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Results-Based Evaluation System Accountability Report Issued 2013–14 Berkmar Middle School José DeJesus, Principal Dr. Gwen Tatum, Assistant Superintendent Local school improvement connected to district’s strategic direction Gwinnett County Public Schools’ accountability system for improving schools is called the ResultsBased Evaluation System (RBES). RBES fairly and systematically measures a school’s progress, providing a process that clearly communicates expectations; reviews, monitors, and supports school performance; and evaluates that performance. This report reflects achievement data from the 2012–13 school year, 2011–12 state reporting, and consolidated information on the school’s effectiveness, based on multiple measures and student characteristics. Based on the data you will find in this report, school administrators, teachers, and parent advisory groups developed the 2013–14 Local School Plans for Improvement which outline our improvement goals and guide the work we will do throughout the school year to support student learning. These improvement plans are connected to the school district’s strategic direction and our core business of teaching and learning. The Berkmar school council and school leaders collaborated on the highlights in this accountability report, which also serves as the school’s annual report. Please review this report to learn more about our improvement efforts and progress. District initiatives work together to support teaching and learning in local schools For almost two decades, Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) has remained constant in its vision to become a system of world-class schools and its mission to pursue excellence for each student. Our StraGTES AKS eCLASS LeadershipDevelopment Building a System of World-Class Schools tegic Priorities for 2010–2020 outline the qualities and characteristics our employees and other stakeholders believe are desirable for 10 major components of the school district. Great strides have been made over the years, but there is still much to do. To that end, four very important, districtwide strategic initiatives are essential to improving student achievement: • Gwinnett Teacher Effectiveness System (GTES): The new evaluation system will increase teacher effectiveness by identifying areas of strength as well as areas needing support for growth, and individualizing professional development based on specific needs. • AKS: We will continue to align our rigorous Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum with the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, building on previous knowledge and skills to help ensure that students graduate college- and career-ready. • eCLASS: eCLASS is an instructional initiative that combines technology resources, digital content, and powerful analytics to support teachers and to enhance student engagement and learning. • Leadership Development: Studies show that principals are the major driver of school effectiveness. This initiative develops and supports the best principals for our schools. As a district, we are committed to providing a quality and effective education for all children, preparing them for college, career, and citizenship. By connecting all stakeholders— students, families, staff, and community members— to GCPS’ vision for world-class schools, it will become a reality. CONTENTS About School Improvement and District Initiatives 2012–13 Results: – Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) for Grades 6–8 – Georgia Grade 8 Writing Assessment – State Promotion Requirements for Grade 8 CRCT – CRCT Results by Subgroup State Reporting: 2011–12 Georgia College and Career Ready Performance Index 2012–13 Highlights Staff Data Student Data School Safety Perceptions 2012–13 Results: Gwinnett County Public Schools Assessment Summary Gwinnett schools measure student learning of the school system’s curriculum— the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS)— in a number of ways to ensure students have learned the AKS and will be successful in the next grade. One measure is the state’s CriterionReferenced Competency Tests (CRCT). CRCT assessments compare student achievement to state standards in English/language arts, reading, mathematics, science, and social studies for grades 3–8. Georgia students in 8th grade also take a state writing assessment. Test results are used by teachers to identify individual student strengths and weaknesses and by the state to gauge the quality of education throughout Georgia. At selected grade levels, these state assessments are used as Gateway tests for promotion here in Gwinnett. Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) for Grades 6, 7, and 8 The CRCT uses multiple-choice questions to measure how well students have learned the skills and knowledge included in the state’s standards. Gwinnett’s AKS curriculum includes the state-adopted Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) in mathematics (K–10), language arts (K–12), and literacy standards in science, social studies, and technical subjects. The Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) are in place for other subject areas. Students’ test performance on the Performance Levels CRCT falls into three levels of mastery of the state’s curriculum: Exceeds Standards, Meets Standards, Exceeds Meets Does Not Meet Does Not Meet Standards. For 2012–13, Gwinnett 7th graders were required to meet grade-level Percentages shown may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Percentages 7% and below are not expectations on the CRCT in all subject areas in order to earn promotion. labeled. Reflects spring administration. 100% 6th Grade 80% LanguageArts Arts Language 100 60% 40% 26.6 44.0 80 80 20 9.3 0 80% Berkmar Berkmar MS 40 Georgia 60 GCPS Georgia MS Language Arts GCPS 0 GCPS Georgia 20 40% 60 44.8 80 34.1 60 40 40 52.9 20% 80 0% 100% 80% 60% 68.7 37.2 42.9 Berkmar GCPS Georgia Berkmar GCPS Georgia MS MS 0 Language Arts 100 80 Reading 100 42.0 51.4 42.1 52.6 60 55.9 45.2 60 40 40.4 14.8 Berkmar GCPS Berkmar GCPS Georgia Georgia MS MS 60 13.2 0 Science 80 45.4 21.8 20 100 46.1 33.1 28.1 29.7 10.1 0 49.6 71.0 60 20 Berkmar GCPS Georgia Berkmar GCPS Georgia MS MS GCPS Georgia 80 58.8 40 Mathematics 80 MS 22.5 Georgia Social Studies 44.9 39.6 100 46.6 13.1 GCPS 100 60 31.4 80 16.8 Berkmar Berkmar MS 64.0 52.0 0 0 Science 50.3 20 Berkmar GCPS Georgia Berkmar GCPS Georgia MS MS Georgia GCPS Georgia 80 55.1 10.1 0 GCPS 26.0 100 41.4 20 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS Mathematics 40 60.6 52.7 16.0 0 GCPS Georgia 60 46.1 37.3 20 Georgia 100 59.8 60% GCPS 20 28.9 17.3 10.2 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS Reading 26.5 46.9 36.0 29.4 20 Georgia 41.5 42.9 40 48.2 100 40.8 49.6 40 15.5 Berkmar Berkmar MS 40.3 80 50.8 51.1 40.6 23.2 60 55.2 54.8 40 58.2 0 34.4 57.5 7.6 GCPS 100 80 47.8 80 60 20 MS 100% 58.1 Social Studies Social Studies 100 15.9 27.9 38.6 80 58.4 64.1 Science Science 100 26.1 36.3 60 51.0 0% 7th Grade 34.3 60 40 Mathematics Mathematics 100 56.9 20% 8th Grade Reading Reading 100 7.2 17.3 Berkmar GCPS Georgia Berkmar GCPS Georgia MS MS Social Studies 100 41.2 33.7 22.0 35.2 80 60 33.5 47.1 60 52.0 40% 40 40 52.0 20% 0% 44.8 52.3 20 51.6 40 50.3 20 42.1 44.8 51.6 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS GCPS GCPS Georgia Georgia 0 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS GCPS GCPS Georgia Georgia 0 39.9 49.7 18.9 16.6 38.7 20 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS 8.8 GCPS GCPS 17.0 Georgia Georgia 0 44.4 44.6 40 45.9 20 9.1 0 40 20 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS GCPS GCPS 26.0 Georgia Georgia 20.2 0 Berkmar Berkmar MS MS 100% 100% Georgia Grade 8 Writing Assessment In addition to earning passing grades, GCPS 8th graders are required to earn a passing score on the Georgia Grade 8 Writing Assessment, which is a Gateway test in Gwinnett. The chart to the right reflects how well Berkmar students performed on the test in 2012–13, with 96% of 8th graders passing the writing Gateway on the first try. (This chart Performance Levels Exceeds Meets Does Not Meet reflects achievement of all students, including special education students Percentages shown may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Percentages 7% and below are not and students with limited English proficiency.) labeled. Reflects spring administration. 14.3 GCPS GCPS 18.5 14.7 77.6 79.0 22.1 Georgia Georgia 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 76.0 20% 20% 17.9 0% 0% BerkmarGCPSGeorgia GCPS Georgia Berkmar MS MS 2012–13 Results: State Promotion Requirements (Grade 8) % of Students Who Passed CRCT Subtests Required for Promotion* The state also has established promotion requirements for selected grade levels. The table at the right reflects the percentage of Berkmar students in 8th grade who met grade-level expectations on the state’s CRCT in order to earn promotion. Berkmar 97 91 8th Grade Reading CRCT 8th Grade Math CRCT GCPS 98 91 Georgia 97 83 *Reflects spring administration 2012–13 Results: CRCT Results by Subgroup CRCT results for grades 6–8, separated by student subgroup, show a school’s progress toward closing the achievement gap between groups of students. The graphs below indicate the percentage of students meeting or exceeding state-set standards in reading/English language arts and mathematics. See below to learn more about how the state measures progress toward academic performance goals under the College and Career Ready Performance Index, new for this year. Percentage of Students Meeting or Exceeding State Standards All Students All Students Asian/Pacific Islander Asian/Pacific Islander Black Black Hispanic Hispanic Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native White White Multiracial Multiracial Students with Disabilities Students with Disabilities Limited English Proficient Limited English Proficient Economically Disadvantaged 0% Economically Disadvantaged 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Reading/English Language Arts Berkmar MS 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Mathematics GCPS Berkmar MS GCPS Note: In charts above, only subgroups with 10 or more students are reported. The charts above reflect an average for grades 6–8 of spring and summer test administrations of the CRCT. State Reporting: Georgia’s 2011–12 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) In February 2012, federal education officials approved Georgia’s Berkmar CCRPI Total Score 93.8 newly developed College and Career Ready Performance Index Achievement Points 61.4 (CCRPI) to replace the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measure under Progress Points 11.8 the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. (The formal name for Achievement Gap Points 12.0 federal education reform is the Elementary and Secondary Education Challenge Points Act or ESEA.) The 2011–12 school year is the first year for the CCRPI, ED/EL/SWD Performance– 8.1 8.6 Exceeding the Bar– 0.5 first made available in May 2013. The CCRPI assesses how well Financial Efficiency Rating Not measured for 11-12 students are prepared for college and careers and ensures that schools School Climate Rating Not measured for 11-12 are focused on improving achievement among all students. (For the most recent CCRPI data, including specific performance indicators for Berkmar, go to . CCRPI data for 2012–13 is expected to be available from the state in December 2013.) The index measures progress on accountability indicators such as content mastery, student attendance, and preparation for the next school level. Schools earn CCRPI points based on indicators that vary by grade and school level and align with measures of college- and career-readiness. Schools may earn up to a set number of points in three main categories, for a total of 100 possible points, with an additional 10 possible challenge points. At the middle school level, schools earn CCRPI achievement points tied to a number of factors, including the percentages of students meeting or exceeding standards on the CRCT and on the Grade 8 Writing Assessment, the percentage of students reading at grade level, the percentage of students learning English who are making academic progress, the percentage of students with disabilities who participate in grade-level instruction, attendance rates, and the percentage of students exceeding CRCT standards (a predictor for high school graduation). Progress points are tied to the level of academic progress students make from year to year, while achievement gap points are earned as schools work to close the gaps between student subgroups. Challenge points reflect a school’s participation levels and achievement results for students with economic disadvantages, English learners, and students with disabilities. In addition, schools may “exceed the bar” for participation levels in advanced classes, world languages, fine arts, and career exploratory courses. Schools in which teachers use data for planning individualized instruction and those with STEM certification may earn extra points as well. Innovative practices with demonstrated achievement gains and interventions that result in a positive school climate also may earn challenge points. Berkmar Middle School • Berkmar Middle was able to add approximately 500 laptops, computers, and tablets to the school’s academic classrooms, funded through local school Title I funds. In prior years, Title I funds have been used to purchase instructional technology, including SMART Board interactive whiteboards for every classroom, a class set of interactive student response systems for all classrooms, and carts of netbooks for teams of teachers to share. • On the Georgia Grade 8 Writing Assessment, 18.5% of students exceeded the standards, ranking Berkmar 20th in the state for the highest percentage of students achieving in the Exceeds Standards range. • In June 2013, Berkmar Middle was named one of three Georgia recipients of a grant from the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils to equip a Live Positively Fitness Center. The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the $100,000 fitness center was held Sept. 16, 2013. Attendees at the ceremony included Gov. Nathan Deal, First Lady Sandra Deal, Foundation Chairman Jake Steinfeld, executives from Coca-Cola, and administrators from Gwinnett County Public Schools. • 8th Grade Math Teacher Deborah Johnson was named Berkmar’s local school Teacher of the Year. She went on to become one of the six finalists for the school district’s 2013 Teacher of the Year. • Six groups represented our Orchestra at the Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) Solo & Ensemble Festival, earning five Superior ratings and one Excellent rating. • A total of 27 Berkmar Middle student musicians participated in the Gwinnett County 6th Grade Honor Orchestra. • Our 8th Grade Band performed in the GMEA Large Group Performance Evaluation, earning an overall Excellent rating and a Superior rating in Sight Reading. • Twelve Band members participated in the GMEA First Year Honor Band. • We had more than 24 students in grades 6–8 who posted perfect scores on the Reading section of the state’s Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT). The mission of Gwinnett County Public Schools is to pursue excellence in academic knowledge, skills, and behavior for each student, resulting in measured improvement against local, national, and world-class standards. Berkmar Middle School 4355 Lawrenceville Highway • Lilburn GA, 30047 (770) 638-2300 • José DeJesus, Principal Staff Certification Level Number of Staff Members • The 2011–12 school year (released in May of 2013) was the first year for Georgia’s College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), an accountability measure that replaced Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Berkmar Middle School earned a CCRPI score of 93.8, the highest score of all Title I middle schools in Gwinnett County Public Schools. 2012–13 Staff Data 40 30 20 10 0 Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Specialist’s Degree Doctorate Degree Certification Level Experience in Education Number of Staff Members Other 2012–13 Highlights... 30 20 10 0 0−5 6−10 11−15 16−20 21−25 26+ Years of Experience Student Data (2010–11 to 2012–13) Enrollment +American Indian/Alaskan Native* +Asian* +Black/African American* +Hispanic or Latino, any race +Multiracial, two or more races* +Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander* +White* Special Education ESOL Free/Reduced Lunch Average Attendance School Year 10–11 11–12 12–13 968 998 1065 1% 0% 0% 7% 8% 9% 33% 33% 32% 52% 51% 52% 3% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 5% 5% 4% 14% 15% 14% 7% 9% 6% 90% 91% 93% 97% 97% 97% *Not Hispanic or Latino School Safety Perceptions Based on responses from those with an opinion who responded to the 2012–13 RBES Perception Survey… • 77.5% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they felt safe at Berkmar Middle. • 96.5% of parents agreed or strongly agreed that their child’s school was safe. Gwinnett County Public Schools 437 Old Peachtree Rd., NW • Suwanee, GA 30024-2978 2013 Gwinnett County Board of Education Carole C. Boyce, 2013 Chairman; Daniel D. Seckinger, 2013 Vice Chairman; Dr. Robert McClure; Dr. Mary Kay Murphy; and Louise Radloff J. Alvin Wilbanks, CEO/Superintendent
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