Kosin Globe Spring Edition, Vol. 1


Kosin Globe Spring Edition, Vol. 1
Spring Edition Vol. 1
A Biannual Magazine of Kosin University
June 2011
The Harvest Singers
of age
Brain Teaser:
The lunacy of
English language
Kosin Globe
Kosin Globe in brief
n English language publication for English
speakers is finally here! Kosin Globe is established
as a dynamic, English-language magazine
providing news, campus events, scheduling and discussion
pieces that celebrate the vision, work, and personnel of
Kosin University. It is a tool to inform current students,
staff, supporters of Kosin and its alumni around the world.
current Kosin students and faculty; future Kosin
students; Kosin alumni; Kosin prayer and
financial supporters, both current and potential.
Evidently, Kosin University serves a significant
international population on site in Busan, and is
extending its English-based academic activities since
2010 by including courses using English as the medium
of instruction in some of its e-learning programs. In
addition, Kosin has an honourable reputation in the
international higher education community because of
the university’s global promotion of a reformational
worldview that is biblically faithful, academically
rigorous, culturally engaging, and church supporting.
In this context, it is expedient for the university to maintain
and strengthen its English language communications
and educational arm that was commenced in 2009 with
the development of Kosin’s English language website.
The development of an English language campusbased magazine, regular updating of the news
section of the English language website, and the
production of a bi-semester professional journal are
all important in order to provide appropriate nurture
for Kosin’s own student population, and in order
to make an appropriate contribution to scholarly
discussion globally from a reformational perspective.
Kosin Globe is coordinated by the Director of
Kosin/Edserv Partnership Office and is published
by the Office of the President, Kosin University.
Kosin University is a provider of Christian higher
education which celebrates the unity of faith, life
and learning. It is composed of a caring, learning
community nurturing students academically from
a Reformational Perspective. The community
here is friendly in a cosmopolitan atmosphere
with students from over 26 nations. Perched on
the side of a mountain with spectacular views,
the institution overlooks the port of Busan, South
Kosin Community seeks to be:
0 Biblically Faithful
0 Culturally Engaging
0 Church Supporting 0 Academically Challenging
Message from the President
ongratulations to Benson Kamary and his team for producing the first issue of Kosin Globe. Our
university has a significant international student and faculty body who are competent in English,
and also there are many people in other countries who are very interested in praying for and
knowing about what we do here at Kosin. This magazine, both in hard copy and through the online
pdf version, will help keep people around the world in touch with Kosin life. I encourage anyone who
wants to make a contribution to the magazine to contact Benson for more information about how to
submit an article or an idea to the editorial committee for consideration.
By now, almost everyone on campus is familiar with the refrain from some of our professors that
“There is no neutrality” (there’s a question in this edition’s crossword puzzle about it)! No neutrality
applies even to the content and layout of a magazine like Kosin Globe. As you read the articles, think
about not just the content of each individual article, but also about the overall image of our campus
and activities that is painted in these pages. I hope that this reflection will show you that we are
humbly attempting to carry out our reformational mandate of shaping every aspect of culture in a Godhonouring way.
• when you read the entertainment sections, I hope that you well see that we can laugh and
enjoy humour as one of God’s good gifts to humankind.
• when you read the interview sections, I trust that you will gain a Godly sense of wonder about
our multicultural makeup and about the love that we have for one another (2 Corinthians
10:5). As Jesus said, “By this will all men know you are my disciples, if you have love one
for another.” (John 13:35)
• when you read the sections that touch on the teaching and academic aspect of our university,
I trust that you will see that we attempt to bring every thought into subjection to Jesus Christ.
It is my intention to make a regular contribution to Kosin Globe. Through these few words, I want to
encourage you and challenge you about living for Jesus in all that you do.
I want also to tell you something of what I do as university president, as well as share with you
some of the innovations in which we are involved, such as the new e-learning program that is under
development, or about some of the visiting scholars and musicians that you can look forward to in the
months ahead. Coram Deo.
Sung Soo Kim,
Kosin University
Editor’s comment
Dear reader,
Publisher: Office of the President
Coordinator: Kosin Edserv
Partnership Office
Managing Editor: Benson Kamary
Contributors: Paul Kihiro, Joy
Soriano, Rhoda Babiyre, Eleni
Baleloa, Sally Matalang, Cindy Mora,
Agus Susanto.
I thank God for you. In a nutshell, this is the story of Kosin Globe. In 2008
while attending my graduation ceremony at Daystar University, Kenya, President
Kim Sung Soo, who was a commencement speaker visited the newsroom where I
worked as an editor for a student newspaper.
Captivated by the Involvement newspaper and Output magazine, the president
resolved that he would like to have such publications at Kosin.
Though the idea incubated for about three years, I am glad that the dream has
come true. Kosin Globe, an English language magazine is finally here!
I’m grateful to President Kim and Dr Richard Edlin for initiating this publication.
To the Kosin Globe editorial team and contributors, I say thank you very much for
your diligence and commitment.
As you read the magazine, I invite you on board that we may unwrap God’s
mystery together in the stories we tell, in the activities we do and in the
meditations we reflect on. For now, go through the pages in delight. And when you
reach the last page, I hope that you’ll zealously be craving for the next edition…
Contact: 82-51-990-2178 or
Thank you.
Benson Kamary,
Managing Editor
Campus News
Kosin students
win intervarsity
poetry contest
President Kim Sung Soo (right) and Mr. Nam Song Woo of the Busan Cultural
Foundation award Tan Siew Piang during the 1st Yoon Dong Ju Poetry Contest.
Ms. Ma Fei Fei of Kosin University recites a poem during the contest. She was one of the winners.
osin University international students
dominated the1st Yoon Dong Ju Poetry
Reading Contest held at Kosin University
on Saturday May 28. Ms. Tan Siew Piang,
also known as “Biscuit,”
from Malaysia won the
first prize. Her award includes a ticket to Yoon Dong
Ju’s birthplace in China. Out of eight Kosin University
students who qualified for the finals, six were in the
award winning bracket.
Niu Qiaowei of Shilla University won the second
place together with Ma Fei Fei and Jin Wen of Kosin
University. They were awarded 500,000Won each.
The third prize had five winners who took home
100,000Won each. They were Zhao Chunshan (Kosin
University), Xu Qinxiang (Shilla University), Wang
Huan (Kosin University), Jin Jinlan (Busan University
of Foreign Studies) and Jiang Shichao (Kosin
The poetry reading contest attracted 45 applicants
from eight universities in Busan.
After the preliminaries held a day before, 21
participants qualified for the final round. Except for the
first prize, all the other winners were Chinese students.
Kosin University President, Kim Sung Soo,
was present on the occasion. He encouraged the
participants and congratulated the winners of the
contest. International students also came in good
number to encourage the candidates with songs and
The judges led by Prof. Park Chun Dok of Kosin
University reached a conclusion on winners after all
the contestants had recited the poems. Others on the
panel of judges were Professor Moon Son Young of
Busan National University, Nam Song Woo, the head
of Busan Cultural Foundation and Bok Soo Lee, the
Vice-President of Kosin University.
The contest was organized by the International
Cooperation Office of Kosin University in conjunction
with Busan Cultural Foundation in memory of Yoon
Dong Ju. Yoon Dong Ju was born in 1917 and grew up
in Christian family. He died when he was only 28 but
he had written numerous poems about Korean people’s
feeling under the Japanese rule. He is considered a
great poet in the region.
President Kim Sung Soo (front centre), judges and contestants after the 1st Yoon Dong Ju Poetry Contest.
Kosin Globe wishes you a blessed summer vacation!
BBQ Party!
Where? ULSAN Church When? June 18th
Departure: 10.00am
Campus News
Precious time with special friends
nternational students had a unique BBQ party experience on
Saturday, May 22nd. Unlike previous years in which BBQ
party meant going to a senior pastor’s home in Ulsan for grilled
lamb-chops for lunch, this year the group was hosted by the
Busan Hyewon School at their Bethesda Center. Here, intellectually
challenged children live.
Kosin team arrived at the Bethesda Center and was welcomed
with curious glances and smiles from the Hyewon pupils. Most
of the children at the Bethesda Center appeared curious because,
for many of them, it was first time to see people different from
them; different in skin color, language and culture. It was evident
when one of the children, driven by deep curiosity, took an African
student’s hand and examined it carefully, trying to feel the texture
and color of the skin!
Kosin University president, Kim Song Soo, gave a brief speech
about the school and its goals. “These are just some of the people
that you will be ministering to in the future. These are the ones that
God loves the most. Today, you will have the privilege to share
God’s true love with these students. It will be a meaningful time and
experience for you all,” he said.
The head of the school, Ms. Yu Ok Ju said that she was moved
and blessed to have university students from all over the world at
Bethesda. Though the weather forecast had predicted a rainy day,
the sunny and breezy afternoon was something to be thankful about.
The institution is run by the De Shin Dong Church partnering with
Kosin University. The elders of the church were also present and
expressed their sincere appreciation to the Kosin University team
for accepting their invitation with open hearts.
After the speeches, it was time to tuck into some delicious BBQ.
Each international student was given a friend child from Bethesda to
look after. Friendships developed spontaneously despite language
Ariunaa Erdeneochir from Mongolia hugs a pupil during a visit to Bethesda
barriers. The children and Kosin University students inspired each
other during the meal time.
After the tasty meal, there was a photo session before everyone gathered in the worship
hall for some entertainment. First, the Chinese students sung a Chinese song followed by
Jesus said, "Let the little
the African students with their rendition of “Bambolela.” A newly formed international
children come to me, and
singing group called “The Harvest Singers” also sung before the host children went up
do not hinder them, for
on the stage. They recited Psalm 1 and 24 and then sang a blessing song as their way of
the kingdom of heaven
saying ‘thank you’ to the guests.
belongs to such as these."
The culmination of the event was when the entire international students, the Bethesda
- Matthew 19:14
students and staff from both institutions danced to various songs from Africa, China,
Philippines and Bangladesh. Elder Kim Jong Hun, from Gojhe Church and an architect
and a former pastor closed with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Spending time with physically and mentally challenged children was a moving and
enriching experience. Others in attendance were the Dean of the Office of International
Cooperation, Prof. Cha Jae Guk; Dr Richard and Prof. Annette Edlin; Prof. Sally Matalang
among others.
Campus News
Kosin to host world-famous organist
“In addition to the Felix Hell Concert, there will be a
CD played of pianist Kyung Sook Lee”
Felix Hell
Kyung Sook Lee
Felix Hell Concert!
Ye-Eum Hall,
7.00 p.m
June 20th, 2011
osin University will host 'Felix
Hell Concert' on the June 20th at
7.00 p.m. in Ye-Eum Hall, Kosin
University (Yeongdo Campus). Felix Hell, a
German concert organist, is a phenomenon
in several ways in the music world.
Hailed as the most well-known young
concert organist worldwide (Dr. John
Weaver), and no doubt one of the major
talents of the century (Dr. Frederick Swann,
AGO president), Hell gets standards that
many established and honored older players
would struggle to equal (Michael Barone in
the American Organist).
This concert is one of the major ways
through which Kosin University continues
to be involved in cultural events to advance
its closeness to the Yeong-do people.
In addition to the Felix Hell Concert, there
will be a CD played of pianist Kyung Sook
Lee (President Sung Soo Kim's wife). This
CD album is composed of hymns arranged
by Missionary Doo-Won Ma and sponsored
by Hallelujah Dental Clinic.
Proceeds from the CD sales are channeled
towards supporting international students
of Kosin University.
When it snowed in Busan...
hen it snows, the phenomenon has different meanings to different
people. I come from a country where it doesn’t snow. Does snow mean
anthing to me? A Korean friend told me that if you are the first to
tell or show a friend that it is snowing it is a sign of blessing. Some places are
‘blessed’ to have snow throughout the winter season but this is not the case for
Busan. Here it rarely snows. In fact, if we’re lucky, we will have it just once or
twice throughout the season.
Well, the news is that it snowed in Busan so heavily that it was declared
the most intensive snowfall in decades! And by the way, was it meant to be
Valentine’s day? Never mind, a friend called me in the morning to let me know it
was snowing. A blessing, remember?
It was all white and beautiful. What could we possibly do on a snowy day?
Make snowmen. Yes. Take photos and play in the snow not caring about the
chilling ice. I even saw male students playing soccer all through the evening!
You see, this was a rare opportunity. And once you send some pictures to your
siblings back home, the first question they ask is, “How does it taste?” Just
The fact is, where I come from in Africa, we only see snow in the movies.
That’s why I count myself blessed to be at Kosin University which gives such
spectacular scenes when it snows.
At the end of the day my friends had made the biggest snow man I have ever
seen. It actually became a center of attraction and a photo zone.
And when we couln’t bare the cold, we ran back to our warm rooms. Yes, when
it snows in Busan, it’s simply beautiful. - By Rhodah Babyire
Exchange students,
faculty to return home
this summer
hree exchange students from
Kenya, two from Mongolia and
one from China will leave this summer
for their respective countries after the
completion of their exchange period.
Kenyan students from Daystar
University have been at Kosin since
August last year while students from
Mongolia International University
came in mid-February this year. More
exchange students and faculty from
abroad are expected next semester.
Also leaving is Prof. Alvin Shim, a
graduate of Dordt College in the US.
Prof. Alvin has been teaching in the
English Department for the last two
Kosin University has had a number of
English Professors from Dordt College
each year. Dordt College is one of the
institutions of higher learning that
signed a memorandum of understanding
with Kosin.
Apart from Dordt, Kosin University
is a sister institution to about 42 others
around the world. Currently, there are
more than 150 international students
and faculty from over 25 different
nations at Kosin.
Campus News
Fire drill: Students get evacuation tips
ormitory Affairs Office organized a fire drill on May 18th to sensitize students on
safety measures in their residential places.
Students from both Shalom and Emmanuel dormitories took part in the vital exercise on
lifesaving, fire extinguishing skills and how to use fire exits.
The drill was held at 2.00pm with all students gathering at the parking lot to participate
in the emergency and safety exercises. Yu Sung Geun (Mr. Peter), the dormitories manager,
instructed students on what actions to take when there is a fire outbreak.
Students were also taught how to administer first aid in cases of injuries or when an
individual inhales too much smoke and is unconscious. Both Korean and international
students participated in the drill. However, the entire activity was conducted in Korean
language. Most international students suggested that the activity should be conducted in
Korean, Chinese and English for more effectiveness.
Kosin global food festival thrills campus
osin University International students’ global food fiesta held at Yeongdo
campus on May 16th attracted hundreds of visitors throughout the day
making the event one of the most colorful students’ events in the recent
Though the festival was to begin at 11.00am, some invitees were already waiting
at the venue a few minutes before the opening time signifying a rising popularity
of the food fest.
This year’s fiesta marks the second cuisine festival organized by the Kosin
University Foreign Students Association (KUFSA). Compared to last year, this
year’s fiesta had a more diverse variety of foods from different nations including
West African fish stew, East Africa chapatti, karanga and mandazi, Cambodian
barbecue, Bangladeshi pork curry, Fijian kokonda salad and Philippine macaroni
With a flat price of 3,500 Won, faculty, staff, church members and students and
their friends were able to purchase tickets enabling them to serve all kinds of food
on offer. Korean green tea was served free of charge. The first batches of foods were
finished by 1.30pm and the officials had to run helter-skelter to make more food
which was ready by 3pm. The event closed at 5pm.
Some visitors were seen going for a second helping while others wished the
festival was held more often. Kosin University staff praised the international
students for the initiative and hoped that the annual event will keep providing an
opportunity for cultural exchange between them and Korean people.
According to KUFSA president, Paul Kihiro, the budget ran to the tune of 1,550,
000won, most of which was donated by the Dormitory Affair Office and the rest
from selling of tickets. Visitors came from as far as Yangsan City, City Hall, Gaya,
Dadaepo among other places.
KUFSA hopes that the food festival will soon become an annual “Busan
Universities’ International Food Festival” and will attract all foreigners in various
universities in Busan to showcase their culture through food making. “We are
hoping to involve some Christian Institutions next year for the first time, making it
a week-long event (with soccer matches in weekdays) culminating with the Food
Festival in the weekend” said the KUFSA President.
Amit from Bangladesh with a plate of food during the festival.
From mustard seed to a
vital student association...
he idea of establishing a foreign students’ association
begun with a prediction that one day, under the
vision of President Kim Sung Soo, the number of
international students would rise tremendously. In
the recent years Kosin University has been undergoing a
metamorphosis – becoming a global institution.
The proposal to establish an international student association
was first suggested in 2008 to the Office of International
Cooperation. The proposal document commended the existing
structure under the international cooperation office but called
for a student-led association.
In part, the author of the document wrote, “I must commend
your office and all the staff therein for the great job they have
been doing in helping foreign students. I, however, foresee
that the existing mechanism through which foreign students
are helped to integrate into the university community is facing
a challenge of an overwhelming population of students in the
near future.... It is to this regard that I hereby propose a structure
for foreign students association. I am strongly convinced that
such a structure will appropriately and effectively help foreign
students work with Office of International Affairs towards a
global Kosin University.”
Though the proposal was received confidently, it was not
until July 2009 when the association was ratified under the
Dormitory Affairs Office. International students, realizing
the need for a forum where they could exchange ideas, get first hand
information and work together, supported the formation of the student
association. Coincidentally, in the first KUFSA election, Benson Kamary
from Kenya who had written the proposal for the establishment of the
association was elected president.
Since its establishment, KUFSA has been instrumental in bringing
together students from over 25 nations under one body and vision. The
association has been active in organizing and participating in various
activities within and beyond the campus environs including sports,
cultural events, music, trips and worship meetings.
Today, KUFSA has three main groups: African Group (KUSAF),
Cambodian Group and United Group (made up of individuals from
mixed nationalities).
On June 18th, KUFSA website will be launched officially in a brief
ceremony at Hansang Dong Hall. This, no
KUFSA’s vision doubt is another landmark achievement for the
is to advance
an integrated
KUFSA’s vision is to advance an integrated
community under community under the Lordship of Christ. It
the Lordship of
has a mission to create a common platform for
foreign students in Kosin University in order to
promote communication, understanding, spiritual
growth and cooperation among them. Also, it seeks to advance the
integration of international students into the University community and
to advise potential students from different parts of the globe. - By Paul Kihiro
Pioneer international MDiv students
graduate from Kosin
ast February, the pioneer International MDiv students
graduated in a ceremony full of excitement and delight.
It was also an emotional time for the 16 graduands
from China, Cambodia and the Philippines as they reflected
on their academic journey of three years.
To President Kim Sung Soo, the event was a landmark to
his God-given vision to equip and raise servant leaders from
the developing nations.
Kosin University International MDiv program was
launched in 2008 and it has been growing in size and quality
ever since. Students from Kenya, Seirra Leone, Nigeria,
Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, USA, China, Burundi, Canada,
Ethiopia, Brazil and the Philippines make the subsequent
groups in the program.
President Kim advised students to be faithful as they
work in God’s kingdom in their various contexts.
The desire to engage cultures for Christ and to be salt
and light of the world reflect what Kosin University
cultivates in students from a biblical perspective.
Present to encourage the new graduates were Rev.
Dr. Jonathan Brook and Professors Kyung Kyu Shin,
Richard Edlin, Whan Joon Yoo, Mark Kreitzer, William
Pak and Rev. Dave Nederhood
Referring to the MDiv graduation during convocation
ceremony, President Kim expressed his joy and thanked
God and the people who support the program. “It was a
historic event for Kosin University and I thank God for
his blessings and grace,” he said.
President Kim Sung Soo (centre), Deans, faculty, guests and students during the first International MDiv graduation ceremony in February.
My transforming walk through a reformed perspective
thank God for the privilege to study at Kosin
University. I am also grateful to President
Kim Sung Soo’s leadership of this university
particularly for his vision to equip students from
all over the world for the Kingdom of God. I have
gained a lot of insights from the MDiv. program.
Through my professors, a biblical or reformed
perspective gained here will be
“...there is
valuable in my future ministry.
no religious
My prayer is that my country,
Cambodia, will experience
great growth in Christianity and
economically as well.
As I graduate, some of my shaped by our
professors’ words still ring in
- Dr Edlin
my ears. I remember Dr. Richard
Edlin always reminding us that
there is no religious neutrality! Whatever we do in
life is shaped by our worldview.
Prof. Mark Kreitzer often insisted that as
Christians, we ought to wear Scriptural lens
always so as to see the world better. And Prof.
William Pak encouraged us to set our eyes on
Perhaps one of my greatest experiences
here is interacting with seafarers at Busan Sea
Port as my friends and I took the message of
the cross to them. Evangelizing to seafarers
helped me to broaden my worldview on
evangelical perspectives particularly in a
multicultural context.
I have learned how to listen in order to
understand, to receive, to value, to respect,
to love and to grow with others as children
of God. More so, I found areas of agreement,
questionable ideas, and areas of disagreement
among the seafarers’ religious beliefs.
However, my team tried to share God’s
love as plainly and as truthfully as we could
and always depending on the power of the
Holy Spirit.
I appreciate the company of my classmates
from the Philippines, Africa, Brazil, China,
U.S., Myanmar and Indonesia. They all
formed a special community of faith at Kosin
University in which I grew spiritually and
Un Vannak from Cambodia. He
was one of the pioneer graduates
of the MDiv. program at Kosin
Finally, Spring came ... but left!
fter a long wait, Spring season finally came!
Winter had been uncomfortably too long
for many foreign students especially those
coming from the tropical climates. The season usually
begins from April with a mild temperature capped
with beautiful cherry blossoms, forsythia, azaleas,
magnolias and lilacs are adding to the aesthetic of the
season. In Busan the Cherry Blossom festival in the
month of April was particularly attractive to tourists.
Here at Kosin it was a sigh of relief as international
students and faculty shed off heavy sweaters and
jackets to replace them with light bright colored
outfits. “I’ve been longing for spring, one, because I
don’t like winter and second because of the beautiful
flowers,” commented Joy, a graduate student from the
For Dieudonne, though he arrived in mid March,
the last stretch of winter has been extremely difficult.
“I thank friends who gave me warm clothing upon
my arrival. Now I can take it easy!” Dieudonne is a
Burundian student. And, oops!...only within days, the
lovely Spring was gone!
“I love Spring! It’s actually my favorite season.
It somewhat symbolizes “waking up” as trees
and flowers bud and bloom after a long winter
spell.” - Ali, Pakistan
“This is great! I have been waiting for Spring for
many reasons but mainly because it’s warmer
and the cherry blossom make it beautiful.” Jacob, Ghana
“No winter lasts forever; no spring
skips its turn.” ~ Hal Borland
“Coming from a tropical climate where we
don’t have distinct seasons, I find the transition
from winter to spring amazing. I thank God it’s
getting warmer again.” - Buu, Vietnam
Kosin: A place of colorful diversity
With students and faculty from 29 countries around the globe, Kosin
University is arguably one of the most multicultural institutions in Korea.
The presence of the diverse backgrounds makes the campus colorful in
heritage and in celebration of God’s unity in faith. The countries represented
are: Bangladesh, Burundi, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, India, Cambodia, Ghana,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Tanzania, USA, Australia, Canada, Vietnam,
Thailand, Pakistan, UK, Rwanda and Philippines among others.
Kosin: A place of activities
International students have been having a series of soccer matches throughout
the semester. The KUFSA teams composed of the African Team and the United
Team (a team made of students from various nations) played against each other
before combining to play with Kosin University staff. In this picture, the match was
played during the campus sports day where various sport and game activities took
place at the same venue. Next semester, KUFSA soccer team is scheduled to play
against Korean student teams from different departments.
Interview: Student
A journey toward my dream
“To Kosin University students I say, this institution is a God-given treasure.
Therefore preserve it like your own. Do your best to carry the mantle passed on by
older generation of faithful people of God and always focus on Jesus Christ.”
Rev. Ebby Musika
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
(Jeremiah 29: 11).
Where and when were you born?
I was born on July 9, 1970 Chikunta village, in Mbala District of What’s the most striking impression of Korea so far?
South Korea is a nation that has taught its nationals to love their
the Northern Zambia.
country, language, and culture. I have seen this in every area of the
Tell us about your family.
I was born in a family of eight - four boys and four girls (one girl citizens’ lifestyle. They value their co-existence one with another
passed on). My father took a second wife and had seven children and have great respect for elders. They give the best of service to
– six girls and one boy. Later, my father took his late brother’s their community through hard-work.
wife, in order to take care of the five children he left behind and Do you have a particular dream for your ministry
I also dream of a day when we will establish a big Institution like
had three girls of his own . I am the first born son, of the twenty
University, providing quality education (not only biblical
three children!
knowledge, but other disciplines of life) to as many people as
How was your education life?
I started Primary (elementary) School in 1976 and later proceeded possible, not only Zambians, but also people from the surrounding
to Libala Boys Secondary School. In 1995, I was offered the nations.
opportunity to go and study to be a Christian Educator with Any other comments?
My prayer is that God will continue to use Dr. Kim, Sung Soo,
‘Accelerated Christian Education (ACE), School of Tomorrow’. I
helped start two Christian Schools in Lusaka, where I served God and the Kosin University in fulfilling the Great Commission by
admitting as many foreign students as possible in the various
until 2001.
In 2001, I enrolled at the Baptist Theological Seminary of Zambia levels and disciplines of study.
to undertake a Diploma of Theology. I attained my Bachelor of To students of Kosin University I say, this institution is a GodTheology Degree in 2006 from the Baptist Theological Seminary given treasure. Therefore preserve it like your own. Do your best
to carry the mantle passed on by older generation of faithful people
of Zambia.
of God and always focusing on Jesus Christ.
When did you become a pastor?
I grew up as a Roman Catholic believer – baptized as a child,
confirmed as a teenager, and
became a practicing believer for
much of my life until 1994, when
I received Jesus Christ as my Lord
and Saviour. I was baptized in
August 1996 and became a member
of Highland Baptist Church in
Lusaka. Later, I was called by
Matero Baptist Church, in Lusaka
where I served as Pastor until
recently when I took a study leave
to come to Korea.
Briefly describe your family.
I have been married to Moreen,
for twenty one years. We have six
children; five boys (including one
adopted son) and one daughter.
How do you feel about the
opportunity to study at Kosin
I feel great! This is a rare
opportunity for me especially with
my humble background. I never
thought the Lord will give me such
an opportunity. I totally identify
with the Word of God: “For I know
the plans I have for you,” declares
the LORD, “plans to prosper
President Kim Sung Soo (left) administers oath of admission to Mr Musika on behalf of new students.
Interview: Staff
Prof. Sally Matalang
... ever looking young!
“I realized that I found the real peace in my heart because I knew I found
the true God I’ve been searching for.”
eet Prof. Sally Matalang
Philippines. At a glance,
the ever young looking grandmother
of 11 children would easily pass for
a graduate student. In fact, some of
her female students say that Sally
has got the secret to staying young.
When told that her first grandchild is
20, many would shake their heads in
Together with her husband, Dr.
Rogelio Matalang, they have four
children three of whom are already
married and the last born is wedding
this summer. Her husband is a media
practitioner and currently the Vice
President for Research and Extension
at the Cagayan State University.
Like other foreigners at Kosin
University, being away from her
family has been a challenge. At times
loneliness sets in whenever the good
memories of home cross the mind.
She says that, “…being away from the
family is a sacrifice. Sometimes one
feels like a stranger away from home
and therefore lonely.” Nevertheless
she is grateful to God for easing
her loneliness and for the rare
opportunity to teach here Korea.
At the age of three, Sally’s father left
the family. Her strict and conservative
mother and relatives took care of her
They lived a simple life until she
went to college as a self-supporting
student. She finished her B.A. degree
in English in l970 and Masters in
Guidance at the University of the
Philippines, Quezon City in 1983. In
1996, she completed her PhD studies
in Human Resource Development.
Before that, in 1993 she had been a
Colombo Plan Grantee for Gender
Development in Jakarta, Indonesia.
By the way, where were you at the
age of 24? Well, at that age in 1974,
Sally was already a teacher. If your
arithmetic is as good as mine, this
was 37 years ago.
August 2008, is the year Sally came
to Korea as a visiting professor. Her
encounter with Korean culture was no
different from most of the foreigners
here. “I also experienced culture shock.
Korean culture is really different from
ours. However, as the days went on, I
learned many things about this culture,”
she says. She adds that Koreans love
nature, they are law-abiding citizens,
and diligent people.
Teaching Korean and foreign students
alike has been quite an interesting
activity for Sally. She says patience and
understanding have been key factors
especially for the beginners in English
language classes. She is, however,
encouraged by the students’ passion to
In the church, Sally’s experience has
been gratifying. Confidently and firmly,
she explains her experience: “I became a
better Christian when I came to Korea.
I realized that I found the real peace in
my heart because I knew I found the
true God I’ve been
“I have met
searching for. It is
in this place that lovely, kind and
comforted friendly people.
me in my very
Also, I think
long search for South Korea is
one of the most
baptism beautiful places
in Asia.”
been transformed by the Holy Spirit
who she believes is at work in her life.
She is thankful to the pastors and the
congregation of the World Mission
Church where she fellowships.
Asked about her most striking
experience Sally says, “I have met
extremely lovely, kind and friendly
people. Also, I think South Korea is one
of the most beautiful places in Asia.” On
the other hand, it embarrasses her when
her students talk in Korean language in
class and laugh at her. However, despite
the demands of giving the best to
students, Sally says teaching in a foreign
land is a great experience.
Prof. Sally Matalang
Prof. Sally Matalang
teaches English at
Kosin University.
Guess Who?
Place a name against
these photos
Hanguel (Korean) Language 101
The lunacy of English
anguage is like the air we breathe. It’s
invisible, inescapable, indispensable, and we
take it for granted.
But, when we take the time to step back and
listen to the sounds that escape from the mouth and
to ex-plore the paradoxes and vagaries of English,
we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms can
be lit, homework can be done in school, nightmares
can take place in broad daylight while morning
sickness and daydreaming can take place at night,
tomboys are girls and midwives can be men, hours
-- especially happy hours and rush hours -- often last
longer than sixty minutes, quick- sand works very
Boxing rings are square, silverware and glasses
can be made of plastic and tablecloths of paper, most
telephones are dialed by being punched (or pushed?),
and most bathrooms don’t have any baths in them.
In fact, a dog can go to the bathroom under a tree
-- no bath, no room; it’s still going to the bathroom.
And doesn’t it seem a little bizarre that we go to the
bathroom in order to go to the bathroom?
Why is it that a woman can man a station but
as man can’t woman one, that a man can father a
movement but a woman can’t mother one, and that
a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn’t rule a
queendom? How did all those Renaissance men
reproduce when there don’t seem to have been any
Renaissance women?
1.Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
2.Can fat people go skinny-dipping?
3.Why is the word abbreviation so long?
4.What's another word for thesaurus?
5.If you're cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you
read all right?
6.When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
7.Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
8.Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?
9.Why is bra singular and panties plural?
10.Is there another word for synonym?
11.Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they
do "practice"?
12.If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil
is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made
13. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do
humanitarians eat?
14. If the plural of tooth is teeth , shouldn’t the plural
of booth be beeth ?
15. One goose, two geese -- so one moose, two
From http://www.verbivore.com/arc_ceng.htm
Life’s Puzzles
From http://www.doyletics.com/tidbits/puzzles.htm
Visit Kosin University
English website
for latest news and
Just Kidding! ha...ha...ha
Important Telephone Directory
Graduate School ......051-990-2233/77/81
Int’l Student Office ..051-990-2164/46/
Dormitory ............... 051-990-2257/2423
ICT ......................... 051-990-2364/62
Chaplaincy ............. 051-990-2170/2411
Int’l Language......... 051-990-2415/2304
100 points to get into Heaven
man dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter
meets him at the pearly gates. St. Peter says,
“Here’s how it works. You need 100 points to
make it into heaven. You tell me all the good
things you’ve done, and I give you a certain
number of points for each item, depending on
how good it was. When you reach 100 points,
you get in.”
“Okay” the man says, “I attended church
every Sunday” “That’s good, says St. Peter, “
that’s worth two points.” “Two points?” he says.
“Well, I gave 10% of all my earnings to the
“Well, let’s see,” answers Peter, “that’s worth
Kosin Globe Crossword Puzzle
4 The island where Kosin University campus located
7 The name of newer dormitory
8 Kosin Yeongdo Library was renamed ........ Hard.
10 Who often uses the phrase: “There is no neutrality”?
11 The nearest subway station to Kosin Yeongdo campus
12 A language that MDiv students have to learn
1 Association of Kosin University international students
2 The logo of Kosin University consists of Bible, Cross and …..
3 The Kosin University motto
5 The medical students study at …..... Campus
6 One of our Professor’s family name
7 One of the students’ lounges
9 Korea’s most popular dish
another 2 points. Did you do anything else?”
“Two points? Golly. How about this: I
started a soup kitchen in my city and worked
in a shelter for homeless veterans.”
“Fantastic, that’s certainly worth a point,
“ he says.
“hmmm...,” the man says, “I was married
to the same woman for 50 years and never
cheated on her, even in my heart.”
“That’s wonderful,” says St. Peter, “that’s
worth three points!”
“THREE POINTS!!” the man cries, “At
this rate the only way I get into heaven is by
the grace of God!” “Come on in!”
Kosin Globe Logo
Win a fabulous prize by
designing a logo for Kosin
Globe Magazine.
Send your design to:
1st Prize - 50,000Won
2nd Prize - 30,000Won
3rd Prize - 20,000Won
Students and faculty in a Sunday Night English Bible Study session at Professor
Edlin’s residence.
President Kim Sung Soo and Senior Pastor Son Seong Eun of Samil Church join
African students in a dance at Samil Church, Choryangdong.
President Kim Sung Soo (left) and foreign faculty members during dinner hosted
for Dr James Kombo, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Daystar University.
Try this! International students taste food during this year’s KUFSA Global Food
Festival held on May 16. Hundreds of guests from Busan were invited.
Guest preacher Daniel Kim delivering a sermon at the Englsih Chapel in April.
A students’ singing group at the 60th Anniversary of the Kosin Gospel Hospital.
Foreign students and faculty watching baseball game at Sajik Baseball Stadium.
A convocation ceremony for new international students at Kosin University.
International students showing a Korean style “fighting“ / bravo sign after a photo
session for KUFSA website.
Maurice Wambua (right) prepares to pass the ball during a soccer match between
foreign students and Kosin University staff. Foreign students team won by a gaol.
Sophia and one of the children at Bethesda Centre try to make a heart (love) sign
during Kosin University’s visit to the centre on May 21.
Festo Ominde feeds a friend he met at Bethesda Centre on May 21. The centre
hosts intellectually challenged children.
Faculty and students during Kosin global food festival at Yeongdo campus.
You got a funny picture? send to bkamary@yahoo.com
Some of the contestants of the 1st Yoon Dong Ju Poetry Reading Contest pose for
a photo with the contest’s judges and President Kim Sung Soo.
Photo of the Month
President Kim Sung Soo and deaconess Choi Young Suk of Podowon Church join
international students in a pizza party. The deaconess sponsored the party.
“You see all this?” Abraham from Bangladesh seems to be asking
after the Kosin Global Food Festival organized by students.
“All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and
lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Mt. 28:18-20 ASV).
Kosin University, 149-1, Dongsam-Dong
Yeongdo-Gu, Busan, 606-701, Korea