information for parents
information for parents
THE G L A S G OW AC A D E M Y 14 15 information for parents CONTACT DETAILS Administration Centre 0141 - 334 - 8558 Preparatory School & Kindergarten 0141- 342 - 5481 After School Care 0141 - 342 - 5487 Games Information 0141 - 342 - 5493 Music Department 0141 - 342 - 5488 Nurse 0141 - 342 - 5490 Accountant 0141 - 342 - 5483 Administration Manager & PA to The General Manager 0141 - 342 - 5482 Admissions/External Relations 0141 - 342 - 5494 e-mail address: Catering Manager 0141 - 342 - 5489 Database Administrator 0141 -342 - 5486 Fees 0141 -342 - 5495 Head of Prep’s PA 0141- 342 - 5496 Janitor 0141 - 342 - 5491 Janitor 0141 - 339 - 0714 (out of hours) Network Services 0141 - 342 - 5492 After-school Care Manager 0141- 342 - 5497 Rector’s PA 0141 - 342 - 5485 School Secretary 0141 - 342 - 5480 Sports Ground Anniesland Road 0141 - 959 - 4499 Sports Ground Windyedge 0141 - 950 - 6259 Administration Centre Facsimile 0141 - 337 - 3473 e-mail address (Rector): e-mail address (Administration Centre): e-mail address (General Manager): e-mail address (Prep School): e-mail address (Music): website: Text: 07860 003835 The Glasgow Academy Colebrooke Street Kelvinbridge, Glasgow G12 8HE RECTOR’S WELCOME Welcome to the new edition of Information for Parents. We hope that you will find something of interest and help in these pages, which can also be found on our website at along with a wide range of information. If you have a query, please e-mail us at . Peter Brodie Rector RECTOR'S TIPS TO HELP YOUR CHILD Make the most of all the opportunities on offer at The Glasgow Academy. Key routes to success are perseverance, reading lots and learning at an early stage the value of making small sacrifices for long-term gains. In the Prep School Read to - and/or with - your child each night. (Our Reading for Success booklet on our web-site gives further guidance.) ‘The total effect on children’s progress of reading for pleasure was four times greater than the advantage of having a university-educated parent.’(BBC summary of Institute of education, London research). Support and encourage your child to be independent and organised. Use your child’s homework diary as a communication tool: let the teacher know of any problems during homework completion - this way they can help! In the Prep and the Senior School Never say, ‘I was no good at Maths’. Enable your child to do their homework at a regular time of the day and when they are least tired, in a quiet location, with a clear working surface and well away from distractions such as mobile phones, televisions, access to instant messaging, etc. If your child seems to have little or no homework, check their homework diary to see what has been written down: there is always revision/checking or learning of corrections they can do, but if they have written in little homework, contact the class teacher (Prep School) or tutor/Head of Department (Senior School). 1 Provide some help if asked if you can, but never actually do the homework as that is not helpful to long-term learning - and SQA work must be solely the pupil's own work. Discuss the next steps set out in reports with your child, and how they will take them. Show an interest in what your child has learned each day at school. Never take your child out of school unless it is absolutely unavoidable. It is hard for them to catch up on missed explanations and information - and it is said that, nationally, absence of 10% or more costs an exam grade. There is no substitute for teacher contact and we follow the line of the Scottish Government that family holidays or other activities should coincide with school holidays. Help children extend their thinking by saying, 'What makes you say that?' If problems arise, talk through alternative strategies your child might use. Feed the brain, not the sweet tooth. In the Senior School Encourage your child to ‘see the bigger picture’ by talking to them about their future. In important exam years, limit parties in term time to avoid children being overtired: deferred gratification brings its rewards. Encourage your child to get at least nine hours’ sleep a night: growing and changing, they need sleep in order to concentrate in class. Sleep tonight: succeed tomorrow. If your child is away, always remind them on their return to school to go and see teachers whose classes they have missed to find out what work they need to do. KEEPING PARENTS IN TOUCH Who do I contact if I have a question? Your son or daughter will have a class teacher in the Prep School or a teacher/tutor in the Senior School who will be the normal first point of contact. Many of the dayto-day issues of organisation affecting pupils in the school can be handled by your child’s class teacher or tutor. In most cases, a note to the relevant tutor or class teacher will clear up matters quickly. You can also send an e-mail to your son’s or daughter’s teacher. Please address this to and in the subject, please, put your child’s name, surname and class or tutor group with “for the attention of” or “FTAO” followed by the name of the teacher you wish to contact. Please be aware that teachers may be teaching all day, so there may be some delay in replying. At The Academy, as in most schools, there is a leadership team with responsibilities for personal support, academic and discipline issues. In the first instance, your enquiry should be addressed to the appropriate head of year in the Senior School or to the Head, Deputy or Stage Leader in the Prep School. 2 INDEX Page Absence ..................................................................................................................................................25 Absence from Sport..............................................................................................................................42 Addresses ..............................................................................................................................Back Cover Academy A-Z ..................................................................................................................................25-45 Administration Centre ............................................................................................Inside Front Cover Admissions / External Relations ..........................................61 & Inside Front Cover / Back Cover After-school Care Kelvinbridge/Milngavie/Dairsie ....................................................................13-15 Assessment arrangements for pupils with a disability ............................................................28/29 Assessment......................................................................................................................................25/26 Beginning of Session..............................................................................................................................6 Books ......................................................................................................................................................26 Beginning of Term ..................................................................................................................................6 Breakfast club ......................................................................................................................................13 Bursaries................................................................................................................................................12 Buses ......................................................................................................................................................46 Capital levy ............................................................................................................................................10 Careers Advice and Independent Schools Careers Organisation (ISCO)................................26/27 CCTV........................................................................................................................................................40 Chaplains................................................................................................................................................52 Charity ....................................................................................................................................................27 Child Protection ....................................................................................................................................27 Classroom assistants ..........................................................................................................................28 Clubs & Societies..................................................................................................................................28 Coaches (transport) ..............................................................................................................................46 Code of conduct ........................................................................................................Inside Back Cover Combined Cadet Force (CCF) ..............................................................................................28/29 & 57 Complaints ............................................................................................................................................29 Contact Details..................................................................................Inside Front Cover / Back Cover Cool Kids’ Club ................................................................................................................................13-15 Cool Kids’ Club - dates closed............................................................................................................15 Credit/Debit card payment ..................................................................................................................10 Dairsie staff ......................................................................................................................................55/56 Detention ................................................................................................................................................29 Direct Debit ............................................................................................................................................10 Disability / Assessment arrangements ............................................................................................29 Discipline ................................................................................................................................................30 Dogs ........................................................................................................................................................30 Dress at evening events ......................................................................................................................20 Eat Safe ..................................................................................................................................................30 Eco Schools ..........................................................................................................................................30 Education Maintenance Allowances ..................................................................................................10 Electronic correspondence ................................................................................................................30 End of Session ........................................................................................................................................6 Entry policy ......................................................................................................................................16/17 3 External Relations ..................................................................61 & Inside Front Cover / Back Cover Fairtrade ................................................................................................................................................30 Fees ....................................................................................................................................................9-12 Fee arrears/Financial difficulties........................................................................................................10 Fees Credit/Debit card payment ........................................................................................................10 Fees direct debit....................................................................................................................................10 Fees on-line payments ........................................................................................................................11 Fees payment ......................................................................................................................................12 Games Cancellation Number ............................................................................................................43 Governing body......................................................................................................................................48 Half-Day Holiday Clubs ......................................................................................................................15 Heads of House ......................................................................................................................................8 Healthy Living Award............................................................................................................................30 Help with Fees: Bursaries ..................................................................................................................12 Holiday clubs....................................................................................................................................14/15 Holidays in term time ..........................................................................................................................31 Honorary governors..............................................................................................................................48 ICT and Touch-typing ..........................................................................................................................31 Information ............................................................................................................................................31 Inspection ..............................................................................................................................................32 Instrumental tuition..............................................................................................................................35 Instrumental tutors ..............................................................................................................................58 Insurance................................................................................................................................................11 Keeping parents in touch ......................................................................................................................2 Kelvinbridge Prep School Staff ....................................................................................................52-54 Kindergarten Uniform ....................................................................................................................18/19 Late collection from games-P5, P6, P7 ............................................................................................42 Local government grants ....................................................................................................................11 Lost property..........................................................................................................................................32 Lunches ................................................................................................................................................32 Maps ................................................................................................................................................62-65 Medical Room..................................................................................................................................33/34 Merchandise ..........................................................................................................................................35 Money......................................................................................................................................................35 Mouth guards ..................................................................................................................................22-24 Music ................................................................................................................................................35/36 Nominated governors ..........................................................................................................................48 Non-teaching staff ..........................................................................................................................60/61 Nursery uniform ..............................................................................................................................18/19 On-line payments..................................................................................................................................11 Opportunities for parents to meet......................................................................................................38 Other After Care Activities throughout the year ........................................................................14/15 Outdoor and Residential Education..............................................................................................36/37 Out-of-school care staff ......................................................................................................................56 Parent Teacher Association ..........................................................................................................37/38 Parents’ evenings..................................................................................................................................38 Parents’ meetings ................................................................................................................................38 Parking ..............................................................................................................................38/39 & 46/47 4 Park and Ride ..................................................................................................................................46/47 Pink Slip..................................................................................................................................................39 Pay in Advance Scheme ......................................................................................................................12 Prefects/Head Boy and Girl ................................................................................................................39 Pre-five grants ......................................................................................................................................11 Prep School PE and games uniform list ....................................................................................22/23 Prep School Staff ............................................................................................................................52-56 Prize-giving ............................................................................................................................................6 QR............................................................................................................................................Back Cover Rector’s welcome................................................................................................................................1/2 Reports ..................................................................................................................................................39 School bags............................................................................................................................................40 School inspection..................................................................................................................................32 Secretary to the Trust ..........................................................................................................................48 Security ..................................................................................................................................................40 Senior School PE and games uniform list ..................................................................................23/24 Senior School staff..........................................................................................................................49-52 Senior Leadership Team ....................................................................................................................7/8 Session dates 2014 - 2015 ....................................................................................................................6 Sickness/illness ..............................................................................................................................33/34 Smoking ................................................................................................................................................41 Social networking sites ........................................................................................................................41 Sports................................................................................................................................................41-43 Sports absence......................................................................................................................................42 Sports coaches......................................................................................................................................59 Sports Kit Outfitters (Physical Education and games) ....................................................................21 SQA examinations ..................................................................................................................................6 Subject choices......................................................................................................................................44 Sustainable development ....................................................................................................................44 Telephone numbers ........................................................................Inside Front Cover / Back Cover TGA, Milngavie staff ........................................................................................................................54/55 Times ....................................................................................................................................................44 Tips to help your child ........................................................................................................................1/2 Transition................................................................................................................................................45 Transport ..........................................................................................................................................46/47 Travel Plan ............................................................................................................................................47 Trips ........................................................................................................................................................45 Tuck Shop ..............................................................................................................................................47 Tutors........................................................................................................................................................8 Underground....................................................................................................................................46/47 Uniform ............................................................................................................................................18-21 Uniform outfitters..................................................................................................................................20 Uniform shop ........................................................................................................................................21 When a child has forgotten money for lunch/bus home ................................................................35 When and where to wear the school uniform..................................................................................20 Who does what at The Academy? ....................................................................................................7/8 Whom do I contact? ................................................................................................................................7 Withdrawal ............................................................................................................................................12 5 SESSION DATES 2014 - 2015 BEGINNING OF SESSION September Holiday Monday 25 August 2014. Friday 26 - Monday 29 September 2014 inclusive. Half-term Holiday Monday 13 - Friday 17 October 2014 inclusive. In addition the Prep School at Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie will be closed on Friday 10 October 2014. End of Autumn Term Thursday 18 December 2014. The Prep School at all three sites finishes at 12.00 noon. The Senior School finishes at 12.15 pm. BEGINNING OF SPRING TERM Tuesday 6 January 2015. Half-term Holiday 2015 inclusive. Monday 9 - Friday 13 February End of Spring Term Thursday 2 April 2015. BEGINNING OF SUMMER TERM Tuesday 21 April 2015. May Day Holiday Monday 4 May 2015. May Weekend Holiday Friday 22 - Monday 25 May 2015 inclusive. END OF SESSION P1, P2 and Nursery (Term-timers) and Kindergarten at all three sites dismiss at 3.10 pm on Tuesday 23 June 2015. P3 - P7 on all three sites dismiss on Wednesday 24 June 2015 after Prize-giving, normally 11.00 am. Senior School dismisses at 11.20 am on Wednesday 24 June 2015 and on Thursday 25 June 2015 after Prize-giving, normally 11.15 am. TGA, Milngavie Prize-giving, Monday 22 June 2015, 2 pm. Dairsie Prize-giving, Tuesday 23 June 2015, 1.45 pm. Pupils will not be given permission to go on holiday outside these dates, or to leave early at half-terms and the end of terms, unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Any such applications must be made in writing to the Rector well in advance. SQA examinations begin on Wednesday 22 April and the last is on Friday 5 June 2015. Session 2015-2016 commences Monday 24th August 2015. 6 WHO DOES WHAT AT THE ACADEMY? It may help parents to be aware of the responsibilities carried out by different members of the school staff. The descriptions below are, of course, vastly simplified and refer only to duties that might affect parents directly. Governors determine the general educational character and aims of the school, and are responsible for school policy and financial controls, and chair various committees related to the smooth running of the school. A list of Governors and Honorary Governors is featured further on in this booklet. The General Manager Dr W.R. Kerr The Rector (Mr P. J. Brodie) has the final say on all academic and disciplinary matters within the school and has overall responsibility for any decision made by The Academy or its teachers. The General Manager (Dr W. R. Kerr) is responsible for all matters not relating directly to education. The Deputy Rector Mr A. J. Williams Deputy Head Mr A.L. Evans Senior School The Deputy Rector (Mr A.J. Williams) is responsible for First and Second Year pupils and will liaise with their tutors and Heads of House about their progress and welfare. He has overall responsibility for discipline and pastoral care in the Senior School. He arranges Parents’ Evenings, and is responsible for the school in the Rector’s absence. Deputy Head (Dr J. Andrews) is responsible for Third and Fourth Year pupils and will liaise with their tutors about their progress and welfare. She looks after matters relating to girls. She is The Academy’s Child Protection Co-ordinator and its Drug, Alcohol and Substance Misuse Co-ordinator. Deputy Head (Mr A. L. Evans) is responsible for Fifth and Sixth Year pupils and will liaise with their tutors about their progress and welfare. He administers subject choice for S5 and S6 pupils and advises parents and pupils on external examination results. He advises pupils on university entrance and oversees the UCAS process. 7 Deputy Head Academic (Mr A. MacRae) is responsible for Attainment, Learning and Teaching. Heads of House are responsible for personal support and organising House activities and inter-House competitions. Session 2014 - 2015 Heads of House for S2, S4, S6 Arthur - Mr P.J. Bisland Fraser - Miss J. F. Cuthbert Morrison - Miss L.R. MacNeill Temple - Mrs K.R. Graham Heads of House for S1, S3, S5 Arthur - Mrs P.M. Ruddock Fraser - Mr R.M.R MacLeod Morrison - Mr T. Menzies Temple - Mr I.A. Mackie Deputy Head Mr A. MacRae Head of Prep School Mr A.M. Brooke Deputy Head Mrs H. Kirkhope Depute Mr A.W. Mathewson Head of Dairsie Miss H.J. Logie Tutors give their tutees personal support, encourage them to make the most of their opportunities at The Academy and to strive for high standards, check that they arrive on time and issue them with information to take home to their parents. They administer the assessment process for their tutor group and write reports on their progress twice a year. They are the first point of contact between home and school and remain with their tutor group as it progresses through the school. Prep School Head of Prep School (Mr A. M. Brooke) under the Rector, is responsible for all matters relating to the Preparatory School, including Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie. Deputy Head (Mrs H. Kirkhope) assists the Head of Prep School in his duties and stands in for him in his absence. She has responsibility for pupils in Nursery to P3 and liaises with their teachers about their progress and welfare. Depute (Mr A.W. Mathewson) coordinates the curriculum, Learning and Teaching and is responsible for P7. Head of Dairsie (Miss H.J. Logie) is responsible for matters relating to Dairsie. Head of TGA, Milngavie (Miss J.A. McMorran) is responsible for matters relating to TGA, Milngavie and for the Mathematics curriculum throughout the Prep School. After-school Care Manager (Mrs C. Bremridge) Co-ordinates After-school Care provision across The Academy sites. Stage Leaders (Miss L.Smith (P1/P2), Mrs S.L. Nyadu (P3/P4) and Mr S. Fairlie-Clarke (P5/P6) are responsible for running their stage and for standards of learning and pupil welfare in their stage. Class Teachers are normally the first point of contact between home and school. Head of TGA, Milngavie Miss J.A. McMorran After-school Care Manager Mrs C. Bremridge 8 The Director of Admissions/Externa l Relations Mr M.R. McNaught The Director of Admissions/ E x t e r n a l Relations (Mr M.R. McNaught) is responsible for abscence FEES 2014/2015 Kelvinbridge Nursery year round Nursery (am/pm) Nursery full day Kindergarten (am) Kindergarten (full day) Termly £ N/A 1,215 2,955 1,610 2,955 Dairsie and Milngavie D/D 1st May to Annual 1st August N/A 3,645 8,865 960.00* 364.50 886.50 4,830 8,865 483.00 886.50 Note a) a) b) c) b) c) D/D 1st May to Termly Annual 1st August £ N/A 1,215 2,735 N/A 3,645 8,205 N/A 364.50 a) 820.50 1,395 2,735 4,185 8,205 418.50 b) 820.50 b) Nursery/Kindergarten fees at all three sites include the provision of a snack, while at Kelvinbridge the Full Day option also includes lunch, and the am option may do so if required. There is a minimum of 5 sessions a week for both Nursery and Kindergarten at all sites. For Kindergarten parents who would like to avail themselves of Full-time care for their children, all-year round there will be an additional charge of £152 per week. *Due to the holiday there is a 30% reduction in fees in December. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Capital Levy Direct Debit Charge 2,710 2,790 3,045 3,045 3,045 3,630 3,630 3,405 3,405 3,695 3,695 3,695 3,695 3,695 3,015 8,130 8,370 9,135 9,135 9,135 10,890 10,890 10,215 10,215 11,085 11,085 11,085 10,405 813.00 837.00 913.50 913.50 913.50 1089.00 1089.00 1021.50 1021.50 1108.50 1108.50 1108.50 1040.50 145 N/A 435 10 43.50 1.00 c) c) c) c) c) c) c) 2,490 2,565 2,835 2,835 7,470 7,695 8,505 8,505 747.00 769.50 850.50 850.50 145 N/A 435 10 43.50 1.00 a) Minimum of 5 sessions per week for Nursery at all sites - these can be either am or pm at Kelvinbridge. At Dairsie, only pm is available. b) Minimum of 5 sessions per week for Kindergarten at all sites - these must be am. c) At Kelvinbridge fees for Kindergarten to P7 include lunch. 9 CAPITAL LEVY A levy for capital purposes of £145 per pupil per term is payable along with tuition fees for all pupils. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS Payments by debit card are welcomed. Payments by certain credit cards are acceptable, but will be subject to a 2% charge. DIRECT DEBIT Fees may be paid by Direct Debit at the discretion of The Glasgow Academicals’ War Memorial Trust, in ten monthly instalments on the first banking day of each month, as specified in the Fee Notices, from 1 August to 1 May inclusive. Parents of new pupils who wish to pay by Direct Debit will have received a Mandate with their enrolment forms. Parents who wish to change from paying their fees termly to the Direct Debit system should contact the Administration Centre and a Mandate will be forwarded to them. Once a Direct Debit Mandate has been signed there is no requirement to issue a new Mandate each session unless there has been a change in the details. Existing Direct Debit Mandates are continuous and are not required for future siblings.This is the preferred method of payment for tuition fees. Payments returned by the bank will be treated as fees in arrears. EDUCATION MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCES Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), paid by the government, is a weekly payment of up to £30, paid directly to young people who stay on in education after they reach the statutory leaving age of 16 (i.e. after the end of their compulsory schooling). Young people may also receive two bonuses of £150 if they remain on their course and make good progress with their learning. Bonuses will be payable in January and July. Further information: FEE ARREARS/FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES It is our policy to apply 2% interest per month to fees which are paid late. If any parents feel that they are in danger of falling behind with the payment of their child’s fees, they should contact the Accountant, Mrs J. McInnes, or the General Manager, Dr W.R. Kerr, to discuss the matter and agree a method of proceeding. It is imperative that parents contact either Mrs McInnes or Dr Kerr as soon as they realise that prompt payment of fees may be in jeopardy. Failure to do so may result in outstanding debts being passed to the school’s debt collectors, and your child being excluded from school. 10 INSURANCE All pupils at the school are insured through the Pupils’ Personal Accident Insurance Scheme against accidental injury. All pupils participating in trips within the United Kingdom and abroad are covered by comprehensive medical and travel insurance once deposits have been paid for the trip. Insurance does not extend to clothing, books and equipment, which are the pupils’ responsibility, and parents are advised to arrange for separate cover under their own policies. Pupils handing possessions to a member of staff for safe keeping do so at their own risk. LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANTS PRE-FIVE GRANTS Glasgow City Council (Kelvinbridge and Dairsie) Where a child is in receipt of a local government grant, the full fee is payable within the normal trading terms for The Academy. The grant is payable from the school on receipt from the local authority. The school will register the children who will be eligible for a grant from Glasgow City Council. Please note that there are only three dates for entry into the Glasgow scheme: August, January and April. If further information is required, please contact the relevant Head Teacher. East Dunbartonshire (TGA, Milngavie) Where a child is in receipt of a local government grant, the full fee is payable within the normal trading terms for The Academy. The grant is payable within one month of receipt from the local authority. The grant is payable from East Dunbartonshire to the school in two staged payments for each term. The school will pay out the grant only when the full term’s payment has been made. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child is enrolled with East Dunbartonshire Council. If further information is required, please contact the Head of TGA, Milngavie, Miss McMorran. ON-LINE PAYMENTS Parents may wish to pay their fees on-line. 11 PAY IN ADVANCE SCHEME The Academy operates a Fees in Advance Scheme which allows an individual to make payment of all, or part, of the school fees by means of a lump sum composition fee. This fee is usually paid before the child starts at the school, but may also be paid during his or her time here. For further information contact the Accountant, Mrs J. McInnes, or the General Manager, Dr W.R. Kerr. PAYMENT Nursery fees are payable monthly on the first day of each month. Other fees are payable by the first day of each term. The Governors reserve the right in exceptional circumstances to raise the scale of fees during the course of a session. If you wish to pay annually in advance you are most welcome to do so. WITHDRAWAL If a pupil is to be withdrawn from the school at the end of a term, notice thereof must be given, in writing, to the Rector, not later than the last day of the preceding term. If for any reason a pupil’s withdrawal is uncertain, provisional notice should be given in writing within the timescale stated above. If you write to the Rector to give a term’s notice such letters will always be acknowledged. In the event that late notice of a pupil’s withdrawal is given, parents will be liable to pay the tuition fees for the term following the intended date of withdrawal. In the event that pupils are withdrawn during the course of a term without the required notice, parents will be liable for tuition fees and capital levy for that term plus a proportion of the next term’s tuition fees corresponding to the number of days the pupil was enrolled in the school during the term when the withdrawal occurred. The effect of this rule is that an additional term’s fees are payable if the required notice of withdrawal is not given. HELP WITH FEES: BURSARIES The Glasgow Academy offers a good number of bursaries, which are granted on a means-tested basis to pupils in any year in the Senior School, or in P7, either new entrants or pupils at The Academy. They range from 10% – 100% of the value of tuition fees. A pupil aged 16 or over whose parents are seeking financial assistance from the Bursary Fund must apply for an Educational Maintenance Award and make available to the Trustees the results of that application (see EMAs earlier). The Academy is fortunate in that many Glasgow Academicals have given funds to the school to provide bursaries, notably Robert McMillan who gave £2.5m to The Academy some years ago. If you wish to apply for a bursary for a pupil entering the school, please indicate this by ticking the appropriate box on the application for admission form when you return it. For pupils already at the school, please request a bursary application form from the Rector’s P.A. 12 COOL KIDS’ CLUB Although there is a Cool Kids’ Club Handbook available the following information is a brief resumé of the club’s activities. BREAKFAST CLUB A Breakfast Club, for Prep School and Nursery/Kindergarten children aged 3-14 years, takes place at Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie from 8.00 am during term time. Children are supervised, and served breakfast; then they can play. The charge is £5.05 per day. Parents interested in this service should contact the respective service: Kelvinbridge, 0141 342 5487, TGA, Milngavie, 0141 956 3758, Dairsie, 0141 632 0736, e-mail PREPARATORY SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL CARE SERVICE, KNOWN AS COOL KIDS’ CLUB/KELVINBRIDGE/TGA, MILNGAVIE/DAIRSIE The After-school Care facility is managed by our After-school Care Manager and is available at Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie to all Prep School and Nursery/Kindergarten school children aged 3 - 14 years. The charges for daily regular bookings are invoiced monthly in advance and are as follows: 8.00 – 9.00 am - £5.05 per day 3.10 – 3.50 pm - £5.95 per day 3.50 – 6.00 pm - £10.60 per day 3.10 – 6.00 pm - £13.10 per day Breakfast Club Mini After-school Care Short After-school Care Full After-school Care For reservations booked prior to 24 hours but not on the booking form the charge will be £2.80. For reservations made on the day the charge will be £5.10. There is no refund for cancellations. Furthermore, parents whose children are in ASC from 3.10 pm and leave their children there beyond 3.50 pm will be charged at the Short After-school Care rate. We understand that on occasion parents may be late in collecting their child/children due to traffic congestion or weather conditions. However, we would ask that parents keep these occasions to an absolute minimum, or make alternative arrangements for collecting their child/children, and that the service is informed of this as early as possible. If you are late you will be reminded that the service closes at 6.00pm. If you are late on a second occasion a reminder letter will be sent to you from the After-school Care Manager. The third occasion will incur a £10 charge. If lateness continues it may be necessary to withdraw the service for the child/children. 13 The Mini Cool Kids’ Club which includes table top games, word searches, puzzles, jigsaws and colouring-in etc., now joins the After-school Care Service in the Prep School Hall at Kelvinbridge and includes a light snack. Full After-school Care (available to children from P1-P4) and Short After-school Care (available to children from Nursery/Kindergarten plus P5 - S2) take place in the After-school area of Kelvinbridge and in the TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie Prep School halls a snack is provided every afternoon. Every day will be fun-filled, with many activities available in a relaxed, caring and friendly atmosphere. Activities will include board games, baking, outdoor games, arts and crafts, table football tournament, sewing and karaoke, to name just a few. The children and parents taking places in any of these provisions will be invited to submit their own ideas. Parents interested in this service should contact the respective service: Kelvinbridge, 0141 342 5487, TGA, Milngavie, 0141 956 3758, Dairsie, 0141 632 0736, e-mail COMBINED AFTER SCHOOL CARE: KELVINBRIDGE/TGA, MILNGAVIE/DAIRSIE Kelvinbridge pupils who live to the North or South of the city and have participated in Mini Cool Kids’ Club (see above) may, if they wish, continue their After-school Care at TGA, Milngavie or Dairsie. A coach will leave Kelvinbridge for TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie at 4.00 pm. Alternatively they may have participated in the Mini Cool Kids’ Club at Kelvinbridge and arrive at TGA, Milngavie or Dairsie to be picked up by parents. These coaches are organised by parents. Details can be obtained from the Administration Centre, 0141 334 8558. Parents interested in the ASC part of the TGA, Milngavie service should contact the respective service (apart from buses, for which please call the Administration Centre): Kelvinbridge, 0141 342 5487, TGA, Milngavie, 0141 956 3758, Dairsie, 0141 632 0736, e-mail Other After-school Care activities - Kelvinbridge On occasion the After-school Care Service will provide special activities and will inform parents of these well in advance. In the past there has also been football and cricket coaching, ceramic classes and extended services on parents’ evenings. For information contact 0141 342 5487, e-mail Holiday Clubs - Kelvinbridge (£32.20 per day. £37.30 if not on booking form) Summer Holidays 2014 - A full schedule of activities is published on the web in advance of the Summer Holidays. TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie children are welcome to join these clubs. Half-Day Holiday Clubs - Kelvinbridge We also offer a half-day service for parents. The service will be from 8 am-1 pm or 1 pm-6 pm. This will not be available on days in which the Cool Kids’ Club is going on trips, only for activities accommodated within the school. The charge will be £16.65 per half day, £21.75 if not on booking form. The programme will state clearly the days on which this service will be available. 14 Other Holiday Clubs throughout the Year - Kelvinbridge including the Nursery These Holiday Clubs are accessible for all children aged 3 - 14 years of age from Nursery/Kindergarten school - S2 pupils. Half-Term Holiday - October Week Friday 10 - Friday 17 October 2014, inclusive, 8 am - 6 pm. Festive Season - Christmas Holiday Thursday 18 December 2014, noon - 6pm Friday 19 December 2014 - Tuesday 23 December 2014, inclusive, 8 am-6 pm. Then Monday 5 January 2015, 8 am - 6 pm. Half-Term Holiday - February Week Monday 9 - Friday 13 February 2015, inclusive, 8 am - 6 pm. Spring Holiday - Easter Holiday Tuesday 7 April - 20 April 2015 - Monday 20 April 2015, inclusive, 8 am - 6 pm. Summer Holiday 2015 From Wednesday 24 June for Kindergarten, P1 and P2 children at Kelvinbridge and all children from Dairsie and Milngavie schools, 8 am - 6 pm. All other children from Thursday 25 June 2015. The After School Services will be closed on the following dates: Thursday 21 August and Friday 22 August 2014 (in-service). Friday 26 September and Monday 29 September 2014. Wednesday 24 December 2014 - Friday 2 January 2015. Easter Weekend - Friday 3 April and Monday 6 April 2015. Monday 4 May 2015. Friday 22 May 2015 and Monday 25 May 2015. Further information on these services may be accessed from the respective service: Kelvinbridge, 0141 342 5487 ASC mobile 07933 233048 TGA Milngavie, 0141 956 3758 Dairsie, 0141 632 0736 e-mail Up-to-date information will be communicated throughout the session. 15 ENTRY POLICY Pupils are considered for entry to a particular year according to: a) their age on 1 September in the year of entry b) their class in their present school (where appropriate) c) their performance in the entrance assessment or examination A report will be requested from the current school for P2 upwards. The Academy operates a Family Policy. We will give particularly careful consideration to applications on behalf of children whose siblings are already at the school, always bearing in mind the child’s best interests. Normal ages and methods of entry are: Nursery 3 years - 31/2 years Candidates for entry to Nursery are seen, with their parents, by a senior member of staff, in the Nursery of the requested site. In January of their Nursery year, all children are assessed by a senior member of staff for progression into Kindergarten: immediate entry to Kindergarten may not be in every child’s best interests so it is not automatic. Nursery children new into the school in January will be assessed at an appropriate time. Parents and staff have the opportunity to ask questions and the children are observed playing, by the nursery staff. Kindergarten 31/2 years - 41/2 years Candidates for entry to Kindergarten are seen, with their parents, by a senior member of staff. Interviews take place in the Prep School and the child is assessed by a senior member of staff. In the January of their Kindergarten year, all children are assessed by a senior member of staff for progression into P1: immediate entry to P1 may not be in every child’s best interests so it is not automatic. Preparatory School 41/2 years - 51/2 years P1 For applicants from outside The Academy, assessment takes place at Kelvinbridge, but TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie applicants are seen at TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie. Parents have an interview with the Head of the Prep School and candidates are seen by senior members of staff. An individual assessment is undertaken by the senior members of staff. 51/2 years - 61/2 years 61/2 years - 71/2 years P2 P3 All testing takes place at Kelvinbridge, but TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie applicants are seen at TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie. 16 Families are interviewed by the Head of the Prep School and candidates are tested on ability in reading, writing and number. Transfer from TGA, Milngavie or Dairsie to Kelvinbridge at the end of P4 is without examination. 71/2 years - 81/2 years 81/2 years - 91/2 years 91/2 years - 101/2 years 101/2 years - 111/2 years P4 P5 P6 P7 Families are interviewed by the Head of the Prep School and, in the case of P7 entrants, the Rector, normally in January. Candidates sit a formal written entrance examination in January to test their writing, maths and verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Transfer from the Prep School to Senior School is without examination. Senior School 111/2 years - 121/2 years 121/2 years - 131/2 years 131/2 years - 141/2 years S1 S2 S3 Admission is by written examination in January and interviews with the Rector and the Deputy Rector. 141/2 years - 151/2 years 151/2 years - 161/2 years 161/2 years - 171/2 years S4 S5 S6 Admission is by arrangement and involves interviews with the Rector, Deputy Rector and each Head of Department responsible for a subject the candidate wishes to study. Candidates sit a Verbal Reasoning test. Any offer will not be conditional on external examination results. Candidates will be asked to bring an English essay and, if they are intending to study Maths or Art, a Maths jotter/exercise book and an Art Sketchbook. 17 Long sleeved school overall Kindergarten PREP SCHOOL at Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie Academy Jogging Suit Academy White Polo Shirt Academy Summer Dress The Academy dress may be worn in the Summer Term and until half-term of the Autumn Term Academy Reversible Fleece Jacket Gym Shoes Black tights with school pinafore Academy Skirt Academy Blazer with vents Academy Cagoule Academy Blouse with plain front Academy Socks with pinafore Black tights with school skirt Plain flat-heeled black polished shoes/velcro shoes (not trainers) Nursery UNIFORM GIRLS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Academy Tracksuit Optional Academy Crew Neck Jumper Academy V-Neck Jumper Navy Blue Academy Jacket Academy Scarf* Academy Navy Woollen Hat* Academy Purse Navy Sandals with Academy dress White ankle socks with Academy dress Academy white cardigan may be worn with school dress Navy or black plain overcoat 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SENIOR SCHOOL Academy Skirt Academy Blazer with vents Academy Blouse Black Tights Plain black shoes with heels not higher than 3cms, without ornate stitching or protective toe caps. Optional Academy Jumper Academy Scarf* Academy Cagoule Navy or black plain overcoat or anorak 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 * If a hat or scarf is worn it must be an Academy hat or scarf. Gloves, if worn, should be plain navy, black or grey. Note: Please see pages 22-24 for all PE and games kit. 18 Academy Jogging Suit Academy White Polo Shirt Grey Shorts** Gym Shoes Academy Reversible Fleece Jacket Academy Tie Academy Blazer with vents Academy Cagoule Black polished lacing shoes/ velcro (not trainers) Mid-grey Academy shorts** Mid-grey long flannels (October to Easter) Mid-grey long flannels White shirt Academy long socks Long-sleeved Academy overall Kindergarten PREP SCHOOL at Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie Nursery BOYS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Navy blue Academy jacket Academy scarf* Academy Navy woollen hat* Navy sandals Navy or black plain overcoat 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Academy track suit Optional Academy v-neck pullover 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SENIOR SCHOOL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Academy tie Academy blazer with vents Plain black polished shoes without decoration, ornate stitching, buckles or protective toe caps. Boots or trainer-style shoes are not permitted. Mid-grey long flannel: black trousers are not permitted. Grey socks White shirt Optional Navy blue Academy jacket Academy cagoule Academy v-neck pullover Academy scarf* Navy or black plain overcoat 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 * If a hat or scarf is worn it must be an Academy hat or scarf. ** Shorts with cargo pockets are not permitted. For Nursery and Kindergarten, shorts may be worn in the Summer Term and until the Autumn half-term. Note: Please see pages 22-24 for all PE and games kit. 19 3 3 3 When and where to wear the school uniform Uniform as defined above must be worn by all Academy pupils at school, school functions, on the way to and from school, and at school matches or school activities, except when pupils are changed for games. Hair should be kept neat and tidy and boys’ hair should be so cut that it is clear of the shirt and blazer collar. Artificial hair colouring or unusual styles are not acceptable. Girls’ hair bands and ribbons should be in keeping with the school colours. Jewellery may not be worn at school. Dress at evening events For Senior School evening events we expect children to be smartly dressed either in school uniform (which they should certainly wear if they are performing or in a particular role such as issuing programmes or checking tickets, or if it is a Parents’ Evening) or in smart clothes of the ‘shirt with collar’ type rather than jeans and tshirts. We are keen that communal events are well supported and would never wish anyone to not support plays or concerts or sports fixtures simply because they were in smart clothes rather than school uniform: they are equally acceptable. Were there to be any variation of this for a particular event other than the Senior School Talent Show (which is run by pupils and therefore we do not set a dress code for it), we would tell you directly in advance. Prep School children should always be in uniform when attending their formal events.The school does not take responsibility for lost or misplaced items of uniform and will not replace them. School uniform outfitters School uniform is available from the school outfitters: Campbell’s Boys and Girls Shops Ltd, 358 Victoria Road, Glasgow, G42 8YN. Tel: 0141 - 423 - 1455 Man’s World, 157-159 Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8TS. Tel: 0141 - 357 - 0400 192 Fenwick Road, Giffnock, Glasgow, G46 6UE. Tel: 0141 - 638 - 7689 The Academy uniform can now be ordered online from Uniform Shop The PTA now runs a SECOND-HAND UNIFORM SHOP, located in the main building beside the CCF office. Donations of good quality, clean school uniform 20 may be handed in to either School Reception throughout the school year. If you wish to receive 50% of the sale proceeds please use the labels available for download on the School website. The PTA will price the items and, if sold within the current school year, you will receive a cheque for any amount due. (Cheques will be issued termly.) If you are simply donating clothes, the PTA will label them. The Shop opens on the first Tuesday in the month, during term time, 8.30-9.30am. If you wish to purchase an item outwith the opening days, or you have any queries, please contact the shop at A sale of second-hand school uniform takes place twice a year on a Saturday morning, in January and June, organised by the PTA. School sports kit outfitters (physical education and games) Greaves Sports, 23/25 Gordon Street, Glasgow, G1 3PW. Tel: 0141 - 221 - 3322 Greaves Sports, 80/82 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3DF. Tel: 0141 - 333 - 0030 School sports kit on-line Greaves Sports, 21 PREP SCHOOL – PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND GAMES UNIFORM LIST GIRLS ALL SITES School PE top School navy and purple PE shorts School socks for PE White ankle socks White training shoes School jogging suit School navy with purple panel swimming costume with school swimming cap Kind ! ! ! P1 ! ! ! P2 ! ! ! P3 ! ! ! P4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! School lined stadium pant (tracksuit trousers) School tour jacket or new micro fleece School classic lined shell jacket School quartered hockey top School white CCC base layer School navy hockey/tennis skort (P5 wear PE shorts) School hockey socks Shin protectors, mouth guard* Hockey stick Hockey astroturf shoes School Laptop hoody (optional) Tennis racquet P5 ! ! P6 ! ! P7 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! P5 ! ! P6 ! ! P7 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! White training shoes must be white 'sports' trainers rather than fashion shoes * Mouth guards must be worn for all contact sports, and specifically for Rugby and Hockey. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their son or daughter has a properly fitted mouth guard, which must be taken to all Games sessions and worn for all contact activities. BOYS ALL SITES School PE top School navy and purple PE shorts School socks for PE White ankle socks White training shoes School jogging suit School navy swimming trunks School lined stadium pant (tracksuit trousers) School tour jacket or new micro fleece Kind ! ! ! P1 ! ! ! P2 ! ! ! P3 ! ! ! P4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! School classic lined shell jacket School reversible rugby shirt School blue CCC base layer School navy rugby shorts School rugby socks Soccer or rugby boots plus training shoes Mouth guard* School cricket overshirt for matches School cricket trousers for matches W Parents a 22 SENIOR SCHOOL – PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND GAMES UNIFORM LIST 23 SENIOR SCHOOL – PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND GAMES UNIFORM LIST 24 ACADEMY A - Z If on a particular day your child is unable to come to school, please contact the Administration Centre by telephone (0141-334-8558 - Senior School, 0141-342-5481 - Prep School), email ( or text (07860 003835) as early as possible in the morning, and not later than 9.30. Letters explaining absence through illness should be handed to your child’s tutor or class teacher at the first available opportunity after his/her return. If you wish your child to be excused from school for some reason such as a medical or dental appointment, please write to the Administration Centre or email (in the Prep School) write to class teacher or email reception as far in advance as possible and a slip authorising the absence will be issued. If you wish your child to be absent from school for a day or longer during the term, please explain the situation to the Rector in writing as far in advance as possible. Government regulations limit the circumstances under which the Rector can authorise such absences. Parents of TGA, Milngavie pupils should telephone the Head of TGA, Milngavie, Miss McMorran, on 0141-956-3758, to report absences, if possible on the day concerned. Parents of Dairsie pupils should telephone the Head of Dairsie, Miss Logie, on 0141-6320736, to report absences, if possible on the day concerned. ASSESSMENT The Prep School uses both formative assessment and standardised testing. All P1-P7 pupils sit standardised tests at the beginning of the session. P1 pupils sit a baseline assessment called 'PIPs' which gives teachers an overview of a child's ability in maths and reading. Teachers can therefore tailor provision and put in place interventions as required. P2-P7 pupils sit a non-verbal reasoning test and the results of this, alongside classroom attainment, enable teachers to see both a child’s achievement and potential, and hence throughout the session tailor their teaching to meet the child’s needs in an appropriately differentiated way. A Reading Age Test is used from P3-P7. This is part of our programme to promote an active reading culture in the school. It is particularly useful in placing children in appropriate reading groups, enabling them to read books that will challenge them suitably, develop their comprehension and reasoning skills, and foster a love of books. A Spelling Age test is also used from P3-P7 to help identify any literacy issues that a pupil may have; teachers can then put in place the necessary intervention to help a child progress. We ensure that all our maths assessments are diagnostic so that we can identify a child’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to deliver more differentiated teaching. Our P7 maths assessments are set and marked by the Senior School Maths Department, thus helping in the transition process. Formative assessments based on the curriculum happen twice a year; these allow 25 class teachers to see areas in the curriculum where pupils have strengths and difficulties. This enables better-informed teaching and targeted provision for each child. Parents receive feedback from these assessments in the form of scores and individual pupil targets, as discussed collaboratively by teacher and pupil. All this data is used to track our pupils throughout the Prep School and allow for an effective and seamless transition into the Senior School. Senior School attainment and effort grades are compiled in October and March. The grades are a reflection of how effectively teachers think children are working at that point. They are not a prediction or simply a reflection of academic ability. End-ofyear examinations are taken in May by S1-3. S4-6 Prelims are taken in late January/early February. BOOKS A charge will be made for unreturned or damaged books. On return from study leave all S4 and S5 start the courses they intend to study the following session. To facilitate teaching it is very important that all books are returned immediately after the exams or as soon as they are no longer required. All textbooks should be returned directly to the teacher who issued them or to the Head of Department; they must not be left unattended on a desk. A record is kept of who has been issued with each textbook and parents will be invoiced for any which are not returned or are returned damaged. CAREERS ADVICE AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS CAREERS ORGANISATION (ISCO) The Glasgow Academy has a dedicated careers adviser, Mr A.J. McCaskey. In addition, ISCO advisers give presentations to pupils at various stages. The scheme starts with Fourth Year pupils aged 15 and 16 and helps to pinpoint the choice of specialist subjects for post-16 study. The psychometric profile and analysis that they take gives in-depth support. The whole system is available on-line for pupils, parents and staff. At 17 and 18 pupils obtain an insight into the world of work through Career Experience Courses, and support in the choice of Higher Education Courses, place and method of study, or with the alternative of direct entry to a career. Between 21 and 23 there is assistance with the choice of an initial career, training or postgraduate studies. The benefits of the Student Scheme are: • • • • The psychometric profile produces an individual and objective personal profile. This highlights strengths, weaknesses and aptitudes and lists careers for ongoing discussion and as more immediate background to 16+ subject choices. Feedback and guidance from staff. Careerscope magazine, packed with up-to-date information and case studies, sent to students’ homes each term for four years. Priority booking for Career Experience Courses and a 50% discount on the basic fee. 26 • • • Access to information and advice up to age 23. A full guidance review on request at no extra cost. Personal web space, packed with information such as CV writing and specific course/career information. CHARITY Our senior pupils are active and responsible members of the local and global community. We have strong links with Erskine Home, which provides care for exservicemen and women from all three Armed Services, and every year residents attend our annual Remembrance Day Service. As part of the Sixth Year lecture programme a representative of St Margaret’s Hospice, Clydebank, is always invited to talk to our young people about some of the realities of life and death. As a consequence, a group helped out with their door-to-door collection on the Christmas Bus which toured local areas just before Christmas. The Academy prides itself on its record of raising funds for charity at home and abroad each year, acknowledging this is an important part of the education offered to our pupils. Sometimes there is a single charitable objective, while at other times the Senior, Preparatory, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie sites may have different objectives. Over £30,000 a year has been raised in recent years. Great emphasis is placed on pupil ownership and participation in each initiative, with staff acting in a supportive advisory role only. By the time they leave The Academy we believe our young people have developed a knowledge and understanding of, and respect and care for, the wider world. CHILD PROTECTION The Academy is most concerned to promote the well-being and safety of all pupils in the widest sense. By means of our Child Protection policy, the school ethos, our personal support structure and the various health and personal and social education programmes, we endeavour to enable our pupils to be responsible for themselves. We wish to assure parents that their children’s welfare is our prime concern, and that a strong partnership between home and school is our aim, in order to deal together with any issues that may arise. It should be noted that we are legally required to report any instances where it is thought that a child may have come to harm as a consequence of possible abuse or is at risk. Dr. J Andrews, Assistant Rector, has received relevant training and is our Child Protection Co-ordinator. 27 CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS Classroom Assistants in the Prep School have a very valuable role to play in the learning and teaching process. They do not, however, actually teach your children. They are in no way designed to take the place of the class or subject teacher. They are instead employed to enhance the staffing ratio so that your child can have even more adult/child interaction. The role of the classroom assistants is twofold - to support the children and to support the teacher. They may support the teacher by preparing resources, working on class displays, supervising a small group engaged in a practical activity, etc. Your child may receive support from the classroom assistant in the form of practice with words/sounds, help during an Art and Design activity, support and encouragement with ongoing work in the classroom, etc. It is impossible to detail all of the duties the classroom assistant may engage in as their remit is extremely varied. They do, however, always work under the direction of a qualified teaching member of staff. In addition to their duties within the classroom, the classroom assistants are also involved in supervision at break times and at lunchtimes. At these times they ensure that the school rules are adhered to, encourage the children to play appropriately and help the children to resolve any disagreements that may arise. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES From P5 upwards in the Kelvinbridge Prep School there is a designated club time on Tuesday afternoons. In 2013/2014 there were clubs in art and craft, music, technology, basketball, archery, fencing, football, Spanish, Italian, textiles, media, table tennis, enterprise and theatre. In addition, Scripture Union, gardening, choir, string group, wind band, flute group and sporting clubs meet before school and at lunchtimes throughout the week. The Senior School Pupils’ Handbook gives details of the clubs. Additional copies of this booklet are available from the Administration Centre or by contacting or downloaded from the web. COMBINED CADET FORCE (CCF) This is a youth organisation supported by the Ministry of Defence with Her Majesty the Queen as its Captain General. The CCF in the United Kingdom is made up of over 250 school Contingents, the majority of which are from independent schools. The CCF at The Glasgow Academy combines all three Services – Navy, Army and RAF. All communications should be forwarded to Captain A.W. Mathewson. Aim of the CCF (a) The broad function of the CCF in the school is to provide the framework of a disciplined organisation, within which and through which boys and girls may develop qualities of endurance, resourcefulness, self-reliance, leadership, responsibility and a sense of public service. (b) The specific function of the Service training undertaken in the CCF is not only to contribute to the development of the attributes already described, but also to give all cadets a background knowledge of Service methods and conditions, and to assist and encourage those pupils who have a special interest in a Service career to become Officers in the Regular or Reserve Forces. The CCF is open to pupils in S3, S4, S5 and S6. It meets on a Thursday after school and offers weekend and vocational training in the form of camps and courses. Uniform is provided by the Ministry of Defence and any pupil wishing to join the cadets should speak to Captain Mathewson as soon as possible or collect an information booklet and application form from the CCF office in the Well which is adjacent to the Library. 28 COMPLAINTS If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your child’s schooling at The Academy, we hope that you will get in touch with the school at an early stage so that we can put matters right. Some guidance is given earlier in this booklet about the most appropriate member of staff to contact. The Academy has a complaints procedure with clear steps to follow if parents are not satisfied with the response they get. Copies of this document can be obtained from the Administration Centre or by contacting DETENTION Senior School pupils, for reason of unsatisfactory work or conduct, may be required to stay for between half an hour and three hours beyond the finish of school. Detention for P5, P6 and P7 will usually last 30 minutes or one hour after school. Parents will be informed in advance if a pupil is required to attend detention. DISABILITY/ASSESSMENT ARRANGEMENTS The purpose of assessment arrangements is to ensure that a candidate who is placed at a substantial disadvantage because of a disability has reasonable adjustments made to alleviate any such disadvantage and to enable them to demonstrate their competence. Any arrangements put in place should reflect the pupil’s normal way of working. This support may be required for a short, medium or long period of time. The need for any such arrangements may be identified by the subject teacher, Support for Learning staff or by the pupil themself. When a need has been identified, appropriate support will be put in place. The effectiveness of this arrangement will be monitored over time with a view to assessing its continued appropriateness. The school reserves the right to withdraw any assessment arrangement if it is subsequently deemed unnecessary. Where a pupil has a diagnosed difficulty, such as dyslexia, there is no automatic entitlement to an arrangement. Each pupil’s needs are considered on an individual basis. If assessment arrangements are deemed necessary for the external exams from S3 onwards then the candidate, and their parent or guardian, must sign a declaration to confirm that they are in agreement with the application the school has suggested. The school cannot make an application without this consent. If you believe that your child should have assessment arrangements in place then please make sure that you have done this. The deadline for these forms is usually prior to 31 March. Should you have any queries in respect of any of the above, please contact Mrs A. A. Harvie, Support for Learning, Senior School. DISCIPLINE The general discipline and control of the school are delegated by the Governors to the Rector whose decisions on all matters affecting the school and its pupils are final. The Rector will be pleased to see parents to discuss their child's work, progress or future. Parents wishing to see him are asked to make an appointment by letter, telephone (0141-342-5485) or e-mail ( 29 DOGS For reasons of Health and Safety, dogs are not allowed anywhere on any of The Academy sites, including the playing fields. EAT SAFE In recognition of excellence in food hygiene standards as assessed by the Environmental Health Service as part of an ongoing inspection programme, The Academy has been awarded an Eat Safe certificate by the Food Standards Agency Scotland and Glasgow City Council. ECO-SCHOOLS Eco-Schools is an international and pupil-led initiative designed to encourage whole-school action for the environment. All our school sites have achieved the Green Flag award from Eco-Schools Scotland. The flag is an internationally recognised standard of excellence. The day-to-day organisation and management of the initiative is the responsibility of pupils working with the support of staff. Pupils have organised ragbag collection to recycle textiles, and introduced printer cartridge, mobile phone, PDA, paper and plastic bottle recycling. You can help support these initiatives by donating your empty printer cartridges, mobile phones and PDAs as well as signing up your business or company at or by calling 08541 302050 quoting our account number VEN0002259. ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCE We endeavour to communicate with parents electronically, other than Information for Parents, Newslines, the Prep School Handbook, Senior School Pupil Handbook and other organisations’ leaflets. FAIRTRADE We are a Fairtrade School. Pupil-led initiatives aim to help pupils understand how trade works and how to make global trade fairer, while encouraging the use of Fairtrade products within the school and its community. HEALTHY LIVING AWARD The school has recently received a Healthy Living Award which rewards good practice and recognises organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to supporting and promoting healthier eating. HOLIDAYS IN TERM TIME Holidays in term time affect teaching rhythms and jeopardize academic progress for all pupils, including those who remain at school. They waste money already expended on fees and have a negative effect on corporate discipline. This academic effect is noticeable within the Preparatory School, but becomes increasingly damaging the nearer pupils get to SQA examinations. 30 In 2003 the then Scottish Executive altered the criteria distinguishing between authorised and unauthorised absence from school and made it clear that family holidays taken during term time were to be categorised as unauthorised absence. The availability of cheaper holidays or particular accommodation or parental difficulty in obtaining leave (other than in wholly exceptional circumstances) are not acceptable as reasons for authorising absence for holidays. In the interests of children, The Glasgow Academy asks parents to ensure that they do not take holidays in term time. ICT AND TOUCH-TYPING Pupils at The Academy make use of computers in most subjects. The rudiments of typing technique are covered as part of the ICT curriculum throughout P6-P7. They are built into tasks rather than specific typing lessons. During S1 computing lessons children who wish to improve their typing speeds are directed to suitable sites, and encouraged to do so in their own time. There are many free, web-based programs designed for adults and children. For younger pupils the BBC schools’ website might be useful; older pupils may prefer typingweb,, which will also allow progress tracking. There are extensive computing facilities throughout the school and Senior School pupils can access computers at all breaktimes. INFORMATION We send regular communications to parents by email, text or in the children’s school bag. The Academy’s website is updated regularly with news from both the Preparatory and Senior Schools and from TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie. In addition, we have an External Relations office based at Kelvinbridge whose role is to raise awareness of The Academy through our various publications, including Newslines and Etcetera, the magazine for former pupils and friends of the school. INSPECTION The Academy is inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools (HMIe) on the same basis as every other school in the country. Their stated aim is to inspect schools every six years or so. The Academy was last inspected in 2008. Additional copies of inspection reports are available from the Administration Centre or by contacting 31 LOST PROPERTY Lost property, which is stored in the basement of the main building is open each school day between 8.30 am and 9.00 am (parental access) and in the Prep School and Senior School morning breaks (pupil access). LUNCHES All pupils in the Preparatory School at Kelvinbridge take school lunches and the cost of these lunches is consolidated in the term’s fees. Pupils at TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie bring packed lunches. For pupils in the Senior School, lunches are paid for using a smart card system. This card is obtainable from the Dining Hall Catering Office, is automatically issued to new Senior School pupils at the start of the session, and may be credited in units of £5, up to £100. Money can be paid in during the morning break at the Dining Hall. Cheques should be made payable to "The Glasgow Academicals' War Memorial Trust". Credit remaining at the end of each session is automatically carried forward to the start of the next session unless the pupil is leaving the school, when a refund will be made on receipt of the card. There will be an administration charge of £5 for the replacement of each card lost or damaged. This will be deducted automatically from any credit remaining on the card. All communication about this system should be with the Catering Manager. The direct dial telephone number is 0141342-5489. Parents can request a print out of their child’s card purchases from the Catering Manager or block the card at the vending machines. Charges for Senior School lunches are £3.30 for a three course lunch. Courses can also be purchased individually: any starter £1.00, any main course £2.30, any dessert £1.00. The Tuck Shop at Kelvinbridge is also open for Breakfast from 8.00 am, for Lunch for P6 and P7 pupils between Midday and 12.40 pm, and for Senior Pupils between 12.50 pm and 1.30 pm. If your child has special dietary requirements, please contact the Catering Manager to discuss these. Menus are published on the school website as are the items available in the Tuck Shop and in the vending machines. 32 MEDICAL ROOM The Medical Room at The Glasgow Academy is open from 8.30 am till 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday. It is situated in the basement area of the Senior School and is run by our School Nurse. The School Nurse is available to give advice to all pupils, parents and staff who have a concern or require any health information. The Medical Room is where unwell and injured pupils are brought for treatment. If you are contacted by the Nurse or school to collect your child to go home, please do not go directly to the Medical Room. For security reasons, we ask that you go to the relevant school Reception and your child will be brought to you there. Medicines If your child requires medicine during school hours, then please do not give medicine to your child’s Class Teacher or to a Classroom Assistant. A medicine consent form must be completed: these are available to download and print out from the school website or can be obtained directly from the Administration Centre, Prep School Reception or the School Nurse. The completed form and medicine should be given to either the School Nurse or Reception directly. Please do not give Prep School pupils medicines (e.g. Calpol sachets, cough linctus etc) to hold in their school bag and take themselves. Guidance on School Attendance To ensure the wellbeing of other pupils and staff, if your child is not well, please do not send him/her to school. We also ask that after all vomiting or vomiting and diarrhoea incidents, parents please leave 48 hours from the last episode before returning children to school. The Academy follows public health guidelines on infection control for children in schools and pre-5 establishments. An overview of the main illnesses affecting our pupils and relevant guidelines are given on the next page. If in doubt, please seek further advice from your GP. 33 Illness Guidelines Exclusion period Advice Chickenpox 5 days from onset of the rash The child may return to school once all spots have crusted over and the child is feeling well* Conjunctivitis None The child may return 24 hours after treatment commenced Diarrhoea 48 hours from last episode of vomiting/diarrhoea The child should be excluded from swimming for 2 weeks following the last episode of vomiting/diarrhoea Food poisoning 24 hours from last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhoea (48 hours if under 5) Glandular fever Until the child is well Head lice Current policy is for parent to “take a peek, once a week”. Infuenza (flu) Until fully recovered Measles 5 days from onset of rash Mumps 5 days from onset of swollen glands or until swelling has subsided Rubella (German measles) 5 days from onset of rash Scarlet fever 5 day from commencing antibiotics Shingles The child must not attend school if the rash is weeping and cannot be covered Parent should check their child’s head once a week, by ‘wet combing’. Further information can be obtained from, * The child may return to school if feeling well enough and after the start of treatment only if the lesions are in a covered area* Slapped cheek Until the child is well Swine flu 48 hours after temperature has returned to normal or until clinically recovered Tonsilitis None Vomiting 48 hours from last episode of vomiting Whooping cough 5 days after commencing antibiotics or 21 days if not being treated with antibiotics Please inform the School Nurse when your child returns to school.- Additional information for parents of children in Nursery, Kindergarten and After school Care: In the event your child has a bump to the head, the school will contact you to inform you of the injury. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may be asked to collect your child as a precaution. 34 MERCHANDISE Both The Academy and Glasgow Academicals stock school-related merchandise ties, cufflinks etc. These may be purchased through the External Relations department, by credit/debit card, or on-line through the school’s website. MONEY The administrative staff in the school offices keep small sums of money for emergencies such as a child arriving at school with no money for lunch or travel home. They will be happy to help children who are in difficulties. The loan should be repaid the next school day. Please discourage your children from abusing this service. For any monies paid in a receipt will be given. MUSIC In class, pupils are taught practical skills at various stages of their school career: P4 and 5: P6 and 7: S1 and S2: Recorder Keyboard Acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drum kit, keyboard. In addition, a wide range of musical instruments are taught by specialist instrumental tutors throughout the school. The Director of Music sends out a letter about instrumental tuition in May or June of every year to every pupil in the school. Here is a summary of its main points: Instrumental Tuition P2: Violin P3: Piano, violin, recorder (solo/group), cello, guitar, flute P4: Piano, violin, recorder (solo/group), cello, guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone, drum kit/percussion P5 onwards: Piano, harp, clarsach, violin, recorder (solo/group), flute, clarinet, cello, oboe, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, double bass, drum kit/percussion, guitar (electric, acoustic and bass), voice, tin whistle, accordion, chanter/bagpipes. We also offer organ tuition, for which a minimum standard of Grade 5 piano is required. Lessons are given by qualified visiting professional musicians, in Singing and on the following instruments: Piano, Violin, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Horn, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Timpani, Percussion and Pipes and Drums. Lesson arrangements should be made with the Director of Music (0141-342-5488). Before a pupil is withdrawn from tuition a term's notice in writing must be given, otherwise the fees for the full term’s tuition will be charged. Lessons missed by tutors will be made up at the earliest convenient date, but parents are liable for lessons missed by pupils. Payment is made directly to the tutors and not to the school. Theory classes are offered as a lunch-time class: these are particularly helpful to those pupils wishing to progress beyond Grade 5 Associated Board practical examinations. 35 Direct Line to Music Department: 0141 342 5488 Music Administrators: Mrs E.M.G. Anderson works 8.30am - 12.30pm and deals with instrumental tuition. Mrs H. Roussel works 1.30pm - 4.30pm and deals with the administration of music tours and visits, and Pipes and Drums. OUTDOOR AND RESIDENTIAL EDUCATION There are many opportunities for pupils to take part in Outdoor Education activities during their time at The Academy. Most activities have restrictions on the year groups that participate and this allows a logical progression to occur in terms of both the technical skills involved and the adventurousness of the activities. It is hoped that, through participation in Outdoor Education, pupils will develop an idea of themselves in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, gain confidence by exploring their limits, learn to become independent, have been educated in assessing risks and have had experiences which provide powerful and enduring memories. Full details of the activities on offer in the Senior School may be found in the Outdoor Education calendar for 2014 - 2015. P6 Pupils visit Abernethy Outdoor Centre as part of the curriculum. The aim of the trip is to allow pupils to experience a varied programme of outdoor activities in a residential setting outside the normal classroom situation. The activities, which include canoeing, climbing and abseiling, challenge and excite the children as well as providing opportunities to develop their problem-solving and team-building skills. P7 Pupils visit Benmore Centre by Dunoon for an outdoor learning experience that builds on skills developed at Abernethy. The aim of the trip is to allow pupils to experience a programme of outdoor and environmental activities in a residential setting. The activities are designed by the centre to promote team skills, social skills, communication and environmental awareness. S1 Following on from the countryside walks in P7, pupils in S1 have the opportunity to join day walks in the local mountains during the Autumn and Summer Terms. A special S1 and S2 weekend of adventure takes place annually. S2 In September, pupils in S2 will participate in a residential experience on the Isle of Raasay, in association with the Outdoor Centre there. During their stay, 36 pupils live and work as part of a group, learning important lessons about teamwork whilst strengthening personal and social development. They are able to appreciate the natural environment at the same time as undertaking a range of outdoor activities, including kayaking, rockclimbing and abseiling. Pupils are able to develop rockclimbing skills learnt during this trip by participating in single day sessions throughout the autumn and summer terms with Academy staff. These activities normally take place on Sundays. There is a biennial ski trip during the Easter or February half-term holidays. A special S1 and S2 weekend of adventure takes place annually. S3 Pupils have the opportunity to start participation in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award at the start of 3rd Form. The expedition section of the award requires participants to undertake training and then complete a minimum of two expeditions. These expeditions are on foot and involve camping out for one night. The training and expeditions take place in March, April and May in the Arrochar area. Pupils can continue with rockclimbing activities at the weekends during the Autumn and Summer terms. There is also the biennial ski trip. S4 Pupils can progress onto expeditions for the Silver level of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. As well as participation in rockclimbing, pupils can now join in with whitewater kayaking and winter mountaineering, including attendance on winter skills weekends. These weekends allow the essential techniques for safe travel in the Scottish winter mountains to be taught. There is also the biennial ski trip at Easter and rockclimbing trip abroad during the October half-term holiday. S5/6 Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions take pupils away for longer periods of time with three or four nights spent out. There is often an opportunity for pupils to undertake these expeditions overseas. There is continued participation in the ski trip, rockclimbing, white-water kayaking, and summer and winter mountaineering. This last activity may provide an opportunity to spend a weekend snowholing in the Cairngorms. There are also overseas mountaineering trips. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION The aims of The Glasgow Academy Parent Teacher Association (GAPTA) are to encourage communication within the school community, arrange social events, raise funds for The Glasgow Academy and engage in activities which support and advance the aims of the school. All parents/guardians are members of GAPTA, representatives from across the year groups serve on the Committee and all are most welcome to join. Meetings are held approximately six times during the school year to discuss matters of interest and organise social events, including the Highland Games, Fashion Show, Christmas Parties, Prep School Discos, Ladies’ Charity Lunch and Street Party. 37 The Prep School Christmas Card project is also co-ordinated by the PTA. The PTA arranges the New Parents’ Welcome Evening at the beginning of the Autumn term and is represented at the Open Evening and Mornings throughout the year. Two Uniform Sales (in January and June) are also set up by the PTA and as well as raising considerable sums are a most useful source of second hand uniform. Parents are also encouraged to sell uniform at the sales and they receive a percentage of the selling price. Funds raised by the PTA are distributed throughout the school and recent donations have included benches for the playground, a rugby scrummage machine, equipment for the Home Economics Department, football strips for the Senior Football Team, music stands, a gazebo for the Shooting Team and Chemistry Department projects. The PTA pages on the school website contain up-to-date information on all activities, contact details for the PTA Committee and useful links to other organisations. TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie each have their own Parent Teacher Association which organises social and fundraising events and can be contacted through the relevant pages on the school website. PARENTS’ EVENINGS There are parents’ evenings for each level spread over the Autumn and Spring Terms. Parents are encouraged to attend these to discuss their child’s progress. Details of all such evenings are published in the term calendars and on the website. PARENTS’ MEETINGS The Prep School holds several ‘At Home’ events near the beginning of the session for the parents of each year group to get together. These are occasions when parents can chat informally with each other and with Prep School staff and learn what will be covered in the curriculum that session. The Parent Teacher Association arranges a number of social activities. A welcome evening for new parents is held in late August/early September and Coffee Mornings complement the Uniform Sales in January and June. New ideas are always under consideration and The Parent Teacher Association is delighted to receive suggestions for additional events. PARKING A visitors’ parking system is in operation at Kelvinbridge. Visitors requiring a parking place should contact the Administration Centre at least 24 hours before their arrival, and on arrival report there for a permit. If you do not have a permit, please do not park in the car park. 38 Parking is forbidden in streets closest to the school other than in the designated white spaces. It is not allowed on the left hand side of Belmont Street running up from Great Western Road to Kelvin Memorial Church: there are signs to that effect on entering Belmont Street from Great Western Road and at the bridge by the Church. Parents should also note that although parking is provided for parents to pick up children in the back playground from 2.50 pm - 3.30 pm each day, we cannot permit movement of cars between 3.10 pm - 3.20 pm as pupils change classes at this time. The whole playground is available for parking at school shows, prize-givings, special events etc., for which information will be forwarded. PINK SLIP A pupil requests a pink slip when they are to attend a medical, dental or orthodontist appointment. It is evidence of being authorised to be out of school. When requesting a pink slip for your child, for Prep School pupils please apply to Prep School reception and for Senior School pupils email PREFECTS/HEAD BOY AND HEAD GIRL All S6 can apply to be Prefects. The selection of Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies is carried out by the Rector and Senior Leadership Team in the Summer Term. Senior School teachers are asked at this time to make recommendations, as are senior pupils. REPORTS Your son or daughter will receive two written reports on his/her academic progress each session, apart from S6 where there is one. Reports are electronic and are written as follows: Preparatory School at Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie Beginning of Spring Term P1 - P7 End of Summer Term Kindergarten year - P7 Senior School End of Autumn Term Beginning of February End of Spring Term End of Summer Term S1, 2, 4, 5 S3, 4, 5, 6 S4, 5 S1, 2 and 3 Pupils sit Preliminary Examinations in late January/early February in S3 (English only), S4, 5 and 6. Parents receive a copy of the results of the S4, 5 and 6 examinations shortly afterwards. 39 SCHOOL BAGS Choosing the wrong school bag can have serious consequences by creating back pain. Select a backpack made of lightweight material (vinyl or canvas , not leather). The shoulder straps should be at least two inches wide, adjustable and padded. Ensure that they do not cut into or fit too snugly around the armpits. A backpack should have a padded back and a hip strap or waist belt (to redistribute as much as 50-70% of the weight off the shoulders and spine onto the pelvis, equalising the strain). Several individual pockets are better than one large compartment as they help distribute the weight evenly and prevent contents shifting. The top of the backpack should not extend higher than the top of the shoulder, and the bottom should not fall below the top of the hipbone. A useful site is: Tip for wearing backpacks Your backpack should be no heavier than 15% of your bodyweight. How to lift the backpack 1. Face the backpack 2. Bend at the knees 3. Using both hands, check the weight 4. Lift with your legs, not just your arms 5. Carefully put one shoulder strap on at a time 6. Put both shoulder straps on 7. Use strap around the waist for support Do not: 1. Sling the backpack over one shoulder 2. Forget to use the waist strap SECURITY All visitors or trades people must report to the Administration Centre where they will be issued with a Visitor’s Badge and the School’s Visitor’s Health and Safety instructions. The School cannot take responsiblity for school bags, sports bags or other belongings. At Kelvinbridge, TGA, Milngavie and Dairsie there are security cameras on some buildings, and in the Sports Centre corridor and in Reception. The General Manager, Dr W.R.Kerr, is the contact for them. 40 SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES While social networking sites do not normally fall within the jurisdiction of the school, we offer the following guidance to parents. Children should be 13 or over to use Facebook. To aid safe use we urge them to: a) Use a password which is nothing to do with them personally (ie not their dog’s name or whatever) and should, ideally, be a mixture of letters and numbers. They should NOT tell their password to ANY of their friends EVER! b) Check their list of ‘friends’ and remove anyone that they do not really know in real life c) Check their page settings and make sure that the security is set to “friends only” and not “friends of friends” or “anyone can view” d) Check that any mobile devices on which they can access Facebook (eg smart phones) are secured so that it is not possible for someone to pick up their phone and access their Facebook page (and therefore their friends’ pages) without a password etc. SMOKING The School operates a non-smoking smoke-free policy. This policy has been developed to protect all employees, pupils, visitors, and contractors from exposure to second-hand smoke and to assist compliance with the Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005, and the Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006. Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire work place without exceptions. This includes the school vehicles. This policy applies to all employees, visitors, and contractors, and also to electronic cigarettes. SPORT The Academy's main focus is on team sports. Most children do not develop the ability to play competitively in teams until around the age of 9 or 10. Accordingly, we begin rugby and hockey for pupils in P5. On Friday afternoons the boys visit New Anniesland for rugby training, and the girls go to Windyedge astroturf for hockey. Hockey and rugby continue up the school as the main winter team sports for girls and boys. In the summer term there is cricket, tennis and athletics for boys and tennis and athletics for girls. At the end of S3 pupils are given more choice as to which sports they participate in during Sport afternoons. In addition to rugby for boys and hockey for girls, there is hockey for boys, netball for girls, and badminton, basketball, dance, outdoor education, rowing, shooting and zumba/yoga for both boys and girls. Where there is more demand than places available, priority is given to S6, S5 and then S4, and to prior engagement with an activity. 41 Making your way home after Games and Late Collection from Games There is a late waiting service provided in the event that parents are held up in traffic or for some unforeseen circumstance and cannot get to the games venue by the normal finish time. If this is the case your son/daughter will be walked round to Top Windyedge where they can sit inside until you arrive to collect them. This should NOT be looked upon as a childminding service but more a safe environment until you can collect your child. If you find yourself in this situation you should contact Mr I. Furnish on 07799 716998 so that he knows what time you are likely to arrive and can put other arrangements in place if need be. We would ask ALL parents or whoever is picking up pupils to come into the pavilion and sign the late waiting book to ensure all pupils are picked up safely. For their own safety we do not wish children to be waiting around outside the gates. For P5 - P7 only In order to return on the After-school Care bus, the children will need to be booked on it. We ask that you make your booking by 2.30pm that day at the latest. Absence from Sport The majority of our matches against other schools take place on Saturday mornings and we regard Saturday games as an integral part of the education we offer. Any request for absence from Saturday games should be made in writing to the Rector at least a week in advance so as to enable the school to organise games and practices. For absence from sport on weekdays in the Prep School children should bring a note on the day to their class teacher. The child’s name will be added to the ‘off games’ list, but s/he would still be expected to come out to Games to listen and observe. s/he will remain in school during Games time only if ill or when requested by parents under exceptional circumstances. For absence from sport on weekdays in the Senior School your child should take a note to Mrs Fitzgerald in the sandwich bar on the day in question. Her/his name will be added to the ‘off games’ list, but s/he would still be expected to come out to Games to listen and observe. s/he will remain in school during Games time only if ill or when requested by parents under exceptional circumstances. Sport is a timetabled subject just like any other. Even if children are preparing for important examinations, please do not ask permission to miss Sport to concentrate on other aspects of work unless there are exceptional circumstances. 42 Games Cancellation Number The Academy Games Information number, 0141-342-5493, listed in the calendar and in the electronic version of this booklet on the website, carries information on any cancellations, with the aim of helping avoid unnecessary journeys. Your son or daughter might like to save the Games number above in their mobile phone so that it is readily to hand. We endeavour to play wherever possible, but also to notify cancellation as early as we can. The pitches are checked around 6.00 am on the morning of the match and in the event of unexpectedly bad weather or a significant overnight freeze making them unsafe, the Games message will have been updated by 7.00 am in the morning. The same information is also available by 7.00 am from The Academy website, Homepage, Sports updates button at the bottom of the vertical menu. Sports Times Each year group is timetabled for sports as follows: • P5 on Friday • P6/7 on Monday and Friday • S1 on Tuesday and Thursday • S2 on Thursdays • S3 on Tuesday • S4-6 on Wednesdays (plus an after-school hockey practice on Mondays at Windyedge for 1st XI and 2nd XI players and other senior players who would like to attend) The school takes you out to Anniesland by bus for Games, but after games at the end of the day pupils must make thier own way home from Anniesland or be collected. Games generally finish at 4.15 pm, but times are later for additional Senior School after-school practices which A and B team players are expected to attend on a weekly basis, and which anyone in the year group can also attend. Pupils must wear full school uniform when going home. If they are not being collected by a parent from Anniesland at 4.15 pm or whenever practice finishes, it may be worth knowing that No 6 bus stops directly opposite the School Ground and close to the Accies ground, and takes pupils to within 100 yards of the school at Kelvinbridge on the same side of Great Western Road as the school (just up from the Co-op). Quite a few pupils use this to get themselves back to school and then work in the school library (which is open until 6.30 pm) until they are collected. 43 SUBJECT CHOICES Senior School pupils choose subjects at the end of S1, S2, S4 and S5. From a broad base of subjects at the beginning, there is a gradual narrowing throughout the six years of senior education. On entering S1, pupils choose to study either French or Spanish. At the end of S1, in addition to their Modern Language, pupils choose one other subject from Arabic, Craft and Design, French, Latin, Modern Studies or Spanish. Eight National 5/Intermediate 2/GCSE subjects are chosen at the end of the Second Year, and in S4 pupils choose five subjects to take on to Higher Grade. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The school is committed to encouraging pupils to explore a whole range of sustainable development issues throughout its subjects and co-curricular activities, embedding sustainable development education in subjects. TIMES Nursery (Term-time) am pm full-day 8.30 am to 12.00 pm 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm 8.30 am to 4.00 pm Nursery (Year-round) full-day 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Kindergarten am full-day 8.30 am to 12.00 pm 8.30 am to 4.05 pm School starts at 8.50 am for all Prep School pupils, and at 8.50 am for all Senior School pupils, at which time they will meet their tutors. School finishes as follows: P1, 2, 3 and 4 P5, 6 and 7 Senior School 3.10 pm 3.50 pm 3.50 pm In the event that parents are held up in traffic or for some unforeseen circumstances and connot get to the games venue by the normal finish time, there is a late waiting service (see page 32). All pupils are required, unless exempt by medical certificate, to take, on their official games afternoon and --- such exercise as the school may prescribe, either at the school or at Anniesland. There are a small number of Saturday afternoon matches against boarding schools. 44 TRANSITION The transition from Primary School to Senior School is an important moment in a young person’s life. We do a great deal to pave the way for a smooth start to S1. Important information about children’s academic attainment and their other achievements is passed on from their primary school, so that Senior School staff have as full a picture as possible of the young people joining S1 before they arrive. Towards the end of the Summer Term, the Senior School organises an Information Evening for incoming S1 parents, where life in the Senior School is explained. This is followed by a Welcome Day for all incoming Senior School children. This gives the children the opportunity to explore the Senior School, to talk about any anxieties they might have about moving up and to meet a number of key members of the Senior School staff. These teachers include the tutors and the Heads of House, the members of staff who will have pastoral responsibility for the children throughout their time in the Senior School and who will be the first point of contact between home and school. Shortly after the start of the new session, the PTA hold a Welcome Evening for new parents, and tutors will also ring home. During the welcome day we organise a panel of experts to answer some of the children’s questions. These experts are S1 children who were in the very same situation just a year earlier and every year they are asked ‘How long was it before you felt at home in the Senior School?’ The answer, always - ‘About a week’! There are many aspects of Senior School life with which children from The Academy’s own Prep School are already familiar, including the expectation that homework will be done regularly, the twice-weekly trips to Anniesland for games, the Saturday morning fixtures for many and the opportunity to take part in interhouse competitions. In addition Transitus children are regularly taught by members of staff whom they will also meet in the Senior School - for example PE, Music and Art teachers. Several Senior School departments, including English, Chemistry and Mathematics, also organise special activities for P7 children. Whether pupils have been at The Academy’s Prep School or are among those who join us every year from other primary schools, staff and pupils alike will work very hard to make sure that the young people and their parents feel comfortable in their new environment just as quickly as possible. 45 TRANSPORT Kelvinbridge is well served with buses and the underground, which is three stops from a rail service. Buses There are bus stops on either side of Great Western Road which provide a regular bus service to most parts of the City, and beyond. Timetables may be accessed on 6/6A buses operate between Great Western Road and Anniesland Cross. Coaches/Minibus (School transport) School coach services operate from the south and north-west sides of the city e.g. stopping at the Allander Centre. A new minibus service has been introduced to TGA, Milngavie. Parents interested in this service should contact the Administration Office on 0141-334-8558. Underground The Glasgow Underground provides a convenient means of travelling from the City Centre and the south side of the city. Its twin tunnels provide a circular service linking 15 stations in 24 minutes as follows: Monday-Saturday: Trains run every 4 minutes at peak times, every 6 minutes during the day and every 8 minutes in the evenings. Sunday: Trains run every 8 minutes. Park & Ride: Car parking is available at Shields Road, Bridge Street and Kelvinbridge stations. An inclusive ticket covers the cost of parking plus a return journey on the Underground. All car parks are equipped with closedcircuit TV surveillance. Park+Ride Queen Street Stn. Parking Bus Interchange Rail Interchange Park+Ride Park+Ride 46 Parents may park at Kelvinbridge underground station to drop-off and pick-up children, at any time of day. 30 mins is 50p, 30 mins to 60 mins £1.00, and all day parking £5.00, via the designated ticket machine situated in the car park, and using the crossing on Great Western Road to access the school. TRAVEL PLAN The school travel plan, which is updated regularly may be accessed on: TRIPS While all pupils in the Prep School go on educational day visits throughout their school career, there are two more extended trips at the end of the Summer Term that have been a feature of Prep School life for several years. Every year P6 pupils go to the Abernethy Outdoor Centre in the Cairngorms and P7 visit Benmore Centre, by Dunoon, for an outdoor learning experience that builds on skills development at Abernethy. Trips will vary from year to year depending on pupil interest, uptake and staff availability. The past is no guaranteed guide to the future, but in recent years, in addition to the outdoor education and residential trips, there have been S1 and S3 hockey, cricket and rugby tours to Belfast/Holland/Italy, S1 football tours to Valencia, S1 Modern Languages trips to Paris, an S1-3 Modern Languages trip to Madrid, a Marseilles exchange, an S2 and S3 Geography trip to Iceland, S3 and S4 Geography trips to Iceland and Morocco, an S3 and S4 History First World War battlefields trip, an S4 and S5 hockey and rugby tour to South Africa, S3-S6 Classics trip to Greece, S3 and S4 Classics trip to Italy, S6 trip to Nepal, S5 and S6 Modern Studies trip to Washington DC and New York, and S1-S6 Music tours to Belgium, Italy and New York. In the Senior School, S2 pupils enjoy an outdoor activities week at Raasay Outdoor Centre in September, experiencing a wide range of activities in a beautiful and remote island location. S6 have a free residential leadership and teambuilding course at Lakeside in the Lake District. Pupils also go away under the auspices of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and the CCF from S3 onwards on a variety of outdoor activities. Risk Assesments are completed and available for parents to see. The “Trips” section of the website details major trips which have been approved. TUCK SHOP Opening Times Breakfast: 8.00am - 8.45am Break: 11.20am - 11.35am Lunch: Noon - 1.45pm 47 GOVERNING BODY Chairman: GRAHAM SCOTT, F.C.I.B.S. ELECTED GOVERNORS CHRISTINE ABERCROMBIE, B.Acc., C.A. ALEX BARR SUSAN BINNS, Dip.ED., B. Ed., PG Dip School Leadership and Management (S.Q.H.) KAREN R. DINARDO, C.Eng., M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E., M.C.I.H.T., F.I.E.S. BRYAN DUNCAN, M.B.A., M.R.I.C.S. JEREMY GLEN, LL.B., Dip.L.P., N.P. STUART McCAFFER, B.Com., C.A. Dr MOIRA McDONALD, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.Path NEENA MAHAL, M.A., D.C.G. GRAHAM SCOTT, F.C.I.B.S. GRAHAM SHANKLAND, C.A., M.C.T. WILF SINCLAIR, M.A., M.F.B., M.I.D.E., M.I.O.D., M.S. Exp E., M.I.C.M., M.A.P.S. ANDREW WADDELL, M.A., C.A., A.S.I.P. NOMINATED GOVERNORS DOUGLAS ROBINSON A.C.M.A. Professor ANDREW MARSHALL, B.A., M.phil (University of Strathclyde). SECRETARY THOMAS W. GEMMILL, LL.B., N.P. HONORARY GOVERNORS C. CHAPMAN, M.A. D. COMINS, M.A. Sir ANGUS M.M. GROSSART, C.B.E., Q.C., LL.D., D.Litt., F.R.S.E., D.L., D.B.A., M.A., LL.B., C.A., F.C.I.B.S. E.K. HENDERSON, M.A., M. Ed. A.L. HOWIE, C.B.E., F.R.Ag.S. Sir JEREMY ISAACS, M.A., D.Litt., LL.D., F.R.S.A., F.R.S.A.M.D., F.G.S.M., Com. de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France), Mem., Ordre pour le Mérite (France) J.G. JACK, M.A., C.A., C.T.A. The Lord KERR OF KINLOCHARD, G.C.M.G., M.A., LL.D (St Andrews), LL.D (Glasgow) Professor Sir MALCOLM MACNAUGHTON, M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.O.G., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.E. W.M. MANN, C.A. Professor Sir DAVID MASON, C.B.E., LL.D., B.D.S., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.D.S., F.R.C.Path., F.R.S.E. CHARLES MILLER SMITH, M.A., A.C.C.A., LL.D. A.D.S. ROLLAND, C.A., F.R.C.P.S. (Glasgow) Professor NORMAN STONE, M.A. MURRAY STUART, C.B.E., M.A., LL.B., C.A., D.Univ, F.C.T., F.R.S.A. C.W. TURNER, B.Sc., A.K.C. The Lord VALLANCE OF TUMMEL, M.Sc., D.Sc., D.Tech., D.B.A., D.Eng. 48 SENIOR SCHOOL STAFF Rector: Mr P. J. BRODIE, M.A., Oxon., M.A. Management of Education, Canterbury Christ Church University College Deputy Rector: Mr A.J. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Dunelm Deputy Heads: Dr J. ANDREWS, B.Sc., Glasgow, Ph.D., London Mr A.L. EVANS, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mr A. MacRAE, B.Sc., Strathclyde ENGLISH Mrs A.F. WATTERS, M.A., St. Andrews Mr A.J. McCaskey, M.A., Glasgow Mrs A.F. Young, M.A., Glasgow, M(Res) Miss H. Mackenzie, M.A., Glasgow Mrs E. Lumsden, M.A., Glasgow Miss E. Ross, B.A., Stirling Miss E. Merton, M.A., Glasgow, M.Ed.,Cambridge MATHEMATICS Mrs L.S. MOON, B.Sc., Southampton, CMath FIMA., Cert.Guid Mr A.L. Evans, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mrs A.A. Drummond, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mrs P.M. Ruddock, B.Sc., Glasgow Mr I.A. Mackie, B.Sc., Glasgow Mr R.M.R. MacLeod, B.Sc., Heriot-Watt Dr J. Murray, B.Sc., Strathclyde, Ph.D., Strathclyde Ms K. Russell, B.Sc., Heriot-Watt, PG Advanced Dip Mathematics, Hull Miss E.C. Darcy, B.Eng., Queen’s Belfast MODERN LANGUAGES Mrs E.B. HOLLAND, M.A., Glasgow Mrs M.T. Muirhead, B.A., East Anglia, Dip. Guidance and Pastoral Care, Glasgow Ms C. McMahon, B.A., Strathclyde Miss J.F. Cuthbert, B.A., Strathclyde Mrs C.M. Blair, M.A., Glasgow Mrs E.J. McCready, M.A., Aberdeen Mr J. Ali., B.Sc., Paisley, PG Dip. IT, Glasgow, PG Dip Computer-Aided Engineering, Paisley, Certificate in Teaching Arabic, Qatar Mr G. Paterson, M.A., Glasgow, Dip. Marketing and Languages, Napier Senorina Raquel Martinez Rabanal Mademoiselle Charlène Potignon 49 BIOLOGY Mr J.M. SHIELDS, B.Sc., Glasgow Dr J. Andrews, B.Sc., Glasgow, Ph.D., London Mr T. Menzies, B.Sc., Glasgow Mrs G. Paul, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mrs K.L. Brown, B.Sc., Robert Gordon Dr J. Annand, B.Sc., Glasgow, Ph.D., Dundee Dr N.I. Mann, B.Sc., Manchester, Ph.D., St. Andrews Mr A. Stirling (Technician) CHEMISTRY Dr. R.J. SOWDEN, MChem., St. Andrews, DPhil, Oxon Mrs K.R. Graham, B.Sc., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, M.Ed., Aberdeen Dr C.A. Main, M.Sci., Glasgow, Ph.D., Glasgow Ms A.R. Gingele, MChem, UMIST Mr A. MacRae, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mrs C. Hunter (Technician) PHYSICS Mr S.M. BRUNTON, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mrs H. McMillan, B.Sc., Strathclyde Miss R. Loughran, B. Eng., Strathclyde Dr J. Annand, B.Sc., Glasgow, Ph.D., Dundee Miss E.C. Darcy, B.Eng., Queen’s Belfast Mr S. Lindsay (Technician) ART AND DESIGN Mr J.M. McNAUGHT, B.A., Glasgow Mr K.L. Fraser, D.T.E., Glasgow Mrs H.R. Wellcoat, B.A., Ceramics, Melbourne Mrs S.E. Lynch, B.A., Glasgow, M.Des., Glasgow Miss R. Connelly, B.A., Textile Design, Glasgow Miss I.K. Morris, B.A., Dundee (Technician), M.Sc., Art Psychotherapy., Queen Margaret, Edinburgh Miss C. Hussey, B.A., Reading, B.A., Glasgow (Technician) BUSINESS EDUCATION AND ECONOMICS Mrs S. McKENZIE, M.A., Glasgow, PG Dip. Bus. Admin., Strathclyde Mrs A.A. Drummond, B.Sc., Strathclyde Miss A. Wood, B.A., Strathclyde CLASSICS Mr S.A.A. McKELLAR, M.A., Glasgow Miss J.R. Wightwick, B.A., Kent, M.A., Glasgow COMPUTING Mrs J.E. McDONALD, M.A., Glasgow Mr A.H. Duncan, B.Sc., Strathclyde Mrs A. Alam, B.Sc., Glasgow Caledonian 50 DRAMA Mr G.E. WALTHAM, M.A., Glasgow Mrs M. Wishart, B.A., Glasgow Caledonian FOOD TECHNOLOGY Ms C. DOLAN, B.Sc., Manchester Metropolitan University GEOGRAPHY Mrs V. MAGOWAN, M.A., Glasgow Mr D.J. Ford, B.A., University College, London Mr D. MacLean, B.A., Dunelm, M.A., Edinburgh Mr A.J. Williams, B.Sc., Dunelm HISTORY AND MODERN STUDIES Mr S.M. WOOD, M.A., St Andrews Mr P.J. Bisland, B.A., Glasgow Caledonian Miss L.F. Murphy, B.A., Strathclyde Miss A. Keil, M.A., Glasgow Miss K. Black, M.A., Glasgow MUSIC Mr M.B. MARSHALL, B.A., Southampton, A.R.C.O. Dip.Mus Mr A. McColl, B.Ed., R.S.A.M.D. Mr T.E. Mills, B.Mus., Bangor Mrs E.M.G. Anderson, M.A., Glasgow (Administrator) Mrs H. Roussel, B.A., Sheffield (Administrator) OUTDOOR EDUCATION Miss R. GOOLDEN, Mountain Instructor Certificate, Outdoor Education Diploma and National Governing Body Awards, Newbury College PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT Mr S.W. McASLAN, B.Ed., Jordanhill (Head of Physical Education) Miss R.I. SIMPSON, B.Ed., Heriot-Watt (Director of Sport) Miss J.Barr, B.Ed., Heriot-Watt Mr P. Smith, B.Ed., Heriot-Watt Mr M. Manson, B.A., Strathclyde Miss L.R. MacNeill, B.A., Strathclyde Miss H.L. McNaught, B.Sc., Liverpool Mr G. Wilson, B.Ed., Edinburgh Mrs S. FitzGerald, H.N.D. Sports Recreation (Administrator) PSE Mrs M.T. MUIRHEAD, B.A., East Anglia, Dip. Guidance and Pastoral Care, Glasgow 51 SUPPORT FOR LEARNING Mrs A.A. HARVIE, B.A., Strathclyde, PG Dip. Industrial Administration, Glasgow Caledonian University, Dip. Support for Learning, Glasgow Mr G.C.Diverty, M.A., Glasgow, PG Dip. Careers Guidance, Strathclyde CAREERS Mr A.J. McCaskey, M.A., Glasgow CHAPLAINS Rev. D.J.M. Carmichael, M.A., Glasgow, B.D., Aberdeen Rev. S.C. Matthews, M.A., Dundee, B.D., Glasgow, PGCE, Strathclyde Rev. G. Kirkwood, B.Sc., Strathclyde, B.D., Glasgow, M.Th., Glasgow, P.G.C.E. Rev. A. Frater, B.A., Glasgow, B.D., Edinburgh., M.T.h., Edinburgh Rev. J. D. Whiteford, M.A., Aberdeen, B.D., Glasgow, Dip.Soc.Wk., C.Q.S.W. PREPARATORY SCHOOL STAFF Head of Preparatory School: Mr A.M. BROOKE, B.Ed., Southampton Deputy Head: Mrs H.A. KIRKHOPE, B.Ed., Strathclyde Depute: Mr A.W. MATHEWSON, B.Ed., Strathclyde Head of Dairsie: Miss H.J. LOGIE, B.Ed., Oxon Head of TGA, Milngavie Miss J.A. McMORRAN, D.C.E., Hamilton, PG Dip. Leadership and Management, Glasgow, Dip.T.E.F.L., London After-school Care Manager Mrs C. BREMRIDGE, B.A., Childhood Practice, Glasgow NURSERY Miss A. McCracken, B.A., Childhood Practice, Glasgow, S.V.Q., Level 4, Children’s Care, Learning and Development Mrs H. Stirling, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare Mr R. McPhee, S.V.Q., Level 3, Children’s Care, Learning and Development, S.V.Q. Level 2, Playwork, H.N.C. Sport and Hospitality, Miss E. Bakavou, M.Ed., Glasgow., B.Ed., Aristotle NURSERY CLASS ROOM ASSISTANT Miss G. Heywood KINDERGARTEN Mrs R.E. Black, B.Ed., Glasgow, PG Cert. Child Protection, West of Scotland Mrs J. Cook, Dip Early Childhood Education & Childcare, New South Wales, Certificate of Childhood Studies, Strathclyde Mrs M. Irvine, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare Mrs L. Lalley, P.D.A., Early Education and Childcare, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare Miss L. Ritchie S.V.Q. 3, Childcare Development KINDERGARTEN CLASS ROOM ASSISTANT Mrs M. Mowat P.D.A., Classroom Assistant 52 P1 Miss L. SMITH, M.A., Glasgow Mrs A.C.R. Shaw, R.G.N., D.C.E., Jordanhill Mrs N. Henderson, B.A., Paisley, N.C. and H.N.C., Childcare and Education Miss C.M. Provan, B.Ed., Strathclyde P2 Mrs M. Berry, D.C.E., Notre Dame Mrs R. Oliver, B.A., Nottingham Polytechnic, PG Cert in Management, Chester Mr G. Milne, B.Sc., Glasgow, PG Cert in Primary Physical Education, Glasgow, M.Ed. in Educational Studies, Glasgow P3 Miss J.A.A. Brackenridge, B. Ed., Strathclyde Miss F. Ramsay, M.A., Glasgow Miss A.N. Campbell, B.Ed., Glasgow, PG Cert. Early Childcare Education P4 Miss S.L. NYADU, B. Ed., Strathclyde Mrs L. McLELLAN, D.C.E., Jordanhill, PG Cert. Early Childcare Education, Glasgow Mrs A. Hill, M.A., Glasgow, Dip Public Service Interpreting (Spanish) P5 Mrs J. David, D.C.E., Jordanhill Miss L. McDonald, B.Sc., Glasgow Miss L. Campbell, B.Ed., Strathclyde Miss S. Walker, B.A., Strathclyde P6 Mr S. FAIRLIE-CLARKE, B.Sc., Glasgow, PG Dip in Information System, Napier Mrs F.A. Halliday, B.Ed., Glasgow Mr R.M.I. Williams, B.A., Wales Miss C. Sheldon, B.A., Strathclyde Miss K.L. Allan, B.A., Napier P7 Miss D. KIRKWOOD, M.A., Glasgow Mr N.F.C. Simpson, M.A., Glasgow Miss N.G. Dick, B.Ed., Edinburgh Mr T. Carlin, M.A., Oxon, PG Dip. Environmental Conservation, Oxon Miss C. Ryan, M.A., Manchester, M.A., Aberdeen MODERN LANGUAGES Mrs M.P. Laws, M.A., Glasgow Mrs A. Hill, M.A., Glasgow, Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (Spanish) MUSIC Mr M.B. MARSHALL, B.A., Southampton, A.R.C.O. Mr A. McColl, B.Ed., R.S.A.M.D. Mrs C.R. Yeoman, M.A., Oxon Mr T.E. Mills, B. Mus., Bangor 53 SUPPORT FOR LEARNING Miss H. Hughes, B.Ed., Glasgow Mrs L. Trainer, B.Ed., Edinburgh Mrs L. Burdon Mrs D.F. Munro, N.V.Q.3., Children’s Care, Learning and Development PERIPATETIC EARLY YEARS Mrs J. Kemley, S.V.Q., Level 3, Children’s Care, Learning and Development, S.V.Q., Level 2, Playwork CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS Mrs D. Proctor Miss S. Chalmers, S.V.Q., Level 3, Early Years Care and Education Mrs S. McKellar, P.D.A., Classroom Assistant Mrs M. Mowat, P.D.A., Classroom Assistant Mrs A. Sheldon, P.D.A., Classroom Assistant Mr I. Furnish Mrs L. McLatchie, S.V.Q., Level 4 Children’s Care, Learning and Development Mr R. Gillies HEAD OF PREP’S PA Mrs A. Clark, B.A., Strathclyde RECEPTIONIST Mrs M. Boyle PREP ADMINISTRATOR Mrs G. Taylor TGA, MILNGAVIE STAFF Head of TGA, Milngavie: Miss J.A. McMORRAN, D.C.E., Hamilton, PG Dip. Leadership and Management, Glasgow, Dip.T.E.F.L., London NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN Mrs E.J. Billcliff, B.Ed., Glasgow Mrs G. Jamieson, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare Ms G. Adams, N.N.E.B P1 Mrs N. Sutcliffe, B.Ed., Strathclyde P2 Mrs S.M. Davies, B.Ed., Glasgow P3 Mr A.B. Jackson, B.A., U.W.E. Bristol, PG Dip Education, Strathclyde P4 Mr I.W. Munro, LL.B., Glasgow 54 PE Miss L.R. MacNeill, B.A., Strathclyde FRENCH/SPANISH Ms F.K. McDiarmid, B.A. Strathclyde MUSIC Mrs C.R. Yeoman, M.A., Oxford PERIPATETIC EARLY YEARS Mrs J. Kemley, S.V.Q., Level 3, Children’s Care, Learning and Development, S.V.Q., Level 2, Playwork CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS Mrs L. Irvine, S.V.Q., Level 2 Children’s Care, Learning and Development Mrs C. McLean, P.D.A., Classroom Assistant SCHOOL SECRETARY Mrs M. Macaulay, B.A., Strathclyde HANDYMAN Mr J. Doyle DRIVER Mr T.C. Jackson MINIBUS CHAPERONES Mrs L. Chalmers Mrs L. Jackson S.V.Q. Level 2 Health and Social Care S.V.Q, First aid awareness DAIRSIE STAFF Head of Dairsie: Miss H.J. LOGIE, B.Ed., Oxon NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN Miss A. J. GILLAN, M.A., Glasgow, P.G.D.E. Miss S. Ford, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare Mrs G. Dunn, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare P1 Mrs A. Preston, M.A., Glasgow, P.G.D.E. P2 Mrs H. Bell, B.Ed., Edinburgh Mrs I. Shaw, M.A., Edinburgh P3 Mrs A.C. MacLeod, B.A., Strathclyde P4 Mrs A.F. Ivins, B.Ed., St. Andrews, Glasgow P.E. Miss H.L. McNaught, B.Sc., Liverpool 55 MUSIC Mr R.A. Paterson, B.Ed., Aberdeen FRENCH/SPANISH Ms F.K. McDiarmid, B.A. Strathclyde PERIPATETIC EARLY YEARS Mrs J. Kemley, S.V.Q., Level 3, Children’s Care, Learning and Development, S.V.Q., Level 2, Playwork SCHOOL SECRETARY Mrs K. Turner, H.N.C., Social Sciences CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS Miss A.F. Dunn, N.N.E.B. Mrs L. Langridge, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare Mrs L. Ferguson, S.V.Q., Level 4, Children’s Care, Learning and Development, S.V.Q. 2, Early year’s Care and Education OUT OF SCHOOL CARE STAFF After-school Care Manager Mrs C. BREMRIDGE, B.A., Childhood Practice, Glasgow Kelvinbridge Miss S. Chalmers, S.V.Q., Level 3, Early Years Care and Education, S.V.Q., Level 2 Early Years Care and Education Mrs L. McLatchie, S.V.Q., Level 4, Children’s Care, Learning and Development S.V.Q., Level 3, Early Education and Childcare, S.V.Q., Level 2 Early Years Care and Education Mrs J. Kemley, S.V.Q., Level 3, Children’s Care, Learning and Development, S.V.Q., Level 2, Playwork Miss C.M. Whitelaw, S.V.Q., Level 3 Childrens Care, Learning and Development, H.N.C., Health Care Mrs E. MacNeil, B.Sc., Strathclyde TGA, Milngavie Miss A. Lobb, N.V.Q., Level 3 for Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Miss M. Pannocchia Dairsie Mrs L. Langridge, H.N.C., Early Education and Childcare 56 COMBINED CADET FORCE CONTINGENT COMMANDER Captain A.W. Mathewson RN SECTION Lieutenant Commander R.M.I. Williams (OC RN Section) Sub Lieutenant C. Ives A/Sub Lieutenant S. Walker ARMY SECTION Captain C.D. McCallum 2nd Lieutenant L. Smith 2nd Lieutenant C.M. Sheldon 2nd Lieutenant N.G. Dick 2nd Lieutenant C.A. Main RAF SECTION Squadron Leader A.L. Evans Flight Lieutenant K.R. Graham SCHOOL STAFF INSTRUCTOR (SSI) Captain C.J. Duff 57 INSTRUMENTAL TUTORS Miss Judith Keaney ........................................................................................................Piano Miss Anna Rastopchina ................................................................................................Piano Mr Derek Barron (TGA, Milngavie) ..............................................................................Piano Mrs Rosemary Guerrier ..............................................................................Flute/Recorder Mr Simon Browne ................................................................................Clarinet/Saxophone Ms Arlene Cochrane ......................................................................................................Oboe Ms Karen Dufour ..................................................................................................Saxophone Mr Fergus Kerr ............................................................................................................Brass Mr Kevin Price ..............................................................................................................Brass Mrs Elspeth Barron ..............................................................................................Violin/Viola Miss Morag Currie..........................................................................................................Violin Mr Robert Anderson ......................................................................................................Cello Mr John Gray..................................................................................................................Guitar Mr Andrew Jones ..........................................................................................................Guitar Mr Ross Taberner ........................................................................................................Guitar Mr Neil Wilson................................................................................................................Guitar Mrs Ruth Dean ................................................................................................................Voice Mr Jonathan Hawkins ....................................................................................................Voice Ms Jessica Burton ........................................................................................Harp/Clarsach Ms Joanne McDowell ..........................................................................Percussion/Drumkit Mr James Wark........................................................................................Bagpipes/Chanter Mr David Henderson ........................................................................Pipe Band Drumming Mrs Moira Porteous ..................................................................................Theory and Aural 58 SPORTS COACHES Mr J. Kirby ..........................................................................................Rugby/Squash/Tennis Mr I. Furnish..............................................................................Rugby/Athletics/Basketball Mr M. Bull ......................................................................................................Rugby/Athletics Mr R. Gillies....................................................................................................Rugby/Athletics Mr A. Marchetti..............................................................................................Rugby/Athletics Mr M. Marchetti ............................................................................................Rugby/Athletics Mr J. Coskry ......................................................................Rugby/Rugby Referee/Athletics Mr A. Smart ......................................................................................Rugby Referee/Cricket Mr W. Fulton ..................................................................................................................Rugby Mr D. Mitchell..................................................................................................Rugby Referee Mr I. McCallum ..............................................................................................Rugby Referee Mr A. Neilson ..................................................................................................Rugby Referee Mr M. Robertson ............................................................................................Rugby Referee Mr R. Swanson................................................................................................Rugby Referee Mrs S. FitzGerald ........................................................................................Hockey/Athletics Mr M. Ralph ..................................................................................Hockey/Cricket/Athletics Mrs S. Crawford ........................................................................................................Athletics Mr J. Doyle..................................................................................................................Athletics Miss E. Barlow ..............................................................................................Hockey Umpire Mr E. Campbell ..................................................................................................Boys Hockey Mr M. MacIntyre ................................................................................................Boys Hockey Mr C. Grant ..................................................................................................................Hockey Miss H. Hood ................................................................................................................Hockey Mr R. Kerr..................................................................................Hockey Goalkeeping Coach Mr V. Hariharan ....................................................................................Cricket Professional Mr K. Turnbull........................................................................................................Badminton Mr I. Somerside............................................................................................................Rowing Miss M. Massaro..........................................................................................................Rowing Mr R. Urquhart ............................................................................................................Rowing Mr C. McCall ..................................................................................................................Tennis Miss K. MacIntyre ....................................................................................Outdoor Education Mr M. Bleazand........................................................................................Outdoor Education Mrs B. Crawford ..........................................................................................................Hockey Miss S. Chalmers ..............................................................................................Zumba/Yoga 59 NON-TEACHING STAFF GENERAL MANAGER Dr W.R. KERR, LL.B. Glasgow Caledonian, Ph.D., Strathclyde, M.B.A., Glasgow, M.Sc., Glasgow Caledonian, F.C.I.S., F.C.I.M., F.I.H. RECTOR’S PA Mrs E. Rae ACCOUNTS Accountant................................................ Mrs J. MCINNES, F.C.C.A., M.B.A. .................................................................... Oxford Brookes PA to the Accountant .............................. Mrs C. Ives Accounts Assistant.................................. Miss L.M. Fraser Accounts Assistant.................................. Ms E. Flannery Accounts Assistant.................................. Mrs A. Strang ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Administration Manager ........................ Miss I. KOVACS, B.A., Strathclyde School Secretary...................................... Mrs A.M. Farr Database Administrator/Secretary .............. Mrs D. Hegedus, B.Sc., Budapest, M.S.C., Pecs Receptionist.............................................. Miss G. Mackenzie CATERING Catering Manager ..................................Mr R. P. LYTH, City & Guilds 705,706/2, 707/1 ........................................................ Head Chef ................................................Mrs A.A. Stevenson Supervisor ................................................ Mrs C. Munro JANITORS Head Janitor ............................................Mr K. BOYLE, Nebosh International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Assistant Head Janitor............................Mr J. Graham Janitor........................................................Mr J.A. Spence Janitor........................................................Mr T. Blair Janitor/Handyman ..................................Mr B. Johnston, M.I.S.R.M. Janitor........................................................Mr A. Duff SCHOOL NURSE Mrs E.R. DEAN, R.G.N. 60 LIBRARIAN Mrs Santha D. Keith, B.A., Singapore, M.A., Pittsburg, PG Dip. LIS., Strathclyde, M.C.L.I.P. ICT/AUDIO VISUAL Network Services Manager....................Mr S. A. FOWKES, H.N.C., Computing, M.C.P., M.C.S.A. Network Support Technician ................Mr P. Stewart, H.N.C., Computing, M.C.P., A.M.B.C.S. Audio Visual/ICT Technician ..................Mr A. Whyte, H.N.C., Computing I.T. Apprentice ..........................................Mr B.G. Whiteford GROUNDS STAFF Head Groundsman ..................................Mr R. CHEAPE, H.N.C., Turf Management Assistant Head Groundsman ................Mr A. Anderson, H.N.C., Turf Management Groundsman ............................................Mr G. Dunlop, H.N.C., Turf Management Groundsman ............................................Mr J. Henderson, H.N.C., Turf Management Trainee Groundsman ..............................Mr I. Robertson REPROGRAPHICS Reprographics..........................................Mrs C. Gemmill, P.D.A., Classroom Assistant SCHOOL AUXILIARIES School Auxiliary........................................Mrs C. Pringle School Auxiliary........................................Mrs E. McLeod ADMISSIONS/EXTERNAL RELATIONS DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS Mr M.R. McNAUGHT, M.A., Glasgow Director of Development ........................Mr M. TAYLOR, M.A., Aberdeen Admissions Administrator......................Mrs S. Rae Alumni Relations Manager ....................Ms E. McGowan, B.A., Strathclyde 61 MAPS THE GLASGOW ACADEMY, KELVINBRIDGE 62 KELVINBRIDGE Kelvinbridge Senior School / Prep School The Glasgow Academy 63 ANNIESLAND SPORTING FACILITIES •New Anniesland - 2 Rugby Pitches - Grass hockey pitch - Cricket pitch - Changing rooms New Anniesland 41 Helensburgh Drive Glasgow G13 1RR •School pavilion - 3 Rugby pitches - Cricket pitch - Changing rooms School Pavilion 317 Anniesland Road Glasgow G13 1XS 64 • Windyedge - 2 Astro Hockey pitches - 3/4 astro Hockey pitch - 3 all weather tennis courts - Football pitch - Changing rooms Windyedge 37 Ryvra Road Glasgow G13 1XW THE GLASGOW ACADEMY, MILNGAVIE The Glasgow Academy Milngavie THE GLASGOW ACADEMY, DAIRSIE The Glasgow Academy Dairsie 65 66 CODE OF CONDUCT AT SPORTS FIXTURES FOR PUPILS, PARENTS AND STAFF When you represent The Glasgow Academy, the School will be judged by your words, actions and attitudes. You should therefore keep the following in mind: 1. Foul, abusive, threatening language or verbal provocation has no place in school games, on or off the pitch. 2. You must never resort to physical violence or respond with physical violence. Always refer any intimidating or dangerous situation to the referee or teacher-in-charge. 3. Saturday fixtures are a key part of school life and pupils should prepare themselves thoroughly for their Saturday morning. 4. The authority of the referee is always to be respected and should never be questioned. 5. Behaviour in the changing rooms should at all times be responsible and considerate of the sensitivities of others. 6. No player or team should seek to gain unfair advantage by unfair means. You are to follow the rules of the game in spirit as well as in letter. 7. In winning or losing, your behaviour should always be exemplary. 8. At home fixtures, you are the hosts or hostesses and you should always do what you can to make your visitors feel at home. 9. At away fixtures, you are the guest and you should remember that you are representing The Academy and should create a good impression. 10. Regulation school kit must be worn at all practices and matches. 11. You are to wear school uniform to and from fixtures, unless otherwise directed by one of your teachers. 12. For reasons of Health and Safety, dogs are not allowed anywhere on any of The Academy sites, including the playing fields. Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in serious disciplinary measures. The Glasgow Academy Colebrooke Street Glasgow G12 8HE Administration Centre: 0141-334-8558 Facsimile: 0141-337-3473 e-mail address: website: text number: 07860 003835 Prep School e-mail address: Prep School Direct Dial: 0141-342-5481 The Glasgow Academy - Milngavie Mugdock Road Milngavie Glasgow G62 8NP School Office: 0141-956-3758 Facsimile: 0141-955-0874 e-mail address: The Glasgow Academy - Dairsie 54 Newlands Road Glasgow G43 2JG School Office: 0141-632-0736 Facsimile: 0141-632-1303 e-mail address: Admissions/External Relations Office 0141-342-5494 e-mail address: The Glasgow Academy is governed by The Glasgow Academicals’ War Memorial Trust, a company limited by guarantee and an educational charity registered in Scotland, Company Number: SC 11313, Charity Number: SC015638.