non-Engineering Prog. Mechatronics Engg Subsidized Rationalized 25 05 25 - - - 01 - - 01 - 01 - 01 76 Total Seats Rationalized Subsidized 05 53 05 191 - - - - 03 01 - - - - - 01 01 - - - - - 02 01 - - - - - - 02 - - - 05 27 05 01 26 05 53 05 02 202 - Subsidized MARDAN CAMPUS Computer Software Engineering CATEGORY Telecommunication Engineering Total Seats Rationalized Subsidized Rationalized Subsidized Settled Area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 51 05 51 05 112 FATA 03 03 01 01 - 06 Balochistan Province (HEC Nominees) - Azad Jammu & Kashmir 01 56 - 01 - 02 05 56 05 122 Total 02 ABBOTTABAD CAMPUS CATEGORY Electronics Engineering B. Architecture (Non-Engineering) Rationalized Subsidized Rationalized Subsidized Settled Area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 54 Balochistan Province (HEC Nominees) Gilgit Baltistan Afghan Nationals (HEC Nominees) Total 01 01 - 05 - 54 - 05 - 56 Total Seats 118 - 03 - 01 01 03 05 57 05 123 KOHAT CAMPUS CATEGORY Settled Area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Electrical Engineering (Comm) Rationalized Subsidized 45 05 Total Seats 50 * For BS(Computer Science) and B. Architecture, FATA candidates are also eligible to apply. Note: (a)Two floating seats have been reserved for Diploma Holders in Self-Sustained B.Sc. Engineering programmes. (b) One floating seat has been reserved for the Children of Employees of Agricultural University in Self-Sustained B.Sc. Engg. Departments. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 58 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS Reservation of 170 additional seats under directives of the Prime Minister of Pakistan “Award of 3000 seats for Afghan Nationals on non-subsidized scheme for the academic session 2015-16” 170 additional seats in the following disciplines have been reserved for Afghan Nationals for admission to B.Sc. Engineering for the academic section 2015-16 under the Prime Minister of Pakistan “Award of 3000 seats for Afghan Nationals”. 1. Department of Agricultural Engineering (Peshawar Campus) 20 seats 2. Department of Mining Engineering (Peshawar Campus) 20 seats 3. Department of Chemical Engineering (Peshawar Campus) 10 seats 4. Department of Computer Systems Engg. (Peshawar Campus) 20 seats 5. Department of Industrial Engg. (Peshawar Campus) 20 seats 6. Department of Mechatronics Engg. (Peshawar Campus) 20 seats 7. Department of Telecommunication Engg. (Mardan Campus) 20 seats 8. Department of Computer Software Engg. (Mardan Campus) 20 seats 9. Department of Electrical Engg. (Mardan Campus) 20 seats Total Seats 170 Nomination against these seats shall be made by the Government of Pakistan, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. Afghan Nationals seeking admission against the above reserved seats must fulfill the eligibility requirement of at least 60% unadjusted marks in intermediate (Pre-Engineering or equivalent examination). The disciplines shall be allotted according to their merit. Note: No hostel facility will be available to the selected candidates. 59 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS EXAMINATION RULES 1. offered at the university is allocated certain credit hours, which is a measure of the amount of work required for the course. For Theory courses, each credit hour means one hour of lecture per week, while for lab courses each credit hours means three hours of practical works per week and in case of Architecture each credit hours means (lab courses) two hours of practical work per week. BACHELOR DEGREE COURSES OFFERED Bachelor degree courses in the following disciplines are offered by the University: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. 2. Agricultural Engineering Architecture Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Systems Engineering Computer Software Engineering Computer Science & Information Technology Electrical Engineering i. Power ii. Communication Electronic Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Mining Engineering Telecommunication Engineering During the last two semesters of their study, students carry out projects and write project reports. The project is meant to provide students a holistic experience of entire Engineering / Architecture process. The Project comprised of three credit hours (9 contact hours per week) in each semester. In case of Architecture the project comprised of 10 credit hours (20 contact hours per week) in each semester. Grade “IP” is awarded for Project in the second last semester, which is converted to an appropriate letter grade at the end of last semester, based on student's performance in both semesters. 5.2 MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction and examinations will be English except in lslamiat, where the option of English and Urdu shall be available. 3. ACADEMIC CALENDAR The Academic year will be divided into two semesters i.e. Fall and Spring. The duration of teaching in each semester shall be sixteen hours of lectures (or 48 hours of practical work) for each credit hour of prescribed course work. Normally, each semester will be spread over eighteen-week duration, with the 9th and 18th weeks reserved for mid-term and final examinations, respectively. However, the number of weeks may be adjusted by the university provided the duration of teaching as defined above is not reduced. The Dean, Faculty of Engineering will issue a calendar for the academic year before the beginning of Fall semester every year. The calendar will include dates of registration, classes, holidays, and examinations, etc. 4. DURATION OF STUDIES The minimum duration of studies for completing bachelor degree requirements shall be eight semesters (4 years) for engineering programme or ten semesters (5 years) for B. Architecture, depending on the scheme of studies of various programmes, while the maximum period allowed will be seven years as per PEC rules. 5. SCHEME OF STUDIES 5.1 General Course work for earning the degree comprises Theory Courses, Laboratory Courses, and Project. Each course Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 Curricula Course work shall be spread over credit hours, as specified in the Scheme of Studies of each programme given in the Undergraduate Prospectus on the pages of the relevant department. Each Course is allocated a Course Number that identifies the department offering the course and the level of the course. The codes for various departments are as under: AE Agricultural Engineering Arch Architecture BSI Basic Science & Islamiat CE Civil Engineering ChE Chemical Engineering CS Computer Science CSE Computer Systems Engineering EE Electrical Engineering ElE Electronic Engineering IE Industrial Engineering IT Information Technology ME Mechanical Engineering MinE Mining Engineering MtE Mechatronics Engineering SE Computer Software Engineering TE Telecommunication Engineering 6. (a) (b) (c) DEGREE REQUIREMENTS To earn a B.Sc. Engineering Degree a student must: Pass all the courses of study prescribed in the relevant Scheme of Studies. Obtain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.0 Complete 800 hours of Practical Training in a recognized government, semi-government, or private engineering organization. 60 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline (d) (e) 7. 7.1 For Agricultural, Civil and Mining Engineering: Complete the Survey Camp conducted by the university (to be certified by the Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering/Incharge Survey Camp). Practical Training may be carried out during summer vacations of 2nd and 3rd academic years and also after completion of the course of studies. On completion of the training, the manager of the organization shall send a report to the Chairman of the department concerned on the prescribed proforma, stating the nature of work and that the work has been satisfactorily completed by the student concerned. To earn a B.Arch. Degree students must complete 12 weeks of internship during 3rd & 4th years with reputable architectural firms. The internship training must be monitored and verified by the Department of Architecture and students shall submit the internship Certificate as issued by the relevant Architectural firm to the Department. Registration in the First Semester Re-registration A student receiving F or W grade in any course shall be required to re-register in that course. A student receiving less than or equal to C+ grade in a course may also re-register in that course, to improve his/her grade subject to a maximum of one chance within one year of the declaration of final semester result. The improvement of grade(S) is allowed within one year of the declaration of result. A department may offer Repeated Courses (over and above the regularly scheduled courses) during a regular semester or during the summer session in order to facilitate re-registering students. However, minimum number of students re-registering must be 10; otherwise, the course shall be dropped. A student may register for a maximum of 6 credit hours during the summer session. During a regular semester (Spring/Fall) a student may re-register for a maximum of 4 credit hours (in addition to the prescribed courses). If a course is abolished due to a revision in curriculum or scheme of studies, the Chairman of the Department may recommend a relevant course from existing curriculum as a replacement for the candidates who need to re-register in the abolished course. The same shall be reflected in the student's Registration Form and Transcript. General The Directorate of Admissions will forward a list of newly admitted students to each department before the beginning of classes. The departments will arrange registration for the first semester, assign Class Numbers to the students and forward the names of admitted students to the Controller of Examinations for allotting University Registration Number. Students admitted late due to late nominations by concerned agencies on quota seats shall (a) register for the first semester before the beginning of the midterm examinations, OR (b) if unable to register for the first semester before the midterm exam, they shall register in the second semester and pass first semester courses subsequently. 61 7.3 REGISTRATION Before the beginning of classes in each semester, the Departments will announce the courses offered and will arrange Semester Registration for the students. The students are required to register for the semester by filling the prescribed form and depositing any fees that are due within the last date announced for the purpose. They must take the filled forms to their Academic Advisors for checking and signature and then deposit it in the Department office. The Chairman of the Department will forward the forms to the Controller of Examinations immediately after the last date of registration, keeping a copy for department's record. The students must register for successive semesters in order and shall not be allowed to register for a semester without having studied the preceding semesters except as noted in section 7.2 below. 7.2 EXAMINATION RULES 7.4 Summer Semester (Optional) Summer Semester is not part of our regular academic calendar. However, if the University offers a Summer Semester, it should be notified after Spring Semester with the approval of the competent authority. 7.5 Interruption of Studies If a student fails to register or withdraws his/her registration for a semester for a valid reason, he or she will get one chance to register for the same semester in the next academic year. If the student again fails to register or freeze his/her registration, his/her name will be struck off the rolls of the university. 8. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS A student is expected to attend 100% of the classes held in course. Under extenuating circumstances, upto 25% shortage of attendance may be condoned. However, in no circumstances a student will be allowed to appear in the final examination, if the attendance fails below 75% in the course. 9. 9.1 EXAMINATION Paper Setting The examination paper for midterm and final exams will be set by the subject teacher and submitted to the Chairman. The Chairman will check the paper for course coverage and appropriate depth and, when satisfied, forward the paper to the Controller of Examinations. Otherwise, the Chairman will refer the paper back to the teacher for revision. There will be no choice of questions in the examinations. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS 9.2 Conduct of Examination UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline (b) The Controller of Examinations will arrange the midterm and final examinations, including preparation of date sheet, appointment of the invigilation staff, etc. Each examination hall will be supervised by a Superintendent, who will be a senior teacher of the same department, and other staff, who will be from other departments. 9.3 (c) Re-checking Students may apply to the Chairman of the Department for re-checking of their final exam papers within the dates announced for the purpose. 9.5 (i) The university shall supervise the midterm and final term examinations of the affiliated colleges. (ii) The superintendent of the examination centre shall be the faculty member of the University. The supporting staff shall be appointed by the Controller of Examinations of the UET in consultation with the affiliated colleges. Marking of Papers After marking the midterm exam papers, the teacher will discuss them with the students to give them feedback on their performance. The teacher will then submit the marks to the Semester Coordinator. After marking the final exams, subject teachers will calculate the grades as per university policy and then submit the marks as well as grades to the Semester Coordinator within the time allotted for the purpose. 9.4 Invigilation of the midterm and final term examinations shall be conducted as per following procedure: Examination of Affiliated Colleges (a) The procedure for preparation of papers for midterm and final term examinations for affiliated colleges shall be as following: (i) The subject teacher of the university and that of affiliated college shall submit two papers each to the Chairman at least one week prior to the commencement of the exams. (ii) The Chairman shall forward the final paper to the controller of examinations. (iii) Question paper for the examination will be prepared by a neutral / external examiner from the prescribed course. (iv) There shall be no choice of questions in the paper. (v) The checking of the scripts will be carried out centrally at UET in designated hall, soon after the examination by the concerned class teachers of all the affiliated colleges and UET. (vi) Grades shall be awarded as per policy described in 10.2.2. (d) The Affiliated Colleges shall maintain course file of course to be submitted to the Chairman of the concerned department on weekly basis. The department's Board of Studies shall also evaluate the course file. The records in course file shall include as following: (i) Course outline, grading criteria, time table, attendance. (ii) Assignments, quizzes, exams along with their solution and results. The answer sheets of only midterm examination shall be collected by the affiliated colleges after evaluation by the university teacher. The same shall be returned by the affiliated colleges to the concerned departments of the university at the end of the semester. The answer sheets of both mid term and final term e x a m i n a t i o n s s h a l l b e ke p t b y t h e concerned department of UET for record purpose for a period of two semesters after the final term examina-tion of the same subject. (e) The committee constituted by the Vice Chancellor of the UET for checking the ongoing progress of the system in the classrooms of the University will also pay surprise visits to the classrooms of the affiliated colleges. (f) Dean, Faculty of Engineering, UET may propose any other appropriate measures to improve the quality of education in affiliated colleges from time to time. (vii) These rules are applicable from Fall Semester 2007. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 62 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline 10. EXAMINATION RULES presented. The presentations will be scheduled as follows: GRADING 10.1 Distribution of Marks 10.1.1Theory Courses The distribution of marks for theory courses shall be as follows: 25% Sessional evaluation, including home assignments, quizzes, oral tests, class presentations, projects etc. 25% Midterm examination 50% Final examination (a) Studio Courses (for Architecture) (b) 10.1.3 Final Year Project (B.Sc.) The capstone project carried out by student groups in the last two semesters will be marked as follows: Ø 35% Sessional work, to be assessed by project supervisor Ø 20% Presentations of work to Evaluation Committee Ø 45% Viva examination (including evaluation of project report) The project supervisor will award 15% of the sessional marks at the end of 7th semester and the remaining 20% at the end of 8th semester. Grade “IP” (In Progress) is awarded for Project in the 7th semester, which is converted to an appropriate letter grade at the end of 8th semester, based on student's performance in both semesters. A Project Evaluation Committee (notified by the Department Chairman) will assess the progress of the project through four student presentations, each carrying 5% marks. In the first presentation, students will present the project proposal on prescribed format, while in other presentations progress reports will be 63 2nd presentation Midterm Exam week of 7th semester 3rd presentation Final Exam week of the 7th semester 4th presentation Midterm Exam week of the 8th semester 10.1.4 Final Year Thesis Design Project (B.Arch) The thesis design project carried out by individual student of B.Arch. Programme in 9th and 10th semesters shall be marked as per the criteria set by the department under the guidelines of Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP). Lab Courses (for B.Sc Engineering) The distribution of marks for laboratory courses shall be as follows: Ø 25% carrying out lab work: Sessional evaluation by the teacher concerned. Ø 25% midterm evaluation: Written examination to be conducted by the teacher concerned before midterm week. Ø 25% final evaluation: Written exam to be conducted by the teacher concerned before oral examination. Ø 25% oral examination (Viva voce): To be conducted jointly by instructor and external examiner at the end of the session. The external examiner will be appointed by the Controller of Examinations on recommendation of the Chairman of the Department. Second week of 7th semester The Viva Voce Examination will be taken by the examination committee comprising the External Examiner, Project Supervisor of the concerned group, and Department Chairman. Each member will award marks out of 15%, making a total of 45% marks. 10.1.2 Lab and Studio Course The distribution of marks for Design Studio courses vary as per the nature of the design project comprised of studio participation, project description and presentation and jury assessment. The Chairman of the Department has to approve the criteria for each Studio Course marking. 1st presentation 10.2 Award of Grades 10.2.1 General Grading of student will be through letter grades that indicate the level of performance, as shown below: A Excellent B Above Average C Average D Minimum Acceptable F Failed. The student must repeat the course to receive credit W Withdrawn from the course I Incomplete IP In Progress T h e f u l l s p e c t r u m o f g ra d e s i s g i ve n i n Table - 01. Students may withdraw from one or more courses with the approval of the Chairman of the Department one week after the midterm exam. A copy of the withdrawal approval shall be sent to the Controller of Examinations immediately. Grade I (Incomplete) shall be awarded to a student only if he/she has missed the final examination, project report, etc. due to some genuine reason, but has completed all other requirements of the course successfully. The award of grade I shall not cover a student's lethargic attitude, willful absence, or bad performance in class. Grade I should be converted into an appropriate letter grade within one year, otherwise, it shall be changed to an F grade. The teacher concerned shall specify the conditions for conversion of grade. A student not allowed to appear in the Final Examination of a course due to shortage of attendance Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS shall be deemed to have obtained zero marks in the Final Examination. The grade will be awarded based on the student's sessional and midterm marks. obtained shall be reported in their relevant semesters on the transcript; however, only the best grade shall be used to calculate the CGPA. Table - 01 10.2.2 Determining Student Grades Student Grades in a class shall be determined as below: Grade 1. A 4.00 C 2.00 A- 3.67 C- 1.67 B+ 3.33 D+ 1.33 B 3.00 D 1.00 B- 2.67 F 0.00 C+ 2.33 2. Based on the sessional work, Mid-term and Final-term examination, calculate the actual marks of each student. Calculate normalized Marks for each student by multiplying the actual marks obtained with the factor 100 Highest marks obtained in the class 3. 4. Divide the range from 50 to 100 of the Normalized Marks into ten equal intervals, each of five marks and award letter grade: D, D+, C-, C, C+, B-, B, B+, A- and A accordingly. Award F grade to student whose Normalized Marks are less then 50. 11. 10.3 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Grade Point Averages (GPA) The Letter Grades awarded to students in a course are assigned Grade Points, as defined in Table 1. The average performance of a student during a particular semester is indicated by the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and the overall performance to date is indicated by Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). These performance indicators are calculated as below. 11.5 SGPA =sum of quality points of all courses taken in the semester Total credit hours taken in the semester SGPA =sum of quality points of all courses taken to date Where Both SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to two decimal places. In case a course is repeated, all of the grades Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 Grade Grade Points SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS Students must show satisfactory academic progress in order to remain in good standing. The following rules are meant to ensure that students get timely feedback on their academic progress: 10.2.3 Grading students in Repeated Courses A department may offer Repeated Courses (over and above the regularly scheduled courses) during a regular semester or during the summer session in order to facilitate re-registering students. For grading the students in such courses, their Total Marks will be merged with the Total Marks of the same course when it was last offered as a regularly scheduled course. Then the procedure outlined in section 10.2.2 above will be followed to determine the grades of new students. However, the grades of the old students (of regularly scheduled course) will not be affected by this procedure. Grade Points 11.6 A student who obtains SGPA of 2.0 or less in any semester shall be issued a written warning by the department chairman. A copy of the warning letter shall also be sent to the parents/guardian. A student who obtains SGPA of 2.00 or less for three consecutive regular semesters and his/ her CGPA is less than 2.00, will required to re-register until he/she improves CGPA to the minimum requirement for graduation. A written warning of this possibility will be sent to the student (with a copy to parents/ guardian) if his/her SGPA is less than 2.00 for two consecutive semesters. A student whose CGPA in the first two semesters is less than 1.5 shall not be allowed to register for the third semester until his/her CGPA has improved to 1.5 or more. A student who has earned three of more F grades in the first two semesters and these F grades are still outstanding at the start of the 5th semester shall not be allowed to register in the 5th semester until he/she passes these courses. A student must graduate within seven years to be eligible for registration with Pakistan Engineering Council, and eight years, in case of Architecture, to be eligible for registration with Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP). The student, who have to re-register as per Rule (11) are required to fulfill this requirement. Any student of the University, who breaches this requirement of Pakistan Engineering Council/PCATP due to any reason, whatsoever, shall submit an affidavit to take the responsibility that he/she could not complete his/her degree requirement within stipulated time as required by the Pakistan Engineering Council/PCATP and university will have no responsibility to this effect. All the Architecture Design Courses offered from 3rd Semester (Architecture Design-I) to 10th Semester 64 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline EXAMINATION RULES (Thesis Design-II) are declared as prerequisite courses. This rule applies for the Department of Architecture only. 12. TRANSCRIPTS The Controller of Examinations shall issue Transcripts to students who apply for the purpose. The transcript shall show all courses taken to date and the grades obtained, along with SGPA of each Semester and the current CGPA. The title of a student's project shall also be written on the transcript. Grade I received by a student shall be replaced by the grade awarded after completion of course requirements. However, a note shall be added on the transcript, recording the fact that grade I was initially awarded in the course. (This should not be applicable to I grade obtained in project in 7th semester) The transcripts of students who are admitted by 65 Migration from another institution will show the accepted courses taken at their previous institution. Their CGPA will be calculated using these courses as well as courses taken at this university. However, a note will be added to their transcript to identify their previous institution and the courses taken at that institution. 13. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Interpretation of these Academic Rules by the authorized officers of the University shall be final. In all cases where these Academic Rules are silent, the decisions of the Vice Chancellor shall be final. The University authorities reserve the right to make any change in these Academic Rules at any time without prior notice. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS UNIVERSITY FEE UNIVERSITY FEE Admission, fee for two semesters and funds for the academic year are payable in advance at the time of admission. Candidates shall not be allowed to sit in the University examination if they have any arrears. (a) In case of Admission Cancellation the refund Policy is as under: % of Tuition Fee (b) In case a student is transferred from one discipline to another during the adjustment of seats, the fee and other user charges shall be adjusted accordingly. (c) Late fee of Rs. 200/- per day (maximum upto 1,800/will be charged from the students who failed to deposit the University dues/funds within due date for any reason. Time Line for Semester System Full (100%) Fee refund Upto 7th day of commencement of classes 1. 2. 3. 4. Half (50%) Fee refund From 8th-15th day of commencement of classes No Fee (0%) refund From 16th day of commencement of classes University dues for Civil, Agricultural, Mining and Chemical Engineering Rs. 42,515/- PA University dues for Mechanical, Industrial, Mechatronics, Electrical, Electronic, Computer Systems, Computer Software, Telecom Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science & IT Rs. 38,885/- PA Rationalized fee for Computer Systems, Industrial and Mechatronics (Peshawar), Computer Software and Telecom (Mardan), Electronic (Abbottabad), Electrical Engineering (Kohat Campus) Rs. 50,000/- PA Hostel Charges (a) For seat (b) For Cubical Rs. 12,922/- PA Rs. 14,132/- PA Fee Charges in a Glance (Approximate) For Regular Students: Actual cost per student Fee paid by student under normal fee structure Difference borne by University/Government For Self Sustained Programme: Actual cost per student Fee paid by each student under self sustained/Rationalized fee programme Difference borne by University/Government Rupees (per annum) 238,000/42,515/195,485/238,000/88,885/149,115/- FEE FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS (ON SELF SUSTAINED BASIS) (I) A sum of US $ 15,000.00 or equivalent in Pak Rupees shall be charged in addition to the normal user charges payable by other students. This amount will be deposited in lump sum at the time of admission to first semester B.Sc. Engineering. (ii) Foreign Students admitted under the “Cultural Exchange Programme” or “Technical Assistance Programme” will pay tuition fee as per government rules in addition to other user charges. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 66 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY FEES EXAMINATION & OTHER FEE 1. Registration Fee for B-Tech (4 years program) 2. a) Re-appearing Fee for B.Sc (per subject) b) Registration Fee for Pre-Requisite Subject (per subject) 3. Examination Fee for B.Sc Engineering and B.Tech (Pass course & Hons.) RATES Rs. 1,870 (Non-refundable & Non-adjustable) Rs. 1,330 (Non-refundable & Non-adjustable) Rs. 1,330 (i) Regular candidates Rs. 1,760 (ii) Re - appearing candidates Rs. 1,760 (iii) Examination Fee per subject in case of re-appearing Rs. 660 4. B.Sc. Engineering Degree Rs. 1,210 5. Semester Transcript / D.M.C. (Ordinary) Rs. 245 6. Semester Transcript / D.M.C. (Urgent) Rs. 485 7. Final Transcript / Final D.M.C. (Ordinary) Embossed Rs. 485 8. Final Transcript / Final D.M.C. (Urgent) Embossed Rs. 970 9. i) Migration Certificate after study Rs. 485 ii) Migration Certificate during study Rs. 1,210 iii) Duplicate Migration Certificate Rs. 1,210 10. Duplicate Registration Card Rs. 245 11. Correction/change in name etc. Rs. 245 12. Provisional Certificate Rs. 660 13. Duplicate Provisional Certificate Rs. 485 14. Rechecking of scripts per paper Rs. 365 15. Duplicate Degree Rs. 2,420 16. Convocation Fee Rs. 715 17. Examination late Fee Rs. 910 18. Verification Fee (each set) Rs. 1,100 19. Semester Freezing Fee Rs. 3,630 20. Conversion Certificate Rs. 365 21. Summer / Crash Semester Fee (per subject) (Non-Refundable/Non-Adjustable) Rs. 2,915 22. Diploma Certificate Fee Rs. 605 FEES FOR AFFILIATED COLLEGES & INSTITUTES Affiliation fee Application processing fee for affiliation (Non Refundable) (a) Annual affiliation renewal fee per discipline for Undergraduate Engineering Programme (b) Annual affiliation renewal fee per discipline for Postgraduate Engineering Programme Registration fee per student (once) Examination fee per student (two semesters) Examination fee (per paper) Degree fee Semester Transcript / D.M.C. (Ordinary) Semester Transcript / D.M.C. (Urgent) Final Transcript / Final D.M.C. (Ordinary) Embossed Final Transcript / Final D.M.C. (Urgent) Embossed Re-Checking fee (per paper) Duplicate Degree Convocation Fee Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 880,000 44,000 86,900 104,500 3,630 1,925 1,455 3,630 495 915 550 1,035 660 4,290 1,100 (VI) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 67 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS 1. FRONTIER EDUCATION FOUNDATION (FEF) SCHOLARSHIPS A limited number of scholarships on the basis of poverty-cummerit are awarded under this scheme. 1.1 Rules for the Award of FEF Scholarships (a) The basic criteria for the award of scholarships would be merit-cum-affordablility to be determined by the institute. (b) Those whose income from salaries and/or other resources of income is Rs. 10000/(Rupees Ten Thousand) monthly or less will be considered to have met the conditions of inaffordability to be reflected in the a d ve r t i s e m e nt fo r t ra n s p a re n c y b y t h e concerned head of educational institution. (c) A student in receipt of any other scholarship will not be entitled for this scholarship unless he waives off his claim for the first scholarship. (d) Only those students will be eligible for the award of this scholarship who are domiciled of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and studying in recognized/registered Private or Government Educational Institutions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (settled area only). (e) The application forms should be designed and printed by FEF as per its own requirements. (f) Scholarship will be paid through cheques to t h e h e a d s o f i n st i t u t i o n s , w h o w i l l b e responsible for the proper disbursement and audit. (g) The submission of acquittance roll of the awardee student(s) will be the responsibility of the concerned head of institution. (h) In case of tie in the merit list, weightage will be given to the poorer. (i) The scholarship will be renewable on the basis of good behaviour and performance in subsequent years. Those who secure 60% or above marks in aggregate will be considered for the renewal of scholarship. This will be communicated by the concerned heads of institutions to FEF each year. (j) The scholarship will not be admissible to those who are admitted on self-finance basis. The exception would require prior approval of Chairman FEF on case to case basis. (k) After approval of the policy the required n u m b e r o f a p p l i cat i o n fo r m s wo u l d b e circulated to educational institutions included in the scholarship programme of the FEF. (l) Proper advertisement shall be given to the press by the head of institution and a copy of the advertisement shall be invariably placed on the notice board of all educational institutions which are included in FEF scholarship program. (m) FEF will charge Rs. 10/- per form in order to meet its requirements for printing and advertisement. (n) The students shall submit their forms to their respective educational institutions and FEF shall not receive any application directly from any student. (o) The heads of institutions shall process these applications through a Selection Committee and they would invite FEF representatives to their meetings. (p) The application forms duly recommended for Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 award of FEF scholarship would be forwarded to FEF after 15 days of the completion of admissions to the institutions. 1.2 Procedure At the beginning of the academic year, the Chairman of the concerned department will invite applications for the award of scholarships under this scheme from the students of the department. The Scholarships Committee will examine these applications and recommend the names of deserving students to the vice-chancellor for final approval. Although the criteria for the award of scholarships under this scheme is poverty-cummerit, however, while making recommendations, the Committee should assign comparatively more weight to the financial status of the applicant as compared to the weight assigned to his/her academic standing. 2. FEE CONCESSION AND OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Freeship in tuition fee may be granted to a deserving student on the recommendations of the Scholarship Award Committee. When two or more brothers or sisters are studying in the University, then the one in the higher class shall pay full tuition fee while the other shall pay half of the tuition fee only. Those students, who are scholarship holders and are also getting financial assistance from some other source, shall not be considered eligible for fee concession from the University. The University authorities may cancel any concession on the basis of misconduct or false presentation. Double financial benefits such as scholarships, financial assistance, and financial aid in any form, from any source, shall not be allowed to any student of the University. Tribal students can apply for tribal scholarships to their respective Political Agents. Students of settled areas can approach the local, Provincial and Federal Government for the grant of monetary aid and financial help. Besides the above, some philanthropic voluntary organizations also offer scholarships to deserving students studying in the University, such as Syeda Mubarik Begum scholarships are granted through Babar Ali Foundation, Lahore, for the promotion of education, general uplift and welfare of needy and poor female students. Candidates must have passed their first and second semesters examinations by obtaining at least 3.00 CGPA. The Students who have committed an act of indiscipline, will not get any Scholarship/Finanacial Assistance from UET, Peshawar. Those who are getting scholarships outside UET sources, their sponsors shall be reported this act of indiscipline. No Scholarship/Finanical Assistance will be extended to students studying under non-subisidized scheme. 3. FREESHIP IN RATIONALIZED FEE Three freeships have been allocated for the students admitted in the self sustained Departments. One freeship will be awarded on merit and two on poverty basis. Minimum requirement in all cases will be at least 2.00 CGPA with no ‘F’ grades in previous examinations. The merit will be determined on the basis of CGPA. However, for the students of 1st Semester, merit will be determined on the basis of total score at the time of admission to a program i.e marks of Matric, F.Sc & Entrance Test. Award of freeships shall be recommended by the Committee comprising the following: 1. Dean, Faculty of Engineering 2. 3. 4. 5. Chairman of the Department Director Finance Provost Incharge Student Affairs Convener Member Member Member Secretary/Member 68 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline Validity of freeship both on merit and poverty shall be for One Academic Year i.e Two Semester. In case of tie, candidate with higher merit will be awarded freeship. Freeship holders will have to pay normal fee and other user charges of the university. 4. CASH AWARDS TO TALENTED STUDENTS In order to recognize merit and encourage academic competition among students, the following cash awards will be granted to students who secure first, second and third position in each semester in their respective disciplines. First position holder: Rs. 1250/-each Second position holder: Rs. 750/-each Third position holder: Rs. 500/-each SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS (viii) 6. Requirements for the grant of cash awards to students shall be as under: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The student must have secured first, second or third position in the semester. He/she should be a regular student of the University. He/she must have passed all subjects of the semester in first attempt. He/she must have secured at least 3.00 SGPA in the relevant semester. In case of tie between two students, the marks obtained by them in their previous examination shall be the deciding factor. 5. AWARD FOR THE BEST STUDENT PROJECT To encourage final year students to take interest in the Project Work and improve its quality, the Syndicate has approved the following rules for the award of best student project. (i) There shall be one award comprising of cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- certificate and shield for the group members of the best project in each discipline. The shield inscribed with the names of the group members shall be kept in the respective department. (ii) T h e a w a r d s h a l l b e g i v e n o n t h e b a s i s o f recommendations of the Selection Committee. Best project for the award shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee for each department, comprising the following: (a) Chairman of the Department:(Convener) (b) Two Senior Teachers from t h e r e s p e c t i v e department: (Members) (c) One expert from outside the University to be nominated by t h e V i c e C h a n c e l l o r o n t h e recommendation of the Chairman of the department concerned: (Member) (iii) The Chairman of the department shall announce the date for selection/competition for the best project well in advance. (iv) The group of students of each project shall elect a leader from amongst themselves. In case of individual project as in Architectural studies, individual will present his/her work. (v) Every group of students or individual that has undertaken a project shall be eligible to participate in the competition. (vi) In case of group project, the leader of the group shall be responsible for organization and presenting the project to the teaching staff and final year students of the department concerned for appraisal. (vii) In order to select the best project, the Selection Committee shall give due weightage to various components, such as the 69 nature and quality of the project, the engineering and analytical input to the work and presentation to audience. For selecting best project, there should be at least two projects in competition for each discipline. GOLD MEDALS 6.1 University Gold Medals. Gold medals shall be awarded to students in each discipline who fulfill the following conditions:(a) Pass all the University Examinations in first attempt and complete the course within eight (B.Sc. degree) and ten (B.Arch. degree) consecutive semesters after joining the first semester. (b) Secure at least 3.67 CGPA. (c) Stand first in aggregate marks obtained in all examinations, in their respective disciplines. In case of tie, more than one gold medal will be awarded. 7. PRESIDENTIAL AWARDS Two cash prizes of Rs. 5,000/- each are awarded by the President of Pakistan (one to a student from the Tribal Areas and one from Settled Districts) to students who secure the highest position in the Bachelor of Engineering/ Architecture Examination. 8. MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS The students of 3rd, 5th and 7th semesters of B.Sc. Engineering in each discipline and 5th, 7th and 9th semesters of B.Arch. will be awarded university merit scholarships. These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of results of the preceding examinations, provided that the students qualifying for this award are not receiving any other scholarship or financial assistance in any form from any source. No merit scholarship will be awarded to students with CGPA less than 2.00. 9. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO DESERVING STUDENTS The following agencies provide financial assistance to deserving students on merit/in affordability basis: 1. Freeship for rationalized fee structure basis admission in nine departments of the University 2. Frontier Education Foundation 3. Professional Education Foundation 4. Pakistan Engineering Congress 5. Mora Scholarship from zakat fund 6. HEC Need based scholarships 7. Dr. Omer Hayat Trust fund 8. Karwan-e-ilm foundation 9. USAID Merit & Need Based Scholarships 10. HEC German Need Based Scholarships 11. Diya Foundation Scholarships 12. London Foundation Scholarships 13. National Bank of Pakistan Loan Scheme 14. Chief Minister Scholarships for needy students 15. Fast Cables Merit Scholarships 16. JICA Endowment Fund Scholarships for needy students 17. Prime Minister National ICT Scholarships Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE REGULATIONS 1. (c) TITLE These regulations are framed under clause-7 (ii), of the First Statute of the schedule of the University of Engineering and Technology Amendment ordinance, 1981 and may be called “The University/Colleges Students Conduct and Discipline Regulations”. The University Discipline Committee constituted under clause-7 (ii) of the First Statutes of the Schedule of the University of Engineering and Technology, Amendment Ordinance, 1981 shall have the authority and jurisdiction to deal with, and decide, all cases of indiscipline, in accordance with the University Students Conduct and Discipline Regulations. 2. (d) (e) APPLICABILITY AND COMMENCEMENT These regulations shall apply to all students on the rolls of the University and the affiliated Colleges of the University. 3. STUDENTS CODE OF HONOUR Every student shall observe the following code of conduct:(a) Faithfulness in his religious duties, and respect for convictions of others in matters of religion, conscience and customs. (b) Loyalty of Pakistan, and refraining from doing anything which might lower its honour and prestige in any way. (c) Truthfulness and honesty in dealing with others. (d) Respect for elders, and politeness to all, especially to women, children, old people, weak, deformed and the helpless. (e) Re s p e c t fo r te a c h e rs a n d o t h e rs i n authority in the University. (f) Cleanliness of body, mind, speech and habits. (g) Helpfulness to fellow-beings. (h) Devotion to studies and sports. (i) Protection of Government property. 4. PROHIBITED ACTS The students should refrain from:(a) Smoking in class-rooms, laboratories, workshops, examination halls, or Convocation Hall, and during study or academic functions. (b) Using or carrying of alcoholic drinks or other intoxicating drugs, within the University Campus or University Hostels or during instruction, sports or cultural tours or survey camps or entering such places or attending any such tour of camp while under the influence of such intoxicants, or any other University/ College functions outside the Campus. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 (f) (g) (h) 5. Organizing or taking part in any function within the University campus or hostel, or organizing any club or society of students or students associations, unions and federations, except in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations. Collecting any money, receiving funds or pecuniary assistance for, or on behalf, of the University, except with the written permission of the vice-chancellor /Principal. Staging, inciting or participating in any walk-out, strike, or other form of agitation against the University or its teachers or officers, inciting any one to violence, disruption of the peaceful atmospheres of t h e U n i v e r s i t y i n a n y w a y, m a k i n g provocative speeches or gestures which may cause resentment, issuing of pamphlets or cartoons casting aspersions on the teachers or staff of the University or the University bodies, or doing anything in anyway likely to promote rift and hatred among the various groups or castes of students community, issuing statements in the press making false accusations or lowering the prestige of the University or writing and pasting posters on the walls. Bringing, carrying and keeping of fire arms or any other weapon (of any nature/type) forbidden by law, within the University Campus, class-rooms, hostels and offices. Causing damage to University property or government public property. Use of loud speakers, mega-phones, “decks” in the University hostels and on campus. ACTS OF INDISCIPLINE A student will be deemed to have committed an act of indiscipline if he/she: (a) Commits a breach of rules of conduct specified above, or (b) Disobeys the lawful order or a teacher or other person in authority in the University, or (c) Habitually neglects his work or habitually absents himself from his class without valid reason; or (d) Wilfully damages University (or) public property or the property of a fellow student or any teacher or any employee of the University or (e) Does not pay the fees, fines, or, other dues payable, under the University Regulations and Rules; or 70 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline (f) (g) 6. Does not comply with the rules relating to residence in hostels, or uses indecent language, wears immodest clothes, makes indecent remarks or gestures, or behaves in a disorderly manner, or commits any criminal immoral or dishonorable act ( whether committed within the University Campus or outside) or any act which is detrimental to the interest of the University. False personification or giving false information or willful suppression of facts, information cheating or deceiving the University Forging, mutilating, altering erasing or otherwise tampering with any document connected with examination, receipt of University fees / dues or making undue use of such documents. PROCEDURE IN CASE OF BREACH OF DISCIPLINE The vice-chancellor , if in his opinion an act of indiscipline can more appropriately be dealt with by the University Discipline Committee, may refer it to the University Discipline Committee for necessary action under the Rules/Regulations. 7. RUSTICATION AND EXPULSION (i) Rustication (a) Rustication, whenever imposed on a College/University student, shall always mean the loss of one semester or one academic year so far his appearance in a University examination is concerned. The rusticated student may be admitted in the University on the expiry of the rustication period. (b) (ii) 71 CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE REGULATIONS (d) 8. GENERAL (i) (ii) (iii) 9. Cases of expulsion will be registered in the University and notified to all Departments and Universities. The authority, which has the power to rusticate could also withdraw the same order before the expiry of the period. No student shall be rusticated/expelled from the University unless he has been served with the Show Cause Notice, and allowed a reasonable time for explan-ation and replying to the charges framed against him. When in the opinion of the Discipline Committee the rustication or expulsion is not called for in a case referred to it, may impose any other penalty or penalties mentioned in the above Regulations. APPEAL (i) (ii) An appeal against the punishment awarded by the University Discipline Committee can be made to the Appellate Committee. No appeal by a student against the decision of the University Discipline Committee shall be entertained unless it is presented within thirty days from the date on which the decision is communicated to him. This code of conduct will repeal all previous Regulations relating to Expulsion and Rustication or any other instructions relating to the maintenance of discipline among the students. No fee will be charged from a rusticated student for the month or months during which his name is struck off the rolls. Expulsion (a) The period of expulsion will be counted from the date of issue of such a notice by the University. Expulsion period can vary. (b) Name of the expelled student will immediately be removed from the Department's rolls, and no fee will be charged from him/her for subsequent months. (c) A student expelled from a Department may be re-admitted into that Department or another affiliated College after the expiry of the period of expulsion. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE REGULATIONS 2002 (Amended in 2006) Penalties which may be imposed by the University authorities For various offences committed are given below: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OFFENCE Using/carrying of alcoholic drinks or other intoxicating drugs within the University Campus or University Hostels or during Study Tour or Cultural Tours or Survey Camps, any such tours of any other University/College or outside the campus under the influence of such intoxicants or misbehaving with others, especially females, during tours etc. Organizing or taking part in any function within the University Campus or hostel or organizing any club or society of students or students association, unions or federation, except in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations. PENALTY Debar from classes for one week or fine not exceeding Rs. 10,000/OR Expulsion from the University. Stern warning and / or Fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/-, AND / OR Expulsion from hostel accommodation, if relevant. Collecting any money or receiving funds or pecuniary All money supposed to have collected shall be assistance for or on behalf of the University, except with the confiscated in favour of the University. written permission of the vice-chancellor . AND/OR Fine not exceeding Rs. 10,000/Staging or inciting or forcing fellow students to a walkout from classes or examination halls or organizing, conducting or participating in strikes or agitation or violence against the University authorities or members of teaching or administrative staff or disrupting the classes or any other academic activity of the University being held inside or outside the campus. Expulsion from the University for one to four semesters/two academic years, depending on the nature and gravity of the crime. AND / OR Fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/- Casting aspersions or using abusive and derogatory language in speeches, pamphlets or posters against the University authorities or members of teaching or administrative staff of the University or physically manhandling, beating or disgracing the University authorities or members of the teaching or administrative staff of the University or committing an act of moral turpitude against fellow students. Expulsion from the University for one to six semesters/ three years, depending on the nature and gravity of the crime. AND / OR Fine not exceeding Rs. 30,000/- Conducting or inciting or participating in a violent attack on the Permanent expulsion from the University. offices of the University authorities, Chairmen, faculty AND / OR members or other officers of the University. Fine not exceeding Rs. 50,000/Damaging/destroying or trying to damage/ destroy the property (movable or immovable) of the University or University employees or Government or any other Public Organization or stealing or taking away by force any item of University property. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 Recovery of the amount equal to the value of the damage caused; and / or fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/AND / OR Rustication from the University. 72 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE REGULATIONS 8. Bringing, carrying or keeping or firing of arms o r a ny o t h e r weapon (of any nature/type) within the University campus or class rooms or hostels or examination halls or offices of the University. 9. Using loudspeakers or mega-phones in the University hostels or on the University campus or making provocative speeches or gestures which may cause resentment or doing anything in anyway which is likely to promote rift and hatred among various groups or castes of students community or issuing statements in the press, making false accusations against the University or University Authorities or members of teaching staff. Fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/AND / OR Expulsion from the hostel. Expulsion from the University for a maximum period of two semesters / one year. Fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/-; expulsion from the hostel. AND / OR Expulsion from the University for maximum period of two semesters / one year. 10. Misbehaving and not cooperating with faculty members, Fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/-; expulsion from University proctors, Hostel Wardens, and other authorities. the hostel. AND / OR Expulsion from the University for maximum period of two semesters / one year. 11. Forming political wing of any political party, student union, Fine not less than Rs. 5,000/- AND / OR student federation, or associations based on linguistic, Stern warning. ethnical, territorial, religions affiliation, or any other platform. Rustication / expulsion from University. 12. Holding “Dars” or “Waaz-o-Naseehat” and collection of funds Rustication / expulsion from University. for political, religious party or group within the campus AND / OR without permission of the University authorities. Fine not exceeding Rs. 30,000/- 13. Carrying any activity of what-so-ever nature that does not Rustication / expulsion from University. come under the definition of curricular and co-curricular AND / OR activities that is not allowed and organized by the University Fine not exceeding Rs. 20,000/authorities. 73 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline HOSTEL REGULATIONS maintenance of order and discipline in the hostel. The Resident Warden is the first point of contact between the Resident students and university administration. GENERAL Accommodation in hostels is a privilege and cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Accommodation being limited in hostels may not be provided to all the applicants and will be provided only on the availability of seats in hostels in the Main Campus and Satellite Campuses. The residential accommodation is an equal and merit based opportunity and preference is given only to those applicants who hail from far-off places. Hostel accommodation at various campuses of the university is available as under: All complaints regarding any student or member of hostel staff, any queries and any problems relating to hostel shall be brought forth before the Resident Warden. Students must never take matters into their own hands. Bearers and other staff have been provided in each hostel to facilitate resident students. A senior warden supervises the Resident Wardens in the discharge of their duties. The Provost serves as the overall in-charge of the hostels and sets policy guidelines for the hostel administration. The campus coordinator for the remote campuses acts as Provost for his/her campus. Peshawar: Six hostels for 1508 male students and two hostels for 140 female students. Mardan: Four hostels for 240 male students and one hostel for 50 female students. Bannu: Three hostels for 296 male students and one hostel for 8 female students. Abbottabad: Two hostels for 300 male students and one for 100 female students. Kohat: There is no hostel facility available at Kohat Campus, So far. Jalozai: Two hostels for 420 male students and one hostel for 210 female students. Note: Due to the lack of space/accomodation in UET Hostels, the hostel facility will not be provided to the Self Finance and Ex-Final year students. Security officer will supervise a team of highly trained security guards recruited from retired Pakistan Army personnel. Security guards will perform duty on the gates of the hostels who will only allow lawful residence into hostels. Security officer will be overall incharge of security of hostels. He can visit surprisely rooms of any hostel at any time for check of any weapon, drugs, intoxicant, rods, daggers and harmful materials etc. The residents of hostels are required to abide by the rules and regulations of the university hostels as laid down in this prospectus and notified from time to time by the hostel and university administration. Misconduct by any resident student may be punished directly by the Resident warden with a fine of up to Rs. 10000/- or it may be reported by the Resident Warden to the Convener Hostel Disciplinary Committee through the Senior Warden for further action. The Hostel Discipline Committee may forward any case to University Discipline Committee (UDC), if it deems fit. Proper boarding, lodging and mess facilities are available to the residents in each hostel. The mess in each hostel operates on a no-profit no-loss basis. Each hostel is looked after by a resident warden, who is responsible for the implementation of hostels rules, University Hostels and Available Accommodation S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Name of Hostel Shah Wali Ullah Hostel No. 3 (Old Block) Shah Wali Ullah Hostel No. 3 (New Block) Shahibzada Abdul Qayyum Hostel No.4 Syed Jamal-ud-Din Afghani Hostel No.5 Mehmood Ghaznavi Hostel No. 8 Engineering Hostel No.11 Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar Hostel, Hostel No. 12 Engineering Girls’ Hostel (Old & New) Engineering Boys Hostels, Mardan Campus Engineering Girls’ Hostel, Mardan Campus Engineering Hostel, Bannu Campus Engineering Boys’ Hostel, Abbottabad Campus Engineering Girls’ Hostel, Abbottabad Campus Boys Hostel (Block A), Jalozai Campus Boys Hostel (Block B), Jalozai Campus Girls Hostel (Block A), Jalozai Campus 1 ADMISSION 1.1 Hostel admission will be granted only to those students who are on regular rolls of the University. The facility of hostel accommodation to full time postgraduate students may be provided subject to Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 No. of Seats 120 414 125 128 222 299 200 140 261 50 311 300 100 210 210 210 availability. 1.2 Students desirous of hostel accommodation are required to apply on the prescribed hostel admission form on or before the last date announced for the purpose. Students shall submit 74 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline duly completed forms, alongwith five Passport size photographs duly attested by the head of the concerned department, to the office of the Head of their respective department. The forms after necessary scrutiny will then be forwarded to office of the Provost. No application form for hostel admission shall be entertained after the closing date. 1.3 1.4 1.5 The provost office will prepare a merit list of the applicants after necessary scrutiny of admission forms. The provost office will distribute hostel admission cards among the eligible candidates as per merit list displayed. Each card will bear hostel name and father’s name of the students, the hostel name and room number allotted to the student and a photograph of the student. The students shall submit their cards within 15-days after the allotment to the concerned warden and upon acceptance of which they shall become residents of that hostel and will be under disciplinary supervision of the hostel administration. If a student fails to submit his card to the concerned warden within due time, his hostel card shall stand void. Seats in the hostels will be allocated to each department in proportion to the number of applicants for hostel accommodation from each department.. Preference shall be given to those applicants who hail from far-flung areas and do well in terms of merit. Local students will not be granted accommodation in university hostels. The hostel admission of any resident student shall be cancelled if at any point/time he/she is found to have been having a residence (owned/rented/official) at the time of allotment. He/she shall be penalized as deemed fit by the hostel and university administration. 1.6 The hostel authority has the right to refuse/cancel hostel admission of students who misuse their privilege. 1.7 A student can request the cancellation of his/her hostel admission. The student will be eligible to receive all the refundable amounts if the request is received within one month of the closing date of allotment of hostel accommodation. No refund will be allowed after that. 1.8 A student whose admission is cancelled by the hostel authorities on disciplinary grounds shall not be entitled to receive his hostel security. 1.9 Students who fail to complete their degree within the prescribed time (8 semesters/ 4 years) will not be entitled for hostel admission. The hostel authorities under special circumstances may consider such application for admission provided the applicant maintains regular attendance in classes. 1.10 Application for hostel admission, from students whose admission has been cancelled in the past on disciplinary grounds, shall not be entertained. 75 HOSTEL REGULATIONS 1.11 Re-Admission cases may be considered subject to availability of seats in hostels and validity of the reasons for re-admission. Cases of re-admission bear minimum priority to the hostel authorities. 2. ALLOTMENT 2.1 The warden of a hostel shall provide room/seat to a student within three days of the submission of his/her hostel card. However handing over/possession may take longer depending upon the time required to complete the process of shifting by ex-room holders. 2.2 Cubicle rooms will be allotted to final year students only, subject to availability. 2.3 Students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years will be accommodated in bi-seater or tri-seater rooms. 2.4 Foreign students will be accommodated in a specified hostel (presently Syed Jamal-ud-Din Afghani, Hostel No.5). 2.5 Students are not allowed to interchange their rooms in the Hostel with each other with out permission of the warden. Any violation will result in initiation of serious disciplinary proceedings against the violators. 3 HOSTEL DISCIPLINE & ORDER 3.1 The Residents students must submit an undertaking of good conduct as provided by the university on judicial stamp paper before they can be issued hostel admission cards. The affidavits must be duly signed by the parent/guardian of the concerned student. A student, who fails to submit the duly filled affidavit, shall not be allowed to enter the hostel. The following must also be ensured with regards to the guardian of a student: (a) A guardian can only be a Blood Relative i.e. elder sibling, paternal or maternal uncle. (b) The parent/guardian must accompany the student to the hostel and he/she would be required to submit a copy of his/her CNIC along with the affidavit. (c) Any student, who fails to furnish the above, shall not be allowed to enter the hostel premises. (d) Every resident student shall be issued a boarder card, after due verification and collection of duly filled affidavits. The students must keep these cards at all times with them and they will be allowed entry into their hostels only after presenting this card to the security guard. (e) Residents shall abide by hostel rules and regulations in letter and spirit. Violation of hostel rules and regulations or any order issued by the hostel administration shall render a resident liable for imposition of fine and/or expulsion from the hostel and to such other actions as deemed fit by the University authorities. 3.2 Anybody (be it a student of the university) who is not a resident of the hostel is not allowed to enter or stay in the hostel premises. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS 3.3 Day scholars and residents of one hostel are not allowed overnight stay in any other UET hostel. Similarly, guests, family members or anyone else, are strictly prohibited overnight stay at nay UET hostel. 3.4 Resident students can entertain their guests within the prescribed visiting hours only in the guest rooms prescribed for the said purpose in each hostel. No resident can entertain a guest in his room. 3.5 Residents are strictly forbidden of keeping any arms, intoxicants, drugs, rods or daggers, and harmful materials etc in the hostel. Any violation of this rule will result in serious disciplinary against the violator and may lead to imposition of heavy fines and expulsion from the hostel. The hostel administration may initiate criminal proceedings against the violator and refer the matter to the police. 3.6 Residents are not allowed to use heaters, air coolers and air conditioners in their rooms. Any violation will lead to imposition of fine, recovery of charges incurred and confiscation of the forbidden item. Every Resident student is responsible for the peace and tranquility of hostel environment. Resident students are not allowed to play music or any instrument loudly. Residents are not allowed to participate in any political activity. Residents are not allowed to invite any political figure, scholar or any individual for any speech, lecture or sermon or to circulate any unpublished or published material for this purpose. Residents are not allowed to assemble crowds or congregations within the hostel premises for any purpose e.g lunch, dinner, iftaar, political etc. Entry of females into boys' hostels is strictly prohibited & vice versa. Residents shall keep their rooms clean and tidy. They shall also be responsible to keep their rooms properly locked in case they leave the room. Residents shall not keep expensive items (cost of which exceeds Rs. 1000/-) or cash in their rooms. The hostel authorities will not be responsible for any loss. 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Residents are not allowed to park bicycles, motorcycles or cars within the hostel premises. The hostel authorities would not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred by the student. 3.14 Residents are not allowed to ride bicycles or motorbikes inside the hostel premises. Any violation will be dealt with seriously. 3.15 Resident students shall not use and shall not allow the use of their accommodation for any purpose other than that prescribed and allowed by the hostel administration. 3.16 Resident students who in the view of the hostel authorities are not residing in their rooms shall have their hostel admissions cancelled. 3.17 Any complaints against the hostel staff may be brought into the notice of the hostel warden or the Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 provost. Residents are not allowed to deal with the hostel staff directly on their own. 3.18 Resident students shall not insist on the hostel bearers to bring contraband goods for them. Residents shall not insist on the hostel staff to indulge in activities other than their prescribed job responsibilities. 3.19 The Warden of the hostel may impose a fine of up to Rs. 5000/- on any resident student who violates the hostel rules and regulations or orders of the hostel authorities. Prior to imposing any penalty on the Resident Student the Warden may serve him with a show cause notice to which the student must respond in writing within the specified timeframe. The Warden may decide to do away with any penalty if he finds the response of the student satisfactory or may decide otherwise. The Warden may forward the case to the Hostel Discipline Committee through the Senior Warden for further action. The Hostel Discipline Committee can report a case of indiscipline to the University Discipline Committee if it deems fit. 3.20 Regulations for Hostel Warden (see on page 73) 3.21 Appeal An appeal against the punishment awarded by the Resident Warden shall be forwarded to the Hostel Discipline Committee within fifteen days. 4 HOSTEL DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE 4.1 The Hostel Discipline Committee (HDC) will be formed by the Provost under clause 8 of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, UET Ordinance No. XIII of 1980 and (amended) Ordinance No. IX of 1981. 4.2 Cases of indiscipline by the resident students may be forwarded to the Hostel Discipline Committee by the Resident Warden through the Senior Warden. The Convener of HDC in consultation with the Provost will call a meeting of HDC, at a place and time convenient to the committee members, to conduct hearings in the case. 4.3 The Hostel Discipline Committee will decide the cases according to hostel conduct and discipline regulations. 4.4 The Hostel Discipline Committee may forward the cases needing severe penalties (such as imposition of a fine of more than Rs. 40,000/- and or expulsion/rustications from the university) to the University Discipline Committee. 4.5 The decision of the HDC will be communicated in writing and will be duly signed by all members. The Assistant Provost will be responsible for recording the minutes and decisions of the committee, keeping proper record of all cases, and communication of decisions to all members, concerned students and wardens. Regulations for Hostel Discipline Committee (see on page 73) 76 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline HOSTEL REGULATIONS 5 APPEAL 7.6 5.1 An appeal against the punishment awarded by the Hostel Discipline Committee shall be forwarded to the University Discipline Committee. All the members of the mess shall take their meals in the Dining Hall of the hostel. No meals shall be served in their rooms by the hostel bearers. 7.7 5.2 No appeal by student against the decision of the Hostel Discipline Committee shall be entertained unless it is presented within 15 days of the date on which the decision is communicated to him/her. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the hostel mess and premises. Moreover resident students must not create any sort of disturbance or discomfort to their fellow students in the hostel mess. 7.8 Residents shall not use hostel lawns, common room and other places for lunch, dinner, breakfast or tea. 7.9 Residents of the hostel are not allowed to bring food from outside the hostel into the hostel mess. 6. HOSTEL CHARGES Hostel charges can be changed from time to time by the University authorities. Hostel charges for the year 2015-2016 (till further orders) are as follows:- S.N a) 1. 2. b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description of Charges University Fund University Fund for Seats University Fund for Cubical Hostel Fund Hostel Security (Refundable/adjustable) Mess Security (Refundable/adjustable) Gas Advance (Refundable/adjustable) Contingency (Non-Refundable) Hostel Card & Student Affidavit Amount Season Rs. 12,922/- P.A Rs. 14,132/- P.A Rs. 500/- P.A Rs. 1500/- P.A Rs. 1000/- P.A Rs. 1500/- P.A Rs. 200/- P.A HOSTEL MESS 7.1 Each resident of the hostel will automatically be considered as a member of the hostel mess unless his membership is suspended by the Resident Warden. No member of the mess is allowed to close his mess account for a period of less than three days. A mess member who wishes to close his mess account shall inform the office assistant one day before doing so. 7.2 The hostel mess will be monitored by a Food Committee comprising of Resident students of the hostel and appointed by the Resident Warden with the approval of the Provost. The continuation of the members of the Food Committee will be decided upon their progress. The Food Committee shall prepare a menu on weekly/monthly basis with the approval of the Resident Warden. 7.3 The Resident Warden shall supervise and check the mess daily or on alternate day. The senior warden or Provost may make surprise visits to the Hostel Mess. 7.4 The Resident Students must pay their mess dues before the 15th of each month. A fine amounting to 10% of the total dues (rounded to the closest multiple of 10) shall be charged for late payment of dues after the due date. The Resident Warden reserves the right to change the amount of fine to be imposed on the resident students in case of late payment. The Hostel Mess shall remain open during the time prescribed for each meal. Residents shall not be allowed to demand food after the prescribed time limit. Opening gate time Closing gate time Winter Summer 8.2 Rs. 4700/- P.A 7 77 HOSTEL GATES TIMINGS Following timings will be observed for boys hostels. (Non-Refundable) Total: 7.5 8 8.1 9 7:00 A.M 6:00 A.M 10:00 P.M 11:00 P.M A Boarder card will be issued by the provost office to the residents. All the students are subject to keep the Boarder card with them in the hostel and university premises. This card will serve as a proof of a student's identity as a Boarder. No student will be allowed entry into the hostel without his Boarder Card. NOTICES & WALL CHALKING No resident will be allowed to paste or exhibit any notice printed/hand written or other material, in writing anywhere in the hostel except those duly signed by the hostel warden; no resident student is allowed to engage in wall chalking inside the hostel premises. Any violation of this rule is subject to strict disciplinary action. 10 COMPLAINTS All complaints about matters relating to the hostels shall be reported to the warden of the hostels. Students must never take matters into their own hands, otherwise they'll be held liable for strict disciplinary action. 11 UTENSILS, FURNITURE AND ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS. 11.1 Residents are not allowed to take utensils from the dining hall/hostel mess and furniture from common room to their rooms or other hostels. Residents are not allowed to move any hostel furniture or other items from their designated places. Any violation will be subject to strict disciplinary action. 11.2 Every Resident of the hostel will be provided with a bed, a table and a chair. He/she will be responsible for any loss or breakage thereof. Residents who willfully destroy or damage any hostel property shall pay for damages and will be heavily fined. 11.3 All rooms of hostels have necessary electric fittings. Student/s residing in these rooms shall be responsible for the proper use and safety of these fittings. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS 12 COMMON ROOM 12.1 Each hostel shall have a Common Room Committee comprising of three to five resident students of that hostel and shall be appointed by the concerned Warden. The Committee will look after the affairs of the Common Room under the supervision of the hostel warden. 12.2 12.3 12.4 The Resident Warden shall take actions to provide residents with newspapers, magazines, material for indoor games and fulfill other maintenance requirements of the hostel. These needs shall be met through the contingency fund of the hostel. The Resident Warden shall determine the appropriation of contingency funds for these purposes. Film shows are not allowed inside the hostels. Special permission of the Provost must be sought for the arrangement and use of microphones in any function whatsoever inside the hostel premises. Non residents shall not be allowed to enter and participate in any activity inside the hostel premises without the prior permission of the warden. No professional artist shall be invited to perform inside the hostel premises. Social and cultural activities like indoor games, dramas, debates etc. can be arranged by resident students in the hostel from time to time with the permission of the Resident Warden. The Resident Warden shall decide the fate of such requests through consultation with the Senior Warden and the Provost. 15 REGIONAL SOCIETIES / POLITICAL / RELIGIOPOLITICAL GROUPS Resident students are not allowed to form or be associated with political, regional, Religio-political or any sort of group in the hostel. Resident students are not allowed to use or let their rooms be used as offices of any group. Resident students are not allowed to conduct meetings of any nature under the umbrella of any such group inside the hostel premises. Any violation of these rules will be liable for strict disciplinary proceedings against those involved. 16 CLOSURE OF HOSTELS The university hostels shall remain closed during the vacations. All resident students shall be required to vacate the hostels except those who are in examination or have enrolled in summer semester. The administration may provide an alternate arrangement for those who are in examination or enrolled in summer semester. Foreign students may be allowed to stay in their hostel during vacations. 17 SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR GIRLS’ HOSTELS 17.1 Female students shall go straight to their hostels after the completion of their classes in their respective departments. 17.2 Night attendance of the Resident students shall be taken on a daily basis. 17.3 The Warden shall carry out surprise visits to the rooms of Resident students. 17.4 The Hostel Gates Timing Following timetable will strictly be observed for opening and closing girls hostel gates: 13 HOSTEL STAFF 13.1 Private/personal servants are not allowed in hostels. Every hostel is manned with designated staff to look after the needs of resident students e.g. bearers, water carriers, sweepers and gardener etc. The hostel staff is answerable to the warden of the hostel. Any complaint against the staff should be communicated to the warden of the hostel in writing. Staff is required to serve the resident students inside the hostel premises according to the duties assigned to them by the hostel administration. 17.5 Misbehavior by the resident students with the hostel staff is subject to strict disciplinary action against the perpetrators. 17.6 Visitors and Permission for Going Out Every resident of the Girls' hostel must submit a list of three visitors duly signed by her parents/guardian along with photocopies of their CNICs at the time of admission. 17.7 Only parents/guardian and authorized visitors shall be allowed to visit female resident students during the following visiting hours: 13.2 14 PROHIBITION OF VALUABLES 14.1 The resident students are not allowed to keep valuable items like car, motorcycle, VCR, VCP, Video Camera, T.V Set, gold, expensive mobtile phones, large sum of money etc. The hostel administration shall bear no responsibility in case of any loss or theft. 14.2 Season Winter (October to March) Saturday: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Summer (April to September) Resident students are allowed to keep computers, Laptops without external speakers/woofers in their rooms at their own risk for educational purposes only. The hostel administration shall bear no responsibility in case of any loss or theft. Saturday: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM 17.8 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 Opening gate Time Closing gate Time Winter 7:00 A.M 6:00 P.M Leave Applications and Summer 7:00Complaints A.M 7:00 P.M Application for leave and complaint shall be submitted to the Warden/Senior Warden. Residents must have their applications signed by the Warden/Senior Warden before leaving the hostel premises. Only parents/guardian and authorized visitors can 78 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline HOSTEL REGULATIONS take a resident student for shopping/overnight stay on weekends. 17.9 17.10 Permission to meet the authorized visitors must be obtained from the Warden or Provost. Male visitors shall meet the residents only in the visitor's room for minimum possible time to avoid inconvenience to other students. The resident students may attend the university's departmental functions and study tours subject to the permission of the Warden or Provost. 17.11 Permission for going out must be obtained one day in advance. While going out a resident, must sign in the Register giving time of departure, place and phone number of the place of visit and time of return. She must also sign in the register upon her return. 17.12 Guests: Border students will not be allowed to invite female guests for casual meals or for night stay without the prior permission of the hostel warden/Provost. A: REGULATIONS FOR HOSTEL WARDEN Violation of Hostel Rules or Disobeying the orders of Hostel Administration First time: Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 5000/Second time: Cancellation of Hostel Privilege for next sessions and/or expulsion from hostel. 2 Using Electric Heaters/Air Conditioners First time: Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 5000/- and recovery of estimated electricity charges alongwith confiscation of the appliances Second time: Cancellation of Hostel Privilege for next sessions and/or expulsion from hostel. 3 Installing internal locks in the allotted rooms Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 5000/- 4 Playing games in hostel lawns or corridors Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 5000/- 5 Smoking in hostel premises, sleeping in prayer hall or common room/study room and any matter of this nature Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 5000/- 6 Keeping non-residents in the room Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 5000/-and cancellation of hostel privilege for next sessions and/or expulsion from hostel. 1 B: REGULATIONS FOR HOSTEL DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE 79 1 Keeping non-residents in hostel room First time: Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 40,000/Second time: Cancellation of Hostel Privilege for next sessions and/or expulsion from Hostel. 2 Keeping arms, explosives, intoxicants, and drugs or anything alike. Fine upto a maximum of Rs.40,000/- and cancellation of hostel privilege for next session and/or expulsion from hostel. 3 Playing games in hostel lawns and corridors. Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 20,000/- 4 Misbehavior with Hostel Staff or Administration or fellow students. Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 40,000/- and/or expulsion from Hostel and/or cancellation of hostel privilege for next sessions. 5 Invitation to any political figures, scholar or any individual for any speech, lecture, sermon or to circulate any unpublished or published material for this purpose inside or outside the hostel. Pasting posters/notices etc. without the written permission of hostel administration and/or wall chalking and such other activities. Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 40,000/- and/or expulsion from hostel and/or cancellation of hostel privilege for next sessions. 6 Damaging/theft or misuse of hostel property and hostel card Recovery of loss and Fine upto a maximum of Rs. 40,000/- and/or expulsion from hostel and/or cancellation of hostel privilege for next sessions. 7 Subletting of one seat or room to outsiders Cancellation of Hostel seat and fine of Rs. 10,000/- to 20,000/- for subletting a seat and fine of Rs. 20,000/- to 40,000/- for subletting a room. 8 Willful absence from HDC meeting by a Student A fine of upto Rs. 10,000/- for the first time and cancellation of hostel seat and exparte action. Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline UNIVERSITY RULES AND REGULATIONS HOSTEL ADMINISTRATION Designation Name Phone 1 Provost, University Hostels Prof. Dr. Amjad Ali Off: 091-9218375 2 Deputy Provost, University Hostels Mr. Samin Khan Off: 091-9216505 3 Assistant Provost, University Hostels Mr. Azeem Khan Off: 091-9216505 4 Engineering Girls' Hostel a) Resident Warden b) Resident Warden c) Assistant Warden d) Assistant Warden a) b) c) d) 091-9218644 5 Engineering Hostel No.3 a) Resident Warden b) Assistant Warden a) Engr. Saleem Ullah b) Engr. Jibran 091-9216462 091-9218070 6 Engineering Hostel No.4 a) Resident Warden b) Assistant Warden a) Mr. Habib-ur-Rehman Marwat b) Engr. Asif Khan 091-9216675 a) Engr. Dr. Muhammad Sadiq 091-9216676 S.No. 7 Engineering Hostel No.5 a) Resident Warden Engr. Tayyaba Bibi Engr. Ishrat Noor Sana Rehman Madeeha Amir Zeb 8 Engineering Hostel No.8 a) Resident Warden b) Assistant Warden a) Engr. Dr. Laiq Hasan b) Engr. Muhammad Umair 091-9216667 9 Engineering Hostel No.11 a) Resident Warden b) Assistant Warden a) Engr. Imran Khan Swati b) Engr. Wajid Ali 091-9216678 091-9216599 10 Engineering Hostel No.12 a) Resident Warden b) Assistant Warden a) Engr. Fazli Yazdan b) Engr. Ammad Khalil 091-9239267 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 80 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline S.No. 11 12 13 14 81 Designation Abbottabad Campus: i. Jalal Baba Boys Hostel a) Warden b) Assistant Warden ii. Sarban Hall Boys Hostel a) Warden b) Assistant Warden iii. Fatima Girls Hostel a) Warden b) Assistant Warden Mardan Campus: i. Ahmad Shah Abdali Warden ii. Hostel-II Warden iii. Hostel-III Warden iv. Ayeshah Girls Hostel Warden Bannu Campus: Provost Assistant Provost (Senior Warden) i. Allama Iqbal Hostel a) Warden b) Assistant Warden ii. Faqir Epi Hostel a) Warden b) Assistant Warden iii. Rehman Baba Hostel a) Warden b) Assistant Warden iv. Girls Hostel a) Warden Jalozai Campus I. Boys Hostel (Block A) a) Warden HOSTEL REGULATIONS Name Phone a) Engr. Mazhar Sher b) Arch Habibullah 0992-381700 a) Engr. Akhtar Munir b) Arch Azmat Ali Khan a) Engr. Munaza Razzaq b) Engr. Memoona Gul 0992-385782 Dr. M. Abbas Mahmood 0937-9230069 Engr. Fahimullah Khan 0937-9230295 Engr. Sajjad Ali Engr. Shagufta Naz 0937-9230236 Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Engr. Akhtar Gul a) Engr. Abdus Salam 0928-610804 a) Engr. Fawad Ahmad b) Engr. Latifullah a) Mr. Tufail Ahmad b) Engr. Basit Khan a) Engr. Najvia 0928-610802 Engr. Ahmad Ali 0923-577 350 Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 UET, Peshawar is zero-tolerant for student politics at all levels inside and outside Campus, misconduct and indiscipline CONTACTS University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar (Operator) Ph: (+92-91) 921 6796-98 Engr. Syed Imtiaz Hussain Gilani Vice Chancellor Ph: (+92-91) 921 6493-4 Email: Prof. Dr. Noor Mohammad Dean, Faculty of Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6495 E-mail: Prof. Dr. M. Innayatullah Khan Babar Registrar Ph: (+92-91) 921 6496 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Syed Waqar Shah Secretary BOASAR Ph: (+92-91) 921 6791 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Syed Waqar Shah Director Postgraduate Studies Ph: (+92-91) 921 6081 E-mail: Mr. Nek Muhammad Khan Treasurer Ph: (+92-91) 921 6497 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Amjad Ali Provost Ph: (+92-91) 921 6502 / 921 6796-98 (Ext. 3036) Mr. Habib-ur-Rehman Controller of Examinations Ph: (+92-91) 921 6989 E-mail: Mr. Muhammad Ali Sheikh Director Media & Publications Ph: (+92-91) 921 6043 E-mail: Manager, IT Centre Ph: (+92-91) 921 8601 Prof. Muhammad Pervez Advisor Student Affairs Ph: (+92-91) 921 8160 E-mail: Dr. Khan Shahzada Chief Proctor E-mail: Ph: (+92-91) 922 2075 Dr. Afzal Khan Chief Editor Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (JEASE) E-mail: Ph: (+92-91) 921 6796-8 Chairmen: Prof. Dr. Taj Ali Khan Department of Agricultural Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6500 E-mail: Dr. Saeed Gul Department of Chemical Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 8180 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam Department of Civil Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6775 Email: Directors: Prof. Dr. Syed Riaz Akbar Shah Institute of Mechatronics Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 7032 E-mail: Engr. Asif Ali Shah Director CEEC/ORIC/BTIC Ph: (+92-91) 921 7096, 921 7088 E-mail: Dr. Rawid Khan Director NIUIP Ph: (+92-91) 921 7166 E-mail: Engr. Ehtisham Ullah Khan Director Gems & Jewelry Center of Excellence (GJCoE) Ph: (+92-91) 921 6796-8 9 (Ext. 315) E-mail: Prof. Dr. Amjad Naseer Director Earthquake Engineering Center Ph: (+92-91) 921 8637 E-mail: Dr. Laiq Hasan Director Career Development Center Ph: (+92-91) 921 6796-8 Dr. Gul Muhammad Director Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks Research (CISNR) Ph: 0333-927 1022 Email: Dr. Shahbaz Khan Director CGMAS Project (Mardan) Ph: (+92-937) 923 0451 E-mail: Dr. Laiq Hasan Department of Computer Systems Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6590 E-mail: Campuses: Prof. Dr. Syed Waqar Shah Department of Electrical Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6498 E-mail: Dr. Imran Khan Co-ordinator Mardan Campus Ph: (+92-937) 923 0295 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Rizwan M. Gul Director, Quality Enhancement Cell Ph: (+92-91) 921 6796-8 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Iftikhar Hussain Department of Industrial Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6465 E-mail: Engr. Siddiqu Akbar Co-ordinator Abbottabad Campus Ph: (+92-992) 381 700 E-mail: Dr. Laiq Hasan Director Admissions Ph: (+92-91) 921 6784 Email: Prof. Muhammad Pervez Department of Mechanical Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6499 E-mail: Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Khan Co-ordinator Bannu Campus Ph: (+92-928) 610 804, 610 636 E-mail: Mr. Samiullah Additional Registrar Ph: (+92-91) 921 8224 E-mail: Engr. Aman-ul-Mulk Department of Mining Engineering Ph: (+92-91) 921 6501 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Amjadullah Khattak Co-ordinator Kohat Campus Ph: (+92-922) 864 283-4 E-mail: Mr. Ahmed Murad Deputy Registrar (Academic Regulations) Ph: (+92-91) 921 6504 E-mail: Prof. Dr. Amjad Ali Department of Basic Sciences & Islamiyat Ph: (+92-91) 921 6502 E-mail: Dr. Wajeeha Khalil Department of CS & IT Ph: (+92-91) 921 6590 E-mail: Prof. Fazal Khaliq Jan Co-ordinator Jalozai Campus Ph: (+92-923) 577 350 E-mail: Engr. Iftikhar Ahmad Director Undergraduate Studies Ph: (+92-91) 921 6184 E-mail: Mr. Jan Saeed Khan Assistant Director Admissions Ph: (+92-91) 921 6784 Email: Undergraduate Prospectus 2015-2016 82