Glazes r - Potterycrafts
Glazes r - Potterycrafts
Glazes r Glazes :: Contents 02 02.1 Glazesr Powdered glazes 02.2 > Earthenware transparent, Raku and crackle glazes, Crystallite earthenware glazes, Low temperature glazes, IMAGINE earthenware, Mid temperature earthenware glazes, Bright coloured earthenware glazes, John Pollex glazes, Earthenware/stoneware glazes, Once fired earthenware coloured glazes, Stoneware transparent and white opaque glazes, IMAGINE stoneware, David Frith stoneware reduction glazes, Speciality glazes, Stoneware oxidising glazes, Derek Emms stoneware and porcelain glazes, Taggs Yard electric fired glazes and slips, David Leach stoneware and porcelain glazes, Stoneware glazes, European range Brush on glazes Potterycrafts 02.8 > Earthenware leaded, Earthenware leadfree, Matte, Pastel Raku and crackles, IMAGINE earthenware, IMAGINE stoneware, Potterycrafts Stoneware Amaco 02.12 > Dipping glaze, Gloss glazes, Alligator, Crystaltex, Lustres and metallics, Old crackles, Stone texture, Sahara glazes, Potter’s choice, Pompeian ash glazes Duncan 02.15 > Crystaltones, Gallery opaque, Gloss glazes, Envision, Crystal and crackles, Art glazes, Satin glazes, French dimensions, Speciality products Gare 02.19 > Crystal glazes, Art glazes, Gloss glazes, Antique glazes, Speckled glaze, Crackle glaze, Metallic glaze, Satin glazes, Speciality glazes, Non toxic satin matte, Non toxic simplicity, Non toxic satin crystal, Non toxic garden glazes, Non toxic speciality glazes, Non toxic satin speckled glazes, Non toxic pottery glazes Glaze writing 02.23 > Axner overglaze pens Glazes r 02.2 Glazes :: Powder glazes Earthenware transparent & white opaque glazes Ref Glaze type Description Firing temp ˚C P2002 Low Sol Transparent - Glossy High gloss, good colour response Pb P2003 Leadless Transparent – Glossy Low firing, suitable for earthenware colours P2006 Low Sol Tin Opaque - Glossy Glossy white for majolica Pb P2011 Leadless Transparent - Glossy Glossy transparent 960-1060 P2014 Leadless Zircon Opaque - Glossy Glossy white for general use 980-1060 P2017 Low Sol Transparent - Glossy Glossy transparent, recommended for terracotta Pb P2018 Low Sol Transparent - Glossy Glossy transparent Pb P2023 Low Sol Tin Opaque - Glossy Glossy white – good opacity Pb P2024 Low Sol Tin Opaque - Satin Semi matt – silky smooth finish Pb P2027 Leadless Transparent - Glossy High gloss – wide firing range – contains Zinc 1020-1080 P2028 Leadless Transparent - Matt Matt finish, cloudy if applied thickly 1080-1140 P2033 Leadless Zircon Opaque - Glossy High gloss – very white and opaque 1040-1100 P2034 Leadless Zircon Opaque - Matt Matt finish – green when thin on terracotta 1060-1160 P2038 Low Sol Transparent - Glossy Glossy transparent – contains Zinc Pb ! 1120-1170 P2039 Leadless Transparent - Glossy Glossy finish for high fired earthenware 1120-1180 P2040 Leadless Transparent - Matt Matt finish – cloudy if applied thickly 1120-1180 P2042 Low Sol Tin Opaque - Glossy Glossy white giving good coverage Pb P2043 Leadless Zircon Opaque - Glossy Glossy white giving good coverage 1120-1180 P2044 Leadless Zinc White - Matt Smooth fully matt white glaze 1100-1150 ! 960-1020 1000-1020 ! 950-1030 ! ! 1000-1100 1080-1140 ! 1020-1080 ! 1030-1100 ! 1120-1170 ! Raku and crackle glazes - Leadless 850-1000˚C These glazes produce widely differing results depending on the type of body and thickness of application. Because of the aspect of finished product they are not recommended for food ware. P2590 Sky blue P2592 Prairie green P2594 Corn yellow P2595 Transparent P2596 White P2597 Turquoise P2598 Blue P2599 Milky Glazes r Glazes :: Powder glazes ! Crystallite earthenware glazes-low-sol P2123 Olde pewter Pb P2182 Rustic P2183 Rock garden P2184 South Pacific P2185 Pewter 02.3 980-1080˚C P2186 Antique bronze P2187 Antique gold 980-1080˚C Crystallite earthenware glazes A range of glazes that give stoneware effect at low temperatures P2124 Optical turquoise P2125 Optical Blue P2126 White heat P2128 Warm steam P2129 Kindlewood P2135 Ironglow P2137 Cinder blue P2138 Wet ash P2141 Misty moss P2145 Maelstrom speckle P2145 Sea speckle P2159 Oceanus speckle P2161 Turtleback speckle P2164 Malachite speckle 960-1080˚C Low temperature glazes-leadless P2169 Lemon yellow P2172 Cinnamon brown P2174 Honey P2176 Sky blue speckle P2177 Jasper blue P2178 Plum P2188 Black 1000-1050˚C IMAGINE - Special effect earthenware glazes-leadless Different effects can be achieved with variable glaze thickness and different rates of heating and cooling, especially on embossed ware ! ! P2700 Alligator P2701 Eggshell P2702 White granite P2707 Turquoise green P2708 Verdegris P2709 Atlanta P2703 Crystal blue P2704 Oiled bronze P2705 Patina P2706 Fjord green Glazes r 02.4 Glazes :: Powder glazes 1020-1080˚C Mid temperature earthenware glazes P2065 Honey P2066 Mint green P2067 Greenwood P2068 Blue steel P2069 Night sky P2070 Red rooster P2071 Golden yellow ! P2072 Brazen black P2073 Turquoise P2091 Rockingham 1000-1050˚C Bright coloured earthenware glazes-leadless P2234 Red P2235 Yellow P2236 Light orange P2237 Deep orange ! John Pollex glaze 1040-1100˚C P2095 Iron honey 1050-1260˚C Earthenware/stoneware glaze-Leadless R4286 Sienna Once fired earthenware coloured glazes-Leadless P2075 Honey P2077 Dark blue P2079 Yellow P2080 Black 1120-1160˚C P2082 Rockingham Glazes r Glazes :: Powder glazes 02.5 Stoneware transparent & white opaque glazes Ref Glaze type Description Firing temp ˚C P2048 Leadless Transparent - Glossy Glossy ‘raw’ glaze – contain Zinc and Barium P2049 Leadless Transparent - Glossy High gloss with good colour response – recommended 1200-1260 for domestic ware 1180-1260 P2050 Leadless Transparent - Waxy Raw Raw glaze with ‘waxy’ finish – contains Zinc and Barium 1190-1260 P2051 Leadless Transparent - Glossy Raw High gloss raw glaze 1200-1280 P2052 Leadless Transparent - Matt Matt finish – cloudy if applied thickly – P2055 Leadless Zircon Opaque – Glossy P2056 Leadless Tin Opaque - Glossy P2057 contains Zinc and Barium 1200-1240 Glossy white finish 1200-1280 Glossy white, giving excellent coverage – recommended Leadless Zircon Opaque - Satin for domestic ware 1200-1280 Satin matt white finish 1200-1280 1180-1260˚C IMAGINE - Special effect stoneware glazes-leadless Variable crystalline effects are achieved with higher temperatures, especially on embossed ware and vertical surfaces P2600 Satin matt ivory P2601 Antique blue ! P2602 Crystal blue P2603 Crystalline blue P2604 Ash blue P2605 Royal blue P2606 Violet blue P2613 Iron red ! P2607 Bronze P2608 Golden P2609 Opal P2610 Anthracite P2611 Celadon P2612 Golden rust P2614 Ancient red P2615 Taupe grey P2616 Transparent matt P2617 Antique green P2618 Mint green P2619 Sea green David Frith stoneware reduction glazes P2253 – This glaze will run thickly into carved or fluted surfaces P2256 – This semi-opaque glaze lends itself to underglaze or inglaze decoration with iron or cobalt pigments P2253 Green celadon P2256 Blue grey P2258 Blue paint pigment P2258 – Suitable for painted decoration, underglaze or inglaze, particularly in conjunction with P2256 blue grey glaze. Glazed pots can be dipped in this pigment using wax resist or sgraffito technique Glazes r 02.6 Glazes :: Powder glazes 1220-1260˚C Speciality glazes P2559 Basic chun P2560 Iron chun P2561 Copper chun P2562 Cobalt chun P2563 Chun base These chun-type glazes produce many beautiful effects, particularly when used over our chun base. Apply the chun base glaze P2563 fairly thinly. Before bone dry, dip into the appropriate chun glaze. Double dipping the top part of the pots again in the chun glaze can produce interesting variations. Adding Calcium Chloride provides better suspension of chuns and gives better dipping control. By nature these glazes are free flowing and a faster firing cycle is recommended (150-200˚C /hr) 1220-1260˚C Stoneware oxidising glazes P2322 Frank Hamer dolomite P2533 Smoky blue P2534 Pepper greeny brown P2535 Albany P2536 Speckled white P2537 Geoff Brown red P2538 Pink sunshine P2539 Lilac sky P2540 Frosted jade P2541 Rustic Green P2542 Crystalline blue P2544 Tamba brown P2546 Topaz P2547 Green magnetite P2550 Bristol P2551 Light oatmeal P2552 Oatmeal P2553 Light brown matt P2554 High manganese P2555 Black purple matt P2557 Blue grey P2558 Turquoise matt P2566 Sea magic P2567 Autumn shades P2569 Sea green P2571 Oatmeal speckle P2572 Fiord blue P2573 Tivoli red P2574 Tundra P2577 Lichen green P2579 Green hue P2581 Satin white P2582 Hint of green matt 1260-1280˚C Derek Emms stoneware & porcelain glazes These glazes can be used in oxidising firing but better colour and surface quality will be obtained in reduction firing. Reduce from 1000˚C to 1280˚C with a short period of oxidisation at the end of firing P2510 Matt white 1250-1280˚C P2514 Speck chun blue 1260-1280˚C P2515 Blue black 1280-1300˚C P2516 Copper red 1260-1260˚C P2517 Porcelain 1270-1280˚C Glazes r Glazes :: Powder glazes 1260-1280˚C Ta g g s Ya r d e l e c t r i c f i r e d g l a z e s a n d s l i p s P2299 Red P2300 Chun/Tenmoku P2319 Lavender slip P2301 Transparent stoneware P2302 P2300 Chun/Tenmoku P2302 Reactive slip 02.7 P2303 Grey/white These glazes have been designed by Harry Horlock-Stringer of the Taggs Yard School of Ceramics to create effects similar to those that would be obtained from a flame fired reduction firing. Different thickness of slip and glaze, as well as a variation in firing temperature can produce remarkable effects in finished ware, such as obtaining blue, black, green and orange from the same slip application P2310 Stony white gingery P2312 Northern celadon Also available from Potterycrafts Harry Stringer coloured slips for stoneware in powder forms P2314 White P2316 Yellow P2317 Green P2318 Yellow P2315 Black David Leach stoneware & porcelain glazes P2217 Wood ash 1260 – 1300˚C P2220 Jade green 1250 – 1280˚C P2221 Tenmoku 1280 – 1300˚C P2222 Mottled off white 1270 – 1290˚C P2227 Off white Dolomite 1260 – 1290˚C P2228 Satin matt blue Dolomite 1260 – 1290˚C P2217 – Ideal for brush decoration underglaze or inglaze. Beautiful results P2222 – Suitable for both oxidising and reduction firing. Iron speckling will bleed through to the glaze if body is iron-bearing. Otherwise, obtained over an iron slip it fires near white P2220 – Gives Chinese celadon when reduced, honey when oxidised, shiny P2227 – Suitable for oxidising and reducing conditions. When used on an at 1280˚C. Very nice over fluted or engraved decoration iron-bearing body a speckled surface will result P2221 – Best fired on iron-bearing body with a short period of oxidisation P2228 – The blue colour will vary according to thickness of application, at the end of firing, to bring out characteristic rusty colour on body type and kiln atmosphere thin edges ! Stoneware glazes-leadless R4342 Fuschia 1250 – 1280˚C 1250-1280˚C R4343 Deep turquoise 1250 – 1280˚C European range-leadless P3550 White gloss 1230 – 1300˚C P3551 White satin matt 1230 – 1300˚C P3552 Transparent glossy 1230 – 1300˚C P3557 Pastel pink 1230 – 1270˚C P3558 Pastel blue 1230 – 1270˚C P3559 Pastel yellow 1230 – 1270˚C P3553 Transparent satin matt 1230 – 1300˚C P3554 Limoges cobalt blue 1230 – 1300˚C P3555 Intense black 1230 – 1300˚C P3556 Pastel green 1230 – 1270˚C Glazes r 02.8 Glazes :: Brush-on glazes Potterycrafts earthenware brush-on glazes-Low sol ! 1015-1040˚C Semi-opaque and transparent glazes that give a true sense of depth. P0002 Christmas tree green P0004 Burnt sugar P0005 Hyde Park green P0009 Clear P0017 Ivory P0018 Mirror black P0023 Denim blue P0028 Bitter honey P0031 Soft yellow P0034 Champagne P0036 Pink gin P0037 Semi transparent calyx P0038 Pumpkin P0040 Scarlet opaque P0042 Jonquil P0044 Chesterfield P0045 Mexican jade P0046 Sepia P0048 Moroccan brown P0051 Marine blue P0054 Sauterne P0064 White P0070 Green reflections P0088 Twilight blue karisma P0094 Autumn warmth karisma P0099 Vanilla bean P0101 Pistachio spice P0103 Tiger mist spekol P0104 Clear spekol P0105 Speckled dogwood P0106 Stormy blue P0107 Primrose seed P0112 Raven matte P0113 Daffodil P0116 Desert gold matte P0120 Matte springtime P0128 Matte tabacco P0131 Transparent matte P0134 Matte craquelle P0135 English pewter P0136 Antique bronze P0137 Fools gold P0158 Perfect red P0159 Peacock splendour P0160 Brilliant orange Glazes r Glazes :: Brush-on glazes 02.9 1040-1080˚C Potterycrafts brush-on glazes-Lead free Brightly coloured opaque glazes giving excellent coverage on coloured clays ideal for educational use P2823 Coblalt blue P2824 Sun yellow P2825 Sky blue P2826 Black P2827 Candy pink P2829 Leaf green P2830 Fur brown P2831 Turquoise blue P2832 Blackcurrant P2833 Tango P2834 Clear P2834 White P2900 Coral P2902 Blue P2903 Blue green P2904 Cream P2905 Dark brown P2906 Maroon P2907 Lilac P2908 Light blue grey P2909 Blue grey P2910 Transparent pink P2911 Transparent green P2912 Deep pink P2913 Kiwi P2914 Red P2915 Clementine P2920 Dove grey P2921 Warm grey P2922 Daffodil P2923 Amber P2924 Christmas tree green P2925 Christmas red ! Potterycrafts matte brush-on glazes-Lead free P2930 White opaque P2931 Transparent P2932 Red P2933 Leaf green P2934 Daffodil P2935 Iris blue 1030-1050˚C P2936 Orange P2937 Satin black Glazes r 02.10 Glazes :: Brush-on glazes ! Potterycrafts pastel raku and crackle glazes 1000-1050 ˚C As with all glazes, application thickness, firing temperature and type of clay used will affect the finished result P2940 Clear P2941 White P2942 Blue P2943 Green P2944 Yellow 1020-1060˚C IMAGINE Earthenware Different effects can be achieved with variable glaze thickness and different rates of heating and cooling, especially on embossed ware. ELF1 Silver ELF10 Galaxy ELF11 White ELF20 Crystal blue ELF21 Deep sea blue ELF22 Hawaii blue ELF23 Blue lagoon ! ELF24 Royal blue ELF25 Tahiti blue ELF26 Turquoise blue ELF30 Bronze ELF35 Transparent ELF40 Quails egg ELF50 Meteorite ELF60 Golden bread ELF70 Summer rain ELF80 Ladybird ELF90 Amber green ELF91 Verdegris ELF92 Jade green ! ELF51 Street metal 1180-1250˚C IMAGINE Stoneware Different effects can be achieved with variable glaze thickness and different rates of heating and cooling, especially on embossed ware. ! ELG1 White ELF10 Opal ELG20 Dark blue ELG60 Black ELG70 Red ELG80 Green ELG21 Light blue ELG30 Bronze ELG40 Brown ELG50 Transparent gloss Glazes r Glazes :: Brush-on glazes 02.11 1200-1240 ˚C Potterycrafts stoneware P2793 Transparent P2794 Transparent matt P2804 Autumn shades P2813 Sea green P2815 Oatmeal speckle P2817 Fiord blue P2818 Tivoli red P2822 Lichen green P2840 Red See Note P2841 Orange See Note P2842 Yellow See Note P2843 Crystal blue P2844 Indigo blue P2845 Sand brown P2846 Eggshell P2847 Gold brown P2848 Blue P2849 Celadon P2850 White P2851 Black P2852 Transparent Note - P2840, P2841, P2842 give brighter results when used on whiter firing bodies (low iron content) Glazes r 02.12 Glazes :: Amaco brush-on glazes cone 04 Dipping glaze 1030-1050˚C Dip the fired bisque (cone 04) into the glaze. Lift out and turn over, allowing excess glaze to pour out. This glaze will stop running as soon as it is lifted out of the bucket and there is no waiting for it to drip or dry. It is ideal for use over underglazed decoration RDC10D Clear 05 Gloss glazes LG-1 Black Magic LG-11 Opaque White P LG-20 Medium Blue LG-48 Chrome Green LG-56 Christmas Red 990-1046˚C cone 990-1046˚C LG-61 Canary Yellow 05 Alligator cone Colours indicated with Pb contain lead ! ! R4072P (LT3) Crystal gun R4073P (LT12) Speckled green R4074P (LT13) Damaltian R4075P (LT15) Blue grey ! R4080P (LT31) Cinnamon Pb R4081P (LT32) Sandstone R4082P (LT48) Moss agate ! ! ! R4088P (LT133) R4089P (LT142) Pinkish Brown Pb Antique green Pb R4090P (LT144) Green blend Pb R4076P (LT16) Green stone R4077P (LT22) Tahitian blue ! ! R4078P (LT24) Antique blue Pb ! R4079P (LT30) Tobacco brown ! R4083P (LT113) Sand R4084P (LT115) Frosted jade Pb R4085P (LT121) Light blue Pb R4086P (LT122) Dark blue Pb R4087P (LT130) Buffalo brown Pb R4091P (LT147) Yellow Green R4092P (LT161) Tiger eye R4093P (LT166) Mottled orange R4094P (LT132) Jewel brown R4095P (LT17) Liana grey R4096P (LT34) Antique brown Glazes r Glazes :: Amaco brush-on glazes cone 05 Crystaltex glazes 02.13 990-1046˚C Colours indicated with Pb contain lead CTL1 Jet moss CTL3 Lava ! CTL20 Royal turquoise CTL9 Snap dragon ! CTL22 Milky way CTL10 Fu Manchu ! CTL26 Sea mist CTL11 Snowfire CTL12 Mardi gras ! CTL31 Brown earth CTL41 Melon CTL42 Fantasia CTL43 Aurora CTL15 Moonscape CTL34 Granada CTL35 Nutmeg CTL61 Buttercup CTL65 Oasis ! CTL32 Chocolate chip CTL33 Caramel Pb ! CTL36 Gingerbread CTL13 Polka dot CTL50 Holiday Pb ! CTL54 Filecracker Pb ! Lustres & metallics-Lead free 05 cone 990-1046˚C Can be fired to higher temperatures with the exception of L518 L511 Lustre Green L512 Lustre brown L514 Midnight blue L516 Sparkling burgundy L518 Lustre gold ! Old crackle glazes-Lead free CR10P Clear gloss CR11P Satin white CR15P Fog grey CR26P Aqua CR50P Peach CR51P Pink CR53P Light red CR60P Yellow CR30P Amber ST20P Blue ST23P Light blue ST25P Blue-grey ST30P Rust ST53P Ivory beige ST55P Lavender ST56P Violet ST65P Burnt orange CR31P Beige ! Stone texture glazes-Lead free ST33P Straw 05 ST40P Green cone CR41P Leaf green 05 cone ST42P Olive 990-1046˚C CR42P Celadon 990-1046˚C ST51P Peach Glazes r 02.14 Glazes :: Amaco brush-on glazes Sahara glazes 5-6 cone 1180-1230˚C HF1A Black HF10A Clear HF11A White HF13A White matt HF14A Oatmeal HF17A Waxy white HF18A Grey HF21A Ultramarine blue HF22A Textured blue HF23A Textured grey blue HF24A Teal blue HF26A Turquoise HF30A Brown HF31A Rust brown HF32A Textured tan HF36A Textured amber brown HF37A Textured amber HF41A Dark green HF50A HF51A Glossy burgundy Peach HF52A Hazy pink HF53A Lavender HF54A Purple HF55A Coral gloss HF56A Red gloss HF57A Coral matt HF58A Red matt HF60A Yellow Potters choice-Lead free 5-6 cone 1180-1230˚C These glazes are fired in an oxidising atmosphere which achieve a cone 10 reduction effect without having to use a reduction gas kiln to such high temperature. PC-1 Saturation metallic PC-20 Blue rutile PC-30 Temmoku P PC-32 Albany slip brown PC-35 Oil-spot PC-40 True celadon PC-50 Shino PC-60 Salt buff PC-20 – Thick application required, at least 4 coats. The glaze will flow during firing PC-50 – Apply 2 irregular coats. Effects will vary according to application thickness PC-60 – Apply thinly, 2 irregular coats will give salt glazing effect 5-6 Pompeian ash glazes cone 1180-1230˚C These glazes produce a wiggly design pattern as they flow on the piece. They are suitable for brushing or dipping. The result is similar to ash glazes that have been fired to cone 10 (1280-1300˚C) in reduction. Those glazes reduce firing costs and eliminate exposure to toxic materials. PA-1 Black PA-15 Buff PA-20 Brown PA-30 Aqua PA-40 Green PA-60 Tan Glazes r Glazes :: Duncan brush-on glazes ! Crystaltone 20020 Plum beautiful 20026 Monterey jade 20095 Blue enamelware 20026 20065 Spanish moss 20075 Dalmatian 20086 Emerald clouds GO101 Ivory GO105 Federal blue 20088 Blueberry ice ! Gallery opaque GO120 Nautical blue GO123 Burgundy GO130 Winter white 06 06 GO134 Calypso red cone 1000-1020˚C 20089 Raspberry ice cone 02.15 20091 Harvest time 1000-1020˚C GO135 Candied apple red GO136 Victorian red GO137 Black cherry ! Gloss glazes 06 cone 1000-1020˚C GL601 Marigold yellow GL609 Emerald green GL612 Diamond clear GL613 Black GL614 Matador red GL623 Rose pink GL626 Royal ruby GL632 Tangerine GL637 Christmas red GL639 Apple green GL642 Desert tan GL647 Baby blue GL648 Catalina blue GL651 Wine GL658 Tiger lilly GL664 Milk glass GL669 Bottle green GL670 Sun yellow GL672 Evergreen GL676 Aegean blue GL679 Royal Danish GL759 Pastel peach GL760 Dry Champagne GL772 Christmas tree green GL778 Seafoam GL779 Wedgwood blue GL782 Wicker GL784 Midnight blue GL787 Wine cooler GL789 Basket brown Glazes r 02.16 Glazes :: Duncan brush-on glazes 06 Envision cone 1000-1020˚C IN1001 Infinity clear IN1002 Nordic light IN1003 Sun yellow IN1004 Sunset red IN1005 Ruby red IN1006 Tearose IN1007 Carnation pink IN1008 Antique mauve IN1009 Cherry red IN1010 Plum blush IN1011 Royal purple IN1012 Orchid IN1013 Denim blue IN1014 Galaxy blue IN1015 Caribbean blue IN1016 Peacock IN1017 Sea mist green IN1018 Celadon IN1019 Holiday green IN1020 Sherwood green IN1021 Terra-cotta IN1022 Peach blush IN1023 Butter toffee IN1026 Very black IN1027 Spiced cream IN1028 Grey spice IN1029 Tweed IN1030 Cornmeal IN1031 Antique peach IN1032 Miami pink IN1033 Bluebonnet IN1034 Larkspur IN1035 Rain tree green IN1036 Bluegrass IN1037 Leaf green IN1038 Parchment IN1039 Mocha cream IN1040 Mocha spice IN1041 Shale IN1042 Grey IN1043 Driftwood IN1044 Sand Diego IN1045 Romaine IN1047 Roasted pepper IN1048 Delphinium IN1049 Sand bar IN1050 Oregano IN1051 Paprika cream IN1052 Sage brush IN1053 Harvest IN1054 Cantaloupe IN1055 Grape IN1056 Aqua fresca IN1057 Iced mint IN1058 Clover IN1059 Light pink IN1060 Bright wine IN1061 Light kelp IN1062 Light kiwi IN1063 Light purple IN1064 Baby blue IN1065 Light turquoise IN1067 Grape spice Glazes r Glazes :: Duncan brush-on glazes 06 Envision cone 1000-1020˚C IN1068 Ocean mist IN1069 White sand IN1070 Beige IN1071 Lemon IN1072 Baroque gold IN1073 Strawberry IN1074 Cranberry IN1076 Federal blue IN1077 Navy IN1078 Key lime IN1079 Turquoise IN1080 Mocha IN1081 Cocoa IN1082 IN1100 Chocolate brown White IN1116 Emerald bay IN1627 Clear black IN1629 Ivory belleek IN1634 Royal blue IN1640 Foliage green IN1653 IN1666 Downright white Walnut brown IN1673 Espresso IN1781 Pumpkin orange ! Crystals and crackles 06 cone 02.17 IN1075 Cobalt blue IN1667 Caramel 1000-1020˚C CR800 Clear CR821 Parchment CR822 Mocha cream CR823 Celadon CR901 Waterfall CR902 Night sky CR903 Emerald falls CR904 Fudge marble CR905 Blueberries CR906 Peppered raspberry CR907 La Fiesta CR908 Monet’s garden CR909 Moss green CR910 Forest moss CR911 Ocean mist CR912 Spring meadow CR913 Cranberry frost CR914 Grape splash CR915 Night frost CR916 Holly berries CR917 Caramel latte CR918 Cherry blossom CR919 Milky way CR920 Water lilies CR921 Glacier storm Glazes r 02.18 Glazes :: Duncan brush-on glazes ! Art glazes AR603 Autumn AR692 Maple sugar AR697 Eggnog AR710 Toffee AR726 Grey flannel 06 AR731 Palomino spice 06 Satin glazes SN351 Clear SN352 White SN355 Orange fizz SN361 Chritsmas green SN370 Ice blueSN372 SN371 Key lime SN372 Red velvet SN373 Midnight blue SN366 Black French Dimensions cone AR950 Indian summer cone SN367 Banana cream 04-06 SN368 Rose petal cone FD254 Black liquorice FD258 Pure white FD265 French straw FD266 French papaya FD267 French scarlet FD268 French wine FD271 French kiwi FD272 French briarwood FD273 Taupe FD274 Light pink FD275 Neon blue FD276 FD277 Neon chartreuse Neon coral FD269 French plum SY546 Snow cone 06 1000-1020˚C SY553 Antique brass cone 04 1060-1080˚C 1000-1020˚C SN369 Wisteria 1000-1020˚C FD270 French delft ! Speciality products AN313 Antique blue cone 06 1000-1020˚C 1000-1020˚C SY554 Antique bronze cone 04 1060-1080˚C SY1024 Antique pewter cone 06 1000-1020˚C SY1025 Heirloom silver cone 06 1000-1020˚C SY546 – This glaze is used mainly as an accent glaze item. Use a pallette knife, brush or stick. Apply thickly over unfired glaze and treat as an additional coat. Glazes r Glazes :: Gare brush-on glazes Crystal CG7025 Blue galaxie ! glazes CG7028 Peacock CG7094 Shooting stars crystals CG7100 Wild blue yonder CG7228 Emerald Forest AR0903 Frosted walnut AR1021 Brown sugar AR7121 Maple sugar AR7122 Real eggnog CG7229 Black odyssey ! Art glazes AR1044 Stone gray AR1722 Sherwood forest AR4503 Harvest leaf 06 AR7109 Spiced honey ! Gloss glazes 06 06 cone 1000-1020˚C CG7230 Ruby sensation cone CG7231 Purple splash 1000-1020˚C AR7111 Oatmeal cone 02.19 AR7118 Frosted oatmeal 1000-1020˚C GG1300 Fire engine red GG1365 Mahogany brown GG1400 Cranberry red GG1500 Sunset orange GG1600 Christmas red GG1601 Christmas green GG1700 Clear transparent GG1721 Peruvian palm GG4021 Blue lagoon GG7011 Milk glass GG7087 Misty mint GG7088 Frog GG7098 Bottle green GG7130 Hyacinth blue GG7136 Country blue GG7137 Fawn GG7138 Oak GG7148 Rhubarb GG7163 Irish Belleek OGG3009 Jet black ! Antique glazes AG7058 Jade cross AG7059 Carmel gloss AG7061 Goldenrod gloss AG7062 Blue marble gloss 06 cone 1000-1020˚C AG7069 Ginger matt Glazes r 02.20 Glazes :: Gare brush-on glazes 1000-1020˚C Crackle glazes 06 KG7041 Gloss krakkle 1000-1020˚C SS7207 Super white SS7214 Ultra transparent cone M7217 Bronze Speckled glaze ! ! SM7006 Transparent matt 1060-1080˚C 04 MG7216 Pewter cone ! cone KG7042 Matt krakkle S a t i n g l a z e s 06 Metallic glazes 1000-1020˚C 06 cone SG4013 Red pepper Speciality glazes SY4417 Mix it – Mix-It is a specialty product used primarily as an extender. Mix-It will revitalize and re-constitute almost any Gare unfired product that has dried out or settled after having been opened and placed back on the shelf. Mix-it combined with Gare premium One strokes or Fun Strokes provides for smoother brushwork. Mix-It is also used as a medium for creating a marble effect with Premium Underglazes. SY4432 Thick-n-Etch – Use Thick-n-Etch to thicken leaded glazes (for combinations), add to slip for trailing or build up techniques or add to underglazes for raised designs. You may also apply Thick-n-Etch directly to greenware to achieve a weathered stone effect. If Hi-Lo or Wax resist is applied to greenware in a pattern or design, then Thick-n-Etch is applied, this will create a contrast of textures because the Thick-N-Etch will not penetrate the Hi-Lo or Wax Resist. Fire to normal bisque temperature shelf cone 04. Complete the decorating with the finish desired. SY5001 Seal – Seal is a semi vitreous, simulated porcelain-like finish. Seal makes an excellent fabric texture for figurines and Santa's. It also provides a perfect background for decorating with Translucent One strokes, and many non fired products such as Opaque Acrylic Stains Suitable for greenware or bisque. Should be the consistency of underglazes, can be thinned with water. 06 Non toxic satin matte NTG9200 Fall pumpkin NTG9201 Vanilla NTG9202 Eggnog NTG9203 Cloud white NTG9204 Butter NTG9209 Lavender rose NTG9213 Honey gold NTG9216 Ebony NTG9218 Yellow jacket NTG9220 Country red NTG9222 Shocking blue NTG9223 Liberty blue Non toxic art glazes NTG9350 Denim NTG9351 Spiced wheat 06 cone NTG9210 Plum cone 1000-1020˚C NTG9211 Sea glass 1000-1020˚C NTG9352 Paper bag Glazes r Glazes :: Gare brush-on glazes 06 Non toxic simplicity gloss cone 02.21 1000-1020˚C NTG9000 Clear NTG9001 Artic white NTG9003 Irish belleek NTG9004 Bright yellow NTG9005 Rhubarb NTG9006 Lilac NTG9007 Deep violet NTG9009 Petal pink NTG9014 Frog NTG9015 Danish milk NTG9016 Wedgwood blue NTG9018 Blue lagoon NTG9019 Jet black NTG9024 Pomegranate NTG9025 Rose dust NTG9026 Eggplant NTG9027 Navy NTG9028 Teal NTG9034 Coffee bean NTG9036 Super white NTG9038 Squash NTG9039 Tangelo NTG9041 Tea roses NTG9042 True blue NTG9044 Crocus NTG9047 Terrace green NTG9049 Banana cream NTG9051 French blue NTG9052 Willow NTG9054 Cinnamon NTG9055 Green leaf NTG9060 Glass green NTG9061 Holiday green NTG9065 Orange juice NTG9066 Solar yellow 06 Non toxic satin crystal glazes cone 1000-1020˚C NTG9303 Blue enamel NTG9304 Purple enamel NTG9306 Red enamel NTG9308 Spring rain NTG9309 Winter storm NTG9310 Cosmic blue NTG9311 Blueberry jam NTG9312 Garden peacock NTG9313 Emerald eyes NTG9314 Golden embers NTG9316 Mud slide NTG9317 Volcanic embers NTG9318 Stormy blue NTG9319 Pottery peacock NTG9320 Midnight rain NTG9321 Peacock pebble NTG9322 Speckled forest NTG9323 Babbling rock NTG9324 Crystal waters Glazes r 02.22 Glazes :: Gare brush-on glazes 06 Non toxic garden glazes cone 1000-1020˚C NTG9330 Winter wheat NTG9331 Maple sugar NTG9332 Rusty earth NTG9333 Chestnut NTG9334 Cast iron NTG9335 Olive garden NTG9336 Fern green NTG9337 Antique moss NTG9338 Silver gray NTG9339 Slate gray NTG9341 Chip paint NTG9342 Sandstone NTG9343 Fieldstone NTG9344 Light terracotta NTG9345 Dark terracotta NTG9348 Patina NTG9349 Garden sealer NTG9362 Forest leaves NTG9364 Rustic patina NTG9365 Grape vine NTG9368 Back slate Non toxic speciality glazes NTG9550 Gloss krakkle NTG9551 White bark NTG9552 White krakkle 06 NTG9553 White bead NTG9554 Snow storm cone 1000-1020˚C NTG9555 Magic flow Application technique The Gare Magic Flow brush-on glaze NTG9555, is special White reactive glaze used to obtain effects when used in conjunction with other coloured glazes, such as the Blue NTG9018. It is most effective when painted on top of coloured glazes, especially around the top or rim of vertical sided ware when the over glaze flows and reacts with the coloured glaze beneath giving a pleasing mottled effect. It can also be painted under or between layers of other coloured glazes to create differing reactive effects. 06 Non toxic satin speckled glazes NTG9400 Chocolate chip NTG9401 Maroon speckle NTG9403 Delft spice NTG9405 Cobalt speckle NTG9407 Vanilla spice NTG9408 Spicy eggnog 06 Non toxic pottery glazes cone 1000-1020˚C NTG9409 Cherry pepper cone NTG9410 Peppers jeans 1000-1020˚C NTG9511 Prairie gold NTG9512 Canyon clay NTG9513 Red rock NTG9514 River stone NTG9515 Pottery blue NTG9516 Midnight stone NTG9517 Pottery patina NTG9518 Iron moss NTG9519 Green ash NTG9520 Volcanic ash NTG9521 Spring mist NTG9522 Ocean mist NTG9523 Forest glen NTG9524 Deep blue sea NTG9525 Rain forestN NTG9526 Ginger blue NTG9527 Sandy beach NTG9528 Sandalwood Glazes r Glazes :: Glaze writing 05 AXNER overglaze pens P4600 Black P4601 White P4608 Purple P4609 Lemon yellow P4602 Red P4603 Bright orange P4604 Leaf green cone P4605 Bright green 02.23 990-1046˚C P4606 Medium blue P4607 Cobalt blue Replacement nib To order the correct nib, please quote the following relevant code F- Fine, XF - Extra Fine, M - Medium, B - Bold For replacement nib, order reference P4000 and the relevant code
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